#in the art idea pile you go✨
Kat and her Pinterest finds:
Clear picture of Punk during the 2005 summer of Punk
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piledrivemytombstones · 4 months
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Pinterest still never disappoints me
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starryknight-tarot · 1 year
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝔂?
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pile 1 -- > pile 2
pile 3 -- > pile 4
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello beautiful souls✨ we are back in the building with another tarot reading. Today we will be looking into your destiny, a general idea of what your purpose is on this beautiful planet. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Art by @pop_KOME on Twitter (or X lol).
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Pile 1:
Cards: Knight of Swords rx, Queen of Wands, The Chariot, Six of Wands, King of Cups, Eight of Cups, Five of Wands, Justice
Back of the Deck: Nine of Swords
Pile 1, your destiny is to be a leader. I feel a strong spiritual presence for this pile, I feel like you are very strongly protected by your spirit team, you may even have some powerful archangels in your spirit team. Also hearing some of yall may be an Aquarius and have heavy water energy in your birth chart. You are someone who has watched the people in your life be mistreated and conditioned to just suffer through traumatic experiences. But instead of following in the same path of suffering, you take action. Your destiny is to help the people around cope with life and make life feel a little easier. Some of you can do this just by being your true authentic self which encouraging others to do the same. Some of you are destine to be therapists, judges, lawyers, maybe even politicians. If any of you play Honkai Star Rail, you are giving major Natasha vibes. You are destined to run organisations that could literally save lives or make life a lot easier for people. I am also hearing some of yall could create something that would become really popular and almost in a way save people. Like, have you ever had a show or song or form of art that has shaped your life, taught you a lesson, or helped you from a really hard experience. Your destiny is to be that for people or create something that has that effect on people. I am seeing specifically Studio Ghibli so that could have an impact on you, or inspired you to create something. For some of you, your destiny is to be parent, but more specifically to help raise someone the right way(?). Kinda going along with what I was saying before, you may have had a really unhealthy home environment growing up and when it's your turn to be a parent, you will make it your mission to make sure your child doesn't have to go through what you went through, in a healthy way, of course if you don't want to be a parent then this doesn't apply. I just heard, "It's your job to call out the bullcrap." It's your purpose to stand up and say no when others won't or are too scared. You have a lot of influence on people Pile 1, and your purpose is to use it to help the people around you.
Advice Cards:
Align body, mind and spirit. Know that you are whole
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Hold a positive outlook. You will see it when you believe it
To effect a change, you must be willing
Get clear about what you want
It is time to unclutter your body, mind, and spirit
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 2
Cards: The Emperor rx, Eight of Wands, The Hanged Man rx, King of Swords, Queen of Wands, Four of Wands rx, Page of Cups, The Sun
Back of the Deck: The Devil
Your destiny is to be a shining light in the darkness. The small ounce of hope when everything seems to be lost. Now that is a big role Pile 2. I heard just now, "Your duty is to spread warmth." and "All you gotta do is slay all day." LMAO. You may currently or in the past have felt like everything is hopeless and you may have repeated very negative affirmations. I feel like it's a part of your purpose to learn about how powerful words are and use it to your advantage. When you finally start to use your words in a way that shows hope and positivity, is when you will fully align with your higher self and see all the beautiful things that life truly has to offer. This pile reminds me of another reading I did, it was Pile 4 of my what makes you so attractive reading so if you picked that pile, this pile is definitely for you. If you are interested and haven't read that reading then I would highly recommend it. I feel like your destiny to spread kindness. I am seeing a scenario where you are working somewhere and someone was having a bad day, but after talking with you for a short while, they are in a really good mood and feel amazing. I feel like your use of words and how you express yourself freely is your purpose. I feel like this pile is the most likely to be famous, I am seeing specifically a streamer. I feel like you are just someone that people could listen to talk for hours and it just feels so calming and relaxing. I am kinda picking up on when Among Us was really popular and there was a handful of streamers that were just majorly comforting for people, especially since that was when COVID was really bad. If you did follow thoses streamers, you may know Sykkuno, and I am saying this because I feel like you have a very similar life purpose as Sykkuno or you are just very similar to him. I heard you are like a safe place for people. I feel like your purpose is to make a domino effect for love and kindness. Like when you smile at someone, they smile, and then they make someone else smile and it just spreads. Some of yall may be into yoga or maybe even wanna be yoga instructors. You could also be a masseuse. Your destiny is to be a comforting presence and to show people another way to look a life. (I feel like this pile is very different from Pile 1, however there are some messages from Pile 1 that I strongly feel that may apply to you so if you did feel called to Pile 1 as well, please do read it)
Advice Cards:
Remain faithful to your ideal and find trust within yourself
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Remove all resistances and move into a state of flow
It is time to challenge old beliefs
You can manifest your heart's desire
To effect a change, you must be willing
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 3
Cards: Two of Pentacles rx, Knight of Pentacles, Strength rx, The Lovers, Page of Swords, Nine of Cups, Temperance, Three of Cups
Back of the Deck: Nine of Wands
There is some crazy beautiful messages for this pile. Your destiny is to see your dreams become a reality. I am getting that you are someone who has worked very hard for everything you have, I am hearing started from the bottom now we're here lol. Pile 3, all the hard work and love you have put into you goals and dreams are destined to shine brightly. You will be able eat the fruits of your labor. Honestly Pile 3, I just see good things coming towards you and it is so wholesome. I feel like there has been a lot of times where you've just wanted to give up and take the easy route of life, giving into words that say you will never achieve anything you strive to. But it is literally your destiny to succeed. Spirit is saying that all the times that have been rough and cruel have been so that when you finally get to relax and see your hard work flourish, it will feel even more rewarding. I feel like things you never thought would be possible for you will come true. Finding true love, a soul family that you can always rely on. I heard multiple people will fall in love you. Pile 3, its your destiny to go on a journey of self love, this journey may be a spiritual awakening for you, by connecting with spiritual, it can help you realize your true potential. I feel like all this love and success will take a while for you though, especially if you tend to put yourself down and don't acknowledge the work you need to do. I feel like some of you are really passionate about your dreams but fail to really push yourself and challenge yourself because of your insecurities. Don't try to be humble Pile 3, you are amazing and the world wants to see you shine! If you are procrastinating about the things you want to bring into your life and putting yourself down when you make mistakes, these blessings will delay and if it gets really bad, may never come. Mistakes are extremely human and we are meant to make mistakes to learn from them and improve even more. Believe in the power of your mind and creativity and the universe, and that's when blessings will manifest. Spirit wants you to enjoy life to the fullest and enjoy the things life has to offer.
Advice Cards:
Remain faithful to your ideal and find trust within yourself
Your spirit wings are unfolding. It is time to take flight!
Practice the pause
Keep the faith. Stay intentioned. Your perseverance will pay off
You are moving beyond your old form. Congratulations!
Relax and feel good. You deserve more joy!
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 4
Cards: Seven of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, King of Swords, Four of Swords rx, Four of Wands, Seven of Cups, Six of Wands, Page of Cups
Back of the Deck: Ace of Swords
You have some fun energy Pile 4. It is your destiny to enjoy the ride of life. To let life take the wheel and chill in the fast lane. This pile got so much swords cards, so yall could be an air sign, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, or have a very air heavy birth chart. With the swords cards I am getting that it's your destiny to be free. You may currently feel tied down by people and burdens that just feel so heavy and tiring. But it is your destiny to escape from the shackles of these things and have fun. You are supposed to enjoy the things you have missed out on for so long. I feel like you have felt held back by societies expectations of you and changed yourself to fit in. But the universe wants you to express yourself and show us who you really are. It will feel amazing when you do. People are always going to have problems with you being yourself because your confidence makes them feel intimidated in their own lack of self expression. They are all just jealous of you, so don't let them hold you back from enjoying the things you are passionate about and from feeling the wind on your skin. For some of you, it's your destiny to be a cool parent or like aunt or uncle. I feel like you will have a strong influence on the people close to you, you will be like a role model for the younger people around you. It's because you show them how beautiful freedom and just expressing yourself without worrying about what others think of can be. I also feel like you will meet someone that is your divine counterpart. Someone that understands you better than anyone else will. This could be romantic but it doesn't have to be. This connection will be something everyone will be envious of. This person is someone you know you will grow old with. Your destiny is to enjoy with a smile on your face.
Advice Cards:
Expect good things to come to you
It's time to try something new!
It is important to ask for help
To effect a change, you must be willing
It is time to challenge old beliefs
Act on what you know
You are divinely protected. Remind yourself how safe you are
Channeled Songs:
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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eighth-house-tarot · 7 months
How can you help support the world?
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🐾🐛🌱🍄🪴 pick a card 🪴🍄🌱🐛🐾
how to pick (link)
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pile 1 🐄 | pile 2 👁 | pile 3 ✨
deck used: tarot of the divine
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Pile 1 🐄:
reversed 7 pentacles, the chariot, queen of wands 🃏
In the artwork of the rev. 7 of pentacles card, the fire is upside down. I see this as you feeling very frustrated, and your passion inside you having difficultly being expressed or shared. This frustration can be (imo the most likely reason) because you’re working so hard with no or little reward or feedback, working so hard you aren’t allowing yourself to appreciate your efforts, something else is taking your time, or you’re frustrated with yourself for procrastinating. Listen, you’ve got something pure and good inside you - you’re learning how to bring it into life in the most constructive and wholesome way. The process can be frustrating and that’s okay. Exhale. And if you feel sad because you’re so tired and jaded it feels like that fire in you is going out - it’s not, your light is always there.
The art of the Chariot card reminds me of the Lao Tzu quote (note: new translations have come out, and I’m not sure if this is still the wording)
Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.
I also think of how all raindrops lead to the ocean. Every little effort you’re doing now naturally leads to the Big Thing you’re working towards or for. Also, I see the salmon as your inner passion’s fire. It “swims” with ease through your new method of effort, and is extremely powerful when you need to call upon it (it can swim and jump upstream after all! to continue the metaphor).
Of course, be aware of “bears” along this river fattening up for winter - share your passion with the necessary people who will earnestly help you / your partners in this action, others only after they’ve shown their actions to be trustworthy, and the public once you’ve made good progress already and your passion has grown so much that there’s a lot of “salmon” in your river! That way, haters, copycats, grifters, and saboteurs can’t effectively touch you or stop you. Protect your idea and energy.
The third card is the Hawaiian goddess Pele or Pelehonuamea representing the Queen of Wands. First off, Blessed Be. 🙏❤️‍🔥🌋
Seeing the goddess of lava and creation of new land, I think of your passion’s fire and the waters of your efforts becoming lava. “Fluid”, molten, “fire” rock! Not only have your efforts and passion become a truly unstoppable force, they are constructive and are creating something real. Something as real and solid and enduring as new land! That’s awesome and amazing! Go you!!
This could be your Big Thing, a new method you’ve created, or a new system. Whatever it is, like land, new growth with come from this. New things and goals will come from This Thing. I think more than you can imagine right now. But please don’t get overwhelmed by that thought, I believe it’s everything you’ve ever wanted. I mean, look how much beauty has come from Pele’s lava. I don’t know if she expected the amazing lush life would grow through her! I believe she followed her natural drive, and the blessings naturally came with it. It also makes me think you should welcome the (legitimately good / effective / constructive) contributions of others.
As you are reaching this point of this card’s meaning, and when you are in it, I believe you should also carry with you the concept of the “orgasmic Yes” from Audre Lorde’s essay “The Uses of the Erotic ~ The Erotic as Power” (to read in full, click this link) - please read or listen to this essay is full. Basically though, what it is that makes you say “Yes!”, fully embodied, completely? No holds barred, totally of You, your desires and true values (not the values forced on you / what you “should” believe)? When you say “Yes!”, does your body feel settled, relaxed, at ease? Always, always follow that.
Last things of note, be mindful not to burn yourself out again, and be mindful of your temper. Let your righteous protective anger destroy or stop what must be destroyed or stopped, but don’t go so far as to hurt what shouldn’t have been hurt. Trust me, people - at this stage - know you can’t be fucked with and that no one can fuck with you. While lava builds, it destroys too. And no one can stop lava - only water can (but fresh lava is still dangerous even in water). Certainly, people can’t stop it, they are at its mercy. Use the waters that brought you here to help cool or redirect your temper when you need to. Also, whatever people are destroying of your “island”, you can stop and build back up.
🦢 ♥︎ much love - Clarissa Liddy ♥︎ 🦢
if this reading helped you, here's more on what I offer if you'd like to support my work you can buy me a coffee or reblog
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Pile 2 👁
reversed 10 of swords, reversed Hanged Man, reversed Fool🃏
The first card is the Inuit goddess Sedna, represented in the reversed 10 of swords. Blessed Be. 🙏🦭🧊
I see that you have experienced a deep horrible betrayal, one so cruel you couldn’t have ever thought this was something someone would ever do to another. In case it needs to be said, it’s okay to have never imagined or thought this cruelty was possible. The fault is solely with the one who harmed you. I believe this person was above you - like a boss, mentor, or a more experienced peer. For many reading this, they saw what you are capable of and their ego felt threatened by the thought of losing their position in the power dynamic. They were never doing their work with sincere humility in the first place. If they weren’t someone above you, they were a peer who saw what you would achieve, and felt threatened that they wouldn’t get it first and be able to hold above others. Even if you weren’t acting fairly, or were immature, what happened to you was entirely out of proportion to a reasonable response. Don’t waste your time attempting to rationalize their actions.
In the artwork of the reversed 10 of swords, the imagery tells a gruesome, cruel story. The stories of the goddess Sedna have many different situations that lead to the choice her father makes of complete brutality and betrayal. In some stories, Sedna frustrates others in ways that could be reasonable to be frustrated with - in many, she frustrates others when she is being her authentic self. No matter the reason her father could give for his actions, she was a victim. It doesn’t matter if she was a perfectly “good” person either. Nothing can justify her father reacting to her asking for help, and clinging to the kayak for dear life, slicing her fingers off. Because this card is reversed, I take this as the aftermath. To generalize the aftermath of Sedna’s story, after sinking to the depths of the sea, she doesn’t die. She becomes the Goddess of the Sea. Her fingers become seals, walruses, whales, and fish. Her love, her goodwill, her spirit never left her — for she releases the animals for the hunters who show her love, respect, and kindness in return (when hunters do not give her this, she doesn’t allow the animals to be found). Even though when she is in pain, she is known to be fearsome — she is known for her benevolence most of all. I share this story of the goddess Sedna because you have been treated so cruelly. She and her story show you your pain is real, what happened was not okay, your kind heart is always with you, loving relationships will come again, and that you have ever right to demand respect and enforce your boundaries. It’s is good to be your powerful self, to say no, to refuse to help people who do things for their own gain alone.
In your aftermath (and how I see the reversed Hanged Man), you’ve taken yourself out of this work or group or field. You do feel good that you are giving yourself time to heal. Take as much time as you need to give yourself peace. This could be months, a year, or years. No matter what, go at your own pace. During this time, seek professional help or a support group. Create your own safe space. There will come a day when your passion, your gusto, will return. As per this deck’s artwork of the Hanged Man, Sleeping Beauty, you may feel like you’ve “woken up”.
In the artwork of the reversed Fool, we see the Little Mermaid. I believe this card and it’s message is connected is connected to Sedna, as her Goddess form resembles a mermaid. Now that you have a network of support, and some healing, you are ready to get back out there, go after what you want. You may still feel raw, tender, and upset at times, and Sedna teaches us that that’s okay. To need the help of others is okay (for example, sometimes Shaman’s go to get to help comb her hair when it gets tangled and comfort her when she needs support). The world is wide and there are good people in it. They have the same love you have, the same passion for the cause you care about. Seek them out as you grow in this area. Sincerity seeks sincerity.
🦢 ♥︎ much love - Clarissa Liddy ♥︎ 🦢
if this reading helped you, here's more on what I offer if you'd like to support my work you can buy me a coffee or reblog
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pile 3 ✨
reversed 9 of swords (Oedipus), 4 of cups (the Nightingale by Hans Christian Anderson) (<- link), and 7 of wands (John Henry, American folk hero) 🃏
You are almost constantly doing 1 of 2 things: doom scrolling, or absorbing yourself into hyper stimulating media (ex: video / mobile games, ASMR videos, constantly listening to something as you watch something as you do something). I get the feeling you are afraid of, or deeply bothered or frustrated, by silence, stillness, and boredom. 
Do you feel like it’s your responsibility to constantly see and learn of all of the horrors happening, but then get so overwhelmed by them and your emotions that you dive deep into your comfort areas of the internet, and stay there until you fall asleep? And then doom scroll again because you feel guilty for over indulging in unimportant things - and also you just can’t look away? If yes, relatable tbh lol.
The thing about fear though, is when we let it consume us, it often times becomes true - and if they do become true, even worse, we spent so much time being scared that we never prepared ourselves to be able to handle it!
Do you have a habit of sometimes thinking “it’s just the way it is”, “it’s just the way things are”, “things have always been this way”? Or do others day this to you? 
First of all, that’s not true. The only constant is change itself! Secondly, people only say this in defeat of harmful actions. No one, including you, should ever accept abusive actions and circumstances. Thirdly, this way of thinking is taught. 
(/g) Does this line of thinking feel true to your heart?
You crave real connection and the real natural world (this might offend you or be too much of a read - but you basically have an unconscious longing to touch grass). You may be ignoring this craving due to the belief you can't have it, because these connections and opportunities either literally are, or simply feel, unavailable to you. But I feel that you have some level of addiction to the over stimulation of any media, being constantly plugged in. If you’re chronically online to not just distract yourself, but because it’s also your job (like you're a twitch streamer making good money), or how you are organizing community, you still feel like there's something missing in your life. 
Whatever it means to you, that Real Thing that's been missing, that you long for, will find you. Don't dismiss it as “nothing” when you realize it’s there. It is, or will be, in plain sight - right in front of your nose. You just need to look up, and see the forest for the trees (how does that saying go? lol). You’ll know what it is. 
This will be a pivotal moment for you. No matter how this situation applies to you, know that this moment will be so simple or normal, and it's ordinariness will arrest you. It will shock you, in a good way. You'll be eternally grateful for this thing that is so simple, yet existentially amazing. 
You will receive that a-ha moment. You will feel so connected to life and existence (even if for a brief moment).
You will also see how this Thing has been commodified by powerful people, instead of freely existing and sharing its gifts among everyone (as it was meant to be). You may have a small desire to commodify this Thing yourself - don’t do that <3
(this is part of my connection I’m making this reading to the Nightingale fairytale)
You’ll bring something into the tech industry that’s missing. With kindness and humility, you'll bring in and encourage people who have the same caring goals as you. You want to show how humanity can come and work together in a dignified and fair and joyous way, and you absolutely can. 
I got a strong feeling from the cards that this was about you working on artificial intelligence. Like keeping its use in check, creating laws to keep people who create and program AI - and the people who use it - accountable to their actions. You could be creating and coding AI to be able to do more wholesome / not harmful things. You could be working to emphasis the "human touch”, and making it clear when something is made by humans vs AI (with a higher value ascribed to what was made by humans). Your work will not demonize this new tool / tech itself, but you’ll focus on fighting against what ill-willed people intend to use it with. And you’ll do your best to make sure these ill-willed plans and intentions are known through out the general public. Your focuses will be on solidarity, humanity as a whole community, and our quality of life. 
It’s important to stay informed and open to learning, your heart is in the right place. Learning is a constantly moving cycle of receiving information, processing it, resting, reflecting and analyzing, and then asking new questions. Exhale, and know that giving yourself a pause from this subject is actually helping you understand it. Our brains are so amazing!
I think what would help you is giving yourself patience as you transition through each stage of learning. Instead of jumping from info-binging (is that a phrase?) to another activity, you could stop all media for 3-10 seconds, inhale and exhale, and then decide what to do next (and do that each time you do something new). Baby steps will still help you <3
Meet what you fear with love. Love makes us brave, gives us courage, and supports us as we do great things. 
And on the subject of great things, I’m going to give advice that I frankly need to hear too. Don’t get caught up in achieving greatness, because that tends to stop you (it’s often rooted in perfectionism). Focus on the actions that serve people who need great help. Focus on developing great relationships with people who need help, or who want to help. The results of your actions and relationships will be what will bring this great, needed change.
When our egos want to be known for achieving greatness, it’s because we need to be seen, validated, remembered, and loved. Know that you exist because you belong, you are loved, you are seen, you are remembered, and there are so many people you haven’t met yet who love you.
And as a final piece of advice, we are strongest when we work together. When you seek to help others, you need to also allow others to help you. A victory is a team effort.
🦢 ♥︎ much love - Clarissa Liddy ♥︎ 🦢
if this reading helped you, here's more on what I offer if you'd like to support my work you can buy me a coffee or reblog
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stardustedreams222 · 17 days
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Pick a Pile September Reading ☁️✨
What Does September Hold For You? New Moon Reading
Please take a deep breath to open your heart space then choose the pile, crystal or emoji you’re most drawn to. As always, Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You are always in control of your life. ☁️✨
𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂
☁️Pile 1 Selenite
High Priestess, 6 of cups RV, Knight of Cups, 8 of Swords RV
September is going to bring clarity to you in regard to an emotional decision you’ve been pondering for a while. This month you’ll realize you have been hearing your intuition this entire time. There’s a relationship you’re either currently in or simply holding onto the memories of it that you need to fully let go of. Letting go of this will bring closure and freedom into your life, allowing you to advance in your future relationships.
For some of you, you will be saying goodbye to your current partner while others will let go of a past love, “the one that got away” But as hard as this is to do and come to terms with, this will lead to a better relationship with someone else and within yourself too. 🩷✨ Let your intuition guide you, you know best.
Signs this is for you: Romance Novels, Art Museums, Art Hoe Aesthetic, Glamour Magick, Moonstone, Ocean Waves, 628, Mirror Magic
𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂
🤍Pile 2: Rose Quartz
Hanged Man, 7 of Pents RV, 2 of Swords, 8 of swords, 2 of cups
September is presenting you with an opportunity to set yourself free. This is in regard to an unhealthy/abusive relationship that has lasted far longer than it was meant to. I’m sorry 🩷 I can see how confused you’ve been about whether to leave this or not.
For most of you this is a relationship you don’t fully think is abusive or toxic. You’re putting in a lot of work to excuse their behavior but this is just keeping you in this relationship for longer. You do need to leave them. The sooner the better.
You know your situation the best, please seek help from law enforcement if you need to, or have a trusted friend be with you while you break things off. There are hotlines and resources available to you for domestic abuse, please use them 🩷
I found some websites that will help you find Local Support in your country and linked them here, this is not an extensive list. If your website history is being monitored open as an incognito window 🩷
USA | AUS | NZ | CA | UK | NI | More Countries
On the bright side, once you do rescue yourself from this you’ll find a new relationship. A new love that’s balanced, compassionate and everything that you deserve in a true loving relationship. There is hope 🩷
Signs this is for you: Carousel, County Fair, Carnival, Apartment Complex, 6699
𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂
🦢Pile 3: Redline Marble
Star, 2 of Pents RV, Judgement RV, Ace of Wands RV, 10 of Cups RV
September is a time of breakthrough and renewal for you!
There’s been an idea, most likely a creative venture you’ve been wanting to begin but you’ve been having a difficult time juggling it with your current responsibilities and lifestyle.
You’ve been really hard on yourself because of this because it’s something you know will make you really happy. I can see these delays aren’t of your doing but they’re the Universe putting roadblocks in your path. But this isn’t going to continue for long! In September you’re going to finally find that balance and the clarity you’ve been needing to move forward with this idea 🥳🩷
Signs this is for you: Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, “And I Will Always Love You”, Singers, Musicians, Childhood Dreams, Hannah Montana, Ocean, Mesopotamia, Unicorns, Birthday pony rides, Petting Zoos, 111 555 2727 1717
𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂
Just a friendly reminder, this reading is for everyone! So think of it as a cozy chat under the stars! You know your story best so, take what resonates and feel free to leave the rest.
If you’re curious about what the Universe has in store just for you, I sell more in depth Personal Tarot Readings and Dream Interpretations on my Etsy Shop! Prices vary from $2 to $8 *US Dollars*
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A quick legal note: I must say the services I provide are for entertainment and reflection purposes only. I cannot guarantee specific results or events as the future is always changing. You are always responsible for your actions and any decisions made following the reading. I am not liable for any outcomes based on the insights and advice provided with my services. My services are not to be used in place of professional medical, financial, legal or psychological advice.
With Love, Astrid 🩷✨
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heartfall-syndrome · 1 month
Soooo! I was going through my piles of drawing in my room since I’m switching with my sisters room and basically just seeing what I had to throw out, when I found a bunch of doodles from a project I completely forgot about. Said project I never shared here but I know at least ONE of you knows about and probably knows I was behind it sense they also happen to be the first person who ever followed me here. (I’m not gonna @ them sense I’m not sure if they’re okay with it, but if you know I’m talking about you and are fine with me mentioning you pls dm me and I’ll include you here!)
Anywho! That project was an ask blog! More specifically an ask blog for an au I made when I was in the middle of my mha fixation ✨Vigilante Spinner✨ I did delete the blog and most of the art I made for it for reasons I won’t start yapping about here.
But I was thinking about bringing that au back! Not as a new blog but I could start post about it here sense I had a LOT of plans, ideas and stories that I never got to share. For example the whole plot about what the hell was going on with their family (specifically their mom). And I REALLY wanna continue this au cuz it was genuinely so fun to make!
And I did some digging and found more art that I thankfully never deleted! So if any of this rings a bell! Hello you have found me again!
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I’m really sad I chose to delete almost everything I made on that blog, sense every interaction was so sweet and the people who were following the story were genuinely so kind and amazing
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I MEAN WHAT THE HELL PAST ME!?!! I’m gonna go back and slap myself i swear T^T
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signanothername · 2 months
Sooo... I'm back from the dead after dying from the overflow of too many positive emotions yesterday... (thanks for all the kind words 🩷)
And I'm back with another ask! Cool.
My question is not something necessarily related to the topic of the blog or anything, but rather about your artistic process?
So, personally I think many artists have those moments, or maybe specific paintings, that may just be emotionally draining. Like you're drawing a piece, and you don't like it for some reason, you try to change it, but you still don't like the painting, and you keep trying, but it's just something that's missing and you don't understand what it is and it just becomes frustrating and you start to get angry and-
Well, at least I seem to have such moments quite often (I dunno, maybe I'm just a perfectionist), and as far as I'm concerned different artists have their different ways to cope with this, so I wonder - do you have such moments sometimes and what do you usually do about it?
I'm sorry for the long ask I just can't keep things short and I'm just always curious about such things and the way different artists do stuff 😅
Hello!! Amazing to see you again! <33333 (of course!! Thank you for your kind words as well aaahh 😭❤️✨🌷)
As for your question, oooh boi, yes actually I have these moments A LOT, it’s cause i’m a perfectionist myself jdhdhdh
In fact, these kinda moments is why i sometimes give up on certain artworks or comics I make, and that’s why my wips just always seem to pile up, here are some examples of two artworks and a page of a comic I gave up on cause I just couldn’t for the life of me make them into what I wanted
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And I will be lying to you if I said I have a solution for it or that I know how to deal with it
But I deal with it in two ways, I either completely delete the sketch i made and start over again
Or what I usually do is that I actually stop if i find the piece I’m working on emotionally draining, let go of the artwork and work on something else that i find fun, cause “giving up” doesn’t necessarily mean i will never get back to them, I see it as “taking a break” from the artwork till I get inspiration or motivation back to work on it again
Generally I’ve learned that in art, it’s ok to take things slow, I don’t always need to finish the artwork that I started before I start working on something else, in fact, taking things slow is how I made art much more enjoyable to me, cause it means I actually enjoy the process instead of treating it like there’s some sort of deadline above my head
To give you an example of what i mean, this artwork right here? Took me over 2 weeks to finish, not cause i couldn’t finish it quickly (in fact i can easily finish the same artwork in less than an hour) I just taught myself to take my time when making art, take things slow snd enjoy the process bit by bit, i worked on the quick sketch, closed it, then got back to it to work on cleaning it up multiple times, closed it again, then worked on coloring it and so on
And that’s also how i deal with artworks that make me frustrated, i take things slow, if i get frustrated then i simply close the artwork and work on something else till i have the motivation to work on what frustrated me again, that way i took a little break, and sometimes actually while working on something else you might get an idea on how to fix the artwork that frustrated you, but ultimately art is supposed to be fun not frustrating, so it’s ok not to finish artworks, it’s ok to abandon artworks if you don’t like them or if they emotionally drain you
That’s how i deal with it at least, but i say try to find your own path to how to deal with it, cause my way might not work for you, so i say experiment and find out :D
And nah don’t apologize i love long asks actually dychchch
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yosajaeofficial · 3 months
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Last time, I remember saying it’ll be different and things will spice up, and I am indeed gonna provide more stuff piled into these updates because the debut comic is taking so long. I wanna make sure you all get full when consuming these updates instead of being like “oh, nothing happened lol”. I have a good chunk of shit to talk about that’s outside of the comic itself, but it’s like behind the scene stuff about it :3
With that out of the way, let’s finally get started!
The Comic
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The comic is slowly making progress, the first thing that’s changing is me showing progress of the comic itself and giving ya’ll w.i.ps in order for me to give you guys content to look over, and because I just want ya’ll to see it yk? The honest truth is that it’s moving slow because of burnout. It was huge and made me wanna give up on the comic and leave the fandom, I was struggling for a good while but my best friend told me it was best to take a break and recharge instead of pushing further. They told me to do something else so I can regain my motivation and passion for the project, and she was right, because I’ve been having fun hanging out, watching her play Stardew Valley, and letting loose without the pressure for the debut comic to come out. I have to prioritize my health and well-being before anything else, and I know the comic will be done!
Also for you all to know, the team I had disbanded, and right now I don’t have a full official one to help with the debut. I have amazing friends that have helped look over the script, one did some sketch compositions, one helped fix up grammar in the script. They helped me greatly and I’m so grateful for them and their loving support even through all of the rough patches. For the most part, I’ve been doing everything on my own, and it can get stressful easily because of how much I’ve had to change my plans and shuffle around when the team disbanded. I’ve been the one doing the scripting, sketches, lineart, color, management, and just everything. Even if I try to act like things are fine behind the scenes, I definitely got more anxious and depressed after events occurred, so this break (not hiatus) has helped me recharge after going through a bit for this comic. To end this section on a good note, I’m feeling so much better and I’m recharging absolutely greatly, I even renewed my love for Donnie after a friend drew him 🦐 Sooooo…The JMC is still in good hands.
Bonus Content: The Villain
YosaJae, what is this? This is the section that’s hella new, the place where I show you guys some cool concept art, ideas, and plots that show the origins of the JMC or even scrapped/cut content. Today we’re gonna talk about the villain of Arc 1. Fun fact, two were created at the same time but one of them was finalized to be the primary villain for Arc 1!
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(First ever concept art of Archie Gomez)
Here he is! The cat himself, ✨Archie✨ I needed some variety and needed an anthropomorphic character since Rise has lots of their mutants and yokai. Archie was a character that was a lot more serious and hella threatening but he was toned down after more arcs were created. For some reason, I included freckles because I originally thought, “Ginger people…..” then included the freckles to make him more recognizable. Let’s just say that they weren’t as rememberable as I thought because I forgot them after a while-
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Fun fact, Archie was originally gonna be a native Spanish speaker but not be able to speak English. The actual conflict was gonna be about the turtles and Archie fighting due to language miscommunication, but it was later scrapped because of the issue with translating each of his sentences and being truly accurate with his dialogue. He also at first was a one off character that would never return, but he was popular that he became the reoccurring bad for Arc 1.
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(Archie Gomez Evolution 2022-2024)
Archie had went through a good bit of design changes over the years and I changed him to be more easier to draw by giving him a more unique silhouette by drawing his head as a pentagon instead of a circle. The transition was at first a circle to triangle, but then the shape was too complicated to recreate so I had to go with a pentagon (as an accident at first too). That changed him A LOT but I was hella happy with the way he turned out because he started to look more unique and iconic. Pretty cool, eh~?
Aaaand that’s it! Thank you all for stopping by and coming in to read this update! I hope it was fun to go through and very refreshing. I wanna make my updates more like this instead of what was said above. Especially because this is taking so long, I wanna be able to go over behind the scenes with you all since ya’ll at least deserve that; I can’t keep being mysterious about the comic since it is taking years for it to be made, but it’s trial and error so I gotta do this in order for it to be worth the progress. I’m strong, I can do this! Hopefully your day/night is amazing, and take care until next time 😋🫶💜
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thecosmicangel · 2 years
Pick a Photo Reading: What your higher self wants you to know at this moment 💌✨
⚠️ For entertainment purposes only. Photos used are not mine they are publicly sourced.
🕯✨ Take a moment to breathe and go within, set intention to be guided towards photo that contains the message for you.
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Pile 1: Your higher self wants you to know that it’s okay to bring down your walls a bit & stop being so hard on yourself. You are becoming too critical of yourself, and having a negative mindset. You are fearful of your ideas being stolen or having fear of rejection & criticism by others when it comes to creative projects/ ideas. Your higher self is saying this is just a perception of yours not your reality. You are not willing to make your work public or let your ideas be known due to fear of rejection & criticism. Your higher self is saying it’s time to make your work public and know that you will be rewarded for it and receive the appreciation you deserve due to your efforts. You will see your plans & work succeed. Your work may deal with creativity ( music, art, writing, fashion, photography) You suffer from insecurities, or low self confidence when it comes to your work. You don’t think that your work is good enough or that you have what it takes to be successful and go after your dreams but higher self is saying that you do. You may be someone who is eccentric or you are just drawn to unconventional, eccentric people. You are unique and need to be confident in your own unique style. You have so many ideas & creativity that the world is ready to see. Don’t hide your talents & creativity, you deserve to receive admiration, support and rewards for your work. Be proud of your work and don’t be so hard on yourself, you are your own biggest critic! Which is draining you and making you stay in a negative mindset. Think more positive, stop being so hard on yourself because you have what it takes to be successful. Your talents, and creativity are not meant to stay a secret they are meant to be public and for the world to witness. It’s time to believe in yourself. Your projects will be successful and you will see them thrive all you need to do is believe in yourself. This will lead you to receiving lots of attention, and new opportunities, making you busy. Your creativity comes through self-expression. Pride yourself in your unique self. Let people see you for who you really are, be your true authentic self, why be someone you’re not to other people just so you can receive their appreciation & admiration. Let people love you and admire you for who you really are why be someone you’re not just to please others or because you want their respect and love. If someone doesn’t accept you for who you are then that person doesn’t really love or admire you. Let others see all you have to offer. Be authentic to your self. This will lead to even more self-confidence and admiration from others. Balance will be needed. Your higher self is saying to keep a balance between being in the now, present moment staying patient& calm while also keeping your eyes on the price and planning for your future goals. You will be asked to make a decision, your higher self is saying to listen to the wisdom of your heart. Don’t make a decision on short term gains, make them based on what is truly good for your heart and you. Don’t let material gains or lust win you over. Someone from your past may come back because they see your true worth now but it may be too late now, but be careful on what it is they truly want from you. Be careful not to fall back into toxic patterns or addictions. A wish of yours will not be granted your higher self is saying “wait” it is not the time yet there is others things that need to be worked out in other realms before you can receive your wishes. You will receive success for all your work. Be careful to not over spend and keep an eye on your finances, beware of greed. Not everyone will like you but that’s okay as long as you love your self and stand confident in who you truly are. Your higher self is saying “no risk no magic”🪄
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Pile 2 :You are someone who is very intuitive, you are empathetic and or psychic. You have been working on developing your skills so you can help others or higher self wants you to work on developing your skills and put them to use. For some I see that you know of your skills but don’t believe in yourself or don’t think you are good enough, your higher self wants you to know that perfection isn’t needed as long as you work on having a certain level of mastery and skill is all that is needed and some of you already have that level of mastery you just need to believe in your self and put yourself out there . Your higher self is saying you have a new beginning coming into your life, if you decide to put your abilities and skills to use you are going to receive new opportunities, for some this can be a new career for others it can be a new way of thinking or a new way of communicating. You are someone that has a deep understanding of things and have a deep connection to the divine which sometimes can feel like a big responsibility and it is but you have all that it takes to take on these responsibilities and help people that are in need of your services. Higher self wants you to know that you are going to birth a new idea or project and for some this can be a baby coming in. For those of you who have been having a hard time making a decision or thinking clearly higher self is saying that someone is coming into your life to help you so look out for that, for some you have been asking for a sign and you will receive it, maybe this is the sign you needed. pay attention to your surroundings and the universe because it is always communicating with you nothing is just a coincidence, you just have to open your eyes and truly pay attention. Your higher self also wants you to know that whatever it is that you have been asking for or manifesting will be coming in a year from now. Some of you will be in a new home or have a completely new attitude on life. Higher self does want to warn you that some of you have someone or something coming in between you and a friend or something you want. Overall your higher self is saying that new beginnings are coming in due to your hard work and efforts you’ve been putting in, higher self also wants you to put your skills to use and don’t doubt yourself, work on strengthening your communication with the divine to help you with any thing you need & to receive downloads.
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Pile 3: Your higher self is saying you have a decision to make this decision has to do with moving on from a person, way of thinking or lifestyle. It’s time to leave behind anything that is not beneficial to you any longer. This is a time of determination & focus as you move towards a new direction in life. Once a decision is made you will now begin to experience real progress. your higher self is saying you will need to take control & navigate through this new path as well as will power will be needed in this new journey. Take charge and reach for the stars. You are being called to work on self- expression, you could of been drawn to pile 1 as well. You are working on your self confidence and higher self wants you to show yourself more love. You are someone who is eccentric and quirky and should be proud of your unique style and way of being. People from your past caused you to have insecurities or made you feel like you couldn’t be your true self around them due to judgement and criticism. Higher self is saying it’s time to take a journey to go within and show your self more love. It’s time to go within and learn who you are and embrace your true self. Higher self is saying to spend more time with people who love you for you without judgement and spend more time alone. Romanticize your life by doing things you want to try or love doing. Some of you could be traveling or making traveling plans. By being your true self and letting others see you for who you really are your confidence will grow and you will be attracting more people into your life. You will receive a few love interest at least 2, one has more water energy and may seem like everything you could of asked for but be careful that they aren’t just faking it, the other can be more of a fire energy but they can just be around for a good time not a long time so your higher self is saying to listen to your heart and have good discernment when allowing new love interest into your life. Make sure their actions match their words. Your higher self is saying you cannot attract the right person in unless you are true to yourself and love your self first. You are someone who has a big personality, charming and can be great at communicating with others but you hide due to fear of judgement. You are taking a journey whether it be physically or mentally. You can be reuniting with friends from the past, higher self wants you to have a carefree time. You may feel sorrow over a loss due to decisions you have to take. Some of you can have involvements with the law. You higher self is saying to take some time to meditate and you will get the answers you seek because you already have them within your inner self, take some time to do some spiritual work, dreams can be important and so your higher self is saying to keep a dream journal as your intuition and subconscious can be trying to tell you something. There is something you need to reconsider an element of your plan needs to be reevaluated, Ask trusted friends or person to give you feedback and help you make the best decision. Ask your angels to help you if needed ask for guidance your higher self is saying to reconsider your plans or you will realize that their is something you don’t longer want or need. Your higher self also wants to let you know that you are being protected from negative forces beyond your control.
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warcats-cat · 9 months
*materializes into existence*
Hey, my wonderful moot :D
(if this is a duplicate, ignore it; wifi is picky, so idk if it sent already or nah)
I heard you felt lonely, so I got summoned cause I am your MOOT and I care goddamnit. All the affections for you (/p).
I saw ya like FNAF (specifically Sun & Moon's lines in Help Wanted 2), so: what was your fav lines from the Daycare Jesters? I call them that cause, ya know, the sillies.
Also: I don't remember well, but I think you also like Sanders Sides (correct me if I'm wrong). If ya do, have you seen the newest Asides? If so, I wanna hear about your fav parts. The funnies, the 'lore' (angst) parts, any sort of theories, or even just gushing about your fav pairings or characters.
Infodump about whatever!! I love hearing ya thoughts on things and such <3
Lastly: moths. I fuckin love moths. And tardigrades. And spiders and beetles and- okay, so I just really love bugs and insects.
Anyway, have a good day and hope this helps the loneliness not be so lonely :D
Hewwo Oatmeal Friend! I love you too 💜💜
I have to say my favorite lines are the new lines for Sun's arts and crafts section because they're straight up hilarious. "I should turn the lights off myself" killed me. Someone please give this robot some Prozac and a teddy bear.
My interest in FNAF Sun/Moon is kinda the fault of Bamsara (who I won't tag because I'm not cool enough to interact with them) who has a fanfic called Solar Lunacy which is *chefs kiss* really fulfills my shameless need for x Reader content 💜 ((seriously if I could find familial TS Patton x Reader content I would print it out and hang it on my wall))
Yes the robojesters are very silly and I have to say I'm seeing the FNAF fandom leaning on the head canon that they may have not originally been child-care robots, but on-stage actors, and we're just given child-care programming later which makes me 👀 I love them being doting kiddo caretakers but also the idea of a dedicated thespian being throwing into a pile of wailing children and told to figure it out is absolutely hilarious to me.
Also yes!! I love me some Sanders Sides!! Love my boys. No one is surprised but Patton's bit with the tinier and tinier boxes absolutely was my favorite part. My parents did that when I was like ten and it started off with this GIANT box and I think there were at least six I had to go through before I found a plush of Snoopy and tickets to go to Camp Snoopy at Knott's Farm (forever salty that it was bought by Nickelodeon). I still have that plushy somewhere in my room 💜 and entire book of pressed pennies from Camp Snoopy.
Anyway I actually genuinely enjoyed the new Asides! I miss so much the original format of videos that were one-off and shorter, the conflict being self-contained and generally light hearted. And the interaction between Logan and Virgil was so adorable 💜
Tell me about moths 👀 I love moths and butterflies and BEES😍 (I'm lame, my favorites are the Lunar moth and the Rosey Maple moth. My fairy-sona's outfit is themed to a crossover of the two, though it was more lunar moth like when I first put it together. It's evolved a lot over the years.) Spiders and I have a love-hate relationship rn; the fuzzy ones make me want to cry (pos) and the spindly ones make me want to cry (neg). There's a colony of tiny spindly ladies living in my basement bathroom that I don't know how they got there and I don't know how they keep reproducing because there are no bugs down there.
I don't know what a tardigrade is .....
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I watched the last night’s punk and Drew segment and I’m so obsessed with the fact that Drew sounded like a villain from JoJo’s bizarre adventure’s Japanese dub
This made me want to draw something of that segment and try the Jojo art style
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piledrivemytombstones · 5 months
Oh no I’m a little idea pile now
I got another punkintyre drawing idea
This one would be gory so that would be in my evil art account muheheheh
Anyways. It’s based on that Drew beheading Punk comment.
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defectivesoftshell · 1 year
You said you were looking for ideas for your Dragon Au. How about all of them together in a nest (tot or full grown) having a cuddle pile with the fam? Or them hanging out with April?
First of all, I LUV YOU THANK YOU FOR THE ASK <3!! Second, a b s o l u t e l y.
Here's some Dragon Tots fluff for your soul. Enjoy :,)
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Third, here's a good time to introduce April!! In this Au, I have decided that April is in fact a dragon as well because a badass like her deserves as such.
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- also a dragon because ✨I can✨
- has an amulet that lets her communicate with the guys
- she's their big sis
- about as tall as Leo, maybe a bit shorter
- BFFs with Donnie
- always lets Raph vent to her, and comforts him when he feels too stressed out
- can usually help Mikey when he gets art block, either by starting a paint fight with him or by going on wacky adventures together
- She met Donnie first when they were all little, so they're the closest
- April dabbles a lot in medication. Leo, as the team medic, loves swapping tips and techniques with her.
Thank you SO much for the ask, @happycreator3 . Hope this was a good answer!!
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stardustedreams222 · 24 days
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Pick a Pile Collective Reading✨
🦢Take a deep breath and choose the emoji you’re most drawn to. Remember to take only what resonates and leave the rest. You are always in control of your life. ✨
🦢Pile 1: Pink Rhodonite {actually Redline Marble… oops}
Page of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, King of cups
At the bottom of the deck: Emperor and Knight of Wands
Your manifestations are on their way! This is a new opportunity that is either being presented to you or you’re going out and taking it for yourself. This will lead to abundance in your finances as well as bringing emotional happiness and comfort to you. The King of Cups is here to remind you this is something you need to be devoted to, not only with effort but with patience and compassion towards yourself. Be sure to lean in and trust your intuition.
Things may not seem like they are going your way but trust that behind the scenes everything is working in your highest favor! The Emperor on the bottom of the deck is a reminder to stand your ground when it comes to what you want. You don’t have to settle. Knight of Wands is encouraging you that it won’t be long until you see results of your manifestation. Be patient, continuing put in the effort and be kind to yourself while you wait for your opportunity to grow ✨
Signs this is for pile 1: childhood dreams, ships, boats, ship in a bottle, clowns, birthday parties, outdoorsy adventures, meadows, hiking, camping, 111 777 999 222
☁️Pile 2 Selenite
King of cups Rv, King of Pentacles, Nine of cups
clarity card Ace of Wands Rv
Top Middle + Bottom of the deck: 10 of Pentacles, 5 of Cups Rv, Hermit
There’s a new creative venture that you want to pursue but you’re feeling either burnt out or restricted. This is causing you to be even more withdrawn and in this stuck energy. Spirit wants you to know that you need to change how you view this situation. See it with compassion and patience. Just because it’s not what you want it to be or exactly how you envisioned yourself doing it, doesn’t mean it can’t still be great.
The King of Pents, Nine of Cups and the 10 of Pentacles are here to reassure you that this creative idea of yours, is going to be beyond successful. It’ll lead to financial and emotional abundance not just for you but for your family as well, leaving a grand legacy for all who come after you. This is everything you want and this is possible from beginning where you are right now.
Take some time to reflect on what you want, time away from people who are draining your creative spark and energy, those who are naysayers of your aspirations. Spirit wants to remind you that you have everything you need to start this adventure and create something magical and prosperous with it. You don’t have to wait. So take some time to figure out how you can do this with what you have currently, and take some time to grieve the way you originally envisioned doing this so you can move forward and begin creating this for yourself 🩷 You got this! And it will be amazing ✨
Signs this is for pile 2: Gold scarf, Sparkly glitter, Elves, Wizards, Fantasy Kings and Queens, The Witcher, Game of Thrones, Pottery, Ceramics, Art stores, Saturn, Swords, Blacksmith, Gold, Silver, Black, 999 1441 1414 111 555
🤍Pile 3 Rose Quartz
Ace of Cups, King of Cups, Knight of Swords
Top, Middle and Bottom of the deck: The moon, Tower Reversed, 2 of Wands Reversed
A renewal in your relationship is coming soon but it will require patience and compassion not only with the other person but with yourself as well. You’ll also have to be direct with what you want and don’t want. Be aware of your thoughts and emotions at this time and try your best to distinguish which is your intuition and which are simply illusions you’re telling yourself is your intuition. Right now you’re afraid to plan a future with this person, you’re afraid to take the risk but the real risk is not taking action in what you truly want. Change can be scary but this change is for the better 🩷✨ You’re safe to be vulnerable and share your desires for this relationship with this person, it will lead to a renewal of the love you’ve always wanted 🦢
Signs this is for pile 3: Roses, Tulips, Talking to the Moon, Fairytale love, Rapunzel, Rose quartz, Doves, 555 888 222 444 56
A quick legal note: I must say the services I provide are for entertainment and reflection purposes only. I cannot guarantee specific results or events as the future is always changing. You are always responsible for your actions and any decisions made following the reading. I am not liable for any outcomes based on the insights and advice provided with my services. My services are not to be used in place of professional medical, financial, or psychological advice. Thank you 🩷
With Love, Astrid 🩷✨
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thewollfgang · 10 months
G'day, BG Anon returns! I was going to update you yesterday on my progress but, as you know, the patch came out and I was like WHOOOOAAA LEMME SEE (commence the grabby hands) and time went brr so here I am today. Incredible of Larian to keep us fed like this. Ain't no one doing it better than them. 💅
Truthfully, I haven't really progressed much. I've been perusing Astarion fanart a lot recently and it made me want to try my own hand at drawing his ✨magnificence✨. Granted, I am not the best at drawing people, much less faces, so it's been a process but I won't falter. I've been going back and forth between practicing digitally and traditionally, and have even toyed with the idea of doing a painting once I manage to get him just right. I'd like to think I'm getting there. (Bit ironic that Astarion is keeping me from playing. XD)
Anyway, I had a bit of a poke around Moonrise finally. Lann the merchant kinda pissed me off, I can't wait to kill him, honestly. Good inventory though. Well, until I sold him all the junk I could find. Good luck getting anymore customers. MUAHAHAHAHA! >:)
I have never wanted to pimp slap a bunch of pixels more than when I talked to Araj. How dare she treat bae like this?! My Tav, cradling Astarion: "Don't talk to me or my fiancé ever again. 😤" If it didn't put the whole tower on alert, I would have killed her... well, technically, I did before I had to reload. What I wouldn't do for an Assassin's Creed stealth kill and the standard random wagon/pile of hay to hide the body in. I did rob her blind though. Little victories and all.
yaaaaas the new patch GIVETH!!! BG3 just keeps getting better. God bless Larian. I've watched a few of the epilogues but I'm trying to be good and wait till i get there.
like for real, even if you don't feel comfy coming off anon (which is totally fine) i will literally turn on my submissions or whatever settings need to be changed for me to see it. Or send me a link or SOMETHING i wanna seeeeeeeeee. Also i feel your pain about drawing faces. I did nothing but draw faces for five years to get better at them (and i can draw them well on paper! less so digitally and paints are right out lol)
Ugh Araj is the WORSt. I also robbed her lmaooooo i had Astarion do it like, you deserve a treat baby, go take her stuff. XD
I actually managed to play for an hour or so a few days ago and progress a little further into Act 3. I found Orin and I know she has a few doppelganger options (one of them being the nymph(?) that tests you and your romanced companion's love). So I'm LITERALLY hunting for the other Orin options, because once you see her a few times, the other options become normal NPCs and I cannot bear to reveal Astarion's vulnerability to someone who is secretly Orin in disguise. (I am TOTALLY normal about this).
I haven't decided how honest I'm going to be for the love test cause on one hand, my character wants him to know he sees Astarion and understands, but on the other… :/ well. Perhaps I will just apology smooch him after. That will make it all better!
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vaishalinikhade · 2 years
Pick a Photo Reading: What your higher self wants you to know at this moment
⚠️ For entertainment purposes only. Photos used are not mine they are publicly sourced.
🕯✨ Take a moment to breathe and go within, set intention to be guided towards photo that contains the message for you.
Pile 1: Your higher self wants you to know that it’s okay to bring down your walls a bit  & stop being so hard on yourself. You are becoming too critical of yourself, and having a negative mindset. You are fearful of your ideas being stolen or having fear of rejection & criticism by others when it comes to creative projects/ ideas. Your higher self is saying this is just a perception of yours not your reality. You are not willing to make your work public or let your ideas be known due to fear of rejection & criticism. Your higher self is saying it’s time to make your work public and know that you will be rewarded for it and receive the appreciation you deserve due to your efforts. You will see your plans & work succeed. Your work may deal with creativity ( music, art, writing, fashion, photography) You suffer from insecurities, or low self confidence when it comes to your work. You don’t think that your work is good enough or that you have what it takes to be successful and go after your dreams but higher self is saying that you do. You may be someone who is eccentric or you are just drawn to unconventional, eccentric people. You are unique and need to be confident in your own unique style. You have so many ideas & creativity that the world is ready to see. Don’t hide your talents & creativity, you deserve to receive admiration, support and rewards for your work. Be proud of your work and don’t be so hard on yourself, you are your own biggest critic! Which is draining you and making you stay in a negative mindset. Think more positive, stop being so hard on yourself because you have what it takes to be successful. Your talents, and creativity are not meant to stay a secret they are meant to be public and for the world to witness. It’s time to believe in yourself. Your projects will be successful and you will see them thrive all you need to do is believe in yourself. This will lead you to receiving lots of attention, and new opportunities, making you busy. Your creativity comes through self-expression. Pride yourself in your unique self. Let people see you for who you really are, be your true authentic self, why be someone you’re not to other people just so you can receive their appreciation & admiration. Let people love you and admire you for who you really are why be someone you’re not just to please others or because you want their respect and love. If someone doesn’t accept you for who you are then that person doesn’t really love or admire you. Let others see all you have to offer. Be authentic to your self. This will lead to even more self-confidence and admiration from others. Balance will be needed. Your higher self is saying to keep a balance between being in the now, present moment staying patient& calm while also keeping your eyes on the price and planning for your future goals. You will be asked to make a decision, your higher self is saying to listen to the wisdom of your heart. Don’t make a decision on short term gains, make them based on what is truly good for your heart and you. Don’t let material gains or lust win you over. Someone from your past may come back because they see your true worth now but it may be too late now, but be careful on what it is they truly want from you. Be careful not to fall back into toxic patterns or addictions. A wish of yours will not be granted your higher self is saying “wait” it is not the time yet there is others things that need to be worked out in other realms  before you can receive your wishes. You will receive success for all your work. Be careful to not over spend and keep an eye on your finances, beware of greed.  Not everyone will like you but that’s okay as long as you love your self and stand confident in who you truly are. Your higher self is saying  “no risk no magic”🪄
Pile 2 :You are someone who is very intuitive, you are empathetic and or psychic. You have been working on developing your skills so you can help others or higher self wants you to work on developing your skills and put them to use. For some I see that you know of your skills but don’t believe in yourself or don’t think you are good enough, your higher self wants you to know that perfection isn’t needed as long as you work on having a certain level of mastery and skill is all that is needed and some of you already have that level of mastery you just need to believe in your self and put yourself out there  . Your higher self is saying you have a new beginning coming into your life, if you decide to put your abilities and skills to use you are going to receive new opportunities, for some this can be a new career for others it can be a new way of thinking or a new way of communicating. You are someone that has a deep understanding of things and have a deep connection to the divine which sometimes can feel like a big responsibility and it is but you have all that it takes to take on these responsibilities and help people that are in need of your services. Higher self wants you to know that you are going to birth a new idea or project and for some this can be a baby coming in. For those of you who have been having a hard time making a decision or thinking clearly higher self is saying that someone is coming into your life to help you so look out for that, for some you have been asking for a sign and you will receive it, maybe this is the sign you needed. pay attention to your surroundings and the universe because it is always communicating with you nothing is just a coincidence, you just have to open your eyes and truly pay attention. Your higher self also wants you to know that whatever it is that you have been asking for or manifesting will be coming in a year from now. Some of you will be in a new home or have a completely new attitude on life. Higher self does want to warn you that some of you have someone or something coming in between you and a friend or something you want. Overall your higher self is saying that new beginnings are coming in due to your hard work and efforts you’ve been putting in, higher self also wants you to put your skills to use and don’t doubt yourself, work on strengthening your communication with the divine to help you with any thing you need & to receive downloads.
Pile 3: Your higher self is saying you have a decision to make this decision has to do with moving on from a person, way of thinking or lifestyle. It’s time to leave behind anything that is not beneficial to you any longer. This is a time of determination & focus as you move towards a new direction in life. Once a decision is made you will now begin to experience real progress. your higher self is saying you will need to take control & navigate through this new path as well as will power will be needed in this new journey. Take charge and reach for the stars. You are being called to work on self- expression, you could of been drawn to pile 1 as well. You are working on your self confidence and higher self wants you to show yourself more love. You are someone who is eccentric and quirky and should be proud of your unique style and way of being. People from your past caused you to have insecurities or made you feel like you couldn’t be your true self around them due to judgement and criticism. Higher self is saying it’s time to take a journey to go within and show your self more love. It’s time to go within and learn who you are and embrace your true self.  Higher self is saying to spend more time with people who love you for you without judgement and spend more time alone. Romanticize your life by doing things you want to try or love doing. Some of you could be traveling or making traveling plans. By being your true self and letting others see you for who you really are your confidence will grow and you will be attracting more people into your life. You will receive a few love interest at least 2, one has more water energy and may seem like everything you could of asked for but be careful that they aren’t just faking it, the other can be more of a fire energy but they can just be around for a good time not a long time so your higher self is saying to listen to your heart and have good discernment when allowing new love interest into your life. Make sure their actions match their words. Your higher self is saying you cannot attract the right person in unless you are true to yourself and love your self first. You are someone who has a big personality, charming  and can be great at communicating with others but you hide due to fear of judgement. You are taking a journey whether it be physically or mentally. You can be reuniting with friends from the past, higher self wants you to have a carefree time. You may feel sorrow over a loss due to decisions you have to take. Some of you can have involvements with the law. You higher self is saying to take some time to meditate and you will get the answers you seek because you already have them within your inner self, take some time to do some  spiritual work, dreams can be important and so your higher self is saying to keep a dream journal as your intuition and subconscious can be trying to tell you something. There  is something you need to reconsider an element of your plan needs to be reevaluated, Ask trusted friends or person to give you feedback and help you make the best decision. Ask your angels to help you if needed ask for guidance your higher self is saying to reconsider your plans or you will realize that their is something you don’t longer want or need. Your higher self also wants to let you know that you are being protected from negative forces beyond your control.
#pick a pile
#psychic readings
#pick a card
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521198Oldest first
photo 1 is so accurate thank you ☺️
😳 the accuracy! I chose the first photo
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@ab13th 💗 I’m glad you were able to get your message
Original Poster
@thefashionprofessor I’m glad you were able to find your message 🧡
@thecosmicangel 💗💗
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Muladhara 🌱🔴
⚠️ Information provided is from my own opinions and research, please take this information at your own risk and do your own research ⚠️
Root chakra 🌎🌱Muladhara In Sanskrit means “foundation”
It is the foundation of the physical structure and Energy body.
“Mula” = root
“Adhara” = support or base
The root chakra is the 1st chakra the foundation/base, located between anal outlet and genital organ (coccyx bone/ perineum area). Balancing root chakra creates a solid foundation for opening the chakras above. A firm and strong foundation is important so it can provide stability. If the root chakra is not stabilized one cannot maintain good health, well-being, sense of stability or completeness. If root chakra isn’t balanced everything else is also not balanced or working like it should.                                                                 Organs related to the root chakra are large intestine, kidneys, bladder, rectum (organs that deal with elimination) sciatic nerve, bottom of the feet, feet, legs, genitals, digestive system, adrenal glands.
Instinctual- emotional survival center
Sense of smell
Flight or fight response
Responsible for fear
Basic needs are food, water, shelter, safety, security
Emotional needs of a person are related to root chakra if blocked, stagnant or imbalanced ➡️ persons sense of belonging to this world can be at risk
not stable or secure foundation ➡️ issues with safety and security
Survival, Safety, Security = Root chakra (activated in womb or birth).
Root chakra ties in with our ancestors. We inherit our ancestors suffering/ trauma through DNA🧬Early life experiences get imprinted on root chakra. Childhood trauma affects root chakra. Any experiences your ancestors or family has had (traumatic) affect root chakra.👵🏽👴🏼👦🏽👧🏽👶🏻
Early childhood trauma
Early childhood instability in family life
Mom or dad leave or are absent in childhood
Moving a lot (homes) 🏠
Frequent sense of not having sufficient food or money (sense of scarcity) 💰
⚠️Sense of scarcity causes you to not enjoy what you have ⚠️- compulsive shopping or hoarding
Imbalances in root chakra ⛔️
Anxiety, fears, nightmares
Loss of energy, insecure, restless, low self esteem, depression, suicidal thoughts 💭 ⬇️🪫
Physical imbalances manifest as problems in the colon, bladder , constipation, lower back, leg, feet issues
Eating disorders can be a sign of root chakra imbalances
For men prostate problems can occur
Weight, sciatica, hemorrhoids and knee problems
Healing/ Balance/ Remedies ⚖️
Meditation, and connection with your higher self and trust in a higher power 🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏻🧘🏻‍♂️
Smell is the sense connected to root chakra so focus on tip of your nose to help align root chakra 👃
Yoga, mantras,crystals (Garnet, red jasper, black tourmaline, bloodstone, Smoky quartz, hemitite, obsidian, malachite ) 🔮
Kegel  exercises
LAM (sound)
Sound of drums 🥁
Red color associated with root chakra 🔴
Add more red food to your nutrition (root vegetables)🍓🍒🍎🌶🍉🥩🍄🍅🍝🥔🥕
Pelvic & lower back exercises
Grounding, connect with earth through physical activity outdoors or in nature ( swimming in a lake, walking barefoot on grass) 🏊🏼‍♀️🌷🌹🌻🌴🌼☘️🍃🌳
Psychotherapy, reiki healing, affirmations, sound vibration (drums)
Essential oils/ incense myrrh, ginger, rosemary, sandalwood, ylang ylang
Asana yoga poses ( yin yoga)
Moving body- dancing 🕺🏻💃🏻🪩
Slow down go with the flow 🌊
Animal proteins( or any proteins in general ) tofu.
Beef, chicken, turkey, eggs
Care for body
Get full body massage
Acupressure on feet & legs
Moving body
Journal work
Eat healthy food ( sweets/sugary foods lead to not having a strong root chakra 🛑) overindulge or emotional eating. Eat foods to nourish your body.
Clean home/space
Connect with ancestor( not only immediate family) go back approx 10 generations back, connect energetically. Some of us have powerful ancestors that were healers, kings, queens, priestess ect… 👑🔮🌱🌳🧬
Work on healing family trauma
Healthy root chakra
Feels grounded & connected with Earth/ Nature 🌎🌱
Feels comfortable in your own skin. Feeling confident
A good healthy root chakra strengthens reproductive functions, adrenal glands, bladder, hips, knees & ankles
Self-confidence, strong identity
Feeling safe and secure in any situation
Closed Root
Flighty, emotionally scattered
Not settled on particular projects
Too open
Depressed or sleep a lot
Starts projects but doesn’t finish them.
#root chakra
#self confidence
2 notes
You may be experiencing a transition of some kind, but you don’t feel satisfied with your decision or situation at the moment. You are being forced to leave something behind or move on. No matter your situation despite you not feeling your best you should remember that moving on is the ideal option for your future. This can be a challenging change as you are being forced to let go of things, or beliefs that you have become attached to. It is time for you to step out of your comfort zone. You could be feeling confused on what steps to take next as you are going forward into the unknown but this has the potential to be a brighter and better future. This is a good time to focus on goals or projects and start making steady progress on them. However you may be experiencing challenges, Your negative thinking or insecurities are holding you back from living the life you want, deep down you know you have to make certain changes in your life but are being defensive or lazy to make these changes. You wonder why things don’t go your way when it is YOU who is not allowing things to flow into your life. You may be dealing with insecurity issues, lack of self-belief or just lack of surrendering this could be due to past experience or not having stability in life. Know that there will be challenges to the success of your projects or ventures possibly from an outside source whatever it may be you have to be ready to stand your ground. This can also be a form of self destruction, or a setback but you must continue to fight for what you want and what is for you by confronting anything that threatens or opposes you. If you turn or transform your negative thoughts, lack of confidence, insecurities and fears into positive will power you have the ability to create powerful creative energy to help you achieve your goals and create the life you want. Don’t you know how much potential you have? You have the inspiration, passion, drive and courage to do what you put your mind to within you. The Wands in this reading want us to do something, it is the power and energy behind our actions. If you choose to not put in the work then this energy can also be destructive, you could become temperamental and give up or surrender to your goals. Challenges you may encounter can be self limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, competition, feeling that you have to compete with others or comparing yourself with others leaving you feeling vulnerable or inadequate. Also you may feel criticized or judged, leaving you overwhelmed by judgement that is not really there or shouldn’t matter as long as you are happy with what you are doing. Be careful with overindulgence with food, eating too much sugary food or sweets when feeling down or emotional. Don’t overspend on useless purchases. Some people like to retail therapy shop when they are feeling stressed or emotional. Be cautious of overspending specially at this time. With determination and effort you will receive your awards. You will receive abundant blessings, Material success, financial stability.  You will become more sophisticated and mature if you pass the test of time and learn from your mistakes. You will become prosperous, and achieve success within your goals. With the tower card here whether you want to or not, you will have a change, the tower brings destruction, the foundation is not stable and will easily be destroyed. The destruction of the tower needs to happen in order to clear out the old and bring in something new. This can come in form of truth, revelations or inspiration. Change doesn’t have to be frightening, terrible or come with great loss like a disaster. This change will be groundbreaking and fundamental. Change is part of life and we need to learn to embrace it. It’s message is that old ways are no longer useful and you must find a new set of beliefs, values, processes to take place. Instead of being negative be positive about the change. It’s time for something that you deserve, what you have been relying on is no longer serving you.              ⚠️ Take what resonates leave what doesn’t⚠️
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