#im gonna go travel overseas after that.
verberation · 8 months
Putting on my squeaky clown shoes and rainbow wig as I pony (ahah) up the money on the sims 4 horse ranch expansion. EA own my dignity and I am ashamed.
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ibunyang · 7 months
some more yapping from me my bad !!!!!!!!!!!!
more info on my dolly mc insert that i might just turn into an actual oc if im gonna keep yapping about her anyways... sorry im kinda noodled brained rn im trying to stay up since my classes are at 7 am anyways and its already almost 4 am and i slept half the day yesterday(today MAN idk.)
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i feel like her family immigrated to the US (hawaii i think? so maybe her childhood was there until they were somehow forced to move mainland) when travel was allowed, to do that thing that most filipino people do when going overseas to work ( to provide a better life for their family back in the homeland) so she's either likely third gen or second gen? basta. ingana rawr a lot of young single men went to the US historically, so im unsure if she was born in the US from marriage with an unnamed american or if shes from fully filipino parents ill think about it more in the morning after i fully comprehend this research paper im reading about it.. unfortunately i cant find much information right now about the history of asian people and flapper culture, apart from the icon and legend anna may wong, so im just going to go about this as carefully as i can (and maybe try to put more effort into digging up more sources GRRRRRRRRR) basic information..... name: chesa dorothy (DOLLY get it im so smart akshoeally.) aquino she goes by dorothy most of the time since its the more american sounding name... thinking emoji also alastor and dorothy sound so cute.... im going NUTS age: im thinking 25-27 ??? im not sure how old al is here honestly height: rawr 5'3" filipino gene debuff idc SEA lady core.
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another note: little details on her rn that i like is that im so happy i actually get to incorporate flowers into her hair since it was popular to do that at this time period with ribbon flowers, but i wanted it specifically to look like sampaguitas which i are an homage to her parents home country even if shes never seen it and of course her love for pearls WAHHHHHUHUDDDDDDDD AHHHHHHHHH murag pearl of the orient moment :9 im so tempted to have her be called mutya (pearl) as a nickname since i think her pader wouldve love calling her that huhuhuhuhuhu (dead parent/s assignation that led to her flapper lifestyle ?? eyes)
idk im gonna rot about it more in literal jazz class later, i cant wait to go back home so i can actually draw on my screentab UGH my pen tab in the dorm just doesnt cut it sometimes the pen pressure is all over the place but i want to draw WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH (dies)
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marinaiguess · 1 year
if you wanna know about what happened to that sunken ship carrying 750 immigrants (of which around 100 survived), i can tell you but i cannot promise you i can keep my cool.
i’m gonna start biting ohmygosh okay. 
immigrants. refugees is probably the better word. those people took a ship from libye heading to italy. they were trying to leave their country to go to a better place, right? to live under better conditions. but you cannot do that “legally”. i hope you know how it goes. people from that area would travel on road, from turkey and then from greece to wherever they wanted to go. but as of recently, right at the borders of greece and turkey there was a wall built (wish this was a bad joke) by the greek government. the reason: to deter immigrants to pass the borders (since there are a lot of them in our country but that’s no fucking excuse since the EU literally funds the governement for this). and it worked, unfortunately. 
refugees had to find a different means to leave. so? travel overseas. it’s riskier but when you have no other option left, you take what you have. and it’s not the first time this has happened. it’s not the first time refugees have drowned and their bodies were found in greece’s coasts. we’ve mourned many people, many children. 
this time? this time it was different because this is the biggest ship the greek government has ever found “trespassing” their sea borders. (there could be others that were never found you know). the biggest ship with the most people on it. never before have there been 750 people abroad. and never before has a ship like that sunken. 
so what happened? based on what i know and not what the greek media claims, based on the survivors’ and the residents’ claims, the coastguard sinked that overcrowded fishing boat. yeah you heard me right. they towed their ship to that boat, probably in hopes to get it out of the greek sea borders so that malta would have to deal with it. malta’s sea borders weren’t that far away and keep in mind that towing in this case is illegal because it could be fatal (and it was).
so, the coastguard firstly claimed that they hadnt approached the boat until it was near sinking. after the survivors’ spoke their truth, they had to change their initial statement. and they did that quite fast. they said they approached them hours before it sunk in order to maintain their safety and supply the boat with food and water. according to them, the reason why the boat sunk was due to the people who were moving too much and tried to shake off any help given to them. it was dark and it wasn’t windy, no waves big enough to disrupt the boat. 
the greek authorities have lied, twice now, and their claims oppose those of the survivors’. survivors who lost their parents or their children. because governments make their lives harder and harder and when the people try to escape their fate, they realize they dont have the upper hand on the matter. and those humans who dont deserve to be called that, act like they care, announcing a 3-day national mourning. that happened a week ago. i havent seen any government officials talking abt the matter since then. (and ofc the only reason they pretend they care so much is because it’s elections season)
i am so done with the hypocrisy. we know the truth and we want justice to be served. but i really really wish it hadnt come down to this, i wish we didnt have to mourn for all the lost ones.
it isn’t the first time it happened. it isn’t the first time in this year that we have lost people thanks to our government’s incompetency. im tired of this. and im tired of people who vote for them, who back them up and excuse their actions. my heart hurts. it really does. as a kid of immigrants who had to go through hell to move across countries, who risked their lives to have a chance of living peacefully and under better conditions, it hurts. and it hurts even more to know that even if there’s a very very very slight possibility jsutice will be served, those people will never be the same again. justice wont be enough to bring their loved ones back. it fucking hurts. 
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
What are your hcs about Takane’s family if you don’t mind me asking? :0
UM UM UM GHEGEHHEHEHEHEH ok duh of course i dont mind. do YOU mind i'll talk a lot!??!!?
first let me be insane and list everything we know of her family:
1. lives with grandmother, she makes takane's school lunch and apparently wakes up very early. at the crack of dawn as takane puts it. also the one who gifted takane's trademark headphones! has exactly 1 line in the series and it's her telling takane to get the hell up or she'll be late to school (i love takane's intro chapter in the second novel. it's so funny) takane says that if she were to say she's not feeling okay her grandma could go as far as to get her hospitalized so she's also concerned over takane's condition.
2. grandfather passed away, but takane specifies how worried he always was about her illness, more so than her grandma. in second manga route he's still alive and was the one to get takane hospitalized in the first place. in a main route he's the one to push her into enrolling in that highschool. in my opinion, haruka and takane meet each other a little earlier in second manga route than they do in a main route, maybe when they're around 14. they also look a little younger imo but im delusional! i think this because takane's grandpa is still alive then, hence why haruka and takane are slightly younger! THIS IS ALL TO SAY, in a main route takane's grandpa probably dies slightly before or slightly after takane starts hs(in a slightly after situation it'd give place for special needs class bonding times if haruka and kenjirou comfort takane. (holds head))
3. her parents work overseas. that's all we fucking know about them.
im so curious about takane's family NOT ONLY because obviously im crazy and also she's my favorite character but man isn't this something so oddly specific. she lives with her grandparents because her parents work overseas. yeah? for how long? was she raised by them? obviously she's living with them long-term if they're the ones worrying about which highschool she's gonna go to!! ANSWER MY QUESTIONS JIN PLEASE...
MY PERSONAL HEADCANON TEEHEE which. is what u asked but i wrote a whole wall of text before answering im sorry look if youve followed me for a while u know that's kinda the drill.
i headcanon that takane's parents have always worked overseas but also travel a lot. like, not to say "overseas" as in they live in a set place outside of japan but to say they're always moving from country to country doing whatever the hell it is they do. move locations every few months inside that set country and every few years move to a new country altogether.
and when takane was little she did use to travel around with them. i also like the hc they're very career-oriented people and the kinda parents who are always working. not that they were MEAN to her but they were just. not there a lot?? and eventually leave her at her grandparents bc that wasn't a compatible lifestyle for a kid and ALSO she was showing signs of her illness and they were like teehee. i dont wanna deal with this. BTW i imagine takane being soooo little when that's going on like maybe 6 or 7 when she moves with her grandparents. so she does grow up with them after a weird start with her parents.
they kept visiting like during holidays and stuff. but they were never very warm loving parents and takane already had a family routine/dynamic with her grandparents so it was mostly just an awkward gift exhange how's school going kinda thing. eventually when takane gets her diagnosis they just start to disappear completely LOL stop visits completely and as time goes by the awkward phone calls are just texts and then the texts is 1 birthday text a year and then not even that
ratio + her parents are her grandparents💖 from the fan content i've consumed over the years it's the consensus that takane's parents are career-driven people and she doesn't have a good relationship with them and that they're honestly just dickheads. BUT I'VE SEEN some odd ones here and there who think takane loves them and is sad they're not around because of work but that's the minority honestly?? i personally prefer abandonment issues takane 👍 but i do love hearing different ideas hehehehe....
also i think after disappearing ene keeps checking up on her grandma to see if she's ok :( ofc never revealing herself. mostly just snoops. takane and her grandma post str reunion (my brain explodes)
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rynnlovers · 1 year
i just need 467s RPG au or just modern au for no reason at all
actually there is a reason im so tired of the angst fucking hell orz
so like modern au right rynn the third son and representative salesman of a biiig gem company and oswald a newscaster / journalist who travels a lot of places for inspiration / news and stuff. rynn is like this very handsome, calm, kind, considerate young man who's really friendly in contrast to his status. but no one can really read him and don't really know what's going on in his life and stuff.
but like then imagine the gem company CEO's son one day just, catch his eyes on a journalist, then like something just spark inside of him (who is severely sleep deprived) so he just run just to the journalist and ASKED HIM OUT ON A DATE LOLLLLL few seconds passed and after the journalist said a quiet "Pardon?" rynn realized what he had done and just SPRINTED OUT OF THERE LOLLL hes so funny i love it
rynn's situation
so like the mym's had no prior connection to the big clan, maybe its like they're under their influence or its just like kinda a mafia of that area but the jewelry company is just the mym's family business.
in this au rynn is the miyami's biological child tho so thats really really sweet 😭😭😭 finally the truest the mym's can be :') okay so getting to the thing
so, after rynn had graduated for 2 years (his major is just business & marketing) the company went into a major decline and they had to ask for the clan head to help. they agreed to help but on one condition that one of their child must get married to one of their daughters, essentially joining the clan. rynn's parents was hesitant on this, rys is already married, sol is working overseas + currently dating and their youngest son is just in a beginning stage of their adult life. but the company is hit pretty hard and they really have no other choice or else they'll just have to shut down entirely.
but rynn's fine with the marriage tho. it's not really like he just want to sacrifice for his family or smth also, rynn knows that it's extremely unlikely that he'll ever really put effort into finding a life partner otherwise (aro stuff). rynn had never have much expectation for marriage and he figured that:
1. rynn has had quite an experience with roommates in the past and get along with people really well & easily.
2. since hes really doing numbers in his current job (not working in the mym's company currently) it's quite enough to feed another mouth in worst case scenario. plus if they decided to have a child, rynn'll be really happy bc he loves kids and had dreamt of adopting one in the past.
so the situation doesn't really effect rynn much. he doesn't feel too strongly about just marrying a stranger anyways and worst case scenario, he can just move out and leave that apartment to her if she so wants. its a huge change and risk for him but if it's for his family he's very much happy to do so.
safe to say they got the help they needed, rynn got married to a woman in that clan and everything is… well i guess?
so rynn and that woman started to develop a relationship. rynn made it clear from the start that if she's uncomfortable staying with him, they don't have to be a couple at all. just consider him a roommate, they're only married by name and rynn respects her boundaries fully. so months passed and rynn actually started to care for the girl for a bit, the more they spend time together the closer they get. rynn really enjoyed coming home to a non empty apartment and their xx life had been exciting. so imagine his surprise when the girl got pregnant and he’s about to be a dad. rynn beamed at the news, promised the girl he’s gonna do anything to make their child and her happy and that she had nothing to worry about. he’s gonna provide for them to have a comfy life and she can do whatever she wants he just wanted her to be happy with their child. (they literally hit a gold of marrying rynn.) so the pregnancy continued and rynn’s very excited at literally every doctor’s appointment
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trashsketch · 2 years
thanks @decembercamiecherries for tagging me!! im gonna bang this out real quick ahaha
current time: 10:54pm
relationship status: living with my gf now!! life is good
favorite color: periwinkle! i like most pastels too
favorite food: anything with good carbs is my favourite...fried chicken sandwiches
song stuck in my head: ......freaky deaky by doja cat and tyga
last thing i googled: travel restrictions for entering a country...im about to visit my family overseas whom i havent seen for 2 years now cause i was patiently waiting out the pandemic ahaha
dream trip: I really would love to visit Japan again (with my gf this time)!! I've been to Tokyo and Kyoto so Osaka might be next! gotta learn some kansai-ben....the last time i was there i could not say anything besides greetings and thank yous, but now after almost 2 years of duolingo i am a little more prepared
something i want: i want you to take care of yourself. yes you, the person reading this! go drink some water! find a nice fic and read it to sleep. remember that bad times will end, always.
also i want the general public to read up more on trans athletes and what hrt does to a body because trans people should absolutely be allowed to compete in sports (fuck transphobes who fabricate news about it to spread disinformation). i've been thinking about this a lot again lately because of the general shitstorm that's happening in the US again. what the hell man i want it to stop
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sneunsol · 3 years
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here we are! hi hi i’m heli ( s/h, 21+ ) & i’ll be writing jang eunsol, squash extraordinaire & the most ungraceful loser ever. she might introduce herself as olivia, liv, livie, lia, literally anything but her actual name, but it’s more likely everyone & their mothers will know her as eunsol, the poor girl who ran overseas because of one bad acne breakout, or so they say. anyway, she’s back & insanely hot, so everything’s gonna go smoothly now... right?
( stats / bio / plots )  as usual, under the cut is a tldr about her & some potential connections based on it! if you wanna plot, tap the heart & i’ll be in ur ims ♥
designated outcast when she was younger, one particularly cruel prank cracked her worldview in half. her parents coddled her & decided to move overseas when she was 13/14, and she’s only just returned to korea after receiving yong’s invitation. she’s been back for about a couple months!
she reinvented herself overseas with the power of money & self-hatred. kicked everyone else off the social hierarchy & turned herself into the imitation queen bee she’s always wanted to be
for the sake of plotting she’s come back to korea sporadically & travelled around as well for family / business occasions!
the jangs aren’t really known for anything, not particularly great at any one industry. they’re sort of the weasleys of high society, but the rich just get richer & they’ve never suffered from their mediocrity financially, though there definitely are whispers & taunts floating around the social circles
currently a professional but not particularly good squash player. parents bought her the position on the team & she’s more popular for her pretty face & flirtatious antics off the court than any of her plays, which she’s perfectly fine with
deals with her anger & envy issues by fucking up her squash racket and/or other people’s lives, hurray!
feminism that never went past the eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man phase. which is to say she’s got a lot of shallow female friendships where she picks her friends apart to make sure she’s better than them in her head
also has a bad case of if someone else has it, i want it. she has & will steal your shit, sleep with your beau, outbid you on the things you wanted just because she can. only wants things that other people have / want, gets satisfaction from ‘winning’ over them
she’s the mean, cruel voice in your head turned up to eleven. directed at you, herself, your mum, her mum, and everyone in between
not to overuse pop culture references, but eunsol’s basically a heather duke who thinks she’s veronica sawyer! also inspired by ruby matthews ( sex ed ), rosalyn rosenfield ( american hustle ) and catherine ( the great )
why was she invited by yong? who knows, and who cares! she’s more interested in the people she can fuck over & the need to prove she’s better than her childhood nightmares. cheers!
possible connections!
the person who played that prank on her when she was younger
childhood popular kids she wanted to be like / with
i haven’t decided where exactly she moved to, so there’s space for connection(s) with other muses who’ve lived overseas!
( tw: cheating ) someone whose relationship got ruined by her, because she always wants someone else’s toys. could be an ex who got cheated on or she was a third party? up for plotting!
a lot of her friendships are bought/circumstantial, so someone like that?
or someone who was there while she was a sad, lame kid, who has or hasn’t stuck around, up to you!
better / more in depth plots can be found under my plots page rip thank you if you read all this rambling ♥
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whatever its too late now! you get to hear me talk about it to avoid writing it!!
So, i’ll be explaining the show for you newbs who dont watch power rangers like a smart person (as in the not watching it is smart). 
Power Rangers Mystic Force is, obviously, power rangers. It’s got the standard team of five with superpowers and weird biker-looking uniforms. 
If im honest, PRMF is literally just power rangers but with like fantasy magic.
It follows Nick Russell, the new guy in town. He’s a biker and he’s got this tragic bs backstory about how his parents abandoned him (update: they work overseas, they adopted him and like do not vibe with him)  and he travels, living with  family members and how he never sticks around long enough to make friends. We know he’s staying with his sister, and about nothing else. ~ Nick Russell is actually really important, of course, he is the Red Ranger and if we didn’t have the leader be angsty what kind of Power Rangers would we be, am I right? (i dunno i havent watched other power rangers in like ten years) ~
But we’ll come back to that. ~
There’s also Charlie “Chip” Thorn, a hyperactive hyperimaginative redhead with a love for fantasy and superheroes. He’s eager to join the team and loves the idea of quests and fighting villains and shit. He’s the Yellow Ranger, with Lightning Powers. ~
Vida Rocca, the ‘bad girl’. She has this one strip of her short hair that she dyes and may I just say when I finished the show a third time I couldnt not think ‘yO HER HAIR CHANGES TO SHOW HOW SHE FEELS ABOUT THE RANGERS’ but lets be honest thats probably bs lol. Anyways, she’s a DJ and she loves music, she’s the Pink Ranger (who hates pink for most of the show) with Wind Powers. ~
Madison Rocca, the ‘good girl’. She’s Vida’s sister, and she like following the rules and she enjoys recording her friends to make little videos for them to look back on when theyre older. She’s hesitant and cautious, but will do a lot to make sure her sister is safe. She’s the Blue Ranger, with the power of Water. ~
Xander Bly, he’s cocky and thinks hes all that, and flirts with women like every chance he gets. He thinks he’s super handsome and amazing and probably has a superiority complex for one reason or another. He’s the green ranger, with Nature Powers. ~
Not rangers include: ~
Koragg, one of the big bads who (SPOILERS) later turns out to be Nick’s father and Udonna’s long lost husband. Early on in the show he can telepathically communicate with Nick, which gives Nick these really really bad headaches, great for angst, it’s used as a bit of a plot device through a lot of the show and ngl I love it cause angst. ~
Uhh forgot her name but there’s the Vampire Queen who has bat wings on her hips and is in a full leather body suit. She’s kinda boring. ~
I forgot her name as well but the Vampire Queens daughter, who later goes on to save her mother because she realizes that the Rangers are the good guys and she’s on the wrong team.  ~
Udonna, the kinda ex White Ranger and a very powerful sorceress, as well as the Ranger’s trainer and Claire’s aunt. ~
Claire, (SPOILERS) who turns out to be the Daughter of Udonna’s sister, who was more powerful than her and sacrificed her life to seal the gate to what is essentially hell. She’s comedically bad at magic early in the show, and acts a lot like a comedic relief. ~
The Master, aka The Big Bad that the evil guys are trying to let free. Koragg before he became Koragg was trying to kill him and succeeded in trapping him further than all the others. He’s some weird tentical creepy muscles-showing no skinned weird i dunno i think i repressed this cause i forgot what he looks like lol.
Alright, so those are the characters. Now let me explain the plot.
Nick rides into town on his bike and is usually found set up outside the record shop that the rest of the Rangers (yet to be) work at. Btw, theyre all teenagers, but I think this takes place in summer cause we never see them go to school. 
Anyways, this old man calls for somebody to help him, and says that his brother and him were walking through the woods and somebody grabbed him, and he needed somebody to go looking for his brother. Nick, not being apart of the town to know they have rumours about dying in the forest, offers to help.
Xander tells him the woods are haunted, he ignores the man saying the man needs help so who gives a shit about some rumours, and then Vida is like “i’ll help too,” and Chip joins in cause he thinks its gonna be some awesome quest. They make it out to the forest, and Maddie and Xander join them, (”Xander I told you if you ever took my car I’d rearrange your limbs!” -Vida, episode one).
The man is like super ominous and her vanishes once they get into the forest, this creepy witch lady saves them from some bad guys attempting to attack them, and then throws brooms at them that they fly off on. 
Time skip not actually in the show but im losing steam so we’re moving on. Eventually, they make it to RootCore, aka the base of operations, and meet Udonna and Claire. Udonna is this super powerful sorceress and the White Ranger, and she trains them. Claire is her apprentice who is comedically bad at magic.
She hands out wands to them, they go to leave, get into a fight, all of them but Nick believe in and use magic, Nick leaves the forest, Udonna fights Koragg and loses her staff aka her White Ranger magic, and the Rangers are left in charge of saving everybody. In the end, Nick goes to leave and ends up showing up anyways to save the rangers from Koragg and embraces the magic, becoming the Red Ranger.
That’s the gist of the first episode, and the rest is kinda just “fight the bad guys, discover random secrets that make a surprising amount of sense for a show like this, fail a couple times, do some weird shit then end on a happy note”
The fantasy creatures integrate with Humans, Vida dyes all her hair bright pink, Nick fucking leaves town and this is the weird part. Because for one, Nick wanted to stay with his friends it was obvious, but for two; the way he left was w e i r d . He, Udonna and not-evil-Koragg who I forgot the name of, leave together.
The end scene is Nick riding up to the edge of the rode on his Motorcycle, then it slowly pans out to show Udonna and Nek (im just calling him Nek as in not evil koragg now) on bikes as well?? one of them asks if hes ready to go and they ~ride off into the sunset~
anyways, great show! youve gotta watch it on some.. less than legal sites but shh its okay shhhh. It used to be on Netflix but like yaknow, its gone now. Either way, it’s a great show in my opinion! Like I mean it’s bad cause Power Rangers, so to most who are looking to critique there’s probably shit acting, and there’s a lot of not needed grunting in battle, the effects are shitty and the costumes are kinda depressing, but it’s still enjoyable! 
Random Facts-- ~
Vida hates Pink, despite being the pink ranger. ~
Chip, Vida, and Maddie have been friends since either kindergarten or elementary school, i dunno about Xander. ~
They all work at a Record Shop/Music Shop together, and their boss is an idiot but kinda entertaining. ~
Vida turns into a vampire for about two episodes, and Chip is the one to figure it out. ~
Maddie gets turned to stone because Nick essentially calls her useless and shy, and so she went out to prove otherwise, and got caught up in an attack. ~
Chip opens a weird black bottle he found after a battle and some weird thing comes out and attacks him, he spends the B Plot of that episode quite literally dying with his soul being eaten and climbing a mountain to get the cure. ~
Koragg has a really dumb moral code about how he only fights with Honor and refuses to kill the rangers most of the time because its “not honorable” for some reason or another. ~
There’s an episode where Xander gets this really really ugly and big zit right on the tip of his nose, and he uses this perfection potion Claire made for plants. He proceeds to turn into a literal tree and be depressed. ~
There’s a Troblin, the child of a Troll and a Goblin, named Phineas who’s very entertaining and I like this. By the end of the show, he ends up dating the daughter of the Vampire Queen which when you think too hard about makes no sense. ~
Nick turns into Koragg at one point late in the series. I completely fucking forgot how, but he does lol.
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torishasupremacy · 4 years
langworth/dadworth au!!
basically lang and edgeworth are kay’s assigned divorced dads that slowly fall in love: the au. which I'm tagging as Kay’s Kin. spoilers for aa1-3 and aai1, tw for mentions of suicide and canon-typical violence. under the cut because this got LONG
okay, so after the events of aai1-4, the flashback case, edgeworth has a weird sense of deja vu as kay’s father was murdered in the courtroom, and now she doesn’t have anyone. so he decides to adopt this child, despite the fact that he knows nothing about children and is a complete pushover in regards to his 13 y/o sister
so he goes to detective badd, who has temporary custody over kay until he finds her more permanent guardians, and tells him that he wants to adopt her. badd is like “no way kid” until edgeworth unintentionally goes on a monologue about how kay’s situation reminds him of his own and badd is like okay, fine. but also this other guy wants to adopt her so you’re gonna have to figure that out
that guy is none other than shi-long lang, who saw a newly orphaned kid and went, alright, wolf pack time. my kid now. 
lang and edgeworth Do Not Like one another. lang doesn’t like prosecutors, edgeworth is obnoxious, and they’re both cocky bastards. they’re fighting over who gets to adopt kay until kay, ever the child of chaos, is like “I want both of you to be my dads!!” and badd is like, sure, joint custody, that works. and lang and edgeworth, who are intent on winning this argument, not on mutual cooperation, are like “what?!?” 
so kay ends up with two dads who low-key hate each other but have to work together to raise her, and it’s quite a childhood
she rotates between them about every month, and as lang bounces between zheng fa and japanifornia, and edgeworth occasionally has to go back to germany, she gets an unusual education experience, and a whole lot of fun traveling
lang and edgeworth try to configure their plans out together so that one of them is in japanifornia while the other one is away, but it doesn’t always work out, and that’s when kay gets to go on vacation with them
if edgeworth gets caught up in an investigation or a case or something, gumshoe becomes kay’s babysitter (if lang isn’t in town to take care of her.) if lang has to rush away to a crime scene or go on an overseas investigation he leaves kay in the care of his trusted men. he tried to ask shih-na once to watch her but she was like “no I hate children” so he dropped it. after he finds out shih-na’s true identity he’s like holy shit im glad I never made her babysit kay
surprisingly, lang is the strict dad who takes kay on all these wacky adventures while edgeworth is the pushover dad who has the more boring job/life (in kay’s eyes, as she doesn’t really see his murder investigations and court cases, mostly paperwork). edgeworth is able to put his foot down when needed, he’s just afraid of becoming manfred von karma, though he doesn’t realize it
speaking of manfred... edgeworth knows he wouldn’t approve of adopting kay, so he kind of hides kay’s existence from him. kay goes along with it because manfred is a scary motherfucker and she doesn’t want to see him. edgeworth is conflicted as to whether he should tell franziska about what’s going on, but he ends up telling her a bit of a lie, that it was gumshoe who adopted her and that he watches her for him sometimes. gumshoe and kay go along with it when needed, and kay gains some excellent improv skills
okay, so edgeworth has his first real case against mia fey, and it freaks him out. he comes home and kay can tell something is off but he won’t really talk about it. she assumes he’s upset because he lost and she tells him he’s still a great guy no matter what the outcome of a trial is, which really sticks with edgeworth. they end up eating takeout and watching the steel samurai together that night, which edgeworth is like “you’re a kid we should watch a good kids show. for your sake, obviously” whereas kay enjoys the steel samurai but quickly realizes that edgeworth really likes it too
they eat a lot of takeout… mostly because edgeworth doesn’t have the time to cook and he’s not gonna make kay do it. actually, edgeworth has a hard time remembering to take care of himself  food-wise, it’s just not something that naturally occurs to him, so kay kind of becomes his reminder. she’ll come into the kitchen and be like “what’s for breakfast?” and he’ll be like “tea?” she’ll go “tea is NOT a meal” and he’s like “it isn’t??” and then they’ll actually eat something
he and lang start tolerating each other more to take care of kay, especially when she wants to do “family things” with both of them. they’ll take her to the zoo and get mistaken as a couple and edgeworth doesn’t even realize it but lang is already denying it. edgeworth is horribly oblivious and never notices and by the time he turns to lang and goes “wait… did they think we were a couple?” lang had given up denying it months ago. their whole dynamic makes for some interesting parent-teacher conferences
lana skye once had some kind of emergency come up and dropped off ema with gumshoe, who was looking after kay, and when lana asked who kay was, gumshoe was like, “prosecutor edgeworth’s daughter sir!” and lana had a bit of an aneurysm trying to figure out how the ages worked there until gumshoe mentioned that kay was adopted. she later brought it up with edgeworth as kay and ema became really good friends after that, and suddenly lana and edgeworth find themselves driving their sister/daughter over to each other’s houses to hang out, which is weird for them, but the girls love it, and they get to know each other a bit better
edgeworth is still, you know, the demon prosecutor, but with kay as his daughter, he’s slightly emotionally softer than he is in AA1 canon. kay is someone he can be a bit weird and vulnerable around, and she’s his only non-von karma (non karma, ayyy wordplay) family. after he loses his first case to phoenix, he’s very freaked out, and kay is determined to help him. she’s like ~14 at this point, and after doing some digging (mostly talking to gumshoe) she learns about how some rookie lawyer defeated her dad. then edgeworth has to prosecute THE steel samurai (will powersssss) and shes like, oh no, I gotta see whats going on here. 
edgeworth won’t let her investigate crime scenes or attend more gory cases because he doesn’t want it to traumatize her, so she sneaks into the court gallery with gumshoe’s help, and watches the trials. she doesn’t like how this phoenix guy keeps rebutting her dad’s points, but then she realizes that he’s making good points of his own, and that her dad is kind of being an asshole. she briefly wonders if lang had been right about how awful prosecutors are, but after edgeworth gives phoenix another chance to have dee vasquez testify, she realizes that there are a lot of nuances to how things play out in court. with how distracted and angry her dad acts after the case, she thinks that he’s having a hard time figuring that out himself
the night edgeworth gets arrested for murder, he tells kay he has to go to a late night investigation and that he’ll be back soon. she waits up for him until she gets a call from detective gumshoe that he’s been arrested for murder. kay makes her way to the detention center in the very early morning, and tries to talk to her dad, but he’s unresponsive. gumshoe tells her that lang needs a couple more days to finish up an investigation in zheng fa and then he can fly in to take care of kay, and that gumshoe will do so until lang gets here. kay sees all the adults as having given up already, so she goes to the wright and co law offices and DEMANDS they defend edgeworth. phoenix and maya are shocked by edgeworth’s arrest as well as his daughter’s existence, but they immediately take the case, and kay helps them out with the investigation. edgeworth had never told her about the dl-6 incident, it being painful for him to talk about, and he was afraid it would remind her of her own father’s death. so when kay learns about it she realizes that all those times edgeworth helped her grieve her first father’s death, he knew how to help because he’d gone through something very similar. 
phoenix and maya learn about how kay became edgeworth’s daughter, and kay connects with edgeworth on their shared connection. edgeworth tells kay not to make herself a target for von karma, so phoenix and maya have her sit in the audience for the trial. due to her ~evasion tactics~ she avoids being tased by von karma, but she beats herself up for not being able to steal any evidence away from him, as she’s supposed to be the yatagarasu. because she has other father figures to look up to, she has less of an obsession with becoming a great thief, but she still considers it a part of her identity
she’s shocked when edgeworth confesses to killing his father, and then angry that he would do such a thing to further increase his chances at a guilty verdict when he had just been pronounced innocent. when they have a recess and phoenix and maya are trying to figure out the case, kay is talking to edgeworth who is in a bad place, and she’s very betrayed, like, “why would you say that you were gonna walk away free? and now I’m fearing for your life again wtf dad” and he’s all “kay I needed to tell the truth,,, you don’t deserve a murderer for a father,,” and kay is like “ID RATHER HAVE A MURDERER FOR A FATHER THAN NO FATHER AT ALL” and edgeworth is like “you have lang, he’ll take care of you” and kay is like “??? bitch you are also my dad?? I dont want you to get the death penalty ” and maya and phoenix are just sitting there like :|
basically it’s a real low point in their father/daughter relationship. the case gets solved, and kay is obviously happy, but she’s still upset about how willing edgeworth was to accept his fate. edgeworth, for his part, is in a fucking daze, that poor man’s world has been turned upside down, and he’s just kind of in a fog. that man needs to go to therapy and to stop repressing his emotions but he is not doing either of those things. shi-long “there is no such thing as an innocent person” lang is hella sus of him and does NOT want him around their daughter. edgeworth is too emotionally distressed to fight back against this, and though kay does initially, she sees that edgeworth isn’t even really on her side, so she gives up
she’s with lang for the events of 1-5 which further fuck up edgeworth. the floor is just torn out from under his feet to the point where he’s very close to committing suicide, but stops at the last moment, not for himself, but because kay is already upset with him and he doesn’t want to do that to her. it’s a bit of an epiphany- he needs to learn how to be a better prosecutor, which will make him a better person, which will make him a better dad, which is what kay needs. however, he’s already left the note on his desk. so he calls gumshoe and is like “im going to europe to learn shit, I need you to be my eyes and ears in japanifornia. also, ive faked my death. so you’re gonna have to deal with that. bye.”
edgeworth then calls lang and is like “hey I need to learn to become a Better Person, you’ve got kay until I figure that out” and lang is just “…alright?” and edgeworth explains to kay what’s going on right before he leaves for europe. kay is still upset but doesn’t protest and edgeworth flies away. neither of them realize he’s also faked his death until they have a confusing conversation with gumshoe. kay spends that year with lang and some weeks with gumshoe when lang has to go undercover or something, but she gets to travel a lot more than she’s used too, and lang is less about school and more about learning through hands on investigative work, so kay has a lot of fun. she calls edgeworth once in a while and can tell that something about him is different, but he was so ready to write himself off as her father that she is distant toward him.  
franziska starts prosecuting in japanifornia and learns about how kay was really edgeworth’s daughter, not gumshoe’s, which she finds a little weird as she’s only a bit older than kay, but then again she calls herself edgeworth’s older sister, so she just rolls with it. she starts playing a role in kay’s upbringing, she says it’s her duty as her aunt, but she sees kay more as a little sister that she can hang out with. and by hang out I mean teach how to use a whip and investigate and more fun stuff like that, because franziska doesn’t really have any friends, and she’s lonely. she and lang aren’t huge fans of one another but they both care about kay and they’re both a little pissed at edgeworth so they bond in a frenemy kind of way. they're a powerful duo
will powers extends three invitations to phoenix for that tv ninja thing at the hotel, and three to edgeworth, who is bummed that he’ll miss it as he’s in germany, but he sends the invites to lang so he can take kay and another person, which turns out to be franziska. they have a good time for the most part, but all the samurai stuff reminds kay about how she and edgeworth bonded over the steel samurai, and it makes her sad, so they leave early, before the murder. then franziska gets the case, and kay and lang decide to watch it. the day franziska gets shot, edgeworth is flying into los tokyo to catch a connecting flight to somewhere else, but he hears about franziska’s injury at the airport, and as he’s been keeping up with her cases, knows someone needs to prosecute in her stead. he feels like he’s not ready to go back, but he decides he has to put all that he’s learned to the test, and franziska is his family, and she’s injured, and he should be there for her. so he misses his next flight and he goes to the courtroom as the trial starts and has a dramatic entrance that has kay and lang in the gallery going “oh shit he’s back”
he doesn’t really have time to have a proper conversation with them during the case because he’s either in court or super busy investigating, but they see just how much he’s changed during the trial, and they’re impressed. after it’s over, he apologizes to kay, and says he’s ready to be the father she deserves, something she’s quite pleased about, though that doesn’t completely erase the hurt. lang holds a new respect for him, and as edgeworth is not as on edge as he usually was, he’s able to be a bit more amicable with lang. though they still have their fair share of arguments, because let’s face it, those two would argue about the most mundane things, there’s less of a bite and more an equal rapper between the two. they start to see their role as parenting kay not as “him and me”, but as “us”, which helps stabilize kay’s upbringing. 
edgeworth decides not to overload himself with cases as he did pre-dl6 resolution and spends more time with kay. he and lang get to know/understand each other a bit more, and he spends more time with franziska, helping her with her own struggle. the siblings gets called away to germany to deal with manfred’s will, as he’s finally been executed, until edgeworth gets the call about phoenix being in the hospital (bridge to the turnabout) and they go back to japanifornia, where lang is looking after kay. edgeworth tells gumshoe the plan to act as a defense attorney against franziska, and gumshoe immediately calls lang and is like “you and kay are gonna want to see this”
the trial happens and it’s weird af, and edgeworth spends the other trial days in the gallery with lang and kay, and it’s strangely a family bonding moment. by this point, kay and edgeworth’s relationship is much more stable, and lang and edgeworth are friendly with one another. they go on with their lives, until one day, edgeworth is returning from europe on a plane when the events of turnabout airlines happen. in her own prosecution quest, franziska has been spending more time with lang and interpol, trying to figure out if that’s how she wants her career path to go, which is why she and lang are investigating the smuggling ring. 
turnabout airlines concludes, edgeworth gets home, only to be thrown into the mess of the kidnapped turnabout. he’s just trying to help out ernest amano but then he’s getting concussed by the blue badger and tied up. lang is already investigating at the park, and is showing kay the ropes. edgeworth had been so wrapped up in his previous investigation that he didn’t tell them he’d be at the park, and he didn’t know they’d be investigating there. lang gets pulled into something kay finds boring, so she goes off to explore, and ends up finding where edgeworth was tied up. they can’t communicate with lang so they figure their way out of there until they run into lang who’s very surprised to see edgeworth, and vice versa. they investigate, and butt heads, but they solve the murder together!! just with lots of arguing. along the way, they run into ema, who kay has a bit of a crush on, and it shows. lang is like “oh dang she’s in love” and edgeworth who is horribly oblivious is just ???
also, wendy oldbag shows up (*prozd voice* “THAT HORRIBLE WOMAN”) and edgeworth is having a bad time which lang finds funny until he sees just how irritated edgeworth is, and he’s starting to be annoyed by oldbag (and is feeling… weirdly jealous???) so he plays into the thing where he and edgeworth get mistaken for a couple, and edgeworth isn’t quite sure what he’s doing, but it seems to be driving oldbag away, so he goes along with it. ema bears witness to this, and assumes they’ve gotten together for real, so she’s like “about time! I thought you guys liked each other for ages” and goes on like this and kay is losing it and edgeworth is confused, lang knows what’s going on but decides not to correct her. 
at the end of the case edgeworth starts swaying and lang is like “you good?” and edgeworth is like “I might have a concussion, that strike from the blue badge did draw blood” and lang is like “WHAT” and pushes back edgeworth’s bangs to reveal, you guessed it, blood. edgeworth just kind of falls over, but he’s still conscious, so lang takes him home to rest while he frantically googles how to take care of a mild concussion (edgeworth hates hospitals due to waking up in one and being told that his dad was dead as a child, so lang has to be the one to take kay to doctor appointments. lang knows edgeworth will refuse to have a doctor examine him unless it’s dire)
turnabout visitor time!! edgeworth goes to his office after a quick nap (lang keeps insisting he stays in bed but edgeworth just wants to pick up some case files, it’s fine, what’s the worst that could happen?) and then boom, he has to deal with murder. once that’s done, he just kind of collapses onto his couch until kay runs in with tickets to the steel samurai stage show. apparently lang is gonna be investigating the embassy the night of the show and he got tickets for the two because he knows they like the steel samurai. edgeworth isn’t feeling good but he’s still not great at taking care of himself and he does want to take kay to the play, so they go to see it. the events ensue similarly to how they did in game, except franziska was in on lang suspecting her as bait for the real killer as they are pals and working together, and callisto yew is the main villain because it’s what she deserves. edgeworth and lang are VERY protective of kay during this, and worried for her, so when callisto pulls a gun on kay edgeworth immediately steps in front of it like no way in hell are you shooting my daughter. then callisto tries to shoot him and lang, who had started falling for edgeworth during the kidnapping case, pushes him out of the way and takes a bullet to the shoulder
callisto is apprehended and lang gets taken to the hospital with kay and, surprisingly, edgeworth in tow, as he decided to brave the hospital for lang because he cares about him (aww) and also because he feels he owes it to lang for protecting him from that bullet, and also he really needs to get his concussion checked out, because he’s been ignoring how bad he feels and now that the cases are over he is Not Doing Well. lang has a bit of a crisis like “shih-na was my secretary for years but she was destroying my country so that was kind of my fault??” and edgeworth helps him with the lessons he learned after being messed with by manfred and gant. and it’s really emotional bonding for them!! he actually trusts lang enough to tell him about how he was so distraught that he almost killed himself, and lang says that he wishes he’d helped edgeworth back then. edgeworth said they weren’t in a place where they could do that for each other, but he did help him, by taking care of kay while edgeworth searched for answers
by this point, lang is like, dammit, I think I like this guy. he insists on doing more “family” stuff and kay is thrilled! edgeworth has a good time because he enjoys lang’s sharp mind more when they’re friends. they work on more investigations together and get really good and finding the true culprit. then edgeworth prosecutes callisto yew and lang is just *heart eyes*. he and edgeworth get dinner just the two of them after that, and edgeworth starts falling for lang. cue pining.
anybody who wants to hear more is gonna have to wait until I play aai2, because I have some great hurt/comfort plots for post-aai2 but I dont actually know anything ab aai2 except vague spoilers and that its the only other game where lang/edgeworth interact. also sorry if I butchered any aa info, ive only watched playthroughs of aa1 and aai1, and the anime for aa2 and aa3. tbh the only game ive played through myself is aa4,, which has no edgeworth appearances in it,, yeah.
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bebaexoexo · 4 years
Shit Oh Sehun did only in the first half of 2019
because I gave up and this list is way too long already why is this boy such a mess also it's not basically 2021
His team in exo arcade kept losing so he sulked (baby had to be comforted by his hyungs)
Refused to wear potective gear and made his hyungs worry
Acted cute as a punishment for losing exo arcade
Billboard master sehun
Somehow convinced ksoo to wear a cute birthday hat
Boyfriend insta live with ksoo on his birthday
Red suit at smtown wow
EXO LADDER ANTICS (@exo2018subs youre doin great things for the fandom uwu)
"There are no cameras here... are there cameras here?" Says in a room full of cameras
Jongdae "shrimp fishing"
Sehun "sehun fishing?"
Cuddles his giant self on baekhyuns tiny shoulders
LA Vacation time with suho
Kai KNEADING sehuns knee on tv
PCY "Sehun-ah"
Sehun "whose this?"
Convinces the members to take a punishment because he just wants them to
Members "why should we?"
Sehun "because youre my members"
Sehuns laugh
Chanyeol gave up his solo stage because he wanted to perform 'we young' w/ hunnie
Ksoo wants to travel with hunnie more ahhh
"Ive told exo-ls this before, 'i hope that you all will find what you want', and that's what I wanted to say to the hyungs too"
Constant insta lives of him being VIVIs dad
Sehun throughout Coffee friends 'i love this, i like this, this is nice yea i like thi-'
Vivi *ignoring him in every livestream*
Sehun 'oh wow so handsome. Guys vivi is so great look at him'
Sehun *finally joins the ladder*
The rest of exo *standing ovation*
Sehun *sees his hyungs* *rolls on the ground*
'I like it fairy' on Coffee friends
Ate half the tangerines he was supposed to peel on Coffee friends
Couldnt understand why everyone wanted a big fancy room to themselves as a reward on Exo ladder
Won the biggest fanciest room for himself
Desperarely begged members to sleep with him, too scared to sleep by himself
'Anyone who wants to sleep with me has to jump in the water'
'Ksoo hyung if you jump into the water you can have my bed'
'Ah im going crazy x1000'
'Guys im really scared. Are you sleeping on your own? Can you do it?'
'Okay rock paper scissors and the winner sleeps with me'
Finally suho gave in coz he felt bad for his little baby. i cant hes too much
Used pool water to tidy his hair, baekhyun 'wahh a real man'
'I have a feeling ill win 300 000won, I know it, everyone watch me I just know wow'... wins the least amount of food allowance
Pretend to know all about deers at a deer farm but then started screaming and running away scared as soon as they got close
Members kept stealing his answers in capture the moment so he just melted into the sofa, stomping his foot, screaming at the camera. RIP Hint Fairy
After begging someone to sleep with him...
Sehun @ Suho: 'I'm sorry but dont touch me or I'm sending you to the floor' *play fighting* 'ah fuck it I love you'
'I suddenly want to become a fish"
Suho 'whales are so smart...they have IQ of about 60-90... very similar to Sehun I think' *que Sehun pulling faces and making noises at the whales*
Bet all his allowance in order to get wanton noodles -> lost, and then bet 2 wishes (pds make him do whatever) and lost twice more... left with nothing
Starts drinking from bath pools just because they're called wine and beer
Okay but Sehun just being an actual child playing the pools in exo ladder and laughing and messing around just warmed my heart so much
Pranked poor leader Suho by constantly putting shampoo in his hair while he was showering. Suho ended up trying to wash it out for half an hour like 'why wont the shampoo stop!?'
When the activity and healing team split on the last day of Exo ladder... 'even without Chanyeol and Jondae theres not much of a difference' LOL
Kai 'sit down and cook the food'
Sehun 'you know I have a standing up illness'
Kai 'attention seeking illness?'
Sehun 'yes'
Suho delivering a very deep and emotional reflection, Sehun falls asleep
Sehuns charming points according to xiumin 'tall, handsome and cute'
New nickname 'Chip' aka little baby teacup
Giggly cute reuinion with Mina @ seoul fashion week
Brought his most expensive champagne for xiumins housewarming
Starts appreciating cooks after 25 years of life just because he made tteokbokki one time
Another insta V Live with VIVI or just... Vi coz half of vivis fluff was shaved off
Went to support JD for his solo with ksoo hyung
Recommended Peter Pan to Exo-L's for their 7th anniversary
Spends ages looking at sunglasses and posing in a shop but leaves with a lollipop
Q: 'Whats Exo-L to Exo?'
Sehun: 'if y0u kNoW iT alr3Ady tHen why'Re you asKinG'
According to Chen, Sehun is the driving force of Exo uwu
Won 'overseas male artist' @ the weibo awards
Omg but Ohsehunbars birthday project for sehun. A party at an aquarium WITH MERMAIDS
Coex artium for sehuns birthday: (눈_눈)
Solo choki performance at dne's concerts
Topped "April 2019 Netizens Favourite Magazine Cover" hosted by Weibo for his Cosmopolitan China cover
Okay but OT9 being together on Xiuweet time did something to my heart
When asked to say something to xiumin as a goodbye 'I have a soft heart so I'll probably cry too'
Sehun cracking jokes and being a strong little brother for a stadium full of sobbing fans and hyungs
Volunteered at a children's home, Sunduk Home, for children's day and danced to Love Shot
*uploads an Exo-CS spoiler on instagram*
Yeol: 'ya take that doing the company's gonna scold us'
Sehun being a lil bitch: 'no turning back now'
Chanyeol uploads a picture of him and Sehun from WKorea...
Sehun 'if you upload a picture of my face without my permission you'll be in trouble'
Met Donald Trump
Joint dad live streams with chanyeol and their sons Toben and vivi
Just Sehun with meerkats and racoons
Was supposed to cook with chanyeol but kept eating all the ingredients instead
Username 'Sehuns Anus' makes a 2019 comeback
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derireo · 4 years
Wilting Lotus / CH. 5.1
Tumblr media
The Two Fools
Omi and Izumi explore her abandoned apartment.
He decides to destroy a couple of things during the visit. Just for kicks.
「 Read on AO3 here 」 「 4.0k words 」
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
"So they decided to shut it down because..?"
Izumi was staring up at the place that she used to call her apartment, but it was obvious that no one lived here anymore. The front lawn where a large sign used to sit was now overrun with weeds while the walls of the building looked like they were being swallowed up by invasive creeper plants. Omi's arm was still comfortably wrapped around her shoulders as they stayed put on the sidewalk, her head resting against his shoulder as she analysed the graffiti that ran along the walls.
The sound of Omi's tongue clicking was the only response Izumi was going to get given how silent the man was the rest of their way here. The lack of cooperation made her sigh in resignation and she decided not to ask anymore questions unless they were actually important. For the time being at least.
She just had to guess that Sakyo and Itaru didn't want this building anymore because she didn't live there anymore. Her conjecture probably wasn't that far off anyways.
Flinging Omi's arm from her shoulders, Izumi readjusted her outfit as she made her way inside the abandoned building, the toes of her boots kicking away the stray pebbles that rest on the ground.
The man who accompanied her pursed his lips at the sudden loss of warmth, but silently crinkled his nose as he reminded himself that she had just very rudely pushed him away. Slinging her bag over his shoulder, Omi's tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he followed right behind the wandering woman, his temper still pleasantly mellow.
"Ugh, stairs." Izumi moaned sadly when pressing the button to the elevator didn't work, hitting her head against the metal doors.
It wasn't too far, but she lived on the third floor.
Omi, irked by how fast she had given up already, offered his services.
"I can give you a ride," he started, "but it's gonna cost ya."
And as much as the offer was tempting, Izumi grimaced at the word 'cost' and shook her head with a barely friendly chuckle, her eyes totally not glaring up at Omi as they smiled at him. His own gaze was indifferent at the expression on her face, but the corner of his mouth curved upwards when he saw how annoyed she seemed to be.
"No thanks, Sweetheart. I"ll manage." Mocking him with the nickname Sakyo usually called her, Izumi briefly poked her tongue out at Omi. Her little feet immediately carried her in the direction of the stairs before the tall man could react and grab her or something, and she tried to keep her giggles quiet when the sound of his footsteps followed after her own.
Their shadows danced along the length of the walls as the old wood beneath their feet creaked under the weight of their bodies. The sound of wandering mice and other critters tapping along the floors and ceiling covered up the tired breaths of Izumi as Omi casually trailed behind her, eyes fixated on the strain of her calves.
But as strong as she was, her endurance fucking sucked.
"I'll carry you. Free o' charge."
"Oh thank fuck." Izumi sobbed at the new offer, her body twisting around once they finished the first flight of stairs. At this point, her knees felt weak and she was about to die from exhaustion so Omi saying he'd carry her was like a dream come true; she honestly didn't think her short legs were gonna make it.
With arms held wide open, Izumi waited to be lifted onto his shoulder again, only to be startled by the feeling of already familiar hands gripping onto her waist and hoisting her up into the air.
Her reflexes were barely fast enough when latching onto the man, her legs tightly curled around his waist while her arms looped around his neck as Omi made no other effort to hold onto her himself, his hands reaching out to grab the handrails so that they wouldn't fall down the stairs.
"I can definitely tell that you wouldn't care if I died." Izumi sighed, wistful almost. As much as she found herself physically attracted to this man she was touching, his personality was nearing the line of a total deal breaker.
Omi found it easy to agree with her statement as he focused on getting the both of them to the floor that Izumi used to live on, the pace of his breathing barely changing.
The silence he left Izumi in annoyed her to no end; having been so used to Itaru's ramblings and Sakyo's never ending sighing or growling. She also didn't want to admit that she enjoyed being spoiled with attention, but with Omi's indifference, and maybe even dislike, towards her, she was definitely weighing the pros and cons on throwing a little tantrum.
But no. She shook her head, much to Omi's agitation. She had to keep her cool. Losing her temper with Omi like this was obviously going to put her in a tight situation, and she wasn't willing to die by this fucker's hands.
"Frowning isn't a cute look on you." She said offhandedly, already getting bored having to stay quiet with her emotions while her chin hooked over his shoulder, the side of her head leaning against his just to make him a little more annoyed.
At this point, Omi wasn't planning on opening his mouth to shoot her with a retort. Izumi would probably hit him back with something even meaner to say, and then they would have to do a back and forth to see whose feelings would get hurt first.
And nobody really had time for that; plus, Omi just wanted this girl off.
"Here. Get down." The man heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the large number '3' on the wall at the top of the stairs and went to pry off the clingy monster from his body.
Izumi tutted when her feet met the floor, but didn't say anything else to Omi who was trying to brush off any dust or dirt she brought upon him (rude!) and opened the broken fire exit door that would lead them to the hallway where her home was. The circuit breaker was undoubtedly shut off from all those years ago so the only source of light was the sun rays coming in from the end of the hallway.
The silence that resided in the place that Izumi once called her home made it slightly eerie, but she willed herself not to be perturbed and started to venture down to find the door to her apartment room.
"Ugh.. It's so cold. I kinda wish they left the electricity on." Rubbing her hands against her arms, Izumi stopped in front of a door that had one of the numbers hanging off. Her lips pouted when she saw the broken door frame and the cracked door itself; probably in this condition due to her never giving Sakyo and Itaru the key before she left.
She nudged the door open with her foot and held onto her arms as she walked in to the near empty home, just a few things like her ratty old couch and a few wooden chairs left askew in the living room. And she didn't notice then, but it seemed like the table in Itaru's 'office' was actually her coffee table.
Reduce, reuse, recycle, huh?
"Should blame yourself for wearin' that outfit you got goin' on." Omi said as he ventured to her kitchen where a leaky faucet remained along with a few broken dishes left abandoned in the sink. If anything, Omi would have offered his jacket to her if she asked, but she didn't. So. That's kind of on her.
"I'll kill you." Her voice travelled from an area of the place that was probably her bedroom, and the empty threat left Omi chuckling to himself as he brushed his hand along a cracked cupboard, fingers catching onto the handle that would let him open the tiny cabinet. The man grimaced when the collected dust flew in front of his face and he waved it away with his free hand as he examined whatever was inside.
The cupboard mostly housed a unique array of shot glasses, showing how much of an alcoholic the girl was in the past, along with a small arrangement of porcelain plates and one single kiddie bowl.
A small wave of repulsion went through Omi when he took a closer look at a mug that caught his attention though, a curious hand reaching out to properly examine what was on the ceramic.
It was a personalised mug that seemed to have a not so hot picture of Izumi with her former boyfriend on it, their arms wrapped around each other.
With one of the worst choices of font, Papyrus, was a sentence that ran around the image.
I hope only love and happiness meet us hand-in-hand in the future.. Guo Dian.
Happy Graduation, Izumi.
This? In Papyrus? Out of all fonts? Omi didn't major in anything let alone graphic design, but just looking at this abomination told him that this bullshit was hideous as fuck. He was going to have to do something about this.
"Yo, Izumi-san." He called out.
"En..?" Poking her head from a doorway, the girl's eyes squinted at Omi who had the mug casually hanging from a long finger, eyebrows scrunched him as she tried to see what it was he was trying to tell her through his vague gestures. She only realised what he was holding in his hand when she remembered that there was only one or two mugs she owned as a new adult, and the only one that had a picture on it was the present that Guo Dian gave her on her convocation day.
"You ever tell 'im this the ugliest shit ya ever seen?"
"Uh.. I thought it was kinda cute at the time.." She trailed off, slightly embarrassed. Sure, it wasn't the prettiest thing to look at, but it's the thought that counts, right? Izumi treasured it for many years after receiving it, but she totally forgot about it once she left to go overseas. She didn't use it much anyways, considering how worn down and scratched all of her shot glasses were while the mug looked like it had been barely touched.
"Right, well," with an easy but powerful flick of his wrist, Omi lobbed the ceramic mug across the short length of the living room, leaving it to fly far enough to hit and smash the rest of an already broken window that lead to the outside of the building, "you thought wrong."
Wincing at the sound of the crash of the window and then the smash of the mug landing on concrete, Izumi quickly frowned at Omi before disappearing to her bedroom again to go back to doing what she was doing before he interrupted her. Whatever. She didn't like that mug anyways.
The lack of reaction was kind of disappointing to Omi, but he decided not to push her any further just in case the kitty actually had claws, using the leaking faucet to wash away any of the dust that managed to stick to his fingers as his nose wrinkled at the memory of initially witnessing the tragedy that was Izumi's only graduation present.
If it were him, he would have dumped his partner right then and there.
"Ugh.. Omi-san?" It was Izumi's turn to call out for him, not that it mattered to the man but he perked up at the helpless tone in her voice, already making the short trek to her bedroom before she could tell him what she needed help with.
She was surprised to see Omi standing in the doorway when she was going to walk out and drag him from the kitchen, but smiled gratefully when he was in her sights, hands shoved into his pockets.
"You good?" Eyeing the piece of plywood that Izumi was holding onto, Omi pursed his lips and took a single step forward to see how she was managing. The plywood looked a bit new, and considering that Sakyo and Itaru had been here once before told him that they were the ones who installed it.
They said they were having trouble opening something a while back, so it must have been something valuable hence the plywood screwed shut over the huge ass hole they made in the wall.
"Obviously not." Izumi grunted, fingers sore from pulling at the barrier for so long. "There was literally no reason for this."
Awkwardly bouncing on the balls of his feet, Omi continued to watch the girl struggle. Was she going to ask him to lend a hand or..?
"Please help me." She whined, removing her hands from the small crevice that helped her pull at the industrial wood. She brought her fingers up to her mouth and cutely placed soothing kisses to the parts that would undoubtedly bruise later, causing Omi's mouth to twist in disgust at the adorable display.
"Hm. Thought you were never gonna ask, Sweetheart." He smiled sarcastically to which Izumi reacted the same, both of them glaring at each other as Omi shrugged off his black denim jacket and tossed it to Izumi who hardly reacted fast enough to catch it. No one else would have put it past Omi to ignore the girl until she asked for assistance since he liked watching others struggle, but there was something about Izumi that made it all the more fun.
He had just met her today, and not that he'd admit it, but he was kind of enjoying himself right now.
"Hold it or wear it, don't care. An' quit lookin' at me like that." Omi sighed as Izumi crinkled her nose, the weight of his jacket making it difficult for her to hold in both hands. A slight grumble came from the girl once the man had turned away from her to pull a tactical switchblade from his back pocket, the matte carbon fibre attracting her attention.
Her eyebrows lifted, impressed by the slick blade, and took a step back to let Omi do whatever he was planning to do, arms casually slipping through the sleeves of his large jacket to keep herself warm. "You gonna somehow cut through the plywood with that?" She inquired while sitting down on her old bed, the sound of the creaking springs causing her to grimace and readjust her position on the hard mattress.
The half-hearted joke made Omi want to hit his head against the wall, but he didn't, instead bending to his knees to get a better look at the screws that were still managing to hold on. "I ain't that strong." He rolled his eyes to himself, hooking the blade into the divot of the first screw to get it loose and then worked on the next one in the other corner to get the top half disconnected from the wall. He worked quickly so that he wouldn't waste any more of their time, and without touching the other screws at the bottom dug his hand between the plywood and the wall to manually force it off.
The sound of wood splitting caused Izumi to stop zoning out, her body jolting at the sudden break.
"Yeah.." She grimaced again, seeing how the poor wood lay at his feet. "Not that strong.. I agree.."
Izumi sighed once she saw the huge hole that hid away the safe she only opened once, the dents in the metal clear as day to both her and Omi. Sakyo and Itaru could have done a better job at trying to open the safe, right? It was just a simple 4-digit code, but it looked like they couldn't even figure it out. There were a few scratches on some of the numbers that told Izumi that they focused on those, but they missed the mark.
They didn't get a single number right.
"The code was 3825.." Izumi mourned as she quickly went to kneel in front of the safe to drag her fingers along the dimples in the metal, not yet touching the keypad. Omi's eyebrows creased as he watched how her small hands poked out from the long sleeves of his jacket and crossed his arms over his chest, not really knowing why she would assume anyone would figure that out by themselves with no sort of clue from the owner.
"3825 for 'fuck' when you look at the letters.."  She explained not a second later, and it was at this point that Omi would have honestly preferred if she didn't say anything at all.
The urge to rip his jacket off her body out of anger was strong, but she unlocked the safe before he could make a move. Omi was left having to pretend he was only outstretching his hand to anxiously bite at his nails while Izumi gathered whatever was in the safe, the sigh that left her connecting to how Omi was feeling at this very moment.
"Didn't like 7448?" He muttered to himself when Izumi shuffled away from the safe to close it, the woman standing to her proper height as she turned her head to look at him with an innocent expression, eyes oddly sad for some reason.
"'Shit' wasn't as funny as 'fuck' at the time." She murmured gloomily, thumb brushing over the items that lay in her hand while Omi took a step to take a better look. His face contorted once more into an expression of disgust when he saw another photo of Izumi and Guo Dian together, along with a pair of amber kanzashi hair combs and a simple, black titanium ring.
"Top tier humour." He said, snatching away the photo that rest in her palm. The protest against him went ignored as Omi rummaged around in his pocket for something, his tongue poking out just the slightest bit as he dug deep to conjure a single match kept safe in a small plastic baggie from his trousers. "We're burnin' this shit."
"No! I look cute in that photo!" Izumi shot a hand out to try and reach for the picture that Omi took from her, but the man only held it above his head with a petulant frown, nose scrunched that she would even bother to try and save this forsaken piece of chemically sensitised paper.
The agitation was clear on Omi's face when Izumi's hand made contact with his chest as she tried to get closer to the photo, straining herself on her toes to at least brush her fingers along the edge of the item while her body leaned into him. Her struggle was genuine as she wheezed out a childish whine, but was quickly silenced when Omi's hand came down to roughly pat her cheek, an arm tucking around her waist to bring her back to the flat of her feet.
"I'll cut his half off then we burn it." He offered then pushed away the girl from him to keep their distance, brushing off the imaginary dust that she brought upon him. "Want you to explain why those are important though." He pointed at the traditional hair ornament and the ring being held tight in Izumi's hand. The amber resin glowed bright despite the dim lighting in the bedroom, and the ring glimmered just the slightest when the light from the window hit it as Izumi examined the accessories herself, lips pouted.
"I just told Itaru and Sakyo that these meant a lot to me," she sighed, not noticing Omi brandishing his switchblade again, "they're making it seem like they hold a different meaning though. I don't quite get it."
The smooth sound of his blade slicing through the photo made Izumi fall back into reality and she pressed her lips in a thin line when she noticed how he narrowly missed cutting her whole arm from the rest of the picture. She didn't say anything, but Omi knew how unimpressed she was with him when she put her hands on her hips; looking awfully cute (not his words) with how his denim jacket dwarfed her.
"Any special markings on 'em?" He murmured as he plucked the match he had from its baggie, taking a single step closer to the girl to reach out with the tiny thing. Before Izumi could react, Omi's wrist flicked in her direction to strike the match against his jacket that she still wore, a brief spark flying before the head lit up into a flame.
The action made her flinch in surprise, momentarily forgetting what his question was as her eyes darted back and forth between her sleeve and the match with widened eyes.
"Cap gun powder, water, nail varnish." He didn't let her finish as he brought the match to Guo Dian's half of the photo, casually letting it burn in one hand as he motioned for Izumi with the other, telling her to hurry up and answer his question. The old scars on her body ached when her gaze didn't move from the flickering match and the melting picture, but willed herself to break away from the bright flame to avert her attention to the simple ring that Guo Dian had given to her as another present.
"Er.. Ah! There's a lotus emblem inside the ring.." She gasped in surprise, noticing the thin engraving that was touched up with gold. She then flipped the kanzashi combs in hands to see another set of lotus emblems in the top left corners, the black paint protected by a smooth coating of some type of varnish.
A deep intake of breath was heard coming from Omi as he finally dropped the ruined photo of Guo Dian along with the match, casually stepping on the flame with his white shoe to extinguish it before it could catch fire onto any of the rubble that was around. Stepping away, his foot revealed the burnt to a crisp sensitised paper and the dead match in the spot where the ex boyfriend's head used to be.
"'Kay. Good to know. We're done 'ere." The man mumbled as he tucked Izumi's half of the photo in his jacket pocket for the girl to hold onto, wrapping his large hand around the crook of Izumi's elbow to begin pulling her out the bedroom without giving her any time to look at anything else. "Let's go."
"Hey!" Izumi complained, unable to use any strength against Omi to make release her. She tried digging her heels into the floor to make the man let up, but Omi wasn't having it and pulled on her arm to make her stumble forward until she crashed into his side. Izumi groaned in agitation as her nose dug itself into his rib cage, but Omi was left unaffected, his arm moving to go back around her shoulders to escort her out of the abandoned apartment room.
"Can we at least go eat some food before we go back?" She put away the kanzashi in the same pocket Omi put her photo in and wore the black ring on her middle finger, squinting up at the man who was leading her down the hallway and towards the stairwell. "I didn't get to before I visited the office."
He shot a quick glance her way only for him to revert his gaze to the flight of stairs they were going to have to go back down, and made a move to grab Izumi firmly by the waist, hoisting her up into the air for a bridal carry, only to hear her complain again.
He was not going to let her slow them down by going into a corner to heave and catch her breath again. She went limp in Omi's arms just to spite him and make things harder, but his simple answer of 'no' made her shoot up to punch him in the shoulder.
"You're the worst."
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🌻🌻🌻🌻 🚜 it's like a little garden!
hello lil garden <3 im gonna pick all the floweurs :3
there are like two dreams i remember pretty vividly: one, i had stigmata. (fun fact: i’m a jew) i woke up and i could feel the pain in my palms and feet. i was like. maybe in fifth or sixth grade. everything happens when i’m 13 or 14 because i have exactly zero memory and Bad Brain Disorder Origin Years just makes everything a sad mockery of mashed potatoes
the second dream i remember vividly was essentially that i discovered a door to Wonderland (and listen here u lil shits: i’m not a big Wonderland person, not even a Mad Hatter kinda gal despite whatever my past has said about me, and also my Jervis Tetch is super valid and prob one of the best out there you’re welcome) in this honestly gorgeous old mansion. the kind that’s just. tons of dark wood, narrow halls, winding and yet there’s a lot of natural light, like gorgeous. and i found a door to Wonderland and holy fucking shit
what i would give to actually find a door to that Wonderland, bye y’all peace it’s been a gas but i gotta run
so after i left i wanted to go back, and i had a rough time finding the portal and ok long story short it turned out i had to go deal with a unicorn cult (it was more intense than that but hey, cults amirite) in order to get the reagents to go back to Wonderland and i suddenly found myself falling in a huge cave and the spirit healer from WoW was there so that says a lot about where i was in my life at the time
still tryna go back to Wonderland
i made this guy in Sims4 and he’s really fuckin cute and i named him Lane Morgans. i’m gonna put his tag on this post so maybe you’ll go take a look at him and see how amazing he is but i’m just gonna jerk myself off here too
(also sidenote, Salutations (my farmer in sdv, also top notch) is his uncle and when i wrote up his first char sheet i fucked up his last name bc his last name can’t be Morgans, but i’ll give him another one Soon(tm) (no i won’t))
Lane is a retired rollercoaster engineer who is now writing romance novels. he’s doing absolutely amazingly and his twitter a mess in a good way. he wishes he was Chuck Tingle’s bff. his novels aren’t modeled after Tingle’s (hehe), he writes very well rounded, interesting, and diverse romance that doesn’t take itself seriously. because i do what i want, he’s pretty well known and on several bestsellers.
he’s like in his 40s by now i think and he’s a late transitioner. he’s a divorcee (he and his ex wife are really good friends it’s all good) and he had his son Ellis awhile back (who is just a whole dutch cookie tin of crayons and then some). at a singles mixer he met a gardener who would be his future husband and everything is amazing now
also side braids and ponytails run in the family i guess
(actually Salutations has been side ponytail like all his life and Lane was enchanted by it so he side braids. Salutations is very proud)
i still think about it honestly i was really into keeping up to date with junk food news and food product for a while there but the popular sites were starting to piss me off with their rating systems and reviews like holy entitlement and superiority complex, batman! so i dropped out of it, like the only one that is still super valid is onsecondscoop.com tho it’s been a real hot minute since
i have a lot of my parents’ vinyls and that includes The Beatles white album with some water damage bc i guess my dad knocked something over at some point but also the good stuff like Fleetwood Mac, Linda Ronstadt, America, Seals and Crofts, a lot of musicals, James Taylor, Gordon Lightfoot, Cat Stevens (now Yusuf), Earth, Wind, and Fire, Marvin Gaye and more!!! (and i left a whole shitload in chicago too) and it’s very telling about my musical tastes. 
i had ordered Arctic Monkeys’s AM album and it skipped on No. 1 Party Anthem and some other song and so i was like :\ and ordered another and you’ll never guess,
a few songs stand out to me:
Gordon Lightfoot’s Approaching Lavender 
Seals and Crofts’s Hummingbird
Fleetwood Mac’s Silver Springs
James Taylor’s Never Die Young, Line ‘Em Up, Shower The People
(the Fleetwood Mac and James Taylor songs are specifically the ones i was introduced to with, as in the Live versions of Silver Springs and Shower The People)
for those who don’t know i’m also a huge Enya fan (LOTR was good to me) and Dark Sky Island was sick af btw, and also Donna Lewis’s entire Now In A Minute album is pretty fuckin close to my soul
however probably my favorite song, most sacred to me, hard to explain it but just the. whew the memories attached is I Love You Always Forever
furthermore a song that still really creeps me out (that also has an origin story attached to it) is 98 Degrees a cappella cover of She’s Out Of My Life (yep! still no thanks)
i grew up around a cappella since my mom is like a lifetime member of the Sweet Adelines womens a cappella organization or w/e so yeah and i’m not ognna link this on bc it’s a bitch to find just by itself, but Lida Rose from The Music Man is also a fist clench...
now on a more depressing note but one i have mention, Spice Girls’s Viva Forever is uuuhhh hhhhhhhhh hhhhhhnnnnmmmmmmmmmmm 
anyway my dad used to travel overseas for work and when i was younger he went to Germany (and he’d go back there several times after) and he brought me back my first jar of Nutella. naturally i lost my entire shit, and imagine my surprise when Nutella got really big in America lmao he’d brought that jar home like. uh. 7, 9 years prior?? idk guys, ages and math, but it was funny to me
best fucking gingerbread recipe is by Nigella Lawson and i found it in her book How To Be A Domestic Goddess and it’s right fucking here ur welcome 
i’m definitely one of those people who picks a book with a cool cover, reads a couple pages and then decides if i’m taking it or not and that’s how i found like so many good books
ask me about The Passage series and how i am both in love with it and kinda mad (also lmao @ the failed TV show y’all fuckin dumb as hell)
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macquarieridge · 2 years
feeling out of it recently maybe since the beginning of august now that i think of it. my god its gonna be september in a few days. anyway im not sure where its coming from but even though i like routines which i sort of have since im working again there is a lacking feeling. i miss seeing friends and the city feels boring lately.
i cant think of anything to do going out that isnt just shopping or sitting at a park and the latter is nice but after a while i would like smth else to do..... i want to travel out of tokyo i miss being overseas ~_~
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niel-trbl · 7 years
I’m Serious
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Food Vlogger!Kim Donghan AU
Note: i watched this compilation of Donghan eating earlier and got inspired to write this simple little AU. enjoy! (side note: i changed my url!!!)
Donghan’s always travelling to try new food - be it within the country or overseas
no matter how far it is, he will travel for it
if there’s good food, he will be there
he had initially started out as a mukbang youtuber(?) and people really enjoyed watching his videos and live eating broadcasts
with the increase in requests (and income) for videos, he decided to branch out and start creating new food-related content, rather than the usual eating broadcasts
he bought all these fancy equipment with that intention but well, he has no clue how to operate them well
he has no idea how to make his video edits a little cooler too
so that’s when he turned to you for help then eventually, you became his fixed camera person/editor
it was a great opportunity and the perfect job for you
you get to eat food, shoot and edit food videos and get paid for it
not only that, you also get to work closely with one of your closest friends so that was a major plus for you
Donghan too felt the same way until recently
he had went back home to visit his parents and they asked where were you as you would usually tag along and cook with his mum
when he explained that you were busy, he heard his mum mumbled “there goes my in-law”
this wasnt the first time, in fact his parents (especially his mum) often would bug him about you, asking when will he make a move on you
at first, he was shocked hearing those words from her but eventually, he figured that his mum knew of his feelings towards you
he did seem pretty obvious about it, despite trying hard to hide it
afterall, what mother cant see through her child’s lies?
tbh the reason why he had approached you to teach him about filming and editing was because he wanted to get close to you
after working with you for so long, Donghan didnt realise that he fell deeper into you
it was definitely hard for him to keep it in
especially when all he wants to do is to scream out to the world how much he loves you
despite that, he didnt want to let you know of his feelings coz he knew how hurt he’ll get if he gets rejected
his soft fragile heart sobs
he also didnt want to risk the working relationship you have
but something changed his mind - the advice he got from his close hyung, Taehyun
“time is passing as we speak. just spend 10 seconds and you only have to embarass yourself in front of one person. practice what you’re gonna say and just let them know how you feel. basically, you wont get a lover if you dont do anything,”
(lmao this was an actual advice from eddy kim and park won, watch it at the 20 min mark)
he thought about it, got encouragement from his friends then decided to just go with it
one of the days, you and Donghan were out and about, filming a Valentine’s Day special for his channel
you filmed where you got the food and drinks then headed to Han River to set up a romantic Valentine’s Day-esque picnic
Donghan offered some tips and ate the food deliciously, occasionally feeding you off camera
not gonna lie but your heart did flutter a little while filming him
wow whoever Donghan’s future lover may be is really lucky
Donghan can actually be really romantic, despite his child-like and playful persona
seeing his side of him made your cheeks flush
you were finally done filming and started packing up
“hey, sit down for a sec. we can pack up later,” Donghan patted on the empty space beside him
“nah it’s okay,”
“i just ordered a box of chicken-”
“you had me at chicken,” you gave in and sat with him, admiring the city lights against the night sky
“i think people are really gonna like this video,”
“really? what makes you say that?”
“it was really romantic! it really felt like you were bringing the viewer on a date. even i liked it!”
“you do?” Donghan felt his heart beating even faster
“i really did. in fact, my heart even fluttered a little,” you said casually, with no thought of how your words had an effect on him
okay it’s now or never, let’s do this
Donghan suddenly sat up right and looked at you
with the city lights in the background, you seemed to be shining even more in his eyes
you felt his eyes on you so you looked at him and tilted your head, confused by his actions
“i like you- no, i’m in love with you,” he said confidently
he kept his confession short and simple, no frills or anything extra, he just wanted you to feel the sincerity behind his words
you were taken aback by his confession and how direct it was
but you were also glad to hear those words from him
you leaned in closer to him and gave him a peck on the cheek
“i love you too,” you held onto his hand, intertwining fingers with his
“just so you know, i’d choose you over food any day and you know much i love food,” he told you seriously
“that’s really sweet Donghan. but for now, can you choose food first and pick up the chicken? it’s here and im really hungry,”
“anything for you,”
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panicc-room · 7 years
tagged by @turned2salt
⭐ Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
⭐ Write eleven questions of your own
⭐ Tag eleven people
1. Favourite pizza topping
pineapple!! it’s literally the only thing I like on pizza for the most part
2. Favourite Netflix show to binge on?
probably either The Office or Family Guy haha
3. Apple or Android?
apple all the way even though my phone is a pos most of time haha
4. Who is your all time celebrity crush?
Zac Efron 💓 ever since I saw high school musical when I was like 10 haha
5. What do you find most attractive about the opposite sex?
emotional maturity and intelligence tbh. but also a nice butt and good hair. a beard is also a plus haha
6. How many babies do you want?
I think I’d like to have 1 more bio baby and then adopt 1 after that!! so 3 in all
7. What kind of wedding style do you think you will have?
probably really simple and inexpensive! maybe a small church wedding with a nice party outside after that (with a lot of twinkle lights haha)
8. Beach, Country, or City?
the beach for sure!
9. Have you travelled overseas? If so, where to?
I never have!! but the first place I want to go is Ireland, and then New Zealand
10. Makeup product you cannot live without?
BRONZER omg my pale ass needs it so badly I’d look like a ghost without it haha
11. Are you happy?
I’m getting there! I’d say that 7 times out of 10 I am and that’s such a drastic improvement from this time last year. I’m proud of how far I’ve come
my questions —
1. what’s your dream job? This is gonna sound lame but receptionist
2. favorite song atm? Last letter and move on by witt lowry
3. sun, moon, and rising signs? Idk 😂😂
4. what’s the first thing you do when you wake up and the last thing you do before you go to bed? Kiss my son
5. if you could go back in time-not to change any thing but just relive something-would you? if so, what? Yes. Probably junior year or freshman year BC I think that's the last time I was truly happy. Or Disneyland.
6. do you consider yourself an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between? Introvert
7. are you religious/spiritual? No but I wish I was.
8. what’s your biggest dream for your child/ren? To be happy and financially stable when he grows up.
9. what quality in a partner is essential to you? Height 🙈 and commitment
10. what’s your favorite place to buy clothes? Forever 21
11. what’s your favorite book of all time? Wintergirls and the disappearing girl
I'm lazy so im not continuing on 😂
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my-bobohu-blog · 7 years
so i was having a conversation with @chogisad​ about uhh ot9 emo-l times so i really wanted to make this post to just… jot down all my feelings about ot9 and exo and address all the negative energies regarding everything that’s been happening as of late? and i know that this really isn’t necessary in any way shape or form, but i really just wanted to do it for me. so i guess this is gonna be a really long post filled with a lot of hope and optimism and positivity for exo’s present and future as ot9 and if you’re interested in that, then by all means continue reading under the cut~
i remember back in 2015 when we experienced our first major Yixing Drought. his studio had just opened in china and he was being flooded with jobs and all the opportunities working in his homeland offered that korea could never give him. i remember being so endlessly proud of him but missing him a lot too. 
because here the rest of exo were in korea doing cf’s and other work and then they went on to do the japan tour without yixing :( and it hurt? because performing at the tokyo dome was such a big deal to them but there were only 8 members and it hurt so much not seeing yixing with them for like 1-2 months? or more? i don’t remember how long the drought lasted but it was our first real Yixing Drought in the fandom. 
and i remember seeing all these theories and conspiracy posts how sm was trying to push yixing out of exo and there was just so much ot8 propaganda- regardless if it came from hurting xingmi’s or actual ot8 stans… there was just so much negativity surrounding everything because yixing just… wasn’t there. and we as fans knew next to nothing and sm, as always, kept their official announcement last minute and vague as hell like when they announced yixing wouldn’t be participating in the japan tour bc of schedules AFTER selling tickets for the concerts DESPITE yixing being like the most popular member in japan. and it was fucking scary. 
hell, we just lost tao after cmb and here we are freshly ot9 and hoping and praying that the next comeback we wouldn’t lose another member. yixing as the last chinese member standing- the only true mark that sm had ever tried breaking into the chinese market with exo at all. and we were scared and terrified because what if sm was pushing him out? what if they were trying to faze him out of exo completely?
and i remember sing for you being ot9 but promoting as x8 members and i kept waiting for someone to mention yixing but they never did? and i was so frustrated bc all these other young groups can mention members who were missing because of injuries or schedules but why couldn’t exo??
doesn’t this all sound familiar? 
but sfy had that memorable showcase moment with yixing breaking and crying and telling us and his members how sorry he was but he reminded us that he was exo too. and bbh was there to reassure us that yixing may be busy overseas, but wherever he goes- yixing still wears the exo name proudly and does this entire fandom proud too. 
and i remember the days leading up to MAMAs in 2015 and we were all sitting there staring at our screens with baited breath waiting to find yixing airport pictures because there was no evidence he was going to hong kong for MAMAs yet and really? how the hell could exo go to this major awards ceremony without yixing? but we were so scared. but he pulled through and he showed up and he gave his finger wagging speech and we all cried and it was good and we were happy and things were okay.
and then things got better when ex’act dropped with The Peak ot9 moments of life and we had ot9 THRIVING! we had family pictures, xingdae came back from the dead, baekxing were inseparable, even chanxing were good and well and capturing hearts of fans. like it was just So Good!!! 
ex’act was really exo telling all of us to not worry. the members weren’t going anywhere. ot9 is here to stay as long as we would have them. and they loved us and they loved each other and everything would be okay. 
even though exo never mentions yixing when they win music shows like how other groups do, i think that’s just because those groups aren’t built the way exo were. i mean exo literally started as k and m and half their group was always away in china promoting because that was Their Job. and i think it’s just a different mentality you know? maybe exo always just knows that when they win, it’s for the whole group. that they don’t need to explicitly call out a missing member because We Are One or something lmao. and i remember during MAMAs 2013 when they won song of the year for growl… kyungsoo wasn’t there bc boy twisted his ankle to no end and had to go to the hospital. but i don’t think they mentioned him missing. and i think… that’s just how exo is. but idk. i think it’s something we’ll never know because we’re not in their minds. 
but we DO know that exo cherishes yixing so much. you can see it in their eyes whenever yixing does a speech in chinese and everyone is just so happy he’s there and they’re so proud of him. you can tell because they ALWAYS hand him the mic when he’s with them at music shows ALWAYS and they make sure he gets to say what he wants to say. and they cheer him on and they support his solo and they love him absolutely so so so much.
… and now here we are. 
and i know there are a lot of doubts and worries going into this repackage and everything. and i honestly don’t know how to start addressing things… but i really want to try. 
with kkb, we all knew it was heavily delayed. i think sm had full intentions of having an ot9 comeback with it being their 5th anniversary / 4th full album comeback. like… it was just common sense. but THAAD happened and political situations/international relations is just out of our/their control. china put a ban on skorea travel. there was a lot of negative energy surrounding it and yixing literally COULD NOT go to korea or even do anything related to exo (ex: the lotte world sponsorship and the amount of backlash that received because of china’s beef w/ lotte for giving up property for the missiles) 
anyways- what i’m trying to say is that sm tried. they delayed the comeback that was probably planned for early summer because they needed to see how this would all play out. they couldn’t do anything about it but wait. that was literally the only option. and yixing is in china with his own studio and he’s waiting too- but everyone has to keep proceeding with business as usual and that means yixing planning schedules that bleed into later months and that means sm going forth with x8 member comeback for kkb. 
and with how delayed kkb was and how sm needed to do exo’s repackage sooner rather than later (for the whole Drama of the Symbolism of the eclipse and shit) i think sm was really pressed for time and things were falling apart rather than together. yixing’s solo album was probably slated for late summer after the kkb comeback focusing his sales and promotions in china. then the repack would (my hope) be ot9 for september and all things would just happen as they should. but with the kkb delay, i think sm realized there wouldn’t be enough time for yixing’s solo. and maybe they thought it’d be best to push it to xingtober anyways. 
and god, im not saying sm makes good decisions because we all know that’s a crapshoot but what i’m saying is that maybe sm tried. there are a lot of things WE AS FANS DO NOT KNOW and just for my sanity, i want to give sm the benefit of the doubt this time. i honest to god think they tried the best they could with ot9 given all the shit that has happened this year. am i saying they did a good job? not really no. because im still stressed as hell and mad and dissatisfied with a lot of things… but i think they did try.
yixing has been seen traveling back and forth btwn china and korea a lot and we don’t know why. sm hasn’t released any official statement on yixing’s participation in the repackage… and i don’t know if that’s something that’s good or bad or if that should be expected or not?
but i honest to god do not believe in any of those posts saying that sm is trying to push yixing our or faze him out or anything. i just don’t. 
i trust yixing. just a few days ago he said he didn’t want to disappoint his group. HIS group. jongdae literally hung out with him and they had lunch together not too long ago either. like maybe a month ago? and it was so lowkey and so precious and so xingdae. and junmyeon said during their vlive that they’d be on stage with yixing soon. and i really truly believe them. because i think sm is trying too. i think all the boys are doing the best they can to handle whatever the hell the situation is. whether it’s political (THAAD) or schedules or other plans sm has… i think they’re trying. and i believe in them. 
and i know i probably sound recklessly optimistic and y’all can tell me that i’m boo boo the fool and that i’m gonna have all my hopes crushed and i’m gonna be disappointed… and maybe so. but i’m not strong enough to crush my own hopes when they already exist. and i have so much hope in exo, i don’t think i could ever willingly do that to myself and tell myself that this is gonna be worst case scenario. i need to believe in the best of our boys just for my sanity’s sake. and god… i really really hope and pray that this repackage is ot9 because i can’t imagine how i would feel if it wasn’t. AT LEAST ALLUDE TO OT9 YA KNOW??? THROW IN SOME LIKE NON SUBTLE HINTS LIKE STRAIGHT UP HAVE A SILHOUETTE OF YIXING SHOW AT THE END OF SMTH LIKE GUESS THAT POKEMON IDK??? JUST… i need to believe in something and i want to believe in ot9 and exo.
and maybe we get an ot9 repack or maybe we get an x8 comeback with a bomb ass yixing solo album soon and maybe we get ot9 back again someday soon and the fandom can breathe again.
sigh okay. i think i’ve said everything i’ve wanted to say. there are some other thoughts i have but i don’t want to mention them just because it’s not something i want to entertain until the mv drops and we know for sure what the deal is.
sigh okay. bye bye. too much writing.
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