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I'm an abomination so-
Would you kill for Le Chevre
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Maybe you have not seen the extreme lengths I have gone through in the past. It isn't pleasant. But, it's all for Le Chèvre sake.
To answer your question, yes.
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chat this blog is getting dry
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why was I mentioned in this
wait why is Le Chèvre's name there..
hi guess who decides to just ransack his boyfriend's phone because he has the rights to do so and so in the process found this
Why does VILE need an intern..I genuinely thought you were a figment of Bellum's imagination..no wait she drunk that day nevermind anyways
Why was Bellum talking about you in a hospital..did you get involved in a hit and run or does VILE hate you the way they hate everyone here
-@an-extrodinary-blog-for-el-topo (but it's not El Topo it's Le Chèvre being the shdt he is)
this ask was sent on may 2nd anyways to update you on the lore its because I got my skull bashed in with a hammer :)
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Wiggle wiggle wiggle (What's the most questionable thing you've done)
Uh.. probably saying "It is okay Crackle, you can have Le Chèvre too!" While in a life threatening situation during a caper with Le Chèvre and Crackle. Lec Chèvre gave me a look, and I did not know in what intention he meant, so I pretend it was in good intention..!
I am starting to consider sharing isn't caring.
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What do you do in your Free time?
(omg Lord help my soul I forgot about this ask I'm horrible..)
It depends on the day,
Some days, I like to go exploring and scaling, and..dig.
And on some days. I dig—Then sit there for the entire day. Or until Le Chèvre drags me out of my hole.
I do not only cook, y'know–I knit and paint sometimes but most of my paints aren't as .. recognizable, as I wish it would. At least my knitting looks nice, at least that's what Le Chèvre said. Tigress said once she'll use it to keep warm when lighting a fire.
I also lift, most times it's weights and sometimes it is Le Chèvre,
But most of these things happen rarely because of how many operations I am sent on by Professor Maelstorm because I am his "star student"
I'm sure there are other operatives better than I am.
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Why do you chose become a criminal?? You seem such a good guy
(dawhg..anon..you better not be that same Anon with the Black Sheep ask..because if you are you are mine and when you are mine I will crush you into bits of pieces and plant you so you'll turn into a tree and someone will cut you down and you'll be turned into a boat)
Ah..that's a, good question,
Majority of that question can be answered here, I assume: a partial answer to this question
But that doesn't answer the entire question,
I had gotten to the age where I did not need to worry about CPS and Social Security;so now that meant that now I actually had to try to get some money..
After first I thought that construction was a good job for me, then I remembered that it was not all just digging..you actually had to– construct.
Then the next thing I remember while working there was me waking up in the hospital attached to a heart monitor. So then they took me.off because "I was no longer fit for the work" ;and after my discharge, I realized that most likely, if this gets to Spain's court system I would be in a–unpleasant, situation.
From what I remember, there was this one organization that mi madre had known about before me, so it took me a while, and I found it out! It was VILE.
In summary, it was mainly just for the fact I didn't want Spain knowing I was even alive, and the drive to be alive. But then again, that was at least 6-7 years ago.. so everything I just listed now as my reason for being El Topo is now irrelevant, it is not like I can leave this.
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What happen with your family?
(hi creator here anyways you are a diabolical person I'm trying to enjoy my birthday I get a notification and I see this. diabolical stuff man..)
(it's been 9 days since my birthday and I completely forgot about this ask sorry anyways)
Ahem. TW!!:
(mentions of dr*g/substance abuse and reference of miscarriage)
Oh. That's, That is , a little personal. But I don't mind! My family is alright..but then again,my family is just—me! and the majority of the time I am alright!
But that's just my immediate family, I'm sure I have some extended family somewhere, the Philippines maybe, or farther in Spain, I just probably never heard of them, or I was too young to remember.
So it wasn't truly a problem for me to join VILE. There was no one to tell anyways.
But, now that I think about it more carefully, you must be wondering "Yes but why don't you have any?"
Well, for starters, people say I look like I have many siblings but I didn't get the chance to have any; it wasn't because mi madre was a substance abuser it's just that it happened, and. I don't think anything would have changed that.
But I can blame substance abuse for the fact I don't have a mother, anymore.
Speaking on substance abuse, it's also one of my reasons why I came to a love of digging, you have to hide from CPS and Social Security somehow.
I don't think saying that I don't have any family members is correct, I still consider Le Chèvre as family, even if technically and by-law I can't say he is.
Is everything I just said worthy enough to be diagnosed with PTSD? Or do people just think I have PTSD when I'm sure I don't...
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Favorite candy?
(o mah gash I forgot who I was acting as..)
(Le Chèvre had the device last ask but then I forgot..)
So..it seems that Le Chèvre answered so of my asks..and uh..that happened.
And so I told him that he should make his own so I have yet to see that..
My favourite candy? I don't know its name exactly but it's the ones that are purple at it's a mystery flavour! Now I don't like butterscotch but they are fun guessing!
Le Chèvre doesn't eat any candy. I was eating some some ago and offered some to him, and he refused. Then he proceeds to tell me that "wine and candy taste alike in a way and that he'll drink that instead"..but he drinks that everyday not once have seen him drink water..ever! Does he ever get drunk..oh wait he doesn't ..that's even more confusing..I wonder if he gets his liver replaced every once and a while..
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Favorite chocolate? :)
Dark Chocolate. I don't understand why people hate it so much when it is the same thing preventing women from having Menstrual Cramps. 😒
-Le Chèvre 🐐
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(I did it finally did it guys give a warm welcome to Le Chèvre) (no yippe.)
(Also btw) (TW he says and I quote "mental" in a bad way so be aware of that)
(another warning so remember how I called him fem queen on my main blog yea I went too far)
(its not that bad though because everyday ‼️‼️he's rocking it off with the Cavani Horatio Men's Oxford Shoes‼️‼️) (don't ask me what they are search them up)
(I don't think of Le Chèvre like you humans do I think of Le Chèvre as ....someone help me out I swear I was rambling about it in discord)
(can you guys not search up that last part it's like so cringe thanks)
(Clock is no longer rambling!!!)
guess whose boyfriend confused his personal phone as his work for and left in his hotel rooommmm!!!!
I know El Topo said something like "If you make a blog be nice to the people that send you asks" or "don't be too mean" but I'm disregarding all of that because you all are mental.
So now I'm going to be controlling his account because I might just go mental like a lot of you guys, on this website..or app..
That seems to be it I'd rather not waste more time here..
Au Revoir vous pauvres pauvres gens pathétiques sur cette plateforme,❤️
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Apart from Le Chevre obviously, who's your favourite? Faculty included 👀
(when was this sent like 2 days ago lol someone help me already)
(I forgot what to say lol btw my air conditioning is not working so I'm a bit nuts rn lol ha 😋)
Who told you I play favorites..I don't have favourites.. I like all the people I've met..
I mean..if I was forced I would go with Black Sheep but then again I can't because Black Sheep isn't Black Sheep anymore and Black Sheep is Carmen SanDiego now..
Then I could say Crackle, but Crackle's favourite is Black Sheep and Ehm..I don't like playing favourites.. didn't I already say that..
I don't play favorites with the faculty either..Though if I would have to pick it be Dr. Bellum.. most of the instructors don't really care about our needs and whatnot, just because we're adults doesn't mean we aren't teens..and from what I heard, teens have necessities.
Dr. Bellum did the same but at least she could relate to our pain in a way.. though I wonder how she knows what we go through everyday on the island and why..and she's very amusing outside of working hours for her..I could consider her telling Ms. Countess Cleo how some students should start dating amusing..?
Well ehm..that is it..I guess so.
-p.s: Le Chèvre isn't my favourite either even with his role in my life, but that's mainly because I know him way more personally than others..so no, he's not either. :3
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its funny how sometimes I forget I'm not on my main blog so then I just...
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How is your relationship with your friends?
...do you Miss Black Sheep?
(yes hi creator is back anyways Anon, when you Anon, Anon when I catch you Anon, Anon when I catch you anon)
It's very nice..a lot of things are nice actually.
Crackle, he's in my opinion, the best..ahem, don't tell Le Chèvre that...thank you.
As I was saying, he is very, very fun to be around with, no wonder Black Sheep saw him as an older brother. I admit that there was a time where I thought as well, but now I don't, I was at least 19 back then......wait..I can't be that old..how old am I even..like..24 ..I think..then, I turn 25..in less than a month..oh. 😨
Tigress is uhm, okay to be with. I don't approve of her behaviour, especially with Black Sheep, but she can lighten the mood ever so barely. I don't think she's a bad person, more of a troubled one..VILE does contain many people with things troubling them, I'm no exception either. The only person she actually gets along with is Le Chèvre, but they only just make fun and gossip. I hope she changes soon or later, she can take her time.
If I start talking about Le Chèvre I might just end up making it as long as it already is. Uhm.. where to begin..there's a word I'm looking for..I know it in Tagalog and Spanish but I forgot the English saying of it..ehh..oh wait..uh..forgot it at this point I'll just say it in Spanish..it is "marilag"..no wait that's Tagalog.."majestuoso" is the Spanish term, I wonder why I mix them up often, it's not they are the same language..
Our relationship is better than more couples in my opinion. We were basically, inseparable on the island. But now that we are actually dating it's more like the average married couple who has been together for at least twenty-years, and we aren't even married (yet.) ..no wait..(actually they are -creator said so) hold on, me having completed a quarter of my life is messing with my head..
Our relationship isn't bad, it's just that some days he's actually nice to me and some days he treats me like he treats everyone else, and someday he's not nice to himself. Tigress calls him a uhm, "fem queen"..? Is that just some American label..or uh... But if I ask him to go and let's say, jump off a cliff, he would do it's just that he'll be questioning heavily before he eventually does it, that counts, not that I am going to tell actually to do it..
That last of your ask though, I don't like being questioned a lot. If I say what I want to say here then The Faculty would get involved, or then Le Chèvre would find it and one) try to make me not miss her, or 2) look for makeup remover because he would be crying with me. And yes I did just admit I do cry whenever I think about Black Sheep.
Yes, I miss her, we all miss her. All except Tigress to be clear..Tigress technically does miss her, just not in the way you would expect, like, miss making her life just hard for no reason.
Le Chèvre used to say back on the island that I'm way more suited for the older brother role than Crackle because of the amount of time I spent with her back on the island before graduation. Yes we did have some good times, but I don't believe that. I'm more of a side character, while she's the main character, I would say.
I guess it wouldn't be right to call her Black Sheep because now she's going by Carmen SanDiego..I don't think Carmen was in the wrong when she left the island. Sure, having riches and prosperity is nice but, she didn't believe in the thing you'll have to do in order to gain that. And I confess that sometimes I mess around with the things set up for my capers sometimes just to make it easier for her. But then in the process, Le Chèvre gets more annoyed by the fact she can capture her for good, i think he is just either annoyed or mad at her for what she did that day.
Now that I'm writing this I still question why Shadow-san decided to fail Black Sheep when she was the best in the class. She has yet to tell me that, but that's the day I get to make cookies with her again like we did back on the island.
(hi creator is back Anon I will find you and when I find you no one else will find you after that okay okay good night Anon)
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How is your relationship with your "dear friend" ( le chevre) do you Love him , i wont tell anyone :]
(creator here just so you know, made this thing like for like- after they started dating)
(You know what! This for you Anon! I'm going to pretend that this is pre-Jeantonio! You're welcome!!)
It's quite nice actually! I don't understand why though, he's mean to others but not to me..is it because we are friends..? I don't know..
He also acts quite strangely around me, He can form complete sentences around others but when I'm talking to him he either just stares, or just cannot form any..that confuses me very much, does he not understand what I tell him? I could understand though, the majority of the things I say don't make any sense now that I think about it.
For that last part of your ask though, I'll try not to be those kinds of people on TV shows where we always have to wait at least 5 seasons for someone to confess their feelings to another..
Yes. :)
It's not "friendship love" or anything of that sort. I'm being genuine. Though he's most likely straight. It's also like American high schools in a way, they don't work out most times..but it's nice when Bellum teases the students by pretending that they're in relationships, she always does with me and him. :)
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I can be bright, at times..I am not a complete idiot..
oke y wayt so this is calypso but probably from like ssiome FREAKKKY reality twist wondering since ur students ar dumb if you have a version of ME there and if the carmen sandiegoi is still with me @calypsovile
they ARE dumb arent they. who dis btw
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Ai..you sound drunk..I recommend you go to sleep..
Plus, I wouldn't really know anyways.. I am a homosexual after all..
eerrrmm calkypso here so lokding on this website io been seeing that there are foldks like you that re from CRAZZZZYZYY different universes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was wondering since ur like a guy a t vile I was wondering if I work there in soemn alternate form and if theresa carmen sandiego in ur universe and wondering if the babe still with me 🤤😍 @calypsovile
Uh..yes? If that answers your question..
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