#in the end i think thats more sexist!!!
oflgtfol · 6 days
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"i, as a woman, feel like i don't have autonomy in a patriarchal society. oh i know the solution - let's say my lack of autonomy comes from the fundamental fucking universe itself instead of just being a social construct!! that solves everything!!"
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cozage · 4 months
hello! Im kinda new to tumblr so i dont really know if im supposed to send requests here so sorry if im supposed to send it somewhere else, but for my request can it be fem! Reader x sanji? Hurt to comfort where he says something mean but then apologizes? And can you pull out the angsty bit a little, but make the ending fluffy? And for the format can it be like a mini fic? If you want you can add other characters but i mainly want sanji! Thats all! Sorry if my request didnt make sense as im new to tumblr😔. Thank youu!
A/N: Hi! You did everything perfectly!! Thank you for the request <3 it was so hard to make Sanji mean even accidentally 😭 I hope this is good! It’s also not edited so please forgive any grammatical errors!  Characters: fem reader x Sanji Cw: Sanji is an idiot and says mean things (and is a little sexist) Total word count: 900
Rude Comments
“I can do it, Sanji.” Your words came out quick and short. Your temper was rising, both at your task at hand and the blonde who was hovering behind you. He didn’t normally come with you on jobs for Franky, but he had been free today.
“It’ll be faster if I do it,” Sanji offered. He reached out for the wrench. 
“I can do it!” you snapped again. You pulled away from the task and glared at him. “Franky asked me to do this, so let me do it!”
“Well, it’s just…” Sanji eyed your clenched fist around the wrench and took a step back. “It’s not really a woman’s job to do this sort of thing, and-”
“What the hell do you mean by that?” you bellowed. “You think I’m not capable of doing this?”
Sanji threw his hands up in a plea. “No my love! It’s not that at all! It’s just…you’re not very good at this.”
It felt as though you had swallowed a stone. “Franky always asks me to do this.”
“And you’re being very helpful!” Sanji said quickly. “But he gives it to you because it’s not exactly a top priority task and…well, it’s really hard to mess up.” 
Sanji gave a weary look back to your workplace as if your handiwork spoke for itself. His pitied gaze and words made you suddenly want to be alone. 
“Fine,” you mumbled, dropping the wrench to the ground. “Fix it for me, then.”
“Of course, darling!” Sanji jumped at the wrench. You were fairly sure he was already starting to explain how he turned the bolt, but you walked out the door without listening further. 
You didn’t see Sanji for a while. That was fine with you, though. You retreated to the back of the ship and perched atop a barrel, staring out at the sea to think. Did Franky always give you useless tasks just to keep you busy? You frequently had to return to the same tasks again and again. What if Franky broke things just to have you fix them? 
The thought brought tears to your eyes. You had been so sure Franky enjoyed your company and valued your help. He had called you “super indispensable” more times than you could count. Was it all just a lie?
Sanji’s voice broke through your mental spiral and you quickly wiped the tears from your cheeks. 
“Yeah?” Your voice came out wobbly, but there was no point in hiding from Sanji. 
You turned to face him. You had been ready for him to fuss over you, but you found that he was covered in sweat and grease and plenty of other weird stains and smears. He didn’t even seem to acknowledge your puffy eyes at first. He looked too exhausted. 
“So, this is the part where I apologize,” he said softly. 
He strode over to you in three steps and swept your hair out of your face. His hands were covered in grime, and you could feel the oily substance stick to your face. The feeling made you jerk away from him, but he was already pulling out a clean cloth and wiping it away. 
“I’m sorry I said those things, my love. I know you are very capable of doing anything you put your mind to. Your persistence is one of my favorite things about you. I shouldn’t have tried to take that away from you. You didn’t deserve that, and I’m so sorry I thought I could do something better than you just because of our genders.”
His words made your eyes swell. You had planned on still being mad at him after this. But seeing those crystal blue eyes and hearing his sweet words made you crumble all over again. 
“I forgive you.” You sniffed and wiped the tears from your eyes again. “Just don’t do it again.”
Sanji let out a laugh. “Oh, I will never be taking on a task Franky gives you again. You know how I said it was ‘hard to screw up’? It turns out that was wrong. I broke the whole pipe. Franky was pissed. He said he doesn’t let anyone touch that problem except you and him. Something about the pressure system needing a delicate hand, and only the two of you have the knack for it.”
It took a moment for his words to process, but you could feel your heart swelling. “Franky only lets me do that?”
Sanji nodded, guiding you towards the kitchen. “And a few other tasks. Says you’re the only one he trusts to do it right.” 
“I didn’t know that.” You had a vague feeling that you needed to cry for an entirely different reason now. 
He gave another laugh and sat you at the counter. “Well, you always excel at everything you do. It turns out I have a lot to make up for. What should we start with, chocolate cake or ice cream?”
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pastadoughie · 7 months
i made anothr long rant abt sexism oh noooooo
so many people fundimentally do not understand terf ideology, and end up falling deeper and deeper into it because they think they are "immune" to it.
the fundimental feature of radfem ideology is sexism. or more specifically misandry. sexism by its very nature effects both genders, having a negative veiw of women fundimentally recontextualizes how you see men, if you see women as broadly less compatent, less intelegent, and therefore having less angency (dispite literally none of that being true) then you naturally veiw men as the opposite. thats just a core part of how sexism works. mysogeny and misandry are always gonna appear together. while you can just use the word sexism for all instances then, as that is more accurate in that it doesnt carry the implication that only one gender experiences negative effects from sexism, i think that having words like mysogeny and misandry are still useful. assuming you use them to mean 'ok im talking about sexism witch does effect both men and women, but im talking about just one gender to help make my point clearer' not having to bury yourself in asterisks is nice.
this does however mean that people can exploit this not explicitly stated part of the definition to pretend that misandry just doesnt exist. and i have gotten into many a very very annoying argument from people who just refuse to listen to my actual points and instead want to argue semantic differences about the words i use even when i explicitly state what i mean and their definitions. many people just refuse to use the word misandry entirely and just describe it as "mysogeny rebounding" or something of the sort. this is not only stupid and unhelpful, but also kinda sexist! a fundimental part of sexism is that it effects everyone, pointing out that misandry effects women too isnt groundbreaking stuff! thats how sexism works! women dont just exist in a void ok it is literally impossible to hate women and then be completely neutral about men that can not exist. if you want to speak about sexism but specifically talk about womens issues and experiences with it then thats fine and helpful! but you need to have the same thing for men. just like with mysogeny, being misandrist is going to make you a mysogenist as well, you maybe just word your sexist statements a little differently if youre coming from that angle, but you arrive in the same spot.
and because this is the piss on the poor website i should clarify that, no i am not saying that men experience the exact same issues in the exact same way as women, you will find that no where in this post! that is not my arguement.
feminism is important but if your goal is not gender equality but just to have it be in the opposite direction then that is! still sexism! and still bad!
to make my stance on this clear before i start… women are people, men are people, one is not more or less responsible, intelegent, phisically capable, or worthy of respect then the other. people should be paid fairly according to their skill level, products should be priced according to their value and not according to what gender stereotype they are meant to appeal to, sports should be based on skill level, and not on appearance or legal documents, persecution for crimes should be based on what actually happened, and not on the genders of the perpetrators or victims, and people should not be expected to act or dress a certain way based on what they looked like as a baby.
gender based descrimination is fundimentally illogical and extremely frustrating and horrific to have to experience, having to deal with mysogeny myself i am not somehow ignorant of this. given the magnitude of the issue this leads to alot of people lashing out and becomeing more and more radical. when you have so much of your life spent having people telling you you need to conform to "what men want" and seeing male peers be treated better in certain areas for no reason, youre gonna get a little bitter. when you view everybody as saying men are great and can do no wrong (witch people often do) then saying "well i fucking hate men" feels liberating. you start to get more bitter about it. you have to deal with so much shit for something you have no control over and men dont share your exact experience. its a classic case of trauma olympics where you start to veiw other peoples struggles as less valid and less worthwhile because of the shit youve had to go through.
this kind of emotional response is pretty understandable, but it is not a helpful or productive veiwpoint, sexism is frustrating. yes. but being sexist twards men doesnt help that!
this kind of response makes it really easy to tunnel vision on only the girl side of things. women face alot of sexual and domestic abuse, this is horrific and people have been desperately trying to help and spread awareness (though given the seriousness regardless of how much help there is its still horrible that it happens at all) men can often be violent or disregard womens consent even in non romantic/sexual circumstances, witch leads to a (sometimes warrented) level of distrust of people based on gender, though this is an issue with socialization differences between genders and not actually biological traits.
but theres a flip side to this. gender based socialization plays a big role in how alot of us behave and so, the same crime, for example sexual assault, can present differently depending on the socialization of the person. sexual abuse from a dude is broadly gonna be more violent, while with women its generally long term abuse, and alot more emotional, and when phisical less likely to be "severe" injuries.
agencies dedicated to helping in abusive situations, most of the time dont even consider emotional abuse. this means that its going to be biased to persecute men more, as abuse from women presents differently. systems designed to help with these things are pretty much only geared twards helping women, and to help in cases that align more with "male" patterns of abuse.
also, sexual abuse from women is far far more normalized, ive seen and experienced this myself, where, attention from older men to a young girl is seen as creepy and gross no matter how nonsexual the interaction is, but i have had older women grope me as a child, and nobody bats an eye, often seen as being a "cute" interaction and "just girls being girls!" ive noticed far far more pedophilic tendancies in older women then i ever have in men, as straight women from this demographic tend to expect young girls to be overly comfortable with them, thinking they have a "right" to little girls personal lives and bodies.
when it comes to the structure of organizations centered around abuse alot of people will argue with statistics that men are more likely to commit these crimes and therefore its completely sensible to prioritize an approach that works on that kind of abuse, and id argue this is unfair. this is like expecting accurate statistics on homosexuality from the 80s, there are a million reasons for people to lie on something like that. and moreover, if youve been sexually abused by a woman, not only are you unlikely to share that, but unlikely to properly report it, and extrordinarily unlikely to get any kind of action done for it, and extremely extremely extremely unlikely to have it actually be a punishment fitting for what happened.
moreover, women being seen as "weaker" in general then men means that within assault and abuse cases with a female perpetrator theres alot of shame there, youre seen as "not a real man" if you get sexually assaulted, its seen as a judgement against you, if you would even allow that to happen then you must have deserved it
+ alot of the time, in radfem ideology men are painted as little pervert sexual devients, witch makes talking about sexual abuse twards men really difficult because by the nature of your gender youre expected to "like it" or because of the fact that mysogeny exists at all its seen as "karma" for being a dude, regardless of the fact that one guy in an abusive relationship does not hold the responsibility of all womens rights issues on his shoulders (and argueing that anybody under any circumstance deserves sexual assault is horrific)
women are people, and people can be absolutely horrific. its unfortunately common to see women weaponizing mysogeny, the idea that they are fundimentally less capable and less responsible for their actions, to get disproportionitely less persecution.
these kinds of posts, and the idology they peddle its not just, silly tumblr nonsense, this has caused real, tangible, horrific damage to my (and many other peoples) lives,, and people just regurgitate it because is just so quirky to peddle blatent sexism.
and it doesnt even end there, veiwing people like this, thinking that people have some kind of biological flaws or superiority just naturally leads you to transphobia, this is why terfs are terfs, if youre a misandrist its just kinda the next logical step to hate trans people.
if you veiw men as awful evil penis havers who are, by their very nature, more violent and less trustworthy, then thats going to fundimentally recontextualize how you see trans women, you are not immune to being a terf because you post about girlcock or whatever, terfism including transphobia is a symtom of their sexism. and if you really want trans people to feel safe around you you cannot keep peddaling this shit! "men (or amab people) are biologically more violent" and "trans women are women (and all the gender stereotypes being a woman entails)" are fundimentally conflicting and odds are, youre gonna pick the one thats more violent and hateful, because the internet is about being angry, and there is nothing the internet likes being angry about more then trans women
also its worth nothing that quote en quote "trans inclusive" radfems exist, and they are going to exploit this idea that you are immune to right wing bullshit to push you further and further into the cesspit
you can go onto these blogs and you can find things you agree with, i think yea that the way we veiw gender is really shitty, i think mysogeny is bad and people need to be more aware of it, but then you start, agreeing with the more and more and more unhinged shit till ur straight up posting hatespeech
i cannot stress enough that this is. real shit, i want you to not be a transphobe! but theres only so much i can spoon feed you and you have to put on your big boy pants on at some point and start actually having your brain on when youre reblogging quirky tumblr posts about how hating men is such a cool opinion that does not impact anybody negatively at alllll
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vivgst · 6 months
COD Headcanons
I mean they're not hc it's just shit I think they say/do but I needed the title okay?
As I previously said this is just my silly little opinion, I would love to read yours but don't take this too personal and I'm saying this cause Imma bout to write SHIT about two characters and I'm scared cause they're loved by the whole fandom.
Okay thats all thanks<3333
Let's start with my favorite piece of shit, shall we?
Alejandro Vargas
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I don't care what yall say this man is a CHEATER and he would make you feel guilty about it too because you're not "meeting his needs".
“I’m not sexist???? We cannot do the same things, it's basic biology!”
Maybe he's good in bed, let's give him that.
Alain meza said he loved Rudy so let's assume he's bi, uh... he wouldn't admit that shit, not in a million years, probably would get offended if you even dare to suggest it.
He doesn’t argue to fix things, he argues to repeat how much in the right he is, I feel like he NEVER admits he’s in the wrong, he seems very stubborn.
Now can we address that fucking temper of his? Breathe mf, no ones gonna die if you stop yelling for a second.
I feel like he must’ve had A LOT of trouble when he just joined the army because of his anger issues, think about it for a moment: someone with a higher rank yelling at him and you think he just took it? I doubt it.
MUST HAVE fought with Valeria more than once cause that temper of hers is just as shitty.
I promise I don’t hate him, well I do but he’s one of my favs, I don’t know how to explain this bye.
Simon Riley
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He’s very chill I love him <3
I think of him like a very nostalgic man, he thinks a lot about his past, past lovers, past experiences, when he was new in the army, you know? Not in a “I’m still traumatized” way, he’s just nostalgic.
He’s absent minded, he’s always daydreaming (when he’s not doing something important ofc).
Thin and I don’t fucking care, THAT MAN IS THIN, you can even see it sometimes!!!! He’s got chicken legs, I love them.
He really seems to enjoy dad jokes.
He cares a lot about his teammates and I love it, it’s very cute.
Can we talk about how everyone put him as a fucking beast in bed? I don't see it, I think he's ruthless when he needs to but I don't think this applies when it comes to sex, he suffered a lot too and sadly I know too well that sex is pretty fucking terrible after rape, especially because you feel like you're gonna hurt the person you're having sex with so...
John MacTavish
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Typa guy everyone loves, even your dad and your grandma's always saying how handsome he is.
Maybe he was bullied bc of his accent but he just told them to go fuck themselves.
Caring and loving, buys his partner flowers and their favorite candy/chocolates/desserts.
Remembers anniversaries, birthdays, medical or school appointments.
Too charismatic and funny.
Kyle Garrick
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He’s too good for his own good… I feel like he always end up going out with INSANE people, the jealous type, they’re always bitching and making him angry and stressed but he forgives them cause he’s an angel.
Very sweet, loves cooking for people he loves.
Kinda family oriented.
He smells good, I can almost smell his perfumeeeeee he smells good, he spends MONEY on it too.
Even the devil is afraid of him when he’s mad.
I think he's very private about his life in general, doesn't like to vent his problems.
Hot lover.
John Price
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Now this man is a FATHER, my fucking dad I swear.
He seems pretty conservative to me, not in a bad way like he wants you to be his personal maid and slave, more like he wants to date to marry, hates casual sex.
Loves whiskey.
Dad energy, he would be so caring and loving with his child, he would give that baby the moon.
I don’t think he would love to date a younger woman, not a woman in her twenties at least, I think he would be into women his age.
If you feel disappointment by that, maybe you could try fixing your relationship with your dad, sweetheart ;).
Hates confrontation and loves to work things out.
Let’s not talk about how sex with be with the old man, okay? Thanks.
He's not that old, I get that but he looks like he's fucking 68.
Phillip Graves
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He looks kinda daddy in that pic, not gonna lie.
“How come you don’t want to have sex? What about me? Have you thought about how that makes me feel? If your head hurts, sex would help but you never consider me, I’ll sleep in the couch”.
A selfish, self-centered bitch, only thinks about himself.
Feeling good having sex with him? Aw baby, try again cause this mf would use you like a damn toy and he couldn’t care less about your feelings or how much pain you’re in.
Cheater, he wouldn’t even be quiet about it. “Oh you want to divorce me? And where are you gonna go, sugar? You’re nothing without me”.
Doesn’t fucking know where the clit is, he doesn’t have a fucking clue.
Of course straight, loves to be white and American.
“Of course I can say whatever I want, I’m from America I have freedom of speech”.
Fuck you graves.
Rodolfo Parra
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He seems so sweet and kind and considerate I love him.
Smart as hell, probably got the best grades when he was a kid.
Doesn’t hate anyone, no one hates him.
Loves nature and animals but he can’t enjoy it too much cause he is always busy.
Dreams about having a big family and a dog (a golden, probably).
Forget about having rough sex UNLESS he’s mad (fr mad like losing his shit but that doesn’t happen frequently).
Could be a teacher if he wasn’t in the army, he’s very patient and can explain things easily.
Have a pretty smile.
Valeria Garza aka MAMI
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Feels like she needs to prove something, she was underestimated for so long in the army that now she’s always trying to prove to herself how badass and good at her job she is.
Almost no one knows the real Valeria, her favorite things, music taste, if she prefers cold or hot, coffee or tea etc.
She hates cold weather with all her MIGHT.
Likes to smoke only when she’s stressed.
Likes animals but thinks they’re so much work and she doesn’t have the time.
Did drugs once and hated it.
Feels guilty when she spots a church but she WOULD NEVER admit this shit to anyone.
Used to the worst of life so she didn’t like when someone is kind with her, is like “tf am I supposed to do with it???” but she gets used to it eventually.
I don’t think she has anger issues but def she doesn’t fucking know how to regulate her emotions, she lets stress take over her.
She would love a narcowife, kind of woman who wears a lot of beachy dresses and have a shitty personality like her (like Kate del Castillo in La Reina del Sur or in Bad Boys, exactly that kind of narcowife) (I’m kinda projecting, sorry lol).
I can’t picture her with a sweet girl and I think a sweet girl wouldn’t be able to handle that woman.
She keeps arguing even though she realized she’s in the wrong.
She wouldn't be able to spend a lot of time with her S.O, she's such a workaholic.
I don't think she likes to wear men clothes.
I don't think she hates kids but I can't picture her with kids.
Wouldn't divorce once she's married.
Btw I didn’t want to make this too sexual bc lately this fandom is full of just that, too much smut, too much violence and rape in the smut and it’s so graphic that I feel I’m watching instead of reading wtf, its uncomfortable and I honestly can’t picture the characters being that violent and vile.
As I said in my previous hcs… these guys are surrounded by violence, stress and blood every day, I personally don’t think they wanna get home to torture their partners (well, maybe graves cause he is a piece of shit that mf. Okay kidding, not even Graves is that much of a bastard).
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calliopesdiary · 22 days
10 Things I HATE About: You. (part two!)
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summary: James is starting to get desperate when Lily continues to reject his attempts to date her, as she reveals she's not allowed to date until her completely opposite twin sister does. which seems highly unlikely, (thats why its such a good rule). so James comes up with a grand plan to get Sirius to date her, what could go wrong?
(literally just the story of 10tihay)
wc: 1,401
pairings: evans!slytherin!reader (jeezus thats a mouthful) x sirius black
tropes: grumpy x sunshine, because of a bet
contents: angst? (if that's what we call it) to comfort, happy ending, james doesn't think before he does something, mulciber is sexist (but what’s new)
Pt: 2-3
a/n; i’d like to apologize to those who have waited so long, my dyslexia has been getting worse and worse recently and writing was something i started dreading to do, but i’m back and better then ever! thanks for a patience 🫶
(part one)
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WELL, SIRIUS WAS FUCKED. and not in the enjoyable way.
how could he do this to himself, how could he do this to James? he wasn't meant to actually like you.
your rejections shamefully bruised his bulletproof ego, crushing it to pieces like a glass heart.
but they meant the world to him, he loved your routinely reluctance and the way you always seemed to be running away from him.
it was a game he was more than willing to play.
as long as you never found out everything was a bet; he could keep you forever like he was in love the whole time.
selfish, really. but Sirius Black was a selfish man.
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"how was your date with the dog, Sugar?" Barty teased excitedly, jumping off the bed to run over to you.
"lovely, actually."
"I KNEW I- wait, what?" He was completely prepared for you to say it was horrid.
"lovely, i said. please don't make me say it again."
"I'm so glad it was nice, dear." Dorcas cooed, wrapping her arms around you.
"have anything in common with your loverboy?" Barty sighed dejectedly, sitting you down on the bed.
"we both like Fleetwood Mac." you admitted sheepishly, twisting your hair like some immature school girl with a crush (which wasn't exactly far off).
"that's great!" Dorcas cheered softly, taking your hand.
"I'm falling for him." you blurted out, blushing once you even realized the thought had come out of your mouth.
"that explains it." Pandora pondered.
"explains what, lil' sis?" Evan asked confusedly.
"her aura," Pandora began, "it's oddly pinkish."
"n-no, it's not." you refused.
"the nargles don't lie, Y/N."
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one early morning Quidditch practice— you were on the field stretching as you heard the speakers begin to stir.
“you’re just too good to be true~”
“can’t take my eyes off of you~”
everyone on Slytherin and the other teams looked around, as you saw Sirius with a microphone belting “Can’t Take My Eyes off You” by Franke Valli.
what. the. fuck.
obviously— Madame Hooch had his head for it.
but he must’ve thought it was worth it, just to see you laugh at his antics.
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Sirius kept the bet going, though he'd rather cut the deal and just date you regularly. like normal people do.
you, on the other hand, were unaware of the bet and were wishing Sirius would leave you alone and stop asking you out.
because your personal feelings were growing way too strong, and you didn't need some man to swoop in and save you like some damsel-in-distress. You were perfectly capable of saving yourself, thank you very much.
your singleness proved that. But why was Sirius Black, of all people, so enticing?
you kept going out with Sirius for as long as you could, until the butterflies in your stomach stopped fluttering, and the spark that ignited in your heart whenever he looked at you fizzled out.
your plan is to stop your heart from aching every time you see Sirius Black. How do you plan to do that?
spend as much time with him as possible until your conversations become boring and predictable. That should do the trick!
news flash: trying to bore yourself out of a crush didn't work at all. In fact, it backfired and now you're even more attracted to Sirius Black than before. what are you going to do now?
you were sat in potions when Peter anxiously slid a piece of paper towards you, clearing his throat and motioning you to open it.
“s’from Sirius.” he whispered, cracking his knuckles as he turned back to his Cauldron.
confused, you opened the (rather large) piece of parchment and read down the words carefully.
“My Dearest Y/N L/N,
if you are able and would like to spare an inch of your time to grace me with your lovely presence by the lake at exactly 6’o clock this evening? i’d love to have you in my company for a small surprise (though you don’t like them— it’s small, promise.).
see you there, princess?
-S.O.B (xoxo)”
your eyes skimmed over the letter, as if to check if it was fake or some sort of sick joke.
but.. nothing was exploding or falling apart so… it should be safe.
besides, you were beginning to trust Sirius. he wasn’t the worst person ever.
that thought made you severely sick to your stomach, that the rotten little first year you knew had blossomed into such a beautiful thing.
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and that night was amazing.
you guys danced, joked, laughed… kissed..
it was like a fairytale.
your dreams of your very own happily ever after were squashed when you were far too young by your older yet muggle sister, Petunia.
she said there is no such thing as runaway princesses, daring sword fights, fire breathing dragons, mystical fairies, etc.
and she particularly liked telling her and Lily that happily ever after never happened, that it was a myth.
but his lips felt like happily ever after.
his gaze felt like happily ever after.
he felt like happily ever after.
“so, are you thinking about going to the spring dance?” Sirius asked gingerly, knowing you weren’t keen on the topic.
“no, it’s a stupid tradition.”
“c’mon, nobody will expect you to be there!”
“why are you so keen on this? what’s in it for you?”
he ignored your question, looking down at his pitch black painted nails.
“you need therapy, you know that?” he quipped, looking back over to your aggravated look.
“you’re ignoring my question.”
“nothing! nothing is in it for me!” he finished his sentence off with a cautious kiss on your forehead, leaving you with a soft smile.
it killed him at he lied to you.
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but that happily ever after was clearly— too short.
after lovely dates and nearly becoming official multiple times, everything had come crashing down onto you.
here; let me explain.
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many people would say that Sirius deserved better than you, but you learned long ago to ignore the sting of people’s words on your skin.
Sirius seemed to make it all better though.
it was annual Hogwarts spring dance season, and you usually would refuse to go.
and you weren’t crazy about the idea of a bunch of sweaty, hormonal teenagers dancing for hours on end.
but maybe with Sirius it wouldn’t be bad.
you’d even went dress shopping with Dorcas, something you would’ve never ever done.
so the night of the dance, everything went to hell.
“hey! Peter!.. have you seen Sirius?” you yelled over the loud music, the bass pounding in your eardrums.
“Pads? umm, yeah i think he’s with James!”
“Thanks.” you thanked half-assedly.
You scoured the Great Hall, messing nervously with your hair as you spotted him chatting with James.
“Pads, come on. You know i love you but you need to get a move on with this bet if you want the rewards.” James placed a strong hand on his friends smaller shoulder, not noticing you were there.
“I know, Prongs, I’ll probably just— ghost her after tonight or something, i guess.” again he felt bad lying to James, since he’d never ever dream of ghosting you ever.
but this time one of his lies caught up with him.
“nothing in it for you, huh?” His head perked up as he saw you standing infront of him, you took a disappointed glance at James and ran out of the ballroom. he followed close behind.
"would you give me a chance?" He tried to reason, following you up the staircases.
"You were paid to take me out! by the one person i truly hate. I knew this was a set up!" You yelled heart brokenly, stopping a few steps above him.
"Y/n, it wasn't like that, okay?"
"Really? what was it like? A down payment now and then a bonus for sleeping with me?"
"No, I didn't care about the money, okay? I cared... I cared about you."
You turned to face him with a countenance of both sadness and anger.
"You are so not who I thought you were." You muttered sadly.
In desperation, Sirius grabbed you and attempted to solve the issue by pressing his lips against yours, trying to recapture any spark.
but much to his chagrin, you jerked away from him. giving him a disgusted look as you fled back up the staircase towards your dorm room.
Nice one, Pads.
part three coming soon!
taglist <3:
@m1nank0 @hisparentsgallerryy @universallybilzzardlove @m4r4udersmyluvs @heyyrose @thescarletredwitch @0strawberrysorbet0 @bubbles2416
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OKAY here is the completely nonserious percy jackson npmd au thats been taking up space in my brain for weeks now because it simply needs somewhere to go:
New campers-
Stephanie Lauter:
I'm not overcomplicating this one: Steph is a daughter of Aphrodite
Solomon Lauter saw the hottest woman at some party where he was campaigning, and he’s is nothing if not ‘passionate’ and successful (by design) so it worked out
As far as Steph knows until her teens her mom ran off on her dad when she was a baby, and that’s fine, she doesn't give a shit, she’s never looked into it
Until, when she’s sixteen (because somehow she’s made it this long) Grace Chasity starts a rumor, her dad sends her to Abstinence Camp and the monster in the woods chases her right into camp halfblood
She gets claimed pretty promptly and Is Not A Fan
She’s thinks it’s pretty sexist and conceited and stupid and problematic for a whileeeee and refuses to look into it any more than ‘pink and pretty and misogynistic’ which like, doesn’t go well for her but she’s nothing if not stubborn
She’s fluent in French because of her mom but she doesn’t know that until she gets to camp and is genuinely so pissed off that the one school subject she thought she was good at isn’t even on her own merit
She’s got some vague appearance manipulation stuff, and once she realizes she does she exclusively uses it to change her hair color and make her eyeliner look good
She’s probably like camp way more if she knew about it earlier but the combo of her had having kept it from her and who her mom is and all the stupid games/worship expectations piss her off and she bails on most of the events/training/campfires out of spite
She definitely uses some close up weapon like a dagger or short sword
Grace Chastity:
Grace is a daughter of Ares 
(Her finding this out goes very poorly)
Im ngl i feel like somehow Ares ended up with Mark Chastity, I refuse to examine this thought but i think Mark Chastity had his first gay experience and woke up the next morning with a baby there somehow because Ares thought it would be hilarious and wanted to see what would happen
She gets chased to camp with Steph from Abstinence Camp and is fucking livid, the whole thing is insanely scareligious and ridiculous and everyone there is going to hell and she is so heated that Ares, once again thinking it’s really funny and slightly proud, claims her on the spot
Grace Chastity is out here with her sacreligious two gay dads
She really resents specifically who her dad is because in her head she is made for peace and love and spreading the word of god, she hates the idea of war or violence on principal, so she spends a lot of time at the strawberry fields or Pegusus stables because she does really like the flying horses :)
She refuses to take place in any camp activities or training and all her siblings hate her
At a certain point she’s able to harness a level of odikinesis (enhancing feelings of hatred and war) and it doesn’t go well
Chiron honestly is forcing her to stick around because he’s REALLY so very nervous about how the fuck it would go to have Grace loose on the mortal world right after she finds everything else
Her weapon is an axe
AND THEN we’ve got the established campers-
Peter Spankoffski:
Okay so forgive me for my special little blorbo-fication of my guy but:
Pete’s a son of Nyx
He super fucking shouldn’t be, there aren’t demi-god children of Nyx, just monsters and minor gods, but him and Ted were kind of just… thought experiments? Like she was bored and very curious so she took a really shitty human and had a child with him (Ted) and then, in what Nyx’s head was barely any time at all but in human years was straight up 18 years, has another one (Pete)
Ted raises Pete for a couple years, but children of Nyx in general are just bad omens, and human children of Nyx who probably shouldn’t exist are no exception, so they get hunted down by monsters hard
Ted dies or disappears by the time Pete’s ten or eleven and he ends up at a camp
He’s a year round camper and lives in the hermes cabin because obviously Nyx doesn’t have a cabin (look okay i know that percy fixed that, but that bit of lore where any unclaimed or minor god children live at the hermes cabin is so fucked up and rife with angst and hurt/comfort potential is too much for me to resist so this is a universe where percy jackson does not exist)
His luck is horrible, like it’s a magical demigod ability how horrible his luck is and he’s well on his way to systematically having broken every single one of his bones one by one, they know him so well in the apollo cabin
NO ONE (and I mean NO ONE) likes him and he’s considered a camp wide jinx so he takes one for the team and personally exempts himself from any team events like capture the flag because no one is willing to have him on their side
A lot of newer campers generally assume he’s an Athena kid because he really enjoys learning/strategy/by-the-book stuff because it’s a lot easier than trying to get involved with the more dangerous athletic shit 
Because his mom is the goddess of night he’s very into outer space
His weapon is a bow and arrow, but he’s pretty good with most range weapons/anything that he can calculate aim for 
Ruth Fleming:
Ruth is a daughter of Demeter and she’s pissed about it
Her dad told her about being a demigod a couple years before she went to camp but he didn’t know who her mom was so she got very very into greek mythos and shit and was convinced she was a daughter of Athena or Aphrodite or someone else nine-year-old-girl-cool and was fucking devestated when it was the goddess of farming
Like, she’ll do all the things she’s expected to (helping in the strawberry fields, weeding, etc..) but she’s going to complain about it
She doesn’t even have any cool powers to go with it!!! it’s so unfair >:( 
She’s also involved with the camp’s theater department and is convinced it’s rigged against her because of who her mom is in favor of Apollo and Dionysus kids (in fairness…. it probably is) which is why she’s always stuck on tech 
She’s definitely got a crush of Richie’s dad
She’s a summer only camper for sure, monsters don’t hunt her down for any reason in particular or en mass so she can get away with it and fight off the ones that do, but she does kind of take offense to the fact that even monsters don't want her (even if they’d just kill her) 
Her childhood greek mythology obsession carries over so she knows every dumb little detail about every myth and will bring it up unprompted
Her main weapon is just a celestial bronze sword but i feel like when she first got to camp at 12 she bribed a child of Iris to change the color of it so it looks like… rose gold lmao
Richie Lipschitz:
Richie is a son of Dionysus
And sure, okay, I know what you're thinking: that doesn’t really fit…?
But to that I say oh boy it does, just not for Richie
For his twin brother Trevor however– 
Richie is kind of like the black sheep of his cabin, not that there is many of them, because his brother is perfectly cookie cutter what a Dionysis kid should be (he’s a theater kid, he throws good parties, he’s generally popular) and Richie is not
They both started camp at probably 10-ish, a little earlier than traditional because there were two of them which drew more monsters
His eyes are violet though which he thinks is very cool so he dyes his hair purple to match them
He sorta-kinda has chlorokinesis, specifically for grape and strawberry vines, which a. he also thinks is very cool, and b. he uses as an excuse to get out of training so he can hang out with Ruth
He's also really good at swimming and trying to work up the courage to ask his dad if he'd possibly be able to grant him the ability to turn into a dolphin but just like... only when he wanted tot and he could turn back
He really wishes his was an Apollo kid (though, obviously he’d never say that out loud) because of the artistic stuff, so he sort of just tries to gaslight everyone that because his dad is the god of the Arts that includes physical art like drawing so obviously that’s why he’s good at it
He’s a summer-only camper too but for the dumbest reason; their parents gave the twins a choice, but Trevor wanted to be able to go back to school to do school plays and Richie can’t watch anime at camp so they chose summer only
His weapon is just a normal sword but he’s campaigning to get a child of Hephaestus to make him a Katana
(They’re all three kind of outcasts in terms of their own godly parents, because Ruth and Richie don’t really fit the mold of ‘normal child of [blank]’ and Pete’s kind of just generally disliked because of his parentage, so they all sort of came together as friends out of necessity but now they’re just actually buddies and they hang out)
anyway who knows if ill do anything with this but its FUN and id love to talk about it forever they're just little demigod losers I love them
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mythicalmeowz · 2 months
just my thoughts
One thing I’ve been noticing more and more recently is. A lot of people have been saying they think Cosmo and Wanda must’ve gotten marriage counseling between the ending of the OG show and the beginning of the new one.
Which is fine! I think if anyone wants to take everything from the original, even the "bad", as canon, that’s entirely okay. As much as I would like to pretend those things were never written, I can’t change the fact that they were written.
But one thing I think is important to note is: Cosmo and Wanda were never intended to be written in a loveless marriage in the first place. They were never intended to be written mean, or neglectful, or hateful. And that’s very obvious to me, reading the original show’s pitch and reference books.
There is nothing in this world that could ever convince me Cosmo and Wanda were meant to be anything but loving. These are screenshots from the original Pitch and the show’s guideline booklet:
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They really spell it out perfectly. “It’s a show about friendship.” It was always meant to be.
The inclusion of “great, fleshed-out characters” here leads me to believe they never meant for Cosmo or Wanda to become flanderized to a single trait. Cosmo was never meant to just be “the idiot”, and Wanda was never meant to be the “anti-fun” one. They were meant to be equals.
“[he] doesn’t have a mean bone in his... body,” as well tells me Cosmo was never meant to be written the way he was in later seasons; he wasn’t meant to be mean, nor was he meant to hate his wife. It’s my belief that, had the writers never changed, or had they hired writers who Did care, the writing of the show would not have suffered the way it did.
“So if it was never intended to happen, then why did it happen?”
Around the time Cosmo and Wanda’s characterization began deteriorating, they had hired writers who were notorious for writing mean-spirited and anti-marriage jokes in other shows. And this was around the time those sexist and “I hate marriage” jokes began seeping into the Fairly Oddparents’ writing. Nickelodeon saw success with the pilot and first two seasons of the show, and when their original writers left, they hired people who didn’t care as much for the continuity or storytelling of the show because they wanted that success to continue.
I think a lot of people tend to forget this show was cancelled five separate times during its run. For every season past its fifth, they wanted to end production, but Nickelodeon would not let them.
It was, and still is, one of Nickelodeon’s highest rated and longest running shows they’ve ever made; they kept ordering new episodes, despite the writer’s wish for it to end, because Nick wanted to ride its success. They didn’t care if it deteriorated or got worse; they just wanted it to continue making them money.  
That’s why so many characters were added to the show past season five. Nick told the writers they had to add one new character per season. That’s why Poof, Foop, Goldie, Sparky, and Chloe were all added—for views and for money.
And when it stopped making them money, they cut its budget. They switched to flash animation. They moved it to their sister channel, where Nicktoons go when they’re not profitable enough for the network.
The original was a show that suffered in the hands of corporate greed.
I really, really appreciate the new show and all who have worked on it for taking what went wrong with the original and repairing it from the ground up. Oddparents has been my special interest since I was a child; it means a lot to me to see it, once again, in the hands of people who seem to really care. (though, this does not include what they did to cupid)
Again, if anyone wants to headcanon C&W as going through marriage counseling, that’s entirely fine! This isn’t meant to be me taking a jab at anyone or anything; it’s more-so just me spilling my own thoughts (because I sure have a lot of them). And if anyone likes anything from the "worse" seasons, thats fine, too! Even I like episodes from the later seasons. They're not all bad!
*For anyone interested, the original pitch from 1999 and the guidelines reference book can both be found on the Internet Archive.
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bibibbon · 1 month
I find it funny that Dabi unlearned his sexist perspective of "man pain" while living on the streets. It either because he had to for survival or just not being around wife-beating Endeavor gave a better impression of women.
Or young Toya was depicted as sexist to give the impression he was born evil with these "bad ideas from nowhere" to make Endeavor seem less responsible for him.
Even if horikoshi made touya sexist to somehow show that touya shouldn't get any of our sympathy since he was born evil with his sexist ideologies. This just ends up totally backfiring on horikoshi and makes enji look worse (in my opinion) and this is because no child comes out of the womb evil (except AFO I guess but thats something iam gonna ignore because AFO's backstory is an anomaly and it was horribly written)
The point still stands that no child is born evil and that from what we see of young touya he didn't come out of the womb evil like AFO.
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So by that point touya must of learnt this women are inferior to men ideology from somewhere right?!?! And my best guess is that it's definitely enji todoroki especially because during touya's childhood he clings to that ideology pretty strongly even after he goes to school and is surrounded by other people touya at the age of 13 still held those sexist beliefs.
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Those same sexist beliefs are what cause him to be so distant to his sister fuyumi and his mother.
I think even though we don't ever actually receive a fully detailed chapter going on what touya went through during his time of homelessness I do like seeing how he has changed. However, I do very much wish we saw more of Dabis pov maybe him feeling a lot guilty about being distant towards fuyumi and viewing her as inferior (never actually seeing the strength she had to live in that household) or maybe we see touya develop a better understanding of his mother and what she went through (I think that might of happend since in the end touya ends up exactly in the same position Rei starts in alone, vulnerable and trapped).
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Maybe the way Dabi treats toga is influenced a bit due to the guilt he felt for being distant towards fuyumi?
Maybe or maybe not 🤷‍♀️
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I do like the idea of Dabi at 16 learning to treat women with respect and ultimately them being equal to men and not inferior simply because of the various experiences he had in the streets both good and bad (I think it also shows just how bad of a person enji is like how the hell is your son learning how to treat women with basic respect in the most dangerous parts of the street while you're filling your sons head with sexist ideologies?!?)
However, Iam still mad that we didn't get more from Dabis perspective as there's so much left to answer and that the narrative tires to paint Dabi in the worst of lights while doing the exact opposite for enji
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
S3 EP24 (The Turnabout Intruder) I can’t believe I’m here. At the end. This is the last thought post.
Let’s go already:
- Awww they’re beaming down together
- Leaving Kirk alone with a woman…
- An episode directly calling out sexism? More likely than you think?
- “We would have killed each other.” “Might have been better.” Hot
- Is this set on Friday cause that’s pretty freaky
- I’ll miss you Star Trek opening (I’m going to rewatch this show idk what I’m talking about)
- Obsessed with Kirk talking that way omg
- Something about transitioning or whatever
- They should know it’s not actually Kirk cause he didn’t do his dramatic ass communicator flip
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- The actress doing a great job at playing Kirk (just body language at this point but it’s already spot on)
- Kirk’s ass uhmmm
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- Woah Bones is going to riot! There’s so much medical malpractice happening here
- Nurse Chapel with brown hair <3
- Lester is fucking up so bad impersonating Kirk. Like she didn’t even cross her leg over the other when she sat in the captains chair and she isn’t properly listening to Spock’s infodump :(
- Bones gets to have his riot. Wait. How does Lester know to call him Bones?
- Bones why would you lean over Kirk like that
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- Kirk storming out of his own damn room
- Kirk’s ass analyzing something or other or what-
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- She is so good at playing Kirk
- Guys. Listen. She is my queen. I love her. I adore her. And more than that I think she’s the coolest motherfucker alive.
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- If I was Kirk I’d have slapped Coleman. No hesitation.
- Kirk’s gotta get in contact with one of his boyfriends
- Kirk is so good at putting on his charm. Like he’s so quick to panic about the ship but the charm is quickly regained
- *smashes the glass and cuts through restraints* bad fucking ass
- The boyfriends are ✨worried✨
- McCoy and Spock look so pretty
- Bones is going to kill Kirk. His blue eyes are murderous
- Spock using his ‘I’m that bitch’ privileges to get past security
- “Don’t get dressed yet.” McCoy out of context 1969
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- A CALL BACK TO A PREVIOUS EPISODE?!? Tholian web mention?!? Woah.
- “Doctor McCoy may be of help.” Yeah go get your other boyfriend!
- The guard stopping them from exiting and then Spock looks over at Kirk like, ‘the audacity of this bitch. Should I just nerve pinch him, captain?’
- eugh Lester shaking Bones’ hand is so unnaturally uncomfortable
- Can’t bring Kirk to Bones, bring Bones to Kirk
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- McCoy’s eyeing Spock like what the fuck is happening to our boyfriend
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- “Why…? Captain.” The spite Spock has
- McCoy hates being used against Spock like this
- How can William Shatner make those clicking noises with his mouth so casually
- “But her intense hatred of her own womanhood made life with her impossible.” This is like lady Macbeth
- Spock getting mad oooooooh
- Ohhh my god it’s so fundamentally sexist how Kirk is now ‘more emotional’ which could be a character choice but it feels so over the top and more like a ‘she’s a woman so this is how she acts’ choice
- Lester hates being a woman so much because of prejudices and stereotypes that she now perpetuates those same things onto others
- I love how many episodes have mutiny
- “The penalty: death.” WHAT
- Spock was just like, ‘we gotta be ready to slap a bitch’
- “Kill him!!!” no murder tonight for you Lester
And that’s just how they end the whole fucking show huh
I’m not sure if I’ll ever do something like this again for a show but this was a blast and I enjoyed every second of it. Thank you so much to everyone who has followed along. Every comment, reblog, and like has been appreciated.
However, I will be posting some bonus thoughts so keep a lookout for those :)
And as always Masterpost
Teleplay by Arthur H. Singer
Story by Gene Roddenberry
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bestofmultiverse · 2 months
I see heaven (crush me)
Chapter 2: Come on i dare you to love me
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Trigger warning: this chapter contains bad written p0rn and horrible stuff as rape, violence etc.
haven't checked for mistakes, sorry in advance
Read on ao3 • chapter 1 on tumblr
Casey was late, again.
It was her second year first day, and last class for the day.
Alex's class.
In her defense, this time it wasn't her fault, she was pulled into an after class conversation by professor Callahan, that sexist asshole, and he just didn't want to let her go.
When she got into the classroom she met with alex's stern glare,
"Miss novak, are you trying to make a new tradition of being late to my class on the first day?"
This time, in contrast to last year alex let casey come into class and grab her sit at the front.
The class went smoothly afterwards, nothing too special, when it ended and everyone got up to leave alex spoke up.
"Miss novak, my office" alex said before leaving the room and walking toward her office.
Casey exchanged looks with her friend Elle - who was one of her favorite people in class. (A/N - yes i mean the original iconic legally blonde herself)
The blonde gave her a shrug and mouthed good luck as she went towards the exit.
"She has a death wish i swear" olivia said to one of her friends with a chuckle.
Casey sent her a glare.
When the redhead got to alex's office she got a stern look from the older woman.
Alex sat on her chair, casey decided to sit on the chair opposite from her , she felt she was in the principal office for scolding.
"Hey to you too"
Casey said sarcastically.
"Well?" Alex glared.
casey sighed
"I swear it wasn't my fault this time. It was this creep Callahan" casey said and alex raised an eyebrow
"The professor?" The blonde asked confused
"Yeah yeah he basically cornered me to have a long conversation about his goddamn ego"
"Well, he is a defense attorney" alex finally said after a moment.
Casey chuckled
"You're still mad?" The redhead asked and alex rolled her eyes and got up from her sit.
She crossed the room to make sure the door is locked before she went to casey and straddled her.
"Yes, but i think i have an idea how you can make it up to me" alex said and kissed casey's lips softly.
when she was about to break the kiss casey pulled her into her again, a bit roughly, her hands sneaking into the older's woman hair,
Alex's hands lowered from casey's cheeks to her throat.
To be honest at the last few months- since casey's end of season game the two were annoyingly in love, although life had different plans for them,
Their whole affair started while casey was still cramming for the last exams of the semester.
and than although it was the summer break- and they they found themselves spending some quality time together- both were fairly busy, alex took a work trip to NYPD to help the new york finest as a temporary ADA while casey started working as an intern in a law firm in Massachusetts along side some of the finest lawyers alex met.
To say alex didn't pulled some strings to get casey there will be a lie, but she would've done it either way, every year she chose the best first year in her class and gave them a chance to experience the real world.
This year it happened to be casey- who ended up being the top of her class, her friend- Elle woods a few steps behind.
The two barely seen each other in the past 2 weeks and they were craving each other's touch. Their make out session was getting a lot more intense by the second and alex found herself gasping for air as casey's hands opened a few buttons in her blouse, to reveal a red lace bra.
"You're so hot baby"
casey whispered before pushing alex's blouse off, leaving her in bra and skirt only.
"I don't think thats a good idea case"
alex admitted as casey pulled herself up with alex in arms, toned arms flexing as she led them to the couch.
"No one will know, everybody's gone home"
casey reassured the blonde before she pushed her down on her back.
Alex thought casey was the hottest human to exist, with strong arms that quite literally could carry her everywhere.
The older woman pulled casey into a bruising kiss, casey climbed on top of alex and kissed down her neck to her shoulder
she stopped and unlocked the clip of alex's bra before she threw it away somewhere and attacked her nipple with a skilled tongue.
Left hand pinched and played with the other nipple.
Alex moaned softly, both knew she needed this release, and soon,
To say the two waited a lot before jumping into bed will be a lie.
And god bless both, each time they had sex it was mind blowing.
Which also meant, that the fact they hadn't slept together in two weeks made both very desperate.
"I need you to fuck me , soon" alex said and pulled casey into her.
"Do you have any preferences?" Casey asked
Casey meant tongue or fingers but whatever.
The redhead smirked before she kissed down alex's half naked body.
she pulled the older woman's skirt and panties down in a swift flick of her wrist before she started kissing and licking her clit.
Alex whimpered and tried to keep herself from moaning loudly.
Before alex could even speak casey pushed two fingers into her, starching and filling her in matter of seconds.
Alex pulled one of the pillows to her mouth to muffle her moaning, she couldn't contain herself from making them at this point.
Casey's fingers curled and pushed in hard and fast.
she continued doing so while her tongue played with alex's clit until she felt alex's walls clutching around her fingers.
Moments later the older woman's body rose a few inches in the air as Casey helped her ride her orgasm.
"Am i forgiven now?"
Casey asked when the professor calmed down
Alex threw the pillow on her face while she still tried to fix her breath, both women laughed before casey laid down on the blonde's chest.
"How long?"
George asked when the two roommates set together in their living room, casey's long lags spread on her best friend's lap as she zipped through the channels.
"Till I'll find something good to watch? I don't know man, honestly everything is total garbage"
George chuckled at his friends clueless answer
"I meant how long you've been sleeping with your professor"
Casey almost dropped the remote
"I dont know what you're talking about Georgie" she tried to keep her heartbeat from spiking and failed.
"Case, come on, it's me" he said and she sighed.
She knew damn well this man was too talented for his own good.
"Damn you george huang" she said before she pulled her legs away from the man's lap.
She pulled her knees to her chest.
"Technically around 3 months, but she's been gone for a big part of it, we did our best but haven't saw much of each other" she admitted.
She looked at the man with raised eyebrow.
"How did you know?"
"Im good in reading people" the man said with a small smile
"And also, you have a huge hicky on your neck and i saw the way you look at her when you think no one can see you"
"Oh" she whispered
"Is it serious, case?"
The future psychologist asked and put his hand on his friend's shoulder
He didn't want her to get hurt
"We haven't actually made it official or anything, about it but i think it is."
"Maybe you should then"
George said before he snatched the remote from her grasp.
"You're so damn bad at picking movies, case"
Casey laughed.
Case: lex? You awake?
It was around 12 am, mid week, and casey was tossing and turning in bed. Her conversation with George repeating in her mind.
Lex: i am, is everything alright?
Case: i have a question
Lex: okay
Case: what are we?
Alex hadn't answered and casey started to get nervous.
Lex: i don't know, what do you want us to be?
Case: girlfriends i think.
Is it something you want?
Lex: yes. One hundred percent yes.
Casey smiled softly at alex's reply
Case: can i come over? I know you have a morning class to teach but i just want to be with you.
Alex smiled at the text before she put on a sweatshirt and grabbed her glasses and car keys
Lex: I'll be outside your building in 20 minutes.
Case: thank you
Lex: nothing to thank me for baby, im getting cuddles.
Casey chuckled to herself
who would've thought the great alexandra cabot, the ice queen herself, is actually a big softie.
When casey got out alex was already outside, the blonde was leaning on her car with a tired expression.
"You shouldn't have come, i could take a van or something" casey said and walked towards her.
"Nonsense, i wanted too"
She said and greeted the younger woman with a kiss.
Casey melted into the older woman, A soft contained sigh leaving her lip.
"Hello girlfriend" casey whispered to her as she broke the kiss, their noses brushing.
Alex chuckled and kissed her nose.
"All mine" she promised
The drive to alex's apartment was quick and before casey could even get sleepy in the car she was already in alex's bed, tugged into a warm blanket and her girlfriend's warm embrace.
Alex kissed her temple before she turned off the lights as the two women drifted off to sleep.
The morning came faster than expected and alex groan as she heard casey's alarm.
"Turn it off" alex grumbled and casey laughed before doing as she was told.
"Why are you waking up now you don't have classes until noon??" alex asked with an annoyed expression.
Casey chuckled
"I'm going for a run"
Alex rolled her eyes
"That's horrible Cassandra"
Casey laughed and tried to pull away from her girlfriend's grasp
the older woman pulled her back to bed.
"You stay"
Alex commended and wrapped her girlfriend in a bear hug with a pout.
How is that a grown ass woman
casey thought with a chuckle as she laid on her girlfriend's chest.
"Lex you're supposed to get up in like ten minutes, you know that"
Alex ignored her and closed back her eyes.
casey, who got bored after 45 seconds of staying still with no apparent reason started to suck on the older woman's neck with a smirk.
If she's not getting her morning run, alex not getting her sleep.
"Baby don't start something you cant finish" alex groaned and casey smirked
"You owe me my cardio" she said in a sultry tone.
Alex opened her eyes and glared at the younger woman.
If she wanted to play, alex would play.
Before casey could even understand what was happening Alex switched up between their positions so she was on top and then pulled her girlfriend into a bruising kiss.
"Then try to keep up" alex taunted.
It wasn't long before Alex's long fingers were curling inside casey's cunt.
The redhead whimpering and moaning with no restraint.
Her nails digging into alex's naked back as her girlfriend fucked her with no mercy.
Casey's body was a piece of art, in alex's mind,
Especially when it was naked, scratched and marked by her own nails and lips.
Abs flexed to perfection, skin glistening with sweat, hair messy and eyes widened.
Alex loved seeing casey like that, all vulnerability and at her mercy.
"Oh god lex- I'm so close"
Casey was bagging, her naked body rising up with every thrust of alex's fingers.
The older woman was fucking casey so hard she felt her wrist getting crammed.
Alex's alarm went off - the annoying beep making alex curse.
"Dont you dare cuming" alex said before she pulled her fingers out and turned it off.
Casey gasped in shock.
"You fucking asshole" she groaned
"I told you to not start something you can't finish" alex taunted "we're out of time now"
"Please alex" casey whimpered, she tried to pull her legs together , hoping the friction will help ease her needs
"You're trying to make yourself cum? now thats something id like to see"
Alex challenged and casey whimpered again while she sent her smirking girlfriend a deadly glare
"I wouldn't have to if you weren't an ass" casey said angrily and alex laughed before she parted casey legs open again and pushed two fingers in again.
"You fucker" casey breathed out and alex grabbed her girlfriend's neck with her free hand, pressing on it,
it wasn't hard enough to do any harm of course, but enough to make casey moan louder.
The whole ordeal it turned alex on.
"Do you want to cum, baby?" alex asked and used the thumb of the hand that was fucking casey to press on her clit.
Alex kept eye contact between them the whole time , blue eyes boring into green.
"Yes lex - please" she was bagging.
Alex smirk grew and she took the younger woman's lips into a deep bruising kiss
"Then cum for me baby" she encouraged her girlfriend and pressed a bit harder on casey's neck.
Casey needn't more encouraging than that, in a matter of seconds she was shaking, her orgasm ripping violently through her body as she was moaning hard.
Casey's nails dug deep into alex's arms and back as she came.
"Good girl" alex encouraged her as she came down from the high.
The blonde kissed her so softly casey thought she might faint - the contrast between that and their recent activity was dizzying
"God you're good at everything, that's not fair"
She couldn't complain, really, as the person who profited from this the most.
Alex chuckled and kissed her again. Their noses brushing.
"Trust me, you're not too bad yourself"
Alex wasn't even trying to hide how good casey made feel every time they had sex, she genuinely meant that.
Casey wasn't just crazily dedicated and smart, she was kind, beautiful, funny, an incredible cook, had killer body and was the best sexual partner alex had in her 40 years on earth.
Alex lied back down, half on casey's chest and half on the bed, nuzzling her nose into the redhead's red neck.
"I love you, case" alex said as casey played with her hair, she felt secure in casey's arms.
"I love you too, so fucking much" casey returned the sentiment "and also, i think i cant walk"
Alex burst into laughter, knowing damn well casey will be sore for days to come
"Im serious tho, how am i supposed to go to class without people asking questions"
Alex laugher echo in the room.
"Tell them you fell down again" the older woman chuckled
"Yeah? On my pussy? Im sure that will work" Casey joked
"Well, you're pretty flexible, they might buy it"
"Shut up will you?" Casey kissed alex's temple.
"Never" alex said and kissed her nose, lips, and dimples as the younger woman rich laugh echoed through the bedroom.
Alex and casey's relationship was going perfectly,
Of course the two kept it a secret from everyone- except George that figured it out but swore to keep quite,
Their time together was priceless for both, in between casey's job , classes & softball practices and alex's loads of work.
It was a Friday night when the two were getting ready to different parties.
Casey was going to a house party of some seniors she worked with in the cafe- this time she promised to grab a cab to alex's when it ends instead of trying and walk by herself.
The fall semester just ended and Christmas was right around the corner, and of course there was a Christmas party- a bit earlier than the actual holiday- alex had to attend.
She preferred almost anything but be there, but the high society woman that she was had to attend. Especially because it was full with many of her colleagues.
"Baby, have you seen my black strapless dress?" Casey asked as she walked into the bathroom where alex was fixing her eyeliner.
"The black one?"
"Yeah" casey said and kissed alex's shoulder
"You left it at your place"
"What? Are you sure?"
"Yeah babe, why don't you use one of mine" alex said with a shrug.
"Oh yeah I'm sure no one will think it's out of place I'll be wearing a Versace or Dior to a house party while i'm here on scholarship" casey said, a bit harshly.
Money was a uncomfortable subject for casey, Alex knew,
While alex grew up in the elite of NY, as an only child of a very wealthy family, her girlfriend grew up in a middle class household- with 3 other siblings, they weren't poor, but casey definitely wouldn't be at harvard if it weren't for softball and both knew that.
Alex turned to her girlfriend and kissed her lips.
She knew Casey wasn't mad at her, just a bit defensive in her nature.
"C'mon i have some short fun ones you'd like, i promise they're more casual looking" alex reassured her girlfriend and packed her forehead.
"And if someone will ask questions tell them you have a sugar mommy" she smirked and casey chuckled.
Overall; alex was right, casey looked incredible in a short cocktail dress that made her ass look terrific
The cute bonus- that was dress alex wore the night they went to the ER after casey broke her nose. She wondered if the dress had the same effect of last time, just that this time the one to suffer will be the older woman.
One glance at alex said yes.
"You look incredible case" alex admitted before she kissed her girlfriend's shoulder.
"So are you" casey said truthfully,
Alex was wearing a white backless evening gown and her blonde soft hair was framing her face in curls .
"I gave you something" alex said with a smile
Casey looked at her amused
"A token for your friendship?" She said sarcastically
Alex chuckled and pulled out a case,
When she opened the fancy case casey saw the most beautiful necklace she ever saw, it was a white gold neckless with a moon shaped pendant.
Casey knew it was expensive without asking.
"You didn't have to"
"I know" alex said with a smile, casey smiled back.
"Can you close it?"
Casey said and alex nodded before putting the necklace on her neck- leaving a small kiss there when she finished.
When casey turned back to face her girlfriend she noticed alex's neckless.
It looked suspiciously like it was made to match with her own- opposites attracted kind of thing, instead of white gold moon It was gold with a sun pendant.
When alex noticed casey's stare she blushed.
"They're not completely different but not exactly the same, i wanted you to have a piece of me, even when I'm not there, same for me"
"Love the sentiment baby, but we're not going anywhere, I'm here to stay" casey chuckled and kissed her girlfriend hard on the lips.
They were officially together for 4 months now, growing stronger by the day.
"I ordered you a cab, the driver will be here in 10 minutes" alex informed her girlfriend when they broke apart.
Originally casey was going to go with her friends in george's car but since Elle and her boyfriend were joining them as well, she decided against it so no one will ask questions.
"If you decide to it stay at your place let me know, okay? So i won't worry" alex said as she grabbed her purse and kissed her girlfriend's lips again
"Of course baby, have fun!"
"I doubt i will, but thank you darling"
Casey rolled her eyes
"Bye baby, drink smart" alex chuckled before she went outside to her own cab.
Casey remembered partying being a lot more interesting, she went to at least 15 since the beginning of her college career, which wasn't a lot compared to others, but still.
The party was fun enough this, she played beer pong and danced with her friends and got to get loose before the exam season started.
after a few hours she found herself sitting outside in the house's backyard, having a conversation with a guy she never met before.
She didn't actually started the conversation - she originally went outside for a cigarette and to text alex, who asked about her well being, but the guy seemed nice so she tried to be polite.
He introduced himself as charlie, and was a business major
She was certain he was trying to hit on her- although she mentioned more than once that she was in a relationship and not interested.
To her annoyance the man didn't seem to notice or care about that.
Luckily for casey she managed to find a decent enough excuse to get away from the guy and go back inside to search for her friends
She found Elle first, the blonde was just about to search for her ti let her know she was leaving and that George was somewhere in the kitchen.
Elle ended up being right and casey found the man in the kitchen having a conversation with a friend of his.
When the redhead joined them, the woman, melinda, politely introduced herself and was eager to include casey in the conversation.
the three spoke among themselves for a few minutes or so before a fourth voice joined in.
Some fret guy butted into the conversation, clearly trying to make a move on melinda and put his arm on her shoulder, George looked at him with a glare as he saw his friend uncomfortable by the gesture.
George wanted to pull her away from the stranger but couldn't think of an excuse to do that without leaving casey alone with him as well- which he found unsettling as well.
At some point casey left the group in search for the bathroom, unfortunately for her she was drunk and the house was big and it took her 5 minutes to find the her destination, when she finished she opened the door to find a Charlie standing there.
It looked like he was waiting in line for the bathroom,
He was blocking the way, she figured it wasn't on purpose, so she waited for him to move, when he didn't she tried to push past him but Instead of moving away, as a decent person would've done, he grabbed her by the waist and shoved her back into the bathroom.
George and melinda were searching for Casey for a while, it's been over 20 minutes since she left to the bathroom and the two got worried.
The redhead wasn't answering her phone - which wasn't like her considering the fact she texted alex none stop through the evening.
When they did found her he gasped in shock,
She was laying on the floor, unconscious with an ugly bleeding gash on her forehead, her dress , alex's dress, was pulled up and whoever done that to her basically ripped her panties off.
George wanted to run towards casey but couldn't move, luckily for him, melinda was quick to react and was already checking for pulse.
"Call an ambulance" the woman shouted at him.
George couldn't move, he couldn't breathe.
"What happened?!" He heard, he turned around to get glimpse of brown hair.
He never had a conversation with the woman next to him, but she was familiar enough.
Olivia benson pulled her phone out and called 911 before she took off her letter jacket and covered casey half naked body.
"Is she dead?" Olivia asked melinda,
"no, but we need that ambulance now"
In the meantime at the other side of town alex was already in the apartment.
She managed to get away from the Christmas party eventually , it was around 2 am at this point and she had an unpleasant feeling in her gut.
Lex: getting here soon?
Alex sent casey a text before she went and changed to sweatpants and one of casey's t-shirts.
After her whole makeup removal and skin care routine she checked her phone for new messages but there was none.
Alex trusted casey, full heartedly, but she started to get worried, it wasn't like her to not text back pretty instantly.
Lex: babe?
Alex decided to call casey, maybe the younger woman hasn't checked her phone for a while.
When she reached voice mail she gotten more worried.
She waited another 30 minutes, sending some more texts and tried to call again
Still no response.
After the 3d try she got a call back.
Casey's name flashed on the screen.
"Where are you?"
She answered worriedly.
"Professor cabot?"
Alex's eyes widened in shock.
"Who is it?" She asked.
She'll have enough time to freak out about this later.
"It's olivia benson. Im with casey in the hospital"
Alex felt herself getting dizzy and sat down on the couch.
"Casey's been attacked" olivia said , her voice calm.
Alex hated hospitals and her shoes weren't made for running, she found that out, as she ran to the section olivia told her they were at, when she got there she was met with 3 traumatized young adults.
The first, alex didn't knew who she was, was sitting with her head in her hands- seemingly trying to calm herself down, there were a few blood stains on her shirt and alex almost fainted out of fear.
The second was casey's roommate, the man was pacing with eyes bloodshot and wet cheeks.
Not a calming sight.
And then there was Olivia benson,
The brunette was standing near the wall,
She didn't adress the elephant in the room, which was alex being there as someone other than a concerned professor,
She got to the point quickly and took alex out of her misery.
"They're still examine her, we found her unconscious, i think she was hit in the head with something but we don't really know what happened, we're just guessing at this point"
Alex chocked and covered her face with her hands
"You should sit" the brunette calmly said "Ill get you water"
Alex wasn't even in condition to argue, everything she felt was clouded with worry and anger.
"Cassandra novak" a doctor came out.
Alex bolted to him, the others not far behind.
"Cassandra has a concussion and will stay here for a day or so. But there's more"
When the doctor said what the other 3 already dreaded to hear alex started to sob.
Cassandra was raped.
He said
"Can we see her? Is she awake?" She choked on her words.
"Follow me" the man smiled sadly at them before showing them the way to the room casey was at.
Just when they walked into the room a nurse and a police officer left, alex figured it was someone from the sex crime unit and made a note to herself to call to an ADA she trusted in the morning.
When casey saw her she started to sob uncontrollably, without thinking alex quickly got to her and pulled her into her arms.
Casey flinched for a second.
"I tried to fight him off" casey sobbed and alex's heart broke, she felt a tear escaping her own eyes as she kissed her girlfriend on the head.
"I know baby i know" she whispered to her.
Alex was worried sick.
It's been months since casey got attacked and raped by the poor excuse of a man and she was slipping away.
She became a lot more angry, suspicious and scared, and the worst part was that she wouldn't adress the situation.
She was frightened by touch, one time a classmate in alex's class touched her arm and she instantly pushed him and left the room- alex wanted to go after her, unfortunately for her being the professor meant that doing that might look suspicious to others.
Luckily for both olivia was quick to do so.
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modelbus · 7 months
eyup model!! Hru?? Hope all is well… but lets get to the important shit, THATS RIGHT! ITS ME, YOUR SELF PROCLAIMED FAVOURITE ANNON, ✨🌌🌙!!! Y’know, the one that writes SUPER detailed, SUPER long and SUPER off-topic-for-the-first-half requests!!!! (If I keep this up for long enough, you’re gonna have to add a ✨🌌🌙 Annon section to your master list. /hj)
that makes me think about when I first requested, I wonder how long its been.. I THINK my first req was Cut Chaos.. one sec lemme check………
been a while.. I’ll need to remember to write a DUMB request in june.
okay so idk how to format this but here,
She/Her pronouns for plot. y/n is honestly, REALLY bad at pvp, she’s know amongst the SBI for being.. a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but the wolf has no teeth. She likes flowers, pastel pinks, purples, and blues, she likes cottage core dresses and corsets.. So on the surface she looks like a pretty, little, innocent streamer!… yeah, no. Sure, shes pretty as fuck, but little? She is SURPRISINGLY TALL. half the fan base is fully convinced EVERY photo shes in is photo shopped, but sure enough, shes 6’4! Innocent? Say the words ‘Arson’ ‘Crime’ or ‘Manslaughter’, and you practically summon her. (Every SMP she has been on, has in-fact seen not only her enemy’s but HER OWN, Builds being blown up and/or burnt to the ground AT LEAST, 3 times.) shes also know for her ADORABLE builds (shame half of them end in ash..), her parkour skills.. and uh.. being complete garbage at anything pvp.
Well twitter being twitter, a lot of sexist 12 year old boys, and Andrew tate fans like to be.. REALLY creepy and all ‘perfect house wife’ about her. (You get the gist no more detail needed.) While they may not know it(they ignore it/pretend its fake), she’s actually quite strong in real life, often picking up her friends in irl streams and running away with them as a bit (with consent ofc)! But in minecraft, that doesn’t really show.. so naturally being the absolute fucking queen she is, about a year ‘n a half ago, she decided she was gonna be fucking great at pvp. Naturally not telling anyone but techno (so he could teach her, duh) and avoiding all pvp for a year, lead to people joking about it more often.. this didn’t bother her, it was actually perfect, she had been getting better. Like really. Danm. Better. Practicing even without techno and on an alt, and at this point? It felt natural to be disappointed at a 25 win streak.. she went from 0 to about 30-40 average win streaks.. in a year and a half.. she was dedicated, okay? Her fans did notice her getting a little rusty at parkour but they just assumed she had been to busy to practice as much.. they were right but not about what she was busy doing.. So, she obviously invited the sbi, and a few other friends (Tubbo, Ranboo and Dream.) to play a custom pvp themed game, with the stream titled ‘I haven’t pvp-ed in a year and a half, and now I’m doing it again.’ where they were split into two rounds, (y/n and techno being in both but the rest in one) all in hardcore and spawned on opposite sides of the map, having 30 minutes to gear up, before pvp was turned on, and no going to the end, no other rules than one hour to be the last one standing, they could team, they could camp, they could use tnt minecrarts, they could go to the nether, anything. it was all game.
only two people expected her to crush almost everyone. I’m not even sure if those two people were expecting her to come second one round, and WIN the other.. but with her getting half the kills in round one and losing to techno in a final battle where she held her fucking ground like a boss ass mother fucker, and winning after techno killed Dream and she ambushed him after using a god apple..
lets just say after a couple things trending, a lot of fanart and A LOT of sapphic women going crazy, nobody dared to question her dedication to proving she was a fucking force to be reckoned with again.
(It also became a very popular running joke that she got more women than any other Minecraft CC.. you don’t gotta include that just- just make it cannon.. oops, dropped my gay onto the request lemme fetch that rq..) (yes, I wrote this y/n as my fuckin dream girl, I’m a simp okay..)
haha.. ha.. BRO AT THIS POINT I’M JUST WRITING A FIC AND TELLING YOU TO RE-WRITE IT BUT MAKE IT GOOD I- feel free to change what ever, the top half is mostly just context- even if you don’t do this request you should reply to it so its not lost to the void- I.. I’m sorry man I keep doing this to you-
For our one year anniversary I’ll make a special section of my master list just for you bbg <3 also don’t judge me for this title I was STRUGGLING
Pairing: what the fuck anymore Actual pairing: Fem!Reader x Cc!Phil, Cc!Tommy, Cc!Technoblade, Cc!Dream, Cc!Tubbo, Cc!Ranboo
Flower Power
Tumblr media
You were pretty happy with who you were. A badass woman who just so happened to be the epitome of flower power? Hell yeah.
Fairy lights twinkle in the background of your setup, a wall full of vines and LED signs providing extra ambience. That’s not to mention the special keyboard—resin flower keycaps, they were on sale okay—alongside your setup in general. Even your mic had cute animal stickers on it. Well, except for the one Tommy gave you of his face? It was weird.
Right now, though, you aren’t at your cute setup. No matter how much you loved it, you were at least aware that you couldn’t send every waking moment at it. You weren’t quite that much of a content machine.
So of course you go outside to film vlogs with Tommy! Totally reasonable break from filming content: film more content!
Jokes aside, you loved hanging out with your friends. Getting dressed up just for Tommy to inevitably ruin it was practically your good luck ritual. The sheer number of skirts, shawls, and even socks he owes you is astronomical.
Today he had promised nothing messy (for once), so you took your chance. Pale blue corset embroidered with flowers and a flowy white skirt, you were practically screaming your aesthetic to anyone who looked at you. And Ranboo had given you a dandelion for your hair, which only added to it.
”Tall fuckers to the back for the photo!” Tommy shouts, and the poor bystander he roped into taking the photo stares. “Which obviously means me—“
“Get your short ass back in front.” You order, snagging his shoulders and forcing him in front of you. From your side, Ranboo snickers.
“Welcome to the club, king.” Tubbo tells Tommy before grinning at the camera.
“What the fuck.” He grumbles. “She’s hardly any taller than me!”
“Keep lying to yourself.” You put your elbow on his head, just to add insult to injury.
“Um, I got the photo I think.” The stranger says, holding Tommy’s phone out to him. He takes it without even looking at the photos.
“Thanks.” He says after you clear your throat pointedly to prompt him.
Seeing their chance to escape, the person just nods and hurries off without a single glance back. Probably glad to be rid of your wayward group of streamers and YouTubers.
“It’s a decent photo.” Tommy begrudgingly admits.
“It’s my cue to leave, actually. I’ve got plans.” Tubbo says, checking his phone.
“Why do you get more bitches than me?” Tommy whines.
“…it’s my mother.���
“And we all know I get the most bitches.” You jump in, high-fiving Ranboo blindly. You nearly hit his face, but that’s okay. It would’ve been funny.
“Oh shut the fuck up.” Tommy elbows you, all gangly limbs and pointy bones. “We’re playing Minecraft later, right?”
“Not me.” Tubbo reminds him.
“No shit. I was talking to these two idiots.”
“I’ll be on.” You lean over him, looking at his phone for the time. “You’re aware we need to leave if we want to make your stupid fucking steam time?”
He looks down, eyes widening. “Oh shit!”
Just for making you run home, you blow up his house on Minecraft. For the fourth time. It was ugly looking anyway, nothing like your adorable mushroom house, so he was practically begging for it to be exploded.
It’s his fault. Always.
“You really want to attack me from there?”
Your hands freeze on your keyboard mid-movement, making your character in game also freeze at Techno’s words.
“Not anymore?” You laugh nervously.
“Right answer. Try this again and I’ll pretend like I don’t see you.”
PvP training was going great, and by that you mean you’ve been killed every single time by one swing of his axe. It was no secret that you were bad at fighting. Your go-to tactic was to load up on TnT and hope for the best, which met… many criticisms.
And you were sick and tired of it. It’s time to reinstate your badass reputation and become a ruthless killer in a video game. Innocent bedwars players would never know what hit them! Hopefully, at least. Right now, you’re still working on that.
“Fuck!” You exclaim as Techno kills you yet again, the respawn screen flashing up.
“If you with to defeat me, train for another—“
“I’m trying!”
@ GenericUsername Anyone else notice that our resident flower girl has been avoiding PvP… poor girl is TIRED of being flamed
-> @ EatingLipSkin She deserves it for how shit she is for dying to magma blocks that one time
Slowly, so fucking slowly, you watch your bedwars win streak increase. Slowly, you watch your skywars win streak increase.
Somehow, against literally all odds, you’re learning how to girlboss PvP. Although when you told Techno that he seemed mildly confused, but you were definitely girlbossing PvP.
Which was exactly why you knew this stream was a good idea.
After a year and a half, you were hosting a huge stream with a bunch of your friends competing in a PvP tournament. Tommy insisted on there being a prize, so whoever wins gets the highly esteemed Tesco’s gift card you’ve had in your desk for five months. A battle of true honor, of epic consequences.
“Alright guys, so here’s my plan.” You tell your stream, mining some wood to craft basic tools. Everyone has 30 minutes to gear up, then it’s an hour till the winner is crowned. With the map having a small border, you’re counting on some cheeky kills from sneaking up on others. “I mine first, stock up on iron. Make a diamond axe if I can, but mostly go for lava buckets and backup gear.”
Your plan is put into motion quickly. With the new iron veins, it’s incredibly easy for you to get geared up within fifteen minutes. Venturing back up to the surface for food, you spot Tubbo without any armor killing sheep.
Sneaking to hide your name tag, you venture up a tree to get closer to him. You added a proximity mod, so you can hear him talking to his stream.
“We need lots of food, chat. All these guys— these guys don’t know the importance of food!” He’s saying. It’s a smart plan; if only you weren’t planning on killing him and taking his food.
“Hi Tubbo!” You shout, dropping down and killing him with a few swipes of your axe. “One down, just a few more to go!”
As people die left and right—most dying to you, to everyone’s surprise—you pointedly avoid Technoblade. The student will never surpass the master, after all. All your tricks came from his playbook and you really didn’t want to see how competitive he’d get for a gift card he’d never even use.
Dream was slain by Technoblade
Your eyes widen in surprise at the chat message, quickly stretching your fingers to press tab and bring up the list of players left alive. Only yours and Techno’s show.
“Oh no.” You breathe, freezing. “Oh God, chat. I have to murder Technoblade. I have to disassemble his organs and destroy his aorta.”
Suddenly, you’re paranoid as all hell. Randomly going into F5 as you kill cows, checking every angle.
“The student thinks she can challenge the master?” Techno asks, and you shriek in surprise as he digs up from below you.
“I fucking knew you’d say that! You predictable pig!”
“But you didn’t know where I was going to come from.” He points out. You know him well enough to detect the faint line of amusement in the words.
You groan, eating a steak. “Let’s dance, Technoblade.”
“Let’s die, actually.”
He comes at you with an axe, immediately disabling your shield. In retaliation, you swap to a fishing rod to lure him back in when he tried to run off.
As the two of you fight, you find yourself getting closer to your monitor, keeping your mouth shut as you concentrate. Fingers flying across the keys, you scroll to your lava bucket and attempt to burn him. By some miracle, he manages to avoid it and get a hit in on you.
“Oh my God.” You breathe at seeing how many hearts it takes. “Is that fucking enchanted?”
“Is yours not? Get good, nerd.”
You jump past him, placing a quick block to act as a barrier as you smack him with your own axe. Diamond, so it should make up for the difference in strength of his enchanted iron axe.
He loops around a tree, but you momentarily lose track of him. “Where the fuck—?”
As you notice your hearts depleting, you whirl around. Instead of doing the smart thing a retreating, you jump forward and crit him out. If he were any other player (cough cough, Tommy), he’d run. But he’s Technoblade. And all he does is crit you in return, killing you.
“Fuck.” You groan, leaning back in the chair.
<Technoblade> If you wish to defeat me train for another 100 years
Rolling your eyes at the chat message, all you can do is wait for the server to be reset with a new map and everyone living again.
You do the same tactic again, gearing up as quick as possible. It seems like other people have stolen your idea, but go about it in different ways based on the achievements. In the chat, you watch as Ranboo gets the achievement for entering the nether and then Tommy gets it right after.
“I will gift twenty subs if one of them isn’t dead within… five minutes.” You wager to your chat, laughing slightly. They’re still busy freaking out that you placed second last round, making you smile. “Guys, what’s wrong? You didn’t think I’d get kills? What am I known for if not manslaughter?”
A few minutes later—just under five minutes, might you note—Ranboo’s death message pops up. And then so does Tommy’s. Ranboo was killed by Tommy, but apparently Tommy burned to death? You can definitely picture his dumb ass walking into fire.
“Well… looks like I’m aiming for Phil.” You sigh. “I’d feel too bad to kill Tubbo again. But I’m not fucking with Dream or Techno— losing fights and all that.”
You start mining up to the surface, digging through some deep slate you had gone through. “Wait, is this wood?” You ask, scrolling to your axe to mine through the oak planks. You mine directly through a mineshaft, gasping in surprise. “Oh!”
There’s a chest in a minecart right in front of you, so you open it, hoping for some cheeky diamonds. You’ll even take wheat; food is food.
“Oh my God!” You shriek, probably bursting more than a few eardrums. “A god apple— oh my god! We’re fucking winning this one, guys! Cower at my name! But first we’re getting out of here before a spider kills me.”
You run around for a few minutes before stumbling into Dream and promptly running the other way directly into Phil’s house. Why he was building a house on a PvP server? You’ll never know.
“Oh, hi mate, what’re you doing?” He asks, hands empty of any weapons. You scroll onto your flint and steel silently. “Listen. We can talk about this. You don’t need to do this.”
“It’s too late, Philza Minecraft.” You answer, lighting some of the logs on fire. “Should’ve made it out of stone!”
Turning, you light the ground under him on fire then scroll over to your axe. He’s not expecting it, and although he gets a hit in with his empty fists, you still kill him.
“Just Techno and Dream left now.” You note. “Let’s just… hope they battle it out.”
To keep yourself occupied as you wait for the last five minutes before the borders shrink, you start setting cows on fire and collecting flowers. Poppies and dandelions fill your inventory, your little good luck charms.
“Alright guys. Someone go sneak into Techno’s chat and snitch on what’s happening for me.” You laugh, shaking your head. “Kidding, kidding. Don’t do that.”
Just as the one-minute warning pops up I no chat, Techno’s death message does. You gasp loudly, before grinning. “It’s my time to shine! I’ll avenge Techno!”
The world border starts to shrink behind you, but you’re already on the move. Knowing Dream, he’ll probably be in the center of the map. If you can catch him while he’s looting Techno’s body, you have no chance of losing.
“Stop saying good luck chat, I don’t need any good luck.” You grin, spotting Dream’s name tag. “I’ve got skill.”
Before you throw yourself at him, you eat your enchanted golden apple. If you trade blows, you’ll end up winning with the extra health. And two hearts is all you need.
“Ohhhh Dream!” You shout, catching him with a swing of your axe as you jump past him.
“AHH— what the fuck? Where did you come from?” He runs after you, making you do awkward jumping around to avoid his fishing rod.
“Stop! Stop that, I can’t— Dream!”
“Are you regenerating? Did you go to the nether?” He asks, and you can’t help but smile.
Because God apples don’t just give you extra hearts; they give you regeneration.
“I did one better.”
You hit him with your axe again, trading blows with him just like you thought you might.
“You’ve got to be low, how low are you?” He asks, hitting you again, but it’s too late. His body explodes on his death, his items flying out everywhere. You throw your chair back, jumping up and shouting.
->@ TheRealBIcon dont be sorry we all thinking it she HOT HOT
@ S4pph1cSarah Anyone else see that fanart of her winning the PvP tournament… woo boy…. I’m… not okay…
@ S4pph1cSarah A thread of the HOTTEST fanart I’ve ever seen of our beloved streamer <3
@ SmexyWomenNearMe Me: “where is she?” “Her parkour skills are rusty how odd” “she’s streaming less” Her: “Watch this fuckos I’m badass and a killer”
->@ TwilightReference ”this is the face of a killer Bella”
@ CottagecoreBadass Can we talk about how dedicated she is? Like yeah she’s hot. So hot. But she’s also insanely badass and commited???
->@ CuteBuilder101 Best type of woman fr fr ->@ StarAnon Cottagecore + badass + chaotic force of nature = her (my dream woman)
@ StarAnon She really just drew all the women lovers outta hiding huh
@ ThisIsTheWriter Idk if I want to be her or if I want her but man. Oh man. I’m so bi.
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magpod-confessions · 2 months
as someone that likes michael more than helen, i feel really bad for thinking that way. i dont want to be sexist and i dont know why i just dont like helen as much as michael and it makes me feel terrible that i like him more. i like helen a lot too, but i like michael a lot more and i feel like i cant like a male character more than a female one without being seen as sexist. i just prefer michael and its partially because of the kind of tragic story both for michael and the distortion and i think i just like michaels flavor of chaos more even though they're similar. i dont think it was a downgrade and i do like helen as i said, but i just think i like michael more and i feel like i cant express that without being seen as both sexist and racist. (🗣)
nah anon , i get it. the idea that favouring michael is sexist and racist is really really odd. you're not hurting anybody by preferring him over helen. at the end of the day both helen and michael are the same entity anyways - deceit
Smth smth no youre not automatically bigoted for preferring a character over another smth smth theres more nuance to that which other ppl can explain much better than me and yea what deceit said youre not hurting anyone by liking a character and stressing yourself out over it is a pointless exercise. Personal opinion, what youve said doesnt come off as sexist or racist in the slightest, you just like a character and thats completely fine :] - rosette
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wildfire317 · 9 months
@liveleaker @jaquesmes
Alright listen here you little inbred, KKK wannabe chucklefucks news flash neither of you are main characters and your barely even background characters so quit acting like you dumbfucks are worth more than the dirt under your toenails. Nobody in their right mind actually thinks your dumb racist, homophobic and sexist comments are funny or cute, you two just look like absolutely moronic dipshits with micro-dongs and chihuahua complexes. And another thing you living condom usage advertisements, Nobody wants your defective sewing needle sized, piss poor excuses for cocks that not even a rat could choke on or your rotting in the middle of a dry summer sewer smelling, flatter than a piece of paper asses any where near them and if you think they do your even less intelligent than a single cell organism. You both claim to be adults so goddamn act like it because as things are right now you're both acting like a pair of rocket propelled spaz maggots spring-loaded face first up the asses of psychedelic freakout weasels on idiot drugs. Also you want to call someone swagless and bitchless you might want to take a good long look in the mirror because I don't see a singular molecule of swag on either of you or a single bitch and I'm not surprised considering you both look like the kind of guys that order boneless, dry rub chicken wings and then lose a fight to a chihuahua. And by the way just because you pieces of dick-cheese started putting out at twelve and peaked at 15 doesn't mean you get to drag everyone else down the perverted dunkass tree with you. Also your 8 decade curse is the biggest joke in the history of curses from any religion it isn't even an actual curse, it barely even qualifies as a jinx and thats ignoring the fact that it's basically useless the way you attempted to use it anyways and was over all a monumentally stupid waste of everyones time so stuff that in your prison cell and sit on it. You two blithering, feculent, shit holes are such lame wastes of genetic material i would not be surprised if both of your probably absentee fathers wish they had worn a condom at the time of your conceptions which explains your blatantly fatherless behavior and I bet your mothers change the subject when anyone asks about you and envy people who have never met or heard of you. Your "your momma" jokes are the most pathetic I have ever seen, were either of you actually even trying or was that the extent of your creativity? Because they were the weakest, most uninspired and embarrassing "your momma" jokes I have ever had the displeasure of reading to the point that they barely even qualify, And don't even get me started on your insults because I have met 3rd graders who have better insults. Your "oh look at me I'm a terrorist" shtick is so stupid and pathetic i couldn't help but cackle at your waste of energy like what do you want a cookie? Because you don't even deserve the crumbs of crap after someone else ate a cookie so who even gives a barfing fuck about it? You jackasses are about as threatening as some mild flatulence. I hope you piss ant's have fun dying alone and unwanted and that every time you think you have to fart you end up shitting your pants, i hope that every time you go to put socks on they are soaking wet and ice cold, i hope that the next time you are anywhere near a lego set or box of thumbtacks you step on one, i hope that every time you go to bed both sides of your pillow are annoyingly hot and give you lice, and lastly i hope that every single time you go to walk past a piece of furniture that you bang your toes on it hard enough to break your toe bones. Isn't it funny how quickly your bullshit unravels when someone actually intelligent calls you out? Do the world a favor and delete all of your social media, go apologize to whichever trees are working their proverbial asses off to replace the oxygen you're both wasting and then sew your mouths shut you cowardly wastes of skin. Id say you could learn from this but then I'd sound just as stupid as you two. Sayonara you worthless, crotch-stained barf-puppets.
( @warringwarrioridiot @p1n34ppl3-c4t24 for your reading entertainment)
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electrificata · 7 months
here are my house observations, im in season 3
some of the shit house says to foreman is genuinely unforgivable
foreman as a character i generally like. omar epps is giving a good performance of an even-keeled-but-not-without-effort kind of guy, i do like the plotline of a guy who came to learn from an expert whos the worst guy in the world and trying to figure out how to do the same thing without being the worst guy in the world. i also think they way they keep him out of hospital love triangles is racist, foreman is not currently hot but could be with 15% more attention from the writers room.
really sexist as a general rule. i have not encountered the idea of "jailbait" this much in literal years.
hipster racism. its the 2000s. funny to talk abt this because "hipsters" were younger at this point and the character of house is, im assuming, in his mid 40s at the start of the show, but thats the general logic that seems to be on display. "well you know that he's a good guy so its ironic and funny that he's threatening to use the n word as a joke."
a) stupid logic to begin with, doing something ironically is also just doing it, b) doesnt even work on its own terms here because house is widely acknowledged to be an awful person in the context. the entire show is built around the question "how much deliberately annoying, dangerous bullshit will we endure from this dickhead to maintain access to his unique skillset"
i still dont "get" house/wilson. like i do see it, like i can see that theyre a little obsessed with each other and they have a fun mutually manipulative dynamic, and they make sense as foils (guy who's self-consciously awful and often ends up doing noble things accidentally/guy who's self-consciously noble and often deliberately does awful things). but i cannot feel myself going insane about it. if anything i like him better with cuddy
cuddy really really hot. really really really hot. cuddy.
so like yeah i see house/wilson im just not going insane about it the way i thought i might. altho tbh it took a global pandemic and a extended, byzantine renaissance of tumblrina supernatural scholarship to make me have a destiel spiral. i need infrastructure for these things.
cameron's character is such an old school token girl character. i hate how they treat her "niceness" almost as much as i hate how they treat her crush on house.
a better show (written by me) would have some more cuddy and foreman "managing" house plotlines (foreman being a protege allows focus on the legacy of house's medicine, how to replicate it, how to contain damage), probably give him some of the cuddy and wilson time. the three of them together would be good i could do that.
cuddy/foreman. hm. in the remake.
like, i do get how this happened. house is troubled in a durable, interesting way. the writing is good enough to support his layers, the way his snap-judgement psychoanalysis of everyone he meets curls back around to shine a light on his own issues. good balance of competence and patheticness. laurie is giving a masterclass in the niche field of "british comedian comes to us tv drama, grows some stubble, becomes a sex symbol." i read an old review that referred to his "sourpuss charisma" i really like that turn of phrase.
(i was also into josh on the west wing when i watched that last year, i have a type i love antagonism. no im not dating anyone right now, who wants to take me for a candlelit dinner and tell me i smell good and my voice is sexy) (you cant just compliment me, ill be bored or uncomfortable, you have to bury it in a disagreement and make it clear youre kind of mad that youre into me)
that said i think the show kind of misunderstands house's sex appeal. it feels very written-by-men. women characters throw themselves at house in a porny kind of take-me-now way. in my observations guys who are arent traditionally hot but attractive in this antagonistic, talky was dont really get that kind of treatment, but they do get the main cast wilson/cuddy/cameron "i hate this guy but im obsessed with him and i will never make a move or i will and itll go badly" kind of stuff. my phantom house reboot does have cameron and house hook up and its a really mean and destructive fwb thing with like 4 false endings. does this make sense.
right now im in the middle of the plotline where leighton meester plays a 17 yr old girl stalking house because shes so in love. like thats not the vibe. at least from what ive seen. im not omniscient.
lol it turns out she has a spore makign her hypersexual lolllll i literally have this on in the background rn ok i take some of this back.
whenever i mention to someone im watching house theyll recount to me the plot of the one episode they can remember and it always sounds insane and its never made up.
"the one with the intersex teen model who fucks her dad to manipulate him and has testicular cancer" like yeah. yeah thats real. if you talked to me 3 weeks ago thatd be the one i recounted to you.
yes house does leer at her in that episode and its treated as logical and normal for a 45 year old man.
i hate chase, he's awful but boring.
im curious how long im gonna keep watching this, i know the later seasons get kind of soapy plotwise and i dont know if thats what i want out of this
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friedbreadfast · 9 hours
well urobuchi is credited as the lead writer so of course i'll bring him up when talking about the writing. it'd be disingenuous not to imo. and your questions can be answered by "because this was written by a man and men make lazy sexist jokes". maybe this is true, maybe it isn't. we'll never know. i'm not saying your analysis is wrong or you shouldn't make it, but i don't think i'm unserious or anything for believing she's just a sexist joke character. nor are you unserious for thinking there's more to her. i'm sorry if i've come across as too aggressive, i do really respect your analysis
Thats fair I guess. I think this is what I mean by interesting. While yes she could be one note and nothing more, I think the subtext has enough to say here that taking her at face value is going to leave you feeling like she doesn't need to be there. I think most works (that are written competently) are asking you to do that legwork. Its the same as understanding how homura became who she was. Yes its because.of the time loops, but theres also that detail that she came from a catholic school. Was that put in there just for throwaway? Why did they pay an extra person to voice the teacher? Why is she her own character? Analysis like this can bring to light how intentional she is.
Anyway in the end I dont think you're seeing all there is to be seen, but I think you can work on it. Reading or watching more abstracted works or deceptive might give you some food for thought. I do really enjoy breaking down works I know like this so I do have to thank you for that lol ^-^
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charls-lamen · 1 month
I feel so frustrated whenever I look at Sakura discourse.
Because Kishomoto did her dirty. He did many female characters dirty but especially her. From her very conception he didn't give her character the attention and care he gave not only the other characters in team 7 but the other love interest character.
For example he has Sakura and Ino fight over a guy (Sasuke) . But why ? What was so significant about Sasuke to her that she'd ruin a friendship over it? You don't know simply that she liked him. Compare that to Hinata and her finding significance in what Naruto represents to her. Hinata not the best written character in the franchise here. But she's a female character where there was an attempt to give her a compelling motivation in at least her romance.
And Kishomoto just did not give Sakura that. She just fought with Sasuke because girls fight with each other over guys. That's relatable right? That's so dismissive over her potential. The care is not there.
And there are a million more examples like this where Kishimoto just gave her nothing.
And if you dislike Sakura and find her uninteresting as a result, fair enough.
But people will get online and complain about being weak, or useless. Hate on her in very misogynistic ways and the focus goes to how sexist these fans are being. And many will defend Sakura bringing up her positive qualities in this. And the general feeling ends up being Sakura has no real issues in her conception Kishomoto did her just fine.
The fans are just misogynistic.
And that frustrates me because the problems of Kishomotos writing get to be glossed over .
I mean by all means call out the fans but please don't give Kishomoto credit here. He did not do a good job with her.
Framing the discourse as who is "strong and useful" makes you forget that. So many compelling fan favorite characters are not the strongest and don't get to be "useful " in later fights. People still love Iruka. Haku and Zabuza's arc wasn't good because they were strong.
Sakura was not imo done dirty because of her level of strength.
I think Sakura does have potential and fandom brings that potential out makes her compelling. But fandom did that. Not Kishomoto.
And general fandom discourse on Sakura revolving around calling out Sakura haters by acknowledging her accomplishments gives Kishomoto this unspoken pass from the level of criticism and scrutiny he may otherwise get. Because people have to spend more time debating asshole fans . Which is not to say he gets none but tell me thats not a more compelling a conversation than Sakura is not the weakest character let me show examples. Which is imo a far more common topic of conversation or at least thats been my experience.
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