#imma assume this is totally canon
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chloesimaginationthings · 20 hours ago
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This is definitely canon in poppy playtime
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fl00mie · 7 months ago
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Bro if they have just a little milisecond gaze I’m gonna cry and trow up, Top loves he’s son like crazy I cant even imagine the pain of knowing what he has become or has done. And I don’t think ink would stand it neither, let’s remember that the only vial he has left it’s the blue one (sadnes if we consider the prism colection) so my buddy right here it’s avoiding feeling sad over he’s actions at all cost it seems. Maybe it’s actually posible they see eachother??? Since it seems in 0.7 part 2 that ink has some thing planned for the omega timeline and they are there, but who knows.
Maaaaaan ☹️
WAIT YOU'RE ACTUALLY RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING WHAT THE HELLLL LIKE imma assume those two are the canon ones in the omega timeline because there's no need (ig) to intervene with their true selves and stuff so WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT THEM REACTING TO INK IN UVS AND WHAT HE DID WOULD BE HEARTBREAKING ASF☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😭 YET i'd be super hyped if it happens I REALLY HOPE SO🙏💔💔💔
and the vial thing, yeah.. i always keep this line of mye in mind about the vials not having certain meanings besides the red and yellow/orange ones (wrath/agressivity and euphoria respectively) and that it is more up to the community to think about them more to detail. i did believe in this more confidently when in the prism collection itself the green sticker of ink wasn't representing any gross situation (which are the meanings many people think of first when talking about green) while blue and pink respected more this attachment to the most common meanings, green seemed to symbolize the nature of craftsmanship and that's neat!! though, i didn't think of this collection when analyzing the blue vial left in uvs— AND IDK WHY BECAUSE IT MAKES TOTAL SENSE
i'm very excited to see what ink has planned ahahhqhwbeb🥹🥹🥹🥹🥲😭🥹🙏🙏 like i don't know if uvs ink does have parents in the first place?? IT WOULD BE VERY FUN TO PLAY WITH THAT AT SOME POINT, sounds delightful that your own son doesn't even know who or what you are..... (my inner xgaster begs)
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philosophicalparadox · 2 months ago
I have no idea how exactly to make my HC into fic canon, so imma plop it here so the brain worms stop eating me:
Taking into consideration that the Infinite Tsukiyomi is a dream world, and Itachi’s Tsukiyomi is called the Nightmare World, I think it is reasonable to assume that they both work basically the same way, I.e. reflecting the subconscious of whomever they’re cast upon.
(This is reinforced for me I suppose by the old fandom theories about how Itachi’s Tsukiyomi worked, and I’ll own that bias lol.)
Anyway, something that came up way back then was an idea I liked, which is that Itachi’s Tsukiyomi works by blending the user’s influence (because Itachi can, sort of, manipulate the content consciously) and the victims deepest (subconscious or unconscious) fears or desires.
How much of each takes precedence I think is something Itachi can control — unless their fear/desire is so overwhelming that he can’t actually impress anything upon it, or if they lack the notion of either entirely.
Anyway, point is, this makes his scene with Kakashi in pt 1 very interesting. 🧐
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As we know Itachi crucified him and stabbed him relentlessly in deliberately non-lethal spots for 3 full days.
Except…I’m not actually convinced, from a watsonian perspective, that Itachi was the one making up this hellscape, not on his own.
The following is entirely speculative, so to each their own opinion, but it suits my little fic-bearing heart just fine to presume that:
1. Itachi was trying to go easy on him. His objective was to capture Kakashi alive (…to what end we can only guess; I’ll write an alternate fic for that scenario someday :0) and he clearly holds Kakashi in high esteem, not even mentioning the whole former colleague thing. It’s very possible that Itachi’s actual objective, had he managed to successfully capture Kakashi, was to share intel rather than collect it, and to that end he needed to ensure that he disarmed his senpai without killing OR severely traumatizing him, because he did need Kakashi to have some hope of trusting him if that plan was to succeed.
2. However, Itachi was still figuring out the details of how his power worked; he knew it’d make him go blind eventually, so he tried to minimise how often he used it, at the expense of taking forever and a day to work out the kinks. One of which is the likelihood that, particularly in the absence of other conscious influences from him, the other persons fears/desires would manifest more vividly.
Thus we get a crucified Kakashi…because of how his father died.
Now, from a doylist perspective, obviously, the entire thing is just about the aesthetic aspect of Scarecrow vs Crow.
But the watsonian believer in me says that being crucified literally like that is a reflection of a deep, somewhat neglected fear by Kakashi of becoming just like his dad. After all, he spent so much of his young life trying so hard to be the opposite of him, all rules and no play, until Obito convinced him otherwise.
But trauma like that doesn’t just vanish. Kakashi might be very mature about it, or we can presume so, but the fear never fully left him — he’s just more aware of it and capable of acknowledging it without letting it totally consume him like he did when he was tiny.
Which contributes probably to the utter lack of long term consequences for that Tsukiyomi nightmare; first, physical torture is the easiest to psychologically resist, and second, he was at least subconsciously already aware of that fear, so while seeing it manifested certainly had an effect, it wasn’t enough to really re-traumatize him or anything.
What’s more interesting to me, in the name of catharsis, is how Itachi interpreted all that.
Sadly we don’t get to see that, but I reckon it did answer a few questions he might’ve had and probably gave him a greater sense of grace or respect towards Kakashi; or at least that’s what we are working with for A Fawn in the Grass purposes lol.
Ah the fic bunnies will surely nuzzle me to death about this concept until I actually write something down, but I am determined to finish one fic at a time right now. Otherwise I just spam 6 at a time and none of them ever get done lol.
But I will come back to it some day. Because so much could have changed if Itachi had actually captured Kakashi on that day.
I leave you with that while I go contemplate alternate timelines 🤣
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localsharkcryptid · 4 months ago
I'd love to hear about it :D
Okay so! Admittedly this entire 'Good Ending' AU is a lot of concepts and ideas so imma just put down a bunch of the main and favorite notes I have so far with it!
If I ever do anything with this it'll probably be a fair amount of one-shots or short stories, and I do wanna hammer home that EVERYONE in this AU gets a good ending - no exclusions, full DSMP cast, if I don't write things on certain characters it's generally due to me just not knowing their lore well enough to give specifics on what they'd be doing or just not having set ideas atm.
Mostly for Context Notes:
- I won't say the canon ending is retconned but more so it doesn't happen the same way due to some changes! The Eggpire ending is important though and still plays out mostly the same. Which leads into The Egg becoming this bigger force that everyone has to work together against - thus leading to a final server wide 'truce' in a way that allows for things to finally settle. (Generally going with a concept that the Egg originally surfaced due to all the previous wars, the death drawing it out so it could be found, therefore people figure this out and it becomes a sort of for the greater good situation)
- Additionally the server doesn't reset again due to XD making a very specific deal with George, in an attempt to finally be free of the Admin's influence/all the dream coma bullshittery, George effectively tricks XD into becoming mortal and giving up his status as Admin - officially freeing the server from the loop.
- After the truce, the idea of countries kinda dissolves, while the locations all remain they become more so cities/towns all apart of the same thing again! Also with the server being "freed" the SMP starts gaining citizens after a bit! So actual populations for everywhere!!! Also totally not an excuse for me to make OCs, definitely not (I say like a liar)
- This is a good ending but also I will note it takes a while for a lot of people to become comfortable again with each other, and honestly I don't think there's a lot of forgiveness either, it's more so people choosing to move on from the past. So a lot of my ideas for shenanigans/light hearted stuff are written with the idea of it being like 2-3 years post 'ending'
Other Notes! Just some more miscellaneous thoughts honestly.
- Dream ends up as part of a syndicate as one would assume, Punz is considered an honorary member and of all people, Purpled also joins the ranks, he gets picked up by someone some time after the Las Nevadas finale and that leads to him joining them, whereas the other two show up later on.
- Pandora's Vault ends up being entirely renovated, it being pretty damn difficult now to tell what it was and turned into a proper home, it's a long process mostly headed by Sam in his long list of things he's done to "apologize" after having his world view shattered (he learns that the staged finale was, well, staged and has a mental crisis for like 3 weeks over that and realizing he is, in fact, the bad guy) also his plot goes slightly differently, being based on a roleplay I have going rn! Generally Sam returns to the Vault initially to hide out from people/so they'll 'get over' him being a shit person and it leads into him eventually siding with and eventually ending up with Dream (Awesamdrunz is a dynamic that is borderline crack to me and yes it's going in here) - this is the main factor that changes stuff with the nuke part of the og ending, as Tommy and Tubbo get effectively curb stomped by Sam when they attempt to kill Dream the first time around and don't really try it again.
- While it takes a bit, DTeam do reunite, it's shaky at first (especially with Dream's chosen partners, Punz is pretty neutral as always - he's good at keeping his opinions to himself even if he tends to clash with Sap a lot. As for Sam, well, it's more so that Sapnap and George rightfully hate his fucking guts for awhile) but they have bi-weekly if not more meet-ups to hang out and do things like they used to. They end up eventually building another community house somewhere between Kinoko and the main SMP, this one being more so just a designated hang out.
- Bad ends up taking over looking after a lot of the main server, especially with new arrivals. He's kinda a one-man welcome committee and does a pretty good job. He also tries to host little get togethers now and again (mostly for DTeam/The Manhunt Crew and whoever they wanna bring along) also you cannot tell me that he wouldn't have like weekend bake sales as the SMP gains a proper population. Someone needs to enjoy the muffins.
- Wilbur & Tommy end up making their own book club to rival the syndicate cause both of them aren't allowed in Techno's fancy book club (they think it's an actual book club, so yeah). Sam gets roped into it one day when he shows up to pick up Dream & Punz, Tubbo inevitably gets roped in as well. It's a time and they insist on using Phil's living room for meetings. Phil hates this - also Sam's 8ft ass can barely fit in the room, it's very cramped for him.
I've got more but those will be going to the other ask I've got :)
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naavispider · 2 years ago
What do you think Spider’s relationship with the McCoskers was like (Nash, Mary, and the boys)? Spider is apparently so desperate for a family that even Quaritch is considered a better candidate for a father than Nash so I’m assuming from that and what we’ve seen in the comics that it’s very negative, possibly bordering on abuse and neglect.
Imma preface this by saying I've only read The High Ground volume 1, so I don't know any of the background info from vol 2 and 3 about the McCoskers, however, I think I know everything I want to about them 😌 (tw abuse)
I hate to say it, but I think they were pretty awful to him. Mary and Nash were his adoptive parents, they wee the people who were supposed to love him, care for him, treat him as their own... and yet we never, not once, heard Spider even mention them. He acts like they don't exist, and for all intents and purposes, they don't.
Something must have gone extremely wrong for Spider to feel so 'parentless' despite having the McCoskers. Hell, we even see Norm and Max take a more active role in parenting him than his supposed family. Because that's what an adoptive family is: a family. True and total, despite not being blood related.
Which makes the fact that it failed even more heart-wrenching. I think this is strong evidence that points towards abuse. Spider is clearly desperate for parental figures in his life, and obviously he's not getting it from Nash and Mary. To me what makes the most sense if that they were abusive in the way they emotionally treated Spider.
they never wanted him around
they only took him because there was literally no one else
when they fell pregnant with their own kids, a lot of the caregiving fell on other adults' shoulders
they always favoured the boys more than spider
they changed spider's room into a nursery for their first child, without a plan for where spider would sleep when it arrived
the scientists were able to find him a spare room in Hell's Gate a bit further away from where the McCoskers live - it used to be a store cupboard but with a bit of help from Norm spider makes it look okay
neglect and emotional abuse take their toll on spider over the years and he comes to see Nash especially as just a person who was supposed to love him, but doesn't
he never called them mom or dad
the other scientists see what is going on but what can they do? they can't take spider in themselves
when spider gets back from the forest after a long day spent with the Omatikaya, the McCoskers just ignore his return.
"You're late Spider. Should we even bother saving dinner for you?"
"Perhaps you should ask to stay the night with Kiri and Lo'ak?"
"You got hurt? Go to the med bay, they'll sort you out."
Eventually, he just stops letting them know he's back safe, and they start to go days without even seeing each other (age 7-8)
Nash in particular starts to resent spider - "what are you doing here boy, we've just put the kids to bed!"
no one tells spider to brush his hair, take showers, brush his teeth etc.
spider takes meals where he can get them - he always misses dinner with the McCoskers because they eat early before putting the boys to bed
it's how he started to eat with the Sullys
he sometimes pops in for lunch with the science guys - he knows what time they break and also that the McCoskers aren't there
spider is never interested in playing with the McCosker's other kids (idk in my headcanon he is the only human child on Pandora even though that goes against established canon) because he would always get the blame if they got hurt or upset
the favouritism was so real that he started avoiding the family altogether
the McCoskers were obviously fine with this
Overall, terrible, terrible treatment of a child who needed a family. Even if that family was just one person. The McCoskers were chosen because they were a young couple who wanted kids of their own (they saw spider as 'practice'), and who were deemed 'reliable' - not because they actually wanted him or were emotionally available. It was a collective failure on all of the humans at Hell's Gate, because they all failed to step in and change the situation when it became clear the adoption wasn't working. Multiple failures all around.
And so, when Spider meets Quaritch - an adult whose singular parental focus is on him... who is constantly checking on his wellbeing, who gets mad when Spider puts himself in harm's way... it becmes abundantly clear why Spider falls for Quaritch as a father figure.
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tofuless · 2 years ago
Mkay, imma say a thing. Probably gonna have some peeps screaming at me for it and may even get canceled from people misinterpreting what I'm saying, but it needs to be said.
Friendly reminder: Bisexuals/Pansexuals exist. We're here, please stop ignoring us or thinking someone has to only be straight or gay. We crave representation too, just like all of you. Liking the opposite sex does not immediately null being bi/pan. Furthermore, don't assume someone's sexuality based solely on their personality/how they act. As a pansexual who acts in a way a lot of people dub as outright Gay irl, it's kinda offensive. A certain personality is not restricted to just one sexuality. Other sexualities can act that way too. Make sure to ask before jumping the gun and assuming please :)
I'd also like to add on that, while it's totally valid to have your own hcs for a character's sexuality, unless it's confirmed by the original creator, don't claim it as canon then start attacking someone else for having an hc different from yours. Different sexualities exist, we all want to be seen, and while I know there's people that are going to ignore this, please be nice and accepting towards each other.
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pedropascalito · 3 years ago
Homes and Gardens: DEA Edition, Part 3
Ooh boy, S1E6 is a goldmine of Javier Pena’s life outside the DEA, as illustrated by his home decor choices.
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Let’s start with my favorite part: Javi has a reading nook? This comfy chair is adjacent to his bookcase and has its own coffee table. I love this detail so fucking much. I want to sit on his lap here, reading a book, and then fuck him in that chair.
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My second favorite thing about his home: this old-school record player and box speakers. Oh man, please Javi, invite me over, put on some sexy music, dim those living lights, ply me with whisky, and let’s stay all night on that leather sofa together, wrapped in your afghan.
The big-ass answering machine next to the stereo. Can you imagine the messages he gets??
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The bowl of glass fruit! I cannot reconcile this with Javi, so imma assume it reminds him of his abuelita’s house. I also love the container of silverware on the counter;I have the same set up. (I’m a stereotypical NYer who doesn’t cook and lives alone, with very little silverware.)
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The quilted bar! I looove it. And he has a fancy decanter (Javi is not a slouchy bachelor), and a lot of those bottles look half or mostly empty. Accurate.
The ashtray on the bar, in addition to the three on his coffee table. I want to know how many total ashtrays Javier has in his apartment. I’m guessing no fewer than 15.
Two dancing sculptures on the bar, and a decorative but functional copper kettle displayed on the opposite short wall. Javier is a lot more cultured than I have given him credit for.
Do we think the plants are real or nah? If real, I’m guessing he has a housekeeper who comes once a week to dust and water the plants.
That is one ugly ass lamp.
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The mural on the living room wall is amazing, and I can’t tell if that’s a working fireplace or not, but the mantle is beautiful and there are more sculptures/artwork. Javi really is an intriguing man. I would not have guessed he had all this sculpture art. I wonder how often that vase is filled? I guess when the housekeeper remembers to fill it. (That’s canon for me, I decided.)
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I will never stop laughing about this Viking ship glass sculpture. Why, Javi, why?
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And last but not least, a peek at Javi’s bedroom? I love the blue walls, very cozy and sexy. If those are books, I love they are bedside. I wish we saw more of this room! All we really see in another scene is the beige sheets; I would have taken Javi for white sheets; they can be bleached. You know has fluids and lube stains!
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gildedmuse · 3 years ago
Imma ask a stupid ass question. Is Law black or POC? I know because of his past their skin was experiencing pigment loss due to the minerals and such of their island, but now that he’s older his melanin is there but I’m really bad at telling race in shows. So I was wondering what is his RACE? Not nationality or ethnicity. Also sorry for the dumb question
Hey, it's not a stupid question. I mean, "race" in One Piece is weird.
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[In theory, these characters are said to represent someone of African decent, one who is Scandinavian, one of East Asian heritage, and one who more than likely would be considered mixed-race with European, African and Amerindian ancestry. And, yes, that is a game you would never ever play in real life.]
I would say this may be a strange blog to bring it up on. After all, there are a breadth of sites out there that discuss race as a concept, race and gender in One Piece, the importance AND problematic elements of group identity in fiction, and out of all those you've chosen the one whose main concern is really pointing at characters like, "you there, yes, you. You have a sword."
"I'm gonna write about you making out with *so many* people.... But mostly Zoro."
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[I have my priorities. Pictured: My priorities.]
Which some may say is a strange tactic but to be fair... Law does have a sword, and I do enjoy making him lust after Zoro. So, sure, I will totally attempt to answer this.
Let's start with the obvious: there is no real or right answer to this question.
It's incredibly difficult to define our concept of race to begin with, because it various so widely through location, culture, usage and time, but even if you just consider it's common usage in the west, we're still talking about a concept that relies partially on physical similarities, but also relies on ancestry/geography.
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[Oda has said that Franky's nationality would be American. Point to America on this map. Go on. I'll wait.]
In this sense, Law's ethnicity would be "Northerner" because while the show never really discusses the topic in an overt manner, I think it's safe to assume that the Four Blues function in much the same way our continents do, with individual islands functioning as everything from countries to single villages. And the broadest definitions of races tend to be divided roughly along continental lines. And I think if the world of One Piece did have a definition of race outside of "human", "fishman/merfolk", "giant", "mink", etc it would likely tie into both physical attributes but also, your Blue of origins.
I do understand, though, that the real question here is, "would Law be considered white/non-white by the standards of our reality".
And yet, the answer is still pretty fuzzy. Especially in the anime, which has a terrible habit of skin whitening.
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[Actual Serious Caption Time: I got really, honestly upset seeing how much whiter these characters were post-time skip. Either @chromatic-lamina or my brother - who are both endless sources of canonical knowledge - informed me this change was very much endemic to the anime, and that in Oda's art the two characters have always been portrayed as with lighter skin. Like most facts, rather than help to clarify things, this only makes them more complex. On the one hand, the original source material didn't erase the only two main characters you would describe as "non-white", which the anime was under no obligation to do. After all, the shade of their skin has no major story factor, and the anime is already happy to diverge from the Canon source in other ways. Why was this issue the one they felt they absolutely had to fix? Then again, while it's horrible that they ended up whitening these characters, Oda just didn't bother with more than one skin tone for 90% of the human characters. Which, aside from everything else, considering the scope of the One Piece planet, just seems like lazy world building.]
This isn't helped by Oda assigning characters real nationalities (I wouldn't consider that Canon, of course, since it was done based on an ask, but also.... Don't assign people ethnicities based almost solely on stereotype your own characters and not expect people to comment) that either seem to have little impact on their appearance, or inform it in the worst possible way.... (Thank goodness Ussop is actually one of the best characters in the show. Seriously, would watch him and Nami forced to fight outside their weight class all day, any day.)
I have heard it repeated, though I don't think it's in anyway verified, that Law's "non-fictional" nationality is German, though, personally, the name of his home town, Flevance always makes me think "Florence", and I've got to say I feel that is backed up by his olive complexion.
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[I was originally hoping for a screenshot of him standing close to someone so that you could compare, but, you know, it's Law. The last person he was close to bleed out in the snow leaving Law to face this cruel world alone so....]
There is a lot of study and debate about whether Italians, especially Southern Italians and Sicilians, have historically be considered "white", but they have definitely been considered a different racial group. Keep in mind at this time, there were a lot more racial groups than what we would think of today, and almost all of them were deeply flawed and incredibly insulting. A lot of that was based, yes, on traits such as skin color and facial features, but also on language groups and cultural differences.
Which, again, sort of don't exist in an obvious way in the world of One Piece outside of a handful of Grand Line islands (which is utterly ridiculous; like of course the four Blues have distinct cultures, likely with deeply held stereotypes and biases against the other Blues. We see hints of this, like how the East is widely considered the "weakest" of the Blues, or how the West seems to have wide spread criminal syndicates while the North apparently has a higher number of marine than other seas).
I would say that, if you simply showed a picture of Law to someone with no other context, a fair amount of people would guess white, maybe mixed-race or asian. However, if you showed him beside another One Piece character, I think more people would assume him to be of some none north european background.
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[Oh, look, I did find a picture of Law standing close to someone.... So he could mock them.]
For what little it is worth, I tend to imagine Law as having either an olive complexion, as mentioned above, or else being from what I imagine is the equivalent of an indigenous artic/northern people such as the many peoples of Siberia or Canada or Greenland. There are a lot of artist who tend to draw him with a darker complexion, and I have a preference for that art. On the other hand, I have friends who think of him as very pale (though pale is not a quality that at all correlates to race, so I couldn't comment on their opinion on that), and some who think of him as being very North European precisely because, well, he's from the North and he's named Trafalgar. None of those opinions are any more right or wrong than the others, just as fan artists may choose to depict Ussop (who, according to Oda, is from the "country of Africa.....) As black while others draw him closer to the colors used in the show. I think you could argue for both depictions, and since they're neither real people nor does the story take place in the real world, it's difficult to identify characters by racial groups that are constructed based on our own history as a species.
So if you want to depict Law as a person of color, you know, go for it. If you don't see him that way, that's also fine and valid. It's a fantasy cartoon that pays little attention to race unless it's being embarrassingly bad about it, so I'm actually happier if they leave characters ambiguous.
Except Zoro. Zoro should be tan, like a golden sacrifice to the God Of Sun, Sand and Steel. This is not up for debate.
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writingrightendings · 2 years ago
Dr Shashank x Dr Juhi - Sanjivani (Part 1)
Here's my head canon on what actually happens with Dr Shashank's and Dr Juhi's lives in Sanjivani/Sanjeevani.
First, imma gonna totally disregard the Shashank and Sid storyline. If you must - it's a Hindi soap - Shashank had a nice identical twin brother he never spoke of who is Sid's dad. On that note, it's also the twin brother who died, so there, two problematic plot lines out of the way.
Now Dr Juhi and Dr Shashank. Here's the thing, and other bloggers have noted it too, what IS their deal? So he's in love with her. She clearly has a revived crush. She even takes him on a date and says some "humsafar" stuff.... But girl, what humsafar? Like a friend or a husband or what? She still calls him sir for Pete's sake.
Shashank has the patience of a saint. He's not gonna push her to word it out or label. Now how do these two actually reach the place they're meant to?
I think they continue in this no man's land for a bit. But people around them are slowly starting to notice... You know those "rumours" that Rahul mentioned from 10/15 years ago, that's gonna pick up again because of the rhyme they have with each other. Completing each other's thoughts, weaving music together in surgery, spending their free time at the hospital together, having these in jokes and those half glances. C'mon, their juniors - in their own world that they are, granted! - are gonna take notice. "why aren't sir and ma'am together?" someone's gonna whisper.
But when does our head in sand Juhi take notice? Maybe she falls sick, and it's Shashank who's around her, caring for her. Her private doctor. Maybe they have to be apart for a few days for some conference - they usually go together but this time it didn't work out - and she realizes how MUCH she misses him, it actually hurts. He misses her too but isn't surprised by it. Although amused by her numerous calls (and heck, video calls!) to check in.
And what of their sexual tension. It's present. An underlying theme to their interactions. She's probably in her late 30s/early 40s? He's likely early 50s? I assume it's a 10-12 years age difference between them. Not that age matters for chemistry but just pointing out that everything Shashank said about "iss umar mein" as if one leg was stuck in the grave is rubbish. So yeah, there's this underlying tension between them all the freaking time. But he doesn't touch her ever. The gentleman that he is.
Hmm I'm gonna have to think further to figure out where my couple goes... Love you all for creating and holding this space for me.
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i-am-gun-robot · 3 years ago
So I was re-reading your troll aging headcanons and came across the term “bond-mate” a few times. And it got me thinking- what are your headcanons about troll relationships? Courting/dating, what constitutes as flirting for trolls, marriages, do they have a concept of a girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. Bond-mate is the troll equivalent of a husband/wife/partner, I assume?
We already know in canon trolls don’t have kissing (or “face-smooshing,” as Draal would put it 😂). Although, I read a fic once that had the really cute idea that the troll-equivalent of kissing was rubbing noses together.
So trolls and romance! As you guessed, being 'bond-mates' is the troll equivalent of being married. Trolls mate for life - and they live for a very long time - so dating/courting is a very important step for them and can last centuries. Flirting is rarely done for any other reason than to initiate courting/dating. Flirting can take lots of shapes and forms, but it's mostly shown through actions rather than words. A flirting troll will get into the personal space of the troll they fancy, will come up with excuses to touch them (sparring is a popular choice), they'll spend as much time as possible in their presence. Posturing and scent plays a big role in this - all of those activities can be strictly platonic or familial as well. Trolls will release a musky or sweet smell (depending on gender) to communicate flirtation. If the affections of the flirting troll is reciprocated, then the process of courting begins.
Courting is very similar to how humans date. The courting trolls will spend a lot of time together, do fun activities, share burdens, talk and get to know each other, etc. As things get more serious, trolls may get more physical with each other (more on that later), they may spend more time in the other troll's dwelling, and they will start making decisions as a unit rather than individuals. If this continues to go well, eventually, it will transition into being bond-mates. There isn't really a ceremony to celebrate this, it's just something natural that happens. The two trolls scents will mix, they'll live with each other, and potentially have a family (this is not an expectation for bonded trolls, just a possibility).
Bonds can be broken, if the trolls grow apart, but it is rare and seen as a great tragedy. Bonds are a special thing that typically happen once in a lifetime for trolls.
Okay, now about physical stuff! Imma put it under the cut since I mention intimacy, but it certainly won't be explicit or descriptive in any way shape or form.
Okay, I don't think trolls have sex. (DUN DUN DUN!)
We know they reproduce by cutting a piece of stone from each partner and putting it in heartstone (I think this was confirmed somewhere?? or maybe I made it up IDK). It's possible they are still capable of having sex (y'know, gronknuts), but I think they don't prefer to and have little use for it.
HOWEVER. I do think they have ways of being romantically physically close. I adore the idea of rubbing noses being like kissing, I'm totally stealing that! I think cuddling and grooming are other ways they express their love. Holding onto each other (like a hand on the other's neck or back as they walk) is another expression. Mostly though, bondmates are a life partner.
OKAY that was a lot, hopefully that answers some of your questions (and wasn't too gross lol)!
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katnissmellarkkk · 4 years ago
Andddd here’s my chappy three thoughts 🥳🥳🥳
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Hmmm Katniss saying that her mother has a dress made of velvet is actually really interesting because it shows that Mrs. Everdeen Lily-Rose really was well-er off before she married Katniss’ father Hunter.
Or did she get the velvet dress from Maysilee? Oh well, who knows.
Aww, Katniss’ nervous habit of touching soft things repeatedly to soothe herself 🤧🤧.
“Crying is not an option. There will be more cameras at the train station.” — someone tell that to Peeta 🤣🤣🤣.
Okay I gotta stop picking on Primmers, I know but like. How small is she that she sits on Katniss’ lap like a toddler but then in the following year is the same height as her? Doesn’t matter I know but still I wonder.
Okay so Mrs. E is the doctor for the people of the Seam? Idk I never thought about this but who does people like Peeta or Madge or Delly go to if they’re sick or hurt? Is there a still running apothecary shop that Katniss never mentions? Are her grandparents still running the family biz?
Also okay, I gotta stop having so many thoughts on all the lil details I know but like. Katniss says here she’s familiar with the herbs her mother doesn’t grow on her own so like a). Katniss is more of a healer than she leads on because no average person knows what kind of plant is medicinal and b). Her mother is just growing herbs and Katniss never mentions it again in the whole series? Or I just missed it.
Okay imma move on from this one singular paragraph but Gale and her made a pact a year ago that they’ll supply each other’s family with game if they were to be reaped... I’m feeling like their close friendship is probably only one year old then? Idk. Just my interpretation.
Honestly I love Katniss getting mad at her mom here.
She’s sixteen, for God’s sake, of course she’s angry at what her mother’s illness put her through.
Also I lowkey like that her mother got mad back because that lady in the movies had zero personality.
“Boys who are two to three times my size.” She sounds so little, omg 🥺🥺🥺.
“I don’t care if we’re rich, I just really want you to come home” 🤧🤧🤧😩😩😩😩 okay Primmers, you got me here.
“the Peacekeeper is at the door, signaling our time is up, and we're all hugging one another so hard it hurts and all I'm saying is ‘I love you. I love you both.’ And they're saying it back...” this is so sad leave me be 😫😫😫😫
Katniss is burying her face in a pillow to block out her emotions this is too much for me 🥵🥵🥵
Omg I forgot Peeta’s father visits Katniss 😅
Why does he visit Katniss?
She describes Peeta’s father as a “big, broad-shouldered man.” And then describes Peeta as stocky. Idk the comparison of the two descriptions has always led me to think Peeta is gonna be a big dude when he grows up like his father. This made no sense and had zero correlation but I thought, so I said it, no regrets
Oh he brought her cookies 🤧
WAIT WAIT WAIT. I just had a new thought, y’all. What if instead of the baker bringing cookies being a thing he does for all tributes, what if he’s bringing the cookies because Peeta asked him to, because he made them and wants to give them to Katniss and knows she’ll never accept / trust them coming from her competition? What if that’s the real reason the baker visited her in the first place? Because Peeta asked him to? This was such a shipper comment but idc, no regrets, remember?
Omg Peeta’s father is just mute 🤣🤣🤣
Between an abusive, angry mother and a mute for a father, the Mellark brothers must have had a fairytale of a childhood 😅😅😅😅.
But seriously #PoorPeetaMyBaby
Aww Peeta’s father is gonna help keep Prim alive 😭
Omg I just remembered he’s her mother’s ex boyfriend. Haidon Mellark, as I named him in my fics.
That one fic where he was thought to be Prim’s real father is just playing now in my head, rent free.
But does Katniss not realize that he may be offering to help Prim as a favor to her? Like she claims Prim is just so wonderful people adore her but there’s like zero evidence in the text that make her endearing? Okay I need to turn this bus around, I need to find a love for Primmy Deen.
Madge is not one for preamble apparently. No “hi, how are you? I’m sorry you’re gonna die? What will your last meal be?” Just right to “here, wear this family heirloom of mine, k thanks.”
I like that Madge had to kiss her cheek for Katniss to realize they were friends 😅😅😅.
I remember always loving her and Gale’s hug here. I’ve always felt like it was platonic, but especially when I first read the books and had zero preference one way or another for Gale or Peeta, I really liked how she said even with nothing romantic between them, “when he opens his arms, I don’t hesitate to go to him” or something I’m paraphrasing ok I’m lazy
Also though, this is the first time they’ve ever hugged? Idk why that surprises me? It shouldn’t because where is a hug gonna fit into a hunting trip 😅🤣😂 “I just caught a deer!” “let’s celebrate with a hug!”
I like that Katniss remembers how her father even failed to make a good bow sometimes. Random, I know.
I like that the Capitol weren’t entertained by the people freezing to deaths because it wasn’t bloody enough 🤭🙃
“How different can it be [to kill a human vs an animal]?” She’s about to find out, Gale 🥺. And when she comes back you won’t understand 🙄😔
What did Gale want to say before the Peacekeepers dragged him away?
I used to think it was a confession of love but I’m actually sure it wasn’t now? Just the wording “remember I-“ doesn’t sound like it, considering he never confessed anything prior to her coming home.
I’m assuming now he was just gonna give her some more advice to stay alive 🤷🏼‍♀���. Clearly if it were relevant it would have made its way to the others books.
Aww, she’s never been inside a car before 😭😭. I didn’t even know they had cars in this universe but okay.
I notice though how she says “In the Seam, we travel on foot.” So is Peeta just riding his trolly down the street every day with the other merchants then? 🤣
Peeta just openly crying on camera 😅😢.
I like how Katniss is like “ooo is this an act to get sponsors?” when in reality Peeta’s like “no, I’m just a soft and genuine boy ™️”
Omg I just realized this totally goes along with Peeta’s thing later on “I want to die as myself”
He’s refusing to hold back his emotions because he thinks he’s doomed to die and he’s already refusing to pretend to be or feel something ingenious.
But a Johanna mention in book 1 chapter 3 woohoo 🥳🥳🥳 also Katniss comparing Jo and Peeta is kind of like foreshadowing of their shared torture in book 3.
Omg she just called Peeta broad-shouldered and strong. 🥰🥰🥰 my headcanon for his post-canon body is confirmed
Also why does Katniss keep allotting his strength to carrying bread trays around? Are they heavy? Why have I never once heard of people who carry bread trays being strong? I always thought Peeta was really strong because he learned to fight in order to defend himself against his mother but that’s probably wrong.
But if a mother is abusive, it can lead to one of the kids being physically violent as well and we know Peeta isn’t but he has two older brothers I’m gonna cut myself off now but I think we all smelled what I just stepped in.
Also I just find it so fascinating now how she regards herself vs Peeta here.
When talking about herself, she says, “The competition will be far beyond my abilities. [...] Oh, there'll be people like me, too. People to weed out before the real fun begins.” But when she talks about Peeta, she immediately says, “It would take an awful lot of weeping to convince anyone to overlook him.”
It’s just funny how she discounted herself right from the start but thought he was a real contender and then come to find out, Peeta believes it’s the exact opposite 😂🙃. They’re both so stupid I can’t even take it.
Wait did they actually give the location of the Capitol and the location of District Twelve in today’s world? And I just overlooked it? Brb I’m gonna go to google maps right quick.
Okay so basically what I gathered is the Capitol is probably in New Mexico and District Twelve is somewhere between Kentucky and Alabama. Irrelevant I know. But just a reminder now to everyone that Katniss and Peeta are literally speaking, crying and screaming in thick, backwoods southern accents.
It’s literally so sad how everything for Katniss is about food. Like every motive she has, every action she does is about preventing starvation ever again. 🤧🤧🤧
First mockingjay mention 🤭🤭.
“My father was particularly fond of mockingjays” 😭😭😭 I bet he was 😭😭😭😭
We always go on and on about how Katniss is a mockingjay or her children are mockingjays but Katniss herself here says mockingjays represent her father imma cry, y’all 😫😫😫😫
“It’s like having a piece of my father with me, protecting me” shut up shut up shut up shut up
Awww, Katniss has never had food like this before 😔😔😔
Neither has Peeta 🤧🤧
Katniss disliking the way Effie put the two kids from the year before down and so began to eat like a pig just to prove her point, is so her. And the beginning of her fighting for the underdog.
Omg the Rue introduction 🥺🥺🥺
Bahahahaha the commenters calling District Twelve backwards but charming 😅😅😅 they really are the hillbilly district
Peeta’s unexpected laugh 🥺🥺🥺 I love you, baby
“He was drunk. He’s drunk every year.” “Every day.” Katniss and Peeta are already finishing each other’s sentiments and teaming up to get on Effie’s nerves I love them so much 😍
Oh my God, Effie, you selfish jerk. They’re kids having fun for like one second, no need to throw in their faces they’re gonna die if the drunk won’t help them. I’d forgotten why I don’t really like the book version of her. I actually prefer her as comedic relief in the movies.
I actually just realized I really dislike Effie Trinket, I hope they never speak to her again Post-Mockingjay. Idc how you’re raised you don’t need to treat teenagers who are sentenced to a probable death badly just because they laughed at you 🙄🙄🙄😡😡😡😡. They didn’t even really laugh at her, she’s just annoying and awful, we don’t stan Effie in this household.
Okay, that’s all for my thoughts on chapter three! Until next time, y’all ! If anyone actually read this long mess of a post.
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themurphyzone · 4 years ago
This post is a combination of the 90s PatB alongside the reboot’s Ep 13. Spoilers below. 
So...I was certainly not expecting a flashback in this ep. Great usage of the ‘everyone asks how, but no one ever asks why’ question by Pinky. 
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No matter the adaptation, Brain is always presented as a mouse with a pathological need for control because he sorely lacked it as a young mouse. When he loses that control, whether in this episode with being locked in a car and taken on a road trip against his will, or in other episodes with different situations, he’ll lose control of himself, the very thing he’s trying to avoid. 
Anyways, the flashback presented in this episode can reasonably fit with the origin episodes in the 90s PatB, so I’m gonna try and present these in an order that can fit together, so let’s start off with Leggo My Ego, shall we? 
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Anyway, Brain starts life as an innocent field mouse. Ain’t he the cutest little thing you’d ever see? 
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Um...hey guys, maybe we could let the cute mouse baby blow a feather around and be happy? 
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Nope...oof. Time to begin a life of trauma. 
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He’s a babey.... He needs hugs! How do you people not have sympathy for him??????
So basically, the 90s cartoon presents several origins and some of them are more contradictory than others. I believe Leggo My Ego and The Visit are the only episodes that mention Brain was originally a wild mouse captured by humans, but it’s generally the most widely accepted origin for him.
In Leggo My Ego, Freud notes that Brain’s desire for world domination appears to be a subconscious desire to return to the simple life he once led. 
So..let’s bring in Snowball now. 
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In this post, I’m trying to be chronological here. In this flashback, Brain describes how he and Snowball were once very close and how he could always make Snowball laugh. 
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Brain and Snowball grew up together, and Brain genuinely cared about Snowball, even into adulthood when the two became enemies. 
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They went through the gene splicer together after an experiment gone wrong. The gene splicer exploded and supposedly messed with Snowball’s mind. 
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Snowball did something that caused him to get kicked out of ACME Lab. The rift became permanent, though what was the exact cause or if clashing ambitions fueled it is unknown. 
This event left a permanent mark on Brain, and Pinky himself had never heard about Snowball until he tried to steal one of Brain’s schemes. 
But anyway, the exact timeline of the splicing and the break in friendship is unknown. So...I think this flashback in the reboot’s Ep 13: Roadent Trip might fill one of the blanks in on an event that might’ve occurred during Brain’s time with Snowball, before he met Pinky. 
Alright, so for this post’s sake, I’m going to present the new flashback as if it took place shortly after Brain’s splicing with Snowball. I’m also going to disregard the 90s PatB episode Project BRAIN, because there’s stronger canon evidence that Brain was born in the wild and that he grew up with Snowball. However, I do enjoy keeping that Brain named Pinky. 
Anyways, that’s enough for the introduction. Grab your tissues if you haven’t already. 
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Pinky: “You’re always trying to work out how to take over the world, but you’ve never told me why you want to take over the world, Brain.” 
*moment of silence*
Pinky: “Brain?” 
Brain: “If I answer this, you’ll let me expire in peace?” 
Honestly, a GIF would do Brain’s reaction justice, because he doesn’t outright dismiss Pinky’s question. He’s more hesitant because he realizes this moment is going to lead to a heart to heart talk, something he’d rather not engage in. And you know what? I can’t recall any instance of Brain admitting to Pinky about why he wanted to take over the world, just how or that he was going to do it with this particular plan. 
I think this correlates well with Leggo My Ego above; that Brain doesn’t reflect on the ultimate driving force behind his actions, just that he wants it and he’s going to somehow get it. If he does have a moment of clarity, he always dismisses it and goes right back to the drawing board. 
And most importantly, that he just wants love and respect. Does he create his own misery? Yes. But at the same time, he’s sadly a product of the combination of human curiosity and ignorance. 
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So...I deeply apologize for this tangent real quick before I move onto the rest of this post. 
*takes deep breath* 
Okay, so like I said before, due to his head shape and how he seems to display early cognitive abilities here, I honestly think the best timeframe for this would be sometime in the 90s, just after his and Snowball’s splicing. Again, Brain was ultimately a child in Snowball, but since he’s the one narrating, we’re led to assume he set his sights on the world right away. 
Actually, it seems more likely that while Brain’s capacity for knowledge was enhanced, he still had to make the effort to learn. What he knows as an adult didn’t come all at once. So here, he has cognition, but he’s still fairly optimistic because the weight of the world truly hasn’t set in yet. 
Alright, so my explanation is that Snowball was elsewhere in the lab, and that they’re simply separated for the day. Brain was lifted out of an experiment with other mice, and placed directly into a solo study. 
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The scientists place a huge slice of cheese on a stun plate, with the intention that Brain will be shocked if he tries to go for the cheese. Of course, who would be able to resist having this much food placed in front of them? I certainly wouldn’t. 
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But the moment he tries to go for the cheese, he gets shocked. But since he’s very much learning, he doesn’t understand why he gets shocked if he steps on the plate. 
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It’s this pose that makes me believe he’s spliced at this point. Brain adopts that thinking pose well into adulthood. However, he doesn’t really have a plan. He just thinks he’ll succeed if he goes for it enough times, much like the world. 
Also, compare his tail shape between this photo and the one above it. Rather fitting for it to be a lightning bolt, is it not? Mice tails do get kinked in real life if handled improperly, which is very much the case here too. 
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Scientist 1: “The idea is that once we remove the electronic stimulus, he still won’t go for the cheese.” 
Scientist 2: “Learned helplessness.”  
And sadly...their hypothesis is proven correct. 
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And the thing is, Brain does recognize that the shock is turned off. He does learn that he shouldn’t touch the plate. So he tries once more...
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And stops. 
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Even with the cheese’s proximity, it’s still unattainable. The only thing that holds Brain back is himself. He wants the cheese, but he’ll get hurt if he tries to go for it. So...despite there being no obvious danger, Brain doesn’t go for it again. 
Learned Helplessness Wikipedia Page Link
This could potentially be the moment where Brain finally loses his innocence. He has to control everything because the moment he doesn’t...he’ll get shocked. 
Notice how everything Brain’s ever wanted at any stage is always in close proximity to himself? In Leggo My Ego, he was extremely close to his parents and the tin can upon capture. In Snowball, he clearly desired companionship, but he and Snowball were never in the same cage. In this flashback, the cheese is ripe for the taking with the shock turned off, and he doesn’t try again. 
Brain is able to learn. And he learns that the world is cruel, that he’s only an interesting specimen for science with no autonomy of his own. He learns that he has to be in control to stop hurting so much.  
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“From that day hence, I vowed I would be the one in control. Of myself, of my surroundings, of the world. Yet again, here I am, totally helpless.” 
Okay, I swear this wasn’t intentional and I didn’t notice this until I made this post, but look at how similar the final pose in the flashback and Brain’s pose in this shot are. 
That in some ways, Brain is still that child with simple desires. Maybe he phrases them differently, but that’s what it ultimately boils down to.  
And from Brain’s emotionally charged delivery of the above line, this experience was so traumatic that he kept it hidden for two decades. 
And while the cheese is supposed to represent how he can’t obtain the world despite living in it, I think there’s another thing that went unstated. It also happens to represent: 
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Pinky is the cheese. Brain won’t step on a stun plate if he tries to touch Pinky. Rather, Pinky will welcome any affectionate gesture with open arms. 
But Brain believes he’ll be hurt if he tries. The humans set the precedent. Desire affection, desire love, you’ll get hurt, they taught him. 
The only thing holding Brain back is himself. 
And it’s absolutely tragic.
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Be like Pinky. Give Brain a hug.   
If you’ll excuse me, Imma go cry. 
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guqin-and-flute · 4 years ago
20 Questions: Writer’s Edition
Tagged by the fantastical @little-smartass​
Under the cut!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
55 (holy crap, when did that happen??)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
319,602 ??? WHAT. THAT’S. THAT’S A LOT.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Dragon Age, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Detroit: Become Human, and now MDZS/The Untamed!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
 RK1K DBH longfic The More You Know with 1107 kudos 
MDZS Peony to Lotus/Yaoli Flower of Another Kind with 794 kudos (when did that happen???)
MDZS Peony to Lotus All These Things You Have to Lose with 754 kudos
MDZS Peony to Lotus Stop Forcing It with 717 kudos
MDZS Peony to Lotus Are You Here to Stop Me? with 696 kudos
(Honorable Mention: And A-Fu Makes 4 in a close 6th with 665)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Bold of you to assume that I finish things. Uhhh, probably He Was Never Meant to See cause JGY gets his canon ending? 
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most fluff I’ve written! The stuff that actually HAS an ending tends to be short one shots within specific universes, so it’s hard to say the ending was happy when it really was just...all of it?
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I’m not opposed to it, though I don’t think I actually have?
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written a couple things I haven’t really shared, not sure I ever will? Dunno! Mostly it’s romantic? I’m not sure what ‘what kind’ means in this context exactly??
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
YES, IN THEORY ;-; I’m about 400 (woOF) comments behind on replying on Ao3. I think I’m just very happy that anyone likes reading any of my things at all and I want to show them how much I genuinely appreciate them taking the time to do so and then tell me about it ♥
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah, but it wasn’t really about me, they were doing it do every Xiyao author, so I really don’t count that? It wasn’t about me, it was about their own issues
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know 👁👁
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Into an audio medium as a podfic? But not another language, no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not officially! I used to write OC stuff with a couple friends when I was younger, but I would love to try again in a more official capacity with fic! 
14. What’s your all time favourite ship to write for?
It really depends on my mood and what I’m into, currently! Sorry for the cop out answer 😂
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Well, my intent is to finish all my longfics at some point before I die, so...I’m gonna say none! Cause I’m optimistic and believe in myself 
16. What are your writing strengths?
When I get in the flow, I just go. I also enjoy writing dialogue and think I dedicate a lot of energy to capturing the voice/feel of a character. I also try to let the character act naturally, so if there is a pull in another direction/a scene isn’t working, I try to go with what’s happening.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Having any sort of schedule or deadline and actually just fucking, uuuuh, physically writing.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Personally? As I don’t know any other languages past a semester’s worth of study in high school, Imma stick with honorifics and vocab where I can. I’m sure I still fuck up a whole bunch 😬 In theory? As long as they do research and are being respectful, I don’t think I see a problem?
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, back in, like, elementary school. Never shared it.
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
That’s like asking me to pick a favorite kid! I like them all and write them all for different reasons. 
I tag @lilac-buttons, @madtomedgar, @greenwitching, @theleakypen and anyone else that wants to do it and thinks they should!
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kodzukoi · 3 years ago
Maaan I can’t pick just one fav.
Here’s two that I’m currently so smitten over !!
One you know and one you don’t (I mean shit I think), but take it regardless and imma just like casually reblog it as soon as I see it.
Takemichi is very fond of practicing my lines with me for Newsies. He tries (and fails graciously) at a New York accent so he can read it adequately. Catching him practicing it with one of the ToMan members, explaining he’s “just method acting !!”
Tajima is by my side like white on rice. Anything I’m doing that isn’t like goin pee or something, he’s THERE. 8pm drive to the grocery store for some sour cream?
“I’ll come! I��m sure your mom will want to ask me about the game.” AND HE’S IN MY PASSENGER SEAT SINGING ALONG TO THE MUSIC I PUT ON.
I’ve totally conditioned him to enjoy certain genres that he does canonically get bullied for by Abe and Hanai. Like I put sixties music and heavy metal on in the car so frequently that he just knows our favs by heart now.
(This is so soft and only applies to this moment but help)
Him laying down by my side as I try desperately to finish my book.
“I’ll stay awake for you, babe.”
And then I look to my right as I take a sip of my sparkling water, and he’s just knocked out cold. But he’s smiling gently in his sleep like- he’s never so calm and so peaceful and- MMMMMM fck.
i am going to look at this again after i watch a couple ep of big windup.
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faerielleart · 4 years ago
✨I feel you! I can already smell the angst from way over here. Fluff for the soul it is! I’ll throw in some comfort (maybe!) for good measure!
Are you leaning towards modern AU or Canon universe?
Also you have any little HCs or tropes you like🥚?
🤍, 🐇
me already feeling my heart burst from joy [virtually pets the bunny emoji]
aaa i’ll leave you to make that choice bb 🥺
let me rant about a few headcanons let’s GO
for canon era, i like to think that hanji probably skipped a ton of meals (not on purpose, they were just SO engrossed in paperwork and research and whatnot), so levi took a trip into the kitchens every single night and cooked a nice meal for his commander, even super late at night, entered hanji’s room without knocking, tool all the papers and sat his ass on them, refusing to move until hanji finishes all the food lol i like to imagine he’d cook hanji’s fav dish a lot, something with potatoes maybe? like baked potato cakes with cheese and greens on the side with a warm cup of tea, or a warm soup for cold nights. according to chuugakkou levi’s a great cook so i feel like he’d be good in canon too :’D
also i like to think that they probably slept together (i mean literally, like in the same bed, not having sex) A LOT due to night terrors, just hearing each other’s breathing and feeling the other’s body warmth close to them is enough to calm them down so i feel like it became a habit for them to just sleep in the same bed, not necessarily cuddling; at least, not voluntarily lmao they’re far too awkward 😩 but in the morning they ALWAYS wake up holding esch other, cue them being awkward as fuck i might be tearing up a little at the thought of levi being a lil spoon and being half awake half asleep cuddling closer to hanji bc “oh who cares it’s a dream” AND THEN NOTICING THAT HE’S AWAKE LMAOOO HIS SOUL WOULD LEAVE HIS BODY especially bc hanji wakes up in that precise moment and is literally holding him super tight around the waist, legs thrown over his, my god they would both DIE from embarrassment they’d jump away from each other so fast- bye this is too adorable for me i’m going to have a heart attack
hanji probably cries every now and then at night and tries to be as quiet as possible, levi sneakily grabs their hand just to let them know he’s there, no words exchanged between them bc they don’t need it. just falling asleep holding hands. maybe when levi’s brave enough, maybe after emptying a bottle of whiskey in his evening tea, he’d even rub his thumb a lil over hanji’s palm just because it’s ticklish and he wants to hear hanji laugh. also if he’s asleep and having a nightmare, tossing and turning, hanji would stroke his hair and maybe hum a melody because levi once told them his mother used to do that. LITERALLY THE THOUGHT OF THESE FOOLS BEING ABLE TO DO BOLD FLUFFY SHIT ONLY WHEN THE OTHER’S ASLEEP MAKES ME SCREAM I HATE THEM SO MUCH god i hate them
onto the angstier shit bc a sprinkle of angst is always good, they definitely cuddled in the forest. hear me out, it’s absolutely realistic to assume that their clothes were soaking wet and being in a forest at night is cold as fuck, realistically they would’ve had to strip and make skin-to-skin contact or they would have died of hypothermia. it’s what happens in real life, it’s safe to assume it happened off screen. just like the cpr come on? you don’t get water out of your lungs without cpr
oh i might have said this already once, but i think they were mistaken for a married couple all the time tbh? like onyankopon in the first months of knowing them would suddenly say shit like “hanji-san your husband is a bit scary i hope you’re not offended” and hanji would get the blue screen of death in their brain “??£]£>${£>£{£{$> HUSBAND????? HUSBAND, LIKE MARRIED HUSBAND? HUSBAND THAT I MARRIED IN A MARRIAGE??????” levi too probably would get teased by yelena “i don’t understand how hanji-san married a short fucker like you you’re as ugly as a butthole and unpleasant in every single way” levi would not answer bc his brain is too busy processing the word “married”
ONTO MUSHIER STUFF let’s say they overcome the awkwardness and a kiss or two happen,,,, i feel like there’d be a lot of casual pecks??? like waking up in the morning KISS or “i’m going to take a shit wait for me” kiss, distracted kiss when hanji’s doing paperwork and levi needs to leave the room, just them being so comfortable around each other that physical contact happens without them even thinking about it
for modern era, hear me out, they’re totally childhood friends. probably neighbors. levi’s maybe 2 years older, but hanji gets a growth sprout in middle school and now you’ve got levi, a highschooler, shorter than a middle schooler difjsmek
in elementary school hanji gets picked on a lot, levi is their personal bodyguard and scares away all the bullies, but pretends he only did it to build a scary reputation, tsundere child blushing and stuttering “I-IT’S NOT LIKE I DID IT FOR YOU OR ANYTHING,,,,, DUMBASS,,,,,,,,,” but hanji knows lmao and calls him “my knight” and levi Dies every single time. kuchel teases the fuck out of him
hanji gifts levi the most random things and levi keeps EVERYTHING he has a secret special box under his bed and he has kept everything hanji’s ever given him since the day they met. even candy wrappers. everything. hanji finds it one day and levi Dies inside but it’s the cutest most endearing thing in the world and holy fuck they’re so in love literally soulmates
hanji probably has a family cat who is really really ugly and old and grumpy and absolutely HUGE who hates everyone but for some reason he got super attached to levi and always sits on his head. levi pretends to hate it more than Anything but hanji’s seen him tons of times giving him treats despite how much he says “get this fat sack of fleas off of me it’s UNSANITARY”
they probably start to date out of high school bc they were too awkward to do so earlier, even if they probably kissed quite a few times “just to see what the fuss is all about���. their parents probably knew they’d be married one day as early as elementary school ☠️ they’re too obvious
i feel like they’d definitely have children tbh 100% as an accident tho, just to make this completely self indulgent imma say they have triplets, weird uncommon pregnancy for the weirdest most uncommon of couples LEVI BEST DAD he’d be a stay at home dad while hanji works as a scientist in a lab and please. please just imagine three tiny daughters who look just like him but have hanji’s nose and attitude who have him wrapped around their little fingers i’m going to lkterally combust
yeah parents lh having cute tea parties with their bbs??? sign me the FUCK up
my fav tropes are hurt/comfort literally anything that involves character A being sad and character B doing the most to cheer them up [chef’s kiss] plus disgustingly mushy mutual pining and slow burn that makes me tear my hair out waiting for the fucking tension to be resolved i love torturing myself,,,,, i really fucking love forehead kisses okay i feel like levi has a permanent indent in his forehead due to the gargantuan amount of fat smooches hanji has given him in his life
thank your for visiting my askbox again dear bunny 🐰 i hope to hear from you again soon hehe ✨
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roddyretrograde · 3 years ago
i'll be honest i did not remember that nicki was older than jake i assumed from the looks of them that he was sixteen/seventeen and she was at most nineteen. (which is still an age gap but wouldn't be predatory unlike if she was fully in her early twenties when they met) and honestly i never read that deeply into either of each other's feelings. it never occured to me jake and nicki had been madly in love and i just saw some of the things you mentioned her doing as acts of desperation
part 2/ i will say you're also right about her being manipulative (i watched oth a long time ago and i'll admit i rewatch scenes of the characters i love but not of side characters and certainly not the whole show because schwann really tainted this show for me) especially in starting those fights against jake's friends and being manipulative and taking advantage of them at times. part 3/ i just think a lot of her actions could be explained (not excused, just explained) by being backed into a corner though and when i see everything she's done written down, every bad action it has bpd or bipolar disorder coupled with addiction written all over it (i have bipolar disorder and am a recovering addict so that's why i see that as potential explanation for her erratic and destructive tendencies) but imma just say the writers and the showrunner just were too lazy to write it that way part 4/ and just so we're crystal clear i'm not excusing at all preying on younger men, that is fucking gross and inexcusable and i'm appalled the writers even went there. i was not justifying that shit or defending that at all in my initial asks (i didn't even remember this gross detail) but defending nicki's right to be her mother. regardless of her reasons and for jenny's sake, she deserved a real shot at trying, that's all i'm saying really. part 5/ and i also totally agreed with you on the kids can have two moms argument, peyton had two moms and she loved them both but in this case though peyton was a teenager who didn't need to be saddled with the responsibilities of a child that isn't hers when she was still herself a child. especially when the child's mother wanted to be a part of her life. her being with jake as an adult and being a step mom? sure. her playing house at sixteen? no. sorry i don't think that'd have been healthy
my response: Don't worry about not knowing OTH to the depth that I do! I have to admit it was my comfort show back in high school so I watched it quite a few times through, and now it is my renewed comfort series because I'm currently writing Peyton Sawyer in a private rp with my friends. So I'll be the first to admit I've probably done far more analyzing than the average person and have my own head canons for things!
That being said, you're 100% right that Nicki's writing was lazy and could have been dived into so much farther. My friend, a child therapist, actually said that she also believes Nicki has BPD, but as someone who is not a professional I didn't want to go assigning something to a person without professional or life knowledge.
I think that there was so much potential in the after season three OTH story arc for Nicki, and I truly believe that in court she would have been ordered into things like therapy, possible medication from professionals, and have to sort through addictions in order to grow as a person, and I don't think Nicki is an irredeemable person. I don't think many people are. I think the story could have been so interesting and dynamic and could have had such a lovely Ellie Harp paralleled arc for her and Jenny's relationship. And it could have shown Jake and her's co-parenting, and Jake's growth as someone who later understands the signs of mental health struggle in Nicki and ultimately help her be a better parent who learns to be a better parent by being more open and forgiving.
I also didn't see your previous asks as defending a predator, so don't worry about that at all! I think this is a huge thing that the writing really slid over and it's really easy for people to miss. But in season one, Jenny is 6 months old and Jake is in junior year and 16. That means Nicki was pregnant the previous school year (when Jake is in sophomore year - most likely 15, or 14 if he has a late birthday). Because it's implied that Nicki is a Tree Hill native because she claims to have worked at the mall when she breaks in with Lucas, this either means that Nicki did homeschooling for her senior year (because Tree Hill High students would have definitely noticed a pregnant student, like Haley in season four), or more likely because no one knew who she was and she had no trouble being enrolled in out of state college, she had already graduated that school year and waited until after birth to go to college. This means that Nicki was 18/19 dating Sophomore Jake who was most likely 15 due to the grade, and in season one when she returns to Tree Hill she's 19/20. That's why I think the age gap is a really important thing to note. These are huge maturity differences at that age. 3 years is nothing in your late 20's and beyond, but in high school it's big. Most OTH characters in seasons 1-4 don't have a fully developed brain yet.
As for it being unhealthy for Peyton to be a 17 year old step mom, you're absolutely right. Peyton is not a healthy person though at 17, and while she doesn't put Jenny in danger, this is true. She suffers from PTSD, depression, has dabbled with alcohol and cocaine. But she never puts that on Jenny. Do I think that Jake and Peyton are great together? Absolutely - but this is because their drama is rarely centred around issues of them as a couple, and centred more around external factors. I think Jake and Peyton have honest conversations, and while Jake has absolutely made bad decisions for them, I think this is just me loving drama cause otherwise it would be boring. To me, they have Naley energy in that they're meant to be, and would one day figure out all their issues. I love the romance of it all, but you're right, it's not a super healthy situation both of them are in - and I think Peyton wanting to be step-mom is because one, she's a natural mother with good instinct and automatically loves and is drawn to Jenny, and two, she's devoted to Jake and he's in that situation of being a young parent and sees taking that role as supporting him. Do I think Peyton should have automatically been "Mama" had she stayed in Savannah? No, I think that would happen over time. I also think while Peyton is fully honest when wanting to marry Jake, they should wait for her to graduate and be of legal age and even wait longer after that just because they're so young.
I have a lot of past answered asks where I think that Peyton needs a lot of personal growth in the show on her own, but as Jake is shown to be a pretty genuine guy I think he would support her in helping her help herself. Especially if we'd had the good writing to have Peyton point out that he's made a lot of "their" decisions on his own without her.
Also, just wanted to say, I really appreciate the thought put into your asks and the conversation we're having. I love a great discussion!
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