#im just impatient to share them! might come back when i figure out how to pose infants
imageingrunge · 2 years
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crushingonevery1 · 8 months
Im okay (part 1)
Warning: nothing really, slight mention of anxiety, reader has a chip in her body, i think that's it
Pairings: Peter Parker x girlfriend reader
School just ended and Peter and you were sitting in detention after being caught talking in class. You were both guilty of getting detention on purpose more times than you would like to admit. Your uncle and aunt were never home during this time so you got the most freedom to spend time with Peter. And currently, they were both on a business trip and had locked the mansion basically leaving you on the streets to fend for yourself for the week. You weren't complaining tho May and Peter had very generously offered for you to live with them whenever that happened, cause it happened way too much. Your uncle would come to find you through the tracker installed in your shoulder once they were back. You were sure he knew about Peter but just didn't care or didn't find a 17-year-old too dangerous for his "asset".
You were both just exiting school and going back home when Peter got a call from Mr Stark of course you knew about him being Spiderman so after reassuring him that you will be fine and that he should hurry up, you made your way towards Peter's while he left for the avengers tower.
At the tower, it had been a few minutes since the quinjet had landed and everyone was scattered in the living room and kitchen filling up. Peter was texting you every detail of his mission and happily smiling when you told him you were proud of him. Obviously everyone noticed that the usually talkative teen boy was smiling and blushing towards his phone and not talking to anyone or even replying when Tony called out to him. so Tony after getting ignored for the second time finally pulled out Peter's phone out of his hand looking at who he was texting.
"TONY!!" Pepper shouted clearly unimpressed.
"Relax pep I'm basically his dad" he replied very confidently looking through the texts before finally clicking on your pic. All the while Peter just sat quietly trusting Mr Stark with anything and deciding it was about time he told them about you despite you saying no.
"Who you texting kid??" asked Sam all the way from the kitchen clearly entertained knowing Tony was in for an ass-whooping later.
"umm... my girlfriend..." that got everyone's attention. It was TOO quiet for a good 2 mins before Tony finally pitched in.
"She's cute. Although I'm not sure telling her every detail of our mission to impress her is a good idea, you are not THAT ugly kid."
"WAIT WHAT!!!"spoke the one and only captain america " Peter how could you be so reckless!!". He was clearly disappointed and usually peter would instantly apologise when he saw someone upset. not this time tho, he felt the need to defend you.
"no shes not like that i swear, she would never... She's already got so much of her own stuff going on she can't and she won't."
Seeing the usually too obedient kid argue against cap everyone understand whoever you were, you were important to Peter and they will figure out whether you were a danger or not before passing anymore comments to hurt the kid. They all kept quiet and Peter was about to apologise for being rude when Scott spoke up from the couch next to him. "so hey, when do we get to meet her?? How long has it been? How'd you meet? Give us the deets kid."
Seeing all of them waiting impatiently for his answer made him a lot more calmer before he decided to answer a few questions they might have.
"Her name's y/n. She's in my maths class, and she's like super smart, like more than me. We started officially dating like a month back but we were best friends before that too. She's really close with Ned and MJ too!!" He was practically shouting out of excitement by the time he finished. They smiled widely at the whipped teenager remembering their own first loves and congratulating the spider. When everyone was done sharing their first love experiences Tony finally spoke "As much as I loved hearing about Manchurian candidate being a complete chick magnet, circling back to the exciting part of today, Underoos,when do we get to meet the spider girl?" This made Peter blush profusely before he finally spoke
"Mr stark, you know how my birthday is next week ??" At this tiny doubtfully nods, clearly dissatisfied that his question was ignored. Ignoring the expression on the older man's face Peter continues "Do you think you could throw me an early birthday party...like today?"
Completely forgetting everything at the name of a party Tony very happily replied "You got it Underoos, EVERYONE!! TONIGHT AT 8!! MY KID'S TURNING LEGAL!!"
"next week stark, the kid turns legal next week, you're not letting him drink today"
Ignoring the fight in the background between Tony and Steve everyone went back to whatever they were doing while Peter made his way to the kitchen where Sam, Bucky, Pepper and thor and loki sat. He quickly took a seat at the table dialing your number extremely excited to hear your voice.
"hey honey, did you reach home safe??" "Yes I did Pete I texted you remember?"
"Right!Is may home?" "No she went to help aunt Betty she told us yesterday at dinner"
"oh that's even better! Hey Mr stark is throwing me a birthday party tonight can you please join us it would mean the world to me" "ofc Pete anything. But...your birthday's next week isn't it ?"
By now the convo between Bucky and thor had calmed down and they were all very much listening to your conversation with zero shame.
"Yea! Yea ikr! I told Mr stark but you know him, he's so ...extravagant!!so he just wanted to have a early celebration" the lie made everyone hearing cringe very evidently but they awaited your reply not expecting you to buy that.
"right... I'll be there ofc but umm...you think u could meet me at the gate...I don't want to have to walk in among all the supers completely alone... actually nevermind I'm being a baby I'll be there, you enjoy with your frien-" "hey relax, breathe for me, I'll be coming home in a bit we'll get ready together and come to the party together don't worry, okay ? Rest well honey I'll be home in an hour"
They were superheros for godsake your unusual anxiety instead of excitement over your boyfriend's birthday was wayyyy too obvious in your voice, but there was currently a bigger issue at hand...
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piviani · 1 year
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what en needs to do for their improvement of bond
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( disclaimer: please do remember to take my readings with a grain of salt. i am in no way a professional tarot reader and all of this are alleged and is for entertainment purposes only. )
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yang jungwon
page of swords
for jungwon to improve their dynamic he needs to be communitative and have patience with them. while he may try to be calm as much as possible—there seems to be some days where he just can’t control his emotions and just blow things out of proportion which causes tensions to everyone.
lee heeseung
page of pentacles in reverse
for heeseung, he needs to tone down his irresponsible behavior and immaturity. (and while this might be the cause of tons of workloads due to the card being pentacles—he still needs to understand where the others are coming from.) they’re in the same environment after all!
park jongseong
knight of swords in reverse
needs to be straightforward to what he feels towards the members. he shouldn’t be afraid to share out his thoughts as of course this is a first step to a healthy dynamic. he seems to be impatient as well sometimes due to being exhausted emotionally (swords) and it causes tensions. these are one of the factors he needs to improve.
sim jaeyun
the charlot
the visualinary of the card shows two paths, im seeing scenarios where he often takes sides whenever there’s certain problems within the group and the card is seeking for him to stop this behavior of his and stay neutral about situations. he needs to hear each sides—as taking biases usually leads to more destruction.
park sunghoon
ten of pentacles in reverse
it seems to be that sunghoon just often stays at the back like a spectator from the side while the rest ot the members talk to each other. for their dynamic to grow—sunghoon needs to let himself open up more to enhypen. (ive noticed whenever i do a reading on enha they suddenly seem closed off when it comes to their own personal problems.)
kim sunoo
the world
(disclaimer: the world is a major arcana which i think corresponds to all of them, so this does not only resonates to sunoo but the whole enhypen as well which is to why this was long compared to others.) i should let everyone know how the world is considered to be the last card for the entire major arcana, which typically means accomplishments, fulfillment, and etc. from my own interpretation, sunoo lacks harmony within the group and often clashes minds. if we base from the card, it seems to be that he’s the center of enhypen friendship. and the other four figures that circled around the card are enha themselves. what im saying is—enha’s behavior in the past, present, and the future centers around sunoo, which means it affects him and vice versa. whatever lacking or improvement they may do causes an affect to everyone like a domino. i didnt really got a clear answer of what sunoo should do to improve their dynamic except for everyone should try to be open minded while having tension conversations to not cause grudges, especially if it involves sunoo.
nishimura riki
the sun
riki is a kid, and this can be seen from the card i pulled for him. riki often acts childish and always lets his intrusive thoughts win, which doesn’t always feel right to his fellow members. or certain occasions where the side of him doesn’t just feel okay with situation. for their bond to improve, riki should learn how to put his behaviors at place.
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note: enhypen’s like taking steps in an unending repetitive cycle bruh 🙃 : [
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[ reading was done at august 15, 2023. ]
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
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31 - a week later.
Previous chapter a rat.
warnings: this series contains themes of yandere\mafia, blood, violence, mental health, drugs, non-con.
author note: this is pure fiction and it is not intended to romanticize any of the situations mentioned bellow.
3 days after.
“Jeno .. can I ask you something?” 
“Sure” he replied,
 jeno too has changed, he has become more caring towards you like he was stepping to fill jaemins place, while jaemin was occupied.
Jeno was more controlled, he didn’t show much, if you didn’t know what had happen you would have believed everything was fine.
“What’s gonna happen to me if..? You know” ,
you leave the questions unfinished, but jeno understands what you wanted to ask.
His mouth opens to speak but closes shut again, he takes a minute to think before he answers “I don’t know”.
His honesty although appreciated didn’t help at all.
 “but, I will do my best to make sure you’er taking care of” he reach to hold your hand over the table, gently squeezing it to reassure you.
5 days after.
You saw less and less of jaemin.
The stress of it all was getting to you too, you were agitated.. you blamed it all on jeno.
“Why don’t you just confess?”, 
your question was loaded with hostility.
He looked at you, a desperate look on his face, he told you over and over but still he tells you again,
”it’s complicated sera”.
You scoff, his answer seemed more like an excuse than a genuine answer. “what’s complicated? You did it, you are the one who should be facing life in prison not him” you pointed at jaemin’s closed door.
He exhales, his eyes close “you don’t know what you’er talking about”.
“You killed him!” You contain to argue but he gets up and leave, ending the conversation.
Tears of anger pooled in your eyes, this is another level of injustice. 
6 days after.
You were quietly munching on your cereal, jeno sat across form you sipping on his bitter coffee.
The mood was tense, unstable.
The neglected tv flashed a breaking news strip that caught your attention, it was about the murder in a diplomatic’s son house, “turn the volume up” you ushered jeno.
“.. it has been determined that the leased apartment falls under diplomatic amenity and no further investigations could be carried” 
You looked at jeno, “dose it mean that they’er closing the case?” You asked, carful not to get your hopes up, he remind quiet for a minute before he nods “ yup, I guess they are”.
You jumped out of your seat, squealing with happiness “yes! Yess thank god” you grabbed his arm to share the joy but he didn’t move.
He wasn’t happy, nor relieved.. he didn’t seems to feel any thing.
You top your small celebration, “what?” You asked.
“Nothing” he stood up ready to leave, “clean up when you’er done”.
he leaves you to your wild thoughts to run the worst case scenarios. 
The week slowly rolled over with much tension and uncertainty, jaemin has been called to the police station couple more times, you swear each time he comes back, he has aged years.
You wanted to be by his side but he didn’t even look at you when you tried to call him this morning, if he’s not out then he’s locking himself in his room. you tried knocking on his door, to get him to at least eat a proper meal but he didn’t answer. Each attempt has been met with either complete silence or a sharp temper, he would lash at you then quickly apologize.
This is not how you wanted your first semester to begin, you attended the first week of your online classes but you couldn’t really focus on what has been said, not with a disaster hanging above your head ready to drop at any minute.
And as much as you wanted to blame it all on jeno, you couldn’t anymore. The case is closed, but why is jaemin still being investigated? Could it be because of you? Did the police knew you were taken? Was it your fault?.. you tossed and turned in your bed, it felt cold and empty without him, you missed him so much. After a long string of pillow thoughts, slumber finally took mercy over you.
An unfamiliar voice calls your name.
the whisper gets louder, your body tip over and fall off of an edge to an endless darkness.. you jerk out of the nightmare, drenched in sweat and gasping for air.
You clam yourself and push the heavy covers off of you, dragging your feet to the kitchen for some water, you don’t bother turning the lights on, you open the fridge door and take a bottle. The icy water clears the clouds in your mind only for the grim reality to take its place, jaemin might be taken away.. you dwell on the scary thought. 
You turn your head to see the lights of jaemins room were on, your heart clinches, he’s still awake at this ungodly hour.
Opting not bother him, you head back to your lonely bed, but the dark figure in the balcony almost gave you a heart attack.
You recognize the man, it’s jaemin.. his tall figure was standing in the dark, the phone was pressed to his ear, his demeanor was agitated, shifting his weight form one foot to the other, you couldn’t hear anything but you can tell he wasn’t happy.
You turn to see if jeno was in his room, his lights were off and his shoes were by the door. you always had the impression that they were close, partners in crime. they did all their nasty work together, but why is it only jaemin who is in this mess right now?.
“You can’t be serious !” 
Jaemin’s loud voice comes clear through the thick glass, his hand running through his hair seemingly wanting to rip it from the roots out of frustration. You can tell he was angry, desperate.. he keeps shouting but you can’t make out what he was saying. you step closer, as close as you can without being seen by him, you try to decipher his muffled voice,
 “I am your son! Your only son” 
you’er not sure if that’s what he said.. 
He speaks in a lower voice before he removes the phone from his ear, ending the call. He punches the wall next to him, he was beyond pissed.
You move to hide behind the curtain to avid angering him more, he opens the door and steps inside slamming the glass door behind him.
“I can see you” he deadpan says in the dark, since there’s no one other than you, he must be talking to you and you make the quick decision of coming out before he losses his temper. 
“Im sorry, I had a nightmare and I got up to drink wa..” You try to explain yourself but he waves his hand with not much care “Yeah yeah” and you stop talking.. he walks to his room, the dull city lights illuminating his backside, his shoulders were slumped, his back hunched with heavy burden, the sight of him broken made your heart twist inside your ribcage.
“Jaemin” you call him without a plane, he stops and looks at you, “Are you okay?”, stupid question.. 
Although it’s dark, you can feel his eyes burning holes into your face.
“Do I look okay?” He retorts,
You answered him with a small “no”
he turns to walk to his room but you speak again, “I can help you if you tell me what wrong”, bold statement.
He stops again and heavy sighs, your heart thumbs in your chest as you wait for him to speak, but all you get was a scoff, “why don’t you just know your place huh?” he asks with much condecindence, although you know he didn’t mean it, his words still hurts. 
“Just stay out of my way, you have done enough already” he adds more sharp words, twisting the planted knife in your heart.
“I just wanted to help you and be here for you” your voice breaks and you hate yourself for it, but you chock and the tears starts to gather in your eyes, he huffs and looks up to the ceiling, impatiently waiting for you to recompose yourself. But his cold nonchalant demeanor triggers more eruptions inside of you.
 the words escapes your mouth before you have thought of them.. “all I wanted was to help you, but you keep me away form you! you don’t tell me anything, no one is telling me anything! I don’t know what is happing or if I will see you when wake up the next day” you rant through the sobs, your voice getting louder and louder, and when he was fed up with you he shuts you down with a loud scream “shut up”.
 Jeno comes out of his room, bewildered and alert.. he stands in the background watching the fight evolves.
“You are not my girlfriend” he walks towards you, making you feel small and insignificant, “I don’t own you anything” his tall stature looms over your short one, that cuts deep. 
you look at him, you stare into his eyes, challenging him to take what he said back but he doesn’t.
“Yeah?” Your voice barely comes out, “fine then I guess I have no reason to stay here anymore”. you turn and stomp to where your bed is to collect your few belongings, he follows behind, his steps shaking the ground beneath you.
“where the fuck do you think you’er doing?” He asks but you ignore him, more so you couldn’t speak due to the choking knot in your throat, but your lack or response angers him even more, he grabs your arm and turns you around with much force, that it almost dislocates your shoulder, you whimper at the pain but he doesn’t care, his grip tightening even more, his eyes glazed with a dark, sinister layer.
“Jaemin!” Jeno warns, but it does nothing as another screaming match breaks between you, with him asking you the same question, not really waiting for an answer, and you shouting whatever comes to your mind first, curses, accusation, anything to hurt him. you don’t know who started it first but hands were being thrown, jeno was trying to break you apart, but  eventually, jaemin overpowered you and threw you over his shoulder like a rag doll, your kicking and screaming did nothing against him.
 “Jaemin” jeno shouted at his friend who was in a trance, muttering the filthiest insults under his breath.
“Where are you going? Jaemin!” jeno tries to reason with him. at this point jaemin was like a robot, marching to his room, he kicks the door to his bedroom open, he slams you to his bed, knocking the wind out of you. 
“Jaemin! Calm down” jeno was trying to stop whatever jaemin was doing, he kneels and opens his safe, jeno’s voice getting louder, you were paralyzed with fear everything is happing so fast for your brain to form a response.
Jeno was trying to pry jaemin’s hands out of the safe, “come on! don’t do something you’ll regret”, jeno was almost begging him to stop.
jaemin finally broke out of his trance and turned to jeno “get out!”,
but jeno stood in his place like a pillar, his presence seems to clam jaemin, he takes a deep breath and pushes his hair back “I know what im doing” he speaks calmly this time before he turns back to you, you swallow the thick knot “jaemin please..” pleadings to spare your life were timid but loud enough to be heard, your body crawls as far away from him before the wall stops you.
He kneels down and reaches again inside the safe, for a second the time has stoped, everything moved in slow motion. 
He takes out a metal handcuffs out of the safe, the blood that was frozen in your vines moved again, you let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding.. jeno does the same “fuck..” he must have thought the same, he too believed jaemin was about to kill you.
Your limbs fell weak and cold due to the withdrawal of the adrenaline that filled your bloodstream, you feel sick, dizzy.
The bed dips under jaemin’s weight next to you, your head falls back into his soft pillows, aimless tears rolls down your temples, you give him your hands to cuff. you are worn out, you surrender.
He takes both of your arms and cuffs them to the headboard of his bed, your eyes meet, you don’t look away and neither does he. He looks down at you.. his eyes pours inside of your soul.
Dark circles beneath his eyes, dry lips, heavy eyelids but still, still handsome as ever. he leans down to kiss your watery eyes, “for my sanity sake” he whispers between the kisses.
He throws his covers over you, and turns the lights off before he leaves and close the door behind him. 
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jemmo · 2 years
i am looking directly at 3 & 11
eeeeeeek these are some of my faves, and ideas that have been festering in my brain for so so long 😁😁
3. barre buddies (ballet au)
this one is still very much in the planning phase but i have high hopes for it bc this is probably the biggest passion project i’ve ever undertaken. here’s just a bit of some kind of blurb i wrote to set the scene:
Pran had been in love with dance since he was a child. Something about being able to express without having to use words, it appealed to him. From before he could remember, he was spinning around in his living room, absorbing any bit of ballet content he could get his hands on, and begging his mom to find a class to take him to. She, course, disapproved initially. Naturally, she would’ve preferred if he concentrated on his studies so he could get a steady job and a secure future, but then when he was 6, she attended his first ballet recital, and the teacher took her to the side to go on about all the promise he had, how far he could go. Pran was never exactly sure why, but that seemed to change something in her, because from then on, she was so attentive and so encouraging about his dance, and before long it became a dream they shared, Pran becoming a star. He was in ballet lessons twice a week from the age of 7, and never even considered looking back, no matter the amount of snide sniggering from kids at his school about boys in tights and girly tutus. He was content with having no friends, coasting by. After all, one day he was going to be the principal dancer at one of the world’s most prestigious ballet companies, and no amount of shame or set-backs we’re going to stop him. At least, that’s what he thought when he was 7, but life didn’t always work out the way you dreamt it.
Pat hadn’t been born with a love of dance. Instead, he was born into a feud, into a competition he didn’t sign up for. Along with walking and talking, one of the first things he was taught was that that kid across the road, that was his enemy, his nemesis, someone he had to beat. So when his dad overheard prans mom chatting with friends about how their son was a dance prodigy, pat was in lessons the next day. The two boys glared at each other until pat was asked to pirouette and got his legs twisted, landing flat on his butt. Clearly, dance didn’t come easy to everyone. He had to push through recitals bounding across the stage like an elephant while pran got all these elegant solos, and he so wanted to resent him, to discount his talent like his father did, but when pat had to sit there on the sidelines watching pran perform, he couldn’t help it. He just thought he was amazing.
11. the very noble mission to see pran shirtless
this i started writing during ep 8 I think (yes it’s been that long, yes im that bad at getting fics done) so here’s a snippet:
Pat commenced phase one of his plan the day after he cemented his resolution. Look, he was an impatient guy; when he had something in his head, he just had to do it. So that evening, while Pran was busy preparing dinner, and by preparing he meant taking their take out out of the containers and putting them on plates, because ‘I might be lazy but I’m not a heathen’ Pran had said, Pat slipped into Pran’s room where the thermostat for the air conditioning was and set it to off. You see, Pran was very particular about the temperature of his room, he liked to be comfortable, especially during the sticky heat at the height of summer. So Pat figured, if the air conditioning was off, Pran might be a little uncomfortable in his usual layers, maybe even tempted to shed them.
He couldn’t hide his mischievous grin as he walked back out to the kitchen area, sliding into one of the seats at the island and picking at the food on Pran’s plate.
“What are you up to?” Pran asked, suspicion evident in the way he dragged out the sentence.
“Nothing. Why?” Pat asked back, looking up with his best puppy dog eyes as he munched on a bite of Pran’s dumplings.
“You’ve got that smile on. The one you do when you’re hiding something.”
“Why would I hide anything from my boyfriend?” Pat quipped back with an innocent grin.
“You know, you can’t just whip out that word to try and distract me. It doesn’t work like that.”
“Your face says otherwise, Mr. Dimples,” Pat crooned, poking a finger into where Pran’s face creased with his dimpled smile.
Pran swatted the hand away with an exasperated tsk but the dimples didn’t disappear, and Pat couldn’t help but grin, because the way he could fluster Pran so easily would never get old.
Pran swatted his hand again as Pat reached for another dumpling, pointing at him accusingly as Pat stroked at his hand, feigning injury.
“And don’t think I haven’t noticed you stealing. You can distract me all you want, but I know your games, Mr. Dumpling,” Pran said, leaning forward and poking his tongue out in Pat’s face before popping a dumpling in his mouth. Pat stuck his tongue out right back, which only goaded Pran into sticking his tongue out again, eyes going wide as he pulled a goofy face. Pat couldn’t help but giggle at the childishness, and ever the loser in their competitions, leaned forward and kissed the stupid look off of Pran’s face, and reeled in the way Pran’s eyes sparkled back at him with joy.
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nafeary · 4 years
“Sun and Moon”
⚬ Pairing: Leonardo da Vinci/Reader
⚬ Characters: Reader, Leo, Comte, and Mozart
⚬ Word Count: 1.3k
⚬ Genre: Fluff, but also a lil bit of Leo being an edgelord
⚬ Warnings: none
⚬ Event: 500 Follower Milestone Celebration [Requests Closed]
✧✎ Prompt/s: Requested by @nishtharya
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4. “You’re like the moon.” “Didn’t you say I was hot?”
14. “Gossip and cuddles? “Gossip and cuddles.”
✧✎ A/N: haha, did I say flashfics haha uhm... I’m sorry, but im physically unable to write things without plot, it seems. I hope you enjoy this regardless 💜💜💜 take care everyone, and drink water!
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Snowflakes were brimming the edge of your wool hat, your fingertips numb and stiff as you pulled your mantle tight around yourself. Impatient footsteps were stamped across the white ground of Comte’s mansion, evidence of you foul mood. Things had been difficult enough, especially with the mansion’s butler having fallen sick, and now a vexing encounter with some disparaging men at weekly market had left you intensely frustrated.
As you huffed a billow of your breath into the air, you spotted the le Comte conversing with Leonardo, the latter rather apparent in showing his apathy. Your eyes met across the distance, molten gold slowly enrapturing your senses—they’ve always had the ability to annihilate even the most stubborn of negative emotions, yet you couldn’t help your frustration at the period-typical misogyny you had had to face.
Your lover promptly turned back to his friend, giving him a friendly pat on his shoulder before sauntering over to you. Le Comte nodded your way before disappearing inside the mansion.
“So,” you began once he stopped in front of your form, resisting the urge to wrap your arms around him and rubbing your icy fingers together in an attempt to spark some warmth. “what were you two talking about?”
“Nothing too important, cara mia.” He’s apparently taken notice of your shivers, warmth spread across your skin, when he clasped your hands in his; then, he started to squeeze them, kneading your skin with his thumbs until you felt the uncomfortable stiffness gradually wear off.
He brought your hands close to his face, pursed his saccharine lips, and started to blow on them. A sensation fizzled to life in your lower tummy, akin to a hearty soup warming you from the inside.
Leo guided your threaded hands to his chest while gazing at you beneath his dense lashes. “He merely informed me that the ball tonight was canceled.”
Ah... the ball. A friend of le Comte’s had invited Mozart to play at that ball—which would have been tonight—and the master of the mansion insisted on his attendance. Society and tradition invariably got their way, thus causing you to be appointed as his entourage. None of you were elated at this development, and you were certain that Leo was reluctant to let you attend a ball as someone else’s sweetheart... pretend or not.
But he’d kept quiet, enjoining you to enjoy yourself while requesting Mozart to look out for you. As much as you appreciated his consideration, you had contemplated the decision to attend regardless—but the occurrences today had officially soiled your mood.
“I see... truth be told, I wasn’t in the mood to hang around nobles, anyway.” And truly, you’d much rather curl up beneath your lover’s blanket, asking Leo whether he could whip up that minestrone that was the epitome of soul food. Perhaps even telling him about those men’s revolting views.
Bits of snow began to powder his ashen hair, reflecting the light of the moon as they slowly melted. The frosty flakes in stark contrast to his calming expression, they prompted you to lift the corner of your lips, not wanting to look too cold and mad under his warm gaze. “I see. Is there anything you’d like to do, mia principessa?”
He shed his mantle, gently pulling it over your shoulders in a graceful arch. “Gossip and cuddles?” You hated how needy you sounded, yet there was no use concealing the desire to spend time with your beau. Leonardo would waste no time figuring out your hidden emotions, either way.
“Gossip and cuddles, it is.”
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“—and they had the audacity to tell me that I ought to cover my cleavage further over the day. What’s the point of doing that if evening wear shows of racks left and right, anyway?”
You’d been ranting about the ways of the 19th century for a good hour now. In between a few tears of vexation—especially looking back on the more hurtful comments they’d thrown your way—and plenty furious curses here and there, Leonardo had prepared you some minestrone. After only a couple of spoons, you could already feel the crease in between your eyebrows subsiding.
Now, his arms were protectively wound around your stomach, molding the marbles of your spine against his chest. Being the big spoon was his favourite thing, that much he’d admitted. Not that you were complaining, of course—the warmth his hugs shared was incomparable. “Thank you for listening to me. I’m sorry if I bored you.”
“Nonsense,” he whispered in response, pressing his soft lips against the shell of your ear, and continued peck after peck until he reached your temple. “They had know right judging you based on your appearance.”
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you, the only sound disturbing the peace resounding from the little cocoon Lumiere had curled herself into, adorable quiet mewling making you simper from ear to ear.
You recalled the earlier fortunate events, halting at the sheer convenience. Pursing your lips in thought, you were more than certain that Leonardo must have asked Comte to excuse yourself from the activity upon seeing your distress—he could read you like no other, after all. He must have already known to your desire not to attend the festivities.
“You know, Leo? You’re like the moon, in some ways.”
He playfully nibbled your ear, prompting you to flinch in surprise, vermillion staining your cheeks. “Didn’t you say I was hot? Just yesterday, you were claiming that in between your pretty gasps—”
Swiftly, you turned around, lightly pinching his arms in the process. “I get it. Let me talk.” As serious as you were trying to come across, you couldn’t help a few giggles from slipping past your mouth, his wide-eyed expression, and that surprised pout lacing his lips, just too satisfactory.
“You’re always incredibly attentive and caring. No matter what, you never fail to watch over your loved ones, just like the moon never fails to guide us through darkness.” Just the way he immediately got to work to make you feel better, without ever having been asked to do so, filled you with a sense of belonging.
Your stare fluttered past the window revealed by the drapes, the moonlight sparkling in alabaster droplets that poured from the kohl sky.
“Beyond that, you never reveal your true intentions—even if you’re directly called out, you just... manage to stay in the shadows without ever admitting that you were looking out for someone.” You’ve gotten used to your lover’s innovative ways—both in helping people out, and hiding that that’s what he was assaying to achieve.
“And you shine so so bright, Leonardo. Especially when you choose to step into your moonlight, celebrating with the people around you instead of merely watching them live from the shadows.” At this point, you were aware that your were trailing off, the cogs in your mind turning slower and slower, as though they were treading through syrup.
Slowly, his body began to respond to your admittedly embarrassing musings, yet his eyes were the last thing you managed to focus on before succumbing to your exhaustion, a stunning gold that beheld you as if you were his greatest treasure.
As you let your head fall onto his chest, he could feel his unconscious slipping to and fro like an ocean tide as he whispered a honeyed, “ti amo, cara mia,” into the tangles of your hair, the universe never seeming so in orbit.
“If I am indeed the moon, you are the sun—so bright, I’m afraid I might appear to tenebrous.”
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Tag List of the most wonderful sweethearts (just message me if you’d like to be added <3): @juminly @kisara-16 @sweetlittlemouse @thesirenwashere @nad-zeta @delicateikemenmemes
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skeezsbbygirl · 4 years
heather + hwang hyunjin
hello lovelies! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
this is for anon who requested a scenario based on conan gray’s heather, and i decided to add a little twist to it (because im a big baby and i cant take the angst TT) hope you enjoy! <3
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You faltered as you tried to match Hyunjin's pace, your high heels making the task even more impossible aside from Hyunjin's long strides. "Fuck it," you huffed and stopped mid stride, leaning down to remove the straps of your shoes, finally sliding them off one after the other.
Hyunjin took notice of your absence and quickly looked back to where you were, your heels hanging from your hands as you were sauntering towards him barefoot. "What made you think that wearing heels is a good idea?" he questioned as he walked back to meet you halfway, turning his back to you and squatting down. "Get on my back," he offered.
"I wanted to impress you, maybe even get you to like me or look at me as something more than a friend," you mentally answered him. However, you couldn't risk to lose him, at least not over some one-sided feelings you've been sheltering within your heart for the past few months.
"You're going to regret this," you playfully taunted as you snaked your arms around Hyunjin's neck. He hooked his arm around your calves, asking you if you were comfortable before carefully standing up, bouncing you up a bit to slightly rearrange your hold on him. "Come on, (y/n). I do this for you all the time," Hyunjin joked.
"You had the time of your life at that party, huh?" Hyunjin spoke after a moment of silence. You let out a heavy sigh. "I wanted to forget someone for a moment," you replied softly, afraid that he would catch on the hurt laced within your tone. "Who?" he asked.
You've been friends with Hyunjin since diapers, basically you shared more than half of your memories and life experiences with him, even some of your firsts, which unfortunately included having your first love. Yeah, you'd date someone here and there, thinking that maybe venturing out into other men would help you get over your feelings for him, there was no harm in trying, right?
But boy were you wrong.
Instead of forgetting your crush on the said boy, it remained, worse, it got stronger. No matter how many times you tried to erase your fantasies of Hyunjin, your heart and mind were stubborn -- fixated on the thought of making your love life suffer for life because you couldn't see any other way around it.
You thought of confessing, but that didn't work out for you. Not that Hyunjin rejected you or anything, but you didn't even get the chance to pour your feelings out for the male because he introduced you to her that day.
Min Yeji, his heather.
"Hello? Earth to (y/n)?" Jeongin waved his hand in-front of your face, snapping you out of your thoughts. "What got you spacing out?" he asked, throwing an arm around your shoulder and rubbing them in a soothing manner. "I'm confessing today, Jeongin," you exhaled in an attempt to calm your nerves, "I'd rather tell him now than never."
"Listen, if hyung fails to see the beautiful person that you are inside and out, then to hell with him," Jeongin reassured. "I'll personally ask Chan-hyung to teach him a lesson if he chooses her over you," he added.
You gave him a small smile. "Thank you, Jeongin," you said.
You knew it was wrong, selfish even, for having him choose between you and her and for having to confess at such an ungodly timing. You wasted all those years trying to find him in someone else when you could've just spoken your truth. Now, you were left with fighting for a spot to stay. But you wanted to tell him everything before it's too late, before you fade away from his memories, before you get replaced.
And with that, you gave Hyunjin a call. He picked up after the second ring, greeting you and telling you that he was just about to call you as he had something that he really wanted to tell you in person too. So, you guys made plans to meet up in the afternoon at the coffee shop that the both of you frequented during the weekends.
You nervously fiddled with your fingers, growing more and more impatient as the seconds tick by, feeling as if you were about to burst any second now.
You perked up when you heard his voice, but your smile fell as he approached you.
Hyunjin had his arm around her waist, sporting the biggest smile, one that you've never seen on him. The sight of this Hyunjin was breathtaking, almost unrecognizable as his eyes molded into crescents and his lips curved into the most charming smile. Guess that was reserved for her, huh?
You swallowed the lump in your throat as tears threatened to spill from your eyes, but you held them in and managed to plaster a fake smile on your face, like those countless times when you needed to be strong, especially when you needed -- no, when you should be happy for Hyunjin.
"Hey," you spoke as you got up from your seat, clearing your throat seconds later as you internally cringed at how weak you sounded.
"Yeji," he turned to look at her, "Meet (y/n), my best friend," he continued as he turned his gaze towards you.
That was your first time meeting her in person, but not the first time you've heard about her. Hyunjin made it known, three weeks ago to be exact, that he had been eyeing a certain someone. You still remember that night. Hyunjin was sprawled out on your bed with his head on your stomach as you lazily threaded your fingers through his golden locks. He rambled endlessly, gushing over everything about her.
Yeji leaned in for a quick hug and you returned her sweet gesture. "It's so nice to finally meet you," she beamed. "Nice to meet you too," you replied, wanting to reciprocate the excitement in her tone but you failed. "Take a seat," you invited.
You were so set on hating her and despising her throughout that afternoon, but something in you couldn't. You now saw why Hyunjin fell for her. Yeji had kind eyes, a sweet smile, a lovely personality, and so much more of what you weren't. You wanted her to be mean, maybe to even throw a glass of water at you while Hyunjin excused himself to the bathroom, only to come back and see you soaked in water. He would defend you and leave her, then it would end with him confessing his love for you, admitting that he was so blind to see it before, but now he's changed his mind. You know, just like those dramas that you spent hours watching with Hyunjin.
As Hyunjin busied himself with Yeji, you were mostly by yourself, except those times wherein Jisung would suddenly barge into your apartment and plop himself down on your couch and insist on watching dramas with you. Although you appreciate Jisung's presence, it simply wasn't the same without Hyunjin. You were so used to him -- his presence, his smell, his laugh, and his dramatic antics. It was like you had to start over again, but this time, you were alone.
Reality hit you harder as time passed by.
"--so yeah, I'm basically waiting for Chan-hyung's approval-" Hyunjin's rant was cut off as soon as he spotted Yeji a few feet away, quickly getting up from his seat to help her with her books and bag. "Hey, (y/n)," she smiled, giving you a quick hug like always. "How was class?" you asked her, trying to make small talk as the couple settled down across from where you sat. It was only then that you noticed the sweater that she was wearing. You immediately figured that it was Hyunjin's, judging from the way it drowned her petite figure and Hyunjin might have offered you the same sweater a few winters back.
You felt a pang in your chest.
"It sucks, as usual," Yeji replied as she let out a defeated sigh. "I totally feel for you," you chuckled.
"I can do your essays for you," Hyunjin cooed at Yeji, leaning in to press a chaste kiss on her cheek. You were quick to divert your gaze to your phone, not wanting to witness the affection that Hyunjin displayed. "That's so sweet of you, Jinnie, but you have your own classes too," Yeji responded as she playfully pinched Hyunjin's cheek.
You cleared your throat as you got ready to leave because a) you didn't want to third wheel, especially when you had feelings for the said partner, and b) clearly, your presence wasn't needed. "Hey, uhm, something came up with Jisung and it looks like he needs my help," you lied. "Oh, alright. We'll see you later, (y/n)," Yeji waved and you returned her gesture. "Call me if you need anything," Hyunjin stated and you nodded.
You fought back the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes as you walked back towards your apartment. Upon your arrival, you drowned yourself with school work, not only did it distract you from your current situation, but it also aided in clearing your weekend so you could squeeze in more hours of much needed sleep.
For the next few days, you decided to distance yourself from Hyunjin. It hurts, but you needed to save yourself from further heartbreak. You no longer hung out with him, you started texting him less, and then eventually, you avoided any sort of contact with him.
"Have you seen (y/n) lately?" Hyunjin nudged Seungmin, who was currently immersed in the movie that was playing on his laptop. "Yeah, I just saw her this morning, why?" the younger lad answered. Hyunjin's suspicions were confirmed, you were indeed ignoring him. But no matter how much Hyunjin thought about your new found behavior, he couldn't rack his brain for an answer. Was it something he said or did?
He came up with nothing for the past hour or so, and that's what led him to give up and just call you. "Pick up, (y/n)," Hyunjin mumbled as he paced back and forth in his bedroom, groaning when you failed to answer his call.
This continued on for days.
"Babe," Yeji called for the blond-haired boy's attention for the second time. "Huh?" Hyunjin snapped out from his thoughts, "Sorry, I was distracted for a second."
"It's (y/n), isn't it?" she asked. "Well, yeah. It's just that I haven't heard or seen her lately," Hyunjin answered as he lowered his gaze, thinking that his response would settle wrongly with his girlfriend. He shouldn't be worrying about another girl, especially within Yeji's presence. Hyunjin expected her to lash out, but to his surprise, Yeji gave him a small smile -- it wasn't exactly out of understanding his concerns, but more of getting tired hearing his concerns. She placed her hands on top of his, "I understand, she's your friend after all. But, you do know that my patience has a limit, right?"
"I'm sorry, love. Forget about it," Hyunjin waved his hands, a motion to discard his previous statements. "Chan-hyung is hosting a party this weekend and I want you to come with me," he invited, "The boys really want to meet you."
Yeji shook her head which earned her a puzzled look from the male. "Come on, it'll be fun," Hyunjin prompted.
"Jin, I'm not blind," Yeji snapped. Her response caught Hyunjin off guard for a second. "Look, baby, if this is about-"
"I see the way she looks at you, the way she acts around you, and the way she avoids my advances. I don't blame her, though. If I were in her shoes, I would've cut the bitch already," Yeji exclaimed as a defeated smile made its way on her lips. "But instead, she's trying to be so strong and you're so stupid to not see this. Hyunjin, you've been friends with her for years, you should know her better than anyone else, maybe even better than she knows herself," she continued, frustration evident in her tone.
"Go to her, she needs you," Yeji exhaled.
"Hyunjin, you can put me down now," you said as the both of you neared his parked car and the said male complied to your request, letting you land carefully on the ground.
"What do you mean by wanting to forget about me for a moment?" Hyunjin questioned, his eyebrows contorted in confusion as he faced you. "I just want to forget you, get you off my mind, even for a second," you breathed out, the amount of shots that you took at the party giving you enough courage to pursue this line of conversation with Hyunjin. You already lost him and yourself, so you have nothing else to lose at this point.
"(Y/n), what are you talking about?" Hyunjin chuckled lightly, "Come on, bub. You're my best friend," he added.
And that was your breaking point.
"Well, I don't want to be your best friend anymore, Hyunjin!" you exclaimed. "I'm tired of being second best," you sobbed as you finally allowed your tears to fall. Hyunjin's smile immediately fell and his eyes widened at your sudden breakdown, you looked so hurt, betrayed -- you looked broken.
"Second best?"
"Yeah, just like how I was tonight, right?" you snapped as you flashed him a sarcastic smile. "Since Yeji couldn't make it tonight, you were left with the me," you retorted.
Hyunjin didn't respond because honestly, he didn't know how to.
"I tried, Hyunjin," you paused, "Believe me, I tried to get over you but I can't. I'm so in love with you. I tried to blame Yeji for all of this but how can I when she's been nothing but nice to me, she treats me like a sister."
"I wish I didn't wait that long, I wish I told you sooner," you continued.
"I'm sorry," Hyujin whispered. You shook your head as held your hand up to signal him to stop. "Don't apologize so that I can hate you."
You turned away from him, not wanting his eyes on you any longer. "I need to let you go, Hyunjin," you sniffed through your tears. You started walking away, still barefoot, but you didn't even bother at this point. Hyunjin's hand caught your wrist, "I'm not leaving you, at least not like this. Let me make this right, (y/n)."
"No, Hyunjin, please," you breathed out as you tried to free your wrist from Hyunjin's grasp. "I told you I'm not leaving you," Hyunjin argued, tugging you towards him and catching you in his embrace. He wrapped his arms around you, tightening his hold on you when you tried to push him off. "Shh, bub. It's okay, I'm not going anywhere," he spoke in a hushed tone and you hated the way it soothed you, causing you to lose your strength as you eventually gave into his touch.
Hyunjin gently stroked your hair as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. He waited until your breathing evened out and soon later, he led you back to his car. "I'm driving you home, then we'll talk," he said.
The drive to your apartment was dead silent. A million thoughts raced through your mind as you looked out from the car's window. Now that you've sobered up, you felt stupid for acting out. Did you honestly think that throwing a tantrum would make Hyunjin dump Yeji? No, you didn't think so.
"Why didn't you tell me anything?" Hyunjin asked, his voice barely above a whisper. He sat next to you as he handed you a glass of water. "I never had the chance. I was supposed to tell you that afternoon when you introduced me to Yeji," you confessed, taking the glass of water he handed you. "Did it ever cross your mind that it was unfair for me too?" Hyunjin suggested.
"I'm not making you choose, Hyunjin," you sighed. "I know you love her, I don't want to rob you of your own happiness. That's why I'm the one who's walking away," you added as you sipped on the drink, setting it down on the coffee table and placing your hands back on your lap.
The blonde-haired male shook his head in disagreement as he moved down to kneel in-front of you, his hands tentatively coming up to lay on your knees. "Can I at least have a say in this?" he asked. You bit your lip and gestured for him to continue.
"You're right, I do love Yeji," he paused, taking a moment to form the right words. "But, I love you more, (y/n). I don't want you in pain because of me and it's killing me right now to see you like this," he added as a tear escaped his eye, recalling the state you were in a couple of hours ago, but he was quick to wipe them away. "You could've slapped me that day, called me an asshole, or something," he said, "I'll choose you over anybody, any day. I'm sorry it took so long for me to realize."
You were left speechless, uncertain of what your response should be, so you opted to stay silent.
"Yeji actually knew this was coming, maybe not right away, but at some point. I didn't believe her when she told me you had feelings for me. She told me she felt it the moment she met you in person," he explained, "So, we thought it would be the best to part ways and that's why she didn't come with tonight."
"I'm sorry," you muttered, keeping your eyes on your lap, finding a sudden interest towards the hem of your dress as you fiddled with it. "No, baby, don't be," Hyunjin replied, tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. "I guess what they say is true, huh? You never appreciate what you have until you lose it," he admitted.
Finally, you mustered the courage to meet his gaze. "You'll always have me," you said. "Good, 'cause you'll always have me too," Hyunjin gave you a small smile. You pulled him up from his position, guiding him to sit beside you. Once Hyunjin was seated, you wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his dress shirt. His scent quickly filled your senses, making you feel at home and protected, a feeling you hadn't had in a while.
"Let me make this right, yeah?" Hyunjin spoke as he held you close, one hand patting your head gently and the other rubbing the small of your back. "Yeah, okay," you agreed.
"She may be Heather, but you're (y/n), my (y/n)."
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megalony · 4 years
Teacher’s pet- Part 17
I haven’t written this series in a while but it feels so good to get back into it, thank you for all the lovely messages asking about this series, I hope you will all like this next part. Feedback is always appreciated.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem​ @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​  @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6​ @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout​ @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez​ @jonesyaddiction​ @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy​ @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg​ @allauraleigh​
Series taglist: @im-an-adult-ish @gwilymleeisbae​ @k-k0129​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @glittrixvibe @youngpastafanmug​ @ultraviolencezs​
Series masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) teaches at the school Ben’s boys go to and they soon start a relationship. But they have their ups and downs with the problems Ben faces with his boys and how quickly the relationship progresses.
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"When daddy gets back, we go home?"
(Y/n) turned on her heels to look behind her when Finn's voice could just be heard over the radio. The four-year-old had been pottering around upstairs for a while but (Y/n) had started to focus more on the songs playing on the radio than the sound of her youngest boy hurrying about, unsure what he should do.
(Y/n)'s eyes glanced over to look at Gwilym before she headed over to where Finn was standing in the doorway, either too anxious or simply unsure about whether he should enter the room or not.
This was the family's fifth day in their new house but both Carter and Finn needed more time to get used to it. Carter didn't like change, it unsettled him and a new house meant getting used to a new room and different surroundings. The living room had a strange layout, he had to get used to the utensils in the kitchen being in different drawers, the dining room was different and so was the garden. (Y/n) and Ben were wallpapering and painting the house so every room was new and foreign and Carter didn't like it yet.
He got to choose what colour he wanted his room, where he wanted his bed and his tv and where he should have a shelf for his figurines and books. But it was figuring out the right place for everything that was unnerving Carter. He didn't know where the right place for everything was, he had to work it all out and have it looking perfect.
For the last four days Carter had scarcely come out of his room, mainly staying put to watch tv and rearrange everything. His room was the only one in the house so far that he was getting used to so it was the only room he wanted to stay in.
With Finn it was different.
He didn't mind that the house was being decorated or that things were in different places and it was new surroundings, he cared that it wasn't home. Finn had been too young to remember the first house he lived in with Ben and Lucy and his brothers but their old house was the one he had grown up in, it was a safe place for him and he had to feel safe. This new house was somewhere he would have to get used to and try and make it feel safe, he wanted to go back to their home, he didn't want to stay here.
Getting the house and moving into it had been done quickly but quietly, the boys were told they would be moving but Ben and (Y/n) had sorted everything and started moving things before telling the boys exactly what day they were moving to try and make it easier. They didn't overthink or panic about it because they didn't have much time to panic.
"Baby, I know you want to go back to the old house, but this is our new home, when it's all finished it will feel better I promise. Why don't you stay in here and help decorate with me and uncle Gwil?"
It had been a little easier for Finn to try and adjust because he was still sharing a room with James. Someone had to share a room and Carter needed to be on his own so he didn't lash out and the baby could hardly share with any of the boys because it wouldn't be fair. James and Finn were close and James didn't mind helping Finn when he was unsettled or panicked so it was the best option for them to share a room. Carter had one of the smaller rooms to himself, the boys shared a bigger room, (Y/n) and Ben had their room and then there was another small room that was for the baby.
Finn looked around the room as he stayed stood on the threshold like he was too afraid to actually take a step forward into the room. The boy's rooms had been decorated first to try and help the three of them settle in, now they were working on the baby's room before doing their own room and then working their way downstairs. It was going to take a while to get the whole house decorated the way they wanted it but at least if they got the bedrooms done it would be easier and more settling for the boys.
With Ben being called into work today due to being short staffed, Gwilym had offered to help with the decorating. The baby's room was being painted dark cherry blossom with one feature wall that had already been painted magnolia to give a bit more light into the room.
"No." Finn shook his head, staying put in the doorway. He wasn't too keen on painting, it seemed rather boring and very time consuming.
If James was still at home today then Finn would have been more settled, he could have watched tv or played games with him but James was with Ellie for the day since he hadn't seen her in over two months. And Finn knew better than to try and play with Carter when he was unsettled as it was.
"Why don't we take a break and get something to eat?" Gwilym spoke up, putting down the paint roller in his hand. They were about due a break by now and it might settle Finn if they watched some tv and had something to eat. "You go down and pick something out to eat and I'll come down in a minute."
They watched the youngest boy nod, looking a bit calmer as he turned and headed to the stairs and disappeared from sight.
"One more coat of paint and it should be done." (Y/n) spoke quietly as she rubbed the back of her hand against her forehead. With Gwilym being taller than (Y/n) it was easier for him to paint the top of the walls where (Y/n) couldn't reach, stretching up wasn't an option either with the weight of the baby. Both Ben and Gwilym had tried telling (Y/n) to take it easy but she wanted to paint because the quicker it got done the sooner they could get on with the rest of the house.
"I think another coat should do it, but I think you need a break. Me and Finn will make some dinner, you sit down."
Gwilym ran his hand through his hair, brushing the curls out of his eyes before he moved to put his glasses back on that had been stuffed into his pocket to prevent them from being coated in paint.
"I'm fine-"
"Ben said you didn't feel well this morning, you think I want the wrath of him if he finds out you've been overdoing it today? Sit down and rest, please."
Gwilym and (Y/n) had been friends since she started at the school and he and Ben had been friends for years, they were both close to Gwilym's heart. On the one hand he knew that (Y/n) would stop and rest when and if needed, she wouldn't push herself too far. Gwilym would never want to try and control her or tell her what to do. But on the other hand he knew that sometimes she would push through phases of feeling unwell or under the weather and he knew how protective Ben was about his family. Gwilym wouldn't want to be around if Ben got annoyed that (Y/n) hadn't taken it easy like she should.
"Hmm, fine." (Y/n) narrowed her eyes playfully with a tired but playful smile as she took a few steps over to sit down on the rocking chair in the corner that was draped with an old paint-stained sheet.
(Y/n) wouldn't admit it but it did feel better to sit down and rest for a bit, stretching up to paint the walls or bending down to get the bottom near the skirting boards was tiresome. And she couldn't allow herself to stop until the first coat of paint was done or it would dry funny and patchy and that would grate on her nerves.
Her eyes followed Gwilym as he raised a brow at her before he made his way out of the room, leaving her to sit and listen to the radio which she had forgotten was still playing in the background. She leaned her head back until the wooden back of the chair was resting lightly against the base of her neck to support her head. Her eyes fell closed to try and relieve the headache slowly beginning to form behind her eyes and she slowly shifted her weight from her heels to her toes to slowly rock the chair.
All morning (Y/n) had felt her headache come and go like it was testing her, visiting her to see how she would react to the intrusion and it didn't help matters how much the baby was shifting like she couldn't seem to get comfy.
A sigh passed through (Y/n)'s lips before she pushed herself to stand up, wondering if having a drink might take away her headache in case she was starting to get dehydrated. Weaving around the pots of paint and rollering boards, (Y/n) moved to get her drink that rested on the windowsil next to the radio. The room was starting to look more homely now that the first coat of paint was finished and (Y/n) knew once they'd got some pictures put on the walls and everything in its place, the room would look much better.
The one thing that (Y/n) didn't like about moving was how impatient she became. She wanted to paint and decorate the whole place in one day, she wanted to put up pictures and place books on shelves and make it feel like home. Downstairs wasn't even started yet so there was no way (Y/n) could start putting up pictures yet which made her agitated and impatient.
There were three canvas pictures that (Y/n) was desperate to put up in the living room, they were of Ben and the boys and all four of them were smiling and laughing in the pictures and they were something that would make it feel more like home for them all.
(Y/n) also knew that once their girl was born, she wanted to get a canvas picture of her and have it on the wall above the cot.
Putting the glass back down, (Y/n) took a moment to look out the window which showed the drive and front garden. Her hand moved to rest on her lower stomach when she could feel the baby shifting again proving that she simply couldn't get comfy today which in turn made (Y/n) uncomfy.
Her eyes focused on the light grey carpet she knew they needed to change and her feet slowly padded around the paint, not wanting to spill any since they had gone ahead and painted without any sheets being put down on the floor to protect the old carpet. But her free hand quickly reached out for the cot resting unused on her left when she could feel the room starting to spin.
Tilting her head down, (Y/n) tried to breathe deeply and see if it would take away the feeling that was as if a fog was clouding her mind and stirring trouble behind her eyes. She slowly shuffled her feet to try and get to the rocking chair, knowing it would be better to sit down than to keep standing and let the blood drain from her head.
(Y/n) didn't know what her foot got caught on, she didn't see what snagged at the toe of her slipper but whatever it was made her toes bend completely under her foot which felt like it snapped in half as it folded over itself. The top of her foot scraped against the carpet as the bones clicked either into or out of place before her body was suddenly tumbling forward off balance.
There was nothing around that she could use to steady herself and her eyes immediately snapped closed from both the pain and shock and from instinct when she started to fall. Some sort of gasp or even a screech instinctively left her lips before it felt like everything was turned off.
She could hear the static in her ears like the radio had lost its signal but turned its sound up to the max. Her eyes were tightly closed to the point they were stinging but it took (Y/n) a moment to realise she was no longer falling.
She knew for certain that she was motionless now and she was no longer flying forwards through the air, but she didn't remember stopping.
Opening her eyes was a struggle, they felt like they were weighed down like coins were pressed down on her eyelids to prevent her from seeing something. And the rest of her body felt heavy and was trembling like she was feeling the after effects of an electric shock. She could see the painting tray a few feet in front of her and the curved foot of the rocking chair was next to her. Everything felt numb and heavy but (Y/n) forced her arms to move so that she could shakily grab the seat of the rocking chair, she needed to pull herself up from the awkward way she was laying. She had to get up and check herself over to make sure she was okay, she couldn't lay here like this.
"Mum, did you knock something over again?" Carter's voice barely reached (Y/n)'s ears that still felt like they were full of static.
The eldest boy walked out of his room and up the three small steps that led to the upper two rooms. He leaned his head around the room on the right before moving towards the nursery room since he knew they had been painting that room this morning. But Carter froze in his tracks, his eyes blown wide with confusion and fear when he looked at (Y/n).
She was on her knees in front of the rocking chair which her arms were heavily resting on and she was trembling. It looked as if she was going to be sick or even faint and Carter could see that her eyes weren't seeing everything properly like her vision was blurring.
"Mum?" There was a lot of concern in Carter's voice but his expression was rather neutral. He didn't seem able to express any emotion but anger in his face and right now he looked unfazed but sounded scared and was stunned and unmoving.
(Y/n) wanted to talk, she wanted to try and tell Carter she just felt dizzy and had tripped. She wanted to calm him down and reassure him she was fine, but the only thing she could do was close her eyes and let her head fall onto her arms that were resting on the chair. Her throat was constricting and her head couldn't formulate a sentence or allow her to even move any more than this.
Carter's brows sank down until they were almost resting in his eyes as he pressed his lips together tightly. What was she doing? He could feel a bout of anger burning through him because she wasn't telling him what she was doing, she was kneeling like she was praying but she looked ill. Curling his hands into fists, Carter huffed his next breath before he turned on his heels and jumped down the three steps to get onto the hallway. He took long strides and rounded the corner to the right before he stormed down the stairs and swung round the bottom of the bannister.
He skidded a few times when running through the hall to reach the kitchen where he could hear Gwilym and Finn chatting away.
"Uncle Gwil, mum's sat on the floor and she won't talk to me. It sounded like she kicked something but she won't move."
A frown etched onto Gwilym's features and his eyes narrowed at Carter behind his glasses. It was always necessary to take Carter's words with a pinch of salt, especially when he tried to explain something because he could never say what he meant or explain what he had seen. He sounded cryptic a lot of the time like he did right now and he looked angry as if (Y/n) was purposely ignoring him which Gwilym knew she wouldn't do.
"Um, right... Finn why don't you sit and eat at the table? I'll go talk to your mum."
Gwilym didn't know what was going on but he knew he didn't like the sound of it, there was a bad feeling in his gut telling him that this wasn't going to be good. He headed over to Carter, resting a hand on his shoulder before he bypassed him and made his way upstairs to go and see (Y/n).
The moment Gwilym reached the nursery his body recoiled in shock and his lips parted but no words came out. He moved like he'd been pushed into the room, stumbling forward but catching himself before he moved to bend down on his knees beside (Y/n) who felt more awake than she did moments ago. He cautiously moved his arm to wrap around (Y/n)'s upper back and placed his other hand on her arm, trying to coax her to look at him and tell him what the problem was.
"(Y/n), what's wrong?" He sat back on his legs and leaned up a bit straighter when (Y/n) slowly straightened up and moved so she was no longer resting her head on the chair.
"I- I tripped a-and fell..."
When her eyes locked with Gwilym's it was like he was trying to have a silent conversation with her because he knew Carter was stood in the doorway, but (Y/n) couldn't work out what he was trying to say.
"Let's sit you down and make sure you're okay." Gwilym took it as a good sign that she wasn't sobbing in pain or cradling a part of herself that was hurt but he still didn't like how she seemed like her mind was somewhere else. She looked drowsy which told him she had blacked out or fainted even if it was only for a few seconds. He knew that look well, he had experienced it a few times in his life.
Moving his arms, Gwilym made sure they were securely around (Y/n)'s waist as she slowly moved her trembling arms until her hands were holding Gwilym's upper arms. She nodded and closed her eyes for a moment as she tried to plant her feet properly on the floor so she could stand up. Gwilym took most of her weight to help stand her up but he froze in place when a moan left (Y/n)'s lips and her head fell forward into his chest.
"Does something hurt?"
"N-no... oh no..." (Y/n) breathed through her words before it sounded like she was choking on a sob. Her words sparked worry in Gwilym and he shifted her in his arms so he was holding her against his chest, not wanting to risk her falling to her knees and hurting herself again. But he could feel himself starting to shake when he saw that (Y/n) had moved her hand to press to her stomach.
She didn't?
"Gwil i-it- oh, it hurts."
She'd fallen and hit her stomach on something. She could have hurt the baby, the pain might be something to do with the baby.
"Okay, (Y/n) listen to me it's okay, let's get you sat down and then we'll take things from there. You could have just grazed yourself, it might be nothing." She may have just caught her stomach on something very lightly, it might just be something that would bruise and cause no problems so there might not be a reason to panic yet. If they got her sat down and calmed down, they could see if the pain got worse and then take things from there, probably go and get her seen by a doctor just to make sure.
When he felt (Y/n) nod against his chest, Gwilym took a deep breath before slowly shuffling (Y/n) back and carefully setting her down in the chair she had been leaning up against moments ago.
"Carter, why don't you go-"
"No! I wanna stay with mum." Carter took a few steps into the room to show that he didn't want to leave in case (Y/n) wasn't well but at the same time, he didn't want to get too close in case she didn't want him to be here. She might be like Ben and wouldn't want Carter to see her in pain, he didn't want to go but he didn't want to upset (Y/n) either.
"Why don't you go and check on Finn and then bring me my phone so I can call your dad, let him know what's happened?"
Carter debated Gwilym's words, wanting to stay desperately but he also wanted Ben to come home. Ben always said that he took care of everything and that he looked after them all, if (Y/n) wasn't well then she needed Ben here so he could look after her. He pursed his lips before he nodded and turned to hurry downstairs, the thought of Ben pressing on his mind more and more.
"Can I take a look?" Gwilym crouched down beside (Y/n) before he motioned to her stomach, not wanting to touch her or try and check her over if she was in too much pain or felt too uncomfortable.
When (Y/n) nodded through gritted teeth, Gwilym slowly moved her shirt up so he could see her stomach. He pressed his lips together into a thin line as his nails dug into the palms of his hands so he could trya nd remain calm. The left side of her stomach was starting to mix red and white in an odd but large shape. If he had to guess, Gwilym was rather sure that she had fallen hard and smacked her stomach straight into something. There was no graze and no cut but she was bleeding under the surface of her skin, but there was no way for him to see if it had done any damage to the baby except for the pain that seemed to be getting worse.
"I think we should get you checked out, just to be safe."
(Y/n) didn't have the will or the nerve to argue because the pain was getting worse and when the baby moved it only made the pain increase and an uncomfortable feeling start to arise. It felt like her side and her lower stomach were on fire and the fire was slowly starting to spread and get worse. It was overpowering the pain in her foot which was throbbing from how awkwardly it had bent when she fell.
"Finn's watching tv, can we call dad now?" Carter's sudden interruption made them both jump before Gwilym nodded and reached his hand out for the phone in Carter's grip.
"Yeah, I'll call him now but I need to stay up here with your mum while we sort a few things so can you go and stay with Finn please? If he comes up here and sees your mum's hurt he'll get scared and we don't want that."
If they were going to take (Y/n) to hospital then they needed to sort out the boys. James would be coming home later this afternoon and none of the boys could be here on their own. If Ben couldn't come home from work then Gwilym needed to take (Y/n) to get checked out and taking the boys with them wouldn't be the best idea. Gwilym didn't want Finn finding out just yet because he would get unsettled and frightened and he also didn't want Carter listening to him talking to Ben because that would unsettle him too.
Gwilym pushed himself to his feet, trying to smile at Carter to calm him down before the eldest left the room, slamming the door behind him to show he wasn't happy about being told to leave.
Anxiety started to dwell up in the pit of Gwilym's stomach, he'd never had to call Ben before when he was at work. (Y/n) had only done that once and that was a few weeks ago when he had to come straight from work to the school to talk to Carter. Gwilym had no idea if Ben would actually answer or if he would be too busy and if he didn't answer then they would have to find someone to look after the boys so Gwilym could take (Y/n) to get checked over.
If that happened then Ben would be a nervous wreck when they got through to him and said they were at or had been to the hospital.
A sigh of relief left Gwilym's lips when he heard Ben's voice on the other end of the line, he had answered.
"Hey mate... look, I know you're at work but something's come up... no, the boys are fine, um, (Y/n)'s had a fall... well I think-"
Gwilym stuttered through his words, trying to stay calm and not overpanic Ben because they didn't know if something was drastically wrong yet or not. But he stopped himself short when (Y/n) made a noise that sounded like she was stuck between crying and wanting to scream. When he looked at her, she was doubled over in the chair to the point she was surely going to fall off and land on her knees. Her right hand was pressed tightly against her stomach and her other hand was gripping the arm of the chair, her chin tucked tightly into her chest.
He tried to follow her line of sight, pulling the phone away from his ear so Ben's concerned words didn't deafen him. But when Gwilym tried to see what was wrong and he looked to where (Y/n) was looking, a shiver ran down his spine and he jumped when (Y/n) started to sob.
"Ben, I think (Y/n)'s water just broke."
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Nishinoya, Kenma and Tendou w/ lyric prank
Request: Hi um so since you are writing for Haikyu now could I maybe get Kenme, Tendou and NIshinoya with a cute lyric prank? Like super sweet songs. Thank you and you can ignore this I’m sorry.
Don’t be sorry sweet anon of course I’m gonna write it. I love writing for Haikyu and I like it when you guys request things for them. Since you didn’t specify which songs I used some of my favorites. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warnings: Tendou’s is SUGGESTIVE.
songs: ‘Cuz I love you- Lizzo, Love- Keyshia Cole, Cyber sex- Doja Cat
NIshinoya Yuu
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-I feel like Nishinoya is familiar with tik tok.
-And by familiar I mean addicted. 
-So he had seen those lyric pranks here and there but never really paid any mind to them. 
-You on the other hand found them so cute. 
-And of course you wanted to see how your boyfriend would react.
-You had two options.
- One, send a horny/sexy song in hopes this escalates to something else.
- Two, send a sweet/ lovey dovey song and get a cute response.
-You went for the second option because you were feeling extra cuddly and you knew that he would come over to shower you with affection the moment you send the first lyric.
-He’s just like that.
-Overly affectionate in general and would leave whatever he’s doing if you need him.
-You were already chatting with him, he was telling a stupid thing Tanaka did to Kiyoko when you suddenly sent the first lyric. 
- ‘ Never been in love before.                                                                                      What the fuck are fucking feelings yo?’
-He didn’t respond immediately so you took the opportunity to send another text. 
- ‘ Once upon a time, I was a ho .                                                                                I don't even wanna ho no mo'
- ‘Wait this sounds familiar....I KNOW THIS FROM SOMEWHERE!!!’
-You were kinda disappointed.
-You were hoping to keep him guessing for a little longer but you knew that when it came to you he was extra perceptive.
-He would sense when something was off in an instant. 
-That’s why you couldn’t keep something hidden from him for longer than a day, and I’m being generous. 
- ‘ Got you something from the liquor store.                                                        Little bit of Y/N and some Mo Tryna open up a little more Sorry if my heart a little slow’
- ‘Who said you are slow? IM GONNA FIGHT THEM I SWEAR!!!”
-You were cackling at this point, he was taking this very seriously. 
-Still you were amazed at how he hadn’t figured out the song yet.
-But since you are a little shit you continued. 
- ‘ I thought that I didn't care I thought I was love-impaired But baby, baby I don't know what I'm gonna do’
-I swear you could sense the moment the lyrics clicked in his mind through the screen. 
-Matching your energy he responded. 
- ‘CUZ I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’
-Both of you sent the last part at the same time followed by an array of heart memes and voice messages of you trying to hit the high notes. 
-He did come over after leaving you on read for 10 minutes. 
-You two cuddled and played the song on repeat for 3 hours straight. 
Kozume Kenma
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-Sweet lil kitty.
-He loves you and you know it. 
-He doesn’t really like tik tok.
-He just can’t understand the hype behind it.
-So he is completely oblivious to this whole trend. 
-You two are hanging out in his room. 
-He was in the middle of a stream, commenting here and there on the game and answering a few questions. 
-You were laying on his bed scrolling through your instagram and blasting music through your earphones. 
-That’s when a love song came on and you wanted to dance and sing to it so badly but he was streaming....
-You wanted to share it with him because the lyrics reminded you of him and it was so cute. 
-Slightly pouting in your mini misery you remembered the lyric trend. 
-Even though the videos you had seen had been suggestive you weren’t really in the mood for that. 
-You just wanted to cuddle him. 
-Going into your chat you started to type the part you were listening to right now. 
- ‘  Now you're gone, what am I gonna do So empty ‘
-His phone vibrated and he spared a glance at it but didn’t see what the message was.
-You weren’t about to give up though.
- ‘ My heart, my soul can't go on ‘
-He ignored it again.
- ‘ Go on, baby, without you’
-He spared a glance at it again and you contemplated on stopping in fear he might get annoyed when he saw it was you. 
-But you knew he will only get flustered afterwards.
- ‘ My rainy days fade away when you come around please tell me baby’
-He grabs his phone as it vibrates and unlocks it.
-You can hear the chat going wild with messages when he smiles down at his screen, a rare occasion. 
-You send another message. 
- ‘ Why you go so far away Why you go ‘
-The blush that tinted his cheeks darkened as he turned to look at you. 
- “I’m not that far away....” he whispered.
-The chat was beyond confused on what was going on. 
-You sent the last lyric and that’s when he decided to end the live stream. 
-He apologized to his fans and turn the computer off.
-He pounced on you the moment the camera turned red and he kissed you like there was no tomorrow.
-His phone lay open still in your chat, your last text facing the ceiling. 
- ‘ Love Never knew what I was missing But I knew once we start kissin' I found you.’
Tendou Satori
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-It’s a race of who does the trend first.
-You are both addicted to tik tok.
-That’s one of the reasons you are together. 
-You are similar and like the same things. 
-So you both have seen the trend on multiple occasion and have sent each other videos. 
-In a way you were challenging the other to try it. 
-You knew that your boyfriend loved pampering you in kisses and love, and you were tempted to  send a love song something sweet. 
-But you also knew that he was a little freaky, always making comments and getting you worked up. 
-So you decided to be freaky yourself.
-He was at practice when you finally put your plan in motion.
-He would always answer your texts during his water brakes so it wouldn’t be long until he saw it. 
- ‘ And he don't even scroll through Insta 'Less he going through my pictures ‘
-Half an hour passed until he finally replied. 
- ‘You know me too well princess’
-  ‘You’re too irresistible I can’t help myself.’
-You bit your lip at the messages and you knew that it wouldn’t take long before the more ..... PG 18.
-Debating whether or not to continue and since you were a little shit, you send the next lyric. 
- ‘  I wanna touch on you You see me in my room’
-This time he didn’t hesitate to answer. 
- ‘Oh is my girl feelin’ needy?’
-Not yet at least. 
- ‘ Wish you were here right now All of the things I'd do ‘
-You assumed that his break should be over when you sent the text. 
-Just to tease him. 
-But to your surprise he messaged back rather quickly. 
- ‘Tsk tsk you just had to do this while I have practice didn’t you?’
- ‘I’ll have to punish you for that.....’
-Here we go!!!
-You knew that if you continued you would be in for it big time. 
-Even though you hadn’t been feeling particulary needy lately, messing with Tendou was always fun. 
-You were usually the one being teased but turning the tables every once in a while was healthy.
-Even though he wouldn’t become a blushing mess like you, you still liked getting this reaction from him. 
-Getting him worked up and impatient to get home was a bonus. 
-You knew sending the last lyric would be your downfall. 
-So you took a swan dive. 
- ‘I wanna get freaky on camera I love when we get freaky on camera’
TAG TEAM AY: @brattyquirks​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
So heard you want Haikyuu request! So when I get mad at someone (VERY rare) I just look at them like 😠. And just kinda shun them like “dont talk to me 😠. That was rude 😠” so i just scoot away from them. I wont walk away from them, ill just go to the other side of the couch or whatever and if they try to console me im like “no! You spoiled my show 😠” and only kinda yell at them if they keep pursuing like “im mad at you” and if they touch me im like “NO! IM MAD AT YOU” is all lmao UHHH PART 2
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hc: how Kageyama and Nishinoya react when their S/O gets angry
tw: none (i think?)
tags: angry!reader, haikyuu, eventual comfort/fluff, slight nsfw with noya
notes: ahsgshahajsh i’m the same way when i get angry but i CRY so much, so i kinda felt this one? but i did hc’s for this because i wanted to do it NOW. i love my boys, especially noya. ty for the request, i love you, and my inbox is still open for asks ❥
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» i feel like kageyama is just permanently unaware of everything going on around him, like all this boy has on his mind is fuckin’ volleyball and you, ofc
» i also feel like this is a big reason why doesn’t have a filter sometimes... which gets him in trouble.
» you two are just chilling on the couch, all cuddled up together, watching a show you’ve been trying to catch up to him on (because he’s impatient and apparently can’t wait for you to come home smh)
» you’re halfway through a super suspenseful episode, and there’s a huge lead up to a plot twist but it’s just dragging on forEVER
» “ugh, why can’t they just show who dies, already?” you grumble under your breath, beyond irritated, huffing for good measure
» kageyama just
» nonchalantly fuckin’ spoils it
» “oh F/C/N dies, happens next episode.”
» the speed in which your head turns his way is inhuman LMAO
» you’re so angry you can’t even form words, your blood boils as it rushes to your face and your brow is furrowed so deep
» not only did your boyfriend ruin the rest of the episode but YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER DIES??
» of course kageyama doesn’t notice your death glare until a couple seconds later, looking at you with the most dumbfounded expression
» “...what?”
» you don’t even say anything, just get up, take a deep breath, and walk as calm as possible to the bedroom, slamming the door behind you
» meanwhile kags is still just ?? nani ??
» he leaps into action and tries talking to you through the door but once he hears the tub’s faucet running from your bathroom, he knows it’s your me time and he shouldn’t interfere
» so while you’re soaking up in a hot bath with your favorite scented candle burning at the edge of the tub, listening to your favorite playlist at a comfortable volume,
» kageyama literally sits on the couch and thinks SO HARD about what he could have possibly done wrong ahsgsgshaja this boy
» you were fine before you started watching the show, even after the show started you were quite literally all over him, so where did he go wrong?
» it finally dawns on him that your sudden mood change happened after he spilled the beans on your favorite character’s death
» insert kageyama slamming a palm to his face
» he waits at least another 15-20 mins before creeping into the master bath to check up on you, a warm mug of your favorite tea in hand and the sweetest look on his face
» how could you still be mad at him when he’s literally doing the 🥺 face ???
» he crouches at the edge of the tub and leans forward to press a gentle kiss into your temple before setting the mug on the ledge, situating himself so his chin is laying over his folded arms, facing you
» “I’m sorry I’m an idiot... and about F/C/N. I know you liked them a lot.”
» you can’t help but giggle at how precious the moment (or the look on his face) is and you raise a hand to his cheek, rubbing the soft skin over his cheekbone with your damp thumb
» “It’s okay, Tobio, at least I didn’t have to see it. But next time... try not to spoil anything, okay?”
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» nishinoya might seem like an air headed tornado to most, but he’s actually pretty perceptive !!
» so he’s always aware of when you’re angry, very in tune with your emotions, constantly tries his best to avoid hurting you or your feelings in anyway
» but uh... he fucks up sometimes.
» you were at your shared home, waiting for him wearing nothing but his old volleyball jersey and his favorite pair of your panties (y’know the ones, with a cute lil’ bow on the front and less fabric in the back ;0)
» there wasn’t really any special occasion but you both made it very clear during a suggestive text conversation earlier in the day that you were going to jump each other’s bones as soon as you got home
» he did let you know he needed to stop by tanaka’s after work to pick something up, but you figured that wouldn’t take long at all, right?
» wrong
» you’ve been nestled in the same spot on the couch for hours, the sun no longer shining into the living room, and you were absolutely steaming from the ears in wait for your boyfriend
» you honestly weren’t even in the mood anymore the longer time dragged on, the show you put on doing nothing to distract you from your aggravation
» eventually you hear the familiar jiggle of your front door and the clanking of keys being hung on the rack before footsteps head your way
» you keep the blanket in your lap wrapped around your waist and sit up, arms crossed, bottom lip jutted out ever so slightly with narrowed eyes
» “Hey, baby! I missed you all da-“
» he tried leaning down for a kiss but you pressed your hand against his lips before they got close enough
» noya is confused for a split second before he notices you’re wearing the one piece of clothing you know will get you laid when you wear it
» “...fuck.”
» “Actually, no, not anymore.”
» you get up from the couch and side step around him, ignoring the way his fingertips brush against your wrist in a failed attempt to grab it
» once you make it to your bedroom you lock yourself in the bathroom to change clothes, wash your face, let your hair down, etc.
» the running water lets noya know you’re starting your nightly routine, and there’s no way you’re doing anything after that
» he’s very aware that you just need to cool off, you got your point across and all that remained was the recovery process
» so he decides to use this time to get himself in his sleep clothes as well and situate the bed in the most comfortable set up possible, the way he knows you like it
» also grabs a snack or two from the kitchen and sets it on your nightstand in case you do decide to talk it out instead of going straight to bed
» he patiently waits for you to emerge from the bathroom as he holds onto the stuffed koala he won for you at some fair years ago HE’S SO CUTE I CAN’T ALDJSHSJAK
» when you finally do come out, donning an old pair of his sweats and an oversized t-shirt, hair brushed and face clean, his face instantly softens
» bc he can’t help but admire how beautiful you look in moments like this 🥺
» once you see the look in his eyes and the stuffed toy in his arms, it’s all over, my guy - you don’t even remember why you were upset in the first place
» you climb on the bed and settle on top of him, head tucked under his chin and arms wrapped underneath his shoulders while he runs his hands up and down your spine, koala bear long forgotten
» “I’m sorry I was out so late, babygirl, I lost track of time... I’ll make it up to you whenever you want, okay? and I’ll hold you like this if you just wanna go to bed.” He finally says after a comfortable silence, kissing the top of your head as he finishes.
» your heart practically melts and suddenly you want to be the one comforting him
» “It’s okay, Yuu. I love you so much.” you lift your head from his chest to give him a sweet kiss as he reciprocates the phrase against your lips
» the kiss lasts much longer than intended and grows in intensity - next thing you know, he’s got you flipped over with his hands sneaking under your shirt to explore your soft skin, mouth latched onto your neck
» his hands wander to the waistband of the sweats resting over your hips and when his fingertips brush over the familiar texture of lace, he looks up at you with the MOST excited look
» “You kept them on?? FOR ME??”
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tobi-momo · 4 years
Disconnected Fate
a/n: hehe thank you for @velvxtparadise​ for requesting this im so happy you did bc it was an amazing idea (their works are also so amazing you should check ‘em out) but ya THANK YOU ily!!
Disconnected Fate: Soulmate AU/Quirkless AU - Sero x Reader
Synopsis: Soulmates were something to be treasured. The second half of your soul, finally connecting, becoming one. But, you couldn’t really rely on that if your string is cut. But will meeting someone with your same fate change that?
Word Count: 3110
Warnings: Cursing, clubbing, drinking, mentions of vomiting, kissing, old ass pervs, groping (if there are more pls let me know!!) {does include some todomomo and kamijirou}
“Mina, I don’t think this fits very well,” you laugh at your figure in the mirror, turning your body and running your hands down the fabric to slim it down. Mina opens to you, practically jumping at you before placing her hands at your shoulder to rotate your body; jaw dropping at the sight.
“Y/n, shut the hell up. You look so fucking sexy it’s not even funny,” she chuckles, giving your ass a playful smack before tugging at the thin strap that held your dress up. The strings connected to a loose bateau neckline, showing a little cleavage, and looking down, you see the way your snug dress brings out your curves and hips. Wow- you really did look amazing, didn’t you? “Okay, that should do it. Are we ready? The guys are probably waiting for us.”
Your head whips to your friend, who definitely did not tell you about boys being with you. “What? Boys- boys? Mina.”
She looks back at you with a shocked look, making it seem like you knew, and gave a blank, “what?”
“Why didn’t you tell me there would be boys? I only know like, three other people from your friend group, and I’m not even sure they like me.” You complain, leaving the closet for the bathroom to touch up on your makeup before hearing your other bestie chime in.
“Don’t worry, y/n! I like having you around very much, and I’m sure the others will, too!” Momo says, finishing her mascara. 
“Yeah, and you’re fun to duet and play with,” Kyouka acknowledges while painting her nails.
“See?” Mina remarks. “They love you. Eiji has already told the others, and none of them have anything bad to say!”
“Kidding~” she corrects.
“Y/n, you’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it, they’ll love you. Just...I don’t know, be yourself!”
“Thanks, Mina, that actually helps a lot,” you smile sarcastically before turning your smile flat. “I’ll be sure to do that once I get over the fact that I’ve never hung out with your friends before.” 
“Oh my God, y/n. Stop stressing. You’ll be fine.” Mina assures. “And maybe you’ll find a little special someone~” she vocalizes and points to the ring finger of your right hand. 
Oh. Right. You thought, looking down at your hand. The red string tied to your finger that connected you to the person the universe wants you to spend the rest of your life with. The string that leads you to the person you’ve always wanted, needed. Your soulmate. You had always wanted that person to come in your life, to sweep you off your feet and be with you for the rest of your days, but it was hard to believe in all that when your string was cut. Your string connected you to your soulmate, so why was yours cut? Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be for you.
“Y/n? Y/n.” You blink up to Mina’s fingers snapping at you.
“Huh? Oh, sorry,” you smile, “I just spaced out.”
“Classic y/n.”
“Kyo.” Mina glares at Kyouka.
“What? I’m just sayin’.”
“Okay, are we all done here?” You ask while looking around at Momo, Kyouka and Mina; checking the belongings around them and seeing their small handbags.
“Finally! Okay, let’s go bitches.” Mina exclaims as Kyouka shakes her head then drags herself up, leaning her head back, an annoyed expression painted on her face. 
“Bro, come on! Just have one- ONE- drink. Please?” Kaminari pouts, handing Sero a small glass of whiskey, the ice clinking within the glass.
“I don’t know man. You guys are probably gonna get hammered tonight, and Katsuki refuses to be the DD again,” Sero shrugs back, leaning on the counter of the bar.
“You’re damn right I ain’t the DD tonight. I haven’t had a good drink in a minute, and you guys are annoying as it is, so maybe a couple might make it easier to put up with you.” Bakugou groans, downing his drink, walking up to the bartender to order another one.
“Hey, where are the girls? Are they still coming?” Kirishima asks curiously.
“Uh,” Kaminari pulls his phone out, checking his messages, “they are on their way.”
“Why do they take so goddamn long? It’s annoying.” Bakugou calls out, waiting for his drink impatiently.
“Because they are ladies, Katsuki. They need time to get ready and stuff. You know this,” Kirishima whines, as if he had told him this multiple times.
“I know it’s stupid,” he emphasizes. He gets his drink and continues to sit at the bar, irritated.
Kirishima makes his way over to Sero, who sips his water through the black straw poking out of the glass. He looks bored, but not as if he didn’t want to be there. He always liked hanging out with his friends; the more the merrier. So taking this invitation to hang out with his guy and girl friends was a must. He needed a break from all of the stress school put on him. College was a lot harder than he thought it was going to be. This was a perfect way to distract himself even for a little while and drinking water. His friends would be entertaining enough anyways. 
“Hey, Hanta, you excited for the girls to get here?” Sero’s head whips up, breaking his thoughts. Sitting up straight, he leans back with an elbow on the back of the couch. Kirishima smiles giggly, taking a seat next to him.
“Oh, ya,” he says, as if it was obvious, “excited to see how they act when they black out,” he jokes. The girls were always a handful when drunk, thankfully some had their boyfriends to take care of them, but the boyfriends were always a little drunk, too.
“Ha ha, yeah, always super fun,” Kirishima replies sarcastically, knowing exactly what Sero is thinking. “What about you, Shoubro?”
Todoroki was sitting at the end of the table awkwardly, waiting for more company. He looked lonely, but patient. He looked up at his nickname Kirishima gave him tiredly. “Hmm?”
“Excited for the girls to get here?” 
“I guess. They will make the night more entertaining.” See, he knows, too. The girls were known for making the night more interesting. Whether it was karaoke, body shots, dancing, or even fighting with douchebags that tried to dance with them. The night always ended on a good note either way, so whoever was staying sober sure had a sight to see.
“Oh, here come the girls,” Kaminari chimes in, putting his phone in his back pocket before turning around for the door. Three girls walk in: Mina, Kyouka, and Momo. Wait- where were you? Didn’t Mina say something about bringing a friend?
“Hey, boys,” Mina greets, “how are we this fine evening?” She says smoothly, strutting her way to the bar. “Four vodkas, please.”
“You havin’ all of those? Momo and Kyo don’t usually have vodka.” Kaminari laughs, a jokingly confused question.
“Oh, y/n is gonna be here in a sec, and she likes vodka. A lot. So half of these are for her.” Mina smiles as she carefully grabs the shots and cautiously carries them to the table where Momo, Todoroki, Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Kyouka reside. She sets them down, keeping a close eye not to spill, and starts walking over to your figure.
You head into the club, surprised the music isn’t louder, while avoiding the other people around the area. You knew at places like this it got a little crowded and hectic, so you just wanted to find Mina before anything else. With your hands behind your back holding your tiny purse, you look around and see Mina walking over to you, a bright smile plastered on her face as giggles and grabs your hand, dragging you to the table where everyone (besides irritated Bakugou) resides. 
“Katsuki get your ass over here right now!” Mina shouts from across the club, catching Bakugou’s attention. She gives him a stern look, then smiles softly when he grumbles and pushes himself off his chair, slowly walking over there, drink in hand. He plops down next to Kirishima lazily before staring at the ground. “Good. Anyway,” she inhales, clearly excited. You stand there awkwardly, wondering why it has suddenly got so hot. Something in the air was different. You didn’t know what it was, but it was making you nervous. “Y/n, the boys,” she points at each boy, introducing them, “Todoroki, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Bakugou.” You nod in acknowledgement, getting to know their faces to hopefully not forget later. One face caught your breath, though. Literally. Your breath hitched as you looked at him. Sero, you were pretty sure his name was. He was- beautiful. His raven black hair, his smile, his eyes, his everything- was gorgeous. 
What the hell was this?
You stand there, frozen, staring at his handsome face and body, practically drooling. You were interrupted by Mina yapping at them to shake your hand. Each one of them sat up straight and nodded to you, said how nice it was to meet you. Then you shook hands with Sero.
No. No way.
Right as you switch your hands for him, raising your left hand, he raises his. The red on his finger caught your eye, making you stop in your tracks. Again. He also comes to a halt, both your eyes wide in shock and surprise as you gaze at each other’s string.
This wasn’t real. You were the only one you knew in your entire life who had this. You had looked it up several times for a sliver of hope, but nothing showed. In fact, everything you had searched for came up the opposite. Because of the stories and the legends and the research, you were convinced it wasn’t true. You were convinced that it wasn’t going to happen to you. Convinced that you were going to live your life alone. Was this man really the one for you? Was this man really the one to share your soul with? You couldn't believe it. You just couldn’t.
“Ahem,” Mina purposely coughs, trying to dissipate the awkwardness everyone else has to endure as you and Sero share the weirdest and yet most thrilling moment you’ve had in your life. Your heart was beating so fast, you were nervous, but excited. You were surprised, but happy and sad, a little disappointed and mad, though you felt awakened at these new feelings. They felt stronger than anything you’ve ever felt before, and you could tell he could feel them, too. Mina coughs again, snatching your attention. She smiles and widens her eyes while pointing her head at the other men, who are tiredly awaiting your hand. Once you suddenly realize you’ve been focusing on Sero for the past 45 seconds, you breathe out an ‘oh’ and move on to Kirishima. 
You never stopped thinking about him, though. Throughout the entire night, after every shot you took, every song on the dance floor, Sero was still in your mind. And because of this, you took more shots. And you danced some more. You were taking a body shot off of Mina’s stomach when you notice eyes boring into yours. Swallowing the stinging alcohol you turn over to him, not finishing with the lime, almost stumbling. You want to tell him to stop looking at you, to mind his own business, but you can’t separate your words, slurring an incoherent sentence. 
“Oh? Baby girl needs some help? I can help you,” the strange man, teases, laughing as he grabs your waist, grazing the side of your torso up and down, trying to drag you to the back of the club. “Let me help you, honey.” He starts guiding you to the back, using his fingers to touch the soft skin on your shoulders, your forearms, making their way down to your hips, and finally up to-
“Hey, y/n, you okay?” The man gets interrupted by your hero, his voice giving you butterflies. “Sorry, man. She’s drunk. You really shouldn’t be messin’ with girls like this,” he shrugs before grabbing you by your waist and putting your arm around his shoulder, “or any girls, for that matter.” You lean on his shoulder, barely keeping up with the situation. You feel so light on your feet, but so heavy at the same time. He helps you to the tables you originally sat at before going a little more overboard than you would’ve liked. You moan, a little overwhelmed by the noise, but once he sets you in a comfortable spot on the bench, you lean your head back, satisfied with the cold air on your face. He quickly hands you his glass of water, placing the straw in your mouth and nodding his head, whispering to take a drink. You comply, sipping his water before he takes it out and puts the cup on the tabletop for a brief moment.
Dazed, you look around the room. Your vision is blurry, but you can clearly see Momo and Todoroki making out on the other side of the booth. At least she’s having fun. Meanwhile you get groped by an old man in a corner and probably won’t remember it the next day. Sero’s gone, you think. He was, but only a couple feet away from you. You turn your head from Momo on top of Todoroki’s lap, to Jirou leading Kaminari out of the building, then to Mina taking more shots with Kirishima, and Bakugou acting annoyed but is actually having fun. They all looked like they were having a great time. You look to your left once more and smile to yourself once you see him walking back over. He sits next to you and grabs the cup again, pushing it towards you to take a sip. And you do. 
The next half hour was you and him in the bathroom while you throw your guts up, the nasty alcohol leaving your stomach while he holds your hair up and rubs your back. You cough everything back up, regretting taking a single drink in the first place. You feel his hands smooth over your upper back, and his grip on your hair, tightening in a circle at the back of your head. You lift your head up, turning away in embarrassment.
He smiles in return, taking his hand off your back to grab something to wipe your mouth with. “Don’t worry, it’s not the first time I’ve done this. Come here,” he says softly, almost like a whisper. You turn your head towards him, still not looking at his face, but at his arm. His very attractive arms. He raises his left hand to wipe a cloth at your mouth, you catching the bright red string in sight. He notices this, and slows his motions. “You see it, right? My string.”
You only nod in response, looking away with a blush.
“I can see it, too. Yours, I mean.” You weren’t that surprised, considering what happened earlier that night when you first met him. The feeling was the same as it was before, but more intense. It was like sparks every time he touched you, like fireworks, like electricity. You could tell he felt it as well when he pulled back a little, hesitant to touch you. You knew he felt it when he pulled you away from that strange guy. Guess you were too drunk to notice.
Once he finishes up, he tells you he’s done then helps you up to get ready to leave. You were both tired of this place. Walking back out to the main room, the only people to be seen from Mina’s friend group was herself, Bakugou, and Kirishima. You could only guess where everyone else went. You two continue making your way down, asking if everyone else will be alright, or if they needed a ride. Mina responded that they’ll take a cab home, and that they’ll be okay. Thankfully Bakugou looked sober enough to understand what was going on.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Whatever. Fuckin’ leave already.”
Sero returns with a smile, silently thanking him as he leads you to the exit. The cool air felt wonderful against your face, the breeze making you feel a lot better. You groan as your head starts to pound. Sero leads you to his car, opening the door for you and helping you in, shutting the door. 
“Hey, what’s your address?”
You look up tiredly, ready to fall asleep right then and there. “Oh, uh, building 474 on 32nd.”
He only hums in response, checking his mirrors and backing out, heading for your apartment.
“Hey, uh, thank you, Sero. I really appreciate it. I know this is not how you wanted to spend your night, even if you were sober.” You apologize, genuinely disappointed in yourself for letting yourself drink that hard.
“Don’t worry about it. It was fun watching you guys for most of the night, though,” he laughs.
“Oh I bet. Me and Mina got a little crazy.”
“A little?”
“Shush, I know,” you chuckle, trying not to embarrass yourself further. “Um, do you want my number? Or something? It’s just, your Mina’s friend,” We both have red cut strings, “and I want to make up for being such a slob at the party,” I want to figure out why I can see your string. He gladly agrees, putting his number in your phone. “Also,” you interrupt his movements, causing him to look up, “I remember that weird guy from earlier, where did he go? I didn’t see him for the rest of the night.”
He smiles cunningly, a smile that cocks the sides of your mouth up subconsciously. “He was getting on my nerves, so I kicked him out of the club.”
You tilt your head in confusion. “How?”
“I have my ways,” he says slyly, implying exactly what you’re thinking. You smile in understanding, thanking him for the help. 
You unlock your door and wave goodbye to him, sad that he had to leave, but grateful that he didn’t have to put up with you anymore. You lift your left hand in curiosity. Looking at it, you can see every thread on the piece of yarn. Every knot. Although you couldn’t take it off, it looked as if you could. It was weird, knowing the fact that everyone else’s string connected them to their soulmates, while your short piece of combined thread just drooped towards the ground. You never expected to find another person like you. Another person with a lost fate. Huh.
Part 2?? Let me know!!
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settersprouts · 3 years
꒦ ikanaide : chapter three ! ꒦
. . : iwaizumi gets sick and doesn't tell oikawa. oikawa notices he's not at school and skips practice for the first time to take care of him.
or, iwaizumi doesn't like to take medicine and oikawa can cook.
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sniffles. coughs. that's all that could be heard through the iwaizumi household at five am, the time hajime iwaizumi was supposed to be getting ready for school. hanako iwaizumi sighed, not ready to deal with a sick hajime. reluctantly making his way out of the bed he shared with aiya, he got a bucket, a couple of rags, and starting the trek to his son's room.
``hey-`` hanako started, but was interrupted by a coughing fit. ``hajime. how you feeling?``
his son smiled up at him grimly, wiping at the snot in his nose. ``like shit.``
hanako let out another sigh, wringing one of the rags out and placing the damp cloth on his forehead. ``symptoms?``
``cough, sneezing, my nose is runny- and my throat hurts,`` iwaizumi managed, his voice dry and scratchy.
``that bad, huh?`` hanako set the bucket down on the floor, pulling out his phone and thumbing at his screen. ``i'll text your coach and teachers to let them know you can't make it.``
iwaizumi nodded, letting out a small groan. his eyes suddenly flung wide open, and he sat up abruptly, scaring hanako a little. ``don't tell oikawa! he's going to try and skip school to take care of me, i'm sure.``
hanako chuckled, giving his son a little thumbs up and pushing him back down. ``i got it. i'll just let him figure it out himself.``
his son sighed in relief, letting his entire body relax. ``thanks, old man.``
``i'm not old. want some oatmeal?``
``that'd be great. thank you.``
a smile pulled at hanako's lips. ``alright, coming right up, kiddo.`` he made his way out of iwaizumi's room, leaving the door open so air could filter through.
``don't make it sweet! i hate it sweet!``
``i know that!``
hanako made his way into the kitchen, almost running into his wife. ``whoa- oh, good morning, love.``
``morning, hanako.`` aiya yawned, her face contorting into an expression of confusion. ``where's hajime? he should be getting his breakfast ready by now.``
``the kid's sick,`` hanako replied, kissing his wife on the cheek. ``i'm getting him some oatmeal for breakfast.``
aiya nodded, opening a drawer and pulling out a thermometer. she handed it to her husband. ``make sure to take his temperature, too. i want to know if i need to have a doctor over.``
hanako deadpanned, letting out a gruff laugh. ``babe, that's a meat thermometer.``
``oh, is it?`` she smiled apologetically, putting it back and switching it with the other thermometer. ``here, take this, then.``
he reached out to grab at the cool metal, letting it sit in his breast pocket as he got iwaizumi's oatmeal ready. ``can you go get him some cough medicine, or something for his throat? hajime says it's sore.``
his wife nodded, and padded over to the fridge, reaching above it to open the medicine cabinet. she sorted through bottles and bottles of over-the-counter medicine, before finally reaching the cough and sore-throat remedies. pouring a little bit into a plastic cup, aiya put the bottle back and closed the cabinet, placing the cup onto the tray with her son's water glass and oatmeal on it. ``there. have you called hajime's school, yet?``
hanako nodded. ``mhm. already done. hajime doesn't want oikawa-kun to know he's sick yet, so don't tell his mother. knowing her, she'll spill the beans somehow.``
aiya let out a soft laugh, covering her mouth as she did so. ``i understand. he'll probably want to skip school and tend to hajime all day.``
``that boy is something else.``
oikawa tapped his foot impatiently, standing at the intersection where he and iwaizumi usually meet up. they were supposed to get there early so oikawa could grab something from the convenience store- it was his nephew's birthday, after all, and he wanted to buy some red velvet cake mix.
he let out a sigh, pulling out his phone to check the messages he had with the ace.
› Messages with : Iwaizumi, Hajime
[Sent:To Oikawa, Toorū] go to sleep already, you idiot
[Sent:To Oikawa, Toorū] i know you're up watching volleyball matches
[Sent:To Oikawa, Toorū] it's late, get some rest or i'll hit you
¹¹⁻³⁹ ᴾᴹ
[Sent:From Oikawa, Toorū] yeah, yeah, got it iwa-chan ಠ_ಠ
[Sent:From Oikawa, Toorū] you don't have to be so rude, you know
[Sent:From Oikawa, Toorū] and why r u so obsessed w hitting me ?
¹¹⁻⁴⁰ ᴾᴹ
[Sent:To Oikawa, Toorū] goodnight
¹¹⁻⁴⁰ ᴾᴹ
[Sent:From Oikawa, Toorū] goodnight, iwa-chan :D
¹¹⁻⁴¹ ᴾᴹ
[Sent:From Oikawa, Toorū] morning, iwa (*゚ー゚)ゞ
⁰⁵⁻³⁰ ᴬᴹ
[Sent:From Oikawa, Toorū] where r u 人´∀`) i'm @ the intersection
⁰⁶⁻⁰⁴ ᴬᴹ
[Sent:From Oikawa, Toorū] iwa we're gonna be late i need to go to the store φ(。。*)
⁰⁶⁻⁰⁵ ᴬᴹ
[Sent:From Oikawa, Toorū] iwa-chan i'm leaving you >:p
⁰⁶⁻⁰⁷ ᴬᴹ
[Sent:From Oikawa, Toorū] im gonna kill you when i see you
⁰⁶⁻¹³ ᴬᴹ
despite what the messages ensued, he still hadn't left without iwaizumi. he let out another sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. he really had to leave, but he didn't want the ace to be mad once he figured out oikawa had went on without him. oikawa inhaled through his nose, and out through his mouth. pushing aside the fear of a very angry iwaizumi showing up to first period with homicide on his mind.
the sun was rising and starting to shine brightly, slightly blinding oikawa as he glanced at the star. if iwaizumi were here, he would've already been geeking out about it to him, trying to annoy the vice. he wasn't really that obsessed with space and extraterrestrial life, oikawa just liked to annoy his best friends.
``hey, oikawa!`` the setter turned at his name being called, and was instantly greeted with someone running straight into him. arms wrapped around his torso in what he thought was a hug, but couldn't be sure, since all the wind was knocked out of him in the process. familiar tufts of pink-brown hair tickled his nose, and his lips pulled into a small, genuine smile. he wrapped his arms around the attacker's torso, too, breathing in the scent he considered a second home.
``hey, makki. morning.`` oikawa smiled, pulling away to see his friend's beaming face.
hanamaki linked arms with oikawa, pulling him along. ``c'mon, we're going to be late for class!``
oikawa looked down at his phone, checking the time. 06:19 AM, it read. ``makki, it's only six twenty. we have plenty of time.``
``but..`` makki groaned, making a big show of rolling his head back and exposing his neck to the sky. whether or not that was an impression of oikawa on one of his days, oikawa may never know. ``we can be early for once.``
``class doesn't start until seven thirty.`` oikawa sang, pulling away from makki's grip and dragging him along. ``plus, i gotta get something from the store for takeru's birthday.``
his companion made an 'o' shape with his mouth, succumbing to oikawa's charms and letting himself be lead to the nearest store. ``nice. what are you getting?``
``cake mix. red velvet.``
``red velvet? holy shit, can i come to the party?`` hanamaki gasped, giving his friend his full attention now. oikawa laughed, and nodded.
``yeah. i was planning on inviting you and mattsun anyways.`` he replied, scratching the back of his neck. ``iwa-chan gets a free pass, since my mom knows him.``
makki gasped in mock offense, holding his free hand to his heart. ``she knows me too! how come i don't get a free pass? does she not like me?``
oikawa shrugged. ``well, you're kind of.. how can i say this. um-`` he laughed nervously, ``-too energetic, for her taste?``
``this is atrocious. i even did her dishes for her, once.``
``key word, once.`` oikawa retorted, eyeing the store up ahead. ``oh hey, look, there's sakanoshita. think we'll find cake mix there?``
hanamaki shrugged.  ``probably. doesn't karasuno's coach work there?``
oikawa nodded. ``hopefully tobio-chan didn't stop by on his way to school. i think i might throw up if i see him.``
``how immature.``
the two of them made their way into the small store, muttering a little "pardon the intrusion!" to the staff, who turned out to be a short, older woman, not karasuno's coach. they both let out a sigh of relief- anything could've happened if it was ukai who was sitting in the little swivel chair behind the counter. possibly just them having to endure the shameless torments from the latter, but who knows.
oikawa and hanamaki glanced at the small signs labeling the aisles, quickly finding the one they were looking for and walked down to the middle, where all the cake mixes lay. the captain sifted through the red velvet mixes while the other eyed the brownie batter with starry eyes. oikawa skimmed the backs of four boxes he settled on, tossing them all into the little basket he had picked up as soon as they walked in. turning to his partner, he couldn't help but let the wide smile overcome his facial features. hanamaki was practically drooling at the pictures of the brownies on the boxes.
he padded over to the wing-spiker and picked up a box, tossing it into the basket as well and waltzed out of the aisle- hanamaki at his heels. ``whoa, are you seriously buying that for me?``
oikawa shook his head. ``for me. to make for you when you come over later.`` he stuck out his tongue at his partner, smiling at the laugh he was able to get out of him.
``sure, whatever you say.``
the captain turned to the lady at the desk, reading the nametag on her shirt. hana sakanoshita. ah. so she was the owner. sakanoshita smiled at him, taking the bag out of his hands and scanning the barcodes on the backs of the boxes. ``find everything okay, honey?``
``yep, great, thank you! could we also get two packs of that strawberry gum?`` he pointed, putting on one of his award-winning smiles. she seemed to melt at this and nodded, quickly bagging up his stuff and handing his credit card back.
``you have a good day, boys.`` she said, waving at them as they exited. the two smiled and waved back, turning towards aoba johsai and resuming their trek.
hanamaki checked his phone, letting out a sharp whistle. ``nice. we didn't take as long as i expected- we have fifteen minutes 'till first period.``
oikawa grinned. ``told you so.``
``yeah, yeah. oh- by the way, where's iwaizumi?`` hanamaki looked around as if he were looking for the teen, turning back to oikawa once he figured out he really wasn't there with them. ``he walks with you, right?``
the latter shrugged, pulling out his own gum pack and popping a strip into his mouth. ``dunno. he didn't show at the intersection where we meet up, so i just went along without him. he didn't answer any of my texts, either.``
``huh.`` hanamaki said, putting his index finger and thumb on his chin in a thinking pose. ``that's weird. maybe he overslept?``
``doubt it. the man sleeps with his phone on so loud, he'll wake up immediately as soon as he hears one of my texts. plus, he has like, fifty alarms back-to-back to wake him up.`` oikawa replied, shutting down makki's theory so fast, he didn't even see it coming.
makki sighed. ``ah. i see.`` he shook his head as to clear his mind of any stray thoughts, and extended his hand. ``i want some gum. hand it over, peasant.``
``yes, my lord.`` oikawa said jokingly, gracefully whipping out the pack of strawberry gum and placing it in his hands. he folded makki's fingers around it, never breaking eye contact with his teammate. ``here it is. do what you wish with it.``
the two snickered at their antics, slinging their arms around one another. ``we're so going to be late.``
``yeah, probably.``
``oh, yeah, we're so sorry ms. sato. we got stuck in traffic- there was an accident over by my house.`` makki sighed dramatically, shaking his head slightly. ``we would've gotten a late pass, but we didn't think we were going to be so late.``
ms. sato shook her head quickly, smiling at the teen. ``it's okay, hanamaki-kun. just try not to let this happen too much, okay?``
hanamaki nodded. ``yes, ma'am.`` oikawa mentally facepalmed at his antics, and the two walked to the back to sit down in their seats, next to matsukawa, who was struggling to keep a laugh in.
``jesus,`` matsukawa breathed, ``the amount of bullshit in that was immaculate.``
``right?`` he and hanamaki fistbumped, grinning widely like the idiots they were.
oikawa sighed, turning his head slightly to talk to iwaizumi, then stopping himself before he could say anything. iwaizumi's desk stood empty next to his own. the captain frowned, checking his phone for any recent texts from the ace. nothing popped up.
makki slung an arm over oikawa, concern lining his features. ``hey, what's up?``
``he still isn't here.`` he pointed to iwaizumi's desk, the frown growing by the minute. ``and he's not answering. makki, i'm worried.``
a head full of black, unruly hair obscured the view he had of his phone. matsukawa laughed, stepping back. ``so he didn't tell you guys?`` when hanamaki and oikawa looked at him with confused expressions, he chuckled, and continued. ``guys, he's sick. coach was talking about it with ms. sato this morning. if you got here earlier you would've known.``
the captain facepalmed. ``of course, that makes sense. why couldn't he have told me though?``
``dunno.`` mattsun ignored the small pout resting on his captain's lips, shoving at his shoulder a bit. ``lighten up. he probably didn't want you to skip school and take care of him.``
oikawa let out a puff of air. ``yeah, okay. you're probably right.`` he was about to continue but ms. sato had started class, and a comfortable silence fell upon them as they gave the woman their full attention. makki and mattsun glanced at oikawa, worry clearly etched on their faces. perhaps they shouldn't have told him what happened with his best friend.
``oikawa,`` ms. sato supplied, stalking over to his desk and setting two thick packets on the hard wood. ``here's iwaizumi-kun's work. i trust you'll be able to get this to him?``
the latter sighed, looking up towards his sensei with the fakest smile he could muster. ``yes, sato-san, i'll give this to him as soon as i see him.``
ms. sato smiled, patting the boy's head and walking back to the front of the class. ``alright, so, has anyone written down the notes on the board?``
oikawa glanced at the chalkboard, internally groaning as he noticed it was completely filled with notes. where the hell did she find the time to write all that?
he let out the fifth-hundredth sigh that day, picking up his pencil and getting to work. iwaizumi totally owed him.
``you want to, what?`` coach irihata stared at his pupil, shock painting his features. oikawa stood before him, fumbling with his practice clothes, a faint blush plastered over his cheeks and nose. ``you want to skip practice?``
``yes.`` oikawa nodded. ``it's only for today, so i can go home and take care of iwa-chan. he has a lot of work to catch up on,`` he added, holding up the many papers he had collected from his professors in each class, since his and iwaizumi's timestables were identical.
irihata stared at him some more, then shook his head quickly, smiling at him. ``alright. i don't see why not.``
oikawa brightened, clearly glad by the news. ``thank you so much! i promise i'll make it up to you!`` he chimed, switching his volleyball shoes for a pair of regular sneakers. ``all your meals this week, on me!``
``you don't have to- and he's out the door.`` irihata sighed, glancing at the now agape gym door. the warm afternoon breeze rushed in, leaving an unpleasant, humid feeling. mizoguchi came up behind him, watching oikawa sprint off into the distance. ``that boy is something else, isn't he?``
``definitely.`` mizoguchi laughed, walking forward to close the doors. ``iwaizumi's lucky to have a good friend like him.``
the older coach nodded. ``we're all glad to know him.``
dammit, someone's talking about me, oikawa thought, as he sneezed for the seventh time since leaving aoba johsai. he rubbed his nose, pissed off at the irritation of his sensitive organ. his legs already burned- he had sprinted all the way to the intersection, and was now leaning on a streetlamp, catching his breath. he probably should've put on his knee brace if he knew he was going to exert a little energy on running home, but he was in a rush.
pulling out his phone, he quickly navigated to his email, frowning at the lack of messages from his dear friend hajime iwaizumi. he hadn't read the texts either, so he probably was really exhausted. slipping the device back into his pocket, he started the rest of his trek home, popping another strip of gum into his mouth.
the grocery bag swinging on his arm contained all the contents oikawa thought iwaizumi would need : some cough and cold medicine, a couple of boxes of tissues, a mask for himself, disposable rags, and a heating pad. the materials cost him about ¥800 each, which wasn't that expensive.
finally, after what had seemed like forever, the captain had arrived at iwaizumi's house. there were no cars in the driveway, which meant his parents weren't home. what were they thinking, leaving poor iwa-chan alone while he's sick? oikawa frowned at this. what a silly idea.
he flipped up the doormat, grabbing the key that was strategically placed underneath and unlocked the door. pushing it open, he let out a little ``yahoo~ anyone home?`` to let iwaizumi know he was there. he wasn't expecting a reaction, so seeing iwaizumi come downstairs to greet him kind of scared him out of his wits a little bit.
``jesus! iwa-chan, can't you warn a dude first?`` oikawa panted, placing a hand over his heart. the ace deadpanned, walking over and snatching the bags out of his hands.
``what the hell do you think you're doing here? i'm sick, go home.`` he retorted, his eyebrows furrowing so much, they looked like they were attached to his eyes. he sifted through the bag, pausing once he realized what the plastic bag contained. ``what is this?``
oikawa rolled his eyes, taking the bag back and setting its' contents on the kitchen counter. ``it's for you. you're sick, so i decided to skip practice to come here and take care of you, and to reteach everything that you missed today.`` he replied nonchalantly, shoving iwaizumi towards the direction of his bedroom. ``go back to bed, i'll cook you some lunch, since i'm sure you didn't eat yet.``
iwaizumi didn't reply, because (a) he was right. and (b) he was shocked that the toorū oikawa skipped volleyball practice for him.
``anyways,`` oikawa said, opening his fridge and scanning its' contents. ``how do you feel about egg?``
``i can eat it. i don't feel nauseous or anything,`` iwa replied, sitting on one of the stools at the kitchen counter. ``and wait- you're going to cook?``
the setter turned around, tying an apron around his waist. ``yeah?``
iwaizumi blinked, shaking his head and leaning down on his forearms. ``nothing. continue. don't burn down my kitchen.``
oikawa grinned, having just been granted permission to make his best friend's food. ``alright! on it, iwa-chan!``
``shut up and start cooking.``
``you have to take it, iwa-chan!``
``NO! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!`` iwaizumi jumped onto his couch, holding a fork towards oikawa like a weapon. ``GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME.``
oikawa let out yet another sigh. ``jeez, if i knew you were going to be this bratty about taking your medicine, i wouldn't have came.`` he took another dangerous step towards iwaizumi, holding out a glass of water and a small cup of liquid cough medicine. ``iwa-chan, if you don't take this, you'll never get better.``
``so? that thing's disgusting.`` iwaizumi fake-retched, the look of disgust on his face almost believable. he should've taken the drama course at school.
another step. ``you seem to have forgotten that i have a kid nephew, who i always got to take his medicine, no matter how big of a tantrum he threw about it.`` another step. ``you're acting like a toddler. just take your medicine and get better.``
``assikawa, if you so as much take one more goddamn step towards me, i'll kill you.`` iwaizumi growled, clenching the fork tighter. of course he wouldn't kill him, he'd just said that to frighten him. somehow, oikawa didn't seemed phased, and took another step.
``hajime iwaizumi. if you don't come down off that couch and take your medicine right now, so help me god, i will bring my mother here and she will be furious when she realizes how much of a tantrum you're putting up right now.`` the setter mused, shaking the glass of water like he was calling him towards him, like a dog. iwaizumi gulped. the aura surrounding oikawa was downright terrifying. his eyes seemed almost lifeless, and it scared the wits out of him. ``on the count of three. if you haven't taken the medicine by then, i'm calling her. one.``
iwaizumi flinched, backing up slightly. could he make it out the front door without oikawa catching him? probably not. his legs were longer, so he'd cover more ground easily.
how bad would the punishment be if he just didn't take the medicine? it's not like oikawa would actually call his mother, he wouldn't do that. right?
``okay!`` iwaizumi jumped off the couch, grabbing the medicine and pouring it down his throat. he made a face of disgust, snatching the glass of water out of his hand and gulping that down too. he shuddered, trying to force himself to keep the atrocious liquid down. ``there. happy?``
``very.`` oikawa grinned, patting iwaizumi's head. ``good job.``
the ace burned with pride at the praise, letting oikawa's nimble fingers tread through his hair. ``thanks for coming over.``
``of course.`` his friend replied, giving the shorter a warm hug. ``don't mention it. i'll skip practice for you every time.``
``you better not.``
oikawa smiled. ``no promises.``
─── sick day.
chapter 4 !
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degrassi-fanatic · 4 years
hi !
can you do a cm shot w
“hey hey! is that blood on your clothes?”
“uh I don’t know maybe?”
“... that isn’t a question that’s supposed to be answered with another question”
“Angry. I’m- .. im angry.”
Thx sm ! Have a great night !
You ask and I shall deliver! Poorly! 
Here’s a one shot with morcia.
As Morgan wanders down the hall towards Penelope’s tech lair, his whole body is buzzing with a combination of both excitement and nervousness; all of that being attributed to both the homemade card and blue velvet box in the back pocket of his jeans. In his hands, he holds two mugs; one decorated with glitter and unicorns, while the other is just plain white. 
Once he’s in front of Penelope’s door, he uses his back to push it open. He spots her standing near one of her computers as she straightens out the monitor cables, her back towards Morgan. 
“Hey Baby Girl.” he greets brightly, already walking over to Penelope. 
Morgan waits for her to turn around and press a kiss into his cheek like usual but it never happens. He isn’t even graced with an acknowledgement of his presence. 
“I brought you coffee.” he says, hoping that maybe it will be enough to get her attention, “It’s in your favourite mug.”
Once again, Penelope remains quiet. Her hands are impatiently fumbling around the cords and if she’s not careful she might even rip one or two. Morgan sets down both the mugs of coffee down, somewhere away from all of Penelope’s precious technology. He strides over to her side and gently tugs the cables out of her hands before untangling them with ease. 
He shoots a smile in her direction but Penelope is still staring at the cables, a frown on her face. 
“How was your day?” Morgan asks. 
“Alright.” she answers.
At least she’s talking to him now. That’s a start. 
Penelope twists around before stalking to the other end of the room to go and rummage through her desk organizers. Once she finds a hot pink pen with pompoms at the end of it, she rips off a sticky note and scribbles something down urgently. 
“How are you feeling?” he questions. 
The pen slows down. 
“Angry. I’m— I’m angry.” she replies honestly, “And you should know why.”
He should?
“I should?” he blurts. 
It’s apparently the wrong thing to say because right away Penelope whips around and glares at him. None of the effect of the look is lost even though she’s wearing a dress with daisies and yellow hearts.
“Well, since you don’t know, you should get out.” she sneers, “Now.”
Oh no.
“I’m not leaving.” he announces.
“Well, I’m not talking anymore.” Penelope declares as she twists around to go back to whatever she was doing. 
Letting out a deep sigh, Morgan leans against the edge of the desk he was near and folds his arms against his chest. Mentally, he sorts through recaps of what happened yesterday to figure out what he could have possibly done wrong. 
It was a normal day; Morgan drove the two of them to work, he made Penelope coffee, they shared lunch in his office, and that was that. The only thing out of the ordinary was that Morgana didn’t come home last night. He lied to Penelope and told her that he and Rossi were having a guys’ night, when in reality he needed Rossi’s approval on the ring he had bought. 
“Is it something I did?” he asks.
Although he doesn’t get any verbal response, he can see the way Penelope’s pen stops gliding on the paper and that is confirmation enough for him. 
“Did I miss something?” he probes. 
Her fingers twitch around the pen. All of her pent-up energy inside of her needs an outlet. 
“Was it important?” 
Within a second, Penelope whirls around and stalks over to him. Once she’s close enough, she jabs a finger into his chest, her nail almost stabbing through the fabric of his shirt. 
“Was it important?” she shouts, “You missed our one year anniversary yesterday! Of course it was important!”
Immediately, Morgan stands up straight.
“What?” he questions, “It was not our anniversary yesterday.”
“Yes, it was!” she insists.
What on Earth was she talking about?
“Today’s our anniversary!” Morgan shouts, matching the volume of Penelope’s voice.
The fury on Penelope’s face drains away and is replaced by confusion. She cocks her head to the side as she looks at him expectantly. 
Morgan reaches behind himself and pulls out the card he had made at Rossi’s house yesterday, ignoring the older man’s teasing the entire time. There’s a crude drawing of the two of them on the front, dotted with stars, glitter, and everything else Penelope liked. He flips it open and reveals hospital discharge papers pasted on the inside, with tiny hearts and a heartfelt message written overtop of it.
“We got together the day I was let out of the hospital, last year after that unsub shot me.” he reminds her as he points at the date neatly printed, “See? November 15.”
She yanks the card away from Morgan before bringing it up to her face to see for herself. As she mouths the words to herself, he watches her freeze up once she realizes she was the one who had gotten the date wrong. 
“Yesterday wasn’t our anniversary.” Penelope confirms. 
“No.” he says as he shakes his head. 
“And you didn’t just ditch me to go hang out with Rossi.” 
“No.” he says again as he shakes his head, “In all honesty, I went to Rossi because I needed his opinion on this.”
Anxiety worms it’s way into his chest but he stamps down the feeling while he reaches into his back pocket. He pulls out the velvet box and lets it rest in the palm of his hand.
At the sight of it, Penelope lets out a gasp as she brings her hands up to her mouth. 
“Wait, are you—”
“No! No!” he exclaims after realizing what pulling out a ring box may look like, “I’m not proposing.”
“Thank God.”
Both of them let out a sigh of relief, which then morphs into a gentle laugh as they stare at each other over the ring box. 
“It’s just a ring.” he explains, “And if it’s alright with you, I’d like to put it on you.”
Wordlessly, Penelope presents her with her left hand. Morgan flips open the box and pulls out the ring. The metal glints in the fluorescent lighting and suddenly, his hands feel too big and clumsy to be putting this ring on Penelope. 
She must see the way his hands are shaking because soon after she wraps the fingers of her free hand around his wrist. Her thumb rubbing soothing circles.
Needing no more encouragement, Morgan slides the ring down her finger. It looks both out of place and right at home between the rest of Penelope’s bright and colourful jewellry. 
Her hand slips out of his and is soon at the back of his neck. She presses their mouths together in a chaste kiss. Her glasses knocking against the bridge of his nose in a way that always makes him smile. 
“I’m sorry I got all mad.” she whispers after they pull apart. 
“It’s alright.”
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satellite-trash · 5 years
(kind of depressing) psychological analysis of jack atlas  --involving ramen.
So, if youve watched YGO 5Ds entirely (meaning the subbed version as the dub never finishes the ending season) you’d have picked up on Jack’s obsession with instant cup ramen, which would be fine for any character really but it seems out of character for the pompous, upper-class (wannabe), arrogant luxurious Jack Atlas aka THE KING. 
But actually it reveals a lot about him, and actually is really depressing...  There is a massive link between ramen and his lost childhood.
In season 1 we see NO sign of this obsession or even care for ramen. The  only thing he obsesses over to any degree is a) duelling Yusei to claim King b) saving Carly from the Dark Signers or arguably c) trying to figure out his own character as a king (after beaten by Yusei)
But, in Season 2 where he is (arguably...) “redeemed” from villain to teammate/rival, he gains a bit of comedic flare with his obsession with the cheap ramen cups. (and expensive posh coffee).  The coffee obsession suits him. But cheap instant ramen?
His obsession starts Episode 80, where Lazar/Yaeger steals Team 5Ds’ engine programme as well as a cup of ramen.  Jack’s reaction is... comedic?
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He’s more pissed at the fact his ramen was taken than the whole important, irreplaceable engine programme theft. Comedic. But his irritation at losing ramen continues in episodes 114-5, where again lazar/yager steals some ramen he wouldve bought and his reaction is...
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He is in total fear of just not having ramen.  In fact, he even hoards it - shown in episode 115 where he brings it out to give to lazar.
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This is the episode that makes all this comedy turn dark and really depressing.
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He reveals that the flavour of ramen reminds him of childhood at Martha’s, sharing it with Yusei, Crow, and the other orphans.   This means that his obsession is like a psychological association to childhood, like sensory association, like how many people can recognise and get nostalgic over smells and tastes without even knowing why.  Jack hoards and eats ramen defensively because he longs for childhood - whether its the relationship he had with friends or the carelessness of childhood, he misses it in comparison to adult life. I mean... who can blame him - theres a reason why so so so many conditions exist mentally that cause people to retract into childhood behaviours, like the whole AdultBaby lifestyle (wont get into it but the platonic side of it is a longing for childhood often lost) or where people continue hobbies such as certain toy collecting etc that they did as kids, OR that they longed to do as kids but just couldnt do for whatever reason/restriction.
he even wants recognition from Yusei for remembering that flavour/memory:
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This is why he makes no mention of this in Season 1. Jack S1 was all about the present -no future nor past. He hated his past in Satellite w Yusei etc, openly wanting to ignore it, perhaps guilty for stealing Yusei’s card etc or overall hating that limited and depressive situation.  (I have a headcanon Jack genuinely fell into a depression in Satellite and just acted to get out, but thats too deep for this current time lmao)
Because he didnt want ANY reminder of his past (hence hatred of Yusei, Crow, Kalin, and the entirety of Satellite, or “Satellite scum/trash” as he calls them in the dub), he doesnt want ramen. 
But, S2, he is reformed and has his old friends back, and even martha has accepted him back. So, he realises the error of his ways, and reclines into his lost and mentally more stable childhood. Through ramen. 
His childhood wasnt happier - satellite was at its worst, they were struggling, he had no freedom, in comparison to the S2 situation where he achieved duelling fame, has friends back, and satellite and Neo Domino are united (kinda)
BUT maybe he wants to go back and correct things? Or live a guilt-less and resent-less life again, not having done any wrong? I mean this is impossible to say, but clearly his ramen obsession, now being linked w childhood, means a longing to go back for some reason.
It’s clear he shows regret or sadness over childhood/lost childhood: the only time he cries in the show with tears are over memories from childhood with ramen; 
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His face is streaming with tears because of Lazar’s story about ramen and childhood which he related to. He is SO intensely emotional over ramen that it does come of as comedic, which is really strange for the rival character as serious/uptight as jack. I mean, could you imagine Kaiba ever acting like this over, idk, cereal? maybe one time he shared a bowl of cornflakes with mokuba and now he cries every morning eating his cereal because of those memories. idk.
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this is 115 when Sherry cuts the pile of ramen boxes out of impatience, Jack is IN HORROR of his prized collection being attacked like this. its like she’s cutting up his childhood memories or something. I mean, it basically is, apparently. 
His comment to Crow summarises all this, 114. He has just screamed at Lazar for stealing “his” ramen (it was the old lady’s but ok jack) Crow asks him to calm down
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its right, he cant, no one can. Its something in his mind relating to his childhood, losing ramen or even being in a situation where his ramen might not be “his” safely, unsettles Jack. Ramen represents his childhood in some regard, and the anxiety of losing it causes him to become incredibly defensive and on edge.
im sorry for this random and kinda deep/depressing take on Jack. I know we should be thinking positive rn in the current global pandemic, but i just needed to get this analysis thing out there (more a rant actually) because it really struck me when S2 made jack have a weird “comedic” element about him, in his reformed state. It’s not so much comedic, but deep and suiting his character. His obsession over ramen is not just a gag to make him more like a good-guy now he is teammates with Crow and Yusei etc, but it develops his character and gives him reformation in a completely different sense -- it doesnt force his goodness out by just making him into a comedy-relief, but rather gives him emotional backing for his mistakes and wrongdoing in the previous season, and actusally makes it kind of depressing how he arrogantly tried to forget and destroy his past in Satellite with his friends. 
gimme any thoughts you have on this, if you made it this far through the rant (i applaud and love you if you did!!)
i thought of all this because in the current global situation, most people are limited inside and getting depressing, sometimes its better to mentally retract and go back to better times when this whole thing wasnt going on, and for Jack that was childhood.  Sorry for philosophical rant lol, at 1am in the morning for my part of the world~
 here is funny pic to say sorry and lighten the mood~
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(that chef has seen some dark things in his life... )
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| ,love james | an imagine
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Sirius x Reader
Desription: (Really sweet, in my opinion and im rather proud of it) James gets tired of the amount of time reader is spending with Sirius and figures out a way to break the two up. 
W.C: 1.8k+
Warning: Eh not really
James huffed as he played with his snitch, once again Sirius was off with (y/n). He hadn’t minded that much at first but it was like they were always with each other. He barely saw Sirius and even between classes she dragged him off somewhere for a snog or a bloody quickie. 
Remus suppressed a smile as he leaned against the tree, book open, “ Is everything alright, James?” he asked, a sandy brow raised. 
James let out an even heavier huff, “ Just peachy, that leech with (y/h/c) hair is an absolute Padfoot hog!” he cried in disbelief to both Peter and Remus who shared a look, as if the two had heard this a hundred times before, “ I mean at first it wasn’t a big deal-,” 
“ Easy, Prongs,” said Remus in a mild voice, “ You wouldn’t want Sirius to hear you talk about (y/n) like that,” 
Jame’s mouth dropped, “ HE’S NOT EVEN AROUND TO HEAR!” he stated before pulling himself up, the cogs in his head turning at top speed, “ And I’m going to do something about it!” 
Remus let out a sigh and looked at Peter, “ This isn’t good is it Pete?” 
Peter smiled lazily, “ Might as well sit back and watch, you know it’s not a good idea to get in between a married couple,” he quipped staring at James’s back as he marched up to the castle. 
Remus only nodded, “ Look at you, Pete, using your head for a change,” 
James racked his brain for an idea to break the two up, make Sirius think she slept with someone? No, too messy, same going the other way around. James might have been an ass but he wasn’t a dick, well that’s what he liked to think anyway. 
He paced back and forth around his dorm until an idea- a brilliant idea hit him like a bolt of lightning. An evil glint appeared in his eye as he pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. 
(y/n) was a fairly sought out after girl, much like Sirius- he guessed that’s what drew the two together, so this idea was genius. He would write a boy in Ravenclaw, Benjy Fenwick, a love note posing as (y/n). 
He took a deep breath and with his left  hand, pressed his fingers together before doing what actors did before getting into character, but he looked more like an angry Italian if anything. He was (y/n), and then he began-
“ Dear Benjy,
I have feelings for you but I don’t know how to tell Sirius, please leave your response underneath the gargoyle on the second floor.
, Love (y/n)  “
The messy haired teen laughed maliciously, all he needed was a final touch and he knew just how to get it. Lucky for him no one else was in the common room besides first and second years. All he had to do was sneak up to the girls’ dormitory, grab her perfume, spray the letter, and get the hell out of dodge. 
He tucked the letter into his pocket, grabbed the invisibility cloak and then hurried down the stone steps. He whispered the spell to the stairway, ensuring it didn’t become a huge slide when he tried to climb it. 
He ran up the stairs, his heart racing at the thought of being caught. He made it to the fifth year dormitory and opened it slightly, peeking in to make sure there wasn’t anyone in there. He stepped into the room which looked- and smelled a lot better then his own. 
He moved over toward the dresser and saw tubes of lipstick and eyeshadow palettes but no perfume- and then he saw it. On top of (y/n)’s trunk a small glass bottle that was tinted purple. Quickly, he fished the letter out of his pocket and basically hosed down the paper with it. 
He set the bottle down and bolted. 
The next day during Charms when Remus wasn’t looking he slipped the paper into Benjy’s bag, undetected. Now the only thing there was left to do was wait. He sat back, a frown gracing his handsome face. He was doing the right thing, yeah? 
Sirius had to be miserable with that bird constantly up his ass, he’s just too scared to break it off with her- yeah! That was it. 
Later that evening James made his way to the second floor, eager to see if Benjy had written back. He was not disappointed-
“ Dear (y/n),
I can tell you this is delightful news as I’ve had a crush on you for quite some time now, and as for Sirius, just break it off. But in the meantime, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. 
, Love Benjy “ 
Jame’s burst into a laughing fit which quickly turned into coughing as his eyes bolted around the hallway. He caught sight of a second year looking at him with wide eyes but they scampered off after he glared. 
This was perfect, thank Merlin!
Before dinner James composed another letter, this time adding bit and pieces of not exactly PG rated ideas, and as he knew what the perfume bottle looked like and the name he could summon it easily. 
He placed the letter back behind the gargoyle and then headed to the Great Hall, which unsurprisingly, Sirius was nowhere to be found. 
James opened up his dorm to see (y/n) atop Sirius- naked. 
“ BLOODY HELL MATE!” he screamed, his hands going to his eyes, “ REMUS STAY BACK! STAY BACK!” he repeated before slamming the door shut.
Remus huffed a laugh, “ Are they going at it?” he asked. 
James shuddered, “ This is the fifth time I’ve walked in on them! I swear it’s like they want to be seen!”
It had been three days and James was getting impatient. He had been kicked out of his own dorm, blown off, robbed of a best friend, and his eyes assaulted far too many times! Enough was enough but the question was how to have this all come tumbling down. 
He racked his brain for ideas as he walked down the corridor one afternoon but stopped when he saw Benjy looking out at Sirius and (y/n). His fists were clenched and his eyes narrowed as he sped towards them, “ Oi, Black!” he yelled. 
Oh shit. 
“ Gerrof her!” he said, pushing (y/n) behind him, “ She doesn’t bloody want you!” 
Sirius’s eyes flashed and (y/n) looked confused as she shoved Benjy off of her, “ Excuse me?!” she sputtered, “ What the hell is your problem?!” 
Benjy’s mouth dropped, “ What are you doing?! You told me you were going to break up with him and get with me!” 
(y/n), Sirius, and James’s jaws dropped in unison at this sudden declaration. 
Sirius spun around onto (y/n), his eyes full of devastation, “ Is...Is that true?” he whispered. 
She shook her head frantically, grabbing his hand, “ No Sirius!” she gasped, her eyes pleading, “ You know me, you know I would never cheat!” 
Sirius nodded his head but didn’t meet her eyes, he took her hand from hers and turned back to Benjy, “ Shove off and let her and I talk, you damn liar,” he growled. 
James watched the whole thing go down with large hazel eyes, if this is what muggles called a soap opera then he just might get into watching them. 
The blond boy faltered but reached down into his bag and pulled out the letter that had been sent by James, unbeknownst to him. James grimaced, things were about to get ugly. 
Fenwick handed Sirius the letters, “ These were written by her, to me- smell them! She sprayed them with perfume,” 
James rubbed his hands together as a fly would, but little did he know he was about to get smacked in the face with the newest rolled up  addition of vogue, “ This isn’t her handwriting- nor is it her perfume,” bit out Sirius, throwing the letters back in Benjy’s face who paled. 
Oh shit. 
(y/n) picked up one of the letter’s and sniffed, “ This… this is Emmaline’s perfume,” she said, her eyes hurt. Jame’s eyes practically bulged out of his head, she thought Emmaline had done it. 
His stomach soured as guilt made a home in his chest, the realization that he had not only roped Fenwick into his little play, but Em as well. 
Fenwick bolted back up to the castle as (y/n) wiped at her eyes, “ Why would Emmy do this,” she sniffed, “ She’s my best friend,” 
Sirius didn’t know what to do, “ I’m sorry love, but… it doesn’t seem like she is,” 
James’ heart lurched as he replaced the names. He acting as Emmaline, (y/n) as Sirius, and Sirius as her. He had fucked up, royally. 
She said something to Sirius who nodded. She started off toward Gryffindor tower while Sirius watched her go with sad eyes, running a hand through his dark locks before making his way to the hall for dinner. 
James chased after her, “ Oi! (y/l/n)!” he yelled before she could reach the staircase. She stopped and turned to him with a curious look. 
“ Yes, James?” 
He opened his mouth but nothing came out, he struggled but in the end his voice came through, “ It was me,” he said quietly, “ I sent the notes,”
Her eyes widened and her hand went to her heart, “ What? W-Why?” she asked. 
James rubbed the back of his neck, “ Because I was jealous and I felt like… I felt like you had stolen my best mate,” 
Her eyes flashed with anger, “ Are you bloody thick, James Potter?!” she demanded, “ Steal Sirius from you? Are you kidding?!” she asked in disbelief, “ Sirius loves you so much! I could never steal him from you!”
James shrunk back, his eyes on the ground, “ I’m sorry I was wrong, but please, Emmaline had nothing to do with this, it was all me,” 
She was silent, “ I appreciate your honesty, “ she murmured, “ But don’t think I’m not telling Sirius,” 
James hung his head as Sirius yelled at him and afterwards he slammed the door, leaving James to feel horrible. 
It was three days later and Sirius hadn’t spoken to him, and that was when (y/n) came up to him, a frown on her face, “ C’mon, James,” she said, “ Let’s go get your best mate back,” 
Sirius was eating breakfast when a letter swayed down in front of his face, landing near his plate. It was addressed to him but didn’t have a name. The teenager opened it-
“ Dear Sirius,
I know you’re absolutely pissed at me but I just want you to know how sorry I am, I know I fucked up. I’ve apologized to (y/n) over and over and she had the idea for me to write you a letter… ironic huh? Once again I’m so sorry Padfoot, and I promise I’ll never do something as stupid as this again. 
, Love James”
Sirius sniffed the letter and chuckled, that git had really sprayed it with his cologne. He looked down the table to find his girlfriend staring at him with a soft smile. He returned it, getting up to go find his best mate. 
@writingwieny​ ʰᵒᵖᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ⁱᵗ :)
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alit0my · 4 years
if you're still taking prompts: while in exile Booker dies some death that fucks his brain a bit and makes him lose his memories in a weird way. The team steps in to take care of him in order to prevent the secret from coming out and just care for him bc they still love him. And Booker doesn't remember them but still has FEELINGS from before. And one day he tells them all "I don't remember who any of you are, but I do know that I love you all SO MUCH" and the team is stunned and like "OH GOD"
im always taking prompts anon ;-) i hope you like this!
Andy’s cell phone rang in the middle of the night, waking the others as the ringtone blared through the small sleeping quarters. Quickly, she picked up the phone and murmured her apology to the team. 
“Copley? It’s four am, what’s going on?” Andy spoke, knowing the man was on the other end. He was the only person who had the number after all.
“Andy. I’m sorry, but this couldn’t wait until morning. It’s Booker,” Copley said with an urgent tone. “He’s been injured.” 
Andy sat up a bit straighter in her bed, resting against the headboard. “He’s not healing?” 
The others became more awake at her words, glancing at each other in alarm. Booker was still young, there was no way he wasn’t healing.
“Somewhat. I sent him on a simple job to get intel and it went to shit,” Copley sighed. “It’s his memories, they seem to not have returned to him when he woke, and I’m worried that will cause unwanted trouble.” 
Andy’s breath hitched in her throat, her grip on the burner phone tightening. “How far back does he recall?” 
“He thinks he’s back in Marseille, 1800’s. Unsure of the exact year I’m afraid” 
“He’s looking for his family,” Andy cursed quietly, nodding at the others to get ready to leave. “Where is he now? Do you have an address?” 
“I’ll send it through. I’m also not sure if he remembers you, so I’d be weary about busting the door down and putting him on the defensive foot straight away.” 
Andy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Alright, thanks Copley.” 
“What’s happened?” Nicky asked, zipping up his duffel bag. Andy stood and swung her own duffel bag over her shoulder, grabbing the car keys off the bedside table. 
“I’ll explain on the way.”
Sebastien stood in front of the land that once held his family home. Finding it an empty field of tall grass made him furrow his brows in confusion. Where was Claire? Louis? Michel? Jean-Pierre? Had they moved and not told him? Surely he hadn’t been away for too long to have the house pulled down and grass to grow. 
He watched as groups of people walked past him, not paying him any mind. Frowning, he tried to find something he could identify in his surroundings, but came up short. 
“Excuse me, can you tell me what happened to my home?” He asked a group that walked by, earning him strange looks. 
“Sir, that has been a vacant block for as long as I can remember. There hasn’t been a property there for years,” One of them replied, smiling even though they were confused. Their answer only made Sebastien just as bewildered. 
“What do you mean? What is the date today?” 
“Um,” the stranger pulled a flat object out of their pocket and then put it back just as quickly. “27th of October, 2036.” 
“20- No, that’s not-” 
Something buzzed in his pocket which cut him off. He reached in, pulling out a contraption that looked familiar, but he couldn’t put his finger on what it was called. He gave the stranger his thanks as they walked off, and the thing still buzzed in his hand, so he flipped it open and brought it to his ear. It seemed like the right thing to do with the object. 
“Booker?” A man’s voice came through, shocking Sebastien. How was this possible? 
“Who are you? Who is Booker?” He spoke in French. “Where is my family?” 
He waited impatiently before the other man replied in shaky but understandable French. “Sebastien, my apologies. I understand you might be feeling lost, but I have people on the way to help you.” 
“Who? I don’t want help! I want my wife and children!” He shouted, throwing his hands in the air. 
“I understand, but right now you need to get to the address I’m going to send you. Can you manage that?” 
Sebastien pulled the phone away from his ear as the object buzzed once more. The address that appeared on the screen wasn’t too far from where he was. 
Bringing the phone to his ear once more, he nodded. “I-I will be there.” 
Sebastien walked up to the door of the address the man had sent him, finding the key under the course mat outside. Walking into the house, he was greeted with four strangers. Halting at the entrance, fingers still gripping the doorknob tightly, he chuckled awkwardly. 
“I think- I might be in the wrong place,” he stammered, the French slurring together as he rushed the words. “So sorry.” 
“Nonsense,” the older woman spoke in perfect French. “Come in. We are here to help you.” 
Sebastien hesitantly closed the door behind him as he stared at the group. The two men sat together on the couch, a little too close for what was normal with their knees touching. The younger woman had dark skin and tight braids falling over her shoulders, and the other woman had short hair, like his own. Sebastien blinked and shoved his shaky hands into his pockets. These people seemed familiar to him, but he didn’t know how. 
“You can’t help me unless you know what happened to my family,” he whispered and cast his eyes to the floor, missing the knowing looks shared between the strangers. 
“Book- Sebastien, your family is standing right in front of you.”
He looked up and scoffed. “Non, unless I gained two daughters and my wife cheated on me with darker men, you are not my family.” 
He saw the man with curly hair clench his fists and the young woman clench her jaw. He had hit a nerve, but he was unaware of why. 
“Okay, let’s start with our names, no? I’m Andromache,” the fair woman spoke again, gaining his attention once more. “Everyone calls me Andy.” 
“Nile,” the dark woman said.
“Nicolo,” he said with a strong Italian accent.
“Yusuf,” was said with a curt nod. 
None of the names brought Sebastien any closer to figuring out what the hell was happening. At his blank face, Andromache spoke once more. 
“Can I ask what year you think it is?” 
“1807,” he replied, and he gauged their reactions. 
“Alright,” Andromache nodded, chewing at her bottom lip. “Well, we’re here to help you remember. But I think we should start with dinner?” 
’Remember what?’ Sebastien thought, but nodded, which set everything into motion. 
He had learned that they called him Booker. He was unsure as to why, and they refused to tell him, so he paid it no mind. They shared stories of their time together, leaving out his betrayal all those years ago, but Sebastien couldn’t remember any of it, and nothing was flashing in his mind as a reminder. 
Months passed and Winter settled over France, sending chills through Sebastien’s bones even when he was seated in front of the woodfire with a woolen jumper wrapped around him. His fingers shook as he flipped the pages of the novel he was reading and he grunted in frustration, placing the book down by his side and sticking his hands out in front of him, closer to the fire to warm them. 
Sebastien frowned as he absently stared at his hands in front of the flames. He remembered that he loved the cold, playing in the snow and building snowmen with his siblings, all of them returning home with noses and ears flushed red, so he couldn’t understand why he felt so cold now. 
Yusuf -Joe- sat down next to him and silently offered to share the blanket that was wrapped around his shoulders. Only hesitating for a moment, Sebastien scooted closer to Joe and leant into the warmth that radiated off him, feeling the blanket wrap around his shoulders and Joe’s hand squeeze his arm. 
It felt familiar, friendly, loving. 
“Did we ever tell you about Russia?” Joe asked quietly, keeping his eyes on the flames. At the shake of Booker’s head, he continued. “It’s where you first died in 1812, fighting for Napoleon.” 
Booker closed his eyes and tried to remember, but nothing came to mind. He felt frustrated, surely memories would have started to seep through back into his mind, but nothing ever did. Instead, he rested his head on Joe’s shoulder and snuggled closer to him. 
“You.. You were hung for desertion, and you hung for three days before the Grande Armee left camp. We didn’t find you until you were nearly back to France,” Joe spoke softly, and Sebastien could listen to his voice forever. “A Russian winter can be so utterly cruel, and your immortality made you suffer over and over while your comrades succumbed to death. It is why you feel the phantom cold as you are, and a few years ago we discovered that they stop when you are cuddling with one of us as we are now.” 
Sebastien thought over the new information. Fighting for Napoleon in Russia? Surely not.
He didn’t mind the cuddles though. 
“I’m sorry I don’t remember any of you,” Sebastien spoke, voice breaking through it’s lack of use. He found himself not speaking much, preferring to listen to the stories his friends told him and asking questions when he got lost. 
“Nonsense, Bastien.” Joe ran his hand through Sebastien’s hair softly. “We’re here to help you remember, no matter how long it takes.” 
The pair had moved to the couch by the time the others had returned home from their shopping, Nile being adamant about having a big dinner for Christmas in a few days. Sebastien was curled into Joe’s side with the blanket still wrapped around them both, and he felt himself flush at the looks they got from the others. 
Nicolo -Nicky, now, remember?- smiled and walked over, kissing both Joe and Sebastien on the cheek in greeting, before crouching down in front of them. “How are you doing, Bas?” 
“Better. Joe is rather warm,” Sebastien replied, curling further into said man’s warmth. 
“He is, isn’t he,” Nicky chuckled softly, grabbing Sebastien’s hands and rubbing his thumbs over the cool palms. “Nile is cooking dinner tonight. Don’t tell her, but I don’t have much faith in her.” 
Sebastien laughed loudly before burying his face in Joe’s neck as Nile rounded the corner with a faux annoyed look on her face. “Hey! I’m a good cook!” 
Nicky moved to sit on Sebastien’s other side, and rolled his eyes playfully. “I’m sure you are, Nile. That soup you made a few weeks ago was seriously under seasoned.” 
“How dare you! Never in my life would I have imagined a white man telling me I’ve under seasoned my food!” Nile scoffed, but it had become their thing to tease the other about their dinners, so Sebastien didn’t intervene. He had each and every dynamic sorted out by now, and he knew this was playful. 
He felt warmth blossom from his chest as he watched them interact, playfully jabbing at the use of spices and ingredients in Nile’s failed soup attempt, and a grin spread across his lips. Sebastien truly felt at home with these people, they made him feel safe and happy and were always there for him.
He didn’t let himself think that maybe it was because of his memories no longer being with him. He didn’t want to tarnish the few months they’ve had together by believing they didn’t want to be around him. 
He was brought out of his thoughts by a dishtowel hitting him flush in the face. “Hey!” 
“Sorry Book! I was aiming for Nicky!” Nile laughed as the towel fell short when he threw it back to her. Andy had joined them in the room, opting to sit on the armrest of the single recliner with a glass of water in her hands. Sebastien didn’t know what it was about the woman that drew these deep feelings out of him, but he didn’t shy away from them. He didn’t shy away from anything he was feeling towards this little group he found himself in. 
“You good?” Andy asked across the room, making eye contact with the Frenchman. Sebastien thought for a moment, going back to how he fit into this little family, and he nodded, smiling as Nile entered the room with a tray of biscuits. 
“I may not remember who any of you are, but I do know that I love you all, so very much.” 
Weeks passed and Sebastien -non, Booker- still remembered the looks on his family’s faces as he told them he loves them. The amount of tears spilled that night would have filled the Seine, and he wouldn’t change it for the world. They had ended up in a dogpile on the couch, holding each other close and whispering words of affirmation to each other, promises were made and love was shared. 
Waking up the next morning with a stiff neck but surrounded by the four most important people in his life was worth it. 
Booker woke with a jolt, breathing heavy as he orientated himself. Still surrounded by four bodies, all still and silent, he closed his eyes again and took a few deep breaths. His dream was strange to say the least, with all five of them shooting their way out of an extremely white building, with flashes of being strapped to a plinth in a lab fighting to stay in Booker’s recollection. What on earth had happened?
“Book? Are you okay?” Nicky whispered as he shifted by his side. “Hey, you’re safe.” 
“I know, I know, I just.. I had a weird dream,” Booker whispered back, shimmying a hand out from the blanket that was still wrapped around himself and Joe, to rub at his face. 
“Tell me?” 
Booker paused. “We were fighting in a building. It was really white and there were a lot of corridors, and so many bodies. I’m getting flashes of us strapped down to tables also,” he stopped as he gauged Nicky’s face, which had turned sour. “W-What did I do?” 
He heard a soft curse from his other side which drew his attention to Andy. “Of course the one thing you remember is the worst possible,” she mumbled and sat up. 
“What did I do?” Booker repeated. If he had caused them pain, then that changed everything. 
“Something that you have already paid for,” Nicky grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “It was a painful yet brief moment in our lives, but you need not worry about it anymore.” 
Booker frowned but nodded. He didn’t want to argue so he kept his mouth shut, but that didn’t stop him from searching his brain for answers. 
The team had taken up a job from Copley, who Booker discovered was the man who had called him that day in Marseille, and were infiltrating a small terrorist hideout. It was meant to be easy; a stakeout had meant that no resistance should have been present when they attacked, but alas, nothing is ever that easy.
Upon extraction, they had been ambushed by a few terrorists who had returned, and all hell broke loose. Bullets flew through the air and swords hacked away at bodies, and they almost made it out without a casualty. 
Booker was shot in the chest and went down. He felt the warmth spread under his clothes and he dropped to his knees, feeling dizzy and the world went black. 
Joe cursed and pulled Booker’s body into an alcove, hiding them from the gunfire. Joe had his gun in his hands, half watching Booker and half looking for any threats coming their way. Andy had reached their location and stood guard as Nile and Nicky joined them, guns still raised in case they had to use them. 
Joe grabbed Booker’s hand and squeezed it, praying silently for his friend’s return to life. He waited anxiously and glanced at Nicky, who had the same look of despair on his face. Joe counted the minutes, praying harder as it went over five. 
“C’mon, Booker,” Andy whispered, nudging the man’s arm with her boot gently. “You’re still in this game with me, remember?” 
A moment passes, and with a gasp the Frenchman sucked in a breath and opened his eyes, frantically searching for his family. Not needing to look far, he immediately calmed at the sight of them altogether. 
“Hey,” he grinned, looking at them all. “Hey Boss.” 
Andy let out a strangled sound and knelt down beside him, encasing him in the tightest hug he thinks he’s ever received from her. 
“You asshole. It’s not your fault but you’re an asshole,” she mumbled as they pulled away. “Is everything back? Do you remember everything?” 
Booker nodded as he quickly ran through his brain, picking out key moments in his life that shaped him for the better and for the worse. “I’m all here, Boss.” 
Booker had the breath knocked out of him as Joe hugged him tight, and he laughed softly, returning it in earnest. 
“If all you had to do was die to get your memories back I would have shot you myself!” Joe huffed as he pulled away, smiling as he picked up his gun that was dropped by his feet. 
“I don’t mean to be rude,” Nile interrupted. “But we’re in the middle of a terrorist camp. Can we have a happy reunion when we are, I don’t know, safe?”
Booker laughed and stood with the help of Joe and Nicky and he raised his rifle, fighting with the team seamlessly as they escaped the compound. 
Back at the safehouse, they showered each other in tight hugs and shared memories and alcohol, toasting to their love for one another as they drank the night away.
Available on AO3 also: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26527225 
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