#im so normal about this btw
spamgyu · 3 months
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that's so crazy! i love when he wears orange!
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nyxronomicon · 6 months
https://x.com/jjjjjjjjjnine/status/1780632343709122606?s=46 i saw this and thought of you btw i don't know how to feel (im horny)
christ why is he such a hot catboy??? I feel like he makes a bet with you bc he wants to make you his catgirl maid for a day but it backfires save HE loses so now he has to dote on you all day in a cute maid dress and cat ears GOD I need him... I need catboy maid Toji so bad 😭😭😭
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lighthouseas · 1 year
expanding on this assassin au because i have watched far too much assassination classroom
ok so. will works for some underground (probably spy) organization as an assassin and goes after people who may know too much about it (i like to think they are working with something akin to the upside down), be a major threat to the country, etc. i don't think he works for the government, this is more of a secret organization of people who have had experience with the thing they are protecting. which could easily be an upside down gate, or something similar to that - so i can also imagine will USUALLY kills monstrous targets that have escaped through it, though he has to kill people sometimes too hehe
anyway. he does live out a fairly normal life by day. he's best friends with (and in love with) mike wheeler, along with the rest of the party. by night, however, he is an assassin. he kills targets swiftly and silently, as he is a master at his craft - trained from a young age by other prodigies, such as his brother, jonathan byers, and his mother, joyce byers (in this instance, however, i can see them living under pseudonyms). and it's okay, actually! he makes his secret double life work, even though mike constantly wonders why he can't go to will's house and why will constantly gives off the energy that he's hiding...something.
one day, mike accidentally comes into contact with the secret organization by following will home. which, admittedly, is REALLY creepy but mike can feel in his gut that will is hiding something from him. and he's right, of course - he's captured and taken into the lair and would've been killed on sight for knowing too much - had will not broken the rules and released him when no one was looking (after swearing him to secrecy and making him promise to never mention the whole interaction again, of course).
and the organization is FURIOUS. they find out that it's will who released mike, and, as punishment for getting close to him and having his emotions get in the way, insist he be the one to seek him out again and kill him since he knows what mike's life is like, anyway, and it shouldn't be too hard for him to track mike down. if he doesn't finish the job like he was trained to - he dies.
cue will distancing himself from mike so he can kill him without it hurting as much - and cue mike trying desperately to get closer to will, as all he wants is to know him and this weird thing he does better, and maybe, possibly tell him that he's been in love with him for years. cue them kissing and will knowing it's wrong because he's supposed to kill this kid, for christ's sake. cue will being under immense pressure from the organization to finish the job or lose his life. cue others from the organization not believing that will can do it, and subsequently going after not just mike, but will too so they're both in danger of being killed. CUE WILL FINDING OUT HOW FLAWED HIS JOB IS !!! CUE BYLER TAKING THE ORGANIZATION DOWN ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
for fic related asks,, i cant think of any actual questions rn, but i DO have more fanart! its a wip rn but i though it might cheer you up?
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i rlly love your ocs for arun and adams mom 😭 the way sienna and adam find each other after losing their own moms/sons is so sad and cute the idea of like,, arun and adams mom (idr her name rn 😭) also hanging out and watching over them in some sort of afterlife plauges me.
i hope things get better for you soon 🫂 <333
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churroach · 5 months
Full of Desires
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42uneatenwatermelon · 9 months
infodump about something I made a while ago incoming read it if u have time to lose
hi hello Im a random person with a special interest in codes and ciphers and a few years ago I got so damn bored in class I started making up stories, that I've now completely given up on, about a secret society that used drawings and motifs to comunicate to their members that lived amongst humans
called it the Tree code but honestly if anyone has better idea give them to me I suck at naming shit
this code works by drawing trees, one tree being a word and the branches the letters
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these are very simple way to draw these branches but they are very customizable what maters is the number of points
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as you can see there are left letters and right letters the point of which is to reduce the number of branches by combining left and right letters that are next to each other (even if they are in the wrong order u just switch them)
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as an exemple have the watermark I put on most of my art
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now a big thing about this code is decoys in order to throw off anyone trying to decode these messages
for words it's simple enough, real words have 3 distinct roots, decoys have any other number
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speaking of numbers, in the original lore the society also had a bunch of scientist and mathematicians that would also code their work so numbers and math symbols also needed coding
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math and numbers, unlike the trees and punctuation that mostly stay on the ground, are designed to be drawn in a sky setting with constelations as symbols
these also have decoys
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now there are 3 ways of using this code: quick, casual, formal
so like the trees, clouds need to have 3 distinct bumps to be a number (exept for the square root thingy which can be any number)
quick is very simple, no real sentences, just key words, no use of punctuations and shorten words as much as possible
basically just was is needed to convey the message and nothing more
for exemple a message hidden as a street mural
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first you find the decoys
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than u decode
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or perhaps on a more sinister note
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what a happy picture
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what joy
now casual uses more proper sentences, still shorten words when u can
these are more for general messages that requires more details
for exemple messages hidden as a motif on a magazine/journal
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or for everyday use within the society space because what was once just a way of hidding messags became an important part of their culture, now most place within the society's homes uses both code and english
the last use, formal, is mostly used for long ass texts such as history texts and research (not making an exemple of this one)
these tend to not bother with decoys and use proper wording and punctuation which leads to havins to use long word trees
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which, yes, do look a bit weird but these texts are important and already well hidden so there isn't much use to make it not look like code
anyway this was a breakdown of the code I made in high school hope u enjoyed this infodump I really needed to put this all down into one place
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rhapsody-clown · 1 year
Oh my god
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This dumbass is gonna show up in Heaven like
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andynamite · 2 years
the world should make more poems about violence & cannibalism & lust & love intertwined
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thestrongestjewel · 3 months
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doodles of them!
they are so important to me i dont think you guys understand- how insane I actually am about their friendship and how it just
it was never meant to happen but it did anyway,,,, ahhhh i gotta love when a character's relationship is doomed by the narrative whahhh
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thebirthofvenusfly · 6 months
very in love with the way that on one hand odile is a very intelligent, knowledgable, mature, level-headed adult and then on the other she. she chirps and baah's back at the animals when you talk to them. she nya's just to get a reaction out of the party. she has the kind of laugh where when someone is amused they don't just chuckle it's like that loud burst of a laugh that "HA!" type of laugh we all know someone with that type of laugh. sometimes she's like "we don't have time for this" and sometimes she's like "we don't have time for this... ... is what i'd USUALLY say but we should give our brains a break from the whole impending doom of the country scenario." you know. like all of the characters in ISAT have several dimensions and feel very human and dynamic but just focusing on odile for a moment... beloved odile... :,)
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 8 months
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Sleep deprivation is one hell of a drug
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iconicsamflynn · 9 days
Credit to @/cr3amycat on instagram
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heph · 3 months
Call me crazy for reading so much into a show like House MD but I think the main theme of House is that despite doing everything perfectly and being a good person, shit happens.
Sickness and pain will be inflicted on you and your loved ones and there's nothing you can do about it, but to persevere, to fight for your life, to keep living despite it all - to love is a part of the human condition; our capability of love is what makes life worth living, despite all the pain that you will inevitably experience.
This show exemplifies the pain of living and the needs and desires of human beings to keep going despite it all
And idk... There's something beautiful about how a show with so many stupid whimsical dumb scenes can impart something so profound in my stupid little brain
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mispelled · 2 months
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I still think about them daily btw. Just so you guys know
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heartorbit · 8 months
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just how can i protect your smile?
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m4ggotm0ld · 9 months
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