aelita-kitsune · 2 years
servamp oneshots
You're not even going to say 'bless you'?
Hyde: [Sneezes.]
Licht: [Glances at him before losing interest.]
Hyde: "Licht-Tan, you're not even going to say 'bless you'? I thought you were an angel."
Licht: "I am."
Hyde: "Then?"
Licht: "I'm standing right here beside you so you've clearly already been blessed!"
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aelita-kitsune · 2 years
The orange flower and butterfly hashira
So this is a demon slayer and haikyuu crossover so please bear with me on this especially since I'm not very good with beginnings hope you enjoy
backstory time:
Little shoyo about 10- year old was walking on the snow to sell charcoal so he can help provide his family, "shoyo" his mother called "yes" replied shoyo "please be careful you should take some rest" " okay just I have to sell this charcoal and I'll get back" " shoyo" said his little sister natsu who came hurriedly to them " please take me with you onii-Chan" she said " sorry natsu but you can't" said their mother "why" " because you might get tired of walking and then your brother would have to carry you" " its okay natsu you can come with me when your a bit older" said shoyo " okay" said natsu.
With that shoyo went of to sell the charcoal to the villagers " hello shoyo" said one of the villagers greeting him "hello there" replied shoyo "hey shoyo, could you give us some coal" said another villager "sure" he replied so he spent the day giving out charcoal and helping everyone.
Soon it was night and shoyo was running hurriedly to go back to his home " hey" he heard someone yell and looked to see it was one of the villagers " yes" replied hinata going closer to him " you shouldn't be out here demons might come and kill you" " what are you talking about" said hinata " the demons come out at night they might kill you as they also killed my family"
Out of words hinata ran back to his house thinking " no no no no no I need to go back quick before my family is killed" soon he reached his house but the he saw a demon and his family all dead with blood splattered " oh there's another meal" said the demon hinata was scared he then ran away from the demon while the demon was chasing him until a sword appeared and killed the demon.
He looked up to see a very nice lady with beautiful eyes
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" ara ara~ are you okay little boy" she asked " I-" hinata began while trying to hold back teers " the demon killed my family" he said all of a sudden she wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a hug " there there let it all out" she said with a soft and sad voice and with that hinata cried clenching onto her.
When hinata calmed down the women asked " what's your name" " hinata shoyo" he replied " you have such a pretty name ara ara~ my name is kanae kocho" " you have a pretty name too" said shoyo
Kanae then asked " do you want to become a demon slayer?" " what's that" hinata asked confused " its an organization where we kill demons that dare to hurt humans" after hearing that hinata quickly said yes and with that kanae takes hinata to the butterfly estate and hinata met shinobu and kanao he is like 3 years older than her and aoi he is just a year older than her ad he managed to have a happy life with his new family also visiting his parents grave once in a while giving some flowers on there grave.
onto the real story:
Hinata was sleeping soundly until he heard an annoying beeping noise it was the sound of his alarm clock as hinata gotten out of bed he checked the time and it was 6:20 that when hinata realized he was late for school. He hurriedly gotten dressed and quickly got out of his house ( yes shinobu and kanae bought him a house to stay in) locking the door behind him he was running until he found his best friend/lover waiting for him " oi boke why are you late" " I am not late kageyama" "yeah sure" kageyama said with a non-believing tone.
now the two boys are racing each other to the gym " ha I win bakayama" shouted hinata breathless from the running "I will win next time boke" said kaGAYama "it means you get to buy me meat buns" said hinata happily and with that both of them entered the gym meeting with the team and going to morning practice.
( Time skip: brought to you by school being boring as ever)
So when they finished their classes it was their afternoon practice and hinata was happy for it that he screamed " kageyama toss to me" " ok" said kaGAYama but when hinata was running to spike the ball he bumped it to someone " oi shrimp what where your going" someone said as he looked up he saw it was tsukkishima his second lover.
Hinata blushed "it's not my fault" he said standing up " yeah right shrimp" " tsukki don't be mean to hinata" then both of them looked to the green haired boy who his name is yamaguchi hinata third lover ( for those who think they are all dating then no they're not it's Just for introduction for the people who didn't or skipped reading the prologue and hinata's description in the first two parts) then they all went to practice volleyball.
After 1 hour of practice they took a break while hinata and kageyama went to get some meat buns while they were walking hinata saw a black crow nearby " hey bakayama" "yes" " could you go get the meat buns while I call my dad" " sure" hinata then went to an alleyway he checked to see if anyone was there and thank goodness there wasn't anyone there, hinata then reached his arm upward as the crow came to sit on his arm " what is it kurugai" he asked the crow " there has been sightings of demons around your school * caw caw * there are three marechis in your school find them and protect them * caw caw*" the crow said while also holding his sword.
"Kurugai keep my sword and put it in my house" the crow nodded and with that he went flying to hinata's house, and with that hinata went back to kageyama who has already bought the meat buns " what took you so long boke" " I told you I was calling my dad" " yeah right" then they headed back to the gym since the break was almost over, as their afternoon practice went on and hinata was on edge because of the demons and the sun was starting to set, which means the demons were starting to come out and finally at 5:20 the afternoon practice was over and thank goodness the sun still hasn't set down fully.
Kageyama who noticed how hinata was on edge ever since he came back from the call from his 'dad' so he asked hinata " oi boke let's stay and practice a bit more" " sorry kageyama but I have to go home since there's a problem with my family maybe next time" kageyama stared in shock it was the first time hinata ever declined something that had to do with volleyball " ok" he answered trying to hide the questioning tone he had, and in the shadows tsukkishima and Yamaguchi were there overhearing ( they were actually eavesdropping on them ) the conversation " do you think there is something wrong with hinata" Yamaguchi asked tsukkishima curiosity filled his tone " I don't know it's depends on the shrimp since today he has Ben acting on edge lately" tsukkishima answered Yamaguchi still trying to figure out what's going on with him " hey hinata are you okay" asked the third year with silver hair to hinata" yes I am fine Suga-San" " ok but if there is anything you wrong you can talk to us" " ok".
Next thing you know they were all walking back home when hinata came home he saw his sword and uniform then he got dressed up in his demon slayer uniform and took his sword and went out through the window ready to kill any Demons on sight.
whoever reads this i hope you enjoy and be entertained by this
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aelita-kitsune · 2 years
A Servamp one shot
Take my last name
Mahiru fighting with Kuro while on a staircase: “TAKE MY LAST NAME!”
Kuro fighting mahiru back: “FUCK YOUR LAST NAME! TAKE ASH!”
Mahiru, falling down the stairs: “ ‘MAHIRU ASH’ DOESN’T SOUND GOOD!”
Kuro, stumbling down the stairs: “ NEITHER DOES ‘SLEEPY SHIROTA’ !”
Mahiru: “ FUCK YOU!”
Kuro: “ HELL NO!”
Mahiru, jumping over the railing and landing on the ground that is one floor below: “ AAAH FUCK YOU, YOU DAMN ASSHOLE!”
Kuro, peering down the railing: “MAHIRU! MAHIRU, ARE YOU OKAY?! MAHIRU?!”
Kuro: “ hey mahiru?”
Mahiru: …..
Kuro: “ Mahiru?”
Mahiru: “ Fuck you”
0 notes
aelita-kitsune · 2 years
A Servamp one shots
When a snake bites your leg
Mikuni using google: ‘a snake bit my leg, what am I supposed to do?’
Google: ‘elevate and apply pressure’
Mikuni: ( lifts snake-jeje real high up )
Mikuni: apologize or else
Snake-JeJe: ( sweats nervously)
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aelita-kitsune · 2 years
I need you (Cynonari) part 1
so all this happens after when they all rescued lesser lord kusanali and when nilou already arranged the party for succeeding the plan and cyno somehow got drunk in a competition between him and alhaitham, and since candace didn't want to carry a drunk mahamatra she called tighnari (pretend that phones exist in their world pls) to come and get him. Although tighnari already knew of it thanks to his ears, he decided to take care of cyno anyways since the general mahamatra has to be in top shape while preforming his duties.
Onto the story
Tighnari's POV
why did i agree to take care of him again, because not only is the general mahamatra heavy he also makes the double of terrible jokes then he usually does , ugh how can't I wait for him to get better so then he can leave and then i can never hear his jokes again " what did the sushi say to the bee ........... wasabi ( was up bee ) " Cyno bursted out laughing at his own joke again, I swear to lesser lord kusunali I can't take any more of his jokes because they're terrible no preposterous.
" nari " Cyno called me " what is it Cyno? " " can I touch your tail " I was completely baffled on what he just asked me " no, you cannot touch my tail " " pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease " " no " great now his whining just about wanting to touch my tail, archon pls help me from him " ugh fine but you can touch my ears not my tail and be gentle " " yay " ugh what a child is this how the general mahamatra acts when his drunk and finally I reached gandarvaville and so I quickly went to my cabin ignoring Cyno who is squeezing my ears although I told him to be gentle, I laid him on my couch " stop squeezing my ears Cyno " I said sternly slapping his hand away from my ear to relieve it from it's pain " but nari " Cyno whined again but I paid no attention to and just got some water and gave it to Cyno to drink, thankfully he drank it at least it will lessen the smell of alcohol that reaks from him, thank archon that I caught the cup before it fell and broke and then he sleeps leaving me in peace for the rest of the night.
I quickly got a blanket and pillow, since Cyno is going to be staying for a while so better make him comfortable and once I finish with that I'm going to grab some medicine for Cyno since when he wakes up his going to have a painful headache which is a pain in the ass which I'm sure of, at least the medicine will lessen that headache at least that'll teach him not to do challenges like this with alhaitham. when i finished doing all of that i went to my room and began doing some work since i couldn't sleep, thanks to my ears that can hear the whole entire sumeru forest ugh.
timeskip morning
Cyno's POV
ugh my heads in pain "oh i see your awake" i quickly jolted up and was about to grab my polearm, when i noticed that it was just tighnari " phew it's just you nari" " yeah yeah now here take" i see him holding some pills, it must be the medicine to calm my headache down, i quickly took the pill in one big gulp and my head felt so much better already " thanks nari, sorry for bothering you, know i need to attend to my duties "not so fast cyno, your still not in top shape"  " WHAT? WHY? " "I still need to make sure you're okay, don't worry at the end of the day you can leave after i check on your mental and physical state" " alright " jeez why does nari always have to be so worrisome of me I'm fine.
That's when i noticed, there are eyesbags under nari's eyes and his ears are down that must be of the outcome of my shouting but nari must've ben working all night again since i know his ears will not allow him to sleep no matter how hard he tries to cancel out the noise and his still doing his forest ranger duties *sigh* how reckless of nari and he dares to call me the reckless one, hmph as far as I know from our times in the akademia together, nari is the one that pushes himself far in exhaustion, i think it's because of his ears i mean since the fact still stands that he is a fennec fox/valuka shuna it must be a pain all the time being able to hear everything, so i decided that i will help nari today to lessen the work load burden on him because i don't want him to die of exhaustion and i must've thought for to long because tighnari was already dressed in his forest ranger attire and was about to head out "hey nari, mind if i come with you" "no i don't cyno but you can come along if you want, that is" and when nari said that i grabbed my polearm and followed him.
third person POV
the two boys went out to meet a familiar green haired girl "master tighnari good morning and to you to master cyno" "good morning to you as well collei" the girls name was collei a trainee forest ranger, that was brought from mondstadt to sumeru and who was brought to tighnari from cyno so she became tighnari's student shortly after, collei and tighnari began discussing the tasks that needed to be handed out while cyno was being ignored deliberately by them, so he starts to think of ways he can help tighnari, which includes to not make jokes because cyno knows that tighnari hates his jokes "hey cyno, cynooooooo, world to cyno" he was brought to reality by tighnari and that's when cyno notice on how close tighnari is to him, which made cyno turn into a bright shade of red "HUH??!! cyno why are you turning red? do you have a fever?" tighnari quickly asked worriedly, while placing his hand on cynos forehead checking his temperature, while cyno was completely fazed as if he was in a paralysis state. until cyno quickly snapped out of it and replied "i-i-i'm okay nari and n-no i'm not sick" "are you sure, your face is still red" said tighnari knowing cyno is lying to him "yeah of course I'm sure" "if you say so, but still for precautions you should stay here for a few days just incase" cyno internally hit himself because of how stupid he is because tighnari knows when his lying now rather than staying one day he will have to a few more "ugh how great" cyno thought to himself but he got caught off again when tighnari began dragging cyno with him to do his patrols, but that just gave cyno a thought ...........................
IS HE GAY???!!!
Before I forget cyno’s taller than tighnari because I found out during the archon quest cyno was shorter than most other characters so yeah
cyno: 6,3                                                                              tighnari: 5,1 (it may change)
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