chemindesoie · 6 months
En bref - retour sur le confort
Je reviens sur un sujet dont j’ai déjà parlé à plusieurs endroits, pour partager mes dernières expériences en ce qui concerne le confort. Je l’ai déjà dit dans ce billet et dans celui-là, le choix du matériel est déterminant pour se sentir à l’aise tout au long d’une journée. Il sera impossible d’être à l’aise avec un porte-jarretelles muni de 4 attaches en plastique et de rubans longs et…
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energiologue · 1 month
. . VOUS POUVEZ ENTENDRE CE TEXTE EN CLIQUANT SUR LE LIEN CI-DESSUS . Très Chers, plus votre inconfort est grand, plus votre résistance est forte. Il peut s’agir d’une résistance à une situation, à une circonstance, aux énergies ou à l’endroit où le flux essaie de vous emmener, mais ne vous y trompez pas, si vous n’êtes pas à l’aise, la résistance est au cœur de la situation. C’est fait…
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ayo-edebiri · 2 years
main symptom of being chronically online is having issues with other people’s ships lol relax buddy
main symptom of being chronically online is telling people they're chronically online. Yes i have an issue with people shipping a 50 years old with a 20 years old.
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superiorkenshi · 1 year
Je suis caisse au crémant ça me fait rire vas-y crackship Elias/Arthur
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Quand je dis would read fic about it c'est en mode curiosité morbide hein
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maviedeneuneu · 2 years
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Quand je vais chez ma dentiste et qu'encore une fois elle décide de me soigner sans m'anesthésier
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misericordieux · 4 months
Je comprends pourquoi je dormais mal
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fitnessmith · 4 months
Comment le gluten m'empêchait de perdre du gras
Comment le gluten m'empêchait de perdre du gras ( mais pas que ). À lire sur mon site ou en bio ici @fitnessmith
Pourquoi vous devez faire attention au blé et au gluten.  Lorsque j’ai commencé la musculation, la règle était la suivante : manger beaucoup de protéines et de féculents tout en réduisant les graisses. Cette approche m’a rendu encore plus gras sans me faire prendre plus de muscle qu’une approche plus raisonnable.   J’étais frustré de passer des heures en salle de musculation sans réussir à perdre…
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bleu-sang · 10 months
Très fier de moi aujourd'hui ; j'ai accepté de me rendre inconfortable de courts moments pour aider les autres à guérir et ça fait vraiment du bien d'être capable de faire passer mes valeurs et mon sens moral avant de petits sentiments qui passeront bien vite.
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drqueenb · 2 years
Je ne veux pas de conversations inconfortables. 
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emihotaru · 7 months
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Sooo, hum, I wanted to post it with a NSFW preview, buuuuut... I don't know how to do it....
Well, we don't actually see "anything", huuum...? They're just kissing^^
(Sorry if it makes you inconfortable, I 'll try to learn how to do it the next time)
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pix-stuff · 6 months
Keqing was in favor of technology, of progress, and being able to avance further without being restrain by tradition, without discarding them. She understand that they are important to people but that shouldn't stop the progress.
The creator was one of them. Far than being just a tradition, it held back the nation of Liyue for a long time, and even today. That is why Keqing was reluctant as seing the creator being reborn. Of course, meeting the creator in place of the seven Qixing and representing Liyue was a honor. She would have been truly foolish to let pass such an occasion. With Rex Lapis stepping down dead at the rite of ascension, it was up to the Qixing to show up at the meeting between Liyue and the creator.
She was chosen as the one that would go there, as she has bright ideas for the futur that the Creator might be please to hear. Her bold suggestion might show to the creator a new view on Liyue.
Anxiety was eating her whole, making her repeat her speech a hundred time, the fear was controlling her, making her move like it intended to, forcing her to feel inconfortable even in her own clothes. Her own stomach betraying her by letting bile go to her mouth before forcing it back to her stomach.
Fear of disappointing this high status person. Someone she isn't allow to annoy. She won't messed up. She didn't do all that just to fail.
On the day of the meeting, it wasn't fear that she felt. It was pure horror. While entering the room, she wasn't overwhelmed by pure, divine power. No shine in the eyes of the creator. No nothing. Fear take her instead of devotion.
The only thing the Qixing couldn't foreseen was the possibility of the creator being a fake. And that by having less faith, by not being blinded by it, she would pass for a heretic, if it was known.
From this day on, she would have no one to talk to anymore.
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dayque · 5 months
Rafe: Dad, why I can not date her!? I am in love, she is good, take care of me and never EVER do something that make me feel inconfortable. NEVER.
Alec: Rafael, she is 8 years older, you are 16. Is a big no, end of the conversación.
Rafael: You married a sugar 600 years older than you, that is no fair!
*slam the door*
Alec: You will not say something to him!?
Magnus: I mean, he is right... What should I say? It's time to apply. humanity's oldest strategy.
Alec: Which one?
Magnus: Pray.
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My scarecrow cosplay (I made it last year and the mask two years ago with a Carrefour bag and the MOST INCONFORTABLE FABRIC EVER)
Today the pants are dead 🪦
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coolvieilledentelle · 6 months
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" Être libre demande un certain courage. Le courage de se libérer d'un semblant de sécurité… Le courage d'oser être soi…. Le courage d'assumer ses choix…. Le courage de se détourner de ce que les autres attendent…. Le courage de se faire passer en priorité… Le courage de se responsabiliser… Le courage de ne plus rien attendre de personne… Le courage d'apprendre toujours plus… Le courage de donner le meilleur de soi… Le courage de choisir, se choisir et le courage d'aimer qui on veut…. Oui, dans cette société basée en grande partie sur la conformité, qui nous conforte par habitude, dans une forme de victimisation, il faut un certain courage pour oser briser ses chaînes, prendre soin de soi, et Être. Sortir du cocon devenu inconfortable, et Vivre. Tout simplement…"
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fabseg-creator · 1 month
Miraculous fanart: Shadychloé/Alternate Chloebug/Alternate Chloenette (Shadybug and Chloé)
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I've made this Chloenette scene now. In reality, it's a Shadychloé. Shadybug and Chloé.
The scene happens in Chloé's room.
Shadybig holds Chloé as her prisoner. The blondie is roped in her "raptor'"s yo-yo.
Chloé us inconfortable about the situation. She is even shocked and feared to see "Ladybug" acting like that. She believes her "ex-icon" is become insane. Utterly insane. Her first thought is: "I swear I won't mess is Ladydumb anymore. But let me go, Creepybug."
A dominant Shadybug expresses a gratifying smirk and says with a flirtatious tone: "You're mine, Chloé Bourgeois."
And she later kisses the blondie rich girl on the lips. 👄
Chloé is utterly confused about the "Evilbug"'s action. She has mixed feelings: She is surprised, confused, mad, humiliated, resigned but she is blushing in same time. She has a ephemeral time of exaltion (Stockholm syndrome).
There is an uncensored version here
More Chloenette posts here
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naranja-301 · 5 days
So many people interacting on my twitter I feel a bit overwhelmed so...HI GUYS HOW ARE YA?? XD
So like, after doing this I think in the possibility of Fiddleford interacting with some of the other Stans of a different era so...yeah.
I'm not gonna make this a long (lier btch) thing bc 1, my brain is tired and 2 out of much ideas BUT I still want to write this idea I have.
Scenario: Fidds it's feeling tired, he was working to much, even more with the appear of all this Stanleys because of the new copy machine he and Ford made. And sure, the other Stans noticed the tiredness of the farm man, specially one with a colorfull Red and purple suit. Even with all the inner toughs that are troubling the con man, he tries to offer help…at least a bit.
Fidds is on his way to his room, his hair messy and with some eyeshadowns below his eyes, he worked for a couple of days with Ford about how they can return the efect of the machine bc this one alike the photocopy cannot erase the clones via water. Ford excused this because "any time he slipped and dropped some of his coffee on the clones he made of himself the clone dropped down" but then understood that yeah, maybe that would be more convenient than just not being able to erase them when no longer needed.
while opening the door of his room he can remenber well how Stanley make his way to him, talking in a nervious voice and trembling hands how when "looking" at the machine all these clones of himself came out one be one and he had no idea how to stop it but break it, now he was out, sended be Ford to look at replacements to fix the machine and meanwhile figure out how to return all Stanleys to their era, or just get rid of them.
He lays on his bed, leaving a tired sigh, hands on his stomac looking at the ceiling.
He was about to close his eyes and get some sleep but them he hears a knock from the door, it sounds soft, almost like if the person on the other side was doubting to do it and that coughs the attentions of Fiddleford, who with a groan stands up from his bed and walks to the door, opening it and meeting with one of the Stans, the one that tried to sell him some "rip-offs", leaning on the corner of the door and looking at his side, a bit unconfortable with his hand on the neck of his shirt.
"You...eh...you ok?"
It was kind of surprising see the man that talked to him with such a confident and even a bit cocky attitude talking with him with such a low, almost wipered voice. but sure Fiddleford noticed the unconford and tension in it and he could only think than damn, sinse many time Stan felt that inconfort to even get a bit close to anyone? to feel like he could be in danger if he made a step foard and just...show he cared?
"yeah, I'm ok, just...a bit tire' is all..."
There is an akward silence after that, none of them seemed to dare to talk, one because of the insecurity and doubt of keep talking and the other because of the fatigue he felt.
Fiddleford was about to talk again when some words that that Stankey said shutted his mouth.
"Want a massage?"
"what now?"
"that if you- agh....that if you want a massage...you are here because of me isn't it?...Can I...help a bit?"
That sure is...a proposition. A massage? at the mention of the offer Fiddleford could feel even more the pain on his back and shoulders, his body craving for relaxation and rest after so much work.
He is about to answer when his mind stops in track because the one who is asking him for it is Stanley but not his Stanley, it would be ok to allow this "stranger" aproach to him? even if it was for something so maybe odd or maybe simple thing as a massage?
"...I think...that would be nice. Thanks Stanley"
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