#im a sucker for mourning in romance honestly
dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 8 months
Coffin and Briefcase are doomed Yuri omfg…
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dabimyluv · 3 years
Hi!! I just stumbled across your writing and I honestly love it I just had to request something,,, I got this idea while eating a s’more just now lmao anyways may I please request a dabi x reader where the reader is a childhood best friend of Dabi/Touya (they like each other but neither of them have confessed) and they would always make s’mores together using his flames and once he died, the reader would always visit his grave and make s’mores for the two of them, but one day Dabi visits the reader while they are at the grave. How would the interaction go? I would love to see how you write this. Im a sucker for fluff and romance but if you see that this is the moment for some hard angst I would freaking love to read it either way. Thank you so much in advance 💕💕💕
S'mores: Dabi
dabi x bestfriend!reader (gender neutral)
word count: 1,499
contains: swearing, mention of death/accident, fire, fluff/angst, eating
(a/n: i can't express just how much i love this request this is so creative, thank you so much for giving me the chance to write this!!! i did a little bit of both in terms of fluff and angst because i think there'd be a lot to say here. i really hope you enjoy it!)
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You spread out a blanket and empty the little bag of groceries you had brought with you. Taking a deep breath, you take in the headstone before you as a sad smile reaches your lips.
"Hi, Touya. I'm back with more s'mores, well... soon to be." Your hands shake as you open the packaging and start stacking the chocolate and marshmallows on the graham crackers.
"You'd think I'd be better at this by now, huh?" You chuckle slightly as you fumble with the little s'more maker you had found online. "This was a lot easier when we could use your flames."
Unbeknownst to you, Dabi stood quietly against a nearby tree. He watched as you struggled with the machine and even had to suppress his own laughter. Leaving you behind was the hardest part of what he did, although he could argue that he never truly did leave you. He had kept an eye on you over the years, silently ensuring your safety the best he could. He watches as your shaky hands gently place a poorly done s'more on the headstone.
"I was thinking about one of the first times we had tried to make s'mores and we got chocolate everywhere," You paused to laugh and relish in the memory. "It was absolutely my fault but you still cleaned it up for me."
He watches closely as your smile fades.
"I wish I could've told you how I felt back then... I know we were just kids but I've always known how I felt about you, Touya. That was never going to change, although I'm sure I wasn't much more than the annoying kid you had to hang out with. I don't even know why I'm saying this now."
Dabi's breath hitched in his throat at these words, he had never imagined you ever looked at him in this way. He had felt such an obligation to you from the moment you two met. He adored the way your face lit up when he'd use his flames to melt your little s'mores, and the way you'd stack them for him in preparation. His body began to move before he could think it through, and before he knew it, he was standing behind you.
"Mind if I have one?" He asked softly, watching as you jumped slightly before turning to face him.
You scanned the slender figure that hovered over you. It had been years, but that didn't stop from his features resonating with you quickly. You scanned the burns that littered his body and were brought back to when you first heard of the tragedy that had taken your best friend.
"Touya?" Your eyes widened as you gazed into the cerulean eyes you had spent so much time admiring.
He knelt down in front of you nervously, feeling like a lovesick child once again. He tried desperately to read into the look of shock on your face, was there anything behind it? Were you happy to see him, or were you furious to learn about the ruse he had created? His mind had caught up to him now, ridiculing him for the idiotic move he had just made. You had mourned, you had begun your life, and he took that away from you with five little words. He couldn't help but feel guilty.
Before he could think about it any longer, he felt your arms wrap around him, your head on his shoulder. Taking a deep breath, he was reminded of the singular good that came from his childhood. The comfort of your touch ridding him of the guilt.
"You really did get out." You mumbled, tears beginning to flood your vision. You pull away to look at him once more, a face you never thought you'd see again.
"You have to understand, I didn't want to leave you... I just-"
"I understand, Touya. After what happened, I thought about all of the times you talked about escaping... you were always so smart, so part of me thought, 'Hey, he really did it.' I guess I had just always thought you'd take me with you."
It took everything in him not to break down in front of you at these words. You were the one person who truly believed in him, not just because of his quirk or his family; you had faith in who he was on his own. The thought of you, of someday returning to you is what helped him carry on. He recalled the time he spent standing outside your window before he left, willing himself not to ask you to follow him. Life hadn't been easy since he left, it hadn't been safe, and he knew he couldn't have asked you to be a part of that.
The two of you laid on the blanket as you asked him to tell you everything, where he had been, how he had made it on his own, if he was on his own. You didn't love his less than heroic ventures, overcome with fear at the danger he places himself in, but you knew he was strong. He confessed that he had kept an eye on you, to which you were grateful. Not that it stopped you from berating him for not saying anything directly until now.
"These s'mores are shit, how have you been eating them like this?" He teased, tossing it back into one of the plastic bags.
"Come on, it's not so bad." You said with a smile as you started stacking up some more. Before you could do anything else, you watched as his hand lit up in a beautiful blue flame. He was stronger now, full of control and newfound strategy. He picked one up and brought it to your lips for you to bite into.
"Mine are so much better though, right?" A familiar smirk spread across his face. You missed this side of him, the way he'd joke around and tease you.
You hummed in agreement, his s'mores were infinitely better. Mainly because you were able to make them together. You thought back to the last time you had done this, your last day together, for what you thought would be forever.
"Please don't leave again..." You say, almost whispering.
"It's not safe for you to be with me, y/n."
Of course he wanted you to come with him, to never leave his side. He wanted to fall asleep and wake up to you each morning, to protect and love you for as long as he could. Despite this, he still couldn't ask you to be in that position.
"I heard what you were saying earlier, when you thought you were alone. That you've always known how you felt about me."
Your cheeks became hot with embarrassment, you were too overwhelmed with seeing him again that you hadn't thought about how long he could've been waiting there. How could you spend years swallowing your feelings, thinking he may be dead, only to face rejection now.
"Touya, I-" You wanted to take it back, hold it down once more. You can't jeopardize this. He was finally here, he can't slip away now.
"I've always loved you, from the moment I saw you. Sure we were just fucking kids and I didn't know it at the time, but I know it now. That's why I can't put you at risk, you can understand that can't you?"
"I understand it but that doesn't mean I'm just going to accept it. You'd keep me safe. Besides, I can still take care of myself. I'm not some useless idiot." He couldn't help but chuckle as you plead your case.
"I know you aren't." He looks away for a moment before his mesmerizing gaze returns to you. "But I can't do that to you, put you in some constant state of uncertainty. I have obligations to people, I can't stop everything all at once."
"I'm already in that state, Touya. I'm going to worry regardless of where you are, or where I am. I understand the life you've found and I'm going to be a part of it if that what it takes."
"I don't want you to be a part of that shit, I don't want you putting yourself in some stupid scenario you can't fight your way out of."
"I told you, I'm not an idiot. I'm not going to go run into danger just because you are. I'm asking you to let me be there for the aftermath, let me take care of you, let me give you somewhere safe to come home to."
He listened to you talk so passionately about a life together, the way he always dreamed of whenever things got bad. He saw your own strength and knew there was nothing he could say or do that would change what you had already decided. This wasn't his choice to make, and he wasn't going to push you away.
"We'll take care of each other then, yeah?"
(a/n: once again, i hope you enjoyed and i'd love to hear any requests!!)
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Wait you said you watched the Rourke ending in youtube? Ahhshshsjs that makes a lot of sense, but I replayed that chapter so I could briefly experience them, my final choice was mc ending but not for more noble/reasonable reasons like yours (it makes more sense/the others are happier) but because I'm dramatic and I want to see them grief mc dramatically (cough-not-like-ilitw-cough) 10/10 also Quinn and Michelle seemed way closer ? Which was a nice bonus and I've enjoyed a few fanfics of them (in a lor of cases as secondary couple but nice)
Wait what are your thoughts on alestair and Estella being half siblings? Or honestly give me all your thoughts on all the crazy things because there were so many plot points, I wasn't as good as a detective as you so our thoughts were probably different <3
Also if you don't have a li Diego is the one being with you in most moments (my bff <3) and it's really heartbreaking watching all the moments when they pass all together, recommend also watching in youtube
i watched it on youtube yeah. i replayed the last chapter to check out the endless' ending but i disliked it so much i replayed AGAIN just to pick vaanu's ending again lmao jdndidm but i wasn't willing to pick rourke's. tbh i wasn't even that interested until i saw a fic that was set in rourke's ending and i was like alright i should probably check that out. i was glad i didn't pick it even to check it out cuz once it said the vaanti were in c*ncentration camps i was filled with so much disgust i dont think i couldve lived with myself if i picked that one, even out of curiosity, lol
also ur reasons are valid lmaooo. i never played ILITW sacrificing the MC (like rip noah i love u but i dont think MC sacrificing themself even makes sense in ILITW) but ive seen many ppl complain that we aren't mourned jdndidndidndod thats gotta suck
and yess quinn and michelle!!! i think i mentioned before that i shipped them quite a bit (michelle/quinn/grace ftw honestly, also like i said michelle was such a RAGING lesbian to me, her energy with every single female character was off the fucking charts). once im gone inhaling variego fic quinn and michelle are definitely next on the list
as for estela and aleister being half siblings, i DEFINITELY didnt see that one coming. altho to be fair i didn't give it a lot of thought. but it made sense i guess? idk i didnt have that many thoughts abt it other than well, at least that explains why estela is so light skinned. cuz like i love her and shes gorgeous and all but seriously. i know that there are latines who are that light skinned but no more fictional light skinned latines the world has evolved past the need for fictional light skinned latines. just once i want to consume media with unambiguously brown, clearly indigenous latines - you know, like most of us are. and estela is COLOMBIAN. like come ON man
but anyway! i think it made sense but not really in a "wow, this explains so much" way, u know? more like damn ok im accepting this. which is not a bad thing necessarily but yeah. im pretty interested in finding out how estela dealt with that knowledge afterwards, tho. like she had dedicated so much of her life to killing him and then she finds out he's her dad. which doesn't change how she feels about him in the slightest but does make her revisit everything she thought she knew about their relationship. and to know that her own father had her mom killed has to be. oof. i feel so sorry for her. she's gone through so much and she deserves to be happy, u kno
and yes, i know!!! i want to replay it without romancing anyone cuz honestly diego might be my favorite character and im just a sucker for a good platonic relationship. honestly even romancing sean id have been so much more down for diego being the one to show up when the endless shows his memories for example, u know in that "one moment repeats over and over" scene??? i think it makes more sense if it's diego than a LI even if you HAVE one. diego's relationship with the MC is definitely the strongest one because like, he literally needed us so bad we showed up already being friends, you know? hes a part of the MC more than anyone else just because of that. and that doesnt make MC's relationship with the LIs any lesser! it can even be a "soulmates are built, not found" thing which i always think is more powerful. and diego is just... really special. and i wouldve loved to see a platonic relationship take the front seat instead of being like, plan B in case u didnt date anyone. but well
either way im excited to replay without a LI and have all these moments with diego ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i ended up not getting a lot of moments with him cuz because of the m*d i had infinite gems so i could pick as many gems scenes as i needed and most emotional diego moments were like "backup", which i only found out later and really sucked
so i have quite a few replays lined up as i want to do one replay im livereading with my friends, one to get all the clues (i think i got like, 50-something out of the 62), one to get the platonic moments with diego, and i already did one replay without spending any gems to see what the results would be. so yeah dunddid consider me hooked on this story, damn you /j
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searchingforbucky · 5 years
FIC RECS (Part 5) :)
Okay we are going to try this again lol. I hope I got everyone I was intending to!This one is LONG so buckle up babes. 
The request was for Cop!Bucky fics, by anonymous. Now I am SO excited to share this list because Cop Bucky is my top 2 favorite AU’s and actually the first AU I ever read for Bucky. So its incredibly close to my heart, and so are these fics. I hope everyone enjoys! :) (I start with Series, then go to One-Shots) 💖💕💗💓
In the Arms of Justice by @avengerofyourheart
Okay, this was actually the first full Cop!Bucky fic I ever read and let me tell you, it was an amazing bridge into what is now an unhealthy obsession lol. This fic is so well done. I love the way Anika plays with details in her stories. Every word has you hanging on, no stone is left unturned, no detail forgotten. This one, especially if you go back and read it a second time, you see all of the tiny foreshadowing she does. Its such a good mysterious fic. Its absolutely amazing the Protective/Soft Bucky on top of that is the best ever. Please read it twice to be able to fully realize the beauty.
Heart & Soul by @all1e23
This one is an ABO fic, and oh man is it good. This fic is just so heartbreakingly beautiful. Allie is dedicated, in all of their stories, to being as truthful to true human experiences and this is just another example. The emotion is so real and painful and I can somehow picture to all of these experiences even though I’ve never had them myself, solely because of the way they write. This is a story about trauma, trust, loyalty, and personal strength. Theres murder mystery and fluff all in  a lovely package.  The relationships between her and every one of the characters is so well drawn out, its just such a heartwarming fic.
The Witness by @wkemeup
Words tend to evade me when I try to explain my love for this fic, but I need I need to make sure its recognized. Bucky is soft and just wants the reader to be safe, the reader is self sufficient and headstrong. My favorite pairing. This story is honestly something that changed the way I read Bucky fics. It was the first story of hers I have ever read, and never have I gotten more lost in a story than this. Before this, I would mainly focus on dialogue of a story, and other important bits. This was so beautifully done, and packed with detail and emotion in the smallest sentences I made sure I didn’t miss a single thing. Also, the way she writes the aftermath in her Drabble/epilogue are so truthful to life and recovery. Ugh, just an amazing read.
Deception by @revengingbarnes 
This story is unlike the others I’ve read before. I LOVE undercover fics, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of the time they are set in this perfect world with no repercussions. This fic is so damn raw and honest and real. It shows the pain and aftermath that is unavoidable from situations like these, the emotion from Bucky and the Reader seeps through every word making it impossible not to get invested into them and their love. Not everything in life is perfect, there isn’t always that one happy ending, and this fic shows that. There is bumps and bruises and you won’t know whats coming until it happens but thats what makes it beautiful. 
Seven Thirty by @nacho-bucky 
So this one is absolutely the cutest thing ever. Its technically a cop!bucky but its not like the main factor in the story, but Im including it anyways because its too amazing to not! This has UNCLE BUCKY, oh my god thats my favorite soft Bucky trope and its done again here so well. Bucky is needs help with a kid, she works with kids, what could go wrong??? Nothing! Because this is a story of two awkwardly adorable individuals being roped into the cutest relationship ever by a sneaky little girl. This story is Witten so well, every detail paints the best picture of utter domesticity and love and I cannot get over it. Especially the little drabbles accompanying it? Be still my heart. 
Ride With Me by @jurassicbarnes 
Now this one is a treat, we’ve got Cop!Bucky and Biker!Reader (whaaaat?? Biker reader??) Yes! So unique right? And its so well done too. This is about the cutest thing because you have no gender stereotypes whoop whoop! You have soft shy Bucky (who tries so hard to hide it, oh my love), and a badass reader! Its so unique and absolutely adorable. I feel like this needs to be made into a romance movie, I would watch the hell out of it. Its like perfect YA romance I'm telling you! Opposites attract and lead to a work of art in disguise as a Bucky Fanfic. Also, I want Natasha to be my Best Friend :( 
Sweet as Cinnamon by @propertyofpoeandbucky 
It wouldn’t be a proper Cop!Bucky list without some Chubby Bucky! In there! Now, wanna know who’s sweet as cinnamon? Bucky Barnes in this fic (more like a compilation of one-shots). We have a single dad, divorced, insecure, chubby Bucky, and we all know what that leads to? Me in an absolute puddle of love and fluff. The relationship he has with the reader and his daughter are the most pure things I’ve ever been lucky enough to read. I love sneaky kids man, and oh does he have one! All of Leilanis fics are so good, but something about this Universe really just sticks in my heart. Amazingly well written, 10/10 would read every single one again. 
Good Cop, Bad Cop by @cametobuyplums 
Okay, another thing that makes this list complete? A smutty fic (again more of a compilation of one shots). This fic is damn good. Its kinda like SAC in the way of Bucky is a single, insecure, divorced, chubby father. But plot twist! Reader is a young sexy police chief that just wants her man, Bucky. Let the fun ensue! No seriously though, besides the smut, this series is incredibly well done. You wouldn’t expect many heartfelt moments in a fic like tis, but thats the beauty of it. I love reading stories where Bucky just gets loved up and fights his insecurities. If you like reading smut, I guarantee you will love this fic!
Sunshine by @thottybarnes 
Let me squeal about this one real quick. I just recently read it and I LOVED it. Honestly any story that has beefy Bucky is always gonna be a good one for me, but beefy Bucky AND soft, baby fever having Bucky? Oh my heart cant take it. This fic is absolutely adorable. I love how fun and light hearted it is, and the details they put in the background are to die for. Such a good fic if you want fluff, and Cop!Bucky all in one fantastic package. The way she rights the reader also just makes me feel like a good person and who doesn’t love that? All in all, the story is amazing, and now I want a baby with beefy Bucky :(
Anyone Except You by @maid-of-mourne-shore  
Okay so this one is definitely different than the ones I’ve listed so far. This one is a little intense. Definitely needs a trigger warning especially with the current US gun situation. Anyways, if you can handle it, please read it. Its a beautifully raw story that portrays that trauma for an outsider so well. I was on the edge of my seat, heart hurting. Bucky Is so soft, the mutual pining is there, the protective Bucky is there, the flangst is there. Its really, really good.
Uniformed by @bucky-plums-barnes
Oh my dear Gen, another wonderful fic from her. This story is absolutely so unique in the way its set up. The sections being introduced like a hospital case had me hooked from word one. I love a hard to get fic, especially when it involves a cocky Bucky and a take no nonsense reader! This fic has its fun times, but it also gets some angsty moments of just raw emotion and understanding between two people in difficult career paths, its truly beautiful. Also, UNCLE BUCKY makes an appearance :)
And finally, last but not least 
Reassurance by @ofheroesandvillains
Obviously I’m a sucker for insecure chubby Bucky. He gets a little green here not gonna lie, makes him about 50x cuter. We get it Bucky, she’s your wife (so you say) and not his. This fic issuer cute, I love me a reassuring reader, because I know I would say the same in that situation. You feel the love between the characters, its not an overwhelming display of love, but its truthful to life and real feelings, and I love it so. 
If you read to the end of this long list, bless your heart and I love you so much. I’m not a writer, so my grammar is probably bad, and I basically just write in a stream of consciousness lol, so sorry for that! I hope you love the fics on here as much as I do! Till next time my loves. 
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