#im just so fucking angry at my parents rn
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yknow i was fucking right as a kid my parents were idiots 4 saying life isnt fair i was telling those fuckers to just fuckin make it fair bc who says its not fair like literally they were soooo dumb and 4 year old me was a fucking genius. like the world doesnt need to be fucking unfair its people who decide to make it unfair and by using that as fuckin leverage against a 4 year old who wants her toy back bc of ur dumb fucking punishment is just fuckin cruel like yes the world isnt fair in the fuckin systems but u dont need to just fuckin live with that u can start by being fucking fair to a literal child who has more goddam maturity than u like jesus christ. give me my goddam toy back and go sit in the corner and think about what uve done. idiot. if i could id go back in time n punch those bitches 4 little me and tell her that shes fucking right and its okay shes not an idiot for thinking her parents arent that great yes they arent exactly like the abusive parents shes read abt but the reality is theyre fuckin abusive its not normal 2 wince whenever they raise their voices and YES ur right when u say its not fair that kids arent allowed to hit adults but adults r allowed to hit kids UR FUCKIGNG RIGHT SPEAK UR TRUTH LIL LADY THESE BITCHES R ABUSIVE BITE THEM N SHIT. god i wish i could talk to myself as a kid bc she needed someone older than her who was in her fuckin corner likeeee. goddam.
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lass-us-slay · 7 months ago
Alr so I was watching edits and came across Arlecchino and an idea popped into my head!
Danny Phantom as Arlecchino in DC also know as: Phantom the Knave Sovereign
(Still working on the name- Before we start I wanna say, I’m just trouble shooting rn and seeing what new ideas I could add with your guys input too. But so far this is what I have)
Ok so plot points:
Somehow Pariah Dark gets free of the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, either because of Vlad or the Observants
Pariah seeing potential in Danny (and cause he was already dubbed to take Pariahs place after he was old enough) starts trying to become Danny’s parental model (much like Vlad. But Worse.)
It was annoying at first, but slowly over time, Pariah started taking his role as Danny’s “Father” too far and twisted. Wanting to make Danny strong, stronger than he ever will be.
Then one thing leads to another and an identity reveal happens. Except the Fentons now pretend Danny Fenton no longer exists, and it’s just Danny Phantom that is an after image of their boy. Which pains them so they keep their distance, but still help what they think is left of their boy.
Danny is sad about that- but he has his sister Jazz and his two best friends! He can live with his parents pretending he doesn’t exist, atleast not as Danny Fenton no he can’t- he really can’t-
Then shit hits the fan, resulting in Danny’s home dimension into imploding into itself. (Which may or may not be the fault of Pariah Dark)
Luckily Danny is able to get out with Jazz!
But he’s too angry to rationalize himself after the death of his Haunt and almost all his fraid dying. He attacks and attacks Pariah and observers and whoever that threatens his last family at every turn.
More shit hits the fan, resulting in Danny getting cursed, which really hurts Danny. Enough to do weird ghost shenanigans to his biology, (via curse), and Jazz gets caught up.
Pariah sees a golden opportunity to use this to get Danny stronger to become the next king.
But Clockwork has had enough and steps in. Only to be promptly sealed away by the still acting king; Pariah Dark. Which Danny not even knowing as he’s out for the count thanks to the curse. (Jazz is the only witness. But Pariah can’t kill her because of Danny.)
More stuff happens and now Pariah is the acting Father of Danny and Jazz (with amnesia) who are in a ghost normal(?) orphanage with other kids.
Basically Arlecchino’s childhood happens to Danny and Jazz. Just that Pariah has decided to false make Jazz his “bio” kid to mentally fuck with Danny (smol child, and poor Jazz).
Danny still sees Jazz as his sis even if he doesn’t remember
After Jazz sadly doesn’t make it, Danny faces off Pariah once more for the first time. And consumes Pariahs Core into his, eating him alive so no more Pariah for the rest or eternity.
Then remembers- holy shit his names Danny! Not Peruere, which ew- (kidding I love the name-)
Anyways Danny gets mad at Clockwork only to find him sealed and the timelines fucked- and with Clockwork being so weak since the seal-ment, it’s up to Danny to fix the mess (and the one that was caused by the Observants once more with no one on the throne)
And so now Danny travels around timelines, picking up strays and adopting them (much like Batman, but better)
That there is the rough outline of the story!! I probably will make more but I just need to organize my thoughts before going into finer things (and art!)
Also I’d like to mention- while in the orphanage, Danny’s human side takes on more physical characteristics of his ghost form. Sorta merging the two forms into one? Not sure about it.
But Danny’s human form has definitely changed, and the curse is the same as Arlecchinos from Genshin (although would be nice if someone actually explained the curse to me fully- cause I don’t get it at all 😭)
Anyways that’s it- im thinking about interactions with the kids Danny Adopts and such but that’s for another time 💀
Aight peace ✌️
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stormberry-12 · 2 years ago
Hellooo how are you this fine evening..
I wanted the ask if you could make one for jj where he does something that upsets the reader and she’s crying and sad and jj gets the silent treatment the whole week but he starts to cry hard and beg for her to talk to him and reader can’t help but comfort and hug him and give him all the love that she has and jj is all pouty and sad in the end
It’s fine if not <3 :)
didn't mean to ~ jj maybank x reader
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pairing: JJ Maybank x Kook!Fem!Reader
warnings: language, angst, arguing, silent treatment.
notes: thxs for the request! Sorry I haven't posted in forever guys, im doing final exams at school rn and stuff. Also, sorry this is so short. But anyway, I loved this concept and also hated the way they solved JJ and Kie's fight in Season 3 so I tried to recreate it here with a better ending. Sorry, this took so long lol, much love!
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"I mean, it would all blow up anyway. You know? Like... Look at you. You got your new threads on!" JJ exclaimed. "Look at me. What do I got? This? This piece of shit?" He threw something out of frustration, panting. You looked back at his run-down house, the eviction notice nailed to the front door with bright yellow police tape crossing over it.
"Getting kicked out of this place in three weeks anyway. shit, I don't even got parents right now. Why would you care? Why would you care? I'm just some loser that..."
"You don't care. No, you don't!"
"I do care!" you shouted, getting frustrated with his attitude.
"No, you got parents that live in Figure Eight, you know?"
"That's not my fault."
"That's your future." he countered walking towards the water, hand running through his hair in frustration.
"Look, if you need us, we're gonna help you. I'm... I'll help."
"No- It's that right there! Okay? Like... It's so easy for you to say that." he whirled around to face you, yelling, "You know why? Because you're a Kook. You're a Kook, Y/n!"
"Yeah... I'm a Kook. I was such a Kook when I was living in a cave with you for a month! Soaking in the Kook life!"
"That's not what I'm talking about. GOD!" he exclaimed, reaching for his bike, he swung his leg over the seat.
"Jayj, don't leave." you pleaded, the engine of his bike revved and he started to drive away,
"JJ, WHAT THE HELL?" You screamed after him, tears rolling down your face, "MAYBANK!"
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You were pissed the fuck off.
The first day after your fight you hadn't seen JJ, you cried for a couple hours, indulging in your favorite ice cream watching a sad rom-com, really getting in your feels.
Kie texted you to ask you what was up, the pogues had gone fishing that day but you never showed, to angry and sad to show your face to the world.
'Ask the blond kid,' was all you responded. you watched as her three typing bubbles flashed beneath your text.
'shit head's not here either,' she responded. 'wtf is going on,'
'fight. he called me a kook.'
'oh shit,' was all she said.
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A few days later you walked around the chateau and dug through John B's fridge, you were fully aware of JJ's presence on the couch but still continued to ignore him. It was closing in on a week since you had last uttered a word to him.
Grabbing a chilled beer you walked past JJ and to the front door.
"Y/n," he said, voice cracking.
It wasn't the first time JJ had tried to talk to you this week and once again you ignored him. You slipped your shoes on and walked out onto the porch, slamming the door behind you. You flinched at how harsh it was but brushed the feeling away as you took a sip of your drink.
You sat at the edge of JJ's hot tub, the disco lights twinkled in the water, and the beer started to make you feel nauseous. You set it down and let out a shaky breath, blinking away tears that made the colorful lights spur in all different directions.
'Oh stop it Y/n' you told yourself, you would not cry anymore over this boy, if he didn't want to date a 'kook' that was his problem.
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A long time must have passed, you had slid down fully into the hot tub finishing off your drink and basking in your own thoughts. The sun had set and the tides changed across the water.
"Go!" You heard someone on the deck grunt, you looked up to see John B pushing JJ out the door towards you locking him outside. JJ made his way down the stairs awkwardly and stood at the edge of the hot tub across from you, not getting in like he was looking for your permission.
"What do you want Maybank?" you asked quietly.
"I-uh," he sniffled and you focused closer in the dim light to see tears streaming down his face. "I made you a bracelet,"
He mumbled in the softest voice that made your heart clench and reached out to hand it to you. You looked at it closely, intricate little hearts knotted into the design, made with your favorite colors. And of course, the sea blue strings that you had told him reminded you of his eyes countless times. You didn't know what to say. Until you heard the soft sobbing coming from his lips, he thought you didn't like it.
"No, JJ..." you cooed, wrapping the bracelet around your wrist and tieing it in a crisp knot. You slid yourself through the water and stood in front of him taking in his state. He looked at you with pleading eyes and you wrapped your arms around him. He collapsed into you, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your shoulder. You felt butterflies in your stomach at his touch and lifted a hand to stroke his hair. God you loved this boy so much.
"I-i'm sorry," he cried, "I called you a kook, I'm such a dick, It's all my fault..."
"No, Jayj-" you whispered.
"No, I am in the wrong too, shouldn't have ignored you like that," you whispered.
"But I called you a kook," he said again.
"And then I was acting like one, it was wrong,"
You stood there in silence hugging each other, you you feel his breathing slow and he recovered to look up at you.
"Please forgive me," he said.
"Always, as long as you forgive me," he nodded frantically at you causing you to giggle.
"Thank god that's over," you heard Pope say in the distance.
"Yeah, pass me one of those?" Kie said, taking a beer out of the cooler, the rest of the pogues walking toward the hot tub.
You all settle down in the warm water, JJ snuggling into your side, looking at your bracelet sweetly for the rest of the night. You kissed the top of his head, knowing what ever happed in the future you could always get through it with him.
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boileddemon69 · 3 months ago
Hello original gangster I would love to hear about this Bad Ben AU of yours 🙏😼
Okay so basically my bad ben "au" (I'm putting It in quotes because I don't even know if this qualifies as an au or not) is mostly focused on his backstory and why he's so like...BAD.
In short, Bad Bens upcoming was pretty similar to Prime Bens except he was more of a trouble maker due to his parents being not like the best at paying attention to him LOL that's why Grandpa Max was like a safe person for him to go to and why he jumped at the chance to go on the road trip. He found the omnitrix and yadda yadda yadda, became like a small town hero. And for a moment, things actually went BETTER for him than for Prime Ben. Like him, Gwen and Kevin were inseparable, and they always helped people out no matter the reason. He actually took people's advice and started working on his temper and whatnot. But everything went downhill when Kevin went all crazy again. He eventually ended up killing people and almost killed Gwen, which is what pushed Ben to his limit. He didn't want to hurt Kevin because that was his best friend, but after what happened with Gwen it was kinda like all the effort he put into controlling his impulses kinda disappeared.
He killed Kevin, sort of expecting everyone to call him a hero for doing so, but instead, Gwen and Grandpa Max became scared of him. Ben, confused and angry, became more erratic and decided to sorta "go rogue" (emo bastard)
He goes on his own, but because he was so blindsided by the rage he felt, he ends up hurting people. When Gwen and Max find him again, they're so concerned for his safety and the safety of others that they decide it's best to take the omnitrix from him and "keep him in a safe place" aka lock him in solitary confinement basically LMAO
So ben is basically in jail for three years(so hes 18), cycling through round after round of therapists and psychologists who always give up on him. Max feels bad for him and decides to recruit a recently graduated Plumber, thinking that having someone around Bens age might help him. So that's where Rook comes into play. He didn't go to Plumber Academy to become a psychologist, but because he was the only one in his graduating class that actually took a semester on it, Max thought he was the best fit and pulled him out of the field to take this job. And Rook is a loser who wants to please anyone who is an authority figure so he accepts it.
And so he becomes Bens therapist. Ben doesn't like him, and purposefully makes his job harder. He wants to be left alone and hates the fact Max thinks there's something about him he needs to fix. But eventually after a bunch of sessions, they warm up to eachother to at least tolerate each other. A year of this goes by and Rook and Max have seen enough growth in him that they think he can maybe, PERHAPS, be let free. Ben is happy about this news but is also kinda like "yknow maybe im not READY to be let out yet"
So like a week before he's meant to be let out, Eon shows up being like "yo join this war to fight other alternate versions of you or I'll KILL you!!" And offers him another omnitrix And Ben's like "beats sitting in a cell forever" and joins him like an idiot loser. Rook and Max are angry because he was literally JUST ABOUT TO BE LET OUT and now he just randomly dissappears?? And when he comes back he tries to convince Rook to hide/help him and rooks obviously like "no fuck you" but eventually gives in because again he's a coward.
Thats..it for now IM STILL WORKING ON IT but that's basically what I have rn..uhhhh hope it's satisfactory
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whos-starr · 4 months ago
So ep 4 was great !!! I loved Jinx and Isha's interactions and then Isha getting her hair blue!!!
Ending of ep 4 was crazy 😭😭😭 could not believe vander was alive
LOVE EP 5 AHHH!!! The beginning sequence was incredible, showing vi's circle and how unsustainable it became. And then the teamup!!! They've finally sorta reconciled!! Poor Isha though, Vi standing up for her in ep 3 and then making her nose bleed now.
And then there's jayce. Oh, jayce. He is LOSING it. With how Viktor was talking in the end of the ep while possessing Salo he seemed like he was gonna be the villain, and then he was sunshine and daises in ep 6. Speaking of.
Ep 6. Wow. I. Wow. Im not ok fr.
First off, I like Jayce. He's a good character. But my first response to him at the end of the ep was WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKKKKKK
ANGRY SAD CRYING SOBBING however i do not hate him. He's complicated and my feelings are not simply anger. He's got a lot going on...good on him for not killing that child in front of him though. Even though he killed them later.
CAITVI MADE UP???? WHAT???? LOVE THAT FOR THEM. They're slowly kinda back?? They at least worked together. Also can we talk about how caitlyn immediately attacked Vi when she saw her walking. Like that was overkill, the way she hit her multiple times. Caitlyn didn't recognize her as Vi and if she had she wouldn't have done that, I think. But it shows what she thinks. I'm gonna have a more in depth post about the brutality from the Enforcers/Noxians soon. Im just getting my thoughts out rn.
Ok. Now the big part. Actually crying over Isha. We don't know for sure.....I'm praying shes ok....but wow. All I've got to say is she's brave. She's incredible. She's smart. She took the hextech gemstones from Vi's gauntlets anticipating a fight. She's so amazing, and I really hope she's ok. Also Vander. I've got less hope for him, though.
Misc thoughts:
Loved seeing Vi and Jinx's mom. She's so much like Jinx. Younger Silco too! And the flashback scene, seeing Vi and Jinx before their parents died. Which means they KNEW Vander when they saw him on the bridge. They knew him all their life. Im not ok rn. Also Vander suggesting the name violet??? DO YOU THINK SILCO SUGGESTED THE NAME POWDER?
Anyways i think thats it....i need act 3 now
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chiquititaosita · 1 year ago
vale valeee 🫣
so, i was thinking, you know how when we get mad, we speak our native tongue? so like, i wanted to request monster trio + law getting yelled at by reader in spanish
(you know how moms be like “ve hacer tal cosa” and we either forget and do it wrong or forget to do it at all?? bueno, reader tells them to help them out with something y como no lo hicieron, reader starts complaining and yelling about “yo hago todo aqui” 🤭)
les da miedito pero la verdd les gusta el matrato 😫
(mentira 👀) idk if that makes sense pero if it doesn’t i can elaborate more ☺️
a/n: OMFG YESSS!!! and I wrote like a slight Drabble for it! On sanjis nickname post oml
˗ˏˋ꒰🍓꒱ yelling at monster trio + law in spanish
˗ˏˋ꒰🍓꒱ Luffy
- if he’s not being serious, or something which is all the damn time
- Consider it’s your job to be like a certain mother figure besides his amor
- first it was the gentle parenting technique,
- “Luffy, can you please move your feet im trying to scrub the deck ?” Y/n is looking over at him, trying to be patient
-“sorry y/n can’t talk rn! Maybe later!!” Luffy will then mess up your whole cleaning
-you didn’t mind it.
-But the then there’s him trying to help you, when you don’t need help.
- “Luffy did you and ussop take out the trash like sanji asked y’all too?” You ask him as you’re trying to make some
-he’s nowhere to be found when you ask him this. but then after
-“ah ah ah! ¡Lávate las manos, Cabron!!” You’ll slap Luffys hands and speak in a semi- stern tone but in a calm manner when he tries to eat the carnitas you have.
-“come on just a little bite babeeee!!!/——“
-“NO!” You’ll explode and the whole ship hears you. You’re so angry and tired of trying from being stressed out.
-“I have to do everything around here god damn it! Please just help me with shit if you want to be a good boyfriend por favor!!” Y/n is just thankful to have some shit being done.
˗ˏˋ꒰🍓꒱ zoro
-will instantly yell back at you
- “y/n why are you mad at me!?”
- you slap him and groan mumbling you have to do shit. You’re not even going to complain with him right now
- that is until a couple of hours later some random ass bitch at the bar y’all were at, was literally trying to pick a fight with zoro. And talk shit. And you were sober the whole time.
-“HIJOLE a chingada wey!! Nobody talks shit about my man but me!!” You slap the guy with a chancla aiming like a super Latina mom. And literally defend your moss head novio whose found a nice sleeping place, sitting down.
-“Y/n you’re embarrassing me!-“
-he’s picking you up and you’re kicking his chest to put him down.
˗ˏˋ꒰🍓꒱ sanji
- “Y PUTA ALA MADRE WEY!!” You’ll be storming out angry. if sanji sees you angry it’s best for him to not try and ask…
- he’s learned the hard way.
-“VINSMOKE SANJI!!” You know when a Hispanic woman yells your government legal name, you’re fucked
-“Yes Mon amour??” He’d asked you in a kind manner
-“why isn’t the FLOOR MOPPED!?”
- the last time he talked back to you he cried, and begged for forgiveness like down on his knees and holding your legs.
-“Aye cabron get off!!! i forgive you i’m just telling you next time to use fabuloso.”
- he finds it adorable when you’re mad and punched your cheeks
-you’ll bite his finger and he’s gonna be like. “OW!!”
-“beloved what’s wrong?”
-silent treatment and he has to start guessing and do everything around the house. but really it’s because she’ll only yell at him without her goodbye kiss. or her love letters on the napkin with her liquado (smoothie en español de tex-mex)
˗ˏˋ꒰🍓꒱ Law
-oh hell no
-he forgets what he signed up for.
- “CALLATE WEY!!!” The minute you throw a chancla at his head he’s not even pissed he’s just laughing because you got him good
- “shut up for one minute will you y/n-ya.” He regrets it. You start causing a scene and then embarrass him, if his crew steps in. They’re not gonna like it they just say out of it.
-last time penguin almost lost a finger. While doing the chores. Doing the laundry’s and cooking.
-“ NO YOU LISTEN TO ME GOD DAMN IT!!!! MOTHER FUCKER WHO HATES IT WHEN HIS FOOD IS TOUCHING BY A SMIDGE!”- you grab him by the ear. “Ugh I have to do everything for him.”
-“oh really?” Law would reply out of frustration, and throwing you over his shoulders just to fuck some sense into you. Because you got mad you needed dick in his office. Now you’re still complaining, because his room office is a mess.
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kibblemode · 4 months ago
ok so basicalyyyy
(included voiceclaims too bc its fun)
S1 involves crypt (vc david bowie) and ophelia (vc undecided atm) - ophelias arc is really quick bc i need s1 to focus more on the main villains i think. anyway the protags get lost in the woods for some reason and ophelia offers to lead them back to town but actually shes luring them deeper into the forest to her cabin so she can murder them and feed them to crypt. crypt Was her pet when she 1st found them after her parents died, but as they both grew up it turns out theyre actually fully intelligent. they make her kill people to keep them fed along with verbally and mentally abusing her and sometimes they get physically abusive too, and they often threaten to kill her if she doesnt feed them. obviously living with this for years affects her sanity, she ends up enjoying mutilating ppl as a kind of way to survive and eventually becomes more of a sadist. so anyway its obvious from the moment the protags meet her that Somethings not right just based on how erratically she acts, and they kinda sus her out pretty quick. she panics and attacks them but fails to kill them, which crypt is angry about and forces her off to the side to kill them themself. crypt dies obviously, idk how yet, maybe lenarr does it with his powers idfk. obviously ophelia is Devastated, but also relieved secretly. it takes her awhile to get over crypts death but after she does she thanks the protags and fucks off to live in her cabin peacefully lol
S2 involves noodle (vc david cross) and grem (vc 2mello), who is actually one of the main villains but hes important here i prommy - SO THIS ONES A BIGGER ONE bc i have room to do so now that the plot and characters are mostly Established. so a bit of backstory required on this one since noodle is a pre-established side character. noodle has been working at the royal familys castle since he was around 15, a lot like most of the other castle staff. unfortunately hes the one whos given the most odd/shitty jobs just by sheer coincidence, but hes convinced its because tix hates him for some reason. this isnt exactly helped by tixs spoiled rich kid personality he had when he was younger and just his general shittiness as a person (intentional or otherwise), and also indie (being tixs advisor and technically noodles 2nd boss despite being younger than him) is naturally bossy and blunt which made it worse too. so noodle is Already fed up with tix constantly antagonizing him (indie he doesnt actually care about as much because hes close friends with her boyfriend), that combined with how absolutely Nothing his personal life is, he just kinda Has it one day and decides hes going to do something awful to tix. so for context, grem is tixs ex, noodle knows he exists but doesnt actually Know him. he steals tixs old demonomicon from when they were still together and summons grem using his own blood. grem would Never miss an opportunity to torment tix at this point in the show bc he Also hates him. grem offers noodle a contract and he accepts without reading too much into it. grem basically implants a living embodiment of pure demon magic into noodles open wound (thats how he gets his snake tattoo btw) and it gives him magical powers Permanently. since noodle is my boyfailure hes very bad at using them but eventually Does get the hang of it, and plans to destroy tixs home and anyone that tries to stop him from doing so. NOW. ANOTHER bit of context. noodle was tixs go to babysitter for tiabi (tixs daughter) and noodle genuinely likes and cares for her very much. that being said, tiabi basically has to console this grown ass man whos having a major power trip rn bc shes the only one he wouldnt Ever harm in any way. this is undecided but im thinking maybe grem gets frustrated and maybe posesses noodle or something similar. hence noodles redemption episode being titled "exorcism" but idrk
S3 involves eugene (vc dana snyder) - so after the events of s2 i figured itd be good to have a silly, only semi-serious villain lol. this one was fairly recently given a MAJORRRR revision, eugene is my bffs (@/killer12345blog) oc that he made as a joke but i got attached to him lol. anyway eugene is a master shapeshifter that takes on a bastardization of tixs form to frame him for a wide variety of terrible crimes in ordsr to ruin his reputation. the reason he does this is to get tix out of the pucture so he can replace him and take over his life. he was successful in "replacing" other ppl in the past so this time he goes for tix, who is technically a very important political figure (hes a prince). while most of eugenes more sinister stuff goes on behind the scenes without it being revealed that he was the one doing it the Whole time, he pretends to be an ally to the main protags, hes actually naturally charming and his personality makes him very likeable. what hes ACTUALLY doing is cozying up to tixs friends to try to make them prefer him while furthing the evidence that tix is responsible for all eugenes crimes he did. its actually presented in a way that makes the person watching Also suspect tix. so eventually zach and lenarr realize theres some differences in how eugenetix acts vs how tix Actually acts, and start to believe it wasnt actually tix doing it. eugene gets mad as hell and goes mask off villain mode when lenarr and zach dont choose him over tix, and by that point its obvious what eugene was doing the entire time. so he attacks the protags, and since hes using tixs species as a base for the forms hes taking atm that means they cant kill him as easily bc he would only be killed by the same things that can hurt tix. This part i havent Fully gotten to just yet but they do come up with a convoluted home alone ass plan to lure eugene into a trap and kill him to DEATH (me and art agreed. even tho eugene actually dies for real im still using him as a bg character bc itd be funny)
S4 involves moff (vc uhhh. idk. who tf voices spinel from su) SO THIS ONES GONNA BE SHORT. its underdeveloped and s4 has a Lot of important shit happening w the main characters so itll be hard to fit in. a lot like s1 lol. anyway moff is an aspiring writer and is heavily invested in fandom culture and stuff lol. hes unhappy with how the writing of the show is done and wants to change it (dumb as fuck 4th wall break i know but who gaf) obviously this freaks the other characters the fuck out and they think hes crazy. BUT moff is the proud owner of a magic journal or something that he can write something in and it happens. this ones more lighthearted too, he doesnt do anything toooo awful with it its just weird and the other characters hate it so they try to stop him. this is very very hard bc of moffs journal, but they Are successful and his journal gets set on fire to get rid of it forever lol
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hanasnx · 4 months ago
OKAY i can’t stay away long im sorry
navi toruk makto jake who gets to ship off the humans and all he can think of is fucking. he needs to get his dick wet and get this want out of his system immediately. so of course, jakesully, the idiot he is, picks the prettiest girl he can find. young. sweet. obedient.
the honeymoon phase does its thing. indy you’ve spoken about this. he courts you. brings you flowers and promises and a hefty gift he knows how to use for your sake. it’s perfect and he gets you just where he wants you. and he’s a feral man. so so feral. he’s on you and he’s damn near foaming to ‘ust fuckin’ take it and of COURSE you do!! you take him and you let him take and take and take until you’re nothing but drooling and leaking holes.
and then his actions have consequences. there wasn’t any tie there in the start. just fucking. he needed to fuck and you were more than willing. to serve toruk makto was a privilege.
and then a tie happens. he’s over the moon. all he hears is mine mine mine, instead of the obvious distain in your tone. you still have things to do. you want to be someone in the clan. sure, you’re fucking toruk makto, great, but anyone could. you aren’t mated. just having a child together apparently.
but who are you? what do you want to be? surely not just his pet he can knock up.
things turn sour. you want to scalp him 95% of the time and he’s got his tail between his legs. he can’t see why you’re so angry over this. you weren’t upset for the process. what happened to his sweet girl? his obedient girl? the girl he’d use and use and then tuck into his side for the night? hm.
sigh, just baby daddy jake who is just so RAAH 🦅🔥
“i cant stay away long” who says you have to go? i wanna talk about jake sully all the time rn
toruk makto jake is truly my fave evolution. all the knowledge and the confidence, the haircut that’s right before he shaves the sides, the fact he’s part of the clan now because he earned it…. so much to love. everyone immediately respects him because he rides the last shadow, it’s enough to make a dick twitch tbh
he’s victory fucking you. it’s a long time coming. all his focus was on the mission, then the war, now on this.
also calling it a “hefty gift” 😵‍💫😵‍💫
he had to learn everything else in a na’vi body, now he’s learning how to fuck. through you and your reactions
one of the things that always draws me about the baby daddy trope is the dissonance. at one point you two were inseparable and getting along and fucking through that honeymoon phase, now you’ve got a real responsibility to a living breathing thing you made together and the union is broken apart because of the behavior leading up to it. jake and you may have fucked, but you’re separated. people view the two of you as having abandoned each other because you were technically mated.
now you’ve got this kid that you’re taking care of and you love, and jake obviously has a sense of obligation to them so he comes around. you have a history with him, familiarity, and the kid asks why you two don’t live together like other parents do. but it simply wouldn’t work out! if you’re in the same room as jake for more than a minute you wanna tear each other’s heads off …😏
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11x13kyle · 1 year ago
The marsh and Broflovski families are so interesting to compare imo, like they have a very similar structure, two parents, two kids.
First you can compare Kyle and Shelly, the two older siblings, they by default seem to have a responsibility over their younger brothers but handle it very differently, Shelly is just angry and takes it out of Stan, whereas Kyle takes it more in stride and after the first few episodes with them, he's a very caring brother to Ike. Then there's their relationships with their dads, I'd argue neither are their dads favourite and they don't seem to know them very well, Randy is kind of dismissive of Shelly and Gerald tells Ike he shouldn't want to be like Kyle in season 20.
Then there's Ike and Stan, the two younger siblings. They're both much more similar to their dads and neither are happy about it, whereas I'd say Shelly and definitely Kyle are more like their moms. They're also both their dads favourites too, I think, and yet again they don't particularly enjoy that. They both also have to go along with their dads bullshit like the trolling and the weed, however Stan is slightly more willful about it, purely because Ike is a literal 5 year old and doesn't really get a say
Then Gerald and randy are both absolutely awful but Gerald I'd say is more aware of his terribleness, he just doesn't care, such as when he used both his children as scapegoats on separate occasions (season 20 and red man's greed) and being very clear that he's doing it to save his own skin, whereas when randy needs to get out of a sticky situation it's more likely that he fucked a pangolin and needs it gone but he doesn't get his family involved
Sharon and Sheila I think both have their favourite children, being closer to Stan and Kyle respectively, but don't show it the same, when Sharon though Stan was a cold blooded killer, she just hid the bodies and tried for everyone to move on, wanting to protect him, whereas Sheila wants Kyle to be as good as possible, and a big part of that is morality, and she is much stricter with stuff like that
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systemofwhispers · 8 months ago
tw: vent, mention of sh, caps, swearing
what the fuck is wrong with me? I can't fall asleep, it's 1 am, I need to be up early tomorrow. all because my stupid fucking brain is overthinking. all I keep doing is the wrong thing. saying the wrong thing, doing the wrong thing, acting the wrong way. why can't I just DO WTF IM SUPPOSED TO DO?! IT ISNT THAT FUCKING HARD SO WHY CANT I JUST DO IT??? WHY CANT I JUST BE LIKE EVERY OTHER FUCKING PERSON. it's either I say the wrong thing with my boyfriend when I'm js trying to help and he gets angry. or I scold my little brothers because MY FUCKING PARENTS ARENT PAYING ATTENTION. AND I GET YELLED AT FOR IT? YOU FUCKING WHORE IM LITERALLY THE ONE WATCHING YOUR KIDS, AND YOU SAY "madi don't yell at the boys, I'm the parent I'll take care of it" SO DO THAT??? DO YOUR FUCKING JOB LIKE YOU SIGNED UP FOR WHEN YOU HAD THE FOUR OF US??? IM THE OLDEST SURE, BUT IM NOT A FUCKING BABYSITTER!!! i js can't fucking do this. I'm literally sobbing on a fucking pull-out couch rn cs we're on vacation and my head hurts and I can't sleep but my mind just won't shut the fuck up. I haven't done anything to myself in 2 years. I've been clean. but that rubber band is looking rlly fucking nice right ab now, idk. and I know I shouldn't. but I can't think of anything else to take the edge off. idk, I'll probably knock out after I finish crying cs I'll be tired ig. idfk.
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 month ago
tw: csa, abuse etc. feel free not to answer this, as i know its private!! i also have a very abusive family, i was sexually assaulted by my brother in law when i was 15/16 and he is still in the family. my stupid sister decided to go ahead and have another baby with him even after she knew lol so like. i just bid my time until i can tell everyone to fuck off. i dont have direct contact w him, but i have to deal w his stupid children when i visit my parents and my stupid ass sister. obviously my situation is way less dire than yours, but it already kills me inside. ik you mentioned in the past you were trafficked by a family member and was sexually abused by family too, so what im asking is if you still have contact w the person who did it? i got way better after i was able to put distance, but the fact that i know he is still around makes me sick. i wish i could just put a bullet on his head. i wish i could kill him. i wish i could run him over and set out a hit on him. i wish i could kill my fucking sister too, for being a useless piece of shit.
this is just some random info i hope you find funny in a dark sad way like i do. i cant be around my sister for long that it raises my blood pressure to the point i get nose bleeds that wont stop. my bp goes like 23 or 20/18 or something like that. crazy high. literally puts me under so much stress i am at risk of a fucking heart attack from being around her cunt ass.
hope u can run away from them and make your own life at some point. wishing you the best xoxo
hey anon!! tks again for sending the message and im truly sorry to hear abt what happened to you & the betrayal of your sister as well. its always horrible when women even moreso family members who should care about you choose to protect predatory and shit men over u 😵‍💫 happens way too often and you have every right to be angry af at her bc its disgusting and selfish enabling behavior. hope karma is gonna hit them soon and youll get to witness it all lol ,,,, and girl 😭 u gotta be Careful i dont want u to die of a heart attack like this it aint worth it 🤣😭😭 but i getchu!! the sorta stress from this shit can take a Hugeee toll on ur body tbh i think thats why i feel so exhausted too all the time lately its the stress and physical toll of flashbacks and shit
to answer ur question it was my bio dad and for the most part i aint got contact w him no more. we're in two different countries now which helps for sure but when i go back to my birth country its almost always an issue when it comes to seeing him. he used to show up uninvited or my family would force him around and shit. but uh then for some years tho not too many that stopped happening but at the end of last year i had to see him because i wanted to see my grand geandmother who was sick and potentially dying and he was there. i chose to put up with it because i would have regretted not seeing her more. the whole thing was,,,, A Lot and exhausting and triggering and since then ive kinda been in the trauma trenches again 🤷‍♀️ being around him for that long for the first time in years definetely set sometimes off. but. yea. its hard. its hard to avoid because of that and i probably wont feel truly free from it until the day when he fucking croaks ://// which i keep waiting for. and rn i live w my mom and bio dad which isnt fantastic either bc we have a rough history too tho nothing to the same degree, its just another thing that stresses me out tho and that i wanna get away from
tks for the message girl again i appreciate uuu <3 and it does make me feel better to know someone also feels similar even tho i wish u had never been through this. take care of urself ok!!! one day were both gonna get out and we wont have to b around ppl who traumatized us anymore and well b able to breathe!!!!
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i-just-wanna-be-spiderman · 2 months ago
I genuinely feel like im losing my mind rn. I get so so so angry when im hungry which is literally always so i made myself eat a protein bar before going out to eat with my parents cuz otherwise i’d be an absolute nightmare. But now im gonna have to eat even more and counting cals from restaurants fucking sucks. They wont even tell me where we’re going so i can plan ahead, theyre just being so fucking vague and i cant stand them. I know im being a stereotypical teenager hating on my parents but for the last like month i just havent been able to stand them. I cant spend five minutes in a room with them. Everything they do pisses me off.
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idyllic-affections · 2 years ago
DON'T.... BECAUSE KAVEH'S YOUNGER!SIBLING BEING ANGRY IN THEIR STEAD.. im so sorry for swarming ur inbox but ydbihsjakdas
i could just IMAGINE their arguments about it
"she's our MOTHER, you don't disrespect her like that!"
"yeah, but she ABANDONED us!"
"she didn't abandon us-"
"YES SHE DID! she ran away and left us here, in sumeru, because she was hurting. i know."
"she deserves to be happy-"
"but what about us? what about me? what about you? she sounds SO much happier with our step siblings, and she doesn't even visit us! you can't keep defending her!
you can love her all you want, i don't care. you say she's our mother, but she's been absent ever since dad died."
"you have to understand-"
"I DO UNDERSTAND! and you took care of her when she was sad. you took care of me because she was sad. you were a child too, and you were more of a mother to me than her!"
"don't say that-"
"just because she's my mom doesn't mean i have to like her!"
kinda projected here but good god this makes me wanna explode. i like to think kaveh's younder!sibling has been going through that "rebellious teen phase", but it's not a phase, it's just how they are after growing up with a pretty absent mom and dead dad. they see how much their brother suffer, they 100% wanna help him, but they're going through it too yk??
imagine how frustrating it is for them whenever kaveh talks about their mom and he always says nice things about her but they could see the sheer bitterness, guilt, and melancholy in his eyes. they can't help but hate her for not being there for them (i like to think they're maybe an infant or very very young when it happened) n making their big bro, their parental figure, go through this horrible mess.
n they just kinda grew up with that hate w/o telling kaveh bc they didn't wanna add into his plate of problems. but the hate slowly manifested with other stuff until they went from 'not wanting to cause trouble for kaveh' to 'i cause trouble because i can't control myself and i need to release my anger on something else'
so ya i think kaveh's younger!sibling would be temperamental n people see them kinda like a bully, opposite of kaveh :( even if kaveh raised them kindly, i think reader's hatred to their mom saved them from copying kaveh's self destructiveness...
which caused kinda of a strain in their relationship when reader became a teen
(on the flip side for some reason i think reader would get along with alhaitham more (which would hurt kaveh tbh) bc alhaitham's mentality clashes so much against kaveh's n it's probably what reader needs more... they probably preferred alhaitham's "you're allowed to get angry at things you felt was unfair, even if she's your mother" than kaveh's "she still loves us... she just- she just needed to move on to be happy. she deserves it.")
sorry i kinda developed a whole reader here and maybe this is incoherent blabbering im gonna hide now >q< feel free to ignore !!
ohhh the strain that would come as a consequence of that rage and pain... sigh. parentified kaveh is so real, honestly, because with how bad faranak's mental health became, she definitely would not have been able to raise her youngest child. kaveh would be the one to raise them. kaveh would be the one they ran to when they scraped their knee. kaveh would be the one to kiss away their tears. kaveh would be the one to help them with homework and little things like that.
it would always be kaveh.
(and i think faranak would be painfully aware of the way they no longer come to her for comfort and consolation, but i don't think she would be able to feel bad about it until years later, because she's already so... fucked up. she would just be glad that someone was nurturing her child, even if that had to be kaveh.)
i think [name]'s anger would be a good and important testament to how well kaveh really raised them, though.
(but of course, it would also prove dangerous and self-destructive which i mention a bit further down in the post!!)
one who values themselves is one who feels angry when mistreated.
and [name] is fucking livid, for both themselves and kaveh. [name] is aware of faranak's neglect. because kaveh taught them to love themselves more than he could ever even hope to love himself. kaveh raised them well, even if that responsibility never should have been his in the first place.
so it honestly hurts them both when they fight like that.
"don't you dare disrespect her, [name]. you have no idea what she did for us." "what she did for us?! what the hell-- kaveh, she left us for some random fucking guy neither of us have ever met! how can you not see what's wrong with that?!" "do not talk about her like that. she did her best. doesn't she deserve to be happy, [name]? doesn't she?!" "oh," they'd scoff, "so 'her best' is abandoning her kids, parentifying her oldest son, and running from her past like a fucking coward?" they would roll their eyes and turn away at that point. "no, kaveh. she doesn't. neither of us are, so why does she deserve to be happy?" they'd then leave.
and consider this dialogue somewhere in there:
"she isn't my mother. she didn't raise me. you can like and defend that woman all you want, but she never was and never will be my mother."
they care so much about what kaveh went through for them. they are so painfully aware of the sacrifices he made to raise them. you know how parentified oldest siblings are usually the only ones aware of the abuse and neglect, whereas the younger siblings they raised think their parent is an angel who did no wrong? it's the opposite here.
and [name] getting along better with alhaitham in their teens... you are so right. they would.
i can imagine them fighting like this in alhaitham's home, and when [name] finally gets pissed off enough that they just leave to cool down, kaveh also retreats and stays in his room for a bit. but a few minutes later, when he comes back out, alhaitham is gone.
he left after [name], because a pissed off teen out wandering alone in sumeru and possibly sumeru's wilderness is unsafe.
(i feel like [name]'s anger could translate into ambition. hmm. pyro vision [name], maybe?)
kaveh knows they get along better with alhaitham nowadays, and i think it hurts him so much. but... he also does want what is best for them, and maybe. just maybe he is not best for them anymore.
(little does he know, they cry a lot to his roommate about just... wanting their brother. but not being able to open up to him like they used to because he'll only keep making excuses for their mother. and he'll only keep hurting himself in the process. and they don't want to see him destroy himself.)
alhaitham would validate their feelings more than kaveh would. he believes they should be pissed. he's not good with tears and feelings in general, but he is rather decent when it matters. and it very much matters when it comes to kaveh's mentally and emotionally wounded younger sibling.
i think alhaitham is better for them at this point in their life. and, you know, i feel like... in a way, he could help them learn to be less destructive. because also i feel like [name] is self-destructive in their own way, too. they get pissed and push away the people they love (aka kaveh). and they're hurting themselves in the process, but it's in a less obvious way than how kaveh is hurting himself (all the overworking, constantly doing everything for everyone, etc etc).
alhaitham is so blunt and straightforward and it would be refreshing compared to the mental gymnastics kaveh does to justify what faranak has done. and honestly, the factual truth is that [name] is allowed to be angry. alhaitham knows that and he's very clear about it.
and hear me out--
[name] enrolling in the akademiya, but instead of the expected darshan (kshahrewar or something similar)... they enroll in haravatat. just a thought.
they're probably just kind of mean in general compared to their brother, and i think that comes as a surprise to a lot of people, but i mean... who can blame them?
they need to go to family therapy HELSPDKDHSKGA
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hey tumblr! hot tip!!! if you see people criticizing your fav actor/creator/celeb etc for a lack of support for Palestine and want to get big mad abt it:
ask yourself, deeply and truly, why this makes you angry. really. why does that make you angry? look in the mirror and ask yourself why.
Don't pull out the following terms: "keyboard warrior", "what have YOU done lately besides be high and mighty on the internet?", "double standards", "this is The Internet(tm) Of Course Words Matter More Than Actions", etc. because uh
you dont know who I am. you don't know what I'm doing. at the same goes for anyone and everyone on this site. sure, maybe they're the soyjak sjw you're picturing, marinating in sweat and dorito crumbs while they sip boba surrounded by plushies and obscure pride flags, wallowing in self-centered hypocrisy
or maybe they're not. maybe they shaved all their hair off because they had too much on-camera recognition and feared being followed home by cops, like had happened to their peers.
maybe they've been manhandled and shoved by security and police recently.
maybe they're endangering the scholarships that are their only reason to live rather than stay silent on their college's ties to the military-industrial complex.
maybe they lie to their parents and family friends and ANY older friends about where they are in the evening because they know that the truth could destroy those relationships
maybe they're Jewish and struggling to understand how their community can be so unable to see the reality of the situation
I'm not saying I'm doing The Most Ever, or even that I'm doing a lot. I'm not, not by my community's standards, not in comparison to my friends and peers, and especially not currently as im dealing with finals. I'm just showing up and doing what I can, even though it isnt much.
and I'm not going to assume that anyone saying this bs ALSO isnt doing anything for the movement
maybe you are! if so, thats great!
but fucking think before you speak because you have literally no idea who you're talking to or what their life is like. even if you're doing The Most Bestest Possible Ever for the movement rn, online and off 24/7
you have no right to pass judgement based on what you ASSUME about a stranger.
you have no right and no reason to think that anyone who "complains" online is thus inactive irl, in fact that makes literally no sense.
if you're really about genuine activism and radical action and support of this movement. why are you being a dick to people for speaking out?
and if you're not. if you just think that we're a bunch of whiny hypocrites looking for a reason to get on your high horse....
then man you are just a waste of life im sry idk what to tell u. get off tumblr, do some research, change yourself. "get better soon bestie" or something idk i dont even have words for that kinda brainlessness.
I'm just saying, I don't think the cops, or the president of my university, or the security and event staff at (REDACTED) would call me a "keyboard warrior" lmaoooooo
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inlovewithaspiderguy · 11 months ago
I am so angry at myself for this whole shtick I just had to go to class that’s the only thing that was asked of me and I lasted what four weeks? Four weeks before starting to skip school! And since the beginning of April it’s ten times worse because I used to just not go on Thursdays because that’s where we had the hardest classes but now im skipping ever day and it’s gonna make my results drop so fucking low. i swear to god the Monday to Friday were fine! I haven’t gone to uni in two weeks. I never come out of my apartment and this week especially I fucked up my sleep schedule so bad I can only sleep from 1am to 5 am and then three hours more during the day. Hell of my own making for the third time cause yea this is the third time I do shit like that. First time was exactly a year ago and I tried to kill myself. Not exactly feeling peachy rn either. Second time in December and we had me change what degree I studied under the promise that I would go to class. My mother said if she found out I skipped school one more time she would pull me out of college and I would have to start working a real job. I’m not ready for that! Uni isn’t working out either! At this point I only see two solutions: getting medication (my parents are very opposed to that) or being sent to an institution; because I can’t manage life unmedicated so it’s taking a pill or escaping it. But to get those I’d have to confess to having lied and having skipped school and that would be the nail in the coffin of my relationship with my parents. God knows I used them for a long time but I can see this as something that would break us. They’re the only thing I have cause I block my friends like every year and don’t know how to make some. And just the shame of confessing, saying “i lied to you AGAIN I’m skipping school AGAIN I want to die AGAIN”… that would just kill me. If I don’t do it myself. It’s currently 5:45am. I have a FaceTime appointment with my therapist at 9. I’m going to lie and say I’m done it’s all going well yada yada . Then I’m gonna go to my classes today and next week because this is the last week of school before vacation and the exams. I’ll do my best on the exams end will act surprised when I’ll get some zeroes to classes I wasn’t there. Hope I pass on the first try but I don’t believe it. Oh yeah there’s that thing since I changed degrees abruptly I don’t have access to the college website with all the documents that could help me save this shitshow! Fucking hell.
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bitchybylershipper · 11 months ago
slight vent im pretty angry rn
so im volunteering at the zoo in my city this summer and for that i had to fill out a medical form but the thing is the questions on the form were obviously for parents and my parents were like, "yeah fill that out heres a pen" and it turns out they hadnt even looked at it before basically throwing it at me. i literally stared at it for like ten minutes before taking it back to them. i got so upset over it because it was like "volunteers name, parent signature" and then one section had a list of health conditions and stuff that we had to circle which ones we had and "learning disability/impediment" (autism) and "ADD/ADHD" were fucking options and i just couldnt even look at it. i didnt want to fill it out because i knew i had to give it back to my parents to sign and if i had written my chosen name and circled autism and adhd they wouldve seen and made me restart. i couldnt even look at the "volunteers name" line without wanting to cry. im just so angry that it makes me so upset to refer to myself as my deadname. like i fucking know why but im so mad that it makes me so upset. i feel so childish but like at the same time i know im being perfectly reasonable and my parents are the childish ones for refusing to call me by my preferred name and pronouns and not acknowledge that hey, maybe theres something wrong with the chemicals in our kids head and thats why its like this and maybe its not just lazy and dumb but theres some stuff missing in its brain. im just so tired of this. im so fucking tired of them acting like this and refusing to just call me what i want to be called. im just done. i dont want to deal with them anymore. i want to get out of here so fucking bad i am honestly so fucking grateful for this volunteering thing because it means i dont have to be home all summer long. and im also really grateful that im also gonna have a part time job. i dont fucking care that im gonna be exhausted and probably burnt out by the time school starts next year because i just want to get out of this fucking house. i cant fucking handle this shit anymore
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