#im so sorry i cant shut up but also deal with it i cant stop
fiestylittlebeetle · 4 days
this is how i've been feeling about my hyperfixation lately
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mxdotpng · 8 months
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the progression of events in this arc is so so good and great and i love how you can just clearly see where and how each characters thoughts begin and progress throughout each chapter as it goes on. while steven was probably set in stone about his view on how to handle the situation i earnestly believe zed and zapp set out to disobey steven's request. and then they make it very easy to understand leo's point of view and why hes doing what he is - its why they show us that flashback and don't tell anyone else, and why he speaks very little after zapp threatens him - and then immediately cuts to klaus, who knows absolutely nothing about the situation currently but he can figure it out just by looking at whats in front of him. and because klaus is so unflinching when it comes to upholding what he believes is morally right he does so without anyone needing to tell him whats going on. he sees this percieved 'monster' protecting someone else and immediately goes to protect it, too. and even though a lot of them disagreed with each other at the beginning there is still the scene afterwards where they all come together to try and catch each other when they begin falling. i think nightow should pay me for what its done to my mental health
#.text#kekkai sensen#sorry this arc made me normal.#i love that panel with zed even if i cant stop laughing. hes a skater boy. SOOO funny#ddo you get it#not about skater boy zed about the other more dire thing happening in this post. FORGET about skater boy zed#im being miserable again. oh my god. kekkai sensen#i know nightow just loves to leave things as is like after it ends it ends but i wished i couldve seen the aftermath#like. what steven was thinking. what zapp and zed were thinking. klaus also he was like in prison for most of that#SOOO funny that he like. gets arrested at random unfairly. everything is pretty much fine. and then when he gets out#the city is on fire two of his coworkers are in the hospital chain is nowhere to be seen the prison has exploded#there are vampires on the loose femt is there for some reason and there is a 10 million dollar bounty on leo's head#klaus leaves for FIVE MINUTES and THIS happens#dude doesnt even like stop to think about it he immediately turns around and go. hummer. throw me as far as you can.#and then they did.#amazing. this is the best manga ever.#wow ive gotten off topic sorry. anyway#i added that giant paragraph of text after all of these tags sorry guys i know im annoying and saying things that were probably#said 5 years ago but um. im late to the party. and i dont know how to shut up. so you have to deal with it#also i included the panel with neji and riel because i think it says so much. that theyre the ones saying this.#neji doesnt even remember leo almost getting his head bashed in just in the off chance that it could save his life and still he Knows#like they know more than anyone probably how leo sacrifices everything he has for the people around him#and i like that nightow included them in something so important and so defining of his character.#they appear once. twice. so little. but theyre integral to how hes percieved by others and by us.#anyway. kkss is good.#this post happened because i'm trying to draw and needed references but my kkss folder is 900+ images#and i got distracted by these pages in there#because i couldnt resist rereading them#if i could add more than 10 images id also add the like 3 pages of them falling and trying to catch each other at the end#but. alas. woah i ran out of tags bye everyone. thanks or sorry if you read all of this
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xamaxenta · 1 year
It’s difficult to not feel discouraged sometimes when your partner is also an artist and happens to be faster than you in every conceivable way
This doesn’t bother me often because everyone is different and comparing production time and skill against each other or anyone is detrimental mostly and its ok to have your own workflow
but it does weigh on me vaguely sometimes sometimes that she can finish 2-3 full coloured pieces within a week and ive been painfully scratching out the same number but theyre only sketches that ill never revisit within a month
None of this actually matters in the long run, it just makes me feel bad on occasion
#like i should be doing more#im very sorry for complaining so much online#i just dont really have any other way to express myself#i know some of you have generously and kindly reached out to me to offer an ear#but my fatal flaw is i cant talk to anyone about my problems i just idk it was beaten into me that none of it matter#matters or my problems arent a big deal and i know ots healthy to think actuallt my problems are worth talking about or a big deal#but its hard to change a behaviour that was kinda literally beaten jnto you that talking about stuff likw this is a waste of time#i guess i just feel bad that i could do more and i dont because i dont want to#but i also want to if that makes any sense at all#i suppose it also doesnt help that alot of the work im doing right now i actually sorta hate like none of it is good to me personally#i want to stop being toxic towards myself#i just wanna stop hating me and who i am and what i do every step of the way#but that mean little voice inside me is like ahh. it wont shut up#I always say i need a break or more time but what am i gonna do with it#doing nothing at all isnt fulfilling#it sounds. sad like what teenager me did and i dont want to be or feel like that ever again but its fuckjng hard#this is so woe is me#im a liar bc i say the main text doesnt bother me but it bothers me alot im very envious of her speed prolificness and drive to create#and i have none like thats so unfair#this makes me sound ultra bitter god fucking damn it#i want to go to sleep and genuinely never fucking wake up again#please im done i just dont want to
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1ovestay · 1 year
twt was working for me on desktop and i made a list for my tl n it was all finally working so i tweeted that everything was fine for me cuz im gods little favourite but i shouldnt have opened my mouth
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sturnalsm · 3 months
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ˢᵘᵐᵐᵃʳʳʸ: ʸᵒᵘ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵃᵗᵗ ᵃʳᵉ ᵉⁿᵉᵐⁱᵉˢ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵉⁿˢⁱᵒⁿ ᵇᵉᵗʷᵉᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵒᵒ ⁱˢ ᵇⁱᵍᵍᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵃᵗᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵉᵃᶜʰᵒᵗʰᵉʳ
!! WARNINGS !! : smut, choking, use of Y/N, pet names, swearing.
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you loved hanging out with the triplets, thry are very good friends, except for... Matthew. you cant stand eachother. everytime you are around eachother you just wish you werent there, he was pissing you off its like he was doing it on purpose everytime, sometimes even his brothers had to make him shut up cause you were losing control.
but tonight they decided to invite you to their house to watch movies and just chat because you havent seen eachother the last month, they were in Boston because they wanted to spend a little more time with their family, that warmed your heart even more.
you were very excited to see them, but the thing was.. Matt was picking you up and the reason behing it? he's the only one who can drive. but even tho he was coming that didnt back you up you didn't care much
you were spending hours thinking on what to wear, but at the end you just decided to throw on a skirt and a crop top, you would've went with sweatpants and tshirt if the triplets' house wasnt always hot as fuck but oh well.
Matt was late once again, so you had to text him to make sure he is alive , even tho you didnt wanted to do that
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you leaned against the front door waiting for him when you heard a knocking on your door, you opened the door "one second i need to get my charger" you ran to your room to get it and in a few seconds you were back eith Matt leaning against the door frame not saying a word. you looked up at him as you walked, he closed the door and you threw the keys at him so he locks it.
you walked over the car sitting on the front seat waiting for Matt. he sat in the care without saying a single word started driving to his house. you didnt said anything either he was already pissing you off by trying to act tough so you got your phone and started scrolling trough tik tok.
"okay Matt why are you trying to act tough now? whats up with you the last 2 years i really don't understand why and how could you have so much hate for me?" you finally speak looking at him. "you dont talk to me you barley listen when i talk? whats happening like what did i do to you?"
he looks at you "whats up with me Y/N? you are the one who told me to fuck off and left me for that jerk in 10th grade? you were the one who was ignoring me in the hallways of the school? and then you're asking whats up with me?!" he says with his anger in his voice growing bigger "Matt are you a kid? that was a long time ago, its been more than 3 years i already broke up with him whats your fucking deal?" "no Y/N because you have no idea how fucking stupid i felt after i confessed my feelings for you infront of the whole class just so you leave me for this fucking idiot."
you felt bad, you really did, but that was a long time ago and you had no idea that he still thinks about it, you also didn't knew that it broke his heart? "i dont even know why my brothers still hangout with you after that and why i always have to be in their plans with you when you literally..when you fucking broke my heart Y/N. he was litereally an idiot? he didnt treat you the way you deservedto be treated and all i wanted was you. and i hate how much i want you since then.." "okay Matt..look im sorry for what i did, i was in love with him okay? i didnt knew it was going to and that it did break your heart.." "it doesn't matter." he said focusing back on the road "what do you mean it doesn't matter you are the kne who bringed it up?!" if he didnt stopped talking now he would've started screaming so you wrre hlad he stopped.
the ride to the house was silent because of the talk you had before, nothing new tho. you didnt knew if you wanted to punch him or yourself. you were mad at your self of course but..you never knew he felt like that , he never speaks about his feelings unless yall are in argument, sometimes it feels like yall are a married couple from 2 years, fighting everytime they get the opportunity to. but in reality you couldn't stand eachother.
you were already infront of the house , Matt opened the door so he can get in he didnt even hold it for you, again nothing new. you came in and right when you got up the stairs you saw Nick. you were very good friends with him, he was amazing and you could always talk with him about anything you want, he is the bestest best friend you've ever had. "NICKKKK HIIII" you ran and hugged him. "HEY GIRLLL, what took you so long?" "oh well Matthew was latr once again" as you said that Matt rolls his eyes mocking you. "nothing new" Nick says laughing "Chris went to get snacks cause we forgot, he should be here soon"
"okay so what are we gonna watch, lets make it quick im tired" Matt says rolling his eyes once again. "oh and why are you so tried what have you been doing all day?" you ask jokingly. "none of you business" he smiles sarcastically. you roll your eyes sitting on the sofa. Matt sits next to you, you're surprised but you dont put so much attention to it. you give him a suspicious look. you open your phone so you can search for movies. "OHMYGOD" Nick yells from the kitchen causing you to jump from the loud noise. "I FOUND A MOVIE, LETS WATCH WHITE CHICKS?!" "never heard of it" Matt says with tought tone "well too bad Matt we are gonna watch this" you pat his head as you get ip to get a pepsi, he rolld eyes ONCE AGAIN.
as you open the fridge you hear footsteps "that must be Chris" Nick says and you look iver the door of the fridge seeing Chris with 2 bags in his hand. "hey Chrisss" you go and hug him. "heyyy Y/N, okay so i bought 3 bags of chips, 5 pepsis, 2 doctor pepers and 2 root bears is that good?" "its great" Nick says "give me the bags" Chris hands the bags to Nick and he opend everything. "so we decided we are going to watch White Chicks" you open your pepsi as you take your seat next to Matt "not WE, but Nick and Y/N." Matt says as you roll your eyes "okay tough guy"
Nick and Chris open their drinks and sit on the sofa next to you and Matt with the bowl of chips. Matt gazes at you , you feel him looking at you so you look back, he smirks and gives his attention back to the movie.
the movie was very good and fun, you all laughed even Matt even tho he tried to hide it. it was like 11pm you were very tired so were the boys. you went upstairs to Nicks room because you have a toothbursh there and slippers too, in case you come to sleepover like tonight. you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and take a shower.
you didnt went down stairs again you were too tired to think of anything else but to lay on Nicks bed and fall asleep. Nick came at the room not long after you layed down, he just looked at you and went on his side of the bed.
you were lost in thoughts, you still were thinking about the conversation you had with Matt earlier, it was driving you insane, you knew he hated you, but tonight there was something different about his behavior. "shit" you said to yourself as you buried your head in the pillow trying to fall asleep. it was hard to stop thinking about those things, was it your fault? maybe. but you never knew that it would and that id did break his heart, and the fact that you broke his heart breaks yours.
you didnt knew when you fell asleep but you woke up after a while , your phone was down stairs so you totally lost what time is it you had to go down get your phone and drink some water, you felt like your tounge was going to fall out. for the first time it was cold in thr house, probably because they left the windows open. you were already down stairs running the water when you hear footsteps behind you "Nick im sorry i woke you up i was ju-" you feel someone's hands wrapping around your waist behind you "its not Nick sweetheart" you recognize that voice. it was Matt. you gasped and tried to run away but he was too strong. "Matt what the fuck are you doing" you turn around now facing him. "im not doing anything" he smirks at you as he grabs your chin. "what-" you say as he cuts you off "remember our talk and how you apologized to me? well i dont think i accept that apologize..i think you should try another way.." he looks you dead in the eyes as he licks your lips "get on your knees. Now. i know youre all wet under this little skirt, why havent you changed it sweetheart? who sleeps with a skirt? its like you're asking for it.." he says. you stay in shock looking at him. "what if i dont want to hm?" you smirk at him looking dead in the eyes back. "i dont remember asking you if you want" he grabs your chin tighter "on your knees now. or do you want me to bend you over on the table and fuck you until you cant feel your legs anymore?"
you look up at him as you slowly go down on your knees holding onto his legs "good girl" he smirks licking his lips. you take off his belt unbuttoning his pants. ha takes off his boxers and you smirk "dont tease me doll.." you dont waste any second wrapping your lips around his cock making him moan. "oh fuck.." you go faster causing him to moan ever louder and uncontrollably. he starts moving his hips basically fucking your mouth, you gag on his cock but you dont stop. you feel he is close so thats why you stop. "oh you fucking whore.., get up." he says as he looks at you standing up. he turns you around bending you over on the table, taking off your pants and panties in one go. "already so wet for me, is that what i do to you, baby hm?" you nod and push your hips begging him to fuck you already "no no, not yet, you are a fucking tease" "Matt plea-" you cover your mouth as he starts eating you out from behind.
"oh shit Matt.." your legs are already shaking from feeling his tounge working down on you. you were close, your eyes blured everytime he sucked onto your clit, your legs were si weak you almost fell to the ground. you moan unstoppable. "shut up, doll, they are gonna gear us" he says as he spanks your ass. you were about to cum but then he removed his tounge. he knew what you wanted, and he was going to give it to you. he stroked himself a few times before slamming into you without any warning. you screamed. "shut the fuck up, you are not good for daddy right now and im gonna fuck you so hard you wont feel any part of your body princess" he says as he starts going deeper inside you. "fas- faste..r please matt" you needed his cock. you've been dreaming about this moment forever. "oh you think you can take me hm? take this then." he slams inside you that hard and deep you swear you felt him in your stomach.
he knows what he is doing, and he claims your body as his, if he wants something from you he will get it and nothing could stop him. he starts going with brutal force causing you to moan loud and scream his name. "matt im going to c-..matt.." "not yet princess. you are not going to cum until i tell you to" he drove you insane , he was litereally perfect every single thing about this man was perfect and you were here for it. he was going as fast as possible, everytime he pounded into you your vision blured. you couldn't even moan anymore he was using you as your personal fucktoy. "matt...pl please" "please what sweetheart, use your words?" he knew exactly what you wanted to, but he was going to make you beg for it. "i need to cum please matt.." he didnt say anything he just kept pounding into you. he toom your shirt off squeezing your boobs. kissing your skin, sucking on your neck. he started choking you. he wrapped his big hand around your neck driving you even more insane. "you want to cum huh? hmm.." with one last trust he cummed deep inside you. "go ahead make a mess on my cock baby" he says out of breath.
"you need to be cleaned tho.." he smirks as he turns your around to face him, he picks you up placing you on the table. he goes down to eat you out one more time, he cant get enough of you. "matt i ca- cant pleas-." his tounge slides slowly in and iut of you then he puts his fingers inside of you, hitting that perfect spot that made you go insane. "fuck you taste so good." he got out his fingers out of you licking them. he got up and started kissing you passionately sliding his tounge inside your mouth.. "you are amazing" he says as he smiles at you and kisses your forehead. "i love you Y/N" "i love you Matt.."
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pathetic-tboy · 1 month
youre cuddling your older sister in bed, just on your phone with her arm draped over your stomach, when she moves her arm lower and starts groping your ass
"uhhh big sis? what are you doing?" you ask, squirming a little, a bit uncomfortable. surely shes not doing what you THINK shes doing, thatd be crazy. sure, youre shirtless wearing a pair of purple panties, and shes also shirtless in her underwear as well, but like, youve seen each other naked before! its no big deal! you dont like wearing a lot of clothes! youre family! its not weird!
"nothing?? we're just cuddling, its fine, chill out." she sassily retorts but doesnt stop squeezing your ass through your cute little panties
"uh, ok...." you shrug and get back to scrolling on your phone, trying to drown out the feelings this was giving you. surely this isnt weird. but she moves down to your crotch, and you start to grab at her wrist to push it away. she just holds it there, though, rubbing your tdick through your panties. "uhhhh big sis that's enough-" you start to protest, but she just flips you onto your stomach with your head down on the mattress and positions your ass in the air. you squirm, but shes too strong for you and shes grinding against you now
"sorry lil bro, you just look so cute in these panties. you must really want this if youre wearing these." shes pulling them down now, over your ass and past your knees until theyre off. you try to crawl away, but she tugs you back with a grip on your hips. she was rubbing the head of her cock on your tdick and hole, wet from the groping.
"uhhh, get off!" you try to get up but she pushes you back down into the mattress, while she keeps rubbing on you. you keep moaning desperately while you vainly try to shake your hips to get her off. "stop! you cant! this is wrong!"
"shut up, its going in." she grunts as she pushes her length into your pussy. you gasp as she fills you, gripping the sheets. "you're so wet anyway, dont lie to me lil bro. i know you want this." she begins pounding your pussy, holding onto your hips as she violates you. you only make little "uh uh uh" sounds as she takes you from behind
"fuck, good boy." she moans as she keeps fucking you. "slutty lil bro, wearing his cutest panties to lay in bed with his sister. what did he think was going to happen?" she taunts you as she thrusts in and out
then she grabs a pillow from above your head, and lifts you upper body up so your back is flush against her chest. you weakly struggle as she positions a pillow under your hips. she pushes you back down and re-enters you. you both gasp at the new feeling the pillow adds to it, and she fucks you hard and fast.
"uh uh uh" you can only moan as she roughly violates your pussy. youre drooling on the mattress and can barely even think about anything but the feeling of fullness and pleasure anymore. soon enough, youre cumming on her ever-thrusting cock, loudly
"yeah, cum on it, good boy." she slaps your ass with one hand and grips your hair with another. "take my fucking cock." she pushes your head into the mattress as she fucks you, muffling you pitiful little moans and weak cries.
then she flips you onto your back, and positions your legs around her waist. you kick weakly at her but she just throws your leg back around her back, and thrusts in again. you whine and moan and push at her chest, but she just laughs at you
"what are you grabbing my tits for? you little perv." she sneers and grips your hips harder
"im not a perv-" you manage to gasp out, but youre still moaning
"yes you are! youre literally grabbing my tits while i have my dick inside you, you sick little freak!" she taunts you as she pounds your pussy
"not by choi- ah-" you gasp as she pushes your legs up by your head, putting you in a mating press. "oh god-" you moan as she keeps fucking you hard and deep. "fuck- im cumming!" you cry out, gripping her shoulders.
"fuck, yes, good fucking slut, im gonna fill you up!" she hisses as she fucks you into the mattress. you try to push her off again, but youre pinned down
"no! dont cum in me! ill get pregnant! no-" you try to plead but she pushes her length all the way inside you and holds it there, errupting into your unprotected pussy. "fuck- pull out!" you whine
"fuck, its too late, lil bro, youre definitely knocked up." she pants, still twitching inside your used up pussy. she leans down and kisses you, shoving her tongue into your mouth while you gasp for air. then she pulls out, laying down on her back. you just lay there for what feels like hours
"well?" she looks over at you. "are you gonna clean me up or what?"
"what do you- ah!" she pulls your hair down to her crotch, shoving your face in it.
"i said- clean me up!" she uses her other hand to push the head of her soft dick against your mouth.
"fuck- youre sick for making me do this..." you grumble as you take it into your mouth
"im not the one sucking my sister's dick." she retorted
you grumble in response, but lick it and suck it as she grips your hair and moans. you can feel her hardening again, and you go to pull off but she holds you there
"i didnt say you could stop." she warns. you keep sucking her off, bobbing up and down on her hard cock "fuck, im hard again, think you could go another round?" she pulls your head up off her dick
"fuck.... do i have a choice?" you ask, but you know what the answer will be. you suppress a growing smile as she pins you under her body again.....
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blackest-soul · 1 year
A Short Girl’s Guide to Working at the BAU
I. Dealing with Morgan
Derek: How short are you?
Y/N: you mean how tall?
Derek: no, how short??? You can barely reach my shoulders!
Y/N, in a soft voice: not my fault i got the southeast asian genes and you are very aware that im only 4’9 so shut up ok.
Derek: fine fine fine. So, just out of curiosity…hmm can i, well, can i use you as a hand rest coz u are the perfect height!!!
Y/N: do that and you will die
II. Emily and her unwanted maternal instinct
*Y/N, walking around the bullpen without her ID, in a backpack*
Concerned Agent: hey, hey kid. Are you lost? Where’s your guardian? You cant just go walking around here…
Y/N, spotting Emily and pointing at her: Don’t worry, Agent. There’s my mom. I’ll just go and talk to her.
Concerned Agent: huh, didn’t know she has a child. Wait let me call her for you. SSA Prentiss!! Your daughter is here!!!!
Y/N: not my fault he can’t remember me.
Y/N: so mom, what’s for lunch?
Emily: i packed you an extra sandwich. You should eat more.
Also, Emily: why the fuck am i mothering you!?? I can’t even take care of myself
III. A tired singlefather!Hotch
Hotch, reprimanding Y/N for all her choices in life: … and lastly, stop eating expired and dirty food! I saw you eating your sandwich after you dropped on the floor for lunch!!!! Am i not giving you enough allowance?
Y/N: the food barely touched the floor!!! Besides germs wait for the five second rule so i am going to be fine. And what allowance???!!!??
Hotch: you are giving me a migraine. Shut up and let me process the words that just came out of your mouth
Y/N: really???? maybe you should start eating dropped sandwiches more coz i do not get migraines
Hotch: one more sound and you will be grounded
Y/N: as if!!! What are you gonna do?
Hotch: no phone
Y/N: we need phones for work
Hotch: no internet for a week
Y/N: try again, I work with Penny.
*Reid, walking by to get another coffee*
Hotch: No Reid
Y/N: you cant just do that!!!
Y/N: TIL COLLEGE!!!!!!!! Rossi will hear about this
A few moments later
Reid, to Hotch: hey Hotch, can Y/N and I hang out later? I wanna invite her to watch a movie with me.
Hotch: No.
Reid: what do you mean NO.
Hotch: She’s grounded. NO REID TIL COLLEGE.
Reid: she has two PhDs already.
Hotch, unblinking: NO. REID. TIL COLLEGE.
IV. Rossi and the granddaughter he never asked for but clearly loves
Rossi: so tell me what ails you, bambino.
Y/N, pouting and whining: Hotch *hiccups* grounded *hiccups* me. He said *hiccups* I cannot see Reid. Til college *wails, while dramatically throwing herself to the sofa*
Rossi: don’t you cry now, cara. I will talk to your father about this. Here’s $100. Go buy yourself something nice for your date with Reid.
Y/N: it is not a date, nonno. Just a movie.
Rossi: Regardless, take it. I will talk to, Hotch.
V. Reid and his never ending explanations of “yes she is my girlfriend. no i am not a pedophile, we met when she’s 25. yes i am sure she is 25. And no i am not dating a high schooler”
*Reid and Y/N, finally on their movie date.*
Bouncer: hey young lady. Do you know this man?
Y/N: oh yes, sir. He is my boyfriend. If you will excuse us, we need to catch a movie.
Bouncer, suspiciously looking at Reid
Reid: SHE IS 25!!!!
Bouncer, suspicious stare intensifies
Reid: she is just short please we are adults
Y/N: here is my ID, sir. We work for the FBI. I am Asian and just really short.
Bouncer: oh okay. Sorry. You can never be sure these days.
Reid: thank you for looking out for other people, though
Bouncer, suspicious stare:
Reid, whispers: wtf
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eras-mus · 10 months
get this . everyone chilling at ramshackle dorm doing their own thing, yuu (and grimm by extension), ace and deuce sitting by the table talking about whatever crosses their mind
Eventually the conversation escalates to birthdays and holidays and ace asks how old Yuu is. Azul interjects with saying Yuu's age from the contract they signed a few months ago, but then Yuu pipes up and tells them that they're one year older than that.
Theres a small moment of confusion until it dawns onto Deuce that Yuy's birthday was a month or two ago and they never spoke a peep about it. Not even to grimm!! And when asked, Yuy makes an excuse like "that was when __ was kind of close to overblotting and I didn't want to make it about me because that'd be so nitpicky—"
It was based off an audio i heard and idk if i want to write it into a short drabble for myself i probably cant since im only on book 2 ueue). But like. its a fun prompt methinks. what would all of them do when they find out Yuu deliberately didn't say a thing about their birthday
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★Reader is Yuu and is 17 years old
★gender neutral
★takes place after the third book
Sorry it's short, hope you like it!
"Can we start yet!" Ace complained, head slamming onto the table.
"I told you we're waiting on a couple more people." The perfect told him "I invited Kalim and Azul to join us since Sebek and Jack couldn't make it"
Tonight was the Ramshackle dorms weekly game night, normally it was just the freshmen but Sebek said that Malleus 'needs' his protection and Jack was just to tired from Spell Drive practice.
"They outta hurry up" Epel started, country accent slightly showing through "don't they know it's rude to be late."
A awkward silence fell over the dorm for a moment before a knock echoes through the dorm.
When y/n opened the dorm they were greeted with a cheerful smile and a hug.
"Thank you so much for inviting me!" Kalim smiled "I hope you don't mind that I brought Jamil, I also brought food, well Jamil did, he made it!"
Y/n blinked for a moment, taking in all the words one guy manged to say so fast. They looked over Kalim's shoulder just in time to see Jamil face plant.
"Thank you for the food Jamil" They smiled, giving him a wave.
"If was the least I could do perfect" he stated, not returning the wave.
Luckily Azul showed up before y/n could shut the door.
Just a few minutes later the group was playing some sort of trivia card game where they would either have to answer a question about someone else playing, a question about themselves, or just a random fact. If they got it wrong the next person would answer the same card, whoever got the most questions right won.
"Who is the most followed person in Magi Cam?" Epel read, "That's easy, Neige"
He revealed the answer to show it was correct.
"Of course you would get that one right" Ace complained "Vil never stops going on about it"
Every one just ignoring him looked over at Deuce, who was next to pick a card.
"How old is the person sitting to your right?" He looked over at y/n. "I'm not sure...18?"
They just shook their head.
"I know this one" Azul butted in, ready to take another point "Our contract from a while ago said that they were 16."
One again y/n shook their head. "I just turn 17 last month"
The room went silent for what seemed like forever.
"WE MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY!" They all shouted in union.
"Riddle is going to have a heart attack when he finds out" Deuce commented, Ace nodding in agreement.
"You should've said something, we could've had a huge party" Kalim whined.
Y/n scratch the back of their head, "It's not big deal, it was right after one of the overblots, plus where I'm from birthdays aren't that big of a deal."
"Jamil we need to plan a party right now" Kalim said, getting up from his seat.
"We have to too" Ace said "Or get Trey and Riddle to do it for us"
Soon everyone had said something similar and got up and left leaving a confused Ramshackle perfect.
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elkieanddoppo · 2 months
as i scroll through the kunichuuzai tag, i laugh at myself. bc the other writers is consistent with their tags (like if it's angst, fluff, or smut. i usually see fluff tho). and then theres me who usually write or think of angst ideas (mostly of kunikida) bc i live for angst.
for example, established kunichuuzai where kunikida is feeling left out.
chuuzai do their best in not leaving kunikida out because why not? hes the reason why three of them are together in the first place (bc chuuya and dazai are in a situationship and then they fell in love w kuni and was in a competetive state for a while until they realize they like each other too. thats when they decided to ask kuni out. kuni was surprised too, at first, but he thoroughly thought about it before he agreed to it)
ANW, every night after he comes home from overtime work, kunikida goes in a state where he overthinks (and tonight was no exception) and mostly he overthinks about their relationship. esp about how dazai and chuuya has known each other the longest.
kunikida doesnt understand why theyre both with him. was it pity? did they pity him bc hes the only single member left in the ada (excluding kenji and kyouka)? was that it?
he sighs every minute and enters the room where both of his lovers are. they were arguing with each other. but at the same time, theyre laughing. theyre happy. if kunikida breaks up with them, will they care? will they run after him and tell him that it isn't a break up if not all parties agreed to it?
or will they be happy that kunikida is finally gone and now, it's only the two of them? the two of them. dazai and chuuya are perfect of each other. he shouldn't have been here. HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN HER--
his thoughts were interrupted when chuuya called him from where he is. he snapped from his thoughts and blinked, realizing that both of them were looking at him worriedly, with dazai approaching kuni.
"kunikida-kun~ is everything alright?" dazai asked him as he hugged him.
startled, kunikida stuttered: "y-yes. *coughs* im alright". he never stutters. even when against the port mafia. so that alarmed both of his lovers.
chuuya approached the both and carried them with the help of his ability.
"oh, the slug is showing off" dazai smirked
"shut up, mackerel." chuuya rolled his eyes.
whenever this happens, kunikida usually chuckle but now he's just staring at nothing.
when they reached their bedroom, chuuya put dazai and kunikida down gently. dazai continues to pat kuni's head to calm him down while chuuya climbs up the bed and crawls up to them.
"doppo?" chuuya started. "you know we're here for you."
kunikida is embarrassed. he cant believe hes getting emotional over this. so what if thats true? what if they only pity him thats why theyre together? what if he--
"doppo." it was dazai this time, who was currently twirling kunikida's hair.
kunikida sighs. "im sorry. it isn't a big deal. dont worry."
chuuya raise his eyebrow. "you think you can fool us, doppo?"
"what?" kunikida coughed. again.
dazai snickered at this, "you've been coughing since earlier. you dont even have a cold. doppoooooo, you /know/ you cant fool us!!!!!"
" im just overthinking.."
"about what? hm?" -chuuya
a tear dropped down and it startled dazai and he stopped twirling the blonde's hair.
"doppo?! whats wrong? you know you can always tell us when youre ready. i- we want to know what's troubling the love of our life but we also dont want you to feel uncomfortable." chuuya said as he wiped the tears from kunikida's face
kuni lowers his head. "do you.. do you ever regret dating me? did you two just pity me? was that why you suddenly asked me out? im not even special so i dont know why anyone would love me esp you two. you're already perfect for each other. i know you've loved each other since forever. what, 6? 7 years? before i came into the picture.i feel like im just intruding..." kunikida was cut off by chuuya kissing him on the lips and dazai kissing him on the neck.
"sorry, i wanted to kiss the ridiculousness out of you."
"would have still teased the living hell out the slug if it wasnt for you, kunikida-kun."
"you still do mackerel.. well anw, doppo. time doesnt have anything to do with the intensity of our feelings. plus, i wouldnt date that bandage trash if i couldnt have you too."
"you wound me, shortie!! but yeah, i agree with him, kunikida-kun. i think i'd kill myself if you rejected me even tho i already knew back then that i l- that i appreciated the slug and vice versa. i dont think i could ever live without you, doppo."
kunikida was blushing the whole time. he didnt know his partners felt this. maybe he has been too selfish this time. he didnt think of his lovers' perspective.
" im so sorry if you ever felt that we dont love you back and were leaving you out. i promised it isnt anything like that. it's mostly just this trash is super clingy.."
"im not!" dazai said as he clinged to kunikida (hugging him). chuuya looked at him and smirked, "sure."
"you.. havent. it's just my head saying stuff...." kunikida mumbled.
chuuya smiled and snuggled closer to kunikida. "if it makes you feel better, i sometimes feel jealous that you two are in the same organization. not like i'll ever quit the port mafia though." chuuya chuckled
"awww, chuuya is such a baby." dazai reached his hand to tickle chuuya's waist. but it was unsuccessful bc he couldnt properly do it. chuuya stucke his tongue out, teasing the brunette.
kunikida giggled. HE GIGGLED. OH MY GOD THAT LAUGH WAS SO HEAVENLY. dazai and chuuya almost died.
"i love you both." kunikida said as he kissed both of their forehead.
"i love you too, doppo." chuuya smiled sweetly and cuddled closer.
"love you, kunikida-kun!"
and then they slept with content smiles.
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maippuccino · 7 days
hey babe :3 u said reqs r open so i hv an idea!! make like a fic w gunwook n its highschool volleyball au where u both r the captains of the boys n girls teams idk how to explain it.. also do u think miumuras is a good username for my blog cs im gna change it once my smau is overrr
this ask is so old, omg im so sorry!
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f!vbcap!reader x vbcap!rival!gunwook . fluff . no tw . rlly rlly cringe...
"gunwook." you say as you look up at him. "yn." he replies smiling, making fun of your seriousness. it really wasn't a big deal in his opinion, all he did was steal your court. "this is our court, we were here first." you state, trying to focus on his eyes and not the obvious smirk on his face, "yet you all left to get ice cream. meaning free opportunity, so i took it." he says, leaning down to get closer to your face.. you flinch away, scrunching your face up in the process. "bullshit. we booked this court a week ago! i'm getting coach." gunwooks smirk fades as he grabs your hand stopping you from walking away, "don't. fine, we'll give you the court, but only for today. don't keep expecting me to be nice." you scoff, watching him walk away 'what is he? some villian?' "alright, girls! on the court!" you hear your coach call out.
you walked out of the school, looking up at the heavy rain. quietly, you curse at yourself for not bringing an umbrella. "fuck. guess i'll have to run" you huff, annoyed since you're still sore from practice. "need help?" you hear from behind you. turning around you're face to face with the captain of the boys volleyball team, and your worst enemy. gunwook. 'great. just my luck.' you turn back around, rolling your eyes. "no. gunwook. i dont need your help." taking off your backpack you carry it above you as you step out into the pouring rain. "holy shit! its fucking cold!" you scream out, hearing giggles behind you, "do you need help now?" gunwook says, walking next to you with his umbrella dawning only above him. torturing you seemed like his favorite hobby. "oh fuck off dude. i dont wanna play today." you yell, walking faster than him.
it had been 10 minutes since you left the school, slowly hating how far away your home is from the school. weirdly enough, gunwook was still next to you walking with his umbrellla. you had passed by many people, staring at the two of you wondering why one of you was drenched in water, while the other remained dry. "fuck! fine I need your help!" you screamed in a last effort. the rain had gotten even worse. "okay!" gunwook said, instantly pushing himself closer to you. "feel better now, sweetheart?" gunwook smirks, "whatever, shut up and walk." you say shoving his side. you cant lie, his presence had been comforting. "say, do you really walk this far? everyday?" he asks, you nod before answering him. "i live this far, idiot." he laughs, looking down. "you're really pretty." he says randomly, a blush creeping on both your faces causes an awkward tension. "... you too." 'FUCK!' "you too?? can't even say thank you, huh?" he smirks, "shut up, i'll take that back too." yeah, maybe his presence wasn't so bad.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Have you ever heard of the saying “If you cant beat them, join them”?
Im so sorry Yanqing, i love you (platonically ofc) and i have nothing against you but it was a too good of an idea to waste
Im also sorry Jing Yuan but im not as sorry as i was to Yanqing
So can i request Jing Yuan and Yanqing’s reactions towards finally knowing reader’s reason for betraying them and their reaction towards reader’s death. Yes, you read this right, d.e.a.t.h. This is basically the continuation of that post.
So they both got sent a video that has reader talking angrily nonstop towards Kafka about some plan that involved Jing Yuan and Yanqing hurt, like this was not the deal they agreed on. It wasnt until Kafka revealed that they had tricked the reader that shut the reader’s mouth. She revealed that The Stellaron Hunters needed the reader’s betrayal to ensure the best future Elio can predict. And then suddenly the reader gets killed in the video by Blade. You can either make the reader have a painful and slow death or make them just have their head decapitated. Our tears are in your hands
How would Jing Yuan and Yanqing react to this video, this taunt, they got from the Stellaron Hunters?What are their reaction on just finally knowing the reason why their twin/kid betrayed them and then later just watched them die?
- Flower Anon 🌸
A/N: This is so messed up, it's great lol. Poor Yanqing honestly. Also, thank you for the request and I hope I do well!<3
Content: TW!Mentions of Decapitations, Angst, hurt/no comfort, murder, reader dying, reader is Yanqing's twin, guns, Kafka girlbossing as she usually does
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Yanqing and Jing Yuan were crushed by you betraying them. It made no sense to them. They had so many questions and the fact that they may never be answered, killed them inside beyond belief. They tried to move on however for the sake of their duties. They had no choice after all. It was all they could do and it worked for a while... until it one day just didn't.
It started with a video from the Stellaron hunters themselves. It was signed off by them, a taunt they didn't understand just yet. But once the video began, everything was finally making sense. It started off with you and Kafka talking, or well, you yelling at her in anger. You didn't agree with your family getting hurt. It was against your deal with the Stellaron hunters.
But you stopped, when Kafka let out a chilling, cold laugh. It was demeaning and evil, like she had just heard the most funniest joke in the world. And perhaps she had, as she took a deep breath and looked back down at you with a calm, amused smile. "You didn't think, that we'd seriously keep our promise, did you? You aren't that useful to us... or at least not anymore." She hummed, her head tilting in amusement at the surprised look on your face, as everything began dawning on you. They had fooled you all along.
You were speechless at this revelation, before you felt this looming, familiar presence behind you. Your eyes never left Kafka's, as it was your turn to let out a cold, bitter chuckle. You knew who it was. And that betrayal hurt you even more. "I trusted you." The silence that followed was deafening, the glint of a certain sword clear in the dark room. "That was your first mistake." The sword swung down, just as your eyes met the camera. You smiled, a bitter, regretful one, before your head was cut off perfectly and your body slumped off the chair. The video then came to an end there.
The silence in the general's office was loud. No one knew what to say or do. Yanqing was starring at the black screen with wide eyes, silent tears having unknowingly ran down his face a long time ago. Jing Yuan's face was blank and unreadable, not a single emotion present, except for the dark storm that raged on in his eyes. He put a hand on Yanqing's shoulder, who was now crumbling and breaking at everything he had just seen and heard. Jing Yuan had to be the strong one. He has lost a child already, he won't lose another one.
He turned his head to the awaiting soldiers and generals, who all nodded in agreement to his silent words. This meant war.
A/N: I hope this is fine! Also sorry that it took so long and thank you again for the request!<33
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thecluelessdoctor · 5 months
so recently
i was watching a bunch of videos on blogthegreatrouge
and remembered my once love for PJs Daycare. but now i know its disgusting like.. so bad. so is she. i just. ugh.
so, im going to remake it. i mean remake that shit i will do my best to make it better. starting with removing all the fankids characters and ships because.. sanscest is w e i r d.
anyway, for the people who some how dont know what im talking about is heres a summery. if i spelled that wrong shut up no i didnt
Tw: SA, suicidal thoughts I suppose, gr00ming basically
pjs daycare was a AU for undertale made by blogthegreatrouge. the au, was as it says, a daycare. basically all the sans aus were children, from like 3-6 i think, and the characters were... sanscest ship characters or sans fusions. one of the caretakers, and our- basic mc, is Paperjam, or PJ, the fusion between ink sans and error sans. i say fusion because i think that what they were originally intended to be before the fandom... yoinked them. aslo i refuse to ship sans aus together because thats WEIRD AS ALL SHIT. anyway. those are the basics, shipkids/fusion sanses are the caretakers and the sanses are children. interesting concept ig (i will make it better trust)
ok now that we have the basics down, lets get to the story. this was a ask blog so there wasnt much story, but from what i do remember, there were 2 major plot lines. the first plot line was uhm. borderline gr00ming. basically fresh sans, the satire sans au, has a crush on PJ. this fresh is i think about 3 yrs old. so ok, hes a kid, kids are weird. he claims he wants to marry pj. again, child, children say that stuff alot. and you think pj would be yk, normal and be like " no no, we cant do that" nicely and shit. WELL HE DOESNT. THIS BITCH SAYS "we cant get married righ now, but when your all grown up we can ^^" IM SORRY HUH. SIR. WHAT. not only that, later, there is a ask of how would pj react to adult fresh. in which its super weird with really gross sexual tension. not only that, lets follow in this aus rule, aus made by the same creator/s are gonna be related. ok. error, fresh and geno/aftertale are brothers. kinda weird but lets keep going here. pj in rouges interpretation is a ship child. A SHIP CHILD. MEANING FRESHIE HERE IS IS UNCLE?? ITS SO WEIRD?? also there is a mini plot line where ink and error like each other and its a big deal even tho, again, CHILDREN. also same person but i digress.
our next plotline is... where shit hits the fan. so, error, gets deathly sick and needs to go to the hospital. didnt know monsters had hospitals but ok. geno, error's older brother who is at most, 5, gets really depressed. and ik depression can come at any age, however, GENO here tries to commit farewell. this. doesn't. make. sense. a child isnt old enough to even comprehend death that well, let alone have the feeling to die AND ACT ON IT. not only that, right after stopping geno from leaving this mortal plane (isnt he immortal though?) they completely forget about it and have this weird romance between palette and goth (swap sans and dream sans) (geno and reaper) and its super weird, and gross (not as gross as nerd and jock but still) and palette is weirdly obsessive over goth and shit so its all just a huge pile of SHIT
oh yeah there is also this weird plot line with like this trio of mini villains, one being rouges self insert i think so. yeah.
anyway, that was pj's daycare. i will be reworking and remaking the entirety of this au. so uh.
it will be posted. anyway bye
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sweetsimp · 2 years
Obey Me || Its Always Raining Now || Mammon x Reader
Mammon x Reader [Obey Me]
Summary: After your death, the members of the House of Lamentation are all falling apart-- especially Mammon.
!! Warning: mentions of death, eating, a lot of angst throughout the chapter, possible swearing idk, mentions of cancer, poor mental health, grieving, mentions of sex, mentions of events from ch. 16, etc. !!
Author's Note:
i didnt proofread this FORGET YOU oKAY
i had to write this so you have to read it and don't say i didn't warn you when i say that this is pretty fucking awful
also sidenote i feel like ive seen the first line somewhere so im sorry LOL i cant remember it was just echoing in my head when i started this
The brothers never knew how much and how loud a demon could cry until after you died.
Before you, all Mammon was seen as was a man of greed and grimm. Although that continued even after the two of you got together, he felt like for once in his life, he didn't have to deal with things alone anymore. He felt so warm and cozy whenever he was with you. He felt so safe and secure.
But then, you died.
Death is inevitable. Memento Mori, as they say.
The thought scared you, sure, but at one time you just grew to accept it. As time went on, you found it less and less scary. You never wanted to leave Mammon, but sooner or later you were going to have to deal with it whether you wanted to or not.
And for a time, that seemed fine. It was a topic left unmentioned, and the two of you never seemed to talk about it ever since you had that breakdown about your mortality and how it would affect your relationship with Mammon. He held it together for that night, but it destroyed him inside ever since. It was like a virus that had been born ever since the realization of your humanity and the average human lifespan hit him.
That virus was destroying him now.
Unlike the scientists in the human world, who were looking for cures for cancer and researching effective vaccines against the latest global pandemic, Mammon had to deal with this entirely on his own and had spent no time preparing for it.
This felt like the millionth night in a row that he spent sobbing and hugging a pillow that had one of your jackets on it. It smelled both like you and Mammon's agony. His crying echoed throughout the House of Lamentation, which haunted all of the other inhabitants at night. His brothers knew he needed comfort, but he also needed time alone to grieve.
They also needed healing, themselves.
Leviathan unsurprisingly became even more of a shut-in than before, if that was even possible. He became more antisocial, more unwilling to let anyone else in. He became more cold and self-critical. No one was here to tell him to stop, anymore. Even if there was, it wasn't the same. No one could ever match up to how close you and him were, and he never wanted that to change. He never wanted to risk it, even though there was no risk. No one could come into his room anymore-- not even Diavolo, or Simeon, or any of his brothers. He buried himself in his video games and sometimes trapped himself in them on purpose.
Satan trapped himself in his books. He seldom left the library or his room, which got even more cluttered with books. His room, at this point, looked like a forest. He goes out to pet cats when his eyes can't focus on the words on the pages anymore. Sometimes he just sits there, staring numbingly at the cat. His emotions are so overwhelming, so frustrating, so heartbreaking, so suffocating. It feels like he's always drowning.
Asmodeus kept focusing on his looks, but he never brought anyone home to the House of Lamentation. Not when it was like this. Not when people could destroy the only memories he had of you. Getting ready for bed or school seemed so much lonelier. His Devilgram posts could never be as perfect as the ones with you in them. No matter how hot his baths were, they were always too cold without you. His world was dull now, and not even sex made it as lively as his memories of you.
Beelzebub's appetite would never change, of course. At the end of the day, the brothers would always succumb to their sins-- but Beelzebub ate alone most of the time after your death. When Mammon was hit with overwhelming grief and stopped eating as much, Beelzebub knew he could never fight his hunger or the impulses he got to steal off his brother's plates. They needed to eat and care for themselves, but Beelzebub felt like he was in the way of that. Every game he won was for you. His team never faced another loss after you left.
Belphegor just slept more. It was the only thing he had to cling onto when you left, because at least then you'd be in his dreams. You could never do that in real life anymore. You could never nap with him the way you used to, but at least if he uses enough pillows, he could try to trick himself into believing you were there like Mammon did with your jacket. He'd stick himself in the attic other times and let his guilt eat away at him for not spending more time with you. For not being more selfish with you. For trying to kill you, and now you couldn't be there to comfort him anymore. His memories felt like they were almost slipping away, and it became easier to blame himself.
Lucifer rarely had time to grieve when all of his brothers were falling apart. He was falling apart inside too, but he knew he had to be there to help pick up the pieces, no matter how shattered he was. He tried so hard to prepare himself for your death, but most times he was barely able to keep himself from crying. His pride couldn't protect him from the aftermath of your death, and neither could his work for Diavolo. It all could only distract him for so long.
Lucifer knocked on his door gently before walking and making his way to the bed. Sitting on the edge, alongside Mammon, he put his hand gently on his brother's shoulder and began rubbing his arm and back while the man sobbed again.
It felt like such a simple concept when you said it out loud, but experiencing it was so much more different than anyone could've anticipated. It broke people in ways that could no longer be patched together.
"I-It..." Mammon said between sobs, "It hurts... I don't w-want to hurt a-anymore, Lucifer... Please- Please make it- please make it stop."
"I know," He hummed. "I'm here."
When was the last time Mammon said he loved you? When was the last time he told you he loved you more than anything else in the world? When was the last time he told you how beautiful he thought you were?
He could barely remember. All he remembered was how fucking stupid he acted. How he pushed you away so much. How he hurt you. How he got too embarrassed to do the things he always wanted to do and the things you always wanted to hear.
More brothers crept in, one by one. They couldn't take the crying anymore. They couldn't stand by and not do anything while they were all hurting alone. They joined the brothers on the bed and sobbed with Mammon next to Lucifer, who cried silently. They looked like a pile of broken mirrors with all the pieces mixing together in the middle.
It was always raining in the House of Lamentation, now.
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Foaming at the mouth for s/nzcanons of T/ighnari or Zh/ongli
HI YES OFC!! i love these two so i will do both :) i havent thought about zh/ongli in. so long sorry if his ones suck lmao
obviously him being sensitive to spices and such is canon but i still felt i had to mention it
↳ strong spices will get a pretty substantial fit out of him, even more so when theyre cooking/in the air, and he probably wont stop snzing till he’s well out of the vicinity
otherwise, he’ll probably snz 2-4 times at once when there isn’t anything actively setting him off
whenever he gets sick he knows exactly how to deal with it since he’s like. a doctor. he knows alllll the remedies and will be diligently taking care of himself (but also keeping on top of work as much as he possibly can)
i think he’d be kind of germaphobic but on behalf of other people so like, he tells other people to not get too close cause he doesnt want them to get sick haha
his ears!! they sort of go down?? flatten?? you know what i mean. when hes building up <33 and they twitch when hes irritated
him having a sensitive nose in canon i imagine it gets red very fast/easily
snz itself is very soft, in volume and just in general - matches his personality i feel, kinda chill and subdued you know
↳ and he doesnt stifle honestly, i think he’s one of those people who are anti-stifle cause youll burst a blood vessel or something 😭
↳ also terrible at holding back. he’ll try but it wi fail disasterously
stifler. i know this i know it in my soul !
↳ and he does it anyway despite his snz really not being loud or attention grabbing at all .. hes just that guy
↳ however if you do hear his unstifled snz i feel like it would have the same sort of sound his voice has. like its distinctive you can hear his voice in it but it isnt overly forceful… again kinda matches his personality in a way
but when hes sick there will be seismic activity just because i think its funny
↳ do gods even get sick. idk. i think its a once in a blue moon thing for him so when it happens he’ll probably shut himself away and wait it out unless he has anything really important to attend to
“excuse me” every single time he is so polite about it
honestly i dont see him as an allergies kind of guy. sorry to be boring…. maybe dust though thats kinda ,
↳ i see him as someone who likes to keep things clean and organised so perhaps thats to avoid dust collecting
↳ maybe strong perfumes/scents get to him too.. he cant go past whatever that perfume ladys shop is called without snzing a few times at the very least
mmmm these are a little on the short side im sorry 😭 my brain is all over the place atm but i hope you still liked this anon!! ty for the ask <3
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
Still thoughts about Tears of the Kingdom (SPOILERS)
The Great Fairies look like they want to eat the small man when they first emerge
Zonai Zelda is so cute
The memories bro the memories
Why cant I put flowers in their mane
Please let me marry Zonai Zelda
Rauru is like lmao Zelda I wont die *dies*
Rauru dont give Zelda more trauma she has been through so much already
Rauru is like "we will put this all on Link"
I will write angry fanfic about this
Gleeoks are so terrifying what the fuck
You can upgrade your horses
What did they do to my beautiful dessert
They let me in as a man??? Noooo I was waiting to enjoy the complicated feelings of Link's gender again
Riju looks so good in this new look
Its so hot everywhere
Nooo my coins my coins!!!
Again doing shrines because I need hearts and stamina
I am a well enthusiast
I caught the golden horsie
Trying to find a perfect colored 5* speed horse is hard
Why are there gleeoks everywhere
Outfits my one true love
My horses are so cute
Let me customize the big horses pleaseee
I need to murder more deer for coins
Need to go deal with the Lurelin Village Pirates
Sorry I write these while Im not playing so I dont always remember to go in order
Im also writing fanfic because of course I am look at me
Im having so much fun
Shrines are becoming less awful
Wait how is Zelda the descendant of Sonia and Rauru if Sonia died without children
I saved this man's goats
Satori mountain is said to have endura carrots. I need them please
Im pro-all armors that show off Link's cool arm
I looked up how to get to Hestu and
I know what I need to do but I dont have the strength to do it
No joke theyre evil for this
How do I get gloom resistant armor
Playing the Zora main questline
The sky island has moon gravity!!
Where is Kass
The new dragon is a Light Dragon
Finally some good fucking food (All the apples on satori mountain)
Me: oh shit blood moon should be soon
Literally the next night: blood moon
Im a psychic
You are correct Roman there is so many apples here you do deserve some here you go baby boy
The checkmark you get for caves is if you killed the Bubbulfrog in there
I need to kill more
I want the full mystic armor
I have one friend who isnt into LOZ and I could tell all this to her but its no fun if she knows nothing about it
She does send me Zelda memes tho. 10/10 friend
Finally endura carrots
I love Malanya so much
Best god
I love Sidon but my god is he just in the way during the Water Temple
On the way, making me waste my bubbles, why do I have to be next to him to get the bubble
Hearing Zelda being referred to as the Sage of Time >>>>
Also I will not shut up about how pretty Zelda is
I have to draw her
Im a simple lesbian
My switch camera is full of screenshots of her
Every cutscene has her be so pretty
Sidon made me my own copy of him
And this man isnt marrying me
I dont think I could have handled that
My camera roll is also full of screenshots of Sidon
Yona is actually really sweet Im just having a moment
A sad day for Sidon lovers everywhere
King Sidon is handsome
He literally got on his knees to swear a vow to me and gave me a ring and married Yona
Yona is cute and I love her
Like her voice too
She's adorable
Maybe we can do a triad
Political(ish) marriage + one crackhead who attracts all the trouble
No because I still actively avoid spots where there used to be guardians
I was at a stable and went "no cant go that way there's guardians"
Nightmares wont give up ever apparently
There has been so many crucifications. The Korok Space Program. Fire is involved
I've also seen people build bombers and mechs
I love it
It seems so wild to me because I dont build in this game
If I can avoid it
I do use the dispensers but thats because its gambling
But all the material spots just get ignored
Dont care
Im going on Roman (my horsie)
But I love everyone is vibing
But still. I need easy mode
These posts are how I process the game btw. Been surprised that people have liked them. I will keep going because I have to process what I feel about things (doctor's orders)
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ifeltfree · 1 year
Yeah, of course I'll talk with you about it. I'm sorry to hear you're recently diagnosed. I'd say it gets better, but I'd be lying. What does change is that you get tougher, more resilient. If you're lucky, you have people around you who understand and support you well. The seizures never stop being terrifying.
It's an awful disease and one that is extremely misunderstood. Isolating is the right word, for sure. I was diagnosed at 16, so I know how hard it can be to have it as a teenager/young person as well. It feels like it's stealing from you. It is. Don't let anyone tell you any different. Your feelings are justified.
As far as how I cope? Poorly, for a long time, but recently things have been looking up. I was seizure-free for about five years before a recent set of breakthrough seizures (I crashed my car too, lol what a time), so I'm relearning how to deal with the fear and paranoia.
Logistically, I've done a few things:
I was able to get my job to let me work from home 3/5 days of the week.
I sleep. A lot. I still hang out with people and I have a lot of friends, but I had to accept there are things I can't do.
I spend a lot of time in quiet. Overstimulation doesn't help. I found this out the long way - took me forever to realize shutting up one or a few of my senses cut down the brain activity (I'm dumb).
I don't drink. I used to drink - probably too much. Substance abuse and epilepsy don't mix. That wasn't the reason for my breakthroughs, but I do have a little sobriety app. Kinda fun, honestly.
I talk to my friends about it.
That last point is something that I'd never done before this year. It's hard, of course, but I think it's helped that my friends now know I'm having crises of sanity, faith, philosophy - whatever - every day of my goddamn life. It's impossible to live with this disease and not think about what's real, what's not, if I'm losing time, what exactly is a soul...you understand.
Also, seizures are impossible to describe, but I try. That helps as well. Horrifies my friends, but they've said it's ok to talk about.
Every seizure I've had (barring these last ones, or I'd have killed myself) has stolen my personhood from me. I'd wake up as a different person, and then I'd just...live in a stranger's apartment, wear a stranger's clothes, wake up in a stranger's bed. After about a week, the feeling starts to fade but nothing ever goes back to that first reality. That disorientation is, for me, one of the worst parts of epilepsy. It's fucking scary. And if you go through that, I am so, so sorry.
If you want to talk about this more, let me know. I'm much less serious than I seem, and I write like this because I'm overeducated after being scared shitless by my brain. So.
Anyway, feel free to publish this and I hope you feel better soon.
Also, tell your tattoo artist what happened - they'll thank you for not coming in, and they also need to know you're not a flake. Don't want to make them responsible for an unconscious body when they don't have to be! :)
thank you for talking to me more about this. you worded a lot of this really well and its reassuring to know its normal to feel that way that i do about it all. my family thinks im exaggerating it so sometimes i question if im blowing things out of proportion.
anyway, thats terrible that you crashed your car. thats such a huge fear of mine and i cant imagine going through that, im so sorry. its so unfortunate that you have to miss out on things, but im glad you figured out what works for you to keep you in better shape. im gonna try and be mindful about the things you mentioned and see if they make a difference for me, thank you
i dont have much of a support system, most of my friends stopped talking to me after college and i find it hard to meet new people where i live. its significantly harder to cope with shit like this when youre on your own. im sure you get it. and i totally understand what you mean by losing your sense of self. it feels like everything is foggy, all the time but even worse on days i have seizures. it almost makes me mad cause its not fair that after everything else that comes with it, i have to have a diluted watered down personality too.
again thank you for this. ill definitely reach out if the urge arises and you definitely can too. im always open to talk, about anything
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