#in the discord just sending crying emojis over and over
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daisysmalia · 9 months ago
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miniscrew-anon · 1 year ago
Texting HC for the boys
Wind - Uses discord way more than text. Commonly mutes chats. He gets a million discord messages from different groups and he can't be bothered to listen to every time someone complains about the mountain of dishes he left in the sink. If you really want to reach Wind you have to jump on discord or go to his room.
Twilight - Doesn’t like to send more than one message in a row because someone called him desperate one (1) time in high school and he never recovered. So instead he’ll send you a whole paragraph and agonize if he forgot to mention something. Everyone’s told him its fine to send literally a million texts in a row but Twi can’t get over it.
Warriors - Will 🙌 ironically 😎 text 📲 like ❤️ this 👏. But only when he wants to be annoying. Otherwise he’s fine and he can use emojis like hieroglyphics if he wants and he’s able to make himself very clear with just an eggplant emoji and a raised brow emoji.
Wild - Commonly texts the wrong chat and confuses the hell out of people. Accidentally forgets his phone in the other room and doesn’t see people’s messages until its several hours too late btu still texts them back like “oops sorry just saw this man” as if they didn’t know. Uses emojis liberally and goes on tangents and makes everyone forget what they were talking about. The people love hearing from him, but its hard to stay on topic when Wild is in the group chat.
Champion - Full words, no abbreviations. Will straight up send you an “acknowledged” instead of an “ok” to let you know he read your message. Never uses emojis. Ever. The one time Warriors did convince Champ to send a thumbs up emoji to Sky instead of “affirmative”, Sky almost broke down the dormitory door because he thought Champion had gotten kidnapped and was sending a coded cry for help.
Legend - Spams the fuck out of everyones phone when he’s pissed, which is a lot of the time. Doens’t give a shit what group text he’s in he’ll fucking send you an essay one sentance at a time cursing Sky out for eating the last of his goddamn breadpudding.
Hyrule - Never responds on time. He’s always busy and in a rush so when he reads a text and it doesn’t say something like “help i got shanked and now my liver is flopping around on the ground like a beached fish” then he’ll promptly forget what he just read. At the end of the day he might flip through his messages to check what he missed but normally he relies on Legend to fill him in on anything important.
Sky - Forgets which group chats hold which roommates so he’s the guy who will start a new chat every time he has a question. Has basically every permutation of group chats possible and yet will still find a way to make more. And he gives them names like “get milk” and “hairdryer?” so you never know whos in the group chat at a glance. It’s impossible to find anything. Plus, he sends texts half-asleep that mean nothing when he gets woken up too early.
Four - His texts are inconsistent as hell. Sometimes its emoji hell, sometimes it’s MLA essay format. But two things are always consistent: you can always detect the sarcasm and he’ll turn on his read receipts just to let you know he left you on read.
Time - Texts in full sentences but overall is a normal texter. But he types with his pointer finger with two hands so his real crime is being old.
Dark - When he got put away texting was in its infancy so he texts like “G8 C u L8r” and “ur 2 much”. The first time he texts Time after he gets out Time feels his soul vaporized by the blast from the past. Thankfully it only takes Dark one text to Shadow before the boy is physically showing up outside Dark's door to bring him into this century.
Shadow - Spams dumbass videos and memes like his life depends on it. His job is a lot of waiting around so he’s got time to kill and you Will receive messages from him at 39 mph (memes per hour).
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bonjovian · 1 year ago
My brain: oh let's fixate on FFXIV! No, Attack on Titan! Nah, back to FFXIV. Wait no- Baldur's Gate 3! Wait no I got it this time! Tokyo Ghoul!
Me, just wanting to enjoy one fandom without being bounced around like a ping pong ball:
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But uhhh anyway I watched all of Tokyo Ghoul re, bringing my total amount of crying with that series to 8 times.
4 of which being over Hide, I love him too much I just *insert the discord emoji my friends know I send whenever I talk about him, the one where it's just someone in a puddle of tears*
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Me logging on to tumblr after a while always being like 'has sweet posted the goods?' because I just love your writing so much and its so good! (I didn't even recognize Ra's as someone worthing of selfshipping with before I found your writing lol)
No one has ever called me Sweet before and tbh I'm digging it. EVERYONE IS BEING SO NICE TO ME and I've been sending screenshots to friends with like crying emojis over discord. You guys really like me ahhhh
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Cannot tell you guys the almost smug thrill I get though when I get someone into a character. I feel like a little devil who just struck a deal.
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keldae · 5 days ago
Hi! I’d love to hear your answers for 3, 17, 27, 36, 46, 55, and 74 of the fic writing question list! c:
(Sorry for so many - I almost added even more 😭)
Never apologise for sending me ALL the questions! ;)
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
There's no real "process" that I use, it's entirely "what vibes do I have?". I'll usually try to set the scene with where and when we are, and who's around, and what's going on, but I never have a layout for where to begin/end the scene. It's all in the vibes!
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
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(also Tumblr gave me a "are you okay?? Do you need a suicide hotline??" while I was searching for that gif...)
Anyway. I try to have multiple projects going, so if I'm lacking inspiration on one WIP I can just bounce to another. But this doesn't always work so well! So I'll try to chat with a friend who gets it (also, I'm pretty sure @obvious-apostate and I are on a CSIS watchlist from our text history and Google searches...) and sometimes something will shake loose. But a lot of the time I just languish in despair until something comes along and kicks me in the ass.
Other answers under the cut!
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Most favourite: the "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU" or keysmash or heart emoji comments that I loooove seeing. ;) I also love being able to convey a story and emotions!
Least favourite: writing all the fun scenes, and then being stuck with the necessary boring scenes needed to tie them all together. Looking at you, original novel...
36. How do you write kissing scenes?
With great difficulty! (Seriously, my ex, aka "Mr. Dump Kel Over Discord" didn't exactly kiss with passion... it's been almost a decade since somebody's made out properly with me. >.>) I try to focus more on the mental and emotional aspects of kissing, rather than the physical.
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
I think I'm pretty emotive and emotion-driven with my writing! I've been known to make people (myself included) cry or snicker out loud with my writing (and apparently gave one guy nightmares...).
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Oh maaaaaaan... that's a hard one. I'll have to say Devi, since she's had more of a fan following in the year and change that I've been writing her, vs Xaja who's been in my head in some aspect or another for like 16 years (and has all the trauma from it ;) ). But Xaja's a favourite of mine just because she's my oldest imaginary friend/OC, even if her stories on AO3 don't gain as much traction (that might just be because BG3 is a waaaaay bigger fandom than SWTOR).
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
Besides the use and abuse of em-dashes and ellipses? It would be emotion driven, a lot of looking out through one person's eyes. Action and combat scenes would be a little weak, but by God, I will make you feel ALL THE THINGS.
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sakasakiii · 3 years ago
Ok so I’ve been meaning to say this FOREVER, but I also kept forgetting so I’m FINALLY doing it. First of all tho, I jus wanna say how absolutely STUNNING and FANTASTIC ur art is, like it’s the first fan art I started getting into and I’m SOSOSOSOSOS obsessed with ur beautiful pictures. BUT! So many times I’ll be texting someone, and before i put an emoji I sometimes feel like I need something to better express my emotions, and I ALWAYS ALWAYS think of ur ADORABLE little faces u have ur characters do sometimes. Like I think it was a Maglor one (I think) and he was crying, and I always wanna use it instead of the sobbing emoji. ANYWAYS I think it would be the BEST thing if u could (please please) just do a few emojis so I could wish more that I could use them to express myself lmaoo.
anyways ur art is just so beautiful and stunning I don’t think I’ll ever stop obsessing over it🥰❤️😍🙏💞💓💘💝💗💕❣️
oh my gooDNESSS you are so so sweet!! im honestly DUMBSTRUCK man i,,, 😭😭😭 thank you so much!! im very grateful for all your support (plus ur URL is so distinct, i recognise it instantly hahaha), plus to hear that my art was one of the first you got into is such high praise i think i may devolve into a puddle of weepy tears eeeeeeyarghh 🙇‍♀️🥺💞
ay!!! that reminds me of some pet peeves of my own too- like for example, one of my friends' discord servers (gramps and co if ur reading this 🗞️) has these custom emojis that look like this -> (˯ ᵘ ꒳ ᵘ ˯) but emoji form lmao... im so accustomed to using them that when im out of the server i struggle to find other basic emojis that express the same sentiment!!! 😂 but still, im utterly FLOORED you remember the dumb expressions i draw on my chibis aghhhh YOU'VE ABSOLUTELY MADE MY DAY 💓💓
so of course, your wish is my command!!! i ended up doing it in the style of an expression sheet with.... not so helpful labels... BUT i had a lot of fun with this! thank you so much for taking time to send in this ask again, and i hope this lives up to ur expectations 😚 if you'd like me to do so in a different way, don't hesitate to let me know! 💓
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dollxmania · 3 years ago
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ it hurt, the freezing sensation that built up. he could no longer see or feel anything but the frigid ink that coated him, forcing his control out of his very own body, burying him alive. the thick ink dripped from his heart, constraining his feet to be frozen in place, followed by his hands in blotchy cuffs, the longer he spent there the more tainted his body. from the feeling in his limbs to his sight, all the way to his very voice as he tried crying out in response to the shouts he could hear, but it only worsened as the blot begun to break him from the inside as well. it wouldn’t stop until he was fully cracked and left in pieces. as he felt the ink breaking at his skin, he gave a final protest hearing the prefect and his dorm members trying to save him only for the monster invading his body to consume him right then and there. the boy raised to follow the rules perfectly now gone, becoming one with the darkness that loomed over him.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ handing you a hundred madol, he smiled before going on another one of his tangents about how generous he was. “for i am so gracious here is your weekly allowance, prefect.” the headmaster praised himself, not noticing the way you looked at him. mouth open and annoyed by the fact your allowance went down despite just saving the school from being destroyed a few days ago, you snatched the madol from his hands and put your finger to his mouth, a brief moment of silence. “you’re a fucking clown, fuck this shit, if you do not give me the rest of my money i’m grinding your bones into fine powder for me tea later; i do not fear death, death fears me.” as the threat escaped your lips, you turned on your heel seething and leaving the headmaster behind, slightly shaking and frozen in place for the unnatural threat you gave him. perhaps he really should increase your allowance unless he wanted his heart ripped.
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suggestions taking by discord. do not repost/plagiarize and no sending reqs/asks. snippets of an emoji challenge, make something with three emojis. [WRITING EXERCISE]
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twigstarpikachutroll22 · 3 years ago
So when I was listening through TMA, I typed and sent reactions live during each episode on a discord server to two internet friends of mine who’d already listened all the way through. 
And I can get uh. Pretty over-the-top when it comes to sending reactions. By which I mean there was a LOT of keysmashing, particularly when cupcakes were REALLY hitting the fan. Those times there would be tons of capslocking too. And sometimes a LOT of screaming and/or crying and/or emoji-spamming. During episode 79 I was sending keysmashes so fast discord gave me a pop-up telling me to slow down. 
If it was a REALLY freaking ASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOPZXCVBNM episode my reactions would only escalate after I finished listening and had room to just go completely nuts. Not only do I tend to let loose even MORE capslock keysmashing then, there have been SEVERAL instances of me sticking my entire upper body into the void and screaming at the top of my lungs for a VERY long time. 
I remember the stuff I sent after episode 160. I screamed. I cried. I threw things. I smashed things. I tore things. I fired weaponry. I screamed long and loud enough to temporarily tear reality itself apart. 
After episode 200...the series finale...I didn’t do any of that. 
No screaming. 
No crying. 
No keysmashing.
I just sat frozen in total silence with the most completely shell-shocked expression on my face, not responding to anycreature or anything.
For a long, long time. 
I wonder if that spoke louder than any of my screams.
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there-once-was-a--pirate · 3 years ago
Greetings and salutations. 
Welcome to:
All of the crying you wouldn’t understand. 
A blog run by Mods Mouse and Moth surrounding a Modern Spring Awakening AU. Based on the characters from the once banned play and “contraversial” musical we follow the children on a more indepth look at how they are feeling and what happens in the scenes we don’t see potrayed in the original and how they would manage the world nowadays. A collection of one shots brings together your favourite [and least favourite *cough* Melchior Gabor *cough*] in the hardships of the modern world. 
Here on this blog you will find a mass of fanfiction prompts, concept sketches, ideas, memes, headcanons, playlists, artwork as well as directors cuts on and inside jokes from the discord and between the mods and other people in the community. 
If you would like join the discord, please ask for a link and we will send it to you privately through DMs [so there are no random people joining] 
Now you know what this blog is about, follow and send asks as well as just vibe. And now.
Onto meeting the mods! 
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Hiya! My name is Mouse although I go by many others {my pronouny is linked} I am the creator of this AU however the making of it is a joint effort so I am not here to take all the credit. I am 20 and have been in the Spring Awakening fandom for about a year or two now. My posts will be signed off with a Mouse emoji or with the tag “Mouse Mod” or “Mod Mouse” You can find my other works over on my main blog: @the-cowbi​ 
So yes. That is all from me! Bye! 
Hey there! I'm Moth, and my pronouns are she/her. I've been in the fandom for too long, and must admit my favorite version is DWSA. My tags are "🦋", "Mod Moth", or "Moth Mod". Mouse is being very humble, so I will tell you that the meat of this intro post is zer beautiful creation. My main is @moth-loves-broadway
"m&m mod" for both mods :)
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writersofdestiel · 4 years ago
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Recently, we did a little reboot of our Weekly Words. You will find the details on our Discord Server. Meanwhile, we rounded up all the amazing fics that were created for Weekly Words in the year and a half since the challenge was created.
Time Flies by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: time flies
It's been ten years since Cas went to fight Heaven's war. Today, he's coming back. (Rated T, 0.5k)
Ash by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: rise from the ashes
Dean's shoulders tremble as they watch the flames devour everything he and Cas have built together. (Rated T, 1.1k)
Fate by @galaxystiel, prompt: rise from the ashes
“C’mon, it’ll be fun,” Dean tugged Castiel towards the storefront. “Don’t you want to find out who your soulmate is? Who you’re fated to be with?” (Rated T, 1.3k)
Equals by @galaxystiel, prompt: white wings
Castiel has one shot, and if it involves punching Crowley in the face? All the better. (Rated T, 1.3k)
Naps for Dogs and Men by @envydean, prompt: white wings
The golden retriever has been coming to Castiel's house for several weeks, taking a nap and then going back on his way and Castiel finally sends a note to his owner. (Rated T, 1.5k)
Runs in the Family by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: white wings
Dean's new boyfriend, Cas, has been wary about him meeting his child, Claire. Dean gets it, they've only been seeing each other for a few weeks. What Dean doesn't know is that Cas might have more reasons for worry than just a premature attachment. (Rated G, 1.4k)
The End and the Beginning by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: shooting star
There is only one way for Cas to escape The Empty's reach. (Rated T, 1.0k)
What Do You Wish For? by @envydean, prompt: shooting star
Dean, Cas, and their senior high school friends are on their annual camping trip. The sun has set and Cas wants some space to reset himself after a lot of socialising and Dean joins him. (Rated E, 1.5k)
Fearful by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: maze
It comes for children, it feeds on their fears. Dean and Cas arrive to end its reign of terror. (Rated T, 1.4k)
All Those Summer Nights by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: tell me more
It was the best summer of Dean's life - spent on relaxing, parties and fun. And most importantly, spent with a blue-eyed boy he met one day on a beach. But the summer's over now, the school year begins, and Dean's left with the memories of his first summer love. (Rated T, 1.4k)
Tell Me More by @thunderthighsmish, prompt: tell me more
“Good night, Dean. I’ll see you in 2 days. Be a good boy for me?” “I will,” Dean promised. “I love you.” (Rated E, 0.8k)
For Better Or Worse by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: through the fire
When they first meet, Cas saves Dean from school bullies. Over the years, their friendship only grows stronger. (Rated T, 1.4k)
Missing Piece by @fangirlingtodeath513, prompt: missing piece
Castiel and his garrison are given the assignment to rescue the Righteous Man from Hell. (Rated T, 0.8k)
Look What The Cas Dragged In by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: flowing teardrops
There’s a guest in the bunker. Dean’s nose is not a fan. (Rated G, 1.0k)
Teardrops For You by @envydean, prompt: flowing teardrops
The accident killed her and left Dean alive and emotionally broken. He's a disgrace. His best friend is dead and he can't even cry for her. (Rated T, 1.5k)
Christmas Sweaters In June by @envydean, prompt: ugly sweater
“Love,” Cas says suddenly in his ear. It makes Dean’s heart jump and his lungs constrict. “Wha-what?” Dean stutters, head turning to Cas whose eyes are still fixated on the screen. “L-O-V-E. Love, it’s the one you’re missing from this round.” Dean looks back down at his screen and sees Cas’ finger linking the letters together. “Oh,” Dean breathes. (Rated T, 1.5k)
Will You Bee my Valentine? by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: ugly sweater
Dean's tradition on Valentine's Day was always to go out and look for someone to spend the night, but this year he decided to stay home, which was his best decision. (Rated G, 1.1k)
I've Never Wished for Anything more than You by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: i wish
Dean has lost many people before—it’s practically a normal thing in his line of work—but none of them hurt as much as Castiel’s death. Especially because Dean is sure there’s no possible way for the angel to come back again. Or so he thought. (Rated G, 3.0k)
A Drive Under the Moonlight by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: moonlight
Dean has had a lot of fights with Sam—growing up so close together can do that—but sometimes he just can’t stand being near his brother, so he just takes Baby for a drive until his head gets clear. (Rated G, 2.5k)
Cas Loves Emoticons, Burgers, and Dean by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: emoji
Cas has always known that his husband can be a real pain most of the times, but he brings burgers so Cas always forgives him. (Rated G, 1.1k)
Dean + Alcohol = Loose Lips by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: too many beers
Dean has done some pretty stupid things while being drunk—there are some he would even rather not think about. But when he wakes up that morning, he’s pretty sure that what he did last night will be on his Top 3: after almost a decade of hiding his feelings from Cas, he just practically wrote them on a brick and threw it on his best friend’s face—or maybe that would’ve been a little more subtle than what he did. (Rated T, 4.3k)
Intoxicated by @envydean, prompt: too many beers
Cas finds Dean drunk in the fourth bar he searches after Dean sends some worrying texts to him. Dean has surpassed his flirty, chatty self and fallen headfirst into feeling utter desolation. It leaves Castiel to pick up the pieces. (Rated T, 1.4k)
The Case of the Missing Paper by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: origami
Dean has always been sure the bunker is haunted, even when everything pointed to the fact that it’s not. But when all of the paper in the bunker starts to go missing, Dean starts to think that maybe he’s right or there’s someone messing with him. (Rated G, 3.6k)
A Lost Teddy Bear and a New Found Love by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: stuffed animal
Dean has always been very responsible, especially when he needs to take care of his niece, Mary. But when they can't find her stuffed animal (a Stitch that's a few years younger than Sam), Dean starts to panic, not knowing what to do. Good thing the hot neighbor comes to save the day. (Rated G, 4.7k)
Meeting Emma by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: stuffed animal
Dean’s pacing the hospital corridor like some nervous expecting father. After all, that’s who he is right now. And the daughter he didn’t know he had will be here any moment. (Rated G, 1.9k)
Ambiguitatis Error Est by @fangirlingtodeath513, prompt: i miss how you were here
Dean's pulling away from his close-knit friend group and Castiel is determined to find out why. If he finds some other things out along the way, he won't complain. (Rated G, 1.6k)
Up On The Rooftop Greenhouse by @envydean, prompt: fighting destiny
Michael Shurley is Dean Winchester's true mate. Except, Dean has been in love and dating the Winchester house gardener, Castiel Novak, for nearly three years and Dean doesn't want that to stop. He needs to find a way out of the impending wedding before it's too late, especially when Michael shows his true colours. (Rated T, 5.0k)
With Eyes Wide Open by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: insomnia
Insomnia wasn’t one of Castiel’s favourite parts about humanity, but he loved what he could do in that free time—which, most of the time, involved Dean. (Rated G, 0.9k)
Cheer-Up Food by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: baking
Cas and Sam decide to make a pie for a grumpy Dean. (Rated G, 1.4k)
If Castiel Was A Cake by @envydean, prompt: baking
Castiel comes home to a stressed Dean baking a lot of cakes. So, he decides that a gathering of friends is the best way to keep Dean's mind off everything and it comes with a bonus extra Castiel has been waiting on for years. (Rated T, 2.0k)
As Many Kisses As You Want by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: kiss me
Dean gets really hurt in a hunt and Castiel has no idea what he's supposed to do. He really doesn't. (Rated T, 4.4k)
Kiss Me by @peanutbutterjelly-pie (Aleakim), prompt: kiss me
Dean’s spur-of-the-moment ideas aren’t always the best, as lots of people are able to attest. And his last one really took the cake. Because now he’s unable to forget the taste of Castiel’s lips and he’s got no freaking clue how to deal with this. (Rated T, 4.2k)
The Dare On Your Lips by @envydean, prompt: kiss me
Dean Winchester has had the biggest crush on Castiel, but believes that Castiel isn't interested. Then on one drunken night, Dean is dared to kiss Castiel. (Rated T, 1.5k)
Not According To Plan by @peanutbutterjelly-pie (Aleakim), prompt: proposal gone wrong
A fire truck, a smoky kitchen and an unexpected surprise are awaiting Dean after coming back home from work. (Rated G, 1.7k)
Proposal Gone... Right? by @fangirlingtodeath513, prompt: proposal gone wrong
Dean's been planning this proposal for a long time, but on the day he's actually supposed to propose, nothing seems to go his way. Will he actually manage to propose without everything falling apart? (Rated G, 1.1k)
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lyskari · 4 years ago
The Importance of Found Family
Alrighty Tumblr!
Sit down and buckle up because I’m about to drop an essay that I wish could have been given to my younger self.
We all know the family you are born into. The thing you cannot pick and choose, the thing you are just born into regardless of how good or bad the situation will be.
Then there is your Found Family.
For those of you who don’t know, a found family are those friends you make along the way that you ultimately grow so close to that they feel like they are family. You might even call people “Mom”, “Dad” or “Parent”. You might call someone “Brother”, “Sister” or “Sibling”. You might have someone in the group who is your “Uncle Fester”.
I see posts about it and how much people love it but I would like to state just how important found family actually is. As someone who managed to get to where she is in life because of her found family.
For some of us, we might have a family who loves us dearly but do not understand us try though they might. This is particularly common where the child is neurodivergent, but it can happen for neurotypical children, as well. Others may simply just have a terrible home life.
This is when I feel found family becomes important.
A found family can be in-person, online, or a mixture of both!
But why is it important?
It’s important because this is a family you choose. People that you feel safe with, people that are there for you, people who can help comfort you, people who you can right to with your emotions, people that encourage you and celebrate your achievements - big and small.
They aren’t perfect. No one is perfect. You might argue, you might disagree, you might fight. You might say the wrong thing and hurt their feelings. They may do the same to you. But they are people who you trust will work things out with you if you hit a bump in the road.
Sometimes found family shifts and changes over the course of time. Sometimes you lose members, but you add others, and that’s perfectly normal. We all change and evolve over time, after all.
A found family can be a group of people who know each other, or they can be individual people that you view as family. It can be a mix of both! I have individual people I view as my family, and I have an entire Discord server I view as my family.
Found family got me through a lot of shit, and continues to get me through shit as it comes up, just as they know I am there for them. I still talk to my biological family, and sometimes even ask them for help, but for things I know they cannot help me with (like when I’m struggling with certain neurodivergent things) I know that there is my found family that I can reach out to. Sometimes I just need someone to listen. Sometimes I just need cute kitty gifs. Sometimes I need someone to scream into the void with me. Whatever it is, I know I can reach out to them, and they will be there for me if they aren’t also going through their own shit. (And sometimes they’ll STILL send at least a supportive emoji, which sounds like something small, but it means a lot to me).
It’s important to remember too that each member of your found family doesn’t need to fulfill EVERY need you have. The person I angrily rant to may not be the same person I cry to. The person I ask for help sorting out an emotion may not be the same person I talk out relationship struggles with. 
So yes, found family storylines are absolutely fantastic in books, tv, and other media. But I think it’s important we remember just how powerful it is in real life as well. <3
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faultlessfinish · 4 years ago
but yeah, “oops! we can’t do anything more than what we’ve done, so people who criticize how we’ve handled minors in the server are just being unfair!” well, nobody asked, but - They don’t have to have an official discord in the first place. Many podcasts don’t. - They don’t have to let minors sign up for their Patreon. 18+ Patreons are a thing. They would have to lose some of that sweet patreon income, though. - They could specifically mention that there are minors in the server in their rules, and say out loud, anywhere, even once, that it’s not appropriate to be sexually explicit around them. - They could actually enforce the “this is a PG-13 server/no NSFW” thing. I don’t know a ton of PG-13 movies that talk about c*m and cucking and p*rn but in fairness, I’m not in the industry like they are. - They could make an opt-in major/minor role thing, so people who don’t want to be talking directly to kids about this stuff would at least have a fighting chance of knowing when they were in a conversation with one. - They could give “MOMS” (as Freddie put it in the relevant conversation) who e-mail the podcast about whether it’s appropriate for their kids an actual answer, instead of sending them some boilerplate he came up with in five minutes by running it past whoever was handy in the discord. (before mocking them behind their backs for having the audacity to contact him and ask instead of listening to the entire thing themselves) - They could set up a mod team that’s adequate to notice and shut it down when people start talking about the sons or other minors sexually.  - They as a cast could set the tone by… well damn, this list got long. I’ll put it under a cut, so people who don’t want to read fucked-up nonconsensual and underage shit can give it a pass. And yeah, I can receipt every single one of these things, but the people who aren’t interested in taking this seriously won’t be convinced either way, and it’s a lot of effort to redact screencaps and provide image descriptions. 
They could get out of the habit of talking about stuff like whether or not Paeden will ever nut on the podcast or how Glenn would check out Nick’s porn history because it was probably “curated” for him. 
Beth could skip out on saying things about how Bella and Dr Cullen have mad sexual tension, or how Ron’s not into ageplay but she is. (And hey, it’s not about underage stuff, but it would also be neat if Anthony could have “and if you and Ron fucked, I’d watch and masturbate” as an inside his head thought.) Anthony, meanwhile, could not say stuff like “I ship the Mayor and Faith,” given that Faith is a teenager at the time and the Mayor is explicitly her father figure.  Anthony could drop the whole thing about how he loves it when people call him “daddy.” (Yeah, Anthony, we’re all pretty clear on your kinks at this point. Wish we weren’t. Sorry that you had to back off of making Darryl a literal cuck because you were attempting to look like a good feminist, and yeah, anybody who google image searches the name “Darnell” and sees the hits is pretty clear on which particular racist iteration of that “problematic” fetish he had in mind. It’s literally a name they use to test implicit racist bias in psych research.) If Anthony absolutely can’t stand that Dot, a literal baby, is getting more attention than him then at minimum he could find some other way to express than than calling her “fuck-ugly.”
Anthony could stop threatening to fuck user’s mothers if they disagree with him or inviting them to eat his ass. Particularly given that, like we’ve gone over, there’s no way to know whether he’s saying that to a thirteen year old.  He could not call people “eight year old perverts” like that’s an actual thing. 
Matt could stop joking about how Darryl studies Grant’s p*rn history to do “research” on being gay, or how Darryl cleans Grant’s bathroom all the time to prevent him from masturbating.
Anthony could roll up to the live listens with something other than “ah, just in time for my cucksmanship.” The community manager of the “PG-13, no NSFW” server could respond to that with something besides a big-eyed blushing face emoji.
The whole cast could stop jumping on every potential innuendo and double entendre that goes past regardless of whether the subject is a kid. (And speaking of the double entendre thing, do they realize they did the “Darryl becomes a barbarian when he comes…” “AHAHA CUMS” joke two episode intros in a row? Doesn’t it hurt when they crack their skulls together like Looney Tunes characters all diving for the lowest-hanging fruit at the same time? Is there a coconut sound effect that Freddie has to edit out in post?) In stuff like the first full ep of the Lord of Chaos arc, where Matt tries repeatedly to get the dads their clothes back so that they can stop being fully dicks out around a little crying girl and two middle-school boys, Anthony could use that much-vaunted “yes, and” to let them get dressed instead of shutting him down on four separate occasions. Count em! [Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg voice: not one, not two, not three, but FOUR!] Anthony could not go into detail about how if Yeet’s skateboard was biological, it would mean that he really enjoys the sensation of rolling and grinding very much [italics and line breaks from the original] You know, like how you talk about a child?
If Freddie isn’t clear on how pegging works, he could google it instead of asking the all-ages live listen to explain it to him.
Will could not make jokes about how if he catches his child with bootlegged porn, he’ll make them finish it all. They could not use “consent” and “non-consensually” as joke terms all the time in and out of the show, or diminish the impact of words like that by applying them to stuff like punching each other or drawing from the deck of many things. It’s like they figured out how to stop using “r*pe” as a word in r*pe jokes but figured out a loophole. 
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mythykl · 5 years ago
class 1A in a discord group chat,, part 1**
goin ahead w my tops. bear with me
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our boii Denki Kaminari *gonna talk about him first cuz’ he made this grp**
is literally online 24/7,, does he even sleep??
smol caps, that’s it boiz
types random shit, such as ‘nsjdecjenf’ when he’s mad
is always havin silly arguments w kyoko,, over random shit,
get ready to be astonished by his large vocabulary yet writes shit that just,, makes u go fAcEPaLm
shuts one w the quirkiest comebacks out there,,
you can literally sense shit lotta energy and positivity in her text even though she sends something as minimal as ‘sUPP yall’
suprisingly, not really online on discord,, but might reply at any point in 24h
types super fast
reads notifications mostly n joins in only when ppl are down for some badass gameplay *more of an instagram hoe*
uses lotta abbreviations,, and uses ‘lmao’ usually
always down for gossips
are we even surprised of how much he cusses???
didn’t want to be in the groupchat, but kirishima kept adding him back
never texts w emojis or all large caps, even though he might be practically screamin’ while typing,, hence leavin everyone confused
lately he’s never on, since he muted the groupchat still an unknown fact to all
thus when he texts, the usual replies he earns range from ‘oh, so u alive.’ to ‘did you blast ya PC/phone this time too?’
calls everyone w fucked up nicknames,, except eijiro ofc.
‘What does brb even mean raccoon eyes?’ anddd ‘Try studying instead of crying in here fuckers”~ yupp vibes pretty confusin’ 
‘man up momo!!’ aka an attempt to emit motivation to our dear yaoyorozu after her fourth defeat in fortnite idk vid games,, don’t bully me uwu
well it did work,, cuz she won the next match
online, most of the day. yup. except for his work out period. again, yupp.
loves conspiracy talks, especially of heros and villans,, a new discovery for his classmates,,,
that’s all they talk about when he’s online and in full element
goes all caps lotta times and never really uses emojis
only one to sense the mysterious nature of kacchan’s texts,, you shouldn’t be surprised
hates using silly abbrevations, 
emojis,, sums it all
he literally goes all emojis at times- meaning to communicate full ass sentences *obviously for fun* ,, uraraka seems to be the only one to understand them, even ashido at times??
w every new online member, he’s the first one to text ‘how was ya day?’
it was here that he trolled bAkUGoU for the v first time, didn’t realise it until Aoyama points it out
ofc bakugou, yet again, replied in a confusin way. tho a few swear they heard him loudly cussin at deku in his dorm room.
blurts out motivational shit,, and his texts naturally feel fuckin relatable everyone just goes,, ‘yup’ ‘true’ ‘yaa’ ‘eXaCtLYyyy’ n so on
doesn’t really ever play video games to begin w,, this poor soul wonders why’s she in this group
ashido was the one to ask uraraka to sign in discord,, and she doesn’t regret it a bit.
is never really online
was once teased by yuga w uk who,, she wasn’t herself that day.
again, a newbie here,, didn’t want an account but had to make one under class’ pressure
never really online, well are we surprised??
is never really teased, but when someone makes him mad he mocks em’ using their full name
 not gonna lie,, that shit lowkey funny
once was being stripped off his innocence by indirect yet explicit description of sex by kaminari and mineta,, iida simply logged off to get away from that,,,
her laid back yet straight forward nature really shines in her texts, givin the most sweet yet blunt replies,, which might just turn out to be an unintentional burn
has amazing reflexes in vid games,,
never cusses or argues 
called izuku ‘young midoriya’ once, in hopes of being funny,, well,,, hasn’t tried to fake humour since then
kaminari was the one to help out our icy hot w makin a discord,, this dude was still stuck on facebook 
seems innocent, but unknowing cracks adult jokes in heat of the conversations,, earned him the name ‘icy thot’ from bakugou, but also is usually confused why everyone’s crackin up- i myself am confused w this imagination
but c’mon. he doesn’t text those intentionally,, lets hope maybe??
either replies to midoriya’s ‘how’s ya day’ and justifies his actions in games w long ass paras, OR replies w ‘oh’. 
tho amateur, he’s a vid game prodigy. apparently nvr played once before comin to UA high.
continued sending ‘gm everyone’ everyday for the first two weeks until his classmates teased him for that- no one by far knows if that did hurt his feelings or wut-
tries to make people feel better- ya
once gave a big speech justifying his love for cats. everyone read it ofc, n replied w kawai cat videos. shoto went to bed late that night.
Momo Yaoyorozu
she speaks pretty formally on texts, well ya she’s tryna loosen up a bit tho,,
andd quite impressed by denki’s vocab btw
she was the one to ask mineta and kaminari to stfu as they were describing- uk-
even her cusses and insults on chats sound regal af, you’d even pay her to insult you
the only one who has not yet been teased on the group
click here for part 2;))
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aaronhart93-archive · 5 years ago
discord II text Jaycee & Aaron
Discord thread featuring: Aaron and @jayceelynd
Mentions: @romanbeckett @wtf-eden @alison-haynes @davieslandon
Where: Aaron is at his house and Jaycee is roaming the streets
When: evening of June 6th, evening of June 8th, morning of June 9th
Description: Aaron apologizes to Jaycee, Jaycee yells at him, then texts him a day later 
Trigger Warnings: angst, brief mention of past sexual assault
I’m so sorry
I never meant for this to happen and I especially never meant to hurt you(edited)
Leave me alone, I have nothing to say to you. You of all people Aaron. Of all fucking people!
I know I’ll probably never be able to make it up to you and I promise you NOTHING is going to happen
I understand you don’t want to talk to me. But whenever you’re ready to let me have it go for it
I honestly don’t think there’s more to say, Aaron.
After everything.. I just.. No, I can’t.
I know
You’re so important to me and we’ve been through a lot.
And I really fucked it up
Just not important enough to walk away when you realized you’re falling for my boyfriend, right?
You didn’t care then, and how can I believe you do now?
I did walk away
At least
I tried to
You don’t have to believe me now. Or ever. You don’t owe me anything but I just need you to know I am so fucking sorry
I guess in the end I’m the one that looks stupid. Sitting here happy and in love, while my best friend and boyfriend fall for one another. Just great. I was finally happy, Aaron. And you tried to take that from me.
No one thinks you’re stupid
I promise I didn’t try to do this, this wasn’t what I wanted
Oh, I’m sure they do. I know I feel stupid.
Yeah but these are just words at the end of the day, aren’t they. What holds truth and what doesn’t.
What can I do?
The thoughts that have curated because of this. I want to be numb, I don’t want to breathe. How am I supposed to be okay? The idea of losing him, literally breaks me. How am I supposed to know he really wants to stay and doesn’t feel trapped. HOW!?
There’s nothing you can do, I don’t want anything from you.
I’m sorry I caused this
Me too
I will always be here for you
That’s the hard part. Is I know you will be.
Does your girlfriend know all of this!?
No she doesn’t
I just haven’t gotten to it yet
Wait.. Did this happen before or after you got with her.
Why be with her if you feel or felt this way.
With the intentions of getting him? With hope you two would run off together? Or was it just to get it off your chest before you went forward with Eden?
wait jaycee I never intended on “getting” Roman or running off with him or anyway
It was just something I needed to get off my chest
It was killing me
How can I believe that, that wasn't your intentions though..
Do you know how desperately I want to believe that?
It really wasn’t
I knew then and I know now that it’s not going to happen
I wish I knew it wouldn't. My head is telling me otherwise..
I care about you too much
And Landon
You have really hurt me
I know
I will never forgive myself
But I’m trying to be more honest
I’ve spent my whole life keeping things in and it always ended in some self destructive breakdown.
I've been telling you forever to be more honest.. And I'm proud of you for doing that. I just.. Aaron..
You have, Ali has, all the people I care about have....I don’t expect your forgiveness anytime soon or at all even...although my heart breaks at the fact of not having you as a friend
And my niece.. That's another factor that kills me. What if I can't forgive the one person I trusted since I was 14 years old. But nowI have to deal with the breaking poor Destiny's heart. I love that little girl as if she was my own. I just need time, Right now if we were face to face I don't trust I won't wanna hit you or scream. I'm trying not to act like that anymore.(edited)
You can see Des whenever you want
I’d never keep you from her
I understand
I know you wouldn’t.
And the hardest part who do I cry to over this?
I know
I’m sorry I got so rude with you. I realize I am dramatic. But I’m really trying to work on forgiving you. I really miss my friend and could use my friend. But how can I talk to you about my problems, especially with my relationship without worrying. Like I told Roman I’m all about action right now.
I miss you
I will show you that you can trust me. I promise. You don’t have to talk to me about Roman if you don’t want to but you can if you want and I’ll listen. I’m moving on.
I just want my friend back..
I want my friend back too
So bad
I’m walking around town and I’m a mess. I just can’t stop crying. I hate crying, it’s embarrassing.
It’s late. You should go home
It’s not safe
I have pepper spray, and know self defense.
I may be short but I can kick some ass
You really can
It can’t happen again, so I had to learn to fight.
I understand that
I have the hiccups
I wish I could make you feel safe
Can you at least text me when you get home?
If you have the hiccups you need to take some deep breathes
I’m on my way home, I’m side eyeing you cause you told me to go home. 
I think I’m looking for danger..
There’s my friend Jaycee
I want to watch my favorite Disney movie on my projector but it’s up in the addict and that place scares me.
I kinda want to come over but it’s like late.
You should stop by and watch the movie with Des when she wakes up
I’d like that. I got her some really cute tutus and ballet slippers. I’m actually jealous of her.
she is going to L O V E them
Come! I’d rather you here than wandering alone. Are you drunk? Lol
I may be, so what. I’m a woman!!!!
I couldn’t find my Tesla
Good thing bc you shouldn’t have been driving that if you’re drunk. Need my driver to scoop you?
Hey you know she drives me, auto pilot haha. Yeah these heels hurt.
Send me your location and my driver will get you and bring you home!
Sends Location
He’s on the way
Don’t be so bossy
Yes ma’am
*puppy face emoji*
Thank you, Sir
*goofy face emoji*
Haha omg these hiccups
Water and deep breathes lol
Aaron, I have nothing but my phone and purse. I’m breathing, I am breathing.
Okay is he there yet?
Yeah, I thought I saw you know who.. I might be losing my mind. Who knows.
do I need to beat him up I’m itching for a fight
Can I get a few hits
You can have all the hits you want. I’ll hold him down.
I’m gonna crush his balls
Sorry if that caused pain
I wouldn’t feel sorry for him
Why can’t he leave me alone, though. Like you have my sister and my mom on your side. Enjoy.
Bc he is a sociopath and that’s what sociopaths do
He has videos, or claims and threats to release them and ruin me. He’d just incriminate himself. I just don’t want anyone I love to see it. I don’t want to be treated differently and I know I will be.
Do you actually believe him though?
But you’re right he would never.
I could always call another one of my lawyer friends for you too if you ever need legal advice on that stuff...if you were ever interested in taking legal action.
I have proof for myself, but I was a scared teenage girl that thought I was trapped. I mean until I met you.
I’m ready to put his ass behind bars, I just feel he won’t get much done to him.
And then everyone in the world will know
We can do it
Hey thank you for the help last night. I passed out and sobered up at my office and then went home.
Of course! You never had to thank me. that's what friends are for
and if you were serious about putting this dick behind bars let me know
I don’t know if I can handle it
obviously it's up to you. but just for the record i know you can(edited)
tiny but mighty
It just will regress me I fear.
that's possible. i heard the whole process is super re-traumatizing
i learned that from SVU
From SVU huh lol
lmao yes
Dork alert
it's a good show!!! the fuck
Eh, it’s okayyy
Don’t get your feelers hurt now, I’m just picking on you
*smiley face emoji*
*laughing face emoji*
I looooove uu
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sandersbayhq · 5 years ago
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Alright Ale, I gotchu this week! Happy Tuesday and Happy June everyone! I’m on the lookout for new and unique text memes. Don’t forget to link me if you come across one! Need directions? Check under the cut!
“It’s raining outside and you know what that means”
“What did I say about sending dank memes?”
“Before I click the link tell me what it is because last time it wasn’t… pleasant.”
“I’m on my way with donuts so you better be home”
“You look crazy grinning at your phone like that”
“That message wasn’t meant for you.”
“I bet my FBI agent likes me more than you”
“Look at this dog”
“Why aren’t you here in my arms right now?”
“I can’t believe you’re telling me this over text.”
“What did you expect?”
“I’m blocking you.”
“If you text me back within the day it’ll be the quickest you’ve ever replied.”
“You can choke.”
“Come hug me.”
“Why are you up at 3am texting me?”
“If I don’t text you back it’s because I’m busy but I’ll be sure to tell you goodnight at the very least.”
“I thought you trusted me.”
“I’m not doing this over text.”
“I dropped my entire pizza on the ground so yeah today is great.”
“Why did you just send me a bunch of incoherent letters”
“Stop talking to me in emojis I don’t get it.”
“Rip bitch lmao”
“My mom just texted me af, please stop teaching her text slang.”
“This isn’t tinder, it’s my life”
“Do you also see the guy over there in a pink chicken costume?”
“God you’re being so annoying.”
“Why did you expect me to show up on time? You never do.”
“Did you really think I wouldn’t notice that we’re missing a toaster? How in the hell did you break it this time?”
“I’m about to get real soft so bear with me.”
“Your friend kept flirting with me so I got him/her to stop by saying I had a crush on you.”
“t h e f a c t y o u p u t a s p a c e b e t w e e n e a c h l e t t e r p r o v e s h o w e x t r a y o u a r e.”
“You can block me but I’m still your roommate.”
“Oh god why are you caps-locking me this time?”
“Kms. Kiss my self-esteem. I feel like garbage please help.”
“It sucks because we’re texting so you feel close but I know you’re actually so far away.”
“Are you really crying or just saying you are?”
“You always know how to make me feel better.”
“Put on your location I want to fight.”
“The texts you sent me last night were a lot. How drunk were you?”
“Stop texting me puns I’m trying to live my life in peace.”
“Get over here these guys are destroying me in video games I need an ally.”
“Why would you think that’s okay?”
“Thank you for spamming my phone with selfies. Jokes on you because I think you’re beautiful and love every single one.”
“If you send ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ one more time I’m blocking you.”
“My friend changed all my contact names to body parts, so who are you?”
“You’re in the same room as me why are we texting rn.”
“I just evaded death, not clickbait.”
“Okay maybe I exaggerated.”
“I’m sorry I texted so many times I just missed you.”
“Send me selfies I want to see something pretty.”
to participate, post your askbox with the tag sbaskcall and post in the discord
Please be sure if you’re asking for prompts, you’re sending prompts! You don’t have to have a text thread with every single character, but be an equal opportunity participant.
In the same vein, be sure you check the tag and discord channel more than once as we’re all on different time zones/schedules.
It’s never “too late” to join in the meme fun. Just make sure you include the meme link so people know what to send.
Reach out. Have fun. Have your character talk to someone they haven’t before? <3
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muertemismo · 5 years ago
send me a ⚡️and I’ll tell u how great u are fill out for you/your muse:
my first impression of your muse:
“Oh, the poor guy that was killed by his own wife-- y i k e s.” 
my first impression of you:
I was: INTIMIDATED TO EVEN FOLLOW YOU. You’re just VERY mature and it shows in your writing and as I was glancing through everything I was just “Oh God I Feel Like A Weenie.” But when I first talked to you, the intimidation immediately went away bc you’re so nice c:
my favorite thing about your muse:
You’re just an amazingly skilled writer. I LOVE the thread we currently have going on. Your interpretation of Gérard is WELL thought out and is just.. *chef’s kiss*. 
my favorite thing about you:
I HATE THAT YOU GOT ME PLAYING DARK SOULS AGAIN >:C. You’re actually one of my favorite people to talk to on here, and I enjoy our little blurts of conversation. Your taste in memes is Top Notch, and the fact that we can cry over horrifying games together is my favorite thing.
would I ever consider shipping our muses:
Shipping hasn’t always been extremely high on the list of things I wanna incorporate into this blog, as I wanna try to pull out more depth from this character -- but I’m really not opposed to it with these two. If chemistry takes a toll, then I have no problem with it. c:
a plot I’d like to see between our muses:
I saw that YOU have a few and I ALSO have a few, so... *eye emoji intensifies*. Ever since we’ve been threading, I’ve been taking down small hcs I have for those two just.. for fun. So if you ever wanna hear them, you’re welcome to throw yourself into my discord uwwwu
an AU I think would be interesting for our muses: 
YOU HAVE ME SOLD ON THAT STUPID BLOODBORNE AU. BUT, I think a double agent kind of thing with them would be interesting. Sort of like what we have going on right now, but also not. Or honestly, I’ve been thinking about an apocalypse au. Like, the fall still happens, but it’s for entirely different reasons -- there ensues the apocalypse type stuff. 
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