#im a sucker for hugs
krysissy · 11 months
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Look again.
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ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT LEO AND RAPH DID NOT hug each other after the other woke up. WHY. why why why why why.
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justlikearat · 3 days
What do i even say. Its like. Werewolf jason and leo thats it
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cookiedough77 · 2 months
you guys have no idea how bad i need to cripple adrien agreste, give him a cane right NOW
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sorrelpaws · 1 year
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the codependency is mutual btw pr*ship dni
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starsoftheeye · 28 days
the bit in the latest rings of power between eärien and elendil is actually breaking my heart
eärien showing a vulnerable side of herself to her father and to the audience???? the hug????? elendils smile when he finally hugs his daughter after not only months of not seeing her but also months (?) of animosity between them, then the immediate shift when she accuses him of being prideful??? elendil reinforcing the belief that pharazon has instilled in eärien that her own father hates her and then giving her no reassurance whatsoever????? eäriens face when she realises that pharazon was right??? eärien knowing that her fathers love and respect for míriel was stronger than any respect for her????
are they trying to kill me?????
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wolfywolfy · 9 months
Lots of people keep saying that Astarion wouldn't peel an orange for you, which is objectively hilarious. But is it true? 🤔
For Ascended Astarion I think so, absolutely. There's no way he would peel that fruit for you. He would need to do you a favor that proves his power over the concept of giving you something. There would need to be a servant, somewhere, who would only ever serve peeled fruits to Tav. There would never be a peel seen inside of his house ever again, if he was asked to peel an orange. But don't get it twisted -- he'd peel the skin off of a man just for you, darling, if you wished it (because it proves that he is strong, he is powerful, he is in control, and that you enjoy this sadistic and twisted part of him that he has succumbed to). This is to say, any request you have, he will meet it in whatever the most condescending twist of power he can. He'd shower you with material things just because you mentioned liking 1 particular gemstone or fabric. You like a particular author? He'll "convince" them to write a novel specifically just for you. Anything to prove he "cares", in whatever way he truly does, and anything to secure you to his hip when he wants you there.
But Spawn Astarion? I dunno. I think he would peel an orange for you. Before you ever kill Cazador he says that one of the reasons he's interested in Ascension in the first place is for your safety, not just his (I'm inclined to believe this, as he sounds genuinely terrified of the concept of either of you being "unsafe" at that point). If you're playing The Dark Urge, he literally helps take care of you. In like, a very intimate and caring way??? And he'll stand up for you multiple times throughout the later acts if you've proven yourself to stand up for him when he needs it. I kind of think he would peel the orange. Honestly, with the way he acts during the graveyard scene, I can't really see him as anything less than utterly adoring of Tav.
Now, would it be a well-peeled orange? ..........no, but it's the thought that counts. He hasn't exactly eaten Real Food™ for 200 years, I don't think he knows how to peel any fruit.
Here's the thing though. I know it's all just a metaphor, the orange isn't necessarily an orange. You think this motherfucker wouldn't peel a proverbial orange for you, though? You think he wouldn't see a piece of jewelry or clothing or knick-knack or something and not immediately snag it (illegally or otherwise) just because he thought Tav would like it? He's like a cat. "Oh I know you couldn't get this for yourself 🙄 here you go, I got it for you." All the while he's trying to make it into not a big deal, but he really just wants you to acknowledge that he cares so he can be a leech to your affections.
Maybe this is all OOC garbage and that's fine, but!! Idk after the way he treats Tav at the epilogue party saying things like "we have forever, and I'm not going anywhere", he comes off to me as incredibly sweet and deeply attached. I do think he'd peel the orange. And I think he'd also be upfront and appreciate Tav for all the oranges they've peeled for him, too.
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muirneach · 3 months
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team czechia are the gold medal winners of the 2024 paris mixed double olympics!
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midnighteclipze · 5 months
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Was messin around in Billie's chapter again (per usual) and was tryna get this screenie, and while I did, I discovered that the longer you wait and watch her approach, not only can you hear her footsteps, but you can HEAR HER BAT DRAGGING ACROSS THE FUCKING FLOOR?!?!?!
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absolutely unrelated to the dreadful little polycule BUT. hey mark was there at deadwood right. like in canon. what do u think post-muse ashe and mark even Look like. i feel like. there's no way they could be normal after that. not that they can in canon but even Less after what ashe knows mark's seen him do. also GOD how does. tidalwave mark coming over to deadwood mark dragging tide with him happen..... one second im still thinking about the dreadful little polycule u know ill always talk ur ear off Abt them!!!
this ask has been cooking in my inbox for WEEKS because thinking about post-muse mark and ashe makes me so fucking sick dude. god. okay. fucking huge ramble about them under the cut
not going to answer the tidalwave thing yet because we NEED 2 discuss what happens to tide instead of depowering him bc that would fucking kill him and we CANNOT kill our dad. i know we mentioned him taking an armsmaster style retirement/thinly veiled house arrest but. thats a conversation for later hehe
ANYWAY. FUCK . POST-MUSE ASHE MY POOR LITTLE BOY. god. this is all going to be hypotheticals and questions honestly. but like. god. thinking abt the scene like. IMMEDIATELY after the trickster lets him go. the trickster lets go of him and ashe just fucking slumps to the ground like a (pun very much intended) puppet with his strings cut. hes not unconscious, hes awake, but the last time he was free and aware he had to watch himself rip william in half! lol! i think that all hits him at once and he just like. falls to his fucking knees!!! and like. mark pov. thats his son his son is free hes had to watch all of this in shock and horror but now ashe is free after so fucking long and all he wants to do is rush forward and hug him (pick him up, bundle him in his arms like he did when ashe first triggered, carry him in the car as they speed out of the quarantine zone hoping nobody is following them-) and i think he gets as far as. falling to his knees next to ashe, but as soon as his hand makes contact i think ashe flinches so hard its almost like the touch hurt him. hes just. staring at his dad with these huge eyes and shallow breaths and hes shaking and crying and its a fucking MESS and mark doesnt know what to DO and the wards are standing in a loose semicircle behind him and ashe does NOT like all of these eyes on him. he knows these are people who love him but he doesnt know ... what the fuck theyre going to think of him. after. all of that.
i think it would be fun (/evil) if for..... a little while after he's free ashe is just CONSTANTLY waiting for the other shoe to drop. he knows trickster has mal now, he believes that was real, and mal can make illusions. so . whats to say this isnt just all. fake. one of these days hes going to wake up covered in blood and gore and new piercings stinging and aching and . ashe winters will just be the empty aftermath of muse again. i cannot IMAGINE a world in which mark would let him out of his sight again... maybe not in the same completely suffocating way he did when ashe was a kid but like. he definitely insists on ashe living with him again. just. theres a sort of nervous hesitance that wasnt there before. mark is so much more Present now that he doesnt have to work for overlord anymore. he's at home. he makes breakfast and dinner and his footsteps are still loud and heavy but theyre cautious and the way he knocks on ashes door is a lot more gentle than it used to be . i just think theyre both like... scared of each other. ashe scared to relax because he thinks that everything could be fake and he doesnt know what anyone really thinks of him anymore (he is so full of shame and guilt over what he did as muse- i dont think anyone would directly Tell Him but i think . he would probably look up the news, just to *know*). and mark is scared because he doesnt know what to do. he doesnt want to make anything worse. he lets the wards and tide visit whenever they want (because he trusts them) because familiar faces and voices might help ashe feel normal again, but hes still. just. so full of paranoia that something else could go wrong.. and all he wants to do is just. put ashe in a vault or something that could keep him safe from anything that could ever hurt him again. but also he knows thats exactly what the trickster was doing to him (and what mark did to him his entire childhood) so he doesnt.
this is . entirely self indulgent and maybe ooc a little bit but i really really REALLY want the first step of them like... healing. is for mark to be doing something maybe in the kitchen or the living room and ashe slowly trudges into the room feet dragging, hair tangled and hanging in his face OBVIOUSLY not touched at all, nervous energy twitchy at everything like he has been for weeks, but instead of sitting himself in the corner or with his back against a wall he just... comes up next to mark and bumps his forehead into his back/arm/whatever. and he doesnt say anything and mark freezes up bc he doesnt want to make any sudden moves and scare him but then after like. a couple long seconds of stillness and silence ashe hugs him. mark asks (voice really quiet) if hes okay, and ashes shakes his head (which is more just like. sideways rocking his forehead without breaking contact) and mark asks if he can hug him back (nod this time) and they just kind of. sink to the floor and theyre crying and hugging and they dont talk about it later but i think thats when it clicks in ashes brain like. huh okay maybe this is real.
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reichurine · 2 months
video not by me
but would love to share - also many trigger warning for implied s*cide and other things, the usual aventurine stuffs
it's a really nice pv regardless, please be nice to the artist.
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snakes-on-skates · 3 months
a while ago i saw this human bill design on tiktok and omg i love it so so so much 😭 i freak out every time i see it my thoughts immediately switch from normal to AUGGHHHH STOPPPPPPPPPP I HATE HIM SO MUCH HES THE WORST HES AWFUL WHAT A FREAK
#translation: i love this sucker more than anything in the world i wanna squeeze him#the first time i saw it I actually dropped my phone 😭 I WASNT EXPECTING ITT#its. omg. the art style definitely has something to do with it idk#THEY DRAW HIM SO WELL!!!! IT JUST CAPTURES HIS PERSONALITY AUGGHH#IM OBSESSED#I NEED TO TRANSFORM INTO A GIANT SNAKE AND CONSTRICT HIM UNTIL HE DIES#I WANT TO BREAK ALL HIS BONES#LET ME HUG HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HAAAATE HIIIIIIIM#EXPLODE.#BURST INTO FLAMES.#i cannot stand it#i cant stand him#i need him to step on a landmine#i need to throw him into a ravine#im gonna kill that bastard with my bare hands#i WILL bite him and i will NOT let go#FUCKING!!!!!!!!!! STUPID!!!!!!!!!!! ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!#i wanna grab him and shake him around#im imagining it right now. thats my heaven. i just get to beat him up. and then hug him. and then beat him u-#one of these days im gonna snap and none of you will be prepared#yknow when you trap your cat under an upside down laundry basket. i wanna do that to him#oh my fucking GOOODDDDDDDDD#this is what happens when i like a character platonically. im normal about my crushes. but nOT THIS GUY!!!!#NOT THIS FUCKING GUY!!!!!!!!#this is a PROBLEM. I CANT KEEP LIVING LIKE THIS#i wouldnt trade it for anything hes my most specialist little guy#i need to put him in a snowglobe. not even the human design i was talking about just the triangle. i need to shake him + some glitter around#stupid fucking weasel bitch. fuck that guy#UGH. WHATEVER LEAVE ME ALONE
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nozunhinged · 7 months
I just know I'm gonna cry so hard this weekend...he is fully prepared to live with this love all by himself for the rest of his life 😭😭😭
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youngpettyqueen · 8 months
ok Archer hugging T'Pol is very good. ill give them that
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yuukimiyas · 10 months
eeep!! you guys!!! ໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა i've been crushing on a guy for a lil & today he stopped by my work to see me for a lil bit!!
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 8 months
Coffin and Briefcase are doomed Yuri omfg…
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