#im on s5 theyll get to it... surely
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rosquinn · 6 months ago
this plotline and narrative style are soooo fucking mid gotta love it /pos
lost to the demons (tumblr + my friend's propaganda) and started watching supernatural..
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demadogs · 2 years ago
You know way more abou this than I do so you're the perfect person to ask. Do you think it's still possible for season 5 of stranger things to come out in 2024? Because the general consensus seems to be now that it will be pushed back to 2025, but that would be a 3 year gap, just like the gap between seasons 3 and 4. But the reason the gap between 3 and 4 took so long was because:
1) they had to suspend filming for more than half a year due to covid, and then they had to film more slowly because of covid measures,
2) they filmed in many different locations meaning that there were gaps between filming scenes from each group since the directors and crew travelled back and forth I guess, and also building sets takes time; but season 5 will all be filmed in the same place so it will take less time,
3) season 4 was almost double lenght compared to season 3, meaning that filming obviously took way more months, but again, they said season 5 episodes will be shorter.
I know post production an editing will be just as long as it was after season 4, but I think filming will be considerably shorter, thus season 5 releasing in 2024 still being very possible (I'd love for it to be on summer since I hyperfixate on this show for months each time a new season comes out so I need it to be on holidays otherwise I'll fail all my exams lmao but I guess I'm asking for too much 😔)
i actually dont know much more than you do to be honest! but i do think 2024 is a good bet and if i had to be specific, im guessing fall. they said they want to go back to the feel of season one so i think it would be very fitting if after the time skip its set in fall. that would make it likely come out in fall 24 (thats not guaranteed tho. s4 was set in spring but came out in summer).
like you said, covid is the main reason the wait was so fucking long. they started filming in february 2020 so they had really bad luck. they barely shot anything and had to wait months to get back. im not sure the different locations played that huge of a role in how much time it extended the filming. they could have had different crew for different settings so they could film russia stuff at the same time as hawkins stuff or something like that. honestly not sure though i could be wrong.
you make a good point about this season being extra long too, but covid allowed them to write the entire season before they started filming so they may have been able to film more at a faster pace since everything was already written.
i dont think you should assume that post production will take the same amount that it did for s4 tho. we have to take into account that its the last season and they always up their visual effects game every time so post production work could take a verrrry long time and they may, and probably will, be doing completely new things which will take more time. will said vecna is hurting but he’s still alive so vecna probably will have a whole new look to him. if they wanna give him a destroyed gross mushy kinda vibe similar to the s3 flesh monster, they wouldnt be able to accomplish that entirely through practical effects like they did vecna this season, so that would extend the post production a huge amount. theres also the whole post apocalyptic vibe that theyll probably be going for in s5. s4 ended with the upside down basically swallowing hawkins so those spore things may be in every outside shot. all that red lighting and clouds may be in every episode. the upside down are real sets but they still gotta animate the vines and make them moving and wet and gross and again, that could be every single episode.
so to sum up, i do think 2024 is likely it just may not be until the fall. i would really love if it was released on november 6th.
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gunmetal-ring · 2 years ago
Im sorry you guys but i think im out. Like i knew it would be bad but i really didnt think it would be, like, daryl plays dora the explorer while carol does something that is sort of apparently totally different than mercer even though they have the same title or something idk. And daryl wants her to come and she says no and then theyre like ok ilu bye.
Like. It was so, so much worse than i thought it would be. I really thought the whole "wakes up without a memory in france" deal meant that he was abducted or some shit, bc logistically, theyve spent how many years hammering into our heads that daryl simply will not leave carol? That theyre unhappy when theyre apart? That they are lone wolves? That carol hated being in charge of the kingdom? Whatever the more i think about it the more upset i get. The deliberately ambiguous i love yous was bad but i could have accepted it if daryl and caryl werent completely retconned to fuck as characters. But. Here we are.
All that to say i think im out. Clearing out my dash of caryl and twd shit bc it just hurts to see two characters i love utterly destroyed for some stupid fucking study abroad trip. And im done writing for caryl, too. I dont think i can get the inspiration anymore bc it just hurts. Im gonna finish roots bc at this point they feel like My characters, not twd characters, so it doesnt hurt so much.
Lol and watch me do the exact same thing with hellcheer bc im pretty sure theyll find a way to bring back eddie in s5, but leave behind all the other characters from the upside down, meaning chrissy. Which will also hurt but i cant think about that right now either.
All this to say... its been a ride. Ill still be around but just a heads up if i unfollow its not personal, it just means that i cant deal w looking at caryl/twd shit. I sincerely hope that other fans are still dedicated and find happiness and comfort in the show and in caryl. You all deserve it 💓
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when do you think theyll make hawkdemetri canon; in s4 or later (assuming it goes to 6 seasons)? i think the romantic aspects of their relationship will be empathized more clearly in s4 (hawk's jealousy of yasmime, their deep understanding and love for each other, etc) but they won't officially get together until the fifth season, leaving the last one to explore them figuring out how to go public and all that. or or i was thinking they do get together in s4 but due to the cobras threatening demetri or smth like that, they break up shortly after and don't get back together until the s5 or 6 finale. i feel like i'm being bold bc nothings set in stone but w what jon and hayden liked/rted im just ahhh!! so excited!!
Oh man, are we actually doing this now??? Are we actually discussing when Hawkmetri would hypothetically go canon???
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I personally see them making Hawk/Demetri an endgame pairing, so they wouldn’t officially get together until close to the end of the series--maybe even IN the series finale (which, as I believe I mentioned in one of my other posts, I would strongly prefer to be the kids’ senior prom, where a giant karate fight breaks out and everyone has to battle in tuxes and dresses because it would be HILARIOUSLY AWESOME). I think they might do it like She-Ra did Catradora, where they don’t confess their love and get together until the last (or close to the last) episode (Ah, She-Ra spoilers, I guess...but anyone who doesn’t know by now that Catra and Adora end up together has been living under a rock XD) but there’s LOTS of ship tease prior and maybe even a stolen kiss/hand-hold or two leading up to that moment. Either way, if they decide to go the Hawkmetri route, it definitely has Endgame Ship vibes to me, which means...good news is, we’re gonna win this bitch, and bad news is, I don’t think we’ll be seeing Hawkmetri proper anytime soon, especially if the show goes on for 6+ seasons D: But hey, we sure as hell have something to look forward to, if our hope isn’t totally misplaced!
I think most likely Demetri and Yasmine will date throughout Season 4, and I can see the writers using this to give Hawk a “green-eyed epiphany” of sorts, where he realizes he’s jealous of Yasmine in slightly more than a you’re-hanging-out-with-my-best-friend-more-than-me kind of way, and he’s just like “...oh fuck, am I gay? Shit shit SHIT” and cue Big Boi Angst! Probably by Season 5 Dem and Yaz will be broken up (because ain’t no one telling me a relationship founded on wedgies lasts more than one goddamn season), and that’s when we’ll start getting a lot more ship tease with Demetri and Hawk--subtle touches, a bit of hand-holding (but, of course, they’d find a way to do it in contexts where they can get away with it lol), “friendship teasing” that’s basically flirting, longing gazes when the other isn’t looking, getting a little TOO contact-happy when they spar--that kinda deal. Maybe at the end of Season 5, they’ll share a kiss, but they won’t want to address it or it’ll come with some complication. Like they’re both drunk, or maybe one kisses the other and then doesn’t want to talk about it afterwards because they’re too embarrassed, etc etc. And they’re both trying to figure out if everyone’s even going to be cool with them being gay anyways.
Season 6 I see as being more or less the same thing, with lots of ship tease and mutual pining and such, but it’s a bit more intense now and kinda complicated by the fact that they’re more directly aware of their affection for each other being romantic and they’re both trying to come to terms with the fact that they’re definitely probably not straight. They’re also slowly realizing they’re full-on in love with each other too, and they’re both trying to work up the courage to just ask the other to be with them. And then at the end of the season they finally do it, and then go to Karate Prom together!!! The madlads!!!
GRANTED, I’m REALLY trying not to get my own hopes up about all this, BUT the fact that one of the show creators liked someone’s tweet asking if Hawk and Demetri were gonna be the LGBT rep and another creator straight-up RETWEETING Hawk x Demetri fanart is...admittedly very promising!!! I’m really really hoping beyond hope that this ship happens!!! But Korrasami happened, Catradora happened...so anything is possible!!! It’s certainly easier to make a gay ship with semi-major characters canon than it used to be. I just hope the homophobic side of the Cobra Kai fanbase doesn’t mess this up for us by bitching about “PC” LGBT representation to the showrunners or something :/ Man...it’s honestly kind of alarming to see the amount of people who seem against shipping Hawk and Demetri solely because...they’re both guys??? Like people really be like “UGH these two guys are PLATONIC FRIENDS why must you make it GAY???” As if anyone in the history of EVER has said “UGH this guy and this girl are PLATONIC FRIENDS why must you make it STRAIGHT???” because...they’re already “defaulted” to be straight :/ Sigh...this is the depressing world we live in, I guess.
Fingers still crossed for Hawk x Demetri, though!!! Let’s make it canon through the Power of Karate!!!
Man I am on a ROLL tonight, I can’t fuckin sleep so instead I’m in my askbox shitposting about the binary boyfriends nonstop XD 3 asks in one night, babeyyyyy!
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fereldenshero · 3 years ago
Bucks been through a lot of physical shit but he never had any emotional trauma. There was times like the red episode, the Daniel storyline, and Buck telling Eddie he wishes it was him that got shot that hint that Buck might be dealing with some deeper mental issues, but then these issues always end up being completely solved by one pep talk from Eddie or Maddie at the end of the episode and are never mentioned again
boy oh boy, this sure is one of the opinions ever! let us go through all the reasons why i disagree, shall we?
first off, i want to preface this by saying that im extremely behind on the show. like, the last season i fully watched was season 3. the only episodes from season 4 that ive seen are s4e4 and s4e5 (ive been a buck girl since 2018, idk what to tell ya) and then ive also seen a few gifs from s4e14. plus, i havent seen any full episodes in a long ass time. so when i mention specific events that happened in the show, i could either be totally misremembering or just straight up not know what happened. okay? okay! (im also putting this under a read more bc it got a bit long thumbsup)
so first off, i dont. fully agree with him going through "a lot of physical shit". there could be instances that happened in s4 or s5 that im just not aware of yet, but as far as i know, the only instances of physical trauma came from him getting his leg crushed in s2e18. personally, i lump in his broken leg, pulmonary embolism, and the severe cut he got during the tsunami episodes as kind of one instance since they all happened due to one incident, but youre more than free to separate them if youd like. even then, thats not a whole lot ? i mean, it is quite a bit for a regular person to go through, but for a tv show character in a show thats lasted for 5+ seasons, it doesnt Feel like a lot. if there are any other instances where hes gotten hurt that im missing, totally feel free to let me know, but thats all im aware of
"he never had any emotional trauma." okay. well first off, dont you think that serious physical injuries would lead to a lot of emotional trauma? especially something like, oh, i dont know, getting your entire leg crushed underneath a firetruck? i feel like that would have some lasting effects on a person. second off, you just. proceeded to list off things that definitely indicate Something? im not quite sure what "the red episode" is, but the daniel storyline is definitely going to fuck with him for a while, plus seeing one of your closest friends get shot, is. well thats gonna stick with you. theres also no indication that hes not still dealing with the aftermath of those instances. just because we're not actively seeing him say "this thing happened to me, and it was bad and still sticks with me" doesnt mean that those things didnt happen and werent bad and werent still effecting him. theres also no indication that after speaking with maddie and eddie, that he was magically cured or that their "pep talks" fixed everything. im not sure about the specifics about the one with eddie, but i know that with maddie, talking with her most definitely didnt fix anything. if anything, it just. helped him a bit. it didnt magically fix him, it didnt make everything all better. all it did was help him with understanding that hes not broken or unloved and that shes always there for him. just because they havent been explicitly brought up since they happened, doesnt mean theyre not still effecting buck to this day. from my understanding, season 5 has been more focused on maddie (+ chimney as well i think) and eddie, so it makes sense that they havent expanded on those specific events yet. the 911 writers dont strike me as the type of tv writers to just. forget character development theyve done. im sure theyll bring everything that they need to bring up, when they need to. 911 is a show about patience - us as the audience always have to wait to see what happens, and how they get brought back up.
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avatarofthelonely · 4 years ago
i could try to make a new bingo for theories/hopes/etc on the final stretch of s5 but i only have a few ideas that i have any real confidence in so im just gonna make this lil post instead
- jonah is gonna face the consequences of his actions. it just makes the most narrative sense and although this is a tragedy, tragedy isnt satisfying without catharsis, and i think for this story jonah getting got would make a very filling, cathartic meal. no idea if hell actually Die die or if we get an atla sort of ending where his powers are just stripped away or what. but hes gonna get It (the “it” tbd) 
- i DO think that the jon vs jonah showdown thats most likely going to happen is going to play into jonah getting It though. ive made a post about it when we first realized this but im fairly certain no matter what ends up happening, jonah isnt going to be the one that the eye chooses. jons been spending all season showing how powerful he is now meanwhile jonahs been doing what? watching people from his bitch tower? thats what i thought
- it does make sense that jon would win fairly easy in said popularity contest because it offers this premature sense of relief that the Evil Has Been Defeated, only for us to be hit with the realization that theres still the actual apocalypse that needs to be ended, and how it is ended is going to lead to our big ol Tragic Ending Torte or whatever the fuck jonny called it. i really cant say for sure what will happen, if just jon dies, or just martin, or even how theyll die, but personally my main hope is that if they have to die then they will both die. do i think that outcomes highly likely? ehhhh
- georgie and jon closure in my mouth please please please you are nothing (i dont want to be pessimistic but i do think theres a way that the two of them could get “closure” based on how things are going so far but it would be sooo dumb and unsatisfying and i would honestly rather them not get closure at all at that point. im not gonna type out what i think might happen bc it really is just a worst case scenario but if it does happen i WILL bite a man)
- maybe one of the characters that showed up for like one episode just so  something that really couldve just been ‘shown’ instead of said could be said will show up again to say things again. personally i think itd be funny if it was jordan and he actually sicced his ants on somebody lol
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lloydshoulddyehishair · 5 years ago
hopes for s13 and brief review of s12?
okok ik s12 just aired but--- hear me out skjskyjs
i really liked this season, wouldn't say i loved it, but still liked it. we got a proper storyline unlike in s11 and some(?) character development, the soundtrack was good - which it also was in s11 - and i loved that they brought the master back.
yet i cant help but be quite annoyed about some things in this season.
the master:
like i said i loved that they brought the master back BUT how can we not have missy mentioned at least once. if this master is an incarnation after missy he for sure would have mentioned her at least once to spite the doctor and hurther even more by her having failed missy or something like that. and if he was an incarnation before missy i'm pretty sure that the doctor would have mentioned her at least once. it just feels like everything that missy hat going for her during s9/10 got thrown out of the window and i highkey do not like that.
i really hope that in s13 we will get some closure on that because i don't really believe we've seen the last of the master yet.
angst? things?
something that bothered me and a lot of others with the doctor in s11 was that it felt like the doctor lacked something the other new who doctors always had and that had just become part of the doctors character over the years.
i'm talking about the darkness, the anger, the sadness.
and i know we got some of that in s12 which i LIVED for btw because i am a huge sucker for angst. but (i'm going to use this word so much in this blog thingy skjs) we never really had an anger moment that made one go "oh damn" like we had with the previous doctors. i mean matt smith had one of those moments in his second episode.remember how he had this cold anger towards amy for pressing the forgot button about the starwhale situation because she didn't want the doctor to have to make a decision - so basically making the decision for him - and how he then screamed at everyone in fury. those are the kinds of moments im talking about and i feel like we haven't had one of those with the thirteenth doctor yet. (i love her anyways because i am basically whipped for her but still)
and i know many, many people like exactly that about her and say that it's refreshing to see a doctor that didn't embody those things and this is obviously just my opinion. i just feel like the doctor isn't really the doctor withthout some characteristics and that's one of them. (maybe its just me growing up with him always being like that that makes me miss it so much now)
and this is definitely not jodies fault because she's a great actress and more than capable of doing a scene like that - she just wasn't given the right material to work with.
the companions:
so this will be quite short because i only have two things to say
1. character development.
it's been two seasons and i'm still not quite sure what kind of people yaz, graham and ryan are and thats just-- not good.
i think they introduced too many characters at the same time and thats why they could barely pull of any character development. would've enjoyed it more if they did something like in s5 where amy travels alone with the doctor for half the season - we get an idea of who she is, ect - and then properly introduced rory.
where are the good old hugs? thirteen deserves a hug and if she goes of the show without being higged at least twice i will RIOT and steal chris chibnalls identity to rewrite doctor who.
the only hug thirteen got was when she hugged najia khan. yaz' mum. like---
clara oswald would NOT have let this happened
y'all remember when i said i only had like two points about this? i was lying
rule 1
3. death
okay so if there is one hope i have for the next season that i want to happen more than any of the others it's
not because i love them so much (i mean i do love them but--)
but because its getting quite boring at this point.
the last three companions have all been (more or less) killed off in some way. amy and rory being taken by the weeping angels and dying of old age, clara being killed by the raven thing, bill being converted into a cyberman.
don't even need a huge donna situation. maybe just have them go on their own, deciding it'd be better to stay home now, like martha did in the end of s3.
that'd be refreshing.
i'm exited for how theyll decide to let the fam go especially since there are rumors that tosin (ryan) and bradley (graham) will be leaving the series.
maybe have ryan realize that all of that traveling is too risky for him after all and that he wants to stay in sheffield and have graham stay with him because he wants to look out for his grandson.
i don't know what to do with yaz tbh because i doubt they'd keep her as a companion for three full seasons with that little character development, ect. maybe have her stay and then go mid-season? idk
i think we all know its coming. the doctor is probably going to regenerate at the end of s13 or around the christmas/new years special. and while i'm not ready to let her go yet because i feel like they could do so much more with her character and i just lover her so much, i don't think they'll make her stay for four seasons. the longest run any doctor had was three seasons so thats why i'm assuming she's going in s13. (i dont fucking want her to go i cant - - - - -)
so if they make her regenerate i hope that they'll do two things:
have her have a memorable speech, doesn't have to be as deep and heart clenching as the one 12 had (i'm still crying about it) but maybe something along the lines of 10 would be nice. but just beacuse i love angst.
the other thing i'm hoping for is that she won't regenerate into a man just yet. not because i want to push some fEmInIsT aGeNdA but because i feel like there are many things that can still be explored with a female doctor - ESPECIALLY HISTORY WISE. yeah we got some of that during the with trials (was that the episodes title? not sure) in season 11 but 1 episode out of 372802275110 (ok i just smashed the numbers on my keyboard but still). have her explore some more of the struggles women in the past had to go and sometimes still go through.
let me tell y'all something
if they just brought jack back for those 5 minutes in s12 where he didn't even directly interwct with the doc and won't bring him back in s13 i WILL throw hands.
i need a thirteen and jack reunion with jack hugging thirteen tight and lifting her up from the ground and spinning them around while she's still in the air in his arms, grinning like a freaking retard beCAUSE I AM SOFT LIKE THAT
i'll probably do a blog about the things that i really liked about s12, because i feel like it seems like i hated s12 which i really didn't just kinda sad and disappointed (ex. the jack situation) about some things
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missing-my-griffin · 7 years ago
“you will be happy.”
The more I think about it, the more I am convinced Jason was genuinely not baiting us in S5 and is sitting at home rn wondering why the fuck the fandom still doubts romantic Bellarke.
Pretty sure he didnt mean “you will be happy” as one of those disses thinking “Blorkes are so pathetic theyll be content with anything” but more along the lines of... I wrapped up this beautiful love story, had it directly addressed by the main characters sister, called them boyfriend and girlfriend by another character, literally separated Becho for 10 episodes, had B&C flirting not in one, but in TWO scenes in the finale and ended it all with Bellarke cuddling, crying and adopting a second child. I’ve made it so obvious you have antis admitting there’s been a shift. And then I say ambiguous stuff in ONE interview and THATS the thing you take from this season.
This whole thing reminds me of those action movies where some John Doe (us) asks “can you help me with this?” and the lawyer (JRoth) pushes over a napkin with a number written on it. He goes “puuh I really don’t think I can. Im sorry.” and John Doe is like. “Oh that sucks.” The lawyer raises his eyebrows and looks a little confused. “I mean, I just really really can’t”, tapping the napkin. John: “I know I got that.” Lawyer, completely exasperated at this point, leans forward and stares into Johns eyes; says through gritted teeth “I said I can’t.” while nodding intensely. This would usually be the point where a person would catch on and be like ohhh I get it haha. But metaphorically speaking, at this point the Bellarke fandom gets up, insults the lawyer, waves around the napkin screaming “and what the hell am I supposed to do with this??” and leaves.
Like.. Jason can’t say anything. He’s showing us. And he sneaks in words like “yet” and “at the moment” and basically winks so hard his eyes must be hurting. For crying out loud, he retweeted an article that called bullshit on his “non-romantic” statement. If I were him, Id just be like
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this isn’t meant to critique anyone at all I get if you’re all disappointed and have lost hope!! But if you take a step back and look at how we’ve been fed this season, this really is the only way it can be interpreted!
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demadogs · 3 years ago
some of yall are so brave and sure about byler being confirmed this season, i wish i had that confidence. the most i feel like we'll get is some ambiguous situation with mike's feelings leaning towards liking will but no confirmation and just to leaving us on a cliffhanger, all for the drama. which i would absolutely hate because i don't feel like being harassed by milkvans online until s5 releases. 🙄
i am annoyingly confident in byler lmao. i really dont think theyll leave it ambiguous in volume two because they kinda already did that in s3. it was subtle but that “not possible” scene, the painfully awkward mlvn kiss (which framed mike in a closet!!!) and his confused look after, not saying he loves her back, mike looking back at the byers house after everyone else rides their bikes away while hoppers letter says “if im being really honest, thats what scares me” and then cutting to will when he says “i dont want things to change”, mikes hug with his mom. they already left mikes feelings kinda ambiguous at the end of a season. theres no reason to do that again.
i also dont think they’ll leave it ambiguous based on the fact that theyre considering a time jump. to heavily imply their mutual feelings and then skip to their senior year only too reveal they still havent admitted their feelings to each other yet? nah. theyre not that bad. with the painting and everything theyre bound to have a talk about it in volume two. and noah said theres “an amazing scene” in the finale episode and we’ll “just have to see”. leaving something ambiguous requires more than one moment/scene like everything i mentioned they did at the end of s3. that scene he was talking about is probably related to them admitting their feelings and/or coming out. im so excited.
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missing-my-griffin · 7 years ago
bellarke reunion?
god im so excited for the 100 tonight!! I am praying to god we’ll get a Bellarke reunion but im super unsure? Their fallout was so massive, i kind of expect the reunion episode to be their making up episode, and tbh im guessing its more likely thatll be the finale.
Their conflict and relationship, as always, has been the essence of this season and their heart to heart will be the resolution of S5 Im pretty sure. 
IF they have a reunion this ep it would have to be weird and distanced and nothing will be addressed. Im preparing for the worst. Or maybe theyll work against each other and only meet through radio? it could really go anywhere. maybe bellamy will find out about the calls and they wont meet till next ep and it will be torture for him. either way im excited!!!
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