#in any case i need to stop procrastinating and write even if it's just 100 words a day
lenievi · 7 months
wip 🤔 & 🛠
🤔 What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
At the moment, it's a Valjean/Javert story set during the Montreuil-sur-Mer era, that's very confusing for both of them because they get entangled (because of fanfic reasons lol) and feelings get involved, and it all feels really good in my head but what are words? How do I turn it into a story? :D Most likely, I will combine it with post-Seine, because I like the idea of them having to untangle the Madeleine era stuff too (especially when they get closer and then Javert just gets angry and petty and turns Valjean in anyway) ... idk it's all very vague because coming up with "but how would they get closer during the Montreuil era is HARD" LMAO But funnily enough, because it's a book with so many adaptations that just do whatever, it feels kind of freeing because I don't feel the pressure to really stay 100% true to the characterization because people who make adaptations don't either, so I kind of hope that trying to write Valjean/Javert fic will be less pressuring than writing Star Trek fics.
🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
I do have a Valjean/Javert wip that's based on Les Misérables 2000 - I just want to use the scene where Javert walks into the Seine, his wrists handcuffed, and I like the dynamic Valjean and Javert have in that series - so far, it's also the only adaptation I've seen that has Valjean talk about Javert after Javert's death (and it also feels that if he got that chance, he would follow Javert and stop him from killing himself, more than others) - but I just can't figure out how to make Valjean take Javert home after Seine because my brain is like, but would he truly? (ofc not, but I want him to, brain!!!! :D idk maybe he should follow Javert to his home instead? 🤔)
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Fic Writer Q&A
Can you imagine that *I* got tagged at a *fic writer* q&a? Yeah, me neither! Thank you, @sirenofthegreenbanks!
Perhaps I should precede this with saying that I barely write, I have published 5 works or so. And when I write, it is very short, perhaps because I am a mathematician, perhaps because I talk so much on a daily basis. My longest work is <1k and three of the five works are drabbles (like, the old school 100-word pieces). Also, I can ironically already feel that this is going to be an essay. You were warned :)
How many WIPs do you currently have?
I usually don't have WIPs, or if I have a WIP, I usually only have it for a few days, as my pieces are very short. I have fragments that I wrote for myself that I do not intend to publish. There will not be progress there, so they are not WIPs. But currently I actually have not only one, but two fragments that I would consider WIPs! That's infinitely more than on average!
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
Most of my fics so far are based on more or less stupid jokes and are in general light-hearted, funny or cracky. I think in general, I find it hardest to write earnest stuff to a satisfactory level. Perhaps that is because that might be inspired by me projecting, which leads to things being too out of character. Perhaps I just find it hard in general to hit peoples' voices, which might have a greater impact in serious topics. Perhaps it's also that writing always feels like a striptease of my soul and I deal badly with the perceived vulnerability that it brings, which is worse when it is about more serious topics. So out of the two WIPs I have, I expect the one that deals with some insecurities to be the one that is harder to finish or to finish to my satisfaction, even though it is the shorter one.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
Öhm. If it is about how I find inspiration, I don't know. It either comes or it doesn't, and I am very chill about that because I am very much not ambitious with my writing. Once I have a situation in my mind, I aim to note the gist of it down on my phone, but I am a master procrastinator but also forgetful, so that will take some time.
Then if I feel like I want to get creative and challenge myself at some point, I look up my list of ideas and pick one that feels doable at the time. (Rarely, I sit down immediately to write up a first version, but it needs to be a special idea for that to happen.)
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
No. With the length of my fics, it would take way longer to curate a playlist than I would have time to listen to it.^^ I tend to not have any music on when I am writing or only music without lyrics. I think I wrote the last few drabbles late in the night when I procrastinated going to bed or something and some invisible force possessed me to open my document with my drabbles and I just started writing and stopped when I had a decent not-quite drabble. I was just in this pretty weird, awesome mood you sometimes get into when it is in the middle of the night and you don't know what the time is even if you check the clock and you feel like you are the only alive thing in this world and it is just somewhat... tranquil? I tend to not be in the mood for music in this state of mind.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
With the length of my fics, there's no other choice but balls to the wall XD. I think this is also a big reason why I prefer extremely short formats - you don't have to plan. Sometimes, I picture the entire situation in my head and collect a few phrases I could use beforehand so that most of it is already in my head, in case that counts as being organized.
I used to have a list in my mind of situations that I wanted to collect in a longer fic, but I think by now, I forgot it all. Damn. Why did I not write it down? But then, the fic would never get written because I am still not creative enough for a some overarching plot to my collection of situations.
Overall, I feel like I am not enough of a writer to answer these questions, actually, but for that, I wrote a lot I guess XD
Of course, I am curious about @deneb-al-giedi's answers. And about everyone else's that wants to talk about their fic writing process.
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suganovakawa · 4 years
જ — rumor has it!
# 16 ༉‧ goody goody
smau masterlist
✧ 。 synopsis : though hajime has reassured you time and time again that you two attending different schools would be plenty manageable in your guys’ relationship, your imagination is left to wander when he slowly begins to ghost you.
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you didn’t know what was going faster—hajime’s car, or your heart rate. it was like an out of body moment as you imagined what your talk was going to be about. you had forced hajime into talking to you in person, but now you were considering phone calls instead of face to face.
however, the time to back out of it had long passed. your legs began to move in a mechanical motion, dreadfully taking step by step out the door as you could get a glimpse of your boyfriend’s face from the tinted windshield. he seemed just as terrified as you were—maybe even more.
you were more scared of facing the truth than anything. you had no problem meeting face to face with him, you had done that just about your whole life. this was a special case, and nothing anyone said would be able to make this meeting hurt any worse than what you were anticipating.
it was evident that hajime was busy with... other people. you were going to pry it out of him if he tried to chicken his way out. you were scared shitless, but that didn’t stop you from wanting to know the full truth. you needed to know the full extent of everything that was going on. how you were going to deal with it was going to be at a later time was a problem for future you; in the meantime, you were focused on now.
hajime didn’t say a word to you as he stepped out of the car when you appeared. both of you were avoiding eye contact like the other’s presence was a plague. he had the decency to open the passenger door for you—as he always does—but you couldn’t bring yourself to say thanks, merely getting by with a simple nod before sitting down in your seat.
that same seat you always sat in when hajime took you out for late night drives, your early morning escapades to mcdonald’s back in your second year of high school. you remembered the day hajime received his license—both you and tooru successfully persuaded him to take you two out for a drive, despite it being against the law. surprisingly, he was never caught. he was just that good of a driver.
now, this seat brought you nothing but anguish and terror. a sentence to doom. the same tension filled the car in a matter of moments as hajime hopped back into the driver’s seat—before long, you two were suffocating in each other’s presence.
“do you want to stop at mcdonald’s before we... talk?” you jumped at the sound of his voice, your head just about popping out of the window for fresh air.
mcdonald’s sounded great right about now, but that wasn’t the matter at hand. “no thanks.”
after a few minutes of just driving around, the anguish turned into impatience. you were just as confused as hajime was, and he was the driver. you two had been driving around in circles—surely someone must’ve caught onto it by now. “where are we going?” you asked, your hands placed firmly on your lap. he was just procrastinating, you knew it. this wasn’t like him to drive around without a destination, he was complaining about his gas usage just about everyday.
“i’m not sure yet,” he muttered quietly. “either we can keep driving or talk now, or i can just find somewhere to stop and we can talk there.”
you, personally, didn’t care. “you decide,” you replied after a few silent seconds. “you’re the one who’s going to be explaining everything either way.”
he flinched at your words, and an invisible force kicked you in the abdomen. the suspense was getting to you. “alright then,” he mumbled, “i’ll find somewhere to stop.”
that was the end of any conversation for the rest of the car ride.
too many things were spiraling in your mind—you could tell hajime was going through the same dilemma. you were nervous, but determined to end this mystery.
you were going to hear everything you wanted to know, because that’s what you deserve.
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જ — a/n : I PROMISE YOU ALL, THE TRUTH WILL BE REVEALED IN THE NEXT PART. part 17 will be a 100% written section, without any text messages, and it will be the confrontation everyone has been waiting for. let’s just hope y’all are ready. :^)
✧ 。 taglist ( closed ) — @tris-does-stuff @solko @jaehyunluvcult @apricotjihyo @otaku-fangirlse @arolotte @froppysgirl @awkwardspontaneity @dekumiya @sayakaaaaaa @tsumuboke @vanilla-beanzz @roastedchikin @actheroic @youngestdelacour @saturnfaerie @karaseijoh @dicerawr @sun-daddy-yoriichi @bokutos-h0e @cloudykarasuno @emiyummy @nightskyerie @unstableye @bokuakadaily @arianatorgrand3 @eitadesu @dandelily @iiwah @prcttylittlcthing @ceeswrites-main @liliesofterainmain @jaegersblogh @tycrackculture @paintedstarres @cleopatera @fern-writes-ig @1987hotschott @momo-has-a-gun @sempiternal-amour @it-me-trash @ynjimenez @yeehawslap @moonlightaangel @sunflowerirl @tsumu-core @abswrites @kodzukrn @h0ngh0ngh0ng @kac-chowballs @creativedogs @kissungjae @danger093 @winunk @agaassi @ntngann @elianetsantana @toffees-main @kokogxddess
+ continued in the comments!
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
First off I see we have the same personality type so that’s awesome. I was wondering if you could write Kita, Atsumu, and Iwazumi doing domestic things with their s/o if that’s okay.
Yes, absolutely, 100% I love this! And teehee, entp bitches 🤪🤪 (I apologize in advance- im so bad at writing Kita, ive never done it and don't read much for him)
Kita, Atsumu, and Iwaizumi doing domestic things with their s/o
Cleaning and gardening with Kita
Hes so willing to do anything that you don't want to do or physically cannot
Bathrooms too gross? He's got you covered.
Not quite tall enough yo reach something? No worries!
You want to organize after he cleans? Have at it!
Also, if you can't focus or have issues staying on task, he is just gonna tell you to don't have to and can stop whenever you want
I also want to have a garden with him
Going out every morning to water, picking things that are ready, pulling up weeds, just everything
There are marigolds in there 100% to help with annoying bugs
The amount of food from each season is insane
He probably really enjoys just sitting in the garden with you when he feels overwhelmed
Laundry with Atsumu
He hates doing laundry
Absolutely despises it
But he knows he's gotta do it
If you weren't there, hed probably just keep procrastinating it, saying he's too tired from volleyball or working on school work even
Hes willing to do anything to get out of it
You ain't having it tho
Threaten cuddles and kisses if he doesn't get his stuff put away
Praise him when he finishes it
He needs to be supervised then entire time, so itll be a fair amount of petty complaints while he does it
Cooking with Iwaizumi
He just looks like he would be a good chef
Like- any type of food tbh
And baking too, but mainly cooking
If you're not good at cooking: just watching him cook while sitting on the counter
Handing him what he needs
Cutting things up for him
Just the small things
If you ARE good at cooking: have little cook offs
Show him how to make food from your culture
Learn things from his
Probably take turns cooking, he probably does breakfast more tho bc he gotta be up early
Unless you up earlier than him
In which case, same
Sorry this took a little bit- I've been super busy with major tests recently
Thank you for reading! ❤
Requests are open! I've found out how to turn on anon, so feel free to send stuff in or just pop in and say hi!
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Do you have any executive dysfunction hacks?? More specifically ones that relate to schoolwork and keeping myself motivated? Love your blog by the way 💖💖
Omg thank you so so much it makes me so happy to hear that you like my blog you are literally the sweetest🥺💕💖💘
I’m really sorry this took so long to answer I have been having the hardest time with executive dysfunction lately (ironically) and I procrastinated answering.
Hackning your executive dysfunction ✨
+Study edition📚📝
#1 Learn your triggers and how to spot executive dysfunction🧠
A lot of times I can tell that certain circumstances makes my executive dysfunction worse. And recognising these ”triggers” can help you become more aware of your behaviors. Knowing what contributes to your executive dysfunction will help you work towards creating strategies to overcome it.
A few examples of my triggers:
Not getting dressed in the morning
Skipping meals🍳
Working from home 🏡
Not washing my face in the morning🧼
Not using my calendar 🗓
Skipping workouts 🏋️‍♀️
Not brushing my teeth
Now a lot of these are tied to my physical health and hygiene and sometimes these are things that my exectutive dysfunction keep me from doing. But I try to look at them as medicine. I have to eat and brush my teeth and workout because it makes my brain and body happy. It’s hard but with practice you’ll get there.
By avoiding your triggers you’re at least setting yourself up for succsess. As silly as it sounds. Getting dressed in the morning can make the difference between lying on the couch all say and having anxiety because I haven’t gotten anything done and actually being productive and beating my executive dysfunction.
#2 Plan everything and write it down🗓✏️
I have a lot of issues with working memory. It’s just not there a lot of days. I forget everything. When I’m trying not to forget things, I’m spending a lot more energy than non ADHD people just trying to remember. Now this is a lot of energy that you can save by simply writing it down. Use a planner or a to do list or fifty of them if you have to.
I use a very simple system for this. I take a piece of paper and write ”to do” then I make 2 seperate colums. Above the first I write ”overall” or something like it. There I write down literally everything I can think of. ”Study” ”shower” ”laundry” ”make to do list” ” ”put away dirty socks” ”think about what to make for dinner” whatever, big or small.
Once that list is finished, I write above the second column ”today” and I pick from the first list what things I need/want to have finished on the same day. Try not to go overboard with this one. Think baby steps. It’s easy to become excited and think that you’re going to do everything because you often will get a burst of energy from planning stuff but stick to maybe 4-5 things a day at first.
Now the hardest part is to keep doing it. Usually you do really good for 2 weeks and then forget about it. Especially when the benefits are starting to show, you tend to forget your system because things are doing so good and then you stop and end up right where you started.
The way I (sort of) solved this was to make weekly ”evaluations”. What I do is I sit down and evaluate how much I planned this week and how much of what I planned I actually acomplished. By doing this I held myself accountable.
#3 ”The one thing” strategy
Now if all else fails despite your best efforts and you have no energy or motivation to do any of the things you want/have to, this is a good strategy to get yourself into a more productive mindset or at least check one thing of your to-do list.
It’s pretty much self-explanatory. You pick one thing and one thing only, even if you have a mountain of things that has to get done. Ignore them. All of them. They don’t exist anymore, they’re poofed out out existance for now.
Instead put your energy into doing one productive thing. After you finished the one thing you’re done. 100% done. No more doing stuff for you. You get to throw yourself back in bed if you like, or get a snack, whatever.
What usually happens however is that you’ll feel more energized and motivated by having completed a task and you’ll feel like continuing. If that’s the case, GREAT, if not you at least got 1 thing done instead of nothing.
#4 Find a studying technique that actually works for you🔑
I’m going to be brutally honest with you. This right here☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻is what made the difference between passing and not passing my exams this year.
I struggled for a really long time with my studies, No matter if I spent 5 hours reading a text book it just. Didn’t. Stick. And I used to get so upset because I was trying sooooo hard and everyone else could do it so why not me? It really lowered my motivation because no matter how hard I tried I always failed.
I watched hundreds of ”how to study” and ”study tips” videos on youtube and read tumblr posts but I still never really understood why I was having such a hard time until I tried using flashcards and it changed my whole view on studying.
It turned out I wasn’t stupid or lazy. I could understand everything on the page but as soon as I had read it, it was gone. I couldn’t remember any of it so it didn’t matter that I actually understood the subject quite well because I could never remember the contents.
What changed the game for me entirely was switching entirely over to flash cards and memory based studying. I went from failing entirely to actually getting really good results.
(A lot of people with ADHD struggle with memory so I would suggest always incorporating a lot of ”memory based” studying even if your best study technique is based on a different strategy)
The moral of the story is that sometimes we struggle without knowing why and it’s only by trying new things that we find out that maybe we weren’t lacking the ability as much as we thought, we just needed the right key to unlock it.
I hope you find some of these tips at least a little bit helpful and i wish you luck with your studies📚✨
Feel free to comment/reblog with your own tips and hacks for executive dysfunction/study motivation☺️✨
PS: This is a sideblog so I reply to comments as @time-for-tea-and-flattery
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annetteblog · 4 years
Intro & My take on KM
I’m new around here so it’s supposed to be (not so short) introduction, since I don’t know how to start a blog heh. I hope to sprinkle my 0.5 cents into the KM conversation and maybe to bring a new perspective from someone, who is not a part of the typical English-speaking West.
Who /the hell/ Am I?  
(please, consider it to be said with NJ’s voice from Intro: Persona :D)
I was born in Siberia (it’s in the Asian part of Russia), currently live in the European part of the country while studying at a Uni (European in terms of geography, not in terms of everything else i’m definitely not shading rn lolllll). English is not my first language, I’ve just kind of learnt it to some extent. Due to this it takes me more time to write a post; and I may (and will) make some grammatical & other mistakes. Plus I’m lazy AND busy with Uni, so I won’t even promise to be consistent in posting smth lol. But I thought I need more practice in terms of writing in English, so here I am, actually scribbling something. This feels weird, because I’ve been around stan Tumblr since 2015, but never ever interacted, just read.
How I ended up around Jikook/Kookmin (and BTS) & My (long&messy) take on this matter
Although I had heard of BTS before, I became an Army only in October 2018. I had kinda avoided them, because you know... boybands.... sing songs about romantic love and how they love girls.......... (+I had been around Twitter when 1D been at their peak and I remember a quite toxic community of fans, whom always had scared me). Shortly, hello stereotypes. Obviously, after I got engaged I felt terribly sorry that I had been sleeping on them, but what is done cannot be undone. 
Someone I knew back then reposted one of their MVs and I, during my sad hours of procrastination, decided to watch it. Then I saw their live performance with the same song. And I thought “wow these guys can sing and dance and the music is kinda cool, i need to check this out maybe??” 
Then a funny thing happened. One of the next videos I watched (the same person had it added to their page) was a 2016 BangtanBomb where JM and JK practiced their Coming of Age dance. 
Do you know this moment with Gina from the 1st episode of Brooklyn 9-9:
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Well, that was precisely me after I watched it. I don’t even know how to explain this, it was kind of a gut feeling? Whatever you call it, I started to get suspicious and couldn’t even explain to myself why. /actually now a do have questions to this vid and the main one - why does everyone cringe that much? if it’s a girly choreo than they had done some “girly” moves before. why is there such strong reaction??/
I started to get deeper and went to some ru-shipper communities. Shipping culture among Russian speaking fans is... well, weird to some extent, but I maybe address this topic some time later. You need to consider that (as far as you probably know) Russia is quite homophonic country and sadly is not the greatest place for LGBTQ+ community at the moment. The non-frienly influential attitudes hanging in the society + the general shippers’ weirdness = the result is not that nice honestly. 
I struggled for some time in order to find more mature people (not just in terms of age but in general sanity), failed, ended up with some EXTREMELY toxic ru-fans of TK, which was/is the most popular pairing here, spent among them like 15 minutes and ran away horrified. After that I didn’t even try to engage with shippers or believers or whatever of any pair and just decided to enjoy the music and the content (which is a great idea, highly recommend!)
After a couple of days I discovered that JK makes videos. I love video, films and visual art so I immediately found them on YT, saw the titles with names of different cities from all over the world and was like “Oh that must be so cool, he’s visited so many outstanding places I’ve never been to, so I really need to watch it! I shall enjoy some beautyyy”. Then I clicked on GCFt.
Well, what can I say. I did enjoy some beauty, but not the type I had initially anticipated. The biggest clickbait in my entire life. JK should be proud of himself.
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                                       /as I said - the beauty/
I had already known Troy back then and I known the song’s lyrics so it would not be an underestimation to say - the video just blew my mind. I was like - hold on is this real? seriously?? no really really????? he manage to get away with something THAT obvious?????? dude how
As a person who edited videos AND is not a native English speaker, I don’t buy the explanation “oh he mustve didnt get the lyrics lmao”. You just don’t do that. You don’t. DON’T. You google and translate every shit you don’t understand, every word and idiom you’ve never encountered, because otherwise the possibility of an epic failure is very likely. You wouldn’t want to give your mum a video as a birthday present and then discover that you used a song with WAP-ish lyrics, right? (well maybe that would be okay in your family, I don’t judge, but that’s not the case for people I know). So don’t you dare to degrade JK’s intellectual capacities; such assumption is really offensive. He is a smart boii, he knows exactly what he’s doing in terms of his art.
So I was shocked, but decided to look for the context - maybe I missed some previous events regarding this Tokyo thing (another great idea - always check the context). Well, apparently I didn’t, because the whole narrative with the trip for two, lovely selfies etc. made my poor brain lowkey explode. (I still don’t buy the rings theory thing though)
But I didn’t give up lol! I’m a bit stubborn and it’s very hard to convince me in anything, so I decided to search for more context, more of their interactions, moreeee. Remember, the late October 2018, there were no swan lakes, RB, and even MMA18 hadn’t happened yet. 
This time I ended up watching content in more or less consistent way, and when I saw all of these scenes with affectionate JM and a cool badass i-don’t-care-about-anyone-i’m-a-manly-man-with-no-feelings-whatsoever JK, I just hysterically laughed. 
Homophobic Russia, remember? I recognized this. Growing up here being LGBT myself, taught me the same type behaviour during my high school days. When a girl I kinda liked but didn’t what to admit it to myself was nice to me or (oh god) flirted with me, I did something similar. It’s like a huge panic mode. Being an introvert doesn’t help either. The funniest thing is that you may not entirely realise what exactly is going on in terms of your own feelings, especially at that age (16-18ish). In my personal case, I thought I liked her but as a friend, only later to realise that well not as a friend oops :DDD The second thing (already not so funny) is that you actually consciously or unconsciously try to avoid the subject as much as possible, as long as possible and pretend that nothing is going on. We’re just bros. Stop doing this stupid gayish thing and don’t look at me like that, you’re annoying. If you ever do this again I (gently) kick you. I’m straighter than a straight line in my math textbook. IDK, but probably that’s your brain is somehow trying to protect you. Again, in my case&position I knew that the consequences for any non-straight person being outed would be bad (TW not to the point of being killed bad, but to the point of being excluded from a big part of society). So for me it was a mixture of the internalized homophobia + lack of self reflection + just being a bit emotionally slow + very! straight community around. Shit happens, I was a teenager and made my share of mistakes, but that experience helps me to recognize the same pattern of behaviour up to this day.   
So coming back to KM, because the post is already waaay too long and I just ramble. It’s been 2+ years for me being a part of this fandom, and what can I say... Things become more intense and eventful with every year passing by ;) Funny how I felt that vibe from the 2016 dance practice video. Seeing the Black Swan performance a week ago almost had me choked, no joking. They are amazing.
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                                                    Pure Art
However, and I would like to emphasize that, I do not incline that KM are 100% romantically involved and/or gay or whatever. I tend to treat people with respect and not to make too much assumptions about their private life. That’s not my business. However, I’m also not a fan of heteronormativity, so I’m just sitting here and observe everything that’s going on putting some distance and not forgetting being generally polite and critical thinking. But if they are just straightest besties please give them an Oscar before Grammy
Anyways, I hope this blog won’t kick the bucket from the very start and I will post something every now and then. You can always ask me questions about some BTS/Jikook related stuff or something about Russia and a Russian view on mass culture topics, since I’m pretty sure some of you have very stereotypical view of what is going on here :) However, do note that I’ve never been to America or Europe, therefore I may not be aware of something verrrry obvious to you or just have a completely different experience. 
P.S.  And yeah, I’m used to say Jikook, since it’s the name which is used much more frequently in Russian.  i like it better and what will u do haha
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coralstudiies · 5 years
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hello everyone! I got an ask from an anon asking for tips on time management so i decided to type this out before school starts heheh…
poor time management and procrastination, unfortunately, plague just about all of us lol. people with a short attention span (like me) and who are pretty much always on their phone (me again) and who hate scheduling are the most susceptible to these.
over the years i struggled with time management(studying the night before the exam 🤙🏼) but! these are some tips that have helped me in scheduling, avoiding procrastination and improving time management.
1. Write it down
as always, we’re starting with BEFORE the actual task. write all tasks, assignments, projects and homework, test dates down somewhere (notebook preferably so that you dont lose it. it doesn’t have to be your bujo and you do not have to start a bujo for this specific reason!!!) and write the deadlines. this is subconscious pressure to do work once you get home. also, since you can see everything, it’s easier to schedule it out later
2. Use travel time
i cannot stress this enough!!!! sorry that it appears in all my tips posts but it truly is very useful. for short commutes, review the content you’ve learnt so that when you start on your homework, you’ve already got the hang of it. ie you dont struggle to understand the chapter and be put off from finishing your work because you hate it. long commutes can be used to complete work itself. i like to place some books and a file under my worksheet while i write (if i have a seat lol) or you can take this time to plan your time in greater detail
3. Actually plan your time
you dont have to fancy it up with like, brush pens and highlighters. just do something on google sheets or excel. divide the day into appropriate blocks of time.
for me, since i use a focus timer (50+10 or 100+20, rare cases i do 120 with a long break after that) i keep my days in 1hr blocks. so i’d block in about 1hour after i reach home to chill, clean up and so on, 2hrs for homework and the remaining time can be divided by hour/2hours to complete my work. you can tweak the timings to work for you but so far this one suits me pretty well.
i repeat, never rush. because when you give only, say, one hour to review 3 chapters and you fail to do so within that time limit, you feel demoralised and hence, will not want to work more. this is a very common issue i believe. sometimes i would rush revise and when i couldnt stick to the timelines, i’ll feel so defeated that i’ll probably binge watch youtube to cure my self-pity LOL
give yourself an ample amount of time. Assign one or two hours a day as ‘delay time’ (this was my free time) so that you can catch up on anything that unfortunately, you couldn’t finish. Assign one day of the week to be the ‘delay day’ -- anything that you cant finish the week before, do it now. this means that you can still ‘save’ your plan even if it screwed up somewhere along the way. it works wonders, believe me! i used to have ‘delay hours’ after training where i would (ahem sadly) study from 2330-0030 if i needed to. while i was tired, i always got my work done.
5. Prioritise
this one needs no explanation. i usually choose which task to start on based on a combination of deadline+importance+graded/non-graded. i start early for graded assignments because they count towards my semester’s final grade and i want to hand up the best quality work i can. find a system which works for you! note: start project work and large assignments early.
you can assign simple tasks first to start the ball rolling, and proceed with harder tasks.
alternatively, if you’re at your prime focus, start with the hardest and scale down to the simple.
6. Make good use of holidays + Wake up early
ok i used to game a LOT and go to training a LOT (still happens now lol) during holidays but i wouldnt get any of my holiday work done.
do your holiday homework first. schedule your time well, and maybe stay home and resist the urge to go out for the first 5 days. finish all your work (again, schedule well) with breaks in between.
thereafter, schedule maybe 3-5 hours a day to revise. if you’re going out with friends, i’d suggest you wake up early to study because once you come home you’re usually dead tired HAHA
so how early is early?? during my o levels study break i would wake up at 0330 (yes, for real) but i slept at 2130 every night. so thats 6 hours of sleep wew but AT LEAST i was very productive. think about it this way: waking up early to study at 0330 makes you more productive than studying till 0330. you don’t have to wake up THIS early, but preferably early enough when the sky’s still dark so that you can fit in those extra hours. DO NOT sacrifice sleep. that’s why you can see i’m still sleeping my usual amount, albeit sleeping and waking earlier.
more perks of waking up early: its quiet outside, the air is cool, your mind gets into the ‘get shit done’ mode, and if you absolutely have to use your phone to search something up, your social media probably won’t be pinging. in other words, early mornings are actually a great time to study! remember to eat something though :>
7. Remove all distractions to prevent possible procrastination
YES i know this is the dreaded one. lock your phone somewhere inconvenient and put the key outside your room. or if you don’t lock it make sure your phone is far away from you as possible. please i know how deadly your phone can get so just put it away.
if you find yourself drifting away and looking at something else, remove that.
alternatively, change up your study environment. you don’t have to go to the library or something (you can if you want to). this is as simple as studying in a different part of the house. a new environment helps to ‘prick’ my mind and help me ignore distractions. i dont know if this is scientifically proven but oh well, worth a try.
8. 2-minute rule
this is something i picked up from @studyquill! it’s pretty helpful (although i was skeptical at first). Tell yourself you’re only going to work for 2 minutes, which helps you get into the workflow. chances are you’ll get so into it (ok not in an excited but rather in a determined way) that you don’t feel like stopping.
if you’ve had a long day and after 2 mins you still don’t get any momentum, just stop and take a 15 min break. that means you’re really too tired and there’s no point in forcing yourself to complete your work.
9. Use reminders
set reminders on your phone for the tasks you need to do. for example, if you’ve planned to start work at 1500, set the reminder to ring 5 minutes before so you have time to gather all your stuff and ready yourself to do work. no excuses!!
set reminders for your breaks as well! those are equally important.
10. Reward yourself
if everything you need to do is done, give yourself a pat on the back. have you been extremely productive? great, treat yourself to your favourite drink/snack. honestly i feel like many of our brains function on the ‘reward’ system. if we reward ourselves for a job well done, we’ll be more willing to complete tasks and stay on time in the future (the brain thinks there’s a reward coming)
remember to take care of your mental health as well! this is one good way to ensure you don’t end up mentally exhausted.
Apps to help with time management
1. Tide - focus timer, meditation, beautiful and calming soundtracks (my fav!)
2. Pendo - everything in one tbh, schedule, to-do list, journal etc. (my fav too!)
3. Forest - focus timer $$$ (free alternative: flora)
4. Donut Dog - focus timer
5. Todoist - minimalist to-do list
6. Minimalist - minimalist to-do list
7. Google Calender - your entire schedule
8. Todait - smart study planner
a quick search will bring out many more! note these are all available on iOS but i’m not sure about google play. you don’t need everything to be productive. i rely only on Tide, Pendo and my iPhone calender and reminders. It’s less about having many ‘tools’ and more about how you properly and wisely utilise them to boost your productivity and manage your time.
also i don't think pendo is very well-known?? so this is how its interface looks like for 'Notes':
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it's pretty, simple and clean and there are several themes to choose from! i rly like it omg HAHA (not a promo)
alright that's all! hope it helped :>
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my-computer-tuition · 3 years
Copywriting Pro Tips for More Conversions
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Copywriting Pro Tips for More Conversions ..... or
Copywriting : A few Tips to help You Sell More Product
Tips to Sell more
Make your Conversions go through the roof
My Secret Zoom Method for Escalating Your Sales 1000X overnight
Write Copy like a Master and have a queue of Clients at your Door
I came up with these five different titles in just a few seconds, there are of course infinite numbers of ways to say the same thing…. but which one will actually SELL? Copywriting If ever there was a skill in demand, it is copywriting. It is everywhere
Blog posts
Sales Pages
Landing Pages
Ads Online
Ads on TV
Ads on the Radio
If you can learn the art of persuading a prospect to buy, you will have a great skill, even a career. Good copywriters cost a fortune to hire. Every Marketer needs good persuasive copy to get sales. This article is a description of some of the more common methods of selling and some of the things to consider before you lay out your copy. Good copywriting is however not something you can attain, by simply reading an article or two or by buying a course. It takes practice. Follow the main points in this introductory article and try writing your first Ad or post. Most people’s first attempts are rubbish so don’t worry too much. In later articles in this series, I will expand on some of the main components such as Headlines, USP and Hook and you will see how to improve your piece to make it work. If you get to the point where your copy is working well and your sales are rocketing, you will have a marketable skill in huge demand. There are big differences in the copy used in Blog Posts, Sales pages, Emails and all the others in the above list. The way you would word a blog post for example would be greatly different to an Ad. Also don’t mix up presentation with Copy. Strictly speaking, a copywriter deals only with words that sell, not the format of the presentation, although on occasions it might be prudent to point out obvious problems, for instance, if the webpage designer puts your copy onto a background which obscures or makes reading your copy difficult, then obviously the copy will not do its job.
Copywriting BasicsHere are a few major points which should be considered, before you publish.What you say in your copy depends on the prospects position in the buying cycle. If he is totally unaware of the problem or solution, your text needs to bring these to his attention, whereas if you have sent him several emails outlining the problem the solution and your product to solve the problem – then your text has a much more narrow focusWhat’s in it for ME : Your copy should focus on benefits for the client like  time saving, cost saving,  NOT the sellers features like dimensions, quality, tech, company history etc.Who is your Client: be sure to compose a customer Avatar, know who you are selling to, age sex, demographic, wants, needs, pain, or problem. Selling tech to a young tech savvy guy is going to be totally different to a computer phobic 60+ year old.
The Buying Cycle:
What level of product/service AWARENESS does your reader have? If the page you are composing is a landing page, you need to know the content or Ad that sent them here. The Headline and copy for someone Unaware of the product, is going to be vastly different from the copy aimed at those Fully Aware of the problem/pain/product
Levels of Awareness:
Aware of Problem but Not Aware of your Product
Solution Aware
Product Aware
They don’t even know that they have the problem that you are selling the solution for. They need indoctrination. Introduce the problem. Diagnose the problem. The Ad that they clicked will have had a wide scope, they may have found your content on a blog post describing the problem or telling a story on Facebook.
Aware of Problem but Not Aware of your Product: Empathise and concentrate on Pain, Solution and Benefits
Solution Aware:
Here you can use social proof, previous customer feedback or reviews. Also, introduce what is special and unique about YOUR solution
Product Aware: They know all about your product (and its competitors) may also be on a list receiving your emails. All you need to do is re-present (if possible) a new improved offer OR maybe introduce some scarcity like “this month only” or “last 100” What you say in your copy depends on the prospect's position in the buying cycle. If he is totally unaware of the problem or solution, your text needs to bring these to his attention, whereas if you have sent him several 'educational' emails outlining the problem or the solution and your product to solve the problem – then your text has a much more narrow focus
The Headline
This is such an important part of the Sales letter/blog post that I leave it until the post is complete before composing it.  The Hook ( below ) will give you the main components of your headline. SEO is important for Blog posts – but not necessarily your job if you are just the copywriter.
The Headline is what readers see in search results so it must grab attention, but not appear spammy. If I had titled this post “How to 10X your Sales with my Secret Zoom Generator Method” you would suspect it to be a scam, so don’t go overboard
What is your USP
State it clearly, concisely and with brevity. Who are you helping. With What Problem to Achieve what benefit through which Unique Solution
Show the prospect that you understand their pain/problem. Create Trust, empathy. Speak to the person directly and use the appropriate language for that niche eg. For Doctors – their ‘customers’ are patients, For retail – ‘customers’, For legal businesses it would be ‘Client’
Tell a Story or Educate the reader
Introduce the solution, avoid hyperbole, tell a story, must be believable. Or try an educational method, set out the steps to take to solve the problem but – Leave out sufficient details to make them unable to succeed without YOUR proprietary method
Tell them WHAT to do, but not HOW to do it
Tell them the 5 things that this product is NOT
eg. Competitor products have fillers but ours is pure, Our product is not diluted, Ours protects against xyz, Ours has no abc which is filtered out
Describe some methods to do X, but not the best way
Tell them the mistakes that lead to problems or
What NOT to do when trying to do X
In each case you explain the details, establishing your credibility and expertise. What Benefits does your solution have over others?
List and expand on the benefits and list the features. The features create the logical reason to buy. The benefits will create the ALL IMPORTANT emotional reason to buy
Create a HOOK – an idea which grabs attention and persuades the reader to find out more
If testimonials or user feedback / reviews are available use them
How to Stop procrastination
The last bit of buyer resistance is Procrastination. You simply need a reason they should buy NOW, eg. you can use ‘scarcity’
Price Scarcity – the price will rise soon
Premium Scarcity – the bonuses only available for limited time
Quantity – only limited number left
Offer Scarcity – the cart will close soon Note: Don’t always use scarcity it can look spammy. You can just get the prospect to imagine how it feels to have your product X completed, installed.OR you can show how NOT doing X is not an option because – market conditions are moving OR all your competitors are all doing X.CTA – Call to ACTION. Be clear, give precise instructions on how to go forward. Be sure there is only one possible action on the page – leave off the navigation menu and sidebar or any other distractions. You can however use two ( or more ) buy buttons – going to the same Check-Out page, it may be prudent to include one above the fold and one  right at the bottom of the page ( where almost all readers expect it to be )
Simplify your text if possible Scan over your page when it is complete and if it is possible to remove anything that can be misunderstood. Remove anything that you can say in simpler terms, then do so. To be accepted by the widest audience, it should be written with quite a young reading age in mind.
Checkout my original article https://my-computer-tuition.co.uk/copywriting-pro-tips-for-more-conversions/     which will be updated with more on USPs , hooks and Choosing a title
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halfwaythereroyal · 4 years
And You Are? (Poe Dameron x Reader) - Kilig
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GIF credit: @xsolo-rey​
Pairing: Poe Dameron x F!Reader 
Rating: PG because of cursing. No other warnings I can think of unless your secondhand embarrassment is really bad.
Word count: 1,315 words
A/N: This is my first fic in a pretty long time. This can be read as a one-shot or as part of the series. I was inspired by all the amazing writers on here who have helped quarantine a lot easier to bear. I wanted this to be part of a series called the “Kilig Series” because I love/hate that feeling of being excited over anything remotely romantic 😍. Please enjoy, and let me know what you think! 
👑 All my writing will be posted to my side writing blog from now on! 👑
Kilig is a Tagalog word to describe the feeling of excitement and exhilaration and possibly embarrassment from anything remotely romantic.
Part 2 + Part 3 + Part 4 + Masterlist
“5 minutes. Ok I can make it. I can totally make it. It’s fine. My presentation is not until the end anyway” she muttered to herself as she quickly shuffled her notes and an array of loose papers into her arms and raced out of her barracks. It had been a long night. One filled with no sleep and more work than what she deemed necessary. If she was being honest with herself, most of her night was spent trying to find any type of motivation to finish putting together the intel for General Organa. This consisted of drinking numerous cups of caf, pacing, and doodling on scratched out notes until she realized she had less than two hours to work in order to finish on time.
“85 now? Maybe 90 beats…” she counted to herself. Her heart felt like it was pounding in her ears, to the point where she could clearly count the beats. Counting her heart rate was a habit she had picked up to deal with stressful situations, although in this case, the stress was very much self-induced. She had all night to finish her presentation for General Organa after all. Her breaths became faster as her pace quickened toward command center, damning the fact her barracks were situated at the furthest possible place. She readjusted her notes to rest in the crook of her left arm. She brought up her right forearm to wipe away the beads of sweat gathering on her forehead. Her notes were slowly starting to slip, and she hissed at the soreness of her arm under the weight of her notes. She could not be late this time.
She turned a sharp corner and loudly groaned. Of course practically everyone else on this base was also in the very hallway between her and command center. She began to quickly make her through the hallway, right forearm swinging back and forth, propelling her through the crowd of Resistance members clogging up her path. Yes, this was the established peak time for everyone to be awake and working, but how was she supposed to know they would all conspire against her and get in her way when she was trying to get to her meeting on time?
“100 beats? Probably 120 at this point,” she muttered to herself. The pounding heartbeat in her ears was coupled with the beads of sweat trickling down the side of her face. She quickly wiped the sweat away with her right arm again. She silently cursed her procrastinating nature. She had plenty of time to get this presentation together, but the pressure of a looming deadline motivated some of her best work. She felt the the top pages of her notes slip from the pile resting in her left arm, and she quickly reacted by attempting to grab the pages with her free hand before they got to the ground. Her attempts were futile, and her pages spilled onto the ground.
“No no no no! Come on!” She groaned and bent down to shuffle the pages into her arms, narrowly avoiding being stepped on by several Resistance members. In her haste to pick up her notes, she did not see the person in front of her who began to bend down to pick up the remaining pages. She hastily snatched the last pages from the ground and snapped her body up, hitting the back of her head against something. Or someone.
“Oh shit! I am so sorry! I didn’t even see…” she paused, at a loss for words, as she got a good look at the person she basically assaulted in her haste. Shit. Just her luck. Poe fucking Dameron. Her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. The blood rushed to her ears and cheeks, heating up her face and muffling all other sounds around her other than the beat of her heart.
The first thing that stood out to her was the black curls that sat atop his head. How did he manage to make his hair look so perfect in the humid weather of Ajan Kloss? She struggled to get any type of volume into her hair in this heat, and yet his hair sat perfectly curled and annoyingly perfect. Next was his jawline. A jawline so sharp that she would probably cut herself slapping him. His jawline was emphasized by the hint of a beard casting a faint blue shadow. By Maker. It should not be allowed to look this handsome. It took her a moment to realize she was staring while Poe was pinching his nose bridge, eyes blinking repeatedly toward the ceiling, and tilting his head up in an effort to stop the flow of blood from his nose.
“No no you’re good. I was just trying to help you out.” Her trance was broken by his words as she looked at the injured man.
“I am so so sorry! I didn’t even see you!” She readjusted her notes securely in to her arm and clutched them to her side. She took out a loose tissue she had taken from the mess hall out of her pocket. “Here, let me look. You’re not supposed to put your head back.” She handed him the tissue which he quickly used to pinch his nose and soak up the blood. “You’re supposed to tilt your head downwards.” She gently guided his head to tilt downward by softly pulling on his hand and nudging his head forward from behind. “Does it really hurt? I am so sorry. I was running late for my meeting with General Organa.”
“I’m fine!” He said in a falsely comforting tone. He leaned against the wall for support. “It wasn’t your fault. I…uh…didn’t know it would be this dangerous when trying to say hi to someone so beautiful.”
She blinked twice, surprised at his flirting. Poe Dameron. Flirting with her after she almost broke his nose? She felt heat creep up her neck and make its way to her ears. “Oh. Thank you for that, Poe. Sorry…Captain! I mean Commander! I don’t know I…”
“It’s just Poe. No need for all that. You’re not part of my squadrons. I would have noticed by now,” he grinned, “And you are?” Poe asked, bringing his brown eyes up to meet hers. She blinked a few times, subconsciously counting out the rapid beating of her heart again, before a Resistance member squeezed through the space in between them to get through, effectively breaking the trance Poe held on her.
“I hate to leave you like this, but I’m really late to my meeting by now,” she said, walking backwards toward the doors of command center, ”Again, I am so so sorry about your nose, but I have to go.” She turned around and hastily made her want through the crowd. He pushed himself off the wall and started dodging people around him to follow her.
“Wait! What’s your name?!”
She turned around and easily met his eyes despite the crowded hallway. How were his eyes so magnetic even from far away? “Y/N!” she shouted out. She once again turned around and made her way through the doors of the command center. He watched her retreating figure with a small smile, rooted in his spot for a moment, simply staring at the closed doors.
“Dameron! You ok? What happened?” Pava asked. Poe hadn’t even noticed the fellow pilot make her way up to him. He took the tissue away from his nose which had stopped bleeding. He sniffled and placed the tissue in his pocket. He took one last look at the doors and then looked at Pava.
“Yeah. Yeah I am.” Poe grinned. “You ready for drills today?” Poe nodded towards the hangars and walked in pace with Pava, vowing to see Y/N again.
Part 2 + Part 3 + Part 4 + Masterlist
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realcube · 4 years
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matchup for @starlightte​
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‘since i am already so stressed with acads, i like to chill at home & watch series, or spend hours in a cafe just chillin, prob scrolling through my phone and watching random videos! i just wanna be chill tbh LOL though i also like to travel from time to time, just having new adventures!! in such trips, i like taking lotsa lotsa photos and videos which i will later and edit to scrapbooks/travel vlogs/etc.’
♡ akaashi is probably stressed out too ngl- that’s why he enjoys hanging you with you so much, it helps him relax. he could honestly spend hours just sitting on the couch with you, watching a random tv show while procrastinating doing his school work lmao 
♡ but even then, he’s usually the first one to — begrudgingly — hop off the couch and head to his room to start studying, recommending that you do the same.
♡ omg ik this is overdone but akaashi + coffee shop AU!!
♡ like he probably met you in this one café that you were both regulars at. and once y’all start dating, whenever you’re down or stressed, he’ll take you to the same café for a quick drink and a chat :))
♡ akaashi loves travelling too- esp with you! he’s a bit camera-shy though so he’ll probably be the ones taking the photos of you lol. the only way you’ll ever get a pic of him is if you sneak one, or ask to take a selfie with him 
♡ also, after your trips he has so much fun scrapbooking with you- and he’s lowkey pretty good at it, like he has an eye for the colors and designs
♡ lmao he is kinda anticipating his retirement so he can just travel with you and spend his days scrapbooking away <33 
‘physical touch, quality time, and gifts. i am very affectionate to my partner and i won’t hesitate to make the first move HAHAH i can be clingy at times too, literally like a koala. though ofc, i also baby my s/o! will 100% spoil him with gifts too! so random gifts/treats with cheesy sticky notes or letters are common ^3^’
♡ yeesss bc bb akaaski needs someone who’ll make the first move 🙏 when y’all first start dating, he almost never initiates anything bc he’s afraid of making your uncomfy-
♡ he honestly doesn’t mind when you act clingy tbh, if anything he thinks it’s cute. like it makes him happy to think that you adore him so much that you actually want to be around him :)) and he makes sure that whenever you are being a lil clingy, he showers you with his affection!!
♡ ok so when you spoil him, he acts all nonchalant on the outside but on the inside he is screaming- it just makes him feel so loved and appreciated in a way he’s never felt before! and he tries his best to spoil you right back so it isn’t one-sided. 
♡ also the cheesy lil notes of encouragement you write him all go on this one corkboard in him room that hangs above his desk, so he can look at them and read them while studies, if he’s not feeling motivated. 
♡ he secretly writes you lil’ poems about how much he loves you but he’s too shy to show you them at first bc he’s not confident in his poetry ability but he might write you one for valentine’s day 👉👈
♡ idk if this is acts of service or gift-giving, but whenever you are fixated on studying and you seem really stressed —but akaashi doesn’t want to disturb you or ruin your momentum— he’ll do a coffee run on his own and buy you your favourite drink along with a sweet treat and deliver to you while you work
‘star sign: libra sun, aries moon, sagi rising
fun fact: i used to compete in hip hop dance competitions back in hs but because i want to maintain my high grades, eventually, i stopped competing :<’
♡ akaashi is a sagittarius!! ‘the relationship of Libra and Sagittarius is in most cases a beneficent bond that allows these partners to develop their emotional, inner worlds and build their lives without negative influences.’
♡ if you told akaashi that, he’d definitely understand the decision you made bc he had to make a similar when he stopped pursuing volleyball to focus on his education
♡ but after you tell him, he’ll 100% ask you if you remember any moves and if you do, show him.
♡ and dw you’re a bit rusty bc akaashi will be in awe either way :o
for @starlightte​: i hope you liked it bb! i was thinking osamu at first but i said i would’ve give ppl their self-ships. then i thought bokuto but your hobbies were more compatible with akaashi-
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onceshy-twicebitten · 5 years
Male reader x Jasper Hale.
Plot Line: The reader’s lived in Forks his whole life. The Cullens show up and he’s afraid to admit his crush on none other than Jasper Hale. His friends however, have a plan to let Jasper know how much their friend swoons over him. Who knows? Maybe Jasper might feel undeniably flattered.
In this fanfiction Alice and Jasper are just best friends. Jasper is bisexual. Fake names have been made for the reader’s friends.
Friend names include: Jane and Westley (Wes)
TW: cursing, a lot of teenage embarrassment, and fluff.
Words: 1,626
And then, in the midst of it all, I saw your eyes. To fall is to accept, and to be damned is to reject. Yet in the end, no matter what I may feel or see, damned is all I am to be.
There was a long pause of silence. Your friend, Jane, looked at you and gave a soft smile. “Y/N... you’re really good at poetry but that’s just depressing.”
A loud snort came from your left. You turned your head to see Wes waving his hand. “Sorry bro, but that was absolute shit. Sad poetry about how much you like the guy? Scared of rejection? What are you a 13 year old girl?”
“Hey! I take offense to that,” Jane snapped back. She pulled her pony tail out, starting to redo it. “Listen, I think it’s sweet that you like him so much. However, I have to agree with Westley. Being upset about it isn’t going to help you and you know it.” They were right. You didn’t want them to be, but they were. Letting out a sigh, you let your head drop to the lunchroom table.
“Just end me now,” you complained, your voice muffled by the table.
“Y/N... come on. Pick your head up. How about after school we can all get online and play video games? I bombed the last round of Call of Duty,” Jane said. Wes laughed again. “Bombed it?! You did worse in that last round than I do in English!”
Then they started to bicker. You let out a huff of air, sitting up. You looked down at your depressive poetry book. It was filled with poems about how much you liked Jasper Hale. One of the many members of the ‘Cullen Clan’ as the town called them. They just moved here and you couldn’t get Jasper out of your mind. On the first day of school you tripped in the halls, dropping your books everywhere. You didn’t think that the most handsome, polite, and chivalrous man would come to your aide... but he did.
Your eyes met and suddenly you were in love. Well, you didn’t say you were in love until three months later, in the middle of November. Thanksgiving break was coming up, and you were excited to not have to stop yourself from staring at his gorgeous face.
For a split second, you felt eyes on you. You turned around and scanned the lunch room... but no one was looking at you. You couldn’t stop yourself from glancing at Jasper and the rest of his siblings. Damn. His hair had gotten longer.
That’s when the bell rang. You quickly stood up, almost stumbling when you did. In a rush, you grabbed your books and waved goodbye to your friends. You’d talk to them after school.
The second you got home, you made your way to your room. Dropping off your bookbag to procrastinate your math homework, you turned on your console. Jane and Wes were already online as if they ran home at the speed of light. Well, Wes probably did. God he was such an idiot.
You turned on your headset and joined their party invite. “Hey guys-“
“Y/N! WE HAVE AN IDEA.” Oh god. They said that in unison.
“What’s your idea...” you asked, rather wearily. You felt your heartrate slightly pick up at the thought of whatever they were thinking. You knew it wasn’t going to be good. Whenever those two conspired, chaos seemed to follow.
“Okay, so Wes and I were talking-“
“And Jane and I thought-“
“We could just ask Jasper out for you.”
‘Okay. No. No. Absolutely not. Hell no. Not in a million fucking years. No. Not at all. God no. Please no.’ It took Wes clearing his throat for you to realize you said all that out loud .
“Guys... please don’t. I’m already embarrassed enough about it, you know? I don’t need you two screwing this up for me and making me out to be a fool in front of the guy I like!” You had a point. They could completely ruin your reputation and embarrass the hell out of you in front of the whole school. Oh god. “How would you do it?”
Jane laughed over the com. “We were thinking we could just put a letter in his locker. No, you won’t get to read it. No, it won’t be embarrassing. Something short and sweet. Right, Wes?” Wes groaned. “Noooo. We gotta make it romantic. Endearing. Full on flattery that Jasper couldn’t do anything accept ask Y/n out! ‘Oh my dear Jasper, how I’ve thought of you many a moon. Like a Romeo without a Juliet, I long for you. Your smile and glowing eyes, how I dream of them. Oh won’t you be mine?!’”
Your cheeks burned red. You couldn’t help it! He was embarrassing the shit out of you! “So help me God if you actually write any of that down-“ you gritted your teeth, your face a deep red. You took the headset off, pressing the power button. Nope. Can’t do it. Taking in a deep breath, you turned your headset back on, putting it back over your head. Wes was apologizing, swearing that he and Jane wouldn’t actually pull anything like that.
You dreaded this. More than dreaded this. You despised it. Loathed it. You wanted nothing to do with it. The closer you got to school, the more mortified you started to feel. Nothing had even happened yet. Just the thought of Jane getting to school early and putting a letter in his locker... oh god...
When you got to school, you could see The Cullens pulling up. You glanced at their cars as Jasper stepped out. He instantly looked at you. SHIT.
You turned your head as fast as you could, rushing into the building. ‘Nope. No. Not happening. Hell to the no. Jesus christ Jane- why did you have to do this to me you bitch. What if I become too embarrassed that I go speechless? What if I get rejected? Then what? I go home and cry about it like the scared little boy Wes thinks I am about this? Man. So what if I cry? Okay. Guys cry all the time. Maybe not over rejected crushes but- but whatever! Ugh!’
Your thoughts ran absolutely rampant. You couldn’t stop them. You rushed to your locker and started to unpack your bag. Grab your books. All of them? Yup. No stopping at your locker today no matter how heavy the load is. Pencil pouch? Yup. Got it. Water bottle-
Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh no. God please no. You turned to see Jasper and your hands became sweaty. Suddenly all of your books slipped out of your hands and landed on your feet.
“Fuck!” You shouted, stumbling slightly back. You felt a strong hand steady you, and Jasper was looking at you with a worried gaze.
“Are you okay?” He asked, reaching down to pick your books up. Okay maybe he didn’t read the note and if he did dropping the books distracted him enough-
“I... read the note in my locker,” he said. FUCK. “And... I’m flattered.” What.
Jasper had this small smile on his face, holding out your history textbook to you. “I assumed you had at least a slight crush on me by now. I’ve... caught you staring. Though, I guess I was staring as well in those cases.”
Okay. What. This is not- this is extremely different from what you thought was going to happen. Was he... confessing?
“I truly am flattered that you’d write something so nice-“
“It wasn’t me!” You cut him off, your cheeks slowly turning a deep shade of red. “I- I um- my friend Jane she wrote it. Her and my other friend Westley knew that I liked you and they wrote the note together... somewhat. So I’d stop... avoiding you. And my feelings. I guess.”
Jasper smiled. Oh. He was uh. He was smiling. Okay. Okay that’s a good thing- right?
You couldn’t help but smile back. You took the history book from him and let out a nervous laugh. “I’m... so sorry if they wrote something absured.”
“No. It wasn’t anything bad. You don’t have to worry about what was written. However... I must admit, I thought you were... well, attractive. When we met on the first day. I wanted to let you know that I’d love to take you out on a date.”
He still had that soft smile. Those gorgeous eyes... he was so handsome. His voice was so soft, and in a few words you could just hear the southern accent. Your stomach turned and your heart skipped a few beats.
“I um... I- I would love that. I’m- I’m actually free tonight-“
“Perfect. How about I pick you up at six?”
Oh. OH. You looked away from his eyes, smiling like an idiot. “Six... six works. Yeah.” You glanced back up, seeing he was holding another book of yours. Your poetry book. Your eyes went wide as he handed it to you.
“Alright. I’ll see you at six then, okay darlin’? And... you don’t have to be afraid to talk to me. My siblings aren’t as mean as they look. I promise.” The bell rang. He waved goodbye to you, turned around, and started to walk away.
Holy shit. Jasper Hale just asked you out. You have a date with him tonight! You screamed in your head, quickly scrambling for the things you needed. Slamming your locker shut, you spun on your heel and headed to your first class. So maybe you could accept this. Your feelings for Jasper. And... maybe you could fall in love. Just this once.
Hi! So I hope you liked this. I’m sort of planning on writing Jaspers version of this, and maybe how the date goes! If this gets popular enough I 100% will!
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Alright, I’ve only seen these kinds of posts a few times, but even when I see them, they’re always Virgil. (Virgil is super cool I just wanna see the other sides too.) So here we go!
Quick thoughts/Aesthetic
Coffee shops and libraries
Dark blue notebook
Running out of ink
Quiet typing of keys
Actual writing stuff
I’d usually feel compelled to say realistic fiction- but I feel like he could write a really good sci-fi book. He’d plan out the settings, the slang words, and many of the characters. 
Person: How’s your writing going?
Logan: It’s going spectacularly, I made a map of their world yesterday! I still need to finish their neighboring city and some of the government’s regulations but that should be finished by tonight.
Person: Nice! What’s your word count?
Logan: Well, you see-
He’s dabbled in realistic history but he doesn’t really care for it too much.
He’s collabed with Roman many times for his book. Sometimes it’s for a fresh idea and sometimes Lo just needs a little bit of validation.
Speaking of Roman
Quick thoughts
Quick typing in the early morning as he jots down his newest idea
*sees a pretty notebook at the store* You already have enough, you already have enough, you already- *buys it*
Tiny notebook he always keeps on him in case he needs it
Writing goes brrrr
Although he’s helped Logan many times, Roman just feels like it’s hard to write a proper book. 
The commitment to one storyline? No thank you, how about a few dozen wips
He mainly writes fanfiction. 
80k enemies to friends to lovers? He’s got you.
He’s not the most popular blog in the community but he does have a decent following. 
Every now and then he gets some hate but Virgil tries to help him not dwell on it for too long. Sometimes he directly helps, and sometimes Roman gets a distraction.
He lives for those typing sprints.
(There’s still more! I just cut it for length reasons.)
Quick thoughts
Late-night writing
Writing on his arm if he gets an idea
“I swear I hate writing so much” *continues writing*
Making aesthetic posts for his characters
Coherent thoughts
He doesn’t really like sharing his work.
The anxiety from knowing someone is reading over your work but also knowing that they’re judging it is the worst
The first person he shows his book to is Patton. 
He draws art of some scenes to help him get a consistent picture of it.
He totally doesn’t draw as a way of procrastinating
He goes on late night drives to help plan out the storyline. 
He always stops at 7/11 for some snacks. The person at the counter now recognizes him. Virgil has chosen to go to a new gas station for now on.
Quick thoughts
*projects onto character* *projects onto character* *projects-
Taking personality quizzes for his characters
Almost every character has a pet
He has planned out the pet’s favorite food and personality but not the side character’s backstory.
Brain dump
He has some characters based on his friends but he’ll never reveal who’s who.
The others have a group chat to try to decide.
When his friends aren’t feeling well he’ll write a fluffy fanfic of their favorite ship.
He usually doesn’t dabble in fandoms but sometimes it really helps him out of a writing block. Plus, he can get some instant feedback.
He wishes he could listen to some happy piano or background music but it always distracts him from writing.
Misc. stuff
Almost all of them met at their local book club.
They all just drifted together and decided to make their own meetings and group chats. They also have writing sessions together.
When they have big group writing sessions; Patton brings snacks, Logan brings drinks, Roman and Virgil bring blankets
They originally made their group chat so if one of them knew a meeting was canceled then all of them would, but small talk slowly turned into conversations. 
“Why aren’t Janus and Remus here?”
I didn’t have any original ideas for them. But y’all are 100% welcome to add them.
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
Hi guys! I I'm an ENXP and I was looking for some advice about knowing myself better. I saw the mods are ENPs and maybe you guys could help me. I recently noticed a pattern regarding my own actions that is basically ruining my life. I seem to rely too much on my Ne, specially about my future and my career. I'm ruled by a need of pursuing anything that catches my attention in a determined moment. I obsess over it for a while and then move on. I've changed my major 4 times now. Every activity I do is temporary. And if I don't find something I can obsess over I get depressed and bored. Anyways, I think this has led me to not trust myself anymore, since I can't commit to anything because I lose interest in everything and I'm always looking for new possibilities. I have reached a point where I can't allow myself to pursue everything I want and I have to make decisions and commit. But I'm too scared to become trapped and take responsibility for my own decisions. I think this would be easier if I knew myself better, but I don't think I know who I am besides my own random interests, which is weird I guess. How can I develop my own Fi? Or Ti? How do you guys deal with your dominant Ne? How do you commit to things? I'm 23 by the way. Shouldn't I have developed some Fi or Ti or something by now? I turned to mbti because I wanted to gain a better understanding of myself but holy shit this is hard. I could only recognize my dominant Ne. All this self analysis seems useless if I don't really know myself, I realized I'm not self aware at all. So anyways, as fellows Ne doms how did you guys developed your auxiliary functions? Any advice will be amazing! Thank you guys for everything you do here!
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The first thing you need to do is recognize is you are an Enneagram 7 and all of this is ‘normal’ for them in lower health levels. To overcome this, you have to ‘grow up’ as a 7 and stop allowing fear of commitment or quick loss of focus from dominating your life. You have control over yourself, you are not utterly helpless to your whims (said the Fi user who has a moral tone of ‘you make your own choices and messes and you have to get out of them’ ;).
7s have to learn to be open to the scary idea of commitment to reap the dividends of hard work.
Read the 7 profile and see how allowing yourself to ‘run away’ from commitment (which includes not finishing or devoting yourself to any project) can hinder your life. Once you recognize WHAT you are doing, and WHY you are doing it, you can develop the power to STOP YOURSELF from doing it, or from allowing ‘excuses’ or fear to run you away from good things.
ENTP Mod. : Charity is right. Here is also where the judging functions come into play. With Fi, you can eventually weed out that which you aren't personally passionate about/ those goals which don't align with your personal values. With Ti, you can see a chain reaction of the patterns in your life, and determine the most effective path to help yourself using logic to streamline your processes, make it more elegant.
Slow the hell down. Force yourself to stop running toward the future and live right now. Repeat the mantra of ‘right now is all that matters today’ a 100 times an hour if you have to. Be present. Be invested. Bring yourself into ‘now.’
My co-mod is a 7w6 ENTP who suffers from a lot of the same issues; I will nudge her to offer her two cents to this post, in regards as to what she is currently doing about it. Basically, she had to talk herself into getting a permanent job rather than talking herself out of it. Once she got into it, she realized it didn’t suck as much as she feared. Her brain is her own worst enemy.
I had to talk myself into this job. I gave myself lots of reasons why I would love it. It might sound a little unrealistic going in with pre set expectations but at least you will not go in blind. Making a pros cons list is always a good idea. It helps to sift through your multiple ideas, and narrow down the ones which can really work. Test out the feasibility of your ideas, opportunities before hand. Talk to people, do your research. Just remember that things will never be as bad or boring as you think them to be. This is a cliche but something which helps me in the mornings when I know I have boring work to do is "Get up, dress up, show up. Never give up." Also it helps to live from day to day. Don't worry too far into the future, you never know what variables might upset your plans.
Work-wise, a 7 needs to travel, get the ‘high’ of meeting new people, and not to be involved in sheer detail-driven grunt work. They need challenges to work toward and obstacles to overcome. Pick a career that offers you all of that. If you do not, you will have a string of 6 months at ___ jobs that do not look good on your resume. Find a career in something that you feel passionate about, that offers some kind of mental stimulation.
ENTP 7 co-mod is an attorney who loves to find ways to ‘get around things’ in the law.
ENTP Mod. note: Always try to remember the root of your passion when you feel like defecting from one option to another. If you must leave, leverage what you have learned in one place and how you can dress that up to make your hopping about look good. That's what I did, and it worked for me. Some of the reasons I love my job are the constant intellectual stimulation, creative aspects of it, my love for criminology pays off, meeting interesting people. Sure there are sucky days when you have to deal with the bureaucratic demons. But that won't be every day. Unless your role requires you to do something like it. In which case I would suggest that you avoid picking up detail heavy, low Si or adherence related work which will make you feel miserable and frustrated. Try to pick something that plays to your strengths, improve your weaknesses. Compete with nobody but yourself. Every day you are better than you were, yesterday. Even with a little effort. It is important to not give up. It is so hard for 7s but we have the gift of rationalizing. So instead of using it as a mechanism to justify dropping things, use it to tell yourself why you should stick around. You as a 7 can make most things fun. So find little tricks and ways to make the work day fun. Whether it is achieving small, impactful targets or making games out of small, low stakes things. Also, having money and being able to live nicely is fun. Nobody is gonna pay you if they think that their money will be wasted on training you if your pattern is just leaving jobs. It took me a long time to develop this perspective but I am glad I did.
I (ENFP 6w5 sp/so) chose a career in magazine editing, because it gives me time to do what I actually love, which is write novels. I’m afraid I can’t give you advice from my own life that would work for you, because a 6w5 sp/so is far more focused and driven to finish their projects than a 7w6, which means I push through ‘the boring, tedious bits’ of projects regardless of how ‘excited’ I am. It’s not fun to edit a book 7 times, but I still do it. I force myself to show up to work, to sit there for 3 or 4 hours, and commit to X amount of words, pages, etc.
Do you think it’s “fun” for me always to keep this queue stocked, or to type up characters at the end of a long day because the queue is low? Or go back and update old profiles and move them from this blog onto wordpress? No. I hate it sometimes. It’s boring as hell. But I committed to it, I will see it through, even though looking into my “to update” folder makes me want to scream. I tackle huge projects one step at a time. I’m disciplined but I can procrastinate at work, rather than doing whatever needs doing.
Which really is the bottom line. You want to finish things? Just do them. Force yourself to show up and do the work, even if it’s “boring.” Most of life isn’t fun. Paying the bills isn’t fun. You do boring stuff to make a living, so you can have the money to do fun things. If you do not learn to do it, whether or not it is fun, you will wind up ‘stuck at home this month, because I have no money.’
That frustrates a 7 even more than being bored at work.
Accept that your fear of commitment is a fear-driven lie.
You are not going to get trapped by committing to something or someone. Head types massively over-think things and allow fear – in the 7’s case of “missing out” on better things – to dominate their life. Admit it’s fear. Admit that allowing fear to ruin your entire life is stupid. Then do something against the fear. Do the thing fear tells you not to: commit and work at it. Fight the urge every day to leave. Stick it out, and prove you ‘can’ to yourself.
Middle functions. You’re in college so you should be seeing either some Ti analyzing or Te “buckle down and set goals and get this schoolwork finished by the deadline” kicking in. Are you more inclined to self-doubt and beat yourself up like a young FiTe user after ‘failing’ to organize your time efficiently or to make excuses and blame external circumstances like a young TiFe user?
My Fi has always been strongly evident, though I didn’t know what it was at the time. Things that set off a NOPE response in me vs. the ‘rest of everything, which I don’t care about.’ The intense sensitivity as a child. The compassion for other people and especially for small animals. The understanding of emotional dynamics and how people ‘feel.’ The constant angst between caring too much about people’s feelings and being low Te blunt or rude when I’m having an off day. The ‘going away from everyone’ to deal with my feelings in private. I have always fiercely, Fi-ishly known what I like and do not like, and have no ability to ‘tolerate’ things that I do not like. Once, I didn’t like half the people seated at my table at a public event, so I shut down completely and did not say a word to anyone at the table for two hours. My Fe friend also hated them, but smiled and charmed them all. Lucky girl. She can fake her feelings. I can’t.
- ENFP Mod
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obeymematches · 4 years
AAA, hi I'm that first anon ( /w\)
I'm glad you're doing well ❤️ Thank you so much for the content you're making. I've been kinda losing interest in Obey Me but I'd like to request a match-up, maybe it'll help me rekindle my love for the game.
So, hmm. I'm 18 and a bit of a short gal, 4' 11 since I last checked (aaaa, Asian genes. But hey, cute size difference).
I'm an INFP-T, so I kinda suck at socialising hahah. But I make up for it by showing a cheery exterior. It always feels good to leave a good impression.
I usually like to try keeping a soft image, but will also be a loud memelord if I ever get comfortable enough.
I'm about to study HUMSS next school year, dreaming of becoming an arts teacher or prof, if I can manage. But I struggle with anxiety, which kinda clashes with my dream career, since a teacher requires confidence ,w,)
I tend to put others' needs before myself, I always want to make sure my friends are happy. The world is... horrible, so I really try my best to ensure they're smiling. It just gives me good serotonin if I know I made them feel happier.
My brain is horrible at keeping stuff, meaning I'm really forgetful. And oof, not really the smartest tool in the shed. No thoughts, head empty. Only love and escapism✌️😔 My dumbass brain is another thing that clashes with my dream job.
I like drawing, listening to music (distracts me from bad thoughts), video games (my most favs are rpgs and open world), horror stuffs, and crying whenever I see frogs and dogs. I also like plants. Ohh, and shiny rocks, heck yea.
Tho, I'm not really taking care of any at the moment, but I dream of having my own garden. I love the cottagecore aesthetic.
A thing I should add I guess is that I used to be a total weeb, so my behaviour and speech is heavily influenced. I'd sometimes casually drop a 'hai?', 'nani', 'nande kore' and etc. in convos. Kinda makes me cringe, but dang I can't stop.
Even if I don't enjoy watching anime as much as before, I do like anime movies. All ghibli films, Kimi no Nawa, Weathering with You and A Silent Voice are my favs.
I just love the soundtracks so much qoq
My worse flaws are I'm hella sensitive, a huge procrastinator, childish, and easily jealous.
But despite me being a lazy dumbass, if I put my mind into something, I will not stop until I finish the thing. Which means I also tend to overwork myself.
I know it's unhealthy but it really keeps me motivated, aaa-
I also seem to like acting as if I know a lot? I mean, I come across as that but my real intention is I just thought to share my knowledge of the subject.
I just say a lot of stuff because I tend to blabber and jumble my words.
I guess my love language is words of affirmation. Compliments, I love you's, heart memes, cheesy pick up lines that my sleep-deprived self thought of at 4am- all of em!
These are the weapons I torture my friends with o(○`ω´○)9
But ahh, the thing is I've never dated anyone before. I find it so difficult to fall for someone irl, or even gain crushes. Mostly fictional. So I have absolutely no experience in the dating business.
Something to do with my self esteem and trust issues, ekk-
Oof, that's long. I hope that's not too much. Again, thank you so much if you happen to get to write this. Take your time, hun ^w^ ❤️💕 AAAA, and congratulations on reaching 100 followers!
Noooooo i’m so sorry it took me so much time to write this ;; I hope you like the result though! thank you for your patience!!  💕 💕 💕 
I decided to match you with Mammon! 
Here is why: 
Okay so obviously there is a bit of a height difference, I mean he is not even near to being the tallest but thats exactly why he thinks you are the best height - it makes him feel taller and that is good for his confidence. 
Mammon is known for going out and socializing a lot - even if more often than not he ends up in some kind of unusual situation. He is good at taking the initiative in case you have trouble. Just don’t always follow through his ideas he suggests to bond, because most of the time it will end up getting both of you in trouble. I mean it’s not like Lucifer would punish you too badly because of something stupid Mammon got you to do (besides you having to listen to a lecture about why the thing you two did was dumb), but poor friend of yours is not so lucky.  :(
  I like to think of him as a positive, rather optimistic, maybe naive person but I think your cheerful attitude goes well with that. I mean think about the aura you two would spread! 
He would definitely be surprised to learn about your loud memelord side, but that would fascinate him so much because you can open up to him sooner than to his brothers and that also makes him more proud to be with you! I think that would also help him grow some real deep feelings for you
 I think you’d be a great influence on him to help motivating him to put some more energy into his education. Although the only reason he would care more about that is the study times he can have with you, and it is up to you to decide if those sessions are actually studying together (read: you tutoring him and him staring at you in awe when you don’t look but can’t grasp the material) or if there’s an attempt but a couple minutes later he is talking about how to earn money fast and both of you try said method.
Helping him study sometimes would definitely help your self-esteem! I think he can come off as rather confident, so hanging around with people like him would definitely boost your confidence!
I think he would literally melt if someone put his well-being before themselves. Theres no going back now he is lovesick. I mean just think about all the times his brothers make fun of him. 
 I’m prettysure he is the best at making people laugh! He has no care in the world even if he has to do something dangerously dumb to make you smile!! 
He can be rather forgetful too so thats something the both of you have to work on if possible, but relationshipwise that should not cause conflicts. Sure he might forget about some stuff but it’s never your bday or a date with you because both of you are in love. 
I think he can try your hobbies to impress you or just to have another topic to talk about, but he will probably never be the best at drawing. I think the amount of music you listen to would drastically decrease as he is very good at occupying your mind - with positive thoughts! 
It is confirmed that he alsp enjoys videogames and he is good at them, so thats something you two can do together when you don’t really feel like going out. 
If you show him horror movies he will scream and will not be able to sleep well for 2 weeks but he is going to deny that with his life so good luck! 
 I think he would find it cute that you like frogs and rocks and stuff, he might tease you a bit about it at first but if he sees a frog on sale he will spend his money to give you a surprise frog! it will probably be some live magical frog (either poisonous or some weird demon magic frog that will have everyone in the house of lamentation end up in a comedic situation). So that was the last time he got you something he has no idea about without asking you first.  
Oh he would definitely tease you a lot about your vocabulary, but Levi would catch on you because you might not actually be a normie... And thats how Mammon gets too jealous to ever tease you again about something like that - how can he allow Levi to hang out with you :( 
And that brings us to both of you being easily jealous. In some cases that might end in conflicts because one person gets annoyed but in this particular case you just need to have a conversation about it. Set some boundaries both of you are okay with, and no issue! 
I think to make sure your time alone with Levi is more limited he would totally watch anime movies with you! 
He definitely adores your determination! If you ever ask him what he likes about you, he will probably mention this as one trait.
 Hmmm as I elaborated before, you knowing more stuff about things will probably prevent situations that would be caused by Mammon not being informed about some stuff.
Okay so he is definitely one who sends you memes at ungodly hours and you can’t stop him. He is awake, lying in bed, too in love to do anything besides think about you and smile and face the issues of being the local tsundere. And then you send him a meme full of love and he can not fall asleep for the rest of the night, feeling butterflies and imagining soft things with you like he did with nobody else before. 
Okay so I’m not sure about his dating experience, but as far as a know he doesn’t really have much either? in that case both of you could explore this new feeling together! 
So in conclusion this boy is very much in love and he can only hope that you feel the same. Both of you are a good influence o the other and that helps the two of you to grow together. He might have slightly more experience but that’s okay. I see no conflicts here, maybe the only exception being the fact that he can be rude towards you and you are sensitive, but he is quick to stop being rude once he sees why he is so wrong. And that will be the best decision of his life so far because not long after that he is very much in love for the first time in forever. Both of you are loyal to the other and jealousy means no issue. Well, after some conversation, that is. Both of you experience life together and theres always something to do, to see! 
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fanfiction4thesoul · 5 years
What I See Part 3
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader
Word Count: ~1.9
Warnings: None
Summary: You’re headed back home to London after a few years in America. You’ve got a new job at EMI, thanks to your best friend Freddie and you’re ready to start the next chapter of your life. But navigating life is far more interesting when you see far more than anyone else.
A/N: You guys. I did homework the entirety of my spring break. And there’s still some stuff that I’m procrastinating on soooo I hope you’re not too upset that I took so long. This chapter is like, the final set up before Reader and Roger can really start to get to know each other so I hope you enjoy! Thank you to everyone still sticking with me as well as every single one of you that likes/comments/reblogs!!
Part 2
You stared up at the quaint library in front of you, admittedly a little nervous. Roger had tossed you his keys to the van this morning with a wink, reminding you not to explore anywhere else without him. You got directions from the owners of the studio and made the journey into town. The library was bigger than you expected for a small town like this one though you supposed that was a good thing. 
The inside was just as quaint as the outside and almost empty. The stern looking woman behind the information desk gave you a look as you entered but otherwise didn’t say anything. 
You took your time looking through the shelves trying to find what you needed. But it felt like looking through a needle in a haystack. You weren’t familiar with the Dewey Decimal system enough to know where your small, niche topic would be hiding. It took you 20 minutes to admit defeat and go to the front desk to ask the woman. 
If anything, her face got even more pinched when you told her what you were looking for, but she gave you the call number and pointed you in the right direction. When you got there, though, you practically knew it was going to be useless. Most of the titles you were looking at were things like Haunted Places, My Venture into the Afterlife, and 100 TRUE Ghost Hauntings. 
There was a rather large book though that might have something. It was titled Occult: A How To Guide. You pulled it off the shelf and went to settle in a chair in the back, away from the view of the front desk. There were no chapter titles so you started skimming through. The book definitely contained some interesting information like magic and practices (which you never really believed in but hey, you talk to dead people so who knows?) and of course supernatural creatures.
You were trying to be thorough in your skimming so it definitely took you longer than expected to reach the chapter about ghosts (chapter 15, page 392). Once you got there, you took the time to actually read the chapter, not wanting to miss any information. A lot of it explained what spirits were and all the theories about the afterlife or what plane of existence they seem to live on, as well as how they communicate with the living. 
Just as you were getting to the part about psychic mediums, someone spoke up behind you. “Whatcha readin’?”
You jumped in your chair, dropping the book to the floor with a dull thud. Whirling around, you were met with Richie, smirking up at you while he leaned against a bookcase.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you growled out at him. You shifted to look down the stacks to make sure no one was coming to check on the noise you just made. “Didn’t I just see you a week ago?”
“Well, yeah. But I got bored and everyone kept pestering me ‘bout you, so here I am.” He waved his arms out, looking far too pleased with himself.
“Alright, you found me. Now what do you want?”
“Well I wanted to know what you’re reading.”
You felt your face heat up a bit as you looked down at the occult book. “Uhh, just researching, you know.” Was it weird to tell a ghost you were reading about their… species? Being? Whatever they are?
You tried to pick the book up quick enough but Richie was already reading the cover. “Occult? (Y/N), you’re reading about magic?” He seemed confused, brushing his hair out of his face as he looked at you.
“Not… not really no. I’m--I have a bit of a problem,” you confessed.
“What do you mean?”
You explained to Richie the spirit that’s attached to Roger, from his outburst the first night to the continued negativity that he spreads around wherever he goes. “And, I don’t know. I was hoping there might have been a book here that would have, like, remedies? Kind of? To… ward him off or keep him away or just do something. So, yeah… occult.” You lifted the book awkwardly as if to prove your point.
Richie was silent during your explanation, brows pinched together as he focused on your words. “(Y/N), you're telling me that you’ve gone your whole life not knowing about--about anything? How have you been protecting yourself?” He seemed irritated as he started pacing in front of the stacks.
You just gaped at him. “Wha--what--how was I supposed to know about protection? I’ve never needed protection.”
Richie stopped his pacing to stare at you. “You’ve never met a negative spirit before? Never?”
“No!” You said, a little too loudly. You glanced down the stacks again before answering. “No. Every spirit I ever met was nice. Well maybe not nice-nice. Some of them did like friendly pranks or whatever, but no one was ever mean.”
Richie stared at you a moment longer before closing his eyes and shaking his head. “First off, that’s crazy. Secondly, you need sage.”
“Sage,” you repeated dumbly.
“Yes, sage. You burn it around the area you want to cleanse and tell the spirit to leave. That should do the trick.”
“Where… do I buy sage?”
Richie sighed, “Jeez (Y/N). At the apothecary. Or any herbal store.”
“Right…” You felt your face heat up again. “Is it… is it weird that I never met a negative spirit?” You felt so dumb at the moment on a topic that you thought you knew so much about. 
Richie must have sensed your hesitation because his face immediately softened. “It’s… odd. There’s a lot of them out there and with you so intune to spirits, it’s a little unusual that you’ve never seen one. Doesn’t make it bad. But someone should have told you how to protect yourself. Or you should have learned more yourself. Before you actually met one. You didn’t know though, so it’s okay.” He smirked at you, the twinkle back in his eye, “This is just a nice piece of dirt to gossip about back home.”
You groaned, “Oh, Richiiee. Don’t, please?”
“Not a chance, sweetheart. Now you better get going. Go buy some sage before the stores close.”
You glanced out the window, noticing for the first time the orange sky and when you glanced back, Richie was gone. 
The sage was surprisingly easy to find and, since it was at a herbal store, nobody looked at you twice for purchasing it. You got back to the farm shortly after the sun had set, the lights from inside the main house guiding your way. Everyone was gathered together in the sitting room, including Paul, Ratty, Crystal and, of course, your resident ghost.
“(Y/N)! There you are. We were starting to get worried,” Freddie said, pulling you into a hug. “Rog thought you drove the van into a ditch.”
“I did not!” 
Freddie winked before turning around with his hands on his hips, “Alright, but you did think she might’ve broken down.”
Roger’s face heated up slightly making you smile.
“I was worried, so sue me.”
“Are you hungry, (Y/N)? We just finished eating and saved you a plate.” John asked you quietly, moving the attention away from Roger and back to you.
“Food sounds great, yeah,”
The boys wanted to sit and chat which you participated in while you ate. You were still uncomfortable, but you were also really anxious to try out the sage. There was no way you could just pull out a bundle of sage though and waft it around without everyone thinking you were bonkers.
You left with the excuse of exhaustion, tossing Roger his keys back on your way out. As soon as you were outside, you beelined to the studio. Pulling out the sage and a match, you lit the tip and waited until it was smoking, burning away slowly.
Richie said to burn it around the area, so you walked around every inch you could, holding the burning sage out. He also said to tell the spirit to leave, but it wasn’t like he was here to listen anyway. So you took your time walking around, going over the couch, soundboard and into the studio. You even wafted it at the Red Special, just in case.
When you were finally satisfied, you used far more sage than you thought you would. Maybe you overdid it? The room didn’t feel any different, but you supposed you would find out tomorrow. You stuck the stick back into your pocket and turned to leave.
“Shit!” You jumped. Crystal was holding the door open, halfway through the entryway. “Shit, Crystal. You scared me.”
“Yeah, well you scared me. Thought someone broke in or something. I thought you said you were tired?”
“I am. But I wanted to make sure everything was set for tomorrow. I know the boys are anxious to do some actual recording.” You made up a lie on the spot, grateful the sage was out of sight.
But Crystal didn’t seem suspicious. He actually agreed with you.
“Ha, yeah. They’ve got so much going on in those heads of theirs that sometimes bringing it out and putting on paper can be a real challenge. God knows I want to bash their heads together sometimes.”
“It can’t be that bad,” you said, following Crystal out of the studio. You walked the short distance to your house going back and forth about the weird creative process the band does when writing.
“You’ll see,” he said, stopping before his bedroom. “Once they actually start recording, you’ll see. Then I can say ‘I told you so.’”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, alright. Night.”
As you got ready for bed, you fished out the sage and put it in the bottom drawer of your dresser. You might do your house and the house the boys were staying in. That is, depending on how well it actually worked. You didn’t think Richie would lie to you, but you also didn’t want to get your hopes up if it didn’t.
Mostly, you just wanted to be able to laugh with Freddie again and get to know Roger more without your shoulders tense and your mood sour.
The next morning, you were in the studio first thing, doing some actual tinkering before the boys came in. You had a bunch of nervous energy while you waited though. 
The bang of the door opening made you jump and you watched as the boys filed in, already arguing lightly about a song. But after they all came in and the door swung shut, that was it.
No one came in behind Deaky, who was the last to enter.
No oppressive energy.
No ghost.
“What’s got you so smiley, love?” Roger was staring at you questioningly. The other boys were already in the booth area leaving you two behind.
“Nothing, I just… I just feel like I can finally breathe easy, ya know?”
“Hmm, yeah. Walking in here felt like a breath of fresh air. Just makes me more excited to start recording, yeah?” He gave you a wide smile, leaning in closer. “Ready to help us make a killer album, love?”
You matched his smile, starting to get excited “Yeah, let’s do this.”
Part 4
Taglist: @jennyggggrrr @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @rogahs-drowse @butlegendsneverdie @the-moving-finger-writes @leghy @juliarvra
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saint-ess · 4 years
Study Tips From a 4.0 Student
These are study tips/ advice I use in my everyday university classes to maintain my 4.0
Understand the basics
Understanding the basics will help you build upon that knowledge.
For example, if I forget a basic formula, I write that formula OVER AND OVER again before starting a practice problem that uses said formula until its engrained in my memory.
Read as much as you can
I understand reading is boring, but I find it helpful to read my textbooks cover to cover because there are a lot of interesting information that professors often overlook.
Take Notes & Rewrite Notes
In the images provided are notes I've taken in class versus notes I rewrote at home. Not only will this help retain the information but it's a great way to clean up messy notes that might be difficult to follow when reviewing them in the future when studying for midterms/finals
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Define all unknown terms
If I cant define a term (regardless of subject) off the top of my head within the first five seconds of reading it; or I'm unsure of the definition I write it down.
I have a special designated notebook I like to carry for terms I've defined whether its math/architecture terms/ a random word from a book I'm currently reading.
Also make sure to review the defined words.
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Take breaks/ Rest/ Self Care
Take time to take a break. Dont burn yourself out, you wont retain any information if you're too tired. You also will be more likely to make silly mistakes if you're tired.
Practice as many practice problems/ keep separate notebook for practice problems
In the images are the notebooks I used for my latest math semester. The books on the left are ONLY for notes and the the books on the right are ONLY for practice problems.
Practice until you're confident. I like to practice a subject until I'm confident if someone handed me any problem I can easily solve it without having to look at my notes.
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Memorization is the key to being prepared.
Make flash cards to memorize terms or equations.
My Trig teacher had us memorize all trigonometric function identities, I would spend every free time I had writing and rewriting all functions until I could write them without looking back at my notes.
Stop it. Just start right away. You wont feel overwhelmed by all the work you put off if you stop procrastinating.
Start all assignments as soon as you get them
Starting your assignment immediately won't make you feel overwhelmed when more assignments are given.
Be conscious about time management
I like to designated time throughout the day/week for certain assignments/study and I rotate between each class to get everything done efficiently.
Efficiency is key!
For example I dedicate an hour a day on math problems, then switch to reading for Architecture then jump to physics and repeate.
Have a work schedule and stick to your schedule
Once you get into the rhythm of your classes you begin to understand how what assignments are when.
I like to input whatever assignment is due on my personal calendar. I also write on my syllabuses to make sure I'm keeping up with assignments
Making a schedule to coincide with assignments that are due and upcoming tests will help keep you organized!
Remove all distractions
I love my phone but when I start studying/working I make sure to keep my phone on airplane mode so I can still listen to music but not worry about incoming messages or be tempted to look at my insta/tumblr app
It's a point system
The more points the better. Professors will often tell you how much everything is weighted.
For examples some classes will have something along the lines of...
20% Assignment
40% Test
20% Midterm
20% Final
So you kinda get an idea the more points you have the closer to 100% you are, your goal is to be as close to that 100%. Before every class I like to break down the percentages and see what's the LOWEST possible score I can get per assignment
In the image below is one of the math calculators I made using Excel trying to see how low of a grade I can get on my final to keep an A
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Look ahead
Take some time to look at future chapters. You dont have to take notes or 100% understand the concepts but familiarize yourself with key information that will come up.
Understand concepts where you can explain them to peers
I often tutor for funsies students to not only familiarize myself with the concepts but also if you can teach a subject you understand it to its entirety
Ask for help/ look for resources
There are so many online resources like Khan Acadamy, organic chemist on YouTube and even asking questions in class. I am always asking questions on topics I don't understand and need clarification.
Check out different online journals like JSTOR for information on different subjects!
Never walk into a test unprepared
I've never walked into a test thinking "I'm gonna fail/ I'm so underprepared"
The professors will go over key details and key concepts that will be on tests. Make sure to study and understand thoes topics!
Go into a class with the mindset "I want to learn"
Even if I'm not invested or interested in a topic I try to go into every class wanting to learn something new.
I've found this to be a positive way of learning and understanding new concepts.
Keep old notebooks
I've kept all my notebooks from past semesters in case I need to go back and review something I forgot or need to clarify some key information.
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