#im hungry... im tired.... what do i do... ah the girls are gonna be waiting for me...
seariii · 6 months
I lower my guard for just a second and I feel like I'm gonna pass out
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binunus · 4 years
injury | cha eunwoo
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a/n ~im a simp for eunwoo, you’re a simp for eunwoo, let’s be simps for eunwoo~
LMFAO anyway this is the first week w/o true beauty and yes as much as suho’s character was a bit toxic, he was end game and that’s it !! also eunwoo bb worked so hard :’) no one can deny eunwoo’s superb acting skills alright !! and if they do they boutta catch these hands. so here’s a cute little something of basketball player!eunwoo bc im in love with him
pls watch handsome tigers or this tik tok if you wanna indulge in basketball player!eunwoo bc everyone should at least once in their life
→ pairing: basketball player!eunwoo x athletic trainer!reader
→ genre: fluff, lil angst
→ word count: 5.1k ________________________________________________
Your POV
One thing you didn’t expect when you applied to be a student athletic trainer for the university basketball team was to end up dating one of their star players, but here you were: holding hands with Cha Eunwoo–the starting shooting guard–as you two walked into the basketball court. 
He gave you a smile and a kiss to the cheek before going off to join his teammates in stretching. You let out a content sigh, watching as he happily greeted the other basketball players, and then went over to the other student trainers. 
Usually, you wouldn’t have much to do since the boys were just practicing, but there was someone new joining today, so you and the other trainers had to give her a little rundown on what she signed up for. 
“-mostly we just tape up and ice the guys if they have an injury or a muscle strain, but yeah that should be about it. Simple, right?”
The new girl nodded, eyes trained on the court as the team just started their warmups. “Who’s that? Number 97 is hot–”
“And dating y/n.” One of the male trainers, and yours and Eunwoo’s close friend, Rocky said, narrowing his eyes at the new girl as he rested his elbow on your shoulder. “So don’t even think of any ideas to–”
“Rocky,” You scolded hitting his stomach, “Don’t be rude.”
The girl gave you a once over, an uncomfortable smile on your face, as her eyes met yours. “Ah...well, you must have an amazing personality, y/n!”
You were taken aback, did she just call you ugly? You forced a laugh, trying your best not to quip back at her. Rocky, though, had no restraints, “Clearly a better one than yours.”
Before the new girl could respond, the head trainer called her over, a huge sigh of relief coming from you. Rocky clicked his tongue as he stared at her back, “She’s not going to last long with us. I don’t get why you’re so timid when others are clearly insulting you, y/n.”
You rolled your eyes at him. When it came to your friends, it was definitely Rocky and Myungjun who were not afraid to be bold about what they were thinking. “Eunwoo and I have been dating for more than a year now, you don’t think I’m used to people always saying that my boyfriend is out of my league? I just try to ignore it now Rocky c’mon, I know how Eunwoo feels about me and that’s enough.” 
“Damn hyung’s handsome face.” The younger male shook his head. You chuckled, the two of you taking a seat on the bench and conversing as the basketball practice went on. During water breaks, Eunwoo would come over to where you and Rocky were sitting, chatting it up with you two in brief increments before resuming practice. He would always pucker his lips up for a peck before leaving, which you would definitely grant and Rocky would pretend to be disgusted.
By the end of their practice, you managed to successfully avoid the new girl, waiting outside the locker room like you always do after bidding Rocky goodbye. Eunwoo smiled once he saw you, immediately draping his arm around your shoulders as he kissed your temple in greeting. “Baby, I’m hungry.”
“Mmm, you want to eat out or order in?” You asked looking up at him.
“Order in, I’m tired.” He said, the two of you already making your way to his car.
As soon as you two arrived back at Eunwoo’s apartment, he immediately plopped down on the couch. You chuckled, lightly smacking his butt, “Baby, go take a shower first, you’re sweaty.”
“Wanna take one with me?” He asked blinking his big beautiful eyes at you. You grinned, the offer was tempting, but you already took a shower earlier today and you wanted to order this food as soon as possible. Eunwoo pouted as you shook your head in rejection, getting up to go the bathroom looking like a kicked puppy. 
You turned on the television to whatever variety show was on at the moment, barely paying attention as you were looking through the food delivery app on your phone. You turned your head as Bin walked out of his bedroom, no doubt having just woken up from a nap.
“Oh? You guys are back.” He said sleepily, waving to you.
“Binnie, we’re ordering for dinner, do you want something?” You asked offering him your phone, a laugh leaving you at the boost of energy he received from the word ‘dinner’
“You know a way to man’s heart, y/n.” Bin said jokingly as he started looking through the menu. “By the way, Rocky texted me about that new trainer–rude ass bitch.”
“God you guys spread gossip faster than girls.” You said amused, “I told him earlier, I’m used to people saying stuff like that. It’s whatever.”
“I guess, but you know how sad Eunwoo will be if he finds out this is still going on?” Bin said handing you your phone back. “We’ve been telling you this since the beginning, don’t let other people’s opinions get to you. You’re attractive, y/n! And to Eunwoo, you’re the most beautiful person in the world.”
You smiled, touched by his words of comfort, “Thanks Binnie, ah where would me and Eunwoo be without all of your guys’ support?”
“Nowhere because he wouldn’t have had the balls to confess to you if it wasn’t for us.” He scoffed heading to the bathroom.
“Change your mind, baby?”
“You better stay in the shower! I don’t wanna see your dick while I’m peeing.”
You laughed at their interaction, your attention shifting to the television as you patiently waited for your food and company. Within 30 minutes, the three of you were happily stuffing yourselves full with the takeout, talking up a storm while watching tv. You leaned back against the couch when you felt your stomach capacity maxed out, hands perched on your belly as you groaned, “I can’t eat anymore.”
They looked at you in amusement, Bin laughing while Eunwoo rested his hand on your knee, a fond smile on his face as he told you he’ll finish up your leftovers. The two boys then got engrossed in their own conversation of sorts, you listening quietly to the side as the food coma started to kick in. Somewhere in the midst of their conversation, you settled behind Eunwoo, legs draped next to his body as you snaked your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back. He hummed, still chewing on his food as he took one of your hands and squeezed it. 
You started to zone out, their dialogue beginning to sound like a bunch of nonsensical noise. Bin looked over to where you were laying, “I think y/n’s about to knock out.” 
Your boyfriend turned his body to get a glimpse of you, grinning as you whined from the shift in movement. He changed your positions so that you were leaning next to his side, his arm around your waist as you rested your head on his shoulder. “Food coma?”
You nodded, snuggling into his side to get comfortable. Bin watched the two of you with a smile, scooping up the last of his food before clapping his hands, “Well! you guys being all cuddly is making me miss my bub...so see you lovebirds tomorrow!”
You snort, eyes still closed as you respond to him, “Aren’t they hanging out with Eunbi right now? I saw it earlier on their Instagram story.”
He shrugs, gathering up the trash, “I’m going to crash their hangout because I want to cuddle too. Have fun you two, good night sweet dreams, use protection...or not, be a little spicy!”
Eunwoo rolls his eyes as he picks up a throw pillow and chucks it at his roommate, “Alright bye Binnie.”
It takes all but five minutes before Bin leaves the apartment. The moment you two were alone, Eunwoo immediately tightened his hold, practically pulling you onto his lap as he laid you both down on the couch, spooning you from behind. You let out a smile, hands on top of his as he kissed your shoulder, “You ran a lot today baby, are your legs okay?”
He cutely nods his head, his chin lightly digging into your skin, “My calves are a bit tight, but I’ll probably just roll them out at the gym tomorrow.”
You hummed, rubbing his arm, “Do you want me to massage your legs?”
“It’s okay baby, we’re both tired. I’ll just do it tomorrow.” He said, not wanting to move from the couch any time soon. You chuckled, turning around so that you faced him, your eyes finally blinking open, “If you wait until tomorrow, your calves are gonna be stiff and sore, you might get a muscle cramp. C’mon baby.”
He kissed your nose in response, “You were literally about to knock out from a food coma five minutes ago.”
“The feeling comes and goes,” You grinned, moving to stand up from the couch. Eunwoo pouted at your absence, but followed your movement anyway, taking your hand as you led him to his bedroom. He obediently laid face down on his bed, waiting as you searched his room for the roller stick. “Can we cuddle after?”
“Yes,” You laughed, giving him a kiss before you sat down next to his legs. “Baby, this is your perk for dating an athletic trainer. I need to make sure you’re in tip top shape.”
“But rolling calves always hurt.” Eunwoo whined, already wincing as you started to apply pressure under the back of his knee. You tried to be gentle at first before really going in with stretching his calf muscles, “that’s because your calves are the tensest muscles in the body, they’re put under a lot of strain and pressure from walking and running so it hurts when you try to relax them.”
“I love when you talk medical to me,” He sighs dreamily. You roll your eyes, pressing down hard on the meat of his calves. You felt bad when Eunwoo started letting out complaints of pain, trying to talk him through it and distract him from the pressure on his legs. “Ow ow baby! It hurts!”
“I know I know, almost done baby, I promise.” You said gently, rolling the stick thoroughly over both calves a couple more times, trying to get rid of all the deep knots that accumulated in his muscles. After deciding that he’s suffered through enough with the stick, you put it to the side and began kneading the heels of your palms through his skin, stimulating his muscles gently after the harsh rolling session. Your hands slowly moved north until they landed on his shoulders, briefly massaging the knots out in his neck as well. You ended up laying next to him, cooing cutely as you pressed a kiss to his cheek, “all done.”
Your boyfriend smiled, pulling you into his chest as he kissed your forehead, “thank you baby.”
“You better not ask any of the other trainers to do this for you,” You pouted, a little bubble of jealousy coming up from the earlier situation at the gym. “Except Rocky, maybe.”
Eunwoo scoffed, running his hands through your hair as he met your eyes, “I would much rather have you give me a massage than Rocky. And hey, you better not offer this treatment to the other guys too or I’ll get jealous. You’re my trainer.” 
“Deal.” You grinned hugging him tightly, all feelings of jealousy quenched.
Game days always had a specific schedule to be followed. In the morning, you two were free to do whatever you pleased, but it always ended up with the two of you procrastinating in bed until 11 am. Eunwoo always ate a high-protein high-calorie meal whenever he had games and today’s lunch was no different. After eating, the two of you began to get ready, which included showering and getting dressed.
Today you wore a simple set of jeans a black crop top, finishing your look with the university sports quarter zip, which you were required to wear for every game. After tying your hair up, you turned to your boyfriend who was just starting to dress himself. You took a seat on his bed, marveling at how attractive he looked as he slipped on his jersey and shorts. “I’ll never get over seeing you in your uniform, baby.”
He grinned, placing his arms on either side of your body as he hovered over you, leaning down for a kiss. You expected it to be short and sweet, but Eunwoo had different ideas, lips still working against yours as your back gave in, laying down on the bed. You whined as one of his hands took place on your waist, rubbing at the exposed skin, “Mm, baby, we have to leave soon.”
“I know,” he said moving his lips down your jaw, “I just wanted to kiss you.”
“You can kiss me all you want after your game.” You lightly chuckled, wrapping your arms around his torso in a hug. He nodded, face buried in your neck as he dug his hands under your body, hugging you tightly. You hummed, caressing his hair soothingly, “Are you nervous?”
“A little, I’m always nervous before a game, baby.” Eunwoo said pressing a kiss to your collarbone, “You’ll cheer me on, right?”
“Always,” You said patting his back, “C’mon, we should start heading out soon.”
He nodded, reluctantly getting off of you and pulling your body up with him. You offered your boyfriend a cheerful smile, reaching up to fix the bangs out of his eyes before cupping his cheeks, shaking his face in between your hands, “You’re going to do amazing today baby, as always.”
Eunwoo smiled at your action, pecking your lips again before the two of you did a last-minute search around his room for your belongings. After getting all that you needed, the two of you bid Bin goodbye, telling the swimmer that you’ll see him at the court later. You took your place in the driver’s seat, wanting Eunwoo to just relax for the short drive to the gymnasium. You dropped him off at the entrance first before going to find parking, having Eunwoo arrive early was more important than your arrival anyway. 
As soon as you walked into the court, the players were already doing their stretches, your boyfriend in the midst of them all. You glanced at him briefly before greeting the other trainers, the group of you having a quick pre-game discussion of roles before being dismissed to do your own things. 
You actively try to avoid the new girl as the time draws closer to the start of the game, not wanting your energy to get dampered. By now, the other team has already arrived and the stands were slowly starting to fill up. You were seated calmly behind the bench, trying to pass the time on your phone, before your boyfriend took the space next to you, hand automatically going on top of your knee. “You ready?”
“As much as I can be,” He grinned rubbing your kneecap, “Wanna come with me to fill up my water bottle?”
You nod, you weren’t doing anything anyway. The male immediately drapes his arm over your shoulders as the two of you walk to the water station, the two of you already getting excited about your dinner plans after the game. The rest of your friends would be joining you, no doubt, as you already spotted them near the front of the student seating. 
You were in such a good mood, anticipating the start of what was going to be a good game. Your university was going against their rivals, so expectations for both teams were high. You and Eunwoo were leisurely walking back to the court, he still had a couple more minutes before he needed to join his team. 
“Hey, you’re Eunwoo, right? I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Hana, the new student trainer. You’re really good at playing!” The girl said walking up to the two of you. You immediately felt your body stiffen at her appearance, trying not to let it show to your boyfriend. He gives the new girl a polite smile, “Ah thank you.”
“If you need anything, I’ll be more than happy to help you.” She said batting her eyelashes sweetly at him. You pursed your lips tightly, jealousy easily building up inside of you. Eunwoo only laughed awkwardly, “I appreciate it, but y/n’s got everything handled when it comes to me, right baby?”
You nod, trying your hardest not to punch Hana in the face at her blatant attempt to flirt with your boyfriend right in front of you. Eunwoo noticed your discomfort immediately, removing his hand from where it was interlocked with yours before slipping it around your waist, squeezing the skin gently. “Well, it was nice meeting you Hana, but I should go back to the team...I’ll look at you when I need good luck, baby, hm?”
You manage to crack a smile, a little laugh leaving you when he puckered his lips out for a kiss. You step on your tiptoes, granting his wish quickly, before pushing him out towards the court. You turn towards Hana and give her a forced smile before searching for Rocky. 
You weren’t surprised to find him in the bleachers, sitting and chatting amongst your group of friends. You go and join them with a light feeling in your chest, greeting the other four of them with hugs.
“How are you doing y/n? You excited?” Jinjin asked as you take a seat next to him.
“Yeah! I mean the guys have a really good chance of winning this one, it’s gonna be a good game.” You smiled clasping your hands together. Rocky only scoffed as he pointed at you, “Bitch, I saw Hana approaching you and Eunwoo hyung, spill.”
You throw the younger male a joking glare, “Nothing gets past you, huh?”
Bin immediately cringed at her name, hand palming his forehead, “Oh God, what did she do?”
You shrugged passively, “She just introduced herself to him and said that if he needed anything, she’ll gladly help him or whatever.”
The boys groaned in response, Sanha reaching over Jinjin to tap your leg, “And? What did hyung say?”
“He let her down gently and said that he goes to me if he needs anything–”
“As he should!” Myungjun said indignantly, crossing his arms in annoyance. Jinjin only nodded, “Good boy.”
“If she even tries to homewreck y/n, just say the word and I’ll scream at her!” Myungjun said in all seriousness. You laugh at his claim, “thanks guys, but I think Eunwoo made it pretty obvious to her so it’s fine.”
The youngest sighed giving you a pout, “You’re too nice, y/n.”
“That’s what I’m saying,” Rocky said agreeing with Sanha, “If I was you and someone was flirting with my partner, I’d clock them right in the face.”
“Hey, I wanted to–”
“You should have,” Bin sighed, “What a shame, maybe next time.”
“I usually don’t advocate for violence, but I’d turn a blind eye for this, y/n.” Jinjin agreed. You rolled your eyes at them, “You know, as much as I love to sit here and get lectured, Rocky and I have to go down to the trainer section.”
“We’ll see you guys later!” Rocky said as the two of you stand to go to the bench, taking your seats with the other trainers–and as far away from Hana as you could. 
The game was already intense from the tip-off, both sides in a tight match to get a starting lead. The cheers from the stands were just as heightened, giving energy to both sides during baskets or free throws. Their plays started to get rougher from the beginning of the second half, more and more fouls getting called on both teams. 
You and the trainers were busy as well, assessing each player during substitutions and icing whenever they came back to the bench. By the third quarter, your team established a good six-point lead, the energy of your section high from Eunwoo’s back-to-back 3 pointers. 
You could distinctly hear Myungjun’s scream as he shouted Eunwoo’s name, a laugh coming from the bench at his volume. You hid your face in Rocky’s back, second hand embarrassment coming from the two of you at your friends’ loud cheering tactics.
You even spotted Eunwoo letting out a smile as both sides prepared for a free throw, your boyfriend giving a thumbs up to the guys in acknowledgement. His gaze then shifted onto you, your cheeks flushing as he shot you a heart-fluttering wink, a smile gluing itself onto your face.
You watched with pride as his concentration zeroed back in on the game, his team playing impeccable defense as they raced to your side of the court. After a couple back and forth relays, your team was on offense, trying to calm down the tensions as they strategized their next play.
It all happened so fast. The opponents stole the ball from your point guard, commencing a fast break. Eunwoo sped across court, the defense of your team depending on him and another player. 
He followed the instructions of his teammate well, placing his body in front of the opponent as he tried to defend your team’s basket. Unfortunately, the momentum of the other player was too much, both players roughly colliding and falling on the court. 
You gasped in horror, immediately standing up from your seat as the referee blew the whistle to stop the play. Your teeth dug into your lower lip in worry as Eunwoo remained on the floor, clutching his waist in pain as some players and the referees surrounded him. The head trainer jogged onto the court, kneeling in front of Eunwoo to ask if he was okay. 
The gymnasium was quiet, looking on to the scene that was unfolding in the center of the floor. Slowly, the trainer helped Eunwoo stand up, your boyfriend leaning his weight on the male as he limped off to the side, the coach substituting in the other shooting guard in place of Eunwoo. Both sides started clapping in respect, as they always do when someone gets injured during a play. 
The head trainer looked to the group of you, “someone help me with Eunwoo.”
Before you could even respond, Hana beat you to the chase raising her hand, “I can help.”
“y/n,” Eunwoo said, eyes only on you. The head trainer looks between you and Hana, sighing, “Decide amongst yourselves, and fast.”
“It’ll give me more experience-”
“No, I want y/n.” Eunwoo said seriously, not even giving her a chance. The head trainer ushers you over, your feet finally taking a step with the help of Rocky pushing you forward. You accidentally shove Hana out of your way as you approach Eunwoo and the trainer, taking some of your boyfriend’s weight as the three of you walk to the locker room.
Once in the locker room, the head trainer immediately started assessing Eunwoo’s waist, trying to determine whether he needed to be sent to the hospital for a scan. Quickly and quietly, you follow the trainer’s lead, offering your assistance when he needed it. All the while, you hold Eunwoo’s hand as your boyfriend was trying not to think of the pain in his lower back.
“Do you think you can walk, Eunwoo?”
“I don’t know, there’s a sharp pain in my waist if I try to turn my body.” Eunwoo said attempting to rotate his upper half.
“No no no, don’t move. Let’s get you to the hospital to make sure there isn’t anything broken.” He sighed taking out his phone to call the medical team, “y/n, I’m sure you’ll be accompanying your boyfriend. Text me Eunwoo’s updates, okay?”
You nodded, briefly leaving Eunwoo’s side to gather both his and your things. Within the next five minutes, a group of EMTs entered the locker room, lifting Eunwoo onto a stretcher and rolling him to an ambulance, you following closely behind. 
You didn’t say much on the way too the hospital, your mind too preoccupied with worry and thinking about the worst-possible scenario for your boyfriend. Even when you arrived at the hospital, Eunwoo was immediately whisked away to get some scans and X-rays done, you being escorted to the waiting room in the meantime. It seemed like forever until a nurse approached you, leading you to the room where Eunwoo was being held. 
You let out a sigh upon seeing him, almost being moved to tears as he offered you a smile, “You’re smiling? Cha Eunwoo, I oughta–”
“Baby, I’m okay.” He chuckled lightly, hand outstretched to meet yours. You frowned, putting both of your bags down to the side as you took a seat by his bedside, “Are you okay? What did the doctor say? I need to update the trainer and your coach too.”
“Nothing’s broken,” He said first, attempting to ease some of your anxiety. “The doctor said I had a nasty fall that bruised my coccyx so there’s a lot of inflammation to the area. They gave me some pain medication so I don’t really feel anything right now, but I should be discharged tomorrow. And then he gave me a referral to a chiropractor who I’ll see in about two days. But baby, I’m okay, promise.”
“You can’t play though,” You said softly, hands fiddling with his fingers, “I feel like I’m more upset than you.”
“I played hard today so I don’t regret anything.” He said simply, “it sucks that I couldn’t finish the game, but injuries are a part of being an athlete, you know that baby. Besides, from what the doctor said, I shouldn’t be out for too long, maybe just a game or two. I told him I’m in especially good hands because you’re gonna take care of me.”
You said nothing, still not fully believing that he’s taking this situation so well. “Baby...give me a smile, hm? I’ll feel much better if I see you smiling.”
Mustering up the brightest smile that you could, you finally looked up at his face. His features only softened, knowing that you were trying your best to stay strong for him, “Are you still worried?”
“Baby, you’re in the hospital.” You said as if stating the obvious, “How could I not be worried?” 
“You’re so cute being all worried about me,” He teased squeezing your hand. You scoffed, finally easing up a little at his flirting. “You laughed! I heard you laugh just now!”
“You’re annoying,” You said as you took out your phone to give the head trainer updates on Eunwoo’s condition. After you pressed send, you immediately received a call from Sanha, “Hello?”
“Is Eunwoo hyung okay?!” “Is he dying?!” “Eunwoo no he’s too young to die!”
You flinched at their loud volume, turning your phone on speaker so that you and Eunwoo could both respond to their chatter. “Guys, he’s not dying.”
“I’m okay,” He laughed taking your phone. “Hold on, did we win?”
“Are you fucking serious? That’s what you wanna know?!” Myungjun scolded into the phone. You chuckled, the guys talking over each other again as they announced they were on the way to the hospital. “They never said if we won or not.”
“I guess you’ll find out when they arrive.” You said, patting his cheek as you stood, removing your sweater. “Do you want some water, baby? I could go get some.”
He shook his head, puckering up his lips for something else. “Please? I’m injured.”
“You’re going to use this to your advantage, aren’t you?” You asked leaning down to grant him a quick kiss. “Maybe.”
After handing Eunwoo his phone, you went to the bathroom for a little bit before coming back and taking a seat on the hospital bed that he so highly encouraged. “If we get scolded by the nurse, I’m blaming it on you.”
“It’s not like you’re laying in bed with me, baby. We’ll be fine.” He said putting his hand on your thigh. He rubbed your cloth of your jeans gently, thinking to himself as you responded to messages on your phone. “Baby, you know I love you, right?”
You made a sound of confusion, looking up from your phone and meeting his eyes, “Hm? Of course I do. I love you too. Why, all of a sudden?”
“Just, when Hana was talking to us earlier and when she volunteered to try and help, I could see that you were uncomfortable.” Eunwoo said gently, “It annoyed me too, to be honest. Like what else did I need to do to show that I’m dating you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” You said stroking his hair, “I’m used to people thinking that they can steal you away just because they’re prettier than me or more handsome than me or whatever. It doesn’t bother me that much anymore, baby––and it shouldn’t bother you too.”
“That’s so fucked up, y/n, how can that not bother me?” He frowned. “You are the most attractive person in my eyes, baby. If anyone pulls this shit again, I swear I won’t let it slide.”
“I know,” You said quietly, kissing his cheek. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” Eunwoo said, “I don’t want you to ever forget that y/n, you’re mine and no one can do anything to change that.”
“Mmm, I’m lucky that you and the guys always defend me, aren’t I?” You lightly smiled, “God, you have no idea how many times Rocky cursed Hana out in the past week.”
“As he should,” Eunwoo nodded kissing the back of your hand, “see, this is why they’re my friends.”
“Speaking of our friends.” You said looking at the door, “I can hear them coming.”
Your boyfriend chuckled, both of your attentions at the door, which shortly was opened by five boisterous guys. The sound in the hospital room suddenly increasing tenfold at their appearance, all five of them crowding and fussing around the bed. You giggled, sharing a look with Eunwoo as the guys started talking all at once. He grinned, listening until the end of their rambles. Although he was injured, Eunwoo noticed that he couldn’t be feeling any happier. He had no doubt that he would have a speedy recovery, especially if you and his best friends were right by his side. _______________________________________
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katsukibby · 4 years
bakugou katsuki x reader (extraordinary you au)
summary: bakugou and midoriya are the main love interests for a romance manga and ochako is the main girl. (spoiler: she chooses deku) what happens when y/n, an extra, becomes self-aware that she’s nothing but a side character to help develop their relationships?”
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wait a minute. wasn’t i just talking to jirou? why am i in the cafeteria now?
“ah! y/n! youre here! ive been looking for you!”
“huh? jirou? what are you…weren’t we just in the classroom?” She looked at me as if I was crazy.
“what do you mean? its finally time for lunch! did you hit your head at training or something?”
“training? what? but- we were still in class just now.”
i jerked back up as if i had just woken up. but i hadn’t. we haven’t even eaten yet. so.…why was the school day finished?
“y/n!! there you are! you seem to be harder to find than usual today!”
“jirou…did you hear that? and what about lunch?”
“lunch? its time to head back to the dorms. now that you mention it, i wonder what we’re having for dinner tonight!”
“alright. l/n. get ready to spar with bakugou. i’m too tired to watch this so i’m gonna go ahead and nap. everyone else can judge today.”
“wait- aizawa-sensai!”
“tch. damn extra. hurry uP AND FIGHT.”
extra? me? wait a minute-
“ochako-chan! are you alright?”
i didn’t mean to say that. why are we in the infirmary?
“huh? l/n-san? what am i doing here?”
“midoriya-kun carried you here after one of bakugou-kun’s explosions missed me and hit you instead!”
what? when did that happen?
“it’s time to take your midterm. put your books away and take out a pencil and eraser.”
this shouldn’t be right. midterms shouldn’t start until three weeks! this must be some sort of prank. did i get hit by a quirk or something?
“woah! l/n! i haven’t seen your text book this beat up since middle school!”
“huh? jirou? but i just got this!”
“huh? are you trying to make me feel better by acting like you forgot what today is?”
i looked down at my book. she was right. it had tabs and- that’s my handwriting! but, i don’t remember writing any of this. how will i pass?
what is that sound?
“alright. pencils down and pass up your papers.”
“wait a sec-”
kaminari took my paper before i could even look at it. did i even fill it out? why am i forgetting everything?
“woah! l/n-chan got everything right!”
“it makes sense, she studied hard everyday until the midterm!”
what? what is going on? why can’t i remember anything that happened in between? and what is that noise?
i turned to jirou.
“hey, have i been acting weird lately?”
“huh? no, not really. but just the fact that you’re asking that question makes me wonder if something is wrong. what’re you thinking about?”
“it’s nothing really, i just can’t seem to remember certain things. for example, i don’t even remember taking the midterm!”
“eh? that’s probably because you sped through it since you knew all the answers. i wouldn’t worry too much.”
she grinned at me and turned away. 
what am i going to do now? 
ah. it’s lunch again. i’m not hungry so i guess i’ll just go to the library instead.
the library was eerily empty for lunch time. that was the least of my concerns though. i had to figure out what was going on. i checked all the aisles to see if there was something that could tell me what was wrong. in the corner of my eye i saw a book that seemed to be wiggling out of place. i reached up and grabbed it. i opened the book to discover it was a manga. a romance manga? why do these characters seem so familiar? is that- ochako-chan? midoriya-kun? and bakugou-kun? why are they in this? i had so many questions. but most importantly-
what was i doing in this?
i gasped. why was it my turn to lay down in the infirmary? and where did that book go? i tried to get up but i couldn’t move. no matter how hard i tried. i couldn’t even speak. what was going on now? i heard muffled voices. 
“if you get close to bakugou-kun again i’ll kill you!”
“i can’t believe how shameless you are to use his money to even go to this school!”
“your quirk is so weak, there is no way you’ll be a hero!”
“i bet you just seduced him in order to get into class A!”
“why don’t you do us all a favor and leave bakugou-kun alone for once?”
i wasn’t sure who was talking but before i knew it i was standing up on my own. 
“hey! leave ochako-chan alone!”
“heehee whatever you say!” the group of girls giggled and proceeded to shove ochako to the ground before locking us in. i looked at her to find her on the verge of tears.
“hey, ochako-chan it’s ok! i should be able to open the door for us!” 
i was not at all confident that i could open this door.
however, i surprised us and opened it with ease.
“oh. uh. i didn’t know i could do that. um. well, i guess i’ll see you later? i kinda have to get to the library now!” i sprinted out and closed the door before she could say anything and closed the door behind me. i turned the corner to see midoriya-kun running while shouting ochako-chan’s name. “she’s in the infirmary!” i told him. he looked startled but proceeded to run towards the room anyways.
once i made it back to the library i began to search for the book again. i found it in the same spot and all the questions i had seemed to be answered. i- was in a manga? and i’m not even the main character? what is this? bakugou-kun and midoriya-kun are love rivals? i let out a deep sigh and shook my head. i can’t believe i’m just some extra that shows up for their convenience.  
i’ve gotten used to this by now. it’s as if there are two worlds within this one: the stage and the shadow. the stage is where all of the main story line occurs, but the shadow is where all of the time in between happens. there, other characters have no clue what is happening and forget everything that occurred when the next scene starts. so far, it seems like no one else has realized what kind of world we live in.
as i walked lost in thought, i bumped into bakugou.
“oof- sorry bakugou-kun! ah- it’s not like you’ll remember this anyways. you know- you’re actually kind of cute. too bad, you’re a main character and i’m just an extra, like you always say. i also feel kind of bad for you, you have second lead syndrome. oh well! it’s not like you get what i’m saying!”
“what the fu-”
i did this to him often. while reading the manga, i have to admit, i became quite a fan of his. all of the cringy flirting and cliche lines aside, he was quite the attractive character. he almost made me wish i was ochako.
aww how nice! the author has gifted me with some free banana milk! but- why?
“hi l/n-chan!”
“ochako-chan! you’re here early!”
her stomach growled. 
ah. that’s why. why couldn’t i have it just this once? don’t i deserve it for working so hard as a side character? 
“you haven’t eaten yet? here take this!” i reluctantly gave it to her with a grimace and turned to see bakugou-kun approaching us. 
“you. come with me.”
i’m so jealous of ochako. she gets to be crushed on by bakugou, while im stuck here trying to help her decide between which boy helps her more. i can’t believe she’s going to pick midoriya and not bakugou.
i sighed as i was finally released from the stage. i stretched and looked at my classmates. i thought this would be the perfect opportunity for them to start flirting or something, but to my surprise bakugou was looking at me. i looked around and pointed at myself. 
“me? not- not ochako-chan?” i stuttered in disbelief. she was already running away and towards midoriya who waved for her to come over.
“the fuck? no. i’m talking to you, you damn extra.”
“um...ok? what’s up?” i asked awkwardly. 
why was he talking to me? this wasn’t supposed to happen. he should be teasing ochako by taking her (my) milk by now. 
“i thought about what you said last time and it just doesn’t make sense.”
“huh? last time? what did i say?”
“man, you really are crazy. you know, you kept talking about how i’m a main character or something and that i wouldn’t remember what you said.”
my eyes widened. he wasn’t supposed to remember that. now what’s happening? my life is so strange these days. i seem like a broken record.
“um. you must be remembering wrong. i- i never said anything like that!” i laughed nervously. he could obviously tell i was lying. 
“fine. don’t help me. i’ll just figure it out by myself. i can’t believe i tried asking for  fucking help.” he whispered to himself. 
“we live in a manga!” i blurted out suddenly. “you and midoriya-kun are the main characters and you both have a crush on ochako-chan!”
there was no way he would believe that.
“you- uh you must be thinking you’re going crazy right? you hear strange noises and you can’t remember certain events even though you were sure you were doing something before hand?”
“how...the fuck did you know?” he looked at me with shock. i sighed and grabbed his wrist.
“just follow me,” i took him to the library and shoved the manga in his hands. “read this. it’ll tell you everything you need to know. bye now!” i nudged him in the direction of the exit. 
“wait, what the fuck is this?” he seemed so different from his typical bad, angry boy personality. he seemed even more attractive with this confused look on his face. 
he read everything and reached the empty pages. “what is this?” 
“oh, well the author hasn’t written those parts yet. that’s why everything looks like this.” for the first time, he was aware that some of the furniture in the room was floating. “it’s like this because we are in the shadow, not the stage.”
“the what?” 
“basically the stage is where all of the main parts of the manga occur and the shadow is where we are now. everything we do here won’t be remembered by the other characters.” i explained nonchalantly. “so, how does it feel? to know you aren’t going to end up with ochako-chan?”
“honestly, i could care less. every time i was in the ‘shadow’ i seemed to feel as if i lost my purpose. at least i still have my quirk.”
“man, you really are different from the manga. you’re so calm right now.”
“hey! what the fuck does that mean?!”
“jeez, never mind then. come on, let’s go to class.”
“wait!” i looked back at him. 
“don’t you want to...i don’t know, change the story? isn’t worth a try? we’re both just supporting characters. what harm can we cause?”
“you don’t think i’ve tried? i did everything i could think of to try and change the story.”
“but what if we-”
“bakugou-kun! i’ve been looking for you!” ochako approached him.
“you idiot. jeez don’t run around with your laces untied.” bakugou bent down to tie her shoes.
jeez. could the author get any more cheesy? this makes me want to throw up.
“i told you i would get you new shoes!” midoriya cut in. “i can’t stand watching you get bullied over something as small as this!”
“i’ll take care of her deku.” bakugou glared at him.
oh my god just speed up this scene already. what am i even here for?
“i’ll just go shopping with l/n-chan! she seems to have the best style in the class! besides, i saved up enough to buy a new pair!”
“you can count on me ochako-chan!”
“i thought that scene would never end!” i spoke aloud. i glanced at bakugou to catch him staring at me. “what?” he just glared and walked away.
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bakugou and i have been spending a lot of time together. we make fun of our classmates and call them out in their faces. it’s pretty fun being able to yell at mineta all we want for being such a perv. not to mention, bakugou practically beats him up every time he’s near us. bonding with bakugou has become my favorite past time and i’m beginning to wonder what i would do if he didn’t become self-aware. however, the only bad thing about this was that i was beginning to like him. not just as a character, but as a person. i was way past the fangirl stage since i actually get to talk to him now. the worst part is that he actually likes ochako. both on the stage and in the shadow. i’ve come to this conclusion since he won’t shut up about trying to change the story line. i’m not sure what to do since there’s no one else for me to talk to about all of this.
“you need to help me. i’m so tired of being an extra.”
“what do you mean? you literally get so many lines and! you’re one of the main love interests!”
“but i don’t want to do this anymore, knowing that i won’t even get the girl! we have to change this story!”
“too bad! how do you think i felt? watching you for so long, knowing that i wasn’t fated to end up with you!” i gasped. “wait- i- forget i said that!”
“nothing! it’s nothing! i just-” i could feel my eyes swell with tears.
is this how ochako feels when the author makes her cry every two scenes?
“even a fool could tell how i feel about you.”
i looked up into his crimson eyes. 
did he just-
“what? what do you mean?” 
“you idiot. i like you too. why do you think i’ve been bugging you to try and change the story?”
“ i thought it was because you wanted to end up with ochako-chan instead,” i took a deep breath. “why didn’t you tell me sooner!”
“i thought you could tell! you always catch me staring at you after scenes so i thought you knew!” he was smiling. he’s never smiled like this at me before. it was...nice. comforting. warm.
“let’s change this story.”
(a/n: this is my first fanfic! i know i could use improvement, but i just wanted to write it because i felt like it :) also, if it was a little confusing, the flicks are supposed to be the sound of the pages turning. hope you enjoyed the story <3)
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yubathegnome · 4 years
shakespearean au: sge concept
warning - this is long and contains otk spoilers (and macbeth spoilers lol). no i do not offer refunds for time wasted. but if u don’t read this, i will find u because my fatigue is fuelling me w anger :)
11:00 pm: ok so I was casually floating in a bowl of water (segue- what is the point of baths? you can literally do the same things in ur bed but dry...) thinking about how great a shakespearean au would be... yes, I hate Shakespeare’s pretentious ass and if I have to read Romeo and Juliet one more time, I might obliterate my existence. however, imagine the drama of a midsummer nights dream au- immaculate fairy hallucinogenic woods vibes w the magic of fairies that could be linked to sge, just everyone going insane bacchanal in the woods. sadly there are more characters in this play than unnecessary first years in TCY so I decided to try twelfth night instead. 
12:30 am: ok, I have tried every combination of characters possible for twelfth night (just imagine - agatha in the position of duke orsino and tedros in the position of viola, ah the angsty friends to lovers, the jealousy arc potential, misunderstood love ahh) but I always ended up w an agaphie... incident (sweet home alabama)
2:00 am: tried hamlet, taming of the shrew and king lear (plot is way to depressing)... becoming delusional
macbeth au
if u don’t know the plot... uncultured. jk i blame the british education system for my knowledge of this play but here’s a plot summary
let’s pretend scotland is camelot? yeah, just do it.
also: “Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through fog and filthy air.” (aka the only quote i can lowkey remember from year 9 for an absolute trash equivocation essay i waffled)
oh and also “what, you egg?” (he stabs him) - do i even have to explain the amazing significance of this quote? pls keep reading, i’m not insane.
character list:
macbeth - rhian
ok confession - i love rhian, 100% didn’t deserve to die so here he can be the tragic protagonist
outshone tedros in QFG (not that hard tbh) and gave us a glimpse of never!tedros’ potential character similarities - corrupted by evil, assuming that there r good intentions in evil people, kinda power hungry, thinks he deserves a position he really doesn’t, tricked by a prophecy
he’s a simp for sophie lets be honest (soz keian shippers) so the choice for lady macbeth should be...
lady macbeth - sophie 
ok, just imagine, no morals/manipulative sophie slowly going insane and having power over powerful men- my fave trope of her wanting to kill rafal/king duncan but unable to pull through last minute because of her daddy issues... yes <3
slowly going insane cus she can’t balance her evilness and her humanity
the hand washing scene... 
“Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it.”
the guards that are killed by lady macbeth and macbeth - nicola and hort 
they were a cute duo when they investigate in QFG and that’s abt it, hence the short roles
the dagger - excalibur
cursed swords check
3 witches - mistral sisters
bruh this is perfect, i don’t have to explain, this is all slotting into place
king duncan - ... yoooo, does it really matter, just the previous king of Camelot. wait maybe that Uther guy. whatever.
banquo - chaddick 
im tired, ur just gonna have to pretend that tedros is king arthur’s grandson and yes, chaddick’s son
i shall allow chaddick to have an actual role where he is a humble, loyal knight who isn’t just conveniently used to fulfil some random prophecy... oh wait poor guy was wronged so bad in TCY- ok ik he dies in macbeth too but like he has a bigger role here than in the 6 sge books. chaddick/ banquo are good plot devices that only exist so the prophecy makes sense, bingo!
macduff - tedros 
c-section king
he just would be that character with the unique and coincidental part of his past that allows him to be king
young and underestimated check
daddy issues and family trauma
kinda doesn’t deserve to be king but uno what, ~prophecies~ 
(just forget abt malcolm’s existence, i have the power now)
the king of england - agatha
agatha as king... we love to see it yes this is my way of incorporating tagatha just pretend macduff falls in love with the king of england ok.  agatha breaks the news that tedros’ dad has just died- cute comforting scene
 scottish macduff realises the english are ok just like tedros realises agatha isn’t a witch... idk someone write a oneshot
3:30 am:
me: let’s fix all my mistakes w some aesthetic mood board ideas.
*types in “macbeth aesthetic” into pinterest* *chooses the first 3 images*
this is very much adequate
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4:00 am; do what you will with this information, people of the internet. this doesn’t even make sense at this point. can’t wait for the black coffee overdose my body will endure tomorrow :) also i love how the sleep deprivation slowly makes my tone more aggressive. im a simp for tagatha but rhian being the main character makes me happy. how do y’all make ur theories and stuff all pretty. WAIT NO COVEN! wait no hester oml... ok maybe the 3 witches might have to be the coven, wow, i can’t believe i’ve done this.
ok imagine them all running around in a circle chanting “Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble!” - iconic
 ok, they can be the king of england’s attendants.
4:15 am: haha just brushed my teeth... why is this so chaotic. i cant get myself to proof read this because then i have to acknowledge how much time i have acc wasted so pls be traumatised by this chronic brain puke. will i ever write this fic... probably not but miracles happen. good night girls and gays - sweet dreams :) probs will regret this in the morning... oh how i worship the anonymity of tumblr
ps - currently writing a hate essay on hort which i might never release on fear of assasination by 12 year olds... we love to see it
pps - if u made it this far, idk what to tell u, u have perseverance. or maybe u just can’t read. how do i end these things and why am i treating this like a dear diary blog. goodbye. oh yeah, can some sge accounts maybe like... idk... interact w me uwu. i will go insane if i have to play devil’s advocate w myself any longer... GOODNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x08 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Ugh so young Kat: Adam was our brother Nat : Sobs  Zee: Babies Kat: The babes Zee: Assbutt Giulia: Assbutt Kat: Hey assbutt lol Giulia: And then he was forgotten forever Kat: Hey my demon Giulia: Fuck off chuck Zee: Future corpses? Giulia: Let’s play are they dead or tired Nat : She definitely is Nat : ah Zee: Strike out future Kat: Omg did he kill all these people? Giulia: Wow Kat: Ffs Chuck Giulia: Wow Giulia: Is that tequila sunrise Nat : Easy on the rum Giulia: Yuck Nat : pf Zee: You don’t want me cranky Nat : WEAK Kat: He is the WORST Zee: What a dick Kat: EILEEN Zee: GO GIIIIIRRRLLL Nat : Still got it, girl Giulia: I fucking swear if they kill her off again Zee: RIGHT IN THE NUTS Nat : Ah Kat: Hell ya Nat : "HEY" Zee: CONFUSED MOOSE Kat: Push him away
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Kat: THEY ARE SO CUTE Giulia: Yeah u are Giulia: Snort  Nat : You are Nat : Snorts
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Nat : Sam with his salads man Zee: And Eileen with junk food
Giulia: Well Dean looks happy
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Kat: BOOM Nat : Boom Zee: Boom Giulia: Boom Nat : Is there an echo in this chat?
Kat: I love when we speak at the same time 
Giulia: Dickdemons Nat : DICKtated Zee: What’s with his enunciation ?? And with his face Giulia: Lot’s of dicks in his mouth Giulia: Wait
S: So, he has an Achilles heel. D: Well, I'm saying he has a weak spot.
Kat: I hate it when they dumb down Dean Giulia: Yeah, not that funny sometimes Zee: That close up!!!! Giulia: MY BABY Zee: And enter cas
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Giulia: snort Zee: In all his fed up glory Giulia: DONNY Kat: Aw Donnie
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Kat: JEAN SHIRT Zee: JUST TWO LAYERS?? Nat : Ah I feel like Donatello is me Zee: NAKED Giulia: True Giulia: Me Nat : lol
Donny: Oh And, guys, when I go crazy again,
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Kat: Just shoot me Kat: Mood Zee: ALLLL THE CHICKEN Giulia: AH
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Zee: Stop it Nat : Yeah, definitely me Nat : Only with his favorite
D: Oh, yeah, a real daddy's boy.
Giulia: daddy’s boi Nat : Ah that's the part where they bring in Michael Kat: Ya Giulia: AH Zee: Hi Donnie
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Nat : Ah, yeah he cray Zee: Oh fuck Giulia: Cass is me when i explain spn to my friends
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Giulia: CHUCK
Giulia: asshole Nat : Fuck u
G: But this -- Let this one go.
Kat: Hate him so much Giulia: HE BLUFFING Nat : I gO aLL pOwERfUL Kat: Powerful, my ass Zee: God is an asshole
Donny: Really? I have to leave? Oh, that's too bad. I'll, uh -- I'll just get my stuff.
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Zee: Run Giulia: LOL Nat : snorts "too bad" Kat: Grabbed the chicken lol Giulia: awe cas is worried Nat : Cas has got no fucking patience left Zee: I get that Kat: None Giulia: UGH Kat: Oof Kat: That tone Giulia: that stare
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Giulia: AAAAAAAH Zee: Fandom going crazy Nat : Yeah
Kat: Aw
Nat : I see the fics Giulia: i’m going crazy Nat : that I won't read Kat: Rowena 😭 Giulia: They should stop zooming inf his hands because it does stuff Giulia: AWE Zee: On all their hands
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Giulia: They in hell
Zee: Welcome Giulia: Again Nat : Cas knows his way around  Nat : Ladies lol
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Zee: Yeah Giulia: Of course Zee: That didn’t go well
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Giulia: Wow
Nat : Aw come on
Zee: Are any of us winning? Kat: Nope Giulia: Well they seem more compatible Giulia: Sdbdksbdildbs Giulia: What Kat: ROWENA Kat: OMG Zee: Oh well
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Giulia: AAAAAH Nat : ROWENA Giulia: WHAT Nat : WHAT Nat : IS Nat : GOING Nat : ON Giulia: FUCK RIGHT OFF Kat: LOOK AT MY GIRL Nat : Of course she'd rule. WHAT ELSE DID WE EXPECT Zee: No one hands you anything darling Giulia: YAS GURL BAD ASS WITCH BITCH Nat : I AM SO HAPPY Giulia: YES, MAKE UP ON POINT Zee: Of course Kat: HAIR ON POINT Kat: DRESS ON POINT Nat : SHE'S QUEEN OF HELL, SHE'S ALLOWED Giulia: she deserve it
R: Did you not hear the man? [ Screaming ] Find him!
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Zee: YAS
Nat : AH Giulia: AHAHAHAH Nat : SNORTS Giulia: LOVE HER
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Kat: THAT WINK Giulia: LOVE Nat : AW So if the boys would go to hell, they'd have good company as Rowena Giulia: Shut up nat Nat : I know Zee: YOU SERIOUS? Nat : Eileen, NO Kat: NO EILEEN Giulia: BAD EILEEN Nat : Yeah, you stay girl Kat: She’s gonna get herself killed
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Giulia: LOOK AT HER Zee: That’s a fucking queen Nat : Samuel please
R: Samuel, be a dear.
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S: yeah
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Giulia: WHAT SHE DESERVE Nat : Sex lol Zee: Amazon doesn’t deliver here, YET Giulia: SHE QUEEN Nat : I'M QUEEN Nat : Yes you are
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Giulia: SO AWKWARD Nat : I'm also Queen Giulia: STOP THAT U TWO, I CNNOT
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Nat : What am I picking up of you two
Kat: Auntie Rowena
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Nat : She' the mom Giulia: THANK YOU MOM ROWEENA
R: Making Napoleon so short was just bitchy. Telling Mick Jagger he had no future when I dumped him.
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Kat: I love her infinitely Nat : Ah Giulia: ROWENA IS MY MOM
Nat : There he is
Zee: HE BE HUNGRY Giulia: i don t even remember this mich universe Kat: Wow Giulia: I don’t know much Giulia: Sure u don t Zee: Now I’m hungry Nat : Ok but I'm hungry Kat: He hungry Kat: Me too Giulia: WHAT HE DOING ON THAT PIZZA WTF *Eye twitching in italian* Nat : Maybe pepper Zee: Family sucks Kat: He’s been in hell, give him a break Nat : I hope it's peppers Nat : My god. Donatello is mood Giulia: IT S TIME Kat: For what Giulia: KITCHEN TALK
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Zee: That’s adorable Kat: That’s adorable Giulia: but first Eileen talks Giulia: Awe Stop it you two Zee: The way he says “thing” Fuck him
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Zee: She’s hot Giulia: SHE GETS IT Kat: My heart Giulia: OF COURSE SHE DOES. I COULD GET IT TOO
editing Giuls: ..... what she said Kat: Stop it
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Nat : You could do worse Giulia: AH so much better Zee: Brothers Giulia: STOP MY HEART Kat: 😭😭😭 Giulia: awe shucks Next time then Kat: I miss brother talks Zee: Yeah Kat: Ugh Zee: Oh no Giulia: AH HER AGAIN Nat : Ugh ee: Not her again Giulia: She’s snazzy tho, I kinda like her Zee: The ikea yellow again Giulia: Not her wardrobe tho. The berret can stay Nat : It's so weird. Michael was so fucking powerful when he possessed Dean and now he lets himself being commanded around Giulia: Well I guess being in the same body with that wuss does things to you Kat: Different Michael personalities I guess
*Lilith gets roasted* Nat : Ah Giulia: There. U happy? Zee: You were saying Giulia: Wow Giulia: Ok Giulia: Bye lillith Giulia: And again Nat : I miss the suits tho Giulia: Guess he’s just depressed Nat : They could have dressed up Adam Giulia: The peaky blinders feel Nat : Snorts Donnie Giulia: NOW IT S TIME Kat: Donnie is a mood again
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Giulia: ME Nat : Ah pour me some bourbon too Zee: I need burbon Giulia: not yet Zee: I wanna live in the bunker Giulia: Castiel bb Kat: Unpleasant lol
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ME :
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Giulia: Why i love when cas haS these scenes tho Nat : Your father is not who you knew. Kat: You love Cas? Giulia: * Will Smith pose * a babe Zee: He should stop with that face Giulia: I know Giulia: THAT TINY MICHEAL Zee: You called me assbutt and set me on fire
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Editing Giuls: .....I’M-
Zee: I didn’t come to beg Giulia: Oh I didn t come to beg Kat: I didn’t come to beg Giulia: BITCH I GREW Zee: You grew ?
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Nat : Dean always holds the cuffs , they know Giulia: I can already see all the fics Zee: I’m gonna read Nat : Sames Kat: Right? He doesn’t need to run it in
M: Sam. You look well. Last time I saw you in the Cage... S: Yeah, it doesn't matter.
Sammy has no time for your bullshit Michael.
M: You're asking me to trust you -- you, who doomed me, you, who let Lucifer walk free while your own brother sat in hell.
Giulia: Lol micheal telling how it is Kat: Sames Giulia: SNORT Giulia: OH awkward Nat : I was right when I said Michael is in Adam and not the inside kinda way Zee: What Zee: The Zee: Fuck Nat : Michael lets you talk? lol Giulia: Dean and his Micheal ptsd Kat: 😭
Giulia: YEAH HOW ABOUT A SORRY Zee: He’s so hurt Giulia: well ....wow ok good acting Zee: Paradise is boring Kat: He really is a daddy’s boy Giulia: He looks a bit loony too Zee: A million years in hell do that to a person Giulia: Those books irk me Nat : Adam tries to talk sense into Michael Nat : I'm here for it Giulia: Mid eternity crisis Zee: Mid eternity crisis Giulia: Me Kat: Of course Nat : Parents keep secrets. Do we? Giulia: Ok but i love the different acting. He’s real good Zee: He is Giulia: U ALL DO Giulia: STOP EILEEN Nat : Eileen you stay put Kat: EILEEN NO Nat : She's gonna get killed Zee: Is that a trap ? Nat : I think it's a trap Nat : could be Giulia: AWE CUTE Nat : ah no Giulia: NOW IT S GONNA BE TIME SOON Kat: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
C: You know, Michael, I never really liked you. Even when I was just another angel, I thought you were too haughty, too...To paraphrase a friend, you had an entire oak tree shoved up your ass.
Nat : snorts Giulia: ENTIRE OAK TREE SHOVED UP YOUR ASS Zee: Shoved up your ass Nat : that would hurt
C: I'm looking at you, and I...I just pity you.  Because you were never God's favorite. You were just a little part of his story, a tiny part of his story.  You weren't even a star. You weren't even a star. At least Lucifer knew that God can't be trusted. But I guess he was always the smart one.
Nat : Cas, you should have seen that coming Nat : What he said Giulia: NICE CAS Zee: Jack Zee: He’s gonna pop Giulia: I DIDN T NEED THAT AGAIN Nat : so many dirty things in my head
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Giulia: FINALLY Nat : Ah this scene Zee: Yes Giulia: I WAS WAITING FOR THIS
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Zee: They’re not even looking at each other
Giulia: LEAVE Giulia: GET OUT Giulia: I WANT U DED Giulia: LOL IT S FINE  IT S FIIIIIIINE Zee: We didn’t bond Giulia: IM FINE Nat : Finally Giulia: how to call people in extra Zee: God lied to me Kat: NONONONONONONONONONONO Nat : Wouldn't u do that Kat: Wait am I ahead Nat : Yes Giulia: Of course I would are you even question that Zee: Don’t like this Kat: FUCKING HELL Nat : half the house is falling apart whenever you call someone in Nat : lol Giulia: I DON T LIKE THIS Giulia: THE FUCK Nat : Ah IT WAS A TRAP Giulia: STOP Zee: Knew it Nat : UGH Kat: DAMN IT CHUCK Giulia: AW COME ON Kat: I HATE HIM Giulia: IM FEAR Giulia: thank you micheal Nat : HE WILL HELP THEM Nat : Do we trust him Giulia: NO WE DON T
M: And, to bind the spell together, the nectar from a Leviathan blossom. Giulia: WHET Nat : A what Kat: ONG NOT THE DAMN LEVIATHANS Giulia: OH Nat : Purgatory? Giulia: PURGATORY OF COURSE Zee: Fuck no Kat: PURGATORY DEAN PLEASE YES PLEASE I NEED Nat : NO Nat : DO WE TRUST HIM Giulia: OH ARE WE GETTING PURGATORY BONDING TAKE 2?
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Zee: This will rip my heart Giulia: This michael is so depressed Kat: So our Michael can just make doors out of thin air? Giulia: Apparently
D: Adam, I want you to know... we are sorry. What happened to you... You're a good man. You didn't deserve that.
Giulia: THANK YOU DEAN Nat : Michel can apparently do more than we thought Giulia: True
A: Since when do we get what we deserve?
Zee: ADAM SHUT UP Nat : No, Adam stay. I want him to stay Giulia: IM FEAR Nat : So Two guys in Purgatory will Cas want to come back tho Nat : Alright Promo Giulia: PROMO TIME Nat : Ugh I think they'll be trapped in Purgatory longer than the 12hours Kat: Oi hey Giulia: HOLD ON Zee: The fuck?
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​​      @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @markofdean79​​
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Big News
Summary: Sarah and Ava have big news for the groupchat.
WC: ~1.5k
[Other Bekker renamed the chat “HOUSE PARTY”]
Other Bekker: it’s official
Other Bekker: i own a house
Other Bekker: with my WIFE!!!!!!
Bekker: We’re throwing a housewarming party and everyone’s invited!
Dr. Lanik: What’s the dress code
Other Bekker: casual if you wear a suit ill kill you
Ethan Choi: When? 
Bekker: We were thinking it would start at around six or seven? It would mean a lot to us if Crockett could make it.
FreeWilly: Will there be alcohol?
Other Bekker: some of us are sober. No
no-ah: I’m in
Maggie<3: Wait who’s sober other than Crockett?
Dr. Lanik: Me
Other Bekker: me
connor: @OtherBekker there was an open bar at your wedding
Bekker: Circumstances change
Ethan Choi: This is such a fun conversation. Let’s not have it.
April: So back to the party… details!
Other Bekker: ill send the address in a bit but its gonna be potluck style. Everybody brings food. itll be pretty casual so dont be that asshole (@Dr.Lanik). starting at six ish and ending at maybe 10 or 11 depending on how tired we all are
Ethan Choi: Crockett’s program usually ends at like 5:30 so we might be a little late?
Other Bekker: ok sounds good. how is he btw
Ethan Choi: Pretty well. He’s outpatient for another few weeks and then his doctors are going to discuss long term options. Hopefully he’ll be back at work soon, too
April: Tell him we’re proud of him?
Ethan Choi: As soon as I pick him up tonight.
Sarah: are we telling them tonight?
Wifey: I was thinking so, yes. I mean, we have our house, and the paperwork went through.
Sarah: im so excited
Wifey: Me too, honey
Nat: Not to alarm anybody but whoever’s in charge of Connor right now, come to treatment 4
FreeWilly: love the implication that we take turns babysitting him
Dr. Lanik: We kind of do. I think it’s Maggie’s turn.
Maggie<3: I’m not at work. Who’s next in line?
April: @QueenElsa
Queen Elsa: Fine
connor: im a big boy i can take care of myself
Nat: You literally have a concussion
Ethan Choi: Why?
Nat: He fainted after a surgery. His sugar is low on the finger prick and he said he hasn’t had any water since his shift started
Dr. Lanik: @connor We’ve talked about this
connor: ok boomer
Dr. Lanik: @connor Stop calling me a boomer! We’re the same age!
connor: ok
connor: boomer
Bekker: Can you grow up @connor
connor: no
Queen Elsa: Update for everyone, Connor is getting a CT. He’s eating a Snickers bar right now and we’re pushing fluids
FreeWilly: youre not you when youre hungry
Dr. Lanik: @Bekker @OtherBekker What day will your housewarming party be? My daughter’s birthday is Friday.
Other Bekker: ?????
Bekker: We were thinking Saturday.
April: @FreeWilly Did you know about this???????
FreeWilly: uh yeah?
no-ah: Why did none of us know you had a daughter?
Dr. Lanik: I just don’t see how it’s any of your business.
Nat: How old is she? Who’s her mother? What school does she go to? How did we go this long without knowing?
[Dr. Lanik has sent an image to the chat]
Dr. Lanik: This is Emma, she’s almost eleven, and this is the most information any of you will ever be getting about her.
Ethan Choi: Well this has been a wild ride
Other Bekker: now taking bets on how crockett will react. $10 says he thinks its a joke
no-ah: Coward. He knows everything. $20 says he already knew.
Other Bekker: youre on
Queen Elsa: ...Anyways, Connor’s CT came back alright. It’s a minor concussion; he’ll be fine soon. 
Maggie<3: That’s good
Dr. Lanik: @FreeWilly and I will look after him.
Ethan Choi: Just picked up Crockett, he says hi. He also has letters for each of you as part of his process
Nat: That’s sweet
Ethan Choi: I have been assured none of them contain nudes
Other Bekker: thank g-d
Ethan Choi: I’ll be giving them to you all at work.
Ethan Choi: Crockett will be cooking something I won’t even try to pronounce for the housewarming party
Other Bekker: his cooking is all so good...
no-ah: It slaps
Queen Elsa: Is it that pasta thing??? With the crawfish????
Ethan Choi: Honestly, I don’t know.
Nat: Owen and I are bringing cookies.
Bekker: Important question, @Dr.Lanik… will Emma be coming?
Dr. Lanik: No. I don’t want her near any of you.
connor: hes got a point
Maggie<3: Have you never, in your life, had to bring her to a doctor?
Dr. Lanik: We use East Mercy so that you all keep your noses out of my life.
FreeWilly: ouch
April: I mean, if I had a daughter, I wouldn’t want any of you near her either.
Nat: Harsh, I trust you with my son
April: You’re different.
Bekker: Do I hear wedding bells?
Nat: @April What if we kissed in the doctor’s lounge… and we’re both girls?
Nat: Haha just kidding
Nat: Unless…?
April: Did you just hit on me with a meme
Nat: Did it work?
Other Bekker: another win for the gaydies
Ethan Choi: Crockett laughed 
connor: do you read these messages to him?
Ethan Choi: Sometimes. He likes to be in the loop.
FreeWilly: hot take but. we could just add him back to the chat?
Ethan Choi: He’s not ready for that yet, but he does like to be updated on your lives and one-on-one texting is stressful for him
Other Bekker: we spend more time talking about crockett now than we did when he was in the chat
no-ah: Sweet I have my Crockett letter
Ethan Choi: I'll put them in your lockers. My shift is starting so I'm turning my phone to silent. 
Other Bekker: Crockett Time
Bekker: Did he write me one?
Other Bekker: @Bekker both mine and yours are in my locker i think. one is for "blonde bekker" and one is for "brunette bekker"
no-ah: That's what he has your contacts saved as 
Queen Elsa: Mine is just a smiley face sticker in an envelope?
Other Bekker: jsyk we should probably keep these private! this is important to him
Maggie<3: I'm so excited to see him again on Saturday, I've missed him.
FreeWilly: He's been busy. I think his program is like eight to five every day but Sunday
Nat: What's that even like?
Other Bekker: they have an in house aa group that meets a few times a day and theres a ton of other support like therapy to get to the root of the problem. i mean before he got sober the first time he was self medicating 
Other Bekker: he does a lot of art therapy i think. when he was inpatient he kept mailing paintings to my wife and i 
Curry (Not Dr.): Hey, it's Elsa Curry from Med. Sarah gave me your number. I was just wondering why you gave me a sticker?
Crockett: dont u put them on the inside of your binder? the one u put ur case notes in at the end of ur shift 
Curry (Not Dr.): How did you know that?
Crockett: u pull ur binder out when ur stressed to reference old cases. i thot u might like another sticker so u know ur not in this alone
Crockett: :)
[crickett has renamed the chat "dick bros"]
crickett: @connor do u wanna fuck again this weekend lmao
connor: ???
connor: i thought that was a one time thing
Ethan Choi: It doesn't have to be. 
Maggie<3: @Bekker @OtherBekker Sorry I'm running a little behind! I couldn't find my keys
Bekker: No harm, no foul!
[Bekker has sent an image to the chat]
Bekker: Definitely hurry, we're having so much fun!
Crockett: baby
HUBBY: I'm sitting right beside you.
Crockett: ik but im feeling kinda overwhelmed 
HUBBY: Do you want to go home?
Crockett: i think i just need air will you cover for me if someone comes looking
FreeWilly: sorry!
connor: sorry ahhhhhh i didnt think about it 
Nat: Congrats again, you two, this is huge!
April: ^^
no-ah: Will we get to meet her, or will she be a secret like Laniks daughter?
Bekker: You'll all definitely get to meet her, but let's not do so much at once? Adjusting to a new home is hard, and from what the adoption agency tells us, she's had a rough go of it.
no-ah: Of course! 
Queen Elsa: No little girl could have a better home! Congratulations on your daughter and I wish you really good luck. If you ever need help, we're all here!
Dr. Lanik: She's about eight, right?
Bekker: Yes
Dr. Lanik: If she needs help adjusting, let me know, and maybe Emma and I can help. She was about that age when I adopted her.
connor: the Lanik lore we are getting today omg
Dr. Lanik: You'll both be great parents, and @OtherBekker don't hesitate to let me know if you need extra time off. This is a big deal and you shouldn't have to stress about work when you should be worrying about your family. @Bekker I'll also ask Dr. Latham to be lenient with you as well.
Other Bekker: thank you from both of us <3
connor: who knew lanik had a heart. 
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pinksvnt · 6 years
pairing: reader x vernon
genre: fluff
word count: 2,099
sypnosis: both you and Vernon are idols and hes struggling with his own jealousy that he thinks isnt justified.
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    Vernon watched every step you’d make, cheering you on silently and loving every moment the camera would focus on only you. It wasn't often when your respective groups would promote at the same times but whenever they did he always made an effort to see as much as your performance as possible. You brought so much joy into his life and he couldn't quite understand why but when you two first met as a group to awkwardly exchange albums he caught himself fixed on only you. A few months later you two are now here, happily dating and still a bit awkward around each other but that was just your two personalities clashing together to form one huge mess.
    “Vernonie you can look away from the screen for second and she will still be there you know?” Seungkwan teased him by nudging him to the side and watching y/n just as he was. “Ah, still can’t believe she’s so pretty but just as awkward as you…” Vernon could not even fight that statement as it was the truth, but he didn't mind, at the end of the day he was just happy you two were together.
    “Speaking about crazy things to believe, why haven't you two gone public yet. Or at least snuck out for date late at night because video calls and very short lived conversations here don't seem too fun for a young couple? Maybe even just a car date, i'll drive it'll be like I’m driving my son and his girlfriend to the movies! What do you say Vernon?” Seungcheol wrapped his arm around his shoulder, giving him a gummy smile that quickly went away when Vernon quickly turned down the odd offer.
    “We’re fine Seungcheol, if anything I need some help getting over other things” Maybe he shouldn't be thinking of these sort of things just before a performance, he could end up fumbling on stage and making himself look bad, but also if he didnt at least say what was bothering him then he could have the same outcome. “I think I’m jealous” Not only was the interest of just Seungcheol peaked but so was every one of his members which made embarrassment set in.
    “What exactly are you Jealous of?” Joshua came up from what seemed like out of nowhere to join the conversation.
    “I don’t know, other guys I guess” He heard one his members snort and now he was just starting to feel stupid, like these feelings. “Maybe we should just dro-”
    “He’s right, let’s drop the conversation and bring it back up at the dorm but right now we have to perform, clear your head, it’ll be fine” Minghao patted him on the shoulder as they all started making their way to stage. On their way there, Vernon was lucky enough to pass by y/n.
    “You did great out there y/n” He sort of whispered to you as your members started giggling and whispering amongst each other while they watched your quick exchange.
    “You’ll do great yourself!” You threw him two thumbs up and he immediately felt a tad bit better, he needed some support from you to clear his head long enough to make it through the performance.
    “I can’t believe I was the one who fumbled” Soonyoung was groaning and pouting all over the waiting room over his little mess up, which wasn't even truly his fault.
    “Your shoelace got untied, let it go. It wasn't even a big slip anyway, and plus we were practically done with the set. Don’t be so dramatic” Seungcheol was doing his best to help soonyoung get over his little slip up while it seems everyone had forgotten about Vernon talking about being jealous. Which he was okay with honestly. It was going to save him from saying anything dumb. Joshua plopped down beside him, handing him a bottle of water, Vernon ended up chugging it not even truly realizing before how thirsty he was.
    “It’s normal to be jealous yanno?” To his own dismay, it seemed like Joshua was the only one who didn't forget about their conversation earlier. “Your girlfriend is pretty, guys like pretty girls, she's an idol, she’s gonna get male attention no matter what. Of course you’ll be sitting here feeling jealous when there's tons of guys eyeing her and screaming her name. They wanna be with her too yanno. And I'm not saying this to make you self conscious or anything but its the truth” Joshua just looked at him, what he said really didn't make him feel all to better about anything. So Vernon was just at a lost as to why he felt the need to tell him such a thing. “Girls scream your name, girls want to be with you, a lot of our fans are really pretty you can't deny it, so it's safe to assume she's jealous too. Why wouldn't you two be? It’s normal Vernon, just talk it out with her. She’ll get it and you’ll feel better talking about it with her” Okay, now he understood, it was probably a bit selfish of him to only have thought of his own feelings and not even considered the idea that you two could be feeling jealous of the girls you're around and the girls that call out your name.
    “Thanks Josh, I’ll talk to her when we get back to the dorms” He and Joshua ended up knuckle punching each other and chuckling a bit best bros lol  before turning towards Seungkwan and Seokmin who were playing a game in front of everyone.
    Vernon had been thinking about what Joshua had told him since they left the venue and now his mind was trying to come up with different ways in which he could bring up his own jealousy with you. Truth be told the only reason you two ended up dating was because you were friends with Seungkwan first and you confessed you had feelings for Vernon, which ultimately lead to Seungkwan setting you two up because in his own words they both are ‘too dense to even realize they're hungry’.
    It had been a few hours since they got back to their dorms and Vernon was completely settled by this time, so he figured this was a good time to call you up and try to get himself to talk about how he's feeling.
    Going through his contacts he got a bit distracted by the image you had set as your image. It was his favorite photo, it was cute but not in the typical way, your face was covered in frosting and you had a huge smile on your face. The day he took that photo was on your birthday, you tripped while trying to get into your seat and face palmed into the cake he brought you. It was really unforgettable. Anyway, he got himself to finally press the call button and he was going to do his best to not avoid the conversation he wants to have with you.
    “Hello?” you had whispered into your phone which left him a bit confused.
“Hey y/n, i just wanted to talk to you about som-”
    “I’m sorry Vernon but is it important? I have to meet with someone and I can’t be late. Could we talk about this later possibly?” Maybe he should have texted you first to make sure you even available, he felt a little stupid honestly. Was this important? Who were you even going to meet at night?
“Oh, uh yeah, it can wait, call or text me when you can…” Vernon ended up bringing the phone away from his face without even hearing your answer and when he heard the dial tone playing, signalling that you had hung up he groaned loudly. You told him everything and now he felt like he was turning into a pile of goop. Who were you going to meet? And why were they so important for you to meet? If it had been your ceo that you were going to see, you would've told him right away, that's what you always did. It seemed like the effect of what Joshua told him earlier had faded. Until Vernon heard from you he was going to remain a fumbling mess.
    Vernon was startled awake by his ringtone, he took a glimpse at the time reading 3am and your name under he felt instantly worried him so he took no second longer to answer your call.
    “y/n what's wrong” he sounded terrible groggy, he was embarrassed but he didn't really have the energy to focus on that right now.
    “Nothing is wrong silly…. I just want to hear your voice” He was always just a bit confused when he was fully awake but having just been woken up, Vernon was struggling really hard to form a sentence.
    “Im awake” He heard you faintly giggling before someone in the background went about shushing you.
    “I'm sorry for waking you, maybe we should head to bed, Goodnight Vernon” And that was that, you hung up on him yet again, he would've stayed awake longer but the bed was pulling him back forcefully to fall asleep.
    When he finally did wake up in the morning he almost convinced himself that it was simply a dream so he thought nothing of it. Then after finally taking a quick glimpse at his call history a bit more anxiety awoke inside of him. Last night was weird, you weren't one to ever turn him away or hang up calls, and with his prior issue of jealousy he could barely manage to think straight. So he just lied there staring at his ceiling, trying to convince himself that his jealousy wasn't important enough to bring up to you. He stayed like that for a few hours arguing back and forth with himself trying to figure things out, but just the sheer thought of you possibly liking someone else felt like a punch in the gut. He had to call you and this time he was not going to let you hang up. Reaching for his phone and calling you up he took a deep breath and was pleasantly surprised when you answered basically right away.
“Vernon! good mor- well more like afternoon, you must've been tired huh?” Even through just the tone of your voice he could tell you were smiling widely.
“Y-yeah, well no, I've been awake for a few hours actually” He didn't really think about how he should ease into the conversation, and even though this was all he had running through his mind he didn't want to over think his words.
“Oh well, you should've called me earlier I would've sent you some breakfast that we made over at my dorm”
“You could still se- wait no y/n I'm calling you because we need to talk. Talk about us?”
“Oh-” you paused “uhm what specifically” he now could very easily tell the difference in the way you spoke and now he was feeling more nervous than before.
“I- I'm jealous y/n. I think I'm jealous of the fact that maybe some of your fans see you in person more than I do. Even though it sounds kinda du-”
“No! Vernon, it's not dumb. I'm really glad you brought it up because I thought I was insane for feeling the same way. You know, all these pretty girls will talk to you and get to see you often but the most we get is a video call on good days” Vernon's own worries are now slowly slipping away from him and he couldn't help but sigh I'm relief to your response.
“....wow, I am- relieved” he face palmed himself and grunted just before sinking into his bed and wanting to punch himself for not getting this out sooner.
“I think we're both just, doofs…. Cause I would never want to be with anyone but you” y/n practically whispered the second half of that sentence into the phone and it was the reassurance Vernon needed. On one hand, he always knew you were happy with him and wouldn't leave him for another, but jealousy really gets to a person.
“I'm happy with you, y/n. We can make this work for as long as you want me by your side” His own face was burning up, why did he say something so dramatic and embarrassing. But it was true, as long as you would continue to want Vernon in your life, he'd stay right by your side.
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blogenana · 6 years
Doctor Who - Earthshock Live Review
So I have my crisps and lemonade and im ready to continue my journey through classic who - idk why I just started live blogging it...
• People are climbing
• So they've found something- an alien I'm assuming- why do humans always tamper with things we shouldn't
• Oh they haven't found something theyre looking for people
• I hate how classic who drags on so slowly
• Sinister music
• 'probably nothing" foreshadowing...
• Okay get to the killing already
• Wow I forget they must have their own rooms in the Tardis
• Lots of books in Adrics room
• "why should that interest me" ooh okay Adric getting a bit sassy
• Why's he fed up
• looool "I'm tired of being considered a joke" "why am I being constantly teased" maybe because you're annoying and you make sexist remarks?
• oh chill
• The doctor don't have time to deal with this
• aww okay Adric being jealous that Nyssa and Tegan get more attention from the doctor than him is kinda cute
• 'I give you my word' 'just as you gave your word to Tegan" okaaaaay go off (spoiler alert) ik Adric dies in this because I saw a spoiler so this is very sad foreshadowing that the doctor will break his word to Adric about making time for him- kinda sad
• I hate the celery stick
• okay Adric kick off
• Doctor can't take criticism which is interesting because the last time he was probably ever blamed for something was One with Barbara and Ian. I don't remember any companion ever criticizing him like this before
• 'Well it can wait' you'll regret that
• "I'm tired of being an outsider" this would make sense if we had seen him being an outsider before - in my opinion Tegan is the outsider as she's new and not as mathematically advanced as the others. also I would say that Adric is the closest to the doctor out of all 3 so his point isn't really valid
• I guess this is the writers way of making adrics death more tragic
• ooh Adrics theme
• I swear he was an outsider amongst his own people too
• 'the tools would go missing" why do these people never take the hint
• forgot Adric was from e space- tbh what was the doctors plan when he did demand to go home eventually- did he wanna travel with him till he died?
• "e space is another universe, there isn't a taxi service that goes back and forth"
• Romana mention!
• "im not waiting around while you plot the course to your own destruction" the doctor has never experienced a companion death before - also foreshadowing
• "you know I think since his regeneration he's become decidedly immature" this is funny also like 4 was soooo mature
• I like Adric and Five's relationship
• the actor who plays Adric has gone better
• Nyssa is the most mature out of this entire group
• "breathe deeply and relax" why is Tegan a meditation instructer out of nowhere
• the doctor didn't take much convincing
• lol the doctor bopping Tegans nose was cute
• Ooh Dinosaur bones
• let me guess - the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was an alien spaceship or aliens killed them
• Someone screamed
• Ooh yeah she be dead
• Okay the villains look like they're wearing gimp costumes
• Reminds me of American Horror Story Murder House & the leather monster
• Aah doctor who giving a lesson on how the dinosaurs were killed. We love a show that educates
• Did I mention how much I hate the celery stick because I hate it honestly whose idea was it
• Bro chill why is this man grabbing the doctor like that what he do
• Calm the fuck down mate
• Gimp people be shooting
• Okay they may be androids but they'll always be gimp people to me
• Android vision
• Why they gotta hit us with the plot twist like that i wasn't ready
• The Cybermen looks sad
• Hehehe the face is funny
• Gimps be strong
• Why do the Cybermen sound muffled
• I find it more creepy when they have human voices than Robots because it makes It more real that these machines have humans in them
• hHaven't seen them in some time
• I love Tegans sarcasm
• I'm cracking up at the Cybermen voice
• 1 gimp down 1 to go
• tThe gimps be dead
• 'prepare to activate the devise" dun dun DUN
• Damn the Cybermen be skinny
• I'm bored i want doctor/cybeman action
• Okay it's getting intense
• Cybermen be SHOOK
• "cyber technology is too advanced for earthlings" figure it out then mate
• He's recognised the Tardis
• I'm geeking out
• Imma watch this bit a few times hang on
• Aah I loved that it was so cool bloody hell I'm a nerd
• The 2nd Cybermen looked shocked while he was watching
• "have you no emotions sir" classic
• "Adric do you have a moment" "I'm hungry" Okay I like him in this one he's a mood. Why is he suddenly likeable the ep he dies
• "all part of the daily routine" see what I mean
• Well your daily routine Is gonna end soon
• He doesn't wanna go home!!
• Doctor is relieved it's cute
• Ah this is sad
• It would be easier if i didn't know he was gonna die
• Cos I do like their relationship
• Okay we're being introduced to new people
• "you're beginning to bore me" the writers knew
• I'm trying really hard to concentrate I've zoned out
• Ah the doctor has got my attention "I want to announce my presence, see what the reaction is" course
• aaaand the doctor is caught and he's being accused for murder again
• Don't they have cctv just check it
• "apprehended why can't he just say caught" me in English classes
• 'even under the threat of death he has the arrogance of a time lord"
• I thought Cybermen had no emotions but this Cybermen just said he wants the doctor to suffer for their past defeats - revenge is an emotion which is v ironic
• Hh SHIT the Cybermen are walking
• lol tegan " im just a mouth and legs" she's such a mood
• The Cybermen music is cool
• The doctors face when he sees them
• Aah the soldier has betrayed them
• Why is it that whenever there's a women in charge the men who is second can't handle it and goes rogue
• iIt's such a typical trope
• The dialogue for the doctor is great
• "you know them"
• "oh yes, we go back a long way"
• Haha "I'm surprised they didn't mention me" 'well perhaps you overestimate your importance" "oh I doubt it" doctor is and will always be that bitch
• The doctor is doing doctory things
• "that's very clever" "oh it is" the doctor bragging about how clever he is starts here
• Damn tegan she just shot a Cyberman
• Flashback to "the doctor makes people into weapons"
• Finally the doctor vs Cybermen showdown
• Lol I knew they would kill the betrayer
• "our records indicate that you have a fondness for earth" (especially earth girls)
• "this time we shall succeed in destroying the earth" no you won't mate
• Ah the Cybermen coming out of plastic Wrap is a throwback to the 2nd Doctor Cybermen story
• Tegan looks like a badass with the gun
• So they're destroying the leaders of various planets before they destroy the Cybermen
• Tegan has no idea what she's doing
• I love how Five says the most savage lines with the most polite tone
• He could tear you down and look like he's complimenting you
• Tegan has been caught
• Cyberman in the Tardis is weird
• 'who is this woman' - 'no-one of consequence' - 'thanks a lot - gotta love Tegan
• Okay wow that scene between the doctor and the Cyberman about emotions gave me goose bumps what a thrilling scene
• The Cybermen has a point- he can control the doctor because he has emotions
• I'll never get tired of the debate about emotions between them because it genuinely feels like the Cyberman defend the concept of having no emotions to defend their existence
• Five looks hot when he's defending emotions
• Fuck they need to leave Adric behind
• Shit I'm getting nervous
• His theme is playing!
• The Doctor looks conflicted
• Adric leaving his hand out after the doctor let go...
• "I'll see you soon" this is the actors best performance because you can see in his eyes he knows he won't
• The Doctor has never had a companion die before so he walks away without looking back
• "it will once you start getting rusty" Tegan is funny
• Adric is plotting
• The Cybermen say they have no emotions but forcing Tegan watch her own planet getting destroyed is extremely sadistic
• Clever Adric
• The Earth looks different
• Okay so Adric's cleverness is what gets him killed because he knows he can crack the code
• The Dinosaurs! I knew it!
• Oh crap Earth is safe but Adric doesn't know that
• I think this comes down to Adric wanting the doctors attention and wanting to be the best to have his attention
• The Doctor has his pin!
• Five suffocating and shooting a Cyberman is shocking to see
• Adric whyyyyyy
• This Cyberman walking towards him is bloody persistent
• "Now I'll never know if i was right" such Adric last words
• Id like to believe he was
• Damn.
• The Doctors face. The fact that it could have been avoided if he just left the ship
• Adric is the first companion that died on the Doctor's watch
• Adric died thinking the Earth was going to be destroyed and he could have stopped it
• The credits!! his gold star! the silence! this must have been a shock to the viewers. If i didn't know beforehand through spoilers I would be going crazy
• Earthshock had it's ups and downs, the downs in regards to the pace of the plot however the story was good and the Cybermen were fantastic especially their interactions against the doctor. Tegan and Adric were great. Nyssa didn't really have much to do. Davison was amazing. I liked the writing.
• Also I liked the structural shift of the story to the cave androids to the bomb to the spaceship to dealing with The Cybermen to saving Earth and then to Adrics death
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aregularnewyorklife · 6 years
The Sleepover (Part One)
(I’m taking a small break from writing... by writing dhhdhdh. I just wanted to write some Jumaz and Wulff fluff honestly shhsdh. If I ever continue this, a little catgirl might be included...)
(Note that I didn’t wanna be stuck saying MC, so I replaced their name with Blue, my usual default playthrough name)
Jumaz bursts into the room, stuck in his cheetah form and his eyes fluttering grogginess from napping three times... before a sleepover party. His mouth is a slobbered mess, dried fur crisping up around his lips while a pretty nasty stream of drool flows down his mouth. “Blueeeeee! I’ve got a whole lotta loving and I need someone to take iiiiit!” He moans, stumbling carelessly through the room.
“You are definitely a mess Jumaz,” the raven was busy cooking up a feast for later, yet still noticed Jumaz’s disheveled demeanour. “Please take a shower before Blue sees you at your lowest, also please take care of your *ahem* lowest part as well.”
The cheetah yawns, patting himself in the stomach, “Well I would take care of it if Blue was here... where are they again?”
Wulff sighs, bringing over the platters of food over to the food heater he brought back from the restaurant, pushing the cart over to the main room, “Before you took your endless amount of naps, they told me Dragon Scientist needed to run some tests, they’ll be back before 10, it’s 8. Get a shower, you’re not going to woo anyone if you look like trash... implying you weren’t in the first place.”
Jumaz snickers at Wulff, blowing him a kiss before going back to the bathroom. The chef waits until the cheetah is gone, flopping onto the couch. He takes a moment to look around, seemingly ‘grabbing’ the kiss as soon as the coast is clear and smacking it into his beak.
Ten Minutes Later
A loud moan echoes through the hallway, a slight purring coming soon after, “Ah! I love a good hot shower.”
Jumaz -still in his cheetah form- waltzes back into the lounge room, wearing only some loosely fitted underwear and an oversized t-shirt from Wulff’s closet. His eyes sets on the bird laying on the couch, instinctively jumping onto Wulff and laying his butt on his sturdy chest, grinning sheepishly as he turns back to face the raven.
Heaving a loud caw, Wulff tried to readjust himself, trying to bear the Jumaz-weigh on his chest. “At least you showered,” he manages to breathe, flipping his roommate over to face him.
Jumaz leans forward into Wulff’s chest, resting his soft furry head onto the now shirtless-raven’s pecs, “Hmm, sweatpants and no shirt, looks like someone is dressing to impress~” His hands circle around his friend’s feathers, his fingers laying over Wulff’s nipple.
Quickly removing the feline’s hand off his chest, he places the much leaner man’s hand back onto his shoulder, bringing them much closer together, their faces edging forward, “No touchies. Anyways, these are very scandalous clothes your wearing... including my shirt.”
“Is it wrong to want to feel sexy sometimes?” Jumaz laughs, flicking the chef’s beak before lying back on his chest. He groans loudly, pulling himself closer to Wulff’s face, “Arghhhhh! I can’t wait 2 hours for Blue!”
“Well you’ve got me, which is either worse or better, and some food if you’re hungry, go ahead if you want some.”
The signature grin appears back on Jumaz’s snarky face, his face rising back up from the feathery chest that was Wulff, “What if I’m not hungry for something else? Maybe Im not hungry for food?”
Wulff keeps his poker face up, tilting his head in confusion, “What do you what then?”
“Maybe I’m in the mood for some... bird~”
Wulff gestures his head towards the food heater cart, “Well I made sweet and sour chicken.”
“I love it when you play hard to get~”
“That’s my style,” Wulff rolls his hand under Jumaz’s chin, slowly bringing him closer to his beak, “it gets people wild.”
Jumaz smiles even wider, his mouth purring with anticipation, “It’s working it’s wonders Wulffy~ We’ve got two hours, I have a perfect way to waste it.”
The raven wraps his free arm around the cheetah’s waist bringing his body closer to him, “Oh? And what do you have planned?”
Both men lean close into each other, both their mouths edging closer... and closer... and closer...
“FOR GODS SAKES GET A ROOM!” A pillow hits both of them in the face, Jumaz swiftly snaps his neck towards the perpetrator: a flustered quarter-Siamese cat on the opposite chair, also known as HyperLink.
“When did HL get here!?” Jumaz shouts at his partner’s face, shaking the shirtless avian.
“Oh yeah, she came here a few minutes ago, I forgot about that honestly.”
The feline sighs, getting off his friend’s chest and petting HyperLink, the young girl swiping away at Jumaz with her small claws. “Hey gal.”
The catgirl screeches at the flirty mess of a cat, though her tail says otherwise. “I-I’m gonna get some food!” She stammers off, furiously grabbing a plate and filling it with a glory of food.
Jumaz leans back onto the floor, smiling back at Wulff, whom simply shrugs at him. He gets back up from the floor approaching the avian and leaning above him.
Wulff sits back up, rubbing his head, “I’ll get the gaming console set up for HyperLink, can you-“ the soft lips of the cheetah lock onto his beak, a sweet cotton candy flavour bouncing around his mouth.
Jumaz latches off his partner, smiling even wider this time, “Like my new chapstick?”
Wulff reorganises himself, taking a solid minute to have his brain functioning, “Y-yeah. U-uh, just get the mattresses ready please.”
The feline nods, giddily setting off for his mission, leaving the dazed Wulff alone.
“Jeez... Blue better get here before Jumaz tires us out,” he mumbles.
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taesugakookiess · 6 years
Boundaries | Sweet Pea🍇
Summary: You’ll see. 
Warning: M’nah.
Taglist: @samithepixie @majesticmarais @jackslittleavery @jackaverysboo @jackaverybabe @jackaverx @callykim @heyowdw @blushybesson @beautybesson @lovableherron @clairedoe @trustfundbabby @im-on-something-different @ishouldtakeyoutothemoon @ramenavery @noodles-send-n00ds 
Lemme know if you wanna be tagged in future stuff🐾
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Rose’s Outfit
"What the hell, Betty, I’m lost," I said looking around. "Rose, you need to find a bus stop," Betty said through the phone. "I can barely see," I said, still looking around. "Does it look safe," She said. "It’s dark...It's your fault I got lost," I frowned. "Is not!" She cried, chomping chips in my near. As I got deeper into the woods, Betty’s voice started to break up, "Ro, stop panicking and call Archie," Betty suggested before our call cut off. I scoffed, "No service." Before I continue, I bet you're wondering what's going on, let me explain. I was on my way to a party on the other side of the town when I ended up getting lost. Mind you, I’m a homebody, not an adventurer. And, tragically, I have no service so I’m pretty hopeless at this point. My brother, Archie, dropped me off at a bus stop and I told him I would handle the rest of the way since he had something to do, I sincerely regret that. I lifted my hand in the air to try and get closer to the satellite, "It's no use," I said. I decided to walk until I found our way to civilization. After what felt like an hour, I squinted my eyes, "I see people over there, and lights!"
I ran over to the phone booth. As I entered the booth, I saw people looking at me.
They didn't look like the people on our side of the town. I slid a nickel into the slot and dialed Archie's number, as the phone rung, I observed our surroundings. It was pretty quiet. "Hello?" "Archie, come get me, I'm hungry, tired, exhausted-" "Woah, Rose, calm down. What's wrong?" "Come get me please," I sighed.  "Where are you?" "Near the woods," I looked around. "I'm on my way," Archie said. I hung up and got out of the phone booth. I sat down on a bench, waiting for Archie. It was quiet for a while until a motorcycle engine broke the silence. 
“You lost?”  A tall guy with greasy black hair and a tattoo on his neck chuckled.
“Um, No...”
"I know that red hair from anywhere." "Excuse me?" I said, baffled. "You're Red's sister."  "I beg your pardon," I stood up to walk away before he stepped in front of me. "Where're you going?" He looked down at me. "Leave me alone," I brushed past him. "I just wanna talk," He laughed as if he'd told a joke. "No thank you," I said. He grabbed my hand, "Listen, Rose-" My eyes widened, I froze, "How d'you know my name?" "Everyone knows your name," He said with a sly smile. I yanked my hand from him, "Get away from me, creep!" "You looked me in my eyes, you clearly see something in me," He said.
"Trouble," I said, laughing. "Hey, I just wanna talk," He said pitifully. I sighed, "I don't even know you." "Sweet Pea, but don't let the name fool you," He winked. "Well, Sweet Pea, that’s a weird name and I don't wanna be bothered," I said with a half smile. "Tell me your name," He insisted. "You're not gonna give up," I said shaking my head, "...I'm Rose." "Rose. Pretty name for a pretty girl," He said making my cheeks red. "Thanks," I tried to hide my bashfulness. "Ah, gotcha," He pulled my hand from my face, revealing my red face. A giggle escaped my mouth, "Stop, please." "I'll call you Rosebush," He said. I cocked my head to the side, "Rose...bush?" "So are you, uh, waiting for someone?" "Yeah, my brother, it's a long story." "I'll listen," He looked around with his eyebrows raised. I started to feel comfortable talking to Sweet Pea. He had a nice vibe that I wasn't expecting from him. We talked for a while about each other, he was...sweet, sorta. I was actually enjoying our conversation when a car swerved down the street. I didn't know who it was until Archie rushed out the car, slamming the door. "Get away from her!" He shouted. Sweet Pea threw his hands up, "Andrews. Funny to see you around here," He joked. "Stay away from my sister, Sweet Pea," Archie scowled, grabbing me before I could explain. "Arch-" I began before he pushed me away from Sweet Pea. "I don't wanna hear it, just get in the car," He bellowed. He never shouted at me before so I was kinda shocked. I stood there, tears welling up in my eyes. "Your clearly the one hurting her," Sweet Pea clenched his jaw, “I’ll see her again.” "Rose, get in the car," Archie eyed me. I stormed to the car, my feelings were various. I was mad, sad, and confused. Why did Archie make such a big deal? He’s always pestering me about being single. Not that I wanted Sweet Pea or anything. Archie got in the car, "What the hell, Rose?!" "What d'you mean, you're the one who made a scene!" "He's a Serpent for fucking sake!" "He may be a serpent but," I said looking down at my fingers, "...He has something about him that's different." As we drove off, I could see Sweet Pea smiling at me. It left a weird smile on my face. Archie scoffed, "He's our enemy. Don't tell me you like him?" I gasped, "Archie!" "I don't want to see you around him, ever again." "You're not my father," I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm your brother," Archie looked at me. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, dude." He knows that whenever I'm mad at him, I call him that. We didn't talk the rest of the way. I thought about Sweet Pea though. I wonder what's the deal with him and Arch. 
Later that night, I sat at the dinner table, just staring at my food. "You alright?" Dad asked. "M'yeah," I speared a tomato. It was quiet, but you could still feel the heat in the air between me and Archie. I stood up, "Excuse me," I said before leaving. I couldn't get Sweet Pea off my mind for some reason. I don't like him, it's just...I don't...know...but I want to see him again...
To be continued? 👀
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twobitsswitchblade · 3 years
“Pool at bucks” a Dal-pop fan-fiction.
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It was only 11 pm. I was laying on the couch like a sack of potato's groaning and sighing. Darry was in the kitchen fixing lunch up for later and pony was at the kitchen table being forced to study. Me? I've fallen into a state of not caring much, had no motivation.
I'm the type of guy to be out around this time and hang out with some friends but lately I've just been tired, it might be from the lack of sun, seasonal depression sucks..
"Hey Cola, what's with the sappyness?" Pony asked as I groaned. "Nah kiddo, the cloudy days aren't making me as happy." I said lifting my head up facing the kid. "Well...you can go sit infront of a light?" Pony was really worried for me, he had some worried look and pierced lips like he wanted to say more, "I'll be okay pone I promise it'll get better!" I said flopping my head back down, the kid was worried and I felt bad..but I had no idea how to get happy again, if the sun wasn't such a stubborn thing I could've asked it to come out.
I looked over under the tv to see some board games the guys and I usually play when we're bored. I mean there's pony's skates he never uses and could fit me.
I kept looking around for something to do, I started thinking of someone to hang out with. Two-bit is Proably wasted, pony has homework, Darry is to busy and a lump on a log, johnny is already so exhausted, Steve is working over time today when I took the day off.
It was like circles going through my head, fuck I hate being bored. I felt like I was missjng someone though?
"Hey dar, hey pone" Incame a deep voice and heavy boot like foot steps. I sat up a little to try and catch a glimpse of which greaser came over to lump around. Dallas came through the living entrance and plopped beside me with a weed 'n' beer.
"Hey soda," he said sticking the weed between his light pink lips. "Whats up? Buck kick you out again?" The hoodlum looked at me and took the weed from his lips and laughed with smoke coming out. "Nah nah, not this time cola. I just wanted to see my favorite brother trope" he said head locking me and gave me a nuggy. I chuckled and unlocked his arm around me sliding my hair back. He took a sip of the beer and put his weed arm on the back of the couch facing me.
"Why you drooping on the couch? Shouldn't you be at work with Steve?" He said twirling the liquid. "I took the day off, seasonal depression." I said lay my head back closing my eyes and crossing my arms. Dallas seemed worried, but, you never know when he ACTUALLY is he's like a stone statue when it comes to emotion, he grew up thinking showing emotion would label him as being a pussy to society.
He looked around the room and looked down the hallway to make sure Darry wasn't near and he came close to my ear so I could feel his smoky hot breath sending chills down my arms and legs. I opened my eyes. "Why don't we get you out of the house, you know go out for lunch?" He said backing up as I sat up and looked at him, he never was this nice to anyone unless he was trying to hook up with some girl. I was very uncomfortable with accepting this offer from a hood. Plus he's probably lonely and needs someone to fuck. "I'm good Dal, but thanks." I said stubbornly as he nudged me "come on cola it'll be fun I'll bring you back, I'm not gonna harm you." He said with worried brows making my face soften. Maybe he wasn't lonely maybe he genuinely wanted to help?
My body was still unsure and it was a hard decision. "You promise your not gonna lay a hand on me?" I said putting a brow up as he looked at me confused. "Why would I put a hand on my best buddy?" "Dallas you put hands on everyone if it's sexual or not you still do." I said putting him in his place as he side and made his weed hang out of his mouth. "Fine you caught me but please? I ain't tryin to hurt someone like you and if I did Darry would stab me." Dallas's looks looked soft like he was trying to get me to come. His puppy dog eyes didn't make it better...I could feel my cheeks heat up like a bomb fire.
"Fine" I said as he smiled "I'll tell Darry, wanna come?" He said as I nodded and we walked to Darry who was focused on food. "Hey Darrel" dally said greeting the older man with a wave. "Hey Dallas what's up?" Darry said turning around and placing a bowl of already drained noodles down. "Me and soda were just gonna go out for some lunch and maybe a drive around town? He's been down lately" Dallas said with a rough look a lit another weed. "That's fine but bring him back before midnight, hear me? Or your head is on a knife." Darrel said point a wooden spoon at the hood as Dallas nodded. "12 sharp" Dallas said and tugged my sleeve and we walked out the door.
"Why are you doing this anyway?" I said fixing my flannel collar, "to bring the old soda back" he said popping his Proably stolen car doors open. I opened the passenger side and plopped in.
He drove off, it took a couple minutes to get there but we arrived to this run down bar looking place. I was very unsure about this so I looked at Dallas who seemed to be looking for something. I didn't wanna say anything cause I knew he was only trying to help but I felt very uncomfortable. "Hey dal is this a bar?" I asked as he looked at me "no don't worry cola it might seem like it but my buddy owns this place it has the best food. I always brought dates here" he said with a smirk and I was supprised I never knew he took girls to this place?
We stepped out and walked in, the fresh smell of brewing green tea and the sound of people chatting filled the air. It seems like Dallas was already noticed by the register person. "Hey Dallas, what another date?" The cashier said sending me into shock and my face went red. "Nah nah this is my buddy soda, I've talked about him before" Dallas said sending me into a confused look, I never knew he talked about me? "Ah the guy your in-" before the guy could finish Dallas slapped him, it scared me and I was confused why he'd hit him. "Daniel shut up, funny story, table for two goodbye." Dallas said angerily and took me by the sleeve. I was still so confused.
He sat us in a booth in the corner of the restaurant. It was nicely decorated it was a type of food place Highschool kids would go to, to bring their girlfriends to. I scanned the menu and Dallas was right they had good looking food. "What do you want? I'll pay" he said with a harsh voice I knew he was still angry at whag 'Daniel' was gonna say and it made me confused. "I'll just have a water I'm not that hungry" I said not wanting him to waste his money. "No order something the tables on me, buck lended me some bucks yesterday." He said, he looked sure he wanted to do this and it made the tips of my ears red, I never gone to such a nice place to eat with someone, I only ever brung sandy to old run down restaurants I never knew a hood had better taste than me. "I'll have their....actually Dallas, surprise me." I said since Dallas wanted to be mr nice I wanted to see if he'll be nice with his choice, to see if he knew me enough. The hood laughed and nodded his head and the waiter came over. "Not you again" Dallas huffed as Daniel had a sly face and laughed "who pissed in your cereal tucker?" The boy said "tucker?" "It's my middle name." He said and looked back at Daniel "just get me a water, for him, get him a Pepsi with..." he paused and then a lightbulb practically lit up on his head "some tea cake along with chicken tenders" this boy did know me it was scary, I lit up when he said all my favorite items "that'll be out soon winston" Daniel said and nudged his head and Dallas swatted his hand away. "Who's he" I asked "high school buddy he's annoying, hhhh, but he's a good friend" Dallas said pulling a weed out. "Ha..." I thought for a minute of whag I was gonna say to him "you really do know my taste...how do you know I liked that stuff?" I said as Dallas looked at me from his lighter. "I just do I pay attention to you soda, I ain't some jerk who dosent listen when you rant" he said having trouble with the lighter and giving up throwing the smoke and lighter on the table. "Well" I picked both the things up and lit the weed instantly handing it to him, "I never knew someone listened, thanks tucker" I said handing him the smoke as his cheeks went somewhat pink and I smiled, he just looked away and smoked and we sat in silence waiting for the food.
The food came out, Daniel winked at Dallas and Dallas slapped him again. "okay okay im sorry" he said rubbing his cheek and walked off, "enjoy ur food princess" he said sarcastically just teasing me as I went red from embarrassment. "Never call me that again." I said as he chuckled "okay Pepsi" he said wish a wink and drank his water as I just rolled my eyes and ate.
Time went on asn we gossiped, talked about gang stuff and laughed. Dallas had some humor not a lot of people noticed, but i didn't know how much I was red until he pointed it out making me think of a lie. "Just cold" I said smiling as he smiled "sure but okay, by the way Pepsi I got something to show you" he said making me tilt my head, "what?" I said as he smiled "you have to wait" he said and me being impatient sighed "fine.".
It was 1 pm and we finished our talk and food. "Hey dal, done?" Daniel came over and asked and the hood shook his head, Daniel handed the bill, "just place the money on the table I'll pick it up" he said and dallas left 10 bucks, not the right amount of money but Daniel rolled his eyes. "Now scram before I knock ur head off your body" Dallas said standing up and lunging at Daniel and Dan took the money and left. Dallas looked at me and sighed me to get going. I walked with him and went out the door and suprisingly the sun was out, I looked up and smiled and he looked at me "happy?" He said with a smile as I looked at him "now I am...that was nice Dal..." I said as he smoked a bit and walked down the steps with me. "Your welcome soda, now come on I got something to show you" he said and we drove off.
During the drive I could seee bucks not to far and I already had a bad feeling. My stomach grew sick. "Dallas wnat are you gonna do to me?" I said in fear of him touching me. "Nothing buddy, slow your breathe I just want to show you what me and buck bought for some parties!" He said happingly sending me into fight or flight. "Um okay". Dallas looked sad and looked at the road.
We parked and he got out and he opened my door, "come on Pepsi" he said as I stepped out and he put a arm around me and walked with me. "Look it'll be okay" he said trying to calm me down.
We walked in and country music was playing, bucks place always gave me iffy vibes Darry didn't even want me coming. Dallas let go of me and we walked to a stair case "come on" he said and we walked down creeky stairs and I was so glad it wasn't a bedroom.
We made it down and it was dark, Dal flicked some lights on and in the middle of the room was a pool table. Dallas walked over to it and grabbed one stick and looked at me "ever played?" He asked "not in a long time," I said calming down and he motioned for me to come over, I was quite excited me and my dad use to play and I smiled and walked up to him.
He took the triangle casing off the balls and walked behind me, he handed me the stick and helped me be in the right position, he made me follow his hips into a bending like position and put his hands over mine. I was blushed head to toe, feeling the guys body on mine made me flustered, I wasn't uncomfortable j was more excited, my ears face and finger tips went pink and a lump in my throat appeared. "And then" he said and hit the ball for me, I started to remeber it and I looked at him when he stood up "got the hang of it?" He asked grabbing his own stick. Fuck I didn't want his warmth off me, it felt weird to think that but I was being honest, it made me feel safe.
"Maybe one more time still rusty" I said smiling and giggling as he gave a smile "alright alright" he said as his smiled made my stomach flutter, right when he did the same motion to me my stomach was full of butterflies, I was uncontrollably smiling and giggling and he did the same "stop laughing your gonna mess me up" he said laughing as I laughed harder and when he let the stick go it went horribly. "Soda what's so funny" he said as I stopped and smiled "I don't know" I said facing him when he got off and he smirked
"Yeah Dal"
"Are you gay?"
My face went fully red making me grow a sweat, I never thought about it. Yeah I've found guys pretty but never dated one. But Dallas he made me wanna run a marathon when he was close to me, even at the restaurant I was flustered as his sly remarks or sex jokes, I daydreamed about him quite a lot but didn't think much of it.
"You don't have to answer" he said caringly as I snapped "no it's okay but.." I said looking at my fingers not wanted to make eye contact being afraid of him hating me. "I'm not sure, I've found guys pretty but never had a crush, but, I've never had someone to help me with knowing if I was" I said as Dallas nodded "I understand kiddo, can I admit something?" He said as I nodded "I'm pansexual kiddo so if your gay I'm fine with that, I won't ever hate someone for finding attraction to the same sex, I'd kiss a guy and jm some tuff hood" he said as a smiled peeled on my lips as he smiled too "plus you want someone help you to see if you are?" He said "kinda" I said as I looked anywhere else but his eyes
Before I could speak another word he put his hand on my cheek asn his lips on mine. I wasn't uncomfortable I was melting, it wasn't a rough kiss it was a quick peck but my body wanted more. His lips were rather soft and his hands were warm, once he let go I froze my eyes wide and my stomach fluttering. "Did that do anything? Sorry it was unex-" before he could finished I dropped my stick and grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him into a rough kiss with tongue, my stomach fluttered my heart raced and my hands kept gripping his hair. He dropped his stick and Held my waist with one hand and the other in my hair pushing me closer.
It felt like a dream it felt so good, so right. By then I was pushing against the pool table and I wanted more of his lips, it felt so good but he let go, panting, and damn it was hot.
"Sorry" I said catching breathe as he smiled "are you kidding that was,,,great, amazing even" he said as my eyes glittered he pecked my forehead "so how do you feel" he said as I gripped the collar of his jacket. I felt so gay and I loved the adrenaline running through my veins, "I feel amazing" I said playing with the back of his hair as he chuckled, never knew a hood could be so loveable.
His lips were soft, his tongue was desperate and rough and I liked it. "I'm glad" he said "wanna keep playin pool?" He said as I nodded "need more help?" He said as I laughed, "I might've only kept asking so ur body would be against mine" I said as he said oh snd smiled "I see, I guess you need more help?" He said as I nodded.
He kept helping me as I was focused on the game and I finally was able to do it alone, I already had my turn and got a coiled balls in snd I watch focused dally try to get a good hit. I sat on the corner of the table as he let his stick go and only got a couple in, "fuck" he said as I laughed, there was a ball almost in and I dropped it in for him.
"Good job tucker!" I said smiln as his face went heated "don't call me that" he said as I fucked around "okay tucker" he went fully red and walked around the table and put his hands by my hips and his face close to mine. "What'd I say boy" he said smiling making his Smokey breathe hit my face. I liked when he got aggressive it was a good look on him. "I said tucker" I said getting in his face smirking as he narrowed his browns and put our lips together.
Not gonna lie I expected to be hit but this was better. This went on for another hour before we got tired of the game. "I'm hungry" I whined as he put the balls back up. "Buck went shopping let's go get some food sugar." He said swiping his finger under my chin and I smiled and follwed him up the steps.
The kitchen table was full of bags of food and Dallas already was snooping and I followed his steps. "Ah-ha chicken tenders" he said raising a box as I laughed and smiled "I'm down".
He cooked them up in the microwave as I sat of the table and he took them out. "Their hot" he said right as I touched one. "OW" I yelped as he placed the plat down in worry, he came up to me and put some pressure on my finger. "Are you okay?" He said as I nodded. "He kissed my finger making me flustered as he just laughed, "alright good time" he said kissing my cheek as I smiled and brung me to his room.
We walked up the stairs as I kept trying to steal a tender or two but he kept swatting my hand and we made it to the room. He sat on the bed ans so did I "now you can eat" he said as he took a beer from his dresser and handed me one "I don't drink Dal" I said as he smiled "I know" he said abs turned so the label faced me "it's root beer, I know you don't like alcohol" he said as that made my face lit up, damn a hoodlum must have a crush on me.
We ate and drank and talked but we ended up laying in bed next to eachother taking, he had his hands behind his head and I layed next to him. "What time is it Dallas" I asked as he read the clock "11:40- I HAVE TO BRING YOU HOME" he said as I stoped him from jolting up. "Dallas" I said "yes sodapop?" He said as I put my arms around his big build "tell Darry im sleeping over" I said "but Darry dosent like you at bucks?" "Tell him were sleeping at Steve's" I said as he nodded, he picked his phone up and dialed Darry.
"Curtis place" Darry said "Heya Darry me and soda are sleeping at Steve's tonight" he said with a promising voice "Alright bring him back by 10 am okay? I trust you Dallas." Darry said "okay Darry wanna talk to him to make sure?" Dallas said as Darry indeed wanted to hear my part, in a sleepy voice I got handed the phone and talked "I'll be home at 10 Darry tell pony okay?" I said as Darry made sure too, "have fun soda" he said "thank you Darry" I said as he hung up.
I looked at Dallas and put the phone down as he looked at me. "Hey Dallas" I said "yes?" "I think I'm gay.." I said as I almost got emtotional "that's okay soda...and I have a question" he said as I looked into his icey eyes. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" He says as it felt like my heart started to flutter left and right and my face lit up, my fingers gripped him tighter and I dug my face into his side "HELL YEAH" I shouted into his side as he laughed..."okay kiddo" he said stroking mg hair. "Wanna go to bed it's pretty late?" He said as I nodded and yawned. "He turned the lights out and took off my flannel and snuggled to me. "Night Pepsi"
"Night dal."
8 am
"Soda, soda" Dallas said slightly shaking me "huh?" I said opening my eyes a little trying to get the sun out of my eyes. "Good morning Pepsi, want breakfast?" He asked as I nodded, he slid out of my grip and I sat up watching him, he was in a t-shirt and pajama pants and I was in different clothes.
A big green t-shirt and ok'd Christmas pj pants. "I hope you don't mind I changed you, no I didn't look at ur dick." He said grabbing a smoke and lighter, I smiled "thanks dally" I said as he looked at me and smiled
"You gotta leave in two hours kid, want me to drive you?" He said as I looked out the window to the sun "can we walk?" I asked his face was confused but gave in.
We walked downstairs to breakfast already made and buck in the living room, "breakfast is ready, I made your friend some too" buck said as I smiled "thanks buck" I said as he nodded reading the news paper as we entered the kitchen. Me and Dallas ate the food.
After we finished Dallas put the plates away, "imma hop in the shower" he said scruffing his hair" I looked at him and a idea popped in my head. "Yeah I smell bad I need a shower like now" I said, "wanna go first?" He said as I rolled my eyes. "No dingus" I said and walked up to the taller man and when on my tip toes and planted a kiss on his nose. "Can I join you?" I asked as he went red but my puppy eyes made him give in. "Fine fine"
We went to the bathroom and he shut the door, it was a nice white bathroom buck kept clean. Dallas took off his shirt and so did I, to be honest I forgot how jacked this greaser was in build caught me off guard to the point he was snapping his fingers snd caught my attention "earth to soda" he said I as o peeked up "you gonna undress you can't shower in pj pants" he said smiling as I blushed. I was very insecure about my lower half and this man could tell when I looked down in disappointment.
"Look I won't make fun, I like your body kid, I won't make it sexual." He said holding my cheeks as I smiled. "Okay" I said and undressed.
We hoped in the shower and it was nice, the warm water made me feel clean and Dallas there some how made me feel safe. He put soap on his hand and scrubbed my hair, "do you want grease in ur hair today?" He asked cleaning my head as I soaped my body, "nah to early" I said as he smiled, "okay cause I am" he said put a shower cap on so he didn't have to dry his hair. "You look like a doofus" I said laughing histariglg as he frowned smiled. "Shut it" he said and we finished out shower.
We stepped out and I started to dry off and he took the cap off and dried his body. Sometimes I need to catch myself dozing more often. "I know my dicks nice but you have to dry your hair" he said as I jolted up "Sorry" I said with blush scattering my face.
After we got done drying Dallas insisted to watch morning cartoons with me, he got me dressed in my clothes and he did the same. We walked down to the living room when buck left for work and we turned the tv on, he put his arm around me and I snuggled my head in his side. He kissed my head.
It was 9:50 and Dallas woke me from my nap so we could go. "Come on I was enjoying my nap." I said "darrys gonna kill me Pepsi" he said as I rolled my eyes and stood up with him, "come on kid" he kissed my head and we headed out.
We started to walk and we joked and flirted all the way down, right when we got there we didn't notice and everyone was outside when Dallas had his arm around me non stop flirting makin me red, we were bt the front yard when I caught glimpse of pony looking at me and slapped Dallas "OUCH" he said as pony ran up to me "HEY SODA" he said tackling my in a hug "hey pone" I said rubbing his back as Dallas let his arm down "hey kid" Dallas said. "Hey pone how was Steve's, he came home early" Darry said walking out pointing at Steve's behind him. "Wait what?" He said I tried to over talk him "we never got together" he said "IT WAS GOOD" I said walking in the driveway with Dallas. "Darry looked mad and confused, Dallas where did you bring him?" Darry said as Dallas went pink.
"Steve's." He said "no you didn't?" Steve said "fine I took him to bucks BUT buck was nice, I made him dinner, took him out to eat, played pool, went to bed, woke up ate breakfast That BUCK made and took him home on time" dallas said "and were saying how you'd do naughty shit to him?" Two said "that too, WAIT WHAT NO" Dallas said as two bit over heard our talk. I went red and Darry gave Dallas lifted eyebrows "soda?" He said I was stuck in place Dallas froze and smiled. "Come on soda your gay same with you Dallas, YALL wanna butt fuck blah blah" two bit said as we went pink "okay not the last thing I didn't put my hands on him but" Dallas looked at me and I shook my head in approval "were both gay" he said casually.
Pony got rather excited, Steve was shocked, two already knew, Johnny only smiled cause he wasn't a party person but he was proud and Darry smiled. "Well I'm proud of both of you but I still waiting for one last thing." Darry said
"Are you both a thing and if so Dallas you have rules." Darry said as Dallas shook his head proudly as I got flustered.
Dallas and me were now sitting in camp chairs in the front yard with the gang and Darry as Darry told Dallas rules.
"No sex until atleast one month, no getting him drunk, treat him right, if there's a emergency call me, atleast keep him home some days so he's not always out" he went on and on and Dallas understood everything.
At the end of the day we all went and watched late night cartoons. Two and pony on the floor with Johnny playing cards, Steve brought his girlfriend over and they were talking in the kitchen, Darry was asleep on the recliner. Me and Dallas were on the couch and I was laying on top of him watching the tv, I never felt more free, I felt more happy and more energetic. Dallas was practically always there for me and I couldn't ask for more...and the more I realize when I was sad and Dallas was there he was like my sun, and when I was around him the sun came out more, I guess you'll find your sun some day you gotta wait till you really need it and never expect it.
I layed on his chest as he looked down at me and I looked up. He smiled and along with me, he fluffed my hair up and I laughed.
"Goodnight Pepsi."
"Night sunshine."
(5073 words)
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sugaabooga · 7 years
lowkey part-timer!Jisung
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Pairing: Yoon Jisung x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Christmas-themed, bullet-point scenario
Summary: A Christmas romance sparks between you and the cute, bubbly part-timer in your local grocery store.
Warnings: None
A/N: First story in the Christmas-themed scenarios I’m doing! I’m hoping I’ll be able to finish all of the rest 17 scenarios by Christmas!
Jisung was the cute part-timer at your local grocery store
He’s been working as the cashier in aisle 8 after he’s graduated from uni after he couldn’t find a job that pays decently
He decided to stay in his hometown, after suffering in a totally new city, and got a part-time job as a cashier that paid pretty well
You on the other hand, bought your own studio after moving out of your hometown
Your job as a photographer caused you move out and go to other places rather than your small town that always made you feel caged
You were putting together all your pictures you had taken the past week since you had to put out a new project soon
You decided to take a break and have a quick lunch then walk around to the parts of the city that you hadn’t been able to see yet
When you come out of your studio with all your necessities, you realize that a bunch of people were putting up Christmas decor and trees around their shops
It was Christmas? Already?
You celebrated Christmas, for you were a religious person, but you never got the whole holiday spirit type of thing
You didn’t really enjoy Christmas songs or the cold really
when you came out of your house you had only slipped on a thin cardigan with your camera and everything in your purse
You hated the cold
You had once been locked out of your house one winter and had to wait outside until your parents got back home from work
You were practically frozen when your dad discovered you covering your body with the welcome mat
So yah you had a trauma of the cold
You quickly take some pictures of the snow and all the people getting on ladders to decorate the light posts and rooftops
You smile at your work and skip down the sidewalk to the farther parts of town
You find yourself in front of a market which you had never seen before even when you were driving around when you first came
Maybe it was new?
You went in since you were hungry anyway and they most likely had samples
Meanwhile, Jisung was helping some of the other workers take out boxes and such, since no one was really in the lines
You were eating some of the sample dumplings when you see a chip bag fall
You’re about to pick it up when you feel more chip bags falling on you
You lift up your arms to shield yourself and let out a small shriek
You lose your balance when a heavy box falls on you
You’re ready to give the guy a piece of your mind
But then all your thoughts are lost bc
This guy was cute
He was almost pouting while putting the bags back in the box
He noticed that you were standing back up so he quickly got up and bowed to you
“I’m so sorry….I-I didn’t see you there!”
You’re about to tell him it’s okay, but then suddenly a man who seemed like the manager came storming over
“It’s fine! It was my fault! I suddenly stepped in front of him while he was passing.”
You defend jisung and he’s actually really surprised!?!?
Bc a normal person would be complaining w/the manager
And it would end up w/jisung mopping the floors or something
Yea this wasn’t the first time jisung caused trouble lol
But here you were LYING so he wouldn’t get in trouble
The manager is left speechless bc he kinda looks down on Jisung
So he storms away annoyed
Jisung glances at his furious manager then thanks you
“This isn’t the first time this happened & i prob would’ve gotten fired. thank you so much”
You grin bc omg he was so cute?
His santa hat was about to fall off so you reach over and straighten it up
Making jisungs cheeks turn soo red you thought he was gonna burst
You leave after that whole incident and you come back a week later
You just couldn’t get jisung out of your mind
You were sorta hoping to see him somewhere around the area where you live but no luck:P
So you just decided to go to his workplace yourself
When you entered, you were really shocked bc it was reallyyyyy busy
There were so many more ppl than last time
It was prob bc Christmas was now a week away
And ppl just buy presents last minute ya know
They were also preparing more food for family&friends so yah
You grab a pack of gum and head to the shortest line which was aisle 8
You were looking at your pics that you took earlier and that’s when you hear a familiar voice greet the elderly woman in front of you
You look up w/hope that it was Jisung and boi oh boi yes it was
This time he was wearing a headband w/reindeer ears that were somehow slightly slanted
After he greets the woman in front of you goodbye he turns to you with a smile then it falters when he notices
Wow it’s that really cute girl that defended me from my devil-ish manager
You just politely smile, not knowing if he remembered you since you were irrelevant ya know
But then he totally remembers you bc
“......uh...no problem?”
He grins and tries to make small talk w/you which is cute aha
Even tho you’re only buying one pack of gum
He somehow takes ten minutes to scan the barcode and charge you ???
I can’t with jisung he’s such a cute, underappreciated bean
You were in the middle of a very intense convo about beavers so you decide to meet him at a nearby coffee shop on Christmas Eve (may or may not be where barista!daniel works but you should go check it out :P shameless self-promo)
Both of you forget to give ea. other your numbers
But hopefully both of you will remember about that date meeting
fate really is on your side
You enter the coffee shop at like 6pm bc you weren’t sure if you guys decided the exact time to meet
You guys didn’t lol
But ya know
Fate will bring the two of you together right?
You wait for thirty minutes, but still no Jisung
You’re starting to think that he forgot, but then remembered he had a shift that ends at 9pm
Idk how you knew that but...it works
so you decide to just sit there and sip on some drinks
you take pictures and all
You’re so immersed into taking pictures of everything around the whole shop, that you don’t notice the timid and nervous looking man entering the now, almost empty cafe
You’re frowning at the picture you just took when you feel a tap on your shoulder
You turn around to see Jisung with a sorry, but excited grin on his face
You greet him with a wide smile as he apologizes how he didn’t know what time he had to come
He starts to ramble and you shush him
Like why does this guy say ‘sorry’ so many times?
“It’s fine. We both forgot to say a time to meet up. Besides, I wasn’t here that long”
He seems a tiny bit less sorry so the two of you start the convo about the beavers again
The talk about beavers went to zoos then went to how your lives went then led to your jobs, your interests, your hobbies, what that girl was wearing, blah blah blah
You felt like you really had a connection w/jisung
The two of you, as cliche as it may sound, clicked immediately
It only felt like five minutes passed, but the coffee shop owner had to kick you guys out since it was thirty minutes past closing time
You swap numbers this time and plan to meet each other at the same place tmrw @ 7pm for the annual Christmas tree lighting at downtown
Both of you lived alone and you suggested “why not have the loners meet up on Christmas Day?”
Jisung didn’t have work and you didn’t want to stress about your projects, so the two of you had agreed
As you walk back home you cant help but feel so giddy
How was a man having this much of an effect on you?
You smile at all the snow piling up and gape at how beautiful everything seemed
You have never felt so excited for Christmas
The next day comes by SO SLOWLYYYY
You weren’t able to sleep from the anxiousness and expectation you had for the next day so you were sorta tired
But you got dressed in simple clothing and went out for a walk and to buy Jisung a Christmas present
You didn’t know what he liked since you literally starte talking to him a wk ago
So you settle for some Christmas-themed socks, beanie, a pair of house slippers, and a gift card to the coffee shop you had been at yesterday
As you walk in and out of stores, you couldnt help but sing along to the Christmas carols that were playing
which you had never done b4
you did a double take and stopped singing, but you found urself humming along to “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas”
And you also couldn’t help but oogle at all the stuffed animals that filled the walls
One of the stuffed ducks reminded you a lot of Jisung so you decided to buy it
You bought a lot of things, but they were all for a decent price so :))
It gets really dark really soon and it’s 6pm
You hurry back home and quickly dress in layers since it was going to be collldddd
The weather forecast said there was a 99.99999999% it was going to snow, so you couldn’t risk it
Even tho the weather forecast is always wrong
You pack your camera again bc you were planning to create a Christmas themed project nxt
As you run out the door you send Jisung a txt saying that you’ll be right there since it was five minutes till seven
When you arrive in the warm shop, your glasses immediately fog up causing you to groan
You try to fan the fog away but to no avail:)
Then you hear a big laugh and you turn to sorta make out a figure that looks like Jisung
He takes the end of his sleeve and cleans your glasses and you’re met with the brightest smile you have ever seen in your whole entire life
Maybe that’s when you fell for him
Tho it was a person you had known for a little over a week
You felt like you knew Jisung since you were a kid
He hands you a cup of peppermint hot chocolate and pulls you along to get a good view of the Christmas tree b4 too much ppl come along
You get there just in time and wait a few moments until the announcer comes out onto the podium
You and Jisung both cheer as the five minute countdown starts
The minutes go by so quickly and you jump up and down to keep yourself warm
Then you see a few snowflakes falling on Jisung
You both look up to see that ITS SNOWINGGGGGGG
The whole crowd of people ooh and ahh
And some kids squeal in glee
You softly smile and get out your camera to take a few shots of the falling snow
When you’re done there’s a minute left on the clock
You suddenly remember your present for Jisung and quickly get it out and hand it to him
“Merry Christmas!”
Jisung gasps and says ‘thank you’ in such a genuine way that it fills your heart w/pure happiness
He then shuffles around his backpack and takes out a large box that’s prob filled w/similar things as you gave him
You start to hear the announcer countdown from 10
And that’s when Jisung starts to speak
“H-Hey, Y/N?”
“I know it’s been only like two weeks since we met”
But I can tell you’re such a nice person, ever since the day I first saw you”
“You’re such a great person…and….uh”
You furrow your brows
What was he trying to say?
“We have so many things in common than I thought we would”
“I really thought i would get fired that day i dropped the chip bags on you”
You smile at the memories as the crowd gets louder and louder as the time to light the tree get closer
“A-And ever since I saw you....Y/N...I uh”
You roll your eyes at his weird stalling
He looks at you w/wide eyes
The crowd erupts in cheers and claps w/kids screaming and laughing at the lights that shown brightly
The announcer shouts “now go home!” with a hearty laugh
Jisung stands in front of you with his hand clamped over his mouth
You stay silent and stare at him in shock
What were you supposed to say?
Sure you liked him, but you weren’t sure if you wanted to date someone you had known for a week
you tilt your head in confusion
“I don’t like you! NO NO I DO LIKE YOU! B-BUT-”
You burst out laughing at his panic
“I like you too, Jisung! But how bout having our first official date after getting to know each other a bit longer than a week?”
And the two of you stand in front of each other w/goofy smiles on your faces, in front of the glimmering, 30ft tall Christmas tree, underneath the moonlight in the gently falling snow
dang this was pretty bad lol
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angustdtt · 7 years
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Anonnymous requested: Hi there! Can I request a drabble no. 3,8,44 with Demon!Jungkook x reader please? >.<
Prompts: “I saved your life!” | “What will you give? Your eyes? Your hands?. How about your heart?” | “My kindness does not go without self interest.”
a/n: *whispers breathily* im sorry it wasn’t a drabble *spirit leaves body* Thanks for requesting Nonnie! Hope you like it! <3  askhdgjasghjasghdajsgh demonkook
word Count: 2.8k
genre: Supernatural
pairing: JungkookxReader(she)
triggers: mentions of blood, injuries,car crash, demon pact,cussing,sandwiches
A scream filled out the squashed cubicle of the car.
Your own scream. Your eyes were open, yet it was impossible for you to understand the image unfolding in front of them, blaming it on the darkness of the road at night, until you realized the lukewarm liquid dripping.  And then it hit you -quite literally-. You weren't sure of the time that had passed since you crushed against that cow in the middle of the route. Your whole body was aching with such an intensity your muscles repeatedly continued having spasms. You wanted to scream hoping to relieve some of the pain by letting it all out, but no voice would come out. Particularly one of your eyes lost sight completely, too drowned with the sticky mixture of tears and blood to see- the other one scanned around.  ‘Oh my god’ you thought,it was difficult to notice before but now you realized the car was upside down -thus so were you- the safety belt keeping you on the driver’s seat.
Shaking all distractions or thoughts of soreness you focused on the task at hand; getting out of the car. Carefully moving one arm, you tried to reach for the buckle, but it turned out to be an exhausting and herculean task due to the shakiness taking control over your fingers. Flopping face-down on the car ceiling, you perceived an uncomfortable sensation in the back. The glass from the window closer to you was cracked, but not enough so it was easy to crawl your way through- it still had glass shards. Knowing the pain couldn't get any worse, you simply grabbed the shards with your bare hands, taking them off to make your way out. One of your legs was numb, so it made it difficult once it was time to slide out of the vehicle. The pain in your back made an appearance yet again once you managed to trespass the frame of the window; it was stinging you, even more than the rest of your body, in fact, it was so very intense it made you wanted to vomit. 
With soaring arms you kept on crawling as far as you could manage, to get your body away from the crash site. Your good eye looked around for any sign of help, but it was hopeless -other than the dead cow you tried to avoid before - there was no sign of life- it was late at night and you knew no one would transit the crossroad you were in. Whining silently with a runny nose sobbing, you made a last effort to twist around and face the sky, but the pain in your back prevent you from it. A shard of metal had pierced your flesh, the wound was not bleeding, but it was there nonetheless.  There was no one around so you knew very soon you’d be dead because of your injuries. ‘Please, no’ ‘Please’ you begged but no words would come out, only heavy breathing and whimpering. ‘Please, God, don't let me die like this’ silents prayers waved through your mind, hoping maybe they would be answer ‘I beg of you’ ‘Don’t leave me’  more blood spilled onto the pavement. ‘Please, I want to live’ ‘Please let me live’ ‘I’ll do anything, just let me live’  again and again you chanted, repeating, desperately pleading for your life, ‘I'm scared ... I'm scared to die, please’ you shrieked forlorn, lips and chin quivering.
You were not sure on the time you spent crying out to the stars gleaming on the night sky; It could be an eternity, or just minutes, seconds even.
Growing tired and weaker with each passing moment you knew very well that life was leaving your body and felt it scurrying from your fingertips- you were scared, scared to the very core because you felt void approaching at a fast speed your way; promising relief from the pain. ‘Please,’ You insisted, slowly seeing how the light of the stars above your head faded. And with that, darkness enveloping you, one last desperate choke sob escaped your lips. ‘Anyone ... save me'
Your agonizing body laid between the crossroads, not knowing there was actually someone hearing you. But possibly, not the one you hoped for. The figure moved slowly in the dark, crouching close to your head. Gently a hand graced over your cheek to finish caressing at your lips.
“I've listened” It spoke, his honeyed voice resonating inside your mind. “If I kiss you now, life will once again welcome you in its arms…” your eye weakly opened to meet the gaze of him. “Would you like that?” He inquired, whispering.
You nodded.
“Say it, love”
You gulped. Throat sore and the inside of your mouth dry. Next, to you, the stranger was waiting, not moving a muscle. Licking your lips and tasting your own blood, enouncing the words for him clearly, you pleaded.
“Kiss me”
He chuckled.
A burning sensation shocked your entire body once his lips grazed with yours. A warm wind rose enveloping both in its embrace, the world moving at a rapid pace making you feel dizzy. A punch in your chest, so mighty you could've swore it broke it into pieces, yet it didn't pain- on the contrary- it felt blissful. Both your eyes opened, meeting with two other abysmally dark ones, the black on them was of such depth that terror crept up your spine.
Firmly placing both hands on his shoulders, you pushed his body away.  Once you were free from his touch you let out a shriek.  Then you saw him. You saw him completely.
The dark crawling out of his eyes and cracking the skin around them ramifying down on his neck, until you lost the sight of the lines once it reached the collar of his suit.
“Who are you?!” you managed to voice out in complete awe at the sight of him.
He smirked, the curve of his lips mocking you. “Your covenanter”
Right after the said those words, you appeared as if on the blink of an eye again inside your car, holding the steering wheel; it was not upside down anymore; neither was it broken. You were some meters behind the intersection of the crossroads. Looking down at yourself searching for any sign of injuries you were surprised to see there were none; not a trail or sign of blood, no soreness on your body, no pain in your back because of that metal shard, nothing. You felt completely fine, -even a little hungry. Looking out the window -now restored- you saw the cow that had caused your accident on the side of the row, far away from you grazing calmly.
“A dream?” you said out loud, more to yourself than anyone else. You checked in the rear-view mirror your face but there was not one scratch on it. “An hallucination?” you questioned.
“Far from it…” A voice that ranged near -on the passengers sit- startled you.
“Fucking hell!” you elicited, jolting on your seat and grabbing at your chest right above your heart.
“It’s not that bad once you get used to it really...” The stranger on the passenger seat shrugged, pouting his lips. You looked at him, not knowing what to say. ‘Then he wasn't a hallucination?’ thought scrunching your eyes. It was real. All of it.
“Ah,” The male next to you called your attention “Jeon Jungkook” He introduced, stretching a hand your way. 
Staring down at the outstretched hand, furrowing your eyebrows, lifting one in doubt about his action. The named, Jungkook guy, stayed there waiting for your reaction.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You questioned, mistrustful to accept his greeting.
“What do you mean?” Jungkook tilted his head confused “It’s just a handshake, I’m politely introducing myself to my covenantee, it's common courtesy”
“Wait—your what?” gesturing him to repeat his word, as if you didn't hear right.
"Co-ve-nan-tee" he once again repeated, emphasis on each word, slowly, so you could understand him. "It means a person who agrees to a contract, that being you" Jungkook grinned.
“I know what that means, I was referring to ‘my covenant’?, I've never met your before!”
“You don’t... usually meet a demon before you take on the contract?” Jungkook’s eyes squinted, sarcastically.
“Hold on— sorry what?” you stopped him showing your hand. “You just said...demon?” disbelieving the words that came out of his mouth.
“Yes! That’s me...Jungkook,”he bowed with its head.“Hell’s Contractor, at your service”
You stood there baffled at him. He was definitely crazy.
“I made a contract, with a demon?” an unbelieving tone on your voice.
“Yes.” he answered.
“A contract...?” you insisted.
Jungkook nodded, visibly bored at the time it was taking you to realize the situation you were in.
“With a demon?” you continued, Jungkook once again nodded, rolling his eyes.
“You...” pointing a finger at him to make sure you were on the right page. “Demon from hell, you...”
“This is gonna be a long night…” he sighed, crossing his legs and placing his hands on his lap.
“Oh no, It’s not gonna be long at all…” you assured him.
“Oh?...really?” Jungkook tilted his head.
“Yeah…” you started up the car engine turning the key.
“Good then…” Jungkook replied, leaning on the passenger’s seat, making himself comfortable.
“Get out” you demanded. “Get out this instant.”
Jungkook turned to meet your eyes, blinking rapidly “What? Get out?” he seemed offended by you “Don’t you understand what is going on here girl?” he scoffed.
“Yes indeed,” you grinned “I understand I have a crazy creep on my car who needs to get out now before it’s too late” a warning to him.
“But,” Jungkook huffed, bewildered by your words. “I saved your life!” he exclaimed.
“GETOUTGETOUTGETOUTGETOUT!!” hollering, you screed on an ungodly way, the pitch of your voice being audible only to dogs.
Jungkook was shocked, and quickly he got out the car to stop your screeching. “For fuck sake!” He bawled at you "Stop screaming you crazy banshee!"
Without wasting one single second you hit the gas, getting far away from him. Looking back through the rear-view mirror you saw he was still there, standing at the crossroad. You suspire in relieve as you see his shape disappear as your got further and further away. ‘Psycho’ Its the last words you say, focusing on getting back home.
Once you clicked the locking button on the remote hanging from the car-keys you trotted to the entrance of your house. Checking the time on your phone, the blinding light showed it was 10 PM, and in your dictionary meant that it was still early. Inwardly, as you opened the door, you listed all the things you had left to do before going to bed; a good bath, a good meal -with of course a good movie- check your emails, and school work you had belated. Blithely humming a song, you closed the door behind you, got inside the house dashing to the kitchen to grab a quick snack before bath time. Checking the phone you moved from the kitchen -with the bowl of snacks- to the living room and turned on the TV; but as it turned out, you saw it was on. You forgot to turn it off when you left this morning? Weird.
Paying little prestige, since you were a little inattentive sometimes, you moved on to take a seat flopping on the couch, shifting to make yourself comfortable.
“Pass the snack...” a voice next to you requested.
Slowly turning your head you saw Jungkook, watching the tv screen intently. Jumping up from your seat the bowl of snacks flew, Jungkook’s shoulder hunched as the bowl flew over his head, landing on the floor spreading its content all over.
“Oww, what a waste” 
“HOW YOU GOT HERE?” your eyes scanned the room for some pointy object you could use to protect from him.
“I’m the owner of your soul… I know things.” Jungkook mocked, letting out a chuckle once he saw you desperately looking for a weapon.
“You own my soul?” you stopped dead on the spot.
“Oh, so you believe me now?”
You nodded “Well, I’m not sure yet, but you did appeared out of thin air on my house, so I’m listening...”
Jungkook stayed silent. 
You scratched your forearm nervously, searching for the correct question to say next. “Why do you own my soul? Or you say you own it?” 
He smiled.
“Well, My kindness does not go without self-interest.” he cooed, watching from above his shoulder at you. “That’s how it works, I save you… then collect your soul 10 years later, standard procedure” Jungkook stand-up arranging the sleeves of his suit, and tugging at the flaps of the jacket.
“What? When did we agree to that?!” You complained.
“Forgetting the kiss that sealed the contract...so rude” he scolded pompously.
“When did we agree to 10 years…” you rolled your eyes at him, but in all truth you had forgotten the kiss until he mentioned it, making you blush once you remembered.
“I told you, standard procedure”
“Yeah, but I didn't know you were a demon! That’s unfair” you nagged.
“Listen, kid, if you commit a crime that you didn't know it was illegal, you still get arrested right?” Jungkook tilted his head at you, pursing his lips into a thin line.
You contemplated on his example looking at the floor.“Yes….I guess?”
“Same thing…besides” he begins to move across the room, inspecting it. “I told you that if we kissed you got your life back if you didn't get the idea that’s your issue not mine” he shrugged.
“I want it back…” you gulped harshly.
“Excuse me?” Jungkook looked over his eyebrows.
“I want my soul back”
Jungkook stared at you up and down, narrowing his eyes, licking the inside of his cheeks amused. “Unbelievable”
“Well…?” you insisted, heart racing on your chest, his presence now intimidating and heavy. You truly believed he was a demon, and if he got your soul, you needed to get it back, at any cost.
Jungkook pondered, clicking his tongue he finally had an answer “Fine...I’ll indulge you” he walked closer to where you stand, facing you. “But you have to trade something of equal valor, quid pro quo…” Jungkook pointed his finger as a warning.
You nodded.
“So what will you give?” You looked for something of value for you inside your mind but couldn’t get anything that was equally priced as your soul “Your eyes?” Jungkook slides ghostly, walking around you. “Your hands?” He touched gently the back of your hand, a shiver of cold bolting at the feeling. Jungkook chuckled “How about your heart?” He placed right in front of you, looking down scanning you, waiting for a reply. You were so close you could catch the smell of something persistent and unpleasant of something you couldn't quite get the hang of. And something sweet, nauseatingly sweet.
“How about a sandwich?” you stammered, glancing up at him.
Jungkook blinked, lifting his chin to look down at you curiously. “Is it homemade?”
“Yes!” you exclaimed, not believing his words.
“Okay then…” He nodded.
“Really?” Your eyes probably sparkled with hope.
“No.” Jungkook sharply replied. “You really thought I'd trade the most well-marketable item of hell, just for a sandwich?” Jungkook scoffed mockingly at you. “You mortals amaze me” he grinned playfully.
“Then just tell me what you want!” anxious was growing inside of you, you needed to end this conversation right now or you would have a panic attack.
“Hey, I don’t want anything, I already have a soul...you are the one trying to sell me something in return.” Jungkook waved his hands.
“Then please give me a help, what can I give you that’s worth my soul back…”
Jungkook stared right into your eyes, that was a question no one - not even himself had made before. What did he really wanted?.Jungkook’s sole purpose was to lure desperate mortals into trading their souls for superficial benefits. Since he was born, he lived for the crossroad, and never truly thought about other things, of course, he sometimes wished for things, but it never really occurred to him to actually try to make them come true. And now, before him, it was a mortal girl, prepared to do anything to have her immortal soul back. What a turn of events. Jungkook’s lips twirled into a cocky smile.
“Alright...you can have your soul back” Jungkook agreed. “But on one condition…”
You nodded “Anything…”
“You are my pet from now on…” Jungkook smirked nonchalantly.
“Eh?” your jaw dropped eyes wide as plates.
“My pet, my servant, captive, worker” he kept on naming synonyms dramatically. “Or you prefer to let it sink and think it over? I can always come back in 10 years!” he chuckled, playfully grinning.
Defeated you slumped on the arm of the couch. You hated Jeon Jungkook. With all your soul.
Sighing, you continued. “Deal…” your pride hurt to the core, knowing there was no escape from the demon’s deal, cursing that stupid cow on the middle of the dark road.
“Dandy choice!” Jungkook cheered, rubbing his hands pleased. “Now about that sandwich…”
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unmanageable-day · 7 years
Meet Ha Sungwoon
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Yuri spent the rest of her day wandering around Insa-dong, where her best friend, Jimin, told her he will meet her there after his routine finished. She couldn't even say no to this sweet, kind guy who always exudes positive and bright aura with his eye smile. Everyone, including Yuri herself some times just didn't understand why Yuri and Jimin couldn't be together as a couple. She just didn't feel it, she said long time ago. And so did Jimin feel about this girl with complete criteria just like his ideal type. Then both of them realized that the concept of ideal type is actually flexible in real life. Tired of walking around without any destination, Yuri chose a coffee shop with mini library to relax while waiting for Jimin to show up. She also sent a text to him and got no reply until the next 15 minutes. He usually replies back in no time, as if his phone got stuck in his hand. She tried to call him too, but still got no answer.
Her lips pouted. She put her phone back to the beige satchel bag she was carrying while sighing in annoyance. It had been 30 minutes since she tried to read a random novel book she picked, yet she couldn't concentrate because her best friend was somewhere she didn't know. Probably he was still teaching in his dancing class at one of his studios (he had like maybe 5 studios in Seoul). Or maybe he was already on his way to Insa-dong. Or maybe Taehyung, Jimin's bestfriend too, kidnapped him. After finally succeeding reading 3 pages of that novel titled Behold the Dreamers, her single-lid big eyes caught this figure that she had no doubt who he was. Yuri immediately got up from her seat to approach him. A friendly slap on the shoulder just landed on this guy with all black outfit. "Ya! Where have you been? I've been waiting-" she stopped as he turned his head to her surprise. How on earth?! He is not Jimin, but looks like Jimin. A lot. "Oh. My. Gosh," Yuri gasped. "I am very sorry. I'm really sorry. You look like my friend. I'm sorry." She panicked and bowed to him several times. This Jimin looking like guy flashed a smile. A smile that even reminded her of Jimin too. One thing that caught her attention instantly was his lips. Thicker than Jimin's, but as plump as Jimin's. Even more luscious. "It's okay. I get that a lot." Yuri bowed again, still apologizing before she decided to set off from that cafe. She rushed walking out, abruptly took her phone out of her bag and searched for Jimin's contact. Jimin would need his ears all open for the rants coming out of Yuri's mouth. ◎ 3 weeks had passed and Jimin invited Yuri to come to his house, celebrating his 5th year as a dance teacher and senior coreographer. Of course she said yes. She even prepared a customized speaker shaped like a dancing silhouette as a gift. Yuri was welcomed by Taehyung when she arrived at Jimin's house. There were not many guests, probably around 10 people in total. Yuri went straight to the kitchen where Taehyung said Jimin was in. "Ji~min~ah~" Stomping towards the kitchen, she sang as she put both her hands on the guy's shoulder with intention to surprise him. And like deja vu, Yuri had to find herself beyond shocked when she realized it was not Jimin again. It was the guy from the cafe before. Jimin innocently appeared behind her and greeted his best friend who was still in shocked state. "Hi, but I'm Jimin?" Then he just got a smack from Yuri. Yuri was so close to death from being embarrassed. She could feel her face was burning red everytime Jimin brought up about how she mistook this particular person for him. Two times. And the climax was the truth that he was Jimin's friend as well. "Anyway, Yuri, this is my friend. His name is Ha Sungwoon." Jimin stood up between this Sungwoon guy and Yuri, resting his hands on both Sungwoon's and Yuri's shoulder. "Sungwoon, this is Im Yuri, my friend since elementary school." "Hello," Yuri greeted, bowing 90 degree to Sungwoon. "I'm terribly sorry for mistaking you again." The natural reddish blush on her face still hadn't faded away. Who knows such a thing could happen. "Hi. It's fine." Sungwoon let out a little chuckle. "I hope we could meet often in the future. It might help you to tell which is Jimin and which is Sungwoon." Yuri was still lost at words. She was too shy after what happened. Meanwhile Jimin only laughed it off, giving his friends some loving pats on the shoulder and said, "So, all is good, right? Get along, you two." ◎ Ever since then, Yuri was being more cautious every time she saw someone who looks like Jimin. Especially when she was about to meet him. Besides, she felt like she bumped into Sungwoon quite often these days. Her natural reaction was to run away before Sungwoon noticed her. But having Jimin as mutual friends eventually would make them meet again.
Like today. Yuri was dragged out of her apartment by Jimin this morning. He said to accompany him, being his plus one at an acquaintance's wedding, where Sungwoon would be there to sing for the bride. Yuri, again, lost at words. She even got stoned for a moment that Jimin had to 'help' her to choose the dress to wear and pick out some make up stuff with shades that matches the dress. Yuri must say he does have a good taste. When she came out from the bathroom she already found a knee-length, peach colored, sleeveless dress on her bed, along with flower shaped necklace and simple earrings. "You owe me one," Yuri said as she tied her hair into a bun. Jimin chuckled. They just arrived at the venue and Sungwoon was already standing by the entrance of the hall. He waved at Yuri and Jimin with a wide smile on his face. Yuri could feel her cheeks heating up and she started to rant in her mind about why she agreed on accompanying Jimin. "Yuri, hi~" Sungwoon cheerfully greeted her. Yuri awkwardly smiled back and bowed to him. She hurriedly followed Jimin to find their seats after Sungwoon excused himself to prepare his stage. "Let's bet, you're gonna fall for Sungwoon right after you hear him singing," Jimin whispered in her ear when all the guests were in awe appreciating the moment of the groom kissing the bride. Yuri only gave him a piercing gaze in annoyance. But Jimin was right. Her ears were spoiled by the sweet and emotional voice of Sungwoon who sang whole-heartedly. That made her can't stop looking at him. And of course Jimin caught her. "You owe me one?" He grinned mischievously. "No, I don't," she quickly denied. After singing 3 songs, Sungwoon joined them outside the hall. Yuri spent most of her time in silence being out of the loop meanwhile the 2 boys were chattering excitedly. Until one of them finally left for a drink. And the other one was left in an awkward silence with Yuri. "So, Yuri, you've been friends with Jimin for a pretty long time, yeah?" Sungwoon started the conversation. "Well, yeah, I guess so." Another awkward silence. Sungwoon's eyes started to wander around. Jimin also didn't seem to be coming back any sooner. "Do I look like Jimin that much?" He finally brought this up again. Yuri covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. "Yes, you do," she answered as she fanned herself using her hand. "But now that I see you both at the same time, I guess, not really?" Sungwoon's smile got wider. "Yeah?" "Jimin has this cute and innocent look. And you are... more manly, I guess?" Yuri couldn't believe herself she just said that. She let out an awkward giggle. Sungwoon blushed instantly and also let out an awkward laugh. "Anyway, is it okay if I ask you out some time?" "Eh?" Yuri couldn't believe her ears. Sungwoon bent down his head, groggily scratching the back of his head. "Ah, it's just.. I'm wondering if it's okay if I ask you out some time." Yuri gulped. Her lips was pursed. She slowly nodded and said, "Yeah, sure." Hopefully the peach shade on her cheeks was able to disguise her real blushing. ◎ Jimin had been teasing Yuri all night long until the following day once he knew Sungwoon asked her to watch a concert. Jimin got himself very excited that he wanted to devote himself as a stylist for both Yuri and Sungwoon. Yuri herself almost blocked Jimin from her contact because he was being too noisy. This time Yuri refused Jimin's offering to help her styled up. She decided to keep it simple and comfortable: black shirt, broken white cropped pants, and 3cm heeled black suede shoes. Surprisingly Sungwoon wore matching outfit like hers. This successfully made her blushed. Thanks to Sungwoon's extra ordinary choice of concert - acapella group concert - Yuri really enjoyed every single second that she finally could relax and be her true self around Sungwoon. He was glad he bought one extra ticket when he ordered it long time ago, and not giving it to Jimin. "The concert was super great. Thank you," Yuri happily told him. "Oh, no, I thank you." Sungwoon beamed. "Let's have dinner?" Yuri nodded and followed him from behind. It seemed now he didn't look like Jimin that much. Except his height. Both of them had this tiny giant concept. And Yuri found it cute that her lips curved into a slight smile without her realizing it. "Ah, I'm hungry.." Yuri talked to the menu book as her eyes got busy scanning all the menu and her hands kept on turning the pages. Sitting before her, Sungwoon's eyes were locked on Yuri's face instead of the menu book he was holding tightly. How he admired her that probably his eyes were able to shoot little hearts. "Hey, I've been wondering," Sungwoon suddenly talked. Yuri turned her head up at him. "Are you... and Jimin, perhaps..." "Oh my gosh, no." She quickly cut him as if she knew what he is going to say. "I've been with him for a quite long time, and maybe I know him better than I know myself. But, no, we don't have that kind of relationship." Sungwoon's mouth shaped an O while nodding. A grin grew on his lips. They came back to their menu and ordered the food. "Can I be honest with you?" He groggily asked, and got a nod from Yuri. "Actually I've been wanting to get to know you since... well, since Jimin showed me your photos." Yuri squinted her eyes, not so sure what he meant by that. "He brags about you a lot," Sungwoon continued. "That's why I asked you, if there's something going on between you guys." How unexpectedly nice of Jimin, she thought. Who would have thought he would do that. And to meet Jimin's doppelganger like this, it was not a bad thing after all. Maybe she did owe her best friend one. Yuri cleared her throat. Now she was getting nervous. "Well, I had no idea Jimin ever did that. I thought I'm gonna be single forever because he always acts like my guardian." Yuri let out a sigh while rolling her eyes. "A little bit too much," she added. "So... that's why I'd like to promote myself to be your guardian. Your supporter. Maybe, your personal entertainer, singer, dancer, even comedian." Sungwoon wore his smile as he talked firmly, quite ambitiously, and pretty persuasive actually with his modest amount of confidence. "Basically be your partner. 24 hours per day. 7 days per week." Yuri could feel her jaw almost dropped if she didn't have her hands to support her chin. She used her fingers to cover half of her face, at least her blushing cheeks. "How's my offering?" He pierced his eyes into hers. "I get to know you better, and you get an extra guard who can entertain you and will be there for you when needed." Yuri got speechless. How she hated Jimin for being right. "Well.. how do I say this..." Sungwoon chuckled. "Okay, I'll make it short." Sungwoon cleared his throat before continuing. "I, Ha Sungwoon, am asking you, Im Yuri, to walk the path ahead, hopefully a beautiful and flowery path, by my side and have a journey with me. I will take care of you, guard you, and always try to make you happy. So, may I have your answer, yes or no?" Still covering half of her face, from the nose down, Yuri secretly smiled. Her heart raced due to happiness.
Hello, there! This is my second time posting fanfiction on tumblr. I usually post on AFF under the name joyful_joy (https://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/1051231).
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September 16, 2017 AH so today is essentially my last day in Singapore cause I’ll be at the airport at 3am the next day. And wow it was amazing. Throughout the entire day though, I was just thinking about you and how amazing it would be if you were there. Travelling with people who aren’t that close to your heart is just really different. But nonetheless, its an experience that I will be thinking about for quite some time. Singapore really captured my heart today, cause I actually got to explore more and see what it has to offer. The sights from practically anywhere is beautiful, and the whole city is just so well run. Our day started off with a tour of Chinatown! It was a 2.5 hour tour starting at 9:30, and it was really cool. I felt like I learned a lot about the history, and our tour guide was amazing! She spoke fluent English, and always stopped to give witty and funny comments. She also went extremely in depth when describing each event that had happened. However, the one Canadian girl, shes white, thought the tour was boring l o l. typical. I was kinda annoyed because shes just kind of culturally insensitive, so this tour was just not a good overall choice I guess for her. Oh yeah, jonghong also didn’t come on the tour with us because he was too tired, so we ended up meeting him after the tour was over at Maxwell Food Center again for lunch! I got the Hainanese chicken rice again hehe, and omg the line was so long this time. It wrapped around the building… yeah but it was worth it as expected! I also got myself a mango juice, and that was really good!! I think mangos are a huge thing here.. everywhere I go their specialties will always include mangos haha. After lunch, we decided to go to Gardens by the bay. Gardens by the bay has two main components, the cloud forest and the flower garden. Both were incredible. My favorite one was probably the cloud forest, because it was really green and misty and basically you would take an elevator up and then walk in a spiral back down. That waterfall picture is at the cloud forest! It was just overall really pretty to be in. everything felt really surreal. I was kind of annoyed, because celine always asked me to take pictures, and I don’t mind casue I know how it feels to want cute pictures? But omg I would always take the best pictures for her, and then her pictures for me would be crooked, blurry, and etc. and im just literally like girl. If you take another shitty picture, I will do the same.. like bruhhhh UGH it was just really annoying for me. LOL I need my expert photographer boyfriend basically. It was also kind of frustrating because everyone just had such low energy, so everyone was just super tired, and Idk maybe I just had too much energy? I just wanted to have conversations and talk and laugh WHILE exploring Singapore, but it was more like just walking from place to place in silence. The flower garden was also beautiful, it was much more colorful and its where I took the cinderella picture! Im still waiting on my carriage!! But yeah it was also quite cool, ike they had mini gardens with themes for each one. Like there was a small patch of different kinds of aloe, so they called it “aloe in wonderland” and decorated with characters from the story. That was quite cool. Afterwards, we headed off to Sentosa Bay, because celine wanted a picture of the merlion, it’s the giant lion statue that has the body of a mermaid. According to the stories, the merlion is supposed to protect Singapore from floods and typhoons. Its really big, like we took the picture from a block away so that we could get the whole thing in LOL it was really annoying tho because celine was like super adamant about finding this statue, and when we got here she was like omg this isn’t the one. Turns out the one that she actually wanted a picture with was the one back in Marina Bay…. Like omg did you not do your research???? Confused af. But we still took a good amount of pictures, and then we went to walk around the mini park the lion was in. we stopped by hard rock café for a snack because we were all hungry and I was still craving some good fries. LOL everyone got nachos which looked good but I just wasn’t feeling it so I got some garlic fries. Meh…. Ive had much better but I guess I just have to make do. After going to hard rock, jonghong wanted to show us this one beach that’s manmade I honestly forgot the name..im gonna have to look it up lol but it was pretty ugly. I think its funny cause everything is manmade, even the beaches. Like normal beaches are sloping ya know, so like if you walk out in the sand you’ll be slowly getting deeper, for this beach, it slopes for like 2 feet then drops straight down LOOOL so like if you ever go walking in the beach, if you take like an extra step youd just fall all the way in. LMAO smh smh we also saw a peacock getting chased by a little girl…. Smh Asians control your kids. And celine was annoying me again cause she just refused to go anywhere and sat on the ground, so all of us were like ok lets go back. So we decided to head back to the hostel. At this point it was probably around 6:30-7? So we got back to our hostel around 7:30, and we decided to meet up again at 9 to go out. We were supposed to shower but we were all so tired we just laid down and talked. Thank god celine was in a different room and it was just the three of us or I might have just been so done with her. Shes so high maintenance ugh. We met up again at 9, and decided to go try the really famous satay place in Singapore, its at the Telok Ayer Center, and its outside in stalls 7-8. Its actually quite cool, its like an outdoor satay restaurant, but if you look around theres like these TOWERING skyscrapers. I just thought it was cool to have someone as low scale as outdoor bbq, and then have these massive modern skyscrapers surrounding us. The satay was AMAZING. I don’t think ive ever had such good grilled prawns. That was probably one of my favorite things ive had. It was sooo good, and it was like 41 for 4 people, so I mean 10 per person is pretty worth!! I just loved it. I wanted to order more shrimp but I don’t think they enjoyed it as much as me. They liked the beef/lamb skewers more LOL Then after that we walked along Marina Bay, where we saw more amazing night views. I think I might have to post two different posts with more pictures because I cant show you everything… I think Singapore just looks so beautiful at night. Everything is lit up. We also found the actual merlion statue that celine was looking for, the one that shoots water and we took some photos there too. Whats really annoying is that there was a grand prix car race this weekend, so most of the walkways were closed so we had to take a lot of roundabouts and trying to get a taxi was also a bitch too l o l After the pictures, we headed to Clarke quay, at this point it was like 11pm at night? And we just found a nice bar to sit down in and drink a bit before going clubbing. I really wanted a gin lemon, which was a drink that my friend ordered for me? It might have been called something else, cause hes Spanish so what he told me could’ve been wrong. But the drink I got this time def was not it andit tasted like shit lol so didn’t drink it. And then we went to the club, and while we were walking across the bridge, this one drunk white guy pushes past Vivian and walks towards me and says “wait, hold up” and im like …? And then he tries to reach for my waist so I just back away and I kind of froze up when he came up again. Thankfully Jonghong was there, and kinda shielded me while I darted around him. Bleh drunk people. Entrance to the club is typically 30, but our waiter was nice and just told us to order a drink and they’ll let us in. so our drinks were like 22 dollars? So a little bit cheaper. I got something called the Queen of Hearts, and it was raspberry flavored? And it was actually pretty good. Lmao im so lame, I drank like half of it, and then my cheeks instantly flushed my head began pounding. But we went dancing for a bit, and it was really nicee!! The music was bomb and we were all in a good mood to dance. Everyone was pretty nice overall, no bs guys, and they had a lot of rave lights LOL we danced until 2:30 before jonghong started to feel sick again so we had to go back. We got home around 3, and we decided to lay down for 30 min before leaving for the airport. And that basically summed up my last day in Singapore!! oof what a long post. ^___^
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0225pm · 7 years
sad bc no pictures today!!!! :( i didn't managed to snap any because of time constraints :(((((((((( anyway guess who finally get to meet her bb today? 😂 das right, me!!!!!! kind of a bummer bc i didn't expect that i'll actually get a shift on tuesday? i can't rmbr giving any shift for tuesday either but oh well i don't have a choice. but the feel to not go to work today was super strong though. if can, i wanted to skip work just to be able to spend more time with han but of course, i shouldn't be irresponsible just because i want to spend time with the love of my life. besides, it was already far too late to find a replacement + get an mc + i didn't wanna leave any more bad impression since their current impression of me is a little too close to borderline termination (ok it's just an exaggeration but ya idw to be a candidate for termination!!!!) ok so like i met han rly late, we only had about two hours to spend with each other before i start my shift and i was a tad bit grumpy because han sorta promised me meet me earlier today but i guess he was really tired or something. to the point that he even FORGOT that we're meeting early???? rly damn taik i want to punch him. i thought we can spend a little more time together today since we're always meeting during late afternoons but ughHh it was a botched. but i guess i should take 10% of the blame as well since i was about 15-20 mins late. honestly i was deciding what to wear and i was trying to dig out the company clothes from my narnia of a wardrobe (i own quite a fair bit of stuff from the company most of which i bought ages ago before i even started working for them but unfortunately, past seasons clothing pieces are not allowed even though they're bought from the company itself. i need more of their updated season clothing ughHhh). idk man i think i'm damn clingy or like what i heard han said, manja?? idk if there's a diff ah between those two words but?????? ok anyway then we went to have early dinner and i asked him what he wanted to eat and then he said "prata or smth" but when he came back to the table he was only carrying one plate and i got even grumpier bc i was like "then u not eating????" and then he's like "eating eating u makan abeh suap i pon we share" then i'm like??????? wtf i'm not eating alone???????? then he's like nO noooo i eat then i was like, is it u ate alr?????? then he just kept smiling that sheepish smile (the kinda smile that makes u wanna flick him bc u alr know the answer to ur own question) but ya apparently he alr ate chicken at home???? and i was like?????? and then we had a little mini argument bc he was being so passive aggressive about this person i added into ml squad and whom i followed on ig all lmaO so i decided like ok u know what i'm just gonna kick him outta the squad, unfriend and unfollow him ok and then he went all "noOoo i'm ok with it" but i still did it anyway bc idk i just can't stand his passive aggressiveness and then i asked him to honestly tell me???? if it bothers him and then he got all mad at me bc i kept asking and he alr said no but idk man deep down i still feel like a part of him wasn't feeling ok with it bc he raised the topic + even "joked" about how he's gonna do the same wtf idiot i want to puncH him but ok so i just decided to follow that feel i had and went ahead with what i've decided 😂 and then he ended up only taking a bite out of the plate of rice and i ate the rest of it. he complained that it was too spicy so he didn't want anymore (but lol i know it was just an excuse bc he's prolly too full) *rolls eyes* ok n then dayah told me that her class ended early so she was already at paya lebar but it was still a little early (we had about an hour or so to kill) so i asked her to come over to tamp instead and yes we were working the same shift today!!! i couldn't rly read han's expressions so idk if he actually mind or not the fact that i've just invited dayah over without asking him if it was ok but i guess he was ok w it??? bc he didn't seem to be showing any form of displeased during the whole journey to onekm. but u know what's the best thing of today? DAMN han actually waited for like me to end work today omg *cries tears of joy on the inside* and he hung around the store for a bit as well!!!! so i literally get to spend the whole day with him omg except i had to remain professional most of the time but ahHhhhh i love it!! just his presence alone makes my heart skip hehe (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) and then he tried on a couple pieces of clothing and fuckinG hell he i just can't deal w how good he looks in a plaid flannel man like doOoOdddd he looks foKin good so boyfriend look sia!!!!!!!! ok and then i was like i'm gonna buy this for u mi bb do u want it!!!! n he was like naaWww don't waste money i don't rly need it now but i was like????? fOK idc imma get it for u beb and he's like nooooo but he finally relented and was like ok fine fine hehe ok then fast forward ah to ending work time we had to tidy up everything then i asked him to help me put in the tags haahhaah and he rly did aiyo this boyo so qt i should pay him in kisses (alr did ;) heheeh) ok then he had to wait outside for me cus we officially close at 10 so he waited an hour for me omg fk i think his whole rs w me just consist of him mostly waiting for me sia hais but ok then U KNOW WHAT OR NOT WAH RLY DAMN SAD someone stole his recently bought clothing from the store wah damn dog istg if i catch that person i will ask him or her if she's rly that fokin poor to steal cb go work la!!!!!!! ok but then he said he dunno if he misplaced it then someone took it or smth but i was like???? even if u misplaced it that someone could have returned it to the lost and found area OR SMTH BUT NO THAT PERSON TOOK IT HOME WAH FK I WAS DAMN PANAS want to hurl abuse then i kinda took it out on the security guard lmaO sorry but idk la in the heat of the moment u know but money v precious now cannot anyhow throw. then after that we were walking to the bus stop n then han was like eh u suddenly so calm only and i was like ya i realized that nothing can be done even if i'm angry lol then he's like ya see this is why guys can handle things rationally unlike girls bc y'all let ur emotions take control of u (smth liddat ah idk) then i'm like????? ugh can't fight back bc it's true at least for me la. oh and the HAN PAID FOR THE TOPS ON HIS OWN ALSO OK like?? ok la one of it he wanted to buy for himself but the other one i meant to buy it for him omg like u know first pay gift (even tho its still about 6 more days till my first pay hahaha but since we're alr there then like advanced ah hehe) AND YA IDK LA JUST V ANGRY OK JUST NOW ok then we took the bus back and i asked him if i should get smth to eat then he's like "are u hungry?" and i was like nah just kinda wanna drink smth hahaahah and he was like lol?? bc i was alr holding onto a bottle of milk tea i bought before work. so we didn't get anything to eat or drink and then he sent me home!!!!!! oh and i also just started taking some fiber supplements today to help me with pooping regularly!!!!!! fuckin $70 for one box of 15 days fuck expensive but apparently to see any changes and rly have ur toxins in ur body rinse outta its intestines u gotta be on it for like 2-3 months at least wtf idk how long i must work to to pay for this expensive shit. and ya ofc i know i can just eat veggies but sorry fam ur girl isn't a fan of like 95% of veggies in the world ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ok gonna end this post abruptly bc im tired and this getting way tooooo long + it's alr 4:15am now hahahaahahha thank you bb!!!!! for waiting for me all the time and esp today bc u had to endure 4 hours of waiting for me to end work :') OH AND DID U KNOW!!! when he sent me home i was like sorry u had to wait for so long for me to end work :(((( then he's like "even if you don't have work i'll still wait for u" smth along that line la but hehe so cheesy so sweet this boy!!!! ok time to sleep goodnight!!!!!!! i love you ♥♥♥
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