#i cant wait how this all unfolds
nozunhinged · 7 months
I just know I'm gonna cry so hard this weekend...he is fully prepared to live with this love all by himself for the rest of his life 😭😭😭
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akimojo · 1 year
people love to use ffxiii’s messy development as a reason to completely shit on the game but honestly the fact they managed to sneak in so many little details in the gameplay in a way that reflects the characters and story despite all the miscommunication between the dev sections is just impressive to me
#was xiii horribly planned out and missed out on a lot of important feedback because of the poor time management? absolutely#does that mean you cant be impressed with what the game achieved regardless of whether you liked it or not? fuck no#also the fact theres next to no bugs (not counting the pc port because... yeah) is amazing all things considered#and the graphics still hold up to this day#the linearity is everyones main issue with the game but look at x dude#x was linear as hell too but it makes sense bc yuna had a pilgrimage to follow#just as how it makes sense for the xiii cast to not have time to stop and explore cocoon while they were being hunted by the government#thats why you have so much more freedom to explore when youre on pulse#theres not even anything objectively wrong with having a game be linear in the first place#and the people complaining about the story being ''incoherent'' are just... wrong?#they give you enough hints within the dialogue to piece the story together yourself while also not leaning on exposition dumps to tell it#and if you cant do that then the datalogs are right THERE#games have relied on ''notes'' to tell parts of their story for ages now and i dont understand why its suddenly bad when xiii does it#i dont like sitting through exposition dumps and i like being able to analyse and theorize about a plot WHILE im experiencing it#and a lot of other people feel the same way so its not an objectively bad aspect of the game's storytelling#you just need to pay attention and be patient and wait for the story to unfold#i went off the rails but ANYWAY#aki stfu#final fantasy xiii
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lady-murderess · 10 months
At the end of the day, there is a reason 10's face came back, and that is literally just to say goodbye to NuWho. The 15th Doctor is a complete reboot, RTD has said it himself. But coming from a character standpoint, there was reasoning for it. 14 still had all of 10's qualities. Now, he wasn't as cold as 10, he was more open and not afraid to be affectionate, but even then he still carried the same amount of shame on his shoulders and tortured himself with his trauma. To be honest, 14 seemed tired.
Bumbling about the internet, I have seen people bring up the Metacrisis Doctor when it comes to this finale, but the difference between this bi-generation and the metacrisis was the fact that the metacrisis was a two way thing. Donna became a Time Lord and the version of him that came from both Donna and 10's hand is completely human with quite a bit of her personality in him, and the bi-generation is literally just two of the exact same Time Lords. And that's it.
And to be honest, in some ways 10 wanted to have his cake and eat it. A part of him wanted to settle down and also be a Time Lord, because let's face it, he'd never be able to say goodbye to that life he's lived for all those many years, he even said that when Donna and 15 told him to let go and he was scared. And more proof of that was in series 2's School Reunion episode (which is one of my all time favourites) when Rose confronted him on why he never mentioned Sarah Jane, and then later on in the series finale of 4 where he and DoctorDonna leave the Metacrisis Doctor behind with Rose. He loved Rose, always had, but he knew it would break his heart to see her grow old and die, so really the Metacrisis Doctor got to have his happy end because he was human.
I think 15 was the part of the Doctor that still had the urge to keep going and wanted to be finally free from the pain of the past. Every Doctor has their own personalities and ways of coping with things, and I think 15 just wants to be carefree and happy and that's just what I get from the trailer for Christmas special where he is literally in a club dancing so freely... something we've never seen from the Doctor before.
I won't lie though, I don't understand the issue with it being Donna he gets to have that happy end with. He couldn't have it with Martha, she has Mickey and her family, Sarah Jane has been dead for a long time, he never got to truly know the Bannerman Road Gang, and Jack is out there doing things with Torchwood, so he couldn't have gone with any of them either, and the rest of the companions in NuWho are pretty much dead. So, why not Donna?
It's said by quite a few characters during the 10th Doctor era that he never stays, and he'll even admit multiple times he'll keep on running. And after losing Rose, we all saw how he just ran faster and grew darker. Martha gave him a phone so she could keep in contact with him, and what did he do? He denied the fact that he even had a phone when it rang and Donna asked questions about it. And let's face it, if the universe hadn't pulled him and Donna together for them to meet again, he would never have seen her again after the Racnoss. She offered him Christmas dinner with her and her family and he just didn't.
Overall, every companion of 10's all have their happy ends except for her. Yes, Donna has a family and she loves them dearly, but for those 15 years she felt that something was missing. So, she didn't really get a happy end because she had no closure and it plagued her and her family. But now here she is and 14 here is, happy because they both have closure. So, I don't know... It just seems rather fitting to me.
At the end of the day, this whole thing was just finally letting this face of the Doctor, this version of himself who's most damaged and tired, just be happy.
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ilanarose7 · 11 months
Bells Hells Poll Time: Fire Shard Edition
I'm super excited for tonight! Bells Hells are BACK and I'm curious what other's thoughts are on the Titan shard up for grabs.
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drulalovescas · 8 months
No because you don't understand. I am absolutely and utterly obsessed with the way Cas' homosexual declaration of love has everyone in a chokehold. Like seriously!!!! They wanted Cas in The Winchesters but ... what about the confession. They want the revival to happen BUT they'll have to address the confession. Because after all the controversy they cant just not address it right???? They wanted desperately for the "i love you" to stay ambiguous but Misha Collins said no fucking way. I fought too hard for this shit to happen. The angel is gay. And stays gay. So now we have this show "Supernatual" that is all about the brothers" but that gay little nerdy angel who was supposed to stay for 3 episodes only!!! dictates the narrative. They painted themselves into a corner so badly because they wanted to please EVERYONE and thus managed to piss off everyone. And I'm just here grinning and eating my🍿 waiting for how things will unfold. And yknow what? I'm not even sorry. Also, Cas is gay.🌈
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Teacher!Five x Teacher!reader
Synopsis: What happens when a grumpy stern history teacher meets the new sunshine teacher?
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Five was grumpy you could say the least. Always annoyed and always on the students ass’s about their school work and their grades. You never saw him without a cup of coffee and without a suit. He taught an advanced history class and most left and went to there normal history within about 2 weeks of being there. He was not offended since he decided if they cant handle it then its best they go. Thats not exactly said with malice or mockingly just staright facts. Kinda like if you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen. Well he was having a normal day sitting at his desk drinking his cup of coffee and walking around the classroom monitoring his students as they did their assignment. All was quiet and peaceful till you walked into his life. Litterally. You came to his classroom with a big smile adjusting your cat eye glasses and shirt “Hello, sir! if you didn’t know i’m new here and i decided to come introduce myself!” When five looked at you he swore his bones turned to jello and his cheeks heated in a tinge of pink and his heart went faster. He looked at you in awe for a second till he cleared his throat and in a stoic almost disinterested voice he spoke “Yes im aware of you. Im assuming you are Mrs L/N? The new art teacher?” Now normally he wouldnt give two damns about art but if this what would come with the art, a woman he could only dream of? hell he would fake an interest just for you. You smiled “Yes and you must be Mr Hargreeves! Oh how lovely it is to see you, Mr.” He chuckled nervously but pulled himself together enough to look like that grumpy annoyingly professional man “Yes it’s a pleasure” he tried to act casual. From that day forward he tried to hide his absolutely racing heart and the damned pink tinge on his cheeks. He couldn’t help but notice how sweet you were. He would never admit it but he would purposely walk past your art room to just catch a glimpse of you. Whenever you could catch him you would always tell him a good morning which would make him internally scream which was hidden behind a mask of stoicism and grumpiness.
On a normal Monday five had entered the teacher break room to get his daily cup of coffee only to find you already there pouring a little too much creamer for his liking into the cup. he quirked a brow and went to the machine and poured himself a cup of black coffee. “You oughta slow down there. Have some coffee with your creamer.” five had said without even looking up at her and focusing on his cup. you looked at him and smiled and put the creamer back in the employee fridge “There is coffee in it! i just dont like the bitterness of just coffee. Makes me feel like my tongue wants to shrivel into my body.” Five snorted a little at that and laughing a little. You went a little wide eyed “I’ve never heard you laugh before.” you looked at him with this sort of curious and wondrous look like a child inspecting a butterfly for the first time. Five went red in the cheeks and looked to you “Wh-what? I-“ he was gonna get a little defensive since he thought you might be poking fun but you interrupted “I like it.” you said as you never broke contact and sipped your cup and then smiled at him. He was taken aback at first but then he had a small smile on his face. You and him ended up talking for a long time until you guys almost ran late to get to your classrooms. From then on you and him would always end up finding some sort of excuse to be around each other and talk. His students tried to poke fun and joke with him about it but usually it was met with a glare which immediately would trigger a fight or flight response the usual response being flight.
Besides from getting a hard time from the students the teachers around them rooted for there unfolding story. They watched from the sidelines and listened in hoping that one day the word would be out that they were dating. Lets just say group chats would be filled with the gossip about ���Oh look at how they look at each other’ or ‘She brought him cookies today for him to try and he looked like he wanted to carry her to a courthouse right then’. Her and five’s relationship was something people were waiting and watching.
Somewhere in near the end of the year you and his relationship was very close now. Talking to each other and laughing together. Five seemed to loosen up a bit though still the stoic strict man he was, he did let some things slide more now. Today was the last week of school he entered the teachers break room only to find you there. He smiled as he saw you had your overly sweet coffee creamer coffee and a donut from the donut boxes the principal provided for them. He came on over to the pot near you “I see your having a ball with your coffee and donut.” you smiled and chuckled and sipped your coffee “Yeah you should get one. the principal provided them to celebrate our good work throughout the year.” you said while smiling at him. he chuckled and set the pot back down “I think i am okay. Sweets in the morning will only upset my stomach.” he sipped his cup . You chuckled and nodded “That is understandable but one piece wont hurt you will it?” she said looking him in the eyes. Five felt his cheeks heat up at the eye contact and suddenly his mind was all flustered and foggy. God he could lose himself in you if you let him. You were so beautiful and he might as well be helplessly in love fool though he tried to stay focused it never did last long when near you. He snapped himself out of his daze and cleared his throat “Y-Yeah. One piece shouldn’t hurt.” he mentally kicked himself for stuttering. You smiled and you took a chunk of your donut and you don’t know why or what came over you but you brought it to his lips to feed him instead of, oh i don’t know, handing it to him like a normal person. You just couldn’t help it. It was not an unknown fact that he was handsome and getting to know him this past school year has been eye opening to who he truly is behind that mask of stoicism and grumpiness. Five was a little nervous but he didn’t oppose like on autopilot he took the piece between his teeth and lips and ate it. He couldn’t help but look at your flustered pink tinged cheeks and your beautiful eyes that held so much life in them. His own cheeks heated and his head felt like it was on cloud nine. Before he could even think properly he blurted out “I think i’m in love with you.” Your own eyes widened along with his own. Your heart raced and he about wanted to rip up the floorboards and crawl underneath and bury himself alive. You were shocked “Wait…what?” you had to hear him say it again. One more time. just once more. he immediately said “N-nothing!” and started hurriedly walking out. You followed behind “No, no what did you say!” he had such a red blush you woulda thought he had been sunburned “Nothing absolutely nothing go away!” you and him both walked past a group of gossipy teachers. “You just said you love me!” you yelled to him following behind him “No no i didn’t you’re delusional!” he cried out to you. The teachers had stopped their conversation and listened in on yours and giggled. One of the teachers Maggie smiled softly “Young love. What a wondrous thing.” another teacher chuckled and he said “Yeah in no time we will see them together.” another teacher sipped her coffee and said “Besides that y’all owe me 5 bucks each. I told you he would confess first.” the others groaned and reluctantly handed there 5 bucks.
Hey guys! i hope you all liked this story! i hope y’all have a good day and i will see you in the next one! ❤️
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zyhkoo · 2 months
☆ you bewitched me
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Jason Todd x GN!singer
Jason knew that he should keep his distance, but he cant help but fall of Gotham’s most beloved singer. part 1
Jason was currently on patrol with Nightwing, jumping and running between rooftops.
“You seem pretty hyper today” Nightwing commented as he landed beside Jason on the edge of a building.
Jason rolled his eyes under his helmet.
Dick often teased him whenever he was in a particularly good mood. And today, he was very much in a good mood.
“Shut up” he retorted back at him. “I’m just on a good roll today, is all.
“Are you going to go see your girlfriend again after patrol?” Dick asked, grinning as he eyed Jason’s happy demeanor.
Jason glanced over at Dick. He had to resist the urge to just smack the grin right off his face.
“None of your business” Jason grumbled, keeping his eyes focused on the city below.
“Who’s your girlfriend?” you peeked from behind.
Jason whirled around, his heart nearly jumping out of his chest.
His eyes widened as he saw you standing behind him. His mind was going crazy wondering how in the world you’d snuck up on him like that.
Meanwhile Dick was just laughing maniacally beside him, completely amused by Jason’s reaction to your surprise appearance.
Jason had to resist the urge to glare at Dick.
He focused his eyes on you, who was looking at him with a cheeky grin.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“Was on patrol and wanted to see you boys.” you answered.
Dick chuckled again. “You just wanted to see this one” he said, gesturing at Jason.
Jason was about to snap at Dick but managed to hold himself back.
“Oh,” you frowned, “guilty as charged.” you joked back.
Jason could feel his cheeks heat up a bit as you admitted it.
He glanced over at Dick to see if he was going to say anything and thankfully he didn’t.
He turned back to you, trying to act casual. “You couldn’t have waited until we got back to the Bat-Cave?” he asked, crossing his arms.
You crossed your arms “Came all the way to find at least one of you then you want me out?” you huffed “Okay, I see.”
Jason couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at your little act.
“Don’t put words in my mouth” he said, a bit amused. “I didn’t say I wanted you out, I just said that you could’ve waited instead of sneaking up on me” he replied.
Dick was watching the whole interaction and found it absolutely hilarious. He could clearly see that Jason was trying so hard to act like his usual grumpy self, but failing miserably.
Jason glanced over at Dick who was clearly trying to hold back another laugh. He was getting fed up with how amused he was getting by the whole situation.
He let out a small huff before looking back at you. “Look, you’re here already so you might as well just hang out with us until patrol’s done” he said.
You unfolded your arms “Sweet.” you moved to look at the city down below.
Jason kept his eyes on you as you walked closer to the edge.
He kept a close eye on you, as usual, making sure you didn’t accidentally do anything stupid.
Jason had no doubt that you were a great vigilante. He had seen firsthand how strong and smart you were during patrols.
But there was also another side of you that Jason adored just as much.
He loved watching you perform.
He didn’t know how you managed to perform in front of large crowds or how you were able to do it so confidently and effortlessly.
He couldn’t relate to that at all, he hated having the spotlight on him.
But you? You were completely in your element while you were on stage.
The bat-family was gathered together in the audience, watching as you performed on stage.
Steph and Duke were fangirling over you, while Babs and Cass were all smiles and singing along to the songs they knew. Tim was tapping along to the beat while Dick enthusiastically sang along to the lyrics.
Even Damian was somewhat enjoying the show, even if he was trying hard to hide it.
Jason’s eyes were still glued to you as you continued performing.
He felt a slight nudge and he glanced over at Dick.
“What?” he grumbled.
“Earth to Jason,” Dick said with a smirk. “You’re completely drooling!”
Jason quickly snapped out of it and realized he’s been openly staring at you this whole time.
He felt his cheeks heat up as he quickly looked away.
“I’m not drooling” he mumbled.
Dick heard this time and time again.
“Yeah, and you’re not in love with her either, right?”
Jason rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath.
He knew Dick already knew about his feelings for you (almost everyone did), but he still hated dealing with his teasing. But at the same time he didn’t mind.
“Shut up.” he hissed.
You tapped your mic then strummed your guitar “Okay, I haven’t released this song on any platforms. But I figured I’m going to sing it here first before I release it.” you told the crowd.
The crowd cheered as you announced a new unreleased song.
As you strummed your guitar, Jason recognized it a bit. As you sang, he definitely knew where this came from.
He knew this song, you had sung it to him before.
He felt his heart thump in his chest as he listened to you sing, singing the very same lyrics you sang to him in the privacy of your apartment.
Jason couldn’t believe you were actually singing the song you sung to him all those months ago.
The memory of your late night singing session in your apartment was still fresh in his mind. He could still recall the warm and intimate atmosphere, as you sang so softly just for him.
He couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his chest as he thought back to that moment.
As you stopped the song you smiled at the crowd. “Um, I wrote that for a friend.” you nervously chuckled as you scan at the VIP area up above where the bat-family was.
The crowd cheered and applauded as you finished the song.
Jason’s heart beat faster as he heard you say it was written for a friend.
He knew damn well it was for him. You didn’t sing those lyrics for no reason.
The rest of the bat-family was glancing around at each other, clearly all knowing you were talking about Jason.
Dick was grinning widely, obviously enjoying Jason’s reactions.
Jason just sat silently, trying to maintain his stoic demeanor but failing miserably as his cheeks turned slightly red.
He could feel everyone’s eyes on him, and he knew they were all enjoying this moment a bit too much.
“What?” He looked at his family.
His family members all had amused smiles on their faces.
Dick was still grinning, while Steph and Duke were both squealing loudly. Babs had a knowing smirk, and Damian even had a tiny bit of a smirk on his face.
“Yeah, yeah laugh it up” he muttered, folding his arms and looking away.
The bat-family made their way backstage, eager to see you and congratulate you on your performance.
As they made their way deeper backstage, they eventually found you talking to the stage crew and the backup dancers.
As soon as you saw the bat-family approaching, you brightened up immediately.
You hugged all of them but noticed that Jason wasn’t there.
“Where’s Jay? you asked “I’m right here,” a voice said from behind you.
Jason suddenly appeared from behind you which made you jump a bit.
You turned your head with a smile and immediately pulled him in a hug.
His arms automatically wrapped around your back, pulling you closer to him.
He tried to play it cool and act nonchalant, but he couldn’t help the small smile that formed on his lips as he held you.
“Ah- Jason, wait I can’t breathe!” you wheezed.
Jason didn’t realize he was hugging you so tightly until you spoke up.
He immediately loosened his grip, but still held you close to him.
“Sorry” he mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed that he was getting so affectionate in front of his family.
You let go of his grasp and faced everyone “Why don’t we all go eat somewhere?” you said as you specifically eyed Bruce.
Bruce, on the other hand, let out a small sigh, realizing there was no way he could say no to you.
"Alright, where do you want to go?" he asked, everyone started brainstorming.
The bat-family members all started throwing out different ideas
“Thai food..
“Burger place.”
Jason stood silently, just watching his family members all debate where to eat.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly overwhelmed by the different suggestions.
“How about we let Jason decide?” Dick says.
Oh, great.
All eyes turn to Jason as they try to convince Jason to choose their option.
“Jason say steak please.” you pleaded.
Jason felt all eyes on him, everyone eager for him to make a decision.
He heard your pleading tone as you begged for him to choose steak, and the way you said his name sent a small flutter to his heart.
“Steak” he finally said, the word slipping out of his mouth without even thinking twice.
Everyone let out a mix of groans and cheers.
Bruce looked relieved that a decision had finally been made, while Damian just rolled his eyes.
“All of you are like children.” Damian says.
Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to Months.
Jason had come to look forward to your constant presence in his life. From your regular hangouts to your late night phone calls and everything in between, he craved it all.
Jason found it harder and harder to deny his feelings for you, but he still somehow managed to keep it under wraps.
He knew his family members were getting fed up with him holding back, especially Dick and Tim.
They both kept pestering him, saying how painfully obvious it was that he was completely smitten with you. But Jason just brushed them off, pretending like he didn’t know what they were talking about.
You were walking in the batcave then saw the three of them talking about…. you.
You hid behind a wall listening in.
“Why can’t you just tell her?” Tim asks as he crosses his arms.
Jason grumbled a bit as Tim asked him the same question again.
“Because,” he replied, “It’s not that simple. Do you think dating a star is gonna be easy?”
“You’re just making excuses, Jay” Dick chimed in. “You know they like you, so why are you holding back?”
Jason grumbled, feeling frustrated as he knew he couldn’t deny what they were saying.
“I just can’t, okay?” he snapped back. “It’s not that easy to just confess to someone like them.”
You felt your heart sink a bit as you heard Jason's words.
You couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that. Was the idea of confessing to you really something that he thought was so impossible?.
“Why does it have to be so complicated?” he asked. “You like them, they like you. It’s not rocket science, just ask them out.”
“It’s not that simple,” Jason mumbled, folding his arms. “They’re a star in the industry, they could’ve had anyone they wanted. Why the hell would they want me?”
He felt like he wasn’t good enough for you, that he wasn’t worthy of your time and love. He was worried that his own issues and past baggage would only drag you down and make your life worse.
“I don’t want them to love me, I’m not someone worth wanting.” Jason said.
Jason’s words were completely contradictory to his own thoughts and feelings.
Deep down, he knew that he desperately wanted your love and affection. He longed to be with you, to hold you, to love you.
But his own self-doubt and insecurity kept him from accepting or even acknowledging his own feelings.
His words punched you in the gut, your eyes clouded with pain as you clenched your fist.
Tim’s eyes widened as he saw you around the corner.
Both Jason and Dick turned around, following Tim's gaze and freezing as they saw you standing there.
Jason's face paled as he realized you had been eavesdropping on their conversation.
You were still reeling from what you had overheard, your heart aching at Jason's words about not wanting your love.
Feeling overwhelmed, you stormed out of the batcave, leaving the three men speechless and stunned.
Eventually, Jason snapped out of his frozen state and began running towards the entrance of the batcave.
Dick and Tim both watched him go, knowing that he was going after you.
Soon enough, he found you in the gardens outside the manor, sitting on a bench with your head buried in your hands.
He cleared his throat, trying to get your attention.
"Hey," he mumbled softly, taking a seat on the bench next to you.
“Gah!” you exclaimed, surprised by his presence.
Jason flinched as you exclaimed in surprise, not meaning to startle you so much.
“Sorry.” he apologized softly, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
You looked at him then softened “It’s okay.” you said as you pulled your legs to your chest.
He knew it was his fault for making you feel like this, and he hated himself for it.
The two of you stayed silent for a while.
He knew it was his fault for making you feel like this, and he hated himself for it.
He took a deep breath, knowing he owed you an apology.
“Listen, about what you overheard-” he began.
“So, everything I did was all just casual to you?” you cut him off.
Jason looked taken aback by your question.
“No, no, it wasn’t casual” he protested, shaking his head. “I genuinely enjoyed every moment I spent with you. You don’t have any idea how much I-” he cut himself off, suddenly feeling too embarrassed to finish his sentence.
“Jason, I tried to give away my schedule just to hang out with you. I wrote songs for you. I gave you presents just to show how much I care. I tried to show you that I loved you, but you wouldn't let me that’s why I didn’t say anything.” you said
“But, I wasn’t too sure if you actually didn’t want my love so I just waited till you said something.” you looked at his gaze.
Jason was speechless as he listened to your words.
He felt a pang of guilt in his heart as he realized the extent to which you had gone to show him your feelings.
He had been so focused on hiding his own feelings that he hadn't been able to appreciate all the gestures and efforts you had made to show him how much you cared.
He stared back at your gaze, his expression unreadable.
“I know I’m affectionate to my friends, but it’s different with you Jay.” you looked away, staring at the red flowers in front of you.
“If you want me to stop loving you just.. say the word.”
Jason's heart skipped a beat as he listened to your words.
He knew he should say the word, should tell you to stop loving him. It would be the easy thing to do, the logical thing.
But the words just wouldn’t come out of his mouth.
"I…. I can't," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't ask you to do that."
Your head turned to him “What?” you blinked.
Jason avoided your gaze, feeling conflicted and vulnerable.
"I can't ask you to stop loving me... because I don't want you to," he admitted softly.
He knew he was risking everything by admitting his feelings like this, but he couldn't hold back anymore.
He took a deep breath, gathering all his courage to continue.
"The truth is, I’ve been a complete dumbass for months," he said, finally looking back at you.
"Every time you tried to show me how you felt, I just couldn't accept it. I was scared, okay? I didn’t think I was worth your time or your love. So I kept pushing you away, pretending like I didn't care."
For a moment, you just stared at him. Then you felt your body move towards him as your arms pulled him in a warm hug.
Jason was taken by surprise but he immediately wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tight.
He buried his face in your shoulder, feeling an overwhelming mix of emotions.
All the tension and guilt he had felt for months slowly began to melt away as he held onto you.
"I’m sorry" he mumbled against your skin. "I'm sorry for being an idiot. For making you doubt how I feel about you."
Your hand slowly caressed his hair “It’s okay, I’ll always forgive you either way.” you softly replied, trying to soothe him.
He looked into your eyes, searching for any signs of doubt. But all he saw was sincerity and love.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and he felt a warmth spread throughout his chest.
Your hand moved up to cup his cheeks when you saw his smile “There’s my Jason.”
He leaned into your touch, feeling a sense of comfort and peace wash over him. "Yeah, I'm still me," he said softly, his eyes locked with yours.
He gently placed his hand over yours, holding it against his face, feeling the warmth from your touch.
"I'm sorry for being such a dumbass," he mumbled, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "I won't push you away again, I promise."
"I just.... I’m not good at talking about my feelings, y'know?" he added, "But I'll try, for you. I’ll try my best to show you how much you mean to me."
Your expression softens “And I’ll give you everything I have.”
Jason felt his heart melt as your expression softened and you spoke those words.
He felt undeserving, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but believe you.
He leaned his forehead against yours, "You already have my everything," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
Jason's lips met yours in a soft, gentle kiss.
When he started dating you, he felt more at peace.
Though he often hung out with you, this was different. Everything felt so intimate and lovely.
He’s usually composed, that is until he touches you and he can't pretend he loses himself again.
You made him a sappy, stupid something out of him. The kind he swore he’ll never be. He feels awake inside a dream.
Jason couldn’t believe the effect you had on him. He had never thought he could feel this way about someone, so vulnerable and exposed.
He used to pride himself on his stoicism, his ability to maintain control. But when he was with you, all of that went out the window.
He found himself craving your touch, your attention, your love. He was like a man possessed, completely bewitched by you.
But Jason especially loved your voice, he could listen to you sing for hours on end.
There was something about the way you sang that captivated him. Your voice, your expression, the way you poured your heart and soul into every lyric.
He loved watching you perform on stage, seeing you shine and shine, but he had to admit that he loved it even more when you sang for him alone.
Those moments, when it was just the two of you, felt like a secret little world that only they shared.
He loved how, after each and every song, you would turn to him with a smile, seeking his approval and praise.
He would shower you with compliments and applause, telling you how beautiful you sounded and how privileged he felt to be the one to witness your talent.
But sometimes, he preferred to show you how he felt. He would pull you into his arms, holding you close and kissing you deeply, hoping to convey all his appreciation and love through his actions.
He wanted to do more than just say it. He wanted to show you how much he loved hearing you sing.
He would pull you into his arms, holding you tightly against his chest, his head resting on your shoulder.
"Sing for me again," he’d murmur, his lips pressing against your neck.
Jason was not one to broadcast his relationship with you to the world.
He liked to keep things between the two of you as private as possible.
He was protective and territorial, and didn’t like the idea of other people knowing intimate details about his life, especially when it came to you.
Your life was constantly put under a microscope, with fans and paparazzi following your every move.
You didn't want that kind of attention to affect your relationship with Jason.
You wanted to keep him away from the public eye, to protect him from the spotlight and the scrutiny that came with it.
But that didn't stop you from longing to tell people that he was yours.
Jason would often feel embarrassed when you would brag about him to the bat-fam or your friends.
He wasn't used to being talked about in that way, and he didn't like being the center of attention.
He would often stand there, trying his best to keep a straight face, while secretly enjoying hearing you talk about how awesome and amazing he was.
The bat-fam found it all too easy to tease Jason, and they often did so, much to his annoyance.
However, they quickly discovered that it was practically impossible to tease you.
You rarely got flustered or fazed by their taunts, and it drove them insane.
Jason would sit back and watch, feeling a mix of admiration and amusement as you effortlessly shut down any attempts to poke fun at you.
Jason's eyes eventually settled on the shelves, where a collection of vinyl records were neatly displayed.
He walked over, taking a closer look at the records. Some of them were of your own albums, but there were also records from other artists that you seemed to enjoy.
He picked up one of your albums, admiring the cover and running his fingers over the title.
As Jason browsed through your collection, he noticed the wide range of genres.
There was pop, rock, jazz, R&B, country, even classical. It was clear that you had a taste for variety.
He picked up a jazz record and held it up "Who knew you were such a fan of jazz?"
You were sitting in an armchair, your guitar on your lap as you strummed a soft melody.
You looked up as Jason spoke, a small smile playing at your lips.
"You don’t know this but I’m a sucker for Jazz.” you replied.
He let out a soft scoff at your response. "I’m learning more and more about you every day," he said.
“The more you know.” you said, taking the record from him.
Jason watched as you took the record from him and opened your record player, placing the vinyl on it.
The music filled the room, a smooth and sultry jazz melody that oozed with elegance and charm.
You turned back at him, then you had an idea “Hey, dance with me.” you offered your hand.
He took your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, a smile playing at his lips. "Alright, I'll dance with you.”
Jason treasured every single moment he spent with you.
He adored the way you held his hand, the way you looked at him with those sparkling eyes, the way your laughter would ring out like music to his ears.
He loved the way you would pull him close, the way you would sing for him, the way you would kiss him as if you couldn’t get enough of him.
And in those moments, everything else faded away. There was only you, and him, and the love they shared. He was bewitched.
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kpopluvrsblog · 1 year
Bnd reaction when you can’t sleep!
Requested - not proofread
Pairing: Bnd members x reader
Genre: Fluff
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From what i’ve seen sungho loves to sing so this is based from that.
As the oldest of the group he seems pretty responsible so I see him handling this maturely.
Also a huge sweetheart :(
“Hey y/n, you’re not coming to bed?!” You hear your boyfriend shouting from the bedroom. It was currently one in the morning and every ounce of sleepiness has left your body, making you sit in the living room and stare at the ceiling.
With no response you hear sungho make his way out of the bedroom until he’s standing arms crossed in front of you. “babe?” He questions before you turn your head to face him.
He leans down slightly to get closer to your level before moving a strand of hair out of your eyes and smiling softly. “Cant sleep hm?”
“I’m not really tired, you can go to sleep though I know you’ve had a long day!” You try to say cheerily before he shakes his head.
“At least come lay with me, you know I cant sleep without you” He says, now grabbing your hands and leading you to your comfortable bed. You throw yourself down with a sigh and attempt to close your eyes.
Within seconds you start to hear soft humming while sungho lightly hugs you. You smile softly with the peaceful sound starting to lull you to sleep with a successful and happy sungho following behind.
This boy… I don’t see him as a cuddler AT ALL like the other members. No matter how much he likes you.
Also mature but realistic, if you cant sleep he wont try to force it but will definitely try to help.
We know he likes sweets so—
“y/n ah-“ Riwoo says while looking at you from the kitchen table. You had just finished taking a shower as the long day you’ve had, drained you completely. “Come” he finishes with a slight smile.
You pad over to where he’s sitting, seeing a few of your favorite treats and cravings laid out.
You let out a wide smile and hurriedly make your way to sit down next to him.
“I am pretty sleepy babe, i’ll stay with you for a bit and watch some videos with you, when you get sleepy i’ll be in bed waiting for you.” He says sweetly. He leaves after around 20 minutes, the silence around you and fullness from the snacks getting to you.
You make your way to the bedroom, seeing your boyfriend sleeping soundly. Lighting lifting up the covers and slipping in next to him, you let the warmth consume you.
You dont know how much times passes before you start to feel sleepy and let your eyes close, finally letting yourself sleep.
I love him. BIGGEST cuddler and sweetheart ever.
Sorry but if you can’t sleep, he says you can, and will not sleep until you are.
“Did you change yet” You hear a shout, followed by a sleepy jaehyun exiting out of your shared bathroom. “you’re not changed? It’s late babe..” He says disappointedly.
“Sorry i’m not really sleepy love” You reply with a frown to your face, watching as your boyfriend moves to the dresser to pull out some of his clothes for you.
“No. You need sleep and you know it.” He responds unfolding the clothes in hand and coming up to you. “up” He says and motions his head for you to lift up your arms.
With a sigh you let him have his way knowing his stubborn self wont change his mind. You lift your arms up allowing him to take off the hoodie you were wearing, now covered in one of his own baggy shirts. He does the same for your pants and puts you in one of his soft pajama pants.
“cute” he whispers and places a kiss to your lips before hugging your waist tightly. He quickly maneuvers you two into the bed, and covers you both underneath the comforter.
He wraps his arms around you once more while placing your head into his chest, tangling your legs together so you cant leave.
“Match your breathing to mine baby, slow breaths okay?” He says sweetly while rubbing your waist soothingly. You follow his words and within minutes you start to feel your eyes get heavy.
“Love you..” You mumble out before you let yourself drift off, causing jaehyun to smile widely. “Love you too y/n, sleep tight” He replys, now allowing himself to follow behind you.
Mr introverted vinyl bf. He’s so adorable and so shy. (lowkey got carried away)
I can literally only see him playing his soft music for you guys to fall asleep too :( so cute
After trying for what felt like hours to get yourself to fall asleep, you start to think about giving up. Maybe you should get up and walk around? No, Taesans feels so warm next to you, and he never cuddles you when he’s awake so maybe you should take advantage of this moment?
You’re cut off from your thoughts from a movement behind you. You hold your breath as you hear you boyfriend take a deep breath, who’s somewhat awake now.
“Baby?” He says groggily, removing the arm that was holding your stomach and untangling your guy’s legs from each other, lifting himself up to see your face. “You’re still awake?? Did you not sleep at all?” He proceeds, now fully awake and aware of your situation.
“mm” you mumble back with a frown on your face, upset that he’s unattached from you.
“Talk to me y/n… what’s going on?” Taesan says, slowly rubbing up and down your arm.
“Nothing really, i’ve just been having troubles sleeping i guess” you reply. Hoping he’d drop it and go back to sleep to leave you with your own thoughts.
He gives you a small pout in return and gets out of bed, walking up to his stack of vinyls and picking an album that he knew could lull you to sleep. He puts the vinyl into the player and lets it run, returning himself back to bed and placing himself behind you again.
“ I know I don’t show it too much but you mean a lot to me y/n, try to sleep well okay?” He says before wrapping himself around you which he’s never done while awake.
You let a tear fall, feeling how much he truly cares before feeling the stressed feeling leave your body, now at ease from the confession. Within minutes you’re sleeping soundly with your lover.
Hehehehe fish boy, i love this oddball
He is so interesting…Saw how caring he was in some videos and my heart- Definitely the comforting type.
“come here love” You hear your boyfriend call sweetly from the living room. It was late and you knew he must be tired, but knowing him, he was going to be there with you throughout your struggles, even if that includes his precious sleep.
“Yes ‘han” You say giving him a smile. Seeing him sitting in front of his fish tank like always.
“I got a few new friends I need help naming. Look how cute they are!!” He says excitedly as you go to stand behind him. He grabs your arms from the chair he’s sitting on and wraps your arms around his shoulder. “What should we name this little guy here?” he asks while looking up at you.
You lightly brush some hair out of his face before replying with a name. “ I love it!!” He gasps in delight causing you to giggle at his demeanor change.
“You think this fishie here looks sleepy? He probably thinks you deserve some rest too you know, he’s looking straight at you.”
“That you’re right about leehan, I just feel a bit hyper still… how about you go before me?” you start before you’re cut off by your boyfriend standing and grabbing your hand, bringing you to bed.
“Howww about I tell you some stories about my fish from back home while we lay down hm? Maybe then it’ll help you calm down” He finishes, before beginning his tangent until he hears your slow breaths, smiling to himself that he was able to help.
This lil cutey omg. I saw this one video where he was cooking at night for jae, this is inspired by that.
Such a sweetheart that will do literally anything for you.
“You hungry?” Woonhak asks from the door frame, watching as you finish your skincare routine.
“mmm not really, I think im good” you reply giving him a slight smile. He crosses his arms at that.
“Well im cooking for us so. You can never sleep properly if you dont have a full tummy babe. Some warm soup sound good?” Woonhak says as he makes his way into the kitchen, not allowing you to answer.
By the time you get into the kitchen, he’s already started boiling the water. You go up behind him to wrap your arms around his waist, your forehead pressed against his back.
“Just a little while longer” He says, turning around in your grip to smile down at you.
Within due time he finishes the soup for the two of you, leading you to the living room so that you guys can watch a movie and eat. He knew that movies tend to get you sleepy as well.
Halfway through the movie, soup long gone he felt your head drop onto his shoulder, smiling to himself he turns off the tv and puts the dishes away before going back to your sleeping form on the couch.
He picks you up and lays you carefully on the bed, placing himself next to you and allowing your face to rest in the crook of his neck. “goodnight pretty” he whispers as you both sleep in each others arms.
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ilovepaigebueckerss · 6 months
the other woman.
p.b x reader
summary: while paige is out with her fellow UCONN team members, you join a live to see something that could ruin everything.
authors note: ummm guys this is my first ever fic? idk but enjoy and lemme know what i can fix!! i also do not know how to use tumblr at all so ignore that. also should i make a pt. 2??
you’re kind of a loser so whenever your girlfriend paige goes out with her team you usually just stay home. your mindlessly scrolling through your phone when you get a notification ‘Ice Brady is now live!’ you decide to click on the live due to your boredom. you see them sitting around talking about their recent win and their plans for after the season. you notice everyone on the team was there except paige and azzi. you decide to just ignore it cause maybe they are in the bathroom and you don’t wanna overthink it. ice then flips the camera showing a curly haired girl and blonde girl in the corner kissing each other. ‘is that MY blonde?..’ you ask yourself. you can see the fear in ices face as she realizes what she just did, ending the live quickly. tears swell in your eyes as you try to process what just happened.
your eyes are puffy and red from you crying all night. you read the alarm clock next to you ‘1:03’ you then hear a familiar voice calling your name. the voice makes you feel sick to your stomach. just thinking about the events that unfolded made you sick. “y/nnnn” paige calls for you all singy songy. you then realize that she isn’t alone. you hear another familiar voice and your stomach drops when you realize who it is. azzi fudd. “in the room” you reply dully but loud enough for them to hear. “hiiiii babbbyyyy” paige says, smiling brightly. “hi y/n” azzi says smiling. “hey.” you respond, not wanting to talk to either of them. “i got her from here, thanks azzi.” you say taking the drunk blonde in your hands. “no problem! goodnight!” she replies.
you turn to the drunken blonde in your arms and you cant help but smile. for some reason.. even after tonight she still brings you a sense of comfort. you should hate her, but you just cant seem to bring yourself to. “I’m gonna start you a shower, okay?” you say facing the blonde. “okkkayyyy” she responds, kissing your lips. it feels weird, knowing that her lips were on someone else’s. you lead paige on the bed and she sits down and starts scrolling on her phone as she waits for her shower to be ready.
while paige takes her shower you set out some boxers and a white tank top for her to put on whenever shes done. you go to get her some tea and aspirin, so the hangover in the morning isn’t as bad. you start to zone out. letting your thoughts get to you. ‘why her and not me?’ you question, the next thing you know your crying. your actually sobbing. you were so busy with your thoughts you didn’t realize paige had already came back. “y/n?” she asked concern filling her voice. you quickly wipe your tears and respond “yes paige?” sounding squeaky. ‘shit’ you think to yourself. paige walks in the living room where you sat. “hey, hey, whats wrong?” she asks you. “nothing, paige I’m just tired.” you respond dully. she frowns at your response. “y/n, baby, talk to me please” you say nothing. “I’m going to bed.” you respond. paige frowns again, but decides to just leave it alone.
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tinydefector · 6 months
Glory Hole
Energyfluid AU
Character: Megatron, Rodimus, Whirl, Cyclonus and Drift
Warnings: Smut, Oral, body fluids, cum drinking, fingering
Word count: 2.4k
Request and ask open, read pinned post
Fanfic masterlist
Whirl masterlist
Rodimus masterlist
Cyclonus masterlist
Drift Masterlist
Megatron masterlist
Notes: I got a request for Whirl while I was working on this, and it was for fluid play/Vomit, so I tried to work a bit of that into this. So Anon, I hope you like it.
Raucous laughter and lively conversation fill the bar as assorted mechs enjoy downtime. At the counter, Swerve meticulously polishes and cleans every glass, whistling an upbeat tune. 
Riptide nurses his high-grade, regaling Whirl with tales of his latest daring escapades above the clouds. Across the room, Tailgate and Cyclonus share private words, orbiting ever closer. 
Rodimus holds court amid his crew, gesticulating wildly as he recounts some bravado-filled battle. Beside him, Drift watches with a half-smile, content in quietude. Brainstorm debates theory with a gathering of scientists. 
At a shadowed booth, two dark helms bow close, mysterious as the joor fades around them. Music pulses through lively crowds on the dance floor and stage alike. 
When movement catches many bots optics follows the petite figure's progress, 
The human gives Swerve a wave as they head further down the table with drink in hand. It wasn't hard for them to navigate the Ridge along the wall until they made their way over to one of the dark booths. The one every bot knew as the 'glory hole' booth. They patiently wait on their side of the wall for company. 
Megatron's Piece
His optics observed the tiny creature's approaching the veiled booth curiosity from his own seat. With a low rumble he stands himself not caring for the lingering optics as he makes his way towards the other side of the booth.
The human ends up seated in the small dark booth away from everyone, eyes linger on the rather large glory hole. Eagerly waiting. It was the lost lights' worst kept secret only Ultra Magnus' not knowing about it, or not carrying enough to fix it. So here they stand, eyes glued to the hole, waiting for his potential hook up.
A flick of his servo drew the booth's privacy screens, cloaking all within the shadow's embrace.He vented softly, ready to see how the moment unfolded. Megatron draws a vent as delicate touches tease along his array, sensation unusual yet intriguing. Beneath plating long stilled, his spike stirs, pressurising thick cables as it rises to pressurise the tips of seeking fingers.
Releasing locks with care, he allows his valve cover to withdraw, His optics glow steady invitation through the gloom as spike extends, its broad head emerging into the fragile hand wrapped around his girth. Size alone speaks the vast difference between their frames, yet here within this dark booth size didn't matter anymore.  
lips are against the spike in an instant, suckling and licking lines along the length, hands working down towards megatron's Valve, soft fingers pressing against the nodes. Megatron stifles a groan as an eager mouth engulfs his spike, small tongue flickering over sensitive lines in a maddening dance. The small digits teasing at his valve click urgently against biolights, coaxing them to glow brighter under adept hands. 
Megatron knew he wasn't going to last long nor did he care, it was the release he desperately needed after so long. Pressurising lines pump fresh transfluid to his spike, slick coating the velvet mouth stretched wide to take his girth. His legs shift restlessly, canting hips in silent plea for more contact against the small hands playing him expertly. 
Through the darkness Megatron vents raggedly, surrendering control to the human on the otherside. They eagerly drink down the transfluid, cup placed under to catch what he couldn't down quickly. When they finally pulls away it's with soft pants and pale blue drips down his chin. 
After cleaning themself, the human sits back out on the bar sipping their 'drink' , a mix of Vodka and megatron's Transfluid.
Satiated cables throb dully within Megatron as he watches them so publicly drinking the mix without a care. The sight of blue smeared upon petite lips stirs coding. 
Rodimus' Piece 
Rodimus throws back the last of his high grade with a carefree laugh. Yet as he signals Swerve for a refill, a flash of movement catches his optics. 
Curious, he follows it to a shadowed booth - and pauses as subtle harmonies pluck at his intake. There, curled delicately on the edge, sits the most breathtaking creature. Lithe limbs beg exploration; soft lips cry out to be claimed.
Clearly the small being noticed his approach, moving into one side of the booth. Rodimus cycles a deep vent, arousal stirring beneath plates as memory cores unbolt.
They hum to themself when hearing quick movements on the other side of the glory hole wall. They can hear the light stumbles and giggles from a bot on the other side. shakes their head in amusement. Waiting for the bots' spike to press through the hole. Rodimus vents sharply as his spike presses invitation through the discreet access port. So rarely does he indulge such depravity. 
When small hands curl daringly around his spike, Rodimus throws back his helm with wild static, gripping the berth for balance.  "Primus" he rasps, thick fluid already weeping onto willing palms. His spike throbs powerfully, 
Rodimus guides himself to a slick, waiting mouth. His cry of rapture shakes the walls, Slowly, ever so slowly, he allows his spike to sink blissfully home. Venting ragged prayers, Rodimus braces against the wall, sparing not an inch of the treasure gifted unto him.
How blesséd this chance encounter, Tiny soft moans are felt around Rodimus' spike, as they eagerly try to take more of his spike down their throat. Hands wrapped around his length working it quickly as they hum in their chest. 
Hardened lines pulse heavy between those practised lips and hands, smooth movements wringing rapture after rapture from his very wiring. Rodimus keens and bucks helplessly into that suckling warmth, static clawing his vision to whiteness. 
It has been far too long since he'd been worked to overload. Gripping the wall till plates dent, Rodimus fights the tide only moments more. Then with a final cry he thrusts deep, spilling hot and thick directly down that willing throat. Wave after wave pulses out in pulsing bliss.
They are quick to pull away trying to catch as much in a cup as possible before drinking down as much of the sweet peach tasting transfluid he could. With one last lap at Rodimus' spike they step back letting go of his length. As his spike is freed from that embrace, Rodimus sags against the wall in blissful exhaustion. His sensors feel alight, every circuit singing. He drinks in the mouth watering sounds of his release being savoured, arousal already stirring once more. 
Whirl's Piece
Whirl spots the tiny figure's approach and cants his helm in interest. When realisation strikes, he throws his head back in cackling glee. He makes his way quickly into the booth.  "Well well, if it isn't little Tiny! Coming to play in the adult's corner, are we?" 
They need no further invitation. Reaching out, they run tiny hands across Whirl's plating, feeling transformation seams and scars alike as whirl opens his plating. A shiver runs through the hardened mech. His field flares with barely contained need and novelty-seeking charge. 
When nimble little digits find hidden sensor nodes, drawing shocked pleas from clenched dental plates, they eagerly work their mouth against whirl’s Valve. Lips wrapped around the node and hand runs along the back of Whirl's spike. 
In the murky gloom of the illicit booth, rhythmic clicks and gasps echo raw in swirling charge. Whirl shudders violently, pinned against the grimy wall by the fierce tide crashing through his lines. An alien mouth devours him with greedy, grasping hunger, coaxing pleasure from hidden places. Each suck and nip drags another cry flying free, no shame in this hallowed den of passion. 
His spike throbs nearly untouched save for scrabbling fingers, leaving it swollen and aching. Optic flame pulses wild, claw-tips scoring deep rents as the first crashing wave hits, dragging a shattering howl from his rusty vocalizer. Transfluid spurts forth in scalding pulses to flood that greedy mouth.  
Spent and shaking, Whirl slumps against the wall, venting in great billowing gusts. They grin, licking sweet lips, and dive in for more. “You're a menace whirl, but gods do you taste amazing" they calls out before running his tongue along the base of whirl’s spike lapping up the leftover Transfluid. Collection a mouthful of transfluid before letting it drip from their mouth for Whirls pleasure. 
Whirl howls, spike throbbing wildly at the sight of his release painted across that smug little mouth. His field flares in possessive hunger, desire spiking further at the brazen praise. 
"Menace?" he rasps between pants as that wicked tongue circles his nodes once more. "More like chaos incarnate, you cheeky fleshling." With a snarl, he scoops them up, cramming that teasing mouth firmly around his spike once more. "That's it, lap it all up," he growls, canting sharply to drive home his length in deep, ruthless thrusts. 
 fluids smearing across plump lips as Whirl brutalises their willing throat. He sees the adoration glowing in widened eyes and knows he's found a perfect accomplice for debauchery. "Frag, you're gonna be the death of me," Whirl pants, spike pulsing wildly. With a roar he overloads down that swallowing throat, transfluid flooding its depths.  they pull away coughing and spitting up the pale blue fluid before shooting him a glare.
"But what a way to go!" 
When they finish, the human pats Whirl's plating, finally pulling away and wiping their lips. "Thanks for the drink, handsome! Try not to choke me next time" They calls out, still coughing lightly
Cyclonus' Piece 
As the small organic approaches the booth, Cyclonus observes with neutral curiosity. Strange to see such a fragile thing seek the patrons of this darkened corner knowingly. 
When delicate fingers curl around the edge of the privacy screen, he makes no move to dissuade. Within moments, a sweet scent teases his olfactory sensors - arousal. He moves towards the glory hole. 
Soft hands move against Cyclonus' interface plate through the glory hole. soft giggles leave soft lips before they speaks. "I wasn't expecting your company tonight Cyclonus, what a surprise this is" they hums while waiting for Cyclonus to open his panel and release his spike. 
At the muffled words, Cyclonus' optics shutter halfway in dark pleasure. Still he hesitates - this creature seems so impossibly fragile. His panel hisses open reluctantly, spike pressurising at the first teasing touch upon its tip. When had he last taken interface so tenderly? Memory fails. 
His spike throbs mercilessly against small fingers wrapping slick around its girth. A gruff growl shivers the walls. "Careful, little one." A Hot mouth sliding upon his spike in a swift plunge that has Cyclonus see static. Their lips wrap around Cyclonus' spike moaning loudly around the tip as they sucks against the length. Fingers dance teasingly along the lights of his spike. 
His hips canter up on instinct, thrusts restrained but steady. Each draws forth beautiful music, and when overload finally claims him, Cyclonus keen softly coming undone. 
A violent shudder wrecks his frame as static scrambles his vocalizer. eager lips around his twitching spike. Cyclonus strains against the screen dividing them, spike throbbing mercilessly as it seeks more of that blessed suction. It grants all and more, a dancing tongue to tease every sensitive cable and node, a moan vibrating straight through steel to rattle his struts like nothing else ever has. 
When it hits, it comes from the core of his being to shake the very walls. A guttural howl tears loose as Cyclonus spurts down that velvet throat in pulsing waves, vents and venting in ragged breaths.
They giggle, pulling away, Transfluid running down their front as they lick a strip up Cyclonus' spike. "First time with a human?" they asked softly.
Cyclonus can only manage a wordless grunt in response, still reeling from sensation that was utterly overwhelming. Never has any encounter scrambled his coding so completely as this delicate creature's wicked indulgences. 
Drift's Piece 
At first, Drift hears only muffled laughter and commotion from beyond the dividing wall of his private booth. Peaceable enjoyment of solitude is his simple wish on this night. Yet destiny has a way of tapping one unawares. 
The divider obscures all but shadow and suggestion. So when pale fingers emerge to caress its dark surface, tracing seams of his playing with delicate curiosity, his interest is piqued. Such slender appendages seem too fine-wrought for a mech's touch.   
Leaning close, he detects the faintest scent smoothing away like silk, sweetness like none programmed into his cultural database. Optics dim, fans cycled to mute, it was one of the humans hands. 
The fingers' owner starts faintly at the contact, then settles once more. Drift takes this as consent, they slowly suck Drift's digits though the glory hole, eagerly running their tongue along the steel. After a little they pull back. 
Through the pleasure haze, Drift registers the subtle shift. He withdraws gently from the enticing grip. A few calming vents leave him. His panel releases not in haste, exposing his spike with the same care offered fleshy fingers moments before. 
When the first velvety touch comes, he cannot stifle a shuddering vent. Sensitive sensors map every contour, Blazing optics meet shadowy fingers with perfect thrust; there exists no rush when two worlds commune so intimately. Exploration in its own time 
Small lips eagerly kiss up along his lengths and down it, pulling back and wrapping lips around Drift's spike. Humming at the gentle taste against their tongue. They runs the flat of their tongue over the hood of Drift's spike. 
He cycles his vents raggedly, fighting protocols clamouring for urgent release alone would shatter him. His spike twitches under the sinful mouth, Blissful groans sing softly through the booth as spike meets velvet suction, drawing sweet whimpers spurring him higher. 
"Come on, pretty bot unload for me, bet you taste amazing sweet thing" they call out before taking Drift's back into their mouth eager to make the bot overload. The needy encouragement pushes Drift to the very edge of coherency. Static claws at his vocalizer as he fights to reply, 
Overload hovers mere astro seconds away. His spike throbs wildly against the velvet suction pulling him toward that blissful edge. With final shreds of control, he rasps softly, "May I?" He cries out
His entire form seizes in stasis lock before collapsing heavily against the wall, Fields entwines amid aftershocks. Drift vents slowly as he recovers. 
They eagerly drink down as much of the bots transfluid as possible. "Mmm you taste pretty good sweet bot, not one of the regulars are you?" They calls out while moving back and releasing Drifts spike 
Slowly rebooting protocols pull Drift back to full awareness, stated in both frame and spirit. He powers down his interface array, closing panel with the faintest click. 
Through the darkness, a soft chuckle reaches his audials. "I am not regular. Came in here for some quiet I believe i got more than i anticipated" 
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bau-drabbles · 2 years
a/n: heavily inspired by those all posts but i can't find who they're from, i'm sorry 😭
your instagram but you're dating aaron hotchner :)
except i have no idea how to write for hotch/the team so it's definitely ooc 😹
part 2, 3, 4
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liked by its.emilyp, d.morgan and 501 others
y/n_xo: bearded aaron hottie >> 😮‍💨😮‍💨
view all 100 comments
a.hotch: you tell me this after i shaved it all off
y/n_xo: you're still a hottie! just a beardless one 🤍
a.hotch: i'll grow it back for you
y/n_xo: my whole husband 🫶🥹
penny.garcia: you both make my heart so warm 💗 the ice king has finally melted his heart, this'll be such a good story for your kids! 🥹
d.morgan: yall make me so sick
its.emilyp: i feel like this man popped outta the womb with a glare looool
a.hotch: 🤨
its.emilyp: 🙂***
itsjj: suddenly i fear you have a whole stack of paperwork to complete
its.emilyp: and you'd be correct 😪
penny.garcia: SIR 🗣 AYO SIR 🗣🗣 SIR YOU LOOKIN FINE SIR 🗣🗣🗣🗣
reid.gram: not you thirsting over our BOSS 😦
d.morgan: i don't like this, babygirl
itsjj: sometimes sharing is not caring
its.emilyp: i hate it here ☹
penny.garcia: that wasn't me!! 😩 @/y/n_xo grabbed my phone!
y/n_xo: my bad, can't be thirsting on the main 🧍‍♀️
d.morgan: you can barely even see me, why we so blurry?
reid.gram: did you really expect high quality pictures from @/y/n_xo, be honest
the.davidrossi: always the blind ones out here taking 240p pictures
y/n_xo: always the old ones with the most audacity
d.morgan: FOULL 🤣
reid.gram: see, me personally i wouldn't take that type of disrespect
y/n_xo: all that iq and you still can't find a date 😔🤞
its.emilyp: that's my girl 😏
a.hotch: you stop influencing her right now
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liked by blake_alex, the.davidrossi and 430 more
y/n_xo: new boyfriend applications, this one is mean 😒
view all 200 comments
a.hotch: wait does that sign not mean something good?
its.emilyp: no it does! nowadays it means peace and happiness
d.morgan: yeah it's also a way to say you love someone a lot
a.hotch: really? @/y/n_xo 🙂🖕❤
itsjj: LMAOOO
reid.gram: I CANT BREATHE
y/n_xo: my poor man 😭
a.hotch: all of you are getting into trouble
its.emilyp: so worth it 😹
yourexname: i miss you ❤
a.hotch: you're going to miss when you didn't write this
penny.garcia: currently documenting every second of this
reid.gram: we're watching a historical event unfold, you guys
itsjj: i'm a little concerned for this man's safety
its.emilyp: hey, alls fair in love and war 😍
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liked by a.hotch, itsjj and 532 more
y/n_xo: never leave your phone unattended pls
view all 300 comments
reid.gram: of course you choose the one picture of my double chin
y/n_xo: it's always out wdym
reid.gram: .... oh
d.morgan: you walked straight into that one, pretty boy
penny.garcia: you guys are so mean 😭 my poor boy wonder
reid.gram: all these haters and for what? 😒
its.emilyp: i smell the cheetos from here
itsjj: i did not eat any 😡
y/n_xo: liar. they were on the side
its.emilyp: called it. my cheeto girl ❤
penny.garcia: time to play cupid, methinks 😌
y/n_xo: budge over will, emily's taking your place ‼️‼️
its.emilyp: 😏
itsjj: 😳
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liked by itslukealvez, reid.gram and 609 more
y/n_xo: two best friends in a room.... they might kiss 😳
view all 400 comments
the.davidrossi: how can i delete someone else's picture?
d.morgan: don't be embarrassed rossi, embrace your truth ✊
itsjj: we support you ✊
its.emilyp: sassy king ✊
reid.gram: hey, at least you and @/its.emilyp have something in common ✊
its.emilyp: literally choke
penny.garcia: you owe me 5 bucks @/y/n_xo 🥳
the.davidrossi: i hate all of you
itsjj: aww they look a little like henry and jack, forced to take a picture
a.hotch: that's because we were. this was the 10th picture
y/n_xo: that's cause you're so pretty ❤
the.davidrossi: i genuinely got heatstroke after this. never ever take pictures if @/y/n_xo is near
y/n_xo: :(
a.hotch: ignore him, he's on his sixth wife for a reason. i love all your pictures sweetheart ❤
y/n_xo: :")
penny.garcia: the absolute CUTENESS i CANNOT 😩🥹💗💗
its.emilyp: i can be a better boyfriend than him
y/n_xo: i love you
a.hotch: i am sorry??
reid.gram: damn the silence is loud
itsjj: reid don't be an instigator..... but do i sense a relationship forming? 👀
d.morgan: nah, i could treat you way better princess
a.hotch: @/d.morgan and @/its.emilyp both of you in my office now
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rishiguro · 2 years
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warnings: husband!nanami. hurt/comfort(ish???)
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you don’t know when the shouting started. you were supposed to have a discussion, a talk, nothing more. and yet here you stood, hours after the sun has set, facing your husband.
in hindsight, maybe you shouldn’t have brought it up today. after all, you had seen the tired look on nanami’s face. you had noticed his already loosened tie hanging from his neck and you had heard his slurred steps and deep sigh when he entered the home.
and yet you decided to speak up. you just couldn’t bear it anymore, you felt alone, left out, abandoned.
you felt everything that he promised you you wouldn’t feel anymore.
your relationship has been rocky for the past weeks. late nights that separated the two of you, nothing more then meaningless small talk during those rare times that you did see each other during the day, kisses and pecks that seemed to feel more like chores than displays of the affection and love that you felt for each other.
it wasn’t supposed to be this way.
you promised each other genuine love and care, time and respect.
you loved each other. you promised yourselves to each other. you wanted to spend the rest of your lives together.
and get here you stood now, facing each other with heavy hearts and icy glares. the room was silent, your heart beating so loudly in your chest that you feared nanami could hear it. it was like you could still hear the last words that you had thrown at him, just like his yelled words were still dancing in your ear.
the silence was so loud, almost deafening you.
until nanami decided to break it.
the blonde man took a deep breath, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. “i cant do this now,” he said, you didn’t know if it was more to himself than to you.
with wide eyes you watched as he turned around, grabbing his coat that he had lazily thrown on the couch.
“where are you going?” you asked as nanami turned around, putting on the clothing item as he took his first steps.
“out,” nanami curtly replied, throwing a short glance at you before turning around again. “i need some air”
“please don’t leave,” you interrupted, staring at your husband with wide eyes; afraid, terrified of the situation that was currently unfolding in front of you. “don’t— don’t leave me”
he couldn’t leave you, he couldn’t just walk out, he wouldn’t, would he?
“what?” nanami turned around, his hand falling off the doorknob in shock.
leave you?
“please,” you begged again, tears slowly filling your eyes and blurring your vision. sinking your teeth into your bottom lip you clenched your hands on your sides. you went too far, didn’t you? you should’ve waited, you should’ve sucked it up, you should’ve done it any other day. “i don’t want to lose you”
nanami on the other hand was confused, looking at your shaking form in shock as he took careful steps towards you. he was uncomfortable, he hated yelling at you. he didn’t want to, he didn’t mean to raise his voice. the blonde simply wanted to get out, distance himself from that fight with you and talk it over with you in the morning. he hated the thought of being angry at each other and not being able to have a calm conversation. and yet here you were now, exhausted after yelling at each other for god knows how long, and his partner in front of him, shaking, crying. “what are you—“
“i love you, please,” you continued, sinking your gaze to the floor. he promised to stay, he couldn’t just leave you behind.
you don’t know if he said anything else, your ears feeling like they had been stuffed with cotton. you would be damned if you just let him leave, damned if the last thing he heard from you were words that you angrily shouted at him.
“i’m sorry” it wasn’t until you felt nanami’s hands grabbing yours, thumbs rubbing over your skin that you allowed yourself to lift your head, directly looking into his eyes. “i didn’t mean to shout at you, i just got so frustrated, i’m sorry,” you whispered. “please, don’t leave me. i can’t lose you.”
soon after you couldn’t suppress the sobs stuck in your throat, allowing them to break free. nanami immediately pulled you into his embrace, carefully pressing you closer to him and letting you cry into him.
“i’m sorry too” your husband only spoke after your sobs had long died down, however he didn’t let go of you, his arms still snug around you. “i shouldn’t have said those things. i don’t know what came over me”
you enjoyed being embraced by him after so long, soaking up his warmth. being in his arms felt so familiar, so warm, so safe. you had almost forgot what it felt like. “i don’t want to leave you, i would never. i love you”
he loved you.
“we’ll be okay,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple.
a promise.
you were far from okay. far from what the two of you used to be — a couple that had once been so full of love and utter devotion, a love that everyone could see and feel when the two of you were together. it was in those small kisses that you exchanged when you thought that nobody was looking, in the fleeting, yet comforting touches whenever you would pass each other, in the tender way you spoke to each other and chose your words with such care and it was in the way your eyes would light up whenever you’d see each other.
a fairytale kind of love.
and you weren’t there right now and the both of you knew that.
yet these few words were what you needed to hear from your husband to feel reassured. he loved you no less than he did before, no matter what — even if it was tough between the both of you.
you’ll be okay.
“let’s go to bed,” nanami suggested, keeping you tight against his chest. you kept silent, your eyes closed as you did nothing more but enjoy your husband’s embrace. “we can talk about this tomorrow, okay?”
“i love you,” the blonde whispered after pressing a kiss to your forehead.
you leaned your forehead against his, a small smile in your teary cheeks. “i love you too”
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reblogs are appreciated
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7s3ven · 9 months
hello! ur writing is so fun and rahhhh i heart it. idk if ur taking cato reqs but i love him bro its an issue. anyhow, childhood friend!tribute!reader and him coming to terms with the fact that both of them cant win. could be platonic or romantic whatever u like<3
I’m literally in love with Cato.
( master list )
IN WHICH… Cato Hadley and Y/N L/N accept there can only be one winner. The Capitol watches as one falls and the other leaves the arena with a furious heart, never quite moving on.
Warnings : not proof-read, a little bit of angst, some gore (it’s the hunger games)
THG TAG LIST : No one rn 💀
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It was a hot and sunny day when the Capitol chose to announce the tributes. Small beads of sweat rolled down Y/N’s forehead as she clasped her hands behind her back. The sun was relentlessly beating down on the large group of teenagers crowded in front of the stage, organised by age and all eagerly waiting.
Y/N wasn’t like the rest of her District. She had seen how the effects of the Hunger Games weighed down on the tributes. Haymitch had turned to drinking after the slaughter of his family. Y/N couldn’t imagine returning home to see the people you held dear gruesomely bloodied on the floor.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cato. He stood out from the boys, being one of the tallest and towering over them. He had his jaw clenched and he was impatiently tapping his foot, waiting until he could leap onto the stage.
His head turned and they locked eyes. Y/N was the first to break into an amused smile and he returned it, his pale lips curving upwards.
Y/N paid no attention to the video playing on the screen in front of her. They showed it every year and she had practically memorised the voice lines by now. Her mind flashed back to yesterday, the day where Cato had suggested the unthinkable.
“What if we run away?” He questioned, making Y/N pause. She grasped the handle of her ax tightly as she spun around to face her childhood friend.
“What?” She needed to make sure that she had heard him right. It’s not like Y/N hadn’t thought of it before but for Cato Hadley of all people to ask was outrageous. He was Two’s greatest candidate. They were all counting on him.
“You heard me. What if we ran away? Away from all this and away from the games? I wouldn’t have to worry about being a peacekeeper. We could do it, you and me.”
Y/N has full faith in her axe skills and Cato’s strength but the idea was almost too crazy to pull off. She shook her head, “They’d find us.” She whispered. Y/N was glad nobody else was in the gym because this could be considered treason.
Y/N subtly shook her head. If only leaving District Two was that easy. They would surely notice if their strongest candidate and his axe-throwing friend went missing.
Her attention was caught by the lady, Kikoro, walking towards the microphone in a hideously bright yellow skirt. Beside her, Y/N heard Clove laugh.
Clove was a good friend of Cato’s and by default she was a friend of Y/N’s too. She was shorter than both of them but that didn’t stop her from snapping at people left and right. Her skills with throwing knives were amazing and Y/N often felt a little jealous. Surely the knives were lighter compared to lugging around a wooden stick with a blade attached to it.
“Now, I must warn you, there’s a new little rule. No volunteering this year.” Kikoro uttered into the microphone, her lips covered in yellow lipstick curling into an unsettling smile. She ignored the disappointed jeers from the teenagers as she reached into the first bowl. “Ladies first. It’s only polite.”
Everybody watched with bated breath as Kikoro unfolded the piece of paper painfully slow. Clove was practically shaking with excitement.
Kiroko cleared her throat before she leaned forward, glancing at the crumbled paper. “Y/N L/N.” She said.
Y/N clicked her tongue, thinking it was all a sick joke. She wasn’t scared shitless like the tributes in the paper districts were but she was disappointed. Why her and not somebody who actually wanted to compete?
Y/N begrudgingly stepped onto stage after being dragged by a peacekeeper. “Let go of me.” She hissed, yanking her arm out of the man’s grip.
“What’s your name, dear?” Kiroko asked, gesturing Y/N to step forward to the microphone. The H/C-nette stared at the Capitol citizen in confusion.
“You just said my name… Y/N L/N.”
Kikoro paused before she burst into a fit of light laughter. “Ah, sorry dear. I’m so used to volunteers. Next up, the boys.”
Y/N hoped her District partner would be someone useful who she could discard later. Someone strong but not too strong as to overpower her.
As Y/N rocked back and forth on her heels, she glanced over at Kikoro who was now unfolding the second paper. She read text written in black ink before grasping the microphone.
Hearing her own name getting called didn’t frighten Y/N but as Kikoro declared the male tribute, her heart dropped so fast that she may as well collapsed. It was the one person she wished hadn’t been chosen.
“Cato Hadley.”
The train ride was silent. Enobaria had tried talking to the pair but they never replied. Eventually, she gave up and went to a different compartment.
“We should’ve run away.” Y/N quietly muttered, suddenly regretting not putting the absurd plan into action. Across from her, Cato chuckled.
“Yeah…” He paused, refusing to believe that this was really happening. That he’d have to kill his best friend if he wanted to survive. He was brought back to the harsh reality as the train bumped along the tracks.
“You should’ve played dead… or something.” Y/N stirred the spoon around in her cup of coffee, having no intentions of actually tasting the bitter drink. She licked her dry lips. “What happens if we’re the last ones left?”
Cato didn’t have the courage to answer. He pushed his food around with his fork for a few moments before finally lifting his head. “May the best win.” He uttered.
Y/N glanced out the window, staring at the tall buildings of the Capitol in the distance. She took a deep breath as the train quickly approached the large city and their impending doom.
The days in the Capitol were limited. And they passed by fast. One minute Y/N was standing in front of the dummy targets, skilfully throwing axes as their heads then the next she was in front of a crowd in a glittery gold gown.
“You’re a fan favourite, Y/N. How does that make you feel?” Caesar, with his crazy blue hair and matching suit, said as he widely grinned.
“I guess I’m just that charming.” Y/N smiled as she leaned back in her seat, gracefully crossing one leg over the other.
“Our time is almost up but may I ask the question that everyone has been wondering? What on earth is going on between you and Cato?”
The Capitol had caught wind of the small stolen glances and borderline flirtatious kisses on the knuckles. Y/N shifted in her seat as she recalled the event before this very interview.
“You look…” Cato entered the room, practically starstruck as Y/N stood on a small platform. “Wow.” She frowned as she adjusted the tight bodice of her dress.
“Really? Because right now, I can’t really breathe.” Y/N let out a small laugh but she felt her corset suffocate her lungs.
“Does this look like a face that would lie to you?” Cato grasped Y/N’s hands and helped her off the platform. “I mean it. You look stunning… almost makes me wish we were getting ready for a ball instead of this.” Cato’s face was so close. Y/N couldn’t help but let her eyes dart to his lips.
“You look handsome too.” She playfully grinned as she straightened Cato’s tie. “Blue suits you.”
“We’re just friends.” Y/N repeated that overused phrase while the Capitol citizens groaned in frustration. “I don’t know what you want me to admit… Cato is handsome but I can’t imagine dating someone I’ve known since childhood… his face is getting a little annoying.”
Y/N’s cheeky remark earned her a few laughs.
“If given the chance, I probably would’ve liked to kiss him once, you know?” Y/N’s confidence grew and she forgot all about how Cato could hear her words through the small screen in the waiting room. She folded her arms over her chest just as the timer buzzed.
“Y/N L/N, everybody!” Caesar declared.
She stepped off the stage and back into the shadows, away from the piercing lights. Glimmer and Marvel had already returned to their rooms and Y/N was about to do the same before Cato came into view.
She saw him wave enthusiastically at the crowd but his eyes were on her. She shrank back, suddenly aware of what she had said during the interview.
Y/N scurried off before Caesar could even ask Cato one question. She stormed into the room assigned to District Two. Enobaria was sitting on the couch, clicking the TV remote buttons.
“Need help getting out of that dress?” The sharp-toothed woman asked. Y/N silently nodded.
“Thank you.” Y/N said, finally able to breathe properly again. She would never take oxygen for granted again.
Y/N was only dressed in a black singlet and shorts when Cato burst through her personal room door. “What was that?” He demanded, slamming the door behind him. “If given the chance? I’m giving you the damn chance, Y/N!”
Y/N let out a squeak of surprise when he grabbed her face and pulled her forward, swiftly kissing her like he had been waiting to do so for years. With how his hands trailed down to tightly grip her waist, Y/N wouldn’t be surprised if Cato had been dreaming of this moment.
Cato pulled away, resting his forehead on Y/N’s. “How’s that for a given chance?”
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The sun in the arena felt different. Its heat was blistering and Y/N felt her body burning up underneath her heavy jacket. She wanted to discard the warm piece of clothing but it would come in handy at night.
The Careers had already made their allies clear. Y/N glanced at Cato who was already staring at her as usual.
To Y/N’s left was Glimmer, who was impatiently tapping her foot as the countdown began. Y/N stared at the decreasing numbers until it reached five and she had no choice but to get ready to run.
This was no mere dream, it was a reality that Y/N wish she didn’t exist in, for Cato’s sake.
To no one’s surprise, Cato was the first to react as the countdown finished. He leaped off his podium, immediately making a run for a silver sword. Some tributes turned tail and ran but those who joined the mess in the middle were gruesomely stabbed by Cato.
Y/N grasped a pack of throwing knives, tossing the sharp objects at anything that moved. She managed to cut Katniss’ cheek and the ravenette was not pleased about that. The District Twelve girl shot an arrow Y/N’s way but she ducked and avoided it.
“Y/N, here!” Cato tossed a fancy looking axe her way. She easily caught it, swinging it at a foolish boy who thought he could beat her.
The bloodbath didn’t last long thanks to Cato. He either killed or drove off any of the remaining tributes. “I’m feeling pretty good about this.” He grinned down at Y/N as they waltzed around the Cornucopia. He twirled his heavy sword in his hand.
“You’re in a good mood.” Y/N muttered. The hunger for bloodshed had clouded Cato’s mind, causing him to forget that Y/N would have to die in order for him to emerge victorious. She said nothing about it, though, not wanting to spoil his cheerful mood.
“I’ll be in a better mood after this.” Cato chuckled to himself as he pecked Y/N’s lips. He held her close, burying his face in her neck.
Y/N stood still, awaiting the moment where they would be forced to turn on each other. Out of the pair, Y/N had always been the rational realist.
Glimmer was dead, filled with toxin after Katniss sabotaged the Careers’ camp.
Marvel was next. Katniss skewered him like a kebab with her arrow. He died on the forest floor, joining Glimmer in Katniss’ kill count.
And then there were two. Y/N had narrowly avoided being bashed in the head with a stone by Thresh. The side of her head was still bleeding, the crimson liquid staining the green grass below.
Y/N groaned as she collapsed beside Cato, leaning against the large tree trunk. “Who’s left?” She rasped. She had heard a canon go off but she had no idea who it was.
“The boy from Eleven, the pair from two, and us.” Cato replied, his shoulder brushing against Y/N’s. He pulled out a small tin bottle, handing it over to Y/N. She gratefully took a large gulp of cold water. “Don’t worry, we’ll get home.” He whispered, “You and me forever.” After Y/N’s near death experience, Cato realized that the Capitol had played him as a fool. But he was happy about the announcement that said two victors could win if they originated from the same District.
Y/N leaned her head on Cato’s shoulder and closed her eyes, deeply sighing. She didn’t know when she dozed off or how long she was asleep but she cracked open one eye to see Cato hurriedly shaking her.
Night time, the Careers’ prime time to hunt, had already past. When Y/N’s eyes finally adjusted to the light, she furrowed her eyebrows. She was in a cave yet she remembered falling asleep on the forest floor. And Cato was covered in bites and gruesome grazes and blood. So much blood.
“Cato…” Y/N breathed, quickly leaning forward, “What happened to you?”
“I killed Katniss and Peeta… and the mutts killed Thresh. It’s you and me left, Y/N.” His sounded sounded so weak and he sluggishly cupped her face, panting heavily. For once, he was covered in his own blood rather than the blood of his victims.
“You drugged me…” Y/N’s heart fell to her stomach as she realized what had happened. Cato had slipped sleeping pills into the water and while she was knocked out, he put her in a cave and went to hunt down the three other tributes. She furrowed her brows. “How could you? Cato… you could’ve died.”
He let out a quiet laugh. “Yeah… I know. That was kind of the point. While you were asleep, they revoked the two victors rule. There can only be one again.”
That was enough for tears to well up in Y/N’s eyes. “Don’t leave me… please.” She cried as she held Cato, her childhood friend and her first true crush. His blood stained her muddy clothes but she didn’t care. “Please…” She trailed off as Cato wheezed.
“The mutts did a good job on me.” He muttered, finding it harder to stay awake. Y/N’s eyes widened.
“No. Cato. Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me here!” She immediately noticed how his pulse slowed down. “Stay awake, Cato! I can fix this! Please.”
Y/N had already come to terms that there could only be one victor but she had yet to accept that fact that she had to lose Cato to walk out.
“You can’t give up now… we came this far. We can sort something out.” Y/N uttered as she shook Cato in a fruitless attempt to convince him.
“I love you, Y/N.” He grasped her hand, squeezing it tightly. “I always have. Ever since we became friends. Ever since you were the first to find the courage to talk to me. I don’t know what I would have done with you.”
Y/N laughed as a sob bubbled up in her throat. “I love you too. If only your name wasn’t called. I could’ve won the games and come back to you.” She shakily sighed as she leaned down to kiss Cato’s cold lips. She placed her hand on his neck and when she felt no pulse, she pulled back in a panic.
“Cato?” She shook him once. Then again. “Cato?!” She repeated, this time louder. “No… no… no! Don’t leave me here! Cato!”
She screamed so loud that the sound echoed around the forest, scaring the birds and causing them to flee.
Y/N walked out of the arena a free woman. Not quite since Snow would still have full control over her but she liked to think she was free to a certain extent.
The Capitol workers had tried to discard of the necklace she held so tightly in her left hand but she refused to let them take it away. It was the only remaining memory she had of Cato.
Anger swirled around in her heart like a monster, threatening to burst free and reign terror over anyone that came in contact with her.
Only now was Y/N realising why the victors never looked genuinely happy despite having everything they wanted. It was because Snow tore their deepest desires away, always holding it near but never within their reach.
Enobaria had wanted to be a mother.
Gloss wanted a peaceful life with his sister.
Cashmere wanted nothing more than to take care of the children in District One.
Brutus craved freedom from Snow’s cruel clutches.
And poor Y/N dreamt of becoming a bride but as she watched the light drift from Cato’s eyes, her wish was swept away with it.
Now, Snow had nothing to take away from her because the person she loved the most was already gone.
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angy-grrr · 4 months
guys, when hori said this story needed a longer epilogue, he didnt mean two more volumes -usually shonen and other demographics tend to finish with just a last chapter to wrap things up. Hes giving 7 instead, which is a lot considering that -even naruto didnt get more time to develop things or relationships, making a movie instead as far as i know.
idk how he’ll do it, but if that feels right for him then ill just wait and see what happens. If we think about it, there are many many topics covered already in the two first chapters -people are trying to make things go back to “normal”, but we know that cant happen; we know how the classes are doing, some are graduating and want to do something else with their world; shoto and endeavor visit dabi, who seems to be alive, aoyama leaves the course and says all that he has been feeling about his ability to be a hero, deku is in a contemplative state, probably thinking about heroism, and theres a new character that will probably test their ideals after two wars; theres also a big posibility of hori bringing up the reason why katsuki is able to just get up and do so much when he should have died, which can tie the bkdk arc.
What i mean with this is… it can happen in 5 chapters. I understand why we are getting sad, but that doesnt mean we have to assume the story will end up being shitty. Also, lets not forget bnha was supposed to end in 2022. This is what hori and his team probably think will happen, with the general epilogue already done in terms of drafts and everything planned for each chapter, but sometimes to story asks for its creators to do more. Or to do less. We have no idea how this will end, but while we wait for things to unfold, lets try to enjoy the ride.
And if you are curious about what i’ll do, im going to keep seeing the leaks and write about my observations and ideas, but i wouldnt recommend it if you are someone who feels like they cant wait, or has expectations that will make you not enjoy the content when leaks happen —its confusing, depending on who translates and makes the summaries meanings and actions completely change, you dont get to see everything at once and have to wait for hours, etc.
So keep that in mind, and choose what you think will make you the happiest.
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k-s-morgan · 3 months
Hey! I hope you are alright.
If it wont be spoiler or something can you tell why Tom is using harry's cups, plates and the other things, i really Wonder and cant stop thinkining about it.
And i want to say it Adore ATLWETD. For me, fav fic of all time
Another ask: When Tom asked "what was i to you" and harry replied "i dont know" what did Tom think? And why tom is asking those questions at first place?
Another ask: hey, are you okay? I hope everything is okay there. I don't know if it means anything but my prayers are with you.
I have two question about ATLWETD.
First what did Tom feel when harry hugged him? And what are Tom's future plans for both of them? What he want?
If you dont want to answer i understand and its alright.
English its not my first language so if there is any mistake or misunderstand i am sorry.
Another ask: I just figure out how to use tumblr and as soon as i did i came your acc. I love your works. ATLWETD is reason is am still reading tomarry. I just wonder what Tom is planining rn. Take Harry to knigts and the other things. if it wont be problem i want to hear your answer, love you!
Since these asks are sort of related, I decided to combine them into one!
First of all, thank you all so much, both for your words and prayers! I'm so pleased that you're enjoying ATLWETD and that you're thinking of me.
Some of Tom's thought processes will become clearer later on, but I don't mind offering the specifics, especially since we won't be getting his POV until the middle of the story.
Tom has been using his mood stone on Harry repeatedly. He's been mystified by all the emotions Harry seems to be alternating between, and one in particular has intrigued him most, which is attraction.
Tom's been wondering about the specific nature of their 'alternative world' relationship for a while, and now he's begun to suspect that maybe they were romantically involved - or on the brink of becoming involved. He's curious and fascinated by this possibility. He wanted Harry to answer him truthfully, and Harry saying "I don't know" proved his hypothesis that while they weren't together, they were probably about to be in some near future.
If you liked Tom using Harry's things, just wait until the Tie Saga in the next chapter :D It'll be hilarious. Poor Harry will be so confused and frustrated by Tom's actions.
Now, why is Tom doing that? A part of it is him testing how receptive Harry is to something this intimate. To him, it's yet another indication that they were closer than friends, and since Harry doesn't react, it's probably something the other Tom did, too. Another big reason is the violation of boundaries. Tom feels entitled to Harry, to everything he is and everything he owns. He views Harry as his thing, his personal person, and he's determined to take his freedom piece by piece because Harry is supposed to be an extension of him, in his eyes. There is genuine possessiveness in him as well.
Making Harry a part of the Knights also feels into this context. Tom wants Harry to be involved in his life to the fullest extent. He's interested in seeing what Harry is going to think and how he's going to react to some of his plans and ideas. Tom has seen valuable qualities in Harry, and he wants to use them for his benefit.
What Tom felt when Harry hugged him - uncertainty, mostly. Unexpected warmth. Fascination. Some awkwardness. It's one thing to build theories about their alleged romantic relationship, but it's another to get a more physical confirmation of it.
Tom isn't planning or not planning to become involved with Harry romantically right now. He's just watching how everything unfolds, and he's increasingly interested in being surprised and experiencing something new.
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saintobio · 5 months
first of allllll…. i think the time momjo sending the child guardian paper (?) that satoru typed out of anger is a hint…. and then satoru telling yn that sachiro called akemi mama… this honestly hurts alot more, imahine carrying your baby for 9 months, taking care of baby sachiro for 3 years alone, all the sleepless nights… and sachiro just ugh u dumbass small brain toddler (literally). anyways, satoru looking at akemi during suguru and shoko’s wedding, his hand rubbing akemi’s stomach at the cabin when she was in pain. honestly this part was akemi faking her pain or…? cuz there was a line that said after satoru asked if she wanted to go home her face didnt show anymore pain ? lololll idk. i dislike (hate) gojokemi but i think theyre gonna be endgame with all these theories coming up oh godddd. and the way yn threw the necklace into the lake, satoru went to search for it but did he manage to find it ? no. but during sn yn (well, suguru) found gojos wedding band. so in sy, yn threw away satoru’s “heart”, and it was never found again, thats a hint (?) bruhhh i hate thissss (i love this so much actually it made me feel so much i love u saint) i also recall the first time satoru and akemi first did it together he said smthg like i could learn to love u ? if i remember correctly. and the morning at the cabin after yn and gojo did it, yn was crying bcs they had a heartfelt talk ? and u mentioned they both felt guilty. the guilt is…. yeah.
BUT ALSO, satoru once said that yn has always been the one, sera when she saw gojo after forever told sukuna that he looks different when hes being with akemi, like hes not being himself? but that was when they first got together so idk about now. him not calling gojokemi exclusive. oh how they were happy and loving when yn got pregnant 🥹 but well it lasted until… yeah. also u said something about gojo gonna be on his knees again, since yn is now depressed and suicidal, i think for her heart disease shes gonna sign a DNR, then satoru on his knees maybe begging the doctors idk gawd idk someone mentioned dnr and i just… 🙂 its not that she wanna leave sachiro either, but i think shes telling herself everything will be better if she dies since sachiro, still very young, doesnt even really remember yn (just why sachiro) and called akemi mama… also why the hell didnt gojo use protection when fucking akemi oh gawd pls hate u satoru if she gets preggo.
anyways, i cant wait for gen to be back. i love u gen and ian.
oooh i also remember that you said there was a scene that inspired the birth of sn/sy, was it in chapter 11 ? or we’re not there yet…
honestly why dont yn just join shoko and suguru and be in a happy poly relationship ever looollll just kidding. my heart hurts, im still all in for gojoyn endgame but it doesnt seem realistic. ive been cursing gojo and akemi ever since the chapter came out loolll gotta give myself credit for being able to do my exams while still thinking bout this. 💀
omg there’s a lot to unfold here idk where to start 😭 but i just wanna say, it’s amazing how you’re so thorough in remembering those details in sn/sy bcos i honesty don’t have enough attention span to do that !!! sdjsj now while i can’t answer everything you mentioned, i can say a few things:
- akemi isn’t faking her pain, she’s truly struggling from it
- gojo doesn’t want kids outside of marriage (or should i say if not with yn), so he’s definitely careful with it.
- yes, it is indeed sy11 that birthed the sequel :’) i had that scene in mind before sn was even finished
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