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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months ago
i absolutely adore your young sanji au!! If you don't mind, could you write more about him? Like, how did the other crews that know him react to his actual age? Or even some random interactions between the straw hats after finding out!
Young!Sanji!!! Ahh, lovely boy, precious and soft and absolutely hating everyone find out how old he actually is. He feels no one takes him seriously after they find out. They always falter and stumble and it just...doesn't feel good to him?
I feel like Law finding out would full on make him trip and face plant into the ground because Robin probably mentions it off handedly but knowingly. She knows Sanji doesn't like Law calling him Stealth Black and this seems to be the quickest way for her to stop it. Sanji is walking ahead of them to a tea house somewhere while they're in Wano. Like she specifically phrases it in a way to show how cruel Judge is and when Law full stumbles it makes Sanji look and ask what's wrong. Law is stumbling up onto his feet and is confused and asks Sanji if he's really /seventeen/ and Sanji says he is with a shrug. Law knows he's not the youngest on the crew but understands because of his love of the Sora comics that they were closer to the truth than he had realized, even after the raid suit. Germa was far worse than he knew to even its own children. When they're sat and drinking tea, Law can't help but ask why he is physically not seventeen. Sanji just goes 'ahaha, that's Germa for you' and Law is reeling that the cook is also a child on the crew. Law doesn't really change how he acts with the cook though, he doesn't see his age, only his accomplishments which are numerable even if he was twenty one, he just admires the guy more now.
Sanji is not pleased at how people keep trying to baby him after finding out how old he is and how his family is, the rescue team is especially bad. Chopper keeps asking for more and more check ups on him and Sanji is trying to just deal with it, Zoro seems to be holding back during their spars when he doesn't have to be, when they're out at a bar he keeps stealing Sanji's drinks even though he's not even buzzed yet and Zoro hates wine. Zoro, for the life of him he doesn't want to view the cook differently, but finding out about the experiments and how young Sanji was when he went through everything that led him to Zeff makes him softer. He fucking hates it but he feels like he needs to give the cook an actual chance at being a child that was denied to him. Even if he didn't get a chance he and the other kids at the dojo did play as well as train, especially when they were younger, before he left and he plays with Luffy and Chopper all the time. So when he assists Robin and Nami with the cook and making the guy take breaks. He's started doing the dishes fully on his own and shoving the cook out of the kitchen after meals.
I feel like when Zeff found out his kid wasn't ten, his kid is six and looks ten. Zeff frowns deeply at the boy who acts like a ten year old in a lot of ways, most ways, a fucked up and traumatized one albeit, but he's still ten. Except he's not and Sanji's age really shows when people flirt or try to take him to their ships for activities more fitting for an adult or teenager. Except he's not one of those, he's twelve when someone first propositions him and Zeff loses it at the customer and talks to Sanji about what they're doing, what people want from him and that he gets to decide if he wants to or not. Because Sanji is physically four years older than he actually is and Zeff wants to kill the fucking bastard that did this to the kid. Zeff knows his kid is younger than he looks but he treats the boy like how he holds himself, he's smart, impulsive, thinks he owes his life to Zeff when he doesn't. Goddammit Zeff wants him to act like a damn kid but the kid doesn't want to! Kid feels like he can't because the kid needs to be useful so on the rare nights the Baratie is closed Zeff and the others will take the kid out to the upper deck or the top of the restaurant and teach him the constellations and if the kid falls asleep it's all the better.
The kid will never act his real age, but he has people to make sure he's taken care of. That's more than enough for Sanji.
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artguy123456789 · 1 year ago
Look at my precious baby boy!
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“I’ll teach you, little eggplant.”
[Sanji Week, Day 1: Childhood]
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zosan-secondchances · 4 months ago
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The Pirate King of the North
Main Themes: Villain Sanji, Alternate Universe, Zosan Ship
AU where Straw Hat Pirates meet old Sanji from a reality where Reiju didn't have emotions.
Warning: Long post ahead and some One Piece spoilers. Contains strong language.
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
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Young Zoro hates the fucker but those scars and piercings are doing a number to his soul.
Old Sanji's story goes like this:
He didn't experience compassion from anyone else aside from his mother, who--you know what happened.
Judge kept him locked away until he was 13. He had him released when he was deemed too broken to do anything, and he was apparently a waste of space. As far as the world was concerned, he was already dead. He gets left behind at some random pirate town in the North.
His swirly brows were recognized by the pirates who took him in--only for him to be enslaved because people would pay a lot to have their way with royalty.
He picked up some skills from the other slaves and became cunning af--because he had to be.
At 17 he started a revolt against the slaver pirates, effectively taking over as their new pirate captain.
He became the feared "Mr. Prince" and his words are as sharp as his bite.
He's underweight because he doesn't give two shits about good food.
"The All Blue? It's nothing but an old fishwive's tale," he says.
He used his cunning mind and new pirate crew to hunt down and kill his own father from the shadows.
He enslaved his own siblings and becomes the new ruler of Germa Kingdom. Over the years, he used them for warfare and expanded the territory of the North.
His heart is a bottomless pit for power and control.
He had a fling or two or several with is closely allied with Doflamingo because god damn they're both mad like that. The alliance eventually lead to direct connections with Celestial Dragons.
Sanji gains more power and becomes the notorious "Pirate King of the North"
Meanwhile at the other side of the world, Luffy didn't make it as far as he could have without a good cook.
Luffy would have recruited one from Baratie but the restaurant was absolutely destroyed before the smaller Straw Hat crew could make a difference. Some of the staff didn't make it.
Zoro left the crew when it fell apart at some point.
Due to Zoro's reputation and bounty that he had occurred during his limited time with Luffy, he was offered a position as a Warlord, ultimately taking over the late Jinbe's old role. He accepted and served for several years before he was assigned a job that he didn't know would be the most challenging one yet.
The Celestial Dragons didn't like the fact that Sanji had started to have more worldly control over their own, so Zoro was quietly assigned to hunt down the great Pirate King of the North. Zoro accepted because he felt that he needed more experience before he could take on Mihawk again.
Zoro quickly realised that this mission is not a walk in the park.
Sanji loves toying with the Demon Warlord so he insists on taking him on by himself.
It becomes an endless game of cat and mouse. Sometimes Sanji chases and sometimes he runs, sometimes he wins and sometimes he loses.
They're at each others' throats everywhere in the world. Any person, city or being of any kind that gets in the way usually gets torn apart in the chaos. The hunt goes on for a lifetime. They're currently in their 40's.
Zoro severs Sanji's left arm during one huge fight.
Because of this, Sanji relentlessly tries to get Zoro to marry him to use him in so many ways he can think of--both as an asset and under the sheets--oh the things that he wants the swordsman to do and beg for.
Sanji likes to refer to the tiniest scar on his lip as "Zoro's love bite"
He was about to get a nice fresh one on his chest when some fuckers teleported him away.
Hearing old Sanji's backstory was a bit much. It was young Zoro's turn to have a nosebleed that day.
Oh yes I had fun drawing old silver fox, damaged Sanji. I wish I have the time to colour it up. I've also been very much into reading AU stories, especially soul brand ones. Keep them coming, you beautiful people.
Edit: Woo! I finally decided to make my own AO3 account. It's about time. Link here for the story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60686077
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kinita375 · 1 month ago
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they really said “🙂😐🙂”
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momijigari · 1 year ago
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Would you take some Sanji angst to start 2024 (inspired by that tweet)
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artguy123456789 · 11 months ago
Look at the precious little bean!!!!!!!!!!!
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"A winter with papa"
I started these drawings in November, so please pretend it's still winter 🥶
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dkettchen · 10 months ago
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she would've told them unlike her canon! version who decided not to be an ally smh
#one piece#trans!sanji#sanji#kiku#yamato#ワンピース#I'm practicing my japanese shhhhhh#(日本語のペラペラ人:俺は��法とか書く方とか間違ったら教えてください😅ありがとうございます)#translation:#Yamato: I'll be able to get as strong as Oden?#Sanji: Probably... 🤔#[meanwhile Kiku is remembering the time in the hot spring]#(Sanji: Nami-chan!!!)#(Nami: Shut up!! The women's bath is supposed to be a peaceful place!)#Kiku: I am also ⚧️ ... o.o#(y'all english speakers had me all to yourselves for a decade it's about time I start to also sometimes make stuff in my next language lol#notably for media *from* that language#same as it made sense to make fan content in english for [american superhero franchise we don't talk abt anymore] back in the day#(happy seasonal reminder that Ren Is Not A Native English Speaker and This Is My 5th Language hi 😅))#while looking up reference for this I learnt that the straps to tie back the kimono sleeves are called tasuki#also I decided yamato get big muscles cause he got them kaido genes in im (I also gave him his dad's young-man-facial hair)#the more I do transition projections for one piece characters while tryna adhere to the style the more I learn that sometimes stylisation#uses bones less as literal determinants for where things go and just kinda exaggerates shapes based on vibes alone instead#meaning trans characters' bones wouldn't literally stay looking the same in that stylisation in the way they do irl#they'd get exaggerated differently based on what the surrounding stuff is doing#I still think oda's transition demonstration when we first met iva was unreasonable even with that in mind tho
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raconteur-wanpi · 3 months ago
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Doing a favorite character list and decided to draw the top 8, but then I realized I'm far, far too busy and tired to render or clean-up eight whole characters, so uuuuuuuuuh just sketches it is :(
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oxygenisachoice · 4 months ago
My one piece animatic is done! It’s fully colored and about 50 drawings long— it would mean I lot of you would like to check it out!
Short preview:
Full thing:
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wellfine · 1 year ago
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janglingargot · 9 months ago
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something something two nickels
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blacklegsanjiii · 9 months ago
hi! i love reading about all of the au's you've done but I've really been enjoying the young!sanji and I was wondering if you could give us some head canons or just more stuff about him! your work is amazing and I hope you have a wonderful day or night!!
Young!Sanji is fun when you dive into the nitty gritty of it, by fun I mean uh...now everyone is realizing why Sanji acts childish sometimes.
Sanji, as we all know, doesn't have the best emotional regulation. The crew noticing Sanji swallowing every bit of emotion that isn't "productive" (happy, excited, fawning, protective) because he doesn't know how to. Zeff didn't really try to teach him because he treated him like the age he looked and not the age he was. And Judge wanted his kids to be emotionless monsters.
Sanji is seventeen, never played a day in his life, does most of the chores, does all the cooking, does watches and his crew after finding out how old he is have to form a plan to uh...not have him do all that. Robin is motherly so she takes the initiative as they're leaving to help Sanji more actively even if Sanji protests and refuses. Robin is helping him with dishes and he keeps insisting she go relax and she asks him when the last time somebody read to him was. He shrugs off the question with a 'he's too old for that' and a big smile. Robin argues she reads to Luffy who is older than him and Sanji just hunches his shoulders and when they finish up Robin takes him to the library and reads to him.
Zoro also starts telling him the kitchen is closed to him some days. Sanji huffs and Zoro tells him if everyone else gets days off so should he and he should go draw with Nami. Because Jinbei and Franky are handling the cooking. Sanji is then hauled to Nami, who is already up and has a seat set up next to her at the drawing table. Luffy's markers out as well as her drawing pens and she smiles at him and says to join her. He agrees, reluctant but thankful she's thinking of him. They draw for a while until Nami notices he's drawing the dishes he makes and while well done, not the goal.
"Why don't you try drawing something not related to cooking?" She asks. Sanji blinks at her as Nami shows him drawings of the crew she's done in a sketch book, of places they've been.
"I'm not as talented as you, Nami-Swan! I'd rather draw what I know." Sanji flatters as she frowns.
"That's not the point, Sanji. Don't flatter me just to put yourself down. We all got to act like kids before, except you. You should be able to act your age." Nami says.
"I.. don't know how. I've always been treated the age I look. After what happened with my family before Zeff, truthfully I don't want to know." Sanji responds.
"You're seventeen. Luffy became our captain at that age, he's nineteen now and look at him." Nami points out with a broad gesture. "We all got to be kids, what's so different about you? Why can't you be a kid even if it's a little late?"
"I literally don't know how. It's uncomfortable, I hate it. I'd rather go back to everyone thinking I'm twenty one again." Sanji mutters. Nami sighs heavily and looks at the boy beside her, drawing a bowl of pasta.
"Can you draw the All Blue for me?" She asks, Sanji gives her a look of confusion but does look as requested. The next day when he goes into the galley he sees it stuck on the fridge with magnets next to Luffy and Chopper's drawings and smiles to himself.
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mfdragon · 25 days ago
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I just think he has strong paternal instincts and that they would get along 👌🏻
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1000sunnygo · 2 months ago
One Piece Academy Chapter 53: The Rainbow Silver Treasure Pt. 2
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INDEX | PART 1 | Referenced chapter (Kidd's 100 good deeds)
The story of snow mountain is completed! I'll go back and letter chapter 51, and make a few corrections.
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mih4nn · 9 months ago
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cheering the other 8 gin enjoyers out there (him meeting sanji again to eat his fried ricee orz)
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kinita375 · 1 month ago
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god hes so cool
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