#im sleepy...goodnight to people ?
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robomusical · 2 months ago
Hrrrggg everything hurts. Thinking about the MegOP sparkling (I need names, but am thinking about naming her Stronghold) I’ve had rattling around in brain for the past month or so, so here goes, continuity soup because I said so. This is… a long one 😅
So we start with the usual pre war MegOP situation with Gladiator Megs and Archivist Orion, who go talk to the high council and yadah yadah, you know what happens next. (think TFP) OP gets the Matrix and Megatron is betrayed and starts up his intergalactic terrorist group (yippee!) When he finds out, Uh-Oh! He carrying and it’s Optimus’s… he freaks out pretty hard but WaveWave is there to support him during his pregnancy (Soundwaves a bit jealous about not being the one who’s currently carrying but is excited to see/raise a new spark). Eventually he has the baby and there are a few.. complications.
1. Sparklings are supposed to have strong bonds with their carrier and sire, but in Strongholds case, they have no sire bond with Optimus (the matrix prevented it), which causes her to have spark flutters (essentially heart problems) causing the little one lots of pain with no exception of expressing it but crying/being a fussy baby while she’s young. The only was they find this out is with Soundwaves telepathy, something they are VERY grateful for.
2. Megatron suffers from GREATLY from postpartum depression, and can’t even bear to look at his daughter. He can bring himself to feed her or try to establish any type of bond between the two and ends up hating her and what she stands for in his mind (having OP and trying to have a family with him)
This causes the young heiress to be raised by the deception high command with very little input on Megatrons behalf besides being an abusive mom and wanting her to be a warrior. She’s mainly being raised by Wavewave, the elite trine and Hook due to having to be in the med bay almost constantly in her sparkling hood. As a sparkling she showed major talent and interests in the arts, something that was supported by their caregivers, but almost gets beaten to death by Megatron finds out she wants to be an artist and not a warrior. (Megatron has “training” sessions with her, where she essentially gets beaten half to death but her carrier, who claims it’ll make her stronger. And when she’s finally able to beat him, she’ll be able to lead the decepticons) (this also leads to her hiding her passions) This is how she wins over Starscream and he decides to help raise/guide her (and who knows, maybe one day he or she will kill Megatron and he’ll be the leader of the decepticons) She’s raised to be a master spy (Soundwave) and interrogator/torturer (Shockwave and Starscream). Eventually though the war starts to pick up and everyone is headed to earth (think G1, but shockwave goes with the decepticons) leaving Stronghold alone on Cybertron with Rumble, Buzzsaw, Thundercraker, and the Constructicons to watch/take care of her; and her mentor Tarn (and the rest of the DJD) and a few other decepticons at about ~10 years old to Cybertronian standards. She finds herself forced to grow up and lead the Decepticons, being raised by the most ruthless and cunning bots has its advantages, and she ends up quickly taking out the Autobots on Cyberton leading the planet under Decepticon rule. However there was complications with the others (G1 style, went missing for a few billion years type-beat) She grows up a warlord, conquering Autobot territory’s and wiping them out, searching for her lost family comrades, with the Deceptions ruling the galaxy, (exterminating the Autobots and making allies with/converting Neutrals). She’s ends up creating a vast and powerful empire (Thundercraker, Hook and Tarn are very proud).
On earth is the normal G1 -> Earthspark timeline, expect I ignore everything that happens after s1. Soundwave manages to get a SOS comm into deep space, which gets intercepted to the Decepticon empire. This happens around/a little after her spark almost gave out, as her carrier/sparkling bond was broken with Megatron, which was assumed to be due to his death. This made her spark unstable, and made her even more vulnerable to her spark attacks (also her occasional maniac episodes go worse/more common) She leads a ship to Earth where she finds that not only is her carrier ALIVE, which means he LEFT her HE DOESNT WANT HER HE NEVER WANTED HER- but also joined the enemy. And started a new family, one without her This is also how she and Optimus find out they’re related, because honestly, Meg’s forgot all about her. (Also, megaton has more of a major role in the Terran’s lives, which leaves Stronghold seething, swearing to end them) ((You know when/how Megatrons calls Twitch “little bird”? THAT USED TO BE HER NICKNAME SHE USED TO BE HIS LITTLE BIRD WHEN HE WAS HAPPY WITH HER)) (think of when shockwave was racist towards the Terran’s) Stronghold finds out that the decepticons have been stranded on earth, and have been being tortured by Autobots and their human allies (GHOST). She stages a jailbreak for the others and begins to plan war with the others left on earth (she’s not leaving until Megatrons head is on a platter and she’s ripped the matrix out of OP’s chest). (They chill in the atmosphere like the Nemesis in prime) Needless to say, Shockwave Soundwave and Starscream are very surprised/proud to see her and her accomplishments (if not sad that she (now about 15) had to grow up so fast and what has happened to her)
There are a few ways this AU can end and there’ll prolly be a few alt timelines… 👀
Uhh anyways that’s it,,, I hope you like her and I will probably draw the creature soon
(Please please ask me about her and my silly little AU 🥺🥺🥺)
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basketobread · 1 year ago
HALLO lunara questions whats her class and background?? other than selunes strongest soldier
HIII if it isnt my favorite mootie patootie tumblr user percexe 🔥 LMFAO okok so she's a light domain cleric of selune!! with an acolyte background!! girl fled the underdark and accidentally became an acolyte for our lady of silver!! good for her!!
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lesbiangiratina · 1 year ago
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shimmeringshel1 · 25 days ago
oh my
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bananacat76 · 1 year ago
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siblings 💜🖤
last post before sleep nighty night..
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guppybubbles · 2 years ago
You wanted prompts so let me hit you with some fake fic titles! No pressure to do them all and you can take as long as you like🥰 will send em separately too!
A Glass half Full
Borrower Wilbur and Borrower Techno are realists. When reality gets too negative, Techno is always there to be Wilbur's optimist.
Word Count: 1,714 words
CONTENT WARNING!!! : mentions of blood, decapitation, and a rat. these are only mentioned once, but a warning is good.
( A/N: i wrote these in between my study sessions for the exams,,,,,,,,, also yayy my first fic in like.. seven years i think? have mercy on me idk what i'm doing. ALSO THIS IS MOSTLY JUST TECHNO AND WILBUR BONDING I JUST LOVE THEM OKAY. also also ty for the fic title beckyu!! )
Wilbur paced back and forth, arms crossed and in deep thought. "How many days do you think our food can last?" 
"About two days— three, if we can portion it out correctly." Techno replied, sitting on their makeshift couch as he opened their very own medical kit, filled with cut up bandages, drops of alcohol, a little roll of tape and other things they've borrowed over the years. 
"And… your arm?" 
Techno unwrapped the bandages and winced at the horrible sight, dried blood and bite marks after they encountered an abnormally big rat yesterday. He handled it better than he expected, but before the injured rat scurried away, it attempted to bite his head head off, which resulted with him blocking with his arm. “S’fine. Nothing too bad.”
Wilbur sighed, and Techno could imagine the exasperated eye-roll behind him. “It really isn’t that bad.”
“Yeah. Nothing too bad my arse.” His twin circled around the couch and took a cotton ball, pouring alcohol and taking hold of his arm. His eyebrows furrowed in a way that meant he was thinking of so many things, his eyes were on Techno’s arm but his mind was elsewhere. Despite being distracted, he was careful. Of course, the alcohol gently cleaning his fresh wounds still hurt and he would wince every time it stung a little too much, but Wilbur knew when to pause and give him a break before continuing. 
Wilbur took a new bandage roll and wrapped it around Techno’s arm. “What’s wrong?”
“What?” Wilbur looked at him, a confused look on his face.
“You’re thinking about something. What are you thinking about?” 
“Oh.” Wilbur avoided his gaze again, biting off the tape and securing his wounds in his newly bandaged arm. “It’s— We just need more food. I’ll go borrow some right now, and don’t come with me, I swear to Prime, you’re injured.”
Techno still ended up following him.
Wilbur had thought he convinced him to stay behind and rest, he even stayed for TWENTY more minutes trying to get Techno to lay down and not get up. He listed potential things he could do while waiting for him to get back, it wasn’t a very long list, and it only lessened because Techno was injured and what they mostly did was build new furniture or upgrade their equipment. For extra measure, Wilbur took Techno’s borrowing equipment to make sure he doesn’t have anything to use to venture out, forcing his twin into house arrest. It was with good intentions, Wilbur thought, He was literally injured.
“You think I could just let you leave to go borrow so early in the morning?” Techno argued, holding Wilbur’s borrowing equipment. After that, there was nothing else Wilbur could do to convince Techno to go back, because Techno was stupidly stubborn, and held his hand to drag him to the pantry.
His stubbornness irritated Wilbur so much, because it was exactly like him. While having incredibly different interests, they still acted the same, that’s what made them get along after spending their entire life in tandem. Together, they were raised for different jobs in their old colony. Together, they’d switch their looks just so they could avoid the chore they hate. Together, they grew up and left the colony. Everything they did, they did it together. Wilbur guessed simply getting food from the pantry wouldn’t be an exception from that.
They moved in silence, but not one of them needed instructions from the other for the reason that they were also moving in sync. As they gathered food, not a single sound was made, not even when they ruffled through plastic material did it make a noise. “There’s something still bothering you.” Techno noted, almost finished with packing his own bag of food. Not including the stash they had at home, the food bags they were holding could last them for a week or so. Wilbur stayed silent, tying up his pack and slinging it over his shoulder. “I think we got enou—” “Wil.”
Techno cut him off, already knowing his evasion tactics. Wilbur found their surroundings much more interesting than his twin. “If you wanna say something, we got to talk it out. Were you so distracted with your thoughts that you didn’t notice the pantry door isn’t locked? You didn’t even tell me to hide from the doors opening view or anything.” 
“What’s wrong?” Techno asked again. There was a slight shift in his tone, unnoticeable to anyone that wasn’t his twin. He was worried, and Wilbur felt bad that he was hiding his thoughts to his only companion for years. He still wanted to think about it some more, it’s the reason why he made the excuse of leaving so he could have just a little time for himself before speaking with Techno about it.
“I think it’s time we move out.” Wilbur finally looked at the pink-haired borrower for his reaction, only for Techno to make a gesture that told him to go on and elaborate. He took a seat on the floor before he spoke again.
“... The humans are in here too much. The kid’s got this.. Summer break so I don’t think he leaves for school until.. I don’t know how long! You know this, we can’t even go out at night most of the time because his schedule is unpredictable. I mean, one moment, he’s awake the whole day and night and the other he’s just sleeping for how long. Then the dad, his shifts are different too. He goes out early and we don’t know how long we have until he gets back, and even when he leaves, the kid’s still here too! We stay inside most of the time and we barely even have a chance to go and refill when our supply runs out. Not to mention, that fucking rat! Have you seen how huge that thing was?!”
He continued, “No matter how long we wait, one of them will always be wandering around. It’s not safe.”
They stood in silence for Prime knows how long. “But… Why now? You said you loved it here.” Techno asked, leaning against a box of cereals. “Even when they had Christmas break and stayed here almost every day for those long weeks, you never even thought about leaving.”
When Wilbur stayed silent, having that same expression of deep thought, it was Techno’s turn to continue talking. “I think this house is pretty great. Many hiding spots, escape routes, and they always buy a lot of stuff so they never notice when anything goes missing. Even though they stay up late, they’re always too focused on their work so we have enough time to do what we need to before they notice. It’s way better than going to a new home and having to relearn this all over again, right?”
“No. Maybe— I thought maybe I liked it here, but it’s just not safe.”
“It’s safer here than it is out there.” Techno sat next to Wilbur, awkwardly patting his shoulder in a way to show his affection. Wilbur would’ve laughed at his awkwardness, but only shrugged his hand away. “We’re borrowers, Tech. No where is safe for us.”
There was silence again. 
“Hm?” Wilbur hummed, looking at his twin.
“If you think it’s best if we leave. Then, I trust you. We’ll leave.” Techno stood up from where he sat, and hung the bag of food on his shoulder once more. “Besides, I’m 100% sure that there are better houses than this. Maybe we could even land on a cool big house, a mansion.”
“I doubt that we can find a mansion here, but you know what, we never know.” Wilbur shrugs, following after Techno.
“I got to say though, I’ll miss this place. We were the first ones here before they moved in and they have the audacity to kick us out? Granted, we never did pay rent but first come, first serve.” Wilbur laughed at Techno, covering his mouth to muffle his laugh. His giggles were silent and quiet. Together, they began walking to their passageway back home.
“I’ll probably miss the humans too. They are kind of funny sometimes.” Wilbur only hummed. He’ll miss them too. But, they were the reason he thought of leaving in the first place. 
It was just one night. The kid was half-asleep, and Wilbur was in a tipsy state. He accidentally replied to the kid when they were just talking to themself, then it devolved into an hours long conversation until they both drifted asleep. With him hidden safely in the walls, and the kid sleeping on his bed— seemingly just speaking to his wall for an insane amount of time. Wilbur hated it.
He hated that he genuinely enjoyed his time speaking with him. He hated it that he was the one who broke the basic rules of borrowing. He hated being curious about that one drink the dad prevented the younger blond from drinking.
After that incident, Wilbur noticed the kid would occasionally look at the walls longer than normal and his heart would spike whenever he would be close to seeing him. Guilt only ate at him as the habit remained, sending shivers of anxiety through him whenever they would go borrow— he would turn around and expect to find those same blue eyes looking straight at him. Looking straight at Techno.
He can’t afford his own twin flame pay for the mistakes that he made. It’s why they have to leave.
“Let’s go. My arm is starting to ache again.”
“Yeah. That’s what you get for not listening to me.”
Behind him, Techno choked and coughed.
“Tech? What’s wrong, are you si—” Wilbur was interrupted when Techno stood in front of him, dropping his bag of food and instead holding a pin with his good arm. He stared at the pink-haired borrower, noticing the coughing continued, but not from him.
His gaze travelled to the entrance of the pantry. Coughing up a storm, the blond pounded on his chest, attempting to calm himself down. Wilbur noticed the glass of water that he was presumably drinking out of. A human caught them, not just a human, it was the kid.
… Fucking hell. 
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godblooded · 1 year ago
first day of my new job tomorrow i could use some good vibes ✌🏻
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guinevereslancelot · 11 months ago
job interview tomorrow 🙏
#working interview as an assistant prek teacher#i know kids are exhausting but its the only thing i have relevant experience in#and im tired of being rejected from every office job i apply to i need a job even if it pays 12 dollsrs an hour lol#anyway they'll pay for continuing education and the phone interview went really well#i think it seems like a nice place with nice people and she said she wouldn't start me at the bottom of the pay scale#so i might get more than i think#still probably not going to top sixteen an hour but its something#they called me in for prek even tho i didn't apply for that i applied for infant toddler teacher bc i have no relevant education#just lots of volunteer work with kids#but she said that one was taken and would i consider this one i didn't think i was qualified for so thats a good sign#and she seemed really nice#and the location is good its like a 17 minute drive and not too hard of a drive either#just one tricky turn#anyway#all job interviews fill me with impending doom and dread#even tho i interview pretty well i think i just never have the relevant experience to get the job lol#but this time it seems more likely#i have anotherdaycare job that literally pays twelve dollars an hour that wants to schedule an interview as well 😬#but hopefully i get this one#the other one is closer but doesn't seem like as nice of a place to work tbh#anyway im so stressed!!#i took a sleeping pill which i may regret#i never take one before an interview bc im afraid i'll be super sleepy and tired and not want to get up and be less sharp at the interview#but then i NEVER manage to sleep the night before which i decided is worse lol#so hopefully that doesn't backfire#goodnight ❤️
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fobnsfwdoodlesbackup · 10 months ago
stared at the new time travel art for like 15 might, oughhhh they look so good!!! The pony tail on trick looks *chef's kiss* - from the ponytail anon earlier <3
Ahh thank you so much! ;w; I've got one of Pete putting patricks hair into a ponytail smfs era too if anyone wants to dig that up
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chunkofchange · 5 months ago
i did make some stuff during the hurricane but it was stuff with words that i wouldnt really want to show publically. I can block out some of the words though because i do like the exaggeration/poses + etc for some of them.
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tazmilygray · 1 year ago
happy 5am I have 10 drawings I never did from my OcTober list, and I know I kinda uhh silently abandoned the project but I didn't mean to let it go this long without mentioning it haha
I've been getting back into drawing so hopefully I'll have some out sooner than later, I just can't, and won't, say any dates cuz I don't wanna say something then not follow it (again), but yeah just. I didn't forget nor did I mean to abandon it lol
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m0e-ru · 2 years ago
the more i get into other media and broaden my horizons and have fun and be full of glee and whimsy i realize even further how fucking cursed i am with this gas station
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bednbunfast · 1 year ago
everything feels like it's falling apart,,
#☕️ | chatter#chise go to BEEEEEDDDDDD#hhhhhh i'm just#ive been thinkingnabout how i speak sometime s#and imnsorry ifni ever made anyone uncomfortable because i can get pretty sarcastic#sometimes?? maybe#i dont knwo#im sleepy...goodnight to people ?#ior good morning! idk#ior...iori...oh my god i forgot about iori my little guy my silly oc#i need to redesign him....#funny how i was unapologetically the most sarcasting little shit in junior high and then completely lost the sass in shs because of the fuck#ing pandemic man. i wanna be a little shit again#or not...i may have been roasting the class pres and he sent me to help clean woth the library when the tracher asked of someone was naughty#is naughty even the right wordi cant remember fuck i hate language barriers and words fhat can never truly be expressed#like?? to fully understand something in another language translating it isnt enough you need to#actually learn the langauge#because the contecnt and context and everything is just..lost#some words are not translated correctly to what it actually means andit frustrates me#gods punishment for the tower of babel isnsntupid iland i hate him for it#also like ive been asking people if jesus had a choice in becoming sacrifice and my granma said no and shes religous so nowni feel bad for#him bevaus ehe had no choice ornsomething idunno im itred#gnnfor reals#im sory agaij im just#i dontnknkw whay im supposed to be doing#taling with new people are jard so im so sordh#if i sound weird#im not very good at speaking with new people
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transgaysex · 2 years ago
its strange how much fun ive been having working on this considering i havent put this amount of work and detail into a personal piece in fucking forever
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phagodyke · 8 months ago
guys I I ammmmso tired
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thatfizzyyyy · 1 year ago
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