#im so happy to be able to grow as an artist while drawing these two
cherrhara · 2 months
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aschnata happily ever after
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kellystar321 · 2 years
hey sup, im gonna ramble about my experiences as an aromantic person who enjoys romance in media under the read more!! this is free to use as research material :> <3
I am a nonamorous aromantic, which means I don't feel romantic attraction and I do not wish for a partner in any way, including queer platonic relationships. I do not want and am not looking for a lifelong partner of any kind.
With this being said, I very much enjoy romance in media!
I engage with media in a few ways. I'm an artist and a writer for many fandoms. I love drawing art and writing for fictional relationships, and I also like joining communities who are also fans of the media, and talking to people who like the same relationships I do.
Romance in media is really cute. It's nice to see people belong together, to have close relationships based on trust and love. Intimacy and affection are super cute and make me happy for the characters. It's cute and sweet! Affectionate gestures are really cute, I love romance in theory.
It's a feeling I'll never experience, but I can feel it vicariously through my favorite characters, through their stories and actions and relationships. Even if I don't feel romantic attraction myself, I can see how characters feel when they experience it! It's meaningful and heartwarming to see people love each other. I enjoy it for other people and I'm very supportive of romantic affection (as long as it's not directed at me).
Also, a lot of relationships are usually ones that my friends or fans like a lot. I see that people want to see more of it and so I make art for them to enjoy. Creating content is a part of why I engage with romance in media, I like giving people new material to consume. It's easier to slot in with a community if you find common ground, with similar favorite characters and relationships. I've made friends with people while discussing cute character dynamics and making up fun romantic scenarios.
Compared to most alloromantic people, I find it more difficult to see romantic connection sometimes. If the cues are subtle or just implied, I'm not very good at picking up on it. Just because someone looks into someone else's eyes for a second too long, or they give one another cute nicknames or they hug for a bit doesn't mean much to me. Even flirting can fly right over my head, a sort of "That could just be a taken as platonic" thing? I'm a bit more savvy these days and I know a few things to look out for, but I can still be dense to feelings sometimes.
I usually need it to be stated outright, either the characters themselves visibly blushing around each other or kissing or straight up confessing, or I'll see other fans who point out the romantic connection via discussion, art or writing about the relationship. When I see other people point out why the dynamic works, then I understand. (With the second point, I do tend to ship the most popular ships first, because I see more people talk about it.)
(Once in a piece of media, Character A was implied to have a crush on Character B, but when Character A was asked about it, they said they didn't like Character B. And I believed it! It had to be explained to me by my alloromantic sibling that Character A was lying or in denial or something, I was incredibly confused. Literally if a character denies liking someone, then I'll go, "Oh well, guess they don't! :)")
Along these lines, I feel like I don't easily see romantic connections between people who are hostile towards each other. Most people would describe this trope as enemies to lovers. When two characters spend their time mostly bickering and fighting and against each other, I don't see the relationship growing into a romance (again, unless someone else points it out, or if I see cute art of it or something).
Sometimes as an artist and often as a writer, I used to not be able to tell what would constitute as a romantic action. It's hard to describe something you've never felt! What does romantic attraction feel like?
As a younger writer, I thought hand holding was enough to imply a romantic relationship. (And also younger me treated it as something nearing scandalous for some reason? "woah omg look they're holding hands?? 😳😳😳" (<- does not understand how to write romance) I couldn't imagine my past self writing a kiss (and to be honest, I'm still pretty bad at describing it.)
After time reading and experiencing new media, I can do a better job at describing it, but only second-hand. I feel like I've gotten everything from a secondary source, like a game of telephone. It's like everyone's allowed to study for a test, and then after everyone's done, I only get everyone's ungraded tests to study from before I do my own test. How do I know what's right? People describe what love is like, and I describe what other people describe what love is like. When you don't experience it yourself, you can't really write from personal experience, can you?
Still, I love drawing and writing romantic interactions. I try my best to depict it, I just think it's really cute. I love romance, I just can't feel it :>!! <33
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ffeynn · 3 years
Hihi! If possible, can I ask for some fluffy headcanons for Kazuha and Albedo with a very shy but sweet/angelic fem! s/o who has a tendency to downplay her amazing artistic abilities please? Thank u and please take care of yourself!!
「 shy, sweet!s/o who’s too humble with her abilities: kazuha and albedo 」
a/n: :(((( anonnnn sorry for taking so long to post, actually I've already finished this a long time ago but I didn't post it :((( idk where im going with this and take care of yourself too!
pairing: kaedahara kazuha, albedo x reader (seperates)
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↬ when kazuha first saw your art, he was surprised by how much you underestimate it. he genuinely thought your art is a piece sent from the celestia, that and there’s a slight bias on the opinion. although you never seemed to favor showing your arts to the public.
☆ “dearest, must I say how beautiful your art is? because I think you’re having a different opinion than me.” he saw the way your ears reddened after hearing his compliment. you put your sketchbook over your face, only letting the eyes show, “you’re too nice kazuha, my art is nothing beautiful.” so you said.
he almost sighed when you downplayed your ability yet again, well as your lover, kazuha is more than pleased to assist you in gaining more confidence. he wouldn’t want to see his favorite artist feels bad about her own art as kazuha loves it.
↬ the poet loves to admire your art, he loves to watch you drawing, he loves to see you get shy when you noticed he was staring at you as you quickly hide your drawing. so by no means does he love watching you be proud of your own art with a bright smile on your face despite it rarely happening.
☆ you peeked from your sketchbook to see kazuha staring back at you, your eyes scurried from him to your sketch of him and back to him. “ah! it’s.. you look beautiful there so I thought.. I want to draw it, sorry.”
the light haired warrior stayed still at his spot and with a voice that seemed softer than ever to your ears, he said, “it’s alright, I rather would like to see how my love perceives me, you wouldn’t mind that right?” his words received your usual bright smile as a response. to smile that bright just because of his selfish request, you were too sweet for this world.
↬ kazuha appreciates that you’re letting him go through your sketchbook but how should he explain the way his heart beat flutters with each drawing of him. you who’s in front of him looks like she wants to cry from embarrassment the time you realized that there were many drawings of your lover in said book.
☆ “ah.. so this is how you see me.. I’m honoured.” kazuha let a smile up his face. did you cast magic in this drawing? if not then why can he feel your love from your drawing?
you were sitting beside him, enduring the embarrassment you feel every time he compliments your art. yet you can sense he was genuine about it and you are happy with it. “no, that’s just a drawing.. the way I see you is much more blinding than words or pencils can describe, because I love you.” after saying that, you immediately put your forehead on kazuha’s shoulder. looking at the pretty ground while your boyfriend chuckles.
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↬ in knowing that you’ve such artistic abilities, albedo was proud of you. but that wasn’t the case for you. he wonders why you tend to downplay your art when in fact it’s one of the best in mondstadt. maybe in teyvat as a whole but the man has no way to know that with his piled up works. you’re his lover who he so much adores, akin to an angel some had said.
☆ albedo glanced at your drawing figure before shortly continuing his experiment with a smile barely visible on his face. you probably had noticed his mood shifting, that’s the reason you asked him if something good happened. “I was just looking at you.” the male said as he noted something in his experiment. whether you figure out what he was implying behind his words are up to you.
and judging from your gradually reddening face, you figured it out.
↬ sometimes when albedo has free times, you two will take a walk around mondstadt and if spotted a pretty scenery, you’ll stop by to rest there. maybe whip out a sketchbook and leave trails of the view on a paper with a pencil. view of the nature, of the creatures around it and also view of your lover.
☆ you tugged on albedo’s shirt, pointing at the tree nearby. it’s pretty big and able to act as a shade from the sun’s light. there were also flowers growing scattered. a nice place to rest and sketch without any disturb. albedo doesn’t seem to have any reason to deny which led them under said tree.
arriving there and going through your bag, you just realized you forgot to bring your sketching tools. a shame really. the alchemist decided that his next art should be you considering how long it has been since you both had the chance to leisure around like this. you who have nothing to do instead of playing with your boyfriend’s hair, excitedly did up a natural pose. albedo’s drawing is your favorite in the whole universe and every time you see yourself on someーmore than half actuallyーcanvas of his, you’ll always be immensely touched by that.
↬ you don’t really favor showing your art to others which explained why you usually draw somewhere closed off or where people rarely visit. or maybe you just draw in your room. albedo frequently catches you in an action of observing your current process. a coloured canvas in front of you, one hand holding the palette and one hand the brush.
☆ the alchemist also frequently catches you in an action of sleeping with your favorite pencil in hand and your sketch beside your sleeping face. possibility that you were waiting for him to come home until you fell asleep. albedo feels guilty for having you wait for him that long but he also wants to be selfish and relish the fact that you waited for him.
he slipped his arms under your back and knees, carefully lifting you up from the uncomfortable position you were in. once he put you on the bed, albedo took his time cleaning up the desk. the male turned to look at the drawing you were making just now. ah, this was during your second date, he recognized. did you draw this based on pure memory or what? nevertheless the answer, albedo will still find himself become amused of your arts. let it be then you tend to downplay your ability, he’ll just do his part to let you gain more confidence in your ability. his sweet lover deserved to do so.
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mysmegrace · 3 years
hey i hope your game is working normally again , can i please request the rfa with an mc who has a part time job as an animator/artist ?
hello~ yes, my game is working well now! i think it might've been the network (i heard like a day later that something happened to it, idk exactly im not very tech savvy lol). i love the request btw.
RFA with an MC who Has a Part Time Job as an Animator/Artist
--- yoosung kim:
the pandemic had effect many things in your lives.
from his university classes to your late night outs.
one of the upsides you found in the time was the fact that you could work straight from your bed now.
you couldn't think of anything better
waking up ten minutes before your start time and sleeping in the comfort of your home during your breaks.
life was finally going in your favour.
and yoosung was in a similar position.
only he wasn't working, just attending university.
the sequence of events had led you to this moment.
you had woken up alongside the sun to start your work for the day, yoosung laying right beside you about to join a class.
you rose your head every once and while to give him a smile of encouragement, yet he wasn't getting the message.
did you want to do something right here?
right now?
while he's just joined a class?
with his cheeks becoming visibly more red, he reckoned a little affection wouldn't hurt.
it wasn't like the teacher could see him.
and he wasn't about to lie and say he was paying attention anyway.
going to wrap his arm behind your neck, he glances upon your project for work.
from the first second he laid eyes on it, it amazed him.
his curiosity was peaked as he started questioning your occupation.
he'd come to realize that he never actually asked about your job, he just knew you had one.
"i'm an animator, i only work part time though" you said with a hint of pride evident in your voice.
he was becoming increasingly more intrigued.
but after you explained many of the ups and downs of your part time job, he gave you his full support.
even asking if you'd be willing to teach him some time.
but nothing too hard, he doesn't want to embarrass himself.
after his class was over, you offered to show him your past works, in which he welcomes with open arms.
you continue to knock him off his feet.
hyun ryu / zen:
"zen zen, what do you think about this?" you ran up to him saying with excitement.
he looks up to meet your eyes after you caught his attention, before redirecting his focus to the tablet you held in front of him.
he was stunned.
it wasn't something he was expecting.
he never knew you were so good at drawing.
with his mouth hung slightly open, he began saying "it's amazing mc, how did you do this?"
he was truly floored, and you took notice of it.
"i've been drawing from a young age and now i make art part time for people who would like to buy my work" you explained.
he was insanely supportive from the get go.
knowing that you were able to make an income from your passion was comforting to him.
being glad you were able to achieve these accomplishments, he wouldn't want to let you work on your own.
granted he couldn't help you, his art wasn't one somebody would invest in.
but he could help in other ways.
hence why he offers to bring you supplies, help with project ideas, and love you from the sidelines.
jaehee kang:
"i've gotta make it to my other job now jaehee, but i'll see you later" you screamed as you ran to catch the bus.
the day was a success, going out with jaehee and shopping together.
however, your words had completely caught her off guard.
shes aware that you two haven't known each other for a long time, but it didn't change the shook that came over her when she heard.
sitting down, catching your breath from the short run you just came from, you decided to check your phone.
after all, there's not much else to do on the bus.
not too long after your departure, you receive a text from jaehee.
"i wasn't aware you had another job, what is your part time job?" it read.
oh, right.
you hadn't told her yet.
but what time was better than now?
"i'm an animator" you responded, waiting in suspense for the next text.
and you weren't waiting long, as the familiar sound of your messenger went off.
"animator? that's really awesome mc, can you show me some of your work?" it read.
you could feel as the smile creeped up your face, not able to hold back your excitement.
yet wasting little time, you send several screen recordings of your previous work that has done incredibility well.
"i'm speechless, that's so amazing" jaehee responded after a few minutes.
the overwhelming of positive emotions that had just come over you wasn't unwelcomed as you held the phone ever so closely.
knowing jaehee was proud of you was enough to make you cry tears of joy.
jumin han:
"but how was your day mc?" he says, changing the topic.
he had come home with the fatigue slowly overcoming him.
the fact that his father had introduced him to a new girl wasn't exactly helping either.
you wanted to talk to him about it more, but you knew better than to make him keep reliving the moment and experiencing the same emotions again.
hence why you took him up on his offer to change the topic.
"well, i finished my recent art project" you said, sipping the wine your husband had recently poured for you.
you watched as his eyebrows raised in curiosity.
"art project?" he questioned, encouraging you to elaborate.
and that you did, explaining how you made art for people as a part time job.
staying quiet for a second, redirecting his focus to the red liquid in front of him.
suddenly, he speaks up, saying "let me see it".
with a quick nod, you hop out of the seat to go pick up the project.
only to return a few seconds later, handing your artwork to him.
you watched intensely, following his eyes as he examined the piece in his hands.
"i'm quite impressed" he says, eyes not leaving the art.
"thank you" you mustered up in response through your excitement.
hearing that jumin was impressed by your skills made your day.
the conversation ended at the same speed it started, soon changing the topic.
but the new expensive supplies that laid in your little make-shift office was a reminder that he always had your best interests in mind.
as long as he could make you happy, life would be fine.
saeyoung choi:
"hey, i made that!" you practically screamed with excitement.
your time has finally come, the time you had been dreaming about since you were a little girl.
growing up on anime to seeing your animations being used in an anime made your life complete.
your attention broke as saeyoung reminded you of his presence, saying "wait, you made that?"
you turned to face his laying figure on the couch, nodding aggressively with a huge smile plastered across your face.
he always told you how contagious your smile was, and his point was proved as he began to duplicate your excited smile.
standing up to hug you, he started questioning you as if he were cosplaying an interviewer.
""when did you do this?"
"why did you do this?"
"how did you do this?"
you had to place your hand firmly on his chest to calm him down.
giving you time to explain your part time job as an animator.
how you've dreamed of this as a child and how grateful you were to be able to pursue your passion.
and saeyoung couldn't be prouder.
he felt like a father watching his child receive their first award.
your happiness made him feel incredible.
and your talent astonished him.
after the initial excitement died down, he offered his help in any way possible.
anonymous, of course.
he would do anything to make you happy.
achieving your dreams was something he never experienced until he met you, and he would never let you down.
00:32 AST - 08/10/21
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review ch (76 & 77)
So, I decided to read the manga mainly in search for a more natural balanced female presentation than the idealistic, shallower, savior depiction of tohru in the anime.
I’m intentionally skipping all the chapters of her as a (mother figure) in yuki’s life & won’t read them or even visit them for comparison with the anime. I love yuki’s growth story & the unique depiction of his platonic relationship with tohru, but if his mother-tohru phase was a drink, then the anime has force fed it to me till it came from my nose! So, for yuki, I’ll be reading his growth past-his mother confession.
I’ve consulted my lovely manga readers friends & thy recommended starting from ch 90 since the content in that chapter was completely cut! but some recommended checking kyoto chapters first since they contain a nice glimpse of the author’s style & artistic vision. Kyoto ep in the anime isn’t focused on “mom-tohru” so, i like the idea! I’ll jump to ch 90 right after ch 77.
- Subtle growth of a woman ( Clash of visions & presentation between the manga’s “ Loosing the wallet with mom’s photo vs the anime’s fractured photo frame):
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I really love the underlined connotation of tohru loosing her “mom” unknowingly! In the anime, this scene played without any reference to kyoko & tohru’s attachment to her. We saw tohru the teenage girl confused as she experience romantic love for the first time. Nothing more than that. But the manga says “ Main female MC is way deeper than a (mom-figure) or a (girl in love), In this panel, tohru chases after kyo & unknowingly looses her famous wallet containing her mom’s picture. Here’s what this subtly indicates:
 Normally, tohru would notice right away that her wallet is missing, here she never even notice until kyo suggest they hang out together. Subtly indicating that tohru is moving further & further from her phase of “ an afraid, grieving, abandoned child clinging to her mom”.
Normally, tohru would panic, say “ mom is missing” & everyone around her goes into search mode to make tohru at ease (hiro’s ep). Here once she notices, she says “ my wallet is missing” & kyo relaxed & laughingly gives her her wallet back. While he goes to bring the wallet, tohru instead of thinking “ oh nearly lost mom!” is musing over the fact that “it’s strange that kyo can make me happy or sad with one word only”. Subtly indicating that tohru is replacing her mom with kyo as part of growing up from the child she was to the woman she will be.
Tohru calling kyo “mysterious”, subtly explains that tohru is in the uncertain phase of understanding her feelings as a woman & hence, pave the path for upcoming trauma exploration & psychological depth.
The entire scene in the manga is depicted to convey different layers: romance, upcoming growth, & unexplored traumatic issues of abandonment, grief, & human weakness. “ Accepting human Weakness & change” IS the manga’s vision.
In the anime, the fractured picture worked simply becuz no issues of any traumatic experiences with tohru were ever hinted. Nothing abt tohru being a young woman moving away from a traumatic childhood was ever implied beside the weakly sharply cut & forgotten few scenes of her mysteriously going “ im okay” while remembering her dad’s shrine. Was there ever anything abt replacing her mom with kyo? Nope!. Was there anything abt tohru reluctance of loving kyo? Nope! to fix that, let’s shock the audience with empty photo frame! It’ll make the viewers confused & if we play the climax right & give tohru a tearjerker speech confronting akito, all is good. It worked in the anime as it served the purpose it was created for: shock value & drama. ppl bought it. But in the long run, it cemented tohru as the “savior angel” never the “ weak human”. But not many will have issues with that. Having yuki with his impressive story of growth & kyo with his shocking story of pain is enough to distract from the rest. The director must think: What does the audience want?
a woman who’d save the prince with her motherly care?“ Done!”.
a woman who’d love the monster? “ Done !”. 
a woman who has her own deep story? no one will miss that~ skip!
-Yuki’s next stage of growth: Friends:
I like how smoother the scene played here. Yes, yuki thinks back to his gratitude to tohru, but it plays subtly & more emphasis is on his friendship with kakeru. No added scene of him waving back to tohru after kakeru which brought the focus back to mom-tohru again. No. Here is way less shoved in your throat. Yuki says how he felt in the moment, moved on to the next stage, thought abt his life & choives, moved on to school. Clear lines that makes yuki more dynamic & way less “ living in his head” character.
Side Notes:
The manga’s art is pretty but expressive! I was afraid it’ll have that weird eyes bigger than the moon & too much sparkles & bubbles like the usual old shojo manga art!
Yuki is way more expressive than the anime & less pretty & sparkly! I welcome this with flowers & songs! lol.
Tohru has “low” pigtails instead of the child-like high pigtails! YES! it is crazy that this trivial change adds so much to tohru’s presentation to the viewers’ eyes. In real life no big deal but in an artistic medium such choices send subliminal messages to viewers minds, that’s why artists spend a lot of time choosing their characters default appearance. It means a lot for the character’s overall path & sends messages. High child-like pigtails: make her look like innocent & naive child since viewers usually associate such hair do with children & toddlers. Low pigtails: are cute girly style that we associate with teenagers & young adult women, it’s practical & cute.
Kyo’s looks as youthful & handsome as the anime but less angry, annoyed & more versatile in his expression! It always bothered me that the anime just go with kyo’s default frowned face, hands in pocket looks unless he should express a key emotion. Also, kyo without an undershirt in his uniform! interesting change from the anime.
I missed kyo’s two buddies! T_T. Why they weren’t in the anime’s finale.. could’ve at least put them in the underwhelming graduation ceremony ~
I really appreciate that yuki’s fanclub are one page, less annoying.
That awkward moment when a manga panel drawn by one person can depict a crowded city more than an anime with a huge team. Like the anime didn’t even need to zoom out for a huge wide shot that showcase its weakness in depicting a crowded city. If you can’t draw that, just zoom in to lessen the effect of emptiness. kyoto isn't a deserted area especially not during a school trip!
The teachers checking on the sneaking vs sleeping students scene is a welcoming sight! XDDD
Hana met kakeru before? saw him & tohru together? weird!!
Kakeru is more focused on tohru here.
I really love the photos taken for everybody. It indicates real good time! Hana eating, yuki around girls, arisa annoyed, kyo teased with playing card: did the play “rich man poor man” again? XD
I’m starting to love yuki more in the manga than the anime!
Kyo having short inner thought abt not being able to tell tohru a girl confessed to him & deciding to say “ none of ur business” is doing wonders to the scene!!! it makes him less mean to tohru & more balanced character. I mean I guessed so in the anime, but what could've prevented making the VA say this short line of inner thought?! Yuki’s VA says essays & essays in nearly every ep abt nearly every character?!.
I liked the way kyo held tohru’s hands when he turned to her, the way he held her hand in the anime is a bit weird. lol. Also, in this scene, tender gentle kyo is so well-done both in the anime & manga. The manga wins for the zoom in & focus on emotions, tho.
Next is chapter 90!
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svnaslove · 4 years
heyy i saw ur requests were open and decided to butt in hehe 😼😼 so i was wondering if u could do one where tsukishima, tanaka and asahi have a gf w kinda hippie vibes yk? like she is vegetarian, loves all kinds of animals and is always kind hearted towards the earth (maybe add a little 🍃 addiction there idk)!! thank u so much in advance 🥺 i wish u hella success on ur blog bby <3
this request is so cool omg, i hope you like it, i’m not super knowledgeable of hippie things but i tried to the best of my abilities, i hope it didn’t come off as too stereotypical and thank you so much that’s so sweet 🥺
BF HC’s of hippie vibes s/o~ | Tanaka, Tsukishima, Asahi
gn!reader | warnings~ lil🍃 mention on tanaka  | fluff :)
────────────────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
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this boy thinks you’re like the coolest human being ever
at first when you told him that you were vegetarian though he was like ???wut ??
took him a while to understand but then eventually he became vegetarian with you too ( on his own accord ofc :) )
but those first couple of weeks without meat he was D Y I N G, you gave him those vegetarian friendly nuggets and ‘bacon’ and he was finally able to survive, poor tanaka
you’re an artist and you like to draw/paint psychedelic art and one time he asked you to paint on him and he didn’t take it off for a whole week flkjdsf
you both  🍃 together and it’s the most hilarious experience ever
if you thought this boi was crazy before the  🍃, you are mistaken.
will literally start talking to you in whale,, and you talk whale back 🤦‍♀️
will go to protests with you ALL OF THE TIME
environment protests, animal rights protests, human rights protests, you two go to all of them
he loves you so much and he thinks you’re so cool he sometimes can’t believe you chose him and is so happy that you helped turn his life around and see everything through a new perspective.
────────────────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
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Thinks you’re the cutest thing ever when you start getting all passionate talking about the environment and how there are some many trees getting cut and burned down
To show how cute he thinks you are when you talk about the trees he opens his arms to give you a hug and calls you
“💖 🧚‍♀️✨ my little lorax ✨🧚‍♀️ 💖”
(bonus points to this monstrosity of a nickname if you’re short)
You are Tsukishimas’ Little Lorax ™
Teases you but he actually thinks you’re amazing
Accidently ends up being a pescatarian because of you (pescatarian means basically a vegetarian that eats fish) and he didn’t even notice skfjsldk
You guys meditate every morning it’s just your little thing that you guys do together and it’s so cute kfdjskf
Will deny the fact that he meditates with you to anyone who asks😭
Started getting super concerned with making sure that everything he buys is eco-friendly and isn’t tested on animals since you guys got together,,, like it’s gotten to the point where it’s intense 
Will sing Let it Grow from The Lorax to you on your birthday instead of Happy Birthday, except in this case you are the one that’s growing because it’s your birthday and he gives absolutely no fucks to any protesting to this
────────────────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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Omg this baby
He loves your hippie vibes so much, he just loves it so much
He adopted your life style so quick i think it was literally meant for him
Homeboi started playing ukelele and now owns a hammock, like im telling you this boi was made for the hippie lifestyle
You guys go on dates at the park and end up making little flower crowns for each other it’s the cutest thing ever istg im about to cry
You two will be hanging out and listening to Bob Marley, all the time, always
Those stone and minerals that give off good vibes~ ?
They’re all over you guys’ apartment
Matching crystal necklaces that give positive energy because yes
You two have your own little garden patch and you two grow your own fruits and veggies🥺
────────────────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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hikari-writes · 4 years
❅A Love Letter I Have to My Lovely and Beloved Friends❅
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(I just know that 30 july was a national friendship day and today is like 31 july already at where I am but,,, just pretend that this is also for National Friendship Day 🤡🔫)
As you all know, it's been confirmed that I'll be going on a hiatus two days from now that I really don't know how long it will go on. So, with that in mind, I wished to leave this message to all the wonderful friends I've made while I was active here on Tumblr during quarantine.
I've started this writing blog a few months ago, to be precise, on May where life in quarantine was starting to become a norm. In the few months until now, I did my best to start writing and drawing more using all the free times that I have.
I wouldn't have expected this blog to grow so much in such a short time. To me, it was really mind blowing, seeing that there's a lot of other great content creators here on Tumblr. Yet, the 300+ people who stumbled upon my blog still decided to follow me.
I was really happy to have made many contents that I'm actually proud of posting. And I still can't believe there are people out there who love them. Seeing every one of your comments and reblogs and likes really, really, squeezed my heart and I couldn't be more thankful for your support.
And during these fun times, I was able to make friends with many amazing, talented, fantastic and all the good words I could find in the dictionary people on here. You all are a real gift to me and I hold you guys close to my heart.
I still can't believe I was able to befriend you guys though, like, y'all are so amazing and I was just here like squeaking my name to you like a shy mice lmao. =///= Anyways, thank you for all the good and fun times. Thank you for being with me and helping me with lots of things. Just, thank you for everything. (I'm writing this at 1am like it's sad hours yall I'm crying :')))
If you are ever feeling down, do not ever forget that, even if it's only me, I'll support you to the end of the world because you're just so amazing and fantastic. I love you and never let any hate that's thrown at you let you down because they aren't worth your time.
The people I'll be mentioning below are my dear friends or just people that I have been interacting with during the times I was online, little or not, I still consider you guys to be my friends (very self-proclaimed here sorry)and I'm still honoured by that fact.
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@your-local-bnha-writer -Bean, you and your posts are always so wholesome and cute and I love them. Keep being amazing, and we may not interact much, but I still appreciate every little convos we had. Also, wish you luck on tpn, that shit hurted :')
@identifybby -Liaaaa, omg im so v v grateful we became friends. You've helped me with a tons of things and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done to me. You're just so amazing and thank you for always putting up with me, i love you sm.
@minteasketches -Mintea! You're such an amazing artist and I rlly enjoyed our conversations! You might not see this since you're off socmed but just wanna let u know that thank u for being my friends.
@yandere-of-your-dreams -Heyyy sis,, you're always such a sweet bean to me and showering me w love and i appreciate them, stay amazing and I'm sure you'll become an amazing writer.
@shotobabe -Ren, wifey, ilysm thank u for always being with me. You're such an awesome person and keep on being yourself. You're perfect and talented, don't let others tell you otherwise. AND while I'm gone, don't forget to drink lots of water okay? I won't be able to remind you while I'm on a hiatus, but please always remember to drink water. That'd be the first thing I'll ask you once I'm able to be online. And please try to eat more okay bb? I love u.
@takumipineapplexd -Taku! Amazing writer and amazing editor, yes I'm talking about you. You're amazing and keep on making cursed content and being crackhead, i love them.
@bnhabadass -We might not talk much, but I just want to let you know that you're so amazing and I look up to u v much. Literally had a heart attack when u commented on angel wings lmao.
@tomomoni -Mon, love, soft bean, I LOVE U. You've always been so wholesome and cute to every one of your followers and seeing ur interactions literally heals my heart. Your art is amazing so continue being amazing ilysm thank u for being an amazing advisor and listener, I'm v grateful for that. You have no idea how blessed I am to have you as a friend. Meeting you through turn on your airdrop's fanart was F A T E.
@kamabukokompachiro -First time u asked my permission to read my fanfic, I legit teared up. Thank u sm for asking, I couldn't be happier to know that my fic is worthy to be read over for a yt channel. Keep on being amazing and ily.
@kaminii -Kamiiiii, sweet child, you're always so matured and calm and I really adore and respect that part of you (unlike me im v childish and rash) You're an amazing writer and editor and ur aesthetic? 100/10. Love it. You're so talented despite being so young and I'm just, WOW. Ily and thank u for being friends w me. And please fix your sleeping schedule bb. It's rlly not good for your health, like please? Ily.
@katsucutie -I love you and your writing so v much, and I rlly enjoyed talking to you, discussing about Burn Book was rlly fun. I might not be able to know the ending since im gonna go on a hiatus but I'll be sure to catch up to it once im back. Keep being amazing and awesome.
@isolshi -CHERIE, I LOVE YOU AND YOU'RE AMAZING. Don't be so insecure about your writing. They're amazing. And you're also one of the sweetest and cute person I've met here. I always love teasing you cause your reaction is always so funny and cute. Keep being awesome. And please, please, please get enough sleep and drink LOTS of water. I legit would cry if you don't drink more water cher.
@mirakeul -BIANCAAAAA LOVE YOU'RE SO AMAZING AND SWEET LiKE--- please, I love talking to you and thank you so much for always reminding me to eat. Your calligraphy and handwriting are awesome, shshh i don't take criticism. Never stop writing, I love them. And please never forget I love you and you're my best friend okay?
@roxybefab -You've always been the first to ask me to be on my taglist and I'm so v happy because of that. Thank you for everything, and keep on being awesome. You can do this, ily.
@princessofdawn718 -Talking to you about Hamefura has been so fun! I haven't talked w many ppl about isekai so im rlly glad I could talk about them w you. Katarina x nicol ftw! Thanks for talking to me, it was such a pleasure rlly.
@softkodzuken -Maam your writing is A M A Z I N G. I love anon sm and you're rlly so sweet for always replying to every single comment on them. Don't be so insecure about them, they're amazing and i will always stand by that point. Wishing you the best of luck for Undercover!
@lolitsleia -Your art is *chef's kiss* i love them so much, I still can't believe you hadn't had more recognition like why?? Ur oc alex is the cutest thing ever and i love her. Thank you again for drawing Yuki. She looked really beautiful and cute in your drawing.
@samanthaa-leanne -We may not talk much, but when you first followed me back, my heart goes B O O M. You're so amazing and keep being like that. And uh,, good luck with Violet Evergarden if you ever plan to watch it. Prepare a couple of tissue boxes....or dozens.
@miyumtwins -Fellow android users! I first saw you through Bean's post about a tag game and i was like *gasp* another androiders..! I swear that one time i was interacting w you, I didn't actually meant to go off anon,, yes im dumb lmao. Anyways, you're rlly amazing and I'm rlly honoured to be followed by you.
@kawasuno -Your smau? 100/10. Your sense of humour 100/10. They're just so perfect *chef's kiss* I love every one of your updates and they always managed to put a smile on my face, i was like, how did you do that? My sense of humour is nonexistant, teach me your ways sensei. But anyways, you're rlly amazing and awesome. Keep up w that.
@kukusbabe -Tsu, I've never said this, but it's you. It's always been you all along. What i mean is, I've followed you first (i knew u through zara's flopping server yeah!) And when i looked at my dash and saw all your interactions w your moots, despite me haven't legally started haikyuu yet, i decided to follow all of them, soooo if it's not for you, we may not have met each other. Everyone in the kita family, Tsu is the MVP here muah. Also your aesthethic and writing and everything is so kajsjhendnd amazing i LOvE---
@iwaixiumi -King Nami, you're so awesome and amazing,, and I'm really glad to be able to interact w you. All those songs you recommend? Yeah, I'm going to listen and love all of them, thank u so much for the recs. Keep being amazing and to everyone reading this, PLEASE INTERACT WITH KING NAMI MORE SHE DOESN'T BITE---
@shoutodoki -Hello, you're so amazing and talented and im just,,, kekkdjfjdj when you followed me--- and when u figured out i was the anon talking about oboro i was OAKSJEJDDJ please, i was so honoured u know, like ???? Anyways, keep on writing what you love and your art maam? THEY'RE AMAZING LIKE BOTH YOUR ART AND WRITING IS SO KAJSJDJDN pliS im so v honoured to be able to talk to you.
@lisarillia -Please excuse me while I go shout in the corner of how much i LOVE your arts. They're amazing and being able to talk to you was a real pleasure. Keep on doing what you love. They'll be amazing no matter what i swear.
@cutiedrawsbnha -Cutie, honey, you're amazing and your art is so cute! Don't let what haters said get to you. You're going to grow into an amazing artist. If you give in and listen to what they said, you're going to end up like what they said so ignore them honey! I believe in you so keep shipping izuocha, todomomo, and kamijirou and making arts. Lotsa love!
@lilikags -Heeyyyy you sweet cute innocent bean! Don't ever stop writing what you love, you'll grow into a big blog soon enough, before you know it. Just keep making what you love, and as time pass by, I'm sure there will be many people who will find appreciate everything you do. I'm always supporting you.
@baeshijima -SOPHHHHH YOU SWEET CUTE CINNAMON ROLL WAKATOSHI'S WIFE EYE--- You have NO idea how much i love you,, you're so sweet and I honestly don't know what did i do to deserve you. Srsly you're a blessing to me. Thank you for the sweet daily reminder in my inbox, i love each and every one of them. Keep being so cute and wholesome, love you.
@shinsuque -ANAAAAA Thanks again for the Bakugou's memes! I may not be able to do it before i go on a hiatus though *sobbing* Keep being so awesome! I love seeing all your interactions and you're so amazing i honestly don't know why you followed me----
@semiluvr -LYDIA *SOBBING* THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR INVITING ME TO THE KITA FAMILY. Even though we've known each other in less than a week, it already felt like I had known you guys for so long like whotttt. Keep being an amazing and sweet person ily muah
@dumbass-lev -MOMMY, MUI, ILY THANK U FOR ALWAYS BEING SO SWEET YOU'RE AMAZING,,, u have no idea how happy (and also flustered) I am when i saw you asking you want to adopt me like,,, whot I've never been asked to be adopted online b4 so you asking that was a big surprise to me and just,,, remember that i love you and you're an amazing mommy. Hope i wasn't too much too handle as your child lol and thank u, for asking to invite me to the server. It has been a real pleasure to me to be there.
@pudding-head-kenma -DANIE!! We haven't talked much and I've only known you for a short time but I really love your detailed analysis. They're amazing and you're amazing. Thank you for being so sweet and cute. Ily.
@/🦋 nonoi -🦋 NONOIIII!!! IF YOU'RE SEEING THIS, I JUST WANNA TELL YOU THANK YOU FOR BEING MY EMOJI ANON! I love you you're so sweet and bb please please please don't forget me id cry,,,
@astereim -Rein!!! I know we just talked and all but you seem to be a reaally cool and amazing person,, we might not be able to interact much since I need to go prepare things b4 i go on my hiatus though, but just wanna let u know that ily!
@tokoyamis-luv -please don't come for my neck i haven't been active on the server Lol but anyways, zara, you're amazing and your simping for Kurapika is always fun to watxh. Also all the lin manuel edits are *chef's kiss* we may not talk much but i was rlly honoured to be able to interact w you, even a little bit.
@engel-hageshii - YOU, MAAM are a literal angel, and your comments on my fics always managed to make me smile so much. I love you, please never stop being such a sweetheart.
@laylahoran -I've always loved and appreciate every comments you make. I'm v happy I was able to create a content that you can love. You and engel has been some of my firsts followers and I'm really blessed to have you two.
@oyasenpai -Diemmy! You're so sweet and cute and seeing your interaction w my moots (kami) was what made me follow you. Don't let what others said bring you down, okay? Just do what you want because there're always many people supporting you for it.
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Special message to the kita family server;
Meanwhile while you guys were talking about me there, I was just innocently scrolling through Tumblr, not knowing what kind of fate I'll be receiving 👁👄👁 No wonder I was sneezing so much 🤧🤧🤧
So, I was just scrolling through the pinned messages and I saw tsu said "mui: can we invite hikari? Everyone here: kakskejdjdjdn" and i was just like,,, ??????? I wasn't expecting u guys to have that kind of reaction i--- yall have no idea how much i was grinning while I scroll through those messages. Thank you so much for inviting and accepting me, it's really fun to be with you guys and your crackhead energy 🥰🥰 Thank you to mui for suggesting you had no idea I was really really happy. 😭 Y'all are so amazing and sweet and cute and beautiful kakjdjdd
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To all of my dear friends that I've mentioned above, I LOVE YOU LOTS YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GRATEFUL I AM TO MET YOU GUYS. Quarantine time has been stressful for a lot of people, and Tumblr can sometimes (a lot of times) be kinda whack but I was really happy to met you guys during my time here. Our time together may have been short, but i feel like we've known each other for more than a year, no caps. I love you all very very much. Thank you for talking to me and befriending me. Remember to get enough sleep, drink lots of water, stay safe and healthy, eat enough meals and, take care of yourself. I love you guys.
And lastly, to everyone reading this, whether i know you or not, or interacted with you or not, or follow you or not, or you follow me or not, just REMEMBER that you are worth it and I love you. Keep on being awesome, and always remember to smile, laugh and live. Don't forget to always DRINK LOTS OF WATER, GET ENOUGH SLEEP, and EAT ENOUGH MEALS.
Signing off,
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
For more Mood Boards and AUs, click here!
Yes!!!!! Fun story, I did this one once, but I didn’t like it at all, so I’m redoing it now and I’m stoked!
The Office AU
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Jack Kelly — Jim Halpert
Katherine Plumber — Pam Beesley
Spot Conlon — Dwight Schrute
Racetrack Higgins — Angela Martin
Albert DaSilva — Andy Bernard
Morris Delancey — Ryan Howard
Henry — Kelly Kapoor
Hannah — Meredith Palmer
Medda Larkin — Phyllis Vance
William Hearst — Stanley Hudson
Oscar Delancey — Oscar Martinez
Darcy — Toby Flenderson
Obadiah Weisel — Creed Bratton
Specs — Darrel Philbin
Crutchie Morris — Erin Hannon
Todd Kloppman— Michael Scott
Okay so…
Jack Kelly
A salesman at a local paper company, a job he originally sees himself as getting out of fairly quickly despite sticking around for ten years.
He’s a talented, but insecure artist, longing to go to school for art and eventually make a living off of his work
Growing up, Jack has two older brothers who are difficult to get along with as they both were jocks and loved to pick on him
Also growing up, Jack had an abusive father and a mother who walked out on him at a very young age.
Upon beginning to work at Dunder Mifflin, Jack finds himself falling for the quiet receptionist
Finding out that said receptionist is and has been engaged, he starts on the hardest waiting period of his life
Jack is the prankster of the office, choosing mostly to blow off his actual work and mess with his desk mate Sean whom he calls “Spot” just to mess with him more
This catches on until the whole office calls Sean “Spot”
Jack often gets bored as he claims that he hates his job and is looking for ways around actually doing it, especially in the beginning
He’s a huge baseball fan, though he admits he wasn’t a huge fan of playing sports even though he was on several teams in high school, as he wanted to be able to match his brothers’ accomplishments.
His sarcasm is a sort of escape from the world around him.
Does not like costumes very much
Everybody loves Jack except for Spot, who is convinced that Jack is his worst nemesis.
It takes Jack a long time to admit his feelings for Katherine, the receptionist he’s fallen in love with, and when he does, he is overall rejected, prompting him to request a job transfer
Eventually moving on, Jack ends up dating one Davey Jacobs from another branch of the company before that branch is closed and he’s moved back
He’d always been scared about being openly bisexual, but he liked Davey
Eventually, he realizes that despite liking Davey, he’s still very much in love with Katherine and breaks up with the other man, asking Katherine out on a date.
Davey eventually becomes his best friend
After asking Katherine out finally, the two end up staying together and getting married
Jack proposes at a gas station in the rain when he eventually goes away to art school for three months
Together, Jack and Katherine have two kids.
They find out they’re pregnant on accident before they are married
He often lives spontaneously, never running anything by anyone and hoping for the best
Eventually becomes one of the most trusted people within the company
Is forever devoted to Katherine
His father dies before his wedding and Jack can’t bring himself to cry and, when faced with going back into his childhood home, finds he can’t do it
Becomes protective of his friends, including his coworkers (especially Crutchie once he begins working there)
Is attacked at one point by Katherine’s ex-fiancé
Is very soft and romantic
Is often teased for being bi, especially by the “traditionalists” in his office who claim he practically has slept with everyone in the office
Brushing things off fairly easily, again using sarcasm and jokes to mask his feelings
Is slightly protective of Henry who is very young and naive and continuously goes back to a relationship that is toxic for him
Finds humor in any situation he can.
Genuinely likes to make people happy and will do a lot to make that happen
Katherine Plumber
Is shy and quiet when she starts working at Dunder Mifflin
Is often referred to as boring and solemn
Is in an endless, slightly abusive relationship that she’s convinced is meant to be for eight years, ever since high school.
Grows up as an only child with well off “normal” parents who end up divorcing each other when she and Jack are engaged
Is the “hottie” of the office and is one of the few women who work there, the youngest actually
Jack often has to subtly get people to stop harassing her
She enjoys writing and even has her own blog and publishes her own journals online. Jack reads every single one of them
Is very close with her mother and has a strained relationship with her father who does not like Jack and likes her previous fiancé better
Katherine is very meek and shy towards the beginning of her career, but often gravitated towards Jack because he brought out the humorous, adventurous side of her
Had been dating the same man since her freshman year of high school, despite him bringing his brother on their first date and abandoning her at a basketball game having forgotten about her.
Despite being engaged for three years, she often jokes that there’s no end in sight
Tries to convince herself that Jack is like her brother in the beginning to deny her own feelings for him
Jack teaches her how to fight, telling her that she’s a woman who often walks alone in New York City and she needs to have some training on her side
She comes from a rich family who she denies funds from in an attempt to be independent.
After Jack admits his feelings for her, she lets him kiss her, resulting in her calling off her wedding without explanation
Losing touch with Jack for a long few months, Katherine finds herself wanting to be more assertive, saying what she wants and making sure she gets it
Realizing she’s in love with Jack after seeing and accidentally picking up a call from him over the months he was gone, she embarks on a waiting period similar to Jack’s as Jack is in a relationship with Davey and she fears it will never end
Davey and her actually end up becoming pretty good friends, and after Jack and Davey break up, he becomes a sort of confidant and best friend to the both of them. After a while, obviously. David’s not too happy with Kath after Jack breaks up with him
During Jack’s relationship with David, Katherine ends up going back to her ex, lasting for a while before she wants to be honest with him.
She tells him about Jack’s kiss resulting in him having a hissy fit and starting a bar fight and later attacking Jack at their workplace.
Jack and Katherine start to grow closer again after this
Once they start dating, Katherine starts to break through her shell
When Jack goes away to art school she’s disappointed he didn’t propose to her but ends up accepting his proposal when meeting him halfway
She finds out she’s pregnant after twisting her ankle playing volleyball, which she’s rather good at, at a company picnic before the wedding
Jack and her run away from their own wedding when things go wrong and get married on a boat before having the wedding they planned
While going into labor, Katherine admits she’s terrified and sees herself as unfit to be a mother before Jack promises her that they’re in this together
She has two children with Jack
Her and Race have a strained relationship despite the fact that they both constantly try to be friends
While she often helps Jack on his pranks with Spot, she is kind to Spot and is one of the only people who knows about his secret relationship from the start
When Jack starts a business that takes off in Santa Fe, she and him begin to fight but eventually get over their single rough patch and end up drawing closer together
She stands up for herself and her family above all else
Spot Conlon
Is a born and raised traditionalist according to everyone else
Lives on a beat farm
Believes that there are strict rules for men and women that should be followed as he’s basically been brainwashed since he was born
Is in an on again off again relationship with a man, which he is at first ashamed of, as men were not supposed to sleep with other men
Is a purple belt in karate
Is the highest ranking salesman at Dunder Mifflin
Believes his biggest nemesis to be Jack who is constantly trying to prank him in various ways, ranging from simple and childish to well thought out and expertly orchestrated
Main goal in life is to become the manager at Dunder Mifflin despite being loyal to the current manager who’s not quite as big an idiot as Michael Scott is
Is named Assistant Regional Manager but if often referred to as Assistant to the Regional Manager
Volunteer Sheriff’s deputy for a while
Wants to be the leader of his workplace but would also do what needs to be done in order to protect his coworkers at any cost (ex: saving Jack from getting beaten to a pulp by Kath’s ex)
Is an expert paintball player
Falls in love with the head of accounting (his on again off again relationship) and is actually able to make his partner happy
Had a somewhat abusive and distant father and basically raised himself and his younger cousin Vince
Spot enjoys having control over things, making life a bit harder for the people around him as he enjoys acting as somewhat of a vigilante.
Is in a relationship with the head of accounting, Race, until he murders Race’s cat and is dumped, sending him spiraling into depression
Upon this break, Race starts dating and gets engaged to Albert DaSilva, a salesman who came back with Jack
Towards the end of that engagement, Spot wins Race back in the event of having an affair before both Spot and Albert have enough and walk away
Eventually Spot ends up in a relationship with a friend of Katherine’s named Riddle (@bexlynne’s amazing OC)
Moves from this relationship back to Race after a while and then back again until eventually realizing that Race is the only one for him and running Race off the road to propose to him.
Regards Katherine as his best friend despite her marrying his worst enemy
He loves Katherine’s kids who grow up calling him “uncle Spot” against Jack’s wishes
Learns sign language for his boyfriend
Knows German as he mostly spoke German growing up
Is fairly closed off
Will do anything to protect the people he cares about
Racetrack Higgins
The head of accounting at Dunder Mifflin
Raised in a very religious home for most of his life before being moved around in different foster homes, most of which were bad
Is mostly deaf with one hearing aid that allows him to work normally even though he often shuts the thing off to actually concentrate
Learns sign language from a teacher at his school who wants him to be able to actually communicate in a proper way that he can easily understand.
Is often cold towards people who talk down to him or talk slower so he can try to read their lips
Owns several cats
Head of the party planning committee
Craves validation
Is perceived as homophobic before his romance with Spot Conlon is found out by Katherine
Has a strained relationship with Katherine who he constantly tries to be friends with when he’s in a good mood.
Bottles up his emotions as best he can out of force of habit
Hates people who put their relationships on display as he views it as indecent
Is unapologetic
Is in an on again off again relationship with Spot Conlon who often calls him “Monkey”
After this relationship officially ends for the first time, he is asked out by Albert DaSilva
Accepting this, he finds he’s easily annoyed by Albert but likes how sweet the man can be when he tries
Eventually Race begrudgingly accepts a proposal from him, one that spoils Jack and Kath’s original plan for a proposal
Has an affair with Spot towards the end of the engagement, leaving Spot and Al to fight over him in an old fashioned duel
Jack finds Race crying in the bathroom and looks up the signs to promise he won’t tell anyone
Race connects with the receptionist that takes over for Katherine, as Crutchie also grew up in the foster system, but has a much more positive outlook on life
Race tries to protect him, much like the rest of the office
Later, after Spot’s next relationship, they end up sleeping together again only for Spot to move on eventually
Race is later hit on by a politician who eventually asks for his hand in marriage.
Race agrees, only to later find out that the man was in love with someone else and eventually get dumped and kicked out.
Oscar, whom Race has never truly gotten along with, offers to put Race up while he gets back on his feet, resulting in Race admitting to him that he’s still in love with Spot
When Spot runs him off the road to propose to him, he gets down on one knee and signs to him, making Race cry
Race and Spot adopt a son together and live on Spot’s farm
At the wedding, Jack is Spot’s best man, Katherine is Race’s
Oscar is named their son’s godfather
Race has a really hard life that he refuses to open up about, but he turns out alright in the end
If you’d like to hear about more characters or see any scenes, just let me know!
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(i mightve accidently sent in that last ship too quick sorry) could I have a ship for marvel, pjo and starwars,im very pale,i have short dark black hair, I usually read,write and draw,im usually very reserved and tend to stay in my group of friends but ill eventually try and meet someone new,im pretty shy until ive known someone for a while then im a sarcastic annoying lil gremlin,i also spend a lot of time listening to music,i tend to be the therapist friend of the group and put ppl over me ty!
I ship you with... Steve Rogers!
Steve knows firsthand not to take your shyness for granted. He wasn’t exactly shy growing up, but he had a hard time fitting in- something that again rang true when he woke up in another century. So, Steve is always happy to greet you with a smile and a soft “hello” but he doesn’t push you. He’s good at being friends no matter how close he is to you, anyways. You grow closer over time, bonding over your drawings and artistic skills. He’s happy to offer his opinion on your work, and Steve is overjoyed that he can trust this passion with someone he cares about so much. It’s not a side of him that many people see, and this brings you close together. Steve believes in you and your passions, and he never lets you forget this. He also expands your music tastes wherever he can, having some great retro recommendations. But beyond that, Steve is attracted to your selflessness and loyalty to your friends- these values are the most important to him, and it’s what makes him fall for you, hard. It’s the core of your relationship and the foundation of your love.
I ship you with... Leo Valdez!
Like you, Leo relies on many creative outlets. He appreciates your creativity and passion, and when you’re together, it’s a constant storm of ideas and inventions. A typical day with the two of you is simply, “hey, what do you think about-” as you bounce concepts for your latest creations off of each other. And although Leo’s outward enthusiasm is offputting at first, you quickly find that you share a sense of humor, when you’ve known Leo long enough to open up to him. Pity anyone who finds themselves at the expense of your teasing- when you and Leo team up, nobody else stands a chance. This is also true for anyone who threatens your friends- Leo is loyal to those around him too, and he understands the instinct to put other people first. In addition to this, Leo relies on you to be vulnerable- his humor is his biggest defense, but he knows he can trust you with his insecurities and doubts. You’re there for him, and he’s always there for you too. 
I ship you with... Obi-wan Kenobi!
Obi-wan appreciates your calming presence- at first, because you’re quiet, but then because you’re his greatest confidant. He’s easy to get to know, largely because his companionship isn’t overwhelming, and because he has a scholar’s knowledge of all things art and literature. Obi-wan is an incredible critic and excels at finding- and complimenting- the nuances in your work. He encourages you when you’re frustrated, and he never lets you give up on yourself, gentle and caring and forever seeing the best in you. Then, you surprise each other with a shared sense of humor- both of your sarcastic natures don’t show themselves until after you’ve known each other for a while, and you can bicker (more accurately described as a verbal spar) with each other to no end, much to the chagrin of the people around you. On top of that, Obi-wan relies on your guidance and advice, and he’s very good at giving you the same. It’s rare that you do not consult each other for personal decisions, and rarer still that you do not take each others’ advice. Because you know each other so well and are such great supports to each other, you and Obi-wan are able to build a happy, stable life together.
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Lmaoo you thought. Choose: chanyeol, suho and namjoon 😇
Wow joon you did me dirty, huh???
I cannot! Listed below are how each of them could be, because I cannot explain this simply.
Chanyeol is my ideal type because I am a well-balanced extrovert. I can definitely be the center of attention and enjoy partying or doing all of the social things right beside him, but i also need alone time and chanyeol would balance me out. He can also have chill time, so it would be a nice treat when he just wants to vibe and relax at home with his guitar in our pajamas in bed while i snuggle him. He is passionate about a lot of things, as am I. I feel like we would have a lot of endless conversation with our various interests and would probably do some really fun collabs together on various projects for the laughs! Chanyeol also needs a lot of reassurance and physical attention to be sure he is loved and understood properly. I am very in tune with other peoples needs and also need a lot of physical reassurance in a relationship so I feel like we would compliment each other in this aspect! Neither of us would get annoyed if we were being overly touchy or needy lol. He has a temper and can get his feelings hurt easily. While I am guilty of being the instigator because I'm honest- I am also good at owning my faults and our fights would end up in playful banter or otherwise... makeup/forgiveness activities... heh. He also laughs easily and I do too. Someone who understands the same type of humor as me is always a really good feeling. I always compare Chanyeol to the everlasting excitement of Summer.
Junmyeon is my ideal type because I can see myself growing old with him. He is the introverted type but still happily attends the outings with the gang. Since I'm balanced, I could easily adapt to this and enjoy the time at home as well as out and about in crowds at parties or just with us at museums and galleries. I also love art like he does, and as an artist, I could easily and happily go out to visit them as frequently as he would like! His dad jokes are things I actually laugh at, and he'd probably like that. His quiet comforts are perfect to sit back and take it in when I get lost on a tangent talking about something. But he is easy to keep conversation as well. I feel like he is the type to not be clingy, but he is observant and considerate so I think he would easily be able to tell when im feeling needy for physical reassurance without having to ask for it, and would be considerate enough of me to ask why I'm not feeling particularly relaxed. His ease of conversation would make it easier for me to open up about my feelings and needs, too. Junmyeon is very very good at taking care of others well, and himself. He would be good motivation for me to take better care of myself, and I don't mind making a home so I don't mind picking up after him sometimes (but not constantly, that is just laziness!). His genuine appreciation of gifts would compliment me well because I think we are both the considerate and thoughtful type. We also love fashion adskfhshjsjkkk. I often compare Junmyeon to the comforts of Autumn.
Namjoon is my ideal type because of his freedoms. That sounds strange but I mean it- when there are no schedules and he is free to dress how he likes and go where he likes and has time for thoughts how he likes, those things. His awkward tendencies are extremely endearing to me and his struggle with self love is something in understand well and I feel like two people who struggle with it but believe in it for others are best to help build each other up constantly, so we would work well in that sense. I often have thoughts too big for my own comprehension so I think we would have a lot of deep and philosophical conversations, bouncing theories and everything off of one another and constantly challenging the normal. He loves nature and plants as much as I do let's be real here we would be the plant people. Namjoon is the type more like Junmyeon- he is happy to go out and about but if he has a say it is more to galleries or on hikes and I like that kind of quiet date out somewhere, too! He spends a lot of time in his studio and although i would miss him i could just as happily set myself up on his couch and draw or write while he works in Rkive. He is also known to ask for opinions on his lyrics or music and i am always happy to give honest reviews of things and help anyone with anything so i think he woud appreciate a woman's honest perspective on it.. I often compare Namjoon to the refreshing feeling of Spring.
There are TONS of reasons all 3 could be my ideal type, but these will have to suffice for now! I hope that clarifies for you but that was so DIFFICULT I CANNOT CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM!!!!!🥺😭😫😖🤧
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rcsefleur-blog · 5 years
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hi all !! this is an introduction to my freshest muse and newest baby yeo eunchan otherwise and more commonly known as ‘chan’, he’s a sweetheart but of course because its me and i can’t resist giving my muses slight torture, he’s a tormented sweetheart. if you look at his pinterest here you’ll get an idea of his style better since that’s pretty essential to him as a muse in this case hshd. below the cut you can find out a bit more about him and if you hit the like, i’ll be sure to throw him at you for plots !! lets get into it: 
chan’s childhood wasn’t particularly dark or strained. he is by far the least tragic out of all my muses. but for me, that’s still pretty tragic by mosts standards. growing up he always had a very supportive father in regard to his homosexuality and androgynous qualities. he grew up in a happy home and despite not being rich he was very fortunate to have rich opportunities come his way. to be fair he’s pretty easily pleased but most of his experiences thus far have been plentiful
perhaps that is why his luck has to run out somewhere down the line, in the worst way it possibly could. his mother passed when he was young due to cancer. it was a grave and difficult time for his father as well as the rest of the family. his father crumbled eventually, in the hospital with health issues now that are so severe he’s due to pass any day and is basically in a vegetative state already. chan was left to raise his five year old sister nari and take on the responsibility. 
for this reason, he could be considered a struggling single father as he’s pushing his own dreams and goals aside to accomodate for nari and make sure she has the best upbringing which is comfortable for her, where she can see chan as a father figure as well as an older brother now, who can be relied upon and responsible. balancing the line and the roles between brother and father isn’t always easy though when the lines are constantly blurred. he has sacrificed most of himself and his youth to keep nari happy and healthy and mostly untouched by the death of their parents. 
this hasn’t been easy though, it’s left chan isolated and with no one to speak to but the five year old girl a lot of his feelings get locked in a box and left unexplored, he cannot have a moment of hesitation or weakness because then that will affect nari. his mourning process and grieving has been put on a backline, and he only really allows himself to break down in quiet moments without nari. such as when walking through the forest to be with nature, visiting their graves or on the edge of his bed having a good cry when nari is fast asleep due to the feeling of living in the empty space where his parents used to fill it all up. 
chan is a makeup artist, he does it professionally for models and artists all throughout the industry but he also does it for fun, becoming pretty popular as a person who gives tutorials on youtube and instagram as an ‘influencer’ but he really hates that label and prefers to simply think of himself as an artist. he also does the bit of fashion blogging and photography on the side. 
he considers himself an adventurer and for that reason he also travels a lot, usually while he is there he’ll study as he does photography for a course as well as a part time student and his main interest is in ancient architecture and art. most of the time he’ll roadtrip in his styled up vintage pick up but occasionally its flights to more beachy area’s, his two favorite places are greece and italy and he spends most of his time in those places if he can.
chan has a very vintage sense of style and he enjoys doing most things the traditional and old school way. although he does add a modern mindset to a lot of it. aesthetically style wise envision chan as fingers full of plenty of rings, ankle bracelets and arm cuffs with loose puffy sleeved shirts and ripped up mom jeans or high waisted ones. he cycles mostly everywhere on his vintage style bike. 
very much a gentle soul, little bit of a nerd and activist in the sense he wants to save the earth. he can be really intense about learning about nature and how to preserve it. he has always felt the most in touch with the natural world compared to the hum and chaos of the modern world and city life. he’s no saint of course and he’s still a sucker for coffee but other than that he likes to think he does his best. 
paints and draws very amazingly likewise, he prefers to draw flowers and people the most but he’ll work with whatever he’s got on hand. usually you can only catch him whipping out a sketchbook if he’s feeling stressed or overwhelmed as a form of escapism and quiet time. 
he is a little bit of a quixotic type so sue him, like one of the ‘have you ever fallen in love’ 'five times a day’ types but it’s not obsessive, it’s more of an admiration he considers all people beautiful and worthy of love in their own way and would state most of them are art to him. you could be the worst person and he’d be all ’ you dont have all the facts’ 'which are?’ 'i love them’.
although he doesn’t identify as genderfluid, he has a very genderfluid and androgynous sense of fashion and often wears clothing and makeup typically labelled as being more feminine. he likes a soft and classy look that usually consists of a good lip tint or ultra glossy lip and a natural but glittery smokey eye look. think kinda like the instagram influencer ivanbaaaaah for reference. 
growing up chan struggled with religion a lot, he and his family are very religious but his sexuality caused some issues. his father had always been supportive but his mother was a different story, unfortunately his memories with her aren’t the fondest. though he has a very dark history with religion, he loves to be in churches that are empty or abandoned for moments of reflection. often he wonders if he doesn’t even have god as the one consistent and reliable thing in his life, then what the hell does he have. he feels even now sometimes that he’s letting god and his mother down for the way he is but there is less shame now than what he suffered when younger. 
everything in his life basically revolves around nari, she goes most places with him and any task he’ll find a way to make fun for her, he doesn’t spoil her but he also doesn’t ever leave her to go without even if that is at his expense to do so. they love to bake together and he does that pretty often. 
has a part time job as a barista on night shifts and also in a patisserie. he works from home on his influencer content again to accommodate for nari and he also takes his course in photography and media online to best suit nari so he doesn’t have to leave her with a babysitter too often as he believes that’s no childhood and him just being lazy in his duty towards her as her parental figure at this pivotal time in her life. 
he’s putting off most of his dreams and aspirations right now for until nari is older, he could’ve been much more famous as an influencer but he chose not to be and put those opportunities to broaden his career on hold for a while because having a famous sibling in her life wasn’t the kind of overwhelming attention and pressure nari needed to be surrounded with right now. 
he honestly just wants to make sure nari grows up feeling safe, comfortable and happy as well as confident in herself and chan. she’s his primary responsibility and he considers himself her closest bet to a father now so he wants her to feel she has that bond with him as well as the bond of him being her brother. 
a babysitter plot would be great, someone who he can rely on and uses often to leave nari with when he has no other choice and particularly on nights when he has to work. ideally it would be someone nari felt very close to and idolized so he knew they had an amazing relationship and she’d be happy and relaxed when he was gone. he’s very over protective of her so he’d also have to feel pretty close to the person. it could go any way really, it could be a pining thing, a best friend thing, whatever honestly. 
this boy definitely needs a confidant so throw that at me any day. 
friends who can help him reconnect with religion and spirituality in different ways so he knows there’s always a way for him to feel tied to god somehow and a god who loves him and best suits his needs somewhere even if it isn’t necessarily in the religion he grew up with. 
work buddies at the cafe he works in or patisserie would be amazing too. 
maybe a tutor/study buddy kinda person he met online through doing his course of media and photography to make sure he was making up for the classes he was missing out on by not being able to attend day lectures in college. 
just people with the similar hobby of photography would also be awesome or models even that he can do a couple of freelance jobs for on the side when they need him. 
muses for him to draw they’d be very special people indeed bc chan will rarely whip his sketchbook out in front of anyone let alone ask to draw them. 
more single parent muses would also be awesome eventually or older siblings who kind of take on that role half the time so have some idea of what its like who he could meet through taking nari to things like nursery, etc. 
neighbor bc who doesn’t love a good single dad and his neighbor plot  who’s all like woah that guy is super young and he has a kid but im also sure there’s no woman on the scene and wow they’re noisy and its kinda infuriating but its also cute as hell cause he’s a hella good dad and in the mornings i can hear them baking and doing food fights or playing together and i often see them messing about coming back from grocery shopping etc and actually its kinda touching?? 
gay pals cause we love gay pals as well as ur everyday pals we love a platonic bond between fellow gays. 
love interests of any kind rlly, pining situations, crushing, flings, ex’s ( they’d have had to have ended on good terms tho bc chan just can’t hate anyone ), first times e.g. sexually, boyfriend, kiss u get the idea 
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bensbuttercup · 6 years
After Hours (B.H.)
Summary: A noisy neighbor and a knock on a door may have Cameron biting off more than she can chew
Word Count: 7,816
Authors note: This may be a little piggy back off of Claire’s Office Hours and you should all go read it because it’s absolutely beautiful.
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Cameron sighed as she set her mug of coffee down on the nightstand next to her bed, the now empty mug taunting her. She thought about walking to the kitchen to brew yet another cup but she deemed the time and effort it would take not worth the caffeine boost she would get. She pulled her caramel brown hair into a messy ponytail on top of her head before wrapping the rubber band that was once around her wrist around the messy mass of hair she had grasped in her right hand.
Midterms were quickly approaching and Cameron knew she should take her free Friday night to work on the essays she needed to complete before her tests. Her playlist for the night consisted of a mix of her favorite artists from when she was younger that she still held on to, a mix of Shawn Mendes and the boys’ One Direction solo hits had been on a continuous loop for hours now. 
It was nearing midnight and Cameron was putting the finishing touches on the research paper she was writing for her current events class, six hours had added up to fifteen pages of writing and three pages of sources. The almost completed paper was something Cameron was glad she had finished in just a number of hours, a testament to how hard she was working this semester.
After saving her word document a final time Cameron opened Spotify at the bottom of her computer, she saw her History of Rock Playlist under the current one she was listening to, she had a paper for that class also, and she knew she should probably work on it but that class was of little interest to her past the first essay she had written.
Minimizing Spotify Cameron turned back to the countless tabs she had open on the internet, quickly she closed all of them, the feeling giving her an odd sense of satisfaction and pride. Cameron yawned as she slowly slid out of her bed, finally deciding that the cup of coffee to tie her over wasn’t that bad of an idea. She padded into the kitchen of her apartment, two fuzzy socks on her feet, one blue with reindeers and the other pink with wolves on it. The slippery material of her socks easily glided on her tile floors allowing her to not have to lift her feet to move smoothly.
As Cameron waited for her coffee to brew she heard a crackling noise through her wall before loud music began to vibrate the counter she was leaning on. Watching the coffee that was already in the mug ripple to the beat of the rock music that was playing next door Cameron closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. She didn’t know who her neighbor was but she knew they often enjoyed playing seventies and eighties rock at odd hours of the night. Often she could sleep through it but tonight Cameron was shocked when she heard the beat of a bass drum join in. The sound clearly wasn’t coming from the song but from a drum set.
As her keurig spit out the last of her mug of coffee Cameron picked the milk up out of her refrigerator, willing herself to keep calm while she made her coffee. She picked her backpack up from next to the kitchen table and retreated back to her room, her sky blue and black under armor backpack slung over one shoulder, her new mug of coffee in the other hand. Cameron began pulling her textbooks for her international trade laws class out of her bag when the sound of a cymbal from next door made her jump. The small startle caused Cameron to bump into her nightstand, she watched in shock as the full mug of coffee wobbled on the edge before settling flat again, only a few drops of the warm liquid running down the sides of the mug.
Cameron closed her eyes and took a deep breath silently thanking god the mug didn’t fall as she pushed it further back onto the small wooden table. She put her textbooks on the bed before carefully crawling back on to her soft mattress. She settled her brown throw blanket over her lap before pulling her laptop desk back to its place in front of her. She looked over the stickers on her laptop, various cute drawing of animals with funny sayings and stickers from her Hogwarts house covered the metal. She slowly opened the computer up and the sound of Shawn Mendes’ song “Particular Taste” filled her room.
The steady drumming of the bass next door picked up again and the music got even louder, Cameron sighed turning her own speakers up even louder. It seemed like a constant back and forth for half an hour, who’s speakers could be louder, who could cause the most problems for their neighbor.
Cameron knew the battle was pointless, that someone with a drum set in their apartment would be able to cause more havoc and disturbance than someone with a decent stereo set. Around one in the morning Cameron’s trade law essay still sat untouched, the google doc she was using open, the cursor blinking steadily. She noticed it was in time with the bass of the drum next door, and that annoyed her even more.
At one-forty-two Cameron pulled on her ponytail and groaned before pulling a hoodie on over her tank top, if she was going to confront her obnoxious neighbor she could at least be comfortable and covered.
With her feet clad in two mismatched fuzzy socks, her legs barely covered in a pair of blue Hawaiian print sleep shorts and a baseball hoodie from her ex-high school boyfriend covering her torso, Cameron set out on a mission. She quickly walked to the apartment next door and knocked firmly four times, the sound of her fist on the wooden door echoing through the empty hallway. She crossed her arms over he chest, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she heard the speakers noise cut off, the Queen song that was on left hanging in the middle of a line.
“Fucking finally,” Cameron let out a relieved sigh and turned to walk back to her own apartment, assuming her neighbor finally got the idea. Cameron was about to step back on to the tacky red carpet that ran down the middle of the hall when a deep voice from behind her caused her to jump slightly.
“Can I help you?” Cameron paused in the middle of the step she was taking and turned on the ball of her right foot. She went to throw a quick and sharp remark back at the individual who had the audacity to ask if she had a problem when he was the one blasting music at nearly two in the morning.
“Actually-” when Cameron locked eyes with who she thought was an obnoxious stranger who lived next door her breath got caught in her throat. “Hi Ben.” Cameron caught herself saying. Stood in front of Cameron was perhaps one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen.
Ben Hardy, or just Ben, as Cameron knew him, was her TA for her History of Rock Music class and he also led her discussion group. Cameron had never cared much for rock music but it was one of her older brothers favorite styles and with a space left in her schedule for one more elective she decided to take the class as a way to hopefully bond more with her brother.
She never knew though how attractive her TA could actually be until she had walked into class the first day. She was wearing a pair of ripped dark blue jeans and a hoodie from the school softball team she played on and she walked in feeling underdressed as she caught the TA’s eyes. He was wearing a pair of clearly ironed back dress pants with brown shoes and a maroon sweater. Ben was always dressed nice in classes and discussions, his hair tastefully messy on top of his head, and Cameron always felt underdressed in his presence.
However, tonight was different. Now Ben stood in front of her in nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants, the white band of Calvin Klein boxers poking out of the top of them, his happy trail dipping under the fabric along with his v-line. He wasn’t wearing any socks and his hair still looked damp, his bare chest on display in front of her.  Cameron looks down his arms, the veins popping out from between his muscles under his skin, a pair of drumsticks in his right hand, his left leaning on the doorframe.
“Miss Price!” Cameron watched a smile grow on Ben’s face when he realized it was her. Ben knew that Cameron was ogling him, and he wasn’t complaining about it. Cameron watched as Ben looked her up and down slowly, causing her to shift slightly uncomfortably on the balls of her feet. With a yawn he languidly pushed himself off of the doorframe and spoke. “Cat finally got your tongue, Miss Price?” Ben asked.
Cameron went to open her mouth to speak but nothing came out. “It’s- it’s Cameron,” she stumbled over her words, “you can call me Cameron.” She felt her cheeks heating up while Ben’s eyes continued to map her figure out, as if she wasn’t swimming in a hoodie too big for her.
“Well Cameron,” Ben twirled one of his drumsticks between his fingers as Cameron watched mesmerized, “If you want to come in for a drink to make up for me keeping you up so late I wouldn't mind.” Cameron stood in the hallway still, stunned. Ben, her TA, was asking her if she wanted to come into his apartment for a drink, and she was considering it.
Cameron wanted to say no but instead she found herself saying, “I’m not- I’m not old enough? And you didn’t keep me up I was doing work.” She squeezed her eyes shut after she admitted to the fact that she was still only nineteen. Ben would definitely make fun of her now, she should just leave while she still had some of her pride left. Ben laughed deep in his throat and ran a hand through his still damp curls, Cameron watching the way his fingers curled around the ends of his hair.
“As far as I’m concerned you’re legal where I’m from,” Ben shrugged, “and it’s not like I’m going to call the cops on myself for giving alcohol to a minor.” Cameron felt her already prominent blush spread further down  her neck and she was thankful her hoodie covered it.
She watched the way Ben’s biceps flexed as he turned around to walk back into his apartment, the muscles from his shoulders down into his hands rippling as he continued to twirl his drumstick between his nimble fingers.
Cameron shifted from foot to foot as she thought about just how nimble his fingers were, what they could possibly do to her. Besides her high school boyfriend she still kept in touch with and had the occasional hook up while they were both home Cameron was lacking in the experience department. However, she couldn’t help but find her TA attractive.
“If someone doesn’t think he’s attractive then they’re stupid,” Cameron mumbled to herself as she shuffled closer to the entryway of Ben’s apartment.
Ben set his drumsticks down on the counter in the middle of his kitchen and moved to a tall, thin, liquor cabinet he had next to a case of glasses and pulled out a bottle of wine as well as a shorter bottle of another liquor. Ben’s back muscles flexed and pulled under his skin while he had to reach up to pick a wine glass off the top shelf of the cabinet, his muscles relaxing again as he reached for a shorter glass that was directly in front of him.
Wearily Cameron slid her feet slightly closer to the molding that separated her from the threshold of Ben’s apartment and watched as he pulled the cork out of the wine bottle and tilted the glass slightly while the red alcohol flowed into the clear glass. After re-corking the wine bottle and setting it aside Ben opened the other bottle which already had some of the liquid missing and added a small amount into the shorter glass. He lifted the shorter glass to his lips and took a small sip before setting it down again.
After setting the glass down Ben looked over to where Cameron was tapping her foot against the ledge of the slightly raised molding before raising his eyebrows at her. That was the first time Camerin noticed the slit in his right eyebrow, he definitely had a scar there where the hair couldn’t grow anymore, and she wanted to know why. Suddenly Cameron found herself wondering everything about her TA. Hell, she didn’t even know how old he was, all she knew was that he was attractive and was inviting her into his apartment for a drink.
“I’m not gonna kill you y’know?” Ben laughed as he picked his drumsticks up again. “Sorry I’ve already had a drink tonight,” he admitted. “I am nowhere near intoxicated, juse loose.” Cameron nodded slowly, her bottom teeth between her lip as she slowly slid her left foot over the molding and on to the hardwood floor of his apartment. She noticed how his floors were a shade lighter than hers and his carpet was an off white instead of the coffee brown her carpet was. Other than that their apartments seened nearly identical. Soon after realizing she could be just as comfortable in his space as she was in hers Cameron slid her right foot into the apartment also and found herself shuffling in a few feet further.
“You want to close the door?” Ben asked from his seat at his drums, “don’t want anyone to walk in and steal you.” Cameron rolled her eyes at the teasing and reached her right foot back to close the white wooden door, the click of the lock securing itself stirring up a feeling on uncertainty inside of her. “Thanks, love!” Ben added once he knew the door had closed, “oh and the wine’s from a fresh bottle if you want to try it. Something my mum sent me after I got the TA gig.”
“Your mom sent you it?” Cameron felt her smile grow as she walked towards the kitchen, slowly reaching for the glass of wine on the counter. Somehow it was endearing to her that Ben held on to a bottle of wine his mom had sent him in celebration of his new job.
Ben adjusted himself on the stool in front of his drum kit before speaking, “yes she did,” he stepped on the bass pedal twice. “You should feel special that I opened it for you,” he nodded to a beat he had in his head as he airdrummed over the actual ones. Cameron smiled as she lifted the glass to her lips, tilting it and let a small amount of the wine slide into her mouth. She quickly swallowed it while nodding.
“I do feel special,” she moved closer to where Ben sat at his drum kit. She was becoming increasingly comfortable in his space and was thankful she didn’t let her nerves get the best of her this time. “Maybe you can show me something?” She asked quietly looking over to where Ben still sat at his drums, observing her.
“Yeah” he nodded, this time pulling his own bottom lip between his teeth for a moment. “Yes, definitely,” he paused for a moment looking around his apartment, “maybe go set your drink down and come back?” Cameron easily complied and quickly made her way back over to the kitchen, setting her wine down on the counter a few feet from where she had picked it up. Just when she was about to turn around to walk back over to Ben a stack of sheet music caught her eye, the words ‘My Blood’ were poking out from under a few other papers.
Carefully, Cameron moved the papers above the sheet music aside to see the full title, ‘In     My Blood’. She smirked with her newfound information before happily walking back to Ben in the middle of the living room. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. “So,” she said quietly watching as Ben dropped his arms to rest on his thighs when she walked back in, “what do you want to -- teach me?” The last two words came out slightly more suggestive than Cameron intended them to and she bit her tongue hoping he wouldn’t comment on it.
Ben sat up straighter and nodded looking up at the girl who was standing in front of him, “oh teach you,” he cleared his throat, “right.” Ben looked around the room for a moment, obviously thinking about something but Cameron wasn’t quite sure what he was looking for. Suddenly he held up a finger as he stood up and walked over to a closet in the corner of the living room. He opened the door and wheeled another drum stool out and guided it with his foot over behind the other.
“I use that closet for all my extra blankets and seasonal clothes,” Cameron mumbled as she wondered what else Ben had in there. It was also odd to her that their apartments were nearly identical yet they both led such different lives in the two spaces.
“I have towels and blankets in there also,” he commented after hearing her, “it just happens to be the easiest  place to keep my extra stools.” He reached forward and patted the leather of the stool he was originally sitting on, “you gonna come over or-” he trailed off at the end.  
“Oh right!” Cameron laughed as she walked over towards Ben. He was so close to the stool in front of him that she had to pick one leg up and move it over the stool before almost straddling the seat trying to get comfortable. “What’s next?” She hummed in question.
Cameron felt Ben lean in closer to her and her breath hitched when he spoke lowly next to her ear, “want a pair of drumsticks? Or do you want me to show you how it’s done first?”
“Maybe - maybe you could play something simple?” She asked trying to focus on the drums in front of her and not the beautiful being who was sitting behind her.
“Simple,” Ben spoke lowly behind Cameron as he shifted so his legs were spread slightly open, his knees on either side of her waist, “I can do simple.” He shifted slightly so his foot could comfortably reach the pedal to the bass drum on the floor, his knee brushing along her thigh in the process. Cameron couldn’t help the involuntary shivers that climbed up her spine at the slight touch.
“You okay?” He asked her quietly before he started pressing his foot down steadily on the pdeal, beginning to keep time.
“Mhum,” Cameron mumbled as she drew her bottom lip between her teeth again, a nervous habit. Ben nodded, satisfied with the response before he snaked his hands around either side of her, a stick in each hand as he began to tap out a simple rhythm on his drum kit. She intently watched each flick of his wrist as his foot still kept a steady beat on the bass, truly mesmerized by the amount of focus and control it must take to do that many things at once.   
She was shocked when she felt his chin come to rest on her shoulder a few seconds later, but she kept her eyes focused on his hands, trying to distract herself from just how close he was to her. She could feel the heat of his body radiating through her hoodie and she wanted to sink back into him and be completely enveloped in his warmth. “You see how I’m just keeping the time with each of my hands?” Ben asked knowing she was still watching his movements. Cameron just nodded, not feeling the need to speak in the moment.
“That’s all you have to do, nothing too crazy, just simple,” he spoke slowly his voice getting lower and lower with each word, “one, two, three, four.” Ben kept repeating the numbers as he kept his hands steady while he played, not wanting to show Cameron how nervous she was making him. “You want to try?” Ben pulled his arms back and rested one on each of her thighs, the first true skin on skin contact they had.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, willing her heart rate to slow slightly. His skin was so warm against hers and it was a feeling she didn’t want to give up. “I don’t think I’d even be half as good as you,” she mumbled looking down to the drumsticks in his hands. Ben laughed lightly from behind her, the breath he let out ticking her neck slightly.
“It’s not about being good, it’s your first time playing,” he pointed out, bouncing his right hand steadily on her thigh while he spoke, “it’s about learning.” He tapped her left hand with the drum stick, silently telling her to take hold of it. “Good,” he smiled as her hand wrapped around the slim wooden stick, “just hold it firm,” he carefully moved the stick so it was positioned correctly in her hand. “Just let your wrist be flexible, it really is all in the wrists.”
“Gotcha’, all in the wrists,” Cameron noticed how the drumstick was still warm in her hand from where he was holding it just seconds earlier. “Can I have the other?” She asked quietly.
“Nope,” Ben shook his head behind her as his right hand began tapping out the same rhythm he was earlier, “just follow me.” Cameron easily kept up with Ben whose foot was still keeping time with the bass drum. “You’re getting it already!”
“Yeah,” she nodded watching their hands hit the drums in sync, “I am!” It was a small victory for Cameron as she often found learning new things exciting and fulfilling. It was all apart of learning and growing while she was away at college. “Can I try the other?” She spoke with more confidence. In the short time she had been in Ben’s apartment he had done nearly everything to make her comfortable and besides the obvious flirting between the two of them, she couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend the morning hours of a Saturday.
“Well,” Ben hummed craning his neck to look up at her face, “I think first something has to go.” Cameron went to ask what when she felt Ben’s free left hand trail up her thigh and under her hoodie. She accidently let out a surprised squeak when his fingers brushed against the strip of exposed skin between the waistband of her sleep shorts and her tank top, Ben raising an eyebrow and laughing at the noise.
“What was that?” He asked as he pressed his lips against her neck. Any other time Cameron would have assumed the act was meant to be sexual but the obvious smile he had on his lips led her to believe it was meant in a more playful and affectionate manner. “If I wanted to hear a squeak toy I’d ask my mum to send me a video of our dog back home.”
“Your hands are cold!” She argued as he moved her hand over the fabric of her tank top, his fingers pressing gently into her side trying to see if he could get the same reaction out of her again.
“I’m warming them up,” Ben dropped the drumstick in his right hand and it bounced on the floor a few times before settling flat. Cameron was distracted from watching the drumstick when his right hand slipped under her hoodie also, his lips moving steadily against the skin of her neck, “not my fault you’re ticklish.”
Cameron let out a content hum and moved her head to the right allowing Ben more access to her neck. Ben’s hands brushed down her sides to rest firmly on her hips as he let his teeth scrape over the skin of her neck before closing his mouth over where he had just nipped, his tongue soothing the area while he sucked gently.
Cameron couldn’t help but let out a quiet moan at the feeling of his quick and nimble lips on her neck, skillfully dancing around her skin sucking what she assumed would be hickeys into her skin. Surprised by her own moan Cameron’s eyes snapped open and she went to pull away from Ben. However, when she tried to move his hands kept her firmly anchored to the drum stool.
“What’s wrong?” He asked against her skin. Despite her embarrassment Cameron still kept her neck moved slightly to the side, hoping the feeling of Ben’s skin on hers wouldn’t disappear completely. She shook her head sighing out a quiet “nothin’’ as her eyes fluttered shut, the light of the apartment suddenly too harsh for her.
Suddenly Cameron’s eyes snapped open and she straightened her neck out, “actually I want to play more,” she mumbled.
“Yeah?” Ben mumbled as his hands started pulling her hoodie up slowly. “This okay?” His hands stilled, the fabric of her hoodie still bunched in his hands as he waited for Cameron’s approval to remove it.
“If it helps,” Cameron swallowed thickly when Ben removed his lips from her neck to pull her hoodie over her head. Her arms lifted and the fabric was easily removed from her body and discarded on the floor next to them. One more soft kiss was left on the back of Cameron's neck before she felt him back away from her completely.
Cameron knew her outfit was quite skimpy and tried not to blush as she felt Ben’s eyes trail from her neck that was now covered in blooming hickeys and down her torso. She had just expected to ask her neighbor to turn their music down so had opted not to put a bra on and her spaghetti strap tank top left little to his imagination. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to get used to the new chill of the apartment as Ben backed away to pick up the drum stick that he had dropped earlier.
He handed her the second stick and she gripped it in her hand, her eyes following his foot as it went back to rest on the pedal of the bass drum. Ben began to keep the same time he had earlier and rested his chin on her now bare shoulder, the warmth of his skin contrasting how cold hers now was. “You wanna just experiment a little bit,” Ben spoke matter of factly, “do what feels natural.”
“What feels natural,” she nodded as her shaking hands started messily tapping along to the rhythm of the bass drum that Ben was tapping out with his foot. After she had played along to the beat for a few seconds Cameron felt his hands come around her front to rest on either one of her knees, she could feel his breath ghosting over the shell of her ear.
“Keep playing,” Ben spoke lowly as his hands began to run up the inside of her thighs. Cameron’s hands stuttered as his fingers keep dragging further and further up her legs, a low chuckle sliding past his lips. Cameron tried her hardest to stay focused, to ignore how gently his fingers were tapping the same rhythm she was supposed to be playing into the soft skin on the inside of her thighs. Despite Ben’s efforts to encourage her to keep playing Cameron found herself dropping one of the drum sticks out of frustration, out of frustration in herself for being so easily affected by him.   
She tried to close her legs around his hands but Ben had other ideas, “you gotta be good,” he mumbled pulling lightly on her earlobe with his teeth. “It’s okay of you can’t keep playing but you have to tell me what you want then,” he added. Cameron let out a shaky sigh as her head fell back and rested on his shoulder, her eyes shutting as his lips started working over her neck again.
“What is it that you want dove?” Ben hummed as he nipped along the side of her throat.
“I- I don’t know,” Cameron replied trying not to get totally lost in the pair of arm lips that were on her neck.
“Oh no,” he laughed against her skin, finally pulling away, “you have to know.” Ben pulled away from Cameron’s nack completely and he reached up to gently pull the rubber band that was holding her ponytail up out. With her hair now free Ben’s fingers began to gently run through the smooth strands, trying to avoid any knots he found.
“I really don’t,” her hazel eyes opened to meet his blue ones, “I’ve only been with one boy,” she made sure to use that word, “and he doesn’t care much about more than just getting off.”
“How old was he?” Ben was genuinely curious how old her ex-lover had to be to not know how to properly please a woman.
“He’s my age, nineteen now,” she easily replied, “we still umm- see each other when we’re both home.” Ben felt his breath catch in his throat realizing with the only other person she had been with was nearly ten years younger than he was. Maybe it was the lack of experience in college that had her ex hitting a roadblock in the pleasure department. He hadn’t properly learned himself until he was with a girl three years older than himself in college.
“I’m twenty-eight,” Ben felt the need to share the information incase Cameron was uncomfortable with being with him due to the age difference they had.
“Don’t look it,” was the response he earned form the girl who was sitting on the stool in front of him. Her head still rested on his shoulder, her eyes again closed as her fingers gently tapped the beat from earlier into his knees.
Ben let out a small laugh, “I’ll hope that was a compliment, but if you are comfortable I wouldn’t mind taking this a little bit further. I could show you how a man is really supposed to treat you.” He watched as her eyes opened again, rolling the same way they did in discussions when he tried to make a joke that wasn’t at all funny. It was her small attitude that had Ben attracted to her in the first place, she was always ready to bite back with a sharp remark and she often said how she felt regardless of how it came across.
“A man?” She asked looking up into his eyes again, “you’re still in school yourself, don’t get too far ahead buddy. Wait,” she paused, “what are you in school for anyway, I wasn’t paying attention the first day.”
“I’m going for my masters in Ethnomusicology,” Cameron’s eyes grew slightly larger upon learning the name of a degree she never knew existed. “Why are you in my class anyway?”
“First off rude,” she leaned up to start kissing down the front of his throat to occupy herself as his hands came back down to run up and down her thighs. “I’m double majoring, Accounting and International Business, and I’m in your class,” Ben let out a low moan when she found a particularly sensitive spot on his neck, “because there’s this bullshit in the curriculum about having to take non-business electives.”
“So you’re saying you were forced to take my class?” He asked while she added a new hickey to his growing collection. “To fulfill your Visual and Performing Arts credit? Like so many other students who don’t care about my class.”
“That’s what I’m saying,” she nodded sitting up and turning in the stool to face him. As she turned around Ben stood up and adjusted the band of his sweats. “Where are you going?” She wondered if she had said something wrong.
“Just to get another sip of my drink,” he replied as he wandered into the kitchen, “relax!” Cameron weighed her options before standing up, following him across the room and to the kitchen. She easily slid on to the tiled kitchen floors and over next to Ben who was finishing his glass off, she picked her glass of wine up and took a small sip before setting it down again.
Just as she set her glass down Ben walked over to her and trapped her between his body and the counter with his arms. Cameron let both of her hands come up to rest on his triceps and squeezed gently while tipping her chin up to brush her nose along Ben’s cheekbone. She saw him take a deep breath in and smiled, kissing his cheek. “You nervous or something, Mr. Hardy?” she teased with the name some of the students would often use.
“Y’know I hate that,” he replied before turning his head slightly to the side. She felt his breath brush over her lips and closed her eyes, waiting, hoping. Cameron was grateful he had taken the hint when she felt his soft lips cover hers. She didn’t immediately kiss him back but instead took a moment to learn which way he tilted his head and if he wanted to take the lead or not. Once he urged her to join in with a small pull on her bottom lip Cameron found herself moving a hand from his tricep up to cup his jaw.
“Wow,” Cameron let out a small laugh when she pulled away from him, a blush now coating his face and neck, slowly spreading into his chest also. Ben’s hands found her hips and he started to push her up his counter. Cameron took it as a hint and reached behind her to brace both arms on the countertop helping Ben push her up.
“Thank you, Dove,” he hummed in response placing a gentle kiss on her lips before stepping back. It was then that Cameron looked down and realized that Ben was half hard in his sweats, the outline was very visible. “You gonna let me show you how a lady should be treated now?” He wondered.
Cameron looked down again before looking up to meet his eyes, “but--”
“But nothing,” he cut her off, “it’s a simple yes or no. If you’re uncomfortable we can stop here and I’ll make like an oven pizza or something.” She couldn’t help but laugh at his offer but shook her head at the same time.
“I want to,” she assured him, “I just don’t want it to be bad?” It came across to Ben as more of a question than an answer. He moved forward again, his hands gently spreading her legs so he could stand between them, flush against the counter.
“It couldn’t be bad,” he reached up to rest his hands under her tank top, his thumbs sliding under the waistband of her pajama shorts. “You don’t have a lot of experience so you’re still learning. I wouldn’t consider that bad though. Here,” he started working her shorts down slowly, giving her time to stop him if she needed. Cameron pushed herself up with her hands so he could finish pulling her shorts down and watched as the blue fabric fell to the floor in front of her. “Ever had someone make you come with just their fingers?”
Cameron took a sharp inhale through her nose at his words, they sounded too natural flowing past his lips but in her mind they should have sounded dirty and vulgar. “Umm-” she hesitated, “my ex once,” she pulled her lip between her teeth, “other than that I’ve never really been able to so--” she didn’t need to finish her answer.
Ben stayed silent as he trailed his fingers up the inside of her thigh closer and close to the edge of her panties. He watched his own hand as it toyed with the elastic of her purple panties with teal flowers, the colors no where near matching her pink tank top or blue pajama shorts. “Ben,” her whispering his name snapped his out of his daze and he leaned in to connect their lips again.
The kiss wasn’t rushed or rough, it was slow and passionate as Ben’s fingers slipped into her panties. His right hand cupping her heat before he slid two fingers between her slick folds. “Fuck,” he mumbled pulling away from her, “you’re soaked already.”
“No shit,” Cameron’s eyes were squeezed shut as she dropped her head to Ben’s shoulder. His index and middle finger gently stroked up and down her heat from her opening to her clit over and over until she was practically shaking under his touch. A few seconds later he slid his index finger inside of her, he had been with enough girls to know how to have Cameron a pile of putty in his arms. He carefully let his finger prod inside of her for a few moments while he trailed his lips down her jawline and to the front of her throat.
He turned his hand to get a better angle and pulled his finger our slightly before bending it a ‘come hither’ motion to find the soft ridged spot inside of her. When he felt a sharp intake of breath enter Cameron’s body followed by a low and long moan he knew he had found what he was looking for. “Can you take another?” he asked against her skin.
“Can I-” Ben brushed his finger along the spot again knowing she was about to give another sarcastic response, “fuck please,” she gasped. Smirking against her skin Ben let his middle finger join his index finger, his thumb coming to rub slow circles on her clit.
“Ben--” Cameron gasped, mouthing along his shoulder, her eyes still shut tight as he felt her clenching around his fingers.
“That’s it,” he coaxed, “you gonna come for me? All over my fingers,” he moved to kiss her forehead. “You can, I got you Dove.” Ben smiled to himself when he felt one of her hands grip on to his free one and he squeezed back gently as his name started to leave her mouth mixed with a string of curses. Ben looked down to watch his fingers slide in and out of her and had to stop for a second, telling himself it was about Cameron right now and that his pleasure could come later.
“Ben, I’m almost there-” she mumbled pulling on the ends of his hair with her free hand. She bit down lightly on his shoulder and Ben smiled to himself knowing it would most likely be bruised in the morning, it would still probably be bruised Monday for class. His thumb on her clit started moving faster at the thought of watching Cameron fidget throughout class Monday, her neck still covered in the hickeys he had left. She would probably wonder if anyone else in the room knew who left them there, if anyone noticed the marks on their TA’s neck and hers and was able to put the two together.
Mixed up in his own thoughts Ben didn’t realize that Cameron was on the edge of her orgasm until she clenched unusually tight around his fingers, “that’s it,” he mumbled kissing her cheek as he heard her let out a series of quiet moans and gasps. “I got you,” he reminded her, he had picked up on the fact that she loved being praised and told she was right in class. Whenever she got an answer right or he or Professor Lee agreed with one of her opinions her face would light up.
“Ben,” she cleared her voice her voice a little hoarse, “stop I’m sensitive,” she added. Ben’s fingers stilled completely inside of her before he carefully pulled them out. He brought them up to his lips and slowly sucked them inside his mouth, his eyes closing at the taste of her. He moaned around his fingers for the effect and pulled them out, wiping them dry on his sweats leaving a wet spot on the gray fabric.
His eyes opened when he felt three fingers gently drag down his stomach and grip on the waistband of his sweatpants, the hand shaking slightly. Ben looked down and saw Cameron’s hand, which was much smaller than his, gripping his sweats right above the string that held them up. “Y’know,” Ben started, “you seem so much more confident in class and discussions, and based on your writing I would say that you were gifted with all the confidence in the universe--” he trailed off.
“But?” Cameron wondered as she looked up into his eyes.
“But,” Ben reached up to cup her jaw, his thumb running over the peak of her cheekbone, “you need to learn how to me more confident in yourself. Where’s that girl I saw the second day of class?”
Cameron raised an eyebrow trying to think back to January, the third day of classes? “The one who had her backpack over one shoulder after class and walked straight down to me and Professor Lee to tell us that she would be doing her album review on Shawn Mendes’ self titled album because he was basically a modern day Frank Sinatra. You held yourself with such confidence.”
“She’s different,” Cameron shrugged as she was now playing with the tie on his sweats. Her fingers were perfectly manicured in a silver sparkle color, pulling at each end of the bow.
“She shouldn’t be,” Ben replied tilting her chin up to connect his lips with hers. He rested his hands on her hips and rubbed gentle circles into the skin there. He wanted her to take the lead on this kiss and hoped she realized that.
She was slow, unsure but started adding more pressure to the kiss once she realized that Ben wasn’t. Soon he felt her hands pull at either end of his sweatpants’ string with a purpose the knot coming undone, the two ends falling from her hands. “I--” she looked up to him.
“You?” Ben asked pulling away from her enough to see her face.
“I want this,” she nervously tugged the band on his sweats lower, “I just want it to feel good for you too, it doesn’t have to be all about me.”
“But what if I want it to?” Ben asked playfully raising an eyebrow as he poked her sides to make her smile. “I like to know that they girl I’m with is enjoying it,” Ben leaned closer to Cameron’s ear, “it kinda turns me on even more.”
“Ew!” She laughed pushing him away from her, but his hands still kept a tight grip on her hips. “Don’t talk like that!” She said referring to the purposely over seductive voice he had just used. Ben smiled as he buried his face in the crook of her neck leaving gentle kisses there as he allowed her to relax in his hold. “Can we,” she trailed off trying to find the words she wanted to use, “can we go to your room maybe? If it’s not too much, I’d just be more comfortable.”
Ben smiled and took Cameron’s hand allowing her to slide off the counter, her still sock clad feet hitting the floor as he led her towards his bedroom.
Once inside Cameron realized it was the same size as hers, with the same furniture and the same bed frame. His walls were covered in family pictures that weren’t organized in any specific way and a brown comforter was on his unmade bed that definitely had too many pillows.
“It’s really soft!” Ben let go of Cameron’s hand and flopped down on the mattress. A loud and over exaggerated ‘oof’ slipping past his lips as his back hit the bed causing her to smile and quickly pad over to the side of the bed he didn’t just flop down on. She sat on the edge and wasn’t sure what to do until Ben reached over and pulled her down into him, her head hitting his chest.
“It is really soft,” she mumbled rubbing her feet together nervously, unsure of what to do now. Hoping he wouldn’t mind if she got comfortable she skillfully pulled her socks off just using her feet and kicked them off the edge of the bed. While she was making sure they had landed on the floor Cameron caught sight of the clock, it was nearly three-thirty in the morning, she hadn’t realized she had already been over that long.
She went to sit up and Ben looked at her confused, “where ‘ya going?” He asked with a long yawn.
“Home,” she replied, a hint of sadness evident in her tone, “it’s late.”
“Exactly!” Ben sat up and wrapped his arms around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder again, just like it had when he was showing her how to play earlier. “It’s late and I can’t let you walk home at this hour,” he turned his face into her neck and smiled into the soft skin there.
“Really?” She sighed reaching a hand back to run it through his now dry hair. Ben nodded into her neck and she allowed her muscles to relax into his hold, she felt him squeeze her gently before  pulling her to lay down with him again.
Without words he allowed her to get comfortable, her leg swinging across his hip as his hand came to curl around her bare thigh. His thumb brushed across the stretch marks on the curve of her ass before she trailed gentle kisses down his jaw. “I never--”
“Another time,” Ben let his eyes close, “I’m too tired and I know you are also. Just stay the night and let me make you breakfast when we get up and then we can talk about going all the way another time.
“Okay,” was the simple response Cameron gave before her hand came to rest on his bare chest, fingers drawing shapes into his skin. Once her fingers stilled and her breathing came slow and even against the skin of his neck Ben pulled the blanket over the two of them and placing a kiss on the top of Cameron’s head, before closing his own eyes. The two falling asleep, limbs tangled around another person for the first time in months.
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fcrvcnt · 5 years
( alex fitzalan, cismale, he/him ) i just saw KIERAN WALSH walking down the street’s of provincetown the other day playing LOST by DERMOT KENNEDY out loud. rumor has it that the TWENTY-TWO year old is +ATTENTIVE, but can also be -DISTRUSTFUL — overall they’re an INTANGIBLE CONCEPT. they remind me of A GENTLE BREEZE RESURRECTING A HOT DAY, STORMY WHITE CAPPED SEAS, SMUGED FINGERPRINTS COVERING WHITE PAPER & RESTLESS NIGHTS .
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hey, hi, hello!!! i’m bronny, i’m 22, i’m from new zealand ( possibly one of the worst timezones to be in but we learn to survive!! ) and i’m so excited about this group and being able to write kieran again  ( with an fc change bc alex?? newest love of my life, who does he think he is ?? ) ?? i’ve been missing writing him and been looking for a place but just haven’t found the right place.....until now!!! enough rambling about me though, lets get onto what you’re here for......
for the first 12 years of kieran’s life, you could say that his life was pretty happy and smooth sailing?? the walsh family were nowhere near rich but they were comfortable middle class. his father was a builder and his mother worked part-time as a kindergarten teacher. his childhood was nothing spectacular but it was full of love and happiness and that was the only thing kieran really cared about?? 
but when kieran was around 13, his life took a turn no one really saw coming. whether it was the stress his father put on himself or it was old demons rearing their ugly head, kieran’s father turned to the bottle to self-medicate the darkness growing inside him.
it started off with small things. kieran’s father overreacting to tiny inconvenience at home and him coming home late at night. raised voices became the usual in the walsh household after that and kieran & amelia would both end up in his room attempting to shut it all out by going over the little cartoon strips kieran would create for amelia - eventually there was enough to make a whole little series.
slowly the walsh family drifted from middle class to lower-middle class thanks to kieran’s father losing his job and his mother retreating into herself.
kieran was 15 when he really took on the role to support amelia & his mother as best he could. kieran couldn’t care less about what happened to his father.
at 15 kieran grew up far quicker than any 15 really should. he got his first job and began trying to keep things at least just scraping by, because if he didn’t there was a real chance that he, amelia and his mother would be kicked out of their family home.
his mother did manage to help him out as best she could but his father’s actions and behaviour was taking a toll on her.
he was hellbent on not allowing amelia & his mother from suffering the full brunt of the storm their father and husband had created.
kieran thought that this would be his life forever. juggling school, work and trying to keep his whole life and family from completely collapsing but one night, one action taken too far that left kieran with a black eye given to him by his father, was all it took for kieran’s mother to kick kieran’s father out.                                                 *********************
kieran was in his last year at high school and 18 when his father left and to say kieran’s upset about not knowing where he went would be a complete lie. seeing the back of him was a blessing because even though their lives had taken a dive and it would take a lot to get back up to where they were, at least he wasn’t in amelia & his mother’s lives anymore.
but before we can go any further, there’s one thing you need to know !!! anything creative had been kieran’s saving grace over the course of his teenage years. drawing, painting, photography, music, creating, it helped settle all the emotions that raced through him, it grounded him when nothing else could and if there was one thing he knows, it’s that his ultimate dream would be to become a concept artist for films both live-action and animation but for all his life that’s just what it feels like it’ll always be—a dream and since college wasn’t exactly something on his radar—mostly because he was damn sure he couldn’t afford it and his grades weren’t good enough to get a scholarship—it felt even more out of reach.
but he wasn’t exactly going to give up on his dream that easily, especially when his younger sister wasn’t going to let him let it go that easily either, so as graduation came and went and everyone started to leave to go to college, kieran walsh stayed in provincetown and started to enrol into online courses for concept art and illustration via the online college of digital art & animation, cg spectrum and as a whole he studied three courses over the course of 3 years.
there are sometimes where he wishes he could have gotten out of provincetown and gone to college—just to experience that #collegelife. but he knows he couldn’t ever bring himself to do that because you see, even though his mother got a new job and started trying to return back to some sense of normal when kieran was 18, kieran can’t bring himself to leave?? the thought of leaving amelia and his mother on their own is too much, he’s terrified of his mother retreating back within herself and leaving amelia to look after herself—he can’t bring himself to leave them after more or less supporting the whole family for almost his whole teenage years. but he knows eventually he’ll have to go out on his own and he is in the process of it!! he’s managed to move out at least into an apartment of his own when he was 20, though it’s not all that far from his family home. but it’s a step.
though he’s still procrastinating on the finding a steady job thing, in the mean time he’s doing a lot of freelance things here and there for adverts, small indie animated videos/short movies, designed a couple things for some big name youtubers and even has helped on the illustrations for some children’s books. but he’s still holding out for his dream to come true.
an actual soft boy!!! loves his little sister & mother more than anything in the world and has literally put his own happiness and life to the side to make sure they’re happy and thriving after the shit they’ve been through. he loves with his whole heart and it’s both a blessing and a curse.
but he’s so use to being the one to take care of everyone else that he’s never stopped to take care of himself?? and to imagine someone caring about him and loving him is something he cannot get his head around??
a very private person. maybe comes across like he’d be a bit of an asshole but he’s actually relatively friendly?? probably that person you think you know everything about but in reality you actually don’t know nothing about them??
he finds it hard to let people get close and finds it hard to trust others??
may have something to do with the fact that he’s terrified of becoming life his father?? but really is far more like his mother, he just has a bit of a hard time showing it??
hasn’t ever really touched alcohol that much and doesn’t intend on doing so any time soon, he terrified of turning into his father!!!!! we love that
a little rough around the edges and takes a while to break down his walls but once you’ve managed to weed your way into his heart you’ll be there forever and he’ll love you with his whole heart.
loves the snackpack with his whole heart, his dumbass energy really comes out strong around them because YOU KNOW he’s a complete idiot underneath that hardish exterior.
proud of his friends that got out of provincetown and went to college, but also a little salty about being left behind — we don’t talk about that though
if anyone would like to plot a little something, my ims are always open, i’m also up for plotting via discord, and i’d love to plot a little something!! i swear i don’t bite so please send me an im if you’re up for something, but honestly if you give this a like i’ll come to you!!
but if you are interested in plotting, i have a plots page with loose ideas here!!
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huangels · 6 years
well, you have me now - jeno
request: Requesting a jeno scenario! Where jeno's the son of a baker's and he works at part-time over there (which is your favoirte bakery) but since you were busy with school you couldn't visit him much so he misses you...?
a/n: ok but this request is so cute but i feel like the scenario i wrote isn’t cute enough im sorry ;(( (ps the scenario isn’t really 2.3k long i just had to be extra and add extra stuff lol)
summary: Having more time on your hands now that it is summer break, you decide to wander around your town. You stumble across a cute little bakery, where you meet Jeno. However, with the start of school, you visit the bakery less and less due to an overload of work, and Jeno misses your company.
genre: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 2.3k
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The weather today is one that feels like a kiss of summer rather than the usual fiery heat of June. The sun is perched high up in the sky, blocked by white fluffy clouds shielding you from the harsh rays. There's a light breeze that carries the ends of your hair, making it casually sway from side to side. You're grateful the day isn't too hot because you would've suffered from the ripped jeans you're wearing now. A gush of wind blows through the holes of your jeans and flutters your plain red t-shirt, it's refreshing.
You walk down the streets of your small town and take in the summer air as you finally have some free time over break. You've never seen much of your town, having to drive to school then right back home to do homework, or stay in school for club meetings.
Small dainty shops are lined up side by side, all serving different purposes ranging from flower shops to hardware stores. You didn't even know your town had many of these shops. Curious, you walk into some of the stores, checking out what they're selling.
After a few window shopping adventures, you stop in front of a little shop that caught your eye. The outside is painted a warm beige with outlines of dark brown. The corners have intricate and elaborate designs, swirling towards the name of the shop: Lee's Bakery, in golden cursive writing.
Thinking that you can go for something to eat as of now, you reach for the handle and pull back. The scent of warm bread and sweet creams immediately draws you in, making your mouth water a bit.
Inside the bakery houses only a few of people, a college student off to the corner with the table covered with her laptop and textbooks, a couple to the other end who are chatting quietly, and a mother with her toddler, sharing a slice of chocolate cake.
An old man, around his 40s or 50s, greets you with a, "Welcome to Lee's Bakery."
You enjoy the aura the bakery gives off, it's warm and familiar, even if you've never visited this shop before.
Walking further in, you take a seat at the counter where the old man is wiping dry a few mugs.
"Would you like to order now?" the man asks, looking up from his glasses that are perched up on the tip of his nose.
"Not yet but can I have a menu please," you ask politely. The man sets down the mug and pulls a small laminated menu from the counter and slide it towards you. You thank him while picking it up to examine it. There's a variety of pastries and drinks listed in a simplistic manner.
《 LEE'S BAKERY  》ets. 1991
cafe latte...............................$3.20
hot chocolate........................$2.00
strawberry smoothie.............$4.50
*a cup of water is free
banana bread.......................$3.00
cupcake (choco, vnl)............$2.00
slice of cake.........................$5.00
muffin (berry, choco)............$2.75
You place the menu down and look up for the old man to order, but in his place is a much younger boy, probably around your age. He's wiping the counter with a rag. His black hair falls in front of his eyes as he works, he flips it away. From the angle you see him, the boy looks irritated, maybe even mad, as he's cleaning around the drink machines.
"Excuse me?" you say, waving your hand slowly to get the boy's attention. He glances up from his task at the counter to meet with your eyes, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"Can I get a vanilla cupcake with a hot chocolate?" you order with a small smile. The boy wipes his hands on the front of his beige apron before nodding. You watch him as he quickly washes his hands at the back sink and starts making the hot chocolate, clicking some buttons on a machine. The boy nonchalantly pours in water from a picture into the top of the machine, closing the top, and waits for it to warm up.
You lean over the counter, with your head leaning on one of your hands.
"What's your name?" you ask out of the blue. The boy looks back at you and licks his lips, before answering.
"Jeno, Lee Jeno."
"Oh! Are you related to the man who works here?" you question, since they have the same last names.
"Yeah, he's my dad."
"That's cool that he owns a cute bakery that you work in."
Jeno mumbles someone under his breath, though you don't quite hear it clearly. A short silence flies by as the softly played cafe music fills the air.
"How long have you worked here?" you continue to ask. A beep signals that the water is ready and Jeno adds in the cocoa powder.
"All my life basically..." he answers looking down at his sneakers. You tilt your head to the side in confusion, it doesn't seem like Jeno is happy working here.
"Do you not enjoy working here with your family?"
"No, no. It's not that," he begins to say, leaning on the counter on one side. "It just gets really boring here, especially because not a lot of people come in. And my dad won't let me go on my phone so I don't have much to do a lot of times."
You nod, understanding his situation.  
"Well, my name is Y/N by the way," you introduce yourself, reaching a hand out. He stares at your out-stretched hand then takes it in his. The size difference causes you to chuckle a bit.
"Nice you meet you, Y/N," he says, seeming to test out the sound of your name. He smiles at it, causing his eyes to slim into two crescents. Your ears grow warm at his cute smile.
There's another beep letting Jeno know the hot chocolate is done. He pulls out a beige mug and sets it under the machine, pressing a couple buttons, before the steaming brown liquid pours out of an opening into the mug. It stops just below the rim.
Jeno grabs ahold of the mug, placing it on a matching plate.
"Do you want marshmallows in it?" he asks while carefully handing you the drink over the counter, not wanting to spill it on you.
"Please!" you respond a bit too quickly. He softly laughs before plopping a spoonful of mini marshmallows in your drink. They float around on top, some already starting to melt.
"Be careful, it's still really hot," Jeno warns. "I'll go prepare your cupcake in the kitchen. Be right back."
He's cute, you think to yourself with a shy smile. 
Soon, Jeno comes back with a vanilla cupcake on a small plate, a spoon also provided on the plate.
"Enjoy," he says, setting it down. You look at the sweet in front of you. It has white cream swirled on top with some marshmallows pushed in. You look up at Jeno, who has a matching shy smile.
"Since it seems light you like marshmallows," he explains, cheeks slightly tinted pink. You carve a piece out with your spoon and taste it. The sweetness coats your tongue, and you respond with a "mmm."
"Did you make this?" you ask, taking another bite. Jeno scratches the back of his neck, peering to his left.
"Yeah, I bake most of the pastries. My dad handles the profit and management and my mom cleans and decorates."
You look around at the little trinkets and painting hung symmetrically around the room.
"She's an artist, my mom. She painted every painting in here," Jeno brags for his mother with a proud smile. Your mouth forms an 'o' as you study the decorations once more. They are all done with oil paints, some of flowers or fruits, and others of people and scenery.
"They're beautiful! Tell her that she's really talented, though she probably knows," you laugh, continuing to feed yourself bites of the cupcake.
"If you come back again...you might be able to meet her and tell her yourself," Jeno offers after a hesitant cough. His arm returns to the back of his neck. 
"I would love to come back soon."
Jeno's face lights up at your reply with his signature eye smile. You guess he's excited that he finally has someone to talk to during his shifts in the bakery. So you decide to continue trying to get to know Jeno.
Hour pass as you and Jeno share more about each other. You converse about your preferences and favorite things while Jeno does the same. You learn that Jeno is home-schooled by his parents, taking classes online. Because of this, he doesn't have many friends and not many people visit the bakery, especially ones around his age. 
"Well, you have me now," you respond with a bright smile.
After that, each day for the rest of Summer break, you visit the bakery to see Jeno. The both of you talk more and become close friends, even exchanging numbers one visit.
The end of Summer vacation rolls around, which means you have to go back to school. Though for the most part of August and September, you still come to the bakery to hang out with Jeno. However, once your school work starts to pile up, you have no choice but to stay home or in school to do them.
One Thursday afternoon, when the school bell has just rung, you jog quickly to the library of your school. You have to meet up with your classmates for a group project. Being the first one to arrive, you take a seat at one of the big tables, pulling out your textbooks and project necessities.
A ding sounds from your phone as the librarian gives you a stern look. You bow your head a few times before switching your phone to silent.
The notification on the lock screen displays Jeno's name and a couple messages.
From: jeno /ᐠ. ᴗ.ᐟ\
hey Y/N!!
how come you haven't stopped by the bakery lately :((
[Read 3:02 PM 11/04/2018]
To: jeno /ᐠ. ᴗ.ᐟ\
sorry lee i've been busy with school work :'(
[Read 3:03 PM 11/04/2018]
From: jeno /ᐠ. ᴗ.ᐟ\
oh :((((
good luck tho!! fighting!
[Read 3:03 PM 11/04/2018]
To: jeno /ᐠ. ᴗ.ᐟ\
thanks ♡
i'll try to stop by later?
[Read 3:04 PM 11/04/2018]
From: jeno /ᐠ. ᴗ.ᐟ\
:D !!
[Read 3:04 PM 11/04/2018]
A smile spreads across your face, as your friends finally arrive and take their seats around the table.
"What're you smiling at Y/N?" one of them, Haechan, asks with suggestive eyes and wiggly eyebrows.
"Nothing," you reply with a roll of your eyes. "Let's just get this project over with, I have somewhere to go afterward."
Almost three hours fly by as your group finishes most of the collaborative work, now leaving all 4 of you with individual work to do at home.
You quickly pack everything up, throwing all of your papers and books into your backpack without care. Shouting a quick goodbye and getting another strict look from the librarian, you race to the bakery, the route permanently engraved into your brain. The cool air fills up your lungs, stinging when you inhale.
The hanging sign of Jeno’s bakery comes into sight as you slow your pace, trying to catch your breath. You reach the door handle just as someone on the other side pulls it open. Slightly panting, you come face to face with Jeno, who is looking god-like in just casual black jeans and a white sweatshirt. A large jacket hangs on his free arm.
“Jeno,” you gasp, startled by the situation.
“Y/N! You made it! I was just going to go walk around the nature trail nearby because I’m on my break,” Jeno says, stepping out of the shop and closes the door. The chilly air is the total opposite compared to the weather on the day you first met Jeno. He slips his jacket on, pulling the sleeves over his hands to keep them warm.  
“Can I come?” you ask, stepping back so Jeno has enough room to exit the entry way.
“Of course silly.”
The both of you start walking down the street towards the sunset where a luscious nature walk is located in a large park. The November winds blow your long winter coat back, exposing your bare legs. You mentally curse to yourself for not wearing leggings under your school uniform skirt. Unconsciously, you scoot closer to Jeno for warmth.
“How’s school?” he makes small talk while looking down at you beside him.
“It’s alright, I mean my teachers are starting to assign of a lot of work because the semester is almost over and midterms are coming up. That’s why I haven’t been able to come visit you for a while. I don’t even remember how long it’s been since I’ve seen you-,” you explain but gets cut off by Jeno.
“38 days.”
“What?” You look up at him, who is still staring down at you.
“It’s been 38 days… since you’ve last visited,” he says with a small smile. You nod with an inaudible “ohhh.” He’s kept count, you inwardly say, that’s adorable.
“That’s a long time, wow. I didn’t think it’s been that long,” you laugh while saying. You’ve been so caught up with school that time just flies by so quickly before you realize it.
“Yeah…It’s been super boring without you in there. I’ve resorted to reorganizing all of the mugs by size and color. There’s a lot of mugs in our cabinets if you didn’t know.”
“Aww Jeno, did you miss me that much,” you smile while knocking into him with your shoulder teasingly, causing Jeno to stumble away. He shuffles back to you, a little closer now.
“Yes, in fact I did miss you, a lot actually,” Jeno responds, looking down at his shoes and watching one step in front of the other. Unexpectedly, your heart flutters rapidly and you can feel the back of your neck warming up as well as the sides of your face. Somehow, the smile stretched upon your face can’t seem to stop.
“Well, I miss you too Jeno, more than you’ve missed me,” you say, linking your arms with his. Jeno’s head snaps towards your face and then to your now linked arms. He shakes his head before tugging his arm towards himself, which causes you to step closer.
“I don’t think that’s possible. I reorganized like 70 mugs Y/N. It was pointless but I did it anyway,” Jeno shoots back.
Your smile somehow grows bigger.
437 notes · View notes
archived--hell · 6 years
1, 2, 17, honestly all of them if you’re up to it
1 - already answered 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
L O R D T jupiter fuck man got damn id die for jupiter 
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
i have adopted characters before, but ive never done anything with them, and i have received characters Back from people but besides that nah
4. A character you rarely talk about?
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
fuck uh.. honestly if its only semi popular would i do this bc being Well Known would be nice, yeah, but.. it scares me? idk but uh probably leo or aero, theyre two boys i hold close to my heart
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
:) eldur and leo kinda? idk i try not to make any of them look alike rip
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
YES! theyre actually all part of one universe called cooking with demons! i have a whole game planned out for the man cast kinda? but all in all its all set within one universe, with multiple different stories occurring within it jhfdksg
8 - already answered
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
unless specfifically made for them upon request, no. ive already tried that once and it lead to me losing any and all control i had over my characters. At this moment, i only “share” a few ocs with my boyfriend @coffee-burglar and even then, its taken almost a year to even be able to do that
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
uh, all of them are kinda complicated for me, but as of right now, that would go to leos full form. (if u want a ref hmu and ill post it, but it wont be my art)
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
like a ray of sunshine? yeah! angel and stitch would fit perfectly for that!
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
@coffee-burglar their oc chrome n koh,  or derek but thats bc im a hoe
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
aero, jhor, innis, leo are all trouble makers to some degree, leo being the most trouble some
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
uhhhh fuck what counts as tragic?
i guess id have to say leo or jupiter mostly, but eldur fits too
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
if youd let me i would yell about these fucks for hours on end, ive done it
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
the best but wouldnt enjoy it: Jupiterthe best and would absolutely enjoy it: colby
17. Any OC OTPs?
stitch/lavaaero/kohcolby/derek/inniswill/happiness aeyr/Eberictderek/Xhaztolleo/eldur
18. Any OC crackships?
jhfkdfsjghdfkjhgdkfjsgl i never talk abt it but will/aero is fucking A+
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
ah,, leo. i originally made him to project the worst in myself onto, and because of that ive made his life a living shit hole. but,, recently ive been hell bent on giving him a good ending, one where he heals, and lives his life ok, where he finally, finally has a chance to be happy and get help. its,, kind of been a tiny growing point for me? he just, means a lot to me because of that haha
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
uhhh all of their voice claims are songs n such but only a few of them actually sing in canon! heres the voice claims of the ones who do sing:
Aero - thats his voice, but hed probably more likely to sing Something Like ThisAngelStitch - this is her voice! but shed be much more likely to sing something a lot more upbeat, kind of like thisColby (its jeremy from bmc jghfdkg)
and one i dont have a voice claim for yet that does sing canonically is Sycamore! 
21. Your most artistic OC
!!!! oh thatd easily be will! hes nothing professional at all, but he does enjoy drawing and making diy type projects :0c hazels also artistic but with food :0c but what would you expect from a kitchen witch
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Hi My Names Skinny Penis And No One Has Ever Even Looked At My Ocs For More Than Two Seconds
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
lordt all of them would fit that, but the one thats changed the most? lordy thatd probably be will! he used to be a persona that was mostly only interested in dying and getting fucked, but now hes? evolved into a fully fledged character, and has even changed from being human lmao
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
jupiter, simply because he is The Biggest Comfort i have. hes,,, really important to me and i love him a lot
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
:) its bold of you to assume they dont all resemble me in some way. the most though? damian. lazy motherfucker with 200 emotional issues and no motivation to fix any of them
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Nope, most tend to be born from ideas spawned by me n my bf concepting about my ocs, and what would happen if this thing happened? yknow?
28. Your most dangerous OC?
He has yet to be revealed >:)c his names icarus
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
secret: damiannot so secret: colby
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
damian would probably have a very shitty coded blog theme (or default) and would genuinely only reblog shitty, abstract memes, and nice food recipes for hazel to make him
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
protagonist? if youre going for the scared baby, colby. if ur going for the stoic “thats weird but ok” one, innis or aero.antagonist tho???? Leo and angelica :)
33. Your shyest OC?
uh, a oc thats genuinely shy and not just anxiety filled? angel :0c shes had a very limited interaction pool with anything thats not other angels so she tends to shy away from others bc she really, really doesnt want to get into awkward situations
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Jupiter and leo!
35. Any sibling characters?
Jupiter, leo, angelica, damian, eldur
jupiter, leo, damian, and angelica are all related via their dad, while eldur is related to damian via their mom
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
uhh if im understanding this question right yeah i do! derek, koh, n a lot of others belong to @coffee-burglar ! ive just roped them into my universe dkjfhkdjgh
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
Op All Of My Characters Are Inhuman
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
surprisingly? aero! hes got really good rhythm and can actually dance really well, its kinda scary
39. Introduce any character you want
:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ill let yall have a choice, pick one
1.) Lust2.) Greed
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
fond?? uh,, not really. but damian does have a very important memory attached to him.
tw for suicide ment hjgkdfs
with damian, i created him after i tried to kill myself and was stuck in a mental hospital. i had just finished reaing the first shadowhunters book, and decided to try and draw the first demon(???? was that what he was?? im a dumbass and its been over 2 years) you met, which had bright blue hair and if i remember correctly, electric green eyes? but yeah. i made him to cope with all the mental stress i had while being forced to be in that hospital, and hes become very close to my heart because of that
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
!!!!!!!!! yeah!!! my boyfriends drawn damian and most of my characters bgjkfdhgkfdsgl but one i do hold close to my heart (bc at the time, i barely knew them) was when @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone drew aeyr! it made me really happy tbh. i still have it saved to my phone actually!!!
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
uhhhh,,, provided that they found a way to get anything involving earth and their beliefs itd probably be either angel or colby. angel enjoys learning anything and everything she can, while colby enjoys hearing about the Tea™ that comes with greek shit
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
lordt ok
i really just? enjoy making demons really, or anything that doesnt quite fit “conveniently attractive” in at least one form they have. (i also favor making guys bc im Gay)
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
how well theyre coming together, for so long, their stories have been little fractures and pieces that never fit together. Fragments. but now, theyre almost fully put together and its… wonderful to see
45. A character you no longer use?
a hi have.. one. their name was angel aura, a steven universe oc. i got rid of them because of too many.. bad things.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
not directly, but yes. it.. actually helped me give a lot of them a ok life, or at least a good ending
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
@coffee-burglar eldur, colby, will n a few others lmao
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
ghjkfgkfdhgklfjhglkjdfhgslfjdgh give me a actual thing to talk about bc im dying op
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theklancecollection · 7 years
Hi do you know of any fics where either Keith or Lance are trans boys?
Hey there Anon!
These fics are in the collection, and ones that I have read myself:
In English, Please - Anonymous
Word Count: 4, 943
Summary: Lance thinks he can get away with flirting with Keith if it’s in Spanish. Lance thinks if he says the words angrily enough no one will catch on to the ruse. Lance thinks his secret crush is safe. Lance, my friends, is very…very wrong.
We’re Still Good - Qpenguin98
Word Count: 1, 913
Summary: He can feel Lance’s heartbeat, warm through the leather of his gloves.
It’s very quiet, for once Lance has nothing to say.
Below the cut are 41 fics that have been categorized into trans!keith, trans!lance, and trans!keith & trans!lance. Just so you know I haven’t read them myself, so read them at your own discretion:
This love won't ever be convenient - Lynn1998
Word Count: 78, 078
Summary: *Complicated by Avril Lavigne plays in the distance*
I'll Never Be Her - Zirijava
Word Count: 4, 202
Summary: Kat’s life is amazing. She has wonderful friends, an equally wonderful, but albeit weird, boyfriend Lance and a scholarship to the college of her dreams! But what would Lance say when Kat tells him that his girlfriend is a trans boy?
Or, Kat realizes she’s maybe a boy and suddenly everything he built up comes crashing down. Will his boyfriend be okay with having a boyfriend? Kat doesn’t know yet.
Hell Week - juniperallura
Word Count: 540
Summary: For prompt: "Can you write a story about Trans Boy Keith on his period? And he has cramps but his bf(s) is helping him with it and it's adorable? It doesn't matter who the bf(s) is."
Keith gets cranky on his period, but Lance doesn't care
Girl In Drag - Zirijava
Word Count: 2, 730
Summary: ”You just want to get attention, why else would you start walking around like that?”
I sighed. ”All I ever wanted was to be myself.”
She held up her hands. ”I get that, I do. But if you don’t want the world to know, then why make it so flashy? When people look at you, they don’t see a boy. They see a girl in drag. Why don’t you just do us all a favor and be who you’re supposed to be.”
You're you, that's what matters. - ghostlyghouls
Word Count: 1, 874
Summary:Lance hears Keith crying in his room late at night and decides to find out why.
Valid - CasanovaStrider 
Word Count: 1, 046
Summary: Keith is a boy. He is. Sometimes he just had a hard time believing it himself. Lance is there to help. 
Rattling the Frames, (Getting Inside My Brain) - truflais
Word Count: 748
Summary: But Keith wasnt taking a chance this time. He wasnt about to ruin his only binder on a stupid whim.
No matter how many times he passed, he could still hear the voice in the back of his head.
You're not a real boy.
You're a girl.
You. Are. A. Girl.
what's better than this just guys being dudes - iamnotalizard
Word Count: 2, 205
Summary: in which keith wants to come out to lance, and does so when he feels safe and happy and not pressured 
Burning Out - lumberjackwiki
Word Count: 6, 226
Summary:Keith could barely function as a human before, but now? He wasn't even human so why should he try?
Surprise, I'm a nice guy! - wholesomeklances
Word Count: 1, 363
Summary: 5 times Lance misgendered Keith + 1 time he didn't
aka5 times Lance had no idea Keith was trans + 1 time Keith actually told him
Burned but not buried - Qpengsin98 (Qpenguin98)
Word Count: 1, 495
Summary: So he stands in the men’s section with his head low, trying not to draw attention to himself.
Keith hates shopping.
teeth and all - viscrael
Word Count: 2, 668
Summary: “Do you want to kiss someone?”
Keith almost drops his Bayard.
You're Not Supposed To Care - Qpenguin98
Word Count: 2, 484
Summary: At the time, Keith had thought it was a stellar idea. Make out with the guy you like, no one suspects a thing. 
Keith's Worst Enemy - wholesomeklances
Word Count: 1, 897
Summary: Keith thinks he shouldn't bother Lance with his monthly subscription to The Blood Flow™. Shiro disagrees.
this oneshot revolves around menstruation! there's no description of blood, but if the subject triggers you for any reason, don't read!
I'm coming out of my cage - wholesomeklances
Word Count: 1, 852
Summary: How Keith came out as a trans boy and then as a gay boy. 
Periods Are a Bitch - hogwartsschoolofanime
Word Count: 951
Summary: Keith would take hours of intense fighting over this. Literally, nothing can be worse than the fucking pain in his stomach. At least Lance is there to give him soup and read Harry Potter.
In which Keith has period cramps and Lance is the best boyfriend ever.
Glass Lion Menagerie - Anonymous
Word Count: 13, 865
Summary: Keith was fragile. Keith did not like to feel fragile. 
A Quarter Past Midnight - Gigapoodle
Word Count: 14, 266
Summary: When Keith found himself standing in front of a hulking blue metal lion, of all things, surrounded by a hexagonal shield like it was straight out of a straight-to-DVD sci-fi movie, he simply guffawed. If this was what the higher beings were trying to guide his hand towards, they could shove that hand up their asses.
Bitter Coffees Shouldn't Sweeten the Heart - Lisboa
Word Count: 4, 569
Summary: For Klance Secret Santa 2016 (the original prompt will be added to the notes along with the name of the amazing person who gave me this prompt on December 25th)
And that’s how he found himself groaning against his pillow as it rained cats and dogs outside, his brain running miles an hour as his heart twitched painfully on his chest. He fell for him, and he fell hard. It should not have happened like this, not when Lance – flirty little Lance who was clearly into girls and not into Keith – meant so much to him. Romance would ruin what they had, and Keith would blame himself forever if that happened.
Ten, Eight, Seven - lordbatty
Word Count: 3, 217
Summary: Ten years is a long time to try and return to a normal state of living. To Keith and Lance, being able to settle down with a family makes it easier. 
I think I'm In Lesbians With You - Qpenguin98
Word Count: 2, 028
Summary: He stops laughing. “Wait what?”
“I’ve never seen Scott Pilgrim before?”
“Holy shit you have got to be kidding me. What, did you grow up in a shack?”
Lance’s face pales as Keith deadpans a “Yes.”
Pick me up, Hold me Down - Qpengsin98 (Qpenguin98)
Word Count: 3, 436
Summary: “Keith, please just- we can talk this out, just get out of the water.”
Stop. Breathe.
Where are you?
Take Time to Breathe - orphan_account
Word Count: 7, 645
Summary: Keith's been part of team voltron for a while now, and theoretically, they should all know each other's secrets. But Keith is still in the closet to all but Shiro, and his dysphoria is eating him alive. When he cracks during a mind-meld exercise, Lance makes it his personal mission to reach out to the red paladin. 
If - WildWolf25
Word Count: 15, 857
Summary: If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, (“If” by Rudyard Kipling)
(How Keith and Lance met and what their lives were like before Twelve Nights)
But The Foundation Is Crumbling - Qpenguin98
Word Count: 4,145
Summary: It’s the safest space they can be in together, piled in a car, eating pizza and backwash soda. No one to give them rules, no one to make fun of but themselves, no one to try and tell them all the things wrong with them. 
Tick Tock - Ididntsignupforthisshit (Oliver_Ravenwood)
Word Count: 117, 477
Summary: Keith knew that his luck probably had little to do with Paula the Bobble Head. In fact, he had a sneaking suspicion that it had to do with the constantly ticking timer creeping up on his left thumb. A Soul Counter, as most called it. It was a natural phenomenon occurring in humans. In each person intended there was an ever present timer, constantly ticking down until the time where they would find their soulmate. When the timer would reach zero, a second tattoo-like marking would appear on the person’s skin – their Soul Mark. This would appear on the person’s soulmate in much the same place. Each pair’s Soul Mark was unique to just the two of them.
OR: The one where Keith was working and he found his soulmate - who just happened to be his favorite actor, Lance MotherF**king Vasquez.
What Could've Been - FaeOfStars
Word Count: 12, 927
Summary: "I hesitated to type, realizing what his last reply meant. He... liked me? I could feel my face heat up a bit more and I peered through my dark bangs to avoid letting him see the redness of my cheeks. His expression still held a hint of anxiousness, but he now wore a small smile on his face as he stared at me, waiting for me to respond. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, unknowing of what to press. Before my fingers could touch a single key, I saw letters begin to appear on the document. Lance was typing again.
'im sorry I shouldnt have said that'
Finally, my fingers moved.
'No, no. It's fine! I just... I don't know. I didn't expect that.'"
Keith was in love with Lance. Lance liked him back. It should have been simple from there, but unfortunately, life doesn't always work out the way it should.
Over My Dead Body! - VinVictory
Word Count: 38, 038
Summary: "Hey, Keith? Are you done yet?" Lance asks from behind the door. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah, I'm done changing."
Out of curiosity, Keith looks over his shoulder of how Lance will enter his room. He eyes the door.
"Aaaaannnddd, you're in your boxers." Lance says.
Sonovabish went through the door!
*Where Lance is a ghost and Keith is the only one who can hear him! :0Join Keith as he discovers the revelations and the truth behind Lance's death.
Banksy-Ass Wannabe - n00dl3Gal
Word Count: 3, 287
Summary: Lance has done many, MANY stupid things in his 19 years.
But ruining someone else's spray might be the stupidest.
ESPECIALLY if that person is his biggest rival.
(The Graffiti/Street Artist AU that no one asked for, with hints of College AND Coffee Shop AUs, because I'm a giver.)
Binder Blues - fairdeath
Word Count: 1, 273
Summary: Lance is tired. Just... tired. Five extra steps to every mission that the others don't follow – bind, cry because it fucking hurts over the blue-black bruises of the last fight, get hit a few times more than necessary, spend 20 minutes catching your breath, ignore the bruises the binder pushes at until the next fight. 
keith's jacket - eyeball
Word Count: 3, 307
Summary: Keith's search for his stolen jacket is set aside when more pressing matters arise. The sobs coming from behind Lance's closed door are a bit more than worrying, so Keith lets himself in. He tries to provide all the support he can, but he can only do so much for the sniveling lump of a boy with tear-filled eyes and a refusal to explain himself. 
throwing shadows - ilgaksu
Word Count: 3, 334
Summary: “Dude,” Lance says, “It’s not my fault he does this!”
“Dude,” Hunk says, and leaves it at that.
Secrets - potato_fan_girl
Word Count: 3, 567
Summary: Only half the team knew.
Contrary to their belief, Lance was actually an expert secret keeper. With a large family like his, he had to know when to keep his mouth shut. So, despite the loud, obnoxious, open persona he displayed for the others, he could also be sneaky.
So, keeping a secret on an unbelievably large castle ship with only six other people on it was easy.
Or at least, it should've been.
(AKA Lance is trans, and because of a really terrible alien, the team finds out.)
Warm Hands - darkinsanity13
Word Count: 4, 279
Summary: Something's rather literally cramping Lance's style. Keith lends him a hand or two. 
Carpe Diems and Chrysanthemums - Gigapoodle
Word Count: 14, 694
Summary: Lance falls unimaginably hard for the biker boy with a black mop of hair and terrible Spanish skills. After years of rivalry, bitter acquaintanceship, and eventual friendship, the realization slaps Lance hard, hard enough to settle into his lungs and sap his life away. It's when he coughs up a petal that Lance realizes just how far gone he is.
Lance McClain decides he is going to die.
A Modern Hanahaki Disease AU.
Trans!Lance and Trans!Keith:
Shades of Purple - candyalpacas
Word Count: 2, 775
Summary: When Lance comes out to the team, he finds out something about Keith he never expected. 
I Refuse to Believe in the Existence of a Universe Where I Don't Love You - wholesomeklances
Word Count: 1, 143
Summary: cute trans boyfriends talk about feelings
Just Hear Those Sleigh Bells Ringing - blumen
Word Count: 1, 752
Summary: “I spent six hours on it and pricked myself at least ten times.”
Keith felt his heart leap to his throat. It was a hideous jumper no doubt but Lance looked so proud that Keith could almost forget-Christ, was that a LED light on the nose? Keith felt like apologizing to both Rudolph and the sanctity of the Christmas spirit.
It's Your Typical, Hardcore Casual Sex - lordbatty
Word Count: 4, 395
Summary: Lance is good. Too good. Too right. Keith is too hurt to admit anything, even to himself. And it was terrifying. 
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