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op turned off blogs on one of my favorite posts so here it is again
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Im okay (part 1)
Warning: nothing really, slight mention of anxiety, reader has a chip in her body, i think that's it
Pairings: Peter Parker x girlfriend reader
School just ended and Peter and you were sitting in detention after being caught talking in class. You were both guilty of getting detention on purpose more times than you would like to admit. Your uncle and aunt were never home during this time so you got the most freedom to spend time with Peter. And currently, they were both on a business trip and had locked the mansion basically leaving you on the streets to fend for yourself for the week. You weren't complaining tho May and Peter had very generously offered for you to live with them whenever that happened, cause it happened way too much. Your uncle would come to find you through the tracker installed in your shoulder once they were back. You were sure he knew about Peter but just didn't care or didn't find a 17-year-old too dangerous for his "asset".
You were both just exiting school and going back home when Peter got a call from Mr Stark of course you knew about him being Spiderman so after reassuring him that you will be fine and that he should hurry up, you made your way towards Peter's while he left for the avengers tower.
At the tower, it had been a few minutes since the quinjet had landed and everyone was scattered in the living room and kitchen filling up. Peter was texting you every detail of his mission and happily smiling when you told him you were proud of him. Obviously everyone noticed that the usually talkative teen boy was smiling and blushing towards his phone and not talking to anyone or even replying when Tony called out to him. so Tony after getting ignored for the second time finally pulled out Peter's phone out of his hand looking at who he was texting.
"TONY!!" Pepper shouted clearly unimpressed.
"Relax pep I'm basically his dad" he replied very confidently looking through the texts before finally clicking on your pic. All the while Peter just sat quietly trusting Mr Stark with anything and deciding it was about time he told them about you despite you saying no.
"Who you texting kid??" asked Sam all the way from the kitchen clearly entertained knowing Tony was in for an ass-whooping later.
"umm... my girlfriend..." that got everyone's attention. It was TOO quiet for a good 2 mins before Tony finally pitched in.
"She's cute. Although I'm not sure telling her every detail of our mission to impress her is a good idea, you are not THAT ugly kid."
"WAIT WHAT!!!"spoke the one and only captain america " Peter how could you be so reckless!!". He was clearly disappointed and usually peter would instantly apologise when he saw someone upset. not this time tho, he felt the need to defend you.
"no shes not like that i swear, she would never... She's already got so much of her own stuff going on she can't and she won't."
Seeing the usually too obedient kid argue against cap everyone understand whoever you were, you were important to Peter and they will figure out whether you were a danger or not before passing anymore comments to hurt the kid. They all kept quiet and Peter was about to apologise for being rude when Scott spoke up from the couch next to him. "so hey, when do we get to meet her?? How long has it been? How'd you meet? Give us the deets kid."
Seeing all of them waiting impatiently for his answer made him a lot more calmer before he decided to answer a few questions they might have.
"Her name's y/n. She's in my maths class, and she's like super smart, like more than me. We started officially dating like a month back but we were best friends before that too. She's really close with Ned and MJ too!!" He was practically shouting out of excitement by the time he finished. They smiled widely at the whipped teenager remembering their own first loves and congratulating the spider. When everyone was done sharing their first love experiences Tony finally spoke "As much as I loved hearing about Manchurian candidate being a complete chick magnet, circling back to the exciting part of today, Underoos,when do we get to meet the spider girl?" This made Peter blush profusely before he finally spoke
"Mr stark, you know how my birthday is next week ??" At this tiny doubtfully nods, clearly dissatisfied that his question was ignored. Ignoring the expression on the older man's face Peter continues "Do you think you could throw me an early birthday today?"
Completely forgetting everything at the name of a party Tony very happily replied "You got it Underoos, EVERYONE!! TONIGHT AT 8!! MY KID'S TURNING LEGAL!!"
"next week stark, the kid turns legal next week, you're not letting him drink today"
Ignoring the fight in the background between Tony and Steve everyone went back to whatever they were doing while Peter made his way to the kitchen where Sam, Bucky, Pepper and thor and loki sat. He quickly took a seat at the table dialing your number extremely excited to hear your voice.
"hey honey, did you reach home safe??" "Yes I did Pete I texted you remember?"
"Right!Is may home?" "No she went to help aunt Betty she told us yesterday at dinner"
"oh that's even better! Hey Mr stark is throwing me a birthday party tonight can you please join us it would mean the world to me" "ofc Pete anything. But...your birthday's next week isn't it ?"
By now the convo between Bucky and thor had calmed down and they were all very much listening to your conversation with zero shame.
"Yea! Yea ikr! I told Mr stark but you know him, he's so ...extravagant!!so he just wanted to have a early celebration" the lie made everyone hearing cringe very evidently but they awaited your reply not expecting you to buy that.
"right... I'll be there ofc but think u could meet me at the gate...I don't want to have to walk in among all the supers completely alone... actually nevermind I'm being a baby I'll be there, you enjoy with your frien-" "hey relax, breathe for me, I'll be coming home in a bit we'll get ready together and come to the party together don't worry, okay ? Rest well honey I'll be home in an hour"
They were superheros for godsake your unusual anxiety instead of excitement over your boyfriend's birthday was wayyyy too obvious in your voice, but there was currently a bigger issue at hand...
#peter parker x reader#peter parker x y/n#peter parker fluff#peter parker and tony stark#avengers x reader#avengers x teen!reader#marvel x reader
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Im okay. (prologue)
warning: dark past, dark present, evil(psychopath) darren cross and wife.
pairings: peter parker x reader, mcu x reader, avengers x reader
You were 7.
Your life turned around for the worst, and only seemed to be getting worse and worse. You were 7 when you lost both your parents to a fatal car crash. u wanted to believe it was fate but u knew what it truly was, it was murder.
Your father was the middle child out of three brothers, He loved them both dearly and couldn't wait for them to meet you, his child, his offspring. Until one day he was met with the news of the murder of his elder brother by his younger brother, Darren cross. Recognizing his ill intentions, he ran with his pregnant wife to the other corner of the world. He wouldn't let anything happen to you.
You still remember, the day before your parents death, Darren "visited" you, he said he had come to collect his asset, you also remember his extreme anger when he found out you were a girl. You were his chance, at winning over hydra, at turning his life around, but what would he do with a weak little girl. He had planned to give his brother's son to hydra as asset, to do with him what they wanted, but..u weren't a boy, there was no way hydra would take you. Darren had promised hydra the strongest asset they will ever get. He had to do something. That's where his obsession for the pym particle started. He had wasted a lot of money, a lot of resources, heck he killed his brothers to be able to retrieve you. He was going to make good use of you.
Ten years later, here you are. After his pym particle plan failed, darren was pulled of jail thanks to hydra, so the he could continue working on their "asset". He has started all sorts of experiments on you, if he was crazy first, the encounter with hank pym and his failure made him somehow, even worse.
They treated you horribly, abused everyday, they would administer electric shocks everytime you even blinked without their permission, you were starting to lose hope. You wanted to run away you really did, but, this home. It belonged to your father, it was the closest thing you had to comfort. So for the sake of your mental stability, you just put up with it, thinking atleast this way you're with your parents.
Your life has never been worse not only were you suffering more than any prisoner would at home, the constant bullying in school didn't help, high schoolers can be brutal. That's when you met the reason you were still alive, Peter Parker.
He was this timid boy but smart, oh so smart. He would speak to you about how Tony stark put him in this "rich kid" school for the enhancement of his skill. The day you started dating, he also told you about the internship infact being him, an Avenger. It was adorable, hearing him talk for hours about how much convincing and training he had to do for Mr stark to let him be an Avenger. He was so proud of himself, and you were so proud of him. If you had to, you would live the rest of your life with your uncle letting him experiment on you, as long as you could meet Peter.
#peter parker x reader#peter parker x y/n#peter parker fluff#peter parker and tony stark#mcu x reader#marvel x reader#marvel fic#avengers x reader#avengers x teen!reader#avengers
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Im okay. (masterlist)(ongoing)
Peter parker x reader(established relationship), mcu x reader (platonic)
Summary: Reader with a really (and I mean really) fucked up life has no one but her boyfriend Peter to rely on, they're each other's support systems.
Despite constant pushes from Peter and May, reader refuses to seek help too scared of the outcome. So Peter (also scared) decides to bring together the reader and his new family(the Avengers) hoping some good comes out of it.
Warnings: talks of sexual assault, abusive uncle and aunty, uncle is Daren cross so yea what did we expect, orphan reader, talks of murder of little children. Daren still working with hydra. Also endgame never happened, everyone's friends and everyone's alive
#peter parker x reader#peter parker x y/n#peter parker fluff#mcu x reader#marvel x reader#marvel fic
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Summary: your wait comes to an end as you begin ur journey at Hogwarts with your loving boyfriend and ofcourse your grandfather, along with ur magical family.
Warning: Slytherin reader. Pancy Parkinson rivalry. Very tiny bit of soft Snape ( tell me if I should add more of him).
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem! Slytherin!reader
Getting off the train, you parted ways from the golden trio and the Weasley twins you were talking to. As soon as you stepped off the train you met one of your favourite people in the whole world.
"HAGRID!!!" He turned around from trying to spot you in the tiny students spilling out of the train and immediately with his loud voice replied
You immediately started crying and jumped into his arms, while he picked you up letting you cry in his arms trying to calm his own self down, not wanting to look soft in front of the students.
Hogwarts and it's professors, they were your family, they all played just as much of a role in raising you as your grandfather. You valued each and everyone of them and they all loved you just as much.
A lot of students paused to watch the scene unfold while others couldn't care less. Soon everyone made their way to the school.
Everyone was gathered in the dining hall while you along with Hagrid waited outside for your grandfather to call you in so you could be finally sorted into your house.
You felt so many emotions, there was so much going on you were almost overwhelmed. You were reuniting with your family after years of keeping in touch only through letters. You were suprising your bestfriend and boyfriend. You were gonna finally get sorted into your Hogwarts house. Right. Your house. It always bothered you Mr. Malfoy's obsession with Slytherin. What if you didn't get Slytherin, would they force you and Draco to split up? No they can't. They wouldn't. Would they?
Your thoughts were broken when you heard you grandfather's voice from inside the dining hall.
Tonight I keep the introduction short, I wanted to introduce you all with the only family I have. I, Albus Dumbledore, have a granddaughter, and today, she begins her journey like you in Hogwarts. We are here to encourage her through her sorting ceremony. I expect you all to be no different to her then to each other. She will be treated just the same as all of our other students."
"HERE SHE IS, Y/N DUMBLEDORE" presented Hagrid not containing his excitement opening the door for you.
The moment the door opened you looked around trying to find the pair of shocked eyes you longed to see all day. Spotting him at the Slytherin table,you gave him a wink loving the smile in his eyes. He couldn't help but give you huge grin with his eyes already tearing up, it's okay though noone would see, everyone was too shocked by the new unexpected student.
You made your way to your grandfather hugging him and all the other professors while crying your heart out. As much as Draco wanted to go there and comfort you and hug you and ask you why you didn't tell him, he sat there in his place, not wanting to interrupt your family reunion. He knew you waited for this for years, and he wouldn't let himself or anyone else ruin it for you. He sat there watching you with heart eyes knowing this was going to be his best year at Hogwarts, ever.
Parting from professor McGonagall, you made your way to professor Snape, if there was one person he has a soft spot for, it was you, he considered you his own daughter, he claimed he raised you, and infact he did.
"professor Snape" you nodded in acknowledgement making your way to him.
"Ms.Dumbledore." He nods back before you throw yourself into his arms, today would go down in history some of the students claimed. They couldn't believe they saw Snape laugh, not scold not glare but actually laugh.
Eventually once you were done with your greetings and cleaning your face from all the crying, the sorting hat was brought and placed on your head.
You wished in your head it wouldn't be anything but Slytherin not wanting to even so much as threaten your relationship with your lover. Soon the hat made its decision.
A wide smile made its way to your face and soon you got off the chair and sprinted across the room making your way to the teary love filled green eyes that were waiting their turn since the moment you entered the hall.
He stood up letting you crash into him immediately wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your neck. The tears he was holding back since this morning thinking of not being able to meet you for the next year finally made their way out. He hid his face in your neck and sobbed not willing to show anyone his vulnerable side other than you.
To say say everyone else was shocked was an understatement, not only did Draco have a girlfriend, but it was Dumbledore's granddaughter of all people.
The golden trio looked at each other all of a sudden doubting your intentions of befriending them in the train, and you could tell, but you let it be. They werent important right now.
The students around Draco, his friends (that you also knew very well) all cheered. The girl sitting two seats away, Pancy Parkinson as you recognised, had her jaw on the ground and she looked ready to get up and pull your hair out. But you didn't have to worry. Not at Hogwarts, not with your family around, not when your standing in the protective arms of the one and only Draco Malfoy. The boy who had promised himself that no matter what happens you were his. His responsibility, his to take care of. He wasn't going to let a soul near you if they meant any harm.
Ps: I'm very clueless of what to write in the coming parts so please please please help me out with requests of what you'd like to read. I'm not willing to write smut and can't promise the best when it comes to angst. So I'll keep my acc a lot more fluffy. Also please do tell me if I should post a little character background seperately cause I'm clueless if people actually wanna read that.
#draco malfoy x reader#draco fluff#draco malfoy#draco malfoy fluff#draco malfoy x you#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#albus dumbledore
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Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem! reader
Summary: on your way to Hogwarts you encounter the very well know golden trio that your boyfriend can't seem to shut up about, but will they like you the same knowing your origin and relationship with their mortal enemy.
Walking into Hogwarts express, you couldn't seem to find any cabin which didn't have people flooding out of it. They were all filled with chatter and laughter from all the old pals catching up and showing off their summers.
Soon you found a cabin which was much less crowded then any of the others, walking in you found the golden trio. You knew them ofcourse, who wouldn't? They were always all over the magical newsletter your grandfather, Albus Dumbledore sent you.
"I'm sorry, do you mind if I take a seat here? This seems to be the only cabin left with some breathing space"
The frizzy hair girl who you recognised to be Hermione Granger smiled at you welcomingly offering you a seat next to her while the two boys face you with small awkward smiles.
"never seen you around before, what's your name?"said the curious red head, that you were sure was the Weasley. Hermione groaned loudly at how blunt the question was but proceeded to look at you waiting for an answer.
"I'm Y/n"
"I'm sorry if this is rude y/n, but your last name?"finally spoke the special boy who had till now quietly been listening without saying a word.
"Y/n Dumbledore"
There was a few moments of silence before the red head worded out his thoughts, very loudly.
"RON!?"screamed Hermione contemplating why she liked the stupid ginger. She turned to you giving you a apologetic smile while you just giggle at the tiny integration unexpectedly finding them cute.
"well he did. Not me tho, my mother. I'm his granddaughter"
"how come we've never seen you around before, knowing Hogwarts you should have been a pretty big deal all these years." Said Hermione finding you a lot easier to talk to seeing you weren't offended at the stupid boy's words.
"Ahhh, well yeah, grandpa hid me away in the muggle world till now for reasons."
"oh we haven't introduced ourselves!" Added Hermione trying to break the ice "I'm Hermione Granger this is ronald Weasley and that's harry potter."
"yeah I guessed"
"guessed? How so?"asked Ron
"well grandfather kept me away from the wizarding world but he made sure I wasn't behind on any knowledge so im aware pretty much everything that goes on in Hogwarts, I was basically homeschooled." You shrugged.
With that your ride to Hogwarts began with you making a lot of friends and making sure a mention of Draco didn't come up since you didn't want to ruin your surprise.
#draco fluff#draco malfoy fluff#draco malfoy#draco malfoy x you#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#hogwarts legacy#hp fandom#hp
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Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader!
Summary: a painful goodbye to the one person he let's his guard down in front of, but little does he know what she has planned up her sleeves.
Standing next to the Malfoys at the train station, you and Narcissa listed all the things that the ferret boy could have forgotten ensuring he was prepared for the year. He nodded along assuring his mother and his girlfriend that he did indeed pack everything he could. Not like he has to worry if he needed something ever, he knew he'd have it.
"alright Draco you better head in. Be good." With that the cold strict man walked away from his family.mrs Malfoy also squeezed the blonde in a hug giving her best wishes and swiftly backing off.
The tall boy turned to you immediately burying his face into your shoulders trying to hide his teary eyes knowing it was of no use. You held his face between your palms and softly placed your lips on top of his, he immediately responded while the tears he tried to hold slipped away.
You pulled back wipping his tears "Take care of yourself for me, hmm?"
Not being able to reply the boy instantly pulled you into another kiss and placed a kiss on your forehead once you pulled away. With that he turned and walked away into the train knowing one more look at you and he wouldn't be able to go, but he had to, his father would be very unhappy and disappointed if he didn't.
Turning around you faced Mrs Malfoy with your own eyes filled with tears, causing her to chuckle
"silly girl, you'll see him again today"
"I know but I hate seeing him so upset"
"it's okay darling, you'll make up for it when he sees you adorned in your Hogwarts robes"
Giggling, you along with Narcissa made your way to Lucius and Dobby, who held your luggage. Soon bidding goodbye to the Malfoys you made your way to the train making sure Draco didn't spot you
"take care of my Draco for me" Mrs Malfoy whispered to herself
"she will." Said Lucius who had been standing back watching the scene unfold, having never seen his son so vulnerable for anyone ever.
#Draco malfoy#draco malfoy fluff#draco malfoy x you#draco fluff#draco malfoy x reader#draco fanfiction#draco fanfic#draco malfoy#draco one shot#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#albus dumbledore#secrets of dumbledore
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Hello everyone,
Send me ideas of what ud like to read and I'll see what I can cook up
#new writers on tumblr#draco fluff#peter parker fluff#avengers x child!reader#tony stark x daughter!reader#draco malfoy x you#draco malfoy fluff
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