#i thought she was done making fun of me for my nose . jfc
lemonofthevalley · 5 months
my sister just told me that if there was a possibility that her kids would have a big nose she would get an abortion what the fuck man.
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smol-warrior-1258 · 6 months
Sooooo I was gonna hold off until the full season was done, kinda give the TV show time to play out as an adaptation instead of being distracted by the alterations being made for this version. Because alterations are okay! I think if you're going to adapt anything from one medium to another it should be to express the content in a new way based on the different limitations & possibilities of one medium vs another. You can't do PJO [the TV show] exactly as written in PJO [the books] - it doesn't work and shouldn't be the point - and I think the show is doing a great job to consciously avoid that trap. (My personal opinions on how several first-person narrated book-to-movie adaptations have fallen somewhat flat is a post for another time.)
And so, I was planning to wait. This is a franchise I hold very dear to my heart and have cared about for more than a decade, I recognize that I will be protective about how a story like this is being shown to a whole new generation and may influence them. I wanted to see how the shifted motivations, etc would progress objectively even if I couldn't see how it would get its way back to the story I know from the book. Let this new version run its course and go from there. You can absolutely shift some things and let the narrative move on a slightly different path without losing the heart of it - it's something fanfiction has really helped me embrace despite my initial impulse to bristle at changes to the stories I love.
But I just watched ep 3 and . . . I'm frustrated.
Everything just feels so shallow?
And I want to be clear: I don't mean bad acting. There are a lot of moments where I enjoy the delivery and the emotions the cast are putting out, and their portrayal is a separate thing from what they are portraying.
I am talking about the plot & the relationships & the characterizations & jfc the PACING. I don't know how to be cohesive about this because there's so many things that just make me so apprehensive about this show hitting deep enough emotionally by the end. It is so empty at the moment and I haven't been convinced that that will change as of yet.
Without further ado, an incomplete list of my thoughts thus far:
Oh uh . . . THIS IS MADE OF SPOILERS . . . so yeah
Gabe. I genuinely do not hate - or even really care enough to dislike - Gabe? What? I just. Just how? How can that even happen? This is such a distracting point because Gabe is a character that is supposed to be fundamentally irredeemable. Full stop. So plainly a nasty, abusive, toxic, utter dirtbag that Percy making the "warding-off-evil gesture" designed for monsters causes a reaction to a mortal. He is such an integral part of Percy's (let alone Sally's) character through a good chunk of the first book in particular, and even later on in PJO & HOO Let's be real here: Tartarus smells like Gabe to Percy even after years and I don't think you could get more on the nose than that. I really just don't understand how the show can drop the ball like this. I can - and might, once the season is complete - go on a whole separate rant about Gabe, but I think I've made enough of a point for now.
Let's talk about blue food. This show has done A LOT of verbal exposition all over the place. About everything. Like maybe kinda too much at times if we're being honest. So where is the explanation for the blue food? You have this poignant Thing about Percy burning the blue jelly beans as a sacrifice bc it's precious to him and yet give 0 reason why beyond the fact that his mom gave it to him? This isn't some fun easter egg for book fans to squeal over in the background bc it's a tiny fun reference you'd only notice as a reader - this is a developed plot point that (again) is recurrent throughout PJO & HOO oh and also ties back to Gabe being a dick for no reason but moving on not to mention a specific example of the bond Percy shares with his mother specifically in the abusive environment she endures to keep him safe. I would not be surprised if they do this bit of exposition later on, but the omission really made it feel hollow.
Which brings me to Sally Jackson, our queen. I like a lot about the portrayal that's been shown so far in terms of her alone, but I really didn't feel like we were given enough to show the relationship between her & Percy. This relationship is so so SO important - and I think the show recognizes that on a surface level to the point that it's altered the plot to confirm that she's not dead from the beginning and make that Percy's openly stated motivation for the quest - and yet I feel as though we've been 'told not shown' that fact? Sally is actively present for such a short amount of time to begin with and it's therefore even more important that her significance to Percy is given sufficient weight for the audience to buy in quickly.
Something that threw me off right from the beginning was the pacing. I think I actually did a sort of shocked double take after Mrs. Dodds went down because it's, presumably, the crux of that episode and yet was a blink-and-you-miss-it kind of scene. Then again with the toilet scene! There was no real build up or follow up; it just kinda happened? It's like all the important pieces are there but nothing is being given the space it really needs, no room to breathe, no time to let the audience be drawn in to the story & it's characters. Emotional/plot beats go by so fast you hardly have time to absorb them while other scenes are longer but still empty. Percy's introduction to the Hermes cabin & the montage (which was very fun btw) of him during capture the flag come to mind in that regard. Scenes where you have time to take it in but there's not much there to take. I don't really know what to do with that I guess? It makes it hard to judge what I'm supposed to find important and that throws me off.
Maybe this is kinda still pacing, but I feel like many of the opportunities for suspense/surprise/tension have been totally missed (if not outright sabotaged). There are instances earlier, but I am still reeling from the Aunty Em scenes. I'm trying not to be stuck on "in the book" rhetoric because that's a different beast, but I really have a hard time understanding the benefit to altering the reveal in that way. Same thing with the formal announcement that Sally was not killed - Percy barely has time to grieve before being told she's alive, and any suspense that might have built by Percy mulling over her fate is ruined. Other scenes, like the Furies on the bus, feel like they have no stakes because they're dispatched so quickly. (Okay yeah this is clearly still tied to the pacing lol). There are smaller moments where I also felt the 'told not shown' rearing it's head. Places where they say something is important but don't show anything to back that up. It's like despite all the stuff about how their quest is dangerous and how dire the circumstances are, there's no actual evidence that that's true? They're in a cab and then the bus and then strolling through the woods and then killing Medusa - all with no visible damage or noticeable repercussions to them. I just haven't felt any payoff from their successes because their successes aren't made to look like actual accomplishments.
Look. This isn't the movies. I saw The Lightning Thief [movie] in theatres (quite possibly on opening weekend) and went from exhilarated anticipation going in to actually literally ranting with my friend on the way out. Those movies were barely based on the source material and that is infuriating as a fan of such a quality series. The main frustration there *was* that MANY significant things were missing and/or different from the book not to mention the flagrant disregard for the basic plot. That's not what's going on here, at least not for me.
This is disappointing in a different way because I'm (mostly) able to step back from the fact that certain moments in the book aren't being show here (looking at you, hacky sack scene) or are being adjusted for this newer version; there are elements I'm definitely enjoying for themselves, and I can see potential in some of the changes long term. I'm going to watch through because I am willing to put some faith in a wonderful cast and Uncle Rick that this will come to a place that does the story justice.
But at the moment? I'm just not there yet.
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zalrb · 3 years
@jayciethings​ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.
1. I think the opening scene does a good job in establishing the central struggle of the season and it does it in 3 minutes: 1) things need to change and Joey wants them to 2) Dawson doesn’t see why anything has to change and doesn’t see what Joey is trying to say 3) burgeoning sexuality 4) Joey-Dawson friendship.
2. I also think the Joey-Dawson friendship is also established really well and it’s actually a time where dialogue and action work in tandem. They give a brief history/overview of their friendship: “you’ve been sleeping over since you were 7″ “i’ve seen you pick your nose, scratch your butt” while also showing them watch tv, playfight and ultimately end up sleeping in the same bed, like they did when they were 7.
3. I actually don’t find the dialogue as annoying right now.
4. I will forever be angry that they didn’t pay to have the original music with their scenes because Dawson’s Creek is not Dawson’s Creek without “I Don’t Wanna Wait”.
5. “He did it again, he grabbed my ass.” “Like you even have one.” Joshua’s delivery is perfect because it’s resigned and un-offended.
6. “I’m Jen.” “Oh right, the granddaughter from New York.” That actually isn’t clunky. It’s a good way to do exposition.
7. “You look different.” “Puberty.” LOL Joey Whitter sass.
8. Honestly, at least so far, Joey’s behaviour makes sense for a 15 year old girl who is in love with her best friend who doesn’t see her as a sexual being and then has to watch him salivate over The New Girl. No, that isn’t Jen’s fault but sometimes people on this site act like teenagers or adults for that matter don’t have messy and not-so-great emotions/reactions to things. Unless, apparently, they’re men who are rapists and serial killers, then the understanding is boundless.
9. It’s actually refreshing to hear “Mr. Leery” “Mrs. Leery” since teens in shows now just call adults by their first names, which I would NEVER do. I still can’t do that. If I had to address initiumseries’ dad it would be Mr...
10. I also think it’s funny that this dialogue is being made fun of but this kind of cadence and irony is the kind of thing shows go for now -- Riverdale tries to emulate this and I would argue Euphoria tries to do an edgier version of this. Like Nellie insulting Pacey, that kind of tone is what they’re trying to go for with Cheryl.
11. I’ll admit this is more fun than I thought it would be so far.
13. “I have it on pretty good authority that mothers have excellent sex.” LOL Pacey, dick move.
14. Renting The Graduate, how on the nose.
16. The soundtrack pisses me off so much.
17. Oh Dawson. I knew so many self-important, I’m-so-deep-I-like-these-kinds-of-movies or -this-kind-of-music boys in high school. Like I find it so typical that he thinks his obsession with Spielberg would interest Jen.
18. Dawson taking Jen to his studio is like Klaus taking Caroline to sees his drawings.
19. Oh man, I remember being a kid and watching these teen shows with my cousin and seeing how Capeside High School was with everyone on a quad and throwing footballs and being like HIGH SCHOOL IS GOING TO BE LIKE THAT and my cousin just being like
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20. I like how Dawson’s Creek is the whitest show and they still managed to have more Black extras than Gilmore Girls.
21. Dawson and Jen actually have a nice chemistry. But everyone is coming on super strong with Jen and she’s just kind of like, this seems normal.
22. The film teacher is a dick for no reason. I’ve had my fair share of dickish teachers but this is excessive right off the bat.
23. Lol poor Jen, she really is trying with Joey.
24. I like how a status of Joey’s class is the fact that her sister is engaged to a Black man *eye roll*
25. I don’t know of any school where teachers ate in the cafeteria with the students. In my school there were teachers who supervised the cafeteria but that’s it. Wow, I spent like no time in my high school cafeteria.
26. “I’m having a climax issue”
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27.  Tamara, Ms. Jacobs, you should be in jail.
28. I like how this school LOOKS like a school.
29. Ugh, a trans jokes. Ugh, there was so much of that in the 90s.
30. “Nothing has to change. We can talk about anything.” Honestly, from a screenwriting point of view, this is a solid pilot. I remember in a screenwriting class I took, we studied The Social Network and every 10 pages someone calls Zuckerberg either an asshole or a jerk or something in that vein as a way to reiterate a key part of the theme of the movie and while I don’t have the pilot script in front of me, DC does reiterate the theme of the season frequently without it being repetitive.
31. The dialogue isn’t as hyperbolic as I remember tbh. And I’m going to say it again, shows are aiming for this, even the one episode I saw of the Winx Saga, when they try to flirt about mansplaining, when she’s fighting with her mom about how she’s not a feminist, they’re trying for this. But DC manages to make it more natural and it’s because the Core 4 have a charm. Even if you hate Dawson.
32. Who is Dawson’s dad. Is he in something else?
33. No, I just think he looks like Dr. Cox.
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34. Dawson’s rant about sex not being important is hilarious. Yes, Dawson, you’re just pursuing Jen out of intellectual and philosophical desire.
35. I like how Joey is supposed to be a tomboy just because she’s the only girl/woman in Capeside who doesn’t wear a sundress.
36. Poor Jen.
37. Joey is super dramatic, I get that, but I kind of love it because I’m going RELAX but the way I would to a teenager. Like CALM. DOWN. Also “all I do is understand” is something that we needed to see more of before that argument.
38. Dawson, you never ask anyone else any questions about themselves, lol.
39. “How can you say you were just renting a movie??” Pacey is such a fifteen year old and I do wish the show would just ... let him be one? And what I mean by that is Pacey is supposed to be the friend with the edge, the fact that he “pursues” Ms Jacobs is supposed to attest to that fact, it’s framed as taboo and yet they’re presented as being on equal footing, even the way her date moves to grab him out of his seat when the fact of the matter is, he’s a kid, and if the show didn’t actually make the Tamara/Pacey relationship a storyline and made it about another way teenagers have certain idealized perceptions of relationships or apply kid knowledge to adult situations which still makes them kids, it would’ve been interesting too.
40. Dawson is literally dressed in different shades of beige. If that doesn’t say everything you need to know about his character --- which is intentional. But like jfc man.
41. I love that they can’t say “masturbate” so she has to say “walk your dog” I LOVE THE NINETIES.
42. And you know what, after that question was asked, the sheer heartbreak on Joey’s face and the sadness in Dawson’s eyes is done really well.
43. LMAO SO ANGSTY. No one does angst like the 90s.
44.  And legitimately, the ending of this pilot is great screenwriting because a change is noted, the beginning of the episode, Joey does end up staying the night, the end of the episode she leaves because they both realize it’s true that things are changing and yet Dawson answers her question about what time of day he masturbates and to who because they’re still Dawson and Joey. And that’s the way a pilot should be written.
OK. I’ve done it.
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alirhi · 3 years
Ugh. I have been fighting with my muse to get this done for two months. And I was actually going to stretch it to line up more or less with the movie's timeline, but honestly... I'm just so burnt 😂 So this is what you get.
Title: Monday Chapter: Oneshot Fandom: Monday Rating: R/NC17 (I mean, have you seenthe movie?) Pairing: Mickey/OC Summary: What if, instead of Chloe, Mickey met a woman that night who was actually good for him and whom he was compatible with? WARNINGS: swearing, sex (not explicit; I rarely if ever write smut, but still) Notes: I hate Chloe. Omfg I hate her so much. So I fixed it XD Yes, I literally rewrote the entire movie with a different love interest. Well... most of it lol. I get bored, okay? Lol. Oh, and the girl is actually a character I yanked from one of my original stories lol. I didn't make her up on the spot for this (I'm too lazy for that XD). Tweaking her to fit the setting was kind of a bitch, as she's from a fantasy series, so if she seems kind of Mary Sue-ish...sorry.
“You have a nose for American cheese!”
Mickey rolled his eyes. “Come on, that girl looks insane!”
“What?” Looking surprised, Argyris turned and looked where his friend was pointing, and then laughed. “Not her, you idiot! The ginger-snap over there!”
The girl in question, a lithe, pretty thing with a wild mass of red hair that she constantly shoved impatiently out of her face was dancing alone a few feet away from the angry-looking blonde Mickey had thought he'd been talking about. She was gorgeous, he had to admit.
“Go and talk to her, man!”
He pointed to the turntables in front of him, impatiently reminding Argyris, “No, I'm working!”
“Come on,” the other man taunted, “I know your playlist inside-out! It's the same R&B shit, and then a little bit of disco!”
“It's not R&B, and it's not disco!”
“This song is twenty fuckin' minutes long! Come on!”
“Hey!” Mickey grimaced, hastily yanking his headphones off and setting them down as he was dragged off toward the redhead. “Fuck!”
All puffed up with pride – and way too much to drink – Argyris pushed Mickey when they drew close to the girl, so that he slammed right into her. Laughing, he patted her shoulder, but his mirth was short-lived. She grabbed his hand and twisted his arm up behind his back.
“Put your hands on a girl you don't know again. I dare you.”
Mickey covered his mouth with one hand to hide his laughter as his friend writhed in the deceptively delicate-looking girl's grip.
“Alright, alright! I'm sorry!” Laughing as he was released, Argyris went to put a hand on each of their shoulders, took one look at the girl, and just hung off of Mickey's shoulder, instead. “You're an American... You're an American! You're a man, you're a woman! There you go!”
“Yeah, crazy kismet,” she snapped, rolling her eyes. “Two Americans out of their natural deep-fried, flag-waving habitat at the same time! Imagine!”
Undaunted, the drunk Greek simply shrugged and flounced off with a flippant, “Whatever. Have fun!”
“Sorry about him,” Mickey said immediately, smiling when she turned and smiled at him. At least she didn't seem to be judging him by the company he kept.
“Friend of yours?”
“Argyris? Yeah.” He grinned. “He's kind of an idiot, but he's a good guy.”
She laughed. “I'll take your word for it. Aren't you the DJ? Should you be over here?”
“No,” he admitted with a laugh, “but I'm fine for a few minutes. You wanna dance?”
“I'd love to.”
She was tall, he realized as he spun her around; in the little barely-there heels she was wearing, they stood eye to eye. Clearly drunk, though, she lost her balance every few seconds and crashed into him with a laugh, occasionally giving up on righting herself and just resting her head on his shoulder.
Mickey grimaced as he heard the song beginning to wind down, but the girl hanging off of him only smiled and patted his chest. “Go on! Get back to work. I'll be here when you're done.”
“Any chance I could convince you to come around the other side?” He gave her his most charming grin, and felt a little warm inside when she laughed.
“Why, so you can stare down my top the whole time?”
With a shrug, he admitted, “I've been doing that anyway, so why not?”
“Honesty!” She grinned and kissed his cheek. “I like it. Alright, you gorgeous lech! Get back up there. We'll see what I can do about your view.”
He only made it another hour or so, with the girl coming up to him every few minutes with another drink, and occasionally flashing him from the spot she'd found in front of him. Queuing up enough songs to play through the end of the party, he hopped down off the podium and ran over to her, tugging her close for the kiss he'd been dying for since Argyris had first pulled him over to her. “You wanna get out of here?”
“You sure? What about-”
Mickey shook his head, smiling. “It'll run til they all pass out. No one'll touch my stuff, not here. Come on!”
“Okay, yeah.” She shrugged and laughed, allowing him to pull her through the throng of dancing people and away from the party. “Fuck it. Let's go!”
The next morning, naked, hungover, and covered in sand, they were nudged awake by a police officer while an angry lady yelled about their indecency. The officer waited for them to scramble back into their clothes and then cuffed them both, ushering them into the back of a cruiser.
Despite the situation, Mickey couldn't keep the silly smile off of his face. At least the cops had been kind enough to cuff their hands in front of them, allowing him to hold his out to the girl beside him. “Hi. I'm Mickey.”
She laughed, the realization that they'd never introduced themselves clearly dawning in her bright green eyes. “Beck.”
“Nice to meet you.” He shook her hand, but couldn't hide his slight confusion. “That a first name or a last name?”
“It's short for my first name.” She was still smiling, but there was a dangerous glint in her eyes as she added, “Call me 'Becky' once and I'll be facing real prison time at the end of this ride, and you'll be missing body parts.”
With a slightly nervous laugh, he nodded. “Alright, noted. Beck it is!”
“And, nice to meet you, too.”
There was the briefest of conversations at the police station, the sandy couple signed themselves out, and then Mickey persuaded one of the officers to give them a lift back to the beach.
“You want a ride?”
Beck grinned, one ruddy eyebrow arching up. “I still need to clean up from the 'ride' last night.”
Laughing, Mickey shook his head. “I'll never say 'no' to more of that, but that's not what I meant.”
“I know.” She shrugged, snarky grin turning into an almost bashful smile. “And yeah, I'd love a ride. Thanks.”
He loaned her his helmet and, after getting directions from her, drove her to her hotel. It seemed like that would be the end of it... and he hated that thought. “So, what're you doing tonight?”
“Packing and sleeping,” she told him with a laugh, leaning against the building. “I gotta be on a plane Monday morning, and I hate leaving things to the last minute.”
“You're leaving?”
With a grin and a snarky air kiss, she teased, “Missing me already, lover boy?”
Mickey shrugged, grinning. “Maybe I am. I like you, is that so bad?” He beckoned, and was somewhat surprised when she walked right over to him. Still smiling like a fool, he grabbed her by the waistband of her shorts and pulled her close for a kiss. “Come with me tonight, for a proper sendoff.”
“Come with you where?”
“I'm DJing on an island.” Thumb sliding under her clothes to slide over her hip, he wheedled, “Come on. Come with me.”
“I need to shower. I'm all sandy and sticky from last night.” Beck gave him just long enough to deflate, and then she smirked and nipped his jaw. “Care to join me?”
“Fuck yes!” He was off his moped in a flash, following the laughing redhead as she took his hand and tugged him into the hotel. Giggling like hyenas, the pair made their way up to Beck's room, stopping every few steps for one to yank the other close for another kiss. Mickey was on cloud nine. This girl was fun, she was sassy and wild, and he couldn't get enough.
It seemed she couldn't get enough, either. They'd barely stepped into the shower before Beck was on her knees in front of him, her hand on his ass and his hand tangled in her hair as she sucked him off. He leaned back against the wall, tugging lightly on her hair and shuddering as he felt her moan around him.
“Fuck... oh, fuck, you're good at that! Holy shit... Stop. Stopstopstop!” With a little half-smile at her look of confusion, he tugged her back to her feet and kissed her. “You're fucking amazing. God damn, you are good with that mouth! But that's not what I want.”
Beck grinned, a playful glint in her bright green eyes that made him weak in the knees. “That's not a good idea.”
“Oh, no?” He backed her up against the wall, nuzzling her neck as his hand drifted down between her legs. “Funny... You don't seem to really believe that.”
“I definitely want you to fuck me til I can't move,” she assured him, shaking as she tried desperately not to laugh. “But it's not a good idea-” Her words turned into a startled whimper as Mickey hoisted her up by her thighs and slid into her to the hilt.
“I think it's a great idea,” he purred, biting her shoulder. Then he almost dropped her, and they both cracked up.
“The wall's slippery! This isn't smart.”
“No, it's definitely not smart,” he agreed, turning so that he was holding her up in mid-air instead of bracing her against the wall. “But that doesn't make it not a good idea.”
Beck laughed, clinging to him for dear life. “You're just gonna hold me up?”
“The whole time?”
“You don't think I can do it?” Mickey grinned, bouncing her a few times just to prove her wrong. “You weight nothing, baby girl. I got this.” She was surprisingly light... but she was also a grown woman almost the same height as him. His pride would never let him admit it aloud, but there was no way he was going to be able to fuck her like this for long.
Just as he was wracking his somewhat foggy brain for a solution, he saw light dawning in Beck's eyes and waited. “Counter!” She nodded toward the sink, and only then did he realize they hadn't even closed the shower curtain, and the bathroom floor was getting soaked. “Put me on the counter.”
“I thought we were supposed to be getting cleaned up.” Even as he teased her, he was carefully stepping out of the tub, blessing her foresight when she grabbed a towel and threw it down just before he set his foot down, and carrying her across the bathroom.
Beck snickered and kissed him. “No point getting clean until we're done getting dirty. Shut up and fuck me.”
“Yes, ma'am!”
A little while later, they stumbled across another logistical issue Mickey hadn't considered.
“You are not putting dirty clothes on a clean body!” Beck insisted, prying his – pretty nasty at this point, he had to admit – clothes from his hands. “That's disgusting!”
“Well, what the fuck else am I supposed to wear? Clearly, I can't just run around naked. We got arrested for that this morning!”
“Pity,” she teased, eyeing him in a way that made him wonder if they were ever actually going to leave her hotel room. “You're the best view in Athens.”
“Maybe they arrested us out of jealousy, then.” Mickey shook his head, though he couldn't help chuckling a little, despite his frustration. “Either way, I'm kinda stuck. It's either be gross, or don't go anywhere.”
“As much as the thought of keeping you trapped here as my sex slave appeals to me...” With another mocking grin, Beck turned and started going through her dresser drawers. “I think I can help you out.”
“I'm not wearing your clothes.”
“They're less flamboyant than what you do wear.”
“They won't fit!”
She tossed him a tee shirt and a pair of cargo shorts that proved him very wrong. They were huge. At his questioning stare, she shrugged.
“I always pack a couple of cute outfits when I travel, and the rest is super baggy; at least three sizes too big. I like to be comfortable.”
“Convenient.” He stared at the shorts in his hands, and then at the belt she handed him a few seconds later. “Am I supposed to wear your underwear, too?”
Beck snorted and walked away, patting his shoulder as she passed him. “I don't wear underwear.”
“Then I guess I kind of am wearing yours.” Even as the joke was tumbling out of his mouth, he knew it was lame, but they still both laughed. Then he glanced at his watch and winced. “Shit, we gotta go.”
He waited for the dress she was pulling on to settle into place and then wrapped his arms around her, tugging her back against his chest. “We gotta go. If we don't catch the next ferry, we're gonna be late.”
She flinched. “Okay, two seconds.” The girl moved like lightning. Mystified, Mickey watched as she yanked on a pair of canvas sneakers, grabbed her wallet and cell phone – which she then stuffed in the pockets of the shorts he was wearing – grabbed a hair tie, and ran for the door. In no time, she'd strangled her wild red curls into submission in a low ponytail. They hadn't even reached the elevator yet.
“How did you do that?”
“Do what?”
Handing her his helmet, Mickey shook his head. “I think you got dressed faster than I did! I thought girls always take forever to get ready.”
Laughing, Beck rolled her eyes. As she settled on the back of the moped and tucked her skirt around her legs for decency, she told him, “I spent two years in the jungle with nothing but what I could fit in a backpack. Low maintenance is kinda my thing. The fewer steps to getting ready, the less time it takes.”
“That explains so much.” He stared at her for a moment, and then shook his head and grumbled as he slid into place in front of her and started the moped, “And raises so many more questions!”
“Full disclosure: I will probably answer none of them, as I'm very likely never going to see you again after tonight.”
Well, that was a depressing dose of reality he wasn't ready for. Not one to dwell on things, though, Mickey simply decided to have as much fun as he could with this girl while she was around, and treasure the steamy memories.
They made it to the ferry just in time. Making sure there was no one else around, Mickey smirked and tugged Beck into his lap, one hand sliding up her thigh. He moved slowly, giving her plenty of time to push him away if she wanted; she simply arched an eyebrow at his questioning look and grabbed his wrist, tugging his hand closer.
“Why do you think I'm wearing a dress?”
Fuck, he loved this girl!
They were pretty much attached at the hip the whole day – literally, when they could steal a few minutes alone. While he was DJing, she was dancing like a lunatic, front and center. Those piercing green eyes never strayed from him; he knew, because he couldn't look away from her, either. Once he was free, they danced together for a little while, but it didn't take long for Beck to grow bored and yank him down the beach, away from the party. They found a dark, hidden nook to be alone, spent the night hopelessly wrapped up in each other, and then cuddled as they watched the sun come up.
“Gods, this place is so beautiful!”
Mickey chuckled at the plural, but didn't ask about it. He had a more important question for her: “You really gonna leave all this behind?”
“I have to.” She didn't sound any happier about leaving than he was about letting her leave. “I gotta get home.”
“Where's home?”
“Boston. You?”
He grinned and nudged her. “Athens, baby. Been here seven years!”
“Okay, but where before here?” she prodded with a laugh. “You're obviously not Greek; you don't even speak it!”
“Do you?”
Beck sat up a little straighter, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “Nai.”
“One word is being a showoff?” Beck laughed, shaking her head. “You've been here seven years, and you don't know a single word of the language?”
Mickey scowled, feeling defensive. “Everybody speaks English!”
“Wow.” She wasn't smiling anymore. She actually looked and sounded pretty pissed off. “That is astoundingly arrogant. And completely American, so clearly your obnoxious friend with no boundaries was right; it's not just a funny accent, you actually are American.”
“You're an American, too!”
“By birth,” she snapped, “not by choice. And I fucking hope not by attitude. I don't go stomping around foreign countries with absolutely no respect for their language or customs, expecting everyone around me to cater to my laziness.”
He rolled his eyes, scooting away from her. “Give me a break! Learning another language is hard!”
“Impossible, if you don't even try.”
“Yeah? How many languages do you speak?”
“Fluently?” She held up her hands, ticking each one off on her fingers as she listed them. “English, obviously. Korean, Irish Gaelic, Italian, and German. Passably? Japanese – I can speak it fluently, but I have trouble reading it; the kanji is a nightmare – Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, and Swedish. I can read Latin and Old Norse, and I'm learning Mandarin, but I admit I'm struggling with that one. Mostly for the same reason I can't read Japanese; the writing system.”
Gaping at her, Mickey couldn't formulate a response for a long moment. When his brain finally started working again, all he could think to say was, “Jesus, what the fuck are you, a robot?!”
“I'm an archaeologist,” she told him flatly, still looking irritated. “And I've been traveling since I was seventeen. Been studying at least one language other than English since I was ten. I definitely had an advantage, starting when I still had a little kid's spongy brain, but it's not impossible to learn at any age, if you actually care enough to try.”
“You sound like my ex.” Hoping to distract her from that comment he hadn't meant to make, he hastily asked, “If you love to travel so much, why're you in such a rush to get home?”
Beck sighed, turning to stare out over the water. “I promised my daughter I'd be home in time for her birthday.”
Huh. They had more in common that he'd thought. “You have a kid?”
She nodded. “Two. Two girls.”
“How old?”
“Alice is five,” she murmured, pulling her knees up to her chest and crossing her arms over them. Head pillowed on her arms, she added, “And Madeline's about to turn fourteen.”
“How the hell old are you?!” He hadn't meant to ask so bluntly, but he was so stunned by her daughters' ages that the question just kind of blurted itself out.
Mercifully, Beck laughed a little. “I'm thirty-three. I'll spare you some math – I was nineteen when I had Maddie.”
Mickey shook his head, not sure how to react. In all honesty, she didn't look much older than that now. There was a shadow behind her eyes that he was dying to ask about, but even as thoughtless as he could be, he knew when to just not go there. Instead, he told her softly, “My son is six.”
“What's his name?”
He smiled. As much as the situation with his ex sucked, he loved his son, and thinking about him always brought a little smile to Mickey's face. “Hector.”
The look on Beck's pretty face as she watched him like a hawk made him blush, though he wasn't sure why. There was just something about that direct green gaze that made him feel like she could read his mind. “He's the real reason you don't want to leave Greece, isn't he?” A spot-on guess like that certainly did nothing to dispel the notion.
He nodded. “Yeah. Yep. His mom hates my guts, but I don't care. There's nothing I wouldn't do to stay in his life. I actually, um... I have a room for him, at my place. If she'll ever let me take him, you know, just for a weekend or whatever... His room is ready and waiting for him.”
“All you can do is keep trying. Put in the work, be the best dad you can be, and hope for the best.”
Unsure what to say to that, Mickey changed the subject with an awkward smile. “So... Alice? She blonde, like Alice in Wonderland?”
Beck snorted, shaking her head. “No, she has black hair, like her dad.” She paused and then shook her head again with a bemused smirk on her face. “Actually, both of my girls look like their dads – dark hair, big blue eyes.” Smirk turning into a grin, she nudged him. “Guess I've got a type.”
“'Dads,' huh?” He grinned, too, and nudged her right back. “Plural?”
“You gonna get all judgy on me, now?” Her tone was light and teasing, but her eyes promised a whole lot of pain if he answered wrong.
Mickey just laughed. “Nope, no judgment. I think you've seen enough of what I'm like this weekend to know I wouldn't have the right.”
“Good answer.”
“I don't want you to leave.” He watched her go rigid and sighed, shaking his head. “I'm not gonna try to stop you. If you were leaving for literally any other reason, I might, but I'd never dream of trying to keep a mom away from her kid. I just... I really like you, and I wish you didn't have to go.”
She shrugged a little, staring out over the water again. “To be honest, I don't wanna go, either. I mean, I'm dying to see my girls again, being away from them is always painful, but... This place is so beautiful. I would love to stay a little longer.”
Not a single word about whether or not she liked him. That stung, but he did his best to ignore it. “Why don't you bring them with you when you travel?”
“I used to,” she admitted. “When it was just Maddie, I brought her everywhere with me and tutored her myself. I tried to keep it going after Alice was born, but it was rough. They got tired of always being on the road and not having kids their age to play with, so now I leave them with my sister when I'm away.”
“Wait, you taught her yourself?” He laughed, shaking his head in dismay. “Are you sure you're not a robot?”
Beck laughed, too, rolling her eyes. “I'm sure. There's more down time than you think in archaeology; plenty of time to keep an already smart girl from falling behind in her schooling.”
“They must take after their mom. I mean, you speak a zillion languages, so you gotta be pretty damn smart.” She was so reckless and carefree, it was hard to picture this woman digging in the dirt for broken clay pots, or wrangling two children to teach them math. From what he'd seen, it felt like Beck was describing a completely different person. He didn't want to offend her, so he refrained from pointing out that she came across less brilliant, multilingual career woman in her thirties and more Girls Gone Wild: Athens.
“Cheapann tú gur leathcheann mé.” He had no idea what the hell she'd just said, but he could tell from the look on her face that he hadn't been as good at keeping his thoughts to himself as he'd hoped. She looked both offended and darkly amused. “Pensi che una ragazza non possa essere intelligente e libera? Eísai vlákas, Mickey.”
He didn't bother asking for a translation; her tone told him he didn't want to know. “How many languages was that?”
Beck grinned. “Three. Gaelic, Italian, and Greek. I sometimes mix a few in the same sentence – I constantly mix Japanese and Korean at home; it makes my girls laugh – but I figured I'd be nice.”
Mickey opened his mouth to say he wouldn't have noticed the difference, and then stopped. He had noticed the difference; the lilt of her voice changed dramatically with each language. That was how he'd realized that she'd been speaking more than one in the first place. “I kinda wanna hear that mix, now. Are the languages that similar?”
“No.” She laughed. “Not at all. They share some slang thanks to pop culture, and both borrowed a lot from China, but they're structured differently, and the way they're spoken is different.”
“Then how do you mix them?”
“I speak them both,” she said with a shrug and another laugh. “If you speak more than one language well enough, they don't have to be similar to still flow. Like...” She smirked, leaning against him and batting her eyes. “Kimi wa baboya, demo... mada jowayo.”
“Yes.” Cracking up, she pulled him back to lie on the warm sand with her and cuddled close. “That time, absolutely.”
“Do you think you'll ever come back?” He'd been trying so hard to avoid the subject, but he just couldn't get his mind to budge from the fact that he didn't want her to leave.
With a fond smile, she kissed him before teasing lightly, “You gonna miss me, honey?”
Mickey grinned, hoping she couldn't see that he was feeling more melancholy than amused. “I think mostly I'll miss the sex. It's hard to find a woman who can keep up with me.”
“Oh, is that so?” She laughed and tickled him, making him squirm. Then she stopped, a warm, almost wistful smile on her face. “I'm gonna miss you, too, you know.”
Forced playful grin turning into a soft, genuine smile, he pulled her closer and kissed her. “I was beginning to worry you didn't like me.”
Beck grinned and nuzzled his neck. “The past twenty-four hours wouldn't have happened if I didn't like you.”
Feigning shock, Mickey gasped. “You mean you don't fuck strange men all over Greece indiscriminately?”
“No, that I do all the time,” she joked, hand sliding up one leg of his borrowed shorts. “But I only let the really special ones wear my clothes.”
He laughed, glancing down at himself; he'd forgotten for a second that they were hers. “Right. We should stop at my place so I can change and give these back before I take you back to your hotel.”
Beck sighed, snatching her hand back as if he'd burned her. “Right. Yeah, we should get going.”
Though he still hated that she had to leave, he kept his word and didn't try to stop her. Argyris tried to convince him to make some grand gesture at the airport, but Mickey shut him down with a grumpy, “It's her kid's birthday. I'm not that much of a selfish asshole.”
“I can't believe you're in love with this girl!” Hooting with laughter, Argyris slapped his back. “I'm a fuckin' matchmaker! Who knew?”
“Fuck off, Cupid!” Mickey grinned and shoved him away, hoping the other man couldn't see how shitty he really felt. He moped for a couple of days, barely paying attention to the world around him, just missing the crazy girl with the temper as fiery as her hair.
Then he answered an unexpected knock at his door and was baffled by the sight of a cute, petite brunette with huge blue eyes staring up at him. “Um... Can I help you?”
“Huh.” One dark eyebrow arching up, she called back over her shoulder, “You really do have a type.”
A familiar laugh made Mickey freeze in shock as Beck stepped into view behind the girl, another one in her arms. “I made the mistake of telling Maddie that I met this awesome DJ in Greece-”
“And since I have no friends anyway,” the girl, who he finally realized was Beck's older daughter, Madeline, cut in, “I figured there'd be no problem moving my 'party' somewhere more fun than my aunt's house. For the third year in a row.”
“Jesus, you might look like your dad, but you sound just like your mom!” The words slipped out before he could stop himself. While Madeline rolled her eyes, the little girl in her mother's arms – Alice, he figured – giggled.
“Yeah,” Beck agreed with a grin, moving closer and leaning past her daughters to kiss him. “She's got my snarky attitude. Gods help me. Thankfully, this one's still innocent.” She squeezed Alice tighter against her side, making her giggle again.
“Mommy! You're squishing me!”
“Her? Innocent? Did auntie tell you what she did to my stereo?!”
“It was an accident!”
“My butt it was!”
Wincing, Beck glanced at Mickey and mouthed, 'I'm sorry.' “Girls, enough. What have I told you about bickering in front of strangers?”
“I mean, you also tell us not to spread our legs for strangers, and yet...”
“Madeline Fiona O'Brien!”
“What?!” Eyes wide and looking frustrated, Madeline gestured to Mickey. “I'm kinda right!”
He couldn't hold it in anymore. Leaning on the door frame to stay upright, Mickey burst out laughing. God help this woman, he thought as he struggled to get his breath back. Her daughter's exactly like her!
Face even redder than her hair, Beck grumbled, “I did not tell her we slept together.”
“You couldn't shut up about him and your clothes smelled like dude. Doesn't take a genius.”
“Maddie, couldja stop? I kinda wanna see more of Greece than two buildings. If mom drags us home early cuz you're being a jerk, I will kick your seat the whole way back to Boston!”
“I'll let her.”
Mickey had just about gotten his laughter under control. Still chuckling, he yanked Beck into his arms and gave her a long, slow kiss. “You are dreaming if you think I'm letting you leave again.”
“That doesn't sound kidnappy at all!”
Laughing again, he released the blushing redhead only to trap Madeline in his arms and tickle her until she squeaked. “And you, little miss Queen of Sarcasm!” With a grin, he kissed the top of her head and released her, pleased to see that she was smiling. “Happy birthday.”
As he stepped aside to let them in, it finally dawned on him that he'd never actually worked a child's party before. He was used to crowds of rowdy drunk Greeks, not two innocent little girls. He didn't even know any kids, besides his own! He glanced helplessly at Beck, who snickered and kissed his jaw.
“Just do whatever; I can keep an eye on them. Maddie was more interested in the change of scenery than an actual party.”
“Does she really have no friends?”
She shrugged, turning to watch her daughters awkwardly settle on the couch and begin nudging and poking each other repeatedly. “She's never been the most social kid in the world. Around their own age groups, Liss is the bubbly extrovert and Maddie can't be bothered; she wanted to hang with kids her own age until she realized they annoy the hell out of her.”
“Argyris might know some people with kids...” He rolled his eyes. “He'll think I'm nuts, trying to hunt down teenagers, though.”
Beck laughed and shook her head. “No, really, don't worry about it. We don't even have to actually throw a party-”
Cutting her off with a kiss, Mickey insisted, “Oh, she's getting a party. When is her birthday, anyway?”
“Today, actually.”
He flinched, glancing at the clock, and then relaxed. It was still pretty early. “She's getting a party,” he repeated firmly. “She's fourteen! That... has no special significance in any culture I've heard of, but the kid still deserves some fun on her damn birthday. Especially if the last few have been disappointing.”
“The day after is pretty significant in our culture,” she murmured, so softly he almost didn't catch it.
“Is it?” Wasn't she American? He seemed to recall a whole conversation that almost turned into an argument about it. “Since when?”
Beck blushed again, looking uncomfortable. “Never mind.”
“...Girls, make yourselves at home. I need to talk to your mom for a minute.”
“You're talking now.”
He almost wrote that off as another snarky response, until he realized it had come from Alice. Looking innocently confused, she stared at him with almost comically large blue eyes, and he smiled. “In private,” he clarified as gently as he could as he grabbed Beck's wrist and tugged her down the hall toward his bedroom.
“Door open at all times!”
With a huff, Beck dug her heels in and spun around to glare at Madeline. “Who's the mom, here?”
“Sometimes I wonder.”
“Madeline.” Wrenching free of Mickey's grasp, she crossed her arms over her chest and stared her defiant offspring down. “Who's the mom?”
Glowering right back, Madeline mirrored her pose and grudgingly admitted, “You are.”
“Good. Now that we've got that cleared up, how about you show our host a little respect?”
Madeline's face was red as a tomato, but she still looked more angry and resentful than contrite, until she took a deep breath and turned to Mickey. With a surprising note of sincerity, she grumbled, “Sorry, Mickey.”
“Jet lag gets the best of all of us. Maybe you two should take a nap while your mom and I talk.” He didn't know what the hell else to say. He couldn't say 'it's okay' and undermine her mother, and 'you're forgiven' sounded kind of dickish. With an awkward smile, he waved and resumed dragging Beck down the hall.
As soon as the bedroom door was closed behind them, Beck sighed and leaned against it, looking worn out. “I'm so sorry about her. She's been so bitchy lately; my sister said she was even copping an attitude with her, which she almost never does.”
“She's probably just tired and been missing her mom.” In truth, he thought Madeline's sass was funny as hell, but he wasn't about to step into the middle of a mother-daughter war. Instead, he focused on his own curiosity. “What 'culture' celebrates the day after a birthday?”
She winced. “It's nothing, Mickey. Forget it.”
Weird. “What's the big deal? I'm just curious.”
“Alright, fine.” Looking and sounding resigned, she muttered, “If you're gonna judge or laugh, might as well get it out of the way – I'm a witch.”
Mickey stared at her. Whatever he'd been expecting her to say, it wasn't that. “...A witch?”
“I don't ride a broomstick and I can't turn you into a toad.” Oof. Defensive. Judging by her tone, she'd had this conversation before, and it hadn't gone well. “My sister's a witch, too, and so are my girls. There's an old tradition in the craft; at thirteen we find our deity, if we're meant to serve one, and a year and a day later, we pledge to their service.”
Light dawned. “Oh, that's why you always say 'Gods' instead of 'God'! That makes sense.” Who was he to judge? He wasn't particularly religious, but was any one religion really any weirder than the next? Curiosity abated, he brushed it off and tugged her into his arms. “My very own Sabrina.���
Beck snorted and dropped her head onto his shoulder. “Sometimes I feel more like Sarah Sanderson.”
“You really want me to throw a rager for your fourteen-year-old?” He didn't know what to say about her Hocus Pocus reference – 'horny and ditzy? Sounds about right' was...probably not the right thing – so he decided to just jump back to the original topic.
She shrugged. “I honestly don't know what to do for her. Coming back here was her idea, but I kinda doubt it had much to do with her birthday. She wasn't kidding about wondering which one of us is the parent; that kid's been trying to take care of me since she was little.”
Sighing, she stepped back out of his arms. She looked so sad and broken suddenly that he wished he'd never asked. “I would love to say that it's just who she is – and it is, to a point. Some people are just natural caregivers, and Maddie's definitely one of them. But I was a mess before Liss was born. Maddie's had to deal with a lot of bullshit, and it made her grow up too fast.”
That settled it in Mickey's mind. As he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket with one hand and opened the bedroom door with the other, he told her again, “She's getting a fucking party.”
Three hours and a lot of yelling at Agryris to get him to stop laughing later, he was setting up speakers in front of his apartment building, surrounded by what looked like every kid in Athens between twelve and sixteen, along with their parents. It definitely wasn't his usual crowd, to say the least, but they were friendly enough. Most importantly, Madeline was already smiling and laughing.
Remembering the posters he'd seen around town, he pulled his phone out again and called a number he hadn't used in quite a while. “Well, well. So you're in Athens. What do you know? I have a favor to ask you...”
Mickey grinned. Clearly, he'd made the right call, and it was earning him hugs galore. For the first time all day, Madeline was acting like a teenage girl, bouncing up and down and screeching with joy as Bastian made her way through the party. With a bright smile, she hugged the birthday girl and smoothed her dark curls back off of her face before approaching Mickey and hugging him. The second she moved back, Madeline launched herself at him, squeezing so tightly he thought she might crack a few ribs. And then her laughing mother replaced her, and he'd never felt so popular.
“Hell of a dad move,” Beck teased, grinning at him as she stepped aside and Maddie barreled into him again.
Laughing, Mickey lifted her up and kissed the top of her head. “Happy birthday.” She was too light; idly, he made a mental note to ask what the hell Beck and her sister were feeding these kids, or failing to feed them. Then he realized he sort of was acting like Maddie's dad and he blushed, setting her down.
As she ran off to dance with her little sister, he pulled Bastian up onto the platform and picked up the mic. “First of all – let's hear it for the birthday girl!” He pointed, and grinned when the revelers around him cheered, making the brunette blush. “Maddie O'Brien! You said you have no friends back in the States-” Boos echoed around them, and her color deepened. “-So I thought, what could make a better birthday present than a couple hundred Greek friends?”
The crowd cheered again, and a few “YEAH, MADDIE” shouts made the girl in question laugh, covering her face with the hand not holding tight to Alice's little wrist. Mickey noticed that she did that a lot; whenever the younger girl wasn't in her mother's arms, she was in her sister's tight, protective grip.
“What do you guys think?” He shouted into the mic. “This girl's really cool, right? You wanna be Maddie's friends, and show her how much better everything is here in Greece?”
The cheers were deafening. Mickey was grinning like a fool, and was pleased to see that so was Madeline. Big blue eyes shining, she stared up at him like he was her hero, and for a minute, life was pretty damn good. He'd die before admitting it aloud, at least so soon, but he could easily see a bright, happy future where he was stepdad to these two beautiful little girls, and they doted over their step-brother Hector, the way Maddie doted over Alice. He glanced at their mother, and couldn't help getting just a little choked up when he saw an identical look of joy and appreciation on her beautiful face. Man, it was nice to be the hero.
Before he could get too emotional and ruin the party, he pointed to Bastian. “You guys know who this is, right?” Another enthusiastic roar; he was a little jealous this time, but shoved it down and smiled. “Well, she's gonna take over for a little while, so make sure you give her some love, alright?”
Yanking her into one more tight hug, he handed the reins over to Bastian and hopped down. Beck immediately threw her arms around him and kissed him. “You are amazing, you know that? I descend on you unannounced with a grouchy teenager in tow, and you give her the best fucking night of her life!”
“All in a day's work,” he joked, squeezing her. “She seems like a great kid; they both do. I couldn't just do nothing and let her be miserable.”
“Hector is lucky.” She was grinning so wide, her face hurt; Mickey only knew because he was doing the same. “He's got a really great dad. If you'd do something like this for a kid you've never even met before, I can only imagine the lengths you'd go to for your own.”
“Think you can pass that praise on to my ex? Maybe she'll actually let me see him.”
Smile fading, she gripped his head with both hands and pulled him down to press their foreheads together. “If you want me to, I'll help you fight for him. You deserve to see your son, and he deserves to know his dad.”
“How long are you staying this time?” He didn't want to talk about Hector suddenly; not at a party surrounded by strangers and their children.
Seeming to sense his mood, Beck smiled and glanced at her giggling daughters. They were hopping around like lunatics to the music, surrounded by kids Maddie's age. She looked like she was having the time of her life. “From the looks of things now? Forever.” Mickey thought she was joking, but the look on her face stopped him from laughing it off. “I've never seen her so happy. Athens might just become home.”
“I hope so.” He shrugged, forcing a chipper smile to hide the desperately hopeful one he couldn't quite keep in. “It did for me!”
“We'll see.”
Unlike most of the parties he'd worked, this one started winding down fairly early as kids hugged Maddie, wished her a happy birthday, and were ushered home by their tired parents. Alice was asleep in Mickey's arms, her tiny body limp as a rag doll and her silky black curls tickling his nose. As the last of her party guests wished her well and left, Madeline hurried over to him and cuddled up to the side not currently occupied by the dead weight of her sister.
“Thank you, Mickey.”
“Did you have fun?” She nodded, and he smiled softly, stroking her dark hair. “Good. Let's get inside and get the little one into bed, shall we?”
She glanced around, frowning a little. “Where's mom?”
“Already upstairs.” Grinning, he watched her for a reaction and added casually, “With Bastian.”
Bright blue eyes widening, she gaped at him. “She's staying?”
Mickey laughed. “For tonight, at least, yeah. Come on.”
As they trudged through the door of his apartment a few minutes later, Mickey found himself wishing he'd stayed outside.
“No way!” Beck whipped around to gape at him while Bastian laughed. “You didn't tell me you were in a band!”
“Oh lord,” Madeline grumbled under her breath. “Get something pierced and she'll propose to you by midnight, I swear.”
Choking on a startled laugh, he lowered Alice into her sister's waiting arms. “Put her in Hector's bed. You and your mom can take mine tonight.” As she obediently wandered down the hall to tuck the younger girl in, Mickey flopped down on the couch beside Beck and tugged her into his arms. “That was a long time ago. Then she got her big break and got all famous, and she didn't need losers like me anymore.”
“Oh, that is such bullshit!” Laughing, Bastian stretched out to kick him. “We got a break. We got a deal. You were every bit a part of all that!”
“Oh, please!” Mickey rolled his eyes. “You never needed me. It was the Bastian Show, and we were just-”
“No! No, what happened was...”
They bickered for a while, going back and forth over who was to blame for Saint Claude's ultimate demise. After a few minutes, Beck excused herself and left the room, leaving the two old friends to catch up. When the argument showed no signs of ending, Mickey huffed and stood up, muttering something about getting a drink as he walked away. He loved Bastian, but damn she could be stubborn!
“What the fuck are you doing?” A glass in each hand, he stared at her as she laid out lines of cocaine on her phone's screen.
“What the fuck does it look like I'm doing?”
“Oh, god.” He grimaced, glancing toward the bedrooms. All quiet, but he didn't know if Beck and Maddie were asleep, or just hiding from the debate. “Come on, let's go in the bathroom.”
“The Brat Pack's asleep. Don't worry about it!”
“You don't know that,” he hissed. “Come on.”
Bastian rolled her eyes, but she allowed him to usher her into the bathroom. “You're paranoid. You barely even know these people! What do you care what they think?”
“I care,” he snapped, though he didn't refuse when she offered him a line. He'd just finished, was still hunched over the phone, when the door opened and he was faced with, basically, his worst nightmare: Madeline was standing in the doorway, hand on the knob.
They both froze, staring at her like deer in headlights. Face completely expressionless, Maddie looked at each of them, then at the line of cocaine still on the phone, and then straight at Mickey. "I just wanted to thank you again for today." Without another word, she calmly turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.
"Shit." Ignoring Bastian's drug-fueled giggle fit, Mickey was on his feet and chasing after the teen in a flash. "Maddie!"
Though her face was still a stony mask, there were tears in her eyes when she whirled around to face him. "I need to talk to you. Now."
"Okay." He gestured to the couch, but she shook her head.
"Outside. I don't wanna wake up mom or Alice."
Nodding, he followed her without another word. At first he'd thought she meant out in the hall, but she didn't stop until they were outside the building. "Maddie, listen-"
"Let her go." Mickey's heart broke when she turned to face him again. Tears running down her cheeks and lower lip trembling, she stared up at him with those huge blue eyes and he almost started crying with her. "You have to let her go. Mom's loyal even when she shouldn't be. She'll never break it off."
"Maddie, I don't want-"
"I only exist because my dad drugged and raped her!" Wiping furiously at her face while he shrank back in horror, she continued more calmly, "She doesn't know I know that, or that he tried to kidnap me a bunch of times when I was little. Auntie told me. She still stayed with him for almost a year. Will hit her, Owen was a toxic psycho, Alex was a racist jerk... Alice's dad was always really nice to us all when he came around, but he almost never did. And I don't know what he did, but he's in jail for life now." With a bitter grimace, she spat, "And you're a druggie."
Maddie's had to deal with a lot of bullshit, and it made her grow up too fast.
Beck's soft voice, so full of pain and regret, echoed in his head as Mickey sank down to sit on the steps and tugged Madeline into his arms. "I'm not a druggie," he assured her as she clung to him and broke down sobbing. "One time thing, kiddo, I promise."
"Like you'd say anything else!"
The little whimper that escaped her as she scooted up his leg to get closer and dropped her head onto his shoulder very nearly made him start crying with her. For all that she insisted he get the hell out of her life, he could tell that she was desperate for someone decent to stay. This poor kid was fourteen going on forty after watching her mom date a string of losers; no wonder she had no faith in men, or in her mother's ability to make sound decisions. He squeezed her a little tighter, not sure what to do or say.
"Mickey, I'm tired," she croaked, making his heart ache for her even more. He knew she didn't mean sleepy; she was tired of being the mature one, and he couldn't say he blamed her. "I'm so tired..."
"Shhh, it's okay, baby," he whispered, rubbing her back. "You can rest now. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. You're my little girl now, okay? And I won't let anything happen to you, or your sister, or your mom. You don't have to take care of her anymore, honey. I will. You just take a breath and be a kid while you can."
"How can I trust you?"
Well, that hurt, but he got where she was coming from. Pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head, he murmured, "I gotta earn that." He pried her loose and pushed her back a little, just enough to be able to look her in the eye. "Do you think you can give me a chance to?"
After a pause that felt like an eternity, Maddie sniffled and nodded. "Okay. But if you hurt her, I'll kick your nuts back up inside."
Laughing, Mickey nodded and smoothed her hair back. "Noted.” A thought occurred to him and he frowned. “Why did you aunt tell you all that? Putting that weight on a kid... That's cruel.”
“I asked,” she admitted with a shrug. “I asked why mom was such a mess, and why I didn't have a dad. So she told me.”
I'd have made some shit up, damn. Even high, he was smart enough not to say that. He chose not to say anything at all, and just held her for a while as the cool night air soothed their frayed nerves and her breathing slowly returned to normal.
Voice a small, timid whisper, she asked, “Do you really wanna be my dad?”
Smiling softly, he kissed her head again and hugged her just a bit tighter. “I am your dad.” When she tensed and let out a frustrated huff, he explained, “I'm in love with your mom, kiddo. And I already love you and your sister. We're family now, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise.”
“You're weird.” He could hear her teasing smile in her voice, and he smiled, too, relieved. “You don't even know us.”
“I know enough. Come on.” Though all he wanted was to sit there and cuddle with her all night, he gently pushed her off his lap and stood. “It's getting late. You should get to bed.”
Sending her off down the hall to his bedroom when they got back upstairs, he collapsed on the couch and sighed. He'd known when he met her that Beck would make his life more interesting... he just had no idea how interesting.
A laugh beside him reminded him of his other guest and he reluctantly opened his eyes. Judging from the way she was twitching and snickering, Bastian had finished the rest of the coke. “That was intense!”
Mickey closed his eyes again. “If it's not already gone, get that shit out of my house.”
“Oh, come on!” She shoved him, grinning impishly. “Don't try to act all virtuous now! You were right there with me, until that kid walked in.”
“'That kid'?” Annoyed now, he sat up and glared at her. “My kid.”
“Not really, though.” Confused, she twisted to glance down the hall, and then back to stare at him. “...Right? I mean, shit, she does kinda look like you...”
He shook his head. “No. Biologically, no, but I don't care. I'm not gonna add my name to the list of guys who've hurt her.”
Bastian snorted, rolling her eyes. “Mickey, you can't just decide to play daddy to this random kid on a whim just because your ex won't let you see your own. She's not yours, and changing your whole life and personality isn't going to change that.”
“I haven't touched that shit in years. I'm not changing on a whim; you just don't know me anymore.”
“Enough,” she challenged, settling back in her seat and staring down her nose at him. “I know you well enough to know this is never gonna work.”
“What isn't?”
“This!” Bastian gestured vaguely around them. “This whole self-domestication shit. You're not some house husband and stepdad – you're a musician. You belong on the road, Mickey! Not shut up in some old lady's apartment playing House with some crazy chick and her walking, talking reminders of past mistakes.”
“Beck,” he snapped, glaring at her. “'That chick's' name is Beck, and her gorgeous daughters are Maddie and Alice. They're not mistakes. Alice is adorable and so smart, and Maddie is fucking awesome and she's been through Hell. I haven't seen you in years and you think you're gonna sit here in my house and tell me who I am and what I want? I don't fucking think so, Bastian.”
“Alright, alright!” She held up her hands in surrender, eyes wide. “Chill. I just miss you, okay? I want you to come on tour with me, like the old days, not sit here and rot away in some mediocre domestic life. You could have so much more!”
Mickey sighed, staring off into space for a moment. Some part of him was drawn to her offer, but that wasn't him anymore. He didn't actually want to tour with her, he just hated feeling settled; at some point in his wild youth, stability had begun to feel like stagnation, and now he found himself often desperate to avoid it, even if it came with everything he truly wanted.
He thought about Beck, and her bright smile and her two beautiful, lonely daughters, and he thought about Hector. Beck had been spot-on; as much as he did love Greece, Mickey had really only stayed this long because of his son. He wanted to be in Hector's life. Now he wanted to be in Maddie and Alice's lives, too. He wanted a family.
And for the first time, he was willing to fight for that family.
“You're right,” he admitted slowly. “You're right, I've been hiding here, just floating around aimlessly.” Before she could get all triumphant, he stood and growled, “But that's not what I'm doing now. Now, I'm finally seeing a life that I want, and I'll be damned if I'll let anyone take it away from me.”
That said, he walked away without giving Bastian a chance to argue. He peeked into his son's room to check on Alice, smiled when he saw the way she was sprawled, half hanging off the bed, and he quietly closed the door and headed to his own room. Hopefully Maddie wouldn't mind; he'd originally intended to crash on the couch, but he couldn't stand to be in the same room as Bastian, and couldn't quite bring himself to kick her out, either. Moving slowly, so as to avoid waking either of the bed's other two occupants, he slid in next to Beck.
She immediately rolled over and cuddled close to him. At first he thought she was just fidgeting in her sleep, but then she whispered, “Don't let anyone change you or tell you who you are. Not even me.”
“I won't.” He tried to smile, couldn't quite manage it, and kissed her, instead. “Goodnight.”
It wasn't quite a seamless transition. Mickey's place was too small for a family of four, and he didn't exactly love the idea of moving a bunch of heavy audio equipment down those winding stairs. Though he wanted to jump right into living together, he didn't put up much of a fight when Beck started looking for her own place.
It helped that she didn't spend a lot of time at home. Once the girls were enrolled in school, their mother started dropping them off and then going straight to Mickey's place. She helped Argyris translate for Mickey and his clients, which both men had thought was a terrible idea... until they saw her in action. The short fuse he'd become so familiar with in their first couple of days together was nowhere to be found. Around even his most difficult clients, Beck was the embodiment of charm and professional courtesy. Mickey quickly found that while Argyris was better for direct translation, he was no match for Beck when it came to diplomacy and deescalating a heated argument.
“You haven't seen 'difficult',” she teased, “until you've been a woman in a male-dominated field arguing for funding. This is nothing.”
Mickey laughed, yanking her into his arms. “Where have you been all my life?”
She flinched, closing her eyes and pressing her fingertips to her mouth for a second. It was the briefest of moments, and then she was smiling again and joking, “On my knees in the dirt, mostly,” but he refused to ignore it.
“You okay?”
With a little shrug and a nod, she admitted, “Been a little queasy and lightheaded lately, but I'm fine. It never lasts long.”
“You are so American.” She glared at him and he grinned, pleased that he knew how to get her attention. “You're not in Dystopia anymore – go to a doctor.”
“Did you not hear me? I'm fi-”
“I heard 'lately,'” he countered, poking her side and immediately regretting it when she cringed. Right; queasy. Maybe don't mess with her stomach, Mickey. “'Lately' means this is not normal. It means you're sick, so go to a doctor.”
She shook her head, winced, and dropped it onto his shoulder. “I don't need a doctor.”
“You can't even move without turning green.”
“I'm fine. I don't need a doctor.”
“Why are you being so stubborn? You're supposed to help me with stubborn people, not be the Queen of them!”
“Am I your girlfriend or your lawyer?”
“That's not what I meant and you know it. Don't change the subject.” Rubbing her back, he insisted as gently as he could, “Please just go get checked out.”
“I don't need to. I'm fine.”
“Look, even if it's minor, do you wanna suffer or find out what's wrong and get better?”
“I don't need a doctor to tell me what I already know!”
What she already knew? He frowned, more confused than ever. “Is it some kind of chronic-”
“Mickey, I'm not sick – I'm pregnant!”
He froze, gaping at her in shock. She started to pull away, but he tightened his grip on her waist before she could stand up. “You're what?”
Looking nervous and uncomfortable, she mumbled, “I was trying to find the right time to tell you; we've just been so busy with that 'make it more Greek' asshat...”
“You're really pregnant?” When she slowly and carefully nodded, Mickey grinned and hugged her as tight as he dared. “That's fantastic!” He finally let her up, only to stand with her and frame her face with both hands. Between frantic kisses all over her face, he gushed, “That's incredible! Have you told the girls yet? Oh, Alice is gonna be so excited to be a big sister! And Hector! I can't wait for Hector to meet his little brother or sister!”
He glanced around, smile dimming just a bit. “Damn, we gotta get a bigger place.”
“I wonder if Agryris' grandmother had-”
“Mickey!” Shoving his hands away, Beck got a tight grip on his hair and forced him to turn back to face her. “Do you really think we can do this?”
He blinked, taken aback by that. “Don't you?”
“Three kids, and fighting for joint custody of a fourth?” She shook her head, looking at him like he was an idiot. “The thought that we might be in over our heads crossed my mind, yeah. I was struggling with just two!”
“Well, now you have me.” His cheeky grin didn't seem to comfort her as much as he'd hoped it would. “You were struggling 'cause you were alone; now you're not.”
“A single mom with two kids really isn't all that different from two parents with four,” she pointed out, releasing his hair and crossing her arms over her chest. Seeing the hurt he tried to mask, she sighed. “Look, I'm glad you're excited, I am. And whether we're ready or not, the kid's on the way, I just... I just wish I shared your optimism. I'm not excited, Mickey; I'm scared to death.”
“Well, get excited,” he jokingly commanded, pulling her close for another hug. “We'll be fine. Besides, it's not like Aspa's ever gonna give me full custody, so it's not really two to four. Maddie's old enough that she doesn't need constant hyper-vigilance from us, so it's really just two to two-and-a-half.”
Finally, finally, Beck laughed. It was quiet and weak, but a laugh nonetheless. “Jesus, you're like sunshine in human form. Does anything ever get you down?”
He shrugged. “Sure, but I try not to let it for long. And I see a new baby as something to celebrate, not freak the hell out over.”
“See, you get to see it that way because you don't have to push it out,” she teased. “It's not so perfectly sunny from where I'm standing.”
“No one said life is perfect.” Still smiling like a fool, he kissed her. “Whatever you need, I'm here. You're not doing everything alone anymore. We got this.”
“I love you.”
It didn't seem possible, but somehow his smile got even wider. “I love you, too.”
“Speaking of Aspa, though...”
“Oh, god, what?”
With a laugh and an apologetic smile, Beck ventured, “I don't think you should come today.”
Her smile immediately faded; apparently, he was really bad at hiding it when he was confused and offended. “Baby, you're chaos incarnate. It's one of the things I love about you, but it's not exactly conducive to a civilized conversation with a woman who probably kind of hates you.”
“Yeah, thanks.”
“I just think I might have better luck getting through to her, single mom to single mom.” She looked like she was waiting for him to hit her, which only made him feel worse. “I know how hard it is, and how, whether we mean to or not, we tend to villainize our exes-”
He snorted, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, well, with the stellar guys you've dated, it makes sense. It's not really villainizing if he's already a villain.”
“Exactly how much did Madeline tell you?”
Uh-oh. She was mad. Knowing he was in trouble no matter what and refusing to drag his stepdaughter down with him, Mickey hastily changed the subject. “Do you really think I'll fuck things up that badly if I go?” Why was he even asking? Offended or not, he knew she was right; Aspa hated his guts.
Thankfully, Beck let the dig about her exes drop and her steely expression melted back into one of gentle sympathy. “I just want you to have the best chance possible of getting to be an active part of Hector's life. I want him to know you, to sleep in that bed you bought him before he outgrows it, to meet his new sisters. And I think your feelings towards Aspa, and hers toward you, are probably too raw and volatile right now for a face-to-face meeting to be a good idea.”
“Alright.” Forcing a faint smile, he nodded. “Alright, go. You've got a point.”
“I'll tell you all about it when I get back, okay?” She promised with an equally strained smile, kissing his cheek.
“Can't wait.”
When she came back a little while later, she was laughing. Mickey's hopes that it meant things had gone better than expected were dashed, though, when she managed to gasp out, “She really hates you!”
“Yeah, thanks.” He shook his head. “I knew that much.”
“I'm sorry.” Still giggling, Beck wound her arms around his waist. “She was just such a bitch. I kinda respect the hell out of her.”
“What did she say?”
“That you're a baby,” she dutifully recited, “and you're irresponsible, unreliable...”
“Why is this funny?!”
“Because, Mickey... Mickey, honey...” Framing his face like he had to her earlier, she told him, “It's nothing I didn't already know. You're flighty and you're a big kid; this isn't news. She was floored that I love you anyway, and my god, the look on her face when I went off about how that childishness is what makes you such a good dad, and you're great with the girls... I haven't been able to stop laughing since! Pretty sure she hates me now, too.”
“Great!” Failing to see the humor, Mickey jerked free of her light grasp and moved away, beginning to pace the room. “So instead of helping, you just alienated her from us both!”
“We're going to see him on Saturday.”
“What?” He spun to stare at her; she wasn't laughing anymore. “Are you serious?”
Looking rather proud of herself, she nodded. “Supervised by Aspa, of course, but yep. You get to spend time with your son, and I finally get to meet him. It doesn't matter what she thinks of either of us, as long as she can see that you give a shit; that we're safe to be around Hector, and can be trusted to think of him first. Show her how much you love him, that even childish and flaky you can be reliable, that you want to be reliable, and a supervised visit might turn into father-son weekends, without your ex underfoot.”
“I... wha... how...?”
She shrugged, smiling faintly. “Mother to mother. We came to an understanding.”
Overwhelmed by emotions he couldn't even identify, Mickey closed the distance between them and lifted her up. “I fucking love you, you know that?”
Beaming as he set her down, Beck leaned in for a kiss. “I love you, too, baby.”
“That's not cute anymore.” Despite his protests, he was grinning as he backed her toward the bedroom. “Now I just feel like you're calling me a baby. That sucks. Don't do that.”
“I'll call you what I want,” she teased, pulling him down for another kiss. “And you can't stop me!”
With a hand on her belly, he joked, “How about you call me 'daddy'?”
“No.” She laughed and shook her head. “I physically cannot do that. I'll puke.”
“Well, morning sickness is pretty common.”
“No, this is pure disgust.”
They were both laughing now as they reached the bed; he almost playfully shoved her back, but then remembered the baby and thought better of it. Instead, he flopped across it himself and beckoned for her to join him. “We're gonna be okay, you know.”
Beck winced as she settled gingerly on the edge of the bed. “It's just such bad timing. I don't...”
“Hey.” He tugged at her arm until she stretched out beside him, and wound his arms around her. “It's all gonna be okay. No matter what life throws at us, we'll deal with it together, okay? I want this baby. I know you want this baby. The rest is just details.”
“Pretty big fucking details. I was supposed to go to Mongolia next month.”
“Then go.” God, he didn't want her to, but he was determined to show her that they could be together, be a family, without completely derailing her life. When she looked at him like he'd lost it, he gave her a bland 'are you kidding' look right back. “You're not really gonna try to convince me that you weren't still going on digs when you were pregnant with Alice, are you?”
She blushed. “My team didn't know...”
“So don't tell them this time, either.”
“Mickey...” Pushing his arms away, she sat up. “You really have no idea how physically demanding my work is, do you? I almost lost Alice.”
For a second, he floundered, wondering what the hell to do or say. Then he brightened and sat up, as well. “You speak a million languages; just work as a translator until you're safe to go back out into the field.”
“...I do love it,” she conceded, making him perk up. “And maybe I can finally teach you some Greek so you can talk to your son more easily.”
Mickey chuckled. “I'm not getting out of that, am I?”
“Nope.” She grinned and settled back against his chest as he leaned against the headboard. “Not until we're both fluent.”
“Alright, I'm in.” He smiled, kissing her jaw and lacing their fingers together. “New home for us, new job for you, learning a new language...”
“New baby on the way.”
“New baby on the way,” he parroted, pressing their linked hands to her belly. “New chapter.”
“Here's to a new life.”
Mickey nodded and leaned down for a proper kiss, murmuring against her lips, “Together.”
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Survey #269
“why aren’t you scared of me, why do you care for me, when we all fall asleep, where do we go?”
What’s your sexual orientation? Bisexual. What are you obsessed with right now? lol y'all know my staple stuff I'm always obsessed with, so two recent ones are Skillet (I've been binging soooo hard) and drawing again! What piercings do you want? A lot, jfc. More than any, I want collarbone dermals once I lose enough weight to where they're prominent. I've been on a goddamn weight loss plateau for two years. What’s your favorite show to binge? None. I generally don't enjoy binging too much. Do you watch porn? No, not interested. Do you have a secret sideblog? lol this survey blog. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? No. I very briefly considered getting one pierced, but I won't. Are you angry with anyone right now? Not like... actively. But passively it's there. What tattoos do you want? I refuse to die until I'm P A I N T E D  F O R  T H E  G O D S. Do you like paper books or ebooks better? Absolutely paperback books. It feels more "real," something to dive into, and it's easier to see and understand how far you're in. We talked about this in Writing once, was an interesting convo. Plus the smell of books, aaaaaahhhhh. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? Yes How many followers do you have? On here? *checks* 265. Do you read erotica? No, I'd feel SUPER uncomfortable. That's why 50 Shades has never appealed to me. Have you ever gotten into an accident with you parents’ car? No. Ever thought of just picking up and moving far away? Oh yes. What’s the wallpaper on your computer? My lock screen is the Halo of the Sun from SH, and my actual desktop wallpaper is my favorite closeup of my late pup Teddy. What is the last thing/person you took a picture of? Probably a stupid Facebook meme to show Sara or something lmao. Name a band/artist you like that isn’t that popular. Otep. Can you lift your significant other (your best friend if you’re single)? I'm sure I could. What is the first vehicle you recall your parents/guardians owning? Mom had a blue/greenish van for most of my childhood, while Dad had this old tan thing that he nicknamed "Frida the Cheetah" lmao. He had that damn car forever. Have you ever seen counterfeit money? Not knowingly. Have you ever lost a pet you were attached to? Well of course. I grew up with tons of pets. What was the most rebellious thing you’ve ever done? Probably texting back "fuck you" to Mom when she was being really shitty when I was having a breakdown. Pick one: laundry, dishes, or vacuuming? I'd pick vacuuming over the others any day. Have you ever moved and had to change schools growing up? No. You are forced to move out-of-state. Where do you go? I literally want to move to Canada. The highway and back roads take you to the same place; choose your route. Back roads, probably. You’re going to be a mom/dad; what do you think/do? Have a fucking panic attack. Are you more likely to give up or persist when you’re having trouble? It really depends on the seriousness of the situation, but in most cases I've actually faced, give up. Do you resemble one parent more than the other? I don't think so. Your best friend needs a kidney to survive; do you give them one of yours? If we're compatible, yes. Name a big life event that has taken place for you within the last 2 years. Nothing because my life is incredibly monotonous and stagnant. Name one difficult lesson you’ve learned. Life isn't fair, and life doesn't care. Name one thing you look forward to as you get older. Hey, let's hope I can be a functioning adult before I'm 70. Do you use your hands when you talk to emphasize what you are saying? Yes. Will you usually admit it when you’ve made a mistake? Yeah. Does stress ever affect you physically? If yes, how? Oh, yes. My stomach will absolutely hurt and I sweat more than normal (I say "normal" because I have hyperhidrosis). Did you have a money box as a kid? What shape was it if you did? I don't remember... I know we didn't regularly get an allowance or anything like that, but maybe I'm sure I stored money I was given somewhere? Has kids TV ever frightened you? As a kid, I both watched and feared Courage the Cowardly Dog, lol. Do you have any potted plants in your house? No. If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born and why? Early '80s! What a time for music, metal fashion, and fun. If you ran a store, what would you sell/have? IF I was more knowledgeable on more species, probably reptiles and more proper care materials and give advice that's not shit. Places like PetSmart and Petco just... disgust me. What part in a movie would you love to play? If I was confident in acting, probably the maniac lmao. I've experienced enough Crazy for that. What's the oldest article of clothing you own? I don't really know, but I do know Mom has a lot of my and my siblings' shirts as we've grown up to knit together a blanket one day. Fuckin cute as hell. What piece of furniture have you replaced the most? The couch. What instrument do you wish you could be more than great at? Guitar, with that electric twist anyway. What’s the best part of your favorite movie? When Simba roars atop Pride Rock in the storm and all the lionesses join in FUCK I get goosebumps out the WAZOO. What do you think is the most over-rated candy ever? Twizzlers, disgoosting. If you could only debate two topics the rest of your life, what would they be? LGBTQ+ rights is #1, then... hm... probably the pro-choice argument. Or just women rights in general. Out of your friends, who would you say you are most jealous of, artistically? Oh man, my friend Mini. She drew pretty well when we were young, but her skill like... increased exponentially with time. She doesn't draw in a *style* I'm envious of, but that growth tho. Most jealous of….intellectually? Girt. What is broken that you have, that you wish was fixed? My brain lmao. A famous person you have met? Nobody. Who were the last five people to text you? Dad, Sara, Ashley, Mom, and my grandma. What is your favorite book that you had to read for school? The Outsiders. Think of the last two people you kissed. Who was more fun? I've explained the "idk if *I* ever actually kissed Girt" before, but just for the sake of the question, I'll just count him. I tbh hated it only ever because why were your lips always wet, sir???? The latest person was Sara, and she kissed fine. If your house was burning down and you only had sixty seconds to grab one or two things, what would you grab and why? Roman and Venus because they're family and I adore them. Out of all the concerts you have been to, which band/singer was the best performer? Alice was great! When was the last time you went miniature golfing? For Jason's and my second or third anniversary, so a long time ago. What’s a song you like from a genre you hate? I always answer this question with a country answer, so let's go rap. Hm. OH, probably a Post Malone song. I actually don't mind him. If you had twin girls what would you name them? Alessandra indisputably, and then the other... maybe like, Josephine. Especially as twins, I'd want two gorgeous, less-heard names. What kind of condoms do you use? I don't use any because I'm not sexually active. Do you say years young or years old [ex: 16 years young or 16 years old]? Man, I miss the days I could confidently say "years young," lmao. Do you have any personality disorders? Avoidant, yes. I'm pretty convinced I have dependent PD, too. Do you shave your arms? Armpits, yes, but not my entire arms. What do you dip your fries in? Ketchup or honey mustard. Has one of your good friends ever moved away? Damn, yeah. I particularly remember this girl from elementary school in I think the 5th grade that I was very close with, yet I don't remember her name now. What color car are you when you play The Game of Life? Dude idr the colors at all. Which hair color do you find the ugliest? I've seen it be pulled off, but generally, yellow. Would you date a guy that wears more make-up than you do? Hell yeah man you fuckin strut that shit. Did you ever play M.A.S.H. when you were little? Ah, I remember that! Sure did. If you were getting married, who would be your maid of honor? My mom. If you have any pets, were they adopted from the humane society? No, but I would of course. Do you like home design, like picking out paint colors and furniture? Not any more than the average person. Do you chew gum on a regular basis? No. List all of your features that you have ever got compliments on: Do you mean just physical? If that's the case, hair, eyes, smile, uh... I feel like that's it. WAIT I can't remember who but someone once called my nose cute. Have you ever been in a hot air balloon, and if not, would you ever want to go in one? No; yes. What type of computer do you have? It's an Acer Nitro 5. Is anyone else in the room with you right now? My snake. Do you whiten your teeth with crest white strips? Not Crest, but a different brand, yes. I hate my teeth. Do you listen to local bands? Not really. I will sometimes listen to an old friend's band, at least bits of what they post on Facebook. Nova Mortis, check 'em out if you like pretty heavy metal. Do you have a pool in your back yard? No, but damn do I wish. Do your parents fight? Do they even talk at all? That's why they're divorced. They, especially Mom, avoid doing so whenever they can. Do you drink alcohol on New Year’s Eve? Usually. Do you wear rings? Just one, a friendship ring w/ Sara. Are there any restaurants in walking distance to your house? It'd be quite a long walk, at least by my standards. What was the last picture you uploaded to your Facebook? A picture of Mom and me. Have you ever listened to the same song on repeat for hours on end? YES. When I find a song I really like, I become VERY obsessive. Like I will play it and play it and play it for days. I in general have an extremely obsessive personality. Do you like staying in hotels? I don't have much of an opinion. It's a nice change of space, though. Are musicals interesting or boring? They're cheesy to me. What is your favorite scent of incense? (If you burn it) Okay, HEAR ME OUT. There is legit a kind called "monkey farts" that smells SO FUCKIN GOOD. Jason used to burn incense in his room all the time and that was my favorite one, so I use it now. Where do you normally hang out on the weekends? At home. I'm always at home, regardless of the day. Can you tune a guitar by ear or do you need a tuner? I never could. Do you like love songs? Generally, yes. They're sweet. Would you rather drink 7Up or Sprite? Fun fact: Sprite used to be my FAVORITE soda as a kid. I even had a fuckin Sprite shirt. Now, I hate it. I haven't tasted 7UP in forever. What is your favorite song as of right now? I'm seriously digging Halocene lately, esp their cover of "bury a friend." Have you ever sex texted? This is gonna sound so stupid, but I'm actually not *totally* sure what that is? Just like, dirty talking or like, virtually RPing sex? The former I did when I was fuckin 12 like a goddamn idiot, but not the latter. When's the last time you went out of state? A year and a half (I think?) ago to visit Sara. What was your favorite TV show last year? I didn't *really* have one, at least not actively. Like I didn't devoutly watch anything. Would you know who to talk to if you wanted weed? HAHA I sureeeee do. I wouldn't want any, though. What is your favorite Beatles song? "Hey, Jude." If you could kiss anyone right now, who would it be? I don't want to think about this. What is your favorite energy drink? I don't like energy drinks. Way too intense. Have you ever been to Hooters before? No. When's the last time you tripped? (Literally or, you know) HA, funny I take this survey today because my left foot is either broken or I seriously tore a ligament in it because I fell yesterday. I had to go up a dose on my medication that helps my nightmares, but it's notoriously for lowering your blood pressure, and mine is naturally low. I got up to go to the bathroom and grab breakfast and many times nearly passed out from being so dizzy until I finally fell and my foot bent forward. I couldn't even walk by myself yesterday and am still really struggling today. Our family friend brought the boot she wore when she broke her foot over just a while ago, but if this doesn't help, Mom's demanding I go to the ER. Can you touch your toes? I don't know HOW I can, but I can, I guess from when I did yoga daily and I could pretty much go under my feet. What would you say is the best feeling in the world? Being in love and knowing they're in love with you, too. Have you ever “spoken” to any celebrities via Twitter? No. Do you like croissants? YESSSSSSSSSSS. Do you get a lot of traffic outside your house or not? Yes. Mom explained to me why one day because I'd asked, but idr what she said. Do you eat cereal bars? No, I'm a granola bar person. Would you consider yourself healthy? Uh no. Assuming you could speak and understand the language, would you ever study in a foreign, non-English speaking country? Sure, for like a year or so! Doing that in Germany would be amazing. Are you on any prescribed medication? A lot. Do you know any immigrants? I know an illegal one that got deported. I probably know others. Have you ever lived in university or college accommodation before? No. If you haven’t already, are you scared of leaving home? If you have, do you like it? Very scared. I'm just very dependent and ignorant on how to be an adult. If you could only eat one vegetable for a year (not including potatoes) what would it be? Broccoli. Do you have a certain routine in the bath or shower? What is it? Shave, shampoo, facial scrub, this exfoliating brush for your feet, and then body wash. Is there anything that you loved a year ago but just can’t stand now? Hm. I don't really know. What’s the weirdest meat you’ve ever eaten? I took the SMALLEST bite out of it because I couldn't stomach eating it, but after a lot of convincing I tried a microscopic bit out of deer jerky. If you smoke, what brand of cigarettes do you smoke? If you don’t, have you ever tried? Don't smoke and don't want to. Do you like dried fruit at all? what’s your favorite type? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
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lexiy-dreyar · 5 years
new enemies, old faces
chapter 4
((Let me point out that some of these moments might need a visual reference so if you could tell me which line I will add some illustration
the boy looked at the blonde confused "what it's not like you haven't ever heard me say sorry before" he hissed "yeah but when did you start saying it takes me? Normally your all"
-put a sock in it blonde- -quit your whining and move- -aww you gonna cry about?- -stop bitching and let's go-
Void looked at her in disbelief "do you really think that low of me that you don't think it's me when I apologize to you for once!? Fucking bitch…" he grumbled "what you say?!" Lex yelled "you heard me!!" Void shouted back. And thus they began to fight.
Star deadpand for a second "I get the feeling Lex and void are fighting…."she sighs like the disappointed parent she is "well you should have expected that it's those two childish fucks"frosghen rolled her eyes "your just as worse with Lila" Obara bluntly added
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 "THAT FUCKING PATHER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS" frosghen shouted at Obara "see what I mean?..."Obara looked to the side…"I'm worried about gem.."he mumbled "huh why?" Nikita's brother added "she's the only one of us besides Lex and Chara who can revive someone" he muttered "why not have lex do it?" The frog whined "cuz it's more likely to fail and kill lex as well you know how her magic works" the younger blonde stated out "still chara's magic is stronger ‘then gem's"  the brother mumbled sitting a bit closer to star "yeah but she's the one that killed him!" Cherry said "Hmm b-but maybe she could.." the brother looked down "that doesn't matter as long as gem's trying to revive him it'd be good enough for now" star sighed 
_unfortaly over with gem_
The purplett looked at the deceased boy in front of her she's tried all her life spells trying to bring him back but failed. On the floor holding her hands panting trying to get them to de crystalized
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 "d-dammit.. what the hell is blocking my magic" she groaned trying to get up "...nkita I know you can hear me..you may not have a heartbeat but I know you can hear me….why did you run….all because Lizzy found out about what you did?... because they were all judging you casting you out for it?? You know if you just stayed by us we could have explained things to them..plus then you were blindly in love with Chara..the funny thing is when ever you were on missions Chara would be worried.. always a bit slow on her work. This sad look on her face, not the 'talk back to me and your as good as dead' look, haha it was so cute to see her having other emotions besides anger and annoyance...maybe you would have gotten that hug one day…" the below stopped her rambling "it hurts you know…. I've known you the longest out of every one here besides frosghen...you could have talked to me...I know deep down you wanted Chara to push you off hell that is what you wanted isn't it! AFTER SHE SAVED YOUR LIFE OVER AND OVER AGAIN" the girl snaps. 
"did you not care about what she did for you then?...back at that lab…..the one you father controlled…"the one you wanted to be free from to make new friends….find a better life for your brother and cousin... unfortunately you failed...now your cousin's resting in the sky with all the other angles" she softly reached her hand up "I wonder what it's like there...no worries...no rules...no pain….no guilt. Heh" she smiled darkly "so many so greedy to get into heaven... willing to try so many things to get there~ hahahahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHA THEY'LL ALL DIE BY MY HANDS SO FOOLISH" the girl proceeded to have a laughing fit "ahhh mortals are so fun to play around with" she sighed rolling onto her back "hmmm so..sleepy"she slowly closed her eyes falling asleep.
(In case you didn't notice gem got possessed by her greed)
Panting covered in bruises sweating staring intensely at each other. The blonde stands up straight wiping away the blood spilling a bit out of her mouth "tch Damm you void" she growls "right back at yeah..but we gotta get to where I said we needed to be"the black head groaned slowly getting up. The blonde pulled her hair back into a ponytail "about that what's going on why did you drag me out so quickl-" "remember those ruins? Of where we found her?" Void asks
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 "her…? Who?" She asks "HOW DO YOU NOT REMEMBER!?!!" Void shouted at her. Wondering about short term memory "don't you remember the last time you almost die?" He asked her. She placed her thumb on her chin 
"uuuuummmmmmmmmmmm……yes????????" She said very confused trying to convince the black hole "JFC lex. Ok rembere that jerk girl who tried taking gem as her own" void pointed out "Ohhhhhh that bitch"lex scoffed "why didn't you just say s-" "OH FUCK OFF" void shouted at her grabbing her shirt "this isn't the time to play around! Someone we know died and we did nothing!!" He glared at her, "what the hell could we have done!!? We were still looking for him!" Lex argued "what about your God Damm nose you didn't use it till later you could have done it sooner!!" "We-" "hmhmmmmm~ I see you two haven't changed a bit" a voice said, "who the hell are you" he growled letting go of the blonde "show yourself!!" She added clenching her fist.
"Aww don't tell me you forgot about little old me lovely lex~" the voice said getting closer. "What..no way…" lex lowered her guard for a bit "shit it's him let's go" void whispered "aww so soon it's been forever since I've seen you two~" the voice said slowly surrounding the two in a dark mist. Void quickly stood in front of the blonde 
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”STAY BACK” he shouted 'wait what the hell am I doing?' he thought as he blushed "v-void?" Lex muttered blushing a bit "just stay close to me" he whispered to her "the last time I did that... nevermind"she looked down "guess we'll have to fight are way out" they said at the same time.
{{Ehh I guess I'll leave it there this chapter is quite confusing XD
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fairytsuk1 · 6 years
street-rats (f)
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pairing: izuku midoriya x ochaco uraraka
request:  can you write a mha Aladdin au please? The story would be about Izuku as Aladdin with Ochoka as a fellow street rat as they face off against Bakugou whose the guard captain along with his guards. They'd be played by the bakusquad but aren't as mean or aggressive as their leader. What do you think?
genre: fluff, i mean it’s those 2 what did you expect
words:  1059
a/n: i’m like the worst writer in the world like i take so long please forgive me jfc school is the worst (also ask me asks i’m desperate thanks)
   Nothing ever came easy for Midoriya Izuku, he wouldn’t call himself cursed or anything but he did wonder why things seemed so hard for him. Being a street rat was not easy and often he had to worry about Bakugou (the most aggressive guard captain he’s ever met) and his guard friends attacking him.
   The one thing that made him happy though, was being able to lie back in his makeshift bed and gaze at the stars. He was often too excited to sleep, he tended to get up in the middle of the night and jump from buildings to buildings like a ninja. It was fun for him! He could make up stories, find a new area where he could get food and other things, or simply just lie on the rooftop and stare at the sky till the sun was peeking over. It wasn’t an ideal life but, it was just the way he lived his.
   Bakugou sat on some steps while indulging in his breakfast, Kirishima appeared shortly and plopped down next to him, beginning to eat as well.
“Do you always have to bother me when I’m by myself shitty hair?”
   “Oh come on man! We’re on the same team! Have you seen Midoriya yet?”
“Why do you even know his name?! He’s just a street rat, take your job seriously.”
   “I am! Also, Sero said there’s another, a girl. She has brown hair and I think pink cheeks?”
   Bakugou scoffs and begins to tune him out whilst scanning the area looking for those two. Midoriya peered down from the roof and frowned, Bakugou seemed particularly more annoyed today. Especially talking to his seeming friends, Midoriya wondered if he should even risk it.
   “Hey, are they all gone? Or are they taking watch?!”
   Turning, Midoriya almost fell over from shock. One, there was a beautiful girl standing there and two, she was a street rat just like him! Finally, a friend, he mused.
“Oh! Hi! They’re uh still just...sitting there. I think they’re on the lookout for us actually. Er, what’s your name? I’m Midoriya. Izuku Midoriya.”
   She smiles and lowers her hood, “I’m Uraraka. Are you looking for food too?”
“Ah well...yeah. Where do you usually get it from? People are starting to recognize me,” making a face, he glances back at the ground to find Bakugou no longer there, good, “of course you don’t have to tell me or anything! I was just curious you know…”
   “Don’t worry about it mkay? And it’d probably be better if I just showed you. There’s this man named Sato, he’s a great baker and doesn’t pay attention too much. Follow me if you want.”
   Midoriya’s shocked when she just jumps to the next building and then down shortly after. So cool, he feels his heart pounding in his chest. He’s never really held a conversation with a girl! Let alone get asked to follow her! He couldn’t let this rare chance slip away, a friend could always make things easier. Doing the same, he slipped away with her in broad daylight.
   The last thing Bakugou was able to get a glimpse of, was that green hair flying down.
“Kirishima and Kaminari! Sero! Get over here!” he began to try and chase them, “I found the little fuckers!”
   Uraraka was excited, to put it simply. It had been so long since she’d been able to hang out with someone normal. It had been even longer to be able to steal with someone. Right now, her face was flushed from laughing at Midoriya who was currently detangling himself from drying clothes.
“Are you okay? Haha, you look like a fly in a spider's web,” Uraraka adjusted her bag with bread and began to help him out. She blushed when their hands brushed against each other. “Don’t worry! You’ll be fine.”
   “Now, I guess you really are trapped in a spider’s web,” Bakugou’s mouth quirked up as he leaned against the wall, relishing in their shocked faces.
   Uraraka and Midoriya quickly turned to try and get out of this situation but find themselves trapped with Kirishima and Kaminari blocking the other entrance of the alleyway. Kaminari waves cheerfully, obviously excited to report progress made.
“You should probably be more careful next time,” Kaminari muses thoughtfully. Although it sounds like a threat, in reality, everyone else besides Bakugou didn’t want to actually hurt them. Maybe rough them up to discourage them but not “make them die” as Bakugou liked to proclaim, “well, let’s get em’!”
   Midoriya had begun to push the weakest one out of the four, Kaminari out-of-the-way when a loud cry echoed between the walls. Turning in confusion, he spotted Uraraka lowering her leg and Sero holding his nose. Uraraka had totally wrecked Sero’s nose! Just when he thought she couldn’t get any cooler.
   “You bastard! I’m gonna fucking kill you!” Bakugou shouts and launches forward, pressing Midoriya against the wall harshly to keep him from leaving, “Grab pink cheeks too!”
“Pink cheeks?! Wa-Hey! Let me go!”
   Bakugou shakes Midoriya, wanting to instill just a slight amount of panic in him, “we’re gonna report you and then my job's done!” what Bakugou didn’t know was the fact that Kirishima felt the most sympathetic towards the two. He knew how difficult things could be and he really didn’t want another innocent person imprisoned. He lessened his grip. Uraraka was given the chance to escape.
   She looks between the entrance of the alley and Midoriya being pinned. He would get in so much trouble, she didn’t even want to think of what would happen. She took a deep breath and scrambled over. Kirishima pretended to be injured from her.
“Not today he won’t!” Uraraka used all her strength to push Bakugou away. She grabbed his head and shoulder before praying to everything holy that he wouldn’t hurt her.
   Though her push wasn’t necesarily strong, it had taken Bakugou by surprise, allowing his grip to falter momentarily and for Midoriya to grab her hand and tug her away.
   Bakugou screamed in annoyance and frustration, her cheeks lifted in laughter. She hadn’t even noticed Midoriya’s hand gripping his and his green eyes sparkling as they looked at her.
   Midoriya, however, knew that this was a story he would tell his kids and that maybe she’d be there along the way.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 years
- uuuh can I just… find out who the FUCK looked at tiny beautiful baby boy Nate and decided to leave him with a bunch of nuns who don’t get why other kids telling him his mom’s in hell because she committed suicide would upset him??????? Like I don’t know who his biological father is but I feel a strong need to divest him of his kneecaps. (C’mon Sully with your con man expertise and my vengeful nature we could figure this out between us)
- Sam reminds me a lot of one of my uncles. I’m not sure what to do with that except applaud Naughty Dog on their eye for people ha ha. I guess everyone has that slightly sleazy and self absorbed yet periodically charming and decent man in their lives. (Can I point out how amazing his costume design is, in a way you rarely see? He’s one of those dudes who look rumpled wearing pretty much anything, everything is so unflattering on him it’s a miracle. Contrast his and Sully’s outfits in the Scotland section — what they’re actually wearing isn’t that dissimilar and Sully is like twice Sam’s age but looks a) stylish, b) warm and c) Incredibly American somehow while Sam looks like a bum and it’s  h i l a r i o u s.)
- When bb Nate’s face already does the thing where he goes from genuinely upset to dissembling smile… no… ow…  
- “You only pull something like this when you’re trying to make up for something” lasjfdlsakjfslkdjfalskj my soul has left my body and I am crying hot saltwater tears
- a) Nadine is just so incredibly, vibrantly beautiful and I feel like sending a thank you note to the offices of Naughty Dog for putting her face and overarms on my screen, b) she’s already completely done with everything and we’re not even halfway through the game, c) she’s awfully uppity about Chloe’s methods for someone whose instinctual approach to archaeology is ‘dynamite’
- the note from Chloe in the attic :( :( :( I feel bad for her even though she eventually upgraded big time on the spouse material, she does like him a lot even if they didn’t make each other very happy.
Can you imagine if Nate and Chloe had actually stayed together tho. They’d have the smartest, snarkiest, most-unprepared-to-deal-with-emotions children in history lol just as well things worked out like they did, probably
- did u guys know… that I would die for nathan drake… I mean you all probably do by now because I never shut up about it but it bears repeating… I would….  
- oh no… nate no… don’t lie to elena she not only tolerates you she loves you despite the warning signs don’t throw this away
- It’s very impressive that they’ve managed to show that Sam genuinely does love Nate a lot while also making it clear how easily he tips into being a toxic influence — it makes all the psychological sense in the world that he’s trying to emulate the relationship they had when they were at their closest and only had each other, but purposefully trying to drive Nate away from the other people who love him is just… so perfectly the worst possible thing to do to him, jeeeeesus christ. No wonder he and Sully don’t get along — Sully is wonderfully protective without being possessive
- When Sam asks Sully why he’s there and it’s like… because… he’s HIS FUCKN DAD SAM???! YOU NUMBSKULL???!!? YOU ABSOLUTE FOOL??!?!
- All my fanfic wants for these games are so lame and low-key… like ‘the first time a teenaged Nate comes back to the hotel drunk as a total emotional mess, and Sully being like ‘oh wow… oh god… help… he’s like a tiny puppy I need to protect him being a parent is terrifying’... ‘Nadine and Chloe have a nice night in and make sweet character developing love, maybe braid each other’s hair and get in a fist fight with some dude’... ‘the gang go to an amusement park, have a good time, Charlie gets cotton candy and makes fun of Nate’...
(actually what I really, really want is a fic of Sully surreptitiously picking up the pieces of Nate after Sam ‘dies’, but, y’know. The heart wants what it wants and mine wants Nate to be taken care of)
- Sully’s face when he drops them off in Scotland… goddamn it he loves that boy so much ;___;
- The only illustration of Sam’s personality that matters is that he thinks  S u l l y  of all people might screw Nate over while thinking he can work with Rafe without it all going to hell
Just… the worst judge of character ever lol how’s that projection working out for you Sammy boy
- I played some multiplayer and Elena really has just the warmest, most reassuring presence, I absolutely see what Nate sees there ha ha
Also I love what they’ve done with her clothes, all her outfits are plausible and non-sexualized and look so chill and comfortable
- Nate’s high-pitched nervous laugh is everything to me, such a deeply endearing character tic
- Sam… you dumbass… when will you learn that the real treasure… is your little brother and his happiness…
- I have to applaud Troy Baker for his work here — he matches Nolan North’s speech patterns and timbre as Nate so well, you absolutely believe they’re brothers. (Also between them they’re like… 90% of all male characters in video games, it’s a wonder the fabric of reality isn’t fraying with two giants in such close proximity)
- Shoutout to my boy Charlie for getting one (1) whole reference in this entire game! Naughty Dog may have forgotten you but the face you pulled at Nathan in the scene with the torches will stay with me forever, you big British lug <3
- I LOVE that Nate and Sam still use ‘Father Duffy’ like you would ‘Goody Two-shoes’ or the ‘dad’ in a sarcastic ‘thanks, dad’, it’s an authentic-feeling kind of in-joke
- Nate’s journal entries are SO FUNNY in this one oh my god. I’m so happy they’re acknowledging that he’s actually an excellent artist, I hope he ends up with a sideline in making illustrated children’s books. (I have since learned they were drawn by Naughty Dog artist Alexandria Neonakis. From the bottom of my heart: thank you for everything, especially Lemur Sully)
- Gideon Emery is wasted — WASTED — in the role of ‘random goon #43’ yet again,  but whatever, at least I got to hear his voice
- Sam’s supremely shitty tattoos give me life
- I realized during the Madagascar opening that in all likelihood the person who taught Nate to drive was Sully and can I just say… this reinforces my theory that Sully is the real hero of the Uncharted games because can you imagine taking on that responsibility for Nathan ‘Adrenaline Junkie Whoops Everything I Touch Explodes and Collapses’ Drake? No, because you and I don’t have what it takes to live that life but Victor Sullivan does
- It feels like they went a bit more naturalistic with the dialogue and characterization in this one? (As naturalistic as you can go with great big undiscovered cathedrals/pirate recruiting hubs under Scotland, anyway. Scotland ain’t that big, yo, pretty sure someone would have spotted it lol) I actually enjoyed it — U3 is still pretty much an Indiana Jones-esque adventure story with some purposefully discordant notes when you get to know Nate’s real backstory and stuff like that, but this feels all round a bit more grounded in reality and characters and it works
- Sully ineffectually keeping a grip on Nate’s shirt while he’s scrabbling to get back into the driver’s seat after the car goes off the cliff ascended my soul to a higher dimension. Big mood.
Also genuinely laughed for five minutes at Sam, lapsed Catholic and born opportunist, getting in as many Hail Marys as he could just in case he was about to die. I’m an atheist from a half-halfheartedly Protestant country but even I am pretty sure that’s not how it works buddy
- Nate’s continual refusal to think ahead enough to carry his own matches (and being saved by surrounding himself with smokers) is one of the most satisfying running jokes in the series
- “Lemurs, Sully!” “Rabies, Nate” fsdajfkljdaskjhasjkhfasjdk
*cries helplessly like a little baby because I love everyone in this bar*
- I must say the clock tower felt like one of Nate’s most catastrophic onsets of… Nateness. That delicate complicated piece of machinery was still functioning perfectly after four hundred years and yet… Nate’s in there for five minutes and it crumbles like paper. I guess technically sinking the entirety of a city into the sand beats it, but… I keep coming back to the image of the cracked bell and then *high pitched giddy voice* “Hi Sully” JFC Nate ha ha
- *screams as Nate sends Sully and Elena away, literally turning to the adrenaline/treasure hunting madness he used to cope with trauma before he managed to work up to emotional intimacy with people who care about him because Sam is a jackass who knew exactly what buttons to press and is weirdly possessive of his little brother*
- You know… forgiving Sam is so hard when he repeatedly doubles down on his lies, making up further details unprovoked, because he knows it keeps Nate hooked and feeling guilty? Like Nate is far enough along in his character development at this point that just waving some treasure under his nose alone wouldn’t do it, you need that illusion that he’s saving someone he loves — the first person he ever relied on, who he thought he lost once because he failed him — to make him keep going, and Sam knows this and uses it and it’s so horribly, calculatedly cruel? I think there are a few times where he kind of wants to come clean (uh already too late because what the HELL he’s already fucked up all his relationships lol) only to be interrupted by Action but in the end it’s a deliberate, long con of assholery that it’s extremely difficult to look past. Ah well I guess he’s stuck as my ‘I will mercilessly yet affectionately mock you’ character, that’s something.
- Aaagh the scene where Elena’s like ‘who are you’ is so good because it must be such a blow, knowing this man she loves and (bravely, because he is a disaster magnet) made the choice to try to make a life with for the second time still thinks he needs to lie to her, like he’s been lying to the world at large for most of his life — his name is a lie, so much of his outer identity is invented, but hey she wouldn’t have married him if she didn’t think they were past that this time and trusted each other with honesty… and then out of the blue a dead-yet-still-somehow-smoking-a-sketchy-cigarette brother???? Normally the ‘what else have you been lying about’ line makes me roll my eyes but she is ABSOLUTELY right to wonder about that and it breaks my heart
as does Nate going ‘I’m just me’ in that voice aaaaaaauuuuuugh he does try but he’s not completely at the point where he thinks he can be acceptable and loved as he is, no need to hide the broken things, still that kid learning that it’s better to not be seen or tell the truth because it just makes things worse
(I feel it’s a good balance between ‘protagonist making some DUMB SELF-DESTRUCTIVE CHOICES LIKE AN IDIOT’ and ‘makes perfect, tragic sense considering their history’, ending up at sympathetic but still in the wrong and in need of getting it the hell together in a hurry. At least he clearly realizes he’s fucked up pretty much immediately, which is something I GUESS)
TL;DR Nate, listen to Sully and go talk it out with your wife, I’m real upset now I’ll go make myself a cup of tea ;____;
- Sam was straight up going to shoot Nadine in the head, huh. I mean… wow. I wonder why she doesn’t like you very much, bro lol
- I’m a Black Sails fan so whenever Anne Bonny shows up I’m like *golden retriever face* HI FRIEND HI sorry about the... poison
- ...is it weird that I want to write fix it fic for Evelyn and Ken
All his letters are so  c u t e  and loving and I am devastated
Puzzling their story together like that was super effective too — it was so cool that if you know what to look for you could find the Tokugawa armor he mentions in the first letter before any other clues, I was going ‘Oh she totally married that beautiful nerd’ right there and then ha ha. Evelyn’s design was wonderful, you could tell the force of nature she must have been in her prime.
Bonus points for Nate looking up at her like a puppy who’s found someone really cool to aspire to. Also their father looks nominally less of a rampant unrepentant asshole if he sold Cassandra’s things specifically to her mentor. Microscopically. I’d still like to kick his ass tho.
- I guess Sam is three to five years older than Nate, then, if he remembers (vaguely) going to Windsor before Nate was even born? Bit hazy on the timeline here, because Nate’s memories of their parents — especially their mum — must be quite hazy if, like Marlowe states in U3, he was surrendered to the state at the age of five and they moved around with their dad a lot even before that.
- Nate was the most tired-looking twelve year old I have ever seen and it hurts me
The fact that Nate started off looking exhausted and a little snub-nosed and grew into a very handsome and charming young man (ssssh I’m in no way biased here just because he’s my son) while Sam was sweet and bright-eyed as a teenager and now looks like someone who is low-key dealing drugs around the local high school… this game is truly a tour de force of character design
- So apparently Shoreline was already off to a bad start when Nadine took over? That makes it doubly sad that she’s judging herself so harshly for losing it when her father had already left it to her as a mess :(
Also slightly sad that Sam has… literally nothing except Nate and Avery’s treasure? On the other hand that’s entirely his own fault so. Less sad. (Makes me immensely thankful Sully and then Elena found Nate when they did)
- Nate… using his words… cautiously expressing how he actually felt… Elena mulling it over… realizing part of why she loves him is that weird restless brain of his doing its thing……. coming up with a solution where they can solve it as partners in the ending………... I am clinically ded, go on without me
- Realest GPOY moment: Sully’s flat immediate ‘no’ to Nate going off to save Sam on his own. He’s so scared!!!! And so was I!!!! My soul bond with an American con man three times my age continues to be unbreakable
- Relieved that my sister was in control for the fencing bit, because I don’t know if I could handle being responsible for Nate’s safety like that
That said, how destroyed was I that Nate didn’t really start fighting back before Rafe threatened his family? Completely, though it does force me to take the words ‘ludonarrative dissonance’ in my mouth for the first time in my life — no way does he kill as many people in the reality of the story as you do in gameplay if he’s still this hesitant to respond to someone openly trying to murder him lol. I realize this is a game and they need some kind of pretense to keep it from being a movie with the occasional QTE, but Naughty Dog you can’t just… repeatedly show that Nate has a hard time killing in cold blood and then have him take out an army in the next breath
(Naughty Dog: We did and you’re completely willing to go with it lawl. Me: Oooooh I hate that you’re right)
- Nadine stone cold leaving those bitches behind Worked for me, you do you you beautiful disaster, see you next game with your excellent character development. Another wonderful thread they continue into The Lost Legacy: Sam being forever relegated to the back seat. Yes good.  
- Sully promptly semi-adopting a second Drake brother, arguably the tougher case. A power move if ever I saw one.
- I deeply respect Naughty Dog’s decision to make an epilogue to let me know everyone is safe and happy and it all turned out okay, but I also wish they wouldn’t have ha ha. The last scene with Elena and Nate perfectly set that up for me already, specifically spelling out one happy ending among the many that could have happened actually somewhat cheapened it for me? The ‘flash forward, now they have children, get immediately invested!’ move is already suuuuch a hard one to pull off and I think it did it about as well as they possibly could, but somehow I also begrudge Cassie for her position in the narrative and that’s not how I want to feel about it, y’know? Actually it’s fine, I’ll accept it, because their dog is named Vicky and Nate writes in his journal that he’d call his pet lemur Victor and it made my entire week
- Having played three of the games I can still say that Uncharted 3 is definitely my fave, but then parts of that seem genuinely tailor made specifically for me, so that’s not really a surprise ha ha
- Thank you, Uncharted, for being the emotionally intelligent yet light hearted adventure story with lovable characters I needed in this dark cold winter and making me spill over with so many flaily happy words. 
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alex-guerin · 6 years
So, the company I work for supplies all the local convenience stores and Speedway gas stations East of the Mississippi River with all their stuff inside the store (you go in and buy a phone charger from a Speedway station? Boom. Came from us. That Snickers ice cream bar you chowed down on? Picked from our freezer...well...not MY freezer -- unless you live within 100 miles of my particular warehouse, but one of our company’s warehouses). Our two major stores use to be Circle K (”Strange things are afoot at the Circle K...”) and Speedway. 
Second week of January, our contract with Circle K was up and they switched to a different distribution company. All of the sudden, our work days went from 10 to 12 hrs a day..............to 4.5. I’m not even kidding you. Today the freezer half of my department was done at 4am, my crew in the cooler was done at 4:30am. We started at midnight.  For months, and I do mean MONTHS, management was begging anyone and everyone who was willing to work as many hours as possible, to work as many hours as possible. The paychecks were decent, so those of us who decided to work extra hours never really complained, too much. 
Now that we’ve hit slow travel season, and we’ve lost Circle K, management doesn’t really want anyone putting in any over time. In fact, if it were up to them, they probably would have preferred that my entire department left once we were finished today...after only 4 or 4.5 hours of work. While 2nd shift no doubt got their full 8 or more hours in today. My shift (3rd shift) is the only one NOT promised a full 8 hour shift. We’d still be called full-timers, still get all the benefits, but there was a good chance we’d be lucky most days to make 36hrs a week during the winter (at least, that’s how it was last winter once we finally hit our winter hours). Now it’s even less likely unless our manager can find something for us to do until 8:30 when we hit our full 8 hr mark. 
Well, I like to stay and help Jason on Wednesdays. It’s a heavy day for him, and I like getting to help break down the skids that come in full of product, arrange them on the pallets, and slap the labels on so he can get them confirmed into the system and put away in the freezer. It’s a fun little way for me to be able to spend more time with him, and more often than not, we joke around and tease each other and play and be goofy and everything’s cool. So, when my guys finished at 4:30, and I finished stacking at 5:30/6am, I just wandered my way out to the dock, looked to see what Jason was working on breaking down and dove right in. 
My manager found me a few minutes later and was like, “Hey, you’re cool to stay until 8:30. But that’s it. Anything more than that, and we gotta go talk to the warehouse manager. They don’t want anyone to get any overtime right now.” Because of fucking course they don’t want anyone to get any overtime right now. Guuuuuuuuuh!! So, I said that was fine (*cue Morgan Freeman’s narration: “It was in fact not fine,”*) and I set about working to get as much done as I could in what little time I actually had. 
Now, Jason has not been feeling well this week. He called off Friday cuz he wasn’t feeling well, and he still isn’t up to par yet. I dropped cold and flu meds off for him Monday after I finished work (which his dad decided to steal most of, thanks dad...) and yesterday he basically went home straight after work and went straight to bed. Today, he still wasn’t feeling well. And on top of that, his “helper” Oscar was being an utter dumbass again and pissing him off right from the start of his shift. So, he was not in a good mood. At all. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get him to laugh or play or anything with me. He went on his first break at 6:30, I went with, and finally got him to talk and tell me what was wrong (Oscar, of course, was the reason. As he usually is). It seemed to help him a little to vent, but not enough to get him to play with me. 
Now, last week, he and I were being goofy and playful and...yeah alright, inappropriate but in a fairly innocent way (if that’s possible? All talk, I guess you could say?) and then on Wednesday, I was gonna be brave and do something for him at work (*coughs-lethimcopafeel-coughs*) where the cameras couldn’t see. It was Wednesday, I had hit my 8 hr mark, I was gonna head home. Went into the freezer where I knew he was and kinda nudged his side and told him to meet me in the ice cream room...where there’s no cameras whatsoever. He didn’t question it, he just went. I met him in there, he hopped off his forklift, pulled his skimask down, took half a step forward, his hands were reaching for my waist and while my brain was screaming to abort, my mouth was already telling him to close his eyes so I could take his hand and shove it against my chest. I literally missed a chance (and it was confirmed that I missed it) to make out with a sober Jason in the ice cream room at work. So, I decided today I was gonna ask for a redo! I wanted a second chance dammit! It got to be a little after 8, Corie (the coworker who cornered him and told him to go talk to me waaaaaaaaay back in September for the first time) was heckling me and telling me to go do it, I only had 20 minutes left before I was suppose to leave, he was alone in the freezer, there’s no cameras in the 95 aisle either, go fucking make out with him. So, I went wandering in and up to his forklift. We talked a bit, he thought I was leaving so he gave me my hug and I still just kinda hung around trying to get him to talk a little more and finally when he was like, “I should get back to work.” I was like, “Yeah?” “Yeah.” “Damn. I kinda was hoping I could get a redo of last week.” He gave a surprised laugh and was all, “What?” “I was hoping I could get a redo of last week. I blew it last week! I want a redo!” He tried to play like he didn’t know what I was talking about, I nudged at him and told him he totally knew what I was talking about. He finally was like, “Eh...well...maybe...” I just smirked at him and raised an eyebrow and tried to nudge a bit more and he went, “C’mon, really, lemme get back to work. I wanna get out of here at a decent time.” 
I was totally rejected. Turned down. I felt utterly stupid and kind of ashamed of myself for even suggesting it. I nodded and let go of his forklift and was like, “Okay, gimme another hug, I’ll go.” So, got another hug (a nice hug, both arms, sides of our heads tilted against each others), turned, shoved my hands in my pockets and shuffled off out of the freezer. 
Corie was still out on the dock, on her own forklift, talking to their manager, John. She saw me come out, I made a grumbling face, which got her to laughing and then when John looked from me to her and said something, she started laughing more. I went up and tried to play like I didn’t know why she was laughing, and both her and John just waved me off. I went and got my shit together, locked up my locker, felt like a total dumbass, and went to try and leave. Went up to Corie’s forklift and she finally was like, “Alright, so, 1: I was laughing cuz I saw your face. 2: Because John saw you walk out ahead of Jason and went, ‘Oh, they took a trip to the ice cream room, huh?’ Oh, by the way, John totally knows about you guys, totally by my own fault.” 
..........I don’t know whether to kill Corie, or just never show my face around their manager ever again. Either way, Corie got me to stick around a little while longer, until it was basically 8:30 on the nose, and during that time she was all, “Dude. I can’t believe he turned you down!” then look over her shoulder to see where he was and scream, “DUMBASS!” Pretty sure he had no idea she was talking about him. Then, right before I was gonna leave for real, she was like, “I’m totally gonna go up to Jason and be like, ‘Bro, you should give Lyssa a li’l somethin’-somethin’ in the freezer before she leaves.’” I begged her not to! She was just doing it to try and embarrass me and him! She grabbed up a stack of labels, went over to him and I ducked behind a pallet to hide cuz JFC how is this my life?!?! And yeah, she totally did it. Thankfully, he didn’t know she was serious. He just laughed about it. So, I left and felt stupid (though, did feel better once I found out that Purple Haired Bitch had left a while ago and never came onto the dock looking for him, he never left the dock to go with her, I was sooooo happy!) and texted him at like, 11am to apologize and say that I just thought if I could get him to play, it might help make his day a little more bearable. I figured the only response from him I’d get, if I got one at all, would be “It’s all good.” 
I grabbed my pajamas, and a towel, went and took a long, hot shower and when I came back down there was a text from him. As expected, it was, “It’s all good.” But there was more! “Just not feeling well and I don’t want to get you sick.” *Dopey grin and cuddles phone close* It wasn’t cuz he didn’t want to, or because last Thursday he sent me a text saying “I think we should start behaving”. It was cuz he doesn’t wanna get me sick. Which is what I told Corie I figured it was when he turned me down. And the meds I gave him? He’s actually taking. He literally just sent me another text, basically letting me know he was off of work, saying “Time to go take more meds lol”. I just...I know why he’s not ready for a serious relationship, and I know he’s been burned so many times before that he’s scared of it happening again, but I just...I’m gonna keep hoping. And trying, and working at him. I feel like I am chipping away his resolve, tiny bits at a time, but still doing so. And I know his life is an utter wreck right now thanks to his bitch of an ex, but there’s times when it feels like he’s almost willing to give it a shot. I’ve been praying, A LOT, and I’m not one for praying or very religious, but I have been praying a lot, every day...and amazingly enough, in small ways it feels like they’re being answered. 
His mom told me Friday when she and I were talking, if I thought he was worth it, to be patient with him and get him to talk. I’m as ridiculously patient with him as he is with me. I’m gonna keep working at him, keep trying to chip away at the shield he’s got around his heart. At this moment, right now, I have no intentions of giving up. He’s stuck with me. For however long it takes. 
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beingmyownhxro · 7 years
tagged by: @alexdanvers-rp​, thank you! ^-^ tagging: @leadershiipskills​ / @fossilis​​, @marsdin​, @i-am-diana-of-themyscira​, @emblemofxfeminism​, and anyone else who wants to~ RULES:  answer the questions & tag some blogs you wanna get to know better !
A  -  AGE:  22 B  -  BIRTHPLACE:   US C  -  CURRENT TIME:  1:04am D  -  DRINK YOU HAD LAST:  pepsi E  -  EASIEST PERSON ( OR PEOPLE ) TO TALK TO:  offline i don’t really have a “can tell them anything” person at this time. online there are and ofc here’s where i get super duper shy since they’ll actually see this. but I have a really easy time talking to ashleigh, elysian, ren, sam, robin, and val. i really love this rp community everyone is so nice ; w; F  -  FAVORITE SONG:  i’m having trouble deciding, but i think i’m gonna go with demi lovato’s “let it go.” (the other contenders are idina menzel’s “let it go” and “libérée, délivrée” [movie version] by anaïs delva YES THAT’S LET IT GO IN FRENCH DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT) G  -  GROSSEST MEMORY:  it’s really fricking gross so i’m gonna put it under a cut at the end to save those of you who understandably do not want to see it. it’s from when i was working in the care field and involves a lot of feces. H  -  HORROR YES OR HORROR NO:  horror no. I  -    IN LOVE?:  does my crush on katie mcgrath count lol J  -  JEALOUS OF PEOPLE:  occasionally i get a little bit jealous of my sister, who’s always gotten really spoiled since she’s the baby. sometimes she gets jealous of me too since i’ve always been given more independence, so it’s just normal sibling stuff. K  -  KILLED SOMEONE:  do bugs count L  -  LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT OR SHOULD I WALK BACK BY AGAIN?: i think you can get a crush on someone right away, but i don’t think it’s LOVE when you know nothing about them. M  -  MIDDLE NAME:  rose N  -  NUMBER OF SIBLINGS:  1 O  -  ONE WISH:  i really really really wanna be a good therapist. P  -  PERSON YOU CALLED LAST:  my mom Q  -  QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED:  it’s not exactly one consistent question, but people regularly mistake me for 14. like when i ask about jobs in person and the person tells me i need to be at least 16 to work there. or when i saw atomic blonde yesterday (r-rated so 17+) and the ticket cashier looked skeptically at my ID for like a solid minute searching for signs that it was fake. and i say 14 specifically because i’ve been told multiple times “you look like you’re 14″ or had my coworkers asked “is she old enough to work here she looks 14.” R  -  REASON TO SMILE:  lena and my awesome threads and friends on here. :> S  -  SONG YOU SANG LAST:  “happy” by marina and the diamonds T  -  TOP 3 FICTIONAL CHARACTERS:  elsa from frozen, lena luthor, and maria torres from trama team U  -  UNDERWEAR COLOR:  ummm white with pandas on it V  -  VACATION:  my trip there was a research project more than a vacation (though i still got to do tons of fun stuff), so i hope someday i can go back to japan as a proper vacation. and i wanna go to disney world sometime. definitely disney world. W -  WHEN’S YOUR BIRTHDAY:  december 17 X  -  XRAYS:  i got a ct scan a few years ago as they were trying to figure out what was causing the sudden horrid pain in my side/back. that was “fun.” it wasn’t anything serious though. (though i had 3 separate men ask me if i was sure it wasn’t period cramps like jfc) Y  -  YOUR FAVORITE FOOD:  it’s a family recipe so nobody’s gonna know what i’m talking about lol. i guess the closest thing to it would be lasagna. it’s made in a casserole dish, and the top layer is ground beef mixed with tomato sauce, then cream cheese + sour cream + cottage cheese + green onion mixed, then egg noodles on the bottom, put in the oven for an hour at 350 F. but we almost never have it because there are so many steps and it makes so many dishes to wash. Z  -  ZODIAC SIGN:  sagittarius
okay my grossest story under the cut, as promised. you’ve been warned.
so this was at my old job, like i said. it involves one of the residents, who was occasionally incontinent (both types -- but it normally wasn’t an issue as she wore adult diapers) to begin with, getting a stomach bug and having diarrhea. she was also blind, so while she was mobile, she wasn’t able to see to clean things up. and her developmental disability was such that she didn’t have a very clear understanding of a lot of things. so you can already guess how fun this day was.
it started off with me doing all her laundry and cleaning the carpet of her bedroom. which wasn’t that bad. but then my coworker, who didn’t clean a single thing in that entire time, decided that this woman really needed to take a bath.           now, quick context. this woman, as i said, was incontinent sometimes to begin with. there had been an incident a couple of weeks ago where as she was taking a bath -- which she can do unassisted except for washing her hair (which she could probably do except she won’t, but she lets us) -- she had a bowel accident during her bath. and proceeded to continue with the bath as though nothing had happened. that wasn’t during one of my shifts so i don’t know why, but yeah, so that happened.          i told my coworker that it was a bad idea -- i thought we were going to have an even more horrid repeat of that incident. she said that no, the woman needed a bath, and i said, more emphatically, “if she tries to take a bath, she’s probably going to have an accident.” the woman tended to take long baths and on this day was having diarrhea bowel movements pretty often. my coworker insisted it would be fine and the woman really needed a bath. now the thing is, someone like my coworker or i could easily get out of the bath and to the toilet if that were us. but it was hard for the woman to get in and out of the tub and to find the toilet to begin with, and add to that the other factors......
sure enough, some time later i hear the woman calling for me from the bathroom. now, thank god she didn’t have an accident while she was in the tub, but she had one as soon as she got out. she felt super bad about it but obviously it wasn’t like she could help it. she said she needed help to get out of the bathroom because she didn’t want to step in it. so i helped her out and to her room and to get dressed, gave her some water, and she went back to sleep. the bathroom was shared with another woman, so i let that woman know that i needed to clean the bathroom and it might take a while so if she needed to use the bathroom she should use the other one. with that, i grabbed a roll of paper towel and cleaning supplies (incl rubber gloves obviously, and a trash bag) and went to see the extent of the damage and get cleaning. to be clear, my coworker did not help me at all. or even offer to help. or even bring me more paper towel when i asked mid-cleaning.
IT WAS HORRIBLE. the next paragraph will continue with the story, so stop reading this paragraph if you don’t want the details. for starters, it was more yellow than brown. actually it was roughly the color of puke. i have somewhat of a phobia of puke, so that was super fun. it was also liquid. i mean LIQUID. it clearly had fallen where she had been standing and splattered into an enormous puddle. virtually the entire surface of the floor was covered. it was on the cupboard under the sink. it was on the bathtub. it was on the wall. it was on the toilet paper. it was on the toilet seat. utterly nightmarish.
but the cleaning needed to be done. i put on some music from my phone -- normally my coworker plays her stuff on the radio and i don’t play my own stuff, but i was like, y’know what i’m cleaning this up by myself she can deal with my demi lovato playlist -- didn’t breathe through my nose, and tried not to think about it too much. i just held on to the fact that i was doing this to help the residents who depended on me and the other staff to take care of them, and hey at least it wasn’t vomit.
i’m a fast worker, especially at cleaning. it took me two hours.
bonus points that the other residents kept like asking me stuff and trying to talk to me while i was doing that cleaning??? which is fine normally -- they’re the first priority, so if i’m doing the dishes or something else that can wait, i didn’t mind pausing to talk to them; some of them have trouble understanding that if we’re in the middle of something and can’t talk at that time, we’re not ignoring them, so i tried to make the time when i could. but uh, this was a special set of circumstances. now you’d think my coworker could’ve handled those things, but no, she was busy playing candy crush or something on her phone.
the real kicker is that after i got done, my coworker left early for no reason (not for the first time) and had left everything from dinner on the table and counters, and told me like 5 other things that needed to be done by the end of my shift. i spent the time between then and my next shift trying to convince myself not to quit until i found a new job -- i’d already been looking for new jobs anyway. but guess what? my supervisor was there and chewed me out because my coworker told her that I made HER do all the work. because my coworker had to make dinner by herself. i hadn’t been going to tattle to our supervisor but since my coworker did that i flat out told my supervisor that she had made dinner alone because i was spending two hours cleaning up diarrhea in the bathroom by myself, and that every single bit of the diarrhea messes all shift i had cleaned up by myself with no help from my coworker.
my supervisor didn’t care and continued to scold me. i handed in my two weeks’ notice the next day. that was too much.
yes, i’m still hella pissed about that.
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RFA + Saeran and V finding mc sleeping in very weird places for example they find them sleeping on the kitchen counter bc they were waiting for the water to boil for their coffee xddd Oh and I LOVE YOUR HEAD CANNONS SO MUCH 😍😍😍
IMMEDIATE INSPIRATION FOR THIS ASK. THANKS FOR LOVING THE HEADCANNON S! i’m using your example cause i do what i want~Madre Mod
this boy is known for his long gaming sessions
this time he promised that he would be done by like….10 pm so you two can go out and about
He actually kept his word an logged off LOLOL at 10 pm and went to look for you.
An hour prior you told him that you was going to take a bath
He thought you would be out by now unless you’re like me and take a two hour bath/shower
he steps to the bathroom door and knocks like the polite cutie he is, he waits a bit for your response
but you don’t give him one
worried he announces that he’s coming in and walks in the bathroom
What he finds is chuckle worthy
You sitting in the tub asleep. Your neck is laying on the edge of said tub.
Yoosung unplugs the tub and wraps you in a fluffy towel before picking you up bridal style and walking to your shared bed
He sets you down gently and with a beet red face I might add put some undergarments on you.
Your night out is postponed for another night.
You both were doing some spring cleaning around the house
the chores were split in half so it could be finished by tonite
It was pretty fun!
Zen had the radio on so once in a while you both would start singing in harmony.
Or in Zen’s case. Dance with the broom.
near the end of the day You was getting tired from all the cleaning you did, and thankfully the last chore was to do the laundry
half way through the laundry you was getting REALLY tired. 
So in your sleepy state, you got on top of the dryer and fell asleep.
The dryer was really warm.
Zen came to get the laundry so he could put them away when he found you on the dryer.
He simply shook his head and picked you up.
He walked to the living room and grabbed a blanket from nearby. 
Laying himself down on the couch with you on top of him, he draped the blanket over you both. There you both took a nice afternoon nap.
You were determined.
You were determined to make Jaehee a perfect cup of coffee before she left for work.
She always gets up early to go to work, but that means you’re either sleeping or JUST waking up when she’s leaving.
So when you finally made her go to sleep you set your plan in motion.
Grabbing the mixes to make the perfect cup of Coffee full of love, you started preparing.
But you underestimated how long it takes to take a perfect cup of coffee
it was 3 in the morning when you figured out the measurements for the perfect cup. 
You were getting sleepy when the hot contents were being poured into the coffee cup.
By the time you got the mug and was ready to pour you fell asleep.
Not that, “Imma just slump myself over the counter” kind of fell sleep
I mean that you fell asleep WHILE you was doing it. Basically you fell asleep, standing up while pouring a cup of hot coffee.
It spilled over the mug when it got full, and started spreading on the counter then finally onto the floor around you. you had slippers on don’t worry
Now Jaehee’s alarm woke her up mere seconds after you fell sleep, and when she left the bedroom to find you
she was very surprised.
Just imagine. Your S/O in the kitchen in their Pjs, standing up asleep while pouring coffee.
Her heart melts a little when she realizes that you were making the coffee for her.
She quickly cleans the mess and wakes you up a little so she can move you to bed.
“Jaehee……what are you doing???” “Dear i’m helping you back to bed, you’re tired.” “????But I was in bedd~” “Sure you were.”
She gives you a peck on the cheek before she walks skips to work.
It’s not really strange to most people
but it is to him
You sleep in front of his home office door
but you only do it when he’s in the office
which is nearly every fucking night jfc
he found out when he opened the door to leave his office and you litteraly FELL into the office
every time since then he’s been more careful of opening the door
he chuckles everytime he sees it though
lowkey wonders why you do that
jumin go to fucking bed at a decent damn time and we won’t be having this issue
His hacking chair
This is where he finds you
all huddled up in the small chair, wearing his over sized sweater
when he realized you had nothing under it except underwear he might’ve popped a boner
“Aw my 606 fell asleep in the chair, completely unarmed and vulnerable~”
He proceeds to write on any skin he can get without waking you up
He writes ‘property of god seven’ on the back of your neck, drew kitty wiskers on your cheek and a little nose on your nose. 
After that he moves you to the bed and spoons the shit out of you.
Proceeds to be attacked by pillows in the morning when you found out what he wrote and where
can’t see for shIT
You like to wonder off when you can’t sleep
which worries the shit out of V to no end
but you usually come back inside and fall asleep next to him.
this time you didn’t come back
V is very worried
starts thinking of the worst
V please they won’t leave you
With his limited vision he steps out of the house to look for you
He looks around the house first
when he looks up to see if you are on the roof he can barely make out the colors of your Pjs up there.
Blue Bean sighs in relief and carefully makes his way up to wake you up and get you in the house before you hurt yourself.
It was a hot day in south(?) korea.
And the AC in Saeyoung’s bunker gave out
cue you, saeyoung and saeran walking around the house in y’all bathing suits.
While Saeyoung went to get a new AC unit, you and Saeran was trying to stay cool in the hot ass bunker
Saeran took one of many tubs of ice cream and just lay it on top of him
You however went for the next best thing!
The deep freezer!
You bent into the deep freezer and breathed in that cool air.
“Hey MC don’t melt my ice cream!” “And how could I do that??” “Cause you’re pretty hot.” “What?” “NOTHING!”
after that it was quiet for about twenty minutes, until saeran spoke up again.
“MC don’t freeze to death in there.” He got up and walked to your slumped form, poking you with his spoon.
Your response was a jerking motion and a snore.
You were asleep.
“Geez you fell asleep in the freezer.”
He picked you up and set you on the couch so you wouldn’t get sick.
To keep you from heating up he put a bag of peas on your stomach.
Thank Saeran.
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what the... fuck?
yet again we start off with a cutscene that looks like its from a completely different game... or low quality anime
...why are we starting off in court
“who brings a defendant to his own trial late”
why... is this sentence not processing 
for the life of me i have no idea what that means;
simon: you can just SCARE the judge into not giving a fuck about shit like being late, or threatening people under the guise of clever psychological manipulation!
also hi again simon
are you ready to be fun and likeable and not awful ?? I'm excited!
“i wish he'd stop treating me like a child all the time”
hey, old habits die hard.
simons already doing well by being an overprotective dork... so far so good. dont disappoint me, samurai.
our defendant is drunk
we’re off to an excellent start!
what... accent is this...
oh its drunkinese ok 
“three sheets to the wind”
ive never heard that one
maybe they can get away with having a drunk guy but they cant actually say drunk?
somebody get this guy some raw eggs and hotsauce??
wow hes drunk enough to be close to vomiting? he’s not acting hungover so I'm assuming that he’s been drinking up till now. and simon was last with him, so...
yeah I'm blaming simon for this
“ive known athena longer than ive known bucky”
“ive frequented his soba restaurant”
contradiction! simon was in jail up until very recently, and knew Athena for a very short period of time during her childhood. unless he met Bucky right after taking care of athena, it’s not possible that he’s known her longer. that or i guess he could just walk right out of jail to get noodles.
“meat slapped between slabs of bread...”
oh no ya dont, translation team. you made your burger bed, now you have to lie in it. no mocking the joke now.
quit being so tsundere simon. and yes I'm giving you the luxury of being tsundere and not just an asshole who’d prefer the company of men he once tried to cut to ribbons just because Athena’s a girl. because I'm in a good mood today!
a) scariest ringtone to date
b) he runs that place alone?? sucks to be buck
please stop doing the vomit animation its making me uncomfortable 
“this is no time for idle chatter”
oh simon, you obviously dont know what a chekov’s... um, conversation is.
wow so not only are we starting in the court room, but Sadmad said his prayers already. This is shaping up to be a rushed case.
...because obviously this is just filler before we get back to the Oh-So Delightful Adventures in Lawyer Land
edgeworth called him back for this case?? ...why???
Sadmad: I could be less horrible now that I owe the WAA a favourOR I could threaten to send a young lady to hell for just doing her job!!!! GO SADMAD, GO SADMAD
...dont call her a spring chick.
wait wait MAY 12TH?!
They just finished Maya’s trial and Edgeworth hauls Sadmad back to America over night?? How the fuck does Sadmad think he’s more prepared than us?? He had about the same amount of time to prepare!
I’ve got a good feeling about this case
Sadmad just let that poor butterfly rest jfc the aesthetic isn't that important 
“this guy stole the deed to this other guys shop, so other guy KILLED HIM to get it back”
yes, brilliant deduction, not an overreaction at all
Sadmad, you literally got back here at like 1 am last night. Go fuck yourself and leave Athena alone.
So Apollo’s a  red pepper, Athena’s an egg yolk... But there aren’t any blue foods, so Phoenix is just stuck being called ‘putrid’ in general.
Anyway cut Athena some slack. She’s already progressed far beyond having a breakdown in court because someone talked over her. 
“Simon!! You didnt tell me you were taking the stand!!!”
“There wasn’t time...”
no time at all during that 5 minutes you spent in the lobby. But I'm laughin’ so I’m not judging. Also I missed that theme...
he’s the lesser of two evils this time; I'm ready to back him up! Simon in the blue corner, ding ding!!!!
half-awake sadmad looks up “rakugo” on wikipedia at 3 am
“yeah that should do it”
...and memorizes the whole article apparently
Sadmad: No wasting time!! This soul must get to the afterlife post-haste! You’re all putrid lumps of fecal matter for putting off the last ri–– wait, an opportunity to gloat?! Hold onto your hats, baby! The next twenty minutes are mine!!!
(weeps) thank you Athena
simon will remember this (you blackguard)
sexy pan up shot for–– oh, it really is a “sexy” pan up shot this time
except for those... soulless eyes...
aw nuts she has that drone-y X people theme. 
but I'm also chortling at the booby jokes teehee
“Never show sadness! Smile, smile, smile! With a twisty-twist-twist!”
Hey, it’s the new motto of ace attorney! Your self worth is based solely on how well you can cover up your less palatable feelings! Yaaaay!!
...also I’m calling it now, she did it.
i think her balloons are pretty impressive, athena
“Sad Monk Sadmahdi”
simon, youre gaining brownie points fast
Lang Zi says... Oh, uh I mean, the Kooraheenist Bible says......
“I’m checking in with the big tough old man prosecutor because i underestimate this small, young, female defence attorney”
I'm getting flashbacks to Turnabout Beginnings. and not good ones. 
You kick it, girl. tell them off.
nice! the judge is on our side!
why did she mention the dog barking a lot if it was only because he was hungry?
that is one hongry dog
something about the dog just burying the rest of the food is making me laugh
oh so that was important eh
has athena always done this double-slam thing, or is this new?
Athena: Witness, I think you might’ve been lying a little bit 
Sadmad: Vile hitler-satan, I cast you down to hell for your debauchery, how dare you insinuate that this case has more to it than what is readily viewable on the surface? Tsk tsk, so inexperienced, so putrid, 
“What? The gallery doesn’t get a say in this!”
They’re not a jury, you know!!!
“Why is the whole gallery siding with prosecutor sadmadhi?”
it’s because he’s hot, athena. thats the only reason anybody likes him.
tbh I'm actually pretty proud of Athena
same time last year Sadmad would have put her in a panic-stupor. but not today. Kudos on working that out, kiddo. You’re moving up!
...wait a minute
“with a little push, you could succumb to despair”
does Sadmad know? Does he know about her PTSD? If so... He’s deliberately TRYING TO TRIGGER HER SO THAT HE CAN WIN THE CASE?!
“That makes perfect sense, doesn't it!”
Yes... the man who suffocated to death somehow had time to leave a clue to his killer...
...you do realize that to be suffocated, the killer has to be there the whole time, right? if there’s nothing in his lungs and no trace of poison in his stomach, then it has to have been manual suffocation, either by strangulation (though we have yet to hear about any marks on his neck) or by covering his mouth and nose. 
so youre implying that rather than fighting back, the old coot rearranged a bunch of playing cards... in plain view of his aggressor
yet again, Sadmad makes a brilliant fool proof deduction.
ohhh my god he’s still trying to do it. HE’S STILL TRYING TO TRIGGER HER. I SWEAR TO FUCK, he’s been tolerable–– very thinly tolerable up until now. But this is just disgusting. This is brazen, malicious cheating. I don’t care if he turns out to be jesus himself when the inevitable “urhurhur he was good all along!!” twist shows up; I’m not forgetting this.
Damnit , Athena, don’t fucking listen to him. Don’t listen to a word he fuckin says.
Man I’ve never been so happy to see Simon. Little bit of the pot-calling-the-kettle-black here since Simon’s MO is to threaten and manipulate–– err, ah, use psychology!! to influence people, but I hate Sadmad so much that I don’t care.
“To think, you were so easily manipulated by his parlour tricks...”
Watch it, Simon. You’re the lesser of two evils this time, but that doesn’t exempt you from criticism. As a psychologist, you should know WHY it worked so well on Athena and you should be SENSITIVE about it. 
You’re cleared of all charges, remember?? You don’t have to pretend to be a douchebag to keep up your ill-thought-out plan anymore.
“I’m not girding up anything in this skirt!”
well i just don't know what to say to that
Oh boy here comes Uendo.
Everyone seems to love him so I’m hoping he’ll be a reprieve from Sadmad’s......... everything 
Sexy pan up shot of... a guy on a bunch of flower bags. With his own theme song!
so far I'm loving his animations and I'm always a slut for shitty puns!!
let’s see... blush stickers for the goofy one, hair forwards and eyeshadow for the lady. Clever little things that make each one of his characters different. He's definitely a fun character so far!
ah I'm really enjoying his dialogue 
ill bet the translators had a ball with this
won't you PLEASE laugh at my PUN!!!
its ok uendy, i thought it was good.
“Silence is more precious than diamonds”, eh?
I can definitely see which Sadmad values more...
ooh a spit take! not since godot have we been blessed... also i notice they've dialled up the rock guitar in Athena’s theme. Personally don’t see it as an improvement but eh
“yes, making it look like the man drowned was obviously because the culprit hated him and wanted to desecrate his corpse instead of getting the fuck out of there quicker like any killer would”
not to make it look like 
he’d drowned in the bowl
to throw off the police.
of course not; that’d be too obvious.
another win for the great Sadlock Madholmes.
wait did Sadmad just say Objection?? I thought he didnt do that
also; duel of the growly voices
prosecutor sad monk. simon’s still a dick but at least his dickishness spreads to  people i dont like :3
ooh i love it when i can rearrange physical pictures
“you can put the cards back in their right place but if you cant explain them then youre fucked”
ever thought that maybe theyre irrelevant to the case and theyre just... cards?? sadmad??
i mean i know theyre not but they could easily have just been on the table when the murder happened. they could stand for absolutely nothing.
ahh... the sweet refreshing scent of common sense. you redeem yourself step by step, simon. i mean, when youre not being a dick about it.
“don’t testify.”
franziska tried this once. it was for an evil scheme. i dont want to have to threaten another witness with revealing a dark secret; that was depressing.
but at least we know meanwhile that Sadmad isn’t above dirty shit like shutting up a witness. .......not that we didnt know that before.......
“Are you trying to taunt him into talking? Such a petty trick will never work”
simon’s lucky he’s surrounded by idiots and people with poor impulse control, otherwise his “mind tricks” wouldn’t do shit
“to be turned by such an obvious ploy... what a man of weak spirit.”
for once, Sadmad, I gotta agree.
its time for 
sadmad doesn't get his way: my god will smite you later :(((((
now that we’ve worn this non-joke out...
“seeing my master asleep just made me so fuckin sad...”
i love that anger has such a distinctive ping sound
please do not call your toe that
“You gotta fuss over every tiny detail like this?” yes, Uendo. That’s why I’m writing these !!
that box of buns keeps drawing my attention. i love buns
Simon, you could try using some positive reinforcement. Mia wasn’t soft on Phoenix, but she encouraged him to think and puzzle things out for himself; she didn’t just call him an idiot. All the time.
“as sharp as a trout”
what the fuck
“so thats how it works ! fascinating!”
its not like i spent a lot of time working under the woman who invented said matrix!
its kinda sad that Athena’s never seen multiple emotions in high dudgeon 
she must hang out with a lot of mild mannered people 
athena: ive just proved these words mean something detrimental to the witness
sadmad: erm but they mean nothing to me therefor they warrant no further investigation.
i stg most of Nahyuta’s “”””counter argumnets”””” are legitimately just him trying to disparage the obvious contradiction away.
again athena seems unable to believe that people can only feel one intense emotion at a time
should i be worried
silly AA, that’s not how DID works!
oh well, at least Uendo is the fun kind of DID, unlike other... side-splittingly shameful characters I could mention...
Pohlfuckya indeed sadmad
“You seem proud of yourself, but all youve done is infringe on the privacy of the witness”
(sweats) i hate it when Sadmad makes good points
its not really dissociative if you dont... um... dissociate.
Sadmad: let it go and––
Athena: Shut up!!
Sadmad: Let it g––
Athena: Sssh!!!
Sadmad: le––
“if words will not sway you, perhaps pain will”
i dont... like that... the beads are around her torso.......
that deserves a fucking cutscene all on its own. its like the time Lang caught Franziska’s whip only cool and not bulshitty
...also you coulda maybe done that a lil earlier simon lol
“I dont give two flips”
all his flips have flown the coop
“but if Cykes dono were to submit to you here...”
fuck you sadmad, not everyone has magic gary-stu powers that let them memorize everything about a single subject in one night.
once again sadmad wastes precious time and diamonds showing off
after this lengthy, lengthy, leeeeeengthy detour............ wouldyouliketoaddthisstatementtothetestimony?
“you look like a hen with a dozen eggs to say”
you can just say “constipated” and it'll be less creepy, simon
how could they... not tell... oh who cares
“we’ve got you by the stones now, Uendo!”
DAMN the TESTICLE references in this game!!!
“heres a big plot twist that i just convenientlyforgottomention urhurhurhr..”
spoken like a true prosecutor 
there was such a long pause there i thought he was building up to a pun
but of course he wasnt. sadmad isn't cool at all
heheh i just noticed that Bucky has hair noodles, just like Mr. Eldoon (tho Bucky’s dont appear to be a wig)
also its... very distressing to have a drunk client.
y’know i just realized
Sadmad is always talking about sending souls to the twilight realm in the proper way. but he's an international prosecutor. he’s probably prosecuted victims of all religious alignments.
isn't it kind of disrespectful to perform your religion’s funeral rites on someone who doesn’t practice it???
again, BK is only successful because Uendo is a moron
to be fair though, that was one of his better ones.
“You were leading the witness!”
Just, fuckin’. Please stop making good points, sadmad. I don’t want to be enraged with you, I want to be enraged AT You!!
...well i mean I don’t want to but i hate it when you bring up excellent points.
anyway why doesn't sadmad want them to find Owen anyway. if it comes to nothing, who cares? can you just not stand having people who aren’t you waste time??
again... DID doesn’t work like that........
macbeth, starring athena cykes and simon blackquill
thats,,, reallllllyy not how DID works,,,,,,,,,,,,,
“if you see one, there are likely thirty in your home’
thirty what
look if you knew how DID is supposed to work you'd probably have a good hypothesis by now. not an... ethical one to implement, but a working one.
i guess Uendo just never sleeps then, because apparently falling unconscious calls out another personality.
the time honoured tradition of turning a slip of paper over... truly, this is an Ace Attorney game 
dude.... if you conk out from the trace amounts of alcohol in a bun, you should maybe visit a doctor possibly 
“hmm, yes, i will allow you to render this man unconscious from alcohol.”
classic judge!!
au where blackqyil is a very angsty delivery boy
...that bird is going to fly into a shop, terrorize the workers, steal bean buns and (hopefully) drop a twenty on the counter as he flies the coop
phew that was a long court... but wait if this is a half-episode (which it probably is) and it started on a court day...
no investigation?! RIP OFF
gonna cut this one off here. till next time...
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chokemeseokjin · 7 years
for that ask thing... do em all... all 170... do it 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I wish I was like 5′6″ tbh i’m too tall2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) fucking dragon mate3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? I like kinda cute pastel shit but not really girly? does that even make sense?4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Nintendogs?5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: My gf, bees and flowers6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Approach with caution, cries easily and afraid of loud noises7: What is your opinion on Mo being unfaithful to Jimin? Unsurprising and relatable (ily)8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] IDK9: Are you ticklish? incredibly pls don’t touch me10: Are you allergic to anything? I’m lactose intolerant so… yeah11: What’s your sexuality? bi bi bi12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? tea i am a brit after all13: Are you a cat or dog person? B O T H14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? vampire fam that’d be so cool15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? either Dan and Phil or Tomska, Dan and Phil are one in my head ok shut up16: How tall are you? 5′10″ :)))17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Evie bc that was what i was going to be called and I would prefer it,,,,18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] idk fam19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? kinda?20: Do you like space or the ocean more? S P A C E FAM THE STARS ARE JUST !!!!21: Are you religious? nah22: Pet peeves? When ppl walk really slowly in the middle of the fucking pavement23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? nocturnal24: Favorite constellation? gemini obviously where my hoes at25: Favorite star? Kim Seokjin26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? the fuck are they?27: Any phobias or fears? the dark n clowns28: Do you think global warming is real? yes???29: Do you believe in reincarnation? yeah i guess I do30: Favorite movie? Super 8! Pls watch it! support my kids!31: Do you get scared easily? yes like seriously easy32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 233: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] BEST BLOG EVER 10/10 WOULD LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE AMEN34: What is a color that calms you? Pastel blue35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Japan and Hawaii! 36: Where were you born? hospital in my home town37: What is your eye color? very blue38: Introvert or extrovert? introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? I think they’re interesting but the ones in magazines n shit are bullcrap40: Hugs or kisses? hugs pls41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? my gf :(42: Who is someone you love deeply? ur mum43: Any piercings you want? more on my ears and maybe my nose44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? yes!!!!45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? i have yh46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! how to describe min yoongi,,,,47: What is a sound you really hate? metal being like dragged along something u know what i mean48: A sound you really love? kim seokjin when he gets lines :))))49: Can you do a backflip? no i’m not jungkook50: Can you do the splits? nearly lol51: Favorite actor and/or actress? I lov Andrew Garfield with all my heart 52: Favorite movie? u asked this already but I’ll chose another one soooooooo um Breakfast Club bc i am a white girl53: How are you feeling right now? sleepy54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? same colour it is now tbh55: When did you feel happiest? sleeping56: Something that calms you down? watching youtube videos specifically gaming ones idk why but it’s rlly calming57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] probably lmao58: What does your URL mean? i want. kim seokjin. to choke me. ok? are we clear? 59: What three words describe you the most? a fucking loser60: Do you believe in evolution? yeah61: What makes you unfollow a blog? posting rude/mean stuff or just if I don’t enjoy their content anymore, i don’t mean any harm or anything lol62: What makes you follow a blog? if it’s pretty/memes63: Favorite kind of person: nice people who’re funny and caring and actually give a shit about me and other ppl, not just themselves64: Favorite animal(s): meerkats, giraffes n bees65: Name three of your favorite blogs. @oh-no-its-mo​ @jinsasleep​ @taechy​66: Favorite emoticon: i’m on my laptop!!!! the sparkly heart!67: Favorite meme: um idk? the in tarnation one is p funny atm tho68: What is your MBTI personality type? fuck i can’t remember the rarest one i know that for sure69: What is your star sign? Gemini, come fight me70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? no jfc she wont even sit when i ask the hoe71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? denim mini skirt thing, tights n some cute top 72: Post a selfie or two? no73: Do you have platform shoes? i am tall enough74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I hate potatoes 75: Can you do a front flip? no jfc76: Do you like birds? yah77: Do you like to swim? I’m baically Rin tbh78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming i have no balance 79: Something you wish didn’t exist: donald trump80: Some thing you wish did exist: free traveling 81: Piercings you have? 5 in ma ears82: Something you really enjoy doing: writing and dying83: Favorite person to talk to: my gf84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? yo it was awful i was superwholock bullshit asshat i still hate myself for it i’ve been here too long85: How many followers do you have? 983!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? FUCKING HELL NO87: Do your socks always match? no88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? yes89: What are your birthstones? emerald 90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? dragon91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? oh fam a fuckin scabious they’re the shit92: A store you hate? superdrug93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? i had 6 one day it was a mistake94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? flyyyyyyy95: Do you like to wear camo? yes sir96: Winter or summer? summer97: How long can you hold your breath for? i can swim a length of the pool underwater98: Least favorite person? donald trump99: Someone you look up to: is it cheesy to say namjoon?100: A store you love? the fat ass topshop on oxford street101: Favorite type of shoes? cute ballet flats102: Where do you live? LDN 103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? bacon104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? i just thought of that fucking goat meme bye105: Do you drink milk? no i would die106: Do you like bugs? some107: Do you like spiders? small ones108: Something you get paranoid about? e v e r y t h i n g109: Can you draw: a little tho i’m sure others would disagree110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? idk fam i haven’t rlly been asked one111: A question you hate being asked? is ur hair naturally that colour112: Ever been bitten by a spider? no113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? yah114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? sunny!115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: my gf jfc how many times have i answered with that 116: Favorite cloud type: penis shapes ones117: What color do you wish the sky was? pink118: Do you have freckles? yah 119: Favorite thing about a person: their laugh120: Fruits or vegetables? fruit121: Something you want to do right now: sleep tbh122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? sky123: Sweet or sour foods? sour? i dont rlly like sweet stuff much124: Bright or dim lights? in between aaaaaye125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? unicorns i read a book when i was little that convinced me126: Something you hate about Tumblr: drama and ppl caring too much about shit that dont matter127: Something you love about Tumblr: making friends and seeing ppls amazing art!128: What do you think about the least? what a weird question um idk slugs?129: What would you want written on your tombstone? fucking finally130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Saitama? to see how much it would hurt131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? my entire being132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? i dont smile at all if i can help it133: Computer or TV? computer134: Do you like roller coasters? sort of135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? motion yess not sure about sea136: Are your ears lobed or attached? attached137: Do you believe in karma? yes138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? a strong -4139: What nicknames do you have/have had? El, Ellz, Petra, Sharpay, bitch, hoe, shut up ellen140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? yeah141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? nope142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Good most of the time143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? giving!!!!!!144: What makes you angry? rude people145: How many languages do you speak fluently? two146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? anyone who’ll have me tbh147: Are you androgynous? no148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: my eyes?149: Favorite thing about your personality: i guess i’m kind idk150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. my gf (again), Jess and Ellie151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? dinosaurs, i would make them my children152: Do you like BuzzFeed? their snapchat thing always makes me laugh153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] through this god damn website thanks to pepekwan,  romance at it’s finest kids154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? yes155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? yes156: What embarrasses you? literally everything157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: again, literally everything158: Biggest lie you have ever told: i’m straight 159: How many people are you following? too many160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 46,715 JFC161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? none162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? 1,758163: Last time you cried and why: i can’t actually remember 164: Do you have long or short hair? medium!!!!!!165: Longest your hair has ever been: nearly to my waist166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? never really affected me tbh, people can believe what they want to beleive as long as they’re not hurting anyone/ pressuring anyone to believe in it too167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? not really no168: Do you like to wear makeup? yeah u dont wanna see me without it169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? no?????170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? yes I have ur welcome Mo ily
i didnt check this so sorry if there are mistakes lol 
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artificialqueens · 7 years
The Best Years Of Our Lives (Trixya/Pearlet) Ch. 6 - Athena
A/N: Hi guys! Sorry if you guys saw my melodramatic ask, I had a moment. I can be a little extra at times. But, I’m gonna keep writing this. Also, sorry for the lack of Pearlet, I promise you that it is coming in the next chapter
Trigger warning: Alcohol usage / Throwing up 
Once the girls made it back to the residence hall, Trixie heard several voices coming from the inside of her room. Violet, Pearl, Fame, and Kim were all sitting on the floor with a bottle of rum, a bottle of whiskey, and other various colorful liquids in different shaped bottles in the middle of them.
“Close the fucking door!” Pearl hissed.
“Wait, didn’t you hate a date tonight with a Tinder bro?” Kim questioned.
“Um, well, he was awful. I left without saying a word and went straight to Katya’s room. Anyway, this guy talked about his mom, and his Pomeranians—”
Katya interrupted. “Also, she said he was sweaty and smelled like feet.”
“Yup, smelled like feet, and asked me about how many children I wanted to have, and complimented my child-bearing hips.”
“Also, apparently, he talked about his ex, who left him because of his addiction to World of Warcraft, and lack of passion in the bedroom.”
“It was actually League of Legends.”
“Who cares, they’re both terrible,” Kim said.
Fame raised an eyebrow. “Wow. That’s… That’s… an experience.”
Katya and Trixie joined the circle on the floor.
Katya grabbed the bottle of vodka. “May I?”
“Of course,” Violet said. She handed Katya a bottle of cranberry juice. “Want a chaser?”
Katya chugged. “Please. I don’t do chasers.” Katya passed the bottle to Trixie.
“Why the hell not?” Trixie took a swig of the vodka and immediately regretted it. The alcohol was overwhelming, causing her to temporarily forgot how to swallow. Her throat burned as the liquid eventually made its way down her throat.
Trixie took a giant gulp of the juice that was handed to her. “Do people actually like the taste of alcohol?”
Fame laughed. “Nope. Most people just pretend to like it. But we have this, too if you wanna try it? It won’t taste like alcohol, not much anyway. It’s a good first drink to have.” She poured a bottle filled with blue liquid into a cup mixed with lemonade.
Trixie took a cup from Fame. She was right, she could vaguely feel the burn of alcohol, but to her, it tasted like blue popsicles. “This is great!”
“Pace yourself,” Violet warned. “The most dangerous drinks are the ones that taste good.”
“I have an idea!” Kim chimed in. “Let’s play never have I ever. I have nothing to lose because I haven’t done anything.”
“How do you play?”
“You put up ten fingers, and then you say something you haven’t done, like ‘never have I ever murdered a man in cold blood,’ and if you’ve done it, you put a finger down,” Katya explained.
“I’ll go first!” Kim said. “Never have I ever had a boyfriend.”
Pearl and Fame put a finger down.
“Okay, Violet you go.”
“Never have I ever… Hmm. Never have I ever—wait, nope, I’ve done that. Never have I ever been black-out drunk.”
Both Pearl and Katya put a finger down.
“Never have I ever… smoked weed.”
Pearl and Katya put a finger down.
“Never have I ever been tied up or tied someone up for sex.”
Violet put a finger down. “What? It’s fun. Maybe you should try it sometime.”
As the game progressed, Trixie felt the alcohol going to her head, and fast. She didn’t care. The alcohol made her whole body feel warm.  
 “Trixie, your turn.”
“Never have I ever been in a relationship.”
Everyone but Kim put a finger down.
“My turn again,” Kim said. “Never have I ever kissed a girl.”
Trixie hesitated as she put a finger down. She noticed that everyone but Kim put a finger down.
“Fame?” Katya questioned.
“There was a night where Violet and I got a little drunk. Pearl, you’re lucky. She’s a good kisser.”
“I know.”
“Trixie? Who?” Kim’s tone was skeptical.
Trixie hesitated as she looked at Katya. “I don’t kiss and tell.”  She looked over at Katya who made no reaction.
The game continued until Violet put her tenth finger down. Trixie was definitely past the buzzed stage, and was onto the full-on drunk stage. At this point, she wasn’t sure how many drinks she had. She knew it was more than two, but less than five. Everything was funny to her, and she laughed so hard that she had to lay down on the floor.
“Now what?” Violet asked.
Fame picked up an empty bottle of cranberry juice. “Spin the bottle?”
Katya snorted. “Please Fame, this isn’t high school.”
Trixie sat up. “I’m down.”
“I’m not. I’ll watch you guys,” Kim said moving to the bed.
“Vi, you go first!”
Violet spun. It landed on Fame.
“Hey, bae,” Fame said. They learned in for a peck on the lips. They both laughed and pulled back.
Fame went next. Katya.
“C’mere, baby,” Katya said jokingly.
As Trixie watched the two of them kiss, she felt a hint of jealousy. She pushed the feeling aside, knowing full well she had no right to be jealous.
Katya went next. It landed on Trixie, whose inhibitions were almost nonexistent. She looked at Katya with lust in her eyes as she pulled her in for a kiss. Trixie had never been so aggressive while making out with Katya, who kissed back with the same amount of passion. Eventually they broke away.
Everyone was staring at them.
“Whoa,” Pearl said.
“Someone’s had too much alcohol,” Katya said making an “Are you serious?” face at Trixie.
“Ew, did you get red lipstick on me?” Trixie questioned. “You know I hate that.”
“Wait. You guys have done this before?” Kim said getting up from the bed.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity fuck, Trixie thought.
“She means when I kiss her on the cheek! Right Trixie?”
“Yes! She always gets her lipstick on my cheek and it ruins my makeup. It’s the worst. Anyway, whose turn is it next?”
Violet looked at her and raised an eyebrow, which caused Trixie glare in return. She grabbed her phone, and had a very difficult time texting.
To: Vi Ill takl to u bout it in later
At this point, Trixie was so drunk that she couldn’t text. Violet waited a turn before texting her back.
From: Vi Jfc, that was kinda hot. Dont worry, you just looked like a sloppy drunk. Katya came thru with that save tho. Your Tinder date story was so extra
To: Vi It was fun thooooooo. Bsides im an extra person, yuo kno this. Lolololol. Atl east im not boring
From: Vi Whatever you say…
There was a knock at the door.
“Fuck,” Violet said, shoving as many bottles under the bed as possible.
“R.A.,” she heard Alyssa call.
“I forgot about their rounds,” Kim whispered, who was clearly panicking.
Pearl smacked her arm. “Don’t look guilty.”
Trixie put a bottle behind her back. “Just a sec!”
“I’m coming in!” Alyssa said opening the door.
She looked around the room. “Jesus, ladies could you be any louder? Manila said she could hear you from her end of the hall.” Alyssa looked around the room and locked eyes with a bottle that hadn’t made it under the bed and raised an eyebrow.
Panicked eyes shot amongst the girls. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You’re lucky it’s so late and I really don’t feel like filing six underage drinking reports for all of you. Don’t you dare get cute and try this again.” Alyssa shut the door.
The girls unanimously decided it’d be best to stop drinking, and eventually decided to watch a movie on Trixie’s laptop. During the movie, Violet and Pearl weren’t paying much attention. They were on the corner of Kim’s bed making out, whispering things in each other’s ear. Trixie could have sworn they took it further, since they both had a blanket over themselves. 
“Get a fucking room,” Katya said, shielding her eyes.
At this point, Trixie could barely unlock her phone. But, she attempted to text Violet, not noticing that she had sent the text the wrong person.
To: Fame viiiiiiii jfc ur goin harder than me ad katya we’re the other nite. its kidna hot tbh
Fame looked at her phone with wide eyes.
From: Fame this def isn’t vi. What? you and Katya? wtf??????
As she read the text, Trixie was mortified she put her hands over her mouth.
Shit. This is bad. Fuck. Goddammit. Why did I think drinking was such a good idea? At least Fame’s drunk too, maybe she’ll forget.
 To: Fame gurl pls, I ment like when we kissed
From: Fame I dont rly believe you but I guess ill just ignore this and forget I ever saw it. Deleting the texts now
Before Trixie could text back, she suddenly felt sick to her stomach. She ran into the bathroom that she shared with two girls she had never spoken to. The only communication with them was through messages written on dry erase markers on the bathroom mirror. As she ran into the bathroom, she hoped to God one of her suitemates wasn’t in the bathroom already.
Thankfully, there was no one, and Trixie made it to the toilet. Her throat burned as all the contents in her stomach came up. The alcohol burnt her throat and nose. As she was bent over the toilet, she felt someone pull her hair back. After she was finally done, Trixie noticed that the toilet was now a bright blue color. She wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet.
She looked up and saw Katya. Trixie laid down on the nice, cool floor.
Trixie groaned in response. Katya helped her get out of the bathroom. Once she was out of the bathroom, Trixie flopped onto her bed. 
“Katyaaaaa,” she whined. “Come cuddle with me.”
Katya hesitantly laid on the bed with Trixie and stroked her hair.
“I love you,” Trixie sat up from the bed. “Like I really love you. Katya, can we tell them? Can we, can we, can we?”
“I think we better wait until you’re not drunk off your ass. You’re gonna probably–”
“Tell us what?” Fame questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Me and Katya had sex, and it was really good.”
This finally made Pearl and Violet stop. Pearl stared at Trixie for a few seconds before saying, “Well, shit.” 
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
Sonic X!Rogue/Knuckles for the meme
B-But I haven’t watched more than five episodes ofSonic X  :’)  I actually hadn’t seen any of it prior to about a month ago? I’d like to watch more but it’s a work in progress, anon.
So the only real KnuxRouge content I’m familiar with is the second SonicAdventure. That’s where most of this is coming from. Under the cut~
when I started shipping it if I did:
When Knuckles saved her from falling after theirbattle at Meteor Herd. They had the hand hold moment. And then Rouge called hima creep that only saved her so that he could hold her hand. A+ dialogue. It wasgood. Very good.
my thoughts:
idk, KnuxRouge is very tropey, but I am weak. Therewas a femme fatale character. There was a sweet and strong and smart but inexperienceand dense af guy who probably wouldn’t know what flirting was if it kissed himon the nose. There was a conflict based in different ideological values. I’msorry, it was inevitable.
I suspect I would’ve started shipping it earlier ifI had played this game later in my life. At that time I was a little moretentative and relying on canon evidence before shipping. Now I’m all aboutmixing strong personalities and romance in hypothetical combinations and fuckcanon.
What makes me happy about them:
They’re both strong characters who seem to carrymore or less equal weight in the collision of their relationship. I’m actuallykind of surprised that the writers managed to not make it so that Rouge wasn’tovershadowed by Knuckles, despite the fact that he already had an established placein the series.
Also, I like that there’s a certain amount of…unseriousness to their struggle. A playfulness. Unlike Sonic and Eggman andTails legit murder attempts… For all the heatedness of Knuckles and Rouge clashingin their different ideas about duty and responsibility, when things ultimately startedtaking a more serious and fatal turn, they both came through for each otherinstead of for themselves. (I kind of joked about this before, but I do kind ofwonder if Rouge and shattering the Master Emerald do become part of a flimsyexcuse for Knuckles to justify leaving the tedium of sitting around on AngelIsland playing bodyguard to a rock.)
And, aw, the banter is fun.
What makes me sad about them:
That SA2’s plot is so, soooo bad. In terms of thisship in specific, it makes me sad that their big moment is the second time Rougewas damseled over the course of this game. And neither time she’s damseledmakes even the slightest bit of sense. What?!She’s going to fall from a great height into a pit of space lava?! She’s afucking bat!!! She can fly!!! And arguably she won that fightagainst Knuckles and, aaaaargh!!! Andthen the first time she’s damseled, she’s trapped in the military base by thepeople she’s working for as a double agent. It just makes zero sense. The plotof this game was so filled with holes and contrived BS. And I’m not evengetting into the gameplay mechanics. Ship deserved better.
In a less meta and more in-universe sense… I dothink in a romantic or otherwise emotionally intimate context, Rouge is aboutfive thousand times more adept than Knuckles. She could run circles around him,and I’m not sure you could trust her not to be manipulative about it, even ifshe had the best intentions. And she doesn’t always have the best intentions…
things done in fanfic that annoy me & things I look for in fanfic:
I haven’t really read any in detail. I pulled upsome Sonic stuff recently and was reminded uncomfortably of fanfiction relatedtropes specific to fandoms dominated by male fans. A lot of power fantasystuff, and dark morality themes that liked to think themselves complex but werereally simplistic and unsubtle, and female characters being victimised orotherwise uncritically robbed of their agency. None of this was about Knouge,but it kinda put me off the fandom. I’m sure there’s good fic hiding somewhere,but it put me off on looking for it for the time being.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
um, idk? I have a fondness for Julie-Su/Knuckles inthe comics, even though I do think the characterisation work wasn’t always veryclever. I like the other lady Echidnas with Knux too – so Knuckles/Tikal andKnuckles/Shade are both okay, imo. I think the Knuckles/Sally friendship in thecomics was really well constructed – the way it was set up around them havingthese similar but conflicting obligations was really clever – it couldtheoretically make a great romance. And for some reason I feel utterly charmedby the idea of Knuckles/Shadow after seeing those couple of comics about them.
For Rouge… I really don’t know… I know Rouge/Shadowis popular, and I think it could be good in the hypothetical – certainlythey’ve made a more stable team than Rouge&Knux – but… idk, in terms ofcanon it feels like there’s been quite a bit of Rouge taking interest in andcare towards Shadow as an individual, and not a lot of reciprocation whereShadow really considers Rouge beyond her capacity as an ally. It just seemslike a relationship very centred around /his/ needs and /his/ existential angst.Even when Shadow goes out of his way to save Rouge’s life, it feels like it’sset up as Shadow wanting to come to terms with his own morality and define forhimself what he’s spiritually capable of rather than ‘wow, I care about Rougenot dying’. All of which kind of turns me away from the idea that Shadow would everbe romantically interested in her in a way that could possibly respect that shehas her own needs and goals and values. I mean, I think this is up forinterpretation, and I think their relationship is interesting and could developin all sorts of ways… so I’m not really against the ship, but I remain kind ofunconvinced as of now.
Ugh, I feel like Rouge femslash should be where it’sat, but… who would I pair her with other than Amy? (no.) jfc, why are importantsonic female characters in such short supply?!? and why isn’t Rouge close toany of them?!?
My happily ever after for them:
Rouge decides to stash her hoard of gems on AngelIsland. She reasons that, because they’re stored with the Master Emerald, theMaster Emerald is also part of her collection. Knuckles humours her.
I think they’re often occupied with their ownobsessions and work. They probably spend long months away from each other whenKnuckles is doing Guardian work of one type or another, and Rouge is offtreasure hunting or working as a spy. They kind of reconvene and do battlecouple things together. They probably like travelling and treasure huntingtogether too, or otherwise visiting friends on the mainland.
I’m not sure how interspecies furry babies work, butthey may have a kid. ‘One. Only one,’Rouge says. The kid spends more time with Knuckles, training to be the nextGuardian. But they’re a little more enamoured with Rouge’s lifestyle – has a tastefor grand adventure and glamour. Knuckles’s life is struggle. Much compromise andreworking the system happens in the process of trying to reconcile expectations.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Rouge is little spoon.A little more like their animal counterparts, I imagine Knuckles is about twiceRouge’s size. So it’s very big big spoon, and very little little spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
I think it’s included in that happy ending up there.Treasure hunting? Visiting friends? Digging through archaeological sitestogether, maybe. Does that overlap too much with treasure hunting? It’s aboutthe journey rather than the destination, though~
They both like swimming too right? They visit hiddenhot springs and oases and relax.
Thanks anon!!
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hails-bop · 7 years
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? *endless screaming*
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? I think the last person was Chloe? Idk, but Chloe you da real MVP and I love you my dude. <3
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? Yeah, I would care if it was impacting their life or our relationship.
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? Yes
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? Sober? I was sober but it was all consensual. This sounds bad but I promise it’s a thing between my friend group and me.
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? Nope.
7. What does your last received text say? “I agree about the starfish.”
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? Like once.
9. Where was your last kiss at? JFC, @ my friend Izzy’s house.
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? Awhile, I miss her.
11. What do you drink in the morning? This morning, water. Preferably, coffee.
12. Where did you sleep last night? A cave. Nah, in my bed?? lol
13. Do you think relationships are hard? Can be, but if both people COMMUNICATE and treat each other with RESPECT then it should be fun.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? I would change the time I took a stand and got a very toxic person out of my life. I would have done it way before when I did. lol
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? Yes, if there is no light in the room then how is Chloe gonna knit?? That is a problem bc light is needed! or you could say.. light is need-led lmao, bc knitting needles? I’ll leave.
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? Rainy.
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? Nope.
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? Yoga Pants
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? I sure FUCKIN HOPE SO
20. Does anyone like you? I don’t know, but if so they should teeeeellllll mmmmeeeeee ASAP
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA LOL YUP FUCK THAT
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? Yup.
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? *refer to answer 21
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? YES! Art related hopefully!
25. In the past week have you cried? Nope, surprisingly.
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? Good boy. That was the breed.
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
Top half in the shower and bottom half out of the shower. Idk why.
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? Ew no
29. Do you think you’re old? Nope.
30. Do you like text messaging? Not really. If it is super important stuff then I prefer to call. I just prefer to talk to people.
31. What type of day are you having? I was up and running errands at 9:30 today! Wtf?? It has been good.
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? NO
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? COLD
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? Uhh, my dad, my brothers.
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? RELATIONSHIP
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
I haven’t a clue.
37. What song are you listening to? I am listening to a video called “EATING RAT” by Ash and Grace Hardell <3 -going over this I am now listening to “Ultimate Storytime” by Thomas Sanders!! <3 Bless this human. “Birds” makes my heart soar.
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? Yes. 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? Karlee knows lots about me because we were best friends for a while. But lots has changed and we gotta catch up @karlee ;) -going over this: My Stepsister knows almost everything! 40. What made you start liking the person you like now? I don’t really like anyone right now. 41. When did you last receive a text message? About an hour ago. 42. What is wrong with you right now? Where do I begin lol, I have a headache. 43. How well do you know the last female you texted? She is my RA. 44. Does anyone disgust you? Ignorant people do. 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? Probably not unless I really knew them. 46. Are you in a good mood right now? I’m content. 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? My RA. 48. What color shirt are you wearing? BLUE! 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? Not really. 50. Anyone you’re giving up on? Currently? My mom maybe? 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? I have always disliked the word hate, but I really have issues beyond repair, issues that are beyond okay with this person.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? Took me a while, but I did it, Lol 53. Do you like rain?
YES! 54. Do you care if your partner drinks? As long as they are safe and it doesn’t get dangerous or unhealthy then I don’t. 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? Many a time. 56. Do you like to cuddle? YESSS 57. Are you shy? Initially but I eventually open up and I’m kinda insane. LOL 58. Do you get along with girls? Yes. 59. Have you dated the person you texted last? Nope! 60. What do you carry with you at all times? Art supplies, phone, keys. 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? Yes, I would be terrified but it would be worth it in the end. 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? Yes!! 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? Nope. 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? Aarrgjajjahahiaufhajfljda yES 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? A few dogs licked my face.
66. How old are the last three people you kissed? 17 and 18 and 18
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    mYSELF, bitch I’m poor. 68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    Ew 69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    I have a lot of stickers..... 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?   Who? I would rather listen to Dodie Clark. 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    I have an Android, but I wish I could afford an iphone. 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    It’s been years, but I don’t like it very much. 73. Do you like diet soda?    Yup, I prefer it. 74. What color are the walls in your room?    White! 75. Are you 16 or older?  I am the ripe age of 19.   76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    No. 77. Do you have a job?   Yes! A work study job designing posters and fliers for a department at my school.    78. What are your initials?    H, you really think I am giving tumblr classified information? 79. Did you ever have braces?    I have them now and I want to rip them off my face. 80. Are you from the south?    Uhh? I’m from one of those states that is like both.
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    I shared a video about the Obama’s dogs. 82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    LOL NOPE refer to question 21. 83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    My dad, hands down. 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    I did ballet when I was little. 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    Moana!! <3 86. Do you smoke?    No! 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    Slippers. 88. Is your phone touch screen?    Yes! 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?     My hair is pin straight, but I wish it was as gay as I am. 90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    Nope. 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    Probs a pool, but I love rivers. 92. Have you ever made out in a car?    Nope. I lead such an exciting life. 93. …Had sex in a car?    Nope, again my life is soooooo exciting. 94. Are you single or in a relationship?   Single! 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    Sleeping! Surprisingly! 96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?   My school did a thing, but I don’t remember why they had fireworks.  97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    I like that I have a camera because my old phone had a REALLY shitty one. The quality is okay. My phone is trying it’s best. 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    Nope! 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?   Yeah actually, you know how that chocolate milk affects you. Lol no I have not. 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? Nope!   101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    nOPE 102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    Who? 103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    It’s winter. 104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? I can wear what I want, but no no no no no no I wold not. @jillianghostmann
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