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hechose · 23 days ago
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what flavour is your soul?
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oh heart of ice and mind of gold, what am I to do with you? you are only good in small amounts, bittersweet fledgling, you are hard for most to swallow. your spirit is strong, your wit is potent, your biting essence drives even the most daring away. but why are you hiding your sweetness? I know within you, you are soft, but humanity has made you bitter. you mask your pain and sorrow with spite and sensibility. you say you do not care about trivial things, but don't you? sweetheart relax. you can let down your drawbridge, the waters are not poisoned. I know you have looked monsters in between the eyes and scoffed at them, but please, relax. you think your armor protects you but it is smothering you slowly. little owlet, when will you learn, words can only get you so far? feelings are what makes this world pulse. do not suppress your feelings. your heart can still thaw my dear. trust.
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TAGGED BY: @firstsoncain (fuck off that we got the same???) TAGGING: @girlsurvive / @unheald ( for daniel ) / @dulacus / @l0nglives ( for sybelle ) / @ruerot ( pink a member of the fang gang any member of all of them hehe <33 ) / @vienamoi
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elysiumwhispers · 10 months ago
liking a girl will make you go feral and want to die btw
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kolbalissh · 3 months ago
i know we all know about landoscar hand size difference, but can we talk about carcar because my god oscar is tiny compared to him carcar nation they did this especially for us everyone say thank you carcar
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transformersbrainrot · 6 months ago
I am so normal about them
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angelwishess · 4 months ago
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treeprince · 4 months ago
never let it be said that shen yuan doesnt fight for his man with bloody teeth
he started off already risking being sent back to his dead body to protect baby binghe the best he could on his first meeting and then continued to do so once the ooc shackles came off, made sure he felt loved and safe and at home on cqm, gave him every advantage he could think of (and then wondered why binghe got out of the abyss 2 yrs early, honey...), but bc those scum villain blinders were on so tight, he doesnt accept that he (the man shen yuan inside the character shen qingqiu) can change his own path enough to not be killed, and plans his own death accordingly bc he wont ever fight against binghe again if he can help it, i just...
this man loves binghe so much that he couldnt even conceive of a world in which binghe loves him back - and thats not just the comphet olympics in his brain talking, sy genuinely believes he's unlovable and only maybe sort of likeable by his fellow peak lords, and part of that comes from being forced into a scum villains role and not knowing the bigger picture behind sqq's actions (not even touching on how sy barely saw the entire cast of pidw as people until binghe actually looked hurt to him), but the rest was already preprogrammed before he transmigrated, and i want to know who hurt him so bad - bc all sy could imagine is that the whole world should love binghe, bc thats howmuch sy loves him the story is supposed to go, but all he could imagine for himself was gratitude at best and his demise at worst, until the very moment that it becomes clear that lbh has done everything, fucking EVERYTHING, to get sqq to love him back and i just SCREAMS
i cant imagine that sy would just let binghe go if he should ever decide to love someone else, the possession goes both ways with these two, and sy would fight tooth and nail to keep binghe for himself
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everl0v3r · 10 months ago
on ratio and his goals:
does anyone else ever just think about how the genius society is full of people who could be said to put their research over everything and everyone else.
ruan mei put aside the morality of creating an emanator, of slipping something into the trailblazer’s food without their knowledge, and she didn’t regret it. she mourned her creation and showed zero regard for her surviving small creations that loved her. she will probably never return for them, because she doesn’t care.
herta also very openly doesn’t care. she puts the success of the simulated universe over many other things in her life, including the wellbeing of others and even the likelihood of its success. maaaybe she cared about the acknowledgment from chadwick, but chadwick is exactly the same as her: selfishly following research without a care for the cost.
putting ratio against these characters is actually laughable to me. his entire existence is dedicated to sharing knowledge and making it public. his work connects with people. and beyond that, he forms relationships and creates connections.
he is so so human compared to any member of the genius society and yet his greatest desire is to be recognized by nous. who exclusively sponsors selfish beings who throw away morals and humanity in the name of “science”. he tries so hard to be perfect and statuesque and distant but he isn’t. the statues of him and the constant mask wearing. like he regrets being human too. explodes
i need to see more of his character arc. and also his relationship with aventurine. the kings of putting on a mask to hide their true selves. pleas
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mallowsweetmiri · 8 months ago
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Wetter than Rain ~ Remus
Summary: Remus helps you relax while studying for exams
Warnings: smut, oral
It was a rainy night before exam week, and the library was packed. You could hear the raindrops hitting the glass pane beside you, but you couldn’t afford to be distracted. You were cramming for arithmancy, a subject you regretted taking. You sighed and put your head in your heads. Your brain felt like it was going to explode.
“You look like you need a break,” a voice said from behind you. You jerked up to see Remus leaning on your desk, his left hand trailing behind your ear to push away the hairs from your face. You purred into the touch. Leave it up to Remus to be the biggest distraction of them all.
“I do,” you said, looking back to your papers, “but I really can’t. I still can’t figure out this one problem and if I’m not prepared by Monday, I might fail the class.” Tears welled in your eyes. You had always prided yourself on your schoolwork, and this class was destroying your self esteem. Remus knelt down to look at your face.
“My love,” he said, in a hushed voice, “you won’t be able to study while you’re upset. And besides, you’re forgetting that I’m also in your class. Let me help you, darling. Let’s go back to the dorms.” With that he stood up and offered you his hand. You couldn’t help but let a small smile spread across your face as you took his hand and began packing up your things. He was patient, and his energy calmed you. He was always so composed, always so sure that you were going to do amazing things. You wished you could see yourself the way Remus saw you. He began to lead you out of the library, weaving through the rows of students hovering over their desks in low whispers. Just as you were about the head towards the exit, Remus pulled your hand to the left, dragging you towards the corner of the library behind rows of shelves.
Before you could take a breath, his mouth was on yours. His slender fingers crept their way up your legs as he pinned you helplessly against a shelf, rubbing his thumb softly on your inner thigh. You moaned softly into his kiss, arching your back and urging him to continue. The soft rain drowned out any thoughts of sanity as Remus reached further under your skirt. He hadn’t broken your kiss when he reached your panties, lightly brushing his slender fingers against your heat, earning a gasp from you. He teased you, brushing his fingers from your core back down to your leg, all while using his tongue to deepen your kiss. Your brows furrowed on your face, but this time not from stress. Your mouth hung wide open as he began to move behind your ear, then down your neck to your sweet spot. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from moaning out loud.
“Rem, can we please go back to your dorm,” a thought of clarity hit you as your underwear began to soak clean through. He hummed into your neck and let out a merciless chuckle.
“We can go back when it’s time to study, but first I need to help my girl relax,” he breathed out in a husky voice. You could’ve came by just listening to him talk. But alas, Remus wouldn’t let that happen. Before you could register what was happening, he had dropped onto his knees and buried his head under the pleats of your skirt. As if he’d down this a hundred times before, (he had), he moved your panties to the side and pressed his lips onto your clit. You gasped before stuffing your mouth with the back of your hand. At least the rain kept a steady noise in the library, or else you were sure the laps of his tongue could be heard. He didn’t begin slow, and his tempo hardly changed as his hand gripped your backside, hungrily pulling you into his face. You were having a hard time balancing as he used his full strength to keep you latched onto his mouth, his tongue merciless as he lapped at your clit, and then down into heat where he greedily drank you like amortentia. You were close, and he could feel you begin to twitch around his tongue. He moved his lips back up to attack your bud, and filled you back up with his long finger, pumping and in an out of you as your walls began to clench tighter.
“Please- Merlin, Remus I’m going-”
He hummed with permission as his pressure increased on your pussy. Your head fell back into the shelf with a thud as you shuddered and came onto his face, your legs buckling as you rode out your high. His arms held you up in support as he emerged from under your skirt with a glossy chin and a smile.
“Do you feel better?” He asked cheekily as he kissed your thigh. You smacked him atop his head.
“You couldn’t have taken me back to the dorm?” You stood there panting, leaning your hands on his shoulder for support. He stood up and straightened out your skirt.
“Im sorry, I couldn’t help it. I was famished,” he gave a cheeky grin before kissing your forehead and grabbing your bag off the floor, “Now c’mon, dove. Time to study.”
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bunni-v1 · 3 months ago
I’m working on my Lighter nsfw headcannons right neow buttttt I have to get this off my chest.
Lighter is a manhandler, I just know it in my soul and in my heart. There’s nothing more fun to him then pushing and pulling his partner into whatever position he need them to be in. It’s even better that he has the strength to back it all up.
He’ll pin you down on the couch or the bed or the floor or whatever surface is closest and stretch you to you limits. One minute you’ll be face down getting your ass pounded like no tomorrow, then the next you’re flipped on your back and he’s pushing your legs past your head so he can fuck you deep.
He’s especially rough if you play fight with him and get him all worked up. You’re sooooo cute punching at his chest and squirming around underneath him, he can’t help but haul you over his shoulder and toss you on the bed <3 It’s your fault anyway, it’s not like you actually thought he’d let you win, right? You’re so cute~
God help him if you try and pushback when he spread your legs or pushes you down into the mattress. The only thing he loves more than manipulating your body is you thinking you have a chance to stop him from getting what he wants. Don’t make him tie you up now… he might just do it anyway. He loves when you’re all helpless.
And fuucck he does this thing where if you’re not looking at him he’ll grab your face and make you. “Focus on me baby~” UGHHHHHH HES SO HOTTTTT PUT ME DOWNNNNN
Anyway, that’s all I have class to go to now but I thought I’d share the thoughts of a simple whore <3
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year ago
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The Ones Who Live | 1x03 - Bye
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badnewswhatsleft · 2 months ago
i only recently found out that patrick WORKED at the borders he and joe met at and you're telling me he was a BARISTA too??!!?!?!?! (/nm for the record i just feel like so many revelations since the fated 2001 meetcute...23 year old lore drops...)
YEA OMG it's the best piece of info ever. at about 6mins in this vid he talks about his past odd jobs and mentions borders !!
"i worked at borders in the, uh, café. i made uh - i made coffee." DID YOU NOW. SWEETHEART🥰
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deerspherestudios · 3 months ago
Hii im from Indonesian I got a little question for you, after playing mushroom oasis and astronought I’m just curious why are you using Indonesian language, mawar : rose and bidadari/malaikat : angel ? Like don’t get me wrong it’s pretty rare (or maybe I rarely saw it) people using Indonesian language as for reference
I also really like the way you make a characters it’s very detailed :0 I very enjoy reading your blog’s
I've never mentioned it but I'm actually from SEA! I don't wanna mention which country specifically but it's easy enough to figure out. It's just for fun and flavor using words from a language I'm familiar with!
And thank you! Part of the reason they're so detailed (I assume you meant in terms of personality, backstory, etc!) is because people send me fun questions to ponder about and it's really helped flesh out my characters!
On a side note, I know I've sprinkled in some Spanish too but sadly I don't speak it. I do think it's a beautiful language, but I hesitate to use it without understanding it properly.
The one full line I've ever used that Atom says in Astronought is from a song (Waltz in E-major, Op. 15 "Moon Waltz" by Cojum Dip), so I assume the phrase is correct!
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rafayelsgf · 5 months ago
begging vs demanding
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 237
“Wait, so, Captain Marvel is like, three?” 
Said hero pauses as he nearly passes by a cracked door, creeping slightly closer despite it being more than a little rude to eavesdrop. All of the gods were insistent, which he could say no to, but Billy was giving him the equivalent of puppy eyes, which they all knew he was weak to. 
He? They? Marvel was technically an amalgamation of the past champions, currently split between six beings, though nowhere near equally. Billy was and would be the chosen champion- pure of heart to be able to resist the Gods’ bullshit- but he had chosen a team himself, which honestly Marvel approved. 
“What the fuck do you mean by that, Hal?” 
He didn’t move from the corner, head tilting slightly at Green Lantern’s and Green Arrow’s words. Billy, not physically there, not really, wiggled down from his shoulder, passing through the wall like a ghost invisible to all but him. 
Well, him and the Gods, but Mercury’s words were muffled, nearly silenced by Solomon at the moment, so he was probably attempting to wax poetic about Flash again in a way that little ears shouldn’t hear. 
“I mean, Marvel mentioned he was created three years ago, right?” 
Ah. Marvel had meant that the newest Champion had been chosen, but well, he supposed that the team didn’t have all the information, as Solomon pointed out. And he was pretty sure that Billy was mostly in control at that point- it could get confusing with the hive-mind but not-hive-mind. It was hard to explain to those not apart of it. 
But they had to go now, Fawcett called, and it wasn’t like Billy could leave it for long. Chances were nothing would come from this anyway. 
Why does this feel like the intervention videos Billy showed them all. 
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sunreys · 1 year ago
hm! I do wonder why augustus has decided to read a statement from the 1800s! Could it perhaps possibly perchance have to do with the fact that the third voice trapped in the computer is in fact a body hopping immortal eye avatar from the 1800s whose name rhymes with shmona shmagnus? PERCHANCE.
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finngualart · 4 months ago
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lord, make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred, let me sow love where there is injury, pardon where there is doubt, faith where there is despair, hope where there is darkness, light and where there is sadness, joy
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