#in less than 24 hours it’s crazy bro
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strawberri-draws · 2 years ago
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Some color explorations, with just color and lineart :)
Tysm to @demi-ghosty for the color palettes!!!
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borahaerhy · 2 years ago
D-Day is an absolute masterpiece; let's discuss.
Obscenely long description of each of the songs under the cut
TL;DR: I'm an emotional wreck and this is the best album I've ever heard for so many reasons.
Haegeum??? That MV??? Never wanted to quit my job and start a gang that bullied the rich and steals their money more in my life (and trust me, that's something I've wanted to do since I was like 13). Yoongi is the only rich man I'd ever let lecture me about capitalism. He can do it all day every day. This is a fucked system, but thank you for turning me on while lecturing me about it and murdering people with some dirty chopsticks 🥴
D-Day is absolutely sick, 100% exactly what I'd expect from him. How a song can go so hard and still be so poetic to me is just insane. The beat is SICKENING. The chorus? CATCHY. 10/10 song, perfect opener to the album and set's the tone for the rest that's coming in an amazing way.
HUH?! killed me. We open the song with "what the shit do you know about me" and bro? Nothing, ion know shit about fuck, but you got me all the way fucked up with that attitude. Hoseok?? THE "HUH"S EVERYWHERE?? dead. deceased. The beat? Would literally sell my soul to be able to be in the studio when that man makes anything. I went to school to be an audio engineer, I've seen the way people put music together and create these catchy ass beats and have even made a few of my own, but FUCK BRO THERE'S NOTHING BETTER THAN THIS MAN IN THE STUDIO.
^^That goes for every song, not just Huh, but I just thought that it was important for EVERYONE to know that I'd sacrifice my firstborn child just to watch this man work.
AMYGDALA had me in tears. I was literally sobbing reading the lyrics. There are no words I can say that will accurately express how I feel about this song. This song has been out for less than 24 hours and I already feel so close to it, I can't even begin to describe it. The way most of the instruments fall out in the pre-chorus just so they can all come back in the chorus for that intensity with him basically yelling the lyrics is just *chef's kiss*.
SDL Is so cute and heartbreaking at the same time. The chorus is everything, so beautiful. Talk about bitter sweet lyrics, I'm eating that shit up. His vocals are absolutely outstanding, that "I'm thinking 'bout you" is making me so delulu you have no idea.
People Pt. 2 has already been out, but man that song is gorgeous. IU's vocals are such a great contrast to Yoongi's rap, and when they harmonize I wanna start crying whY DO THEY SOUND SO GOOD??!
I'M NOT KIDDING YOU WHEN I SAY I WAS CRYING, LEGIT SOBBING THE FIRST TIME I HEARD POLAR NIGHT. The instrumental is so uniquely Yoongi, and makes you feel so much. Yoongi is one of the only artists whos music makes me feel what they feel; and this song is the best representation of that. Everytime i listen to it I have to stop myself from crying and it has nothing to do with the lyrics. I cried before I even knew what the song was about, just because that's how good of a composer and producer he is. Genuinly one of the best songs I've ever heard.
I've never had an interlude make me feel so much. He's perfected the art of making his music invoke the emotions of his listeners and there's nothing more perfect than a minute-and-a-half-long interlude with no words in it that's still able to do that. Incredible.
Snooze is honestly one of the best thing's to have ever graced this planet if i'm being 100% rn. I know I keep talking about the emotion of the music but broooo. And the Woosung feature? His voice is amazing and is already so raw and emotional and paired with this song I just cannot. The lyrics make me want to sob, which I will probably do later when I get off work. And the the reference back to So Far Away? I'm on the floor someone please hug me.
Yoongi's vocals go fucking crazy in Life Goes On. If this was my introduction to Yoongi I would 100% believe that he's a singer and has been his whole life. The pure raw talent of this man will never cease to amaze me.
In conclusion, I love Min Yoongi with my whole chest and I hope he knows how much his music helps people, because it really, really helps. I can never even fully express just how this album alone helps me, that's not even speaking about all his other solo projects and the hundreds of songs he's worked on throughout his career.
If you read all of that I love u and I hope u have a spectacular day.
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year ago
Was out with mountain boy last night and 1. I learned how to say ‘i love you’ in latin (te amo) and 2. Very much questioning the whole arospec thing because of this boy. Cause for the first time in my *life* the feelings have lasted more than 2 weeks. Its been 2 months. HOLY SHIT IVE BEEN DATING MOUNTAIN BOY FOR 2 MONTHS
But yeah. And also like. As of last night its like *new feeling unlocked* like I’ve had butterflies but I’ve never had butterflies to the degree that Im *still* having butterflies over something 24 HOURS later. And like. That could also just be from being in the middle of a flare that my emotions just are not regulating correctly but like. I feel like I just unlocked emotions 2.0. So maybe I am the actual rare case of ‘you just haven’t been with the right guy yet’ which is infuriating but also I *like* these feelings
But also on the whole chronic illness front - WE FUCKING HATE IT HERE and Im downing ibuprofen like its candy (that is a joke for those that need told). So if my brain could just stop having the 404 error causing both thinking and motor skill problems atm that would be great
Uuhhhhh OH! And therapy is now once a month instead of every other week so I guess thats a plus
Those are my life updates bro how are you?? I miss chatting with you I feel like I never have time to be on here anymore
*answers like a week later* whaaaat I always have time to chat haha 😅😅
Well I’m glad you feel that way! I know personally I can only feel that way with people I’ve met irl even if it’s just meeting them once. I love that feeling though, I’m always chasing that high.
It’s been two months 😭 where has the time gone
I love my best friend to pieces but hanging out with her and her husband was soooo. For someone who’s “autistic and touch-adverse” homegirl SURE did a 180 on that. Third wheel for a week straight 😐 I support her not conforming to social norms even when it’s embarrassed me in the past but like. Boundaries. When you are with someone else. I always made sure that I was never super PDA or hung up on my ex when we were dating because I never wanted to make someone feel like a third wheel and uh. Yeah that’s why.
I just started my meds back up, I’m back on Prozac after my hiatus from taking meds. It reached the point where I’m like “okay yeah maybe my meds were doing SOMETHING even if they weren’t WORKING exactly so MAYBE I should go back on them and be a LITTLE less crazy”. I intend on starting therapy back up. I have free therapy through work, probably Better Help, but it’s probably better than nothing. I already know my data’s on the dark web from all the times my bank account has been hacked so I don’t need to worry about them selling my personal info 😅
I was planning on graduating this semester but that’s not happening :) so next semester it is.
My mom wants to come back up next summer and my best friend and I have been trying to plan matching tattoos and we talked about getting them up there where I got them last time so maybe I’ll see you then! Sick New World already sold out so I guess that plan is a bust 😅
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divorcecourtdad · 11 months ago
my former school district is fucking crazy bro.
there was a less than four hour turnaround from the time they announced they were cutting the german language program, terminating the teaching position, and not posting an opening for the 24-25 school year, to the board retracting their statement and saying a job opening would be posted by the end of next week.
all because those of us that were involved in the program between 1990 and 2020 (taught by the program's creator, he passed the torch to the instructor that's getting fired) freaked out on them and started emailing/calling them and basically telling them if they ended it we'd riot and show up to the next board meeting with torches and pitch forks.
i love direct action.
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joonslfttiddie · 2 years ago
Chapter 31: Seven...
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💜Fic Pairing: OT7 x OFC
💜AU/Genre: Reverse Harem/Polyfidelity/Ghosts/AMBW
💜Warnings: Mentions of Arson/Fire/Anxiety Attacks/Death of Main Characters/Murder/Adult Language/Sexual Activity/Stalking/Cancer/Loss of Parent/Ghosts/Explicit Smut/Ejaculation/Oral Sex/Nipple Play/Death of Main Characters/Unprotected Sex/Hate Crime/Blackouts/Orgy/Mention of Gun
*Warnings are for entire work; not chapter specific*
💜Rating: MA
💜Word Count: 3108
Chapter 31
Jungkook’s POV
Tia has been on my mind since I left her this morning. There’s something about that woman that is pulling me, like a moth to a flame, I just want to be near her even if that means I’ll be burned. I know that this is fucking insane…I’ve known her for less than 24 hours but the space she’s settled into within my heart is apparent. This is all happening so quickly and I’m not sure how to handle this feeling. A fellow officer noticed the way I looked at her this morning when I introduced myself and warned that I shouldn’t get involved.
“Bro, I’m telling you not to get caught up in this shit. It’s not like you to act so emotionally or even consider a mark as a love interest. She’s just someone that needed help and you’ve done that. Let it go, man. This ain’t no fucking rom-com where the damsel in distress falls for the big, strong hero. What is this, some type of Stockholm Syndrome type shit?”
“No, dumbass, that’s when a victim falls for their captor. You’re thinking of the Nightingale Effect and this ain’t that. You don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about. And, I’m telling you, there’s something there…this is different. We just vibed, you know, and talked until the sun rose. She’s my type for sure…she’s beautiful, funny, witty, and so sweet. And yeah, before I met her, I wouldn’t think twice about falling for someone I met on duty, but they weren’t her.”
“Aye, man…I’m just saying.”
“I get it, I hear you, and I know you mean well…Just drop it, okay?”
Even though he’s annoying the shit out of me, I understand where he’s coming from. I met Tia when I was on duty and me wanting to develop a relationship with her could be seen as inappropriate or unethical, like I’m taking advantage of her while she’s vulnerable. I’m sitting here trying to self reflect and distinguish whether these feelings I’m having are real or just sympathy for her. I’m staring off into space, in my own world when my phone rings and it’s Tia. I damn near drop it, grabbing at it in midair like a hot potato before I finally answer the call.
Taehyung’s POV
When I walk into the kitchen to meet the homeowner, I’m unprepared to see her. She is so beautiful, just sitting there not doing anything special, palming a mug in her hands. My heart skips several beats as I take in all that is her. Having to verify that she is the customer, I call her name which tastes sweet as honey on my tongue. When I shake her hand, it’s like a current is surging through my veins, warming me from within. I can’t seem to avert my eyes or let go of her hand and I just stare at her with a goofy smile on my face. She must think I’m such an idiot.
I can’t hide the way that I’m blushing, listening to her friend picking on her and seeing her reaction. I am, however, curious as to why she would need the police to come over until she mentions something about a text. Maybe she has a crazy ex or something. I hang back, giving her the time and space to say her goodbyes and see her friends off. Outside, we make small talk for a bit before she tells me what happened in the early hours of the morning.
As she’s speaking, I’m taking her in, standing next to me looking angelic as the wind plays in her curls. I’m noticing a green and blue bruise on the inside of her index finger when she pushes locks from her face, and another one on the inside of her right leg, just above her ankle. I have never felt this comfortable to be touching a stranger in such an intimate way. Is this love at first sight? Placing her hand over my heart, it feels like I’ve just slid a puzzle piece into its perfect spot. I feel strange, like I will do anything to protect this woman. This can’t be love, right? I literally just met this woman but I’m completely entranced, under her spell, and willing to do anything to make sure she’s safe and happy.
I’m not sure what has made her suddenly uncomfortable, but as I go to rush her into the house, a police officer pulls up…I assume this is the Officer Jeon she spoke about. It’s weird, the vibes I get from him are akin to comradery and a mutual desire to care for Tia. We sit with her, patiently trying to calm her. Glancing at Jungkook, I see that he’s already looking at me, his eyes look a bit misty as if he wants to cry for her. It breaks my heart to see them like this and makes me want to kill the motherfucker that’s tormenting Tia. After a while, there is a stillness that comes over her.
“Are you guys hungry? I just feel like I need to be doing something, anything to occupy myself. I can make one of my favorite comfort meals.”
Even during this situation they are going through, I feel so happy at this moment, with her and Officer Jeon. It feels safe, authentic, inviting, and loving…like home. Is it wrong of me to feel this way at this moment?
Once Tia is done cooking, I wash up and go to join them at the dinner table. The food smells heavenly and looks amazing. We chat and steal glances from each other as we eat, the hardy meal is perfectly seasoned with just a touch of spiciness. It is delicious, warming my belly, and filling us quickly. The glow of the ‘on’ switch on the coffee maker catches my attention out of my peripheral, causing me to notice something small and square just under the lip of the countertop. When we’ve all had our fill, I collect the dishes to wash, wanting to help Tia in any way that I can and to show gratitude for the meal.
“Would you like for me to turn the coffee maker off?” I’m running dish water and placing our dishes in when she answers.
“Fuck…yes, please. I don’t know what is going on with my brain lately, I completely forgot about that. Thank you, Tae.”
Jesus, hearing the new nickname coming out of her mouth has me about to melt into a puddle. My heart is racing and my mind is thinking of ways to hear it everyday for the rest of my life. What is wrong with me?
After I reach over to turn the coffee off, I feel under the counter for the mysterious object and after looking at it, realize that someone has planted a bug. Not wanting to cause Tia to panic, I drop the device into the water with a bloop.
I know that it’s time for me to leave being that I have another job to get to, but I really don’t want to leave her…to leave them. Going to say goodbye to Tia, I react off of impulse, touching her cheek then pulling her up to hold her and kiss her full lips. I’m not understanding why I feel this way and why I’m so bold to act this way with a stranger, but she feels nothing like that…she feels like I’ve known her forever.
When I hesitantly release her, I make sure to give her my number so that she can reach me at any time. At this point, I’ll do anything to make sure she’s okay. I go to show Jungkook some love before I go, and make sure to slip the now defective device into his palm. I have a feeling that he will understand my sentiments without having to speak a word, keeping this from Tia as to not spook her any further.
Tia’s POV
Trembling in the corner, on my bathroom floor, disregarding the fact that my screen shows it’s well past midnight, I call Taehyung. I’m not sure why, but I have this overwhelming need to hear his voice. Not in the mind frame to analyze my feelings at the moment, I just press the phone to my ear, listening to the rings until I hear his velvety smooth voice respond.
“Hello? Tia? Are you okay?”
“Tae, I’m scared. Someone is outside the house, just standing in the front yard, watching. JK is still downstairs, what if something happens to him.” I’m unable to continue speaking as tears begin to cascade down my cheeks and I cry into my shirt.
Without hesitation, he responds with, “I’m on my way. Stay where you are.”
“Don’t hang up!”
“I’m not going to hang up, baby… I’m coming, okay. Everything will be okay.”
I can hear sirens outside the bathroom window accompanied by yelling.
“See, the police are already there so Jungkook isn’t alone. You both will be safe, just stay there until one of us gets there. Okay? Tia?”
There’s an uneasy silence on the line which makes Taehyung's heart leap into his throat. “Answer me, Jagiya!”
“Okay, okay, I will,”
I’m sitting here, still, hugging my knees with one arm, pressing the phone to my ear with the other hand, unable to stop the tears from falling…so afraid for my loves. My loves? The thought comes and goes just as quickly and I continue to focus on the sound of the sirens and the faint sound of Taehyung’s signal light clicking. Suddenly, there’s a BOOM, BOOM, BOOM at the door that causes me to scream and drop my phone.
“Jagi… are you okay? What’s happening?” I can faintly hear Taehyung still on the line.
“Tia! It’s me…open up.” I hear Jungkook call from the other side of the door.
I grab my phone and run to the door, opening it as fast as I can. When I finally get it unlocked, Jungkook rushes in, taking me into his arms.
“It’s okay, baby, it’s ok. We got him. Shh, shh, shh…it’s okay,” Jungkook consoles me while I cry into his chest.
“I’m here,” he disconnects the call and I can hear his deep voice resounding from downstairs.
Taehyung rushes up the stairs to find Jungkook and I still in my bedroom. We are accompanied by the officers over the case, as they’re asking us more questions. He rushes over to me and I stand, allowing him to envelop my short frame into his arms, pulling my face into his chest, heart beating hard against my cheek. Reaching behind me, he gently rubs Jungkook's shoulder.
“I got here as quickly as I could. I’m so glad you two are okay.”
Once seated on the bed, I allow myself to fall deeper into Taehyung, enjoying the kisses he places at the crown of my head.
“Ma’am, is this your boyfriend? Husband?” The officers are obviously confused, looking from Jungkook to Taehyung then back. “We just need to know so that we can exclude him as a suspect.”
I look up to stare at Taehyung as if looking for an answer behind his eyes. What is this? Better yet, how will we explain this to people? My mind is racing but thankfully, Jungkook steps in with the assist.
“Um, he is a friend of ours. You can exclude him as he’s not a danger to Ms. Monroe and has been nothing but helpful,” Jungkook offers, looking over to Taehyung to flash a sullen half smile.
During this interview, I hear about the listening device that was found in the kitchen and that someone will be coming in the morning to sweep the house for any additional surveillance devices.
“Yes, I found the device in the kitchen, under the lip of the countertop. I immediately submerged it into water and then passed it off to Officer Jeon.”
“That is correct, I received the device from him and stepped on it outside in the drive, shattering it into pieces. It’s in an evidence bag downstairs with my things. I wasn’t surprised when he showed up suddenly, knowing that he could no longer listen in on her.”
The officers continue with their questions and I’m feeling like I’m in a fog…like an out of body experience. I hear everything they are saying but I don’t feel like myself. My hands feel cold, I’m freezing. No…I’m burning up. What the fuck? I’m going to pass out. Oh my God, I’m going to be sick. I sit up abruptly, startling both Taehyung and Jungkook, before I jump up and stagger towards the bathroom, bumping the officers on my way.
“T…what’s wrong?”
I hear the men calling for me, their voices echoing through my ears. Making it to the toilet just in time, I release everything I ate today, which wasn’t much. My body continues to heave though there’s nothing left. Maybe I’m still not over whatever illness has been kicking my ass this week. Is the wine affecting me like this because I didn’t eat enough? The last thing I remember is reaching over to pull a few sheets of toilet paper to wipe my mouth then my world goes black, yet again. Fuck.
The light is blinding when I attempt to open my eyes. My head is pounding and my heart joins the race. Gathering all of my strength, I sit up on my elbows then push myself to sit up. My brain is on a merry go round as the room spins and twirls.
Someone gasps from across the room before they speak, “John! She’s awake!”
I turn my head in the direction of the man's voice. He frantically wakes the man laying across his lap and they both rush over to my bedside. Within a few seconds, we are joined by two other men, one wearing a white coat, I’m assuming he’s a doctor.
“What’s going on? Why am I in the hospital? What’s wrong with me?” Fuck, I’m sleepy. I just want to go to sleep but I need to find out what is going on.
“Tia, honey, lay back down,” the man next to the doctor advises.
I compose myself for a moment, just long enough to take in the faces of these people surrounding me.
“What the fuck is going on? Where is my mom?” The panic in my voice must be evident, causing one of the handsome men to try to hug me. “Get off of me! Who the fuck are you people?”
The look in their eyes makes me wish I hadn’t just said what I did. When tears fall from one of the men’s beautiful doe eyes, I assume that I should know who they are. The man standing next to the doctor turns his back to compose himself, but ends up walking away when he is unsuccessful.
“I can’t…” His whimpers and sniffling gives him away before he disappears out of view.
The doctor clears his throat before he speaks, “Tia, my name is Dr. John Alexander. Your friends brought you in because you passed out after getting sick. Do you remember that?”
“No…no, I don’t.” My blinks feel longer than necessary, the burn behind my lids is enticing knowing that sleep is its accomplice.
“What is the last thing you remember?”
“My,” my reply is stuck in my throat in my attempt to hold back my tears. “My mother. My mom brought me, I think. She told me that I would be okay and that I wouldn’t need a shot. She said my ‘love’ will protect me. And something about the number seven meaning completion. I’m not sure but we’re supposed to go have pancakes when we get done here.” I try to recall our conversation for the doctor, but I’m only remembering bits and pieces. Something like a wave inside is repeatedly crashing against my heart, telling me that my mom is not here. “She’s paying because she obviously lied,” my voice cracks as I try to joke the heartache away pointing to the IV still in my arm but the tears escape without permission.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, Tia.” The doctor helps me to lay back down and the room’s pirouette finally comes to a stop. When I finally focus on his face, the doctor's eyes look somber as tears trace his waterline but he places an annoyingly fraudulent smile on his face.
“Thankfully, your friends called us and brought you in. We had to perform a life saving procedure due to you ingesting a high dose of Metoprolol which is a prescription medicine used to treat hypertension and other cardiologic issues…”
He’s really pissing me off because he’s speaking to me like a child…fucking mansplaining.
“No, I don’t take any prescription medicines. I only take vitamins and tylenol when needed.”
“You were poisoned, Tia. We had to pump your stomach and administer an IV to try to get it out of your system quickly. This explains why you’ve been feeling bad all week. It also explains the confusion and loss of time you’ve been experiencing. Some side effects of the drug are delirium, confusion, hallucinations, psychosis, temporary amnesia, and vivid dreams, that get progressively worse the longer they are in your system. When healthy individuals, like yourself, consume it, it can also cause your blood pressure to plummet causing weakness, dizziness, fainting, nausea, and even death.”
“No…where’s my mom? Could you ask her to come in here with me?”
“These side effects are exacerbated when combined with alcohol. Another side effect is aggression, Tia.”
Is he trying to tell me that I imagined my mom? So, I’m crazy now? He’s trying to make me out to be the bad guy, too. Poisoned? What is he on about? I’m too tired for this shit.
“Sir, please…can you please get my mom for me?”
The doctor runs his hands through his hair, looking defeated, and steps out for a moment, leaving me with the two mystery men. They both remain by the bed, heads hanging. Their eyes are bloodshot and swollen.
“Ummm, thank you both for helping us get to the hospital. I really appreciate you, but we can make it home from here,” I announce with slurred speech.
“Noona,” the man begins but is cut off by the other, placing a hand on his chest.
“Okay, Jagiya, we’ll leave once your mom comes. Is that okay?”
My eyes feel so heavy. I nod my head, giving consent for them to stay before I lose the fight to the drowsiness. Darkness.
Thanks to @moonleeai for beta reading this chapter 💜
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belovedcampfire · 12 days ago
I’m so fucking serious I’ve been binge reading these books and have literally JUST found out that the next one is coming out???? Incredibly soon??? I knew there was another but I thought it was ages away cause like. Why would I presume otherwise? But NO
this is crazy bro my luck is immeasurable my life is immaculate I am thrilled and will now commit myself to finishing The Sunshine Court in a an unreasonably short amount of time let’s GO!!!
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nettles-vent · 5 months ago
I’ve had a headache for a week straight now. Pain is always more than a five. Idk what the fuck bro.
I did start propranalol before this started so I’m assuming that’s it. Been more than 24 hours since my last dose so hopefully it’s just taking a while for my body to figure it out.
I’m giving it 72-ish hours until I call my doctor to schedule an appointment if the headache hasn’t at least got less extreme. My boyfriend thinks I’m crazy but I have a really high tolerance for medical stuff. I’ve had Covid a few times pretty bad and I didn’t go to the doctor, just stayed in bed and took care of myself.
I guess Im just really hesitant to go to the doctor cause I like to save medical trips for the Big Stuff. I’m just American I guess.
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steamishot · 2 years ago
ironically and possibly predictably, my mind has wandered often into negative headspaces after no longer having the obligation to complete my studies. in some ways, the studying helped keep my mind sharp, busy, and my mental energy geared for that purpose. perhaps, the worrying/anxiety i used to have about my studies have transferred over to other stuff and i’m starting to make mountains out of molehills again. 
matt’s 7 days on/7 days off schedule has been getting better; he’s getting better at work and continuing to slowly learn how to human/live life again. without my studies, i’m more bored and causing conflict where there used to be none. now it’s harder to stomach the idea of being alone on his weeks on, when he’s working 80-100 hours. also, it’s not my ideal to be together 24/7 for his 7 days off in a small studio. i find myself being irritated at the amount of alone time, and then irritated at the amount of together time because they’re both insanely extreme. 
i will have weddings to attend in california in august, september, october and november. we’re looking at me doing this more frequent bicoastal lifestyle so i’m don’t feel as socially isolated with my completely remote work set up. i now feel like my time in NYC has basically run its course (it’ll be 3 years this fall), and am struggling a lot with the idea that it feels matt and i are on different timelines on returning to california. 
he understandably has a certain criteria for job searching: academic setting, PSLF qualified, inpatient, no open ICU, 7 days on/7 days off schedule; no crazy patient caps. i’m more focused on him just accepting a decent job so that we can be closer to family and friends. however, the uncertainty of when this move is happening is killing me. we’ll likely need to renew our lease next month so we’ll have the apartment until sept 2024, and then pay to break the lease early if a good opportunity comes up. it’s hard to daydream about a life in california (where to live, when to buy cars, what car to buy, future family plans, etc) when everything is up in the air. the more i daydream, the more disappointing it is to know the reality is “unknown”. 
i’ve been stuck in this negative loop of “it doesn’t seem like we want the same things”, “am i in the right relationship”, “can i continue to sacrifice/put my wants and needs on the backburner”, etc. so the first few days back in LA i’ve been quite sad internally. on friday, i had a movie night with J & M, and we had some deep talks afterwards. i feel most open with them, as they’re 6-9 years older and pretty vulnerable people. i shared my thoughts - it’s kinda like in either scenario (we stay longer vs. come back sooner for a less than ideal job) there will be resentment on a given side. J asked me if i’m seeing the scenario through the lens of my own or as a unit? admittedly, i have been looking at this more of my own lens because we aren’t engaged or married yet - and also why it’s a harder thing to sit with. J & M told me it’s a tough situation to be in, but that i don’t have to rush things because it seems like we’re working towards the same path, just at different speeds due to some uncontrollable factors right now. 
it also helped to hear things from J’s perspective as a male, to understand the need they have to work hard and be a provider for the family, which makes their job itself very important. now upon reflection, i see my mindset as: “i’m done with my studies, now it’s time to go home, and you need to be on my timeline” which is definitely quite selfish and very self-centered. 
objectively, it feels like i’m in mile 24 of the marathon and wanting to give up. i have to look at miles 1-23 and see how strong and far we’ve come to be like, alright home stretch let’s go. 
it feels like a completely different world at home compared to nyc. living at home with my senior, semi-retired parents and my grandma. my bro has been unemployed for 5 months now and does not act with any urgency. SIL has been handed a business by my dad but putting in very minimal effort while still collecting the profits. bro and SIL chill everyday and are happy; my parents babysit for them multiple times a week and cook food for them. they spent 3 months in cambodia on an extended vacation where her parents basically funded it all. they don’t have an incentive to work because everything’s taken care of.
it was almost triggering for my SIL to ask if things in nyc are “chill” for us, similar to how she asked my mom why she didn’t go to cambodia for vacation with them. i’m like girl, some people out here are working very hard. not everyone can happily live off parents and unemployment lol. 
anyway, on a happier note:
i finally got my teeth cleaned and my filling fixed by my dentist, always enjoy conversations with him
at the dentist office, my dad’s friend coincidentally had an appointment time similar to mine and we were waiting at the office together, communicating in teo-chew (it’s these weak tie relationships and sense of feeling at home/family that i’m missing) 
had a really nice time kayaking with my younger cousins, and taking my mom and grandma out (on this note, it does feel a bit tiring that i’m the default planner and initiator to do something more special for the family)
got to hang out with ada - she cried being around me at first because she didn’t recognize me, but now after playing with her more/taking her to do nice things - she likes me again?!
went by myself to a HIIT class at a silverlake studio for the first time - i definitely feel more “adult”/independent. also finally, in my 30s, it feels like i can actually afford to go to workout classes. 
building a relationship with my younger cousins 
0 notes
moon-ursidae · 2 years ago
general thoughts and shit are going here in a list! see ya’ll on the other side!
got a late start bc i was w a friend i hadn’t seen in a long time.
oh shit okay jakarta this is where it pretty much started yea?
yuuuup there’s military men
this is so fucking horrifying bro
the slow buildup is so fucking good
i’m excited to see what neil does w this episode bc we know the dude can direct the shit out of a game haha
oh my god wait so the u.s. government probably got the idea to bomb after they did in jakarta?? CRAZY.
i feel so sorry for this woman. she’s absolutely horrified. these poor people in general dude. jesus christ.
the cold opens so far have REALLY set the tone well for the episodes and series as a whole
if anyone skips this intro, i simply do not trust them
this is fucking gorgeous
joel and tess sitting there like parents the next morning after you miss curfew💀💀
“there’s not gonna be anything bad in here?” “just you.” “oh, funny.” THEMMMMMMM AAAHHHHH
his hand :(
anna torv is so pretty
LMAO the difference in what they’re eating
“you must’ve heard that he wants to shoot you.” AND THE WAY HE DOESN’T EVEN FUCKING BLINK
bella is literally ellie you bitches that doubted them better EAT GRASS
“whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine”
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“fuck you man i didn’t ask for this” !!!!!!!!!!!!
bella is ellie bro
joel is so over this shit lmao
“jesus fine i’ll just have to throw a fuckin sandwich at them.” I LOVE HERRRR
omg joel moving the heavy ass furniture HAHAHAHA
pedro looks so goddamn fucking good my god
omg i remember seeing bts of this SOOOO long ago this is crazy
she lied about riley to tess :(
“mom, dad, boyfriend?” “i’m an orphan and uhh nooooo” so subtle and so good.
THE MUSIC FROM THE GAME AHH it’s changed slightly but it’s the same basically
sorry haha
“i don’t know how to swim.” “seriously?” “you think we have pools in the QZ?” “no, smartass. i mean-“ *jumps in to show her that it’s shallow* “i don’t know how i was supposed to know that” LMAOOO I LOVE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH ALREADY
also it’s not the last of us without wading in some gross water
“you’re a weird kid” “you’re a weird kid”
proceeds to get fucking jumpscared by a skeleton and joel jumps to see what’s up
him reaching to help her up and them both letting go as soon as possible but joel lingers there and looks at his hand🥲
probably bc of the whole infection thing but also 🥺
guys if you have to take the elevator shaft DON’T.
omg now they’re left alone together HAHA
“where’d you learn to do that?” “the circus” AND HE JUST LOOKS SO EXASPERATED HAHA
i love that ellie is so inquisitive about who joel is in both the game and series now. i would be doing the same if i was traveling with this man i met less than 24 hours ago, but it just hits so much harder knowing what joel’s been through yknow?
him stopping her immediately from asking personal questions bc he doesn’t wanna get attached and doesn’t want her to get attached either bc that would be harder for him AHHHHHHHHHHHH
“how long do infected live?” “oh i thought you went to school” IN SUCH A SASSY WAY I LOVE HIM
he looks so fucking good.
“what about that guy last night?” THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER KSHAKSHSKV
saved by the bell joel haha
i like that this is how they’re introducing the tendrils more. tess is telling both ellie and the audience how they work
these practical sets are INSANE
i fucking love how they’re so smart with each other already
the way they’re trying to get her to shut up lmao
this is bad. they are making so much noise without making any noise and i’m STRESSED
that’s so many bodies holy fuck
“twisted ankle, but yea.” AND ELLIE GETTING BIT AGAIN AND SAYING “i mean if it was gonna happen to one of us.” AND TESS’S FACE OH MY GOD PLEEEAAASSSSEEEEEEE
this is another way i KNOW neil directed this
the way joel is immediately tending to tess :(
and how she’s snappy w him bc he’s being pessimistic, as per usual, and she’s dealing with A LOT rn
he looks kinda hurt dude AHHH
i’m crying.
“is it everything you hoped for?” “jury’s still out. but man you can’t deny that view.”
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and the frame stays on the ladder with the capitol in the background like the game 🥺
omg the way tess is so far ahead of joel and ellie AHHHHHHH
him checking on her arm to see what’s up AHHH
oh fuck. it’s the capitol building.
the way his paternal instincts have already kicked in i can’t. the way he moved ellie from the bodies UGH.
tess’s desperation is so palpable from the moment she stormed inside. anna torv is fucking fierce and i love her.
“that’s not my fucking home!” uh oh.
me during this whole fucking scene:
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oh my god.
the way he DRAGS her out of there.
oh my god. the way she’s left standing there but she takes those last few breaths to recenter herself. FUCK man.
this is almost worse oh my god.
the way she’s frozen in fear oh my god
the tendrils will never NOT be disgusting.
jesus christ.
i fucking LOVE that final shot of ellie. i will also discuss further.
i gotta wait a week for bill and frank??? DAMNIT.
the part where joel is talking to bill looks like a flashback! he’s got a lot less gray goin on. i’m excited to see more of their relationship!
barrie gower popped the FUCK off holy shit
FUUUCK man tess was literally about to start her redemption and she finally found hope :(
“neil understands how to create fear” YEA HE FUCKIN DOES GODDAMN
okay! holy fuck! i’m emotional! AHH!
i’m gonna go think about this shit and make seperate posts for my thoughts later bc it’s almost 3am haha
fucking amazing job to the cast and crew again. holy fucking shit.
i’m obsessed.
26 notes · View notes
kbstories · 4 years ago
“It’s not like Kirishima had come all this way to U.A. to immediately break the promise he made to himself upon arrival.
It’s just that Bakugou is as feral as they come, and the moment Kirishima recognizes it’s fear he felt crawling up his spine that day, he makes it his personal mission to face it head-on until it’s gone.”
(Or: Being friends with Bakugou Katsuki is anything but a linear experience. Kirishima Eijirou would have it no other way.)
Tags: Kirishima POV, Developing Friendships, Domestic Fluff, Bakusquad, An Extended Scene About The Joys And Pains of Dyeing Hair
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. No additional content warnings apply. Chapter 8. Chapter 9.
You have added Best Bakubro 💣💥!
You have changed the name from “⚡💖⛰️🎸📼” to “⚡💖💣⛰️🎸📼”!
hehehe we’re all set (sent 12:10)
welcome baku!! 💪🏻 (sent 12:10)
God 💡: �� (received 12:11)
Simply Mina: 👀👀 (received 12:11)
MT Tape: 👀 (received 12:11)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: shitty hair (received 12:13)
you promised!!! (sent 12:13)
no take backs 👀 (sent 12:13)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: fuck (received 12:13)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: okay two things (received 12:13)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: one i’m muting this so @ me or fuck off (received 12:14)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: two give me your names (received 12:14)
God 💡: wait srsly?? (received 12:15)
God 💡: c’mon bro it’s been months :( (received 12:15)
Simply Mina: yea wth blasty that’s so cold :(( (received 12:15)
MT Tape: answer the people explosion man @Best Bakubro 💣💥 (received 12:17)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: fine you’re staying random numbers then (received 12:18)
God 💡: OH (received 12:18)
God 💡: kaminari denki here!! (received 12:18)
MT Tape: this is sero 🙏🏻 (received 12:18)
Simply Mina: mina!!! (received 12:19)
Simply Mina: @Guitar Hero is kyoka 💖 (received 12:19)
Best Bakubro 💣💥
who? (received 12:19)
jirou!! (sent 12:19)
? (received 12:19)
🔌 (sent 12:20)
ah (received 12:20)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: k (received 12:20)
God 💡: anyways (received 12:22)
God 💡: this is the best day of my life (received 12:22)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: shut it jolteon (received 12:22)
God 💡: dude i didn’t even @ u asdfkjsfk (received 12:22)
God 💡: wait omg is that an upgrade?? (received 12:23)
God 💡: did i get upgraded from pikachu to jolteon omg omg (received 12:23)
MT Tape: DIBS ON UMBREON (received 12:23)
MT Tape: we’re picking eeveelutions right? (received 12:23)
!!!! pls pls flareon pls!!! (sent 12:24)
Simply Mina: espeon or sylveon (received 12:24)
Simply Mina: espeon or sylveon??? (received 12:25)
Simply Mina: GUYS (received 12:25)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: this is a nightmare (received 12:25)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: and wtf espeon of course (received 12:26)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: better stats and none of that affection shit (received 12:26)
Simply Mina: the council has spoken (received 12:26)
what about flareon??? (sent 12:27)
plsplspls (sent 12:27)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: kirishima (received 12:27)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: it’s red. (received 12:28)
HELL YEAH ❤️ (sent 12:28)
Guitar Hero: hi what the HELL are you guys spamming about (received 12:30)
Guitar Hero: oh hey bakugou (received 12:30)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: plugs you’re glaceon (received 12:31)
Guitar Hero: i’m cool with that (received 12:31)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: good (received 12:31)
MT Tape: ok kiri i think i get it now (received 12:34)
MT Tape: putting every decision thru the baku filter is so much more fun (received 12:34)
right??? (sent 12:34)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: don’t fucking start (received 12:35)
Simply Mina: too late <3 (received 12:35)
God 💡: our trap card activated the moment you stepped into this chat man (received 12:36)
MT Tape: Bakugou Katsuki has been designated Chief Executive Brain (CEB) of the squad, effective immediately. (received 12:36)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: i’m leaving (received 12:37)
:( (sent 12:37)
MT Tape: … 👀 (received 12:40)
MT Tape: he ain’t leaving huh? (received 12:44)
God 💡: kiri’s puppy eyes once again confirmed as world’s strongest force (received 12:45)
Simply Mina: it’s kiri so we’re all safe tho <3 (received 12:45)
<3 (sent 12:45)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: for the record i hate all of you (received 12:46)
Simply Mina: hey hey blasty (received 14:48)
Simply Mina: which eeveelution are you? (received 14:48)
Simply Mina: @Best Bakubro 💣💥 (received 14:50)
God 💡: 👀👀 (received 14:50)
👀 (sent 14:50)
MT Tape: 👀 (received 14:51)
Guitar Hero: ^ what they said (received 14:53)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: eevee, duh (received 14:56)
Best Bakubro 💣💥: i don’t need a type advantage to win (received 14:56)
😭 bro so manly (sent 14:56)
also (sent 14:57)
You have changed the name from “⚡💖💣⛰️🎸📼” to “🦊 Eevee Squad 🦊”!
Best Bakubro 💣💥: fucking fantastic. can we shut up now? (received 15:00)
Best Bakubro 💣💥
see? told u it’s fun 💪🏻 (sent 15:01)
i guess (received 15:02)
like i said u can just ignore the chat if ur not feeling it (sent 15:10)
they’re cool, they won’t mind (sent 15:10)
+ i’ll text u stuff directly if it’s important (sent 15:12)
kiri (received 15:12)
ok ok hhh just saying (sent 15:12)
i know (received 15:13)
you got that shit for ectoplasm yet? (received 15:17)
ummm (sent 15:17)
fucking knew it (received 15:17)
you coming or what? (received 15:22)
!!! o7 (sent 15:22)
Bakugou is staring.
Eyes on the page, Kirishima tries to focus on the function he’s been struggling to get for fifteen minutes now. Something about tangents and right angles? No, cotangents, which is different from a non-cotangent tangent because–
Bakugou has stopped writing a while ago, the fabric-covered pen resting loosely in his hand, his head propped up on a fist.
–the cosine does… something with the sine of X. Division? Maybe? X pops up in a bunch of places, actually, and Kirishima longs for the days math still featured numbers and not whatever nonsense this cos-sin-tan stuff is–
Bakugou is staring right at him, has been for ages now and Kirishima can’t help it. He looks up, only to catch Bakugou looking away, and huffs a nervous chuckle.
“Bro, c’mon. What’s up? Is there something on my face ‘cause you’ve been–”
“It’s black.” There’s a pensive twist to Bakugou’s brow. He breezes through the part of the problem Kirishima’s stuck on like it’s nothing, scribbled down in permanent ink like the monster he is. “Your natural haircolor. It’s black, right?”
“Uh, yeah?”
Kirishima picks his head up from where he’s slumped across Bakugou’s desk, the bean bag he’s sitting on shifting under his butt. Since when does Bakugou care about his hair? It hasn’t been black for over a year, anyways, so what does that have to do with…
“Wait, why do you–”
Bakugou’s eyes wander back to him, landing on Kirishima’s hair for barely a second but it’s enough. With a mortified noise, Kirishima slaps both his hands over his forehead – or more specifically, his roots.
Because Kirishima completely forgot he’s overdue on a redye for a good week and styled his hair as he usually does: gel evenly spread into carefully towel-dried strands, quirk on until it dries, done. He hadn’t looked into a mirror before heading to class or he would’ve seen his tips straying from cherry red to berry pink.
And that jet-black line where it’s growing back out. The roots that are the bane of Kirishima’s existence and that Bakugou saw.
Kirishima groans, curling into himself until his head hits wood with a dull donk. “How bad is it? Don’t spare me, bro, I need to know.”
That rhymes, the part of his brain not burning in the hellfire of shame chimes in. Kirishima firmly tells it to shut up.
“Your hair?”, Bakugou asks from an unknown realm beyond the bit of desk Kirishima’s staring at, a beat late. Probably to treat him to a glare he can’t see.
Kirishima rubs his forehead across his math homework in a miserable nod.
“It’s not more or less shitty than usual, Shitty Hair.” Bakugou scoffs. “What’s the big deal?”
“Oh, nothing”, Kirishima shrugs, his voice a fake-cheerful mumble, “Just that I’ve been walking around like this all day. A whole ass day. Kill me, now.”
“Nah. Wasn’t the idea to ‘die like a man in chivalrous battle’?”
Kirishima shoots him a dirty look. Bakugou doesn’t even bat an eye; he flashes his teeth in a bright smile and knocks his fists against each other, whispering “manly” under his breath and okay, why does Bakugou have to be good at everything, including impersonating Kirishima?
“I hate you”, grumbles Kirishima. Bakugou breaks character to cackle, only stopping after Kirishima balls up his pitiful attempt at math to throw it at his head. Bull’s eye, right on the forehead.
“Oi! That’s your homework, moron.”
“You started it”, Kirishima points at him with his pencil. His notepad is pulled closer with a deep, long sigh. “Now I gotta do this stuff again and stress about my hair. Amazing.”
Ah, the God-help-me eyeroll. It’s been a while. “Just go fucking dye it and come back if it bothers you so much. Can’t be that hard.”
“Says the blond guy”, Kirishima huffs. “Dude, do you even know how long getting rid of this” – a gesture to his roots – “takes? Black hair is a pain to bleach. Literally.”
Bakugou considers his hair with a frown. “…How long are we talking here? Like, an hour?”
A laugh, louder than Kirishima intends. “Try three. Sometimes more, it depends.”
“Three hours?!”
“Or more.”
A little smug, Kirishima watches disbelief bloom on Bakugou’s face. When it comes to this, destroying the innocence of the uninitiated is the only joy he’s got. There’s really nothing fun about sitting through those hours every six weeks, give or take – just plain, boring routine. At least he isn’t anxious about making mistakes anymore, not like his first few times.
It’s definitely worth it, though. Kirishima loves his red hair.
“And it, what. It hurts?”
Bakugou is still processing it seems, a hand going to his own hair. (It looks so soft, that even light color Kirishima has envied since the beginning of time. Such a nice base for any type of dye, especially bright ones or pastels.)
Kirishima scrunches his nose. “The developer does, yeah. Anything over 9% makes your scalp burn like crazy so I stick to 9% and do multiple rounds. I can’t go light enough for the red I want, otherwise.”
“And then the dye?”
“Then you dye it, yeah. Roots first, then the lengths in small strands, let it sit for twenty more minutes or so, rinse it out and then you’re done.”
It’s weird to explain things that have become totally obvious to him step by step, but Bakugou looks strangely fascinated by what he’s hearing. He does likes things to be more complicated than simple in basically any regard, Kirishima muses with a private snicker. Perhaps it’s not that surprising, after all.
“I use pure red on everything but you can mix colors, too, there’s a whole science behind that. And if you decide ‘Hey, I haven’t suffered enough!’, you can do individual highlights as well. But that’s a production all in itself! Ask Kami, he does some wild things to get that lightning bolt just right.”
Bakugou slowly shakes his head. “You people are crazy. That can’t be worth it.” He squints at Kirishima, hums to himself and starts nodding, instead. Vaguely terrified of what’s brewing in that brain of his, Kirishima waits for him to finish thinking.
“Let’s do it.”
There it is, a suitably terrible idea. Also: What?
“Color or highlights?” Kirishima sputters. “Wait, you or me? Bro, I can live with my own mistakes but dyeing your hair is too much pressure. Like, I’ll do it if you really want me to but, um–”
“Color. And you, obviously. Who of us is freaking out about hair, huh? Sure as fuck ain’t me.”
I’m not freaking out about it, Kirishima wants to say. Okay, he had been freaking out a little. Maybe. Not anymore, not with the mental image of Bakugou with Riot-red hair sort of making his braincells implode.
It’s impossible to imagine. Kirishima tries to anyways, fails, shakes his head. Focus!
He draws a blank. Actually, Bakugou helping him with his hair does sound kind of fun. Until his patience inevitably runs out and he explodes the pot of dye, or something. Which could be hilarious, too.
(Not that he particularly wants to go back to puzzling over non-tangent cotangents – Ectoplasm always seems to know when he didn’t do the thing, though, and Kirishima hates disappointing his teachers more than he does the variable X.)
Bakugou sparks off in his direction. “We got three hours. 'nuff said.” He snatches up the math book they were sharing, Kirishima’s notepad and even the pencil out of his hand, and is out the room before Kirishima has fully registered they’re doing this.
“Shitty Hair!”
Kirishima jumps to his feet.
“This is so damn messy. How’s your bathroom not stained to hell already?”
Coming up on their third round over his bathroom sink, Kirishima feels little sleepy as he blinks up at Bakugou. That expression of intense concentration hasn’t budged all three rounds, Bakugou’s hands steady yet gentle where they’re starting to dab red dye over freshly bleached roots.
There’s a dot of crimson on his cheek already. After forcing gloves on Bakugou and explaining to him how red pigment is the hardest to wash out – on clothes, skin, hair, wherever it lands – Kirishima isn’t inclined to point it out to him just yet.
“I asked admin about it. They said everything in our rooms is practically indestructible, including the sinks.”
“Yeah, right? They thought of everything, it seems.”
Bakugou continues. Kirishima dozes.
“Your hair is dry as fuck, by the way.”
Kirishima shrugs with his eyes closed, following the nudge to turn his head so Bakugou can get to the back. This is so much more comfortable than doing it by himself.
“Can’t be helped, man. The dye by itself is fine, actually, it’s the bleach that’s causes most of the damage. Oh well, with the gel it’s hard as concrete, anyways.”
“Mhmm. You’ll go bald by the time we’re outta here.”
“Bald Hero: Red Riot”, Bakugou muses out loud, easily evading the kick Kirishima blindly aims at his shin. “Stop it, you’re gonna fuck up my hard work here.”
He’s smiling though, Kirishima can tell. It’s all in his voice, roughness replaced by warmth when it’s the two of them in Kirishima’s tiny bathroom.
“Stop dissing my hair, then. Besides, I know your secret.”
This Kirishima wants to see. He opens one eye and yup, Bakugou’s brows are doing the thing where they twitch and pull together. Not exactly a frown, more caught off guard than anything. Bakugou’s lips press shut, stubbornly silent as he brushes dye on every inch of Kirishima's hair.
Then: “I’m done. What am I s’posed to do with this shit?”
Kirishima glances at the pot Bakugou holds out to him. There’s still some of the thick liquid left.
“Just pour it on top. Can’t hurt and it’s better than throwing it away.”
Bakugou does exactly that. He tosses the empty pot and the thoroughly stained brush into the sink. Kirishima helps him wrap his hair in cellophane and a towel to reduce the possible mess, relocating to the closed lid of his toilet so Bakugou can take off the gloves and wash his hands.
“Okay, I’ll fucking bite. What secret?”
Lingering on the tension between them, Kirishima grins with all the confidence in the world. “That you like my hair.”
Bakugou barks a laugh. “After I went all Van Gogh on it? You better believe it’s good.”
“Nope, I mean before that”, Kirishima challenges.
“Proof?”, Bakugou shoots back without hesitation.
“Oh, I can give you proof.” Kirishima’s arms cross over the ratty shirt he always wears for this, its fabric dotted and streaked in interlacing shades of red. “One, it’s the first thing you noticed about me, hence ‘Shitty Hair’. Two, you were distracted by my roots growing in so you pay attention to how it looks–”
“I don’t–”
“–and three, you just spent hours dyeing it for me.”
Bakugou’s mouth snaps shut. He growls in his throat, grabbing an additional towel and drying his hands. Kirishima wasn’t aware those are actions that can be done aggressively but hey, he’s learning something new every day.
“Maybe”, Bakugou finally concedes. The towel is thrown in Kirishima’s face when all he does is smile. “Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
Bakugou’s cheeks are dusted pink. Still, Kirishima shows the guy some mercy: Bakugou spent all afternoon fixing both his hair and his math homework, after all.
“Hey, Baku?”
“… What?”
“Thanks, man. You’re a good friend, you know that?”
Somehow, that makes Bakugou look even more flustered. “Whatever, Shitty Hair.”
Because Bakugou is Bakugou, namely a man who doesn’t know when or how to quit, he sticks around until Kirishima can rinse out the dye. He emerges from the shower feeling fully restored, a towel wrapped around his waist and his shirt draped over his shoulder.
“And that’s how you do it.”
Bakugou throws him a look from his sprawl on Kirishima’s bed, manga in hand. His gaze flicks to his hair immediately; his lips twist upwards, obviously satisfied.
“Told ya, it ain’t hard.”
Kirishima chuckles, shakes his head. “You’re so full of shit, dude.”
Now that the hair situation is under control for a few weeks, he realizes how hungry he is. The evening has barely begun, too, which means there’s time for a movie before Bakugou’s ridiculous sleep schedule comes a-knocking, either taking him out or making him cranky. Each scenario has about a fifty-fifty chance of happening.
“Hey, you wanna–”
Out of nowhere, his door bursts open to reveal one Kaminari Denki, out of breath and clutching a very familiar book to his chest.
“Kiri! Please tell me you guys figured out the–”
His eyes fall first on the splattered shirt on Kirishima’s shoulder, the trails of watery red dripping from his hair to his naked chest – and then on Bakugou, hands stained a faint red despite the gloves, that smear of color on his cheek Kirishima forgot to tell him about still very much there.
“Is that blood? What happened? Oh my–” Kaminari gasps. “Did you kill somebody?! Oh fuck, we have to hide the bo–”
“Kami”, Kirishima tries between bouts of laughter, “No, what the hell!”
A familiar cackle behind him does absolutely nothing to help their case.
>>Chapter 8.
42 notes · View notes
iwantitiwriteit · 5 years ago
Love Lockdown - Part 3
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: Chris braces himself for his FaceTime with you.
Warnings: Angst, Pandemic backdrop, Profanity
Notes: First In My Feelings Monday™ on books! Hopefully there’ll be more musings as the weeks go on, but I loved the whimsy the mindset added to me day! 🥰 This part was kind tough to write cos it required me to get into an opposing mind frame from the Reader, but a fun challenge nonetheless! Read the previous part here!
As much as he loved Winter in Boston, it was Spring that really captured Chris’ heart.
He’d been watching the beautiful day pass by outside his home office window while he took a few remote meetings with his team. Lockdown didn’t mean shutdown, for Chris at least, as he’s in preparation mode for an upcoming virtual press junket.
However, as soon as those glorious words, “That’s all for today,” were uttered, he upped and gathered his jacket, Dodger and headed for the front door.
“Going for a walk!” He called over his shoulder, his way of saying he’d be back soon.
“Alright, let me grab my jacket!” Scott said in response. Chris sighed and laughed to himself as he waited by the door for his brother. “What?” Scott asked when he got to Chris, who was shaking his head at his brother’s self-invite. He just laughed lightly as they bounded for the street, locking the door behind them.
It took Chris some growing up to appreciate this season. Truly appreciate it. But he’s so glad he does now. There’s a polarity in its elements that make it unique from the other seasons. 
The bright sun peeks from behind thick clouds every so often, fully exposed and giving light gloriously. The flowers, shy and budding in March, are now in April, with just a little time, bold and in bloom. The trees billowing in the cold wind are unaware of their own fierce presence, so gentle in their saving grace that is their shade.
Kind of complex, Spring in Boston. Could be perceived as annoying in its inconsistency of temperature within a 24 hour period; cold one part of the day then hot the next. But he loved that not everyday or every hour was the same. Kept him on his toes in a way.
 He couldn’t help but imagine how you’d like it here at this time of year. How he’d like you here with him. To have you on this walk right now. To hold you close when the sharp wind cuts through, chilling you both. You’d say what you always say when you snuggle up to him for warmth; that your southern bones feel the cold more than he does.
Maybe it’s true. Or Maybe it’s a lame excuse to be closer to him. Either way, he’d never complain. He loves it. He loves you.
Chris smiles to himself at the thought. Yeah, you’d love it here in the Spring. Definitely more than you did in December. What a start to a shit show that turned out to be. Chris hates to think about it. But his brain can’t help but go back there sometimes.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Scott asks, walking alongside his brother.
Chris lets out a long breath. He’s back there right now. But it doesn’t start and stop there. December makes him think of January. January makes him think of February. Then March, and before he knows it, he’s been through the chain of events that led you two here: Him in Boston, and you in Tennessee. In love but hurting from it. In the midst of a pandemic? Your relationship is just as uncertain as the end to the world’s madness.
Chris kicks himself at the painful memories. Shaking his head, he looks over to Scott who is patient as his brother finds his words.
“I’m thinking that despite the craziness of the last few weeks, months even, and being on lockdown...”
“Uh-huh…” Scott says knowing there’s more
“In an odd way, I’ve felt more free than I have in a while.”
“How’s that?”
“Well… hasn’t it been kinda great being, ya’know, solo...?” Chris eludes, not wanting to say the actual words.
“Huh? Oooooh!” Scott says as he catches Chris’ drift.
Chris won’t lie; the last 3 weeks away from you have been headache free. The bachelor lifestyle coming back to him with ease. He’s spent enough years on his own to know how to revel in the perks of singleness. No side eyes when he’s yelling at CNN or football, no being told to do stupid, necessary chores that can wait til he’s ready, and no one to get hurt when he’s inevitably fucked up in some way or another.
“Only problem is, I’m the only one of us who’s actually single.”
“Right… I know, and don’t get me wrong! I feel really lucky she hasn’t left me yet, and that she’s stuck it out with me for this long. I really can’t imagine my life without her.”
“But…” Scott prompts.
Chris is hesitant as he starts again. “But lately, guiltily...I wonder if that would be such a bad thing. If we were to… ya’know,” Chris makes weird hand motions that Scott eventually interprets as “breakup”.
“It’s a wonder you’re any good at charades.”
As much as he feels bad and knows he could’ve done some things differently, handled some things better, Chris is sooo frustrated with you.
“Why won’t she just tell me what she’s really thinking— exactly what she’s feeling. I’m not a fucking mind reader! You would think it’d be easy for her, considering what she does for a living, I don’t get it man.”
Scott waits for his cue for Chris to ask the golden question, but when he doesn’t hear it, he looks over at his older brother. Chris looks every bit a boy that’s absolutely lovesick, kicking the rocks in his way, pouting down at his feet. “You want my opinion?” Scott eventually offers.
“Please. I don’t think Dodger’s gonna give me anything good.” Chris bends down to pet the pup quickly before continuing their walk
“I think she has told you what she’s feeling— just not explicitly from her mouth.”
“If that’s the case, then her shutting down every time we’re addressing an issue is supposed to mean…?”
“You’ve got to give her some room to emote, cos you can be a bit, well, you know.” Chris did know, but it didn’t make it sting any less.
Accusations from past girlfriends of him not listening, only hearing, what’s been communicated have not gone unnoted. That, coupled with his bubbling emotions have led to many a breakup in his life. Relationships demoted to damn near flings the way women have come and gone from his life. But what he has with you couldn’t just be another relationship for the books. Chris wants to break the cycle with you… for you.
“I thought I was doing that when I suggested we social distance separately. Then last night she made it very clear that I was very wrong.”
“I could’ve told you that you were very wrong. Tax free.” The two men make their way back to the house. Looking at his brother before him, all sad and distraught, Scott was not going to let him start his own pity party.
“I don’t want to lose her. She’s the one. She’s my one. I know it.”
“Then don’t lose her.”
“When’s anything EVER been that simple?”
“I’m not saying it is, but if you know she’s the one, don’t give up so easily bro. Try everything in your power to give her the relationship she deserves. And she will do the same for you. But, if the problems still persist, then maybe, it would be for the best if…” Scott trails off as he sees his brother’s eyes start to look like those of the dog by their feet. “Look, I’m just telling you from personal, very recent experience, that it isn’t all that bad being friends on the other side of it all.”
“Ugh, God! I think I’d rather have a limb caught off and force fed to me than try to be friends with her if we ever… I can’t even say it.” Chris pokes his tongue out like he’s tasted something awful.
“You’re being hella dramatic right now.”
“But bro, I’m not even exaggerating!” The brothers laugh as they walk up the driveway. As they cross the threshold of the front door, Chris’ reminder for your FaceTime call sounds off, echoing in the foyer. He turns it off and looks up at his brother. “That’s the call to my love’s fate” he tries to joke.
Scott wears a soft, empathetic smile “Everything’s gonna be just fine. No matter what.”
Chris tries to wear some optimism, but the possibility of this being the end of your relationship tugs at him. He won’t let it get a hold of him. “Thanks, bro. I’ll see you later. And DO NOT eavesdrop.”
“Whaaaat??? I would never!” Scott feigns offense. Chris looks unconvinced. “Dodge and I are gonna enjoy an afternoon movie, isn’t that right Dodgey Wodgey?” 
“Dodger’s not even buying it. Stop it.”
“Yeah, that was weird. See ya later, man.”
Chris takes the stairs to his bedroom two by two. He sets up his laptop, making sure to plug in its charger; wouldn’t want it to die on this call.
He paces around the space in front of his desk. As many video calls as he’s done the past few weeks, none of them were as important as this one. Nervousness washes over him. He decides to embrace it; it’s natural, and a good sign. He still cares. He can only hope you do, too. 
The digital clock strikes 2. It’s time.
He calls you, the laptop ringing for a while longer than his beating heart can take. His heart sinks and doubts creep in. Is this is it? Is she done with me? No fight, no… nothing? This can’t be it. But then the ringing ceases and the screen says “connecting”, a sigh of relief involuntarily escaping him.
He can’t help but beam, proud he knows you better than his negative thoughts do. Happy that you wouldn’t leave him high and dry. 
Then he sees your face. Your beautiful face. The natural lighting of your room bouncing off your gorgeous, brown skin. Your hair is the perfect combination of defined curls and loose wisps, neat but not overly so. You are the epitome of effortless, natural beauty. He almost feels like he’s seeing you for the first time.
“Hey baby! For a second there, I thought you wouldn’t answer,” he nervously chuckles. 
You smile at him but it doesn’t reach your eyes. He senses your apprehension, even through a screen. He hadn’t done a good job of setting up this conversation with peace of mind for you, now that he thinks about it. “We need to talk” is almost always followed by some heavy, unwanted shit. Not that this talk will be easy, but he most certainly doesn’t want you thinking the worst. He genuinely wants to talk; explain his fuck ups and frustrations. And try to listen.
He figures since he’s put you two here, it’s his job to steer this ship to calmer, nicer waters. Here goes. He tries some small talk, anxiety making him ramble. “So, how’s the… weather? That’s a stupid— ugh, I’m sure it’s, like, hot. You’re down south, where it’s hot—”
“Yes honey?”
“I don’t wanna do this with you.”
There it is; his worst fear. Losing you. No. He was determined to let his optimism win. Determined that his ears were deceiving him in this moment.
“What do you mean?”
Chris is too all in to go down without a fight, and  fight for you he was prepared to do.
Part 4 | What’d you think?
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iamdorka · 5 years ago
The making of the new album
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I wanted to post this hours ago but the wifi at the train station decided to be a bitch so I try to post it now. If it gets posted two times please love this one more, okay? 🙈
So as the release of his new album is closer and closer I decided to write something about it. Hope you will like it.
The making of the new album (headcanon)
- He was really excited about this one, because after opening about the demons in his head in Hotel Diablo on this one he really could show his true passion, every piece of it, without any restriction. He just kept pushing himself towards his truest self and you had to admire that, because his work was his life. Also he worked with some of the finest artist (including literally your heroes from your childhood and that got you even more excited if it was even possible).
- He loved when you were around in the studio even if you had nothing to do with music, your presence calmed him down even in his darkest moments. He needed that firm point in his life, he needed you.
- And you loved being there with him because even if listening to music, pretending you are sometimes Beyonce or other time the fearless frontgirl of a rockband like Hayley Williams was your only way engaging with music, seeing him creating his vision with his mates gave you a whole new understanding of literally everything. He was able to show you new things even after 2 years being in a relationship with him and you loved him for it, lived for it.
- You saw him at his lowest but also the highest point while creating this masterpiece and you were with him all along. You supported him and it meant the world to him, you knew it. He showed you that with words, with cute little actions.
- Yeah, you have to admit that sometimes it was a bit too much and it was hard for you to accept everything not that you should’ve accept everything. Even if you knew that he was working on a precious piece of his soul you weren’t blind. You saw that he was suffering inside. He needed to do this but the ache in your heart still was there it was really frightening sometimes.
- This creative process was a roller coaster for everybody. For him and for you too.
- He was overworking himself and sometimes he didn’t even notice it, which hurt you even more because half of your soul was him and seeing him like that was terrible. After creating and living in Hotel Diablo you knew it would come to this but really living it was different.
- You spent a lot of time alone too because he was on his feet 24/7 and slowing down never was an option for him. Yeah you knew that he was in love with music (beside you) but it still hurt like hell when you just couldn’t find him next to you when you needed him, when you were expecting him to be there.
- Even if you were with him in the last 2 years you still couldn't humanly imagine how he could manage being up and awake ALL THE TIME. Oh yeah... you knew how he could do that but you preferred not to think about it. He knew that his health wasn't at its peak and that you were mad at him because of it. He didn't accept worries from nobody... but you were different. Cliche or not.
- Sometimes but nowadays most of the time you just wanted to slap his beautiful face to beat some sense into him even if you knew it was a mission impossible. But not just he was who needed his other half... you needed him too and didn't want to lose him, not in a million years.
- The day when he finally showed the finished album to his label he wanted you to be there with him but your boss thought otherwise because he sent you to San Francisco the day before for a 2 day job. Your heart ache because you really wanted to be there with him and even if he didn't admit it he was a little but disappointed too.
- So you did everything humanly possible to get the work done in the shortest imaginable time, that's how you ended up on a train at 4am without getting any sleep just to get back in time to Los Angeles to be with him. He didn't know anything about it.
- You didn't even get home, you just cought an uber and with your suitcase and everything you were headed to Interscope.
- The only person who knew about your surprise appearance was Slim and he knew if he told anything to Colson you would gladly kill him with your bare hands without even thinking or blinking.
- You never got out of a car this fast because you got there exactly 5 minutes before them. (It was 10am and having Colson up at this time was a miracle to begin with but you did your own miracle too to be there on time.)
- 'I thought I will have to show them myself the album. You are late' when he entered the floor where the conference room was, you waited him there casually sitting on the couch not showing that it was hard even to breathe for you because you had to be that fast and you just fell to the couch a minute before. You tried to play it cool so you did.
- Not even saying a word as you stood up he brought you in his arms and hugged you like he hadn't seen you in ages. He had his girl with him.
- 'Am I dreaming?' he kissed your cheek as he let himself see your smiling face. For a brief moment he forgot why he was in that building.
- 'I know I'm your dream girl... but no, you are not.' you answered him smiling, biting your lip as you laced your fingers together not engaging in any pda because first: you two hated that, second: you had company and he had work to do, important work. 'But maybe I'm... because I haven't slept in the last 48 hours and I'm running on like 4 coffees' you murmured and when Slim gave you your new coffee you corrected yourself taking a sip from it. 'five and counting... '
- 'Good luck. I'M PROUD OF YOU AND I LOVE YOU' you told this to his lips as you sat down on the couch and he took his seat at the end of the big conference table. Everyone was ready, more than ready.
- He was living his best life and your heart was full of love watching him because he was enjoying every moment of this. He could not stop moving, you could see that he was already feeling himself at the live shows and he proved that too because he even got on the table dancing, rocking his soul to his new goodies.
- It really got your heart beat faster and even if you realised that some of the people didn't really appreciate your boyfriend that much, you couldn't care less because you could see how proud he was of his work. Sweat and blood. It was his, the best one yet.
- You even recorded him dancing on the table because it was the funniest shit ever and you knew his fans would appreciate it later. And you loved feeding them with quality content.
- When the presentation was over he could not hold himself back because when you stood up, wanting to congratulate him again (after all the other people) he picked you up and he was spinning with you not letting you to touch the ground. He was in an euphoric state and he didn't hide him.
- 'You are my world. Thanks for being here' he murmured to your neck and finally he put you down.
- 'I really am proud of you' you repeated yourself and you were glad Slim got closer to you as the people in the room started chatting about everything what was coming.
- 'You got it?' you asked him and he nodded without a word.
- 'Got what?' Colson asked cluelessly looking at you both.
- 'Nothing.' you replied as you asked him for his phone. 'But you just held yours a minute ago' he stated the truth. 'But I want... yours.' You asked politely again and he did finally what you asked him and without even thinking you gave immediately Slim the phone.
- 'Okay... I don't understand you. What are you up to?' he asked smirking at you.
- 'You... and me are up to catching a flight. You can't say no because I will handcuff you to me if you start to rebel. We are going on a little vacation right now.'
- 'You need this bro' Slim stated too watching as you didn't let Colson's hand from yours. 'I already fought with her because of this... and I didn't even have the slightest chance either... nor have you, so... just accept it'
- 'You really have a handcuff with you?' he asked the right question.
- 'Just bought a new pair in San Francisco, to make sure everything would be fine' he threatened him but you were sure that he would even enjoy if you used it right there and then.
- 'Ohh... it will be more than fine' he looked at you with the hungriest smirk on his lips.
- 'Please... get a room or whatever, but catch your flight because I think I'm gonna throw up in my mouth if I have to be with you two two more seconds' Slim said and you already were stealing the star of the moment leaving the place as fast as you arrived there.
- Maybe he had other plans, maybe the others did too but with the help of your very good friends you made sure everything would be okay. They agreed that he deserved this getaway before everything was coming and A LOT was coming. He needed that recharge and so did you.
- You managed to rent a beach house probably in the middle of nowhere and that place was exactly what you two needed. No internet, no people just the two of you and the calming sound of the ocean.
- Yeah, both of you were and still are the people who can't really sit in a place for more than a minute, because you had to do something but once in a while it was good just to... be. Because you just bought 'tickets to my downfall' and before all the craziness you had to remind him that he is a human being and if he loses his power he could not spread the energy to anybody else... not even himself.
Tag list (write me if you wanna be on it❤)
@no-shxt-sherl @kiss-yall @bakerkells @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @mgk-rooklover1997 @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @southernmgkpunk @thegunnerkelly @findingmyth @painkillerash @rosesinmars @rosegoldrichie @pinksocktingz @itjustkindahappenedreally @cclynn88 @bluehairedtracii
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calorieworkouts · 4 years ago
Not Giving 100 Percent Can Actually Help You Get Fitter
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It took years of having a sizzling, on-again-off-again connection with working out to finally uncover a deep and also following love for physical fitness-- and a six-pack. My key? I offered myself a break and quit asking myself to be so hardcore. Seriously, seldom do I give greater than 70 percent of my max effort.
It's difficult to believe that you do not need to torture yourself to be healthy, particularly when every ripped-AF person you fulfill at a coffee bar is going crazy concerning the CrossFit class that simply made their eyes bleed (... awesome!). Besides, traditional brother wisdom as well as even scientific studies declare that the tougher you function out, the far better results you obtain. (Failure, brother!!! You got ta obtain to failing, BRO!!!) Yep, I swallowed that blue tablet too.
It's simply that hardcore workouts NEVER benefited me.
People thought I was healthy since I had the highest PT rating in my battalion-- as a previous medic, I might run 20 miles at the decrease of a hat as well as knock senseless 130 push-ups soon. In spite of being able to perform under pressure, I never ever felt fit.
That could've had something to do with the truth that I always had some kind of catastrophic injury that maintained me from being regular as well as acquiring muscular tissue. And also honestly, injury was fine with me due to the fact that I hated exercising. It was a high-stress, low-fun point for me, as well as I would certainly take any reason to prevent it.
So I chose being 'slim fat' and semi-sedentary throughout my very early- to mid-20s, just reverting to binges of hardcore exercise when I got fed up with the means my body felt and look, and also always wearing out or obtaining harmed. I was essentially a bulimic exerciser.
That you could enjoy your exercises as well as basically be a well balanced person hadn't struck me yet (failing, bro, failure!!!). But shortly after I transformed 28, I stumbled upon one of those YouTube video clips that simply takes place to resonate with you in a satori-like minute from God (is there a formula for that?). And also it had me consuming alcohol a brand-new flavor of Kool-Aid within 24 hours.
Firas Zahabi, head trainer at Tristar Gym, was featured on the Joe Rogan Show, where he spoke regarding minimizing exercise intensity for more consistency, better type, and also a lot more gains. That's where I found out about the 70 percent concept: Just on uncommon celebrations, Zahabi states, need to you expand on your own past 70 percent of your regarded maximum effort. Essentially that suggests less hardcore exercises and even more 'softcore' workouts.
Certified personal trainer Shawn Mynar concurs, saying that exercises for total fitness must primarily be full body and low strength, with your effort level somewhere in between 60-70 percent of your perceived max.
The suggestion is never ever to be worn down to ensure that you can do premium reps all throughout the day-- we're chatting anywhere from 5 to 7 3-5 minute mini-workouts-- that method, you can continue functioning out the following day (when hardcore lifters can barely leave the pot). It was great sufficient for elite marathoners and weightlifters, so I provided it a shot.
I was hooked after the initial day.
The very first point I observed was that I really delighted in the workouts. Rather of going cross-eyed as well as crying in an edge (OK ... perhaps it was never ever that negative), my 'softcore' mini-workouts were no longer than a coffee break-- and also just as energizing.
I did my first 5 sets of 10 push-ups at 9 a.m. and also was ready for the 2nd round by 10, then duplicated the cycle every hour or two until sunset-- either hitting the flooring right beside my creating desk or roaming to a park five mins from my house.
The finest component was that rather than wanting to the clock and reasoning, Ugh… I've gotta go work out, I in fact couldn't wait to escape from job to utilize my body and really feel like a human being once again. It was entirely trouble-free and also fun, which is the specific opposite of what working out had constantly been for me.
And yeah, I work from house-- so you may be thinking, um, this seems incredibly inaccessible, however I recognize a person who made use of a conference area in his workplace for the same kind of training. Where there's a will (and also a decently flexible work setting), there's a way.
I ended up completing the day with concerning 300 push-ups overall, which was greater than I would normally perform in my hardcore days, as well as I felt awesome-- no strains, no DOMS, no sobbing in dark edges. I did pull-ups the following day (each round was 3 sets of 7), as well as the very same point took place-- I simply wished to return to my bar and also do increasingly more, since I wasn't killing myself, I could actually enjoy the movement and also really feel energized.
I operated in days of burpees, simply 5 at once, brief sprints of 40 yards, squats, slabs, weightlifting-- rarely going over 70 percent max. And it was the exact same story for each: I fell much more crazy with health and fitness after each collection. No injuries, no exhaustion. Simply more energy and results.
Friends and household were commenting on my transforming figure within the first month.
My (undoubtedly somewhat unusual) family participants began chatting about my 'wonderful belly.' By month two, I had actually a specified six-pack for the initial time in my life, as well as my infamously hollow upper breast was lastly starting to fill in. The truth that I was still exercising by the third month was a testimony to how well the 70 percent regulation had functioned for me because I would certainly never stuck to anything for that long.
This isn't to say there isn't a sort of individual that can obtain stimulated by crazy-intense exercises. It's simply that I was never ever that person, try as I did. The very best component of it all? After years of fearing workout, exercising by doing this lastly triggered my love for physical fitness. And also that's something every person can use.
Dan Dowling is an author and train in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Obtained some physical fitness or profession objectives you're putting off? Swing by his blog site, Millennial Success.
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silenthillmutual · 5 years ago
what Classic Film(TM) you should watch based on who your fave Danganronpa 1/2 character is
disclaimer - obviously as a film dude i’m gonna say you should watch all of these. but maybe watch the one correlating to your fave first!
Makoto: 12 Angry Men (1957, dir. Sidney Lumet) - strong themes of justice, it’s about a jury trying to determine a man’s guilt. it’s basically what Makoto does for the entire game. you’ll also like it if you’re a fan of Phoenix Wright.
Sayaka: A Star is Born (1954, dir. George Cukor) - it’s all about a girl’s rise to fame and how her relationships change with that. there’s three versions of this film, most recently with Lady Gaga. 
Mukuro: Vertigo (1958, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) - themes of murder and hiding your identity, losing yourself to a cause.
Leon: Animal House (1978, dir. John Landis) - a comedy about a fraternity. it’s THE college frat movie and i think Leon would enjoy it a lot.
Chihiro: WarGames (1983, dir. John Badham) - two teenagers might have accidentally started a world war during the cold war by trying to play computer games...fitting for the series, no?
Mondo: On the Waterfront (1954, dir. Elia Kazan) - struggling to do the right thing and being sort of frustrated about your circumstances as they pertain to class and missed opportunities. being dragged into bad situations by family. also Marlon Brando is a bicon and very hot in this movie.
Taka: Rebel Without a Cause (1955, dir. Nicholas Ray) - a lot of turbulent shit happens to three teenagers over the course of 24 hours. one of - if not the first canonically gay teenager on film. i think we all know by now that James Dean was mlm, but so were the director and Sal Mineo. big bi polyam vibes; if you like chishimondo as a ship you’ll probably like this film too.
Hifumi: Akira (1988, dir. Katsuhiro Otomo) - had a hard time figuring out what to put for Hifumi, but overall i think if nothing else he’d appreciate how impressive the animation was (and honestly, still is) along with the fact that the mangaka was also the director. so although there’s a lot cut out (the manga had not finished before the film came out), it’s still roughly the same plot as the manga.
Celes: Dracula (1931, dir. Tod Browning) - probably the most iconic iteration of Bram Stoker’s novel, this is the one staring Bela Lugosi. not terribly true to the novel from what i remember, but it’s peak aesthetic and exactly the kind of thing she’d enjoy.
Sakura: Rashomon (1950, dir. Akira Kurosawa) - finally getting onto films i haven’t actually seen but that are on my list. sakura’s another person i had a hard time deciding on a film for, but the “several characters telling different accounts of the same plot” reminded me a bit of her case in the game. 
Hina: West Side Story (1961, dir. Robert Wise & Jerome Robbins) - admittedly i had a different film in mind for her to start with, but Maria’s final monologue fits with Hina’s motivations during Sakura’s case.
Toko: Gone With the Wind (1939, dir. Victor Fleming) - another one i haven’t actually watched yet, but it’s based on a famous novel, described as “epic historical romance.” i think that vibes with Toko pretty well.
Byakuya: Citizen Kane (1941, dir. Orson Welles) - if you’re really interested in film, you’re gonna be made to watch this sooner or later. famous for being the “best film ever made”, it’s more or less about newspaper moguls like William Randolph Hearst - who is also the main reason why this film is famous at all. it’s not exactly a flattering depiction of those kinds of people and boy, did that ever piss Hearst off. if he hadn’t made such a big deal trying to keep Citizen Kane from seeing the light of day, something much better might have made it to the top spot. 
Hiro: The Music Man (1962, dir. Morton DaCosta) - based on the Broadway musical of the same name, a “travelling salesman” (read: con artist) starts to work his latest con on a gullible small town, but actually starts liking the people in it.
Kyoko: The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) - not to be confused with the other Hitchcock film from the 30s also titled The Man Who Knew Too Much. this is the one with James Stewart and Doris Day. it’s a highly suspenseful film that gave us the song “Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)”.
Junko: Gaslight (1944, dir. George Cukor) - ever heard the term “gaslighting”? this is where it comes from! based on a play in which a woman’s husband psychologically tortures her into believing she is going insane.
Monokuma: Duck Soup (1933, dir. Leo McCarey) - all Marx Brothers films are as utterly silly (and sometimes as incomprehensible) as one of Monokuma’s MonoTheatres. i watched about half of Duck Soup and had to stop because it was finals week and i was supposed to be doing something other than losing my shit.
Hajime: It’s a Wonderful Life (1946, dir. Frank Capra) - you probably already know this film. if you’re Christian you know it as That Film Your Parents Watch Every Year On Dec 24th Around Midnight. if you have seasonal depression, don’t watch it then; warning for suicidal ideation. it’s supposed to be uplifting. your mileage may vary on that one. 
Impostor: To Kill a Mockingbird (1962, dir. Robert Mulligan) - i don’t have a good reason to pair these two up other than gut feeling. as far as film adaptations of books go, it’s pretty damn good, and Atticus Finch is the original DILF. themes of childhood innocence and racism. 
Teruteru: Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961, dir. Blake Edwards) - apparently much different from the novella on which it is based, but i think Teruteru would really dig the aesthetic and romantic vibes of the film. Holly Golightly is probably the original Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
Mahiru: Rear Window (1954, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) - like It’s a Wonderful Life, chances are good you know this film - or at least, you’ve seen its plot recycled a hell of a lot. a professional photographer recovering from a broken leg thinks he witnesses a murder take place and is determined to get to the truth.
Peko: Seven Samurai (1954, dir. Akira Kurosawa) - another one on my to-watch list, but it’s oft referenced and remade in film. a village hires seven ronin to protect them from bandits who will return to steal their crops. 
Hiyoko: East of Eden (1955, dir. Elia Kazan) - i’ll be honest here, i didn’t really know what to put for Hiyoko because i’m not sure i understand much about her, but i seem to remember her family playing a pretty big role in her being Like That and for “shitty family” the first two things to come to mind were this and Giant. and unless you like 3-hour long movies about the state of Texas, i’m not about to recommend you watch Giant.
Ibuki: A Night at the Opera (1935, dir. Sam Wood) - another Marx Bros film in which they help a girl both to be with her lover and to achieve her dreams of stardom as an opera singer. the kind of silly, manic thing i think Ibuki would like.
Mikan: The Shining (1980, dir. Stanley Kubrick) - i hate hate hate putting this on here, but since this is for film and not books i couldn’t exactly state to read the book. the book is about the cycle of abuse. the movie is more about... a trapped man going crazy in a spooky hotel. 
Nekomaru: It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963, dir. Stanley Kramer) - comedy about five groups of people racing to get to a large sum of money buried by a recently escaped convict they stopped to help out after his car crash. it’s a comedy, and just kinda seemed like Nekomaru’s thing.
Gundham: The Seventh Seal (1957, dir. Ingmar Bergman) - i watched this in like 10th grade and all i really remember is a man playing chess with Death and if that doesn’t say Gundham Tanaka to you, i don’t know what does.
Nagito: North by Northwest (1959, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) - i don’t really have a reason for this one either but it’s a spy film and i think komaeda could get behind that kind of intrigue. 
Chiaki: Metropolis (1927, dir. Fritz Lang) - not to be confused with the anime, this is a 1927 German expressionist film that seems to be about socialism and unionization. it’s also famous for its (purposeful) use of the Male Gaze and being one of the first sci-fi films ever made. be warned: it is a silent film.
Sonia: Strangers on a Train (1951, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) - another one of those films you’ll get told to watch if you’re interested in the queer history of film, i was gonna put something else but honestly the character of Barbara kinda reminded me of Sonia. a famous tennis player meets a man on a train who attempts to plan a double-murder with him.
Akane: My Fair Lady (1964, dir. George Cukor) - i was trying so hard not to double up on the post about musicals, but Akane really does have Eliza Doolittle vibes. they’re both feral and nothing would be able to really domesticate them. for whatever it’s worth, this film and the musical on which it is based is itself based on the play Pygmalion, in which your typical rich cishet white dude bets he can turn any street urchin into a real lady because he’s just that good. you might know the plot better as Pretty Woman.
Kazuichi: A Streetcar Named Desire (1951, dir. Elia Kazan) - i don’t really have a good excuse for this one, either; i haven’t even watched it yet (although i have read the play on which it is based). all i’m gonna say is i want Souda to have his gay awakening via Marlon Brando, as we all do.
Fuyuhiko: Casablanca (1942, dir. Michael Curtiz) - despite his love and adoration for Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey Bogart decides fighting Nazis is more important. i think Fuyuhiko would like the aesthetic, and the film. don’t let him know but i think he’d probably cry watching it.
Usami: To Sir, With Love (1967, dir. James Clavell) - issues of race and class intersecting in a film about a teacher working with inner city students. i was going to put Singin’ in the Rain here, because it’s what Usami would want people to watch...but i think this better fits the effect she wants to have as a being. 
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lubeny · 4 years ago
Electro rock
'' Every trolls is the reflection of the music they listen to '' That phrase echoed in the head of that rock queen, the meaning of it was obvious. The POP trolls were cheerful and brightly colored, the funk trolls conveyed a good vibe no matter what, the classical music trolls were refined and neat, the country trolls had the face of being serious and proud but at the same time pleasant, their race, rock trolls were crazy and somewhat violent, that was their nature, and finally, techno trolls, that race where the person he loves most belonged. I know it's strange or even wrong, but the rock queen only sighed when she saw the Trollex king, everything about him seemed perfect, his face, his smile, that beautiful body, his colors, by God that hair and of course that cute personality that made her turn redder than her hair, she was not a sweetheart and much less romantic, these feelings were very confusing at the time, no one imagined that after Trollstopia was founded, the queen of rock and the king techno began to come out, many did not see it in the best way, but heck they were royalty, do you think that the whining of some trolls would prevent the happiness of both monarchs? If you answered yes, you are an asshole '' to Sometimes the love of your life can come after the mistake of your life '' that queen thought. What started with helping to rebuild techno reef turned into a beautiful friendship, which turned into laughter, fights, reconciliations and many beautiful moments, after all that, he formed a courtship, many were excited, others disapproved and many gave him Likewise, they had already been dating for 4 years, they were planning to marry at 25, they were both 24 years old at the time and as their last wedding anniversary, before joining their lives forever, Barb wanted to do something special for trollex. In recent years Barb has given several things, headphones, necklaces, nights of passion, and much more, she wanted this year to be unforgettable, she tried for hours to write her a song in the type of music that her boyfriend loved almost at the same level that she, EYE almost, Barb knew that trollex loved her more than her music, "Damn," Barb cursed, trying to put lyrics to music that she was 99% sure had no instrument was difficult. -Barb what's up? -His little brother Riff entered his room, that prince was attracted by the curses of his superior "Why is Riff difficult?" Barb asked his brother somewhat tiredly. "Why is it difficult to put lyrics to some beep and bup?" -Bip and bup? - The prince was somewhat confused, he did not know what his sister was referring to, but, looking at Barb, he could see the photo of the king of the trolls ceiling next to him, his neurons already started to work- Ohhh you talk about music ceiling "Of course I'm talking about techno music!" Barb said looking at the mess of papers next to her. -What exactly do you want to do? - -I want to write a song to trollex for our anniversary- Barb took one of the papers where she had written a song trying to imitate or at least get closer to techno -but everything I write is terrible- said that, the queen of rock made a ball paper and I throw it
-Have you tried writing him one in rock? -
-Many, I have hundreds, but I want this to be special - Barb said disappointed in herself
"You can go to Bliss Marin's house, she's a good DJ, she can give you some advice," her brother suggested. The focus of that queen lit up. (...) -Okey, okey, okey- The techno trolls read the notes of that girl with maroon hair Barb went to visit Bliss Marina as her brother had suggested, that mermaid was very happy for the queen's visit, but Barb got to the point and wanted her to help him write a song. -Barb I'll be very honest ... this is all rubbish- Marina threw all the barb notes in the trash "ARG KNEW IT !!!" Barb was upset and frustrated, her king deserved the best. -These losses girl, your anniversary is tomorrow and it is already 5 in the afternoon, I cannot teach you to be a Techno music in an afternoon, this is an art that you have been practicing for years, - affirmed Marina -Then you can't help me? - Barb asked, she was a little desperate -If you want I can write him a song and make a rhythm- Marina suggested -Of course not, this has to come from me, I will feel very bad if what I am singing for the love of my life comes from another person- reveals barb -Well, I can't do much- Both girls were thinking for a while, Marina was thinking about how to help barb and meanwhile the Queen of Rock just sat staring at nothing, she was disappointed and frustrated for not being able to give a song to her king. -I know! - Marina turned on the spotlight- you could look for the neon pearl -Neon pearl? -Barb didn't know what she meant -It is a pearl that is said to make anyone a techno expert just by having it- says Marina -That's a ... good idea? - Barb didn't know what to call it -Perfect, just go to the field of black algae and in the brightest clam you will find the neon pearl- Marina pushed Barb outside her house to start her journey. -I never leave home without my guitar- Barb took the guitar from her and said goodbye to Marina to start her journey. (...) -Where is he, where is he? - It had been about 5 hours, Barb was already in the black kelp forest, a place both beautiful and mysterious, The algae lit up since the sun set the sun, but the rocker did not know it or did not care, it was too focused on finding the neon pearl to dedicate a song worthy of the king to her beloved. She was searching the forest for that gem that would help him show her love for the techno leader. Of course, in her hair were several rock songs that she wrote with her lover in mind, but no, the song had to be techno. Barb kept looking all over the place, she wouldn't give up until she found something to help her play the same music as Trollex. Without paying attention to anything other than finding a clam, Barb did not realize that, in the distance, a moray eel was stalking her, the large fish saw her as a potential prey, Maybe Bliss Marina I didn't know that eels can eat rock trolls, but it was obvious that barb would be in danger. (...) -Hey Marina, do you know where Barb is? - The one who spoke was Trollex, the Trollex king of techno trolls, that young king was looking for her beloved, he hadn't seen her in hours and he started to worry. -Riff told me she was with me and that you were helping her with something- -She's ...- Bliss Marina tried to make up an excuse, she didn't want Barb's surprise- she's in the library -Library? - the trollex king did not believe him at all - You are right- -Marina tell the truth you are bad at lying- said trollex -well ... she is, in the Black algae forest- reveals the mermaid "WHAT?" The words of her subordinate worried the king "IN THE BLACK ALGAE FOREST?" Trollex felt that he would give her a fit. -Yes, why so worried? -THIS PLACE IS INFESTED OF PREDATORS !!! - said trollex altered -Predators? but you didn't expel them- says Bliss -I THOUGHT THAT, BUT THEY CAME BACK FOR THE REPRODUCTION SEASON- he said excitedly Bliss Marina thought for a moment and analyzed what she was thinking. -Oh shit...- (...) While all that was happening ... What was the matter with Queen Barb? -AHHHH- The poor queen of rock was fleeing from a ferocious eel, that fish only opened and closed her jaw trying to get those trolls to enter and devour her. Barb swam for her life, she was scared and with good reason, these eels have taken their lives many techno trolls, Barb did not want to be next, they not only had to look for a pearl to write a song for her lover, of course, if this I came out of this alive. -cu-cute little fish- Barb was cornered in a coral, she tried to distract the beast, calm it and thus be able to flee. The beast only growled getting closer and closer, it opened its mouth showing its sticky, blood-filled mouth, ready to eat. Barb was waiting for him but and she got into the fetal position, there was nothing else to do, she couldn't run away; until, she could feel something next to her, it was her guitar. Then she Barb remembered when she invaded Techno Reef, she remembered what her guitar did and she knew what to do ... (...) -Barb! - -Barbara!- -Her majesty of her! - All those voices were those of Trollex and the other leaders, they were looking for Barb, it was almost midnight and there was no sign of Barb. -Barb, Barbara, My QUEEN !!! - Trollex took a breath and shouted with all his might, he was worried about her girlfriend, that place was very dangerous and he feared the worst, he did not want to lose her like that, in half an hour of her anniversary. -Any new advance? -Asked the essence queen to her son D - nothing mom- answered D -We must find it, we have 1 hours looking for it and I think Trollex's heart won't take it anymore- said delta pointing to Trollex The poor man was very ill, you could see the despair and anxiety on his face, the simple fact of thinking that the love of his life, the trolls that was the cause of his smiles and his sighs, is hurt or even worse ... He was not able to say those words, he asked his ancestors not to be today the day when he says: "Barb" and "dead" in the same sentence. While the hands of the clock advanced the hopes were lost. -I found something !!! - Ramón yelled and everyone heard them. Trollex swam quickly to where Ramón was, when he arrived he desperately began to look for Barb. -Where, where is she? -Asked Trollex altered -Quiet friend- Ramón took out a handful of clothes -What is that? -It's Barb's clothes, I only found that with a little blood on a coral, - revealed Ramón- sorry Bro Trollex just took the clothes and smelled them, they still had their scent, these clothes, it may mean that their queen is gone, all those beautiful moments that they planned for the future were fading, Trollex's smile was fading, some tears were coming out From his eyes, he couldn't believe it was true, his beloved had been eaten. The other leaders lowered their heads sadly and approached Trollex -My boy- the queen stroked the head of the techno king trying to comfort him. Trollex clung to them needed maternal care. -Why-why sniff ahhhhh- the young king cried in the essence chest, he felt a lot of pain at that moment, his beautiful queen, his girlfriend and future
His wife had left his side, everything hurt, he could no longer see his beloved again, her smiles, laughter, her music, all that only lived in her memory. Her body started to go pale, her colors were fading. Everyone was sad and in mourning, until suddenly she could hear a very loud sound, a roar that made all the algae tremble and some animals came out swimming quickly. They all looked confused, but as the noise got closer to them they started to panic and raised their guard. They heard a roar even louder than all the previous ones, also a great blow, when the paraton noises were all confused. A great cloud of dust covered the gar, many coughed and others closed their eyes. Poppy opened her eyes and saw a figure. -Ba-Barb? - Saying that, everyone opened their eyes and smiled, she was the queen of rock. Barb was still alive, tired and with a guitar in her hands. -BARB! - The trollex king separated himself from his essence and swam out to embrace his beloved. -TROLLEX- -BARB- -TROLLEX- Both lovers hugged each other tightly and began to cry on the shoulders of others, the tears danced with each other, they were happy and very happy, barb was fine, Trollex had recovered his beloved, her colors began to shine, everything was fine. . The others covered their eyes, there is something that trollex did not realize. -Barb my love is it okay? -Trollex took his cheek, he was very worried -I'm fine and you? you look awful-answered Barb -I'm fine but you- -Who cares? -Asked barb -I care- said trollex hugging her Barb just laughs and trollex smiles at her, the king of techno picks up her girlfriend and starts kissing her whole face with a warm smile. -what happened?- -I'll just say that ... I tried to find something to help me play techno, I found an eel and ... I killed it to the point of rock- barb looked at the distance, trollex also looked, and could see a large eel with the exploded and bleeding ears. -HAHAHAHA- trollex laughed a little, he was happy to have her in his arms again. The clock struck 12, it was a new day, it was the anniversary of trollex and barb. -Happy anniversary my queen- Trollex kiss barb on the lips -Thank you my king ... I'm sorry I don't have a song for you-Barb said a little disappointed- I wanted to write you a song in the kind of song that you love, I wanted to show you how much I love you, the music that you love, that reminds me of you, I wanted you to know how much you mean to me
-Barb you don't need anything like that, I'm happy just to see you, you didn't have to risk your life for me, my music is not what I love the most, that's you, my music would no longer be music if you are, since you arrived my music improved, before my music was only music, it was something normal, and before it meant something to me, but, looking at the past, I realize that now, with you, that music compared to the me of the past is not music, now it's magic, that's how I feel about you- the techmo king tells his girlfriend Barb just kissed her boyfriend, they both closed their eyes letting themselves be carried away by the moment, both were happy, her love was strong, it was perfect. -Hey guys- The moment didn't last long, Poppy spoke up and interrupted them. They parted ways and Barb gave Poppy a bad look. -I just wanted to tell you that ... you can cover yourself Barb- the queen of pop pointed to Barb and she was completely naked. -AHHH- the queen screamed and hid behind trollex -Ya heart - trollex charge her to take her home (...) I was hanging out with you and then I realized I didn't think it was true I was surprised When I found out that I have fallen in love with you If I told you how I feel But i can't help it I'm falling in love with you And i can't quit Because i'm trapped in you And it could be pathetic and you could be skeptical But I just want to be with you Please tell me boy Can you give me a hint? Or it happens because I just want to be with you I am scared To tell you how i feel Maybe it's better if I try to hide the truth For me and for you But I'm still caught up in you, ooh, ooh I, I'm still falling in love with you For you Barb finished singing while she caressed the cheek of her lover, it was 4 in the morning of her anniversary, the trollex king was only sleeping peacefully in the bed of his girlfriend. Barb smiled at every move her partner made while she dreamed, seeing him, she imagined a thousand things, things would come true, a future together and the day that officially Rock and Techno would unite and form: electro rock . END -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Hahaha well this is the first one-shot of the couple, I honestly think I look bad, I would like to know your opinion, do you like it? Give ideas for more one.shot Thank you for reading. Sorry if the translation is bad, English is not my mother tongue
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nickelkeep · 5 years ago
Slice of Your Pie
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Naomi/Zachariah Rating: Mature Word Count: 6900 Warnings: Homophobic Language, Sexism, Dean going off.  On Ao3
It wasn't like Gabe to call before noon. Usually, because Castiel was working and Gabe knew better, but also because Gabe would be in the middle of a busy shift at one of his bakeries. Castiel hesitantly picked up the phone, grateful for the week off from his job.
"Gabe, are you in prison?"
"Come on, Cassie. Is that the only reason I would call you?" Gabe's voice was boisterous yet nervous. "I'm just checking in on my favorite baby brother."
"I'm your only baby brother." Castiel pulled the phone away from his ear to confirm the time. "Shouldn't you be elbow deep in flour or something, right now?"
"Nope. All three shops are under control, and I took the week off to fly in. Staying with Mom and Dad, you know?" Gabe's happy charade was faltering, and Castiel had a feeling of what was coming. "It's always great being home. Especially when I get to spend time with my favorite brother."
"Still, your only brother. Did Anna say no to you crashing at her place?" Castiel leaned back in his couch and kicked his legs up on the coffee table, careful to not disturb the stack of papers he had been grading.
"Anna's out of town until Thanksgiving, and something about she doesn't trust me to not burn down her house."
Castiel laughed. "That's a legitimate concern. Are you asking to crash here?"
"Actually, no. Mom and Dad have left me alone, for the most part." Gabe let out a heavy sigh, as though he had been burdened with the most laborious task on the planet. "Are you coming for Thanksgiving?"Castiel pulled the phone away and looked at the clock on it for the third time. "Gabe, have you been drinking?"
"Look, I told them it would be pointless, but they didn't listen. They want all three of us there for the holiday. Dad said he's getting up there in age, and he wants to be surrounded by his children and non-existent grandchildren."
"Like he's getting grandchildren from any of us." Castiel rolled his eyes. "No. I'm not coming."
"You know that's not going to fly." Gabe suddenly sounded exhausted. "Me and Anna will be here."
"Great, then he's got his two kids, happy marriage and white picket fence. Make sure you pick up a dog for him before you leave."
"Castiel, please. Don't make me beg. Or sic Anna on you."
Castiel pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. "Anna's smart enough to not call or to tell our parents to piss off."
"It's just a couple hours on one day. You can cold shoulder them and give them the good old silent treatment." Gabe's voice took on a subtle hint of pleading. "Help me get them off my case and yours."
"I'm much happier spending my Thanksgiving at home with take out and a movie marathon. I might be alone, but at least I'm not getting attacked every other word out of their mouths." Castiel rubbed his forehead, trying to erase the thought of going to his parents for the holiday.
"That was one year, Cassie."
"Excuse me? What fiasco have you been watching?" Castiel stood up and moved to the kitchen to get a beer. "'Why are you single, Castiel?' 'Are you over your phase, Castiel?' 'Castiel, are you going to find a nice woman and give us grandkids?'" Castiel scoffed. "Don't even get me started on the digs they take at my job."
Gabe took in a suction of air, indicating that he was working on an idea. After a pause, he spoke up. "Bring a date."
"Right, like I'm going to find a guy to date me in less than a week." Castiel rolled his eyes.
"There are escort services, Cassie." Gabe paused. "Wait, that's it. There's also Craig's List. See if you can find a date for the day."
"That's ridiculous."
"I'm serious, hop on, look in the area, and check out casual encounters. That's got to be someone else looking for someone to spend the day with."
Castiel rolled his eyes and grabbed his laptop off the coffee table. "I thought that was for more... intimate encounters."
"HA! Like I'd send you to that part of the website. I certainly don't want to picture my baby bro doing the do with a dude."
"But, you just want me to bring a random person to Mom and Dad's to keep them off your back and mine." Castiel cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder as he typed in the address for Craig's List. "Look, I make no promises. If I don't make it, you can tell them that their worst fear came to fruition."
Gabe laughed. "That you married some random guy behind their backs, and you're moving to Venice to be Gondolier Captains."
"Maybe that one would push father over the edge." Castiel laughed. "Maybe this isn't a bad idea. I'll call you tomorrow with a definite answer. You and I both know either are good."
"That's my Castiel." The warm affection caused Castiel to smile. "Please give it a sincere look over, ok?"
Castiel promised to give it the old college try and disconnected his call with Gabe.
He pulled up the Casual Encounters section of Craig's List and was surprised to find out how right Gabe was. Many people were offering their services for Thanksgiving company. As he scrolled through the ads, one with an interesting title caught his attention.
Alone on Thanksgiving? Want to stop the ‘Why are you still single?’ questions?
I’m a 35-year-old guy with a GED and a loud, beautiful muscle car that’s older than I am. When people try to guess my age, I get anywhere from 32-38 depending on if I’ve taken the time to put on clothes that aren’t holey jeans and flannel shirts and do my hair. I work as a cook in my friend’s restaurant and tend bar for an aunt when I need extra cash. So if you’re looking for a platonic person to be your SO for a day, I can do it.
I am bisexual, so I don’t care if you’re male or female.
At your request, I can:
Hit on family members (including your parents).
Start an argument over politics and religion (I’m a liberal atheist).
Propose to you (I have a ring that works perfectly for this).
I can also act drunk as a skunk, but I personally don’t drink. I’ve been sober for a few years now. Need a ‘drunken’ fistfight started? I’m your guy.
I’m not looking for payment other than the free meal that comes from accompanying you.
Castiel smiled. This was perfect. It was a guy, he would appear to be less than to his folks, and he promised that he could cause a ruckus. Castiel quickly clicked the contact link and got their number to text them.
[1:00 PM Castiel:] Hi, I just found your add on Craig's List. Is your thanksgiving dinner date offer still open?
He waited several minutes, scrolling through a few more adds, just in case, when his phone's notification for a text message went off.
[1:07 PM 555-555-6767:] Hey, yeah. I didn't think anyone was interested, or it got buried. Name's Dean. You?
Castiel smiled, this crazy idea might actually work.
[1:09 PM Castiel:] My name is Castiel, and I am very interested in you pissing off my parents.
Castiel hit send and realized he needed more information about the random stranger he invited to Thanksgiving with him. As he got ready to send a request to meet in public, Dean beat him to it.
[1:12 PM Dean:] Interesting name there. You free in about an hour to meet? Would kinda like to see you and talk to you before I conform. It also sells the dating thing better. [1:15 PM Dean:] Any particular place where we can meet?
Castiel sighed out a breath of relief before sucking in a breath of panic. Where could they meet?
[1:17 PM Castiel:] A cup of coffee or tea, maybe? I only know of Right Ground, but they're good.
[1:19 PM Dean:] Oh hell yeah! My friend is the owner. The petite redhead?
[1:20 PM Castiel:] Charlie, right? I've seen her a couple of times.
[1:22 PM Dean:] Perfect! I get off soon and can head right over.
[1:24 Castiel:] Sounds good. What should I look for?
[1:30 Dean] Black Impala. She's my pride and joy. If you're looking for me, Sandy Brown hair, Green Eyes, lots of freckles, and uh...
[1:31 Castiel:] What?
Castiel tilted his head in confusion as he waited for Dean's reply. Was this going to be where he mentioned he had a humpback?
[1:36 Dean:] I'm a bit bowlegged. I've been told it's a bit of a turnoff, but I figured I'd be honest upfront.
Castiel let out a laugh of relief.
[1:38 Castiel:] There is nothing wrong with bowlegs. I've heard they make some things easier. 😘
As soon as Castiel sent the message, he instantly wished he could take it back. Instead, he quickly sent a follow-up message.
[1:39 Castiel:] I'm going to go get ready. See you in about 25 minutes.
Castiel let out a huff of air while waiting for lighting to strike, or a boulder to be dropped on him.
[1:41 Dean:] LOL! See you soon, dude. (Dude, right?)
Castiel didn't get a chance to respond as he quickly hopped in the shower and got ready to meet Dean for the first time.
Castiel had arrived slightly ahead of his and Dean's arranged meeting time. He didn't see a black Impala anywhere, and when he walked inside, there were no men that matched Dean's initial description. Castiel headed to a corner seat that he normally tried to grab when he went to get coffee and found it surprisingly empty.
He sat down, facing the entrance with his back against the wall. A little kernel of self-doubt starting to grow in the back of his mind. Charlie was behind the counter, and he briefly wondered if Dean texted her to tell him to keep an eye for him.
Castiel went to grab his phone to check the time when the low rumble of a muscle car stopped him. He stole another glance at Charlie, and a huge smile crept upon her face. Castiel looked out the front windows. Dean's black Chevy Impala pulled into a spot, and out exited Adonis himself.
Dean didn't give himself enough credit when he described himself. The sandy brown hair was styled short and looked as though it would be soft for Cas to run his fingers through. And the freckles! Dean was a walking star map, and Cas wanted to trace his fingers along the freckles he could see. The only thing he couldn't see were Dean's self-proclaimed green eyes.
Once Dean entered the cafe, Charlie yelled to him and ran out from behind the counter. She wrapped her arms around him and started animatedly yelling at him for not checking in often enough. Dean graciously accepted her punishment and walked further into the shop. Castiel could finally make out the bowlegs that Dean appeared to be self-conscience about. If anything, the legs emphasized everything perfectly.
Castiel shook his head once, twice, and a third time for good measure. This was supposed to be a professional business interaction. He stood up while sliding out of the booth and walked over to Dean and Charlie. "Hello, I'm sorry for interrupting, but are you Dean?"
Charlie looked at Castiel and smiled before looking back at Dean. "You come to my shop for a date, Winchester? Not to see me? I'm offended. Now you don't get that slice of pie." She punched Dean in the shoulder.
"Hey! It wasn't my idea, it was Cas'. He said he liked your coffee." Dean looked at Castiel.
"He is right, I can show you the text message." Castiel reached for his phone in his pocket before finding his hand being swatted away. 
"I believe him, and you. Gotta give the old man shit, though."
"Old man?" Dean blinked in shock. "I'm offended."
Charlie shrugged and walked back around the counter. "If you two want drinks, get up here and order before we have the final rush of the day."
"After you, Cas." Dean gestured. "Also, is Cas ok? Not sure how to pronounce your full name."
"Cas - Tee - Ell. But Cas is fine. If anything, it would infuriate my mother and father more." Cas smiled. "My brother calls me Cassie, I hate it, but I let him get away with it."
"Okay, one brother. Any other siblings?" Dean smiled at Cas.
Cas blushed from Dean's smile, "I have my brother Gabriel and my sister Anna."
"Are they part of the deal? Or are they off-limits?" Dean asked. "I mean, I clearly know you want me to go after your pops at the very least."
"You can jab at them if they jab at you." Cas conceded. "Looking for someone to come with me was actually Gabe's idea. So he may not appreciate being a part of the prank."
"Okay. We can play that by ear."
Cas tilted his head. "You said you wanted to see if we clicked before you agreed to the whole thing."
"What do you think I'm doing?" Dean winked. "So, tell me about your parents?"
The pair got up to the counter before Cas could answer, and Charlie sat down two cups in front of them. "Dean, black americano with room for cream. Cas, if I remember correctly, spiced chai latte."
"Thank you, Charlie," Cas responded as he went to grab his wallet.
"I threw it on Dean's tab. You two have a fun date." Charlie winked at them and shooed them so she could get to the next customer.
Dean blushed and looked at Cas and mouthed Sorry before picking up his cup and walking over to where they kept the cream.
Cas took the opportunity to grab his booth back and waited for Dean to join him. "So, you asked about my parents?"
"They're the targets, right?"
"Yeah." Cas nodded and took a sip of his drink. "My mother is Naomi, my father is Zachariah."
Dean held a finger up as he finished taking a drink. "Your family highly religious?"
"What gave that away?" Cas tried to hide his disdain, but by the look on Dean's face, he wasn't doing a good job.
"Gabriel, Castiel, Zachariah... Pretty sure there's a Naomi in the bible too." Dean placed a finger on his lips. "Not too sure about Anna."
"Prophetess in Luke's Gospel," Castiel responded.
Dean nodded in quiet contemplation. He paused a moment, and Castiel could see the gears turning. "Safe to assume you're gay or bi?"
"Very much Gay. I've been told it's a phase my whole life. My parents keep asking when I'm going to bring a girlfriend home. You're the first 'boyfriend' I'm bringing home." Castiel took another sip of his drink.
"Got it. What do you do for a living?"
"High School English Teacher." Cas scoffed. "Reason number two hundred fifty-one I'm a disappointment."
"Being a teacher is a disappointment?" Dean shook his head. "Well, I'll make sure that they know I'm a cook by day, bartender by night. I'm sure they'll love that."
"Your sarcasm is perfect. They both hate sarcasm, despite it being their first form of communication." Cas leaned back in his chair. "They definitely look down their noses at people too."
"Well, I'm sold. Food, chaos, and spending time with an attractive man?" Dean rested his elbows on the table and rest his chin on his knuckles. "This may be one of my best Thanksgiving in years." Dean winked. "What time should I pick you up?"
Over the next few days, Cas found himself texting back and forth with Dean frequently. He kept trying to remind himself that it was just so they could get to know each other so they could pass off as a couple on Thanksgiving. However, with the way that Dean flirted, it was harder and harder to keep that line from blurring.
[Wednesday 3:47 PM Dean:] Hey Cas, I know I'm supposed to be an asshole, but should I attempt to bring something with me?
Cas laughed, picturing how his mother would react if she were brought a gift from Dean.
[3:49 PM Cas:] You don't have to bring anything at all, although the image of my mother turning up her nose is both amusing and disappointing.
[3:51 PM Dean:] So, bring a six-pack of cheap beer. Got it.
[3:52 PM Cas:] You're incorrigible.
Cas found himself setting a special notification for Dean's text messages. He fought hard against doing it, as they were going to go their separate ways after Thanksgiving. Still, it seemed like something you would do for a significant other.
He heard the notification go off, and he picked his phone up again.
[4:00 PM Dean:] If I were a betting man, I'd bet that you liked it though.
Cas found that he couldn't disagree.
Cas' parents, completely surprised that he was coming and bringing a date, asked Cas to arrive around 3 PM on Thanksgiving.
Dean showed up at 1:30 PM.
"Hey, Cas." Dean stood in the doorway to Cas' apartment and leaned against the doorframe.
Cas couldn't help the smile that grew across his face. Dean was dressed up in a nice pair of jeans with a black tee-shirt and an open deep red button-up. "Hello, Dean." He stepped back to let Dean in. "You're early."
"I hope you don't mind. I was a little nervous." Dean smiled sheepishly. "Meeting the parents is kind of a big deal."
"That was the whole deal, Dean. You join me, free dinner, you make them regret telling me to come to dinner."
Dean's smile dropped a little, so slight that Cas almost missed it. "Right. I knew that."
"Everything okay, Dean?" Cas stepped closer and placed his hand gently on Dean's shoulder.
"Yeah, of course." Dean's face betrayed his words, but Cas let it go. "I figured I could also come over and help you load anything that might need to go with us in the car."
Cas frowned, unhappy at seeing this side of Dean. "Want to take a seat? We have some time to kill."
"Actually, can I hit the head? Then we can pack up Baby. You said it takes about 45 minutes to get there on a good day, and there is some traffic."
"Yeah," Cas responded as he pointed to the hallway. "First door on the left." He watched as Dean stepped away, wondering what changed so drastically.
Dean quickly finished up in the bathroom and found Cas in the kitchen, juggling a casserole and a couple of pies. "Dude, please tell me your pies are good."
"As long as they don't hit the floor, they should be." Cas smiled and allowed Dean to take them off his pile. "I remember Charlie teasing you about pie, so I stopped in special to ask what kind you like."
"Pecan?" Dean asked, a huge grin coming back across his face when Cas nodded. "Dude, you went to Charlie to ask her? Why didn't you just ask me?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise, to thank you for this week." The next words escaped Cas' lips before he could stop them. "I'm glad that at the very least, I got to make a new friend out of this."
"Well yeah, Charlie's awesome," Dean responded without missing a beat.
Cas rolled his eyes. "I mean you, Dean."
"I, uh..." Dean's cheeks flushed scarlet as he stuttered over his words. "You're awesome too, Cas."
"Come on, then, let's go load up your car." Cas held up the casserole dish and nodded his head towards the front door. "Sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave."
The pair of them quickly loaded up the car, and Dean handed Cas his phone to punch in his parent's address. The first few minutes of the drive were quiet, as Cas appreciated the roar of the engine. 
"So, uh, Cas." Dean broke the silence once they got on the highway. "Question for you."
"I'm listening." Cas looked over at Dean and took a moment to admire his outline, highlighted by the sun. 
"Well, we determined that we've been together for a few months and that we met when you came by my place of work. But, uh, are you ok with a little PDA to sell it?" Dean's cheeks turned bright red again, as though he were embarrassed to ask.
Cas slid a little closer to Dean to be able to reach his hand and hold it. When his skin brushed against Dean's, it was as though sparks of electricity shot through his body, and Cas shivered involuntarily.
"Okay there, Cas?" Dean stole a glance at Cas and smirked, before returning his eyes to the road.
Cas nodded as he found his words lacking. They enjoyed the rest of the ride in comfortable silence, only the music and the occasional hum from Dean filling the car.
Once they arrived, Cas took a moment to look at Dean and give him a final once over. The shade of red he was wearing was enticing and made his freckles and eyes pop more than Cas would have thought possible. It had taken all of Cas' willpower to not trace over them with his finger.
"Ready, Cas?"
"I am." Cas nodded before looking up at their dreaded destination.
The pair got out of the car, and Dean took Cas' hand before going to the trunk. Cas looked down at their hands and felt a soft warmth against his cheek. He turned to find that Dean had kissed his cheek.
"Sorry, I should have asked first." Dean apologized, running his free hand through his hair.
"Dean, you already asked, and I had given you permission." Cas smiled and let out a little sigh. "Let's grab the stuff and get this over with."
Dean popped the trunk and handed the pies to Cas, grabbing the casserole, before closing it back up and following Cas to the house. Cas had shifted the pies to one arm and rang the doorbell. His hand immediately went back to Dean's, and he tried his hardest to not let his nerves show.
"You don't just walk into your parent's place?" Dean tilted his head in confusion. "Even if you don't get along, isn't it home?"
"This place has never been home, Dean," Cas replied, clipping his response as the door opened.
A stoic, cold woman answered the door, looking down at them, despite the pair being taller than her. "Castiel. You came." She scrutinized Dean more thoroughly. "And you brought a friend."
"Mother, I told you I was bringing my boyfriend." He turned to look at Dean and smiled. "This is my significant other, Dean."
Naomi's lips pulled in to a tighter pout. "That term wouldn't be correct, Castiel. Come in. You know where to set them up." She stepped back into the house, allowing them entrance.
"I make two pies and your favorite cheese and spinach casserole," Cas mentioned as he walked past. "I'll need to borrow the oven for five minutes once the turkey is done."
"I don't know, Castiel." Naomi picked up her pace to walk in front of them. "You should have asked if the oven would be available to cook things in."
Dean stared in disbelief at the way Naomi was talking down to Cas. "You mean you can't spare five minutes to make the cheese gooey again? I didn't realize heat was a limited resource."
"Excuse you?" Naomi placed her hand on her chest in shock. "Castiel, you will keep your friend in line."
"Boyfriend, Mother. But he's right. This is your favorite dish. I made it just for you. You don't want it warm?"
Naomi rolled her eyes as the pair set down their food offerings. "I'll figure it out." She glared at Dean. "Why don't you go find your father? He should be in the TV Room watching the game."
"Football. Sure. Let's go, Cas." Dean watched as Naomi cringed at the shortened version of her youngest son's name.
Cas tried to not laugh as he led Dean to the TV Room. He leaned in close to Dean to whisper about Zachariah. "Dean, he absolutely hates his name being shortened to Zach, and he hates the Eagles."
"Oh, I am all over this." Dean winked and wrapped his arm around Cas' shoulder.
"Father?" Cas inquired as they entered the room. 
"Castiel. You came." His eyes traveled to Dean. "And you brought a friend."
"This is my boyfriend, Dean." Cas felt the words falling easier from his lips. "Dean, this is my father, Zachariah."
Dean unwrapped his arm off Cas' shoulder and extended his hand to Zachariah. "Please to meet you, Zach."
Zachariah stiffened, and his eyes became cold as ice. "Zachariah, please." He took Dean's hand and shook it.
"Of course, sorry about that, Zachariah. I'm just a nickname kind of person, ain't that right, Cas?" Dean took his hand back and wrapped his arm around Cas' shoulders again, leaning in to touch their foreheads together.
Cas could see the vein in his father's forehead start to throb. "Castiel, do you have no respect for your name?"
"I do, as does Dean. But my name is archaic, and sometimes it's just easier to shorten it." Cas looked at his father and stood his ground.
"Hey, I'm sorry, Zachariah." Dean stepped between the two. "Cowboys vs. Eagles, right?" He pointed at the TV.
"You watch sports?" Zachariah asked, his doubt not hidden at all.
"Hell yeah!" Dean hopped over the back of the couch and landed next to Zachariah on the sofa. "Just cause I like to suck a dick every now and then, doesn't mean I can't like sports." He leaned forward and grabbed some crackers off a platter on the coffee table. "Oh shit, Eagles up, 21-3! Fly Eagles, Fly!"
"Castiel, a word!" Zachariah demanded, scrambling out of his seat. Dean looked at Cas in worry, not relaxing even when Cas gave him a gesture indicating he'd be fine.
Cas followed Zachariah into the kitchen, where Naomi was mashing potatoes. "Who is this bastard friend of yours?" Zachariah hissed, grabbing Naomi's attention to join in.
"He's not a bastard, and he is my boyfriend," Cas emphasized the word boyfriend for the umpteenth time since arriving. 
"You are in a phase, Castiel. We've found some nice girls who are very interested in you." Naomi added. Before she could continue; however, the front door opened, Gabe and Anna walking in.
"CASSIE!" Gabe called out, causing both of their parents to cringe. "You came home!" He dropped Anna's duffle bag in the foyer and bolted into the kitchen, trying to pick up his younger brother in a bear hug. "You seriously need to stop growing!"
Anna walked up behind Gabe and pushed him to the side, wrapping her arms around her younger brother. "Hello, Castiel. I've missed you." She pulled back and offered an apologetic smile. "Gabriel told me you were bringing your boyfriend to dinner. Is he here?"
"Castiel's friend is in the TV Room," Zachariah responded before Cas could. "And he is a rude, ungrateful, little prick."
"I can assure you it's not little." Dean walked into the kitchen. "Sorry, I heard the commotion, and I just wanted to make sure Cas was ok." Dean walked over to Cas and wrapped his arms around Cas's waist. "Gonna introduce me, babe?"
Cas melted into Dean's embrace, allowing their actions to cross into new territory. "Dean, this is my older brother Gabe and my older sister Anna."
"I've heard all about you two." Dean lets go of Cas long enough to shake their hands before holding Cas again.
"Well, why don't you all go into the TV Room. Your father and I will finish up dinner." Naomi responded coldly, clearly annoyed by Dean's presence.
"That sounds like a plan. Get that damn football off the TV." Gabe responded.
"But the Eagles are winning. They're hands down the best team in the NFL this year, wouldn't you agree, Zach?"
If looks could kill, Zachariah would have killed not only Dean but all three of his children as well. Gabe, sensing his father's temper rising, herded Dean and his siblings out of the kitchen. "Jesus, Cassie, where did you find this one?"
"Took your advice." Cas shrugged.
"Word to the wise?" Gabe looked at Dean. "Keep him."
"Dean, you don't happen to have any siblings, do you?" Anna asked.
"Brother, half-brother, and an adopted sister. I'm the oldest." Dean tilted his head. "Why?"
Gabe and Anna exchanged looks before Anna followed up with another question. "They single?"
Dean laughed, a rich, warm sound that made Cas melt. "Sammy's not. I don't know with Adam, but he's the youngest of us all, barely legal. Charlie's single, and flaming lesbian."
Anna looked at Gabe. "Sorry, guess I win this round."
"Wait, Anna, you too?" Cas' head tilted in shock and confusion.
She looked over Cas' shoulder to see if their parents were listening. "Bi, Castiel. I'm Bi."
Castiel looked in shock at Anna, then turned to Gabriel. "Are you going to drop a bombshell on me too?"
"I don't care about gender?" Gabe responded.
"What? When?" Cas palmed his forehead and sat on the sofa.
Both Gabe and Anna had the decency to blush. Anna responded first. "I figured it out in college."
"I've dated many people over the years, Cassie. I just didn't always bring them home to mom and pops." Gabriel added.
"You're so much braver than the both of us," Anna whispered. "You brought Dean home with you."
Dean sat on the sofa next to Cas and wrapped his arm around him. He leaned in and quietly spoke into Cas' ear. "Want me to prank them, too?"
Cas burst out laughing, shaking his head and throwing his arms around Dean's neck. "I know why you two did it," Cas stated while hugging Dean tight. "I don't even think I can be mad."
"Dinner time," Naomi announced, appearing in the doorway to the TV Room. "We would appreciate no hanging all over each other at the table, Castiel." Naomi turned her nose up and walked back towards the kitchen.
"Let's go knock out this wonderful holiday, shall we?" Gabe clapped his hands together.
The dining room was awkwardly quiet as the all entered and took their seats. Naomi stood at her place and looked at Zachariah. "Grace, Dear?"
Zachariah nodded and clasped his hands together.
Lord, bless this food and grant that we May thankful for thy mercies be; Teach us to know by whom we're fed; Bless us with Christ, the living bread. Lord, make us thankful for our food, Bless us with faith in Jesus' blood; With the bread of life our soul's supply, That we may live with Christ on high. Amen.
When none of his children nor Dean responded, Amen, Zachariah cleared his throat. "I said, Amen."
Gabe and Anna quickly said it, and Castiel murmured it, but Dean refused to say it.
"Dean, is there something wrong with your voice all of a sudden?" Zachariah shot another deathly stare at Dean.
"Nope, my voice works just fine. I just don't do religion." Dean shrugged. "Guess you could say I'm an Atheist."
Cas flinched as he heard his mother gasp and prepare to yell at him. However, before she could get a word out, Dean spoke up.
"Are you about to yell at Cas? Cause Cas says Grace before every meal. I respect that he does. You know why?" Dean picked up the bowl of mashed potatoes and scooped a heap onto his plate. "Cause Cas doesn't force me to believe something I don't. He's kind, he's caring, and he's understanding. Clearly, you two didn't teach him that." Dean scooped a heap of potatoes on Cas' plate then passed the bow to Anna.
"How dare you!" Naomi spat. "You are a guest in this home."
"Yeah, let me tell you how guestly it's felt since I entered your house." Dean stabbed at the plate of turkey on the table and grabbed a few slices for himself and a few for Cas. "You both refuse to acknowledge my relationship with your son. You both have looked down on me for being a man who is attracted to men and women. God forbid I slip that I work two jobs." Dean smiled sarcastically. "Oops."
Dean passed the fork to Anna, who was staring at her mother as though she would explode. "You know, Naomi. How would you feel if I told you the farce between you and Zachariah here were invalid and not real?"
"We are one man, one woman. That's how it was created. You don't find any instances of your perversion in nature." Naomi gripped the edge of the table.
"Actually, Mom," Anna spoke up. "This last trip for NatGeo? I told you where they sent me. I was in the Savannah. I saw gay and lesbian animals everywhere."
"And the rangers released a document saying that the animals learned it from homosexual humans." Zachariah pointed sharply at his daughter. "You will speak when spoken to."
"You're going to tell the smartest person at the table to shut up?" Dean let out a low whistle and took a bite of a roll he had grabbed. "Man, I'd listen to everything she has to say. She works for National Fucking Geographic." He turned to Cas. "I'll still talk books with you all the time, though, sweetheart." He leaned in and kissed Cas' cheek.
"I said there would be no hanging over each other!" Naomi slammed her hands down on the table.
Dean snorted. "Me, kissing Cas' cheek, is not hanging all over him." He rested his hand on the small of Cas' back. "I bet a hundred dollars if Anna had brought along a boyfriend, or Gabe a girlfriend, you'd call a kiss on the cheek cute."
"Leave." Zachariah's voice sent a chill through the room. "Gabriel can take Castiel home."
"Like I'm going to leave Cas here to take more of your abuse. How long have you been telling him that he's wrong?" Dean whipped his head to Naomi. "How long have you been calling him a pervert?"
"We've never called him that." Naomi defended.
"Mom, you literally just did." Gabriel finally spoke. "You just called being Gay a perversion." 
"Castiel isn't gay," Zachariah spoke up.
"Yeah, he is, Dad." Anna stared at her father. "And I'm bisexual. When I told you two about my boyfriend, Rupert? I was actually talking about my girlfriend, Ruby. Ruby and I broke up, and I couldn't properly mourn that relationship because I didn't have a mother who understood me."
"Well, if we're all coming out. I have slept with more dudes than I have fingers." Gabe added. "I've also slept with as many women. I've slept with as many non-binary people. And you know what? I've also slept with Trans people. Love is love, and attraction is attraction."
Naomi looked as though she were about to faint, and Zachariah pointed a knife at Dean. "This is your fault."
"MY FAULT?" Dean yelled, finally raising his voice. "I just met Gabe and Anna today. They were queer long before I met them. I'm dating Cas, who came to me and asked me out. Tell me how this is my fault."
"You made them think it was ok to share this information."
"And you made them feel like they were less than nothing. You're the problem here. Not me, not a single one of your children."
Cas stared at Dean in awe. No one had ever come to his defense so quickly, and here Dean was also defending his siblings. "Dean, I think we should go."
"That's the first smart thing you've said all night, Castiel." Naomi snapped.
"Oh no, you did not." Dean turned to face the Ice Queen at the end of the table. "Did you seriously just call my boyfriend stupid? You know, your youngest son? The person I fall for more and more each time I talk to him?"
"You know nothing about this family, and you came in here and–"
"Ok, Boomer." Dean cut Naomi off, and Gabe spat out his drink laughing. "Cas, let's grab the food you brought and head back."
"Get out of my house!" Zachariah shouted.
"Already working on it." Dean shot off a one-fingered salute and stood up with Cas and followed him to the kitchen.
Dean quickly found the two pies, while Cas found his casserole hidden in the fridge. He pulled it out and frowned, showing Dean. "She was never going share."
"Cas," Dean set down the pies and took the casserole, setting it down as well. He pulled Cas into his arms and held him tightly. "I'm sorry if I did too much."
"I think you could have kept going." Gabriel entered the kitchen. "Cassie, you brought pies? Trying to one-up me?"
"Dean likes pecan pie. You usually bring pumpkin." Cas melted into Dean's embrace, determined to make sure it wouldn't be the last time Dean held him like that.
"Touché." Gabriel let out a sigh. "Got room for two at your place?"Anna entered the kitchen. "Go pack your things, Gabe." She looked at Cas. "Your address still the same? We're not staying here."
"You're just going to crash with me? How do you know I don't have a roommate?"
Anna cut Cas a look. "You two are a new couple, you haven't moved in together yet."
Gabe called to them from the foyer. "Let's roll before they figure out how to trap us here."
"Coming, Gabe," Anna replied. "Meet you at your place, Cassie?"
Cas' face lit up at his sister calling him a nickname - even if it was one he wasn't particularly fond of - and not Castiel. "Yeah. Same address." He reluctantly pulled out of Dean's arms and grabbed the casserole, placing it in Dean's hands. "We should escape too." Cas picked up the pies and followed Anna out of the kitchen.
"Yes, sir." Dean smiled and followed the siblings out of the house.
Once back at Cas' apartment, this time with two siblings in tow, Dean helped Cas get the food in the house and prepared to leave.
"Where do you think you're going?" Gabe tilted his head in confusion, a trait all three siblings shared.
"I messed up a lot for you guys today. I'll let the three of you have your Thanksgiving together."
Gabe and Anna looked at Cas, who took Dean's hand into his. "I know we haven't been together long."
"Yeah, when did you find him, Monday, after we hung up?" Gabe smirked.
"Shut up, Gabe." Cas, Anna, and Dean said in unison.
Cas waited to see if Gabe would say anything else before continuing. "When I did this, I didn't think it would be more than a business arrangement. But I want this to be more. Please, Dean?"
"I'm not sure why, you still want that after today, but I would be lying if I said I didn't want more with you." Dean pressed his forehead against Cas'.
"Well, that settles it." Anna smiled. "Welcome to the family, Dean."
While Gabe and Anna set up in the guest room, Dean called up Charlie, and Cas ordered some Chinese food. Within a few minutes, Charlie was banging on Cas' door, bringing gifts of rolls and croissants and coffee from the Cafe. The two fiery redheads were introduced and instantly hit it off.
Their dinner arrived shortly after, and they all curled up on the various chairs and sofas together. They took turns picking movies to watch and created their own Thanksgiving.
As the night crept upon them, Charlie apologized but reminded them that she had to get up early for Black Friday shoppers who would hit up her cafe for coffee and breakfast. She exchanged numbers with Anna and told them to not be strangers.
Dean got up to go, and Cas grabbed his hand. "You said you're not working tomorrow. That the restaurant was closed for a long weekend."
"I did." Dean smiled at Cas. "I also don't want to impose. You have a full house right now, and I'm not sure if Gabe or Anna are claiming the couch."
Cas tilted his head in exasperation. "Did you think I wanted you to sleep on the couch?" He looked around, Anna had run to the restroom, and Gabe went to go grab a couple more of the chocolate croissants Charlie had brought. "I want you to stay with me tonight."
"You do?" Dean swallowed - hard. "Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to." Cas stood up and led Dean back to his bedroom. "We don't have to go that far tonight," Cas added as they entered the room. "I'd actually prefer that we didn't.
"This is new, but it feels like forever at the same time." Cas continued, "Did you mean what you said?"
Dean wrapped his arms over Cas' shoulders. "I've meant every word I said today, but what phrase comes specifically to mind?"
"That you fall for me more and more each time we talk?"
 Dean leaned forward and pressed his lips against Cas', a soft caress that left them breathless. "One-hundred percent, Cas."
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