#im being caffeinated
lineffability · 1 year
*newsperson voice* news of the day: I'll give you the new Meanwhile chap tonight I swear. it's almost done. also, personal slice of life: i spontaneously worked at a food truck today bc someone was ill, got free lunch and cash and then at the café I currently work at during the holidays, me and the boss decided we'd just pay my wage under table so I got several hundred euros in cash that I've been carrying around with me all day I'm feeling rich but in an illegal way
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safety-pin-punk · 2 months
yall Im so fucking tired. This month has been exhausting. I promise Im alive, just barely functional atm.
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sourpeachsayshi · 3 months
itadori yuji (28) madly in love with the single mom reader (33) - he's known you for five years and is so, so grateful that you finally divorced your shitty husband.
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scooplery · 3 months
my body feels better today.... i slept for 11.5 hours last night. i think a two trazodone night of sleep can cure a lot of my ills. i finally have a sleep study scheduled for September and I'm almost scared of what the results are going to be bc i already know i sleep like shit Lol even as a kid i was up and down all night, never sleeping all the way thru. trazodone helps a lot but it's not perfect
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theninjazebra · 2 months
The problem with anxiety as you get older and meaner is that you know it's mostly a lie. It's a different schedual not a lion, it's a meeting a group of new people not a lion, etc.
Sometimes it's a warning signal about the danger in you, not the world around you.
And this is inconvenient because there isn't helpful tickertape coming out of my ear saying "it's just the stress, apply (3) rotations of trashy pop album of choice to brain and power through" or "WARNING system overload imminent. Psychotic depression, intense suicidal thoughts, and self harm likely should you proceed."
Like, it'd be helpful, is what I'm saying.
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shesmore-shoebill · 4 months
so far i have not had 30 spare minutes today but i have had two minute gaps where i keep glancing at the amanda lehan canto and smosh tag and then having silent, furious joy-induced meltdowns over the stuff im seeing from WWAD. im chewing through my walls (silently and internally bc i am in a professional setting). u all thought i was posting hard yesterday. u havent seen anything yet.
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monprecieuxx · 7 months
no cause the 'to the core' thing has not left my mind since i first read it...
eddie diaz who enlisted fresh out of hs, already so burdened w/the weight of the world. never got to explore on his own (neither did shannon, the marriage thing still trips me up they fucked up these kids lives forever), never had a chance to fuck up and grow from mistakes. at least not trivial mistakes, always life changing missteps. someone who doesn't even know himself to the core of his being.
he loves buck like that.
he sees past all of buck's walls, his hurt, his pain, his miniscule joys. sees through them, sees buck with them, sees buck wholly as someone to love.
love with, love despite, love because.
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lightbulb-warning · 3 months
Heya Maiora did. Did you actually go to sleep after that last reblog?
god i wish that would've been so stupid funny- if a bit happens, no audience no announcement no awareness no fanfare does the tree get to leave the desert??
alas, ive been awake since 4am and now the sun's up so my brain will revolt in rigorous restless rage until i get my daily dose of dumbassery and/or (derogatory) do my daily """""responsible adult""""" tasks/obligations and/or get in my daily staring-at-walls-trying-to-explode-my-mind-with-my-mind-in-anxious-paralysis-™ in, until my beautiful beautiful gorgeous and sexy 9.30pm bedtime!!!!!
...a nap sounds delicious divine delightful. i would love to sleep. i am so sleepy.
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drew eepy maiora with my eyes closed for EMPHASIS!!!! also. *points* drawn and drownd. hehehehehhhhhhhhhhhh
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meldelreina · 7 days
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aropride · 25 days
nobody asked and its not relevant to anything im just traumadumping for fun but im thinking about the time i was leaving [redacted]'s room and he was like "here take this" and put a pill in my hand and i was like. "what. is this" and he was like. "dont worry abt it just take it" and i was like. seriously what is this im not taking a random unmarked pill??? and i had to like Argue with him and he was like "but don't you trust me??" like no not if you try to give me an unknown drug and get mad and guilt trippy when i ask what youre trying to get me to take! he eventually told me it was melatonin but it's the Principle of it. i'm not taking your unmarked pills bro idc if we're friends! show me the bottle it came from and let me read the label what the fuck!!
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meanya · 8 months
Drank a Caramel latte. I have acquired ADHD²
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lustly · 2 months
I wish alcohol had zero calories, the best I can do is cutwater (90 cals ugh) but it makes me aggressive 😭
Fuck being addicted to it, fuck having a cal rest of 600 and meeting that cap just by drinking
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mnt-artss · 3 months
COFFEE SHOP AU. COME GET UR COFFEE SHOP AU!!! engie and captain whyenn edition ^__^
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more doodles n sketches under the cut !!! i made up the order on the spot FORGIVE ME if it makes no sense or doesn’t fit. i don’t know anything about coffee drinking
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reblogs appreciated as always :3
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caffeine-high · 8 months
Desconjuração mistranslations and out of context subtitles!
in celebration of me being halfway through calamidade, here are my favourite subtitles from desconjuracao also bc i will just never post these otherwise and i did promise myself i'd post them for each episode....
spoiler free! (or as spoiler free as i could get them)
ep 5:
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these just all need to go together:
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i somehow dont have any saved from this episode?
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mainly a lot of crying over here
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storm-of-feathers · 1 year
I saw a post that was like "oppressed americans are americans first and oppressed second" and boy that's a shorter way to say "I don't care about anything the american government does to its own people and i think of all americans as rich white people without ever once examining how I personally feel about black or indigenous communities or poor people."
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vveirdnobdy · 2 years
Funny thing that gives me the giggles is when Im writing on Docs and it keeps trying to autocorrect Cale to Cake.
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