#immunologist tomorrow
kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
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bunnyb34r · 10 months
Whyyy am I having vertigo again?? It's such a fucking pain in my ass
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carrionkid · 7 months
CT scan is scheduled for 3/12 AND I got called by an immunologist who's literally doing my intake/consult tomorrow leading to this hysterical message from my old PCP
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cesium-sheep · 4 months
not looking forward to the immunology appt tomorrow. I'm not dying anymore yeah, but I'm still doing pretty poorly. and the process of trying med after med after med is stressful and taxing. plus, yknow. I'm used to being solely responsible for the whole lot and regularly being left out to dry by the professionals, and I don't have any new ideas. but the immunologist seemed willing and able to be the ideas guy at the previous appointment. and they said they're not giving up. they literally told me that. that there's still lots of things we can try, and they're not giving up.
I'm scared they'll suddenly turn on me, because of how many times it's already happened both in seeking care and in personal matters. but there's not much I can do about that. I'm also scared even if they don't that we'll run out of options and I still won't be acceptably stable. my goals are not that fuckin crazy, but it could still be more than my body is capable of with current medical technology. I don't know. I spent two years living under the shadow of death. maybe the irreversible damage is physical as well as mental.
it's traumatizing, to feel yourself dying, to watch the people whose entire job it is to prevent that happening just shrug and look pitying and do nothing, for literal years. and it's not a simple one. it's not a single instance with all the cracks spiderwebbing out. it's a systemic structural failure, both figuratively and literally. I'm always afraid before appointments anymore.
the actual things that need to be conveyed are simple enough. we're still not where we need to be. here's how I responded to the steps we've already taken. they decide the next steps. also the pcp is still being a baby about the prednisone and wants the immunologist to take over, but even if they refuse they won't take it from me they just want me to take some extra vitamins.
I should ask matt to bring me a treat or take me to the store or something afterwards. he can't be there during because he has work, and arin is leaving for her camping trip in the morning. there's a makeup store in the big chunk of stores I could easily reach by myself on better days, which also has an atm to deposit the money for putting the plaques on the figures for the baseball children. I don't think it would be easy now, but I think it's still reachable. my eyelids are getting better, a little. I need a bunch of stuff really, if I wanted to do my makeup properly. a lot of it is very old, or very limited.
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
hi dani hope you feel better and healthier soon sending so much love and strength your way
Thank you, babydoll. I appreciate all the love 🤍
I have my next consultation with my immunologist tomorrow. Everyone hope the man doesn't say more depressing shit tomorrow hehe.
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shwoo · 1 year
I started taking an antihistamine every day a little over a week ago, and I haven't had brain fog since, among other health improvements. That's... kind of suspicious. I don't think that's why it's called Claritin.
It's not literally Claritin, but it's the same active ingredient (loratadine).
I also started feeling flat and unmotivated like I did before I started on the ADHD medication. But today I tried upping my very low dose of that, and now I remember what joy feels like. So I'm hoping for both motivation and the ability to think clearly tomorrow. That would be novel!
I guess my problems are something to do with histamines? I really need to get in touch with my immunologist. This over the counter allergy medication is probably just a band-aid, but I'm glad I was able to try it.
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When you get a rash right underneath your cross necklace and it’s holy week starting tomorrow
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And you’re like am I possessed but also
You’re an immunologist so you know rashes happen but also
Are you a vampire
But also you do believe spiritual warfare is a real thing
But also whattttttt
I need some holy water and im not even Catholic but you’re girl is going to request a blessing tomorrow
I need a diagnosis @diet-jesus @anolderlove
Is Joseph the dreamer in the house? Catch a vision please thanks
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stardustinmyhands · 3 months
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I just got home from seeing my immunologist.
I had to run a few errands and go to the grocery store AGAIN. it’s 109°, yuck. I’m allergic to the sun and live in Arizona I could move to Colorado, but everything for me is here. Except my momma. She loves it up there. I will go visit her soon again. She said it’s 80° ish today and they may get rain.
I don’t have a headache today. Yesterday before bed I vomited twice. It was bright blue cause the water I drank is bright blue. It’s a flavor packet. I don’t know if that is upsetting my stomach more. It was weird to vomit bright blue. Kinda disturbing actually, but I know what it was from.
I love driving Joanne. She’s such a smooth ride, I will have to fill her with gas tomorrow, I will wanna get her washed too, but may not have to money for it.
My elbows are sore, but not in pain. And my stomach mildly hurts today. Thanks to my lasix I’m peeing a lot today.
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janeblr · 9 months
ranting about my post-covid issues under the cut.
my difficulty breathing, frequent infections, exhaustion, etc. after i had covid were all explained by physical damage to the alveolar epithelium. i just had to wait for my lungs to regenerate while i got respiratory infection after respiratory infection and got winded walking around the grocery store. but trying to propose that theory to ANY healthcare professional just made them roll their eyes like "oh another nursing student who thinks she's a genius" like NO it's a very simple and logical explanation and research into lung damage following COVID infection supports my theory!!! but when i say things like "i didn't get winded because being sick for a few weeks deconditioned me, but because my lungs can't oxygenate my blood as effectively" they thought i was being dramatic and gave me albuterol inhalers even though i HAVE asthma and i KNOW what asthma feels like and that was not it. an albuterol inhaler did not help my lungs work better. and i got frequent infections because covid knocked out all the little macrophages in my alveoli so bacteria and viruses could easily penetrate the already weakened alveolar tissue.
and i know damn well that if they had bothered to labs besides a cbc and cmp, i would have had an elevated crp and esr but nooooo i was just being dramatic!!! it was just cold season :))) like im sorry i didn't know cold season meant you get seriously sick for two weeks at a time every month. and also i wish that bitch allergist/immunologist i was referred to a very Die because she wanted to do skin prick testing for allergies and i refused because "i'm telling you right now. this isn't allergies or asthma" she said "oh you'd be surprised! sometimes allergies can even present as heartburn haha!" like don't fucking condescend me. i know what eosinophilic esophagitis is i'm not stupid.
and like. my alveoli healed! i can breathe again! i hadn't gotten on my bike in almost a YEAR the other day but i was able to do ten miles without dying whereas i was gasping for breath after one mile when i got on my bike three months after having covid. i feel vindicated.
URHGHHH looking back im just so MAD that nobody listened to me!!! literally the only doctors who have ever listened to me are my gyno that agreed to an exploratory laparoscopy because i made my case against birth control or gnrh antagonists to treat severe period pain consistent with endometriosis, and my ortho that BELIEVED ME and didn't stop at x-rays to see why i was in pain and did MRIs and found yep! multiple bulging or herniated discs, uneven hips, diffuse inflammation around my lower spine/sacrum. instead of being like "oh you're in your twenties you're just drug seeking/being dramatic"
the birth control thing literally made me so mad because i understand it's the most common treatment for endo, but i said at the beginning that oral contraceptives are a bad mix with Crazy because they cancel out my antidepressants. lo and fucking behold i'm in the ER with a guard and my arm hacked open after five days on lo loestrin fe. but i was like look. all oral contraceptives are going to do the same thing, gnrh antagonists are metabolized by the liver in the same pathways as my mood stabilizers, and the only guaranteed to diagnose and treat endo is laparoscopy and ablation/excision. so she did it and stuck an IUD in me while i was put under because i can't do a pelvic exam without literally kicking her in the face. #justcsathings lol. luckily i DONT have endo(period pain was psychogenic, #justcsathings lol) and the hormones of the IUD are locally acting and don't affect my mental health.
grrrr being a woman in healthcare is a nightmare. btw i don't have a UTI its an external yeast infection, which i was surprised by because i don't have any of the classic yeast infection symptoms besides hellfire when i pee. i have to pick up my diflucan from walgreens tomorrow morning.
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an-undercover-bi · 2 years
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unopenablebox · 2 years
boosted 😎😎
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emperor-palpaminty · 3 years
Oddly specific modern Bad Batch AUS that have been living rent-free in my head
Crosshair is a hit man who would kill and die for you and you're blissfully unaware- in fact, you're a bodyguard and you're trying to figure out who is taking down all your clients. You don't know each others jobs.
You're Omega's teacher and her dad is SO HOT and Parent teacher meetings are AWESOME cuz he's pretty! Through a strange set of circumstances you wind up going on a crazy adventure with Hunter and Omega and you grow very close to Hunter
You meet the sweetest dog, Gonky, in the dog park, and his owner runs up and apologizes. Turns out you have a lot in common with Wrecker and you both have a coffee date tomorrow! Also... he can pick up a car, which is cool.
Tech is the know-it-all, sort of dull lab tech you work with in the immunologist lab. Bad guys break in one day to get one of the big chemicals or something and Tech is a huge badass, getting you involved in something bigger than you.
You volunteer frequently at the animal shelter and you keep running into the same guy! Echo is sweet and you both play with dogs all day and go on coffee or fro-yo runs
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“I’ve got two sons, I don’t need another.”
The words I hear every time I mention anything to do with my gender.
The two sons that she’s referencing here, are the two sons that don’t want to know her. The ones who don’t contact her. Don’t tell her happy birthday, don’t tell her happy Mother’s Day.
The eldest of the two, hid upstairs when we went to see his newborn child…. That says a lot.
The second eldest, barely talks to her. Only when he wants something. The one who raped her “daughter” at 7 years old.
But she loves them more than me…. Probably because I’m not the daughter she wanted. Probably because I’m different. Who knows? I know she doesn’t love me. I know she never wanted me. I hear that loud and clear. I’m the kid with the mental problems, I’m the kid who has several chronic illnesses.
I’m fed up with living this life. I want to be me. I want to be the boy I’ve always been. I’m trapped in this life.
She will let me buy boys clothes, she will let me do boys things, she will let me have my hair short, she will let me use Dylan on all social medias, but the moment I want to change my whole gender that’s a no. Don’t she realise that I will be the same person, like the same things, do the same silly accents but I’ll just be in a different gender.
I just want to live my life. If absolute strangers can accept it why can’t she? My support worker calls me Dylan, my friends call me Dylan when we’re not around family.
I’ve disowned this family. I hate them. So much for loving me no matter what. Truth is they never wanted me. I know it’s true.
She’s getting a granddaughter and I bet that will be my replacement. Or I bet if she came out gay or trans she’d be accepted. No one would care. And if that happens I’m done. Why is it ok for everyone else to be who they want but I’m not allowed? I just want to be happy.
They’re stopping me from being happy, so why should I care about them being happy? I use to say I was going to wait until my family is happy for when I killed myself. But fuck that! Why should I?
My family is scum. And I hate them with every fibre of my being. I’m only still living here because I don’t have anywhere else to go. Also the fact that I’m disabled doesn’t help. But I’ll be dead soon enough.
I’m waiting to hear what the gynaecologist has to say tomorrow. The immunologist has to say on the 23rd and the eye clinic on June 6th. Once I know that things have got worse. I am out of here. I’m gone. I already know nothing is going to get better so it’s time to accept that and move on. I’m just going to get worse and worse. Until I can’t take no more. So why hold off? No one would miss me. No one would even notice. I’m easily forgotten about. I’m not something to be dwelled on.
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cesium-sheep · 5 months
immunologist sent in the new med and preemptively said we can go up on it if needed, I'll go bother the pharmacy about it tomorrow since it's a different one cuz it has to be compounded so they don't like have my contact info or anything.
also I'm kinda lethargic today despite the prednisone and the adequate sleep and the taking it comparatively easy for 2-3 days so I made the right call to go ahead and ask for it.
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stardustinmyhands · 3 months
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Cause she’s ours. Her name is Joanne.
I feel ok today, I’m excited to go and drive Joanne. Slight headache. I’ve been so nervous lately. With our car dying. She die two days before my gf got paid. (Which my gf pays 97% of the bills). So we told the leasing office we will be majorly late on rent. So we were able to get Joanne. She will ultimately be my car, the next car will be my girlfriend’s car and she wants a truck.
This is the first SUV I’ve had. But the second Buick I’ve had. It’s nice to be so tall up when driving I can see the road more. I’m only 5 foot 6 inches. Joanne is a beautiful blue color.
Saturday we drove a Nissan, right from the start I could tell that she wasn’t our car. We went to another dealership yesterday (Monday) and we drove a 2016 encore which was grey. I had a better feeling about that. Then they mentioned they had a 2019 Encore, for just like $125 more down. So we said let’s go test drive that one. The second I saw her I said “that’s her, that’s our car”. She has a touch screen, power everything, rear facing camera. The only down side to her is she’s a V4. Where our old car was a V6.
I’ve never had a car that had touch screen and could connect our phone to it via blue tooth. I’ve never had such a fancy car. I named her Joanne as a reference to Lady Gaga’s album. Since she will ultimately be my car I didn’t give my gf a choice on the matter, she let me win.
I was told by a coworker that I can go to a car wash and get unlimited car washes for a certain amount a month. My girlfriend drives the freeway for like 30 mins to get to work. So the car gets covered in bugs very fast. Since the car is so nice I wanna keep her clean (and pretty). I will probably do that tomorrow after I get paid on my one card. My coworker said two washes pays for the whole month of washing and I will need to go al lot if figure.
Our old car was a 2006 Chevy Malibu So when she died we decided she was dead. And it’s not worth putting more into her. So we upgraded majorly.
I gotta go shopping today, and catch up on chores that needed to be done while we didn’t have a car. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, so I will get to drive her tomorrow too. I see my immunologist.
Friday I have an endoscopy, so I will have to set up a ride for that, cause I can’t drive home, my dad will be picking me up. I will get a nice little nap. I’m thankful for my port. No iv sticks for this girl.
It’s almost 11 am and my gf is still awake. I hope she gets enough sleep. She is gonna start working 6 days a week to help us catch up.
Okies maybe more later.
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jewishdragon · 4 years
Global Immuno Talks!!!
Just a quick promo for a free lecture series from top immunologists from around the world! No need to go to a conference, the science is coming to you!! 
And every lecture is uploaded to Youtube the next day!!!
Tomorrow’s talk is about the damn plague going on but previous lectures and those to come after are on every topic!!! 
That tweet has all the info!!! 
Here’s the youtube channel
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