#in le notes
youreaclownnow · 1 year
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I lowkey love this fit honestly. My metal af acguy shirt paired with these epic skull and flower shorts, can't go wrong with that.
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visenyaism · 1 year
j'adore le franglish content le code switching c'est tellement fun je sautille from a language to another like a gazelle et toi aussi tant que tu voudras :)
OUAIS baby we are so fucking back. franglais est parfait parce que americans get mad AND it sends evil psychic vibes à l’académie française. The phrase “qu’est-ce qu’y’all doing aujourd’hui” came out of my mouth this evening and i think that might be the pinnacle of human language. i love being annoying
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ecojinri · 8 months
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divider by me
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weaponizedducks · 5 months
i hate it when they're so obviously in love with another character but they are so fucking blind to it. they will literally describe the guy as the sun, beautiful, life itself, and then three sentences later call them 'bro'. other character is like 'they will never love me'. my dude shut the fuck up there is a fine line between obliviousness and self deprecation and you walk that fucking line like a tightrope walker. the closet is glass but you're fucking facing the wall. dumb fuck. fucking break the glass. 'what are we' IDIOTS YOU'RE BOTH IDIOTS
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sparknoteslitmemes · 1 year
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lilacstro · 3 months
your birthday and profections
hey!! I hope you all are doing fine. If its your birthday, then happy birthday haha(so random lmao) This is a long post, so you may need to read through :) Apart from your solar return, profection years are another way to check major themes of your year.
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At its most basic, every age that’s a multiple of 12 is a 1st House year. So that’s when you turn 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 and so on.
Every year after is a 2nd house year, which is when you turn 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73
3rd house year: 2, 14,26,38,50,62,74 and onwards
Once you know the house connected to your current age, you can plot your experience of life via the topics and themes of each of the 12 houses.
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Themes House wise:
1st House - Self, Identity, Beginnings (YOU CHANGE)
Self-image, appearance, first impressions, approach to life, early environment, physical body, persona
2nd House - Value, Possessions (YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS CHANGE)
Finances, personal resources, material wealth, values, self-worth, assets, possessions, spending habits
3rd House - Communication, Learning
Communication, siblings, local travel, early education, writing, neighbors, short trips, mental processes
4th House - Home, Family
Home, family, ancestry, roots, real estate, emotional foundation, private life, parents
5th House - Creativity, Pleasure
Creativity, romance, children, play, entertainment, hobbies, self-expression, speculation
6th House - Work, Health (TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH)
Daily work, service, health, routine, fitness, diet, pets, responsibilities
7th House - Partnerships
Marriage, partnerships, close relationships, contracts, public relations, collaboration
8th House - Transformation, Shared Resources
Transformation, death and rebirth, inheritance, shared resources, taxes, sexuality, mysteries, occult
9th House - Exploration, Higher Learning (YOUR LUCK CHANGES)
Higher education, philosophy, long-distance travel, religion, law, beliefs, exploration, publishing
10th House - Career, Public Life
Career, public image, reputation, social status, authority, ambitions, government, recognition
11th House - Social Networks, Aspirations
Keywords: Friendships, social groups, networks, aspirations, community, collective causes, social activities, ideals
Subconscious, solitude, secrets, endings, spirituality, isolation, hidden enemies, mysticism
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Your Time Lord for the Year
The other thing profections will do is turn on a planet as the ruler or ‘lord’ of your year ahead. This is called a time lord. This planet will be the traditional ruling planet of the sign on the profected house.
For example, your profected house by age is the 7th House, look at the sign in that house. Gemini in 7th? Mercury is the ruler. Taurus in 7th? Venus is your time lord.
This planet becomes a guiding influence for your year ahead. Not that if you have Venus as your time lord you will fall in love daily lmao, But rather, you will experience rulership of this planet affecting your themes of the year. I hope im making sense.
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Planets in Houses
Next, check the placements and themes of your profected house in your natal chart. For instance, everyone turning 18 will be in a 7th house year BUT each person will have different planets in their 7th house, and a different sign ruling the house.
For example, my 7th house is empty, and in my 18th year nothing major or life changing has happened, I am on my gap year.
If you have Mars in your 7th House, then your Mars themes – developing or managing assertiveness in partnerships, dealing with a little tension, the impact other people have on your decision making process, that type of thing – are highlighted for that year.
If you have Pluto in your 7th house, then themes like power, struggles, isolation and transformation maybe highlighted that year.
I hope it makes sense, use this for both, your time lord and the ruler of your profected house: Sun: Vitality, Identity, Ego
Self-expression, leadership, creativity, purpose, individuality, confidence, recognition
Moon: Emotions, Nurturing, Instincts
Emotions, intuition, habits, home life, family, subconscious, nurturing, cycles, forming close relations
Mercury: Communication, Intellect, Movement
Communication, thinking, learning(even life lessons, or about yourself), travel, writing, siblings, negotiation, information, introspection
Venus: Love, Beauty, Harmony
Relationships, attraction, beauty, art, values, pleasure, social life, harmony, indulgence
Mars: Action, Desire, Conflict
Energy, drive, ambition, aggression, initiative, sexuality, competition, courage, assertiveness
Jupiter: Growth, Expansion, Wisdom
Growth, expansion, luck, optimism, philosophy, higher learning, travel, abundance, generosity
Saturn: Structure, Discipline, Limitation
Structure, discipline, responsibility, limitations, authority, perseverance, time, maturity, career
Uranus: Innovation, Change, Rebellion
Innovation, rebellion, change, freedom, individuality, technology, unexpected events, unconventionality
Neptune: Dreams, Intuition, Mysticism
Dreams, intuition, mysticism, spirituality, illusion, compassion, imagination, escapism, idealism
Pluto: Transformation, Power, Depth
Transformation, power, depth, rebirth, intensity, secrets, control, regeneration, shadow self
Chiron: Healing, Wounds, Growth
Healing, wounds, inner growth, wisdom, teaching, mentoring, empathy, vulnerability, self-discovery
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PLANETS RULED BY AGE Ages 1 to 4 of your life is ruled by the Moon. Ages 5 to 14 is ruled by Mercury. Ages 15 to 22 is ruled by Venus. Ages 22 to 41 is ruled by the Sun. Ages 42 to 56 is ruled by Mars. Ages 57 to 68 is ruled by Jupiter. Ages 68 to death is ruled by Saturn.
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I hope I explained it well, combining your profected house, time lord and the planets in the profected house and the ruling planet of your age, you can get some information about the themes and effects you might be experiencing in your life and use it as a guide for your betterment.
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Remember, nothing is bad/challenging and you always have free will for the most part of your life and you dont have to subscribe to things you dont wish for, all the best<33
If you want, leave suggestions and feedback for the next post in asks, and comments :)
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lazyydaisyyy · 1 year
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Ursula K. Le Guin, “Author’s Note” from The Left Hand of Darkness
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justaz · 3 months
morgana and arthur have a sleepover when they’re teenagers and morgana brings out this summoning spell and arthur is all “magic?!?!?! :o thats wrong we cant do that” and morgana just says “pussy.” and then arthur is helping her set everything up. they light the candles and chant in the old tongue and then BOOM a figure appears but it’s not the mighty god emrys the text talked of, it’s just a boy a couple of years younger than arthur, scared and confused, who answers to the name merlin rather than emrys. while they’re arguing, merlin goes stiff and is like “do you hear that?” and then trails out of morgana’s chambers in a trance and obviously morgana and arthur follow him and they end up way beneath the castle where theres a fucking dragon???? now emrys, the once and future king, and the witch are chillin w a dragon and talking about destiny. none of them are happy about this btw
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ghostlyferrettarot · 17 days
📀⚡️The Part of Fortune and how we find happiness⚡️📀
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
📀If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!📀
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⚡️ Part of Fortune in Aries: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you feel the potential of trust, faith and hope flowing in the most selfless generosity throughout your being. Generosity begins with oneself and always discovering new ways to give it will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️ Part of Fortune in Taurus: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you feel the relationship with the divine without intermediaries and in the first person and, thus, you can transmit to each individual inspiration, harmony and a priceless feeling of being welcomed and accepted in the world. Your ability to understand with kindness through empathy will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️ Part of Fortune in Gemini: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you feel the potential of free will and the ability to love (yourself) in total freedom flowing through your entire being in order to learn to choose (yourself). The activation of your shamanic mind and the balance of forces within you will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️Part of Fortune in Cancer: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you open new routes to success and deploy your power, your mastery and your magnetism in unthinkable ways. Going for triumph and success that allows you to assert yourself as an individual and realize your desires for action in the world will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️ Part of Fortune in Leo: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you feel the potentials of courage, will, passion and valor flowing, in a serene and calm way, throughout your being. Finding and feeling the centering, the magnetism in the axis around which your own life revolves will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️ Part of Fortune in Virgo: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you connect with the depths of your soul. Pursuing the call of your desire to be one with the divine and cultivating introspection, wisdom, prudence and perseverance will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️Part of Fortune in Libra: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you feel the potentials of balance, rigor, loyalty, authenticity and honesty flowing through your entire being. Finding yourself in a balance that is not, in reality, static but in continuous transformation, looking life in the face and people directly in the eye… will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️ Part of Fortune in Scorpio: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you move towards the future in a totally dynamic attitude and are willing to explore unknown regions. Continually being reborn into new ways of being, destroying the superficial and leaving only the essential at every step, will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️ Part of Fortune in Sagittarius: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you feel the potentials of harmony, tolerance, connection and peace flowing through your entire being. Seeking and finding the middle path between light and shadow, activating kind understanding and intelligence of the heart will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️ Part of Fortune in Capricorn: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you feel the potentials of all your material power and capacity for seduction that are available in your physical vehicle, the temple of your body. Your efforts and determination to access leadership will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️ Part of Fortune in Aquarius: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you do not let your ideas go to waste and, when you get down to work, you feel the potentials of know-how, structuring and realization flowing through your entire being. The world needs you to invent things and put your contributions into practice, so attending to and honoring your need to exercise your activity in the field will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
⚡️Part of Fortune in Pisces: you experience your greatest joy and delight when you feel the potentials of unlimited vision and the most fertile creativity flowing through your entire being. Your willingness to feel the mobility of all emotions and all feelings will attract your greatest luck and fortune.
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formulaheart · 11 months
Victor Hugo was really out here introducing 1000 new characters in the back half of the brick and saying "oops sorry guys, here are some new little dudes you're gonna be obsessed with, yeah they're all just kids, yeah, you're gonna love them all, oh yeah also, they're all gonna die, in the same chapter yeah, sorry.."
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alilsakurablossom · 7 months
a valvert fic where javert really needs glasses and valjean takes him to the optician and it's called valjean at last we see eachother plain
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Do you know this queer character?
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Carmilla is a Lesbian and uses she/her pronouns!
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oncanvas · 18 days
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Le seuil fleuri (The Flowery Threshold), Henri Le Sidaner, 1934
Oil on canvas 25 ½ x 31 ⅞ in. (65.1 x 81 cm)
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pilferingapples · 4 months
Just a very silly yet contentious question today:
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cosettegf · 2 months
its so sick and twisted that jehan prouvaire and i were born in different centuries and that they're not real. we have so much to discuss
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zivazivc · 6 months
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guess who
I've seen a few artists I like making human art and I got inspired to make my own.
First version was based just on their character designs and personality, and what inspired their look in the first place. Second version happened when I took into account their backstory and what I imagine human versions of their parents' would look like. I don't consider either of these "canon", because to me they're just trolls but it was a fun experiment to try.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming of me drawing little colorful dolls
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