#inbox: i will take this to heart
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goldoanheart · 8 months ago
a kiss on their palm, then holding their hand against their own face
(it happens after he fastens that little bracelet, a bead of cheap red quartz held in place with decorative in the leather cord— surely beneath a prince, but just right for his friend, an affectionate kiss planted right above his pulse.
"you like it?" he asks, radiant with excitement.)
Chaste Kisses | Accepting (2/?)
Kurthnaga giggles as Edward's lips brush against his wrist, tender and gentle as he fastened an adorable little bracelet around it. The young dragon resists the urge to pick up Edward and swing him around like he was an Edward hammer, but he still flings his arms around his friend, wrapping him into as tight of a hug as he can muster without hurting the beorc boy.
"Oh Edward!" If his voice sounds a little wavering from how close to crying tears of joy he is, then neither of them will bring it up, "Edward it's lovely! Of course I like it!"
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the---hermit · 3 months ago
how I take notes on non fiction books
I recently made a post on my study method, and decided to make a whole separate post on my note taking method. The structure of the notes I write doesn't vary too much from my lecture notes to things I might have to read. A couple of useful informations you might want to know before I start actually talking about note writing is that I am mainly focused on studying history (tho I have had other humanities exams in my degrees), and that I study for oral exams in which the material is mainly composed of non fiction books, but sometimes include articles as well as lecture notes. Somehow I have also failed to mention that I am speaking about HANDWRITTEN NOTES. I only do handwritten notes, I don't work well digitally, so keep that in mind. And with this being said brace yourselves for a very long post. The bullet points I will be making are not really in a specific order and I will be including a few pictures too.
The first step when I am working on the materials for an exam is to figure out in which order I will be reading (and writing notes) the books. This hasn't really much to do with the notes themselves, but it's important to know which of your materials is more general and what other things go more in depth, so that you don't struggle too much while studying. Another plan related thing I always do is to write down each chapter of the book I have to study on my bullet journal and how many pages it is so I can plan my studying more comfortably. If the chapters are very long, and divided in subchapters I sometimes also write those down.
The goal of the notes I write is to fully take the place of the book, so they tend to be very detailed and long. I do this because the very act of writing is part of my study method, and working on things I have written down in my own words is just much better for the type of learner I am. So basically I read the book only once, then it goes back on the shelf and I work exclusively on the notes. This means my notes need to be detailed and well organized.
My method is to read a chapter, underlining important stuff as I am reading, and then right after I am done reading I work on the notes for that chapter before moving onto the next. I do this because it makes the note writing more effortless, I am fresh with informations I just read and I basically just need to skim over what I have underlined.
On underlining, since it is so important. I underline everything I will be including in my notes, it might seem much as sometimes it consists of full paragraphs, instead of key words. But this is okay because my notes I don't just copy and paste.
To create useful notes you need to be re-elaborating the informations. You need to read, understand what you read, and be able to write it down using your own words. That way the notes will be easier to review, they will often be composed of shorter sentences, and by doing so you are also actively making writing part of your studying and not just a mindless activity.
Personally I don't work well with full pages summaries, I need the text to be visually broken into sentences/small paragraphs, and I use a lot of symbols as well as abbreviations.
Symbols and abbreviations are in a way part of your very own language when you are writing notes, you tend to develop these with time, but they are so useful. I personally use different types of arrows, all caps words, position of the text in the page, different methods of highlighting and abbreviations (usually for words that come up often like country names, for example Italy becomes ita, France becomes fr, etc.).
Your notes need to be useful for you, they don't have to necessarily be comprehensible for another person (which means you can and will fuck up sentence structure because sometimes skipping a couple of words makes the notes shorter and still understandable), and they do not have to be pretty. They should be as tidy as possible, but again that might change from person to person, I have some very messy looking notes that make total sense to me. With time you'll learn what works best for you.
I have a visual memory so as I mentioned titles, highlighters, all caps, the placement on the page and other similar things are very important in my notes. I cannot fully exapain some of these things because some definitely only make sense to me in the moment (like the words I choose to write in all caps, or the way I highlight things).
I like to have a clear chapter and subchapter break (so that in case I need to refer back to the book it's super effortless). I like to write those with a red pen, usually the chapter title is in all caps and the subchapter in coursive, but it really depends.
I use only two highlighters in each set of notes yellow for dates, and the colour I associate with the book/the subject of the book (I have synesthesia I don't make the rules when it comes to colours). This of course might change depending your preferences and on the element of your notes you want to focus on. I like to have spacific colour for dates and time periods, because of course while studying history that is a fundamental element. If you are focusing on other subjects you might want to have a specific colour for names, or other elements.
I like to leave a big side margin to add either key words (especially in lecture notes since they might be messier and jump around informations more often), or additional information in a second time (sometimes it happens, after you read another book, or attended a particular lecture you have to add a couple of sentences and I rather have a blank space that never gets used rather than no space at all for emergencies).
I honestly mentioned everything that came to mind right away, but since note writing is now basically a mindless skill I have been practicing for years I surely forgot about something. I might end up adding to this post in the future or write another one. My note-writing method has also changed a lot thought the years from high school to university, it's a skill I have been perfecting for the past decade. This to say that depending on what you are working on things might change, and by experimenting with different things you might find out things that work very well for you. If you have any questions on specific things I didn't mention or that wen't clear my inbox is always open and I am more than happy to help.
Since this post is already very very long I am adding the pictures below the cut
Example of a page of notes before and after highlighting
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Example of symbols and structure of the notes and the way I highlight things (in which you'll hopefully be able to understand my handwriting, and in which there might be some spelling errors but alas that often happens in my real notes as well so if there are any it's for the sake of accuracy lmao). If I end up adding informations on the margins I always use a pen of a different color so I can tell which informations I got from what source (ex. main notes from lecture, colorful notes from additional article).
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Example of messier notes in which the main text in black are the notes I took during lectures and the additional colorful text was added while writing the materials (I rarely do this, it usually happens when the lectures follow a book precisely, which happens when we have to study books or summaries written by the professor). As you can see I often use post it notes to add more writing space, and sometime I even use them to create visually separated sections. If I end up adding some drawings I also usually like to have them on post it notes so they stand out more (and if you are wondering why the hell would an history student need drawings it's usually either because I need a map or a region/state to mark things out, or when studying for archaeology exams I often needed visual references, for example to identify different types of vases or decorations).
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lycandrophile · 7 months ago
I bet the transfem tag doesn’t have half as much transmasc porn deliberately tagged wrong as the transmasc tag has transfem porn
For every transmasc post I see there’s two porn accounts to block
Just pisses me off. I want to see posts about transmascs!!!
while i think you are probably right about the fact that there isn’t going to be as much transmasc porn in the transfem tag (though i can’t say i’m 100% certain, it’s not like i’ve ever scrolled through both tags and actually counted) and i do find the amount of porn in our tags frustrating, i want to talk a bit about the way this issue is being framed.
the thing you have to remember about porn bots is that you can’t think of them as real people. the whole point of them is to make money by pushing those links into popular tags so as many people see them as possible. they want people to click the link, so they show it to as many people as they can. so when you see these posts, you have to keep in mind that there’s not an individual person sitting behind a screen making specific decisions about whose tags to fuck over or what kind of porn to advertise, those decisions are most likely made based on some sort of algorithm designed to make as much money as possible.
so let’s think about it critically — why might we be seeing so much transfem porn in transmasc tags?
well, a lot of these bots are probably using our tag because tumblr has a lot of transmascs who use those tags. the trans communities on different sites are going to have different demographics, and if you’ve ever seen a poll going around with different choices for transmascs and transfems, you’ve seen just how dramatic the difference in numbers on here can be. these bots are targeting our tags because there are a lot of us here and we tend to be very active which means the bots have a better chance of getting clicks, not because an actual person decided they wanted to fuck over our tags specifically.
and why does the porn tend to be transfem porn? i can’t say for sure, but i’ll tell you my theories. first of all, i’m guessing these bots are using trans porn because tumblr has a lot of very active trans tags, and they probably take that into account — they assume that people in trans tags are more likely to want trans porn. the tag matches the link’s key words in that way, so that’s what their formula for getting clicks thinks we want to see. and i’m guessing it’s transfem porn specifically because there’s just more of that — transfem porn is much easier to find than transmasc porn, and it’s also probably seen as a better bet for these bots because being more popular means more people will want to click it. and that doesn’t stem from people preferring transfems over transmascs or anything like that, it stems from the rampant fetishization of transfems. these accounts aren’t actual transfem sex workers choosing to put their content in the transmasc tags, they’re bots doing what they think is going to make money. they don’t care how transfems feel about it being used and they don’t care how transmascs feel about seeing it instead of what we were actually looking for.
so while i absolutely share your frustration with our tags being overrun with porn, i don’t like how the issue has been framed by a lot of people as a transmasc vs transfem issue. i get how on the surface, it seems like our tags are having more of a problem with it and that must be for a reason, but the reason doesn’t actually have anything to do with our identities — it has everything to do with what bots think is the best way to get us to click their links.
this problem has nothing to do with transmasc vs transfem, and everything to do with the fact that tumblr won’t take care of its bot problem. if you want to get mad at someone for the fact that you can’t see the content you’re looking for without wading through countless porn bots, that’s where your anger should be going: toward the site that hasn’t done anything about it.
i wanted to lay this all out because while you didn’t explicitly blame transfems for this issue in your ask (you more so just said they don’t have to deal with it to the degree we do), i’ve seen posts with a similar tone that do imply that transfems are somehow behind this issue, and that honestly frustrates me more than the issue itself. blaming transfems for this isn’t fair to them — this is a bot issue, not an issue with real people on the site — and it also doesn’t do us any favors because it makes people less likely to take us seriously when we talk about things that are actually specifically targeting our community spaces.
and even though you didn’t take that explicit blaming stance in your ask, i think this issue being brought up as a “transmasc issue” at all reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of exactly why it happens the way it does. so i want this to serve as a reminder that when we have a conversation about something in our community, we have to think critically about the way we’re framing that conversation and make sure we have a good understanding of the root of the problem at hand.
because this really isn’t an issue that should be framed as transmasc vs transfem. i’m sure it’s not any less frustrating for transfems to see porn that fetishizes their bodies plastered all over the site than it is for us to have to dig through that porn to find the content we’re looking for. and it’s not really an issue that has anything to do with the fact that the tags are for transmascs at all. you say someone is deliberately mistagging into our tags, but it’s deliberate on a level that has nothing to do with the individual tags being used.
if we want to have conversations about the ways transmascs are uniquely mistreated, that comes with a responsibility to make sure the things we talk about are actually examples of a unique form of mistreatment and not symptoms of a totally different issue. we have to be careful not to pick the wrong battles, especially if doing so could artificially pit us against transfems who haven’t actually done anything wrong.
i worry that the struggles we’ve had in making our voices heard within our community have made some of us start to see our transfem sisters and siblings as the enemy by default, so i want to strongly caution everyone contributing to these conversations to think deeply about how you’re framing what you’re saying and if it’s actually appropriate before suggesting that any particular issue is a matter of transmascs vs transfems. there are definitely situations where the root of the issue is lateral aggression or intracommunity conflict, but this isn’t one of them and the fact that so many people have interpreted it that way really doesn’t reflect well on us.
i’m just as annoyed by the porn bots in our tags as the next guy, but this isn’t the way to go about having that conversation.
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xoxoemynn · 1 year ago
Hello OFMD crew! I love you and I'm happy you're here. 💕
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sir-cookieton · 6 months ago
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I can’t believe you threw them. Down a well. You know I’m starting to understand why Chirithy don’t want to take baths—
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Local Chirithy unions rejoice as 'Local Maniac', known for 'dunking Chirithies down wells' was finally caught. Upon their capture, they could only be quoted saying 'I thought that was how you wash them!'
(featuring my rarely seen keykid aasdfghj + ephemer learnt a lot about their friend that day)
Poor sopping wet Chirithy... now all they need is a towel and a hot drink... after they've had their bath of course...
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whaliiwatching · 2 years ago
Hey hello. Consider. Hobie reading over and suggesting edits to drafts of Peter's writing and then going home visually with clippings and quotes from said writing as a part of him. Alternately, Peter takes inspiration from quotes visible on Hobie
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heart on your sleeve…..
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johnslittlespoon · 6 months ago
askbox question because i've never thrown like, a 'request/idea' offering sorta post out there:
what do you want to see in tough and sweet? like, specific dates you'd like to see the boys go on, certain tropes covered, different kinks/nsfw scenes, scenarios and convos tackled, idk literally anything!
i'm curious because i used to brainrot about it lots here before i started actually writing it but then i stopped so i wouldn't spoil things, and while i'm ofc writing what i love and want to write, it's fun to know what readers wanna read, and to try to incorporate those things where i can. :-) but also my list of scenes to include is So Long i feel like so many ideas will already be in my drafting doc LOL <3
i have the whole fic plotted out, but lots of room for little things in between the bigger plot points, so! no promises obvi, but i'd love to hear your thoughts. the main one i get asked for in comments/asks is about writing a gale pov oneshot, which i'm most definitely doing– sooner than you think. >:) lmkkk, anon is fine!! if i don't reply, i promise i read it, i just have 100+ asks rn and too much to do irl but i appreciate each one soso much :'))
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 10 months ago
I saw Gianni retweet your art on Twitter and I was like "I wonder if he knows...?"
I don’t think so >:3
Trick people into reposting gabe ass with one simple trick! Click here to find out how.
I didn’t even notice that happened cause I turned off all my notifications everywhere a few days ago for peace and quiet
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soaps-mohawk · 9 months ago
My brain has been buzzing Thespian/choir Reader. Like Soap is bored and going down a weird rabbit hole of watching YouTube channels of plays or choir singing recorded by teachers. Find someone that looks a bit to much like their omega. And it’s just their omega when they were a kid singing, and dancing with a bunch of other kids. And now he just has to show everyone. Gaz and Soap just thinking it’s adorable but also impressed because their omega in the video is just belting their heart out as they perform a solo or something. Or Price and Simon both looking at other videos and trying to see if they can find them in the background like “Where is Waldo?”
Soap bugging Reader to see if they can still do it.
(My head screams theater.
Definitely dig up every old video they can find and play them on blast. Reader comes in wondering what's going on but then. She recognizes that voice. She knows that song.
Instant embarrassment. Such cringe. Wants to crawl under her covers and never come out. They love it though. They can't get enough of their little omega as a pup being all cute on stage and absolutely slaying it vocally.
It takes a while but Johnny finally convinces her to try singing it now. Turns out she's still got it. They definitely make her do performances every weekend when they're home.
Turns out the reader missed it too 🤭
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goldoanheart · 8 months ago
a kiss on the brow
Kissies | Accepting (1/?)
Kurthnaga glances up at Lady Igrene as she gently places her lips against his forehead, right over the brand that adorned it. He doesn't know if that location was intentional, but her affection is soft. Tender like a mother's would have been...
Kurthnaga had never known his mother, barely even knew anything about her. She had died not long after he was born, he had figured out that much when he was a child. Father never talked about her, and his siblings were not so much older than him that they remembered her well either.
A mother's affection huh... it felt foreign, like something that he wasn't supposed to have.
"Lady Igrene..." He's embarrassed that tears spring to his eyes, overwhelmed by the emotions stirring in his chest. He quickly wipes them away, a soft smile coming to his face, "Thank you, Lady Igrene."
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
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Thank you, dear Anon.
The prompt:
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scvcnofswords · 1 month ago
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i will never force or assume ships- honestly my first goal with establishing contact between characters (including and ESPECIALLY any that mine may have romanced in-game) is just to establish some kind of bond.
Like is there a friendship there? Is there antagonism there? Is there a POTENTIAL for leadup to more, there? Or is this a platonic intimacy? Is this a sibling dynamic? Do these people genuinely care and respect for one another or do they despise one another? What sort of love is there, if any?
and honestly most of the time i will not nudge towards a ship because i'm hyper paranoid about being accused of ships being all i want. The attitude for afab ocs was uh- very different, when i first started with tumblr RP, and it's been literal years but i haven't shaken those anxieties, nor the constant fear that i'm constantly annoying or being a nuisance towards those i'm trying to befriend.
this is honestly just a psa that like- while i love ships, i love EVERY KIND of dynamic that could form between characters, and i'm down to explore any and everything. literally 2 of the most fulfilling dynamics i've formed since showing up here are the platonic soulmate relationships!
give me besties, give me contentious coworkers, give me platonic soulmates and twin flames, give me enemies, give me romantic soulmates, give me doomed loves, give me loves that somehow defeat the odds.
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shiresome · 8 months ago
🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺
You think I'm wonderful? :( i love you. You are wonderful too!!
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thegreatyin · 3 months ago
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i am DELIGHTED that everyone agrees on me apparently really needing to draw more caeru. i agree too. here's more caeru.
(ask meme here)
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crystallizsch · 2 months ago
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unriding · 2 months ago
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(early) zevie day sketchy !!!!! for u !!!!!!! ohhh how i love zevie (and moevie) !!!!! i hope you have the best best best ever day full of love bc you deserve it - truly and honestly!! you're one of the sweetest souls i've had the pleasure of knowing ... thank you for being you <3 mwah mwah xoxo
venus ?!?! i will respond to your art in my tags ( i am sorry for the length of them in advance ) but oh i love you !! i think i will queue this like 30 minutes before midnight because i am losing my mind ahsndjdjd !!! ??? venus every time i see you, i feel so .. safe ?! and so comfortable ? and happy ? i truly love this special air you have .. i love you !! i have been so happy to be your mootie … thank you for making me feel so loved 🥺 and thank you for being in my life! and thank you for being so cute and so sweet and so lovely and so — JANSNJDKD thank you!!! 🥺🥺🤍✨✨
#彡 evie’s 21st!#彡 queue!#彡 inbox.#彡 venus!#the happy zevie day being in one of my favorite colors ever i will sob venus !!! ): AND ))): THE SWIRLY BLUSHIES ?!?!?!?! !! ITS ON MOZE TO#we are so close … his face is so close …… venus we are kiss distance i will explode into pieces — but before i do !! we absolutely must tal#about your lovely art style !!! i remember my first comm from you — i had been so nervous talking to you ( for why ?? when you are so kind#!! ) and then when you sent the final … I HAD TO GO FOR A RUN TO EASE MY MIND SJSNDNJDJD oh my goodness your art does things to me !!!!! i#remember when i first followed you — you were fulfilling some art requests and i was like . is it weird if i scream in her tags . is it ?!?#BUT YOUR ART IS SO PRETTY AND I 🥺🥺🥺 and you are also such a skilled writer … there is so much to love you and admire about you venus !!!!!#VENUS I LOOK SO HAPPY !!!!! i don’t quite remember the pictures i sent you for my first comm — but i do have a picture of myself in a pose#very similar to this !!!! I LOVE YOU . i love …. is it bad of me to say that i love how you draw me ??? hmmm … i love how you draw in#general then !!!! AND YOU ADDED THE HEADBAND THING FROM MY COMMS I ))): the little details … i see the bow !!! i will cry into my hands OMG#and moze …. I AM SQUISHING HIS CHEEKS . THE DREAM HAS COME TRUE !!!!! AFTER ADMIRING HIS SQUISHABLE CHEEKS FOR FAR TOO LONG …….. deep down#I AM SCREAMING INSIDE BECAUSE ?? i am touching his !!! face !!!!!!! his pretty face !!!! HIS SQUISHY FACE WILL FOREVER BE MY FAVORITE BIT#OF HIM SOB ))): THANK YOU VENUS !!!!! he looks like the cutest grump here !!!!!! alas i will call him sunshine crow again :]#omg … you added his insanely long lower lashes 🥺🥺🥺 i love you venus … this means so much to me sob …. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART#he is so lovely in your style !!!!!!!!! I WILL SPRINT AT UNGODLY SPEEDS TO WRAP YOU IN A GINORMOUS BEAR HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#you are truly too kind !!! ( also — i am typing tags and then staring … and then typing tags … and then staring !!! )#( it seems i cannot take my eyes off of it for very long lol !!!! ) AGH ))): I MUST FRAME THIS . ON MY DESK . VENUS’S MOEVIE GIFT )): I LOV#YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH … WISHING YOU THE LOVELIEST DAY EVER ))))))): SNIFFLE SOB
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