#i hope you guys like this :)
omuricebreakfast · 1 month
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Guh,, i've been errrrmmmm procrastinating on posting >>;7 Maybe I should put up a mini schedule or something.. BUT, I HAVE DOODLES TO SHOW!!!!!!!! (finally) While I continue to procrastinate on finalizing the Dating Sim AU designs for Kinito and friends I've been emmm making more au's! One of which has completely taken over my brain!!! So, have my Casino au KinitoPET designs! (Shoutout to @vam-piritz for helping me with Kinito's colors bc gosh darn I be struggling w them ms paint colors dawg,, Kinito got such a blinding pink it's hard not to make it clash w red..) AND since nobody asked, I'll share a bit of info on this au!! (Just be aware this au is purely self indulgent and funnily enough doesn't revolve around any of the main cast being ai's? they just kinda? exist now?) Sam was a well known Seahorse racer that managed to get himself into a bit of a pickle, you see, he got forced to work at Kinito's Casino because his other racer "friends" ended up gambling all of his money away. Now he has to pay off a massive amount of debt in order to get out of this predicament, and to ensure that he DOES end up paying he needs to drop his racing career and put it on hold so he can work for Kinito. Jade and Kinito are fairly good friends and business partners. She owns a seafood Restaurant that is conjoined with the Casino in order for the two of them to be close to each other. She's a very smart and strong lady that keeps an eye on Sam (And Kinito pfft) to ensure he stays and does what he's supposed to be doing. She also has a neat little interest in sciency stuff! And Last but not least... Kinito! The Casino owner himself. As stated previously he's very good friends with Jade, always had an interest in people and money. He's a fairly friendly guy that just wants to let people enjoy their time at his Casino (although the pic i decided to color in doesn't really show that lol). Just be warned, he does have some fairly strict but simple rules... Go into debt and can't pay back? Work for him. Easy as that. He may be friendly, but he won't be your friend. He can be into some... Really shady business at times... (Also The Casino is haunted! some stuff was joked about in a friend group and now it's canon LMAO)
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
a gift i've never gotten before
buck x tommy || rated: t || wc: 588
read on ao3
Buck was nervous.
He and Tommy were redoing their first date since their original one was cut short and Tommy hadn’t quite made it to wedding, so they were doing their first official date tonight. Buck hadn’t been this nervous for a date in a long time— if you didn’t count the original date he and Tommy had gone on. Buck didn’t count that one as a real date given how it had ended. And he considered the wedding a pre-date since Tommy had missed the ceremony and since they were in a hospital they hadn’t gotten to have their dance. Tonight though, tonight was their real first date. His nerves were more manageable, excitement fluttering in his belly as he waited near the door for Tommy to come pick him up.
Buck bounced on his heels while he checked his watch. Tommy was late. It wasn’t a big deal, he was only ten minutes late so far but Buck couldn’t help the nerves that flared up. What if Tommy canceled? What if he decided that no, he didn’t want to go out with Buck anymore. They were in that in-between stage right now, they weren’t officially boyfriends yet and Buck felt a tendril of unease.
His worries were for naught though because seconds later there was a knock at his door and Buck let out a sigh of relief. He smiled wide as he opened the door. “Hey, Tommy.”
“Hey, Evan,” Tommy replied, smiling softly. Buck took a minute to appreciate how good Tommy looked in his henley, dark jeans and leather jacket before his eyes zeroed in on what Tommy had in his hands.
“What are those?” Buck asked, breathless.
“These are for you,” Tommy said, holding out a beautiful little bouquet of flowers. “They’re actually why I’m late, there was this guy in front of me who couldn’t choose a damn thing to save his life.”
Buck took the bouquet gently, cradling it like it was fragile as he looked at them in awe. “You got these…for me?”
“Of course,” Tommy said, leaning against the doorjamb. “I am trying to woo you, after all.”
“Trust me, I am plenty wooed,” Buck grinned, leaning in for a lingering kiss before breaking away with a happy sigh. “I’ve never— no one has ever gotten me flowers before,” Buck said quietly, his fingers brushing the delicate petals with reverence. “I don’t know if I have something to put these in— let me check.”
Buck whirled around, holding the flowers close as he started hunting through his cupboards for something suitable enough for him to put the flowers in. He was trying to remember whether or not he had a vase when he spotted a glass that looked sturdy enough to do the trick. He grabbed it and filled it with water before placing the bouquet inside and taking a step back. They looked utterly beautiful and Buck felt affection well in his chest at the thoughtful gesture from Tommy.
“There,” Buck said. “That should hold them until I can buy a proper vase.”
“Excellent,” Tommy said, holding out his hand. “Shall we?”
Buck caught his hand with a happy grin, grabbing his wallet and keys from the table and following Tommy out the door. He was so excited for their date, it had started off amazing and Buck knew it was only going to get better from here.
And while Tommy would go on to buy him many flowers, Buck would always, always remember that first bouquet.
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sassylegshayne · 1 year
marry me, idiot.
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AH ITS HERE!!!! I will say, like I've been saying, I'm still in the really early stages of this fic. like this has been edited twice where as every chapter of sylcd is done three times over so. I really have no clue when the next chapter will be out as I haven't finished it yet; might be during sylcd's final chapters or it might be after. 3.2k words let me know what you guys think!! enjoy mwah xx
series masterlist
"Okay, we have a slight issue." You heard the voice beside you clear as day despite the headphones that sat over your ears.
"Is the issue something you caused for us?" You turned to your best friend with a brow quirked.
"That's extremely rude but very true, yes." Spencer nodded as he took a sip from his cup, spinning his chair to face you. Spence and you had been close for a while, you joining the crew only a few months after Spence had, the two of you spending countless hours editing beside each other. The two of you grew close after a couple of longer projects. The two of you leaning on each other for advice and well needed breaks from time to time.
It has become a joke around the office about Spencer being your work husband; he had a knack for picking you up an drink on his way in, or grabbing lunch for the both of you, or Spencer's ability to pause anything he was working on at the snap of a finger for you. He was pretty much head over heels for you, and you were the only one blind enough to not see it. It's funny to think that you felt the same exact way, and everyone but Spencer could tell.
"So, remember when we started here and we became friends and we made that joke about when we turned thirty."
You stared blankly back at your best friend, the joke about marrying if you're both still single by thirty a distant memory in your mind by this point. It crossed your mind once recently. Last year, you spent your entire 'Dirty Thirty' party that the office threw for you clinging to Spencer.
You made a habit of keeping him alongside you for every big moment of your life since you'd met. You wanted to look back on these moments, that were destined to be great already, to include Spencer.
"Okay, so you do remember, that's great." Spencer clapped his hands together as he grinned at you.
"I saw a TikTok about the wedding gifts you get from inviting companies and rich people, even if you don't know them and I want in!" Spence argued, wiping his sweaty palms off on his pants as he worked his way towards the problem with this rambling explanation.
"I think it's unfair that just because two people are getting married they get to have all that stuff. With all my info had, I made some quick wedding invitations and sent some out, fully expecting PR packages to come back." He trailed off as
"Charles Spencer," You quietly chastised, wanting to not believe a word he was saying, but knowing deep down that Spencer was being truthful. "You are insane, I can't believe you did that!"
"T'm sorry, okay. Listen, Y/N, I thought it was gonna be a funny joke to give you a bunch of fake wedding gifts for our fake wedding on your real birthday! I didn't expect people to accept, but I know that is my fault for inviting some people that actually agreed."
"Charles," You started, using his legal name yet again. He wasn't usually worried about you using it, it wasn't some secret he was keeping it anything, but the tone in your voice told him that you weren't happy at all. "Who all accepted?"
"I'm sorry, I know I'm never gonna say that enough, but it was only a few people!" Spencer knew his voice was just getting higher and higher the more you two spoke, his anxiety spiking.
"Yes, okay, Rhett and Link accepted," A gasp left you as Spencer cringed, knowing his mistake. "Kathy Bates politely declined but sent an autographed headshot!" He removed the framed photo from his backpack before setting it beside your monitor.
He grinned worriedly, gesturing towards it as you let your forehead meet the desk, groaning.
"Besides the people that own the company we work for, who else said yes?" You asked through gritted teeth as Spencer looked to his phone, finding the note that held his list.
"Rapid fire, Tana Mongeau, Carrot Top, and Rob Schneider. It's not that many people, Y/N, we can just call it off." Spencer placed his hand on your back, rubbing softly as you groaned again, completely shocked by just how royally fucked this whole thing was gonna turn out to be no matter what you did.
"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N but. will you marry me?"
"emergency meeting at my desk in ten please need advice bc Spencer's an idiot"
"That's was very rude and I am plenty offended." Spencer quipped, setting his phone down on his desk after reading the group chat message you'd sent out. You shot him a glare, all argued out for the day after spending the last hour trying to convince Spence to let you tell your friends, hoping they'd help you figure out the story you'd make up in place of a wedding.
He finally caved, feeling terrible about the mess he had drug you into, allowing you to explore different ways out of this mess. In no time, Courtney, Damien and Shayne accompanied the two of you at your desks, various stolen chairs offering comfort to your friends.
"What did Spencer do now?" Damien asked, causing Spence to scoff and shake his head.
"I'm starting to get upset that everyone just assumes that I really fucked something up this bad." He defended himself as he leaned back in his chair, practically able to hear your eyes rolling.
"You did, though. You lied to people and now we're getting married." You stayed simply, eyes wide as you began to argue with your future better half yet again.
"You're already my work wife, we're pretty much married." You rolled your eyes once as Spencer countered you, reaching his hand towards your mug of coffee, being stopped as you lightly slapped at him.
"l'm sorry, I don't know if l'm missing something and everyone else is up to speed but, uh, when did y'all get together long enough to lead to getting married?" Shayne questioned, pulling your attention from Spencer as you took in the looks from those around you.
Damien's face held a mix of confusion and excitement, Courtney was rendered speechless and it seems like Shayne was using every last braincell he had to piece together this puzzle.
"Okay, phew, wow, that is what this meeting is about, honey." Spencer cooed as he grinned goofily at you, wrapping your left hand in his as he held your palm to his chest.
You tried your best to hid the smile that so desperately wanted to grace your lips, taking a deep breath as you closed your eyes, the feeling of a migraine quickly approaching.
You took your time explaining through the story, Spencer chiming in when needed but mostly stuck to nodding along as you spoke.
"Spencer," Damien pointed his index finger at the shorter man, both with brows raised at each other. "You're an idiot, my guy. Why did Rhett and Link seem like a good idea? Why did any of this seem like a good idea, but especially our bosses."
You sighed, resting your head in the palm of your hand as you awoke your monitor. You sat up as an email sat at the top of your inbox labeled important.
"Congratulations to Y/N and Spencer!"
You couldn't tell how long you spent staring at the desktop, the company wide email from the Mythical Management staring directly back. The noise of your friends chatter drown out as the words in the letter repeated over and over in your mind.
You had to go through with this, or you had to hide behind the arrangement and a shitty excuse of a prank. No other options popped into your head.
"Y/N? You okay?" A warm, familiar hand rested on your shoulder, giving you a gentle squeeze.
Spencer's eyes worriedly searched your face as his brow furrowed at your slumped frame. His gaze followed you, his heart sinking as he Scanned over the email.
"I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N..." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair as he leaned back once more.
The other three moved, all looking over your shoulders to read the message. Gasps and murmurs broke out between them as they say back down.
Your small group sat in silence for a moment. You thought you'd have more time to find a solution, a couple of days at least, but now you couldn't leave this room without some semblance of a plan.
"Let's get married." You still sat with a blank stare at the computer, your mind running a million miles a minute. You slowy explained your thoughts as thoroughly as you could.
Spencer and you were known as each other work spouses, even fans making memes about it. The two of you have talked about the agreement in the podcast, on an episode of Board AF, and in an upcoming reddit video with Shayne.
The fans always reacted well when the two of you were together, engaging with the content. There's countless edits of the two of you, even with the small amounts of videos you've been in together.
You can blame it on the arrangement you'd made, pull lan and a few of the other higher ups aside, presenting the idea.
Spencer and you would get married; you could make the content last up until next April, as planning a fake wedding would take some time anyways. That would mean an announcement video, probably a celebratory video with others in cast, even the process of picking out different parts of the wedding for Pit videos if they really wanted to milk it. Maybe even a TNTL gauntlet with your bridesmaids and groomsmen.
The one thing you wanted to thank Spencer for was the convenience of sharing one braincell. You could release the wedding video, the big finale in which the joke is revealed to the audience, playing it up as a fake relationship until April 1st. Spencer had thought it was funny to put the wedding date on the invitations as April Fool's Day, but it worked perfectly.
You took a deep breath, nodding your head as your eyes darted around your friends, anxious for their thoughts.
Spencer quickly wrapped his arms around your shoulders, kissing your forehead before he grinned at you.
"You are a fucking genius, lan's gonna love this idea. We can say we were prepping for the video, getting our invitation letters together accidentally sent it out. We can use whatever stuff we get as presents for the bogus invites for another video, too." Spencer added, looking to his friends as he chewed on his lip.
"I hate how quickly the two of you worked this out. We weren't needed." Shayne laughed softly, shrugging his shoulders.
"So it's not a stupid plan?" You asked, quickly distracted as the office door opens, lan's head peaking inside.
You lock eyes, offering him an awkward smile. He entered, coughing softly as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"Hey, uhm, can I talk to you guys in a little bit? Probably like twenty minutes, in the conference room." lan spoke, a tight lipped smile on his face as he looked between you and the man seated beside you.
You felt a pit in your stomach growing rapidly as you swallowed, nodding your head. This was horrific, it felt like you had disappointed your dad but he wouldn't admit it yet.
And the conferernce room? There was no doubt in your mind that if this wasn't happening in lan's office then it would be bigger than you expected. Lisa would have to be there, maybe Daniel, if they were that concerned; Rachel would probably be forced into it, no matter how much she wouldn't want to be involved. n nodded before promptly exiting, barely acknowledging the cast members.
You groaned loudly as the door shut, Spencer copying you.
"This sucks and I hate you." You shoved at his shoulder, huffing.
He rubbed his arm, pouting a bit.
"It does and I hate me too." He chuckled as a smile appeared on your soft lips.
Spencer felt like the boundaries between the two of you were figured out very early on, never set prematurely, always discovered naturally. Kissing your cheek was okay, forehead was okay, drunkenly kissing your neck was okay sometimes. Hand holding was very normal and platonic and something you two did constantly. Cuddling and spending the night together was normal, but you two wouldn't sleep in the same bed.
He knew that, so far, this system had worked If that didn't happen soon, things might get nuddy, feelings getting involved. Spencer knew his feelings on you, he had since about two years into your friendship.
For six years now, he's known just how much he cares about you with every fiber of his being. He knows he really would do anything for you, anything to be with you. He respected every boundary you set.
Spencer had a thing for constantly taking advantage of the things he could have. You were always greeted with some sort of kiss, never once on the lips. Your fingers laced well with his, especially when you were on his left side. He constantly sat close beside you, tossing an arm around your shoulders, resting a hand on your knee, giving your thigh a gentle joy in excitement.
Spencer yearned for you for so long that he'd learned to accept it. He didn't want to cut you out of his life to get over his feelings, he cared too much about you, so his only option was to accept his feelings and keep close to you. You two were best friends, where one was, the other wasn't far behind. You loved him, so fucking much you loved him. He knew this, but he also knew that you didn't love him in the way he wanted you to.
Your group is quick to disband, giving the two of you some space before your meeting. Spencer let the two of you sit in silence before he decided to pack his bag for the day, despite it barely even starting. He could feel your eyes on him, his back to you.
"Packing because figure they're gonna send us home today, no matter what they decide. Give them time to think it all over." You smiled, enjoying just how well he knew you. His words settled in, prompting you to follow suit.
As you zipped your bag shut, it hit you that in just a few minutes before you were supposed to face the consequences of your best friends well intended actions. It was a toss up over which of you was more nervous, the both of you with pounding hearts.
"I love you, dude." You mumbled as you wrapped your arms around Spencer's waist, sighing softly.
"I love you, too, dude." He chuckled, rubbing your back as he kissed your forehead.
"C'mon, champ, let's go knock 'em dead." Spencer winked as he held the door open for you. You took a deep breath before leaving you little editing room bubble.
The room was much, much more packed than either of you had expected it to be. The people you expected to be there were indeed, but alongside them sat Kiana, Selina, and Lizzy.
Spencer thanked his lucky stars when neither Rhett nor Link joined the lot of you. He found himself sitting back a bit, allowing you to take the reigns of explaining your bullshit reasoning for the situation you'd found yourselves in.
Three hours, three scarily long hours later and you finally stood from your chair, your feet tingling and your head pounding. Spencer and you said your polite goodbyes to everyone before heading back toward your office.
"I think that was fine." You stated, arms crossed as you stare down the hall ahead.
He chuckled, nudging his shoulder into yours.
"That went really well, you heard Daniel. It's gotta go through if he liked it that much. It's gonna work out."
You nodded your head, a smile tugging on your lips as you both grabbed your bags.
"Wanna hangout or, uh, give me a ride home? Shayne drove me this morning." Spencer smiled heepishly as he followed you into the parking lot.
"If I'm your fiancee now, I think you should tell me if there's something going on between the two of you." You poked as you both got into your car.
You scooted your chair away from your desktop as you rubbed your eyes, now realizing just how long you'd been sat starting at your screen playing Minecraft with Spencer.
You smiled softly, feeling a tug at your heart at the sight before you. He sat slumped into your couch, eyes focused and brow furrowed as you cat napped on top of the cushion behind him.
Craig and Spencer had a love hate relationship, both of them usually eager for your attention at the same time, causing them to butt heads. Your cat and your best friend were both horribly stubborn.
But then there'd be moments like this, or when Craig curls up with Spencer on your couch, or when he follows Spence through your own house, even if you're still right where your kitty left you.
You stretch, taking off your headphones as you rise and stretch, catching Spence glancing over at you, smiling softly.
"Oh shit, you're still here?" You questioned as you walked past the couch, heading into your kitchen, yawning softly. You check your watch, catching it at just past five in the afternoon.
Spencer chuckled, watching as his eyes followed your every move as you danced around your small kitchen, seemingly opening every cabinet to find what you needed.
"Check your email, Charmander." You mindlessly called out to him, the nickname leaving him to roll his eyes as he dug into his pocket.
"You are the absolute worst with nicknames, need you to know that. Just call me Charles at this point." He laughed as you flipped him off as you turn, spoon in your mouth.
You join him on your couch with two peanut butter and banana sandwiches on one plate, sitting it on the space between you. Spencer nods a thanks to you as he grabbed his, taping your sandwiches together as a toast.
He loads into his email, refreshing it as you take your first bite. His wide eyes cause you a bit of stress, making you sit up straight.
"Good or bad?"
"Uh, good, I think. My schedule got changed." Spencer quickly switched over to his calendar, it had to be good; they don't just switch the schedule halfway through the month.
His eyes scanned over the new or changed parts, reading the first one he saw.
'Engagement Shoot' scheduled for tomorrow at 10AM.
"We did it, Joe." Spencer turns to you with a grin, quickly pulling you into a tight hug. You groaned and rolled your eyes, before quickly squealing as you wrapped your arms around him, bouncing in your seat.
They got what they wanted, right?
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shhh-secret-time · 4 months
I love love love your stuff! Can we get a jealousy smut fic?! I don't care with who I just want something tasty!
I was feeling super bad about my writing today, I really struggled with this one but when I went back and read what you wrote it made me feel a lot better. Thank you anon I really appreciate it. And thank you to everyone who voted on the poll! Warning: NSFW, Oral, Strong Language, Drinking Pairing: Kyle x M!Reader Note: I've never written for male reader before, but I want everyone who reads my things to feel included somehow. I didn't include anything crazy in this story because of it. So this one is more on the tamer side of things.
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His head hurt. The ache started from the middle of his forehead and spread like a blanket over his skull. Naturally the cure would be going to a party late at night that his best friend drug him too. With medicine being some jungle juice in a red solo cup that said best friend shoved into his hand.
"Loosen up Kyle you look like you're about to explode." He almost didn't hear Stan over the sound of the music playing over them.
Each song had a heavy bass, like a heartbeat slamming into the side of his head and his chest. The kind of music that you could feel in your ribcage each time the beat dropped. So yeah, he really was about to explode. Whatever was in his cup wasn't helping either, the sugary drink was making his heart spike and his stomach churn.
"Stan, I didn't even want to fucking be here in the first place. I'm here for you." Kyle grumbles back once the song finishes, they have a few moments of silence before it picks back up.
"No, you're not. You and I both know if you really wanted to you would have left by now." Stan teases, shooting him a lazy smirk.
Kyle can feel his face burn, like the drink in his hand, it's a mixture of emotions. Rage and embarrassment swirled together with his headache creating the perfect concoction in the red head’s body. His grip on his cup tightens as his arms flex under the forest green flannel and faded Crimson Dawn shirt.
Every bit of him hated the fact that Stan was right, and even more that he knew the reason why Kyle was enduring this. This shit night, this shit drink, this shit music, this shit headache. Why he endured this shit party and all other parties he's been attending the last week.
Dark green orbs travel over to the dance floor where you've been for the past few hours. He can't stop himself from watching the way your hips sway back and for, the way your jeans squeeze your sides in the most delicious way. Even in the dim light he can see how flushed your face looks from all the dancing you've been doing; his eyes lock on to the beads of sweat the travel down your neck and how it slides down your Adam's apple.
Kyle takes a drink of his alcohol, but it does nothing about how dry his mouth feel. His lips now glistening under lights coming off the cell phones that surround him. He barely registers the taste of the coke or the way the drink burns the back of his throat. Not when he can almost taste the drink that's on your lips.
Fuck he was thirsty.
"Earth to Kyle. Dude you're staring." Stan's fingers snapped him out of his trance.
Kyle looked over at Stan with his mouth open slightly. He raises a brow and scoffs, trying to clear his mind.
"You can go dance with him you know? You don't have to stand in this corner! Might have a little competition though." Stan says, gesturing over to you. "Looks like Bebe's all over him."
He was right, but that was nothing new. Bebe practically clinging to your arm, her body all but grinding against yours. Not that this was anything new, she was always around you. Whether it was walking to classes together or sitting at lunch with one another, she was always there. Anytime Kyle even thought about going up to you to talk to you, she was always fucking there. His fingers dipped into the plastic cup making it crack, the amber liquid spilling out onto his fingers.
"Fuck! Look I don't want to dance. I'm just gonna get another drink." Kyle grumbles pushing past his friend.
Jealousy was an ugly beast; one Kyle knew all too well. Insecurity was something he struggled with, ever since he was a kid and it only got worse when he got older. Getting smacked with a growth spurt that made him shoot up past his friends, while it was great for basketball, it drew too much attention as if his stupid curly red hair didn't do that already. He was wishing he brought his hat, why he ever let Stan talk him into things like this he never knew.
The path to the table with all the alcohol was mostly clear. A few people laying off to the side talking to one another or passed out. The smell of weed and alcohol in the air made Kyle scrunch up his nose as he threw the broken cup away. It wasn't hard to find a new one, they were scattered everywhere, now finding one that was abandoned with a drink already in it was a different story. As he scanned the table for a new cup another walking headache approached the table with him.
Eric Cartman, the bane of his existence and the biggest source of his insecurities. Although at this very moment, Bebe was giving him a run for his money. That didn't mean he wanted him to talk however, but like always his mouth worked faster than Kyle's legs.
"I don't know how to tell you this Kyle...but you look like a total shit bag right now. You...you are aware this is a party. You know that thing people go to when they want to have fun." Eric's voice was what sandpaper grinding against skin would sound like, Kyle was sure.
"Fuck off asshole, I really don't want to deal with you right now." Kyle sighs as he picks up a cup.
"Awh, and here I was about to throw you a lifeline. A little birdie told me you've been eye fucking Bebe's boy toy all day." Eric leans against the table pretending to inspect his nails, and his tone alone makes Kyle want to cave his face in.
Kyle grits his teeth trying to focus on the pour of whatever clear liquid he grabbed. "And would that birdie like me to smash his fucking teeth in?"
"You've been using that threat since we were kids. Come on Kyle don't pretend like you aren't at least a little curious as to what I've got to say. We both know how this will go. You're angry because you have sand in your vagina, and I'll tell you what I want because I don't respect you."
Kyle slams the bottle down with a loud thud and glares at him, his grip on the neck of the bottle is so tight he's white knuckling it. Eric holds his hands up in defense, a small bead of sweat trails down the side of his face.
"Believe it or not, I want to help! I've got a lot riding on this little bet with Craig, and I can't have you fucking me out of a hundred and fifty dollars."
"What makes you think I want your help, Cartman?!"
"You don't, but once again. One hundred. And. Fifty. Dollars." Eric holds up his index fingers as he slows his speaking down. "And you need the help, as funny as this is watching you suffer, I'm your friend and as your friend...you would want me to have a hundred and fifty dollars."
No, he really wouldn't. He would want Cartman to get hit by a bus, or at the very least to leave him alone. Kyle could feel himself boiling over at this point his hands were shaking, and his body felt like it was on fire. He was at his tipping point.
"Look I can get you an hour or so with him alone, all you have to do is grow a pair and talk to him. You can't talk to him because Bebe's always around him, right? Well, how do you think Wendy felt with you and Stan? And who brought them together?"
"Aliens aren't real Kyle, quit making shit up. It was me." He's never seen Eric look or sound so offended before. "You can stand in your gay little corner drinking by yourself, or you can go talk to him and be gay with him in another corner."
As Kyle went to open his mouth to yell at him nothing came out, once again he couldn't find anything to say to him. Nothing that wouldn't be a string of swears or him finally connecting his fist to his smug face. Instead, he closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. At the very least he could blame the alcohol for this horrible idea.
Eric took the silence as a yes, with a wicked grin he put his hand on the taller man's shoulder. "Leave it to me Kyle. You'll know the signal when you see it."
He should stop him. He should stop Eric from doing whatever dumb shit he was going to do. But he doesn't, his heart is pounding so hard in his chest that the music seems like a lullaby.
Kyle watches as Eric walks right up to you and Bebe, he walks with such confidence. The confidence of someone who was not invited to this party but showed up anyway, because that's exactly the kind of person he was. The music makes it where he can't hear what he says to you but the look on your face goes from a relaxed smile to a horrified look.
That's when your eyes lock with his. Kyle nearly leaps from his skin as he watches you look between him and Eric. Eric has his hand on his hips and his fingers snapping up at your face.
"No... he isn't."
Eric shouts something, and Bebe steps in between the both of them. She puts her fingers in his face and glares up at him shouting something back. Eric bobs his head to the side swiveling it around like bobble head almost.
"He is. Oh, my fucking god." Kyle puts his face in his hands.
He's past the point of anger. He's beyond seeing red, it's just white. White noise and a ringing in his ear. The steady thumping of his heartbeat and the music is the only thing grounding him. To keep him from flying off the handle and probably making the situation worse.
His fingers tug at the flesh of his skin, pulling it down as he moves from his hands. Fuck it. He's had enough. Had enough of sitting on the sidelines and watching everyone else get to have your attention. The drink was left forgotten on the table behind him, he had gotten what he needed from it.
"A little liquid courage goes a long way." Stan used to say, and maybe he was right.
Kyle's across the room before he knows it, all that basketball playing finally paid off. He's able to dodge sweaty bodies still moving around on the dance floor. A man with a clear destination and nothing was going to stop him.
You don't have time to register the fact Kyle has you by the wrist or the fact that he's dragging you away from the dance floor. He tries to keep his grip gentle, he really does, but through this anger everything in his body has gone numb. You're not complaining about any pain, but he thinks he hears you say something about walking too fast.
Kyle drags you upstairs so he can talk to you without screaming matches or loud music. Without prying eyes or nosey party goers. But now that he's got you here, he doesn't know what to say. Doesn't know how to approach this without blowing up. It's not your fault, you don't deserve this.
"What did Cartman say to you?" So, he settles with that, a question. At the very least he can direct all this anger towards Cartman.
You look down between the two of you, looking at the way he still has his larger hand wrapped around your wrist. It's funny, this whole situation. At first you were a little freaked out when Eric just came up and suddenly started yelling at you, but when you saw the look in Kyle's eyes it clicked.
The suspicion that Kyle Broflovski had a crush on you was always there. His gaze lingering a little longer than normal, the way he'd blush and turn his head away from you like he wasn't just admiring you from across the room. When he'd come to you asking for help in class you knew he was passing. All those times he nags at you for not wearing gloves in the Colorado cold, saying something about how you'll get sick and then he'll be forced to take care of you.
Yeah, he wasn't slick. And the poor man wore his heart on his sleeve. If he wasn't trying to sneak peeks at you, then he was shooting glares at Bebe. Oh, how little he knew. Now it all made sense why he shot those dirty looks. Why he was starting to avoid you when earlier in the year he seemed so eager to have lunch with you.
"If he said something that hurt your feelings, I swear I'll turn his spinal fluid into an option at the God damn McDonald's soda fountain." Kyle snarls through gritted teeth.
You almost want to chuckle at his reaction, curling your index finger and pressing your lips to the side to stop it from slipping out. "Sorry I was just taken back by all of this. It's not like you to up and grab someone like this Kyle."
He blinks once, and then twice before realizing he's still got a firm grip on you. His face turns red, and he drops your hand like it's hot coal burning his palm.
"Sorry! I just needed to get you away from him, before he said something stupid!" His apology is so cute. The way he won't even look you in the eye. "He didn't say anything stupid, did he?"
"Oh, not much." You shrug and smirk when he lets out a little sigh of relief. "Just that I'm a homewrecker for trying to come in between you two."
"Yeah, something about how I'm stepping up on his man and then he started snapping. Which by the way, great choice in a partner. I didn't know you guys were a thing~." You knew damn well they weren't, not from the way Kyle looked like he was about to explode. Perhaps you were adding fuel to this already raging fire, but if you were honest with yourself. You liked this side of Kyle. The way his eyes darkened and the way his body tensed.
"That fat fucking bastard. I'm gonna kill him!" Just as Kyle was about to leave you in whatever room he dragged you into, you stepped between him and the door putting your arms out.
"Hold on! Just let Bebe handle it, she's got it under control. This is her party."
"She doesn't get to handle him! I'm going to take care of him! It's about time someone put him in his fucking place!"
"Kyle. It's Bebe's party. She can just kick him out and we can go back to having a good time." You place your hand on his chest, trying to guide him back to where he was standing.
He wants to, he really does. The feeling of your hand on his chest almost brings him out of his anger. But your words keep echoing in his head. Eric's stupid plan almost cost him everything, again. "You don't understand! He does this all the time! I'm tired of him getting in the way! She doesn’t get to take this from me to!"
No, he didn't mean that last part, it's not Bebe's fault. He knows that. It's not her fault he can't think straight around you. It's not her fault for wanting to be around you, he can't blame her for that. She probably just sees everything he sees. How wonderful you are, how you light up every room you walk in. How, even now, you're trying to keep the peace and save Cartman's life. Anyone else would have just let that man to die, but here you were Eric Cartman's guardian angel and he didn't even know.
"Bebe? She didn't do anything! What could she have taken!?"
"She's always around you!"
"You mean like you and Stan?"
"No! I mean- it's different! I'm not dating Stan!"
"I'm not dating Bebe!"
He blinks again and it's like he's been hit with cold water. The adrenaline in his veins dulls down to a small buzz. The headache in his head reminds him that it's still here and stronger than ever because of the yelling.
"What?" He asks in a softer tone.
"I'm not dating Bebe!" You yell back as you move your hands off his chest. You cross your arms over yours and give him the most bored look he's ever seen on a person. One that would give Tucker a run for his money.
"Then...why is she..."
"She's gay Kyle. You think you're the only one who gets roped into their friends’ stupid schemes?" You roll your eyes and smirk at him. "She's been trying to make this one chick in our science class jealous."
Fucking oh. That's all he can say. It takes everything in his power not to jump out of the window behind him and just leave town. He could change his name and skip a few states. Grow a beard and shave his head, you'd never see him again and he'd never have to answer for this moment. But his legs feel to heavy to move.
"Yep~! But...it's nice to know you and Eric aren't a thing." Your voice breaks him right out of his little pity party. "You can do so much better."
It takes him a second to realize that you've closed the gap. It's when he feels your fingertips trailing up his forearm, brushing against the veins popping out, that you're touching him. When you look up at him with heavy lidded eyes, he gulps. Trying to swallow that weird lump in his throat.
"If you're so worried that someone else will snatch me up, why not confess to me right now? Unless...I'm reading this whole situation wrong." You move your hands back just as they reach his shoulder blade, and his hand twitches by his side. "Then I can just go back downstairs and ask McCormick for a dance~"
Your back hits the wall as Kyle's resolve finally breaks. His lips crashing down on yours with such a force his teeth clack against yours. It's messy, consuming, and heated.
You can taste the jealousy on his lips.
When you kiss him back, his hands have your wrists pinned to the wall next to your head. Lips locked onto yours and moving against yours with such a frenzy. His teeth tug at your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You respond by biting his back, pulling a moan from him.
Kyle's tongue pushes past your teeth and into your mouth. His tongue meets yours feverishly, twining around in a rushed dance. Your hips roll up against his, the same ones he couldn't take his eyes off of a minute ago. A minute ago, he was breaking his cup because of how jealous he was of Bebe, and now he's got his tongue down your throat pulling the sexiest moans out of your mouth. He devours every one of them until you break the kiss.
His brows furrow before he realizes you broke for air. Your chest heaving as you try to take in as much as you can. You’re rushing to get back to his lips and it almost brings a smile to his face. Kyle cups the side of your face letting his fingertips trace your jawline.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out at Bebe like that. She's your friend and I should've just talked to you."
"Hm-mm~" You nod up at him still trying to recover from the small make out sesh.
"And... you’re right I should just confess that I really want to date you. That I've liked you for a while now. This isn't how I wanted to do it but...I'm not complaining." He whispers against your lips.
"You're so hot when you tell me I'm right." You press a kiss onto the corner of his lips. "Apology accepted handsome. Now do it right."
Kyle chuckles and brushes his nose across yours. The tip of his nose slides down the bridge of yours just as his lips over yours, dangerously close for another kiss. "Hey. You wanna go out with me so I can stop being jealous all the time."
"Hm..." You pretend to think about his question for a moment making him smirk. He tugs you against his body reminding you that you're trapped against him and the wall. It pulls a laugh right out of you, and you run your fingers through his hair. "Yeah handsome, I'd like that. Just like how I'd reaaaaally like it if you kept kissing me."
Kyle laughs and his lips find yours again. "You really think I'm handsome?"
"So handsome. You walked in with that green flannel and tight shirt, I wanted to rip it off you." You're able to get all of that out in-between kissing him, not willing to break the contact for too long.
"Fuck." Kyle's hands fall to your waist and squeezes it in return. "I wanted to take this slow. Do this right but you're making it so hard."
"I know I can feel it. It's poking me."
"That's not what I meant! Shit! I'm sorry I- oh fuck." He hisses when you roll your hips against him.
His cock is stained against his zipper, the tent in his pants is hard to miss. Nothing could have prepared him for the way you rolled yours against him. He could feel your erection sliding up against his thigh, the material of your jeans working against his.
"Want me to take care of that for you?" Kyle's head starts spinning when your hands slip under his shirt and your fingers slide down the front of his pants. Your palm pressed against the v that dips down.
The way your name comes out of his lips in a breathy whisper almost makes you pull his pants down right then and there. How can you expect him to answer you clearly when your lips are pressing the softest kisses down his throat. "I don't want you to feel like y-you have to."
"Kyle. I want this. I want you. Please don't make me beg for it." How can he say no? Not when your fingers are already playing with the button of his pants. Fingernails tapping against it, rubbing circles around the only thing separating your hands from his cock.
Kyle has no composure left; he's starting to feel his cock ache. He nods down at you and goes to pull his pants open. You watch him with a look of hunger in your eyes, watch as he slides his pants down and listen to the way his breath catches in his throat. Your eyes widen at the sight of his cock springing out of his boxers, bobbing when his tip catches on the thin material.
"Hey Ky."
"H-hm?" He's not able to keep the shakiness out of his voice when you wrap your hands around his cock and sink to your knees.
"I want you to fuck my throat." His heart stops momentarily when you talk.
It returns twice as hard when you begin slowly pumping his dick, hammering against his chest each time your fist slides down and grips the base of his member. "Are you sure sweetheart?"
That's new. The way Kyle calls you that makes your heart pick up. He watches as you move to get comfortable on your knees, his eyes burning down at you. The height difference isn't so bad but it's just enough to where he has to bend down a bit to run his fingers through your hair.
"You really want me to beg for it." He does. He likes the thought of you begging for his cock, the thought of your mouth watering just to get a taste of him. So, he answers you with a little grip on your scalp, fingers wrapping around the locks of your hair.
"Oh~! Fuck! Please!" And he's right, the way you beg is so sweet. Kyle groans and tugs your head back causing you to arch up towards him. Forcing your head up towards him.
As your mouth parts to let out a pretty little moan, the head of his cock presses against your lips. The pre-cum the leaks out of the slit coats your lips, and then your tongue when you let it fall out. Kyle's dick twitches against your little kitten licks before he lets it glide into your mouth. He never could have imagined how amazing it feels to have your red swollen lips wrapped around his length.
Kyle reaches out and traces your lips with his fingers, your lustful gaze watching his every movement. A thick strand of saliva coating his fingers before he pushes his cock into your warm inviting throat. He rocks his hips against your mouth slowly at first. Each time he pulls out more saliva gathers at the base of his cock.
You try to take as much of Kyle as you can, the soft sounds of you gagging through the wet thrusts feels messy. It was sloppy and so incredibly hog. Watching the red head lose himself, the restraints he put on himself snapping with each long glide against your tongue. Not long after you hollow your cheeks and continue to suck him off, does he finally break. His hips snap forward thrusting into your mouth faster.
Kyle is so pretty. His lips parted slightly as he struggles to bite back the moans, you're pulling from him. The hand that's no longer tracing your lips is pressed against the wall, holding him up so his legs don't give out.
What has you weak in the knees isn't the way he's got his hands in your hair, pulling your mouth down the length of his cock. Holding it there for a moment only to slide you right back off. Or the way he's using your throat to chase his own high, his thighs flexing under the touch of your palm. It's the way he's kept eye contact with you this entire time, the way his eyes are watching every little thing you do. No matter how intense it all feels or gets, he can't break away.
You have him in this trance that only seems to break when he feels himself getting close. When he tries to pull away, he feels your hands grab at his thighs, a small moan pulled from him again when you dig your nails into his flesh.
"Fuuuck...Sh-shit I'm cumming!" How sweet of him to give you a warning. With a hum you shot him a wink.
That did it. The little gesture was too much for Kyle. A shiver that feels oh too good shoots down his spine as thick ropes of cum spill into your mouth. Kyle pulls out after some time, carefully holding the side of your face as you drink down the bitter climax.
You raise to your feet with a smile, as he takes his hand away to tuck himself back into his pants. Once he's finishes, he cups your face and pulls you back towards him.
"That was...you're incredible."
"I know. But it's nice to hear." You chuckle as he pressed another kiss into your temple. "Don't think I'm done with you yet handsome. Say you walk me home and we enjoy the night to ourselves."
"I think I'd like that. Wanna sneak out the back?" With a grin you take his hand and lead him out of the room. Kyle will never ever admit to Eric that his plan somehow magically worked. But when the time comes for Eric to collect that one fifty, Kyle will make sure he gets it. At least then its bragging rights.
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skyf0ckz · 2 months
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First piece for MerMay! Based on mermaid art from the 1800s <3
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nobodysdaydreams · 17 days
How I Think Various Members of the Mysterious Benedict Society (show) Would Use Social Media (in no particular order)
Miss. Perumal: makes Instagram reels about being a homeschooling mother (in a good way) and shares education tips with other parents and teachers.
Jackson and Jillson: Do dance routines together on TikTok. The entire comment section is speculating on whether they are dating or siblings. They never clarify because the speculation keeps their account popular.
Sticky: He has the most professional looking LinkedIn you could possibly imagine and also has membership on those fancy sites where professors post their research.
Reynie: Got a Facebook and rarely uses it because he spends most of his time on Goodreads where he has hundreds of followers because he gives the best book recommendations.
Kate: Went viral for doing circus tricks on TikTok (as she should).
Constance: Has a twitter she uses exclusively to bully Curtain. Has another twitter she uses to pretend to be Curtain’s friend to gain his trust and learn his secrets in order to manipulate him. She also has a tumblr where she posts poetry but like all good tumblr users, no one knows it’s her.
SQ: Has an art Instagram account that’s super popular. Follows a ton of psychology accounts about toxic parenting and boundary setting.
Jeffers: Somehow ended up on a random side of TikTok that has nothing to do with him or he got himself cancelled on accident.
Dr. Garrison: Sends Curtain anonymous hate and follows Sticky on LinkedIn under a fake name. Spends most of her time on academic platforms updating her research portfolio.
Number Two: became mutuals with SQ because they both follow the same psychology accounts about boundary setting and toxic parenting. They don’t know who each other is, so neither understands the implications of this.
Rhonda: runs a positivity account and posts stuff like “you’re doing amazing!” and “take some time to be grateful today!”. Everyone knows her as “that nice lady from the internet!”
Martina: Bullies people online through anon accounts until she gets some therapy and turns it around and starts live blogging tetherball matches instead.
Nicholas: he spends a lot of time on Goodreads and has a TikTok where he reviews books. He also keeps trying to DM Nathaniel on various social media platforms. Nathaniel leaves hate comments under Nicholas’ videos, but Nicholas never blocks him because he hopes his brother will keep commenting (and he views this as a healthier way for Nathaniel to express his anger. More social media hate, less time taking over the world. Plus Constance bullies him right back, so it’s even).
Milligan: films videos and makes posts about woodworking, grilling, and wilderness survival because these are his hobbies. People follow him for that, and then one day Kate is in one of his videos and the entire comment section is “WAIT THIS GUY IS THE VIRAL CIRCUS GIRL’S DAD??”
Nathaniel Benedict/LD Curtain: has tons of old accounts because he’s been cancelled so many times. He made an account to promote the Institute that he never showed his face on and one to promote his happiness cult that he later deleted. He also made a secret account under a fake name that he uses to follow Nicholas and comment on his posts to earn his trust. Nathaniel smugly considers this high level spy work that Nicholas is none the wiser to, but he mainly uses the account because he misses Nicholas, and he doesn’t get a ton of intelligence from it. Meanwhile, Nicholas thinks of this account as a mutual and online friend that happens to remind him of his brother that he really misses.
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ria-coolgirl · 2 months
I have idea for a lost boys au!
So what if the boys we know and love were aliens instead of vampires and on David’s planet a motorcycle race is considered as marriage proposal and David gives Michael a pet name like darling!
Kind of like this!
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your-local-mom-whore · 8 months
I’ve seen these around and I always love them so I made one of my own. May I present…
Redacted audio characters as things my friends and I have said:
“I hate when I can hear a man breathe.” -Vincent speaking about Adam
“I would’ve walked into traffic honestly” -Lasko
“In our scare men era.” -literally all of the Shaw pack mates
“I’m sick but in love.” -David
“I love when a man sounds like he’s in agony because he loves his partner so much.” -Lovely
“Imagine losing your job for being a slut.” -Aaron
“I take joy in ruining a man’s day.” -Alexis
“If I stabbed him then what?” -Darlin
“I look forward to waking up and being mean to him.” -Asher about Christian
“Yeah literally in between his thighs is my head.” -Damien
“ No literally why are you off script?” -Marcus or Kody
“She’s a liam girl.” -Angel
“Like I’m sorry I didn’t know this was a WHORE HOUSE.” -anyone speaking to Gavin (with love of course)
“Any man I see I’m gonna spit on for rihanna.” -Freelancer
“Shit made me wanna take a melatonin too, lord.” -Sam
“Can’t a bitch go sleepy?” -Ollie
“I just got feelings a year ago.” -Gavin
“I’ll be quiet and cry only a little.” -Lasko
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(TRIGGER WARNING/TW FOR THIS ENTIRE POST GUYS) Dee angst for @anomalocaris-enthustist
<3 Dee is battling an eating disorder. We see him skip breakfast in one episode, and we also see him skip lunch to blackmail another kid at his school and pathetically attempt to “save” Heavy from gopher. His parents also threw a lunch bag at Heavy but it didn’t show them giving one to Dee??? Hmm that was weird of his parents. it’s suspicious that we really never see him actually eat
<3 Dee cuts… he always wears jeans and boots even when other characters are wearing shorts and he wears leather bracelets that he never takes off. Even in Heavy’s insta when they’re wearing “Halloween costumes” or got into Glam’s old rock clothes, Dee is wearing the same bracelets. And then when asked how he deals with everything? He hesitates for a second looks at his wrists, then simply states, “I have my methods.”
<3 Dee longs so desperately for his father’s approval. As we see in the show, he’s loved by his teacher at school and is almost worshipped as the smartest in the class. He performs well on every test. He doesn’t get the validation he wants from Glam so he looks to get it from his teacher instead. I feel like although Dee makes it seem like it comes easy to him, it doesn’t. I imagine little sticky notes about the collapse of the Byzantine Empire in his copy of Lord of the Rings, hours spent lying awake late at night thinking about the next unit, a pristine looking textbook for school and one with demented scribbles all over it to study at home. Music doesn’t come easy for Dee, sure, but if Glam nurtured it instead of rejecting that Dee has any talent at all, Dee might’ve been as good at guitar as he is at school.
<3 Dee is bullied at school. Not just by Chipmunk but by other kids as well. He always tries to be a hero and protect Heavy when Heavy gets in fights, but I feel like he may be bullied just in general when Heavy is not involved as well. I also have a theory where Dee sneaks out of the window at night because he has made “deals” with kids who would bully Heavy, but they leave Heavy alone in exchange for Dee going to meet them at night instead. Maybe sometimes they would be satisfied just beating Dee up, or sometimes they’ll ask him to steal things for them… the possibilities are endless
<3 Dee hates being looked at, maybe due to not liking his appearance. We see he averts his eyes when Lif looks directly at him, and he is outright mean to Diane when she stares for too long. He’s just very insecure about himself.
<3 Dee struggles with anxiety and depression. He just has the vibes for it
<3 Glam and Vicky focus so much on Heavy because he’s younger and such a handful that they forget Dee is still growing too. I’ve noticed they tend to treat Heavy more like an actual kid, but whenever Dee is involved they seem to treat him like an adult. For example, when they told Glam on separate occasions that he’d been summoned to school, Glam’s reaction to Heavy was just an “ok :)!” But when Dee came in Glam was surprised and disappointed like, “Oh… it’s you, Dee :(.” And it may be because they expect Dee to be more mature but they’re always harsher with him. Like when Dee doesn’t go to school bc he has a field trip first period and Vicky immediately starts yelling, but a few episodes later Heavy gets to skip school on the day of an important test for his birthday
(also guys making it clear that i don’t headcanon glam or Vicky as abusive. I think they both have trauma and they’re trying their best to overcome it and honestly the way they treat Dee is a pretty common dynamic some parents fall into. Although I do think they should maybe try to make up for their mistakes at some point)
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HI YAY HERE’S MY COXSTROKE FIC I AM VERY EXCITED! Also when it says slowburn I mean SLOW AS FUCK so buckle up
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madamairlock · 9 months
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My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered In you
Ivy by Taylor Swift || Spaceparents [10/10]
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uknowme-not · 1 year
Midnight walk
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Jeongin (I.N) x female Reader (Idol AU)
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Y/N is an Idol, her and I.N are close with past flirting, She has always wanted to go to the beach at night :)
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Friends to lovers? Confessing feelings, Fluff, a bit of angst (cause I'm a sucker for that), Late night walk, kisses, sort of happy ending?
𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚: Sorry it's a bit messy (also an old fic and definitely not the best ^^;). Enjoy!
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"I want to go to the beach" you sigh as the makeup artist finishes doing your blush.
I.N sits across from you on his phone. "It's 9:39 PM" he chuckles.
"I know, I know," you say looking at the time and the managers around you. "One night, can you take me?" you ask.
The way you looked at him, though it wasn't anything to you, made his heart blush. "Of course Y/N"
You smile at the response as you get up from your chair. Your black sundress staying perfectly still as you do so.
"See you after" You wave as you get ready for your interview.
————————— ୨୧ —————————
After the interview, you thank all the backstage managers.
"Great job Y/N! hope to see you soon"
You smile at the compliment, "Thank you guys for all your work." You cheer as you walk to your belongings.
You go to collect your coat but before you could go I.N holds your hand.
"You said you wanted me to go to the beach tonight" he smiles.
"Let's go" he says leading you out an exit door as you follow with a big smile on your face.
He had your purse with him as he takes you through the back to avoid the paparazzi. You couldn't help yourself but turn red from such act. How could he be so kind? How could he be so...perfect
The two of you run holding hands and giggling all the way to the beach. You take off your platforms and step on the sand with I.N. The two of you standing by the wave as you watch it all crash between your toes.
"Anyone would be lucky to have you," you say looking at the wave crash. You like I.N but your heart feels as if you couldn't. He's your best friend. Not only that, what would fans say? Two idols dating each other? The haters would go crazy. Especially since he's from one of the leading 4th gen groups. If anything he deserves better. You only wish he could find someone that makes him happy.
"Y/N..." he sighs
"You deserve someone that makes you happy," you say. Still gazing upon the moon's reflection on the water. You avoided looking at him, you didn't want him to see you, he can read you like a book, and he'd know, deep down, you're hurting.
"...There is someone" he sighs "I can't help myself around her, she makes me confident and yet...so nervous"
You tried to ignore the pain in your heart when he said this.
"She-she cares for everyone and I can't help but fall for her" he smiles looking at the moon.
"She's very lucky" you stuttered, trying to get those words out as best and confidently as possible.
"Can you look at me?" He says as you can feel his stare pierce your cheek. You quickly sigh, turning your head to face him.
"Yeah?" You ask.
"I-I" he starts to blush "I can't help myself but fall" he smiles reciting what he was just saying.
He took a step closer towards you and holds your cheeks softly. As if it was a dream, he lifts your face up a bit and kisses you. You get closer and deepen the kiss a bit. Your hands slowly go from his chest, to his shoulder, to his neck, playing with the small hairs at the back of his neck. And you can't help but blush.
His soft lips were enough to keep you warm through the night. You can't explain it but being here, with him. You felt unstoppable.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the publicity this might get, but I-I can't help myself," he says.
"I.N, you deserve someone who has their full attention on you" you argue.
"But even just this! this works for me Y/N, I don't care, when, how-" he says before you cut him off.
"I.N, we need to chat about this," you say squeezing his hands in your own.
This isn't just your decisions, it's your managers, it's stray kids, and it's the company. You may want to date him, but is it worth losing everything?
"I understand" he sighs before smirking "one more kiss?"
You smile as you lean in for another kiss. It's quick but deep. Like everything you've ever wanted to tell him was there, and yet, you wanted to say more.
It's strange how much a kiss can mean, as if every time he gets closer, every time he's near and with you, it's like everything you ever wanted was right in front of you.
You cut the kiss short, not wanting to draw it out any longer because it'll make it harder for you to say no.
"I don't want this night with you to end," he says.
You smile at this comment "We need to head back" you suggest, still red from how he made you feel.
I.N groans jokingly but as the two of you walked back, his arm stayed holding onto your waist as your heart continues to beat for him.
© youfoundme-not 2023 | copying, translating and/or stealing my work is prohibited ♡
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small-tragedies · 7 months
Last Line Challenge! Post your last line of writing, whatever writing you want to consider, and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
This is a scene from an upcoming Louigan fic, but with a twist because it's going to be through Tina's eyes. I got this from a writing prompt a couple months ago, and I really wanted to save it, but at the same time, I loved writing this scene too much not to show it.
Tina gave Louise a contemplative stare as she asked slowly. One had to be careful when asking Louise a question she wouldn't like, or else... “You have a soft spot for him, don’t you?”
Louise paused, her fingers drumming on the table and mulling over the question as she said, “...That’s like saying, I like to murder kittens for fun, T.” She stated flatly, dodging the question entirely.
Tina blinks. She wasn't the least bit surprised by her sister bypassing the question all together with a question of her own (a morbid one at that, but Louise loved using shock value, especially to get Tina to get off her back). Giving her a look. “How the fuck does that correlate to my question?” It was rare for Tina to cuss, but if her sister wanted ‘shock value’, she was going to get it.
Louise let out a scandalized gasp, crooning sarcastically, “Tina! Language. To answer your ‘question,’” she made air quotes on the word question: “Both are baseless accusations.”
Okay, I know I'm probably not playing the game right, but I seriously don't have enough people to tag. 😅 So I'm only tagging three people.  (I'm sorry that I tagged you again, Babs. I  saw your post and thought it'd be fun to try.) @twisting-echo @javelin505 @babsvibes
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Hiii Akira, may we please a lefreres fic on occasion of arthur's birthday and to forget all the heartache the past few weeks have brought us? thank u, i love u so much
hi anon! i am currently working on the chicfest fic and it's kicking my ass, so im trying to concentrate on that, BUT. since it is arthur's bday, i will share a part of the fic i started writing after spa but havent been much in the mood for with all the other insanity, which is literally just lefreres. i hope you like it :) let me know what you think! kisses to you <3
Lorenzo does what he always does; he watches his brothers. 
(He watches over his brothers.)
He watches his brothers on Saturday, hugging after the F3 sprint race. He sees the pride on Charles' face and the relief on Arthur's, after that abysmal qualifying. 
He watches his brothers on Saturday after the F1 qualifying. He sees the strain on Charles' face and the worry on Arthur's, after that joke of quali and rule changes.
He watches his brothers on Sunday after the F3 feature race. He sees the disappointment on Arthur's face, finishing just outside of the points and losing the third place in the Championship, and the knowing understanding on Charles'.
He watches his brothers after the F1 race on Sunday. He watches the hurtful resignation on Charles' face after losing the second place in the WDC and that absolutely unnecessary pitstop which cost him a five-second penalty and a grid place in the final result, and the barely restrained fury on Arthur's, and the way they hold each other tight, Arthur letting Charles lean on him for an almost imperceptible second, before Charles has to go back to pretending everything is alright. 
Lorenzo looks at his brothers; really looks. They came back from the break, and even though they have both gotten enough rest physically, the shadows around their eyes return quicker than they should. The triple header is one third done, and his brothers already look tired, even though they hide it well. He knows Charles is supposed to fly to the Netherlands on Tuesday with the Ferrari private jet, while he and Arthur are supposed to fly with Lorenzo's friend, also on Tuesday.
Lorenzo looks at his brothers, and the way Arthur's eyes cannot hold back the incredulousness and the anger, impotent as it is, and the way Charles' eyes are red-rimmed and the way his lips shake when he speaks to the press. He twists the golden pendant on his necklace. It's a simple gold plate with five letters on it. He twists it around and around with his fingers as he watches his brothers and the myriad of suppressed emotions on their faces. He is only able to read them because he has seen them grow up since birth, and has seen every single iteration of those expressions grow along with them. They can hide from the world, and they do so miraculously, but they can’t hide from their big brother.
The sun hits him straight in the eyes suddenly, coming out of nowhere in the rainy Spa, and blinds him completely. He raises his hand to cover his eyes and he raises his head up, simultaneously hiding from and seeking the sun. He lets the warmth at the end of a frustrating weekend caress his cheeks, and he smiles. 
"Alright," he says out loud into the sky, quietly and softly. "Message received." 
Lorenzo turns around and goes to make some phone calls.
enzoNOTferrari 🙊⛵:
[17:54] lefrères council meeting in arthurs room before or after dinner 🙃
[17:54] as dinner also works
[17:55] not sure when you'll be free @charlemagne  🙉🎹
petit 🙈🍭:
[17:55] and what abt me huh @enzoNOTferrari 🙊⛵
[17:55] maybe im BUSY did u wven think of that??? 
[17:56] maybe my rooms not free??
[17:56] 🙄🙄😤😤😤 
[17:56] the audacity
enzoNOTferrari 🙊⛵:
[17:58] i didn't know you knew how to spell audacity, good job petit ❤️
[17:59] and shut up, i know you're free, i literally MADE your schedule 
petit 🙈🍭:
[18:00] yeah well u suck ✌️
enzoNOTferrari 🙊⛵:
[18:01] do you want me to reply to that 🙂
petit 🙈🍭:
[18:03] MY EYES 😭😭😖😖😖
[18:03] imma go eat some bleach or pour it on my eyes or something
enzoNOTferrari 🙊⛵:
[18:04] you started it 😘
petit 🙈🍭:
[18:04] did fucking not 😭
charlemagne 🙉🎹:
[18:15] is it okay if pierre comes too? im still not sure if im going w him to milan or not
[18:16] and pls can we have dinner too? im starving 😿
petit 🙈🍭:
[18:16] @charlemagne 🙉🎹 yah ofc i love beau-frere 🔥
enzoNOTferrari 🙊⛵:
[18:16] of course! i'll get us all dinner ❤️
charlemagne 🙉🎹:
[18:18] thanks petit, and thanks enzo, youre the best ❤️
[18:18] half an hour or so and we ll be there 
Lorenzo doesn't think he's imagining the dejected tone in Charles' messages or the way he ignored falling for Arthur's obvious bait, which only makes him doubly sure that he is doing the right thing with his little spontaneous plan. He opens the text thread with Pierre, ignoring Arthur's incoming messages in their own private thread.
To: Pierre G. 🏎🇫🇷
[18:19] hey, congrats on a good job today! :) two questions - what do you want for dinner, and would you mind terribly if Charles didn't come to Milan with you this time?
From: Pierre G. 🏎🇫🇷
[18:20] thank you enzo! 😘
[18:20] get me the chicken stir-fry pls, and a greek salad if they have it, or any if they dont
[18:20] and no, i just thought to cheer him up a bit before the fuckery starts again 🙄
[18:20] why? 
To: Pierre G. 🏎🇫🇷
[18:21] no problem! and that's good, i've had an idea, i'll tell you all about it at dinner 🙂
Pierre sends him a thumbs up, so that should be okay until dinner. Lorenzo is pretty sure Pierre understands more than he lets on, and that he won’t say anything to Charles yet. He skims Arthur's messages next, which are mostly him trying to find any wiggle room about his diet. Enzo rolls his eyes and sends him just one message.
To: petit ❤️
[18:24] ur not getting chocolatw cake OR espresso, and you better not bribe pierre to bring you any either tonight 😉
He thinks for a moment, then sends a message to Charles, too.
To: bébé ❤️
[18:26] don't tell arthur, but i'm getting you dessert, we'll just have to hide it from him like we used to 😉
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starrysky28 · 1 year
Can We Keep It?
Title: Can We Keep It?
Rating: G
Words: 1,717
Warnings: None
Summary: While in the desert one day, Cyno finds a injured and orphaned baby fennec fox. With no other option, he takes it home, much to Tighnari's annoyance. However, the little fox seems to have taken quite a liking to Tighnari in particular...
The scorching sun peeked over the heaps of never-ending desert sand, the regular land barely visible to the human eye.
What once was a short walk in the desert for the former General Mahamatra, became quite the excursion. Just halfway through, he ran into a whole bunch of aggressive desert creatures leftover from a recent sandstorm, and spent so much time fighting off these creatures that he lost track of time.
To top it off, the sun was now just beginning to set, and while Cyno would never admit that he may have gotten a bit lost on his way back to Gandharva Ville, he did know that Tighnari would be less than pleased with his late arrival. Besides, he had promised Tighnari that he would help study with Collei later.
As Cyno was about to leave the desert area, he heard a faint, high-pitched sound. 
He stops for a moment and hears the sound again. Cyno looks around cautiously. Perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him, but he continues to lurk around carefully in case of an encounter with another enemy.
As he nears a large, dead bush just a few feet away, he notices the noise increasing in volume. It almost sounded like…a whimper? He still wasn’t sure who or what was making that sound, but Cyno wasn’t taking any chances. 
As he looked through the branches of the bush, he noticed something hiding at the bottom. As he gently drew his weapon with one hand, he ripped open the bush with the other. 
“Found you!”, he shouted.
The small creature shrieked and attempted to tuck its head in fear, but did not run away.
”…Oh”, Cyno realized that while it was a creature, it most certainly meant no harm.
The creature in question was small, possibly a baby, with big pointy ears and tanned fur. A desert fennec fox.
He was surprised that the little fox never tried to run away from him, but instead trembled, looking up at Cyno with frightened, beady eyes. Then, he saw why.
The poor baby was covered head to toe in scars and had a particularly bad one slashed across its left leg. Perhaps that’s why it didn’t run. It couldn’t.
The next and probably biggest question was, where was the baby’s mother? Usually, if there’s a baby, then usually there’s a mother and siblings nearby. However, Cyno saw no sign of either.
Then Cyno remembered Tighnari discussing the excess hunting of desert fennecs once before with other Forest Watchers who had been on patrol in the desert areas. If what Cyno was thinking was true, then this little guy was injured on top of being orphaned.
However, the sun was now setting further, and Cyno needed to get back home before dark.
As he started to turn away to leave, the fox pup let out a louder whimper, almost like a “beg” for him to take it with him. He stopped and looked back for a moment once more. If the pup was injured and orphaned, there was no way it could survive on its own, as baby foxes rely on their mothers and can’t be left on their own, especially if they’re injured.
Cyno smiled gently and sighed, “Alright, I suppose you can come with me for now…”
The fox jumped slightly in surprise at Cyno’s touch, but stayed still as he placed it in his helmet and held it close.
Tighnari stood in front of their shared home in Gandharva Ville with his arms crossed, “Cyno, where on earth have you been?!”
“My apologies, I…lost track of time”, He replied.
Tighnari sighed and pinched his temples, “Fine, whatever, just don’t-“
It was at this moment that he finally noticed Cyno holding his helmet close to his chest.
”W-Wait…why are you holding your helmet like that?”, Tighnari asked.
Cyno bit his lip anxiously, “Would you be mad if there were something in here?”
Tighnari raised an eyebrow and put a hand on his hip, “Like what exactly?”
”…A baby desert fennec”
“Oh my god, Cyno! Why?!”, he shouted out of exasperation.
He attempted to calm Tighnari, “Look, I know this sounds bad, but just…take a look at it”
Cyno unveiled the inside of his helmet, where the fox pup had fallen asleep. Tighnari watched as the little one began to wake up and open its eyes, and then noticed the condition it was in.
”So…It was injured?”, he asked.
”What about the mother and siblings?”
Cyno shook his head, “Nowhere to be found. I knew it especially wouldn’t be able to survive without its mother, but I also knew that with its injury, its chances of survival would be even lower…so, I brought it home”
“Hmm…”, Tighnari thought for a moment.
”Well, it is getting late, It can stay with us tonight and then tomorrow, I’ll take it to someone I know who can help it recover”, He said.
The now fully-awake baby fox tilted its head, its eyes fixated on Tighnari.
Tighnari smiled, “Hey little one! Come inside and I’ll give you some food and bandage up that leg of yours!”
”Oh my goodness! It’s so cute!!”, Collei squealed at the sight of the pup.
”Cyno found it injured with no mother in the desert, its going to stay with us tonight”, Tighnari said, finishing tying the bandages.
“Can we give it a name?”, She asked.
”Ah, it’s best we don’t. It won’t be staying so we wouldn't want to get too attached to it, now would we?”, he answered.
With a slight wobble, the fox finally stood up on its feet.
“How’s that feel?”, Tighnari asked it.
The baby fox blinked, its eyes still fixated on Tighnari, especially his pointy ears, which matched its ears almost to a T. It took a small step forward, and began to nuzzle its head softly into Tighnari’s abdomen.
”…O-Oh!", he reacted to the pup’s affection.
Collei giggled, “Seems like that fox really likes you!”
”I agree”, Cyno said from behind.
”In fact, physically, I think you two have a lot in common”
Tighnari chuckled nervously, caressing his ears, “Heh, not really…”
”Hey, maybe the fox thinks that you’re its mama!”, Collei replied.
He looked shocked, “M-Mama?!”
”Yeah! Guess from now on we’ll call you Mama Tighnari!”, Cyno joined in on Collei’s teasing.
“Wha-…Please, don’t call me that, you two…”, Tighnari blushed with embarrassment.
”I dunno…I think it suits him, don’t you think, Collei?”, Cyno held back a laugh.
”Heehee! Yeah!”, the forest-haired preteen agreed.
Tighnari sighed, “Whatever. I’m gonna get a cushion for the fox to sleep on tonight, you two should get ready for bed too”
”Okay. Night, Mama Tighnari”, Cyno joked.
“Stop that!”
The Next Morning…
Tighnari awoke to something soft rubbing against his neck, and to not too much of a surprise, he saw none other than the baby fox curled up into the crook of his neck with its tail tucked in, fast asleep.
”Wait…how did you-“
Tighnari could have sworn he had made the fox a bed on a one of the pillow cushions on the sofa in the living room, seems it must have snuck into him and Cyno’s room while they slept.
Speaking of Cyno, Tighnari sat up and looked over at Cyno’s side of the bed, which was empty. Odd, considering all the walking and fighting he did yesterday would’ve been thought to make him tired. 
He made his way to the kitchen area, holding the now-awake pup in his arms. It appeared Collei was helping Cyno cook breakfast. Cyno was, for the most part, a terrible cook, so maybe Collei could teach him a thing or two.
“Good morning”, he greeted them both.
”Morning, Tighnari…or should I say, Mama”, Cyno teased, eyeing the fox in his arms.
“Yeah, I knew I smelled something burning in here…”, Tighnari teased back snidely, referring to his poor cooking skills.
Cyno smiled back lovingly, “Only my love for you”
”Ugh, don't ever say that one again…”, he cringed.
“Oh, and that pan is about to catch on fire by the way”
Cyno looked behind him at the dark smoke coming from the pancake he had been cooking.
”Ah! I think you should turn that over now, Cyno!”, Collei panicked.
”On it!”, he replied.
Tighnari looked down at the fox and back at Cyno and Collei. He smiled, thinking about how happy he felt to have such wonderful people in his lives. Maybe even the fox could live here after all…but no, that couldn’t happen. The fox was a wild animal and would eventually need to go back to its home, right?
“What? What do you mean he won’t be back for another week?”
After breakfast, Tighnari went with the fox to go talk with an owner of a nearby sanctuary about it. However…
”Yes. I’m afraid the sanctuary’s owner is on vacation at the moment”, a woman, presumably his assistant told him.
He sighed, “Okay, in that case, I guess the fox can stay for another week then”
”Y’know, you can always keep it with you until it recovers and is old enough to be on its own”, the assistant added.
”Uhh…I don’t think that’s gonna wor-“
”Besides, those eyes…I’ve never seen anything like it…it seems like that fox is quite close with you”, she admired.
“Not you too…”, Tighnari sulked.
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“My whole family keeps teasing me saying that I’m like its ‘mama’ or something”, he described frustratedly.
“Well, that just may be exactly what’s happening”, she replied.
”Since the baby’s mother presumably was killed when it was young, it may see, or smell, someone who is similar to their ‘mama’ and claim them as such”, she explained.
”I…guess that makes sense…”, he replied, thinking about the assistant’s words.
Tighnari looked down at the fox who was still looking up at him continuously. Then, he made his decision.
”Okay, we’ll take care of him until it’s time”
”Good to hear! If anything happens, just come to us”, she smiled, sending Tighnari off.
”Okay, thank you for your help”
Seemed like the little fox wouldn’t be going anywhere much to its delight, and soon even Tighnari’s too.
The End
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months
A bit on the book executives redemption idea:
Am I writing a book executives redemption fic? Not at the moment. BUT! Has the concept been rotating in my head these last few days thanks to @sophieswundergarten's amazing posts? Yeah. And after talking about it a bit with her, and with her encouragement, I've decided to post this snippet I came up with please enjoy:
"I don't think any of you are irredeemable."
The three former executives looked up at Mr. Benedict in surprise.
"I think you have done bad things," he clarified, "but I do not think that makes you bad people. No, I believe that you were three young vulnerable children who did their very best to survive under very unfair circumstances. I don't see you as monsters, and I don't agree that the world would be better off without you in it. I look at you and I see two very beautiful and intelligent young women and a remarkable young man who my brother kept from enjoying their true freedom and sharing their gifts and joy with the rest of society. And I think it would be a shame if any of you allowed the memory of my brother to continue to limit and suppress your potential. The best way to make up for what you've done is not to hide yourselves away, nor is it to destroy yourselves. It is to say that you are going to be different from the person my brother tried to mold you into. That you are going to find out who you are and be that person instead, despite what he tried to do to you."
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