#im afraid to tag physically disabled n such because im not diagnosed with anything and it doesnt really disable me
delphientropy · 5 days
ive been walking for 15 minutes and my legs are already stabbing me. what the fuck man.
25 minutes. i feel like collapsing this shit is painful
annnd im a minor and my dad just thinks im a whiny bitch and i just need to get out more when i literally walk every single day in the form of pacing like. i stay in bed all day because MY FEET HURT!! FOR NO REASON!! AAUUAUGRGHHHH AND I CANT GET ANY HELP. BECAUSE MY DAD NEVER FUCKING BELIEVES ME ABOUT MY MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH I MEAN I UNDERSTAND ITS NOT ALWAHS THE CASE BUT DUDE!! PLEASE!!! I AM!! IN!! PAIN!!! *collapses*
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