#yes the puppy is supposed to be the alligator
lilianrennifer · 1 year
Jinyoung: This is my trained service alligator. 🐊
Hyunsuk: He’s not trained! 😱 He attacks anyone who gets close to you!
Jinyoung: Like I said, he’s trained. 😏
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If i can , can i request to u do elaborate the Sebeks parts? Aka headcanons!
I really would like to see a mix of the rage boners ones and the "mc cursed me!-" "but ,Sebek ,dear they are magicaless"
Following His Mother's Footsteps
Gn Magicless Human Yuu. No description of Yuu. Minor spoilers for Sebek's parents. More comedic than canon-accurate also because idk much abt Sebek. Implied poly first years at the end
Context: A while ago there was a joke about how Sebek, despite despising magicless humans, follows in his mother's footsteps and falls in love with a magicless human. However, this doesn’t stop him from accusing Yuu of ‘bewitching’ or casting a spell on him. Mini headcanons rather than a drabble because I would get carried away.
Recently, Sebek has had a.. problem…
You see, recently every time he spends time around the Ramshackle Prefect, he notices that his heart seems to flutter and he gets uncharacteristically quiet. The usually loud alligator fae stumbling over words is unlike him. Just who was this human?
As time goes on, his symptoms worsen. His body started heating up when they got close to him. His eyes are always drawn to you. His cheeks started to become pink at the sight of your skin. The poor fae hasn’t felt this before; any crush he has had in the past was either his admiration for his comrades or simple puppy-love crushes that all kids experienced at some point.
Sebek was baffled at this feeling. It was deeper than camaraderie, yet… Could it be… Love? 
No. No way. The mere thought of it shocked Sebek. he wasn’t going to fall for a mere human and a magicless one at that! He has a prince to serve, he couldn't get caught up in such emotions. No one should have this sort of hold on him. He trained and conditioned himself to be wary of everyone around him, for Malleus’ sake.
There is just simply no way he should have caught feelings. Of course, he’s young and inexperienced, he is aware of this, so perhaps he should consult someone else. Someone like his mentor. There's no way he could like a magicless human like his mother!
“Kfufufu. Oh to be young and in love!~” Lilia purred teasingly, relishing in the shocked look Sebek gave. “LOVE?! Master Lilia, there is no way I could be in love, with a HUMAN no less!” Lilia’s grin grows. “Well then, I guess I don't know then…” Lilia said, feigning sadness. “I do hope you figure out these feelings of yours.”
You feel like Sebek has been staring a hole into your skull for the entire week. You honestly don’t know what you did, and for once he isn’t telling you! You tried your best to avoid him, even asking your fellow first years if they know anything, to which they shrugged.
Walking back to Ramshackle, you hear a familiar voice call— no, yell— at you. “HUMAN!” You huffed, you suppose it’s time to face this. “Yes, Sebek? Do you need something?” 
Sebek too there in front of you, staring you down, awkwardly at that. “… Well?” “Have you been lying to everyone, Yuu?” “Huh?!” “I mean- ngh! I mean are you capable of using magic?”
You shook your head, “I wish I was Sebek.” “So then why do you have this power over me?” You blankly stared, too sleep-deprived for this bullshit. “What?” “I mean just, every time I look at you, my face gets red and I get nervous and- and my heart keeps pounding. I'm never like this at all and no retainer of Malleus should be so… so… disgraceful.”
"I um…” “Surely this has to be a work of spell of you, you’ve bewitched me?” “So I take it… you like me?” “I! You- HUMAN!” Sebek huffed and turned around.
"NEVER MIND HUMAN, IT WAS NOTHING! FORGET EVERYTHING YOU HEARD!” Sebek's face was completely red as he walked off. You just stood and stared. First Ace, then Jack, and now Sebek? Just when did your life become a rom-com?
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The skellies have a s/o that changes their form by what emotions they’re feeling (Like Penny from amazing world of gumball) Like when they’re angry they turn into a dragon, comfortable a cat, excited a dog etc
Undertale Sans - Can you please stop transforming when he's sleeping on you? You shifting from a cat to a dog is uncomfortable. Sometimes, he just growls when you're moving to much and he can even make your soul blue to stop your movements.
Undertale Papyrus - "I SAID NO." You stomps angrily and starts shifting. He points a finger at your face. "DON'T YOU DARE DRAGONNING AT ME. IT'S STILL NO." Sans is sitting in the couch, eating pop corn. You are his new most favorite show.
Underswap Sans - Ok, maybe he's pushing you to be angry so he can ride you. Like leaving on purpose eggs on the floor, or putting buckets of water above every door. Though, once he finally manages to transform you, he kinda realised it was a bad idea as you're chasing him in the street, throwing fire balls at his bony butt.
Underswap Papyrus - Well, he's allergic to cats, so sorry not sorry he's bothering you everytime you're comfortable. He's ok with dogs though. He has plenty of movies to show you so you be excited with him.
Underfell Sans - "the fuck that even supposed to mean." You're a platypus. It's already hard to read emotions for him, but what the hell the platypus is supposed to mean? He's searching desperatly on the internet for informations, but nothing helps him. He doesn't know how to act around his platypus S/O.
Underfell Papyrus - "PLEASE EVERYONE STOP FIGHTING FOR MY BODY." He's holding Doomfanger by the neck in one hand, and your cat self by the neck too on the other hand. You are both hissing and meowing angrily at each other. It's too much attention for Edge. He can't do it anymore. Please stop struggling, he's stronger.
Horrortale Sans and Papyrus - He keeps confusing you with the animals of the farm and locks you with them, then panic searches after you everywhere in the farm and then sits sadly on the floor as he's thinking you left him. Then Willow usually comes with you in his hands asking him why you were in the chicken house. Oak is confused. Stop changing into farm animals. Dragon is less confusing.
Swapfell Sans - He's judging you. He knows, you want something from him. But... Um... Puppies are cute. Kitten are cute. Alligators though? Alligators are scary. He doesn't like alligators. Ok, maybe hiding on the table is a bit extreme. But there's no way he's getting down. Change back into a puppy. That's an order.
Swapfell Papyrus - "come on. do it agaiiiin." You roll your eyes, then changes into a mouse and crawls under the door. Nox's scream can be heard several miles around, just as much as Rus' laughs, wheezing so hard he can't breathe anymore.
Fellswap Gold Sans and Papyrus - He's drinking his tea, slightly mad, as he watching Coffee riding you as... Uh... A cow. Yes. There's a cow in his house, and his brother is having the fun of his life and he can't say anything. He's having an existential crisis. When did he become so soft? ... He's so jealous too. He wants to ride the cow too, but he doesn't want to look stupid.
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disneydragonrider · 3 years
Loki Finale Immediate Thoughts
Out of our three season finales I think this one was the worst. This is also probably my least favorite episode of Loki. It wasn’t about Loki.
Kang was a likely contender for the big bad, and he’s officially going to show up in Ant Man 3, but introducing a new and important character in the finale just threw it off. I liked the idea of there being a Loki Variant at the end of the timeline because the show is called Loki! It’s supposed to be about him! So I’m torn between Loki, our prince who cannot be killed, getting the spotlight off him in his finale (seriously Loki and Sylvie just sat there most of the time) versus Loki, the god who the Russo’s cannot kill, setting up Phase 4 of the MCU while Thanos fades from importance. Like how great that “Loki” is getting to be the catalyst for Phase 4! But because the finale was meant to set up Phase 4, it had to give all this exposition that took away from Loki and Sylvie’s journey. It really didn’t feel like a season finale to “Loki.”
Also just because you love/care someone doesn’t mean you need to kiss them you stupid writers insisting that any relationship needs to be romantic. And like yeah, objectively it was a cute moment. But Sylvie was also just using it as a distraction to get rid of Loki. And yes, she has to go on her own arc and she’s obviously not at the same place Loki is, and I’m not mad at her, but what did she do to Loki? She kicked him away. So he’s alone like he always will be (thanks Sif). And he doesn’t even have Mobius or Hunter B-15 anymore. He’s all alone. Again. Like he always is. That’s such a sad ending (I know s2) for our titular character. He finally opens up and learns to trust people (one who stabs him in the back I guess like how all Loki’s do) and he learns to love and care not only about others but also about himself (by appreciating Sylvie he appreciates himself more) and what did all of that get him??? No where!! He’s still alone.
And what does this set him up with for Season 2? Honestly if you take a look at his whole character across the MCU, the most obvious Loki choice is to be bitter, hurt, and vengeful. But that’s not how Loki is acting at the very end. He’s hopeful and determined and I know he’s had an arc this whole time but this happy optimism is downright out of character. I don’t care how much Loki changes and adapts, he still has defining characteristics that make him cunning, analytical, manipulative that I don’t really see in our puppy eyes Loki.
Conclusion (tldr)
1. Introducing Kang in the “Loki” finale took the focus away from Loki(s)
2. Leaving Loki alone hurts almost as much as killing him because it feels like there will never be a place for him
Unanswered Questions:
1. What was Sylvie’s Nexus Event?
2. What was Loki/Sylvie’s Nexus Event and why did it show up when they were in an “undetectable” apocalypse?
3. Why did killing Kang rewrite the history of the TVA/ why are all their memories gone? (And is it the same reason why they don’t remember being Variants?)
4. Where is Kid Loki/ Alligator Loki?
5. Where did the King Loki scenes from the trailers go?
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baseballbitch116 · 5 years
Request: “Can you do an angsty Paul Lahote x reader story but with a happy ending? Like they can be arguing and he either phases too close or whatever you’d like but ends on a good note please?”
Word Count: 1359
Warnings: angry paul, 2 cuss words
Prompt List | Submit A Request
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If there was one thing your boyfriend was known for most - it was his temper. Paul certainly wasn’t the nicest or most level-headed guy, but he had a good heart - something that you brought out of him. But due to you being his imprint and how basically obsessed with you he was, he became extremely overprotective and possessive.
You spent a hell of a lot of time on the Reservation, and obviously formed friendships with the other members of his pack. For the most part, Paul had no problem with this. You suspected it was mostly because of their wolf telepathy - they could never try anything without him finding out about it. They were also rarely alone with you, so Paul had no reason to worry. But that still didn’t stop him from showing off to them. He literally never wasn’t touching you in some way or another. If you were together, he was near you - end of story.
The times that Paul got the most jealous or possessive were when you were around people outside of the Reservation. Such as this time - you had agreed to meet up with a kid you grew up with for coffee.
The day started off fine, like most others. You sat on the porch steps of Emily’s house, watching Embry and Quil wrestle in the yard as the other boys spent time with their imprints. Paul sat behind you on the top step, you between his legs and his arms resting on your shoulders. You laugh along as the boys try to determine who is superior, and it’s a pretty close fight, but Embry wins. You lean your head back and look up at Paul, enjoying his grin at the boys immaturity. His gaze falls on you and you feel him hold you closer against his body, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
“Y/N, what time did you say you had to leave?” Leah speaks up from her spot on one of the porch chairs. You mentally curse yourself, realizing that you forgot about your plans tonight, and that you forgot to tell Paul.
“Shit, four. What time is it?” You ask, sitting up straight, much to Paul’s dismay. 
“Leave where?” He questions, his body stiffening a little as you begin to stand up.
“Three fifty.” Leah responds, and you huff irritably, heading over to the porch table and grabbing your phone.
“Hello?” Paul speaks, and you distracted ask “Hmm?” As you shoot a text to Peter that you were running late.
“Where are you going?” He asks, standing from his spot and leaning against the railing.
“I uh, ran into a kid I grew up with the other night. Remember? I told you we lived next to each other for years. Well he asked if I wanted to catch up a little, I’m supposed to be meeting him for coffee now.” You ramble, avoiding looking Paul in the eye. Everything is silent after you finish speaking, everyone knowing Paul is likely about to get mad.  “He? He’s a guy? You’re meeting for coffee?” He repeats, and you finally look him in the eye. You shove your phone in your pocket and take a few steps toward him, running your hand up his bare arm.
“Yes baby, but you have nothing to worry about. I promise. I won’t even stay long, I’ll come right back here and spend the night.” You say, not waiting for his response as you give him a peck on the cheek and start walking down the steps, waving bye to everyone else.
“Wait wait wait.” He calls out, jogging after you. “Why the hell are you just telling me now?” He presses, standing in your way so you have to stop. You let out a small sigh and shift your weight, hoping he doesn’t seriously start a fight over this.
“I started to yesterday. You didn’t want to listen to me though, remember?” You remind him. You had begun telling him but he kept kissing your neck and running his hands over your body, not listening to a word you had said.
His face stiffens again and he clenches his jaw, nodding shortly. “Babe, it’s just coffee, in a public place, with someone I think of as a brother. I’ve known him my whole life and nothing has ever happened between us. Can’t you trust me?” You argue, trying to hurry up, given that you are already going to be late.
“Yet you’re in such a rush to leave me for him.” He mutters, his voice noticeably deeper now.
“Seriously, Paul?” Is all you respond with, moving past him toward your car. He feels himself getting worked up and he tries hard to control himself but his mind is wandering and getting the best of him. You open the door but he suddenly shoves it shut with his hand aggressively, startling you. “Paul, knock it off.” You hear Sam holler, and he ignores him, his glare focused on you.
“You do not need to be alone with him if you aren’t planning on doing anything with him.” He basically growls. You roll your eyes, a bad move on your part, and pull out your phone as you feel it buzzing. “Hello?” You answer your friend’s call, glaring at Paul.
“Hey, I just got here and they’re actually closed for the day cuz of a pipe leak or something.” Peter says and you huff exasperatedly. 
“That’s just great.” You respond sarcastically. “What do you wanna do then?” You ask, glancing up at Paul who is staring intensely at you, obviously listening in.
“Not sure, what about you?” Peter responds. You rack your brain for a moment, trying to think of somewhere to hangout.
“How about La Push beach?” You ask, tilting your head at your boyfriend as if to say ‘I told you so’. This would be a great way to see your friend and also not have to leave Paul and make him suspicious. You see his face lighten up a little and he moves toward you, pulling you into his chest by your elbows and giving you a kiss on the top of your head.
“Okay, that works.” Peter agrees, and so you tell him where to go and hang up. You punch Paul in the chest lightly and look up at him expectantly.
“Sorry.” He mutters, leaning down to give you a kiss on the cheek. You nod and wrap your arms around his torso, rubbing his bare back lightly, resting your head against his pecs. 
“You’re irritating.” You mutter with a sigh and you feel his chest rumble with a small laugh.
You guys headed over to Paul’s house and you changed into a pair of short shorts and a tank top. You always had spare clothes over his house ever since you began spending the night more often. “Why so short?” He questions, his hands coming to rest on your hips as he presses his front into you, holding you tight against his half naked body.
“Because I would like to swim.” You mumbles, running your hands through your hair in the mirror. “If you behave tonight I’ll reward you.” You tease, swaying your hips a little so your ass brushes over his groin. You hear an animal like sound emit from him as he dips his head down to your neck and nips at it, his hands pulling you closer and falling to your thighs. 
“Don’t tease me.” He groans in your ear, kneading at your thighs as he kisses down your neck.
“Ah ah ah, we’ve got somewhere to be now, since you were so worried about me being alone with him.” You say, pulling out of his grasp and smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and pouts at you.
“But you’re so gorgeous. I won’t last.” He whines like a child, stepping toward you again and trying to pull you in, but you walk past him with a chuckle.
“That sounds like a you problem.” You call out playfully over your shoulder as you head outside toward the car, lovesick Paul trailing behind you like a puppy... ;)
Let me know if you would like to be tagged in future Twilight posts
Also, should I make a second part to this? I have an idea that involves once again jealous Paul, angst, and smut... ;) Sound good?
@comphersjost @fangirlsarah16 @emogril @tmntnerd2016@seokmin97 @lookinsidemyhead @gryffindorshadowhunter@hopegallifreyasong @mistyrosemimi @bbooks-and-teas @lukes-legs-are-life @dizzydest1206 @limbozqueen @porter1204@mayakblack @mcscuse-my-french-bitch @katpatrova17@awesome-monica @proud-slytherin-ghost @elisha-chloe @alligator-person @kawaiislimetoadfarm @taylorswiftloverforever13@loki-thehobbit @animeislife518 @icantstopreblogging@fancyxfangirl @gold-raven-123 @a-dorky-book-keeper@theandroid-sent-by-cyberlife @chaindeyes @mixedmoony @classyasssuperbitch @bribribrianna678 @honeysam2002 @shycupcakealissa @wolfbloodlovers
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libraryscarf · 5 years
here’s the fic i wrote for the promare charity e-zine, spark of hope. all the proceeds went to the nsw and qld fire services.
the ignorance of lio fotia ( ao3 )
“I think you’re mistaken.”
Lio gazes sternly across the table at Gueira and Meis, who both look somewhat shell-shocked. He can’t exactly blame them. Their display of ignorance is a bit humiliating.
“Boss,” Gueira says incredulously. “Are you serious?”
“Dead so.”
Lio takes a delicate sip of coffee from a mug printed with the declaration: I ♥ FIREFIGHTING
Meis settles his elbows on the table and leans his chin on his interlocked fingers: his debating posture. Lio sighs, setting his coffee down.
“Spit it out, please,” he says. “And my break is over in six minutes, so try not to wax too eloquent.”
Meis cracks a smile, mouth full of shark teeth.
“Oh, I don’t think it’ll take that long, Boss.”
Lio’s eyes narrow to slits. This really is a waste of time. He could have been drinking mediocre coffee in silence during his short break, rather than holding the world’s most pointless argument with his two erstwhile subordinates.
“Five minutes,” he bites out.
“Gueira,” Meis says quietly. Gueira produces a clicker, and a translucent screen shimmers into view above the table between Lio and the other two. Projected onto it is a familiar face grinning down at him. Lio frowns.
“Subject One,” says Meis. “Galo Thymos.” The words GALO THYMOS erupt across the projection in bright red block letters.
“Subject Two,” Meis continues. “Lio Fotia.” Lio beholds his own face next to Galo’s, his name blasted in the same bright red font.
Then, the on-screen Galo turns to look at the on-screen Lio, and his eyes explode into hearts.
“I rest my case,” Meis states, leaning back in his chair as Gueira clicks the hologram off. Lio looks between them, speechless at the shared idiocy of two of the smartest people he knows.
“That was your argument?”
Gueira, unable to contain himself any longer, slams both hands on the table and rattles all three of their coffee mugs.
“Boss, he couldn’t make it more obvious without tying himself up in a big bow and mailing himself to you,” he says, struggling to moderate his voice.
Lio, consummately unimpressed, takes another sip of coffee.
“I will say it only once more: you two are mistaken,” he says in a measured tone. “Galo Thymos is not carrying a torch for me.”
Gueira slumps facedown on the table. Meis pats his back comfortingly.
“Boss,” he says. “Please. Think about it. Think about it very hard.”
And to his credit, Lio does think about it.
He thinks Galo is one of the loudest, friendliest, most sanguine people he’s ever met.
Lio thinks that Galo is a person who shows affection through physicality. And he also thinks that Galo feels affection towards a great many people. He shows it in the way he ruffles Aina’s hair when she passes, or slaps Varys’ shoulder after a particularly heroic mission, or hoists Lucia onto his shoulders so she can reach the top shelf without climbing onto the counter. Galo has an astonishingly large heart: one that seeks others, and is indiscriminate in its efforts to warm and be warmed.
But Lio cannot afford to misappropriate any warmth Galo has directed his way. He doesn’t think his own heart—the stunted, anemic thing it is—could weather a disappointment.
“All right,” he says. “I’ve thought about it.”
“And…?” Meis leans forward. Gueira’s thick eyebrows furrow in anticipation.
“I think I’ll give you both double shifts if you have enough time to make slideshows about my love life.”
: : :
To their credit, they don’t bring Lio another visual aid. But the next time Meis and Gueira corner him, it’s with Galo himself as the test subject.
“Hey. Boss.”
Lio pointedly does not look up, his eyes scanning the claustrophobic text of the Promepolis Post’s front page. Galo is all the way over on the other side of the room, doing something loud and unnecessary to his Matoi with Lucia’s enthusiastic assistance.
“Boss!” Gueira’s whisper is urgent.
“I’m reading.”
“No,” Meis says. “You aren’t.”
Lio reluctantly folds the newspaper.
“Do you two ever actually do any work?” he demands, matching their low voices.
Meis arches a graceful eyebrow. “Deflecting already, Boss?”
“I’m not deflecting,” Lio growls. “What is it this time?”
Gueira just grins as Aina walks into the room, tossing her Burning Rescue jacket onto the couch.
“Just watch. Hey, Aina!”
She looks up, then comes over to their table. Her eyes dart between Meis and Gueira, and then to Lio, reading the silent tension.
“What’s up?” she asks, almost suspiciously.
“Why don’t you tell the big guy he did good out there today?”
Aina narrows her eyes. Gueira’s face splits into an even wider grin.
“Galo?” she asks. “Why?”
Lio snatches up the newspaper again, stuffing his nose in it.
“They’re worse than bloodhounds, Aina,” he says from deep within the pages. “Just do whatever it takes to get them off your scent.”
Aina, thoroughly baffled, turns around.
“Hey, Galo,” she calls out. “Good job out there today!”
Galo stops fiddling with his Matoi and looks up. Lio hazards a glance at his face, and nearly goes blind from the smile on it. He sinks back into the newspaper, heart crashing against his ribs like a caged animal. That smile is a public health hazard. Surely there are laws.
“Thanks, Aina!” Galo replies. “You too! You should show off your fancy flyin’ more often.”
Lucia taps his elbow, returning his attention to something Matoi-related, and Aina glances quizzically at the three former Burnish.
“Any of you feel like telling me what that was about?” she asks.
“Not really,” Gueira says. “But thanks!”
As Aina walks away, muttering under her breath, Lio’s head emerges from the newspaper.
“I can only assume that had something to do with your absurd hypothesis.”
Meis rests his chin in one palm, his eyes full of cold deliberation.
“You forced our hand, Boss.”
Meis cuts his eyes over to Galo, who seems, if Lio’s interpretation of his gestures is accurate, to be pressing Lucia to add a laser-cannon to his Matoi Tech.
“And now it’s your turn,” Gueira says.
Lio balks. “Wait, wh—”
“So Boss,” Meis’ voice isn’t loud, but it cuts through the air like a scythe through wheat. “What was it you were saying earlier about that big lug’s firefighting technique?”
On the other side of the room, something metallic hits the ground with a deep clunk, like a wrench being dropped.
“Yeah!” Gueira chimes in. “How did you put it, exactly? I can’t seem to remember the specifics.”
Lio wishes he could still summon hellfire to his fingertips, because both his former generals could look a bit less delighted at the way Galo has abandoned any interest in his Matoi Tech.
“Did I mention anything of the sort?” Lio grits out. “Or are you sure you didn’t just imagine it?”
Meis and Gueira are struggling to keep their composure as Galo unsubtly maneuvers himself into better earshot.
“No, Boss, you definitely had thoughts,” Gueira says weakly.
It doesn’t take much to untangle their little scheme. They asked Aina to compliment Galo first, so Lio could see his normal response. Apparently they expect his reaction to Lio’s praise to be a bit more spectacular.
They are fools.
Lio sighs. It’s a shame, really, that his friends’ intelligence departed along with their Promare.
“Very well,” he breathes. Then, in a voice barely above a murmur, he says: “Yes, I suppose Galo did a fine job toda—”
Lio’s voice chokes off as Galo materializes next to the table, his expression rapt.
“You do?!” he cries out, overjoyed.
Gueira makes a bizarre noise, like a strangled cat, and vanishes under the table. Meis steeples his fingers and hides the lower half of his face behind them.
Lio stares up at Galo. Everything inside his head evaporates, replaced by high-pitched, keening static.
“Do I…what?” he asks numbly.
It’s so hard to think with Galo’s abs just. Right there.
“You think I did a good job!” Galo looks like someone has just offered him unlimited free pizza, and also the moon.
“Well,” Lio manages to say, “You did.”
Meis and Gueira are both making odd sounds, and in the small part of Lio’s brain that isn’t buzzing, he realizes they’re trying to suppress laughter.
“I’m so happy!” Galo proclaims, as though his blinding smile doesn’t adequately communicate that.
The wheels of Lio’s mind slowly creak back into motion.
Yes, he has to acknowledge, it does seem that Galo…greatly values his feedback. As a colleague, of course.
Because that’s really what they are: colleagues. Possibly friends, Lio admits. Friends, who have in the very recent past piloted a planet-sized mechanical monstrosity fueled by fire and human spirit, and maybe…perhaps there is a little affection there, but nothing more.
“I think you did a wonderful job too, Lio!”
And Galo grips him by the arms, lifting him bodily out of his seat and pulling him into his chest. Gueira and Meis flee the room, cackling like hyenas.
“I think you do everything wonderfully!”
“Galo,” Lio wheezes as he’s crushed against Galo’s solid pecs. “Ow—”
After some squirming, he loosens Galo’s grip on him enough to stare him dead in the face.
“Put me down.”
Galo’s eyes go wide.
“Oh. Right. Sorry.”
Galo gently lowers him until his feet touch the floor again. Lio straightens his clothes, then squares himself to face Galo.
“All right. What the hell was that?”
The ecstatic look on Galo’s face slides into a hesitant, kicked-puppy expression. Lio’s heart promptly rips itself in half.
“I just—” Galo says, right as Lio jumps in: “Never mind, it’s fine—”
They stare at each other, locked in silent misery on two sides of an invisible wall.
“For fuck’s sake!” Lucia explodes. Galo and Lio both jump. They’d forgotten she was still in the room. “This is a thousand times worse than watching Remi try to waltz with his alligator girlfriend.”
“Really?” replies Aina, who has been on the couch the entire time. “Because that was pretty bad.”
Before Lio can ask “what alligator girlfriend,” Galo cups his face in his (large, warm) hands.
“I’m sorry I lost my cool there, Lio,” he says earnestly. “I just thought…maybe, at last, you had…”
“Had what?” Lio asks, his voice weak and punched-out.
“I thought you were finally starting to like me.” Galo’s eyebrows scrunch together, adorably. “Back, I mean.”
In the recesses of his mind, Lio wonders if Galo accidentally choked him into unconsciousness and this is all a dream.
“Like you…back?”
“Yeah. I thought I was being too obvious about it—I mean, everyone told me I was being really aggressive, so I tried to dial it back, but I’m not good at that, and…”
Galo’s voice fades into static, because Lio’s brain has turned to water. He wouldn’t be surprised if it melted right out his ears.
Obvious. Aggressive.
“Idiot,” whispers Lio.
“Yeah,” Galo says sadly. “I guess so.”
“No. Not you.”
Galo’s eyebrows scrunch even closer together. He’s still cupping Lio’s face.
Lio doubles down.
“I’m going to do something now,” he says. “That I think will save us some time.”
He goes on tiptoe, and presses his lips to Galo’s.
It’s a peck, really: quick and chaste, but Lio still feels like he jammed a fork into an electrical socket. As they separate, the look on Galo’s face suggests he feels something similar.
“You’re right,” he says, gravelly. “That does save time.”
“Should we save some more?”
Galo, temporarily mute, nods, and pulls Lio in for a considerably longer and less chaste kiss.
Lucia cups her hands around her mouth and hollers: “Yooo, everybody, it’s finally happening!”
Aina chides: “Come on, they don’t need everyone watching.”
Lucia just guffaws. “Sore because you owe me twenty bucks now, huh?”
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peaches-of-1 · 5 years
Training: Golden Dicks Award (pt 2)
And we’re back. My mstrlst is in my bio, so you can catch up there. Also I reblogged it before posting this, so you can just scroll down a bit. This is shorter than the first part.
All the usual warnings apply: Voyerism, orgy, lesbian sex, blood mention, chastity, hypnotism.
If you want something specific tagged, lemme know!
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After eating what could be categorized as dinner, you put yourself together again. There’d be a rush at intermission, but you were ready as your hypnosis went deeper. Apparently, you had called out some of your owners’ names instead of the one given to you to say. So you were given more layers a sleep. A fog would permanently be in your mind.
Intermission. First was half of one of the larger groups. Then the second half. No time for clean up. You weren’t sure if they had used your ass or not. They liked your lap dances more and parading you around than actual sex.
Third group during intermission wanted you clean, so a quick shower with lots of help. Then you were dried off. They wanted a fashion show first.
Blue see through pants with a bikini top. Then a slutty schoolgirl outfit featuring a micro skirt that showed off your ass. You felt the semen shifting inside. Nothing but pearls were your next outfit. They were cascading off of every body part.
“Sit on my lap, beautiful.”
“Yes, sir.” I was to call them sir.
This blonde haired one was all muscle, his thighs were strong and firm. He hugged you around the waist. The other gave lust filled grins.
“[Redacted] was right about you, cutie. You look good in everything, so fuckable.” The smaller one was to your left and he scratched your chin.
Their tall and pale member kissed up your legs as the one hugging your waist kissed your neck. The one on your right was also quite muscular, and his lips were very adorable. The three others were looking for your next outfit. The one they would fuck you in.
“They said you can take anything.” Baby lips said.
“I can, sir.” You replied. “I’ll do anything you want me to.”
Dimples came out with Smiley and Legs. Your brain had given them secondary names to make sure you could tell one from the other. Legs was the only rapper wearing shorts. IT seems they went for more of a school boy uniform this era.
It was Smiley who held up the pink latex dress up and said to get ready quickly. How much time had passed? Had they already performed? Was that why they were taking their time?
Either way, you changed into the tight and bright outfit, and went back out to see them.
“Fuck…” Dimples said and licked his lips. “Nice choice [redacted].”
“Thank you. Thank you.”
They all turned to the smaller one, saying he got to give the first orders. He wanted a tit job, so you got on your knees in front of him. Sir pulled out his cock, and you began rubbing it with your latex covered tits.
“Oh god, [redacted] was right!” His voice shot up to his higher octaves. “Holy shit.”
“Wow, hyung” said the lanky and pale member. “She’s that good, huh?”
He grinned, “Oh, yeah. It feels good.”
The other men started rubbing themselves. You focused on your breasts and the dick between them. You stuck your tongue out and touched the tip to it.
Legs asked, “Cutie, how many times has cum gone in your ass?”
“I...I don’t know.” It upset you a bit. “I was supposed to get 7, but so many, and I’m not sure. At least 5?”
He scratched your scalp, “It’s ok if you don’t remember. It sorta got messy, huh?”
You nodded and thought to yourself how much of an understatement that was.
“I think you should get this thing off. You’ve worked so hard. [Redacted] himself even tried to break you.”
“He’s got a harem, I’m pretty sure.” Smiley said.
You spoke, “I have to be sure, though.”
“Don’t worry.” The oldest said. “You will be.”
The muscly one from earlier added, “We’ll top you off.” His voice came from behind you.
You dress had rolled up to your waist and he unplugged you. It came out like a waterfall. It made your cheeks warm for such a thing to have occurred.
“Well…” He said. “More than 7.”
“I’m sorry, sir.”
He shook his hand, “I guess we don’t need lube, then.”
Strong hands grabbed your waist and he lined his cock up to plunge inside you. You moaned and wanted to giggled because he rolled your dress back down. Why? It didn’t matter.
“Oh, I’m gonna cum~” the man in front said. “Open up.”
You parted your lips and stuck out you tongue even further. Sir slid inside and thrust his hips. You were being spit roasted by physical opposites, and it was quite entertaining. As he came in your mouth, two more replace it. The lanky one and Smiley’s.
How many cocks had been shoved down your throat tonight? Even more had been simply sucked on by your golden lips. Was it because it couldn’t reach your throat? Maybe. Maybe it’s just cuz they liked head better. You’d never tell mostly because they’d be nonexistent memories by this time tomorrow.
“Having fun, pup?” A familiar voice asked.
“O…oppa?” Command 16.3a.
“That’s right, pup.”
You heard his footsteps come closer, and you were made to stand up. His face was the only one you saw clearly. Yoongi. Your heart leapt, but you also felt embarrassed. You were so dirty.
He smiled, “Did you miss me?”
Your whole body reached out to hug him. He laughed a bit and kissed your lips. You were so hungry for his kiss, his touch, his everything.
Yoongi smiled, “Calm down, pup.” He looked into your eyes and then sunk to his knees. “Since you’ve been such a good little puppy, your belt is coming off.”
He unlocked it and chuckled at how wet you were, and then he placed it on the side. Your oppa kissed you again.
“I’m about to perform, so I gotta go. Have fun, darling.”
As he turned around, everything went foggy again.
Sir Legs grabbed you and threw you on the bed, “Sorry for being so rough, cutie, but I am gonna be the first to claim that pussy tonight.”
You spread your legs wide open, “Hurry~Sir~”
He growled and began fucking your dripping we pussy. You whole body shivered and you moaned so loudly. It was more like a scream to be honest.
“And I’ll be the second.” Baby lips said as he slipped into you as well.
It felt like you would foam at the mouth with how good your body felt. A vibrating egg was shoved into your ass. Tears filled your eyes as cock was jammed down your throat as well. You couldn’t tell what was happening beyond the ballsack dangling in front of your face and hitting your nose with every thrust.
Bedsheet was balled up in your hands. You felt like you were gonna die like this. You clawed at the body on top of your own, begging Sir to go deeper. Probably drawing blood as fireworks went off behind your eyes. You clamped down on every cock inside of you as your back arched as much as it could.
Cock slid out of your mouth just to be pounded back in. You gagged as you climaxed, making it feel as though you were floating. They came as yours was just starting to end. You were slathered in their cum. Buckets was an understatement. The others had been rubbing themselves with their hands and quickly replaced all the cocks in your holes. They came so soon after.
The waves of pleasure was still being ridden. Heavy panting surrounded your spasming body. Their cum flowed out of all your holes. You couldn’t tell who hugged you and comforted you until you heard a sound like the crumpling of paper. Condom wrapper? Command 1.2 Soft Reset. All of your muscles began to relax and your consciousness began to slip.
“I’ll take care of her.” Jihye said. “You’re needed in the green room.”
You served a group of Gen 1 idols and then more girls. More outfits. Korean school girl uniform and riding the tip of a super expensive dress shoe. She was so pretty and so sexy dressed in a tight black skirt and white dress shirt with the top three unbuttoned to show off her lacy black bra.
“I changed out of my heels for this, so do better.”
“Yes, ma’am!” you moaned and started working harder.
She had said you weren’t allowed to cum until she gave you permission. Even though this was her show costume, she used it for immersion. You were going crazy trying to hold on since you hadn’t cum since eight people ago.
Your teacher sighed, “I just wanna make a cute girl squirt over my shoes. Is that too much to ask?” Then she held your face to look at her tanned and dark lipped face. “Beg for me.”
“Please, ma’am. Please let me cum! I can’t hold--ahhh. I’ll do anything. Just let me cum. Please. Please. Please. Please ma’am. Please.”
She smirked, “Cum for me.”
You gripped the chair and squirted hardcore. It became even more intense when she said a cue word. You were yourself with your eyes shut tight. It felt as though you were on fire even though you were soooo wet. You rested your head on her thigh. What just happened?
She made you look at her face and your eyes widened, “Hw--”
“See you later alligator!” the voice screamed from their booth.
You blanked on her name. When you came back to your consciousness, you were sitting where Ma’am had been. She was being escorted out by two guards.
She giggled, “I’ll bring the others next time.”
The voice explained, “Everything’s ok, (Y/N). Guests usually don’t know cue words. Even if they do, they’re not supposed to use them. I’m sure she meant no harm, but it’s a liability.”
“I understand. Am I in trouble?”
“No. No. Not you, darling. You were perfect. You’ve got a super special guest. Treat him well.” The voice made you go deeper.
A large man entered, “I’ve never done this before.”
I doubt that. You thought.
“That’s ok. What would you like me to call you? Any name other than your birth name or stage name will work.”
“Um, D-Daddy?” that tattooed man said.
You made sure to smile since he was nervous, “Ok, Daddy. What would you like to call me? I cannot give you my real name.”
He looked at you, “Will Kitten be ok?” his husky voice asked.
“Of course! I’m now your kitten, Daddy. Would you like me to change?” You looked at yourself now only in your white not so covering cover up. They must’ve...you looked at Daddy. “I have many outfits, Daddy. Oh. Please sit, Daddy.”
You were turned eager to please and were more chipper to fit your given role.
“Yes. Of course.” The large man sat on the bed after taking off his shoes.
You looked at him eagerly, “If you wanna pick an outfit for me--”
“No. Just...sit on my lap?” He pat his meaty thighs.
With a nod, you made yourself comfortable. He held you close to him and got you to lay with him. Daddy seemed tense.
“I just had a rough day, so we can just cuddle. Is that ok, or do I have to fuck you?”
“I’ll do whatever you want, Daddy.”
He sighed with relief, “Good. Cuddling it is.”
Daddy rubbed your back and talked about his difficult and high stress day. Although he was a large and rough looking man who was 1000% Daddy, it was like he was the kitten. He was pretty sure he hurt his ankle while dancing on stage.
“You need to be more careful, Daddy.” You pouted.
“Is that so, Kitten?” He chuckled.
You nodded.
“Then I’ll be more careful.” Daddy kissed your forehead.
You smiled, “Good. Are you feeling better, Daddy?”
He nodded, “I am actually.” Then something caught his eye as he smiled at you. “Lift your neck, Kitten?”
You did and he felt your collar.
“Those boys...your owners. They take good care of you?”
“They do.” You said to the man who wasn’t actually an idol but had gained lots of popularity through social media.
“Good.” He purred. “If they ever hurt you, come to me, and I’ll deal with ‘em.”
You spoke honestly, “They never would. They love me. I love them.”
He smiled suddenly. It seemed to surprise himself as well, “They better.” Then he sat up. “Ok. I should go before I mess around and fall in love.”
The man stood up and fixed his shirt.
“Did you have a good time, Daddy?”
“The best, Kitten.” He kissed your cheek. “Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your night and remember what I said.”
You grinned, “I will!” unsure if you actually would or not.
He closed the door behind him. Well, that was a nice time before it was three groups of 8+ members back to back. The girl group loved to use their nails and knew how to use toys you have never seen before. They also really liked kissing. So softly leaving trails of pink and red all over your body.
An extremely famous couple was the last to come in and had you play with the man while his wife masturbated and watched. She shouted commands to him, and he was all too happy to follow them. He had been taken out of chastity today and this was his reward. The freckles on his face made his eyes stand out more. He was dressed up like a puppy, collar and all. It was ok since they were both initiating it with you, right? The man had a bone shaped gag and beautiful whines.
It was almost hilarious the amount of times she told you to look at him instead of her. She ended up collaring you to him to make sure you obeyed. Then she slid in between both of your faces as you ate out both of her ends. He seemed like the type that liked to eat ass. They kissed your lips and left you to the officials to clean up.
Then it was time to go home. You hadn’t even done much today, but your body was tired. Your eyes opened and Jin walked in.
“How’s our girl?” He asked.
You began to run to him, but your legs gave out. Right you had legs.
Jungkook and Jin rushed to help you back onto the bed. They said you had gon in really deep and it’d take you twenty more minutes for you to have control over your body again. Right. This was your body. It didn’t belong to anyone else but you.
“No matter how many times we lay claim to you, it’s still your body.” Taehyung said, reading your expressions easily.
Namjoon added, “No one can take that away from you.”
You cried despite how happy you were. Had it really been scary at all? No. Not really. Just overwhelming. There were so many people you had made love to, but you couldn’t recall their faces or names. Someone hugged you.
“It’s ok, (Y/N).” Jimin cooed. “You did so well. We’re so proud of you.”
They all gave you space along with comforting words. Then you put on your dress and kept the collar on. It felt like a security blanket right now. Yoongi held your hand as the eight of you were ushered into a room to wait for you carts to pull up.
Heechul approached the group and you all bowed.
“You did such a wonderful job tonight!” He met your eyes. “All of you. His gaze met Namjoon’s.
He whispered something to BTS’s leader as Yoongi couldn’t hide his scowl. Did he not like Heechul? How can you not like Heechul? He’s annoying but also endearing.
“I hope there are no hard feelings. I always like to check in with the own...lovers afterwards and make sure I didn’t cross any boundaries with my performance.” He was being very honest.
What did he do? Did he parody BTS on stage?
Yoongi softened and held out his hand, “No hard feelings.”
The two men shook hands.
You snuggled your oppa’s arm. Heechul bowed to all of you and went on his way. He “accidentally” dropped something and asked his manager to pick it up. She leaned over and her pussy was glistening. So that was his pet? He grabbed the butt of another and a third leaned in close to him, giggling. A harem?
Now all eight of you were in the living room falling asleep after eating a filling takeout meal. Your pajamas were super cozy.
“(Y/N)?” Hobi whispered. “We love you. More than anything.”
“I love you too.” You replied, slightly confused but glad he said so.
He smirked, “We know. Even if you never said it again, we’d know.”
Jimin pulled you closer in his kitty lingerie that he had been wearing under his clothing all night. He must’ve been done with his dom mood. Namjoon made sure to cuddle the both of you on his chest. Jungkook was letting his leader sleep on his stomach while his head was on Jin’s. Tae’s hand was holding yours even while he slept. Yoongi was curled up behind Jimin. All your boys were there. You felt like your heart would explode from pure bliss.
As you fell asleep, you wondered why Hwasa’s smiling face popped up in your mind.
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Survey #237
just a warning beforehand this survey has some probably tmi stuff.
Which is better: good 'ole southern food or sea food? Despite coming from and still living in, I legitimately enjoy almost NO southern food. Absolute garbage. I don't enjoy much sea food either though, save for shrimp, so I guess that. Have you ever had a very strong spiritual experience? I dunno. What do you think you want to major in at college? I'm an Art & Design major right now. Minor in? English is my minor currently. What song do you have on repeat lately? Quite a lot, actually. What’s something important you could be doing now? I could be working on finishing the draft to my Writing paper and this week's Art History chapter, but... yeah. I procrastinate all to hell, but I "justify" it with me having SO much extra time in the library while Mom takes her classes that I have a great deal of time to just do everything in there. How do you feel about Circuit City going out of business? I have zero clue what that is. About how often do you go on cleaning sprees? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL what're those? What’s the best story you’ve gone over in an English class? The Outsiders. Is your house haunted? Don't think so. What kind of tissues do you prefer? At least thicker as a single sheet of wet paper and soft. But ultimately it's nota a big deal. What face wash do you use? I prefer the Biore charcoal scrub, but I've been out of that for like... ever, and it's pricey, so we haven't bought any more. So now I use this peach scrub stuff Mom gets. I don't like it much because it's kinda abrasive, so probably bad for my skin, but it at least makes it feel cleaner. Do you reject Satan? I don't even know if a head demonic entity exists. Got no opinion on him. Are you violent? Far from it. Do you use google search or yahoo? Google. Was your step mother terrible? Her political views are fucking trash, but she herself is a wonderful person. Do you know anyone who doesn’t care about anything but themselves? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Are you single? If no who are you dating and for how long? I'm single for now. I don't believe prayer or "good vibes" have any power, but nevertheless, I almost DO pray Sara and I will come back together once she figures herself out and one of us is brave enough to move. Do you enjoy going for walks? Nowadays, no, but only because I'm still recovering from muscle atrophy in my legs, so it hurts quiiite a bit. But in a way, yes, I do enjoy walking as I know it's good for my legs, but it's still painful - but improving immensely. Before it started to get real bad, I fucking loved going on walks down the path by Sara's. When it wasn't cOLD AND WINDY AS A MOTHERFUCKER What are your favorite accessories? Do piercings count? If yes, totally those. And spiked chokers are fucking hot. I'll wear mine again someday, just fkn watch me. Do you wear makeup on a regular basics? Not at all. I am asking for *genuinely* black eye shadow and also quality black lipstick for Christmas, though, for when I do wear makeup. Ours suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. When was the last time you really established your favorite TV show? Oh, idk. It's been years. Write one lyric that really explains the way your life is going as of now? HAHA I'm actually listening to NSP's "Danny Don't You Know" right now and if "you're just going through an awkward phase from 12 to 29" aIN'T ME- Do you ever have any fantasies that involve certain celebrities? Who? Yes. Take an. idk. Wild guess. You can read like one or two of my surveys and already be absolutely sure lmao What is your favorite brand of shoe? Where can you buy these shoes? Converse, and... multiple places?? Does anyone ever judge you for something you naturally cannot help? Oh, I'm sure. Do you support homosexuality in general? Why do you or why don't you? Of fucking course I do. It's natural, and especially after realizing I was bi and experiencing a genuinely loving female-female relationship, I've only grown more ferocious in standing for gay rights. Fuckin try to tell me I can't love her without some sky demon firing me into Hell for it. I'll bring sunscreen. If you had your own personal dance crew, what would you name it and why? I dunno??? Has anyone ever called you an exact replica of one of your parents? Agree? No. Have you ever claimed to be in love when you knew you really weren’t? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I don't joke around with that shit. If you had the chance to meet an annoying celebrity, would you still do it? No?????? Why would I want that??????????? Do you ever lie in the grass during summer or are you afraid of ticks? 1.) That sounds boring and too hot and 2.) I'm fucking terrified of all parasites, so ticks are zero exception. Does it bother you when you see slutty girls getting all the cute guys? *chaotic eye twitching* In winter, would you rather wear jacket or hoodies? Why is this? HOODIES! Mega cozy. Would you consider yourself a good singer or are you tone deaf? Depends on the song, but generally, I don't think I'm real good. My voice isn't stable. Do you think regrets are better left unspoken or should they be out loud? Y'know, a real good question for once. I think maybe... it depends, I guess? Some things are just better unsaid, sometimes vice-versa. I suppose it depends on who you're telling, too. What color is your remote? Does it have any special/interesting features? Uh I know it's black, but that's it. I never use the TV. Name a time when you cried the most: The night of the breakup when Mom drove out to get me (I was walking to his house to talk bc she wouldn't take me), and she had to physically hold me down when we got in the house because I dashed and she knew I was about to do something stupid. I just fucking collapsed. That night is so blurry, but I'll never forget the crying. Fucking NOBODY deserves to go through that goddamn night. What color is your keyboard? It's black, though the keys are rimmed with red light. Have you ever thought about suicide? Too many times. Please please please please seek help if you have even a moment's consideration about it. How do you feel about Obama? I don't know much about him politically, but he was funny as fuck, I do know that. Seems like a chill dude. What was the last lie you told? I dunno, something little. Name 3 things in your purse (or wallet): My Harley Quinn wallet, hand sanitizer, aaaaand my keys. What time does your favorite TV show come on? *shrug* Where is the scariest place you’ve ever been? I haven't been to many seriously "scary" places, honestly... so idk, really. Do you like string cheese? NO. What color was the coolest insect you’ve seen? No clue. Probably some butterfly or moth. Do you own any pink clothing? ... How do I not know this. How do you usually style your hair? It's directed to the right with no part through it and swoops over/close to my right eye. Do you use anything to whiten your teeth? I'm also asking for whitening strips for Christmas. .-. Ah, how gift desires change as you grow. I took awful care of my teeth during the worst of my depression, so yeah, I need them. I'm honestly stunned they're in a decent condition now. Have you ever collaborated with anyone on a project (not for school)? Hmm, don't believe so. What is (going to be) your career? I refuse to drop my career aspiration of a photographer. Not giving up on that no matter what. What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? Crocodiles' teeth protrude both upwards and downwards over their lips while alligators' only show downwards; crocs have a more tapering snout, alligators' are more rounded; and crocs are generally bigger. I didn't obsessively watch Animal Planet for nothing, y'all. :^) Were you breastfed as a baby? Yeah. That woman had five goddamn kids with no epidural or anything. She ain't afraid of no pain, and she's also like, MEGA into child health, safety, etc., and while formula-feeding is completely fine and valid, it's factual breast milk is a lot healthier for babies. What does your favorite shirt look like? Man, that's hard to pick. My most comfortable and well-fitting one is a Metallica "King Nothing"-inspired design, which is black and just has some gnarly skull designs 'n shit on it. HA HA WAIT, found it! This is it. Just a few days ago though, my mom's coworker went to the NSP 10th anniversary show in Chicago AND SHE GOT ME A FUCKING SHIRT BC SHE KNOWS I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH I SQUEALED SO LOUD AND SMILED MY FACE IN HALF. What is the cutest breed of puppy in your opinion? Do not EVEN with this, omfg I couldn't even try. What is the cutest baby animal in general? Have you, like, SEEN baby meerkats????????????? They're not the cutest for the first, like, two weeks (BUT still cute!!), but once they're outside the burrow? Jesus fuckin CHRIST they are the cutest creatures known to the galaxy and beyond. If we're talkin' like, cutest from birth, maybe cats. I adore kittens. Do you have some sort of odd fascination with anything? Perhaps my "strangest" is what's referred to as "vulture culture," which is essentially using naturally-deceased (usually wild) animals for art, such as those popular crystal-covered skulls, necklaces, creative use of wet specimens, stuff like that. I find some odd beauty and respect in creating art of the dead - it's like... making death beautiful and honoring the creature by immortalizing it in an art form. I personally photograph roadkill (that shit's confused the fuck outta drivers lmao) with the goal of forcing the brutality of it onto viewers and just make you think "okay yeah I need to drive more carefully." I don't know if that technically qualifies as vulture culture as I don't really... use the corpses, but nevertheless, I really enjoy doing it. I do kinda question the morality of it, like you can't ask an animal "hey do you wanna be art when ur dead?", so you're left to decide for it, but I think I lean ever so slightly more towards it being respectful, showing the beauty of its life. I WANT TO SAY HOWEVER, I DO FUCKING NOT support hunting trophies. I even question taxidermy outside of being from hunting considering you're not really making art, something new, some sort of message, out of it. There's no creative purpose other than to show "hey look at this dead animal!!", and besides that, it kinda creeps me out. Wow sorry for the ramble, I'm just into this stuff. Who was the last person to text you? Sara. What did they say? Paraphrased, that life has been a serious cunt to her lately. Which is true. have you ever broken someones heart? He fuckin acted like it after two goddamn weeks. I suppose maybe Jason, though I can't really tell you that since he fucked off after the breakup, so it's not like I was around him. I'll admit his health and general demeanor was withering as time led up to it (I knew something was wrong, he'd just never tell me), so he was obviously suffering. I feel awful for that shit, seeing I was apparently that goddamn stress-inducing. Had yours broken? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO I think the whole Internet knows, oops. Do you consider past relationships a waste of time? No. Well, maybe just one. I kinda wanna say Tyler was, but then again, as I was healing, it showed exactly what I would not tolerate. So I guess it had a silver lining. Do you think you’ll be around to see the world end? I wanna say no, but I wouldn't be surprised. It's gonna be climate change (reason #1 for me), the super volcano finally blowing, or nuclear war. Scientifically, we are far, far, far from overdue for another mass extinction anyway. Do you believe in second chances? Yeah, sometimes. Depends. Do you swear? Way more than needed. Swearing a lot just became part of my normal vernacular through exposure to Jason and his family lmao. I was just about always there, and whew does his mom swear like a sailor. Italian New Yorker to the core. To me, "swear words" are just normal vocabulary. What is the nearest photo to you of? A family of meerkats on my wall. Are you good at being quiet? Sure? Who has your heart? I'm guessing you mean romantically? Two people are tearing at it, then. One that's fuckin stupid and needs to stop. Do you like it that way? No. No. Sara is, realistically, the best match for me and a very healthy partner for me. But now that for whatever goddamn reason Jason sneaked back into the picture (metaphorically; he hasn't reached out or anything), hints of obsession/addiction are coming back. I know it's fucking creepy, but I was legitimately obsessed with him. I sent him a perfectly polite and genuine email of ME apologizing to HIM, and I guess that just shot my feelings back up. God, typing this makes me realize to a fuller degree that this is an awful idea. Where is this person? Sara's probably at home; hell if I know where the other is. When was the last time you saw them? I saw Sara this past February. Jason, not since February of '17. Do you prefer desktops or laptops? Laptops because of portability. Sunrise, or sunset? I think maybe sunrise, considering the colors tend to be more pastel. But both are gorgeous. What kind of mood are you in? A confused as hell one. The Jason thing is driving me insane, and TMI WARNING I've been dealing with a fucking ginormous libido that I'm guessing sprouts from my new birth control, and it led me to doing to thing I said I'd never ever do because I only want to share that experience with my partner. Y'know, the "m" word. Saying it feels too weird and dirty. That's the problem: it's so instilled in my head that masturbation is lustful and just "wrong" that my brain is still trying to process that it's okay and natural and, as I found, relieving. I had to look it up and everything to convince my shameful ass I wasn't being "dirty." Hey, on that note: Planned Parenthood offers way goddamn more than abortion, friends. I swear it's beyond wild what I used to believe. But yeah ANYWAY, I'm just feeling weird and still kinda "tail between my legs" today. Do you like fans that blow directly on you or oscillate? Depends on how hot I am. What is one thing you worry about most in long-term goals? "not having enough money to get there.." <<<< YUP this. Right before you fall asleep, what is your usual position? It's hard to tell considering you're falling into unconsciousness... but I THINK on my left side, hugging an edge of the blanket to me. When you have sex, do you keep your eyes closed or open when finishing? I wouldn't know; I've only ever been on the brim before freaking out and we stopped because I was literally scared of how overwhelming the feeling was. That and my family was home and I was having trouble staying quiet lmao. When you have mail do you open the biggest one first, or doesn’t matter? Uhhhh. I honestly don't get mail enough to answer this. I'd probably go for the smallest? When you wake up what is the first thing you usually look for? My phone. Think of the last habit/addiction you quit. What replaced it? Hm. I really don't know. Your phone rings but you don’t know the number, would you answer it? No sir-ree. Do you always take a shower after you have sex? I didn't always back then. Do you let your girl/boyfriend drive, or do you prefer to? 1.) I don't drive and 2.) I'm single. The last time you had sex was it in the morning, afternoon or night? Hell if I remember.
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Hey could you please do number 47 of the most for foxxay? I love the way you read, please continue doing it.
Hey, of course! And thank you, you are so sweet. Please feel free to sent me another promtp.
47. “Dogs don’t wear clothes!” from this list
“Hey, Delia, look how cute he is!” Misty had a big smile on her happy face while she looked at the bunnies in the cage. “I had one when I was a lil’ kid, but my dad said I couldn’t keep ‘im.”
Cordelia gave her a sad smile. Misty didn’t usually talked much about her childhood or her family - something Cordelia could understand, since they burned her at the stake - , but when she did it hardly was a nice memory. The Supreme wished that the woman could had the most amazing time as a kid, because she had such a pure soul, she didn’t deserved to be treated the way she had been.
“Come on, my dear, you can look at the bunnies later. We have to buy the cat feed Zoe and Queenie asked for.” The girls had found a small kitten in the garden earlier that morning and decided to take care of him until someone showed up to adopt the small cute thing. Somehow that ended with Cordelia going to the veterinarian place to buy food and other suplies for the kitten. She was so sure they would never let the cat go.
They had most of the things they needed when Misty saw a nice yellow bed for the kitten and dragged Cordelia to see it. “He could use it to sleep!” She said in excitement. “Can we also buy him a blanket?”
Yes, the kitten was never going to leave the Academy. Cordelia rolled her eyes, but shook her head in agreement. “Yes, Misty, but that’s it. We have too many things already.”
“Ok! What about this… What’s that?”
“What?” Cordelia approached her to have a closer look. “Oh, that’s a dog clothing. I believe is a suit?”
Misty looked at her wife like she was insane. “A what?”
“Dog clothing? You know, a clothe… for a dog. You never saw one?”
“Why would they put this on a dog?!” Misty took the thing out of the rack, still with a surprise look on her face. “Poor puppy!”
“I suppose is to make them look better.”
“But, Delia…  Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
Cordelia smiled at her and put a hand on her arm. “Some people like it, my dear.” She tried to calm the other woman, but Misty was not having it.
“That’s just torture!”
“So… we’re not buying one of these for the cat?”
“They do it to the cats too?!” Misty put the thing back so fast that anyone could think it was on fire.
Cordelia decided to tease her a bit. How bad could it be? “You should see the alligator ones.”
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sweethails · 6 years
Prompt List #2 (D-H)
Send a request with the number(s) and which prompt list it’s from if you don’t give me the prompt list I will just assume its from #1. and also Give me the character you want!  
[Example request]: Can I please have number 2 from prompt list #7 and  number 72 from prompt list #10 for peter parker where the reader finds out Pete’s spiderman
You can send in your own prompt(s) or just send in a request without one. these are here to use at your leisure (Most of these are not mine. Credit goes to those who made them.) I am add to this list occasionally so check back later for new ones. This is prompt #2 (D-H)
I do not take straight up smut requests even if some prompts sound slightly dirty. (I might change my mind who knows send me your smut request and i might decide to do it) There may be some repeat prompts but bare with me I’m trying to clean them up. Thanks enjoy!!!!!!
There are 289 prompts in this list
D-did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?“
Daddy, how did you and mommy fall in love?”
Damn, when did y/n get hot?“
Damn, you’re strong for a little thing.”
Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.“
Dance with me!”
Dance with me.“
Dance with me? But there’s no music!”
Dear Diary, …"
Define normal.“
Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself”
Detention? again?“
Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?“
Did it ever occur to you that you’re hurting me too?”
Did someone eat half of the cookies?!?“
Did someone spike the eggnog?”
Did you actually get a Santa suit?“
Did you actually just climb in through my window? You couldn’t have been normal and used the door?”
Did you buy me… lingerie?“
Did you do something different with your hair?”
Did you do this to yourself?“
Did you get my text?”
Did you have to sneeze in my face?“
Did you hear that?”
Did you just call that alligator by name?“
Did you just casually throw an ax?”
Did you just fall? No, I attacked the floor. I’m freaking talented!“
Did you just flick me?”
Did you just go throw up?“
Did you just hiss at me?”
Did you just see that?“
Did you know they used to be called ‘Jumpolines’ until your mum jumped on one?”
Did you need something?“
Did you read it?”
Did you see my phone?“
Did I actually sleep through New Years?”
Didn’t you read the sign?“
Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?“
Do I have to ask you again?”
Do I look like I’ve moved on?“
Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”
Do it. I dare you.“
Do it. Take a chance, I’m begging you. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been.”
Do not tempt me.“
Do that again.”
Do us a favor… I know it’s difficult for you… but please, stay here, and try not to do anything… stupid.“
Do we have to kiss at midnight?”
Do we have to?“
Do we like…hold hands now?”
Do you believe in aliens?“
Do you believe in ghosts?”
Do you believe in love?“
Do you ever chill?”
Do you hate me?“
Do you have a problem with me?”
Do you have a ride home?“
Do you know what’s funny?”
Do you like it?“
Do you need that much candy?”
Do you promise?“
Do you really need all that candy?”
Do you really need those?“
Do you think I’m scared of a woman?”
Do you think other species have their own kind of drugs? Like something that gets them high?“
Do you think you can teach me that?”
Do you treat all your hookups like this?“
Do you trust me?”
Do you two still talk?“
Do you wanna Build a-”-Absolutely not.“
Do you want me to accept you as you are, or do you want me to lie to myself and try to like you?”
Do you want this?“
Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now”
Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?“
Do you want to kiss me as badly as I want to kiss you right now?”
Do your parents even realize they’re living proof that two wrongs don’t make a right?“
Do yourself a favor and ignore anyone who tells you to be yourself. Bad idea in your case.”
Does it Hurt?“
Does this make me some kind of hero?”
Dogs don’t wear clothes!“
Don’t call this number again.”
Don’t argue. Just do it.“
Don’t be a smart ass.”
Don’t be afraid.“
Don’t be embarrassed, it’s normal.”
Don’t be scared, I’m right here.“
Don’t come back.”
Don’t cry.“
Don’t deny it”
Don’t die on me– Please.“
Don’t drink that! I saw that guy slip something in there!”
Don’t fuck this up.“
Don’t give me that puppy dog face.  How am I supposed to say no to that?”
Don’t leave me. Don’t you dare leave me.“
Don’t leave me…”
Don’t let the negativity get to ya! Here, have a flower!“
Don’t let your mind wander, it’s far too small to be let out on its own.”
Don’t lie to me.“
Don’t look at me like that.”
Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.“
Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.”
Don’t make me come over there myself!“
Don’t make me pop your ten grand sandbags, honey.”
Don’t make me regret this.“
Don’t make me tape your mouth shut.”
Don’t mind if I do.“
Don’t open those till later!”
Don’t play me for a fool, I know exactly where you were.“
Don’t pretend I didn’t just see what you were doing.”
Don’t promise me you won’t leave. Just don’t leave. I don’t think I can handle another promise right now.“
Don’t say another word.”
Don’t say that.“
Don’t sell yourself short.”
Don’t start with that again.“
Don’t talk. Please.”
Don’t tell me to shut up.“
Don’t tell me we’re in matching costumes AGAIN.”
Don’t test me.“
Don’t thank me for insulting you. It was my pleasure.”
Don’t touch me.“
Don’t try to fix me. I’m not broken.”
Don’t worry about it.“
Don’t worry, you’ve got me to take care of you.”
Don’t you dare say/do that to me.“
Don’t you dare touch _______!”
Don’t you dare!“
Don’t you ever change.”
Don’t you get it? I’m in love with you and it scares the hell out of me.“
Don’t you give up on me.”
Don’t you just hate those things you say that make you feel really blonde?“
Don’t you just love it!”
Don’t you know how to knock?“
Don’t you love me?”
Don’t you realize that there are already enough people to hate in the world without you putting in so much effort to give us another?“
Don’t you think this is too much Fall decorations?”
Don’t you think you’re a little too old to be using cheesy pickup lines?“
Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”
Don’t you trust me?“
Drop the attitude.”
Easier said than done.“
Eggnog rules, bite me.”
Eggnog sucks, fight me.“
Enough with the sass!”
Even when we were kids, I always kicked your ass!“
Every day I get with you is a good day.”
Everyone gets so annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes.“
Everyone’s entitled to act stupid one in a while, but you really abuse the privilege.”
Everything is fine.“
Ew, that is so sappy, I might vomit.”
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.“
Excuse me?”
Fair enough.”
Feed me that chocolate I’m busy"
Finally! Snow!“
Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
First one to make a noise loses.”
First rule, no being a heathen.“
First second I saw you and I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were.”
Flea markets don’t carry fleas, you know?“
For starters, that’s impossible.”
For the last time, I AM NOT JEALOUS!“
Forget it.”
Forget the douche. He’s a dick. He’s a dickdouche.“
Forgive me. Not for my sake, for yours. Forgive me.”
Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.“
Fuck you”
Fuck- please just pretend to be my date until we can leave this joint?“
Fuzzy socks.”
Generally speaking, you aren’t learning much when your lips are moving.“
Get away from me.”
Get it away from me- that’s disgusting!“
Get out of here! This is my hiding spot!”
Get out of my way!“
Get out!”
Get over it, pussy.“
Get that thing away from me!”
Get your hands off of me!“
Ghost hunters.”
Ghosts are real, I’d know because I am one.“
Gingerbread people are very serious!”
Girls night in?“
Give it back!”
Give me a chance.“
Give me a reason not to turn around and walk away now.”
Give me anime or give me death.“
Give me back my phone!”
Give me that back!“
Go ahead and hit me.”
Go back to bed.“
Go back to sleep.”
Go fuck yourself.“
Go home.”
Go on, knock his teeth down his throat.“
Go on… Touch it.”
God, you always make me blush so damn much.“
Going somewhere?”
Good story, but in what chapter do you shut the fuck up?“
Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
Good, bad, I’m the one with the gun.“
H-how long?”
Haha, made you look.“
Haha. Nice try. Magic isn’t REAL.”
Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything.“
Halloween decorating.
Halloween is better.”
Happy Birthday.“
Happy Festivus!”
Happy New Year’s Eve eve eve eve eve eve eve!“
Have fun being deal.I will.”
Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.“
Have you ever had those days when you are holding a stick and everybody looks like a pinata.”
Have you ever heard of personal space?“
Have you ever heard of what happened in this building?”
Have you ever tried to run in heels?“
Have you got your speaker on you?”
Have you lost your mind?“
Have you seen my glasses?”
Have you seen my… oh"
Having you as a best friend is simultaneously the best and worst thing that has happened to me.“
He already boarded the plane. We’re too late.”
He already knows.“
He did what- and you just let him off?!”
He yelled yeehaw and I’m not quite sure why.“
He/She did it.No he/she did.”
He/She kissed me" Who?“ ”___“
Heaven won’t take me and hell’s afraid I’ll take over.”
Help me hide!“
Help me I’m stuck.”
Help me pack or get out. You’re in the way.“
Here take my sweater.”
Here, let me help you.“
Here, take my blanket.”
Here’s my number, call me some time.“
Hey! Don’t do that! You can’t do that to me!”
Hey, at least you tried.“
Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
Hey, I know you’re hurting.. but, you’re not alone, okay?“
Hey, um, can you not pretend to play the drums on pots and pans at 3am?”
Hey, what would my name be if I was a Pokémon?“
He’s a fuckboy and he’s never going to treat you better than this.”
He’s dead because of you.“
He’s dead.”
His finger was right on the trigger but he wasn’t fast enough.“
Hold me and never let me go.”
Hold me. Just for a bit, okay? I just… I need someone to hold me.“
Hold my hand until it’s over?”
Hold still.“
Hot, gorgeous, beautiful…whatever you want to call it.”
How about you make me?“
How am I meant to hate you when you look like that?”
How are you feeling today?“
How can you say that to me? After everything you did, how can you possibly say that to me?”
How can you still look so attractive while crying.“
How come you’re here? I thought the zoo is closed at night…”
How could I ever forget about you?“
How could I forget?”
How could someone make food this badly?“
How could this happen? They’re so…so pure. Ugh.”
How could you ask me that?“
How could you do this to me?”
How could you do this?“
How could you forget your son’s birthday?”
How dare you? Yes, I am.“
How did I lose it?”
How did it take me so long to realize?“
How did we get here?”
How did you fail a survey?“
How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open.”
How did you get in here?“
How did you imagine our future together?”
How did you know where to find me?“
How did you know? I never told you, so how’d you find out?”
How do I know that I can trust you?“
How do I look?”
How do we get in?“
How do you always manage to look so captivating?”
How do you do that? Are you a witch? What type of witchcraft is this?“
How do you get your skin to be so soft?”
How drunk was I?“
How is my wife more badass than me?”
How much did you drink?“
How much money would you give me to flip this table, right here, right now, in the middle of class?”
How ‘bout you stick it up your ass instead?“
“How’s life treating you?” “Like I ran over its dog.”
Hug me so I can Get warm.“
Hurry up, before we regret it.”
  Other Prompts Here Masterlist Here Request Here
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emosnakeboy · 6 years
Hello again!! 🤗 So I was thinking tiny Roman is unchecked creativity & whatever he thinks about just appears in the mindscape. The others are trying to figure out how to get him to sleep bc that's the only way to get his creations to disappear, unless Roman does it directly. And if you can please include a scene where little Ro is chasing after a little puppy.🐕 I don't know why, it's just a cute image!!! Thank you!❤
Logan gingerly stood up and walked into the living room. Roman and Patton sat where they had been, playing with Lincoln Logs. Logan braced himself and stepped into the mess of the room, but before he took more than two steps, a sharp pain shot up his left leg. The logical trait hissed in pain, lifting up his foot and staring at the ground where it had been. Around his feet were the legos that Roman had been playing with previously. Logan relaxed slightly when he realized the lion meant no harm. Roman must have created him to be kind and gentle. He glanced at Patton, who was also slowly beginning to look less terrified for Roman’s sake. Patton looked towards Logan, and when he saw that Logic was calmed, he took a deep breath and let his shoulders fall to their normal position. The moral trait took a few hesitant steps towards the lion before gently touching its mane. It lifted its head suddenly, turning slowly towards Patton and giving him a sniff before allowing him to continue petting it. Patton’s face lit up, and he turned to Logan with an expression of pure joy.?Patton giggled suddenly, and both Roman and Logan turned to look at him. Patton didn’t shy away from their gazes. Instead, he looked at them brightly and said, “Sorry. You guys are just cute and I love you both a lot.”After all this time I finally finished it.. sorry it took so long!
Warnings: yelling, minor swearing, physical attack, claustrophobiaShips: platonic/familial LAMP/CALM (mostly platonic royality, platonic analogical, platonic logicality with some platonic logince)Word Count: +3.3k
Logan sighed, pushing his glasses up his nose. He’d done that a lot already, and he knew he’d do it a lot more. The sounds of endless giggling echoed around him to the point where it was starting to drive him crazy, and Patton was being no help whatsoever.
“Can you please -” Logic started, but his eyes widened suddenly. He darted to the side, narrowly missing the iPad that flew past him. His face curled up into a sour sneer, and he stomped once on the floor. “Patton! Can you please stop encouraging him?”
Patton looked up from the floor. His face was colored in certain places with vibrant colors that shouldn’t be on one’s skin. Several open vats of washable paint sat on the ground around him. His fingers were colored with pinks, greens, blues, purples, and basically most other colors. He wasn’t the only one.
Logan reasoned that it was indirectly Virgil’s fault. The anxious trait was nowhere around, and as his caution tended to balance out Roman’s yearning to bolt every which way possible, the lack of that caution was… a slight problem. With no one keeping Roman in check, the creative trait had regressed into a sort of childish mindset…
… and a childish physical state.
He couldn’t be older than about seven, but were he a normal child and not a facet of Thomas’s personality, he would easily be diagnosed with ADHD. Every time the child wanted something new, it would appear and he would squeal with delight. He would discard whatever other toy or object he had previously taken interest in, usually with a toss over his shoulder. His shirt was entirely too big, his sleeves pushed up his arms so that his tiny little hands could grasp at whatever toys he felt like playing with. Patton, being the, quote-en-quote, “father” that he was, decided that Logan’s attempts to control the child were futile and unimportant. He had instead opted to play with Roman while Logan was left to find a solution.
Logan desperately wished Virgil would come back from… wherever he was.
“Logan, it’s not like I can provide much of a solution,” Patton said, glancing towards the floor. “We both know that. It’ll be better if I can entertain him and keep him out of your way. If I somehow do think of something, I can tell you, but I doubt that I will.”
Logan wanted so badly to tell him he was wrong, but he knew that having Roman distracted would surely be best. Having someone to bounce ideas off of would be productive, but not being distracted would help more.
Logan let out a sigh of defeat. “Fine. I suppose you’re right about keeping him distracted. Thank you.” Patton flashed a sad smile. Logan walked into the kitchen in an attempt to avoid the mess in the living room. He began to think, but the constant giggles erupting from the living room were endlessly distracting. He gave up quickly, deciding that waiting until another trustworthy side could appear to help was the best plan of action.
“This room is a mess,” he hissed through gritted teeth as he came back into the living room. Most of the floor was covered with toys that the creative child had conjured impulsively. Stuffed animals. Toy trains and rockets. A princess costume. A dragon costume. A giant cowboy hat and a lasso. Dolls. A wooden snake. Containers of play-doh. Coloring books and broken crayons. Disney-themed toys. A GameBoy system with an Animal Crossing cartridge. Roman sat in the center of it all, his white jacket stained with paint and ink. He was actively playing with plastic food and a picnic basket.
“This is your toast,” he giggled, pretending to spread jelly onto a plastic piece of bread with red jam. He handed it to Patton, who let out an estatic laugh and pretended to take a bite out of it. Roman smirked as Patton “chewed”, and after Patton swallowed the smirk grew wider.
“Tasty! Thank you, Roman,” Patton exclaimed, glancing at Logan. The twinkle in his eyes told Logan that this was what Patton was meant to be doing. Logan gave a soft smile.
“That was Smuckers jam,” Roman said smugly, his smirk growing. “I get Crofters because I’m the best.” Patton let out a fake gasp. Logan’s gasp was real. He stormed through the piles of stuff on the floor, kneeled down in front of Roman, and picked the child up by the armpits.
“You are not,” the logical trait seethed, “to besmirch the name of Crofters. Crofters is superior, and Patton deserves only the finest of Crofters. How dare you mention any fruit spread other than Crofters?!”
Roman’s face was almost enough to make Logan regret it. Almost. The creative trait looked terrified, his eyes wide and his lip quivering. Logan let out the slightest sigh, about to apologize, when -
“Hah! Gotcha. You thought I was scaaared, you thought I was scaaared.” Roman snickered, grinning brightly. “It’s my job to act, calculator watch. And I did good!”
Logan inhaled deeply, closing his eyes. I might kill him. I might - no, don’t kill him. Just… ignore him. Logan’s lips quirked upward. That will actually piss him off more. Perfect.
Patton giggled suddenly, and both Roman and Logan turned to look at him. Patton didn’t shy away from their gazes. Instead, he looked at them brightly and said, “Sorry. You guys are just cute and I love you both a lot.”
Roman grinned widely and turned to Logan. “Patton said he looooves you,” the child snickered, a devilish glint in his eyes. Logan let out a sigh. Patton giggled once more.
“I can’t understand how you can do anything with this mess,” Logan muttered, standing up and carefully picking his way through the maze of toys towards the couch. Roman snapped his fingers, and the plastic food disappeared and reappeared in the corner. A mass of Little People appeared on the floor in front of him, and he squealed in delight. Logan rolled his eyes. “At least, y’know, delete some of the things you’re done with? I can’t think in settings like these.”
Roman looked horrified. “B-But I’m still playing with it!” he objected, gripping a tiny green alligator tightly in one hand.
Logan raised an eyebrow. “All of it?”
Logan let out an exasperated sigh. “I doubt that. Delete some of it, now.”
“No!” Roman yelled, throwing the plastic alligator at Logan. It hit the logical trait in the side of the head, and Roman let out a triumphant bark of laughter. Logan stood up again, about to start yelling at the child without remorse, but Roman’s eyes fell onto a tiny plastic lion on the ground. He picked it up, a grin spreading on his face. “Y’know what’d be better than a toy lion?” Logan’s eyes widened with horror as Roman yelled out in excitement, “A real lion!”
“Roman, NO!” Logan and Patton yelled at the same time, both moving forward towards the unchecked creative trait, but it was too late. A single click of Roman’s fingers later, a very real adult male lion sat on the floor amidst the toys. Roman squealed in delight, reaching out towards it. Horror overtook Patton’s face as the lion reached its head towards Roman’s outstretched fingers, but it merely gave them a quick sniff before licking them with a broad pink tongue. Roman giggled happily, reaching up with his other hand and petting its furry mane, which looked far softer than any normal lion mane should.
Logan relaxed slightly when he realized the lion meant no harm. Roman must have created him to be kind and gentle. He glanced at Patton, who was also slowly beginning to look less terrified for Roman’s sake. Patton looked towards Logan, and when he saw that Logic was calmed, he took a deep breath and let his shoulders fall to their normal position. The moral trait took a few hesitant steps towards the lion before gently touching its mane. It lifted its head suddenly, turning slowly towards Patton and giving him a sniff before allowing him to continue petting it. Patton’s face lit up, and he turned to Logan with an expression of pure joy.
“It’s so soft, Lo! Come pet it!” Patton gushed, reaching up to his face with one hand to rub his nose. This could be my only chance to touch a living lion, even if it’s a synthesized one, Logan realized. He gingerly took two steps forward before the lion’s slowly-flicking tail stiffened. Logan froze as the lion turned around, any former gentleness gone from its stature. It began to prowl towards Logan, a menacing look in its eyes. Logan’s expression turned to terror as he stepped backwards across the floor. His foot hit a poofy purple princess dress and slipped, causing Logan to fall flat on his backside, and the sudden movement was enough to make the lion to bound forward. Its mouth opened wide, revealing a horrifying set of pearly white and very sharp teeth, and Logan opened his mouth to scream in terror before Patton let out a loud sneeze. Something in the room audibly clicked, and the lion froze before shrinking down into a stuffed animal. Logan stared at it for a moment, breathing heavily and shaking slightly.
“I forgot, Patton’s allergic to kitties. And lion are cats.” Roman sighed, scratching the back of his head and looking up at Patton sheepishly. “Sorry, pops.”
“Roman!” Logan yelled, his voice much higher than he’d meant it to be. “What the absolute f--” he broke off, remembering that Patton was around, “--frick were you doing to it?! Why did it try to kill me?!!”
Roman shrugged nonchalantly. “Cause I wanted it to.”
Logan’s jaw dropped, but again, before he could begin to yell at Roman, the creative trait snapped his fingers. On the floor in front of the three sides was a small, fuzzy, black and white dog. Logan’s mind blanked on anger as Patton let out a delighted squeal and picked up the miniscule creature, holding it against him tightly. Logan opened his mouth, his eyes on Patton and the dog, and he suddenly wished he could remember exactly what he’d been about to say. Roman, still sitting on the floor, smirked and folded his arms. Logan ignored him as the dog wriggled out of Patton’s grip and bounced to the floor again. It walked over in front of Logan, who braced himself for it to viciously attempt to rip his leg off, but it merely yipped twice and sat down in front of him. Logan hesitantly reached down to touch it, and after sniffing his fingers a few times the dog allowed Logan to scratch it behind the ears. Patton smiled softly, and the dog glanced up at Logan before attempting to bound along the living room floor. It didn’t get far before it stepped on the tiny plastic alligator with a loud yelp of pain, and Roman immediately made an apologetic noise and snapped his fingers. Logan gave a sigh of relief as most of the stuff disappeared from the floor and didn’t reappear in a corner. The dog let out a tiny, happy woof before running around the living room once and bolting into the kitchen. Roman laughed happily, getting up and running after it, and as he followed it back into the living room he caught up to it and grabbed its sides. He lifted the dog up, a huge smile on his face, and the dog licked every inch of his face that it could reach.
The dog took up Roman’s attention without being a giant mess on the entire floor, so Logan was satisfied with its presence. He managed to relax enough to the point of calming down from the lion attack, and after a while Patton came over and sat next to him, though he still watched Roman play with the dog.
However, like all of Roman’s other toys, he got bored with the dog at some point. With a click of his fingers, the dog dematerialized, and Patton let out a noise of protest. “Relax, Pat. It’ll be fine. I put it in your room.”
Patton answered Roman with some words of thanks, but Logan was distracted by the slowly reappearing mess on the floor. Piece by piece, everything that had vanished was coming back, cluttering the living room once more. Logan felt his frustration beginning to pile up, but he forced it back. Roman snapped his fingers, and in front of him appeared a large pile of Legos. He began to build something, but Logan decided not to stick around to find out what it was. He stood up, picked his way through the piles of stuff on the floor, and eventually stood safe in the kitchen. Instead of stressing himself out over looking for a solution to this, he allowed himself to stop and take a breather. The kitchen was clean and void of children. Roman’s entertained giggles were quieter. Logan felt like he could breathe, finally.
The logical trait let out a sigh, leaning against the wall column separating the walkway from the wall between the living room and kitchen. He sank down to the floor, his forehead falling onto his knees. Perhaps I should look into the possibility of having claustrophobia. It seems rather like that is the case, Logan mused, an idea coming to mind suddenly. If I let Patton know this, perhaps he could convince Roman to clean up the mess….
Logan gingerly stood up and walked into the living room. Roman and Patton sat where they had been, playing with Lincoln Logs. Logan braced himself and stepped into the mess of the room, but before he took more than two steps, a sharp pain shot up his left leg. The logical trait hissed in pain, lifting up his foot and staring at the ground where it had been. Around his feet were the legos that Roman had been playing with previously.
Logan’s head snapped upward, his gaze burning into the creative trait’s back. Patton looked away from Roman and up towards Logan, and his face assumed a sympathetic frown. Logan opened his mouth, ready to yell, but Patton’s gaze travelled up and away from Logan to the top of the stairs behind him.
“What the hell happened here?!” Logan turned around carefully and looked up to see Virgil standing at the top of the stairs. His eyes were wide with a mix of shock and horror as he looked out at the sea of toys on the floor.
“Virgil, thank goodness,” Logan said with a sigh, picking his way across the floor to the bottom of the stairs. Virgil met him at the base, and Logan leaned towards his ear and whispered, “I don’t know what happened, why, or how to deal with this. He has it out for me and I don’t understand it at all. He won’t clean it up and I cannot think or breathe because of the mess. Please help.”
Virgil gave Logan a cross between a grin and a grimace before turning towards Roman and Patton. “Roman,” he said firmly, his tone sharp with traces of anger. The creative trait turned around and saw the anxious one standing on the stairs. “Clean it up. Now,” Virgil seethed, his eyes dark and furious. Roman shrank back, his eyes falling to the floor. Virgil raised an eyebrow, and Roman murmured a noise of assent before raising his hand and snapping his fingers. Piece by piece, everything slowly disappeared into nothingness until the floor was completely cleared.
Once the floor was clean and pristine again, Virgil walked over to where Roman sat. The creative trait looked up, his eyes wide with fear. When Virgil spoke, his tone was smooth but laced with anger.
“Logan says you’ve been incredibly rude to him.”
Roman’s eyes flickered to Logan before meeting Virgil’s gaze again. “I’m sorry -”
“I’m not the one who needs an apology. What gives you the right to abuse Logan’s comfort like that? Knowing him, he told you multiple times that the mess was bothering him, and you decided to ignore him. What the hell makes that okay?!”
Roman didn’t answer. He looked towards the ground in shame, his mouth remaining shut.
“I’m waiting,” Virgil hissed, folding his arms.
Roman looked up, his eyes glistening with regret. “N-Nothing.”
“Nothing makes that okay. You should know that. You might not be the brightest, but Roman, you’re not stupid. You’re not helpless. You know that -”
Virgil continued scolding Roman, but Logan lost track of what he was saying as he noticed Roman’s appearance literally changing before their eyes. His limbs began growing longer, his shoulders broadened, his torso stretched out, and his facial features began to sharpen. His gaze remained on Virgil the entire time, seemingly oblivious to his own appearance shifting. When Virgil finally concluded his yelling, Roman looked just as old as the rest of them. His paint-stained shirt fit once more, but his pants were nowhere to be found.
“Apologize to Logan, immediately,” Virgil ordered coldly.
Roman stood up, his eyes moving to Logan. He inhaled and said quietly, “I’m sorry, Logan. I was acting out and I did some awful things to you. You didn’t deserve it, and I shouldn’t have done that. I hope you can forgive me, especially for the lion -”
“What lion?” Virgil asked sharply, his eyes narrowed but bright with fear.
“I - erm - may have sent a lion after Logan -”
“You WHAT?!”
“I survived because of Patton’s allergies. It happens from time to time, Virgil,” Logan said quickly as the anxious trait opened his mouth to yell at Roman once again. Roman grinned sheepishly, but his expression fell as Logan turned towards him. “I can’t forgive you immediately, as you did attempt to kill me and you succeeded in hurting me in other ways, but…” he sighed, “I can forgive you with time and when I have a reason to.”
Roman gave a half smile, looking down. He spotted his own lack of pants and grinned before snapping his fingers. The colorful stains on his shirt vanished, and his white pants appeared on his legs at once.
Patton giggled lightly, standing up off the ground behind Roman. “Gee Virge, you’re almost like a dad yourself. I’m proud of you, kiddo. Now sit tight, I’m gonna make us all some food. Good to have it all back to normal.” Patton disappeared into the kitchen. The other three sides exchanged a glance.
“What happened to you? Where were you that caused Roman to change like that?” Logan asked Virgil a few moments later. The two sat on the couch as Patton worked in the kitchen. Roman had disappeared upstairs.
Virgil shrugged. “Sleeping. I wanted to give Thomas some time without me bugging him. Guess I shouldn’t do that, or Roman gets all… nuts.”
Logan nodded. “True. We know that it is necessary to have some anxiety, or bad things tend to happen. Such as Roman getting out of control.”
Virgil looked down, a soft smile on his face. Logan couldn’t help but smile slightly too.
Something upstairs let out a loud bark. Virgil looked up towards it before looking over at Logan. “Patton’s room is barking, by the way. That’s what woke me up.”
Logan laughed. “Yes, there’s a dog in there.”
“My puppy! DADDY’S COMING FOR YOU, SWEETIE!” Patton yelled, charging out of the kitchen, through the living room, and upstairs. Logan and Virgil exchanged a glance as they heard Patton’s door open, then close.
“Someone should watch the stove while he’s up there,” Logan said pleasantly, standing up. Virgil nodded, waving his hand, as if to say go on, do your thing.
Things were back to normal.
Bonus! For waiting so long I decided that you deserve to see a little something extra...
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I drew a tiny Romano for you! It looks kind of really bad but eh *shrugs* I tried. I hope you enjoyed the oneshot! Thank you for requesting and again I’m sorry for how long it took me to finish this
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ladyluck852 · 6 years
Was i invited to this, regardless I’m here!!! And am I supposed to pick a group or is this just for your ub....??? 😬 OKAY you know what imma give you groups 😏😇....Pentagon, ikon and NCT 4, 13, 14....?
4. who threatens their title? who is your bias wrecker? (You know these things why do you ask😑)
✨Pentagon: Kino is my bias, there are ten of them who DOESNT wreck my bias let’s be real here (Yuto, hui, Shinwon...ALL OF THEM)
✨iKon: Hanbin, but Jinhwan, I would.... I would do a lot come on baby arms is so cute and that tattoo on his back ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
✨NCT: there are 65 of them in NCT, AGAIN, who doesn’t wreck my bias. Poor Johnny he can’t keep up, but most of the time I’m being wrecked by Ten and Lucas what is new fam
13. something you have in common with them
✨Kino: I honestly have no idea I don’t think we have anything in common😂
✨Hanbin: nature hoes
✨Johnny: “oh daddy”
14. something that reminds you of them
✨Kino: dogs, because I would love to raise a puppy with him OML YES
✨Hanbin: everything, the moment when you realize you would do anything and everything with your UB
✨Johnny: alligators 🐊🐊🐊
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seven-oomen · 4 years
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First, I swear I’ll explain about the picture in a minute.
Next, it’s totally okay, I understand completely.  I, too, am prone to being a total space cadet sometimes.  My top skills are remembering/thinking of things when I’m in no position to act on them (composing review questions while at work, thinking of phone call I forgot to make while driving, realizing I didn’t show my mom the sonogram my friend sent me right as I fall asleep, etc.)  Really, I’m just happy finding others to talk about this stuff with who seem to appreciate and enjoy it as much as I do. :D
Omg, I’m SO EXCITED to see the necklace turn up, however that happens!  And as someone who 90% of the time also uses drinkware featuring superheroes and other nerdery for their alcohol, I very much approve Derek’s choices, whether it makes it into the story or not.  I also enjoyed both versions of the chapter flashback, but the first was definitely more “Oh My…”, and the redo more straight up fluffy and adorable. 
And I love all that stuff in the ideas tag!  With Corey there’s so much potential stuff that can be done with someone with those types of powers.  I admit I don’t know too much about exactly how his are supposed to work. his powers are due to genetics and not outside forces in this, could it perhaps be connected to how Gerard has been able to do some of the things he’s done?   (Could the wolves track him while invisible in the show?)  And oh, my God, that is a total Moon Moon moment (resisting the urge to make a comment about why Ian was trying to fit a ball in his mouth).  I choose to believe that Noah and Chris coordinated to trick Peter into doing that and managing to get it on camera.  They threaten to make it part of the family Christmas card.  Peter only agrees if they make it so that all the pictures used embarrass everyone equally.  Which is where some of the BTS type stuff could come in.  (My lord, they are all such dorks.  I mean, I follow Ian, Linden, JR, and Hoechlin on Insta and or Twitter, so we been knew, really, but still. XD )  And I’m all for any plot points or incidents that allow Lydia to showcase just how awesome she truly is.  Also, I will never turn down an idea that involves puppy piles and cuddle puddles.  I’ve been in this fandom too damn long not to have developed a deep-seated love for damaged characters getting the affection and comfort they deserve.
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the examples of my often questionable musical tastes. ;D  I think I first heard that song on an anime music video (for LOVELESS I think, of all things), and I was just like “well this is catchy as hell”.  As someone whose musical tastes are all over the gd place, I like to imagine they all have some genre that they’re secretly a fan of but don’t want to admit to because it might clash with their grunge-y punk image (the other two totally know anyway.)  Speculatively I’d say boy bands for Peter, bubblegum pop/pop-punk for Chris, and classic (read: dad) rock for Noah, but I welcome other opinions. 
And jsyk, it really makes me happy to know that my reviews are helpful for more than just story ideas.  Which partially brings me to the picture I’ve attached.  I work in a pet supply store, and the item on the right is a dog toy we carry and every time I look at it, all I can think of is how much it reminds me of Deucalion.  Like, I can’t not see it at this point.  And nobody I work with would have the slightest idea what I’m talking about, so I finally made this so that I could share it those that might get why it’s so funny to me.  So here it is.  And if you are still in need of things for distractions, here is a list of some random incidents that have (mostly) occurred at my work in the last few days:
1) Someone left a 4 Iron in one of our shopping carts along the far wall of the store.  We have no clue where it came from, we aren’t anywhere near any kind of golf or sporting goods store.  (I checked and there was no sign of blood on it, so no one was ditching a weapon on us or something.)
2) I walked into our warehouse and asked “why does it smell like sparklers in here?”, saw a coworker standing looking out the back door, and walked over to see that there was a car on fire about a block away in another parking lot.  (The fire department was already on scene putting it out, it looked like it started near the front driver’s side tire?)
3) A child ate one of the fancy dog treats we have on display (luckily that one is mainly yoghurt and peppermint extract), and then try to drink from the fountain we have set up for any dogs that come in.  I don’t think mom ever noticed.
4) We now carry a special, highly filtered, and ph-balanced (and overpriced) bottled cat water (no really), that seems simultaneously like a brilliant idea (because UTIs), but also somehow one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen (and I say this as a white person who grew up basically middle-class).
5) One of the smoke alarms in my apartment started doing the dead battery warning beep at around midnight Sunday night.  I unfortunately was out of the size I needed to replace it, so I just popped out the one that was in it.  Turns out it’s also hardwired, so that did nothing.  It beeped the entire night.  I would have gotten worried about my neighbors, but they had one that they let beep for like a week back in Feb, so I decided I didn’t care.  When I stopped to buy a replacement I also ended up buying two bags of candy with the justification that they were on sale and I might need them for the next chapter.
6) Our pet bathing area re-opened, which meant we finally got a visit from one of my fave canine customers.  His name is Jax, he’s an American Akita, and he is a gigantic, sweet, bear of a dog.  Seriously, he comes to about my hip (I’m right around 5'4), weighs around 190lbs, and is a beautiful dark brown/black brindle all over.  He is also one of the most calm, chill dogs I have ever met (he’s been coming in for years), and I love to watch other people react to seeing him for the first time.
7) While searching around my music files and Spotify for suggestions, I got distracted and ended up treating my neighbors to an impromptu concert that consisted mostly of 00s divas and 60s bubblegum pop (oddly, a lot of Herman’s Hermits and Ohio Express has a very similar vibe to Bowling for Soup, to me at least), because I had headphones in, and didn’t realize I’d started singing along for…a while.  I did consider apologizing for that, at least, but ultimately decided to just ignore that it happened.
Anyway, I hope you are feeling a bit better now, and that some of the weirdness that is my life at least provides some entertainment.  And that the therapy session at least feels like something you think will help in the long run, even if it sucks massively right now.  I’m so proud of you for going, and sticking with it (I know so many who need to who don’t, for whatever reason).  It is hard, and exhausting, and I am always awed by those that are determined to see it through.  (Sorry if any of that comes across weird.  My automatic supportive defaults tend to be humor and awkward sincerity, and I always worry that one will come across as the other and vice versa.  Social anxiety is a hell of a drug.)  So, I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up the verbal flailing for now, please enjoy whenever you see this tomorrow (I think?  I’m terrible about keeping track of that sort of thing.  Also, how is most of Europe just one time zone?!  …anyway…)
Ok, I need to find out where I can get that crocodile/Alligator. for uh, for Mo...
Yeah for Mo.
(It’s for me, I would totally buy a dog toy if I thought it looked adorable.)
I definitely toned that scene down, though I kept some necessary exposition where Chris thinks on what happened between them. Might include some teenage raunchiness later, as someone pointed out to me, Peter would definitely be like that, as would Noah (probably). Chris would definitely be more reserved, he barely got a sex education aside from abstinence. ( Because I don’t see Gerard as the type of person who’d give his son the talk, honestly.)  
And as someone who also drinks alcohol in superhero or Halloween glasses and mugs, I had to throw Derek’s very mature choice in there. Batman mug stays XD
I’ll admit, that was exactly what I was thinking with Corey’s power and how I could use it in the story. So I’m curious to see where I’ll go with it eventually, but yeah, that’s on my idea list.
.. must resist Ian & JR ballsy jokes.. you are not twelve Ben.
I am.
I really am. A twelve-year-old in a twenty-nine-year-old body.
I bet Ian wanted to prove what he could fit in there. He wanted to show some ballsy moves. It’s practice for-
Okay, I’ll stop.
And they are the biggest dorks, I follow Ian, JR, Colton, and Holland on and my lord, they’re such dorks. Definitely following Linden now too though. hehe.
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I can see them trying that trick with Jackson, Malia, Ben, and Scott as well. Scott just falls face first and tries to fit a tennis ball into his mouth. Ben just looks at the tennis ball, figures that ain’t gonna fit and balances it on his face instead. Malia opens her mouth, notices the camera coming out, and just poses while smiling at the camera. Jackson though pretends to not understand what he has to do until Chris shows him how it’s done and then Jackson quickly points to Chris and while Noah films it laughing his ass off.
They make an awesome Christmas card with all of them doing something with that tennis ball.
Speculatively I’d say boy bands for Peter, bubblegum pop/pop-punk for Chris, and classic (read: dad) rock for Noah, but I welcome other opinions.
Also, Nickelback for Chris & Never gonna give you up. They're guilty pleasures. I would also like to suggest for Peter, either the Spice girls or like the Vengaboys. Gets him going but only when he’s alone at home and he’s wearing headphones. Because God forbids someone else hears it too. And I kinda wanna say Baby Metal for Noah. Idk seems like that might fit him and it’s hilarious to think about. Some headcanons don’t need to make sense.
Also, just for shits and giggles.
Caramelldansen in English and Swedish. 
Makes these dads (and Melissa and Derek) move and dance around the new house like crazy, Ben joins in, because of the funny voices. 
The teenagers are mortified.
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This made me so happy, 
3) A child ate one of the fancy dog treats we have on display (luckily that one is mainly yoghurt and peppermint extract), and then try to drink from the fountain we have set up for any dogs that come in.  I don’t think mom ever noticed.
I feel like that’s basically toddler behavior. Also, Ben did this at some point. One hundred percent. He walked into the pet section at a store and started eating the dog treats. Chris didn’t notice, Peter did, asked him about it and went; well, it’s probably not toxic for him, so whatever. He did film it. Noah and Chris yelled at him.
4) We now carry a special, highly filtered, and ph-balanced (and overpriced) bottled cat water (no really), that seems simultaneously like a brilliant idea (because UTIs), but also somehow one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen (and I say this as a white person who grew up basically middle-class).
That is the whitest shit I’ve ever heard. And yes I’m white too from lower middle class. But still...
But maybe that’s because I live in a country where I can drink tap water so that’s what Mo gets in his fountain.
And your stories made me smile my friend, every single one. <3 thank you for sharing these.
I wish I had funny ones really. Only one I can think of is some of my customers I run into as a tech support guy.
Customer calls me to tell me they don’t have internet. I ask, “Where’s your modem and how is it plugged into the network?”
Customer: It’s still in the box I received it in.. it’s wireless..”
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Cue ten-minute argument on how it’s not wireless like that and how he needs to install his modem... yeah. People and technology...
But anyway, I’ll stop rambling now because it’s 1 am here and I need to go to sleep again.
1 am is in the Amsterdam/Berlin timezone where I live in.
That is 6 pm in NYC
And 4 pm in California.
So I am 7-9 hours ahead of the US, to give you an idea about timezones.
0 notes
vivaindiffrnce · 7 years
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probably the best three days of my life. definitely the most adventurous weekend ever.
(more after the cut cause that post would be way too long without it) (but yooo read it if you can it was an Adventure)
(i’m gonna do it in bullet points cause After Tour Sickness is real and i’m pretty cure i have fever lmao)
patrick and i drove from his place to wiesbaden around 10
played werewolves and cards against humanity with derek (he picked my card in his round B) he liked the idea of heaven being full of puppies)
derek smoked my weed and stole brendon’s lighter because he got “inspired”
pro tip: if you’re planning to eat food out of cans for a few days don’t forget to pack a can opener
the show was amazinggggg 
i ripped my pants and bruised my entire butt in the pit 10 seconds into dirty fucker (i officially have the Real punk ripped pants so i’m happy about that)
after the show we waited for frank, he came out suuuuper late (like 1:30) and came up to the small group of people that were still there, we were talking in a group for a couple of minutes
he asked us what songs we wanted on the setlist so patrick and i were like….. BFF and this song is a curse etc and he included all the songs we asked for in the next setlist uwu
after a few minutes he was like…. so does anyone want some pictures or something, it was hilarious
“my hands are too small to sign this record”
when my turn came i asked for my personalized boozey and the convo went something like
me: sooo i wanted to ask you to draw a boozey for me. but. the boozey is a vampire. how cool is that. a vampire ghost. cara: ALLIGATOR ghost (yea she beat me, that’s so much cooler and i’m gonna work on that tattoo)
then our Squad asked frank for a picture 
basically everyone (including cara) was like “FRANK NO” and frank was like “FRANK YES” (you can see the result of this mess in picture 3 and the gif- thank god for live pictures)
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we drove all night to motherfucking bavaria and after that i was so tired i don’t even remember falling asleep, just waking up covered in blankets with my friends around me
tubthumping officially became our tour song
patrick said i was a highlight of the tour cause i was so delirious i was singing britney spears?
i accidentally rickrolled the entire queue, derek, frnk and the patience and dave hause.
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later brendon, patrick and i went to smoke a joint (the dutch culture B)) with derek and a few people joined (haha get it, joined for a joint) and among these people was matt olsson, and miles from the mermaid (but he couldn’t smoke with us after all cause he had soundcheck) so that’s the story how we smoked weed with the homeless gospel choir and ¼ of the patience
started a pit before doors to all star and britney spears and taking back sunday????
derek’s set was A MESS, his guitar cable wasn’t working so he went down to the crowd using patrick’s head to support himself and we went on stage so we switched places (you can see that in one of the pictures, i’m the one sitting on the edge of the stage in my death tshirt)
later he forgot lyrics to crazy
LATER his guitar string broke so he played normal with just 5 strings and for why he got to play frank’s guitar
he was super sad about that set later but for me it was the best show of his out of the ones i saw, it was so magically imperfect and everyone had so much fun
the fiatp show was even more amazing than the show in wiesbaden
i hugged the fuck out of patrick during BFF 
started a 5 person big pit in the front row to this sing is a curse, because MYYYYY FRIENDS WE CAN DO ANYTHING WITH SCIENCE EXCEPT SAY GOODBYE
 we were going right after the show cause we had to drive like 6 hours to leipzig
at like 6am i asked nina to play danger days cause it was finally not raining and when planetary go started playing i realised i was going 160 km/h (context: i’m usually too scared to go over 70 in a 90 zone in poland)
turns out it’d be better if i didn’t go that fast cause later i got a speeding ticket for going over 70 in a 60 zone…… hope i’ll get the lower ticket cause i want to be able to afford to live this month
the queue was the coolest and chillest queue ever idk it was awesome
i drew some doodles on a poster hanging around the venue and someone thought they were made by frank so they stole the poster lmao now an emo kid has mine and patrick’s matching tattoo hanging in their room
i did entire choreography to the eye of the tiger on top of a random cabinet in front of the venue
a group of Adults following derek on tour asked us if we wanted some food cause they ordered way too much and didn’t wanna waste it and tbh i was so moved but i couldn’t really show it but i hope that’s the kind of person i will be in a few years
almost passed out like twice but the show was so good i’m pretty sure the only thing holding me up was my will to get to the end of the show
it was so good…. we went soooo fucking hard holy shit
nina and i went so hard to helter skelter wtf that was amazing (who’d think the beatles could make us go that hard)
nina caught evan’s picks and gave one to me!!!!!
met evan and cara after the show and evan signed my record and my pick and cara signed my setlist (she signed it as “coffeebutt” i love her)
ok so after the show frank wasn’t supposed to go out but one girl gave her drawing of frank to derek (to give it to frank you get me) and frank liked it so much he came out of the bus just to find her and he just stayed to say hi to us i guess?
patrick and i asked frank to draw friendship tattoos for us and he drew the most amazing design ever and explained it as “poison and antidote” and the designs are perfect for us holy shit
then we got a hardstyling picture with frank so tbh what more could i ask for? i have officially acheived my final form
matt and alex also signed my record (keep the coffins coming) so now i have ktcc with everyone’s signatures 
i think that alex was kinda… intoxicated so he wasn’t happy when i asked him to sign it cause he “doesn’t play on that record. he plays the songs but he doesn’t actually play on any record” and i didn’t know what to say so i just left lmao
then we talked about politics with evan for a couple of minutes it was great, love me some Woke Guitarists
idk it was amazing idk what else to say
so yeah. 5 shows down, 8 to go. the best time of my life and i can’t wait for friday!!!
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wordfather · 8 years
Did anyone say idiotic fluff prompts?
‘I heard a high pitched whine and ran in to see you crying over a picture of a kitten and a puppy hugging yes i know that is cute but are you okay’ alternatively: ‘I started whining with you’
‘Hey I noticed you were down so here’s a box of kittens don’t ask me where i got them but we gotta return them before sunrise no it wasn’t illegal shhh h’
'Yes I killed this man but he was a bad owner and now his animal is mine and perfectly happy so I don’t see the problem’
'Are you reenacting Bet On It from High School Musical as a way of making this decision?’
'You’ve been wearing gym clothes all day but haven’t moved at all what do you mean its a 'mindset’ no you need to actually move’
'Can you take this seriously what no i don’t care if there’s a dog this is a crime scene’
'It was a normal day until you rolled in blasting the 'maria hee maria ha’ song and I’m so done’
‘If you don’t stop singing ‘Poker Face’ I will make sure you will have no flippin face’
‘Person C playing ‘Pony’ every time Person A and B have a moment of sexual tension’
‘Is that an alligator?!’ ‘Hey, show some manners, his name is Lieutenant Fred!’
‘I made a blanket fort and you can’t come in unless you admit I’m the best and my moves are the funkiest’
‘I know how to settle this; DANCE OFF’
‘Will you stop stroking my hair and whispering ‘my precious’?!”
‘What’s your favorite book?’ ‘Fifty Shades of Gray’ ‘Okay, another question, are you trying to make me shoot you?’ ‘Yes.’
‘Did you seriously learn the book word-by-word and do all possible research just to be able to sass your teacher when he thinks you don’t know anything?’
‘I stole your seat and in retaliation you sat on me’
‘You know, you’re not supposed to EAT THEM ALL AT ONCE, YOU COULD DIE’ ‘Your skin is like a pillow, are you an angel?’ ‘Great, now you’re high’
‘How many coffee’s did you have???’ ‘At least eleven’
‘Help me find my shirt’ ‘You know, as much as I want to…I don’t want to.’
‘Would you stop chatting with the fricking enemy’
‘Are you eating a whole jar of Nutella in one sitting?!’ ‘I have problems leave me be’
‘Why am I the only sober one at this party and you’re completely wasted and clumsily flirting with me god at least you won’t remember my blushing’
‘You can’t just use ‘I have problems’’ as an excuse for everything!’
‘Did you just bake 20 fricking breads?’ ‘No…. I named them too, this is Breadly, Demi Loafato, Attila the Bun…’
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The Earworm
For @stillthewordgirl​. Based on a prompt you gave to me ages ago regarding a certain earwormy song.
It was only as it took place that Sara and Leonard realized how inevitable the whole scenario had been. Maybe they should have seen it coming after Laurel was babysitting that one night. Perhaps they could have seen it coming given Leonard was Captain Cold. Barry had even told them they should have seen it coming when they first found out they were having a daughter.
Laurel had been watching Monica for Sara and Leonard when a threat from their days of time travel resurfaced and set their sights on them. Daniel was there too, but he had fallen asleep since he was still so little. So Laurel had ended up showing her niece Frozen. Monica had never seen it before and curled up beside her aunt to watch. She’d loved the movie, especially Elsa and how her powers reminded her of Leonard’s cold gun.
Laurel had no idea what she had just unleashed.
“Do you feel that?” Leonard asked Sara a few mornings later after the threat had been vanquished.
Sara raised an eyebrow. “You’re going to have to elaborate.”
“Laurel showed Monica Frozen a few nights ago,” he reminded her.
“I remember,” Sara nodded. “I was hoping we’d be the ones to show it to her, but it seems like she had fun with Laurel.”
Exactly. I’ve got a feeling Frozen fever is going to hit her any day now.”
Sara frowned. “I remember kids were obsessed with that when I died. They were still when I came back to life, but not as much as they had been.”
“There was a mini movie or something that came out somewhere between that,” Leonard told her. “And that ‘Let It Go’ song was an earworm. Someone I did a job with once started singing it in the middle of it all.”
Sara poured a cup of coffee. “And you think Monica’s going to be going through all that?”
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Leonard confirmed. “It’s her target demographic.”
At that moment, Monica entered the kitchen. Her hair was mussed up from sleep, but she looked ready for the day. She hugged Leonard’s legs and beamed up at him with a smile. Leonard knew what was coming next. After all, she almost always asked the same question every morning.
“Daddy, can I have coffee?”
“No,” Sara said, coming around the counter. “You know that, Monica.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s not very good,” Leonard lied.
“But you’re drinking it,” Monica pointed out.
Sara smirked. “Monica, was your brother awake when you got up?”
“Maybe,” she shrugged. “I dunno.”
“Well, I’m going to go check on him,” she decided, giving Leonard a quick kiss. “Don’t start making breakfast without me.”
“Of course,” he smirked. “Wouldn’t be breakfast without something burned.”
“That does happen that often and you know it,” Sara called over her shoulder as she left the room.
Monica released Leonard’s legs and wandered over to the living room. As she went, she started to sing.
“The cold never bothered me anyway.”
Leonard took another sip of his coffee. It had begun.
“Play it again!”
“Again?” Leonard questioned. “You want me to play it again?”
“Yes!” Monica squealed happily.
“You know, we’ve been listening to Let It Go for a while,” he said. “Are you sure you don’t want to listen to something else?”
“No,” Monica shook her head. “Let It Go!”
Before Leonard could try again, she hit the replay button on the player and sat back down next to him.
“Daddy?” she asked. “Are you related to Elsa?”
“Awww,” Monica picked up the Captain Cold action figure. “If you were, that’d be really cool.”
Leonard shook his head, then noticed he was tapping his finger to the melody of the song.
Well great.
“Let it go, let it go!”
Leonard peered into Daniel’s room. Monica had taken her brother out of his bed and was on the floor with him. Daniel was staring at his sister, clutching his stuffed alligator. It was well past bedtime for both of them.
“I am one with the wind and sky,” Monica kept singing, not noticing Leonard. “Let it go! Let it go!”
“Monica Laurel,” Leonard said, stepping into the room.
Monica stopped singing and looked up quickly. “Hi, Daddy.”
“You’re supposed to be in bed,” he reminded her, walking in. “And you need to let your brother get his sleep too.”
“Okay,” his daughter nodded and stood up. “Night, Daddy.”
“Night, Monica,” Leonard replied, picking up Daniel and putting him back in bed. “And it’s back to bed for to you too.”
He left Daniel’s room and made his way back to where Sara was in their room.
“What are you humming?” she asked as he entered.
Leonard hadn’t realized he’d been humming Let It Go under his breath. “Damn earworm.”
“Where’s your cold gun?”
“Monica, you know you aren’t allowed to play with it. Why do you want it?”
“I don’t wanna play with it.”
“You don’t? Then why-”
“I wanna build an ice castle?”
“Like Elsa did in Frozen!”
Sara came into the room a few moments later. “Is there fire or blood?”
“Mommy, can I build an ice castle with Daddy’s gun?”
“No, you know you aren’t allowed to use that gun.”
Monica paused. “Can Daddy build me an ice castle with his gun?”
Sara sighed and turned to him. “Okay, maybe you were right.”
“Right about-” Leonard prompted.
“The Frozen fever,” Sara finished grimly. “I’m calling Laurel.”
“She’s going to pull the favorite aunt card on you.”
“Now that she’d introduced Monica to her new favorite thing, it wouldn’t surprise me.”
It was two weeks into Monica’s newfound love of Frozen. Her love of it hadn’t died down in the slightest. Let It Go continued to remain her favorite song, which was becoming a horrible earworm for Leonard. A similar fate had come over Sara as well. She had taken to playing another other Disney music to try and rid it from her head. Unfortunately, it wasn’t very successful.
Barry had been amused that the daughter of Captain Cold had caught Frozen fever when Leonard told him while all the families of Team Flash gathered for Iris’s birthday.
“You have a daughter too, Barry,” Leonard reminded him as the man got Iris’s cake ready. “Just you wait until she gets caught up in it.”
“It can’t be too bad,” Barry replied. “Although it might be a while before Dawn gets it. She and Don fell asleep in the first twenty minutes that day.”
“Wait until they get through it, and all your daughter ever wants to listen to is Let It Go,” he warned. “I love Monica to the end of time, but that song will stay in your head and never leave.”
“Speaking of daughters,” Barry glanced above them. “We should get them down here for Iris.”
When they called out to their daughters, they got no response. So they went looking for them. Fortunately, it didn’t take long before they heard giggling coming from one of the Allen twins’ rooms. Barry cracked the door open to reveal Monica and the twins playing dress up.
“Hey guys,” Barry grinned. “You look great.”
“Thanks, Daddy!” Dawn Allen beamed as she twirled around in a yellow dress that looked like Belle’s from Beauty and the Beast.
Leonard smiled in amusement when he caught sight of Monica’s outfit. She too had selected a princess dress, but this one was pale blue with a train and glittery snowflakes. Of course she’d gone for Elsa.
“We’re getting ready to sing to Aunt Iris,” he told the kids. “Want to come downstairs for it?”
Don nodded eagerly and pulled off the Hawaiian shirt and felt hat he’d been wearing. He tore past both Leonard and Barry in a near blur. However, Dawn and Monica were now spinning around with linked hands.
“Monica?” Leonard said. “Want to join the others?”
Monica ignored him.
She and Dawn fell onto the floor now, dizzy and giggling.
“Monica?” Leonard tried again before trying another method. “Elsa?”
“Yes, Daddy?”
“We’re having cake for Aunt Iris,” Leonard told her. “I think Mommy wants a picture of you and Daniel with her.”
“Oh!” she grinned and took off in the same direction as Don. Halfway down the hall, she stopped and shimmied the dress off of the clothes she’d worn to the party.
Barry chuckled. “Are you coming too, Dawn?”
“Sorry, Belle,” Barry said, giving her a wink.
Dawn laughed and flounced out of the room in a blur like her brother.
“Mick, I’m begging you- wait, are you laughing?”
Their friend had been fighting to keep a straight face, but now he lost it and started sniggering.
“Oh, come on!” Sara sighed. “After everything we’ve been through, the three of us!”
“And even more with me,” Leonard added. “Mick, please.”
Mick had another bout of laughter.
“It’s not funny, Mick,” Leonard sighed. “This is serious.”
“Serious,” Mick wiped his eyes. “You’re-you’re asking me to take a DVD.”
“The CD too,” Sara added. “Please, that song is on repeat in my head for half the day.”
‘It doesn’t matter how you get rid of them,” Leonard told him. “Burn it, smash it, give it to someone else. Just find a way.”
“Fine,” Mick nodded before grinning. “This is still pretty funny, ya know.”
He stood up, DVD case in hand. Together, the three adults filed out of the kitchen and passed through the living room. Monica was in there and looked up as soon as they came in.
“Uncle Mick!” she cried out, running over and jumping up on him.
Mick caught her with a grin. “Hey, kiddo.”
“Is Aunt Amaya with you?” Monica asked.
“Yeah,” Mick nodded. “She’s at STAR Labs though.”
“Oh,” the little girl frowned before catching sight of the DVD case in his hand. “Are you going to watch Frozen with me?”
“Please?” Monica wriggled out of his arms and landed on the floor. She looked up at him with pleading eyes. “It’s my favorite movie!”
Mick looked back at Sara and Leonard, a guilty look on his face. Both knew how he was going to answer when he turned back to Monica.
Monica looked utterly delighted. Mick passed her the movie and she skipped towards the player.
“Really, Mick?” Sara hissed.
“She used the puppy eyes, Blondie,” Mick said. “You can’t resist those.”
“Oh god,” Leonard groaned. “You’re brought down by those?!”
“Not my fault your kid’s adorable.”
“I have a solution.”
Leonard looked up from his cold gun that he’d been working on. Sara was coming into her room, holding something behind her back.
“Which problem do you have a solution to?” he asked.
“Well, I’ve still got no ideas on who Darkseid is,” Sara shrugged. “But as for the Frozen fever…”
She withdrew the hand from behind her back.
Leonard raised an eyebrow at the DVD case. “Moana, huh?”
“I’ve got a feeling Monica’s going to love it,” Sara told him. “And Felicity’s told me that the chicken is entertaining.”
“Daniel will like that,” Leonard smiled. “And the music-”
“-is good,” Sara finished. “I’ve listened to the track already. So what do you say about this being the next pick for family movie night?”
“Sounds like a plan,” he nodded. “Anything to get Let It Go out of my head.”
“You’ve still got it stuck in there too.”
“I started humming it when Weather Wizard was causing trouble the other day.
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