#wdw fanfics
woewriting · 1 year
cherry lips
pairing: wednesday addams | reader warnings: mdni! ooc wednesday/soft wednesday, established relationship, implied sex at the very end, no pronouns used but the word 'girlfriend' is used once. word count: 1521 a/n: i'm late for wdw, i know, but i couldn't let y'all and @wesstars down... better late than never, right?
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When you moved to the small town of Jericho and started working at the only coffee shop around, you didn’t expect to get anyone’s attentions, especially from the local “freaky”. Wednesday Addams was full of surprises and secrets and, apparently, everyone here knew a bit about her.
Gossips followed you around like fog in the morning after a raining night, the eccentric Addams always being the subject that echoed inside the brownish walls of the café.
“I’ve heard she eats raw meat,” a high school student dressed in black and blue uniform said to her friend, no caring enough to at least whisper.
The other just nodded, not paying attentions to her surrenders, not even when the little bell above the entrance door jingled.
“My father told me her dad killed someone in Nevermore when he was a student… imagine being the daughter of a killer.”
“Imagine being the daughter of a former police officer who was expelled from the police force for not being able to solve a simple case that happened more than 20 years ago.” The tranquil voice caught your attention, causing you to turn on your heels behind the counter.
Wednesday was standing next to the table where the two students sat, arms crossed and a deadly shine in her eyes. You smiled.
“Miss Addams, please stop terrorizing the small girls, they know nothing about life,” you spoke once you saw the reddish color in the girls’ cheeks.
“They better learn fast; life is not gentle.” She turned her head to you. “And neither am I.”
“Oh, should I fear for my life?”
You tilted your head, trying to get Wednesday’s attention in order for the girls to go back to the other students of Nevermore. The raven girl redirected her body towards you, taking steps until she was standing in front of the cashier.
“You most definitely should.”
Head motioning for the girls to leave, you placed both of your hands on the icy, black marble that covered the top of the counter.
“If I die, who’s going to make you your favorite cherry muffin?”
“Before I met you, I survived just fine without the sweetness of it in my daily life, I’m positive I can do it again once you’re gone.” She lifted her chin. “Now stop staling and bring me a double espresso, no sugar and a cherry muffin before I start terrorizing you instead.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes as she turned to sit on the costumery table.
Putting the cherry muffin in a plate, you turned to the Italian coffee machine with an empty white mug in hand and freshly brewed coffee in the other.
As the bitter liquid slowly filled the porcelain, flashes of the first time you were face to face with Wednesday took over your memory. She was so small in her black and white Nevermore uniform, looking like an old school cartoon, disappearing behind the other students as she patiently and quietly waited in line to order. She stared at you, taking two steps ahead when the last person in front of her moved away with their order in hands, taking a seat with the others, black eyes that didn’t blink and looked dead, the pale white skin didn’t help either. Not a single mark on it, you noticed, except for the adorable freckles that spread over her small nose bridge and covered the surrounding area of her cheek bones.
She was polite and calm, unlike the others, speaking in a monotone voice that actually surprised you.
Wednesday ordered a small size espresso with no sugar. You offered her a muffin, freshly out of the oven and still warm. She was reluctant in saying ‘yes’ at first, but something in you convinced her.
Once the mug was filled, you placed it side by side with the muffin, smiling and murmuring a small ‘I hope you like it’, to which she replied with: “Thank you,” extending her hands to take the plate and mug of the counter.
She looked at the red-blood muffin before looking at you, giving you a small nod of her head before walking to an empty table.
You watched as she sat herself down and stared at the small cake in front of her, you licked your lips, curious to know if she would like it or not; it was your favorite, after all.
Wednesday tilted her head to the side, analyzing the sweet in front of her, internally admiring the color of it and how the powdered sugar on top of it reminded her of snow covered in blood.
Taking the wrap of it, she hesitantly took a bite of it, slowly chewing it. You bet your lips, anxiously standing behind the counter. She then took another bite, and another one, and another one, rapidly finishing the muffin.
You smiled to yourself, finally changing the focus of your attention.
Now, almost 7 years of the first interaction, you still secretly admired Wednesday as you waited for the coffee to fill the small sized mug. But now was different, she started drinking a double espresso to maintain her brain awake and cherry muffins became a part of her daily life.
But only if it was made by your hands.
Once the porcelain turned bitter black, you left your place from behind the corner and sat them down in front of the goth, taking the empty seat in front of her.
“Thank you,” Wednesday said simple, eyes focused on the yellowish pages that had all her attention.
“A new case?” You asked, curious, taking a look around the nearly empty coffee shop.
“A runner found two dead bodies in the woods on Saturday, the captain assumed I’d be interested and gave me the case this morning.”
You pursed your lips, a tight knot in your stomach as your eyes analyzed the super graphic images that decorated the table. Pushing the images away from your point of view, you wondered how Wednesday could eat the red-blooded muffin while looking at actual blood.
As if she could read your mind, black painted nails reached for the small cake, her eyebrows sewing together once she saw what you did, “Care to explain what this is?”
You pursed your lips, containing a smile. On top of the sweet, a white skeleton’s head was drawn, black, deep-hollowed eyes filled with dark chocolate chips with a sewed-like smile under and dark red blood dripping from its eyes.
“I made it for you, Halloween is near, and I figured you’d like it.”
“I can see that. What I want you to explain is why there’s blood coming from its eyes. Bones can’t bleed, there’s no tissue that can carry blood vessels or veins, it's just bones.”
You rolled your eyes, “It’s a cupcake, Wens. Just eat it.”
When she took the first bite, dark red filling dripped onto her hands. It was a mix between the sweetness of sugar and the sourness of cherry combined that only you could do it perfectly.
“So… did you like it?”
Wednesday chewed and swallowed everything, licking her lips to capture the remained syrup, missing a small drop on the corner of her mouth. The tip of her fingers covered in the cherry liquid.
“It’s too sweet, next time don’t add any sugar to it. It’s not healthy. And it’s also too sticky and messy. I need a napkin.”
Reaching out for her hand, you sucked the tip of her fingers, closing your eyes at the sweetness that filled your mouth.
“You don’t need a napkin, you have a girlfriend to clean it for you.”
Wednesday widened her eyes at your action, looking around to make sure nobody saw that. The coffee shop was empty as it was almost noon and everyone was either at work or at school, only the two of you occupying a space inside.
“That was unnecessary.” She said with an affected tone.
“It was very necessary, I needed to see if it was too sweet.” You stood up, taking the empty plate in hands. Before returning to the kitchen, you leaned into her personal space, noses touching and the smell of her perfume filling your senses, that small drop being the only thing you saw in front of you. “You have some here too.”
The moment the tip of your tongue licked the red syrup, so close to her lips, Wednesday grabbed the mug near her hands, squeezing it hard enough to break if it was made of fragile material.
Before standing up properly, you pressed a chaste kiss to her lips, tasting the sourness in it.
“I’ll make sure the next ones aren’t too sweet for you, cara mia.” You winked, rapidly walking back to the counter to start preparing the muffins for the afternoon clients. And for your bitter girlfriend that cursed you under her breath for fogging up her brain with your tongue, taking away all the concentration she needed to solve this murder case. One that would need to wait after she locked the door, turned the open sign to ‘closed’, and dragged you by the hand to the supply closet.
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wesstars · 1 year
hot tea
wednesday addams x fem!reader (no pronouns)
summary: your addams just really needs some physical contact :) wc: 737 tags: established relationship. nevermore ‘university,’ all characters involved are 18+. ooc wednesday. idk something about tooth rotting fluff a/n: first wednesday drabble wednesday, in collaboration with @evilrawr! fluff has been requested by @melrodrigo. still not my strong suit but we’re going for it anyway. 
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Steam rose from the warm mug that you carefully wrapped Wednesday’s fingers around, but the heated ceramic was nothing compared to the searing lance of your grasp around her wrist. She watched as you settled yourself down on bended knee in front of her, respectfully pulling back your hands. Her own twitched, minutely. 
It hadn’t been that difficult to come knock on your door, 10 minutes before curfew was over. Wednesday knew you’d be there in your dorm, making something absurdly sweet with your—respectably contraband—electric kettle. You’d stepped aside to wordlessly let her in, and she’d taken her usual seat at the foot of your bed. Strewn around were your day’s assignments, a jacket or two, and she wrinkled her nose at the mess. Your lamps cast a gentle candle-eseque light across everything, blurring every sharp edge. The exact reason why she was in your room, well…
“Long day?” Your gaze was inquisitive but warm, as always. Wednesday watched you, taking in your socked feet and soft pants. Then, she did the Wednesday Addams equivalent of what might be considered a frustrated huff from Enid, or a desolate sigh from you: she looked away first.
The reaction was immediate, she noted absently. You tried to catch her gaze again, the slope of your shoulders and the wring of your fingers imploring her to look back at you. “Weds… talk to me?”
She took a slow sip from the mug, avoiding your eyes. To tell the truth, Wednesday was busy aching in the way that she wished you’d reach across the sea between your knee and hers. Her intense feelings were something that she typically kept locked away, not just with the protection of a key, but with a castle moat, bolted doors, and plenty of booby traps. Inside that cage lay other previously dormant feelings, ones that you managed to pull out, sharp knife to soft underbelly, with startling ease. Wednesday set her mug down on the floor, cocking her head at you. Often she’d feel a baser, visceral urge to blurt out whatever thought she had to you. Restraint was becoming more and more difficult, the more you seemed to flay yourself open in front of her for a perusal akin to autopsy.
There was a muffled thump as you got up just a bit to shift from your kneeling posture, and Wednesday couldn’t take it anymore.
She grabbed the collar of your shirt, pulling tightly until you were about nose to nose. Her mind knew that your actual body temperature wasn’t that high, even lower than the average, but her cold heart felt the bone-deep bonfire of your proximity as your hands slammed into the bed next to her thighs, preventing you from tumbling into her. You took a sharp breath, a fateful one, as it seemed to pull all the oxygen from the room, leaving Wednesday blissfully bereft of that life force. She didn’t need it, anyway; she was convinced she could sustain herself on the dilating of your pupils, the flickering of your eyes down to her lips.
“Come here.” Wednesday’s voice came out in a rasp, but she reasoned with herself—it was the best she could do after you yanked the air out of her still lungs. That ache of absence turned into a yawning chasm, reserve and restraint tumbling down into that eager maw. Her demand fell into that same ravine, eclipsed by the endless depth of darkness.
You stood from your position to sit on the bed as soon as the plea left her, and Wednesday was impressed at your speed. You pulled her into your arms not a beat later. Everything smelled like a faint mix of linen and honey, between your sweater and your tea, and something in it brought Wednesday’s world to a halt. The skin of your collar was warm against the tip of Wednesday’s nose, grounding like the nip of winter air. The two of you fell easily into your sheets, and Wednesday’s mind finally felt like it had found the smoking gun for the investigation. It settled like a content cat right in her diaphragm, making it easy to breathe you in.
“Is this what you wanted?” Your voice, already sleepy, sent vibrations down Wednesday’s spine. She hummed back, leaning her temple up against your shirt and letting her head fall onto your chest. You didn’t say a word more; you didn’t need to.
a/n cont'd: so... playing with words… what do we think :0
please do not repost, reproduce, copy, translate, or take from my work in any way. thank you!
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gloafrotoon · 1 month
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Should i be delulu with this chapter or give him his real personality? I’m very sorry…
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21burritoseavey · 2 years
little daniel imagine, with the '“where’s the new coffee mix?” “i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?” “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”' prompt <3
a/n: thank you for the ask, anon! hope you enjoy!<3🌼pick a prompt:)
you get up a few minutes past seven o’clock, shuffling out of bed behind daniel, out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. the sky, as the sun rose not too long ago, is still wearing its coat of muted pink and yellow, and natural light welcomes itself into your home in narrow streaks onto the floors and kitchen countertops. daniel is first to wake up, sleepily mumbling something about wanting to get to tour rehearsals early, and with the help of his convincing smile and guarantee of breakfast, you hop out of bed as well. 
it isn't unusual for the two of you to be grumpy in the morning, only sharing slight smiles and little morning kisses and a touch of conversation while you work through your routines to get ready for the day…at least until there is cooked food and warm drinks on the table. 
honestly, if it wasn't for the tempting promise of hot, home-cooked breakfast, which you gladly agreed for daniel to make, the pair of you would still be in bed, lured in under the warm sheets and blankets, fighting off the wintry morning chill. your slight grumpiness has progressed into an obvious agitation, furrowed brows and all, at the absence of your keys from their usual spot near the entryway. 
daniel’s cooking as you breeze around the house looking for them, showing half-hearted concern and asking simple questions that honestly tick you off even more. “are you sure you haven’t seen them?” you call, halfway across the living room as your eyes scan every possible fraction of space and object in sight. 
“yep, no idea” daniel dismisses, unknowingly receiving an annoyed huff in return, his voice muffled by the sound of the kitchen cabinets and drawers rolling open one by one only to be shut again as he tries to find the jar of coffee that would usually be sitting in one of the shelves. 
he puts breakfast on the table anyway, two two mini stacks of pancakes and berries for each of you, and although daniel is proud of his culinary work at such an early hour, his limbs still tired and eyes still groggy, you aren’t so pleased at the absence of your necessary cup of coffee. the edge of your voice is ever so obvious as you pace around the house, looking for other things you’d somehow misplaced from your shoes to your lip balm back to your keys, murmuring out a “thank you,” followed by a “where’s my coffee?” as you glance at the food in front of you.
“where’s the new coffee mix?” he counters. 
“i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?”
the two of you attempt a staring contest, a battle of who can hold their frowning expressions the longest without faltering, before you just decide to search together. daniel loses, sighing in frustration before he moves to check around the kitchen one more time, “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”' his words are cut off, eyes rolling at the sight of your keys in the cutlery drawer. “how did they even get in here?” he questions, keys hanging off his finger in the air. 
an easy smile graces your lips, as if a frown had never been there, and the morning grumpiness melts away as you cheekily pluck the keys from his hand before plopping down at your seat to eat….”the coffee’s in the pantry, first shelf on the right” you say through a mouthful of food.
taglist: @chilling-seavey​ @marthagryffindor​ @hiya-its-amber​ @the-girl-who-cried-wolf​ @hackerXavery @jonahlovescoffee​ @onlyangelavery @sadbitchfangirl @wiildflower-xxx @nichmeddar  @unitersmoonshine  @sbrewer21 @comatosedheart  @kaitieskidmore1 @sunlightinmyeyes​ @starlost-andfound​​@jonahmaraiscupcakelimelight
join my taglist!
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medievill · 8 months
new wdw chapter up! hope you're enjoying the emotional whiplash.
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bedlamsbard · 9 months
Feeling bad not only because we're having The Weather and I've got a headache from the air pressure changes, but I usually post fanfic on my birthday and I have literally nothing ready to go, because I've been trying to get Home done and didn't get it finished in time, so haven't been working on anything shorter I could post instead. :/
My birthdays are also traditionally terrible (highlights include getting caught outside in a thunderstorm while a tornado siren went off and the time friends threw a surprise birthday that included the girl who had stopped speaking to me the previous year, yes, she came), so like. this figures. (the big exception, ironically, was 2020, when I was in WDW with friends. very "pictures taken moments before disaster.")
anyway, if you've been thinking about leaving comments on any of my fanfic but haven't gotten around to it, today would be a good day. <3
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agentsnickers · 7 months
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
physically incapable of getting a question like this and not just recommending @benafee's remaking the world bc genuinely??? life changing
as well as @kingburu for pjo fic because everything she's ever written is a masterpiece and i'm rereading rewrite the stars right now <3
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I got engaged on the Main Street train station in the Magic Kingdom at WDW, and to get me there my now husband said and I quote "hey, the sky is really pretty tonight, let's go look at it from a higher elevation." And I, though perplexed, agreed.
(my best friend was waiting for us there with a photopass photographer she'd snagged off of main street <3)
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I am 4 pages from the end of my little travel/work sketchbook!
My dog rescued one of her favorite toys from the toy basket two nights ago and has been running around with it like crazy ever since <3
My husband is doing the laundry right now so I don't have to :)
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
i have suddenly forgotten every meme and vine i've ever seen lol
(ask game)
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Why are you so quiet? Everyone has gone insane and making up new facts every five minutes, you're usually the first one to lose your patience and lay it down. You're obviously on Chris' side yet you're letting people talk shit about him. You need to say something!!
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I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted. You talk as if I'm some matriarch of the fandom when in fact I'm just a mediocre fanfic writer who is exhausted with this whole debacle and it's barely been two weeks. Nobody listens to me!
Today I saw a magnificent example of both Chinese whispers and alternative facts in this fandom. The person who alleged that CE was at her work for medical imaging, who I suspect was also the author of the now-deleted Reddit post, only tweeted that she had found out he was at her work. I appreciate that many people deleted the screenshots of the tweet as it was a gross invasion of his privacy and a HIPAA violation that, if true, would have very serious consequences for both the tweeter and her employer, and that a lot of people didn't see it. But suddenly people were talking about an actual x-ray or MRI image that had been posted and deleted. There was never an image. That didn't stop a few people from saying they knew someone who had seen it, which adds credence to the rumour despite being a lie due to there never being an image.
A lie can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on - The Truth by Terry Pratchett
We are seeing this in action every single day since the People article. I've seen people make the most outlandish claims. Suddenly, everyone has a friend who knows his flight details or what he ate for dinner. It's utterly demented. It's beyond crazy.
Let's go through all of the utter horse shit I can recall from the past fortnight. Shall we have more bullet points?
It's all PR
They have a contract for two years (how could anyone possibly know this?)
Chris obviously cannot stand Alba anywhere near him
The girl in the park who was forced to delete her Twitter was in on it and planted there to record
Chris has been personally seeking out Tumblrinas to block on Twitter
Narrative PR wrote the deranged fan letters to make the fandom "look crazy" (lol) and garner sympathy for Chris
Literally anyone who sticks up for Chris or Alba is, in fact, Chris or Alba or their moms
Alba wore a halter to WDW to show off her tattoo and be recognised (Really? Who on earth is going to recognise her?)
She only flew into FL to record the video and then left immediately (y'all really don't like them spending time together, huh?)
They are reading every single post every single gossip blog writes and using the comments to make their fake PR relationship more convincing
There's more but this is so exhausting. If you take one thing from this post, let it be this. Take EVERYTHING with a pinch of salt, no matter who posts it and how sure they seem. Sometimes people are right and sometimes they are wrong. This fandom has a nasty habit of voicing their opinions as facts, then others take that and run with it, like today with the medical imaging business.
The fact is, nobody cares whether or not you believe it. But you are devoting hours of your life, every single day, dissecting everything and going around and around in circles and it is not healthy. It is not healthy at all. Take some time off or at least talk about something else.
Someone asked what I personally think is happening with Chris and Alba, so I'll leave you with my thoughts. It's serious. They are in love. I think they'll probably get married sooner rather than later. The laser focused comment was an FYI, telling the fandom that he's going to be taking his foot off the gas and concentrating on his private life for the foreseeable future. Take it with a pinch of salt. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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pixiedust-poppers · 11 months
Another JATNLP fan! I only just recently found out that the show had a fandom after giving up on trying to look for it! It was the first Disney show I ever watched and was the pipeline that led to a lot of Disney-related hyper-fixations that have stuck with me today.
Today marks the 7-year anniversary of when the show came to an end it was canceled, which SUCKS) and I will not feel ancient thinking about this show. I really hope Disney Junior acknowledges this masterpiece again, maybe not through a reboot, but through reruns, or maybe tributes, or even mentioning - The show kicked off the Disney Jr. block so I feel like it deserved way better (i.e. not being chucked off the face of the earth, ending on a cliffhanger and never being mentioned again)
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Hii hii!! omg another member into this silly little pit!! Welcome!
It has always been pretty small, but it was active when it was running, especially on fanfiction.net and wattpad (and Devainart ig but don't expect quality work there now,, same for wattpad maybe.) don't go to Ao3 stuff there is lowkey not great. I was apart of it when the first episode aired and when my parents allowed me on the internet!! I usually read Fanfics from FF.net about the show! And it is what drew me to actually do art lol! I was always a disney kid, my favorite program before this existed was the little einsteins and a few of the animations and shows they played on the Disney channel!
You know, I really hope they do to! Like the others shows are cool and all don't get me wrong, but ... what about my guys!! the little guys!!! I get haha yes they did make "a pirate never steals another person's property" and its not as linear of a storyline (though they TRIED in season 4) but it still remembers its lore. ALSO YEAH OK SO I WASN'T GOING INSANE DKJSJK It was indeed the kick-off show to start off Disney Junior from Playhouse Disney and I find it really sad that the only remnants of it you can find in the park (WDW) is like in the film roll on the wall in of the gift shops in the animation section of Hollywood studios. Other than that Disney likes to ignore it, I'm hoping it's going to at least maybe in "Once Upon a Studio" I think that would be cool SINCE YOU KNOW,.,. IT IS PRETTY HEAVILY ASSOCIATED WITH PETER PAN AND HIS UNIVERSE. Like yeah, it's Disney TV animation specifically made for a younger audience but it still matters!! it's literally still Disney goddamn it. ahem ok back to normal.
You know i do question why they ended it with a cliffhanger. For someone to pick it up? Or they literally couldn't decide how to end it perhaps? or maybe it's shelved for now and they're like 'ah we're totally going to reboot it later maybe.' Or make a spin-off with new guys (hope not). Though I have a theory that it being kicked off the block was because 1- make way for new shows and 2- it probably had something to do with season 4 (I mean you had to admit that took a nasty dip in quality once it left Mercury Filmworks hands).
ok enough ranting for now, but once again welcome to this really small pit. I just really got back into JATNP myself and it's really lovely to see there are still (new) people who love and remember it <3
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chrisevansluv · 2 years
What are the full on delulus going to come up with now that the whole "Alba showed up at WDW on Friday morning with her publicist and left later that day" fanfic has been debunked by the tiktok from the girl who greeted Chris, Alba and his family on Saturday? Someone should make a bingo card
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Thing is... Alba has been known to be living in Atlanta since September, she took a yoga instructor course, so clearly she went to Orlando with Chris and Josh. And most likely she'll return to Atlanta with Chris and Josh. Sorry to break some hearts, but it is what it is. The sooner y'all accept it, the better.
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olivias-cardigan · 5 years
what’s that noise? | the boys
requested? yes! by the amazing @keepseaveyweird request: “Okay maybe not the most specific request in the world but I got this request one day and I loved it: one of the boys living in the apartment above you and they’re extra loud so you’ll go up there and tell them to shut up only to find out it was just an excuse to see and talk to you” a/n: OKAY I REALLY WANT TO MAKE THIS A SERIES SKSKSKKSKSK word count: 727 words type of writing: imagine?
you usually let it go. you let the ungodly thump of the bass go uncontrolled. you were normally not bothered by the vibrations causing the decorations on your walls to quiver, but today, you had fucking enough. you already had a shitty day at school, there was the typical assholes at work not to mention your head was already throbbing from a period induced headache. let’s just say you were NOT in the mood. 
you huffed and left your apartment to go confront the tenants above you, the source of the noise. with determination in your every step, you bounded up the steps and prepared what you were going to say. you wanted to come off badass and confident but not too bitchy you know? as you made it up the stairs and walked down the hall towards the increasingly loud thumping apartment, you had a vague outline of your points you wanted to make and then knocked on the door. you heard a couple muffled voices and then the music stopped and the ache of your headache immediately dulled. as the doorknob twisted you prepared yourself to deal with the biggest jerks in the planet. i mean seriously, who needs their music that loud? however, when the door opened it was almost impossible to keep your jaw from dropping. you were greeted with five of the hottest boys you had ever laid eyes on and you completely blanked on what you even came up for. all you could think about is how atrocious you looked in your worn t-shirt, excessively baggy sweatpants, and smudged glasses. and despite your best efforts you felt your face warm as the five boys had all eyes on you.
“come on y/n, get it together!” you thought.
after you all stood there for a moment, one of the boys finally said something. “hey, do you need something?” this comment caused him to immediately get a smack in the arm from the curly hair one. “zach dude CMON that is no way to talk to a lady.” he said winking at you. “i think he means would you like to come in?”
“uh- um,” you stuttered still at a lost for words. was this really happening to you? “no i dont want to impose and i don’t normally stroll into strangers apartments,” you laughed nervously. “uh i was just wondering if maybe you could turn down the music a little please? i kinda have a headache and i’m directly below you guys an-”
it was now the one with the adorable gap between his teeth that spoke up.“oh my god, were we that loud? that’s mainly my fault. we actually make music and i'm in charge of the beats so i'm really sorry about that.”
you couldn’t help but smile and you felt your grudge melt away. they seemed like genuine guys. and you couldn’t help but keep looking at the blonde boy in the back of the room. he was extremely attractive and you thought it was very cute how he continuously fiddled with the rings on his large hands.
“its no big deal. i really appreciate you guys being so chill about it. thanks so much, well uh have a good night,” you said as you started back to your apartment below.
“wait!” the tall one came bounding down the hallway after you. “we didnt get your name!”
“oh its y/n,” you smiled.
“well y/n, me and the guys were talking and we really want to make it up to you! how about you let us take you bowling or mini-golfing sometime?”
your heart fluttered. you couldn’t past up the opportunity to see them again and maybe you could talk to the mysterious blonde one.
“sure i would really like that,” you grinned.
“its the least we can do. we will get back to you on a day since we know where to reach you now!” he chuckled. “well, y/n have a great night!” and with that he headed back towards his door. as you turned the corner to go back downstairs, you heard something that made you stop in your tracks. “SEE CORBYN I TOLD YOU IT WOULD WORK!” it kind of sounded like the curly haired boy’s voice but you weren’t completely sure. were they talking about you? they couldn’t be... could they? what worked? most importantly, was corbyn the blonde one?
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wesstars · 1 year
can't rely on my heart
wednesday addams x fem!reader (no pronouns)
summary: are people more likely to tell the truth while they’re drunk? wc: 800 tags: all characters involved are 18+. AU, they’re in some big city. wednesday and reader are childhood ‘friends.’ unresolved tension!!! a/n: i miss y’all 😭hope everyone is doing well!! welcome to another wednesday wednesday with the most amazing @evilwednesday. special good morning to @mindyswhore. @melrodrigo told me to hurry up haha. (let’s just ignore how I missed last week okay)
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1:28 am
come get your bitch.
Wednesday frowned at Yoko’s text. She wondered, briefly, who “your bitch” could ever be—unbidden, your grinning face came to mind, shining bright as a dying star. Wednesday hated it. It was stuff like this, knowing that your friends would ask Wednesday, of all people, to come pick you up, that was intolerable. Always popular yet with a genuine charm, you commanded attention wherever you were, so warm and dazzling that you eclipsed everything around you. You consistently crossed the line with Wednesday, since you really never knew when to stop. Rolling her eyes, she grabbed her car keys.
You were giggling. It was insufferable: it had already been enough to go to the bar—a place with sticky floors that Wednesday turned her nose up at—and it was excruciating to have dragged you out, catching you from rolling your ankle on the pavement, so your glittering laugh really was the worst torture Wednesday was willing to endure. Yoko had pushed you unceremoniously into Wednesday, while Enid sent her a sympathetic glance and a promise to text. Wednesday was torn between keeping her distance, so you wouldn’t throw up on her shoes, and holding you upright so you wouldn’t cause a scene, but you made her decision for her.
“You’re so—sloppy,” Wednesday hissed, grabbing your elbow to stop you from careening into a pedestrian. You’d always been a lightweight, since your university days, where you’d always show up, drunk as a dog, knocking at Wednesday and Enid’s place. You would claim that you lost your address. It wasn’t uncommon for you to be over there at all, every little quirk you had being memorized by the apartment: your mug, your spare key, your book on how the biggest planets are made of the very same things that humans are. 
“Wednesday,” you said, leaning on her shoulder. She wrinkled her nose. “Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday… 
She scoffed. “Just be quiet.”
“I don’t want to,” you whined, being the absolute child that Wednesday thought you were. She let go of your arm, stalking towards her car without you. While she definitely thought of you as someone she could do without babysitting, she still looked back to make sure you were following. You were tracing your crooked path on the sidewalk, scuffing your shoes as you trailed your fingers on every streetlight and sign pole that you passed. Something licked its way through Wednesday’s veins, destructive like fire.
“You…” Wednesday ignored you. Why had she parked so far? The sooner you crashed on her couch, the sooner you’d leave her alone. 
“You, with that beautiful smile—” gods, just how many drinks did you have?—“Hold on.” 
“I don’t smile.” Wednesday waited, for some reason, as you stumbled forward, catching up to her while the drinks caught up to you.
Ignoring her, you whispered, “I have something to say to you,” showing all your teeth in a dopey smile. When you leaned in, Wednesday saw how the shine of the streetlights caught on your rosy cheeks, glowing.
“You’re even prettier when you’re all the way here, with me, not just in my head.”
Wednesday felt her dead, still heart jolt with an artificial electricity, as if you’d pressed both hands to her chest and yelled clear! It was a startlingly alive experience, being touched by such a startlingly alive person. Every breath was hard to take, as you looked down. The streetlight cast a warm glow, lighting up your outline. You smelled too much like alcohol for such an admission, one where she could feel the cold metal of your arrow, Apollo ablaze, press up against her ribs.
It was weird, how one never really does know the answer to an unspoken question until it was right in front of them, burning. 
“You’re not going to remember this,” Wednesday said quietly. “I’m telling you now, so you can understand why.” She looked into your eyes; they were surprisingly clear for someone so inebriated. 
Your voice was a whisper, nearly drowned out by a car rushing past. “Why what?”
Wednesday looked up at you. You’d stopped right in front of her car, an accuracy unbecoming of how drunk you seemed to be. She placed a hand on you, your shoulder this time, and yanked you down to her height. You were so close, now, your nose brushing hers, and she felt you take a breath. “Why I don’t mind you being this close.” She hoped you could smell the jasmine perfume she wore. “Why I don’t mind when you cross the line.” Your hair fell into your eyes. “Why I’m driving you home.”
She stepped back, opening the car door and shoving you in. You leaned your temple on the seat, head tilted back to meet her eyes.
“I know, Wednesday.”
a/n cont'd: something something yearning something something
please do not repost, reproduce, copy, translate, or take from my work in any way. thank you!
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taesugakookiess · 6 years
Her II | Jonah Marais🐯
Jonah Marais x Paisley O’Connor  Summary: you’ll see. Warning: language. Taglist: @samithepixie​ @majesticmarais​ @jackslittleavery​@jackaverysboo​ @jackaverybabe​ @jackaverx​ @callykim​@heyowdw​ @blushybesson​ @beautybesson​ @lovableherron​@clairedoe​ @trustfundbabby​ @im-on-something-different​@ishouldtakeyoutothemoon​ @ramenavery @noodles-send-n00ds @seavey-d @averythingzachherron @specialboyseavey Lemme know if you wanna be tagged in future stuff. :)  
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Oh, fucking great. I guess I should be glad I didn't burst my skull open. But I'm not, I wish I did. He's staring at me in pure confusion. "Myla, stay here," He says, walking over to me. He grabs my arm and helps me up, I nudge him away from me, "Get the fuck off of me," I snap. He frowns, "Why are you still acting like this?" I stare past him, at Myla. He scoffs, "Leave her out of this, Pais. You're acting like a two-year-old." Who does he think he is? I roll my eyes, "Look, I could care less who you date. Just leave me alone, okay? Go back over to your little model." I walk into the house without looking back. I do care who he dates. But it's almost like I can't do anything about it. Which boils my blood. Surely, I look like a total fool, but who cares. "Paisley, honey, are you alright?" Daniel's mother, Keri, asks me. She's so sweet, like Daniel. If I didn't fall for Jonah, I'd probably have fallen for Daniel. His blue eyes, pretty smile, adorable laugh. An angel. There's a big difference between him and Jonah. Jonah's the bad-guy type, eyes that change color constantly, scruffy hair, tall, my type. I bet he's Myla's type, too. Wait. I just got the best idea ever. "Yes, I'm fine," I smile at her. ”Party will start in 30 minutes after all the guests arrive,” Keri announces. The guys walk inside along with their girls and Tyler, Daniel's brother and the manager. I look at Myla holding Jonah's hand, smiling. Gosh, she's gorgeous. Her hair is long and light brown, her eyes are blue with feathery eyelashes, suspiciously smooth skin. It makes me feel insecure about my dark brown hair and green eyes. "Would you boys like something to drink?" George, the butler, does his job. "Yes, I'll take a coffee," Jonah grins. "What type?" "He'll have-" Myla begins. "Pumpkin spice-vanilla brew, not too much cream, with just a pinch of cinnamon to add to the spice of the pumpkin," I say nonchalantly. I can feel Myla staring at me, I turn to see if I was right, I was right. I smirk at her reaction, she looks almost in awe. "That's right," Jonah presses his lips together, somewhat of the embarrassment. Oh, yeah, I'm just getting started my bullshit. I flip my hair as Jonah glares at me. I was jealous at first, now I know for a fact no one can take him from me, we're too close. "So Zach, how's your chemistry coming out," I say. "Pretty good, since you helped me out," Zach winks at me. Just my luck, Daniel sits directly next to me. "Hey, Pais," He shines through his smile. "Hey," I say, smiling. "You look great," He looks me up and down. "Oh, thanks," I actually blush. We actually met eyes, his are so beautiful I can't stop looking.  "Ahem," Jonah clears his throat, breaking us from our bond, "Paisley do you wanna make sure George is making my coffee right?" I raise an eyebrow, "No?" "I'll go with you," Daniel laughs. "I'm famished." "No, I'll go Daniel. I'll get you something," He gently rubs Daniel's hand. Sheesh, I think. "Babe," Myla pipes up, "Don't be too long." "I won't," Jonah winks. I try not to throw up in my mouth. He detours us to the living room, "What the hell was that?" "What was what?" I lean back. "You staring into Dani's eyes like you've never seen him before," Jonah snaps. I adjust my dress a bit at the bottom, "That was called none of your business." He clenches his jaw, "It's all of my business, you are my business." I try not to laugh, this is actually pure sexiness. "Jonah, Myla is your fucking business. Remember?" "Paisley," He says as I walk away from him. I liked that. You know what this means? He still has feelings for me... Watch out Myla, I'm coming to take my man back. 
TO BE CONTINUED. Feedbacks? I’ll update ASAP.
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21burritoseavey · 2 years
our hoodie (d.s.)
a/n: i apologise if this isn’t what you guys wanted but for some reason i can barely get myself to write so here’s a little imagine<3 hope you enjoy:)
summary: you’re wearing daniel’s hoodie
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‘what are you doing?" daniel coos, propped up against the cabinets with his arms folded over his chest. the inquiry drifts through the air and traces the edge of your ears ever so softly, as if the two quiet words were fallen leaves descending from trees.
the sky has lapsed into its hazy morning glow, diffusing gloomy light from the windows through the blur of rainfall, however it doesn’t do much to illuminate the house’s interior. the warm glare from the rangehood above the stove provides a brightness to your features when you glance back over your shoulder, breaking out the day’s first smile. 
“making a cup of tea, want one?” you say, placing the kettle into its cradle and flicking the switch. you move across the kitchen to the fridge, taking out the milk, fingers almost stinging against the cold carton before you drop it onto the counter. 
“seems to me like you’re also wearing my hoodie,” daniel comments, lengthening his stare at his hoodie you’re wearing as if to make evident his desire for it back. he frowns, drooping his drawn lips into an upside-down curve, which if you weren’t actually super cold and in dire need of an oversized cosy sweater, would have induced you to ask if he wanted the light-blue hoodie back. 
 “yes, i am,” you answer, “tea?” you ask again, ultimately deciding to plop a single tea bag into an empty mug with a soft ‘no thank you’ spoken over your shoulder from the opposite side of the kitchen. 
“but you know what i do want?” daniel ventures while you wait for the last remaining whistles of the kettle as the water comes to a boil. 
“our hoodie” you guess, watching the colour of the tea leaves infuse in the mug as you pour in the hot water.  
“ye- no,” daniel stutters, his brows scrunching at your little trick, earning himself a flourish of giggles from your end, “my hoodie, I want my hoodie, please and thank you.” 
“you have like a million other hoodies.” the response seems to have taken him by surprise and he brings a hand up to the left side of his chest in mock offence. albeit the obvious exaggeration, the statement had some truth to it, in his closet hung a variety of sweaters and hoodies, in a range of colours. 
“so do you,” he shoots back a smirk when you spin around and grab the milk and pour it in. 
“but mine aren’t as oversized and soft and warm as yours” you shrug inwards a little with a smiley expression and bring your cup of tea over to the island. the tea is scorching hot, but you bring the lip of the cup to your mouth anyways, signalling the end to the conversation, or so you thought. 
daniel continues to keep his eyes on you, brows narrowed in concentration and he shuffles towards the fridge, feigning a search for something inside. it almost seems like the conversation silence aids in his search for another argument, and after a few quiet moments, his hand pauses on the door handle, his head jerking in your direction. 
“bu-I…. you…” he stumbles, scrambling for some sort of comeback until he sighs, turning to the fridge again. with a bottle of apple juice in his hand he says “you won’t win next time” before taking a gulp. 
you hide your smile at his response behind a sip of your tea, knowing well you will in fact win the next time, and the next one after that….
(i am so sorry this is horrible)
taglist: @chilling-seavey @marthagryffindor @randomlimelightxxx @hiya-its-amber @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @hackerXavery @jonahlovescoffee @onlyangelavery @sadbitchfangirl @wiildflower-xxx @nichmeddar  @unitersmoonshine  @sbrewer21 @comatosedheart​  @kaitieskidmore1​ @sunlightinmyeyes
join my taglist!
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medievill · 1 year
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, The Badminton Twins, Fang (Our Flag Means Death), "Calico" Jack Rackham, Lucius Spriggs Additional Tags: Autistic Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Has ADHD, Autistic Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard's Home Renovation and Restoration, Bonnet Creek, Warning: Badminton Twins, Slow Burn, because they're both idiots (affectionate), Blackbeard | Edward Rides a Motorcycle, Stede Bonnet Has a Motorcycle Fetish, Disney World, Epcot, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Work In Progress, no beta we die dramatically like Spaniards, Disabled Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Māori Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Past Blackbeard | Edward Teach/"Calico" Jack Rackham, come for the Chapek jokes stay for the Desantis jokes, is Lucius Spriggs Chuck Tingle??, the more chapters I add the more hinges I lose, fang the relationship therapist Summary:
This guy’s so fucking pretty, is the thing.
He says, “You work for Blackbeard?”
Ed frowns a second, then looks down at the Blackbeard’s Home Renovation and Restoration logo on his t-shirt. He says, “Yeah. Yeah, suppose I do.” He sticks out his hand. “Name’s Ed.”
“Stede.” His hand is soft, but not soft like dough. Soft like silk. A fine, expensive thing that's treated that way. Ed’s got to let go before he bends over and rubs his face against it like a cat.
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jonahlovescoffee · 3 years
Sunflower Field Confessions | J.M.
a/n: i will fight anyone who argues that jonah doesn't look like a prince in this pic :') also, i was listening to taytay's fearless album while writing this so the plot might be all over the place sorry !!! ok bye now that i've posted lemme just casually go on a writing hiatus , happy reading <3 (and also, a big fat thank you to @the-girl-who-cried-wolf and @randomlimelightxxx for hyping me up to finish this cheesy fic that i hate so much)
summary: you might not be part of royalty like Jonah was, but you were certainly the queen of his heart.
warnings: fluff and kinda sorta bad writing because i suck
word count: 4865
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Upon hearing a rapid thudding of footsteps, the brunet prince turned to the direction of the sound just in time to see the girl he had been waiting for for quite some time at the sunflower field tripping over a stone and barreling towards him. He reacted quickly to stop her from plummeting onto the ground, wrapping a steady arm around her waist and pulling her into his chest on instinct. “Woah, woah, watch your footing next time. Don’t wanna ruin this pretty face you have now, do we?” He asked the girl who was currently in his arms, the teasing tone in his voice unmissable.
“Oh my gosh, I…I,” you stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence when your mind became a jumbled mess as your face reddened instantly at his indirect compliment. The crimson that dusted your cheeks vaguely turned darker when you realized how close you were to him. Shocked, you pulled away from his embrace, immediately missing his warmth (and the exquisite scent of him that reminded you of the finest herbs in town). “Work at the bakery ended so much later than expected and I was afraid you would’ve thought I forgot about our meeting and left before I arrived,” you blabbered, your nerves getting the best of you. “I’m so sorry for making you wait, your highness!”
Jonah frowned at the mention of the title. After years of knowing each other, your habit of referring to him with his royal status hadn’t changed one bit, no matter how close you had gotten with each other and it annoyed him. He loved being a prince more than anything, yes, but he didn’t like the fact that in your head, you always considered him as someone far more superior than you when you actually weren’t. To the others, maybe, but to him, you were his everything and the only one he swore to himself to protect with his life. If anything, that only proved that he was the inferior one.
Besides, he had decided long ago that he loved the way you say his name most.
“I told you, you don’t have to call me that,” he flicked your nose playfully, a familiar gesture that you’d grown so used to over the years. He seemed to never get tired of doing it to annoy you and well, you indeed found it annoying when you were younger but as time passed, it had become a symbol of your tight-knit relationship with him that most people would kill to have. “Plus, I’m the one who should be apologizing for not being able to hang out with you as often as I used to.”
“It’s totally fine, your—Jonah,” you changed your choice of words quickly when he shot you a glare. “Being the future King comes with tons of workload, I know. You have far more important things to do than spend time with…me.”
“Impossible,” he laughed and shook his head at your incredulousness. He threaded his fingers through yours mindlessly before starting to walk and you followed suit, trying not to get distracted by how nice his large hands felt enveloping yours. How on Earth does he manage to make your thoughts a mess with just a simple touch? You didn’t know, but you welcomed the unexplainable feeling all the same.
His voice knocked you out of your thoughts. “Who else is going to keep me sane, huh?”
“True,” you admitted, giggling softly. “Someone’s gotta remind you that it’s okay to put yourself first instead of the kingdom sometimes.”
“To be frank, I’m still having a hard time heeding to your advice,” he admitted sheepishly.
“I know,” your joined hands swayed slightly as you walked amongst the sea of sunflowers that bloomed so brightly as if each petal held a radiant memory. The meadow had a peripheral awareness of its own beauty yet would rather be at peace in this warm sun, you noted, just like the man beside you.
He could be anywhere else at this moment—busy studying law in the castle’s library, discussing politics with his father, courting remarkable princesses and duchesses—but he chose to be here, taking a pointless stroll in a sunflower field with plain old you.
He didn’t notice when you casted your gaze upwards towards his face, secretly admiring how effortlessly regal he still managed to look in casual clothes instead of his usual royal attire, his unruly brown hair on full display without the presence of his crown. You studied him closely, examining every inch of his side profile…and frowned when you saw the new eyebags under his eyes. You almost reached up to touch his face and trace them. Almost. “But it looks like I'm not doing a very good job at it because it looks like someone is insanely sleep deprived.”
“Yea…I might’ve not gotten as much sleep as I should this past month,” he shrugged nonchalantly like it was not a big deal. You sighed. He’s too selfless sometimes—okay, scratch that—most of the time it’s infuriating.
“You promised me that you’d take good care of yourself,” you said in an accusing manner. He turned to you to find concern written all over your features. The sight warmed his heart and he had to bite back a smile. You always care about him too much, in all the ways no one else did, not even his family members and…
God, he wanted nothing more than to kiss you to show how much he appreciated you. How much he loved you.
He could if he wanted to. Being in close proximity, your lips looked too devastatingly inviting, causing Jonah to wonder if it felt as soft as it looked, if he could claim it as his. Claim you as his, forever.
Jonah pressed his lips into a thin line, reprimanding his inappropriate thoughts about his best friend. You, however, mistakened his expression for annoyance so you added, “or at least try to.”
“I am, okay? There’s just too much on my plate lately,” he admitted sheepishly. “But I’m fine.”
“That’s exactly what someone who isn’t fine will say,” you nudged him slightly. “You’ve got anything to share with me, buddy?”
“It amuses me how one moment you’re all shy around me and calling me ‘your highness’ and the next thing I know you’re calling me ‘buddy’ and forcing me to tell you about my personal life,” he joked, earning an eye roll from you.
“Come on, cut the teasing and spill your problems to me already,” you whined pleadingly, dragging the last syllable, a childish trick of yours to attempt to get others to do what you wanted. Unfortunately, most people found it annoying yet Jonah never seemed to mind your ridiculous antics.
“Of course, I always do,” he ruffled your hair with his free hand, which you swatted away almost immediately. “Still have no idea why you haven’t gotten sick of me yet.”
I’d be the world’s biggest idiot to ever want to get rid of my crush—those were the words that were left unsaid by you. Your crush on him was your biggest secret after all. A secret that might threaten the precious platonic bond you both already had between each other. So instead of confessing your hidden feelings for him, you sent him a sweet smile that mirrored his and he took that as a sign to start reciting everything that had happened to him in the last month.
Being his most trusted person, he didn’t hesitate to confide every little detail of his life to you because unlike the others, you truly listened and never judged him for how he felt. You never interrupted him when he’s talking but instead you hung onto his every word, always listening to the entirety of his rants before offering genuine advice.
From the outside, it might look like he was an obnoxious spoilt prince who loved to talk about nothing but himself but in reality, Jonah was a man of few words, which was also one of the main reasons the prestigious women who his mother set him up with lost interest in him after not several, but one date. He was cold and closed off towards others (you had seen that with your own eyes so you knew that for sure), but with you, he was an entirely different person. He gladly shared with you every little detail of his life—his adventures abroad, his overwhelming workload and whatever juicy court drama he overheard the maids gossiping about—not just because he was comfortable with you, but mainly because he knew that you had been intrigued with the inner workings of court and what’s it’s like to live a lavish life as royalty since forever.
This time, Jonah told you about how badly his father wanted to hand him the kingdom but he couldn’t do that unless his son got married so too eager to play a matchmaker to help his son find the “love of his life”, the Queen started setting up dates for the poor prince every night. He found the latter absolutely absurd and a complete waste of time but he loved his parents too much to go against their will. That was how Jonah ended up juggling two things at once—running a kingdom and putting up with spoiled female royals who got on his nerves more than he’d like to admit.
“It’s not that bad,” you gave him a pitiful smile and squeezed his hand when he groaned frustratingly. You hated the fact that he had been seeing other girls but it’s not like he reciprocated their feelings so…you’re fine, you thought, but him not falling in love now didn’t mean that he wouldn’t in future. One lucky choice in girls made by his mother was all it took to accidentally knock him off his feet, his breath out of him…and his heart into the lucky girl’s hands. Simply put, the odds of him falling in love was thankfully extremely low but that didn’t mean it was entirely impossible. And if he did—when he did—you weren’t sure if you could deal with the heartbreak that’d definitely come along with it.
But that was something you would stress about another day.
“Dinners are fun though,” you tried to cheer him up. “Fancy food, fancy clothes and not to mention a fancy private dining hall with romantic lighting!”
“Yeah dinners can be fun if only the girls I’m dining with aren’t all such idiotic airheads with no personality whatsoever,” he complained and you hated yourself for feeling relieved. He shook his head. “Enough about me though, I wanna hear about your life. Anything interesting happened while I was gone?”
“Ummm, business at the bakery has been thriving, so that’s good and uhhh…” you trailed off, biting your bottom lip, contemplating whether you should tell him about the real highlight of the past month. You sucked in a breath as if the newly inhaled oxygen could give you more courage to speak. “Two boys have been sending flowers every morning to me. One even went as far as to ask me out on a date,” you blurted in one go.
You swore you saw his jaw clench for a millisecond. One blink and his tense demeanor was gone without a trace, replaced by his usual playful grin, which led you to believe that your eyes might’ve tricked you into seeing something that wasn’t there in the first place.
“Someone’s quite a catch in town I see,” he made a lighthearted joke but you hated it. You hated that it didn’t even bug him one bit that there were boys out there trying to win your heart; you hated that he was indifferent; you hated that he didn’t care the way you wanted him to, didn’t react the way you wanted him to.
You liking him doesn’t mean he’ll like you back, dumbass, you mentally scolded yourself for being a…well, a lovesick idiot. And not to forget an occasionally delusional one.
“Oh, shut up,” you prayed that you sounded unbothered enough to be passed off as unsuspicious and your disappointment (and a tad bit of sadness) couldn’t be heard from your voice. “It’s not like you don’t have the whole country of girls swooning over you.”
“We are not talking about me now, are we?”
“Ugh, go away, you’re being annoying.”
“Sorry, sweetheart, but I can’t because you’re holding me too tightly,” he brought your joined hands into your line of vision to prove his point and sure enough, you were gripping his hand like you were afraid he’d slip away. You let go of it abruptly with a huff, turning away in mock anger (and also to hide your blush of bashfulness and embarrassment for the pet name he chose and being called out, respectively). Unbeknownst to you, Jonah immediately regretted what he said earlier for he realised that he didn’t want your hands to detach from each other’s when they’re obviously the perfect fit. “Hey, don’t get mad, I’m just curious as to who you’re planning to choose.” So he could do a thorough background check on said guy to make sure he’s a suitable match for you…
…and to see what magical qualities he possessed to make you choose him over Jonah himself. To make you give him the privilege of being the special someone Jonah had always wanted to be for you.
“Neither. They’re both not my type.”
“Then what’s your type, exactly?”
His question didn’t really come as a surprise to you--it’s normal for him to be curious since come to think of it, you realised that you never told him about this before and vice versa--yet that didn’t mean you were prepared to give him the honest answer.
Is there even anyone on Earth who actually has the guts to confess their love for someone who they aren’t sure felt the same way? If there was, you were definitely not one of them, that’s for sure. You chose your next words carefully since you couldn’t possibly tell him straight to his face that your type was him, a prince who you knew you had no chance with and make things awkward between the both of you right?
“Honestly, I don’t really know, ‘cause,” you avoided his gaze, focusing on the ground instead where your shoe-clad-feet were kicking bits of dirt into the air. You didn't have to be looking at him to know that he was listening intently though. “I’ve fallen in love only once in my life and it’s with a guy who…I don’t think likes me back so I don’t think I have a type when it’s always been him alone and no one else.”
Jonah could feel an astounding amount of weights crashing down on him instantly, shattering his heart and he could barely breathe. Is this what heartbreak feels like? He had no idea it could be this painful. All he knew was it‘s stupid, really, for someone as cold-blooded as him to feel the way he felt right now because of…love?…when he didn’t even flinch or bat an eye when he witnessed the brutal executions of criminals alongside his father.
It’s always been him—your words echoed in his mind repeatedly. Jonah didn’t know who he was, but he might be—no, he was—the luckiest guy on earth to have your heart and a fool if he didn’t reciprocate your feelings.
“Jonah,” his train of thought crashed into a wall in an instant, the latter being the sound of your voice.
“What were you saying again?”
“I said that it’s terribly unfair if I’m the only one spilling my secrets out to you.”
“You kept the details so vague and didn't even mention his name so it’s technically not considered a secret!”
“And you haven’t told me what you want in a girl!” You retorted swiftly. “With how you closed off and curt you are towards them them, sometimes I can’t help but wonder if you’re secretly gay.”
“I’m certainly not gay, I can assure you of that,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “In fact, I have my eyes on someone in particular too--”
“It’s the Princess of Eldorra, isn’t it?”
Princess Gwenlyn--the heiress to the throne of one of the biggest kingdoms in the Southern Continent that Jonah’s father was nearly dying to form an alliance with through the marriage of their children; the princess whose name was spoken in nothing but awe and admiration by people throughout the lands about her remarkable beauty, her down-to-earth kindness--everything about her was deemed perfect by the public, including her love for the man of your dreams.
She could be seen latching onto him at every public event whenever she’s in the kingdom for visits to the royal family. Wherever he was, she was either standing awfully close to him or worse—with his hands all over him as if she wanted to tell—no, show—the world that he’s hers.
They’d make such a lovely couple! Ah, young love! They’re literally made for each other! Their kids would turn out so beautiful!
You heard the gossip, the hushed whispers among the older ladies on the street whenever the “young royal couple” came to town. You wanted to tune out the compliments, but you couldn’t, because there were too many; so you started to look for any sorts of hate towards them but there wasn’t any.
It was clear that everyone loved them and from the way he never pushed her away, maybe...he did too.
The thought of it made your heart twist in unimaginable ways.
“You don’t like her,” he stated bluntly, stopping in his tracks. Instinctively, you stopped walking too.
You didn’t expect him to call you out. Planning to lie your way out of this situation and realising that panic was probably written all over your face, you replied with a quick “no” and tried to recompose yourself.
However, one brief crack in your nonchalant facade was enough for Jonah to notice your blatant lie. “I’ve read enough faces to know that you’re not telling the truth.”
“Sorry to say that you’re wrong this time then,” you started to walk again. You never liked to talk about feelings because you knew yours was…pathetic, delusional and fucking meaningless when the one you fell for was somebody that was so far out of your league that it was a miracle that you were even here with him, getting interrogated by him about your thoughts on his potential betrothed. You didn’t know which direction you were walking towards, you just needed to put a distance between him and yourself.
Were you being dramatic? Maybe, but with how persistent he was to pry an answer out of you, you needed to show him how much you didn’t want to continue the conversation. Walking away was probably the most useless option one could ever choose but it’s the only thing you could think of at the moment. Yet Jonah, as always, wouldn’t back down until he got what he wanted.
“Oh my goodness, just admit it, you don’t like her,” you picked up your pace when you felt him walking after you.
“Hey,” the grip he had around your wrist wasn’t tight enough to hurt you, but it was enough to stop you from moving any further. “What’s wrong?”
You tried to ignore the way your skin was practically on fire from his simple touch. His hold didn’t burn but it sent jolts of warmth coursing through your veins, eventually making their way towards your heart, encasing it in a bubble of delicious heat.
You turned to face him, his soft eyes almost making you melt into a puddle right then and there. “Can we...not talk about her?”
“Why?” He asked but received no reply, so he added, “Y/N, you can tell me anything, you know that right? I’m your best friend...oh.”
A ghost of a smirk played on his lips as he suddenly managed to piece together the loose, mismatched puzzle pieces of what caused your sudden mood change. Best friends combined with sour feelings whenever someone else of the opposite sex was mentioned? That could only mean one thing. Still, he could be wrong but…there’s only one way to find out—by addressing the elephant in the room (or rather, in this circumstance, in the sunflower field).
“You’re jealous.”
“What?” A light shade of pink coloured your cheeks, which prompted him to take a step closer to you.
“You hate her being close to me,” another step. “You hate the way she gets to touch me freely anytime she wants while you have to hide in the crowd, pretending you don’t even know me,” and another. “Most importantly, you hate that I seem to enjoy her presence so much that it makes you think I might be in love with her.”
You stood rooted to your spot as he listed out everything you hated about their disgustingly sweet interactions in public, and got none wrong. You didn’t know whether to be embarrassed for your ugly emotions to come to light or pleasantly surprised that he seemed to be unbothered—delighted even—that you felt this way about him.
“Tell me, am I right, Y/N?” He stopped walking when his body was a hair’s breadth away from yours. Up close, you could see the gold flecks in his green eyes and honestly speaking, you wouldn’t mind staring and getting lost in them all day.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t. He was your best friend and best friends didn't actually have the privilege to do that, nor the right to romanticize everything about each other…unless one of you chose to take a step further but that was out of the question.
He hadn’t remained as your best friend since the beginning for nothing. He was part of royalty, the future King, for goodness sake, whereas you were merely an ordinary baker living in a small town who earned just enough money to pass your days. The fine line between friends and lovers was clearly not meant for either of you to cross.
You both worked well as best friends who met up regularly in secret, and it should stay this way for the best.
“You can be too full of yourself sometimes, prince,” you held your gaze steady as his emerald eyes bore into yours. You weren’t sure if you were hallucinating when for a fleeting second, you saw flames of desire flickering in them.
“Same can be said about you, my dear,” he reached up to cup your cheek, his hand much more calloused than what you expected of a prince and the stroke of his thumb was gentle, light, as if you were something fragile that he was afraid to break. For a moment, you forgot how to breathe. “You sure are naive for thinking that I can't see through every single one of your lies.”
“So what if you’re right? It can’t--won’t change anything now, will it?”
“Depends,” his eyes zeroed in on your lips. He had been wondering how they tasted for a long while. “Do you want us to change?”
“I...I don’t know,” you stammered, your mind filled with uncertainty. If it was up to you, of course you wanted to be the one who had his heart, body and soul, the one he called his, the special one to him in a sea of millions but...those were all the things the Law and your status forbid both of you to do. Even if your friendship blossomed into something more, everything would still end up in flames.
So with an apologetic smile, you removed his hand from your cheek. “But I do know that this is wrong. There shouldn’t even be an us in the first place, Jonah,” you swallowed the lump in your throat. “You’re supposed to find your ‘happy ever after’ with someone better, someone with a royal background maybe, not with a nobody like me.”
“God, Y/N, can you not keep thinking about what’s best for me for once, and consider what I really want?” Jonah was annoyed at your stubbornness to give in. You were the one who always reprimanded him for always not putting himself first yet here you were, dismissing your feelings for him because you thought he deserved better. How ironic. When he spoke again though, his voice evidently softened, the frustrated edge gone. “Because news flash, Y/N, I’ve loved you since day one and all I want right now and forever, is you. Not Gwen, not anyone the papers claimed I’m dating, just you.”
You were taught to be prepared for whatever that came your way in life. Your parents insisted on you helping out at the bakery at a very young age, intending to prepare you well for the day it was your turn to run the bakery on your own; you had told yourself constantly that the one you loved didn’t reciprocate your feelings, to prepare yourself for the oncoming heartbreak. But no one had prepared you for...this. He loves you. The Crown Prince loves you. If it weren’t for the fact you could feel the sting of the light pinch you gave onto the back of your hand, you would’ve thought that this was merely a wild dream that you’d eventually wake up from. “Jonah I...I don’t know what to say.”
“So don’t say anything at all,” he breathed, slowly leaning in...
Then he kissed you.
Nothing else seemed to matter anymore once his lips clashed into yours. The world faded away, until all there’s left was you and him in your own little bubble, lips parting only to meet again and again and again, until you forgot everything save for the taste of his lips, his mouth, his tongue and how soft his hair was when you involuntarily raked your fingers through it. You had always wondered if your first kiss would be languid and chaste as you slowly explore each other’s mouth, or quick and urgent as if the world was about to end. This kiss though, was everything in between and more, fueled by the fiery passion that was bottled up for years and the intention of kissing the eight letters into each other’s bones over and over again. I love you, I love you, I love you...
“I think I love you too, my prince,” you unknowingly whispered into the kiss and you felt him smile against your lips.
“You do?” He asked teasingly and with your arms hooked around his neck, you could only pull him closer to emphasize your point. “Mhm-hmm,” you hummed pleasantly when his lips found yours again. He still couldn’t get enough of the lovely sensation of your lips on his but he didn’t mind that. He never wanted to ever get enough of you anyway.
“Good,” he mumbled and God, you were perfectly content to stay like this with him forever, just you and him sharing secretive kisses in a sunflower field without a care in the world...
But is there even a forever for you both?
“Not even a day into this new relationship and you’re already starting to worry about everything,” he said when he broke the kiss and pulled away because he felt the change in your previously elated mood.
“How do you even know?”
“You’re actually a very easy person to read if one knows where to look.”
“I am not!”
“And not to forget very defensive towards every comment made about you.”
“Oh my gosh, Jonah, cut it out!” You groaned dramatically, earning laughs from the prince.
“Okay, okay. Anyways, about us, we’ll take it one day at a time, see where life takes us,” he took your hands in his. “It’s going to be tough but we’ll make it, I promise.”
“What if I’m not capable of withstanding the challenges?” It was going to be hard. The cruel world would definitely find a way to rip and ruin your relationship and...you just weren’t sure if you were prepared to face it.
“Then I’ll be strong enough to fight for the both of us,” he assured you, pressing a kiss on your hair. “I’m tired of having to keep my love for you a secret when our love is something that should be celebrated.”
Butterflies erupted in your stomach at his heartfelt sentiment.
“I won’t let anything get in the way of our happiness,” he squeezed your hands. “Do you trust me, my love?”
For what seemed to be the millionth time that day, you looked into his eyes. This time, they shone with nothing but love and determination, which made you realise that maybe things would be fine after all because you knew Jonah and how he never gave blank promises, said anything he didn’t mean or gave up easily on the things he had set his mind on.
This was going to be a wild, bumpy ride with him but...where’s the fun in life if it was smooth sailing, right?
So with a hopeful expression that mirrored his, you gave him your reply.
“I do.”
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taglist: @chilling-seavey @neralondon @randomlimelightxxx @kvd963 @cutiebandlover202 @savspersonalproperty @slowdownatthelotusinn @angelmarais @freakshows199 @my-fangirling-outlet @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @sadbitchfangirl @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @lokiandbuckylove @hometothecanyonmoon
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