#ill explain tomorrow <3< /div>
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saltnsugarbear · 3 months ago
guys hold me to the promise that I'm going to get a JAW magnet for my fridge when I get my own place (specifically the spoon one)
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autism-corner · 25 days ago
fuckkk theyre geeking out
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courtillyy · 21 days ago
projects actually can be fun how about that ?
#astro talks#dude if i had been in ritalin when writing my stranger things fic... my goddd#i literally only finished (after many breaks) bc i had such love for it. like an immense connection to it and just coudlnt let it end badly#but it brought me so much mental pain just to do it. and i ddint understand !!#dude.... yeah.#choosing the icon for the sideblog now :) gonna use one of chilleds emotes#like i dont want to show bias but like pr1 kinda does have him at the center. if not just for a way to explain how theyre all associated#also if i was showing bias i would do speedy lol#its a dinosaur with his hat and a love heart. felt appropriate for a shipping thing#and ill like make the blog pinned page. and start on teh submission form#which ill try to have out tomorrow#and then maybe a week? or two of submissions?#maybe open ended for a bit.#but yeah my dudes this is happening ! hell yeah :)#and i have most of my little degrassi fic done for today#its just kinda vibes and thoughts but that can be ok#and i might have smth up tmr for it. but bc i have changed it to aprox a fic a day#i can skip if needed. we will see :D#hell yeah !#dude being on disability benefits can kinda make u feel like a useless piece of shit to the world#(or at least it has for me at times. but rn. i just feel really good about myself and thats so nice)#god u read about how undiagnosed/unmedicated adhd ruins ppls lives... but like wow#i assumed even if i did have adhd. it woudlnt be that big of a deal. bc i have all my other shit as well. but dude no.#it was so much more debilitating than i could have known#anyways <3 projects yay :)
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tkbrokkoli · 2 years ago
need a document until thursday but i havent heard back yet and if i don’t have it until thursday i won’t be accepted into that course of study 🙃
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nectarinegirl · 5 months ago
Save a 3 month olds life!!
I am writing this post on behalf of Israa @nasseer220 who is fundraising to support her, her two children, and her father. Here is a previous post explaining her circumstances. She has two critically ill people to support, her father, who has cancer and recently had a stroke, and her 3 month old daughter Enaam, who has hepatitis, and has recently taken a turn for the worse, and needs urgent liver surgery. This surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, and they need $1700 USD to pay for it. Enaam was born during the genocide, and it is all she has known. This surgery will allow her to keep fighting for her life, so that one day she will know a life outside of the genocide. Yesterday, we raised most of the amount needed for Enaam's surgery. This is great! I cannot thank you all enough for your generosity! However, we are not quite at the goal yet. I know we can raise the money Israa needs to save her daughters life. Continue to donate and share, we cannot let Israa and Enaam down.
Make sure to get your donation matched by @musicfren
Tagging people under the cut, message me if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
@neptunerings @socalgal @robotpussy
@rhubarbspring @duncebento @wotsukai
@bulliness @intersectionalpraxis @imjustheretotrytohelp
@nbblacksheep @deepspaceboytoy @strangeauthor
@lafemmemacabre @toesuckingoctober @heritageposts
@dlxxv-vetted-donations @fading-event-608 @sayruq
@omegaversereloaded @capricornpropaganda @hoodhinata
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sugarushwriting · 3 months ago
cherry popper —
sunghoon x reader
getting your cherry popped by your enemy
mature content featured, read at your own discretion
note: i know i know i said a writing schedule but this is my issue — i just want you all to read what i have planned so bad! i’ll start the schedule soon, ignore my last updated post
“you are infuriating!” you screeched, stomping your foot to the ground like a child.
“no, you are!”
“for goodness sake, you both are infuriating!” your professor interrupted your arguing with park sunghoon.
your worst enemy since middle school. now both ready to graduate university soon, nothing has changed.
you and sunghoon turned to your professor with looks of disgust towards one another. your professor has had you both in her classes for 3 semesters as you both shared a major.
“i’ve dealt with you two for too long! always arguing before, after, and during my lectures! you two can’t even stop bickering long enough to enjoy this nice class trip!” the professor rambled.
“professor, i really was trying to enjoy this trip—,” the professor cut you off
“no you haven’t! any given moment you started an argument with mr. park, knowing he will argue back. you two leave me no choice, you are to stay here in your rooms at the hotel, my assistant will be staying on the floor if you two need anything. he’ll most likely try to find a bonding exercise for you two.”
“if we stay here, that means we miss the exhibits!” sunghoon exclaimed, dark bushy eyebrows furrowed in confusion, hurt, and anger towards you.
the professor shrugged. “hopefully it’ll teach you a lesson like i teach my children.” she scolded, waving her finger at both of you.
you and sunghoon stood in the hallway of the hotel dumbfounded that you would be missing the exhibit you both were so excited to view. three months you’ve been waiting for this trip!
you groaned in annoyance, “you just have to ruin everything, huh?”
sunghoon turned to you wide eyed, “me? you’re the one always starting shit between us two!”
“you could just ignore me.” you shrugged trying to place the blame all on him.
“ignore you? i’ve tried, and you never let it go. you keep pestering like an annoying little bug until i reply to you.”
your lip turned up, “listen here you little—,”
“finish that sentence and i’ll ask the hotel to make you clean toilets.” your professors graduate assistant snapped.
you and sunghoon turned around to face the young guy who couldn’t be more than 3 years older than you.
“faked being ill because my girlfriend happened to come down to the city to see me. haven’t seen her in four months as we live apart,” the assistant began explaining, “but now i have to babysit two annoying little young adults who can’t get along for nothing!”
“man, you don’t have to babysit us. we can care for ourselves.” sunghoon stated.
“and risk you two sneaking off?” the assistant shook his head.
you crossed your arms, “so what do you want us to do?”
“the hotel is low on staff in the kitchen. they just need help with dishwashing and putting together cutlery.”
“no way! i don’t want my fingers to turn into raisins!”
“that’s why gloves were invented, cherry.”
you narrowed your eyes, ready to stab sunghoon if you could, especially at the nickname he’s given you for the past year.
“you two, kitchen, now. you can go to your separate rooms afterwards. don’t snitch on me, help the kitchen out, and i’ll tell the professor you two got along well enough to be able to join in on the activities tomorrow.”
“deal.” both you and sunghoon agreed.
it was all going well—decently well for you and sunghoon until you dropped a plate in the sink, causing the water to splash both you and him.
he splashed water back, so now you and him were banned from dishwashing and instead wrapping cutlery for future hotel guests.
about an hour later, you both were only half way done through the giant bucket of clean dishes.
“this is exhausting!” you sighed. “my neck is starting to hurt.”
“stop whining and just keep going.” sunghoon replied quietly.
“what’s got your panties in a twist?”
sunghoon dropped the fork and spoon he was holding. “mhm, i don’t know, maybe you? always starting arguments with me.”
“you’re the one who started it, park sunghoon.”
“when did i ever start? you are the one who started it back in middle school.”
“middle school? sunghoon, i never even talked to you in middle school until that day you said my hair bow was ugly.” you reminded him.
that’s when sunghoon became your enemy. maybe for a stupid reason, but as a young girl, you had tried a new hair style with a hair bow after your mom made you get a hair cut, that the salon butchered.
you were insecure about it for a while, but it only really unsettled you when sunghoon came up to you one day during lunch telling you that your ‘hair bow was ugly, and nothing can make your hair look pretty again.’
since then, you’ve always sought out to ruin park sunghoon. whether it was getting better grades, to become top of the class. becoming class president so he’d be class vice president.
or even childish things like a whoopie cushion, taking a picture of him picking his nose in private, and even starting arguments over small things.
but the biggest would have to be when you started dating his friend second to last year in high school, you two only ending the relationship a little over a year ago.
kang taehyun.
it was a sneaky move to date your enemy’s friend. but it worked in your favor as just your presence annoyed sunghoon. he started to dislike you even more then.
but it wasn’t like sunghoon and taehyun were best friends, they just happened to be in the same friend group.
sunghoon remembered the day he called your hair bow ugly. he actually didn’t think it was ugly, but he was upset about what he overheard you and your friends at the time saying about him.
then when sunghoon found out you were actually dating taehyun, he couldn’t believe it. he would tease you and only bring it up to taehyun the reasoning for you to date his friend was to annoy him.
sunghoon used to hate seeing you around all the time when he just wanted to be with his friends. he especially disliked whenever taehyun would be too handsy with you.
“i only called your hair bow ugly because you and your friends made fun of me.” sunghoon sighed deeply. his lips went into a thin straight line as he went back to his deep thinking, focused on wrapping the silverware.
you looked at him surprised and confused. “sunghoon, when did my friends and i ever make fun of you?”
sunghoon sighed once more, wanting to forget the whole incident, but knew now was probably a good, but very late time to confront you about it.
“i overheard you all laughing at the fact i was a figure skater at the time, and said something about me being feminine.”
you stood there, too much in shock. your brain racked old memories and conversations, trying to remember that exact time. as you stood and stared, sunghoon continue on with the kitchen chore.
then it hit you, and you slightly chuckled. “sunghoon, we weren’t laughing at you. we were admiring you. the fact you was a boy doing figure skating? we were so impressed! and the feminine thing was a compliment, i promise! i swear as young girls we were jealous because you had a nice body we were jealous of at the time.”
sunghoon snapped his head toward you, observing you for any chance of a lie. he saw none as you stood there and smirked.
“you really called my hair bow ugly, to upset me, because you misheard my conversation with my friends?”
sunghoon scoffed, “well i mean, as a young boy, it was hard enough being a figure skater. i was just, don’t know, very introverted and shy.”
which he still was most times.
“you aren’t introverted or shy around me, sunghoon.”
“because i can’t be. you drive me up the wall on my nerves.”
you laughed. sunghoon liked the sound. he always did.
then he asked, “did i really hurt your feelings by saying your bow was ugly?”
you nodded. “yes you did. that started a war.”
“a war between us that i think we can now end?”
after another hour, you all were close to finished when the kitchen staff let you go. rubbing your neck, you complained, excited to shower and just lay around for the rest of the night.
it was only 6 in the evening, and the exhibit went on until 9 pm, and you both were sure the professor and classmates would be off doing their own thing for the rest of the night as curfew wasn’t until 1 am.
“wanna watch a movie?” sunghoon asked, startling you. “i mean, there’s nothing else going on for us, and we could, maybe, keep each other entertained?”
you shrugged. “sure. just let me shower first. my room or yours?”
“mine. my friend and roommate, heeseung, snuck in some beer.”
you smiled. “perfect.”
half an hour later, you both were showered, in comfy clothes, and in sunghoon’s hotel room, sitting on the couch at the end of the beds watching a movie.
two drinks in, sunghoon was feeling bold. “why did you date taehyun?”
being caught off guard, you slowly turned your head, then tilted. “uh, why?”
“did you only date him because of me? to make me mad or jealous?”
“more to make you mad.” you teased with a wink.
“well congrats, you made me both mad and jealous by dating my friend.” sunghoon snickered, sipping his bottle of beer. he was no where near drunk or even tipsy. just a bit of extra courage running through his veins.
it was him watching you out of the side of his eye that got him this way. your laugh, your smile, the smell of you, so intoxicating.
you were more shocked and confused than ever. “sunghoon, what?”
sunghoon leaned down to look at your face, “taehyun used to bitch and moan that he could never get in your pants. that you would tease him, only willing to dry hump with him.”
you swallowed but rolled your eyes as well. taehyun always did complain that you never let him have sex with you. it never really bothered you.
taehyun knew you were a virgin. what he didn’t know was that whenever you thought about finally being intimate with him, all you thought about what sunghoon. all you could see was sunghoon. your thoughts were consumed of sunghoon whenever you thought anything sexual.
“why wouldn’t you have sex with your boyfriend, cherry?”
“why do you call me cherry?”
“answer me first.” sunghoon placed the bottle on the floor bedside him so he could turn his body to face you once more.
“uh, well i just didn’t want to have sex with him.” you shrugged one shoulder.
“why not?”
“eh eh, i answered you, your turn.” you tsked.
sunghoon bit his lower lip, staring at your lips as he replied, “because of that cherry lip gloss you always wear.”
you were wearing it now. not only did it look good against your skin, it tasted good too, whenever you got your nervous antics and chewed on your lip.
sunghoon always observed you putting that cherry lip gloss on your lips. it started with the cherry chapstick in high school, but just a little over a year ago you started wearing the cherry lip gloss.
“now answer me.” sunghoon demanded.
you took in a deep breath wondering how much or little to tell him. “well,”
“—was it because he wasn’t me?” sunghoon interrupted, your eyes going wide.
“sunghoon, no, what would give you that idea?”
“he told me he heard you calling out another guy’s name while playing with a toy of yours. he looked at me with anger and disbelief as if i had something to do with it.”
your eyes still wide, mouth shaped into an ‘o.’ you laughed nervously waving sunghoon off, “ah, he probably misheard me, that’s all.”
“i don’t believe you cherry.” sunghoon stated, standing up from the couch only to stand directly in front of you. eye level now with his crotch, you looked at him with innocent and confused eyes.
sunghoon stopped you mid sentence just by his thumbs hooking to the hem of his sweats, only pulling them down a little, teasing to pull out his cock.
“have you only kissed and dry humped him? what else have you done with him while thinking of me?” sunghoon clicked his tongue.
you shook your head. “sunghoon you’re mistaken!”
“sucked taehyun’s dick while thinking of me? mhm, even dry hump him thinking and wishing it was my lap you were rocking against?”
each sentence, sunghoon leaned in closer, mouth inches from yours. he could smell the cherry lip gloss of yours. excited to taste it finally.
you closed your eyes because—it was the truth. all of it. you blurted, “i never had sex with him because i’m a virgin!”
sunghoon chuckled, raising to his full height again. with a smirk, “mhm so my cherry was waiting to get her cherry popped by her enemy.”
you tightened your legs closer together for friction, but also to prevent yourself from becoming any wetter at just his words.
your movement didn’t go unnoticed from sunghoon. he got down on his knees in front of you. “has my cherry thought about getting ate out from her enemy? have you imagined it was me instead of taehyun going down on you?”
you shook your head, wanting to not believe this was happening. it wasn’t until you felt sunghoon’s teeth bite your thigh through your own bottoms, you snapped your eyes open.
“what was that for!”
sunghoon laughed, “be honest baby.” then, you nodded. “guess i’ll have to make your imagination become reality, huh?”
quick and easy, he got your bottoms off of your legs, and used his thumb to tease your clit through your underwear. a wet spot already beginning to form.
sunghoon’s eyes sparkled with neediness and excitement. he got up from his knees, you internally protesting, until his lips captures yours into a searing kiss.
he whispered against your lips, “so tasty, cherry,” as he continued to intensely work his lips against yours, loving the cherry lip gloss against his own lips.
he soon fell back to his knees, kissing up your right thigh before he moved your underwear to the side, poking his index finger to your cunt. he was met with tightness and some resistance, but only because it was a new feeling, new fingers for you. long, fingers to be exact.
sunghoon poked his index finger in your hole, followed by his middle finger, your legs opening wider for him, head rolling to the back of the couch with a groan. your hands gripped the couch, fingers digging into the cushions.
sunghoon then added a third finger, his ring finger, and your right leg went to hook over his shoulder, him holding your left wide open for him.
it was so much you wanted to snap your legs closed. sunghoon rocked his fingers in and out a few times, until your wetness covered his fingers, and he pulled out, quickly undressing you of your underwear. but just as quickly as his fingers were gone, it was replaced with his tongue and lips.
“sung—hoon!” you sang into a moan, left hand gripping his locks.
he moaned into your cunt, lapping up the juices you had to offer to him, occasionally using his k-9 teeth to nibble on your folds and clit. when his lips found home onto your clit, using his tongue to swirl, teeth to nibble, three of his fingers entered back into your cunt, no warning or teasing. he began rocking his fingers in and out in a medium pace, his tongue flicking your bud.
your chest and stomach began to tighten, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, head rolling onto the back of the couch from left to right. he removed his lips, fingers still, only to spit on your cunt, and got right back to work as if he didn’t pause to begin with.
this orgasm was about to be intense. taehyun never gave you mind blowing head like this. he was always decent, though. but sunghoon’s tongue was magic and had you coming way too soon.
“hoon!” you moaned loudly, hoping no one outside the door could hear you. “i’m—hoon, i—come—my goodness!” you babbled.
sunghoon used only his tongue while you came down from your first orgasm of the night.
your body jerked from the overstimulation, you pushing sunghoon’s head away.
“taste so good, cherry. better than i imagined.” he whispered once again, against your lips, before kissing you, his tongue poking through to find yours.
while kissing him, sunghoon grabbed you by your thighs so he picked you up and held you, turning around so he sat on the couch with you straddling him.
your wetness immediately started to stain his sweats, but he didn’t care. “hump me, cherry.”
“like this?” you asked. he wanted you to hump him? you bare below, him with his sweats?
you squealed when a palm of his came down to your bare ass. “it wasn’t an option, cherry.”
you nodded, biting your lip, as you began to rock your hips back and forth and in circles around his cock which was imprinting through his sweats. your cunt could feel the outline of him, getting wetter with each movement.
soon, you were on your way to your second orgasm. sunghoon’s hands gripped your waist, guiding your movements as you became more sloppy, only worried about reaching your second orgasm.
“that’s it cherry, use me like you’ve always wanted.” fuck sunghoon’s words were not (but was) helping.
your hands gripped his shoulders, trying to steady yourself as your movements increased as your orgasm was approaching.
your thighs started to become wet from your own juices, a big spot covering sungoon’s outline.
sunghoon pulled you closer as you came, he began sucking and kissing your neck, sending you over the edge even more.
your movements slowed down, as his hands stayed glued to your hips. your breathing became heavy against his collarbone, you giving it a peck, leaving a lip mark.
you’ve had two orgasms, sunghoon none. you leaned back to look sunghoon in the eyes. “what about you coming?”
sunghoon’s lips perked up, “cherry, i’ll come, don’t you worry.”
sunghoon from underneath, pulled down his sweat pants, your thighs and cunt somewhat hovering over him. you felt his tip brush against your folds, your body shivering with excitement.
you only hoped your toys prepared you enough for this moment. sunghoon pushed his sweats off as far as he could, down to his ankles. his shirt came off next, along with yours, leaving you both completely naked.
“cherry, i hope you used a dildo big enough.” he stated as he pulled a condom out from between the couch cushions. you were to entranced to even comment on that.
you bit your lip, “i hope so too, hoon.” you sighed against his lips, kissing him, as he helped you ease down on his hard cock after he put on the condom.
you bit down on his lip when he fully pushed you down on his length, a loud moan coming from you both.
“fuck, so tight cherry.” sunghoon groaned, head leaning back against the couch. “those toys did nothing to prepare you for me.”
you stayed still, both in a comfortable position. “i’m scared to move.”
“just go slow, okay?” sunghoon’s fingertips ran up and down your spine to comfort you. with a sigh of pleasure, you lifted your hips to the tip only, to slowly push back down.
you were sure you felt him in your stomach. slowly, you kept a rhythm of up and down on his length, occasionally rocking your clit forward for friction.
soon your thighs were starting to tense and become tired. “hoon, can—can you take over please?” you sighed against his cheek, nose resting in his neck.
without even removing himself from in you, sunghoon stood up from the couch, your wetness dripping in between the both of you. he carried you over to his bed, your legs wrapped around him.
he laid you on the bed, again, never slipping from inside you. his hand found one of your hips, the other resting against your cheek.
“let me know if it’s too much.” sunghoon stated before he pulled out completely only to push back with such force, your cunt squelched, your eyes shutting, a loud moan leaving your lips.
“fuck! sunghoon!”
you wasn’t expecting that. but honestly, you wasn’t expecting or even wanting him to be gentle.
for the next however long, which felt like hours, sunghoon rutted his cock in and out of your cunt with ease, your wetness spilling out on your thighs and his.
his thumb came down to your clit, rubbing left, right, up, and down, stimulating you just right to bring you to your third orgasm of the night.
“that’s it cherry, baby come on my cock. come on your first cock. fuck!” sunghoon moaned. “such a dirty slut thinking about your enemy while with that ex of yours.”
“hoon—sorry,” you apologized for no reason at all. why was you apologizing?
“wanted me to be the one to pop your cherry? got your wish.” sunghoon sighed, his pace of thrusts speeding up and becoming sloppy as he was chasing his first orgasm. “fucking whore thinking of me while playing with your toys. imagining it was me eating you out. kissing you. all while with—,”
with a loud, explosive moan, you cut sunghoon off as you came for the third time. no squirting involved, but you did have so much wetness dripping out of you, anyone could be mistaken.
sunghoon released into the condom with a low, throaty, growl-like moan, collapsing on top of you before rolling off.
sometime in the middle of the night, you heard hush whispers. you didn’t move an inch, only somewhat, subconsciously listening.
“sorry man, i can ask her to leave?”
“absolutely not! i’ll go bunk with her roommate for this trip. once i tell her why i need somewhere to sleep she will be more than thrilled.”
it was heeseung, coming in after 3 am. once he saw you and sunghoon in the same bed, he didn’t even ask questions, only smiled.
about damn time you two fucked the anger out of one another.
sunghoon crawled back in bed next to you, your body only covered by a shirt of his. sunghoon stared at your sleeping figure with a smile.
you were finally his.
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twipsai · 2 months ago
Professor Tori (aka "pink-haired lady") and everything we know about her
i havent seen any posts compiling everything about Tori yet, so consider this a masterpost of sorts for her.
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march 24th, 2022, Tailstube #4 released with this graphic, showing a handful of npcs from Sonic Unleashed (and explaining how mobians/anthros/whatever usually live on islands and humans usually live on continents). one person stuck out, being the pink-haired lady behind Professor Pickle
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as far as i know, this is all we knew about her for over two years. there was some speculation she was going to be in Frontiers, but obviously that wasnt true.
flash forward to december 10th, 2024 -- a clip of Shadow's introduction for Sonic Movie 3 is released, with a familiar face in the background...
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yep, there she is! interestingly, she wasnt in this shot in the trailer that had this exact scene in it. they mustve added her in later for... some reason...? additionally, you can see text on the screen shes on.
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the english text reads "12.30.24.START!" (tomorrows date, at the time of writing this), and the japanese text; プロフェッサートリィ, reads "Professor Tori" (or Torii, or Tory... ive heard there are a lot of different ways to translate it)
a name that starts with a T, with no additional context behind the character themself? well, that sounds an awful lot like --
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the... note?? inside the front cover of Gerald Robotnik's journal???? sure enough checking the japanese translation of this note its explicitly signed by Tori (or Tory, depending on who you ask)
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this is just about where the clues abruptly stop. anything else beyond here gets more into the speculation category. its also worth mentioning that Ian Flynn stated around the time she was first seen that "her inclusion is a tease" (source), so it wasnt a case of accidentally throwing old concept art in somewhere, it was a deliberate teaser for something coming in the future. apparently something coming tomorrow, if the movie clip is to be believed.
if im missing something, let me know! ill add it in with a reblog or edit the post depending on what it is!
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autism-corner · 6 months ago
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bkgml · 2 years ago
actually my fav trope it’s an illness 🙈
*incoming call from kirishima*
is the notification lighting up your screen.
it’s 3am, is what the clock is telling you as you crack an eye open while groaning.
“fuck.” you whine as you grab your phone, sliding your thumb to the answer button.
“hello?” you croak, still tired from sleep.
you hear an uneasy sigh from the other line.
“uhm. hey yn. it’s kirishima.” he says.
you can hear the urgency in his voice even though he’s desperately trying to hide it.
“hi kirishima. why are you calling me?” you say as politely as you can for it being 3 in the morning.
“i know it’s late, i’m sorry. bakugou got in an accident, it’s bad.” he says and your heart drops.
“that sucks, i’m sorry. we’re broken up though. so uh… what does this have to with me?” you ask timidly.
“is that her? let me fucking talk to her!” you hear the voice of your ex boyfriend in the background.
“i don’t want to talk to him.” you say calmly.
you hear a sigh from the other end followed by a ‘hang on’.
“i know. the situation is complicated though, can you let me explain?” he asks and you can hear the pleads in his tone.
you pause before speaking.
“…alright fine.” you breathe.
“thanks. bakugou man im going in the bathroom for a second!” he calls to katsuki.
you hear rustling and shouting before the click of a doorknob.
“okay. he needs you.” he says slowly, cautiously.
“kirishima-“ you frown.
“i know.” he cuts in.
“we got attacked by villains today and he got hit with a memory loss quirk.”
“so… what does he remember?” you whisper.
“pretty much everything important. except…”
you stay silent while you wait in anticipation for his response.
“the breakup.”
your breath hitches.
“kirishima, open the fucking door! i need to talk to her!”
you can hear the pounding.
the pounding on the door.
along with the pounding of your heart in your ears.
“yn. he needs you. i know this is awful to ask of you. we don’t know how long this will last and in his mind, the love of his life is refusing to see him after he’s been injured. please come. please.”
the pounding continues.
“yn! baby, can you hear me? what did i do?? just let me talk to you. kirishima let me talk to her!”
he’s pleading through the door. like he was on your last night together.
“fuck. fine. i’ll be there in ten but i want all of you to delete my number after this.” you say as you rip the covers off your body in annoyance.
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you walk up the stairs of your ex boyfriends apartment building, where you left your heart six months ago.
you knock on the door and kirishima half opens it, restricting you from bakugou.
“hey. thank you for this.” he says, quietly.
you switch your weight on your feet and glance at you hands.
“yeah… what do i need to do exactly?” you sigh.
kirishima clears his throat awkwardly.
“well. knowing him he will probably kick me out so it’ll just be the two of you. since he has no memory he’ll probably act however he would after a fight with you.” he replies.
“so he’s going to kiss and hug me?” you frown, raking a hand through your hair.
kirishima sighs before the two of you hear loud footsteps, barreling towards you.
“baby?! hey, what did i do? hm? come inside.” bakugou mumbles out, reaching for your arms.
you smile weakly before you’re being pulled into the apartment by your wrist.
he brings the two of you to sit on the couch and you look at kirishima.
“act natural!” he mouths to you.
“hey, suki.” you softly say, nickname foreign on your tongue.
“did we get in a fight?” he asks.
you gulp, playing with your fingers.
“yeah. kind of.” you reply.
he huffs to himself.
“i cant fucking remember. i still cant. damn quirk should’ve worn off by now.” he glares at his coffee table, arms crossed.
you hesitate but eventually place your hand on his back, rubbing comforting circles into his skin.
he looks at you softly.
“can we fight tomorrow when i remember? just wanna sleep with you.” he whispers, frown present on his face.
you sigh, taking a moment to think to yourself.
“okay, katsuki.” you smile wearily.
he leans forward to press soft kisses to your lips.
you exhale into the kiss, bringing your hand up to cup his face.
he shift to kiss down your neck before nuzzling into it.
“okay guys, i’m still here.” kirishima says awkwardly.
you laugh lightly and katsuki frowns at him.
“are you stayin over?” katsuki asks. he’s familiar with kirishima needing to stay the night after dangerous missions. his own home seeming too empty and dark.
kirishima nods and katsuki stands from the couch, pulling you with him.
“night.” the boys say to each other as kirishima settles on the couch and katsuki pulls you to his room.
you look behind you and kirishima sends you a comforting smile.
as soon as the door shut behind the two of you, you felt katsukis hands under your arms until he tosses you on his bed.
you laugh lightly, your mind feeding you bittersweet memories of moments just like this one.
katsuki crawls up the bed until he reaches your stomach, flopping down onto you and burying his face into your shirt.
“hi.” you say sweetly.
soon your shirt is lifted and he’s pressing open mouthed kisses into your skin.
“hi. ‘m sorry we fought. love you.” he mumbles, lifting himself on his forearms and crawling higher up on your body.
you nod. failing to reciprocate his love.
he frowns and sucks the skin under your collarbone.
“love you.” he repeats again, frown on his face.
“kats-.” you whine, voice breaking.
“what’s going on? was our fight bad?” he soothes, rubbing circles into your cheek with his thumb.
you feel your tears bubble over as you nod.
going to wipe your tears before he could see them. he beat you to it, kissing them away then pressing a warm kiss to your temple.
“it’s over now, yeah?” he asks.
you whimper and tuck your face into his neck.
“i want it to be but when your memory comes back you’re gonna leave me again.” you cry, fisting his shirt while tripping over your words.
he shushes you, bringing a hand to the back of your head and scratching your back.
“it’s okay, sweet thing. we’re okay.” he whispers against your neck.
“just go to sleep, yeah?”
you nod hesitantly and katsuki rolls onto his back with you clinging on.
you cuddle up sweetly on his chest and he scratches your back until you drift off.
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“are we broken up?” katsuki asks shakily.
kirishima turns to see katsuki standing in the doorway.
“uhhhh. i don’t think you and me were ever together.” kirishima laughs uncomfortably.
“you know what i fucking mean.”
kirishima groans, dragging a hand down his face.
“i’m trying to stay out of this.” he frowns.
bakugou clenches his fists.
“i deserve to know.”
“katsuki?” you call from the bedroom.
“you’re telling me tomorrow.” he frowns at kirishima.
kirishima nods in reply and katsuki walks back into the bedroom.
“hi sweets.” he smiles, climbing into bed with you and kissing your neck.
you scratch at the base of his hairline in appreciation.
“why’d you go?” you ask softly.
he knows you’re trying not to sound scared.
even though you both know you were a little tense.
“my memory’s still gone.” he smiles, giving you soft kisses.
“just needed some water.” he says against your lips.
“mmm.” you hum into the kiss, relief washing over you.
“let’s lay down, yeah?”
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“let’s lay down, yeah?”
“i cant.” you sputter, gasping through sobs.
his hands are on your face, wiping your tears with his thumbs.
you shake your head while stepping back, using your hands to push at his chest.
“baby.” he reasons.
“you can’t call me that.” you whine.
“i love you so much, just sleep here with me.” he pleads.
you wrap your hands around his wrists and tug his hand from your face harshly.
“is that you talking? or the commission?” you say coldly.
his face turns solemn, allowing his arms to drop.
“i just want you to be safe.” he whispers.
you fist his shirt.
“you keep me safe.” you cry, tears flowing freely.
he wraps his arms around you, tightly.
“the commission doesn’t think so, sweets.” he replies, his own eyes filling with tears.
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you watch as the love of your life’s memory comes back.
and he watches while yours fill with tears.
you grab onto his shirt with the tightest grip you can muster.
“please don’t go, katsu.” you whimper.
his face morphs into the familiar face that plagues your dreams.
“no.” you plead.
“no. no. no.”
he drops his head so his face is in your neck.
“i need you safe. you’re not safe when you’re with me.” you feel tears on your neck.
“i don’t wanna be safe. i want you.”
he brings his head up to look at you.
“i want you too.” you smile through your tears at his words.
he kisses your cheeks softly.
“but we can’t be together, baby. at least not for now.” he says, pressing his forehead to yours.
the two of your cry together, entangled in each others embraces.
until you fall asleep, dried tears on your faces and his lips on your forehead.
part 2
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amoeganism · 5 months ago
HIIII I just saw your post about your event and thought I'll be silly and request smthing ^_^ ok sooo first time meeting ness ! 😯 (one shot or hc whichever you feel more comfy writing! <3) have a great dayyy (⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠) ♪
aka. how u meet ness aka academic rivals to lovers but ness dont gaf bc hes just trying to #play #ball
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you meet him at quite a young age and share a few things in common
ill fitting school uniforms and the wandering eyes of any child
while you find yourself fascinated by the numbers written on your teacher's chalkboard, ness is folding dinosaurs and stars on pieces of scrap paper, mumbling to himself
you didn't mind him and he didn't mind you
you guys were classmates and that was that
but then middle school came around and you started acting like you had a stick up your ass 24/7 as long as ness was around
like wtf that mf almost never studies why is he at the top of your class...
suddenly you get distracted in classes because you're focused on drawing mini ness figures with fat x's covering his face and devil horns
ness sees this one day after your notebook fell to the ground and at first is like omg!!! cute drawing of me as a fantasy creature but then he was like wait what the fuck why do they have it out for me????
he barely thought about you until then but apparently you've developed a passionate hatred for him just because he scores higher grades
he still has no clue
you are FUMING
so you start studying even more if that's even possible
while you go to your schools library to bust your ass in the textbooks ness goes outside with a ball he managed to shove into his bag and starts kicking it around
ness: :D ball!!!! no school!!! ball :D
after one particularly hard test that you flopped (it was like an 80% be serious) you caved in and asked ness with help studying
he looked at the material and was like man idk it just makes sense
little boy thought you were going to punt him into hell like he does with his football
him, terrified out of his mind and just wanting to go to his football club meeting, sits down and looks at the material
you show him your notes and he quickly explains it but is running late on time
he gives you his number and says hes going to text you help
you went home that day like ???? that dude lied to me he isnt sending me shit ??? before it clicked
he does not text you because he does not have your number... he gave you his number...
so you swallow your pride and shoot him a message, begging for help a second time in the same day and on his end, he laughs at you a little but offers to call
you guys work on the subject for a good couple hours and before you hang up, you offer to study together for future exams because he's admittedly a good teacher
ness is trying to find a way to say "no thanks i don't care about school good luck tho XD ROFL LOLLLLL" but then he realizes that it's going to make his parents trust him a little more
he accepts and you guys go to the library together once a week
he finds that you're actually kind of funny and cool and not just a human bomb that's plotting his death
he tries to be slick about offering to meet more often
"oh... this unit is a lot more difficult than the last one.... you wanna heh.... come back tomorrow? *gulp*"
one day ness told you he was going to try out for bastard munchen and you somewhat knew of them because of ness going on tangents about football
you supported him on it, not realizing it would cut down your weekly meetings
suddenly there was an alexis-shaped-hole in your chest but you didn't want to admit it to him
and for alexis, there was a you-shaped-hole in his chest that he tried to fill by training with kaiser and the rest of bastard munchen
yes, the team was filled with dicks, but none of them had the same foul personality you had!!
texts dvery day checking up on each other but it was nothing like hanging out in person
calls were better but still not the same
as soon as he heard about his first off day, he called you and asked to hang out
you tried to be nonchalant about it but who were you kidding both of you guys wanted to see each other again
although the directions of life the two of you were headed towards were almost polar opposites, being reunited at a stupid library table for the first time in months was all that mattered
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alicechess · 4 months ago
Art x reader part 2
Note: This hasn't been proof read, so my bad if it's not the greatest I smashed this out in like 4 hours. So not the highest quality chapter. I might fix this up at one point, heavy maybe.
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You felt ill after the shift, it could be explained, it absolutely could be, right? Just a coincidence, a man dressing up to be a dick, then point at the plastic ring on your hand because he thought it was amusing, and joked that it was him who gave it. Yeah, just a joke, coincidence. You settled on it being a coincidence. 
As soon as you got home, you took the ring of and but it on your bedside table, you didn't want to wear it, you were meant to Halloween night, but it completely slipped your mind. 
However, that night, you heard on the news he somehow escaped the morgue today, in the morning. The news reporters stated the injuries, and allegedly a few people who work in the medical field said how unlikely it would've been for him to survive. They then stated that the poor mortician was brutally murdered too from him, because of course he had to do it. Does that mean it is possible he came to your work today? If that was him, why? He didn't have any blood, or any visible injuries at least. He moved perfectly fine. 
You shook your head, there was no point in thinking about it. If you saw him again, then it absolutely wasn't a coincidence, as there would be no way to justify it. You then turned the TV off, then went to bed. The thoughts of him stuck in your mind as you laid there, the whole day repeating over in your head. How his attention was stuck on you, why that specific Cafe, and although again, the ring may just be him being a dick and not knowing. It still bothered you, all of that happening within the span of an hour. Eventually you fell asleep, your dreams, of course, had him there too. 
The next morning you awoke in a cold sweat, your heart racing rapidly. Once you glanced around and noticed you were in your room, you felt relief.
Just a dream
Maybe you needed to ignore the news, take a break from social media for a few days or even a week. You had no doubt some people would be talking about stuff, but you just had to hope you wouldn't overhear anything. Maybe it'd be good to take a day off, though you knew your boss would be pissed and so as your co-workers. You've barely taken days off the whole year, maybe 3 at most. 
You decided to send a message to your boss, explaining that you have some family stuff going on, and if you could take the day off tomorrow. 
Hopefully he'd be fine with it.
You started getting ready, after showering
You walked into the door of the Café, the ringing bell irritated your ears. You walked into the back, you had to do a bunch of dishes from last night since one of the other workers had to leave early. Your co-worker spotted then greeted you, "Hey, you look like shit."
You rolled your eyes, "Wow, what a nice way to say good morning Charlie." 
They gave you a cocky smile, "I know I know, I'm wonderful aren't I?"
That damn smile was contagious, "Aww, and I've got you smiling too."
A small chuckle left you, "Yeah yeah, anyway, how longs your shift today? Anyone else in?"
"Uhh, till about 4. I have another job on the side to earn extra. And no, Laurie left about 10 minute ago, she had to leave early as she had an appointment."
"Ew, that's gotta be painful, and god damn it, it would've been nice having a third for today.
"It's painful, but moneys money, world can't go on without it." They sighed, "And I'm trying to save for a new car, the shitbox out there ain't gonna last much longer." They said, taking the eggs out the frypan. "Anyway, can we talk more during our break? Can't have customers complaining."
"Yeah sure, that'd be great actually." They then walked out with the plate of food. 
Your morning was a lot easier to deal with after that interaction, although you hated to admit it, they were annoying at times but you loved them. They were a great friend, and made working a lot easier to tolerate.
You filled the sink and placed the dishes in there, cleaning the least dirty to the most. More and more dishes came, but you tried your best to stay ahead. The dishwasher was going to take forever and only could do a small amount at a time, so this is unfortunately a job that had to be done.
After about an hour, you were close to being finished, and so was the dishwasher. After, you put the dishes away, then went up to your Charlie to check if they needed help with anything.
"To be honest, not really, business is slower than normal, which is a fucking relief." They whispered, so none of the customers could hear. 
"Nice, is Chloe gonna be here soon? It would be nice if she could cover the register, and we can chill in the back."
They shrugged, "Not sure, she's meant to be here at some point today but that's all I know."
You groaned, "Alright, since business is slow should I just sweep and mop now?" 
You heard that cursed bell ring, and you heard a honk. You instantly turned around, wondering what that noise was. 
"What the fuck..." Charlie muttered under their breath.
Your eyes widened, bile rose up in your throat. You stood still for a few moments as you locked eyes with that fucker, then you sprinted towards the staff toilet. You leaned over, the breakfast you ate not longer ago instantly came up. Your throat burned as acid tore at your throat. You clenched the toilet bowl as it kept going. You body shook rapidly from fear and shock.
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
Why is he here, it was meant to be a fucking coincidence. Do I have a murderer stalking me?
You weren't sure what to do, but after about a minute you heard your Charlie running over.
"Hey, hey!" They said crouching down, rubbing your back. "What the hell was that? Are you okay?"
You nodded, "Yeah...." You croakily mumbled, your legs wobbling as you slowly stood up.
"Stay there if you need to, I can handle the front for a bit." 
You shook your head, "I'll be fine, it's fine. Just give me a minute and I'll clean up."
"Look Chloe should be here soon, when she gets here I'll explain you were sick so you had to leave. Got it?"
You rolled your eyes, "I'll be okay, I just got nauseous.-"
"No, you're heading home when she gets here."
You wanted to argue, but you knew it was probably a good idea. You didn't want to see... it again. 
"Fine, can I help just till she gets here?"
"Yeah sure, just don't overwork yourself and let me know if you feel ill again."
You nodded, moving towards the sink to splash water on your face. "Alright, I'm gonna head back, don't rush yourself I can handle it." They patted your back again, then walked off.
You looked down at your shirt, and thankfully there was no vomit. So, you went back to helping Charlie. As soon as you were in the doorway you spotted him, sitting down. "Hey, is it okay if you could pass this to the customer in the clown suit real quick? I just need to prepare another order."
You nodded, trying to not show your fear to them. "Yeah, of course!"
While you walked over, you noticed his eyes were on you. You looked at the floor, knowing it was rude but you were so afraid. You put the pancakes down in front of the clown. "Here's your order... sir." You mumbled, giving a forced smile. As you starting walking away, he beeped the horn. 
"Did you need something?" 
He nodded, gesturing you to come closer.
He looked at your hand, a frown forming on his face. But not a second later is was replaced with that eerie smile. He stared at you as he purposely knocked the plate down onto the floor. It shattered onto the ground. He covered his mouth, giving an exaggerated 'Oops' face. A few customers looked over giving a confused and concerned expression.
Your face turned into a thin line, what the fuck "I'm sorry sir, I'll be back." You quickly muttered, walking to Charlie, "Hey, look I can't do this right now, can you please talk to the clown? I'll do whatever you were doing before. I'm just really uncomfortable around him."
They nodded, noticing you were shaken up. "Yeah that's fine, but what's going on? You look horrified, did something happen?"
You shook your head, "It's nothing, just can you help him?"
"Okay, I'll do that now, you just need to make a strawberry milkshake for table 5 while I deal with the clown."
"Easy." You immediately started to work on it, you scooped the ice-cream, poured the milk and strawberry-flavoured syrup and then blended it. You occasionally heard words from your Charlie while they were trying to communicate with the clown. But of course it went nowhere. As you were pouring the milkshake into a plastic cup, they came up to you. "I have no idea what he wants, he's not responding at all to me. I clean up the mess, but I don't know what else to do. Was he at least responding to you?"
"Yeah, I guess, but I really, really don't want to talk to him. He's... scaring me." You glanced at the floor, feeling embarrassed. 
"It's okay, I'll figure something out. Other customers are starting to feel uncomfortable as well. Fuck, Chloe needs to get here soon."
"Yeah, hopefully, should I contact the boss?" 
They nodded, "Can you contact Chloe first? We need her here soon."
"I'll do that now, I'll try and make it quick." You hurried out to the back again, pulling out your phone. You dialled her number, but it immediately when to voice mail. "What the fuck..." You murmured, trying again. And again. You groaned, then decided to send her a quick message.
Y/n: Hey, are you still coming into work today? 
You hoped she'd read it soon, then you dialled your bosses number. Thankfully, you heard her voice on the other end. 
"Hey, I heard from Charlie that Chloe would be coming in today at some point. What time would she be here? She isn't picking up any of my calls. "
You heard a sigh on the other end, "Give me a moment."
After 15 seconds of rustling sounds, she answered. "Alright, it says she'd be on around 2pm till 8pm. Is she not there?"
"No, she's not. It's 2:30."
You heard another sigh from your boss, "I'll try and contact her, that's all I can do. Is that all you needed?"
"No, I was wondering what to do about a customer. One of them is making me and Charlie uncomfortable. He keeps.... just doing stuff."
"If you want advice I need more details." 
You took a deep breath in, "For one he's in a clown outfit, which in itself isn't bad but it's just how he's acting doing it too. If that makes sense, and he purposely broke one of our plates, and acted like it was all funny. He then wouldn't talk to Charlie, only me. It's just such bizarre behaviour."
"Normally threatening them with the police will cause them to stop, but if he continues call the non-emergency line for the police. That's it."
"Alright, thank you."
"Bye." She said, the line ending.
You walked back to the register to talk to your Charlie. "Chloe was meant to be here at 2. What the fuck do we do? She isn't picking up my calls, she's not answering my messages and the boss just told us to threaten the clown with the police but fuck that I'm not comfortable with it I don't know him and he's scaring-"
"Calm down, you're gonna be okay. This isn't a big deal you'll be fine we can figure this out. I'll talk to him."
You glanced over your shoulder to look at the clown. He was sitting there, his chin resting on his hands, giving you a wink. 
"God fucking damn it." Your muttered under your breath, he waved at you, then gesturing for him to come over again. "He wants me to go over again, what do I do? What the fuck do I do?"
Charlie bit their bottom lip, "I can go over if you like and try again, but I doubt he'll listen."
"Fuck, fine, I'll fucking doing it." You whisper-yelled, immediately going over towards the clown. You noticed most of the customers had left. How had no one called the police yet? Maybe they thought it was someone trying to be funny? 
"Hello sir, is there anything I can help you with?"
The clown told you to stop, raising his pointer-finger. He then went through the garbage bag next to him. You heard the sounds of metal hitting metal, making you feeling almost as sick as before. He pulled out an envelope. You stared at it for a moment, noticing brown splotches over it. It looked like dried blood. You also noticed how there was a bump inside. You were about to place it down, but he gestured for you to open it.
You stared with widened eyes, really not wanting to. "I'm sorry sir... I-"
The clown gestured one more time, a deep frown on his face. You were afraid, so begrudgingly, you open it. And inside was a chunk of blonde hair, with a small amount of dyed-blue strands. You pulled it out and saw a piece of someone's scalp was attached. The blonde hair looked identical to Chloe's. You placed it back down onto the table, stepping back. 
"Why.... what did she do to you?"
You knew what he did. It was obvious. But all you wanted to know is why. Yeah she could be bitchy at times, but she never had bad intentions. Not anything worthy of her fucking dying.
The Clown silently giggled, slapping his knee like it was the funniest joke in the world. He pointed at you, mimicking a horrified look and then continued laughing. 
"Oh fuck this." You muttered, Charlie looked over and saw the terrified look on your face. "Charlie we need to get the fuck out now!" You yelled, grabbing their arm, dragging them into the kitchen. To get out through the front, you would've had to walk past him again, and that was not something that you wanted. 
You shoved them inside and slammed the door shut, locking it. "Grab a knife Charlie." They didn't ask questions, just grabbing it off the bench. The clown was walking over towards the counter, where you'd pass food through to the person at the register. He stood there smiling. 
"Nope, don't look just fucking get out." You urgently said to Charlie, grabbing their arm and leading them to the back door. You unlocked it ran out with them. You rummaged through your pockets and grabbed your keys, your hands shaking as you tried to open the car door. 
"Y/n your tires have been fucking slashed!" 
"Oh for fuck sake!" You yelled, this time they dragged you. You dropped your keys while they pulled you, "My keys!"
"It doesn't matter Y/n! There's a fucking psycho chasing us." 
You followed them, running to the nearest store. You looked behind, noticing the clown was behind, with that fucking garbage bag thrown on it's shoulder. 
As Charlie ran into the store, they yelled to call the police. They didn't care about scaring the workers, they just needed to make sure the both of you were safe. The woman at the register looked confused. They ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind the both of you. They fumbled with their phone, dialling the emergency number. 
"What's your emergency?"
"There's a fucking psycho chasing after us! He's trying to fucking kill us!" They yelled, sounding hysterical. 
"Okay, calm down. Are you safe right now?"
"I think so, we've locked ourselves in a random stores bathroom. We don't know where he is right now."
"Okay, what did he look like?"
"He-he was wearing a black and white clown outfit, like the one from the news!"
"Alright...." The operator said, sounding like they thought it was a prank call, but they still continued.
"What store are you in right now?" 
Charlie turned to you, "Do you know where we ran to?"
You shook your head, "I-I wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry!"
"It's fine." Charlie murmured, "We don't know, but can you guys track the phone?"
The woman sighed, "Yes we can, but if this is a prank call you will be in serious trouble."
"We aren't fucking lying, my fucking car tires were slashed and this fucker gave me an envelope with co-workers scalp in it! Get the damn police here right now or we could get brutally murdered!" You screamed at the operator.
"Please calm down, the police are on their way." The operator said, "Please stay on the line, are you hearing anything outside of the bathroom?"
Charlie spoke up, "No, it's oddly quiet out there, I... I don't know where he is. I don't know if he followed us in or not. We didn't look around."
The only thing you could hear was cars driving by, it was otherwise painfully silent.
"Fuck what happened to Chloe, oh god I hope she's okay. Please Chloe be okay." You whimpered, dropping to the ground. "Fuck I'm sorry Chloe, I'm so sorry." Tears welled up in your eyes, then started streaming down your face.
Charlie knelt down, placing their phone on the tiled floor, "Hey, it's okay, Chloe might still be out there. Probably not in the best condition but still maybe out there." They gently hugged you.
You sniffled, "What if that psycho grabbed my keys, I'm not even going to be safe in my own fucking home." You sobbed, "I didn't even do anything to him!" 
"I know, some people are just messed up, but you'll be okay, I'll make sure of it. No ones going to hurt you." 
Eventually, you heard the police sirens and them shouting. After a few moments they knocked on the bathroom door. You immediately unlocked it, running out. "Did you find him?" You asked, your eyes showing the hope in this being simple, like maybe he was waiting outside or something stupid. But of course, reality didn't work that way. 
"The only people we found were the workers here, I'm sorry." One of the officers said, "Do you have any injuries?"
You and Charlie shook your head.
"Alright, we're going to need to take you in for questioning."
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patchworkcuddlebug · 13 days ago
DONT SUBMIT THIS. this is just where im gonna write down observations and hypothosises hypotheses about the artifact this isnt a formal report. keep this pages seperate from anything you submit to the class
i found it at a non-magical thrift shop. its a single ribbon that was in the toy section, but its too big for a stuffed animal, and it was on a shelf too high for kids to reach anyway. its a simple red colour and you can tell from the wear/bends in the fabric that its meant to be worn in a bow
its SO cursed. i could sense it as soon as i was through the door. something doesnt get that powerful accidentally, unless a witch older than the professors have been using it for over a century. i think it was intentionally enchanted and left for some human sucker
ill read up on class protocol and start experimenting tomorrow
day 1
i scheduled some time in a mannequin room. i double checked everything, the falsified humanity in the mannequin, lack of external contamination, everything seemed fine. after 3 hours of the bow on its wrist, and then its hair, i cant find any registerable enhancements or curses.
my current hypothesis is that there isnt any effect on the wearer. its a false positive enchantement, where all of its energy is going towards appearing powerful instead of actually doing anything
which is a relief cuz according to protocol i can wear it now ehehehe. i was really hoping its be benign because its a really cute ribbon? i was kinda distracted by the magic part but its really nice! it has a fun retro vibe, i love how the colour is just a little faded too. should i wear more ponytails?
day 2
started out by just wearing it on my wrist. i know it probably doesnt make too much of a difference as long as im wearing it at all, but i dunno if it really is cursed i at least dont want it to start by my brain
i dont think there were any effects? maybe its cuz i kept fiddling with it all day so it may have interrupted the connection? most cursed artifacts need a physical connection and if this is an accessory it could be designed for long-term contact. so i guess as long as i take it off every once in a while ill be fine? im still sticking with the false positive hypothesis, just being precautious
i guess i could just talk about my day in case there are symptoms in retrospect? i cant really think of anything negative though. i did a great job focusing in class and i feel like i was really productive. i made some good progress on my term paper and i took really solid notes
i guess i kinda zoned out between classes? it wasnt when i was talking with friends or anything just doing menial stuff like walking around. i wasnt daydreaming or anything it was just like my brain kinda shut off and my body moved on its own. i dont think thats a thing, im probably just on edge and noticing a habit for the first time. nothing to worry about
Day 3
alright. i wore it in my hair today. so far so good?
i experienced the following things that may be symptoms: minor stiffness in the muscles, a greater inclination to formality, and a strange feeling in the wrist (specifically the same one i wore the ribbon on yesterday). the feeling is hard to pin down, its a strange floaty stiffness underneath the skin. it isn't unpleasant, but the asymmetry isnt welcome.
i feel like this is definitely an effect of my wearing it closer to my head, like i suspected the other day. i dont think its enough to warrent taking it off yet. its a very nice ribbon.
Day 4.
I am turning into a doll.
I shouldn't have kept wearing it. I should've taken yesterday as a warning. Now I feel that emptiness spreading and it's spreading way too fast. There's also the... physical transformation.
My left wrist is starting to... it's hard to explain. I can feel the changes happening. There's still skin over my wrist joint but it feels like it's not natural. It's still literally human skin, but it feels as if there's a glove that's growing thinner by the hour. I think before the day is over it'll waste away completely as it slowly corrupts the rest of my hand.
The mental transformation is much more worrying. In the grand scheme of things my behaviour is mostly unchanged. I'm just more... aware of it now. Typically, I naturally slouch, and I've been made more self-aware of this habit to the extent that I need to manually initiate it rather than falling into it unconsciously. It's the same with whenever I notice my attention drifting during lectures, or notice that I'm walking too loosely, or speaking too casually. It may just be that heightened awareness is an aspect of dollhood, or... it's more noticable because it's out of place for a doll to act in such a way. Regardless, I do not feel forced to defy this inclinations yet.
I don't want to write the same way I did before. Looking at how I did before feels... wrong. Inappropriate. i can try and force something more casual but i have to force it, it feels like trying to speak a second language youve only. Excuse me. That you've only just started learning. I want to go back and fix that but I feel like it would undermine my point. It just doesn't feel right, there's something viscerally discomforting about doing that.
I'm very hesitant to reach out about this. Beyond a fear of social repercussion inherent to admitting that a witch is becoming a doll, I'm worried that there will be a serious academic punishment attached to being this callous with a cursed artifact. I'll need to find a student I can trust to reverse this.
Day Five.
Things are getting dire. This I can feel the changes getting harder to resist.
Physically, the transformation has already converted my entire left arm. My wrist, elbow, and most of its my left hand have been changed into a hollow plastic, only movable with exposed joints. This one exp I expected it to feel more harrowing, for the creeping conversion to feel more tangibly uncomfortable, but so far it is... pleasant. Being emptied out always seemed so unwelcome when the older witches described it, but it feels nice to not have the constant pulsing of blood or the strain of muscles. This one likes the noise it makes when it taps agains
I. Me. I do. Me me human person witch.
This is what I mean. It feels like I have to be vigilant to talk like a person, and a single moment's broken concentration is all it takes to give in and become complacent to dollhood.
I need to intentionally break my posture to slouch. This one c I cannot stop my footsteps from being dainty and gentle. During lectures when the professor asks for input from the class, it takes deliberate effort to avoid participation, because good dolls always do as they are told.
I didn't write that. I swear to the stars I didn't write that. It was thinking about what to write next and that thought just... naturally injected itself. Perhaps this one needs to. Perhaps I need to resort to desperate measures and remove the bow. But I... really don't want to. It makes this one look so pretty, like a good doll.
No, no, I'm not a good doll, I don't WANT to be a good doll. I feel like I'm going insane. My humanity is draining by the second and soon there's be nothing left but empty pliability and polite docility. That is a bad thing. I am not excited for that. This one needs to put more effort into finding a witch to break this curse. It wishes it could skip its lectures, but good dolls do as they're t
I. Am. Going to bed.
Day Six.
This one's friends have finally noticed. This one accidentally called one of them "miss" when answering a question, and then the entire secret quickly unravelled. This one needed to use a sweater to hide the transformation reaching its shoulders, and there's a distinctly inhuman texture to this one's face, so it was easy for them to unravel once I gave them reason to be suspicious.
They offered to be the ones to conduct the search for the cure, on the only condition that this one take care of some menial chores to help free time in their schedules. This one feels... a little conflicted. On one hand, it is excited to be closer to its humanity! It cannot wait to feel blood spill through its body, and escape that terrifying feeling of having its brain shut off so it feels nothing but a fluttering emptiness.
This one. Just said "Awawa". Out loud.
It does not want this to progress further. Yes, it feels... very nice to be a doll. But that enjoyment has to be the work of the curse. This one needs to return to its study, it cannot afford to fall behind in the academic arms race. Being a human means having expectations to fulfill, something dolls are too simple and too docile to understand.
This one. Did it. Again.
This is a vacation. Nothing more. It will indulge in its urges to be obedient when doing chores for its friends and then return to developing its magic talent to the greatest degree the curse will allow.
Day Five Hundred and Twelve.
This one was rather surprised to find its notes from before it became. They were tucked away in its closet, with other sentimental items such as certain childhood keepsakes and its government identification. This one figured it would be fun to return to journaling as a hobby.
As can likely be surmised, this one remains a doll. The search for a cure was fruitless and fizzled out naturally due to a lack of investment, both from this one and from Miss. Speaking of, Miss is one of its friends from university, although the word "friend" feels like a shallow means of explaining a doll's relationship with its witch. Its other friends still keep contact and meet up for tea, which this one greatly enjoys catering for.
It feels very silly looking back at this one's humanity, especially given the apprehension it felt towards becoming. In retrospect, the situation being forced upon this one was likely the only way it would have become without years of soul-searching introspection, so it is very thankful to have happened upon such a gift so long ago. Perhaps part of its enchantment was to find the right host?
Part of this one misses that ribbon. It was such a nice colour... but this one feels confident in the decision to return it to the same thrift store it was once found in. It feels excited for the next lucky doll to feel the same joys that this one did. The exhilaration of feeling your body become lighter and more rigid, the stillness slowly overtaking your mind with greater and greater intensity, and of course the pleasure of following one's purpose. Awawawa...
It is late, and good dolls need rest. This one is excited to spend tomorrow night writing about all the joys of serving Miss.
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miumura · 1 year ago
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( 🧸 ) watching movies with your sleepy boyfriend
genre fluff pairing bf!jake x gn!reader warnings none really besides a few kisses word count 0.3K+ ( 337 )
( 🧸 ) HAPPY JAKE DAY!! happy birthday to my ult bias jakeyyy 🫶 !! yk i had to write a little something for my bae <3 ! i could have released something way longer but i was SLACKING! so next time ill try to release a oneshot .. i mean i got a year so 😊🤍 LMAO anyways enjoy <3 !
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"What do you think about the movie so far?" you asked, glancing at your boyfriend, who had his head nestled on your shoulder. Drawing you closer, he wrapped his arms around yours.
"To be honest, I'm on the verge of dozing off," he admitted with a yawn, sensing the weight on his eyelids. "What's the plot at this point? All I caught was the boyfriend cheating... so, what's next?" His drowsy tone never ceased to bring a smile to your face; there was an undeniable charm in his sleepiness that enhanced his already adorable nature.
"Well, after the cheating part, the girlfriend discovers the truth and I think she’s about to confront him," you explained, also trying to also figure out what was happening in the certain scene playing on the TV.
Instead of using words, you could hear quiet hums from him, and he just nodded when you both knew he hadn’t heard a single thing you said. He was just that tired.
"You're so cute," you remarked, looking at his ruffled hair that covered his eyes and his slight pouty lips. Giving him a quick peck on his forehead, you added, "Go to sleep then; we can watch this later together."
"You missed," Jake said in a low tone, leaving you a bit confused. You thought he was so sleepy that he was rambling nonsense in this state.
"What do you mean?" You peered at Jake, who raised his head from your shoulder, holding eye contact with you, attempting to widen his eyes. Swiftly, his lips met yours, and he pulled away after a small peck. “There.”
Returning to his original position, resting on your head, you blushed slightly from that spontaneous moment.
"You really are something else when you're sleepy, Jake."
"Can we just sleep?"
You chuckled softly, "Sure, let's finish this movie tomorrow or whenever you're more awake. Goodnight, Jake."
"Goodnight," he mumbled, already drifting off, leaving you with a warm feeling despite the incomplete movie.
Maybe you two should watch movies more often.
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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evera-era · 1 year ago
heal me. (pt 2)
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ellie williams x fem!reader, pt one here
warnings: fluff, slight angst, mentions of illness, implied suggestiveness, ellie nurses reader back to health, even more fluff
a/n: eeeee yall i redid this chapter so many times but i think i’m finally happy with it. part 3 will be the last one!
Ellie had found herself much more aware of your existence. It’s been a few weeks since your last conversation, and now, her eyes searched for you almost everywhere she went.
Sometimes she would linger on the streets of Jackson — walking home almost agonizingly slow — for a chance to run into you. If she was lucky, she would find you tending to a crying child, or helping someone cross the street. And if you noticed her, too, you’d exchange a small wave.
She was a little embarrassed about it. She told herself that it’s because she has time to pass, and nothing really to rush home to. But she’s never done this before, and deep down she knows the truth.
It was the sound of your voice that surprised her as she was returning from patrol one day.
She quickly turned her head, blinking two or three times before realizing that you were really in front of her.
“Oh, hey.” She says, her eyes illuminating at the sight of you. “How— How are you?”
“I’m good.” You eyed her torso for a moment. “What about you? How are you holding up?”
“I, uh, just got back from patrol. Dropped my horse off.” She explains. “Oh, and um… the cut is almost done healing.”
“That’s great,” You beamed. God, even your smile was alluring.
A sharp wind blows across Ellie’s face, and yours. It tousles your hair that you had so obviously tried to brush down. She can’t explain why, but she thinks you look better this way.
A few people passed by as you stood several feet apart, fidgeting shyly. “I figured it was all good when you didn’t come back to see me.” You added, looking down at the ground.
Shit, She thinks. “Damn, wait, I’m sorry—“
“It’s okay—“
“It’s not that I didn’t want to, I did, I just…” She scratches her head. “Wasn’t sure if it was right of me to go, like, during business hours.”
You found it intriguing how seriously Ellie had taken the matter. And then you think of something funny in your head, and catch yourself laughing a bit. Ellie watches intently.
“So… you’re trying to visit me after hours?” You joke lightheartedly. “Wow. We’re moving fast already.”
“What?” She asks hesitantly. “Fuck, that was weird, wasn’t it? That’s not what I meant—“
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” You say quickly, taking in the way she looks when she blushes. It was cute. “Don’t worry about it, really.”
Ellie scoffs, taking a moment to catch her breath. Her heart had stopped for a second there.
“But…” You begin, and Ellie perks up. “I’m a pretty cool person outside of med clinic, so we could always hang out when I’m off. And I don’t look… shitty.”
Pfft, Ellie thinks. If this is you looking shitty, then shitty looks great on you.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” She says quietly. “Uh, are you normally, like, busy, or…”
“No, not really.” You reply. “Most days I’m out of the clinic by dinnertime.”
The conversation goes quiet again. You were worried; you didn’t want it to seem like an empty promise. So you look off to the side before mustering up the courage to ask.
“How about tomorrow?” You question. “We can meet back up here. If you’re not doing anything.”
She raises her eyebrows. Truthfully, she’s surprised that you asked. It would have taken her a thousand years just to man up and do it. Typical Ellie fashion.
“T-Tomorrow?” She asks.
“Yup. Sound good?”
Damn, you were cool. Ellie looks down, smiles, then nods. Her ears were becoming hot again.
“Okay, cool.” You backed away for a moment before grinning. You break into a slight jog, and she looks back up again. She can see your hand shooting into the air to wave at her.
“I look forward to our date!” You yell during your departure.
Ellie nearly passes out.
The next day, Ellie had gone back to the same spot as you said, promptly around dinnertime. But you were nowhere to be found.
Nor were you there the day after that, or the day after that.
At first she was confused. And then she became frustrated — no, annoyed. Why would you act so nice if you were just gonna leave her high and dry?
It’s not until a few days later, when she passes by a group of women on the street, that she discovers why.
“Have you heard about the new girl? The medic?” One of the women asks.
“Yes! I’ve heard she’s great,” The other chimes in. “But she’s been out sick. Stomach bug, they say.”
“Really?” The other replies. “Oh, I hope she gets better soon. The clinic is gonna struggle without her.”
Ellie immediately felt like shit. Here she was, writing herself off from ever looking your way again. And meanwhile, you were stuck at home, not at all by choice.
She had decided if you couldn’t show up to the date, then the date would just have to come to you.
So she spends all afternoon preparing a warm meal for you. She wraps it up carefully, and takes one of her favorite books. She tucks her journal in her backpack, too.
It takes her a while to find your house. It required a bit of asking around, especially considering how you joined the community not too long ago. But Ellie is persistent, and she eventually finds out where you live.
You stayed in a shed that was visibly transformed into a studio apartment. You had planted some daylily bunches along the short walkway leading to your door. A small gesture, but it brought life to your humble new home.
Underneath laid a coir mat. A small hanging plant hung near your porch light.
Ellie swallows softly before knocking three times. Her calloused hands cradle around the round container as she anticipates your answer.
But you don’t. And her heart drops again, as she places another sequence of knocks on your door. She feels uneasy — what if something happened to you?
Her thoughts come to a halt, though, when the door handle jiggles and you sleepily open up.
Ellie breathes a sigh of relief.
“E-Ellie?” You rubbed at your eyes. “Oh my god, what are you doing here?”
“I…” She clears her throat. “I heard you were sick. You okay?”
“Yeah, I was just about to go back to work tomorrow.” You sighed. “God, Ellie, I’m so sorry. We were supposed to hang out that day, and—“
“It’s fine,” She says quietly.
“I spent all day cleaning, and researching... trying to get back on my feet.” You look down at the bowl in her hands. “What’s that?”
“Oh, uh… it’s bean soup. Made it myself.” She grimaces. “It might not be that good, now that I think about it. I don’t cook often.”
You smile warmly, tugging at the hem of your oversized sweater.
“Thank you… that’s really sweet of you.”
She holds the container out, and you receive it with gentle hands. She shuffles her feet.
“I, uh…” She pulls at her backpack strap. “I brought something else for you, too, if that’s alright.”
“Of course!” You motion for her to come in. “Here, set it down inside.”
You turn, tucking your hair behind your ears as Ellie makes her way in. She closes the door behind her, examining the setup.
Some of your belongings were still in boxes, in the corners of the room. Most of it was unpacked — necessities, anyway.
You had accumulated a stack of medical textbooks during your initial supply run. You also had tons of rags, which she assumes is used to make bandages when you’re at work.
As for your decorations, she finds them intriguing. The rugs and posters you had up on the wall reflected your aura quite well.
“I’m sorry about the mess.” You added, taking the lid off of the soup. “I’ve still been trying to get settled.”
“You’re good,” She smiles. “I like it so far.”
You gleam back at her before beginning to sip on some of the broth. Her eyes widen as she slings her backpack off of her shoulder.
“Oh, right.” Her hand slides into her bag, and emerges with a thin comic book. “Have you ever seen this before?”
You shake your head.
“Savage Starlight.” She pinches the spine with her fingertips. “It’s… a pretty good comic book series.”
“You have more?” You ask.
“I have the whole collection,” She replies. “Back at my place. I’m kind of obsessed.”
You took another spoonful of soup, looking down into the bowl. “That’s really cool… I don’t think I’ve seen a comic book in ages.”
Ellie knew it was probably a dumb move. She had spent years collecting this entire series, and here she was, opening up about it to a stranger. But she wanted to trust you — she wanted to get to know you — and she couldn’t accomplish that without being a little vulnerable herself.
Ellie looks up for a moment, then sets the comic book down on the dining table. You raise your gaze.
“You can read it, if you want.”
“What?” You scrunch your brows. “No way. I mean, that’s part of your collection, right?”
“Yeah, but… you can just bring it back.” She shrugs. “No biggie.”
Truthfully, it was a biggie. Hauling it to your house was an ever conscious decision. But she’s also hoping it would give you an excuse to come see her from now on. If you liked the book, that is.
You sighed and waited a few seconds before looking up at Ellie.
“Let’s do a redo.” You blurt out.
“Our date.” You clarify. “I wanna do a redo of our date.”
Ellie ponders, staring at you intently.
“It was supposed to be nice, and then I got sick, and I ruined it—“
“It’s fine, I swear—“
“And I just… I feel bad that you’re even here.” You look up at her. “I’m supposed to— to be the medic, yet you’re here taking care of me. We barely even met.”
Ellie looks down at her feet, kicking at the ground. And then, ever so softly, she mumbles:
“I like this.”
The air is still, and you can feel your heart swell in your chest. Just a little bit.
“I liked… coming here, and seeing that you’re okay. Even if it’s just for a day. ‘Cause nobody thinks about how, after everything you do, that you might need some help too. You know?”
She fixates her green eyes on you before resuming. “So just… please don’t say shit like that. Okay? I wanna get to know you.”
You didn’t know what to say, or how to respond. Even if you did, you probably couldn’t. Your heart was fluttering too fast in your chest.
“Shit… It’s getting dark,” She says after a moment. “I might start heading back.”
You nodded, rising from the dining table. You steadied yourself as she began heading for the door.
Ellie’s hand reaches for the handle, but then she pauses, and turns to face you.
“When you feel better.”
Your voice was softer than ever. It was your turn to be confused. “What?”
“Our date,” Ellie comments. “When you feel better, we’ll redo our date. You can come over to my place, and I’ll show you the rest of the collection there. Okay?”
You smiled.
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twstfanblog · 11 months ago
*~Period Drama~* Tuesday
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A/N: SCREAMS. I am...SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG. We had to do double time to move out of our house since our landlords decided to fucking sell the property so we had to LEAVE. But it's done and I'm very happy with it and I hope you like it too. Enjoy~! Word Count: 6.7K Warnings: She/They Pronouns OC, Lilia does look and poke at Yuu's genitals Pairings: YuuxJamilxAzulxMalleus (Poly), (Sebek/Silver in the corner) ~Taglist (At this point I'm just adding everyone I've found who was interested in the fic XD) @twistedcece @deltrea @krenenbaker @koebishrimpuwu @cat100200 @emyluwinter @obsessionswithfandoms @ady-hilborn @lucid-stories @girl-nahh-two @itz-hydrodeptus-foxy7 @chyluna @riddlesimps @death-the-jo @a-twistedheartslonging @qixlin @chaosistheonlyway @welcome-to-my-horde @abell2029cluster @kirans-wonderland @coffee-or-hot-cocoa @the-ace-reader @iamsoconfusedallofthetime @chroniccorvus @marvelous-maxi @prolonged-eyecontact @lozplayer @jabberwocky-warrior @thateldribitch @bun-lapin @mel1rose @ladyraeka @ladyzsgolla Start, Part 1 (Octavinelle), Part 2 (Heartslabyul), Part 3 (Savanaclaw), Part 3.5 (Diasomnia pt.1), Part 4 (Here), Part 5 (Pomefiore), Part 6 (Scarabia)
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Malleus almost always forgot he even owned a phone, meaning he basically never texted Yuu. So when his personalized text tone played Yuu was quick to stop their sobbing and open his message.
‘May I see you tomorrow?’
Short, simple, sweet, and weirdly formal. Yuu smiled, typing back quickly before the horned fae forgot he owned a phone again.
‘Sure babes. Sorry ive been mia the past few days. Not feeling well. Ill explain when i see you tomorrow.’
‘I should hope so.’
Okay, vaguely rude.
When Malleus had said tomorrow, Yuu assumed he meant during lunch or after classes. Instead, he showed up on their doorstep with his whole family unit and a grumbling Grim in tow at 8am in the goddamn morning. None of them were in uniform, clad in casual comfortable clothing. They clearly planned to spend the whole day with her instead of a simple visit.
She blinks, almost overwhelmed at the sheer…something of the current event, “Hi…It's…really early.”
Lilia smiles, tilting his head as he holds up a large and slightly weathered first aid bag, “We brought gauze!”
Silver holds out his arms, the dire beast scowling but unmoving in his grip, “And Grim.”
“Oh, what beautiful treasures…”
“Enough beating around the unwanted bush.” Malleus steps forward, hands reaching to clasp around Yuu's. Looking into their surprised eyes with determination, “What is this illness and how can I help ease you of it?”
Yuu snorted, closing her eyes in an effort to not start laughing at how seriously Malleus was taking their ‘ailment’, “It'll…It'll pass with time, Malleus. But, luckily, I'm actually feeling a lot better than yesterday.” They step to the side, managing to pull a hand free from Malleus's grip to gesture for the Diasomnia family to enter.
Silver nods his head in thanks, walking into the hall to place Grim down. The cat quickly running further in the house, remarking Yuu still smelled weird, “That's good to hear. Did you use a form of medicine to ease your symptoms?”
Yuu closes the door behind them, Malleus already firmly attached to their side. No doubt the smell of their blood making him hyper-aware of their every movement, “Yeah. Crewel gave me a lecture and a pain potion when he brought me dinner last night. Plus the guttural sobbing I've been doing. But, I think it was mainly because I finally took that body cleansing shit…”
The beat of silence almost makes Yuu burst into laughter again, the four males all looking a level of stunned before Silver shakingly spoke.
“Yeah, it really realigned my chakras or something.”
“Yuu, could you tell us exactly what is going on?” Lilia's smile was strained. He had spent most of last night racking his memory of various illnesses. Any that he knew of that dealt with bleeding were things that would have killed Yuu within the hour if they had reached that stage. But to know they'd been bleeding for days? Whatever they had managed to catch was cause for concern. But now knowing it was causing other ailments…it was either a truly deadly disease or it was evolving into one…
“Oh, it's nothing serious. Just the muscles that are causing all this-” Yuu makes a vague gesture to their lower anatomy, “- are the same muscles that handle pooping. So…it was expected to happen…”
There was another beat of silence, each male looking at Yuu's stomach, placing the pieces together slowly as they realized she gestured below her stomach.
“Why…why did you…gesture…down there?” Silver spoke slowly, eyes making quick glances between Yuu's crotch, then to Malleus's blank face, then to Sebek's tearfully bewildered expression. Is…are they…?
Malleus says what all of them were fearfully thinking, “Is the blood coming out of you from your nethers!?”
Lilia stood still, eyes wide as he openly stared at Yuu's crotch. This was…he had never heard of such a thing…
Malleus's hands quickly grabbed at Yuu's hips, magic flowing from his fingers in his panicked attempts to heal what he could only fear was internal ripping, “Why did no one tell me!?”
“I don't think you should be bleeding from there, Yuu?”
“Silver. Words can not describe how badly I wish I wasn't. But, sadly, yeah, this is completely natural for me to do. I wish I wasn't. I am so full of fucking hatred right now, I am a literal danger to my and everyone else's safety.”
Lilia made quiet work of prying Malleus off of Yuu, though he was clearly still concerned himself, “It's natural to bleed out of your nethers?”
“Where I'm from? Unfortunately yes.” Yuu shrugs, holding Malleus's hand as the horned fae tried to reattach himself to their side, “The pussy is a curse and the price must be paid in blood sadly.” They say it with a level of nonchalance that only has the Diasomnia crew looking at them in worry.
Malleus grips tighter to Yuu's hand, raising it to press a gentle kiss to their knuckles, “Please, there has to be something that can be done to ease this curse…”
“...” Yuu pulled Malleus to the living room, showing the plethora of blankets and pillows on the floor. Empty bottle and snack wrappers pushed to a corner of the rug in an effort to keep the cozy area of the floor clear. Yuu gestures to the darkened room, heavy curtains closed to enhance the perfect sleep environment, “You guys can do whatever around the house. But, if you wanna join me, I was about to lay down in the dark listening to sad music and take a nap.”
Sebek sneers, eyes squinted as he mumbled out, “It's 8am…?”
Yuu whips around, ignoring Malleus's worried fretting for their neck, “Hey, Sebek? You don't need to fucking be here.”
Sebek's sneer turned into a deep frown, his expression clearly showing how badly he wanted to yell back. But with their ‘illness’, plus Malleus's protective stance, he knew he'd quicker be scolded than actually get a sentence out.
“Wow, you are more full of hate. You normally let Sebek get at least four sentences out before telling him to be quiet.” Silver moves to sit on the couch, only to realize that Yuu had removed all of the larger cushions and used them as padding for the floor.
Malleus looked over the sad state of his lover's nest, frowning before he pulled Yuu closer to ask them quietly, “Would you mind if I fixed your nest? This looks…barely functional.”
Yuu smiles, bringing a hand up to pat Malleus's face gently, “Do as you please, Peligroso.” 
Malleus kisses their palm before moving toward the mash-up of cushions, blankets, and - to his distaste - bloody towels. He first deconstructed the mess, organizing the materials he had before coming to the conclusion he needed more.
No one tried to stop Malleus as he walked out of the room, his pupils dilated as he busied himself in nest-making.
“Beastie, are you really well? Mundane for you aside, losing that much blood at a steady pace can't be good for you…” The scent of blood was off at that. Fresh blood was concerning enough, but the smell of old blood was not good if one was actively bleeding.
Yuu waves their hand, sneaking a towel from Malleus's separated piles to sit on, “No need to worry Lils; Crewel’s made sure I've been taking iron supplement potions, plus I'm still taking the multivitamin Riddle demanded I start at the beginning of the year once our beef ended.”
Malleus returns, bulks of blankets and pillows floating behind him into the room. He quickly turns a sharp eye toward Yuu, seeing one of the cleaner towels had been taken from his nest piles. But at seeing their smile, he could only sigh and begin building.
Lilia clicks his tongue, holding the old medical bag in his hands, “Well, I'm not sure how useful this gauze is going to be then if it coming out from such an area…I'm not sure you're open to the idea of it…being inserted.”
“I'm not.”
“Fair.” Lilia removed the bag from his shoulder, allowing it to drop to the ground. Walking closer to Malleus, yet still a few feet away, he started to teasingly offer his unwanted opinion of how his ‘mate’ would like the nest to look.
Silver and Sebek took seats on the ground closer to Yuu, the second year pulling the medical bag into his lap as he started to look through it, “While the gauze may be useless, I think there's some pain ointment still in here. Possibly a potion but it's long bitter by now…Oh.”
From inside the bag, Silver pulled out a simple arm cuff attached to a hand pump and dial. It looked old, but the metal holding it together still shined, “Lend me your arm, I want to check your blood pressure.”
“My blood pressure? Why?” Yuu still held their arm out, letting Silver gently clasp the cuff to their lower bicep, “I haven't felt light headed.”
“You might not have noticed if you've been bleeding as long as you have…” he starts to pump the bulb, the cuff growing tighter, “Just see it as a way for me to get peace of mind…”
Silver and Sebek watch the needle, their expressions slowly turning concerned at the reading.
Sebek whispered under his breath, one of his eyes twitching in annoyance as he reread the result, “Why is it high?”
Yuu blinked, looking at the dial before turning to Silver, “Yeah, that's…normal.”
“I don't know, man. I'm 16, I've never had to know what my normal blood pressure is.”
Silver sighed, deflating the cuff and removing it, “Did you never take notice of it when you went to the doctor for check ups?”
“Silver, baby boy, I haven't been to the doctor since I was in elementary school. Do you not know how expensive a doctor appointment is?”
“I really hate when you say things like that…” Silver still didn't understand how a simple doctor's visit cost money. It was a universal service, all they'd have to do was walk into the nearest office and simply wait.
Yuu hummed, nodding her head, “I forget that you guys have free healthcare here…I kinda just conditioned myself to be ok with dying since the doctor was so expensive where I'm from.”
Silver sighed, fingers pressing against his temple, “Please, curb that habit. For all of our sakes…”
“You got a will to live in there then?”
“...” Silver looks through the bag, managing to pull out an antique-looking locket that held a graying, grainy photo of a confused-looking Malleus on one side and a more vivid photo of a sleeping infant Silver on the other, “I think this is what father uses?”
“Oh my god?” Yuu couldn't stop the bubbling laughter that started when they spoke. They cover their mouth and gently bring the locket closer to look at the photos. Only now do they realize Malleus in the photo has a small circlet of a crown on his forehead. There was no telling how old the photo was, possibly in a time the first camera was even made and Lilia got his hands on one.
They snort, letting the locket swing from their hand and allow Silver to place it back in the bag, “Ok…that works. I now have the strength to carry on.” From the corner of their eye, they can see Sebek's stern gaze staring into the side of their face, “Yes, Sebek? Can you be helped?”
The half-faes's face pinches together harder, lip curling up into a scowl as he looks away briefly. His mild avoidance was short-lived, turning back to Yuu with an expression of concern, “You're…You're okay now, correct?”
At Yuu and Silver's stunned expressions, Sebek grows more timid, thumbs twiddling together as he clasped his hands, “Ace’s texts didn't give much info. But even knowing that…that didn’t transpire, this is still a worrying state of affairs.” Sebek looks up from his hands, staring into Yuu's eyes with steady resolve, “We have our differences more than anything. But I count you as my comrade in ensuring Waka-Sama’s happiness. Your continued good health would be in the best interest of all!”
It was no secret that Yuu and Sebek did not get along. Their first official meeting was a brawl that neither walked away from unscathed (and Sebek left the fight with a secret he'd be taking to his grave under Lilia's instructions). They bickered, fought, and openly slandered each other every chance they got. Truely, the only things keeping them from killing each other were the facts they shared the same friend group and that Yuu was romantically involved with Malleus. Yuu was sure without those factors, Sebek would have actually declared them an enemy of Briar Valley itself.
So to see and hear the other first-year state that he was concerned was jarring at best. 
Yuu stared at Sebek, the half-fae looking at them with an open and vulnerable expression as he waited for their truth. Honestly, were they ok? It'd been only a few days but this felt like the worst period Yuu had ever had. And seeing how their flow wasn't easing as it normally would, they were sure it was going to be longer than normal too. They were in pain, everyone was treating them as though they would shatter at the slightest inconvenience. They were free bleeding of all things…but, their friends cared and were each trying to make things better. 
Azul and the Tweels had basically tried to cater their every meal, though they kept their distance; mer noses were so sensitive to blood after all. Crewel would come in the evenings with medication and conversation. Riddle was compiling a list of some kind with Jade, but he was using info from their “interview” to figure out ways to ease their symptoms. Ace and Deuce had both swore to actually take notes for once so that they wouldn't fall behind in their classes. Trey had texted a number of times, sneakily trying to gauge their temperament so he could ambush them with baked goods. Cater had sent several photos of wet, angry, disheveled-looking cats with the caption ‘this u?’ whenever they were in a bad mood.
Even just yesterday, Jack had basically appointed himself as their bodyguard, not allowing anyone closer than 2 feet from their person. Ruggie had gone into nursemaid mode and Yuu was mildly terrified at how prepared and willing he was to help them deliver a baby. Even Leona's lazy ass had helped. Held them while they cried all the way to their dorm, calling them at midnight just to check if they were sleeping and not up alone with their thoughts.
And now, the Diasomnia family unit had brought them a first aid kit. Not the correct move, but a show of concern either way. Looking into Sebek's face only cemented how cared for they were by their forged family. Yuu opened their mouth slightly as though to speak, waiting as Sebek perked up, leaning closer to fully hear what they were about to say.
Instead of words, all that escaped Yuu's mouth was a burp that traveled directly into Sebek's face.
The half-fae sputters, annoyance growing at Silver's near silent ‘Excuse you’ to the other human. He wiped at his face as though he could remove the air, growling before he pointed a finger at Yuu's smug little grin, “You should have been killed when your mother birthed you!”
Sebek quickly placed his hand in his lap, frowning hard as he looked down in an odd mixture of shame and anger. Malleus had turned around and scolded him almost instantly. The dragon fae was frowning, eyes filled with a disappointment only an older sibling could give. He stared long enough until Sebek finally relented and spoke through gritted teeth at Yuu.
“My deepest apologies. You are injured and I have no reason to…antagonize you. Please, forgive me…”
“Did that hurt to say, Sebek?”
Silver placed a hand on Yuu's shoulder, trying to not sigh or laugh their antics, “Yuu…”
Yuu smiled, tilting their head and nodding, “Apology accepted, Sebek. Just don't be mean to me, okay~?”
Translation; I'm going to milk this for your whole visit.
Sebek's frown curled so tight it could only be called a pout. But seeing how he didn't speak further, Yuu turned to speak directly to the 3rd years only to choke mildly at the new impressive structure taking up space adjacent to the fireplace.
What was once their sad faux floor bed set up was a large blanket nest. Pillows tastefully lining the sides for support and comfort, blankets laid together to cover the couch cushions while some were still free to wrap in. A large throw blanket suspended in the air by magic cloaks the whole structure like an open tent. It looked cozy, it looked inviting. Yuu almost hated how proud Malleus looked of his work.
“...” Yuu rolled their eyes, trying to hide their blush as they turned away from Malleus's increasingly smug face, “Ok, your nest is very impressive. Are you proud of yourself?”
“Not until you are in it.”
Lilia spoke quietly, eyes giving Malleus a playful warning look as he chuckled, “Remember you two, we're here with you…”
Yuu laughs, standing from their towel and stretching, “Alright, nap time.” They take care to place down the towel, climbing into the nest and making themselves comfortable in the structure. They had no actual animal-based DNA, but they felt the need to curl up and sleep for DAYS from their new cozy spot. Malleus had built the nest well.
Opening their eyes, they could barely stop the snort that tried to escape them. Malleus was pressed against the side of the nest, eyes wide and focused on them. Yuu tilted their head, smiling widening as Malleus tilted his head in response, “You wanna join me?”
The question makes Malleus lean back, eyes almost bulging out of his head before he manages to school his features, “So bold…As always.” He laughs from behind his hand, “I’m happy to see you are in better spirits compared to yesterday.”
Yuu casts him a confused glance, wondering just when the dragon fae had seen them yesterday. While Malleus made himself comfortable beside them, they looked at the remaining Diasomnia unit standing at attention around the nest, “You guys coming in?”
Lilia snorts, ignoring Mallues’s glare demanding they refuse Yuu’s invitation, “Are you sure, Beastie? We wouldn’t want to intrude…” His eyes lock on Malleus’s, communicating silently that if Yuu invited them into their nest, it’d be rude to deny their request.
“I mean I invited you in the first place.” They gesture to the empty space beside them and Malleus, “Plus, this thing has room for like four more people…”
Malleus mumbles under his breath, an arm wrapping around Yuu’s middle and bringing them closer to his body to nuzzle into their hair, “Or eight children…”
“Hm?” Malleus pulls from their hair, smiling at their confused face before making himself comfortable against them again.
Lilia actually laughs this time, “Well, if you insist.”
Everyone climbs into the nest; Lilia pressed against Malleus’s side with Silver beside him already half asleep. Sebek had begrudgingly made his place beside Yuu, huffing as the human offered their hand to hold. Neither of them speaking when Sebek does grip their hand gently. Once everyone had seemed cozy, Yuu retrieved their phone from their pajama pants pockets, opening their ‘sad times’ playlist to start playing music. But the sound of a thud rings out from the kitchen, everyone turning to the noise in mild suspense. Soon, Grim enters the room with a bag of cookies clutched in his mouth.
Yuu raises an eyebrow but helps Grim climb his way into the nest, the cat curling up against their side squished between them and Sebek, “Was that you? Did you fall off of something-hold on.” They grab the bag of cookies from Grim, frowning once they realize what they were holding, “Are these the good cookies? You little shit, you said you ate the last of them!”
Grim grumbled, curling up tighter to Yuu’s side and swatting at their hand tugging on his ear, “I lied! You always hog them so when you left one day I hid them to snack on myself…But…” He huffed, looking at them from the corner of his eyes, “I think you need them more than I do…”
“...” Yuu sniffled, fanning their face as tears started to build in their eyes, “Grim…Grim…” They take a shuddering breath, ignoring the others watching them in worry, “I already threw up like twice yesterday from crying so hard, I’m not doing it again.”
“Parden?” Malleus’s brows creased. When did they throw up!? Just how severe was this illness?
Yuu waves his concerns off, tapping onto their ‘Sad Vibes’ playlist, setting it to shuffle before they connect to the lounge speakers, “It's not important, Malleus. I'm not gonna cry. We're gonna lay down in the dark and listen to sad songs and sleep.”
Sebek mumbles from beside Yuu, his free hand petting a softly purring Grim, “That seems to be the perfect setting to cry in…?”
Lilia gives Yuu a worried glance but doesn't agree nor disagree. He instead places a hand on Malleus’s shoulder, a silent effort to calm the dragon's fussing, “Well, if we're going to listen to music, just none of that Mitsuki woman please…”
Silver blinks his eyes open, tiredly looking to Lilia, “But I like the dog song.”
“...” Lilia sighs, his arm moving to wrap around Silver's shoulders and bringing him closer, “I…I know…”
Yuu tearfully laughed, laying their head onto a softly fretting Malleus. Their weak laughter breaks from teary into genuine amusement as the first song starts.
My baby, my baby…
Leaning over Malleus, snickering as the dragon fae gently presses her head back down to his chest as a silent command to sleep, Yuu whispers to Lilia, “I’m sorry…”
Lilia’s smile is strained, his grip on a sleeping Silver slowly increasing as he fought against his own emotions, “No you're not…”
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The nap lasted far too long, Malleus thought to himself. The dragon fae didn't actually sleep, but he kept watch of his family as they did. Silver of course slept, curled up in Lilia's intense embrace before the bat general eased into a light sleep. Though Sebek had been the most against the nap, he had dozed off not long after Silver. One hand still gripping onto Yuu’s while the other resting on a snoring Grim's back.
Yuu was out almost immediately after Sebek, a content smile on their face as they curled up to Malleus's chest. A smile he watched slowly fade through the hours. A common occurrence as one slept, something he's learned from years of watching Silver. What concerned him were the twitches and grimaces of pain that started to increase the longer they stayed asleep. He didn't want to wake Lilia to ask for advice, the older fae having spent most of his night in worry over Yuu's condition and it didn't help he wasn't a morning person normally.
But if the discomfort was enough to affect Yuu's sleep, it was no wonder they felt the need to nap so early in the morning. They possibly hadn't slept the night before from pain alone. He had spent a few moments thinking how he could help, an arm around their waist and a hand pressed to their lower stomach to ease magic from his fingertips. His healing magic wasn't nearly as refined as he wanted. No matter how much magic he poured in, there were no wounds to be closed on the surface. But he could feel how Yuu would curl into his palm, almost trying to trap the heat close to them.
So for the past two hours he laid in a nest with his fiancé, his father, his brother, his brother's ‘friend’, and a cat; palm pressed just above his lover's mysteriously bleeding anatomy to act as a glorified hot water bottle.
Though he had no true method of knowing, he felt as though his grandmother was laughing at his predicament.
And while he did find the lyrics and vocals of Miss Amy Lee to be rather enchanting, he felt relieved to hear the music stop playing abruptly and a shrill beeping take its place. He couldn't help but smile, listening to everyone minus Silver groan at the sound of the alarm. Lilia huffed, snuggling his nose into Silver's hair while the human knight remained perfectly asleep. Sebek had pouted but still sat up, blinking in mild confusion as to where he was. Yuu had tried to bury their head in the space between his arm and chest, a hand reaching out blindly to no doubt silence the alarm.
As much as Malleus enjoyed his loved ones sleeping peacefully around him, he didn't think letting them sleep anymore was the correct choice. He smiled, easily catching Yuu's hand to gently kiss their knuckles, “My dear. I do believe your nap is over now.”
Yuu groans, but doesn't try to pull away, “At least turn the alarm off…”
Lilia clicks his tongue, finally pulling away from Silver to sleepily reach for Yuu's still blaring phone, “I got it…”
“Thanks-ack!” They were batted in the face by Grim's increasingly annoyed tail, the dire beast fighting to stay asleep from the rising noise. A move that had Yuu sneezing after a few moments.
The fae and Grim instantly snapped to attention. Yuu's sneeze was quickly followed by an overwhelming scent of blood. The sudden change in the atmosphere instantly waking Silver. Sebek had tightened his grip on Yuu's hand, almost as though he were helping them to brace against pain. Grim scrambled away from their side, moving to frown and shake from the other side of Sebek.
Malleus brought both his arms to wrap around Yuu's body. How could he let his guard down in such a way? They were sick. Why did he assume a nap was the correct choice to make? They should be in the care of a professional. Now they had clearly torn something, or something had hemorrhaged and they were bleeding out internally-
Lilia turned the alarm off, quickly kneeling and placing his hands on Yuu's knees, “Yuu, I know you said this was natural. But this is concerning. As your future midwife, I implore you allow me to check there isn't actual damage to yourself.”
“I- Lilia, I'm fine. I just sneezed.” Sneezing on one’s period was never nice, sure. Yuu fully felt as though they just forced out half their bladder even though they knew that wasn't the case. “It happens sometimes. The clenching just makes blood come out.”
Malleus growls, his arms tightening around Yuu's body. Lilia was right. No matter how much Yuu claimed it was normal and routine, they shouldn't be bleeding like this, “My love, please. Let him check. Lilia has more medical training than possibly anyone on campus. Just allow him to check.”
“Please…” Malleus pleads, concern clear on his and the other's face.
“...” Yuu rolls their eyes but starts to shimmy their pajama pants down, “Fine. If it'll calm you down.”
Sebek and Silver instantly look away, though both shuffle closer in an act to box Yuu in so that no one else could see the human’s privates.
Lilia was quiet, eyes looking unblinkingly at what he could only describe a mess. He was careful, only touching Yuu's anatomy for brief moments to send pings of magic through the flesh to search for opened wounds. But other than the blood he couldn't find anything that would call for concern. Leaning back he sighed, bringing the back of his hand to rub at his eyes, “By the Seven, this is a mess…”
“Wow, Lilia. I'm so happy you're here to stare into my abyss and call it a fucking mess.” Yuu glared, hoping their voice carried just how annoyed they were, “Really, I'm so glad.”
“My apologies, Beastie. I just haven't seen a vagina in this bloody a state since Sebek was born…”
Sebek half turned around, expression vaguely disgusted and horrified, “What?”
Yuu snorts, shaking Sebek’s hand still holding theirs in a way of gaining his attention, “Wow, Sebek, way to wreck your mom’s pussy.”
Sebek retaliated, using their still joined hands to twist and force Yuu’s arm into a painful bend. Yuu had quickly tried to escape his hold, both by wiggling their trapped arm and also using their free hand to slap at Sebek’s face while making repeated yelps of pain. Sebek had managed to dodge only a few hits until a bolt of lightning hit just outside, the flash sending the room into a blinding state before the light faded. Malleus glared down at Sebek, silently demanding the half-fae release his fiance.
Once freed, Yuu instantly pointed toward Sebek while looking at Lilia with wide eyes. Their tone coming out vaguely whining and childish, “He twisted my arm!”
Sputtering, Sebek looked between Yuu and Lilia. Pointing back at her while he looked at Lila pleading that he hears him out, “She talked about my mother’s vagina!”
“...” Lilia sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before speaking, “Sebek, don’t twist Yuu’s arm; she’s already in pain. Yuu, don’t talk about Sebek’s mother’s vagina; you know he doesn’t like that.”
“Did that hurt to say?” Silver looked at his father, half joking but delivered in such a painfully serious way that Lilia could only sigh harder.
Malleus’s expression only grew more concerned, arms wrapping tighter around Yuu and allowing his palms to heat a bit more. He only relaxed as Yuu themselves eased a bit more in his hold, “Yuu, please. Tell me what is causing this, If not for your own sake, but my own, I need to know. I have never been more distressed and on edge than these past few days. It isn't helpful either that you continue to be nonchalant, I dare say you've hurt my feelings with how you've been handling this…
“...” Yuu takes their time to pull their pajama pants back up, moving to sit up fully to look at Malleus directly, “Malleus, you're completely valid for feeling upset with me about all of this. In hindsight, I really should have just told you guys instead of disregarding Crewel’s attempts to keep this on the downlow for the sake of campus sanity. I fucked up, I will take that L. But I want you to know and consider that I have been in pain, tired, sad, and enraged both consistently and erratically for days. Do you really think the correct choice right now is to complain to me…about how my period…is making you feel?”
Malleus blinked, eyes darting to Lilia who only shook his head at Malleus's silent question. He looked down, then back to Yuu who was staring at him silently, almost waiting for him to answer incorrectly, “...I would still like to discuss this at a later date…when you are well again.”
“I'll make sure to set a meeting up with Azul, so that we both remember. Thank you for understanding…” Yuu's mood does a 180, now smiling and trying to stand from Malleus's arms, “Anyway, it's like noon now right? I know I have a bunch of stale tortillas and shredded cheese in the kitchen so we can make quesadillas-”
Malleus refused to remove his arms from around Yuu, basically pulling the human back into his lap, “I would like to speak about why you're dodging my question though.”
Yuu hummed, looking up to Malleus's face as they slowly twisted a strand of their hair, “...What are you talking about?”
“You are…well aware of what I've been asking you.”
“I'm really not.”
“You're sounding crazy right now.”
Malleus scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully, “Don't attempt to gaslight me. I keep asking you what caused this ailment or how I can ease this plague and you…don't answer me.” Malleus narrows his eyes, arms wrapping tighter against Yuu's body when they subtly tried to move away from him again, “Do you simply wish to…not tell me?”
“...” Yuu sighed, resting their head against Malleus’s shoulder. They smile, looking up into his eyes with a soft affection, “You know I love you right?”
“Your feminine wiles aren't getting you out of this. Answer my question.”
Silver speaks up, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, “Malleus, they may not have an answer as to what caused it…”
Sebek grunts from Yuu's side, eyes casting a worried look back to the other freshman's covered anatomy, “If they don't know what caused it then that's even more concerning. This could be a serious medical emergency and we're all twiddling our thumbs because the one who's ill says they're fine.”
“I am fine. I just…don't wanna say why this happens…”
Lilia perks up, raising an eyebrow as he rests his chin on Yuu's now pressed together knees, “So this illness is triggered?”
“Yes? No?” Yuu huffs, raising their hands in a form of defeat, “It just happens man. But like…for a reason.”
Malleus frowned, almost pouting as he gently moved Yuu's chin to make them look directly into his eyes, “Yuu. My dear. I'm deeply concerned. Please, just tell me what causes this so we may prevent it…”
“...” Yuu sighs, closing their eyes before opening them, “...This happens when I don't get pregnant.”
Silver fully turns to Yuu, eyes focusing on the other human as though he could physically see through what he begged was a lie, “Are…Are you serious?”
“Like the fucking heart attack that will take Sebek out one day.”
“Oh!” Malleus smiles, his eyes shining to the point Yuu was certain they were glowing, “This is easily fixed then.”
Yuu continued to smile, shaking their head knowing what the dragonfae was going to suggest, “...Malleus…”
“I simply need to impregnate you. Then you won't be affected by this plague again.”
“...” Yuu sighed, “No…”
“...” Malleus's expression falls back into an angered pout, “Why not?”
“It doesn't work that way…”
“...” His expression deepens, “How does it not ‘work that way’ exactly?”
Lilia patted Yuu's leg, flicking his head toward the entryway of the lounge as a silent command to Sebek and Silver, “We're gonna go…”
Yuu turned away from Malleus, blinking at Lilia in astonishment as the fae and other Diasomnia pair stand up, “Now why the fuck would you do that?”
Silver was kind enough to scoop Grim into his arms, the dire beast still shivering from the sudden scent of blood, “We’ve come to an agreement that we’d leave the room when you two start fighting.”
“We aren’t even fighting…” Yuu muttered under their breath, making a point to not look toward Malleus’s upset face. They’re pretty sure they’d start giggling at how frustrated he’s being about this.
Sebek shakes his head, already walking out of the room, “You become incredibly uncivil to everyone when you and Waka-Sama have disagreements. Lilia-Sama is right in having us leave the area before you two really start…”
“We aren’t fighting?”
“We’re fighting a little…” Malleus mutters under his breath, glaring off to the side.
Yuu glares over their shoulder, “No, we aren’t.”
Lilia walked behind Silver, holding his hands up as they left the room, “We’re gonna go. We'll make you two those quesadillas!” He ignored Yuu’s wide eyed stare, closing the doors of the lounge behind him and leaving Yuu and Malleus alone in the room.
The silence was loud, the two of them sitting comfortably in the nest. After a few more moments of quiet, Yuu sighs loudly, tucking their head to Malleus's chest and nuzzling into him gently.
Malleus sighs himself, leaning down to press a kiss to the crown of Yuu's head, “My love…please. You're hurting and I don't understand why you won't let me help in the best way I can…”
“Because it wouldn't actually help, Malleus.” They felt bad. It hadn't really hit them just how out of the realm of reality their period was to everyone. Sure the event itself could be scary in their old world, the amount of first period horror stories only grew as the years went on. But to have no frame of reference… the concept of a period sounded downright terrifying.
“How?” Malleus huffed, an air of frustration growing. Were they joking around? Deliberately speaking in circles to annoy him as a tease? “You said this happens if you don't get pregnant. If you get pregnant, then you will not have to deal with this ailment.”
At Yuu's own frustrated sigh, Malleus's eyes widen, “Is…is it too late?” A feeling of guilt starts to grow in him. Were they meant to be impregnated at a specific time? Had a window of opportunity been missed? Was this the rest of Yuu's life now; bleeding out of their intimates and crying so hard they were forced to purge?
Yuu couldn't help but chuckle at Malleus's face, reaching up to bring the worried fae closer for a gentle kiss. They speak as they pull away, “Calm down. This isn't going to last forever and I'll be back to normal by the end of the week at worst.”
Malleus curls around them, his hand still a gentle heat on their lower stomach, “But why wouldn't we simply skip this and just…start our agreement now? If the trigger for this ailment is that you weren't impregnated, why can't we have our child now so that you won't have to suffer this way.”
“I'll be honest with you, Malleus. It's literally because I don't wanna be a teen mom; that's the main reason. But also…there's no guarantee my period would stop during a pregnancy. Plus it'll still come back like a few months after having the baby…”
“...” Malleus pulls away from Yuu, staring at them in a silent state of confusion but his eyes were screaming, “Why…would you get the period…if you're pregnant? Isn't that…you stated you get your period if you don't get pregnant?”
“That is correct, yes.”
“...But…you could also…get your period…if you are pregnant?”
Another long stretch of silence passed in the room and Yuu felt as though they could physically see the gears turning in Malleus's head. Double checking the math one would say.
“...Then what's the point of it?”
Yuu snickers under their breath, “Well, I don't think I'm knowledgeable enough to really give you the TED talk about the Tree of Knowledge and the original sin…”
“...” Malleus placed a hand on their forehead, “Are you…have you gained a fever? Is delirium a symptom of your period?”
“I'm not crazy, shut up.” Yuu pushes Malleus's hand off of their face with a grin. Cozying back into his embrace, one of their hands resting on his pressed to their lower stomach, “Periods are weird and horrible and I do not have the answers you're seeking sadly.”
Malleus could only sigh, feeling a pit growing in his mind and heart as he felt his uselessness to his love in this situation, “Is there anything you'll allow me to do? I only wish to help you during this…”
Yuu hums, reaching up to gently cupping Malleus's cheek, “This is plenty. Just…hold me and tell me you love me…”
“I love you, dear.” Malleus smiles, soft and kind as he nuzzled into Yuu's palm, “Though I'm loathed and disconcerted, I'm delighted to know I can at least help in this way…”
“I am too. You surprisingly make a great heating pad.”
Malleus moves to remove his hand, “Oh, is my hand too warm-”
Yuu quickly grips at Malleus's hand, face still calm and content but their fingernails bite into the fae's skin, “If you take this hand off of my body I will rip your spine out of you through your asshole.”
They sat in comfortable silence, Malleus only mildly terrified at the visual of his spine being removed from his body by force. Their serene atmosphere half ended by Lilia happily bursting into the room with a plate of slightly charred quesadillas.
“Lunch time~!” Lilia walked to the nest, kneeling down and holding out the least burnt tortilla to Yuu's face, “Pspspspspspsps.”
Yuu's eyes snap open, a wild smile on their face as Malleus chuckled and kept them locked in his arms, “Lilia Vanrouge, I will break the fucking bones in your ears. Did Cater tell you to do this!?”
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stqrgir1e · 1 year ago
smoking with tgc boys !!!
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isaac, larry, bigt, yumi, and nick! <3 written while I was genuinely stoned for authenticity. jorge killed it with using the words bro and homeboy way too much 😝
mentions of . . . smoking, drug use, cuss words??? established relationship w/ reader + girl mentioned like once otherwise pretty gn. this might be a bit confusing if your a non-smoker since i wrote for a stoner!reader ( petnames used ➜ hon, babe, baby, pretty girl,)
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Isaac ➜ we all know homeboy is more of a drinker. it definitely would be on a dare or bet, he would wanna prove to you he could handle his substances.
"who said i greened out after one joint?... tanner did?... he's lying, we can smoke tonight and ill show you." he would act all smug about it until he actually was face to face with the lit joint.
he would hold it like a cigarette, and when you stifle a laugh at the fact he does so- he would shrug it off while taking a loooong drag of the joint. exhaling before having a small coughing fit. you couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, his face a shade pinker after the humiliating reaction to the joint. but its Isaac- so of course he would brush it off like nothing.
"been a while since I smoked hon... maybe you should finish the rest of it." he would say nonchalantly while passing the joint back to you- insisting you have to finish it. would use the excuse 'he's doing some voiceovers for a few videos tomorrow and can't risk losing his voice.'
def vibes more with edibles. but he always takes half because thats what the back of the packaging says 😡 "why are you taking three! it says half right here!" he would then shove the packaging dramatically in your face- really he didnt want you to see how low his tolerance was and how high he got off half a 15mg edible.
would end up passing out in bed w/ you, gets sleepy especially with edibles/indica. you would mess around and tease him a bit- poking at him while joking how he cannot handle his weed. "nooo, im jus' always down for a nap with you, pretty girl..." he would mumble half asleep, voice drowsy from the high. hella affectionate when high, chronic problem with playing with your hair or like, maybe any bracelets you have on??? i hope this makes sense bro
larry ➜ isn't afraid of the idea of weed, he usually just saves it for social events. like how people are social smokers with cigarettes? larry is like that with weed.
he would get all hyped at a party after seeing you and tanner sharing a one-hitter. "bro! imma need some of that right now." he would act hella shady for comedic effect as well. taking the toke while looking around all mischievously like there was feds hiding in the crowd of the party. you and tanner were stoned- so obviously yall laugh at his antics.
bro is a menace after one hit, isnt even that high he just does it for shits and giggles. lets say nicks filming or some shit- larry is the star of the show. talking his head off in front of the camera while blowing some cart smoke right at the lens. "you see this? its y/n's pen... *takes long hit off cart*... gettin lit tonight." he would definitely hold back his coughs.
speaking of carts, larry is one of those rare mfs that prefer carts over bud. why? he thinks there more convenient- and bud always leaves his nose runny. last time you guys had a smoke sesh date he used up all your sanrio kleenex after smoking 2 bowls 😡
"weed makes my nose run babe! maybe we should've stuck to the cart..." he would say after you complained about him sniffling for the third time. while you were busy explaining why you prefer bud, he would sneakily grab your cart from your hoodie pocket and sneak a few hits. bro is ruthless when it comes to that thing 💀 if you tell him you got the pen on you he's beggin for it.
in fact larry would get a little too comfy with the cart, accidentally almost greening out at a target once when he hit it one too many times in the car. "lets just sit down..." + "on the floor?... in target?..." + "yes babe im telling you just trust me." really thought he was gonna vomit and needed an excuse to sit for a second.
bigt ➜ omg brotha was all over you when you wanted to smoke for your first date!!! he had two little rolling trays set up on his bed prepared for your smoke sesh/movie date.
low-key adorable... literally went out and bought a new one-hitter so you guys would have matching ones, they were green and had little turtles on top of them ): (isnt that so much fun) he wasn't even tryna be cheesy or anything genuinely was just very passionate about smoking. i def feel like him and yumi were smokers in high school so he knows a thing or two abt mary jane. 🤨
"after this bowl i have a gummy we can split..." his tolerance is quite high so he would wanna keep going even after like the fifth bowl. he likes to give his lungs a break though so no carts for him after like the third bowl. edibles from there on out. you know he's gonna be all weird n shit and make you guys split the edible by biting it in half. (like that lady and the tramp shittt bro.)
but at social events and parties??? he's a lot more closed off with smoking- more of a drinker at parties. if he is gonna get high he'll take an edible. "baby weed these days is crazy! I knew a guy who knew a guy who knew guy that got laced with crack!!!" yea he was being sarcastic duhhhh but he was genuinely scared of getting laced at a party.
tanner is a avid cart enthusiast tho!!! he would only use like smoke shop ones though- no street carts for tttt. he would probably prefer zaza's, hes a classic man with taste so he would prefer the cereal milk strain. carts are his go to for when hes just vibing in his room since there pretty much odorless. "I wasn't lying when I said I was smoking zaza!" finds the word zaza hilarious especially when he's stoned.
he takes maaanny tolerance breaks and would probably make you do the same. if you really struggled with staying away from weed he would make t-breaks fun or some shit. (like making a fun little tolerance break sticker chart 😩)
softwilly ➜ nick fr said 🤨 when you asked him to split a bowl with you one random friday night. he eventually agreed because you already had everything set up and he didnt wanna say no after you put all this effort into it ):
"ow! fuck... can you do the lighter babe..." needs help with the lighter, you guys were sat in kind of a awkward position smoking out of his bedroom window since he didnt want any of the guys to question anything 😒 sometimes those flames fight back with the bowls brooo. he has a playlist for smoking after that first time- it kind of becomes a tradition for you guys to try and smoke every friday/weekend (:
his tolerance is worst than isaacs bro. he’s either passed out after the second bowl or laughing at anything that moves. if you guys end up laughing too loud or just making too much noise in general he gets hyper aware about if the boys can hear all the ruckus >:( does not want your smoke sesh to be interrupted. very easily paranoid when high for sure.
he doesn’t love carts- but i mean your his weakness homeboy how can he say no to you every time you ask? “strawberry banana cart?…. fine. one hit, but just to see if it really tastes like strawberry’s and bananas.” it didn’t taste like strawberries and bananas- but he was stoned for the next thirty minutes after that (:
hates the smell of weed. he always has the windows open, a candle burning, incense burning, anything to diffuse the smell of marijuana. he’ll specifically ask you to blow the smoke towards the window- but sometimes you blow it towards the pillows on his bed… or some plushies even just to get a rise out of him. “fuck babe… now my bedrooms gonna smell like kush for a week.” + “it’s just a little smoke!” he would obviously say it sarcastically, he dgaf where you blow your smoke he just wants to be a pain in the ass for funzies.
another big believer in tolerance breaks- but he dosent even know what the fuck a t-break is. he would just tell you he’s taking a break from weed in general. homeboy is very inexperienced in the smoking department and stayed away from it until he was in his early twenties.
yumi ➜ blake definitely has the highest tolerance out of all of them, but he isn’t a raging stoner. probably prefers weed over alcohol especially at parties- has an occasional joint on the weekends or when he has the time but he’s not stoned 247.
yumi is a classic man, he likes classic things. he prefers bud almost over everything else. he won’t turn down an edible but he despises carts because of the aftertaste they have. “babe that shit taste like potting soil… i’ll just take the extra twenty minutes to roll up.” + “it does not taste like potting soil! it’s supposed to be peanut butter and jelly flavored…” after a bowl or two though… homeboy is loving up on the cart!!!! “damn okay… maybe this shit does taste like pb&j…” better be willing to stop at a smoke shop the next day or have your dealer on speed dial because blake is draining that pen 😩
omg he out of all tgc boys fucking loves little smoke sesh dates. like finding a nice little spot off a hiking trail or just in the woods and rolling up together ): he would make sure to have a playlist and everything just like nick this man is soft for you bro. “alright babe are we feelin’ apricot gelato or blue dream today?” very organized with his weed. he knows his favorite strains and doesn’t venture out farther than the ones he knows he likes.
blake is a whole different personality when high, like he’s still blake but… better? idk how to describe it gahhhhh!!! like he’s more laid back, cusses more frequently, very sarcastic, voice a bit deeper/raspier from smoking. “brotha look over there… that bird is straight chillin’ on that tree branch.” + “brotha?…” doesn’t even realize he’s doing it- you would bring it up afterwards and he always denies it. “babe i can promise you i’ve never talked like that when high, maybe you just think i do because your always stoned when i’m high.” if you ever showed him a video of how he talks when stoned he would become hyper aware of how he acts whenever he’s high 💀
homeboy rolls the best joints- how can he not? somehow they always turn out perfectly cylindrical and no leaf actually ever falls out of the joint. he’s got the magic joint rolling hands, what can he say.
omg don’t even get me started on fucking munchies. i am a chronic victim of binge eating while stoned and i have a gut feeling yumi is too. homeboy can be expected to be covered in cheetos dust if he plans on smoking. it brings out the best and worst in him, the worst being eating copious amounts of food in such a short period of time. “your such a fatty babe,” + “am not! you literally scarfed down three zebra cakes an hour ago…”
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