#im literally just rambling lmao
zeawesomebirdie · 2 years
So I subscribed to Tricycle (a like, 30+ year old Buddhist magazine) the other day and they do regular haiku contests, and they also have classes and stuff about how to write haiku. I've never really been one for poetry before, but thch after going through their backlog of haiku and stuff I think I might give it a try at some point
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reverienco · 8 months
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what the fuck am i doing. scheduling this at 1am.
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buddietommys · 3 months
"Do you think you'll kill for me one day?"
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"Yes, of course I will my darling."
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mikayesha · 6 months
hello I'm obsessed with your nrmts last wish au would you mind if I drew it 🤲
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I'm so glad you like these two gay mofos interacting as Puss and Kitty!🤲 You don't even need to ask!! It will totally be a delight to see them in a more scrumptious artstyle
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ashertickler · 20 days
aaron and smartass.
enemies to lovers.
i'm talking office tensions, forced proximity, interpersonal standoffs, and miscommunication
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crystallizsch · 4 months
despite twst being a "villain" game
i love it when i see how certain characters speak to certain people. like how people just relate to their struggles/personalities/etc.
there’s riddle coming to terms that not everything has to be perfect, unlearning from what he has been taught growing up that not everything has to be followed to the letter;
ace who is gungho and earnest about what he believes in and has the natural inclination to defend those he grows to genuinely care about;
deuce always striving to improve himself despite setbacks and being aware of his own shortcomings;
leona who acts like he’s given up from being cast aside his entire life and coming to terms to the fact that there are people that do look to him as a leader, as someone who’s worth something;
floyd who unapologetically just does what he wants, choosing to do things that interests him at the moment;
kalim choosing to be happy and kind always, living life everyday to the fullest knowing what he’s gone through;
jamil with the expectations and obligations to essentially "perform" and do things for others more than for himself, especially when he has the potential to shine by himself with his own abilities;
vil rejecting gender norms and restrictions, while still being confident in his own masculinity, and also wanting other people to bring out their best and truest potential even though he may be strict about it;
rook being able to pick out so meticulously the beauty in everything and everyone whenever no one else is able to;
idia with his introverted yet very passionate energy towards things he cares about;
silver with his love and dedication for those he considers his family;
malleus with his loneliness and bringing out his genuine self with someone he's able to consider a friend;
i know some of these sound pretty surface-level but these are the ones that just came to mind at the moment, these are not my full-on thoughts on each of them
my point overall is i just really love seeing when there’s a character that REALLY speaks to someone that doesn’t particularly speak to me because it gives me a whole new perspective on characters i initially didn’t care about or didn’t like and makes me appreciate them more
also it just shows how how these characters are different enough in that sense so that there are characters for everyone to love and relate to 🥺💕
i could gush more about relationship dynamics as well but this is getting long enough hfdsfjsljlks anyways i would love to see others’ own takes and why a particular character(s) relates to them or why they just like them in general 👉👈 i want to spread some good vibes 💖 but anyways idk these are just my thoughts 🤧
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terriblygrimm · 4 months
zvtaras and fantaras want firelady k.atara to happen so badly when you literally have aang; liberating an entire school of fire nation students, gaining their love and trust, leading them by knowing several classic fire nation dances already, who knows what the heart of the fire nation was before it was polluted by a dictator, who challenged the false historical teachings of their instructor in class with humor and sincere grace, and who is the only one who knows the blue spirit, the true self of the fire nation’s new firelord and leader. like bruh zukaang is RIGHT THERE and it’s everything you want zvtara to be and/or pretend it is.
not to mention - aang is zuko’s partner (“you knew avatar aang better than anyone”, “lifelong best friends”) not prize. they are friends due to mutual trust. aang got zuko to bend and grow (and vice versa) because he was shamelessly who he is. he would never compromise who he is as the avatar and an air nomad.
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galaxyofstars · 5 months
honestly the debate about whether feyre was qualified or not to be high lady wouldn't be such a big deal if the story stopped trying to frame her as the best at everything. it's ok if the only reason she is initially made high lady was to make her rhys' equal in the sense that he does not hold more power over her, and technically, legally, cannot command her, or force her to do anything. she's his mate, so he feels comfortable doing that very early on into the relationship. it's a statement of his love and trust of her, or rather, his respect of her as her own person. but as @ofbreathandflame elaborates on here, it doesn't actually say anything about feyre herself, and to claim that she has done something to earn being high lady causes problems and conflict, because, well, she didn't. she didn't earn the title at all. there are qualities she possesses that may give her the potential to be a good leader, but she is not there already.
and then of course there's the problem that even if the story focused on rhys 'making feyre his equal', there's still confusion, because she fundamentally is not his equal. and it's never elaborated on because sjm can't without highlighting the contradictory nature of it all, but rhys did not arbitrarily become high lord because he earned the support and was sworn in. it's not clear when a high lord begins his reign officially, but it's implied that it starts when the magic 'chooses' them. the magic chose rhys, not feyre, and that fact will always mean that he holds some level of power over her. and that's a whole other topic with no real solution, but i don't think it would be as much as a problem if the story didn't try so hard to insist that that dynamic did not exist at all.
and to be clear im not trying to criticise or shit on feyre, this is more in defense of her than anything. girl deserves better than being lied to.
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camilleonne · 1 year
Trying to work out Gale age+ timeline, plus analysis
BG3 is my first introduction to the DnD lore, so this is really just me trying to work out where the BG3 story fits into the broader timeline of DnD. All of this information I got from the Forgotten Realms wiki, so if I'm misunderstanding anything I'd love input!
My goal with this is to guess how Gale's personal story fits into the timeline of the Forgotten Realms, mainly to estimate how old he might be and how long his relationship with Mystra was. According to the Wiki, Mystra was only recently resurrected, which means her relationship with Gale is very restricted in how long it could have been.
Here's Mystra's timeline:
1385 - Mystra dies, the Weave becomes unstable, magic changes, and the Spellplague begins
1395 - the Spellplague mostly ends, but the Weave is still unstable and Mystra is still dead
1479/1480 - Mystra returns with help from Elminster, magic starts to go back to normal
1482 - the Second Sundering begins, which aims to reorder the hierarchy of gods
1484 - gods begin acquiring Chosen mortals in order to cement their power
1487 - Mystra returns to her full power, the Weave is finally restored, and the Second Sundering ends
1488 - prayers to deities are ignored, and instead divine missives are directed through deities' Chosen
1489 - prayers begin to be answered again, while Chosen's powers and gifts are revoked by their patron gods, since they no longer serve a use to their gods. Only a few Chosen retain their powers.
1490 - nothing of note happens, according to the Wiki
1491 - Mystra restricts mind-reading magic. Otherwise, nothing of note happens pertaining to Mystra
1492 - the plot of Baldur's Gate 3 happens
If I understand this timeline correctly, the earliest Mystra could have begun interacting with Gale is the year 1480. But because this is when she had only just been resurrected, this is likely when she began to "mentor" him, and not when their romantic relationship began.
It was probably sometime between 1482-84 that Gale became Chosen and his romance with Mystra began. And if Gale was also one of the many Chosen who were cast aside by their gods in 1489, simply because he was no longer useful, then their romantic relationship would have lasted 9-10 years at most, but more likely was 7-8 years. But still! Nearly a decade of having a close relationship with your patron deity is hugely influential on someone's personality and outlook on life, and definitely explains where a lot of Gale's arrogance and hubris come from.
1480-82 - earliest possible time frame Mystra could have begun interacting with Gale
1482-84 - likely when Gale is Chosen, and the earliest their romance could have started
1489 - Gale likely loses his status as Chosen, and with it his extra powers gifted to him by Mystra. He would have been cast aside for no reason other than he was no longer useful to Mystra. This likely happened with little to no explanation from Mystra, forcing Gale to guess as to why he had been cast aside by his god and lover
1490 - this is likely the year that Gale searches for the "missing Weave" and takes the orb into himself, destroying his innate magical gifts and leaving him weakened and dying
1491 - Gale isolates himself in his tower for a year, depressed and heartbroken
1492 - BG3 plot occurs. One way or another, Gale comes to terms with his relationship with Mystra and manages to remove the Karsite Weave from himself
Gale mentions something about being called "delusional" by his professors when he graduated from wizard college (or whatever it's called). My guess/headcanon is that Gale would have graduated wizard school before Mystra began to mentor him. So he'd be, at the youngest, 21 when she initiates contact with Gale. Gale mentions that he'd been in relationships before Mystra, but that she was his longest partner, and 21 fits that backstory pretty well. This means that Gale is either 30 or 31, at the youngest, when Mystra casts him aside. This puts Gale at approximately 33-35 years old when BG3 occurs.
Another important thing is that, at least from Gale's perspective, he was cast aside by Mystra suddenly and without explanation. This left him having to guess why he was no longer one of her Chosen, which is what motivated him to win back her favor. Unfortunately, by trying to win her back, Gale took in the Karsite Weave, which ate away at his innate magical abilities and left him even weaker than he had ever been before.
Something that sticks out to me about this timeline is what Mystra says to Gale when he's finally able to confront her. She says to him something to the effect of "I would have made you my Chosen again, you just needed to be patient. But because you were impatient, you will never be my Chosen again". Likely the key difference between Elminster and Gale as both being powerful wizards devoted to Mystra is that Elminster understands that Mystra is a goddess, and should be treated with a sort of awe. If she does something that he doesn't understand, he just defers to her judgement as a goddess. But since Gale was in love with her, he treated their relationship like one between mortals, not that between a deity and their faithful. Gale's main folly is that he was in love with Mystra, while she was just using him as a pawn to consolidate her power. She probably wasn't lying to him about him being gifted, and probably would have made him Chosen again when it suited her, but Gale wanted more and couldn't stand the lack of communication, and so those powers were revoked from him.
It's really sad because Gale wanted real love, and wanted to be treated as an equal to Mystra. In a normal, human relationship, begin treated equally by your partner is a normal expectation. But because Mystra is a god and would never acquiesce her power, especially after only very recently regaining full control of it, Gale was doomed to be heartbroken. Also, the fact that Mystra cast Gale aside without telling him why, then didn't warn him that the Weave he found was deadly and would kill him, and then didn't tell him how to fix it, and then told him to kill himself to apologize, then ONLY tells him the truth of the situation after he starts to threaten her power, is super shitty. Can you blame him for any of it when he was literally ghosted by his goddess/girlfriend of 10 years?
The fact that Mystra is one of the "good" gods and can't even be bothered to treat one of her Chosen with decent respect, after manipulating him for his entire adult life, is super messed up. It really ties into the subthemes of BG3 about gods and how they just... really don't give a shit about their followers. Even the "good" ones still only really care about their power and protecting their interests. Like obviously Shar and Vlaakith are evil and treat their followers like shit, but the fact that Mystra does essentially the same thing with zero remorse, and then also blames Gale for all of it and forces him to beg her for forgiveness, is... sad.
And that's why Gale is a sweetheart and deserves all the love. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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bawltongue · 8 months
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Transmasc Alastor and transfemme Vox. Okay that's it.
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jenna-louise-jamie · 6 months
thinking about yassen gregorovich instead of sleeping (because i love him) and how he is a catalyst. yassen stabbs ash -> ash kills john rider -> ian rider raises alex -> yassen kills ian rider -> mi6 blackmails alex into becoming a teenage spy.
i have so many thoughts that i can't properly articulate. obviously this is a simplified chain of events, but yassen and his choices set off a chain reaction of the world's most unfortunate dominos. especially when you read russian roulette. to be clear im not necessarily trying to blame him for everything because that feels very mean. he was also just a 14 year old kid when everything in his life went wrong, just like alex. only difference being yassen literally had no one.
i think i should write an essay about this because i haven't even gotten into my thoughts about what yassen and alex's dynamic would look like past eagle strike. i would imagine it'd be similar to ellie and joel from the last of us part 2.
where obviously yassen loves alex and alex on some level cares for yassen back but struggles to reconcile that with the fact that yassen is responsible for his uncle's death. a very unforgivable act. it would be so messy and complicated and angsty, because on one hand here is an adult who truly cares about him and has a connection with him through his father. yassen could tell alex about john, and trust that yassen truly wants whats best for him. but he killed ian, and he cannot take that back.
while alex reels from those feelings, yassen is also trying to reconcile his love of alex with the knowledge that he on some level is responsible for the suffering alex endured at the hands of mi6. and possibly even the fact that alex's godfather is the one who killed john and helen.
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randaccidents · 5 months
Welp I have been pressured to actually give BASIC CONTEXT for our rp by kat so.
We've named the rp Lost in a Dream, and its between me, @hhoneycloves and @kitkatriel. We're all using AU versions of our blots for this rp as well so almost NONE of them know each other at all and have to form new relationships. And it started as a crack thing but oh my god. We are all SO INSANE about it now it has spawned its own story we have so much we want to mess around with and some genuine tensions to resolve.
The universe we set this rp in is @kitkatriel's Omori AU. Which just means that she has to do most of the scenes LMAO but also means there are revive mechanics at play. (bless, because Host might kill someone)
The characters, their AUs and the point of each AU we stole them out of are as follows:
Harmonia and CJ from Omori AU, taken mid-au, played by @kitkatriel
Mind from Jashwriting AU, taken mid-au, played by @hhoneycloves
Heart from Heartless AU, taken post-au during recovery, played by me
Host from Lie of Concord AU, theres.... no real point in time since his AU is an endless loop, played by me
(yes this does mean I get to plot to kill Heart while playing AS Heart I just keep getting blocked cause he's too loveable I am being blocked from EVIL)
uhh I think thats about it for baselines! Host and Harmonia are the Trouble Toddlers <3
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rosylix · 2 months
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#im so upset ok literally no one cares but#my bedroom at home was getting kinda redone this summer#we repainted and added shelves above my desk and styff#so i displayed my album collections on the shelves it was so slay ok it was fire#and#today as i was adjusting things#the shelf with my skz collection just fucking rips out of the wall bro#like BROO?? there are holes in my wall now but idec bro MY ALBUMS???? l#it was so high up too im. they fell from a catastrophic height.#literally every single one of my skz albums falling to the floor which is like at least 50 or smth idek#no that sounds too high but you know. A LOT#i have from mixtape to rockstar not every singlr one but yeah#MY LIMITED ALBUMS?? THESR ARE EXPENSIVE HOLY#im taking a deep breath rn#actually looking from through my tears they didnt look Too beat up (except noeasy fuck that packaging) and except my stay in playground pho#photobook case CRACKEDDDD og my god. its judt the outer plastic case but i. am. so. sad#that is like $50 bro#anyway god#now we have to somehow fix it. we used these shelves before in my sisters room and they've held up great but she pretty much puts stuffed an#animals and thats it lol#did not account for my shitload of albums creating a ton of weight but well.#theyre supposed to hold 170 lbs are my albums rly more than that holy shit#ANYWAY#this litrtally happenrd 15 minutes ago thats why im venting rambling idk#now i have to sleep in my moms room AGAINN until these are fixed#like i love her but i like sleeping alone god pls#(i also primarily write at night and. well its not the easiest to write smut and stuff when ur mother is right next to u.)#GOD UGH. idk its fine but im#silver lining is it wasnt my loona collection bc not only are those rare ash i swear they dent from a strong gust of wind bro#I REACHED TAG LIMIT LMAO I DIDNT KNOW THAT WAS A THING BYE
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reel-fear · 12 days
Looking at my old bendy posts is so sad. I used to post dissections of the story and fun things in it, I'd still like to do that but Mike sucks out so much of my energy but I also constantly feel the need to post about whatever dumb shit he says so I can explain to people why it's bad and shouldn't be supportive. On his youtube post a ton of people are being so kind to him and I'm just baffled. This rude asshole who has been nothing but bigoted towards his fans who want to see more diversity gets to be seen as some massive victim because HE said some dumb shit and people didn't like it? What about the young queers who were devastated to find out they'd never be represented in Bendy? What about the people of color who had to witness the graphic novel be filled with almost nothing but white people, with the only canonical person of color now being a book-exclusive [aka Non-Canon] character? Why do they matter so little to so many people? Why do the feelings of Mike, who has literally earned every bit of hate he's ever gotten, matter more than those of the people he's hurt? Why do I have to be the one who constantly updates tumblr on the new stupid shit he's saying no matter how tired and upset it makes me to have to constantly talk about the awful things he constantly says and then gets away with.
I miss being able to talk positively about Bendy, when most of my posts were just talking about cool things I thought about from the franchise. But being honest, I don't think I can ever go back to that time either. With stuff like the bendy books being no longer canon when they contain the best writing in the entire franchise and the way Mike shits himself at any critique he gets... I just can't speak positively of Bendy without some sort of "But..." Anymore, this franchise just fucking sucks currently.
I could make the posts I wanted to about stuff like how much I love Norman but I don't like Game Norman cause he lacks the interesting bits the books added and Book Norman has an awful design now thanks to these assholes! I could make all the posts I had wanted to about BATDR and its story, but I don't like to speak positively of the games anymore cause I don't want people to support them! I could make more posts on the books but then I'll be reminded that all this great writing Kress did, the bendy devs are completely ungrateful for! I literally can't speak purely nice of this franchise anymore cause at every turn I'm faced now with just how much it's been ruined and how much of that happened recently. I miss being able to make a causal nice post about Bendy but now I feel I can't do so without it being misleading or not the full story, Mike has tainted this fucking franchise with his presence and the fact Meatly lets him speak for both of them without stopping him or challenging him makes me assume he thinks the same way Mike does. Ughhhhhhhhhh
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harmoniouseclipse · 3 months
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Me and my freaking ship charts for my freaky mind
#I'm gonna rant about them in the tags a lil bit so bear with me#I really like the idea of them taking turns “spooning” each other (or just one laying on top of the other idk)#bc they listen to each others' heartbeats since Lisa's dying lmao#and idk where losa being taller came from#but her canon height says she's 5'11 and i believe it honestly#and kind of the same thing with her being trans; i just think it's a neat character study#especially since we dont know anything about her past or who she was before the game's events#and i didnt rly know how to mark Jean's flirtiness levels because Jean flirtation is VERY different from Lisa flirtation#hers is much more unintentional or very charming like a kiss to the back of Lisa's hand or dancing her around her office when it's late#and she speaks formally too which adds to the unintentional rizz#Lisa cant help but fall for her fr#and i think they are the embodiment of the “fell first fell harder” trope#Lisa falls first and she's content to watch Jean from afar bc she knows how important her job and Mond are to her#and then Jean finally catches up tripping falling bleeding all over ripping her heart out to show Lisa how it beats for her#altho i think it was hard for her to come to terms with it especially since she doesnt want her personal life to interfere with work#so she has to find the balance first#and Jean also knows that being flirty is just who Lisa is and that they are both extremely loyal to each other#but Lisa gets pushed a lot probably when other women start hitting on Jean a little too much#and they're both equally overprotective of each other especially out on dangerous missions#but Lisa feels like she HAS to protect Jean more bc of her importance to the safety of Mond#this is just me rambling tho im literally so in love with them bc theyre just so soft and the wives ever#i am the most sane jeanlisa shipper actually#ty for coming to my ted talk#jean gunnhildr#lisa mici#jeanlisa#genshin impact#ship chart#character art is mine
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