#im like a fucking thirteen year old boy.
intertexts · 4 months
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the peenerrrrrrrrrrrrr
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hanicchy · 8 days
my girlfriend and i made a bullet-point list of major U.S. and world events that ford missed while he was in the portal and now every time i see a "ford missed 9/11 joke" i'm like guys. he missed the challenger explosion. he doesn't know that the cold war is over. he doesn't even know michael jackson is dead.
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shimp-heaven · 1 year
She's asleep so I can say this but I let my gf cut my hair, I asked for Allison Bechtel but I got Bobby Hill 🫡✂️
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gallaghersgal · 1 month
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Smoke & Mirrors || Lip Gallagher
chapter one of BORDERLINE.
pairing: lip gallagher x fem!reader (nickname: MK)
warnings & tags: the start of a SLOWburn. idiots with tension. mature for mentions of violence, smoking, swearing, canon typical dialogue and whatnot. y'all've seen the show!
chapter summary: lip gallagher has been your best friend since before you could remember. he's the smartest person you know, so it astounds you how someone like him can be oh so stupid. you're committed to investing in his future, even if he isn't. you won't let your best friend end up stuck on the southside.
a/n: ummmm hi!! wrote basically this whole thing in the last 24hrs. it's unedited and tbh if i look at it for one more second im gonna explode!! enjoy <33
wc: 2.9k
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The crisp October air sends a chill down your spine as you usher your younger sister Caroline out the door for school. She groans and rolls her eyes when you grab her by the handle of her backpack, pulling her back to adjust her scarf. At a mere thirteen years old she already carries the same attitude you did at sixteen. “Whatever you’re gonna say, I don’t wanna hear it. You were just sick, dad’ll have my head on a platter if I don’t make you bundle up.”
She stomps her foot, a stupid, childish action that has you mentally swearing to never have kids of your own. Helping raise this one was enough as it is. “It’s not even-” she starts, but you cut her off.
“I said I don’t wanna hear it. Wear your fucking scarf or I’m telling mom you make that tutor kid do your math homework.” You shove her head gently after securing the scarf around her neck and let her stomp down the stairs. “Don’t be a brat.”
She doesn’t answer, instead starting down the street towards the bus stop. Cigarette smoke wafts over the morning air from the Gallagher house. You turn to see Lip on the front stoop, blood shining on his brow as he smokes. You feel a twist in your gut. What did he get himself into this time, you think. The repetitive motion of locking the door comes like second nature and you spend the thirty odd seconds it takes worrying about the boy across the street.
When you turn towards the Gallagher house Caroline is already ahead of you, not waiting until she passes the chain-link fence to call out, “what happened to your face?”
You catch up in time to hear him scoff, “good morning to you too, Kit-Kat,” pulling out her childhood nickname, the one she still hates, that he gave to her when she was barely four. “‘S nothing. Battle scars an’ shit.”
“What the fuck kinda battle did’ya get yourself into?” you ask, leaning down to take his chin between your thumb and forefinger. The cut isn’t too bad, a lot of blood for a relatively small abrasion, but the skin around his eye is already blossoming a dark bruise. Lip stares at you as if to say ‘not in front of the kid,’ and you nod, fishing a five dollar bill out of your pocket. You were saving it for work, but Caroline’s silence is worth more. She raises an eyebrow, to which you snap, “just don’t tell mom, ‘kay? And don’t skip just ‘cause I'm skipping.”
Caroline turns to leave and you extend a hand to Lip, pulling him to stand. Eager fingers reach for his burnt-down cig when he goes to drop it, taking the final hit for yourself before stubbing it out on the sidewalk. “Greedy. Gotta buy y’own pack,” he remarks with a smirk. All it takes is a second to get back across the stress, and once you’re inside he unwraps the scarf from his neck. 
Your eyes catch on his bruised knuckles and you tilt your head to the side with a silent question, you gonna tell me what happened? He sighs, hearing you loud and clear despite not speaking a single word. “Got into it with Frank. He was givin’ Ian shit for no fuckin’ reason.”
“Mm,” you nod, and catch his hand after he runs it nervously through his curls. The bruises there aren’t as bad as the one on his eye, Frank must’ve only gotten one good, drunken swing in. No cuts either, which was good. For all his tough guy exterior, Lip Gallagher couldn’t stand the sting of peroxide. The less you need the better, you think, and a grin plays at your lips when you glance up at him, holding his injured hand up. “Think y’can roll a joint with these?”
His laugh is like music to your ears, revelling in the first grin you’ve seen from him this morning. “Yeah, yeah I can do that, y’wanna jus’ skip the whole day? We could catch a movie ‘r somethin’,” he suggests, following you upstairs to your room.
You shake your head, opening the door to your room for him. “Can't. Calc test in third period. Sit down, ‘m gonna get the first aid kit.” While you get the kit from the shelf in your closet you hear him open your desk drawer, pulling out the grinder and weed jar you keep hidden at the back.
“You got a shirt or somethin’ I could change into? This one smells like Frank’s fuckin’ booze,” Lip scoffs. He shrugs the tee over his head and lights another cigarette, his eyes following your every move with that same boyish twinkle you’d grown fond of over the years. It was always good to remember things weren’t getting to him, not too bad. 
You cast a glare in his direction, silently scolding him, ‘you know better, let me open the window,’ but he only grins in response. Pale morning light illuminates the room when you pull back your blackout curtains and crack the window. The city is still quiet–or, as quiet as it gets in Chicago–and the sounds of gentle wind and birdsong fall softly on your ears.
You settle at his side, first aid kit in one hand and a gray and black sweater of his in the other. Curious fingers reach for a small cut on his shoulder. “What’s this one from?” You trace the gash. It isn’t deep either, but it’ll need to be cleaned so it doesn’t get infected.
“It’s, uh, ’s nothin,” he brushes you off, to which you shoot him a glare. That sets him straight. In a low mumble he simply states, “beer bottle.”
Rage seethes inside you, your jaw tensing as you wet a cotton ball with peroxide. You keep any comments to yourself, not sure how LIp will react. You’re aware of his more than complicated familial relationships–you’d grown up with thim, seeing Frank’s drinking get worse, and the aftermath of Monica leaving–but if there was one constant with the Gallagher kids, it was family first, above everything. You had your opinions of Frank, and you knew Lip shared your distaste more than anything, but that didn’t take away the sensitive nature of the topic. So, you stay quiet, dabbing at the wound with a gentle hand. The sting draws a sharp hiss from him, and it’s then that you realize how flushed he is, his cheeks, neck and chest are a soft pink color. Graciously, you pretend not to notice, so as not to embarrass him further.
When the cut is cleaned and covered with a bandage Lip takes his sweater, pulling it over his head. It leaves his hair mussed and he smoothes a hand through his curls while you tilt his chin up, inspecting the cut on his brow. Blue eyes stare up at you with a vulnerability you’re not used to seeing from the boy you grew up with. At least you know he’s comfortable with you. That’s all.
Comfortable. Friendly. Nothing more. The same as it’s always been.
The way it’s meant to be.
“Quit starin’, get me fixed up so we can smoke this,” Lip grumbles, gesturing towards the rolling tray in his lap. You laugh at that, heart quickening in your chest. Tensions between the two of you had been thick as of late, but underneath it all things remained the same.
“Glad to know you’ve got your priorities straight,” you snort, cleaning up the second wound with peroxide. He takes it better this time, more prepared for the sting, but you still catch the way a few pained tears brim in his bright eyes. 
Soft, parted lips rest under your fingers as you clean the final abrasion. The bruising is the worst here, deep purple hues present across his mouth and down to his chin. He finishes rolling as you’re wiping at the blood that pooled below his lip, a deep red trail spilling down his chin. Your delicate motions are interrupted by Lip bringing the joint up to seal it, licking along the edge of the rolling paper. 
“‘M almost finished, be patient,” you murmur, focused on keeping the disinfectant out of his mouth. A moment later you pull back, swiping vaseline over the split before wiping the excess on his jeans. Payback for interrupting your tending to his wounds. “There. All patched up. Say ‘thank you nurse,’” you tease with a grin.
He’s already flicking the lighter on, holding the flame against the end of the joint to take the first hit for himself. You busy yourself with cleaning up the first aid supplies until he passes it off to you. Thick, earthy smelling smoke flows from his parted mouth, which lifts into a mischievous grin as he hands you the joint. “My lip’s busted up pretty fuckin’ bad. Think y’could kiss it better?”
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment at his blunt proposal. “Shut up,” you retort with a sharp laugh, before you can even consider it.
Lip throws on an exaggerated frown, “oh, c’mon MK. You know it’d be so fucking hot- ow!” He flinches, chest shaking with laughter as you throw your remote at him. “Okay! Okay, I know I know. You’re not one of my g-”
“Little ghetto girlfriends,” you tease, repeating the drunken dig an alibi patron had once thrown at Lip. 
You shake your head, laughing at him for a moment. “You’re never getting in my pants Gallagher. I’ve known you since we were three. It’s wrong,” you lie. Lip is your best friend, the same role he’s filled your entire life, side by side since the two of you were in diapers. But your rejection stems from something deeper than that.
Lip Gallagher is inconsistent. You can’t exactly call him unfaithful if he never truly commits to one girl, but he’s not one for relationships. He’s flighty. He runs from affection. More often than not he buries his true feelings under snark and insults, weed, booze, and–when all else fails–aggression. That doesn’t mean you didn’t love him, it doesn’t mean you had no feelings for him, it just gives you reason to brush off his advances. For now, it can remain a little game between the two of you.
Months ago, when these unwanted feelings began to blossom in your chest, you’d promised yourself you wouldn’t be just another girl he messed around with. You aren’t willing to let him mess this thing up for the both of you.
Eager to change the subject you move to your desk, pulling out an informational packet from MIT. Before you can get a word out Lip is shaking his head, casting a skeptical glare in your direction. “Hey, come on. I just want you to apply.” You lean to hand the packet over but he reaches for the joint instead, which you pull away quickly.
“No you come on, why would I apply to MIT, seriously,” he shoots back, refusing to take the folder from your hand. He settles more comfortably in your bed, laying back against the pillows and staring up at the ceiling instead of meeting your eyes. “Bunch ‘f ivy league reject pricks ridin’ on daddy’s money. You’re lucky I’m even applying to schools in town.” Greedy hands reach forward for the joint again and you yield with a sigh, passing it over. As an afterthought, you toss the packet to him as well.
“Just consider it, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll think about it,” he says. You don’t need anything but the way he avoids your eyes to know it’s a lie. 
You purse your lips, throwing an icy stare his way. Lip Gallagher may be your best friend, but you’re not going to take any of his shit. “Have you even got any applications in?”
The question seems to take him by surprise, tendrils of smoke curling from the corner of his parted lips. “I’ve got a few,” another lie.
“Really? What schools,” you question, head tilted to the side with a knowing look. “Don’t lie to me, I know you better than anyone. I can tell.”
He laughs at that, shaking his head in disbelief. “Fine, you got me. I haven’t applied anywhere yet.” The end of the joint has a good stretch of ash, which he’s trying to keep precariously attached while he takes another hit. 
“Scoot,” you mumble, grabbing your own binder of college information packets. He stretches one arm back towards your desk to snag your heart shaped ashtray and knocks the ash off, then lays the tray in the space between your bodies. You settle in beside him, your knees propped comfortably over the throw pillow that always ended up in the middle of your bed. One hand takes the joint and the other opens your binder. 
Pages upon pages of information, campus maps, scholarship pamphlets, and your hand written tuition calculations make Lip go a little cross eyed as you flip towards a page with a yellow tab. “Okay. Here, look,” you point at the information you’d circled, reading Engineering B.S., training the Innovators of Tomorrow. “UI Urbana-Champaign. Great engineering program–” you flip the page over “–and scholarships for kids from underserved communities.”
You settle the joint between your lips, flipping through a few more pages. After a deep inhale you use it to gesture towards the page. “Or UChicago, that way you’d be close to home. They’ve got this thing called inner city promise. Smart kids, like you, from certain high schools with certain academic records and test scores can get full rides.” You run a finger down the short list, stopping at a familiar name and tapping it. “See? Lincoln Grove High School. You’d qualify, Lip.”
“‘M not some fuckin’ charity case,” he grumbles, snatching the burnt-down joint from your hand. “You’re a pain in my ass, y’know that?”
“Oh I’m a pain?” you snap, turning on your side to glare at him. “For what, believing in you? For not taking any of your self-deprecating, avoidant bullshit?”
He shrugs then, and the action is almost shy. He’s embarrassed. You have this innate ability to see him, the way no one else does. You scare yourself with it sometimes. “Just don’t know why you care so much,” he mumbles.
The sigh that leaves you is a deep, tired one. Convincing him of these things has always been difficult. For as smart as he is, Lip can be so infuriatingly stupid. “You’re smart, Lip. You’ve always been smart. I dunno what I would do if I went off to college and you stayed here. In this shithole.”
He doesn’t laugh the way you expect him to. He doesn’t brush it off. He just stares.
“We made a pact, did you forget?” you continue. He shakes his head silently, the far off look in his eyes letting you know he’s remembering that day. 
The day the two of you spent drinking by the pool. Making promises to each other. You’d said you would make it out, and you would do it together. You’d made Lip promise you that he’d give it a try, and stupidly you believed him. Or was it stupid? You’re not ready to give up yet. 
“I don’t want to do it without you,” you admit to him.
Lip looks at you, his blue eyes softening. “Do what without me?” You shake your head, scooting closer to rest your head on his shoulder. He stubs out the joint and wraps an arm around your shoulders. Friendly, comfortable affection. The kind you were used to. “C’mon MK, spit it out.”
“Any of it,” you return. “Don’t think I could get through another four years of school if you’re not doing it with me.”
“Yeah? What if we’re at different schools, dumbass,” he retorts, but his palm soothes across your arm, a contrast to his words. “You gonna follow me to MIT, since y’want me to go so bad?”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up in your chest, turning to look up at him with a grin playing at your lips. He got what he wanted. He made you laugh. “I’ll call you every night.”
“Every night huh?” he says with a smirk. “Cockblocking me from a thousand miles away is just like you, isn’t it.”
You shove him playfully, sitting up to move the ashtray off your bed. The MIT packet lays somewhere at the foot of the bed and you search through the pillows to find it. Instead of handing it to Lip, you just tuck it into his backpack, handing the bag to him after. “Well yeah, can’t have you getting distracted by the chess team girls,” you joke back. 
He lays there in your bed, looking up at you with that stupid grin of his. All bared teeth and mischief, the same one you’d seen all those years ago. You stay silent for a moment longer before you stand, holding out a hand to pull him up. 
“You sure we can’t just skip?”
“No, ‘ve got a test, remember? Gotta keep my grades up if ‘m gonna follow you all the way to MIT,” you say, and shakes his head with a laugh. Maybe he’s coming around to the idea. “Come on, I’ll drive us.”
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thanks so much for reading!! series masterlist here.
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daytaker · 4 months
The Obey Me! Gang as dril tweets
Lucifer: i challenge any man who thinks that my 7 handsome border collies are too loud through-out the day to a round of Chess, the game of kings Mammon: just because im following yiou on here doesn't mean im obligated to read your fucking posts, or like you, or marry you and be happy forever, Leviathan: (after hearing the library has games ,i arrive at the front desk, disguised as a non-gamer) er.. im here for some.. book's Satan (OG): if you say the words "Room temperature" to me ill flip my lid. room temp varies depending on the room. youre talking shit out of your mouth. Satan (NB): IF THE ZOO BANS ME FOR HOLLERING AT THE ANIMALS I WILL FACE GOD AND WALK BACKWARDS INTO HELL Asmodeus: i like to act genuinely baffled when people tell me to shut the fuck up. like "Huh? But why? The shit i post here helps people, but ok," Beelzebub: holy gravy holy meat holy moly let us eat Belphegor: go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The Fuck Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse Diavolo: my friends, theres nothing i enojy more than a capsule of beer , while tasting beer with other 18-34 year olds, at the beer store Barbatos: fairly confident that even if i became a rat some how, i still would not want to fuck any of the other rats Solomon: the jduge orders me to take off my anonymous v mask & im wearing the joker makeup underneath it. everyone in the courtroom groans at my shit Simeon: there is too much of Lies... Luke: blocked. blocked. blocked. youre all blocked, none of you are free of sin Mephistopheles: Hm lets see. Do I "Shut the fuck uop", or continue exposing the truths of life to the chagrin of the 99% of people on earth who are villains Thirteen: judges should sentence perverts to more stupid shit, like making them do obstacle courses made out of porno. bet it's not so good now huh Raphael: baptizing my badge and gun, in Sinnersblood MC: ive seen like 9 separate group dms that are named "Boys Chat". 9 parallel universes, each with their own fucked up opinions regarding Lunch
*All misspellings, typos, and grammatical errors are from the original tweets.
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lordsukunas · 7 months
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tldr: suguru as a child/early teenager and his journey as a sorcerer after he meets you, his new neighbor.
cw: mentions of vomiting, not in-depth. not edited, not beta-read, rushed, and possibly ooc suguru. gender neutral and sorcerer!reader.
a/n: sigh... i’m so tired. probably when i wake up i’ll actually edit it, but i just needed to get something out, so maybe consider this a lil teaser...? i might make a second part expanding on how he ends up going to jjt n then whenever he defects, but im absolutely exhausted rn. exams have been kicking my ass </3 + im going to a festival so this might not be edited for a lil while longer. sorry yall!
a part of me thinks suguru would live in some small, unknown little town. the people are closed-minded, content with the life they’ve built for themselves, and they don’t want it to change. if you’re born there, it’s hard to get out, especially with such few opportunities. it’s a town meant to keep aspiring little doves caged within its walls.
so imagine some six, maybe seven year-old boy going around saying he sees monsters sometimes. of course, the first conclusion any adult would reach is that the poor thing is having nightmares. he’ll grow out of it — all of them do.
but suguru doesn’t.
he’s afraid to sleep at night, and despite his parents’ pleas for him to sleep in their bed, he says that he can’t. “what if you get hurt too?”
they end up having to sneak melatonin in his dinner to get him to sleep at night.
when he turns eleven, he gets a grasp on his technique. he has to eat the monsters, consume them so that they don’t go out and hurt anyone else. that’s easy enough, right?
for the first few weeks, he vomits. they taste disgusting, like dried, crusty rags used to clean up puke and shit. but he has to do it, he has to! otherwise, who’s going to keep his innocent parents safe?
so he keeps going. exorcise, consume, puke. exorcise, consume, puke. exorcise, consume, puke.
exorcise and consume.
then, at age twelve, you come along.
you’re like the sun peeking through the dark clouds after days full of rain and thunder. a breath of fresh air, a sugary treat to balance out the saltiness of this shitty town.
you move into the once abandoned house right beside his, a radiant smile on your face and eyes twinkling with determination.
beautiful, perfect, normal.
the two of you click almost instantly, although suguru’s a little reluctant at first — what if you think he’s weird? his parents and teachers say he’s a bit troubled, nosy neighbors joke that he’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic, and bored grandmas claim he’s been touched by the devil. despite their rumors, despite suguru’s reputation, despite the fact you two are polar opposites, you don’t avoid him. in fact, it’s like those things just entice you even more.
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the fear in your voice catches him off-guard, and he stops walking. your hand grips the hem of his jacket, and your finger slowly raises to point towards the corner.
“what is that?”
it’s a crude thing. skin a dingy shade of purple, stubby limbs twisted and contorted into impossible angles, and jagged yellow teeth that poke past its thin, cracked lips.
that’s when he realizes it: you can see them too.
he’s not alone. finally, fucking finally, suguru geto is not alone.
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by thirteen, you and suguru are attached at the hip. there’s not a day where the two of you don’t see each other, even when you get grounded for accidentally breaking a bathroom stall trying to exorcise a curse.
they’re so ungrateful.
he’s tainted your image. you were once normal, the cute neighbor nextdoor, but now you’re best friends with suguru, the pretty boy with the strange bangs and broken mind.
you don’t care though, and he loves that you never have.
nothing can separate you. you go to school together, take the same classes (thanks to suguru modifying his schedule), walk home together, exorcise curses together.
you’re all he needs, and he’s all you need. you’re the only ones who understand each other on a fundamental level, who know each other inside and out, down to the very last atom in your bodies.
with you, he’s sure that he can snap the chain and leave this place, to soar so high in the sky that there’s nothing and no one left but you and him.
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you hand suguru his slushie, and he takes a long sip, letting the sugar-filled drink wash away the lingering taste of today’s curse.
“sometimes, i think we’re kinda like batman and superman.”
suguru can’t help but scoff. “us? you think we’re superheroes?” how unsurprisingly childish of you.
you nod, snapping your kit-kat bar in half and taking a bite out of it. “yeah, dude! we fight alien bad guys with our superpowers. pretty cool, right?”
he leans back, legs spread and an arm resting on the back of the bench. “sure, but they always get rewarded for saving the day. what do we get?” he doesn’t wait for your answer. “nothing.”
a small frown flits across your typically cheerful features, and suguru wishes he could shove his words back into his mouth and down his throat.
“mm... i think we get stuff. we get to see our parents safe, and even if no one else here really likes us, they’re safe thanks to us, too.” the toe of your shoe traces shapes into the pavement. “we’re the only ones that can do this, suguru. it’s our duty.”
right. duty.
suguru hums, but you can’t tell whether it’s in agreement or not. you decide that it doesn’t matter, that he’s just thinking like always.
“wish i was rich, though," you joke and pop the rest of your little kit-kat stick into your mouth.
after a moment, he shakes his head and takes a sip of his bright purple drink. “me too.”
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2smolbeans · 3 months
Your opinion on Obey Me is very real. I stopped before I got to when (spoilers) Belphie murdered MC, because I found out that literally everyone doesn't give a fuck after a short time and it pisses me off.
Also because of how awful they do my boy Mammon even further down the line
Warning: Im gonna go on another unorganized long ramble, but to sum it up. Yes, fully I agree!! They did my man Mammon DIRTY
Thank you cause no fr, the characters are so NERFED, and I don't like how they establish them. With Mammon being the second eldest and second most POWERFUL demon lord in hell, you'd expect his relationship with his brothers to be more different. Like greed, the sin that every animal and living being is born with- its a part of nature, inescapable - powerful, is not treated with respect or explored with?
I mean if the devs wanted to do that dynamic I guess they could, but don't do it to the extreme y'know? Perhaps the brothers do tease Mammon, but know not to go too far because their aware of what he's capable of. If the brothers are in a hierarchy (eldest to youngest), then incorperate that then.
But hes just used as a punching bag by the brothers and MC further down the line it seems. Like I geniuely don't like how he's treated or how there's no character relationships being built around him. Why is Mammon the way he is? What is Mammon's position in hell? How is Mammon in debt if greed is all about taking and taking? (Shouldn't he be wealthy and a hoarder?)
It feels like missed potential y'know?? And with the whole time travel thingy with Barbatos was so confusing.. Like huh??? Instead of doing time travel where Belphegor kills us, it would make more sense (for me personally) for us to be revived by the brothers/solomon through dark magic/whatever. They are the most ancient and powerful beings afterall..
And which thats where Thirteen (the grim reaper) can be introduced as a character who is now in conflict with the brothers. Mc has died and death was supposed to collect their soul, but look at that, somehow their alive! Which can then bring another issue where Mc has to now figure out what happened. (Is Mc now actually human? How are they still alive?)
A human going against death is a sin beyond imaginable. Its against gods nature, and Its why perhaps she hates Solomon since hes a human who has rebelled against death for so many years. (Thirteen: "Damn it old man just die!" Solomon: "Nu-uh ☝️")
The time travel plot could've been used differently, like perhaps Barbatos takes us to a time period when the brothers are in heaven to show the whole celestial war and how it happened. Or maybe he can take us to a time period where the brothers are establishing themselves as the great sins. Perhaps in a time bubble so its just a memory (meaning that Mcs actions wont necessarily do anything).
Like so many ideas could've been explored, but they don't ever do that. Instead they make another game that doesn't even do the story telling of the celestial war properly..
Like GODDAMN IT WE DIDN'T GET TO SEE GRAND ADMIRAL LEVIATHAN 😭😭😭 (Levi stans punching the air rn)
I could go on more and more of what could've been written, fixed, and how the game could've have multiple endings..
But that would be WAYY to long to read lolol
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aprilmayverse · 7 days
mayverse dash simulator
💅 pinkprlncesses Follow
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🧟‍♀️ samuraishattered Follow op this is an incredibly fucked up and insensitive way to post about this. six people are dead. four of them are literal children. imagine losing a loved one and people are fucking memeing about it with supernatural. grow up. learn some fucking respect for the dead. this isn't just some quirky little fandom story like sharpie bath or whatever. these are real kids who had hopes and dreams and families and loved ones and now they are dead.
💅 pinkprlncesses Follow was it ever really that deep
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🦴 trudycryme Follow New video about June July and Dysnomia Badmann's murders on the way! Special surprise at the end so stay tuned ;) Sponsored by Tender Lender <3
🦴 trudycryme Follow No fucking way
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🩰 blood-and-books Follow wait, has anyone noticed that the accomplice in the bluecorp case and that 13 year old who killed her gfs parents and 2 random boys are half-sisters??
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🪷 helloroses Follow does anyone remember how fucked up april may's career was. i rewatched pint-sized princesses after the news got out about her execution and like i know it was the 90s but what the fuck was going on there. it feels like a crime to watch it
🪷 helloroses Follow it's the same with her modelling career, why was she, a teenage girl, doing so many photoshoots where she was barely clothed. why did ad campaigns need all this
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🦢 evilwomanenjoyer Follow why are we defending june july in 2018. she killed people. she murdered people. you are the same people who defend joe darke and dahlia hawthorne and matt engarde and fucking redd white. she took lives. where am i.
🐜 what-is-a-username420 Follow please learn about nuance and use your brain
🦢 evilwomanenjoyer Follow nuance is for fictional characters like pious priestess or whoever the fuck. not for real life situations like this.
🐜 what-is-a-username420 Follow sometimes im like "the reading comprehension on this site isnt THAT bad" and then i read shit like "nuance is for fiction not for real life"
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🦴 trudycryme Follow I am truly, truly sorry for attempting to film those teenagers corpses and for breaking into the victims childhood home in an attempt to interview his family 2 days after the murder, I understand why I was wrong and I'm going to try my best to refrain from doing stuff like that next time lol. To further this, I'm starting a new merch collection and donating 20% of profits to JAVCV (Japanifornian Association for Victims of Violent Crime), buy it before the sale ends on March 4th!
🧟‍♀️ samuraishattered Follow not to be harsh but i hope you die
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🌈 godsstrongestfujo Follow i think april may was a genuinely a bad person like she was just this rich woman who both did the modelling campaign + assisted in the murder to get money from her sugar daddy. shes not as innocent as yall make her out to be she just has pretty privelege
🍁 diskhorse-divorce Follow 1. she was not rich. she, her single mother, and sister were homeless for years. she had to be a child star and teen model to provide for herself and her family. they lived in a trailer at some point 2. she was very obviously being threatened by white. the courts said it was a lie because of fucking misogyny and white's power over her. 3. even if she did do it out of her own free will she still got executed over a crime where the death penalty at age 23 was not justified. 4. why are you calling a thirteen year old a bad person for doing an ad campaign where she was being heavily sexualised and exploited and stolen from you fucking weirdo
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🩰 angelfawns Follow april may was such a tragic girl and an icon and so beautiful omg. she looked SO good during the summer 2008 ad campaign for bluecorp too. hold on i need to change my pfp
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🐦‍⬛ proud-edgelord Follow if my parents named me teylhoure i wouldve killed myself too
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 months
Hey heyy, i read a small au idea somewhere (i think over on twitter? I realy dont remember) where the idea was that because of germas modifications, the vinsmoke siblings, sanji included, grew way faster than is normal
So this causes a 15 year old sanji to appear 19 and 2 years later appewr 21 when hes really 17... You get where im going with this?
So what if with this in mind the crew just thinks hes 19 and later 21 bc he looks abt the same age as zoro but then WCI happens and they basicly find out this this boy is only a lil bit older then Chopper
And i fee like they wouldn't treat him a whole lot differently, still trust him the same, still think hes insanely capable and one of the strongest of the crew. But i do feel like it would have SOME effect ya know?
Idk i thought it was an interesting idea and wanted to know if your thoughts on it :D
God that hurts when you think about it? Like Sanji was so much younger when he went through those things. What a good AU though. Like he was six when he was on the rock with Zeff which means he's just....so fucked up.
Like and he had to have told Zeff and them while working so they're looking at this kid, who appears to be thirteen but is actually nine. They don't treat him any different, still teach him about cooking and fighting and he still gets all the threats. He's not as girl crazy though just because he's so young.
Sanji doesn't realize how old the crew thinks he is, he's fifteen and on an adventure to find the All Blue! They're going to save Nami! He shows up to Kamabakka at fifteen which makes the Okama suddenly sit him down for so many talks what the fuck did the chef tell you jesus christ as he trains.
It all comes to a head when they get to Wano because Judge and everyone was talking about a year difference between Sanji and Pudding. Zoro says it's weird 'cause the Cook is only a few months older than him and they all know Zoro is twenty one but Sanji just has a moment and realizes 'right, modifications'.
"I'm seventeen." Sanji says.
"Haha, you're funny!" Luffy laughs.
"No, really. I'm seventeen. I look older because of the modifications my family did, those were really the only ones that took." Sanji explains.
"Wait, what? But physically you're twenty one?" Chopper asks.
"Yeah, I look twenty one but I'm not." Sanji says and then lists off his birthday and everyone is staring at him because he's barely older than Chopper and they just now realized that the flaming, sky walking, third man of the monster trio is a fucking child.
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hippolotamus · 3 months
okay im very curious about witch!eddie and familiar!buck 👀 pretty please if you don't mind :)
Zesty! I do not mind at all. In fact, for you, the world if you so desire it 💖
also asked by @wikiangela @daffi-990 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming
official title: the darkest fairytale (named after a line from Gabrielle Aplin's song Salvation)
the premise:
AU contains a mix of magical and non magical beings who coexist peacefully. Parents don’t have to be magical to produce a magical child. No schools like Hogwarts but it is the responsibility of the parents to teach or provide a mentor. 
Witch!Eddie: born to magical parents. Learns most of what he knows from Abuela because his parents are too busy being... well, Them. Marries Shannon when she conceives Christopher. Pretty much canon except magical. 
The Wars are a period of fighting between the magical and non magical. Eddie doesn’t like using his magic after he comes home. 
Christopher: magic but his abilities don’t present when he’s younger. Eddie tries to teach him but it’s not as effective as he thinks it should be at first (he’s wrong of course. It’s more to do with Shannon being gone)
Buck: Born to non-magical parents. Maddie and Buck both have magic but Daniel didn’t. Maddie was forbidden from telling Buck about his magical abilities. He figures out he has them by accident when he gets upset and transforms into a cat one day as a teenager after Maddie announces she's leaving with Doug.
The time period is somewhat ambiguous. It's somehow modern and not, and the story itself has tried to convince me it should lean into the Fantasy genre. We'll see.
A snippet (occurs just before teenage Eddie and Evan meet for the first time):
Evan is- well, he’s a lot of things right now. Scared. Confused. Pissed off. Cornered. Not human. Maddie isn’t around, having moved to Boston six weeks ago, and their parents are worse than ever. If that wasn’t all bad enough, he’s stuck as a goddamn cat.  It’s not the first time, but the whole transitioning phenomenon is still new enough that he hasn’t figured out the trigger – or how to turn back. The first change was about four months ago, right around the time Maddie said she was moving away with… well, with him.  One moment he was himself, a thirteen year old boy, angrily pacing back and forth, repeatedly listening to Welcome to My Life on his Discman. The next, his headphones were in a heap with the CD player and his clothes. The music became overwhelmingly loud and he assumed the volume got bumped when it fell. Until he saw himself in the mirror and realized the reason was because he didn’t have ordinary hearing anymore. Because he had four legs, paws, black fur and a tail.   The dark coloring is helpful for hiding, the way he spends most of his time until he changes back. Staying tucked away is his most useful asset because otherwise all he can do is helplessly meow or hiss. No surprise that apparently not a single soul can understand him. And, at the moment, that’s a big fucking problem.
npt some beloveds who've shown interest (it's been a really long time since I've done anything with this WIP so my apologies if I incorrectly tagged you or did not) @diazsdimples @tizniz @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @bi-buckrights
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @loveyouanyway @elvensorceress @spotsandsocks
@monsterrae1 @thekristen999 @bidisasterevankinard
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Gamzee Makara from Homestuck vs Maeglin Lómion from The Silmarillion/The Fall Of Gondolin
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Gamzee Makara:
LOVE: - "Okay, so Gamzee is such a divisive character that I even hesitated on choosing "love". Sad clown with an absentee father raised in a fascist dictatorship. Was mind controlled into killing his friends and then mind controlled during a toxic relationship (or two). Suffers from addiction so fandom likes to go "Oh, how scary his withdraws are. Clearly being drugged up was the only thing keeping this THIRTEEN YEAR OLD from murdering his friends (who largely ignored him, insulted him, demeaned him and acted like they wanted nothing to do with him). Having one such friend gently touch his face didn't cure him of his issues (or the mind control) so obviously he is an irredeemable monster and an abuser. This is genetic." I know you've gotten tons of Vriska, so basically insert any of Vriska's apologists' points here." - "Gamzee is a complex character who is used as a puppet both by the other villains of Homestuck and by the arthur. Once someone takes a deeper look at him they might find a tragic character who had lots of chances where he could have gotten onto a better path but those chances were not able to be given or taken. On the flip side Gamzee suffers from some poor writing that leaves aspects of the character to based off poor stereotypes, he also lacks chances to show his internal character as thr story goes on and is treated like a tool by the story. He also killed some fan favorite characters and has a version of himself (homestuck is a multi timeline story) that abused a different fan favorite character." - "I know Vriska is the obvious pick for controversial HS blorbo, but consider: He is the world's shittiest boy. No one knows why he does the things he does he might just be a murderclown but he might be mind controlled or something no one knows and people have really strong opinions on him based on what they believe. He makes me very sad because I did think he was a cool character before he snapped." - "He was written so poorly 💔" - "when i was 12 i had a crush on him i was like a gamzee apologist and i was probably right i dont remember homestuck. i used to listen to icp and think wowww this is just like my clwon boyfriend and giggle and blush and kick my legs and i still do that with my fake boyfriend but hes not gamzee and its not icp and im not 12 but he kind of sounds like gamzee but thats because hes a smoker and he wouldnt listen to icp he likes techno. anyway i used to get so sad when people said they didnt like him because of the killings and i brought him up to my old therapist a couple times thats kind of funny looking back but i would do it again (but not with gamzee. with my fake chain smoker boyfriend who likes techno). anyway anyway my mom listens icp because her old friend from highschool who died was a juggalo and whenever i hear her listen to it i think about gamzee so i havent forgot about him yet. hes wasnt my favorite character thouhg my favorite character was the gemini one (i also had a crush on him when i was 12 i tried to lucid dream to see him once) (it didnt work). ok love you bye." - "-Funny clown -Cares about his friends -Absent parental figure :( -Did some murder but it wasn't his fault really he didn't have all of his mental faculties (see next point) -Got brainwashed by a universe-destroying god that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time through the form of a rapping marionette -The author(s) fucking hates him for some reason and retconned his previous characterization to make him a one-dimensional shitty villain and used canon text to make fun of fans who like him and no I'm not exaggerating -If I don't make him my blorbo who will"
Maeglin Lómion:
LOVE: - "LISTEN okay so he DID betray the city of Gondolin to the guy who literally invented evil, and that DID result in it getting destroyed and a whole bunch of people dying or being taken prisoner (which is probably worse in this instance), and also he DID attempt to throw his cousin's seven-year-old son off the city walls to his death during the attack. BUT. I love him. Also, and more substantially, a) he didn't go out of his way to betray the city, he was taken prisoner and threatened into it, b) he had an incredibly painful history with Gondolin involving both his parents' violent deaths happening like ten minutes after he arrived there, and he was legally not allowed to leave, and c) he was SO YOUNG (only 180! that's hardly anything for an elf!) and he is SO ANGSTY and INTERESTINGLY GOTH and SELF-HATING and I LOVE him. So." - "First of all he was LITERALLY CURSED TWICE OVER so there was NO WAY he was coming to a good end okay. Sure he had a crush on his cousin but he canonically didn't say anything and she only knew because she read his mind and he wasn't able to hide it from her. He had a major éowyn moment (iconic) and was trapped in cage after cage all his life and tbh after what he saw in the Nirnaeth I'm NOT surprised he voted to stay instead of go. Or just told the king what he wanted to hear. Anyway the POINT is that breaking under mental torment to morgoth, whose force and victory he'd seen firsthand, is NOT a moral failing, and idril started conspiring against him before he'd actually done anything wrong. The attempted murder was, admittedly, not great though. But he didn't even SUCCEED like c'mon he just got homoerotically yeeted from a cliff about it. In conclusion: maeglin did nothing wrong except all the things he did wrong, and the version in which he's most openly evil is also the one where both the narrative and the other elves are racist to him so like they had it coming"
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yoshirage · 2 years
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Body Swap Diaries: Tristyn
My sweaty body glisten under the Dubai sun after a hard workout session with my brother Tyler. “Hey bro, I’m gonna go back to the room, are you almost done?”
“You go on ahead, i have some more sets to do.” I said
“Ok Bro! Sounds good” Tyler leaves.
I looked at the mirror and pleased to see the amount of work i have put in this body coming together from my huge social following which i learned from from my past life as a CEO of an advertisement company to my strict workout and diet regiment i learned while winning multiple Olympia as Ronnie Coleman; further pushing away his dreams of being a soccer player ever since i accidentally swapped bodies with him when he was thirteen.
I picked up a barbell to do some curls when i hear a text coming in from Blue. He told me he was coaching this guy named Ryan and was ready to switch to a new body.
Hey shortie, how do you like my new body? the text said with a picture attached
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I feel myself hardening. Damn Blue! You really outdid yourself this time!
How about you Cyan? You ready to switch bodies? Now that the body your in is at least 18 years old, you should be able to?
Nah i’ll stay! It was great reliving my high school days and being a kid though experiencing puberty again was a little weird, but now ive been enjoying my large social following and im taking this kid to the top!
Ok Man! Sure! Lets meet up again once you come back to the States.
Ok bro! Nice talking to you!
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Standing alone at the hotel’s outside gym, I looked at Blues new body and my 7 inch cock fully hardened as I remembered the times ive fucked him when I was Ronnie and he he was still Jay, and now imagining him moaning like a little bitch in his new body as my hard cock rams his hole and finally cum all over that new pretty boy face of his. The suns ray heating up my body even more as sweat formed as I stroke my cock. I couldn’t hold it much longer as i came all over my phones’s screen covering Blue’s picture with my cum. I breath deeply wiping the cum of my phone and cleaning my self up. I looked at the clock to see that its almost 12:45 pm, and finally leaving the gym to meet up with Tyler and continuing our dubai vacation.
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kermit-coded · 4 months
for the choose violence ask game:
1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 18, 22
answer whichever ones you want, i'm really curious about your dead boy detective and fantasy high hot takes are lol 🫶🏼
i know you said fantasy high/dead boy detectives but unfortunately most of my fandom takes have to do with comics so here we go.
the character everyone gets wrong.
kristen for sure. a lot of people paint her as this silly, irresponsible person who doesn't care about the consequences of her actions, but that's so derivative. she was raised in a restrictive, bigoted cult and it informs how she acts!! she's a teenager learning how to make her own choices after spending her entire life in an environment where thinking for yourself was actively discouraged, if not outright punished, so of course she's going to be messy.
3. worst fandom take i've seen.
hoo boy.... when you're a comics fan you've seen some abysmal takes. gotta be the takes surrounding how bruce is a coward for not wanting to kill people. yes, even the joker. is he flawed? yeah, but not wanting to permanently end a life is not one of those flaws. full stop.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about.
honestly anything to do with tim drake and to an extent all of the bat siblings. theres a reason why i stopped engaging with the batfandom on a larger scale and that's because it has a tendency to sand down any interesting character traits in order to fit them into a nuclear family-esque dynamic. i really don't see tim and jason ever being that close, and i think they don't really see each other as siblings. also, dick was tim's robin, not jason.
10. worst part of fanon.
i'm going with comics again because it's insane how many people not only don't read the source material but actively brag about it. i think if you are going to call yourself a comics fan, then you need to read comics. otherwise you're a fucking poser. also i hate the damage xfi did to shatterstar as a character. peter david turned him into a slutty bi stereotype when in x force 1991 he literally has a panic attack the first time he gets a boner and is very specific about the people he trusts. that's not someone who would be sleeping around a lot, and yet so many people buy into that version of him and write him like that in fics. demisexual shatterstar ftw.
12. unpopular character that i actually really like.
hmm, not quite unpopular so much as niche but amadeus cho. he's such an interesting character and he deserves more love. he's a fun little anarchist and he hates the avengers and is wracked by guilt over his family dying because shield decided that a thirteen year old genius was a threat to national security and bombed his house. really interesting guy.
18. absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
charles and his trauma. maybe it's the aro in me but sooo many people seem only focused on charles in so much as him being in love with edwin back and im like... he has character traits outside of that.
22. my favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
EVERYONE GO READ X FORCE 1991. rictor and shatterstar my underrated x men beloveds...
🔥choose violence ask game🔥
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rabit333n · 5 months
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awkward ||
matt sturniolo🫶
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CW - none i dont think ??? kissing i guess. its mostly just fluff (i think im using that word right?). it might be corny.
this is my first time publishing any of my writing !!!!! PLEASE be nice to me. :)
summary - matts been your best friend since middle school. when on a drive late one night something accidental turns into the both of you kissing. reader is the pink text, matt is the blue text. :3
based off this song !
you and matt had been best friends for as long as you remembered -- well, as long as things actually started to matter to you. you moved to matts school in the 7th grade, you were thirteen years old at the time.
it was a fresh start, something new, you had gone to the same place your entire life, so to say you were anxious on your first day was an understatement.
in your first period, you got sat next to a quiet boy. at the time, you were grateful he wasnt immature and disrespectful like most of the boys your age you had met.
you tried your hardest to mind your business and focus on the review from what they were taught the previous year, but your nervs and your lack of understanding got in the way.
after about 5 minutes of visible frustration, the boy beside you took notice of your expression and offered to help
-- "hi, i dont mean to bother you, but i noticed you seem a bit confused ? do you mind if i help you?"
your cheeks flush a light pink out of embarassment, not realizing how obvious it was that you had no idea what you were doing.
-- "yeah, actually, if you want to.. they didnt cover this at my old school so i just.."
you shrug awkwardly and lean back a bit as he reassures you and begins explaining.
-- "dont feel bad though, none of this will matter when we get out of school, yaknow?"
his eyes shift from the paper on the table in front of you both onto your eyes
-- "im matt, by the way."
he mentions his name before quickly leaning away from you, he hadnt realized how close he got to you when explaining.
you nod and smile softly, happy to have had a nice interaction with someone -- specifically a boy, not in a romantic way, really just in the sense that its rare to find a boy your age whos atleast a little bit emotionally mature.
-- "im y/n. thanks for the help, by the way, i really needed it. i had no idea what i was doing"
you mutter with a slight nervous giggle. you and matt soon became close friends, talking everyday in and out of class. he introduced you to his triplet brothers, and his friendgroup. while you didnt fit in with his friends as much as you'd like to, you were grateful you had people to talk to. since then, as the dynamic between you both grew, you became inseperable.
its been 7 years since then, and you and matt are the closest youve ever been. matt knows you better than you know yourself. you cant hide from him the way you hide from yourself.
you currently, though, were on a drive with him. your favorite thing to do was to go on long drives and find some random parking lot to sit in with the windows down, listening to music, talking about random shit, learning about the very few things you both dont already know about the other. you sat in the parking lot of a convience store you didnt care to remember the name of, windows all the way down with the wind gently blowing through your hair.
you always got the aux cord when you rode with matt, he knows how important music is to you. even if he doesnt particularly like the music youre playing, he puts up with it because he enjoys seeing you get excited over certain songs.
"Use Once & Destroy" by Hole played softly through the speakers. matt had turned the radio down so it was easier for you both to focus on each other.
you had the visor down while you looked at your makeup in the mirror, wiping away the smudged eyeliner that had condensed beneath your lower lashes throughout the day.
-- "god, i fucking hate when my makeup does this.."
you mumble to yourself once theres a moment of silence between the two of you.
-- "it makes me look disheveled."
you complain quietly as you flip the visor back up, giving up on your goal of getting rid of the black residue underneath your waterline.
-- "i think you look pretty. i dunno, i dont think you look messy.. it makes you look real, it makes you look like you."
matt says sweetly as he studies you fixing your makeup, seemingly mesmerized by your dedication. you smile softly and tuck your hair behind your ears.
-- "thank you, matti."
you say sweetly to him, studying the look on his face. he turns away for a second as you lean over the center console, expecting to give him a peck on the cheek (..which, is something thats been accustomary in your friendship, its supposedly platonic)
until he turns his head back to face you, your lips landing onto his. you pull back quickly, your eyes growing as you cover your mouth.
his reaction similar to yours, his eyes growing before he starts profusely apologizing.
your cheeks heat up as your mind races, sifting through every thought youve had of moments like this before.
you knew you shouldnt think about your best friend in that position, but you couldnt help it. he was obviously very attractive, and you have always had some romantic feelings for him, whether you admitted it to yourself or not.
matt goes quiet, the awkward silence filling the space small space between you. both of your faces flushed red, studying each other subtly.
usually youd both brush off an interaction like this, but it was different this time. something about the situation maybe, or the subconcious emotions that created tension around you both.
-- "can i kiss you?"
he asks softly after a period of uncomfortable silence that slowly shaped itself into comfort, the way it always does with the two of you.
you nod slightly, the question adding to the absurdity of the moment.
as he leans forward, you mirror his motions until he places one hand on your jaw and the other on the back of your neck, gently intertwining fingers with your hair.
your lips lock and you place your hand on his forearm, the other on his shoulder as the two of you hold the kiss for about 3 seconds before pulling away.
you both stayed in the same position as you smiled widely, your cheeks pink while your eyes shifted away from his, flustered and happy that things werent weird like you thought they might be.
matt brushes your hair out of your face as a smile creeps onto his mouth when he sees the expression on your face.
-- "youre so fuckin beautiful, y/n."
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lollytea · 2 years
Such a short time but they showed everyone with a lot of cute outfit im so normal about it
Whats your top 3 looks from this panel?
Willow with the skates is my top 1
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At least all the outfits worth mentioning. God I LOVE THEM!! I love all the outfits so much!! Not one of them missed!! Let's GOOO
Let's start with Amity because OH MY GOD SHES SO PRETTY
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This dress!! The dark purple!! Her adorable little hairband!!! Also you can't see in this image I have but she has the cutest pair of boots too. Amity is DRESSING this season
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I should also mention that I'm so endeared with Luz's t-shirt, jeans, fanny pack and cap outfit. It's giving Dipper Pines a little. Huge fan. And god I know we've all mentioned it but I LOVE her curls. The curls just make Luz look a million times better.
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Will use my pic of Bi Pride Gus because nothing sparks more joy than looking at it. So glad Gus gets to wave his flags again. ANYWAY this look is just SO....its boy. This is boy. This is really cool thirteen year old boy look. The long sleeve and short sleeve shirt combo. (I think that's either a giraffe or a llama on it.) The jeans, the shoes, the hoodie around the waist. This is THE coolest dude in middle school.
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BUT THIS!!!!! THIS FUCKING DRIP!!!!! HE IS OUT OF CONTROL SOMEBODY STOP HIM!!!!! I can't believe what a genuine fashion icon Gus is like oh my god. Actually I've decided that he's helping to pick out everyone else's fits and thats why they look so good. You can't change my mind.
Now my baby girl
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THIS!!!! Such a cute and summery look. She is PRECIOUS!!! The pink and the green, the little flower in her hair. I was manifesting a cute Willow fit in season 3 just yesterday and they came through!!! Idk I can't get over how adorable this is. It's so simple and so lovely.
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Honorary mention goes to her bumblebee pajama shirt. Not much to say but she's cute and I love her
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BUT OH MY FUCKING GOD LOOK AT THIS SHIT!!!! ROLLER DERBY, I THINK WILLOW HAS LEGIT DISCOVERED ROLLER DERBY AND IM SO PUMPED ABOUT THAT!!! Never would have predicted Willow in a Mabel Pines type shirt but that little top looks great on her
OK it won't let me use that much pics for one post....I'll reblog this in a sec and discuss...Him
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trulymadlysydney · 1 year
today my coworker and i were talking abt boy bands and the first ones we remember being huge when we were kids and i said one direction was that boy band for me (im 23) he goes 'love one direction. they got big 15 yrs ago now yea?' and i went 'no 10... wait 11. 13!' and couldn't stop myself from adding 'jesus fuck has it really been 13 years' 😵‍💫😵‍💫
like for fucking real what do you mean they were on xfactor THIRTEEN years ago😭😭 i felt like an 80 year old army veteran thinking back on his days in the service 😭
I’m so late responding to this but THAT IS SO INSANE I literally for some reason still feel like it’s been ten also so holy shit
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