The heart is a mossy wood bed
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"secret" self ship blog, 18+ only. 31 years old. Might sometimes write things. Truly, I'm a mystery. She/they. Bisexual. I follow back as necromancindancin. Requests are open!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
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I’ll eat your fears, little orphan boy.
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Batman Incorporated (2022) #6
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Crying, screaming, throwing up
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Small fear.
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Does Roman like for his sub to call him by any specific titles? Does he use pet names for them?
He's not the most creative.
Names for Him: Master, Sir, Beloved (if he's in a particular mood)
Pet names for sub: Honey, sweetheart, good girl/boy, doll
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Hi there^^
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Greetings! I just read your hcs about the different riddlers with a baby (not theirs, but they have to take care of one for whatever reason) and I was wondering if you could write that concept with the scarecrows! As a twist, which ones would try to rehome the baby, or just accept that this is their life now and actually raise it? (Sorry if my phrasing is odd, I can't communicate over texts that well 😅) Anyways have a good day/night/whatever!
"Baby Mine" Scarecrow party
You get general too because Riddler has so many more iterations I write for. In the other ask, it was also a factor that the baby would eventually be taken away, but I don't think you want that here- so sorry if I'm incorrect.
Also I'm going to be real with you, all of them work directly with chemicals i.e. fear toxin/fear toxin gas so- I don't think any of them would full-on raise a baby that has no relation/connection to them when there are better options. It's how fast we ditch.
TW: Mentions of child abuse, experiments
Very Unhappy about this situation. There are firehouses, hospitals and police stations for this sort of thing- Not him. Reasons beyond his understanding, he is stuck with it for now. First thing is first. Baby stays in his office in the mortuary when he's working. A little cot he built himself because he went to the store and there was no way he was paying that much for a temporary guest. Baby is safe and he can have a two-way monitor in the lab to keep an eye out.
He is oddly charmed when the baby sees him in his plague-doctor inspired gas mask and they just giggle and touch the beak. Dolly sees this and stays very far away because she is not about that grabby-hand life. She does, however, pick up things the baby drops and puts them back in the seat or cot. Caws in response to a coo. She gets a little jealous at the amount of attention the baby is getting, but she takes it out on Jonathan- nipping him harder than normal.
There are a lot of mixed feelings about just dumping the baby somewhere since, in effect, it was what happened to him with Grandmother Crane. To his detriment... He needs to find the baby the home they deserve, personally. He filters through "candidates" without their knowledge- those who have lost or never had. Effectively stalks them. Then, once he's absolutely certain that this family is the right one, that they will love and care for this baby to his standards- He will make arrangements.
For him, there isn't a sadness dropping off the baby because he knows it's what is best for the child. He does miss their giggles, though.
Certainly, there are more appropriate options! At least this version would actively be prepared enough to have a reversal and protections in place after the time he was gassed by Batman... Special crib for baby that air locks with it's own oxygen supply if a gas leak is detected! It's not a perfect long-term solution but while he is stuck with this baby, it'll work.
Will have a goon try to rock the baby to settle them and if they are doing a bad job, he scolds them and takes the baby back. "You blithering buffoon- gentle! The baby likes gentle!" He will allow SOME of the other rogues to watch over them or earn some baby-time. It's like having very fun aunts and uncles.
He doesn't talk much about his childhood with anyone. The bullying, how he was raised- Shockingly has more hangups about being bullied than... the other things. If this was an older child, he would be FIERCELY protective of them against bullies. He would drug a bully.
He talks to the baby a lot and lets them wrap their fingers around his- it's good for development! When he eventually finds the right place for them, he's a little saddened. What could his life had been if those fools hadn't fired him? Would he have taken that path? Ah. Well. There's much work to do as the Master of Fear!
Arkham Asylum
This is some kind of test. For him, not the baby. No, no, despite his moral failings as a man, he wouldn't be so crass as to experiment with fear on an infant. Besides, the Little Albert experiment on classical conditioning and phobias is right there. He could do it better, of course, but that would involve keeping the child long-term and, again, those pesky lingerings of morals he has.
He CAN strap the baby to himself as he conducts experiments on adults, though! Gas mask for baby that has ugly-as-sin sewn kitty ears on it. Outfit made of puncture-resistant material in case of accidental sticks since there's no OSHA-approved caps on those gloves. Adults get to be very confused as babies are suddenly introduced into their fear-toxin hallucinations.
Outside of the costume, one of his favorite times is actually feeding? Despite the fact he doesn't eat at all the way or amount he should given how thin he is- if the baby is still on the bottle, he'll kangaroo hold the child to his bare chest to regulate them physically and emotionally. He says startlingly morbid facts while the baby opens their mouth if they're moving on to real food.
Trying to find the baby a place as quickly as possible. Based on the previously mentioned safeguards he's had to put into place, he recognizes this is not a good environment for them. There's even a fair chance he hands the baby to Batman because he knows that do-gooder will make sure they're taken care of.
hahahahaha, he's getting rid of this baby. It's not even anything against babies, he's just got WAY too much going on. Too much cooking on the oven, so to speak. Between his main job as a psychiatrist, side gig as the Scarecrow AND running the successful drug king business as scarecrow... He's booked!
It's not even about him tossing the baby off to a lackey. They're all part of a biker gang that are actively TAKING his drugs. Autumn gives him The Teenager Glance of a nineteen year old far too busy texting and doing her own thing to look after a baby. That only really leaves him which is just a terrible idea. He's been there, done that.
We don't actually know much about this Crane's background- personal hc (until said otherwise) is that he grew up in a gaggle of cousins running wild. Granny was still religious and harsh HOWEVER, not nearly as abusive as other iterations. His family had a name around town and it was trouble.
And so the baby ends up in front of Gotham Police Station in new pajamas, lovingly wrapped in a blanket (Halloween themed with skeletons!), and a belly full of a warm meal. Jonathan has someone wait down the street outside to make sure the baby isn't out there too long without someone finding them.
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THE RIDDLER! Late night iPad doodle
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A cover inspired by the Spy achievement.
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we listen and we Judge <3
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does dano riddler like brats? i love the idea of him with another switch who likes too push and pull for power. even if they don't actually want to win in the situation. plssss share your thoughts or write a drabble 🙏🙏 i LOVE your characterization of him. thank you !! <3
"Bratting" Riddler 2022 HCS
ah. So. Listen. I'm super behind on asks but I do need you to know I thought about this from time to time because it made the serotonin light up in my brain.
TW: NSFW, brats, degradation
Nashton likes the power of being dominant in a scenario but you could beat him up and spit on his face and he gets the biggest hard-on. That said, he himself can be a little bit of a brat if he feels he isn't getting his way. If you refuse him too often or you deny him pleasure for too long- He'll push back or whine.
This leads to it being SO ironic that he can get fairly annoyed with brats and bratty behavior. He hears some fake whiny baby-voice and he feels disdain. It would be the quickest way to get him to take out the ball-gag. Kicking him or pushing his hands away when he's trying to pleasure you and it's not part of a specific scenario or you actually saying "no"- he's got some restraints in mind.
He WILL be degrading as it happens. Little slut can't even keep it in their pants. You're just so needy for him to fuck you, you can't help yourself. It's almost sad. Pathetic, really, that you're that desperate and stupid for his cock. Maybe if you actually listened and acted like a good (girl/boy), he wouldn't have to leave you tied up. Pulls hard on your hair to make you arch your neck for him as he bites and nips at your skin while pressing his fingers juuuust at your entrance.
Intentionally breaking rules he's set out or doing things to push his buttons beyond teasing? It's actually kind of upsetting for him unless it's agreed upon prior. It makes him feel bad and like you don't respect him. Edward needs reassurance in his play or at minimum to know exactly where you stand. Fucking with that makes him feel self-conscious.
Push-and-pull, however, he would be into! It would be about knowing what buttons to press that he's the one "winning" if that was what you wanted from him. The degrading might still be there but a different tone. Aw, you thought you could overpower him. That's so cute. Just what is he going to do with you now you've rolled over? If you're good and follow all of his instructions, maybe he'll let you cum. He's already getting sweaty at the thought.
An example of something else he would be into is this: This is a nsfw link to a video on X. (No nudity, two brats in full body suits, arms restrained). Having you connected back-to-back another brat in latex, huffing and laughing to get the friction and some kind of release. While he's not a sharing kind of guy, this would be an exception to the rule. Seeing you "happy" while watching you struggle and maybe even moan for him.
Probably the closest "true" brat scenario he would go for is being a brat tamer where he breaks you down until all you want to do is say yes and hang on his every word.
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a riddler for u
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just realized I forgot the question mark on his tie
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"youre afraid and it's delicious" can he be normal for one minute please
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Out of Riddler, Scarecrow, Black Mask, Penguin, Two-Face, who do you think is the most affectionate to their s/o and who has the most difficulty in showing affection?
"Affection Levels" - Riddler, Scarecrow, Black Mask, Penguin, Two-Face
Alright, we're making a list and why. In this context, I'm going with romantic affection because it would be a different answer for sexual. I moved several of these around multiple times because I wasn't 100% on ranking so heads up on that.
also to be noted, all of these guys are physically affectionate to their own extent.
TW: none
I've stated before that he loves physical affection as long as it's not interrupting something important or serious. When it's all on his terms? Incredibly affectionate. He is very into PDA and will make out with his partner nasty to the point that it turns almost sexual. It's something he didn't get with another person for a long time outside of paid encounters with escorts. He savors his partner doesn't fear his touch like so many others have.
He's only second because it takes a little time for him to like touch from another person. Once he's really into the person, thought? Desperate to be touched and to be physical with them. He can never seem to keep his hands completely off of them, ghosting even as he walks around them at home. He seeks them out to hold or hug in his sleep. He has so much love to give and wants to receive.
Yes and also maybe. Harvey is affectionate but slightly more reserved because of habits when he was Defense Attorney for Gotham which is a very publicized, scrutinized and serious position. While he does let loose more now, he's still paranoid of eyes being on you outside of the privacy of your own abode.
Harv is all-out. Harv is the impulsive and does what he wants. He does keep it somewhat cautious because you never know who could be watching, they'll take whatever chance to steal a kiss. Together, they blend to touches that are more subtle rather than grandiose. Affectionate, but on smaller scales.
Black Mask
The largest difference between Black Mask and other people on this list is that a lot of his affection is sexual in nature vs. more romantic/neutral. Sex in public? If they're down, he's down. It's those more vulnerable sweet moments that he likes to keep to himself. Outwardly, he doesn't want to give more reason to make them a target to others, even if he thinks he'll always be there. Since he likes going out to parties and restaurants, this does limit those interactions.
Jonathan is a more reserved man in general, especially out of his persona where he gets to let loose. It's less of a difficulty and more his personality in general. He's definitely affectionate, just in his own way. It would become more frequent as the relationship gets further along- kisses along the temple or the cheek just because. Just holding you or your hands to feel closer.
Dude absolutely gets frisky in the costume, though.
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idk I think they could be frens..........
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How would the rogues go about adopting or having a pet with S/O? Are they interested in the slightest? Will the rogue be the one to surprise S/O with a kitten or pup or any other?
"Pets Galore" Rogues Party x Reader
100% I'm not gonna lie to you, I thought I'd already done an ask like this but then I went back over my masterlist- it was because I did two dog and one cat asks for all the riddlers. That guy, man.
TW: Mentions of animal abuse, mentions of feeder mice, mentions of animal death, animal testing
Dog Ask.
Cat Ask.
Edward isn't particular on pets. The kind, anyways. He never got to have any of them as a child and for the most part the roles they played were those of monetary gain such as dog fighting. They were a tool to be utilized like anything else. It wasn't until he was older and certain perspectives began to shift that he found their presence actually comforting. Ultimately it would depend on what his other would prefer.
Dogs and cats? He leans slightly more to cats due to their mercurial nature and less neediness than a dog. Especially as a surprise, he would go for a cat unless you're allergic. Something fluffy with a cute face he can tease with a feather wand. He'd build them a cat wheel to use for exercise and food puzzles to watch them figure it out.
Something different? He wouldn't mind insects or arachnids as pets. Perhaps an Antilles pinktoe tarantula with full arboreal tank he's painstakingly cultivated the plants and bedding for. Watching while he tinkers. Perhaps a madagascar hissing cockroach in wonder of their resistance to the world around them? Or his own ant colony that he continually expands until their tunnels extend across a wall all on it's own?
If it's about him having pets, he would have a pet bird which is, I know, shocking. Generally, he's going to have his own collection prior to meeting his s/o unless it's a rough patch in his life. That means at one point or another you'll be brought into a room and asked to put your arm out for a hyacinth macaw to step onto. This is Atticus- He likes nuts and biting strangers but fear not, he's right here with you.
These days he goes for less... illegal birds in his aviary. At least, that's what local law enforcement gets to hear as he flashes the licensing he totally went through all the correct avenues and didn't bribe anyone for. If nothing else, no one can say they aren't properly cared for. A large aviary with round the clock staff and access to an exotic vet on call if any of them show the slightest sign of illness.
Sometimes he likes to just take you to sit in there and stare enamored at the beauty of them. To sit perfectly still and allow one to land on your shoulder. He knows all of their names, where he got them and what they like and dislike. And soon, he's certain, they will all love you just as he does.
Mad Hatter
He likes rabbits and rats. Surprisingly, it's not because of Alice in Wonderland or in relation to it. When he was still a licensed and certified neuroscientist, he had a stint in the research process of his drugs and machinations. In that time, he grew excessively fond of the subjects he would work with- zebra fish, rabbits, rats, pigs... All of them were so sweet and he didn't deal with the emotional process well when projects ended. Genuinely, it would depend upon what his s/o favored so it comes to two different conclusions. Now that he's in a more, shall we say, steady environment, he can think about things such as animal companions.
If you're good with rats, you will be gifted two little fancy rats by the names of Barnaby and Bartholomew. He commissions Edward specifically to make them a rat housing system filled with tunnels and enrichment areas to keep them sharp when they aren't cuddling with the two of you! Jervis loves holding one of them in his hand to give a dried pea or another treat and watch them boggle with excitement.
If you're more of a rabbit person, a neutered mixed-sex pairing of New Zealand Whites are his choice of gift. Oleander and Periwinkle- They have a large indoor hutch that opens out to their own little guest room for supervised playtime. Both are fairly gentle and enjoy just sitting in your lap before going to shred whatever new enrichment toy Jervis made them.
Jonathan actually has a pet already :) Her name is Dolly and she was a crow that couldn't be released back out into the wild. Nothing major, a small but healed break that would prevent her from safely hunting by herself or evading danger. He says he took pity on the poor thing. In truth, he really adores her antics and the way she mimics his laugh after scaring a nosy guest.
He's actually not opposed to adopting another pet, but the ground rule is that it will not hunt Dolly. So, preferably, something with very low prey drive. Even then, it'll need constant supervision. Unless you are particularly determined to have a dog or a cat or something else- It's probably somewhat easier to try and buy Dolly's love.
She does like to jump scare you because that's just who she is at this point. If you offer an unsalted peanut in your hand, however, she'll gracefully land on your arm for the gesture. Enough time and she'll bring you little gifts she's found, including bracelets you already own. When you come home from errands or a trip, she'll caw at you before bowing her head and begging for treats.
Music Meister
Songbirds! He has a larger cage set up with some budgies/parakeets that he likes to listen to when he's not playing his own music. It's not quite as grand as, say, some rogues set-ups but he thinks a lot of the work he's put into it! And yes, he, Jonathan and Oswald have all talked shop about their birds on numerous occasions including their care and housing.
If he were to gift his beloved darling, you, a kind of bird, he'd probably take you to a high-quality bird farm and take a tour of what they have to make your choice. Finches, lovebirds, doves, pigeons, cockatiels- Which ones appeal to you? He does sing to all of them in his own notes, the show-off. Is he looking for praise? Maybe a little, but in part he's looking for a bird that responds to the two of you.
He's the kind of guy who pays for sexing for his birds and nest boxes in case he does have mixed-sex pairs. There's a small camera so he can watch the whole process and he DOES cry a little when the chicks hatch. It's like he's a grandfather... He won't go crazy with bird breeding, but it might be a heartwarming experience to do with you.
Victor Zsasz
He's not really a cuddly pet guy. In his eyes, you're kind of his cuddly cute pet. This isn't to say he's mean to animals or doesn't like them. It's more that he would pet other people's dogs and cats and be fine not having his own.
He does, however, have a snake. There was a guy who owed another guy money and didn't have enough and the first guy offered a Western Hognose. Something about the color was super rare, Victor doesn't remember the morph name. Something cold- it had a blue-gray hue. He took it off the guys hands. Someone willing to trade a living thing for a debt didn't have any business with them anyways.
Basically, he ended up taking the little guy to a buddy that was a reptile fanatic and who sold Victor all the right stuff to keep it alive. Truthfully, he ends up enjoying Snake (which is what he named it). From Snake's little hisses, to his upturned nose and the dramatic way he plays dead... Victor loves feeding his baby thawed mice.
Killer Croc
Growing up, he was used to more community cats or barn cats. Maybe a dog for the farms in more rural parts. Working animals. Or animals used for the purpose of food. People had pets, of course. It just wasn't as familiar to him than the one lady in the neighborhood who threw out piles of kitty kibble in the yard like it was bird seed. Then he got big and scaly and... Animals don't like that. He looks more like a predator than a friend.
He's been kind to animals before. Fucked up punks who get a kick out of torturing them or making them suffer. Who wants to hurt a little thing that can't even defend itself? It was okay if they scratched him or tried to bite him after- it's a rough world out there. Why should they trust him?
That was why when you brought home a spicy but sickly kitten, he didn't mind helping you look after it. She hissed and she spat but he gave her a flea bath and cuddled her an an angry purrito. Weeks would pass and what began as an effort to get her adopted ended once she curled in a ball and purred until she fell asleep on Waylon's chest. He's named her Cayenne, Cay-cay for short.
Harley Quinn
Harley has had so many pets over the years and 90% of the time it was something she "found." From chubby hamsters to skinny puppies and actual hyenas. The hyenas had been "rescued" from an illegal animal trade situation and had been a "gift" from Joker. No matter what their origins, Harley kept them long after that disaster of a relationship until they both passed away from old age and the health issues that come with it.
When you mentioned maybe wanting a pet, she cleared up a day for you both to go to the local animal shelter. Neither of you had a clear or exact idea of what you wanted. Harley was certain she would know when she saw the animal. She loved the cats, taking photos for Selina. The dogs were cute! Yet...
It was when the two of you stopped in front of a brindle and white bull terrier named Rocky that Harley's eyes lit up. He had some scarring over his face and was a reformed fighting dog. Part of his left ear was missing. Cautiously he sniffed Harley's hand before sitting down in front of his kennel door.
You took him home three days later.
Poison Ivy
Pamela wasn't allowed pets as a child. They were messy and her mother insisted Pamela would never clean up after it and leave it for her. Besides, it wasn't ladylike to have a hamster or a rodent. The first time she would have any real exposure to animals was when she was in research for her botany chemical compounds. She wouldn't interact with them herself but... sometimes she did find herself watching the rats through the glass of other sectors in the labs.
It wasn't until much later after her transformation that she would consider the idea. In a way, her plants themselves were like pets. Carnivorous flowers and animal-hybrids that would defend her to the death and she considered to be like her babies. She cares for them, she loves them, several do have a sense of their own agency. They live in harmony alongside her as an animal companion would.
As a gift for you, she creates a special friend. She calls her a "flower pup", a reptilian looking creature with a "collar" of flower petals and no eyes. Sweet, seeks you out. Strangely enough, Ivy says she doesn't need you to buy food for her. Audrey doesn't take much notice until you realize someone tried to burglarize your home and all that's left of them is a size 12 sneaker and a couple drops of blood outside her dog bed.
Oh these two and owning a pet. Harvey post-arrest of his father and pre-two-face did have a dog that his mother still owns, decrepit little beast. So both of them have very positive feelings on owning another pet or even gifting you one! It's just.... what pet? Inside of their mind, it's rather like the three good fairies arguing over the color of Aurora's dress in Sleeping Beauty. Tough! Loyal! Soft! Small! Big! Scary! Sweet face!
At one point Harvey even suggests a cuddly little rabbit- before Harv strikes out that idea with a reminder "that their piss stains and smells fucking awful." Plus, you want a hutch? You want to clean a goddamn hutch? Yeah, I thought not, college boy. They agree on a dog before settling on a doberman puppy one of his henchmen is trying to get rid of. Almost smacks the guy when he suggests Two-Face get "ear and tail cropping done early."
After they decide NOT to do that, you get an early Christmas gift of the pup, bow and all. His name is Judge and he is very sweet and filled with so much anxiety. Protective of you and takes his anxiety meds from Harv who coos over his little boy in a baby voice. Judge doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between Harvey and Harv- if he does, he curls at their feet during meetings both alike.
Black Mask
If it's up to him? He surprises you with a pedigree guard dog- He doesn't mind cats, but sure as shit he's not cleaning up a litterbox. At least the dog he wouldn't mind taking on a walk. To his credit, he did a ton of research and had his people do background checks on the breeder to ensure this was a well-taken care of animal with full health and temperament checks.
It's a Belgian Malinois and Roman learned very quickly if you want a working dog, you have to work them. One very chewed up couch as a puppy and the pooch is signed up for training classes and obedience courses. There's even a indoor doggy treadmill somewhere on the property for rainy or too-cold days for the guy. His name is Bruiser if you let Roman pick.
Bruiser... loves you. He lays over your lap and will gator snap if anyone but Roman tries to touch you. He whines and pouts at the door when you "should" be getting home. Loves to do tricks for a little treat and has to have gabapentin AND trazodone for the vet.
Mr. Freeze
Doesn't really keep animals that like to lay on your lap or cuddle because of his own fears of hypothermia (for them). However, if pushed in the right direction, his scientific mind would quite enjoy keeping a cold fish tank. A school of rainbow shiners with ornamental shrimp, tetra and a small catfish.
He would love to plan a tank setup with you- finding just the right plants and wood structures. Perhaps even taking a course on aqua landscaping. That would be fun to do together, wouldn't it? It's immaculate, that's for certain.
If it needed to be a mammal for your sake, he would actually lean towards hamsters and guinea pigs. Something about their squeaking and little attitudes.
Ra's al-Ghul
Not very interested. A long time ago, he may have kept some goats or other livestock as companions and production animals. Human lives are so short, most animals are even shorter. He can't quite get into the spirit of caring for an animal that's going to die in the blink of his eye.
This is to say, he's not opposed if you were to want one or already had a pet. He would be affectionate towards them. Give them the care they require. But there's this sort of... emotional barrier. He doesn't even know he's doing it. It's just part of the defense mechanism.
Honestly, I could see Bane going for one of two things: A tiny scraggly cat that's gotten way overlooked or a mutt he trains and works with every single day. Maybe both? You two went to a shelter and he couldn't help himself. He was, as they say, a sucker. There was a small concern that the rag-tag pair wouldn't get along, but some slow introductions and a little patience... it all worked out.
Frida, the dog, he jogs with every morning as part of his workout. He couldn't tell you what kind of dog she is except a love-bug when she's "off". When she's "on", she listens and follows his commands of short whistles and hand commands better than a professional soldier. If he was interested in that sort of thing, he could sweep the floor of an obedience trial over any purebred dog and owner. Her favorite part of the night is collapsing at the foot of the bed and slowly crawling between you for snuggles.
Tito is possibly the dumbest cat Bane has ever met in his entire life. Orange tabby, missing an eye and a slight neuro tilt to his head- Finally healed from the mange he had when he was first brought in and is silky soft. One of his favorite things is curling up on yours or Bane's lap when available. If not, Frida will let him lay on her side and clean her face.
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