#incorrect cix quotes
lilianrennifer · 1 year
Jinyoung: This is my trained service alligator. 🐊
Hyunsuk: He’s not trained! 😱 He attacks anyone who gets close to you!
Jinyoung: Like I said, he’s trained. 😏
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incorrectcix · 3 years
BX: Can you do me a favour?
Seunghun: I would literally cover up a murder you committed, plant my DNA at the crime scene, and take the blame for it if you asked to
BX: Can you wash the dishes?
Seunghun: No
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incorrect-cixquotes · 3 years
Jinyoung: We need to get through this locked door. Byounggon, give me your credit card.
BX: Here.
Jinyoung, pocketing it: Thanks. Seunghun, kick down the door.
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incorrect00liners · 4 years
jinyoung: unfortunately for everyone, i will keep doing whatever i want
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dream-of-kpop · 5 years
*checks self out in the mirror*
Jinyoung: "Yeah, I still look like a stuck up bitch."
i would not ask jinyoung for a pencil. no sir.
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mvltimoon · 5 years
Could you write an au about Jinyoung from CIX... you’re new to school and he shows you around and he catches feelings for you but doesn’t know how to tell you. If that makes sense..
i hope this is what you wanted 🥺 i didn’t know if i should’ve written about him confessing so i decide he’d ask “——“ on a date 😶🥺
Transfer Student
w/ CIX Bae Jinyoung
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(he looks so good lord help me)
You desperately wanted to go home and you had just gotten out of fourth period. Being new at school wasn’t the easiest task, you had to dash from one side of the school to the other barely knowing your way and barely knowing anyone here.
You studied the map of the school trying to find the chemistry class with no success. But then, almost as if God had heard you cursing under your breathe about how “the map is too complicated” and “how can a school be so big?”, a calm voice asked :
“Need any help? You seem kinda....confused” you look up to see a dark haired boy looking at you as if you were a lost puppy. “I’m new actually and I’ve been trying to find the chemistry lab but this map is too messed up and i cant understand a thing”. The boy chuckles and smiles saying “it’s upstairs but since you’re new, maybe i could show you around?” he says more like a question.
You were very hesitant thinking this might not be the best first impression but you were gonna have to learn where each class was sooner or later so you took up his offer.
“I’m Jinyoung by the way and you are...?” “I’m ___”
Jinyoung ended up showing you around the whole school and you guys might’ve or might’ve not skip all your classe for his “brief tour” as he called it.
You found out he was a pretty funny guy, he constantly cracked jokes to make you laugh and you overall had a good time with him.
Meanwhile he thought you were easily one the prettiest girls now attending at his school, and on top of that you were insanely funny and good company, so you’re very wrong if you think he’ll just let you go home when class is dismissed.
“uhm, ____, there’s a really good ice cream place nearby and since I’ve showed you around school might as well show you around town right?” he ask, hopeful you’d say yes, which you did. “it’s a date then” he says while walking towards the exit
“it’s a what?” you say sort of baffled that such a cute boy would offer you a date considering you were new as well. “It’s a... date? I mean if you want to...we could go as friends or whatever I just think yo-“
“Jinyoung, it’s a date. Lead the way” you say giggling and hooking your arm with his lowering your head with a shy smile.
What you didn’t see was the huge smile that spreaded across Jinyoung’s face as he started walking towards the ice cream shop thinking of how this date will go.
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totallycorrect-cix · 5 years
BX: If you had a shot for everytime you made a bad decision would you still be sober?
Yonghee: yes
Hyunsuk: maybe a bit tipsy
Jinyoung: wasted
Seunghun: dead
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still-astray · 2 years
Nala: *bouncing off the walls*
Jinyoung: you had too much caffeine today
Nala: what??? noooooo, all I had was three iced Americanos
Byounggon: she had WHAT???
Nala: oops
taglist: @nayuyeons @fromfreesia @kittiverse @skzfairies
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winkeuu · 3 years
i'm in me mum's car vroom vroom
-cravity next comeback probably
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st4rluv · 3 years
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Wanna One (found on pinterest)
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incorrectsilverboys · 3 years
Byounggon: You ever see something that just changes your life?
Hyunsuk: I saw you
Byounggon: That's sweet and all, but I was talking about this picture Seunghun drew of Jihoon as a chicken
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lilianrennifer · 1 year
Jinyoung: My eyes 👁️ change color depending on my swag levels. They are brown when my swag levels are at a maximum. I have never seen them change.
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incorrectcix · 2 years
Hyunsuk: Babe, do the thing
Jinyoung: *Smiles*
Hyunsuk, clutching chest: Ohmygod
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incorrect-cixquotes · 3 years
Hyunsuk: no more being the bigger person, time to start biting people
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incorrect00liners · 4 years
yeji: water is the solution to everything! thirsty? drink water. having a headache? drink water. skin problems? drink water.
jinyoung: wanna get rid of your enemies? drown them.
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
Being jealous over your close idol friend
°~ Bang Chan ~°
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° Bang Chan gets jealous like everyone else in the world, but he's better at handling it.
° You can always tell when he is jealous, by the way he looks at your friend and how he doesn't smile as much.
° One of your friends specifically make him the most jealous... And it's the bunny smiling Jeon Jungkook.
° Chan feels a competition with BTS' maknae, since they both have the same career, know you well, and make you happy.
° You've told him over and over that Jungkook is too close to you for you to ever date him.
° But he can't help but get uncomfortable when a hug lasts too long, or if he compliments you every few minutes.
°~ Lee Know ~°
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° Minho gets jealous pretty easily, and doesn't feel it's necessary to hide it from you.
° You appreciate his honesty, but it will sometimes put you in a tough spot, especially if you are close to the person.
° The friend that you have gotten the most complaints from Minho, is the bright smiling Kang Hyunggu.
° You assume it's because Kino is known to be a touchy and sweet person, and they share the same position as main dancer.
° You've learned that no matter how many times you tell him not to worry, it won't matter.
° He tries to keep calm and act fine, even though every time Kino puts a hand on you it enrages every part of him on the inside.
°~ Changbin ~°
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° Binnie would get jealous easily, but try his best to hide it from you for your sake.
° You can tell when he really doesn't trust someone, because his bright and bubbly personality completely fades.
° That specific person he trusts the least and can't hide his jealousy from, is your favorite Canadian rapper Mark Lee.
° You have once tried to hang out with Mark without him knowing, but it only made him like your friend less.
° You try your best to spend less time with Mark because of how much it hurts Binnie, but you can't completely lose a close friend.
° Changbin wouldn't be so protective over you, if it weren't for the way Mark looks at you and holds onto you as if you're his.
°~ Hyunjin ~°
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° Hyunjin is protective over you, which comes off as, and usually is pure jealousy.
° You and all of the members can tell when he is jealous, his attitude can turn sour in a matter of seconds if he becomes jealous.
° He has admitted to you that he really doesn't like one of your friends, which is 'The Boyz' main rapper Kim Sunwoo.
° You know why he dislikes Sunwoo the most, he's the most popular member, a great rapper, close to you, and is very savage.
° You have talked to both Sunwoo and Hyunjin about how they act around each other, but you can't always control them.
° Hyunjin wouldn't be so harsh on Sunwoo, if it weren't for hearing that you are his ideal type and would've asked you out before.
°~ Jisung ~°
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° Han isn't one to get jealous, and if he is he wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable.
° You usually can't tell when he is jealous, there only have been a few times where you noticed something was off with Jisung.
° And those few times all involved your close vocal legend friend, Lee Donghyuck. Which made you worried about your friendship.
° You have a few assumptions as to why Jisung is jealous of Haechan, his savage comments, touchy behavior, and visuals.
° You have asked Han about the situation, but he reassures you that he trusts you and doesn't want to ruin any of your friendships.
° But no matter how many times he reassures you and himself, you both know it bothers him more than he will let up.
°~ Felix ~°
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° Felix knows he can get jealous at times, so he tries his best to not let it effect you.
° No matter how hard he tries to hide his jealousy, you can always tell when he is. Especially when a close friend of yours visits.
° His mood and concentration totally change whenever that friend visits, and that specific close friend is Cix's Bae Jinyoung.
° You knew that no matter who you dated Baejin would bother them, mostly because of how long you've been best friends.
° You reassured Felix that you see Jinyoung as a brother and nothing else, but that won't stop the weird feeling he gets when Baejin is around.
° That weird feeling only increases everytime he sees the way you laugh and smile with Baejin, or when he embraces you closely.
°~ Seungmin ~°
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° Seungmin doesn't get jealous easily, but when he does it is noticeable and clear.
° Everyone can tell when he is jealous or doesn't like someone, which makes the members tease him about it.
° a certain name always pops up when they tease him, the guy he is the most jealous of.. Which is Verivery's Kim Yongseung.
° He knows that at one point you and Yongseung dated for a couple months, but decided to be friends, which panics him.
° He knows you are loyal to him, but he just doesn't trust him one bit. Especially since Yongseung wasn't the one who ended it.
° Seungmin is convinced that Yongseung still has feelings for you, just by the way he talks about you and the gaze he gives you.
°~ Jeongin ~°
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° Jeongin would not want to upset you, so he tries to hide his jealousy from you.
° He would act like he is close with your friend and gets along well with him, but would send him glares throughout the day.
° The friend that gets sent the intense glares and warnings, is your very close and bubbly friend Choi Beomgyu.
° Jeongin will try to get your attention off Beomgyu at any chance he gets, because he's worried you will fall for Beomgyu.
° You've confronted Jeongin on his weird behaviour around Beomgyu, but he just tells you that he is just tired after the comebacks.
° Jeongin has known you longer than Beomgyu, but the thought of you sharing your heart with another idol saddens him.
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