#im rambling and need to go to bed
floydsteeth · 9 months
Santa Claus Silvio because he jingles all the way, you can delete my ask ASJDJDKBF
i was about to go to bed but now i feel like he'll haunt my dreams but no this is funny i migt draw this at somepoint
thank you for your time
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stiffyck · 8 months
What if people started saying "I need to exercise more" or "I need to eat a bit healthier" instead of "I need to lose weight"
You can be healthy and fat
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becauseplot · 1 year
Having such normal thoughts about codebreakers rn. The way they always rise/drop to meet the other’s energy in all their interactions. Their stick fights, calling out “strafing strafing strafing well played the crit you’re cracked you’re cracked—” The way they both self-deprecate (typically through humor) but always hype each other up. “You’re the goat, you’re the goat.” “You got this, king, I believe in you.” Philza hardcore veteran and Etoiles longtime pvper both seeing the beauty of death in the ways it gives the Now meaning; how death is what makes life so much more vibrant. Two wanderers who would happily spend the rest of their days out exploring the world all on their own but stay where they are simply to be near and protect the ones they love. The yin-yang of warrior-survivalist (“I didn’t kill it” vs “But you lived”) but being shield brothers and understanding each other all the same. The ‘CODEBREAKER’ axe that brought them together and gave them their name. Yeah. Them.
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avornalino · 7 months
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hiiii.. 🙃🙃
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pup-pee · 4 months
for kart request, can we get more disabled!bart and kon?
!!!! them!!!!!!
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uhm,,,,,,,then also i fucked up the download of this drawing so ;;
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ahalliance · 9 months
if anyone watching bbh’s stream was wondering it was étoiles’ discord that was the ‘metagaming reporters’ kekw étoiles asked them what was up and they obliged
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xerith-42 · 27 days
Going onto the internet and finding out that people hated Mabel Pines (a literal 12 year old girl who is also not real) might have been one of the first times I felt truly disillusioned with the rest of the world
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bonetrousledbones · 2 years
whatever you do DON’T think about how papyrus undertale’s biggest motivations lie in encouraging the people around him to improve themselves and finding the joy in friendship and how he doesn’t have any of that in deltarune whatsoever and instead he’s just hiding inside of a dark house while everyone else is outside going about their lives relatively fine without him just dont think about it
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year
woke up at 4am to be productive but u know what the thing about calm quiet mornings is? It’s too calm. how am I supposed to get anything done if I’m not 5 seconds away from a stress induced heart attack???
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Actually, now I think about it, Barnaby will put his face in Howdy's fluff whether or not he's unhappy.
SO true. maybe im just very tired but im getting the mental image of him like... tugging on Howdy's apron like "hey c'monnn im so unhappy rn im seriously so angry, just gimme the fluff itll fix me right up-" In The Middle Of The 'Busy' Store. and im finding it extremely funny
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i wrote a short short s3-divergence oneshot about this song months ago because i couldn't stop imagining Wille going back to That Road, chasing a phantom car, over and over again, because he got out of the car too late, because he'd been too slow, because he missed Simon and never got him back and yet he can't help it, every year without him, he ends up back on that road, because he can't go forward, every road leads back to Simon and GOD ITS JUST SUCH A GOOD SONG
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like hello???????????? LOST PART OF ME THAT DAY
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trashmammal69 · 1 year
NITW has a fantastic ost all around but damn something about "Dinner at Bea's" always gets me. I could gush about it for hours. (I don't know much about music forgive me if I say something completely wrong lol)
The first thing that always strikes me as I listen is the bass line(?) It's repetitive, and barely changes throughout the song, the same few notes throughout the whole piece, which to me highlights the monotonous and stale nature of Bea's life, never breaking from routine.
The main melody is even more heart-wrenching. It's a soft, bittersweet keyboard, which occasionally rises, before inevitably falling back into melancholy. It feels restrained, always faltering before reaching any meaningful peak, as if it's being repressed. It feels, to me, like the song itself is afraid to hope again, to feel any joy, in fear of it being stripped away. Snuffing out dreams before they can manifest. Focusing on the task at hand.
Soon enough, a subtle string arrives, tinny and lethargic, feeling like days melting into one another with no end in sight. This is then overpowered by a deeper and much more somber string, eclipsing all other elements of the music, like a dark cloud. There is also a distinct sense of longing, of yearning, that accompanies it. That deep, weighty feeling in your chest that tugs on your soul as you long for times long past is encapsulated in this section perfectly.
Then, a gentle piano pierces through the fog, accompanied by the keyboard, and builds to a crescendo before... stopping. Barely having time to conclude before immediately looping and returning to the start of the song, with the same, repetitive notes. It feels like snapping out of a daydream, ripped from hopes and aspiratons before being dropped back into reality.
I literally love this song so much, I feel it conveys so much about Bea as a character through such effective means that I can't help but place it among my favorites from the ost. I'm probably overthinking it but I always do that anyway, so may as well do it about a cool song from a cool videogame.
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becauseplot · 1 year
Staying Level-Headed
You know everyone was looking at qPhil coming back chanting “KILLZA KILLZA KILLZA” and like yeah we all want it, and we sort of got it through the initial chaos: the lava cast over the presidential building, the threats of further action against the Federation. It's not exactly the violent/furious rampage some might've been wanting or expecting, though.
And honestly? I'm glad---because it makes perfect sense.
Since the start, Phil has been very upfront about his thoughts concerning the egg situation. He knew and believed and repeatedly expressed (to his kids, sometimes!) that there was a very good chance they were going to die, or get taken away. He's always been very practical about death and treated it as an inevitable force that can't be evaded. Man, you can trace it back in his character so far. When the Nightmare happens, and Phil is holding a dying Chayanne in his arms, he says something to the effect of, "I'm so sorry, they just don't want you to live in this world."
A fact. A hard, cold, undeinable fact.
Phil is pragmatic. Married to Death. Hinted at having lived a long, long time; seen many things, outlived many people.
He is a survivor. And rule number one of being a survivalist: always be prepared to be faced with the cruel, the unfair, and the unexpected.
So, yes, of course it hurts. He never wanted his kids to be taken away from him---but he's braced for the blow. He has been mentally fortifying himself for a moment like this for months, and on another level, most of his life.
Thus, after he has a moment to allow himself to break, he takes a deep breath and keeps a level head. He talks to Tubbo and Fit, lets them fill him in on the situation, doesn't demand answers they don't have. When they tell him about how the island's president has gone off the deep end, Phil's immediate instinct is to believe the best in Forever and that he must be being manipulated by the Federation in some way. (Seriously! He draws that conclusion so fast! He immediately recognizes Forever as a victim rather than a threat or an enemy, despite Forever's position of power and "emotional unavailability.") And yeah, Phil instagates the lava cast, which is still griefing, but it's a localized, controllable form of griefing that is inflicted upon Federation territory only, and he follows it up with threats of further action with a viable plan. Then, he immediately plunges into an investigation of the old freezer/prison with Tubbo to look for any possible clues left behind.
Look, this isn't to say that the way that qPhilza---or ccPhilza, for that matter---is handling the situation "better" than anyone else, or that the other characters aren’t capable of making rational decisions. All of the other characters' various reactions, breakdowns, retaliations, and quests for answers are believable, well-played, and fascinating. (Like fuck dude the ccs are COOKING right now; and objectively speaking, the mines are pretty goddamn funny lol.) I just want to outline exactly why qPhil's reaction works so, so, so well for his character and why I'm ultimately glad that he didn't go all hyper-murdery, stewing about putting the Federation's heads on a pike or storming the Federation HQ or anything like that.
((Also, it's worth mentioning that all of his plans aren't """perfect""" decisions for the situation! Like his plan to play keep-away with Forever's briefcase of drugs until the effects of his last dose wear off. We know how unstable Forever becomes when the withdrawal starts to set in---he began to panic and pulled a gun on Phil. As terrible as the pills are for him, Forever becomes a danger to himself and the people around him when the medication wears off. He's so fragile right now, so if Phil going to try to get him to go cold-turkey, ideally, Phil would need to do it in a safer environment than just, fucking anywhere. Also Phil's follow-up plan is to assassinate Forever, potentially by taking advantage the apparent trust Forever has in Phil??? Like I get it, desperate times require desperate measures, and it still makes for an interesting story line that I would absolutely gobble up, but OW???? Like qPhil, bestie, are you sure that's the best plan in the long run????? Anyway, I digress.))
So that's about it. I miss my little huevos but I love this arc SO so much and I love pPhil and I have so many thoughts about him and I can't wait to see where this goes. Rambles over. Gn <3
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vellichorsdesire · 6 months
thjnking about sleeping on same bed with f/o in each others arms ready to drift off to sleep and then notice how they’ve grown more comfortable w giving me lots of kisses (their reply to me noticing so is ‘fun to see your reaction, is all’ (because i totally don’t squirm so much in their arms while they do so)) and then me suddenly moving to cup their cheek, doing the thumb thing and go ‘how about me? can i kiss you?’ and then watch their brain just shut down right on the spot and go red as i am
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thebananaiscold · 10 days
One thing about me is that I don’t really interact with other people a lot, not because I have some sort of superior “I’m better” complex, it’s the exact opposite actually. I’m DEEPLY afraid of rejection. I open up to people once they get to know me more, but I have hold myself back, because tbh I can get a lil annoying. I can talk about anything and everything. Your shit, my shit, creepypasta, Markiplier, penguinz0, video games, serial killer documentaries, horror films, conspiracy theories, what’s the best icecream flavor, What animal would choose to be if you had to pick one, etc. I have to hold myself back, because I can talk ALOT, and it can get annoying. I don’t get the chance to talk a lot, (my one and only friend literally ditched me after 7 years of friendship suddenly out of the blue with no real reason and it really fucked me up, I have issues making friends now because I’m worried someone else will do that to me) so I can get overwhelming when I think someone wants to talk or likes me as a friend and I understand and try not to get that way. I apologize in advance to anyone who is unfortunate enough to deal with me and my insistent ramblings.
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fleshdyk3 · 24 days
honeybee's whines are so high i can barely hear them so sometimes i dont even notice them LMFAOO. which is nice when she needs to go to sleep but doesnt want to
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