#ah eheheheh
sassylegshayne · 2 years
marry me, idiot.
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AH ITS HERE!!!! I will say, like I've been saying, I'm still in the really early stages of this fic. like this has been edited twice where as every chapter of sylcd is done three times over so. I really have no clue when the next chapter will be out as I haven't finished it yet; might be during sylcd's final chapters or it might be after. 3.2k words let me know what you guys think!! enjoy mwah xx
series masterlist
"Okay, we have a slight issue." You heard the voice beside you clear as day despite the headphones that sat over your ears.
"Is the issue something you caused for us?" You turned to your best friend with a brow quirked.
"That's extremely rude but very true, yes." Spencer nodded as he took a sip from his cup, spinning his chair to face you. Spence and you had been close for a while, you joining the crew only a few months after Spence had, the two of you spending countless hours editing beside each other. The two of you grew close after a couple of longer projects. The two of you leaning on each other for advice and well needed breaks from time to time.
It has become a joke around the office about Spencer being your work husband; he had a knack for picking you up an drink on his way in, or grabbing lunch for the both of you, or Spencer's ability to pause anything he was working on at the snap of a finger for you. He was pretty much head over heels for you, and you were the only one blind enough to not see it. It's funny to think that you felt the same exact way, and everyone but Spencer could tell.
"So, remember when we started here and we became friends and we made that joke about when we turned thirty."
You stared blankly back at your best friend, the joke about marrying if you're both still single by thirty a distant memory in your mind by this point. It crossed your mind once recently. Last year, you spent your entire 'Dirty Thirty' party that the office threw for you clinging to Spencer.
You made a habit of keeping him alongside you for every big moment of your life since you'd met. You wanted to look back on these moments, that were destined to be great already, to include Spencer.
"Okay, so you do remember, that's great." Spencer clapped his hands together as he grinned at you.
"I saw a TikTok about the wedding gifts you get from inviting companies and rich people, even if you don't know them and I want in!" Spence argued, wiping his sweaty palms off on his pants as he worked his way towards the problem with this rambling explanation.
"I think it's unfair that just because two people are getting married they get to have all that stuff. With all my info had, I made some quick wedding invitations and sent some out, fully expecting PR packages to come back." He trailed off as
"Charles Spencer," You quietly chastised, wanting to not believe a word he was saying, but knowing deep down that Spencer was being truthful. "You are insane, I can't believe you did that!"
"T'm sorry, okay. Listen, Y/N, I thought it was gonna be a funny joke to give you a bunch of fake wedding gifts for our fake wedding on your real birthday! I didn't expect people to accept, but I know that is my fault for inviting some people that actually agreed."
"Charles," You started, using his legal name yet again. He wasn't usually worried about you using it, it wasn't some secret he was keeping it anything, but the tone in your voice told him that you weren't happy at all. "Who all accepted?"
"I'm sorry, I know I'm never gonna say that enough, but it was only a few people!" Spencer knew his voice was just getting higher and higher the more you two spoke, his anxiety spiking.
"Yes, okay, Rhett and Link accepted," A gasp left you as Spencer cringed, knowing his mistake. "Kathy Bates politely declined but sent an autographed headshot!" He removed the framed photo from his backpack before setting it beside your monitor.
He grinned worriedly, gesturing towards it as you let your forehead meet the desk, groaning.
"Besides the people that own the company we work for, who else said yes?" You asked through gritted teeth as Spencer looked to his phone, finding the note that held his list.
"Rapid fire, Tana Mongeau, Carrot Top, and Rob Schneider. It's not that many people, Y/N, we can just call it off." Spencer placed his hand on your back, rubbing softly as you groaned again, completely shocked by just how royally fucked this whole thing was gonna turn out to be no matter what you did.
"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N but. will you marry me?"
"emergency meeting at my desk in ten please need advice bc Spencer's an idiot"
"That's was very rude and I am plenty offended." Spencer quipped, setting his phone down on his desk after reading the group chat message you'd sent out. You shot him a glare, all argued out for the day after spending the last hour trying to convince Spence to let you tell your friends, hoping they'd help you figure out the story you'd make up in place of a wedding.
He finally caved, feeling terrible about the mess he had drug you into, allowing you to explore different ways out of this mess. In no time, Courtney, Damien and Shayne accompanied the two of you at your desks, various stolen chairs offering comfort to your friends.
"What did Spencer do now?" Damien asked, causing Spence to scoff and shake his head.
"I'm starting to get upset that everyone just assumes that I really fucked something up this bad." He defended himself as he leaned back in his chair, practically able to hear your eyes rolling.
"You did, though. You lied to people and now we're getting married." You stayed simply, eyes wide as you began to argue with your future better half yet again.
"You're already my work wife, we're pretty much married." You rolled your eyes once as Spencer countered you, reaching his hand towards your mug of coffee, being stopped as you lightly slapped at him.
"l'm sorry, I don't know if l'm missing something and everyone else is up to speed but, uh, when did y'all get together long enough to lead to getting married?" Shayne questioned, pulling your attention from Spencer as you took in the looks from those around you.
Damien's face held a mix of confusion and excitement, Courtney was rendered speechless and it seems like Shayne was using every last braincell he had to piece together this puzzle.
"Okay, phew, wow, that is what this meeting is about, honey." Spencer cooed as he grinned goofily at you, wrapping your left hand in his as he held your palm to his chest.
You tried your best to hid the smile that so desperately wanted to grace your lips, taking a deep breath as you closed your eyes, the feeling of a migraine quickly approaching.
You took your time explaining through the story, Spencer chiming in when needed but mostly stuck to nodding along as you spoke.
"Spencer," Damien pointed his index finger at the shorter man, both with brows raised at each other. "You're an idiot, my guy. Why did Rhett and Link seem like a good idea? Why did any of this seem like a good idea, but especially our bosses."
You sighed, resting your head in the palm of your hand as you awoke your monitor. You sat up as an email sat at the top of your inbox labeled important.
"Congratulations to Y/N and Spencer!"
You couldn't tell how long you spent staring at the desktop, the company wide email from the Mythical Management staring directly back. The noise of your friends chatter drown out as the words in the letter repeated over and over in your mind.
You had to go through with this, or you had to hide behind the arrangement and a shitty excuse of a prank. No other options popped into your head.
"Y/N? You okay?" A warm, familiar hand rested on your shoulder, giving you a gentle squeeze.
Spencer's eyes worriedly searched your face as his brow furrowed at your slumped frame. His gaze followed you, his heart sinking as he Scanned over the email.
"I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N..." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair as he leaned back once more.
The other three moved, all looking over your shoulders to read the message. Gasps and murmurs broke out between them as they say back down.
Your small group sat in silence for a moment. You thought you'd have more time to find a solution, a couple of days at least, but now you couldn't leave this room without some semblance of a plan.
"Let's get married." You still sat with a blank stare at the computer, your mind running a million miles a minute. You slowy explained your thoughts as thoroughly as you could.
Spencer and you were known as each other work spouses, even fans making memes about it. The two of you have talked about the agreement in the podcast, on an episode of Board AF, and in an upcoming reddit video with Shayne.
The fans always reacted well when the two of you were together, engaging with the content. There's countless edits of the two of you, even with the small amounts of videos you've been in together.
You can blame it on the arrangement you'd made, pull lan and a few of the other higher ups aside, presenting the idea.
Spencer and you would get married; you could make the content last up until next April, as planning a fake wedding would take some time anyways. That would mean an announcement video, probably a celebratory video with others in cast, even the process of picking out different parts of the wedding for Pit videos if they really wanted to milk it. Maybe even a TNTL gauntlet with your bridesmaids and groomsmen.
The one thing you wanted to thank Spencer for was the convenience of sharing one braincell. You could release the wedding video, the big finale in which the joke is revealed to the audience, playing it up as a fake relationship until April 1st. Spencer had thought it was funny to put the wedding date on the invitations as April Fool's Day, but it worked perfectly.
You took a deep breath, nodding your head as your eyes darted around your friends, anxious for their thoughts.
Spencer quickly wrapped his arms around your shoulders, kissing your forehead before he grinned at you.
"You are a fucking genius, lan's gonna love this idea. We can say we were prepping for the video, getting our invitation letters together accidentally sent it out. We can use whatever stuff we get as presents for the bogus invites for another video, too." Spencer added, looking to his friends as he chewed on his lip.
"I hate how quickly the two of you worked this out. We weren't needed." Shayne laughed softly, shrugging his shoulders.
"So it's not a stupid plan?" You asked, quickly distracted as the office door opens, lan's head peaking inside.
You lock eyes, offering him an awkward smile. He entered, coughing softly as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"Hey, uhm, can I talk to you guys in a little bit? Probably like twenty minutes, in the conference room." lan spoke, a tight lipped smile on his face as he looked between you and the man seated beside you.
You felt a pit in your stomach growing rapidly as you swallowed, nodding your head. This was horrific, it felt like you had disappointed your dad but he wouldn't admit it yet.
And the conferernce room? There was no doubt in your mind that if this wasn't happening in lan's office then it would be bigger than you expected. Lisa would have to be there, maybe Daniel, if they were that concerned; Rachel would probably be forced into it, no matter how much she wouldn't want to be involved. n nodded before promptly exiting, barely acknowledging the cast members.
You groaned loudly as the door shut, Spencer copying you.
"This sucks and I hate you." You shoved at his shoulder, huffing.
He rubbed his arm, pouting a bit.
"It does and I hate me too." He chuckled as a smile appeared on your soft lips.
Spencer felt like the boundaries between the two of you were figured out very early on, never set prematurely, always discovered naturally. Kissing your cheek was okay, forehead was okay, drunkenly kissing your neck was okay sometimes. Hand holding was very normal and platonic and something you two did constantly. Cuddling and spending the night together was normal, but you two wouldn't sleep in the same bed.
He knew that, so far, this system had worked If that didn't happen soon, things might get nuddy, feelings getting involved. Spencer knew his feelings on you, he had since about two years into your friendship.
For six years now, he's known just how much he cares about you with every fiber of his being. He knows he really would do anything for you, anything to be with you. He respected every boundary you set.
Spencer had a thing for constantly taking advantage of the things he could have. You were always greeted with some sort of kiss, never once on the lips. Your fingers laced well with his, especially when you were on his left side. He constantly sat close beside you, tossing an arm around your shoulders, resting a hand on your knee, giving your thigh a gentle joy in excitement.
Spencer yearned for you for so long that he'd learned to accept it. He didn't want to cut you out of his life to get over his feelings, he cared too much about you, so his only option was to accept his feelings and keep close to you. You two were best friends, where one was, the other wasn't far behind. You loved him, so fucking much you loved him. He knew this, but he also knew that you didn't love him in the way he wanted you to.
Your group is quick to disband, giving the two of you some space before your meeting. Spencer let the two of you sit in silence before he decided to pack his bag for the day, despite it barely even starting. He could feel your eyes on him, his back to you.
"Packing because figure they're gonna send us home today, no matter what they decide. Give them time to think it all over." You smiled, enjoying just how well he knew you. His words settled in, prompting you to follow suit.
As you zipped your bag shut, it hit you that in just a few minutes before you were supposed to face the consequences of your best friends well intended actions. It was a toss up over which of you was more nervous, the both of you with pounding hearts.
"I love you, dude." You mumbled as you wrapped your arms around Spencer's waist, sighing softly.
"I love you, too, dude." He chuckled, rubbing your back as he kissed your forehead.
"C'mon, champ, let's go knock 'em dead." Spencer winked as he held the door open for you. You took a deep breath before leaving you little editing room bubble.
The room was much, much more packed than either of you had expected it to be. The people you expected to be there were indeed, but alongside them sat Kiana, Selina, and Lizzy.
Spencer thanked his lucky stars when neither Rhett nor Link joined the lot of you. He found himself sitting back a bit, allowing you to take the reigns of explaining your bullshit reasoning for the situation you'd found yourselves in.
Three hours, three scarily long hours later and you finally stood from your chair, your feet tingling and your head pounding. Spencer and you said your polite goodbyes to everyone before heading back toward your office.
"I think that was fine." You stated, arms crossed as you stare down the hall ahead.
He chuckled, nudging his shoulder into yours.
"That went really well, you heard Daniel. It's gotta go through if he liked it that much. It's gonna work out."
You nodded your head, a smile tugging on your lips as you both grabbed your bags.
"Wanna hangout or, uh, give me a ride home? Shayne drove me this morning." Spencer smiled heepishly as he followed you into the parking lot.
"If I'm your fiancee now, I think you should tell me if there's something going on between the two of you." You poked as you both got into your car.
You scooted your chair away from your desktop as you rubbed your eyes, now realizing just how long you'd been sat starting at your screen playing Minecraft with Spencer.
You smiled softly, feeling a tug at your heart at the sight before you. He sat slumped into your couch, eyes focused and brow furrowed as you cat napped on top of the cushion behind him.
Craig and Spencer had a love hate relationship, both of them usually eager for your attention at the same time, causing them to butt heads. Your cat and your best friend were both horribly stubborn.
But then there'd be moments like this, or when Craig curls up with Spencer on your couch, or when he follows Spence through your own house, even if you're still right where your kitty left you.
You stretch, taking off your headphones as you rise and stretch, catching Spence glancing over at you, smiling softly.
"Oh shit, you're still here?" You questioned as you walked past the couch, heading into your kitchen, yawning softly. You check your watch, catching it at just past five in the afternoon.
Spencer chuckled, watching as his eyes followed your every move as you danced around your small kitchen, seemingly opening every cabinet to find what you needed.
"Check your email, Charmander." You mindlessly called out to him, the nickname leaving him to roll his eyes as he dug into his pocket.
"You are the absolute worst with nicknames, need you to know that. Just call me Charles at this point." He laughed as you flipped him off as you turn, spoon in your mouth.
You join him on your couch with two peanut butter and banana sandwiches on one plate, sitting it on the space between you. Spencer nods a thanks to you as he grabbed his, taping your sandwiches together as a toast.
He loads into his email, refreshing it as you take your first bite. His wide eyes cause you a bit of stress, making you sit up straight.
"Good or bad?"
"Uh, good, I think. My schedule got changed." Spencer quickly switched over to his calendar, it had to be good; they don't just switch the schedule halfway through the month.
His eyes scanned over the new or changed parts, reading the first one he saw.
'Engagement Shoot' scheduled for tomorrow at 10AM.
"We did it, Joe." Spencer turns to you with a grin, quickly pulling you into a tight hug. You groaned and rolled your eyes, before quickly squealing as you wrapped your arms around him, bouncing in your seat.
They got what they wanted, right?
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dreamtydraw · 1 year
I wanted to do this a while ago but i was sort of busy-
I love fandoms with a lot of oc and more importantly fandoms where everyone is so nice with each other. Taking the occasion of the mc poll made by the lovely @tamarackbaumann i decided to do a gift for all the participant so here are the first gifts ehehe
Stelline @laimtheveryberry
Mai Hong lee @lunchboxcake
Mariana @that-culdesac-kid
Minerva @purplespacefairy
Logan @ryuuisnotpresent
Lorelei @cronchie-biscuit
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femme-feytale · 1 year
Smoked that hag weed now I'm cackling and luring knights into the forest to their doom
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halfdeadwallfly · 1 year
I'm writing an analysis essay on the Thomas opinion from Dobbs v. Jackson, with a five page length requirement and a due date of one hour from now. I already have two pages, but I've just restructured the whole framework and I'm basically going to have to rewrite it.
I have soooo many thoughts but I just lack the motivation to actually articulate everything and it's so fuckinggg frustratinggggg
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hamable · 1 year
Just watched the Madds Buckley Somerville livestream VOD and it looked so fun!!! Cant wait to see her perform live in the future
#madds Buckley#I don’t think the mics picked it up but you KNOW during the end of TRMILY the crowd was doing the THE RED! THE RED! chant#and the overlapped parts in Dogbird? god what it must’ve been like to be there and everyone independently picks a part#rip whatever she was gonna say about Brother before they had to pause for technical difficulties. the world may never know#The Crowd after Little Big Boy: ✊🫡😔For Katsuki Bakugo🙏😘✊ You’re a real one 🙏🫡#Madds tilting the mic away from the crowd: GUYS BE COOL BE COOL NOT EVERYONE READS THE MANGA WE GOTTA PLAY IT COOL#my love is sick#my love is sick album#Dogbird#Set ends on Sunset on Summerville and crowd immediately starts chanting encore bc they KNOW she wouldn’t leave em hanging#Madds: wait a minute… I almost forgot one *stage lights turn red*#ehehehehe#between songs and when they were tuning and they’d play an opening chord to something for like .5 milliseconds#and it alerts me like a sleeper agent like AH! Dogbird?!?! AH!!! That! Reach!!!!#oh and maybe this is only funny to me but she was talking about being an alto in high school#so she didn’t sign a lot of melody and some of those higher belting notes being out of her reach#joking like ah she’s not built for it it wasn’t meant to be#and I’m like okay this is the PERFECT segue into Reach that HAS to be the next song#I’m like holding my breath Ik it’s coming gimme that Sk8/izuku Midoriya flavor#and she. fuck it was so funny to me.#She goes anyways here’s Little Big Boy and starts the song#I was losing my mind why was that so funny#ah yes set the seeds of the song about the character who feels left behind and like they need to prove themselves and like they aren’t enoug#plant those seeds. you thinking about that character? that sad blorbo? good. anyways here’s Bakugou.#dw she did reach a few songs later
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sleepykas · 2 years
Oh the angst potential for Scavenged. Oh the hearts I could break.
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royalreef · 2 years
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        She shifts. First back, then forth again, trying to get comfortable as she moves her center of gravity, adjusts it. It’s not a discomfort she can name, nor is it really even a discomfort. It’s something sitting on the edge. Not quite there, but not here either, an in-between state that doesn’t have any sharp edges or points that she can grab onto — it’s just there. Just sitting there, in the bowl of her hips, taking root and stretching vines up her spine and twirling around ribs and gastralia alike like lattice.
      She woke up with it today. Fitting timing, all things considered, that it would start so soon and be so stubborn. Miranda had slid her tail beneath her covers and blinked her tired eyes and realized that she felt warm. Not warm as in heat, but a different kind of full-bodied warmness, pushing through her veins and leaving every last digit with a sensation like straying a little too close to a lit candle and the very tip of her tail like getting left in a sunbeam for too long. A persistent kind of warm. Snug inside her own body, making home in her lungs.
        It’s not bad. That is always the first worry anyone who hasn’t experienced such a thing wonders, when they first learn about such a feeling. It was a worry that Miranda had, when she was younger, when it hadn’t yet occurred for the first time. This is not a guest that comes in and breaks things when in her body, does not leave anything behind that she does not want, does not hurt her and does not bring her pain. It’s just... a strange bodily sensation. Something new, making nest inside yet again, something that she can’t quite adjust to but is never getting worse. It’s a reaction, occurring in tune with the seasons and with the rise and fall of the tides throughout the year, but it never ceases to be anything that is not hers. She’s done this before. It’s come before. It will come again.
       For now, that’s all it is. Just an odd not-warmth that lives inside her even when she’s cold, a persistent feeling that won’t let her get used to its presence. There’s a new sharp sweetness to the typical hints of her strawberry perfume and the smell of ocean air, but it’s not bad. She wants to be near her friends, and she feels needy, touchy, small and craving their hands on her, but that’s not even something unheard of from her either.
       Habp'll pl'qe ane'jhe Oikahj is coming soon, she knows. She’s kept her calendar in check, and already the arrangements have been made for this year’s festivities. Just about a month or so away, now. She just didn’t expect to start feeling it so soon, or... Or with this kind of impeccable timing, really. Maybe what she’s been doing has kickstarted things. Miranda wouldn’t be surprised, actually, if that were the case. Bodies can be terribly strange in that sense.
                         Better to just hang on for a while, and bear it while it lasts.
November 6th to November 10th.
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entitled-fangirl · 9 months
I see how you look at her, William.
Hannibal x wife!reader; Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham
Summary: Will is introduced to Hannibal's wife. The three seem to hit it off a little too well.
Words: 1,587
Warnings: idk, poligamy? Mutual pining should be its own warning, cause it always pulls at my heartstrings. And typos. Always.
Author's note: I literally pulled his GIF up, giggled, and said "Ehehehehe. He's so silly."
I don't own the rights to these characters!
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She descends down the stairs of the house, rounding the corner to the kitchen. She stands in the doorframe, watching her husband do what he does best- cook. 
He stands at the counter, focused on the cut of meat he had in front of him. She took this moment to admire him. His strong back, his shoulders moving with each movement of the knife, his biceps flexing. Although all traits were hidden from her view by the dress shirt he wore, she could still imagine it just fine. His sleeves pushed up his forearm always seemed to catch her eye, like it did now. Her eyes wander to his greying hair, imagining running her hands though it. He seemed to feel her gaze, because he turned his head just slightly. Not to look at her, but just to see her see him acknowledge her presence. His voice carried through the kitchen, “I don’t need to turn around to know that you look beautiful tonight.”
She let out a soft giggle, pushing herself further into the kitchen. “And why is that?”
He stopped his movements momentarily, his eyes moving up the wall slightly. “Because you’re always beautiful,” he says before going back to his knife and cutting board. 
It had been Hannibal’s idea in the beginning, inviting Will Graham over for dinner. He loved hosting dinners, but having dinner with only one guest was an unusual thing. And he had yet to meet Y/N.
Hannibal had kept Y/N a secret for many years, only revealing her to those attending his dinners. And sometimes, not even then. He knew what he did was dangerous, and he wished to keep her hidden from the public as much as possible. And she never minded, for she often felt anxious at big events and meeting too many new people at once overstimulated her. And above all else, Hannibal didn’t like to share things that were his. Especially things as kind as her, where the world could ruin her in a day. No, she was his, and they were a perfect pair, the two of them, for his arms were her favorite place to be. And his arms were also his favorite place for her to be.
He places the meat into the pan before finally turning around to look at her. He froze, a pleasant smile crossing his face, “Ah, bella. I knew I wouldn’t even have to look.” 
She does a quick spin, letting him see all the aspects of her dress. She grows nervous under his gaze, “is this alright?”
He lets out a soft chuckle, “Darling, it’s perfect.” He takes a few steps forward, closing the distance between the two of them before leaning down, his arms open on either side of her to avoid touching her dress with dirty hands. She meets him halfway, sharing a soft kiss. 
He smiles, moving back to the food at hand. She takes this as a cue to prepare the dining table.
Before she even finishes, a knock is heard at the door. She quickly walks to it, taking a deep breath before opening it. The sight in front of her is even better than she thought. 
Will Graham stood at the threshold of their house in a dress shirt and sweater vest, his hair gelled to perfection. He held a nervous smile about him. His eyes trail up to hers, and his smile drops. He takes a deep breath of his own, before he places the smile back on. “Oh, sorry,” he apologizes, reaching a hand out, “I’m Will Graham.” 
God, he was handsome. Hannibal had said he was quite attractive, but this. Attractive was an understatement. Will Graham was beautiful. 
She reaches her hand out to take his, “Y/N… uh… Y/N Lecter.”
She watched as the gears turned in Will’s head, his handshake slowing. “Lecter?”
Hannibal’s body appears behind Y/N, his hands moving up to rest on her hips. “Ah, Will. I see you’ve met my wife. Come in. Please.” He pulls Y/N’s body back slightly to make room for Will to enter. Will does so, letting his eyes wander around the house. 
Y/N feels her husband's grip tightening around her waist. She knows him better than anyone. He’s not jealous, per se. No, this was something else entirely. Was he…. Nervous?
Will stuffs his hands in his pockets, as his gaze returns to the couple. “This house is gorgeous, truly.” He looks to Y/N, assuming she decorated it.
She smiles, pulling herself from Hannibal’s grip, “I didn’t do it, Hannibal did. He has an eye for things. Excellent taste.”
Will smiles back, fighting himself to not look at her for too long, “Yes. It seems he does.”
Hannibal shuts the door before moving towards the dining room. “Please, come sit. I’m almost done,” he says, giving a final glance to his wife before disappearing into the kitchen.
Y/N immediately moves to her usual spot, at the left side of the head chair. She pulls the chair out softly, sitting down in it before her gaze moves back to Will. He follows suit, sitting on the right side, directly across from her.
A silence ensues as both of Hannibal’s favorite anxious people look anywhere but each other. Finally, Will break the tension, “Hannibal never… mentioned you. I, I definitely didn’t know he was married, especially to someone so,” he stops himself.
She smiles, catching his eyes, “someone so… what, Mr. Graham?”
Will looked away again, his breath caught in his throat. He lets out a cough before smiling. “I guess.. I guess I was going to say beautiful.”
She tilts her head at him, “You guess? So, why didn’t you?” She liked watching his squirm. Perhaps she picked that trait up from so many years with Hannibal.
This caught him off guard. She was rather blunt in her thoughts. “I just, I don’t know, assumed it inappropriate to say too much of another man’s wife, is all, Mrs. Lecter,” he says, taking a sip of the water in front of him.
She nods, leaning back slightly in her chair. “Hannibal is aware of what he has. As am I. He taught me to never refuse a compliment.” 
He nods as well, “Then, you look very beautiful, Mrs. Lecter.”
“Y/N,” Hannibal’s voice was heard from the kitchen. He usually didn’t call out like that. He never raised his voice. She stood quickly, moving towards the kitchen.
Hannibal stood in the kitchen, the plates neatly prepared before him. He glances up at her entrance. “Ah. Sorry for the harsh tone. It shouldn’t have come out that way.”
She nods, “you didn’t intend for it to be so.”
He sighs, “Yes. That’s true. I just…. It’s hard to see someone admire what is mine.”
She nods again, “I understand.”
“I wasn’t only talking about him admiring you,” Hannibal stated, “you seemed to like him just the same.”
She scoffs, “As if you don’t like him yourself, Lecter.”
Hannibal’s lips pull into a smile. He was caught. “I suppose you’re right, bella. As always.”
She gives him a knowing look, taking two of the plate carefully, one in each hand, and walks to the dining room. Will still sits at the large table, a nervous look in his eyes.
She sets a plate in front of him carefully, “Don’t ask me what it is, Graham. I’m not the cook.” 
His lips now pull into a smile, as he nods, “I see. Thank you, anyways.”
She sets her plate down in front of her, sitting down gracefully. Hannibal walks in, setting his plate down. He's now in his full suit, his blazer neatly buttoned. “William, I hope this is to your liking.” He sits himself at the head of the table. 
It’s a rather awkward dinner, as they all give each other obvious glances. Everyone at this table adored one another. Will and Y/N were the anxious ones, but as each conversation digressed, Hannibal’s grin only grew. He can read the two of them like an open book, and he was enjoying the book in front of him. 
As they neared the end of their dinner, Y/N happily collected the plates and disappeared into the kitchen. Hannibal took this opportunity to his advantage. He leans towards Will, his voice low, “I see how you look at her, William.” 
Will freezes, staring at the table. “I don’t believe my gaze is that different between her and you.”
Hannibal smirks, tilting his head, “No. I don’t believe it is too different.” 
Y/N enters the room again, her hand gliding across Hannibal’s shoulders as she walks around his chair. She stops behind him, leaning over him to kiss his cheek gently. He smiles at this, reaching his own hand up, and grabbing her jaw quickly before she can move away. He twists his body slightly to kiss her on the lips. She pulls back in shock but doesn’t go far due to the grip on her jaw. He smiles into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of the stare from Will. He lets her go, letting her catch her breath. She moves back to her chair with a soft pink now on her cheeks. 
Will lets out a deep breath, calming himself. Hannibal knows it, and he smiles at his darling wife.
“Should we invite William over again, mia bella?”
Her eyes glance over from her husband to Will, full of mischief.
“I think we should.”
Author's note (part 2): It's so easy to read a piece and critique it, but when it's your own.... golly. How can I go so easy on myself and yet so difficult to please???
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pukanavis · 5 months
Fuyume Hanamura Idol Story 1
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ーThe Yumenosaki Academy library, two years since the establishment of ES.
Fuyume: Excuse me?
Are there any fairy tales here…?
Oh, the shelf over there is the section for picture books and stuff?
Thank you for your help.
(Ah, she was right. Yume recognises a bunch of the books over here.)
(They’ve got a good selection to choose from but the categorising is a mess. They’re just randomly thrown onto the shelf without any care for alphabetical order or release date.)
(Oh well…apparently no one has any love for fairy tales…)
(‘The Little Mermaid, ‘Momotaro’, ‘Tale of The Bamboo-Cutter’, ‘Snow White’, ‘Urashima Taro’, ‘Cinderella’—)
(Oh! It might not be the one Yume was looking for but he’s in the mood to read Cinderella today.)
(This story is another one that Yume adores.)
(It’s a tale about love being rewarded.)
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Fuyume: …? Hm? Oh, uhm, you’re that nice person from earlier—did you need something?
You were so kind to Yume earlier, so he’d be happy to give you some company.
Huh? The Yumenosaki Academy library is off-limits to anyone that doesn’t work for or attend the school?
How could you tell that Yume isn’t a student here?
Ooh, cause Yume isn’t wearing the uniform…?
That makes sense…no biggie, Yume will be sure to wear the school uniform next time.
Yume is really good at sewing, so it won’t be a problem…fufu ♪
Huh? That’s not the issue?
Yume doesn't like anything you’re saying right now.
Here he was thinking you were a nice person.
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Fuyume: Huh? Yume’s name is Fuyume Hanamura.
And you are? …Anzu-san? You’re a graduate of Yumenosaki?
You’re here at your old school to do some producer work, huh? It made you feel nostalgic so you’ve been walking around the grounds…? 
Oh, is that the case? Hmm…♪
Then, aren’t you and Yume in the same boat? Yume goes to a middle school separate from Yumenosaki and you’ve already graduated…right?
It sounds like neither of us are allowed to be here.
Let's work together then, okay? If you pretend you never saw Yume, he won’t go around yelling, ‘There’s a trespasser in here!’ …♪
What do they call it? A contract, business, bargaining? Let’s do something like that…♪
If you’re willing to comply, Yume will leave you be. He isn't particularly interested in you anyway.
Yume is just here to read some fairy tales.
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Fuyume: Huh? Did you need something else? You want to know what Yume is reading?
Ehehe, you’re interested in fairy tales? Sounds like we can get along.
Ehehehehehe. Yume is just reading a picture book about the massively popular princess, Cinderella. Though, he actually wanted to read something else. 
Maybe you’ve heard of it? For some reason, no one in Japan knows about it—it’s a fairy tale about an amethyst. 
Even if you don’t know the story, maybe you’ve heard this quote before?
—”The amethyst broke into pieces.”
Fufu. I guess you haven’t heard of it. Oh well.
Basically, it’s a story about an ordinary girl that comes across an amethyst that can grant any wish that she desires.
In fact, she actually fuses with the amethyst and becomes a crystalised-human of sorts.
It’s a curse put on her by an evil witch…ehehehehe ♪
The plot is kinda similar to ‘The Happy Prince’. Actually, something like ‘Arabian Nights’ or ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ might be a better match.
After transforming into the wish-granting amethyst, the girl wishes for her crush to pay attention to her, or to become better friends with people—
With each little wish she makes, the amethyst uses its power and gradually begins to crack—
Aah…♪ Eventually, her body becomes so fractured that it crumbles away and she loses all of the love and friends that she had been granted.
Her loved ones view her like a monster and chase her away in fear.
After everything, the final wish she makes is—
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Fuyume: —Ah, wait, Yume thinks you should read it for yourself to find out what happens next. Spoilers are a crime!
Ehehe. If there’s one thing Yume can say, it’s that he empathises with the amethyst girl and even admires her.
At the end of it all, the final remaining piece of her—
Becomes a ring that showers the wedding between her best friend and the one she loved in joy.
After everything, her final wish is—wait, oops, Yume just realised how much he’s spoiling. He’s really really sorry.
You don’t mind? Really? You’re super kind, you know?
Ehehe. You see, Yume shares the same wish as the girl who became a ring.
—-“I wish for your life to be full of joy.”
During her final moments, the girl whose selfish asks led her to break apart used her last wish to bring someone else happiness. 
Ehehe. Yume doesn’t have the power to grant wishes but he’ll do everything he can to achieve that too.
For example, Esu goes to Yumenosaki so Yume snuck in to watch over him in secret.
Huh? Does Yume love Esu?
It depends how you define ‘love’ but yep, Yume loves Esu.
But it's sad, isn't it? The reality we live in isn’t a fairytale.
—The amethyst already shattered long ago.
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rougepancake · 1 year
Okay.. but aged up reader giving genya his first blowjob.. it’s only fair we return the favor right?
Pt. 1 | Pt. 3
Warnings: No plot only porn :], blowjob, oral (m!receiving), Genya’s first time getting head, this man does NOT know how to act, but it’s cute. MDNI!! Sexually explicit content under cut. Not proofread because I wanted to get this out here as quickly as possible 😩
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“Y-Y/n” Genya’s head fell back limply as your plush lips wrapped around the tip of his cock. He had said that pleasing you would be enough for him, but you had insisted that you returned the favor.
Your tongue lapped at the salty precum that was oozing from him, causing him to let out a low groan. You peppered kisses along his length, your hand stroking him until he was practically begging to be in your mouth.
Once you finally conceded, he was a whimpering mess. With the way your tongue swirled effortlessly around his shaft paired with your hollowed cheeks, he thought it was the best thing in the world.
But it was even better when he hit the back of your throat involuntarily.
It was an accident- since his hips instinctively bucked up on their own- but he couldn’t help but relish in the choked moan you let out. He did it again, closing his eyes with a grunt as your strained voice send shivers down his spine.
Before he knew it, one of his hands had come to rest on the back of your head, his fingers tugging lightly at your hair whilst he gradually forced you further down onto his cock.
Genya let out another loud moan, his hips bucking once more. His free hand clutched the sheets beside him, his knuckles turning white like he was holding on for dear life as you took him.
And wow- you took him so well. So, so well.
This is the high he’s been told about. The feeling of pure ecstasy and euphoria when you’re involved with someone you love. It was addictive. Holy shit was it addictive.
“A-Ah wait-!” Genya whined, squirming as you ruthlessly picked up your pace. He was so close, nearing his release. It would be too embarrassing to cum in your mouth- especially when it’s his first time receiving something like this.
But you didn’t stop, his moans pushing you to continue on. He seemed so shameless about it, and you loved that.
Genya Shinazugawa was never going to forget this moment.
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miam0re · 2 years
Aftercare(2) | Side Characters
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Warning: Implied sex? Implied rough sex, overstimulation;
Pairing: Diavolo, Solomon, Simeon, Barbatos X Fem!Reader (separate)
Summary: How he takes care of you after he's fucked you nice and hard 
Mia’s Notes: Back to writing after months wow this feels good!! Also what title should I use for Obey Me characters who are not the demon brothers? Is Side Characters fine or...is there another word for them. Also for anyone wanting to know if I’ll write anything for Mephisto or Raphael...I don’t know them?? Like they probably show up much MUCH later in the story (or in some events) But I don’t have much information to work on. So right now...not gonna write for them.
Hope you like this mwah mwah
(ALSO not proofread....eheheheh)
You can find the Demon Brothers version on my blog!!
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Diavolo is always trying his best to be gentle with you, treating you like his sweet little princess
But can’t help it if he gets pussy drunk on how tight and warm you are. Next thing you know, he’s pounding into you like a demon in heat. Wowzie
Insides and outsides both covered in cum, you’re quivering in his hold as he’s rocking you from side to side, calming your little sobs
He makes it a point to communicate with you, asking you what all you enjoyed, what you didn’t enjoy and what he could do to make you feel good (no, not only in the bedroom sense)
Tell him all the places it hurts and he’ll rub the pain away, making note to be careful of the position that made you ache so much 
Most of all, he loves to hear you tell him that he was good to you, and he will reciprocate your words, praising you with words from all three realms 
“My Queen, I will do everything to see that gorgeous smile on your face. I love you…so please tell me, how you want me to show it.”
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A cheeky sorcerer always finds the best ways to put his spells to use, and Solomon thinks the bedroom to be the best place to…play around 
Sense depriving spells, spells that would have you cumming again and again, after effects of magic are sure to follow the bedroom activities 
Sub-drop is sure to happen when he overstimulates you with magic, but magic also happens to be a good cure for head ache and body pains 
You’re in his hold, head on his shoulder as he murmurs a foreign language in your ear, rousing you to fall asleep as magic tingles over your bruised skin, colouring them its original blush 
His fingers caress the curve of your spine, the drag of his magical fingers relieving the pains you felt 
More than that, his spell chanting sounds like a lullaby with the little kisses he’s sure to dot around your face and neck after every verse, making you sleepy…so sleepy…
Perhaps that is one of the spells he used ;)
“Time for you to rest, my Darling. Tonight has been quite fun. Oh? Asleep already? You didn’t even hear me say I love you.”
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His touch is truly angelic. Nothing short of the most soulful and affectionate moments spent with Simeon worshiping your body for the night 
He doesn’t know it, but he makes a mess of your insides. Ah but he only notices the mess he’s made of you outside :p
With your head resting on his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeats, he busies himself with massaging your head and fixing your hair
He’s putting pressure on all the right spots on your scalp, blunt nails running through your hair making you sigh and hum in happiness
Your temples, the spot behind your ear, the nape of your neck- he’s giving all of it attention until you melt on top of him
His fingers curl in the tangled locks of your hair, combing your hair smooth and there’s something so oddly satisfying about having him separate your hair into parts and twist them into a braid 
When he’s done playing with your hair, he’s pressing multiple kisses to the top of your head and hugging your shoulders tight, squishing you closer to himself
“I love you, my Angel. Would you like me to massage your head some more? Anything to make you feel loved.”
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His tail is slithering down your legs and by the way you moan in exhaustion, Barbatos realises that he may have overstimulated you a tad too much
Worry not, acts of service are this demon’s specialty and you are his top priority right now 
Once you’re all clean and robed in the silk blankets, thanks to him, he’s excusing himself to prepare something for you 
No later, in front of you is a tray with baked dessert and a tea blend from his private collection
While blowing the steaming liquid and holding the cup to your lips, he tell you that this tea will make you feel better and help with any form of fatigue, helping you take small sips while brushing your hair out of your eyes
And who can say no to desserts, especially when they’re being hand fed to you, your lips being lovingly wiped off crumbs after every bite, don’t mind him if he uses his lips for that a few time ;p
“Is it to your liking, my Lady? I love you quite a lot and wish for you to feel good, so please, don’t hold back and tell me what you want of me.”
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
AHHH REQUESTS I cant wait to read everything you come up with!!😭💖Since I can’t get these two out of my mind I’m going to try my luck with satosugu if any of this inspires you, feel free to switch it up in any way you like❤️
Gojo is being beyond arrogant and claims he wouldn’t even need Infinity to win a fight. Geto disagrees with “I bet I can make you activate Infinity in less than 5 minutes”
Hehehehhehhehe Yes! I love satosugu so much y'all don't even KNOW- it's been a hot minute since I've written for the boys! I've gotcha covered, friend!
CW: swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @gladdygirl18 @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart @riisada @sp1racle @happy-trenchcoated-impala
“You’re full of shit.”
“And you’re full of piss.” Gojo replied back automatically, grinning around his soda. “Seriously though- I could absolutely win in a fight against you- even without my limitless ability.”
“Sure- that’s why it’s still on now?” Geto cocked a brow, watching Gojo choke on his drink. “You can’t even release it when you’re around me.”
“That’s cause I don’t want to catch your ugly.” The white haired teen grinned, laughing when Geto punched him in the shoulder. “I’m practicing holding it up for hours on end. Mr. Masamichi told me to do it- said it’d be helpful down the road.”
“That makes sense. Cursed energy is like muscles- the more you work them the stronger they get.” Still- Geto didn’t like how smug Gojo sounded a few moments ago. “I highly doubt you’d beat me without it.”
“Bet?” Gojo grinned. Got em.
“Bet.” Geto stood, getting into a fighting stance. Gojo tossed his can into the nearest recycle bin before doing the same, rolling out his shoulders. “Any last words before I kick your ass?”
“Yeah. I bet I can make you activate infinity in less than five seconds.”
Gojo grinned, a feral expression. “You’re on.”
The time was ticking- Geto and Gojo sized each other up as they crouched like alley cats; ready to fight. Gojo let his invisible aura fade.
Then- Geto struck.
“Whoa- gotcha!” Gojo laughed as he was tackled around the middle, Geto holding on tight. Was he gonna suplex him? Please- he had this in the bag. “Take this!” He raised his arms for a two handed slam when-
“GAH!” Gojo yelped when he was pulled to his feet- suddenly weakened. “No fair! No fahhahahir!”
“Yes fair, you shit!” Geto growled in his face, smirking while his hands prodded up and down Gojo’s sides. “I told you I can make you turn it back on in under five seconds!”
“Ihiiht’s nohohot on yehhehet! Aheahhahaha- yohohoohu cahahhan’t juhuhust gohhoho and tihiihihckle sohoohmeone like thahahaht! Aheahahha Suuhuhuhuguuhuuhru!” The pale haired teen swatted and shoved at Geto’s shoulders, trying his best to knock him away. Somehow in the time he was practicing Infinity, Geto was buffing up. “Whhiihihy ahahahhre yoohohu sohoohoho heheahhahavy?”
“Heavy? Oh hell nah- you did not just call me that!” Geto growled more, mock offended by the comment as he drilled into Gojo’s ribs, earning an arch and a squeal. “I’ll show you what happens when you go around calling people heavy! Take this!”
“Aheahhahahahaha! Gehahahahha nohoohoho! Nohohoht theehehhe rihiihibs! Yohoohhou’re kihihihihling mehehehehe!” Gojo thrashed and writhed like a snake, his arms pressed against his sides as his hands pinched at Geto’s collarbone in hopes of revenge tickles. “Thahahahke thahahaht!”
“Eh-ehehehehe! Iihhit’s gonna tahahke a lot more thahahn a few tihihihickles thehehre to get mehehehhe!” Geto scrunched some at the feeling, doubling his efforts to get Gojo to use his curse technique. He moved to the deadly spot near his lower ribs, pinching rapidly with four fingers.
“AH!” Gojo all but exploded into mirth, arching against him and throwing his head back in mirth. “SUHUHUHUGUHUUURUUHUHU!”
“Yes, Satoru? You know what you have to do.” Geto felt pride swell within. He was gonna get him to use it!
Gojo made a last ditch effort- reaching for Geto’s hips just as the other began drilling two fingers into that terrible spot on his waist. It was a close call, but seconds before he could make contact, Infinity kicked in- properly stopping Geto’s fingers where they were.
“Yes! AHH!” Geto’s whoop of victory was quickly cut short as Gojo squeezed his hips, making him shoot back frantically. The other teen was gasping for air, a hand on his belly and the other over his eyes as he slowly composed himself. “Goohohtcha! I told you I could mahahke you do it!”
“Nohoho..I won.” Gojo sat up, recovering fast. “You said you could make me activate it in five seconds or less. That was way longer.”
Geto didn’t have a response to that, leaving Gojo to whoop in his place. “Take that! Whoo! Why…why are you smiling at me like that.”
“A win is a win.” Geto shrugged, earning an even more confused glare. “Sure- you may have won the bet- but I got to tickle you for way longer than I planned. So thanks for that.”
Gojo blushed- another small win for Geto. “Why you son of a- COME HERE!” Flustered, the white haired teen threw himself at him, tackling him to the ground and going straight for the hips- making Geto shriek and cackle near instantly.
He didn’t regret it one bit.
Thanks for reading!
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anemptypuddingcup · 9 months
doffy- “you want me to fill up that needy little cunt?” ehehehehe dark content if you’d likeeeee (ily mari!!!)
I love you too sweet pea! Here you go! I’m so happy someone requested Doffy bc I love the fucking nickname I gave to him, what name he calls the Reader.
“You asked for my attention, so now you’ll get it.”
You slowly and hesitantly enter into his office, seeing him stare up into the moonlight beaming through his large window pane. He lifts his head at your presence and a slight smile spreads across his face.
“My dearest little flower, whatever is it that you want from me that you must interrupt me right this second? You entered my office without knocking.” He turns over to you and cocks his head, peeking at you through his flamboyant glasses while you stood there nervously at his desk.
“W-Well…I just…You’ve been so busy working in your office…Doffy…” You say shamefully, missing your degenerate husband so dearly. He hasn’t been paying any type of attention to you, not to mention how much he’s been treating you like an outcast or some toy to play with. Doflamingo hums in response before giving you his wide toothy grin. He slowly stood up from his desk and his tall stature grows in size before he leans down to your smaller and sweeter frame.
“Does my little flower miss me that dearly to the point that she has to interrupt my important work at hand? No matter, you’ve been alone for quite some time anyways…haven’t you?” He jokes, cracking a slight snicker before he steps away from his desk and approaches you. You sigh out and he reaches out to you, picking you up in his arms.
“Would you like for me to give you the attention you oh-so desire from me?” He asked, his eyes growing half-lidded as he stared into yours. You hesitate but nodded to him, making him let out a little chuckle. “That’s all you had to say to me my beautiful honeysuckle~” He cooed to you, pressing a smooch to your cheek. You turn away and blushed as he carried you away into your shared bedroom, feeding you the attention you’ve yearned from him for so long.
☆ ☆ ☆
“What’s wrong my dearest? Don’t tell me that little flower of yours is dying out already?” Doffy huffs, one of his long and slender hands wrapped tight around that pretty hip of your while he pulled you back onto his cock. “What happened to that spark? Didn’t you want to be filled to your hearts content and stuffed full to the brim with my thick and sticky seed!? What happened to that hm?” He teased at you, wanting to frustrate you and rile you up even more
You whine out in response, your face twisted up from the pleasure of him hitting your g-spot so easily while pinching your clit with two of his slender fingers with his free hand.
Your wrists were tied together with his invisible string, leaving you a bit uncomfortable while you arch your back and stretch out your legs. “Ahh~ D-Doffy~ N-No more p-please!~” You begged out to him, clenching your teeth while a bit of drool spilled from your lips. Doffy puts your pleading to rest with another harsh thrust, making you cry out in oversensitive pleasure while he giggled.
“Ah ah! You asked for my attention didn’t you my beautiful girl?~ You’re going to take it and you’re going to be content with it as punishment for entering my office without permission.”
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litfeathers · 2 years
Before Hunter's Palisman Observations... Before Lilith's Letter... Before Luz's Diary Entry...
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A witch's quill scratches on paper, her eyebrows furrowing in thought as she fills a well-worn book with her thoughts and desires and fears.
She smiles at the yellow bird who is fast asleep on her extra pillow, and with a snap of her fingers extinguishes the light spells that had been illuminating her cozy bedroom.
She sleeps.
She dreams…
She dreams of a strange world. A world without magic. A harsh world of rules, and penance, and fear.
A man stands in front of a bonfire, the glow of the firelight dancing on his wild blond hair. He is surrounded by a screaming crowd, torches and pitchforks and fists waving in the air.
"No," she begs. "No, no, no, no."
She calls his name over the cacophony of violent chanting, her voice muffled by the roar of the growing conflagration.
He turns.
She screams.
Blood. Smoke. Fire. The flash of a knife. It all happens too fast.
He is gone.
...and she wakes up.
Welcome to Evelyn's Journal.
Credits: -The phenomenal cover art was drawn by the absolute legend @bananadramaaa. Thank you so much for your help! -The script and Evelyn's voice were written and recorded by Birdie (that's me!) -It's probably pretty obvious, but this project was directly inspired by the audio recordings a few of TOH's VAs did for one of Dana's charity livestreams. Look them up if you have never heard them. They are fantastic!
The audio and script will also be available at AO3 on (or some time after) Sunday, March 26th. You may find it at litfeathers if you would like to give this project some love over there too!
The complete script can be found under the read more, so you may follow along if you wish.
Grab a snack and get comfy. We have an almost 15 minute runtime! Enjoy! 🔥🪶
Scaburary 10th
I had to cover for Bileadona at work. She never showed up for her shift, and so Goldie and I were forced to make an unexpected trip to Bonesborough.
Extra disappointing, since I was planning to spend the afternoon in the garden with my sketchbook. I wanted to redo my blue jay drawing, as I am not quite satisfied with it.
Ah, well. I’ll draw in the garden tomorrow.
Scaburary 11th
Goldie has been moping and staring out the window at the sizzling forest all morning, desperately wishing she could have her early morning flight through the trees. I have given her a handful of seeds to help her feel better. She seems pouty still, but has cheered up slightly. She is currently ordering the seeds from most to least appealing. Heh. This should take her a while.
Only two days are left!
Scaburary 13th
Work, work, work. I couldn’t stop watching the sunlight and shadows slowly move across the library floor and sighing impatiently. Bileadona happened by my cart as I was shelving books, and asked why the calendar at my desk is so strange. I told her it was an old-fashioned solar calendar from the bloodievil period. She didn’t seem to buy it, but didn’t push the subject.
I also made a quick…detour before I went home. Just to say hello to some dear friends. Some very special friends who are going to severely regret their actions from last week.
*evil witch cackle*
As an added bonus, I finally managed to nab one of their…creative drawings of me. It is now proudly displayed on my living room wall, just above the couch. Truly, it is a work of art, and I am humbled by their kindness.
I just hope they find my return offering just as humbling ehehehehe.
I have been getting more and more excited for every visit to the Human Realm. Not that I have been there recently. I most definitely have not. Don’t be absurd.
But anyway. This week has dragged endlessly! I cannot wait for tomorrow.
It’s nice to have a friend.
Scaburary 14th, Human Realm year 1623
Today was nice.
It was a Friday in Human reckoning, so Caleb and I enjoyed the usual supper on a blanket in the snowy woods. I made sure to include dragon bacon sandwiches and deviled griffin stew in the spread, as they are his favorites. And of course, a thermos of hot apple blood to warm us up. It was a marvelous feast!
He looks a bit better lately. His skin is less pale, and the shadows under his eyes are less prominent.
The moment I landed at at our spot, Caleb immediately asked me if I had anything to do with the recent vandalism of the Gravesfield meetinghouse. I plead innocent. He grimly informed me that someone had scribbled all over the siding, and that one of the drawings bore a striking resemblance to Goldie. I expressed my deepest sympathies for the poor soul who would have to clean it up. He further informed me that the words “Evie was here” were scrawled over the front door. I told him that since my given name isn’t Evie, it’s Evelyn, he was clearly looking for another culprit. He grabbed me by the shoulders, looked me dead in the eye, and told me, in the most fed-up of tones, that the drawings could move.
“Huh,” I said. “In that case, it sounds like you might have a witch on your hands. I hear they are pretty tricky to deal with, but seeing as you are such an expert witch hunter, you surely won’t have a problem rooting her out!”
At that he made such a ridiculously frustrated face, I could no longer hold in my laughter. It was the look he gets where his cheeks flush and his nose flares. The red even reached his ears this time! Fantastic.
He gave up at that point. He just sighed deeply and shook his head. But I could tell he was desperately trying to hold back a smile.
While we enjoyed our meal, we got on the topic of weather. After my previous deception, he didn’t quite believe me when I told him that rain boils in the Demon Realm. When I cast an illusion to show him a typical Boiling Isles thunderstorm, his eyes lit up brighter than the sun. As fun as it is to tease and banter with him, I think I vastly prefer those quiet moments between us. When the storm clouds lift from his eyes.
*trails off*
I can tell he’s lonely.
Last week, while we were on our owl watch, he mentioned offhandedly that he hasn’t received a proper hug in years.
I was about to feign ignorance and pretend to not know what a hug is, until I realized that…err. Well, we are two galdorpeas in a pod in that regard, aren’t we?
And no, I did not offer myself up. Because some walls are built for a reason.
Caleb is surrounded by pitchforks and torches and prying eyes.
His village is dangerous.
His brother has been asking more and more…questions.
I know I shouldn’t keep doing this. I know I can’t keep doing this. There is a line, and I am terrified that I am gleefully dancing towards it, and one day I am going to be unable to stop myself from crossing into something…
*deep sigh*
…something I cannot come back from.
I am unwilling to admit this anywhere but here. And this is difficult to write, even if my eyes are the only ones that will ever read it. But…
He scares me.
Hah! How silly is that? We’re the closest of friends. I am a powerful adult witch. And I am scared of him?
It makes no sense. Witch hunter my butt! I trust him completely. He is kind. Sweet, even. No matter how much sass and grumpiness he sprinkles into his words, it is abundantly clear that his heart is made of pure gold. His smile could melt snow. His soft words could tame the wildest slitherbeast. His laugh is pure music.
*embarrassed cough*
So, then. Why the fear? Why have I been finding myself so on edge around him lately? It’s incredibly frustrating.
Words are difficult to get out. My pulse quickens when he sits too close. I can no longer look him in the eye without my face heating up. What else could cause this but fear? It is clearly my body warning me that what I am doing is incredibly foolish.
Or perhaps it’s just the apple blood.
*sighs in frustration, then there is a long moment of silence*
No. I’m not that naive. I know it’s not the apple blood. It’s just that…I’m…
I’m not ready.
I don’t have much more I would like to say on this topic, so I suppose I shall end this entry and tuck myself into bed with a good book. Perhaps Goldie would like for me to read her another story.
Here’s hoping for some nice dreams. Titan willing.
Scaburary 15th
I had the day off from work. I tried to draw in the garden, but my redo of the blue jay sketch came out even worse than the original. I ended up spending most of my day on the couch, half paying attention to a book I could barely focus on enough to read.
I had dreams last night. Dreams I absolutely refuse to relive by writing them down.
Please. Please, please, please let tonight be better.
Scaburary 16th
Oh, Titan. I hate this.
I have made a decision. A decision I am absolutely miserable to be making.
It’s something I can absolutely not back out on. Something I should have done ages ago.
Something I should have done before I got…attached.
No matter what, this will end in pain. But it must end. Before he is harmed. Or worse. I know what I must do. But it hurts. I have to protect him. This week will be rough. Please wish me luck and courage.
Scaburary 17th My chest hurts. My eyes are sore. Everyone has been giving me space at work. I am sure they can tell something is very wrong, but no one has pried. At least I managed to keep it together until I was halfway home. Be proud of my fortitude.
After I was done being sorry for myself, I got an idea. I am unsure if I will be able to follow through with my plan. But if I can find my courage, perhaps I can at least try.
When we say our goodbyes, I can at least ensure Caleb still has a friend.
I haven’t carved a palisman in years. Not since I made Goldie with Mother and Father. And not since they…
*chokes up for a second*
I don’t even know if I remember how. But there is a grove of healthy palistrom trees in the backyard. And I still have my knife.
I even know what he would want.
Fine. Tomorrow I will start carving.
Scaburary 18th I opened my journal to write, but I have nothing substantial to say. This week has been miserable. I wish it were Friday so I could get this over with. Goldie keeps offering me seeds to cheer me up. I’m sorry, Goldie. I appreciate the gesture, but not everything can be fixed with a tasty seed.
Scaburary 19th I sent Goldie to deliver my final rebus message. I got such an excited response back, I nearly lost it again. He has heard a saw-whet owl in the woods by the fields. He wants to take me out there to listen for it. Sounds lovely. I suppose it’s nice to look forward to one last owl watch. What should I do with the remaining Titan’s blood? Dispose of it? Donate it to a researcher? All I know is that I cannot keep the vials. Lest I be…tempted. I’ll miss the birds. Caleb’s gift is drying on the kitchen table. I wonder what wish he will make.
Scaburary 20th I am surprisingly calm. There is something to be said for allowing yourself to…feel. To let your emotions exist, acknowledge them, let them out. That isn’t typically how I operate, but perhaps it can be advantageous to…sometimes…occasionally…not bury everything? As much as I hate to admit it. I was even able to laugh at Goldie’s antics. She brought home a rattle worm and pretended to feed it to our new scarlet friend. She even feigned offense when he refused her gift by remaining silent and wooden. Silly bird! I don’t know what I would ever do without her. I think I will be fine. Once the dust settles. We will all be fine.
Scaburary 22nd I do not know where to start. It is late evening. I am sitting here in bed, journal in lap, as usual. But Goldie is perched on my shoulder instead of her usual spot on my extra pillow. Because my extra pillow is occupied. It is occupied by a blond human and a small red bird. Oh. He just reached out in his sleep to hug my waist. I suppose I’m trapped now. I’ve never been so happy. I’ve never been so happy, and yet so anxious? I can’t stop smiling. I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling or swooning or giggling since last night! How embarrassing. How completely and utterly embarrassing! ...Goldie, I know you are reading this. I can hear you laughing! Quit it! I think I’m still in a bit of shock-GOLDIE THIS IS PRIVATE. I haven’t quite processed any of this-I KNOW YOU CAN FEEL MY EMOTIONS AND HEAR MY THOUGHTS! I DON’T CARE! YOU’RE STILL BEING NOSY. WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE WERE BOTH SO OBVIOUS? I SAID STOP LAUGHING!!! Fine. You were right. Is that what you wished to hear? Are you happy now, you smug little feather brain? Good. Anyway. Where was I? Everything happened so…fast. The last 24 hours have been absolutely wild. And terrifying. And…intense. But I think I can finally admit something important, even if it’s only here for now. Let’s see if I can manage to actually write it. Goodness, my hand is shaking. Alright. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. Here goes… *swoons a little* I’m in love. Goodnight, everyone. Sweet dreams. *snaps fingers, and light spells are extinguished* Sung: You are not alone No matter how far you have flown Together we feel we’re at home In darkness light shines in your bones *As she hums the song fades out*
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cod-dump · 1 year
I just had a conversation with a friend about ghosting. I didn't knew that, however until way later. She was like "oh yeah I have him saved as casper, because he is a ghost"
So naturally my mind went "ehehehehe new Nickname unlocked"
She got mad because "Ghost would only ghost horrible people and wouldn't get called Casper".
I disagree. Soap would so jump at any opportunity to do so. At the risk of his live.
Ghost, as Soap would come to discover, had a habit of leaving people on read. Not only that but he also likes to ignore some people for months before bothering to reply with the driest text known to mankind. Soap was no stranger to this yet he wasn’t bothered by it. He even gave Ghost a nickname!
Soap and Gaz were relaxing in the rec room when Soap had gotten a text.
“Uh, who’s ‘Casper’?”
Soap stops his channel surfing and grins, “He finally replied!”
Soap grabs his phone and pulls up the messages between him and ‘Casper’. Gaz leaned over and watched him reply, reading the messages that he could see.
“‘LT’? He’s a lieutenant— No… you didn’t-“
“I did,” Soap said smugly.
“Soap, Ghost will kill you if he sees that stupid name!”
“Oh please, he won’t do anything!”
“Suds… you sweet, oblivious thing.”
Soap just rolled his eyes at that and went about his day. Months would go by and Ghost would continue to ignore his texts days at a time before finally replying. Soap hasn’t given his nickname a second thought. One night he saw Ghost disappear around a corner and giggled.
“Casper’s haunting the halls. How cute.”
Unknown to Soap, a rookie heard him say that. And soon, Soap’s nickname for Ghost spread through the base like a wildfire. Soon everyone was calling Ghost ‘Casper’ behind his back. Ghost, of course, know about it and was pissed. But he never came after Soap, which meant he didn’t know Soap was at fault.
They were sitting in a briefing when Price did the unthinkable.
“What’s your thoughts, Casper?”
The rage in Ghost’s eyes made Soap sweat. Gaz sent him a text as Price and Ghost stared each other down.
Kyle: You’re so dead
Soap glared at Gaz who just looked at his paperwork innocently. Ghost had stormed out of the briefing as soon as it was over, Soap wondering how he was going to get out of this alive if the guy somehow figured out what he had done. He would probably have to go into hiding in order to stay alive. And he wouldn’t be able to stay in one place, he would have to relocate probably every month to keep Ghost at bay.
I’m so dead.
One day, Soap had misplaced his phone. He couldn’t figure out where he left it. He had searched the entirety of his room, the meeting room, rec room, gym— He couldn’t find it anywhere. Then he remembered that he was in Ghost’s office for a bit. So Soap went there to check. He knocked, only feeling fear when he heard Ghost growl from the other side.
“Who is it?”
“Soap, LT.”
Soap should’ve run but he didn’t think of that until the door was already open. Ghost stared down at him, a fire in his eyes. Soap gulped and forced a smile.
“H-Hey, LT. Di-Did I le-leave my phone here?”
Ghost grabbed the front of his shirt in response and dragged him into the office.
“You did. I know that because I tried calling you.”
Soap’s heart dropped into his stomach.
“You know what else I know?”
Soap backed up until his ass hit the edge of Ghost’s desk. Ghost stood right next to him, glaring down at him. Ghost fishes out his phone from his pocket and calls Soap, his missing phone ringing from on the desk. Soap turned his head to see the caller ID mocking him.
Casper is calling…
“Oh fuck…”
Ghost grabs Soap and pins him to the desk.
“It’ll take more than that to get you out of this alive.”
Soap swallows, “Like w-what?”
Soap would soon wish he didn’t ask that.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
when frat!peter says ‘my baby’… i just about combust. i comBUST!!!!! pls im his baby im hisssssss his baby only his eheheheh literally butterflies -dude
he only breaks out baby when he's ultra soft and lovey.
and trouble loves it too, she will always ask him to say it and he just pretends she's crazy.
'please, trouble?'
'hmm, maybe. but only if you call me baby.'
'why would i do that?'
'cause i asked, and cause i love when you call me baby.'
'stop making things up, i don't call you that.'
'you're right, you say 'my baby' and that makes me all mushy.'
and peter can't say no to you, especially when you make him feel like he's doing something right.
'fine, will you please go with me, my baby?'
'ah! you did it!'
'did what? i don't know what you're talking about.'
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