#im gonna get an abortion!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blissfali · 7 months
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did you start thinking ways to fill the void
replaced with endless scrolling spite
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skitskatdacat63 · 15 days
Fernando instinctively trying to protect his boyfriend Seb from the champagne spray
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ashkii-0 · 3 months
Yk what this whole thing is reminding me of..
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@soureggs @kittenchancorruptionarc
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since nonbinary has had its claws and teeth and wings clipped by people who've turned it into the third gender of whats now a trinary, i think we should expand its definition; what if nonbinary means you dont subscribe to any binary
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ice-devourer · 12 days
why do mothers know juuust the right thing to say to ruin your confidence and ur mental health in 0.2 seconds,,,,man, i was just,,,being,,,why would u
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designernishiki · 10 months
You asked for a fic rec so I’ll toss this one at ya: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46767358?view_full_work=true Stick through the formatting for the characterization, tone, and really the whole vibe of this fic. I haven’t been able to get the bathroom call between Daigo and Majima out of my head for weeks since I read it with how naturally it all flows. My own little Daigo characterization booklet to review when I feel like I need a refresher on him.
so I may have stayed up until 6am reading this (would’ve slept earlier but I couldn’t stop reading it) and hgggahaghhhhaggahshhhhhhhh that was one of the most well-characterized fics I’ve ever read what the fuck. like the differences in how each character speaks (both tone-wise and in differing levels of authenticity) and how they speak to specific others (the daigo and majima dyanmic specifically- how they actually take into account how long they’ve been working really closely- SO good), the mental anguish and chaos vs the overwhelming emptiness of being daigo dojima but no longer The 6th Chairman Daigo Dojima……….I could keep going but I think you get it.
tbh I’d been wanting to write something exploring a similar set of dynamics/situation (post-kiryu’s fake death, interactions with haruka, daigo, and/or majima specifically, reflecting on his shortcomings while acknowledging the heavy Grief left behind) but now I’m like. well I still could but this was so well written in regards to daigo and haruka that, as far as something between those two goes, I don’t feel the need to.
thanks for the recommendation! my brain is broken now (affectionate)
#rambling#fics#fic rec#there’s a little bit of minedai in there via flashback but I don’t know if im gonna put this in my minedai tag cause it’s really#not tecccchnically a minedai fic. it’s just. a daigo-centric fic/study more than anything#my favorite more lighthearted moment in this story is daigo talking to haruka in Okinawa after like 3 years and hearing about her#‘situationship’ with yuta and how it’s just more convenient to tell people they’re a legit couple and daigo’s immediate response on impulse#is just. ‘that must be nice. I mean that you can do that. if it were two guys or two girls or something you wouldn’t be able to do that.’#or something like that and simultaneously sweating because he has no fucking idea why he’s saying that and can’t find a way to abort#my only critique is that I was hoping he’d come out to her (probably on the scene after that where it’s just them sitting on the deck)#and it wouldn’t even have to be a Big Thing it’s just. it felt like it was leading up to that (whether coming out on purpose or on accident)#but ah well#don’t get me wrong I think she could probably figure it out on her own based on the fact that daigo’s never had a girlfriend to her#knowledge and is in his 40s + that weird little gay tangent he went on earlier out of the blue#if anyone could pick it up though context clues and hints it’d be haruka and akiyama The Investigators. and oh no. looks like that’s#exactly who he’s stuck with#id love to see an update cause of this oh mannnn#(if anyone could pick it up it’d be those two + also majima but I kinda figured at this point majima would almost certainly already know#they seem like they have a mutual (possibly unspoken) recognition of one another on that front. based a little on what daigo says about#‘when kiryu says jump you say how high’ and majima floundering a little before admitting ‘you know I can’t resist those big#brown puppydog eyes…’ like i know that’s not too on the nose but it’s enough of a casual acknowledgement to Me that it feels… idk it just#feels like they Know. it just makes sense. and I hope they do cause it’d feel a little less lonely and terrifying to be gay in that world if#that were the case. yet another thing making it feel like majima’s a way more viable parent figure to him than kiryu fr fr……#anyway I could keep going forever so I should probably stop#I’ve never considered how daigo would interact with akiyama and now they’ve got me intrigued. I really hope they update this with something#daigo#I really think a chunk of this fanbase (particularly The Queers) understand daigo as a character better than rgg studio does. and cares more
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abernathyvalois · 2 months
live laugh love kit porter
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dopamine-thief · 10 months
Ok ok ok I would HATE to get into gun disc horse on my first damn post BUT I cannot stand people who are pro gun but anti abortion.
"But abortions kill! They exist to kill-"
What the hell you think guns are for.
"but I need muh gun to protect mysel-"
What the hell do you think ABORTIONS are for? Do You think people get abortions for shits and giggles? And most importantly:
Do abortions affect YOU?
Because guns sure do.
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odysseys-blood · 5 months
its so stupid to me when someone goes up to somebody (recently in the inboxes of palestinians doing their damndest to share information about whats going on with the genocide of their own people and some of yall still cant take being spoon fed this as if its the worst thing to happen to you to just pay attention (but it happens also after any catastrophe yall just rock up to anyone you judge an affected minority be it someone of another race, culture, gender, sexuality w/e)) and you ask "well who should i vote for"
thats your choice
when you turned 18 in the us of a you gained the right to choose whoever the hell you want on the ballot for president. nobody can make you vote for somebody or withold it. you make that decision. you should be able to think for yourself. do some research and stop talking out of your ass because that is literally the least you could do.
and also you shouldn't be going to someone (especially someone who this is of he least concern of) and go "well what do you think i think i have to vote for x because *despite every atrocity they've ever comitted* theyre still better than the other guy!" because what do you want? forgiveness? you made a choice. you also just told somebody that this choice WILL AFFECT that it was the only choice available to you (even though it wasnt). and then act like they should be grateful. like you're doing them a favor.
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(wearily) the weed hour...
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lemonofthevalley · 5 months
my sister just told me that if there was a possibility that her kids would have a big nose she would get an abortion what the fuck man.
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blessedmoonsoul · 11 months
just watched that pr*gerU video of Frederick douglass saying slavery was a necessary compromise.........
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milf-harrington · 2 years
going on TWO international flights all on my own has changed me, it was such a fun adventure, im extra excited for my trip to brisbane now that that scarier trip has come and gone
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agentemo · 2 years
mcr kept me alive this long lmao woooo catgirl gee tell me it's gonna be okay
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butch-bakugo · 2 years
Tbh i cant wait for elections to be over so i can get a youtube ad that isnt election based. Im so tired of bs smear campaigns and endless ads defending pieces of shit.
The fact pa may about to have fucking DOCTOR OZ, the scam artist dr.phil wanna be, a guy who DOSENT EVEN FUCKIN LIVE HERE as a senator is ridiculous. He cant even vote for himself here! He's still registered as a new jersey voter. He moved into his mother in law's house in order to run.
This should be illegal. You have to actually been a resident in that state for more than 2 years to run for office.
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tache-noire · 17 days
i've been having cramps lately and its making me fucking nervous
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