#if you would have told me i would watch AND enjoy s2 of this show i would have said YOOUR RIGHT cause im weaaaak lolol
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bluebeary-jay · 1 year ago
Face to face
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Din Djarin x f!Mandalorian!Reader
Summary: as riduurs, you and Din can finally show your faces to each other without suffering any consequences. but when the time finally comes, your insecurities and fears of rejection come into play, threatening to ruin this important moment
Tags: just pure tooth-rotting fluff, Din and Reader being insecure, they're sweethearts though and so in love, Din being a supporting husband <3, mandalorian customs are probably half-accurate but i did my best in research 😌
Word count: 3K
A/N: haiii guys!! long time no see 🤗 i had this idea ever since i watched s2 of the mandalorian almost a month ago and i'm finally done! thank you to all who stick around and i really hope you'll enjoy my first attempt at writing din (feel free to let me know what you think 🤭)! i love all of you darlings 🥰 and as always, happy reading!! 💕
Din Djarin wouldn’t ever admit it to anyone, but he always wanted a family. The memories of his parents were hazy, but he remembered how much they loved each other and in the depths of his soul longed for a connection like this someday. Being the bounty hunter didn’t give many opportunities to look for a relationship, however, and with time he abandoned the hope for a place and people he could call home. He convinced himself that he was content being on his own.
But then the Child came along, and with it everything has changed. This little wrinkly womp rat became the most precious being in his life and Din was ready to die to protect Grogu – but he never expected that he’d also meet his future riduur because of the kid.
He did. You, a fellow Mandalorian Din spoke to only a couple of times in the hideout on Nevarro, decided to help him on his quest, and from this moment on he didn’t stand a chance. You were everything Djarin admired – brave, compassionate, skillful and kind – and though you both respected the Way of the Mandalore and never removed your helmets in each other’s presence, he knew in his soul that you were beautiful as well.
It was a long road to come to terms with what he felt for you and gather the courage to actually let you know it. But it was all worth it just for this moment when you exchanged your vows and he officially became yours, and you his. Now you were his riduur and he finally had every right to admire and cherish you like you deserved.
And most importantly, he could finally see you. The pair of you talked about this moment a lot during the nights spent on the Crest, tangling your fingers together when the ship was flooded with pitch-black darkness. Din used to whisper to you of his dreams, how he longed to run his eyes over your uncovered body, taking his time to commit to memory every little detail of your physique and expressions. You, with a giddy and wistful tone, told him how impatient you were to at last find out how his lips would feel on yours and what color his eyes were. Even when you both knew you were going to marry, you didn’t rush things and never removed your helmets until your union became official.
But you did see each other’s faces, once, though not in a conventional way. Din remembered it clearly as a day, though his eyes – as well as yours – were covered by a piece of a material the entire time. Both of you were desperate for each other that night, the tension hanging above your heads straining the resolve about waiting. And then came the moment when you didn’t fight it anymore. Instead, you both sat down on Din’s cot and without your sense of sight spent the next hour talking and trailing fingertips down each other’s faces.
Din reminisced about this moment a lot of times. He tried to remember the shape of your features to create a full picture of you in his mind while he laid alone in his bed, longing for your vicinity. Even if your bodies were separated only by the layers of beskar, it was still too far for him.
He didn’t have to wait any longer now.
It was the day of your wedding and Din Djarin never felt happier than in that moment when you recited Mandalorian vows and he got to touch your bare hand again, not covered by a glove, to put a custom-made ring on your finger. It wasn’t a necessary but he wanted to make this day memorable and meaningful for you. A few tears of joy were shed, but his face was still concealed by the helmet, allowing his emotions to take hold of him.
He hadn’t let go of your hand since the small ceremony (if one could even call it that) ended, and you squeezed his palm every few steps as you walked toward a house that was going to be your home for the next couple of days. The Child was being taken care of by other Mandalorians so that you could be completely alone for this special moment.
You were buzzing with excited energy for the whole week prior to your wedding, but now Din could sense his partner’s nervousness. He wasn’t exactly surprised – after all, it has been years for both of you since anyone saw you without your helmet on. But with every moment that you neared the bedroom, you seemed more insular, more withdrawn and hesitant, and Din started to really worry.
“Are you okay, cyar’ika (darling)?”
You slowed down, not answering right away, which caused Din to furrow his brows with confusion. Maybe you didn’t want to do it after all? Maybe it was too sudden for you? Or maybe he came off as too eager?
“Cyar’ika,” he repeated softly, wanting to put you at ease – but it didn’t seem to meet the target. “If you’re not ready…”
“No. No, I’m ready. I just…”
You trailed off. Din wordlessly guided you to the edge of the bed, cradling your hands in his – one gloved one and one not. The light of the setting sun flowed in through the small window and reflected off the hard beskar you both wore, bathing your figure in a beautiful golden light.
He was already so in love with you. What could possibly be the cause of your hesitation?
“I’m just nervous,” you murmured at last with your head bowed, looking at your joined hands. “I don’t want you to be disappointed.”
“Disappointed?” the Mandalorian repeated before he could think, and shook his head slightly. “What are you… What are you talking about? Why would I ever be?”
You lifted your gaze, and though Din couldn’t see your eyes, he could almost feel the weight of your fears on his own shoulders. The modulator in your helmet was hiding any trace of it, but he knew you long enough to recognize the tiniest shift in your body language.
“Ner kar’ta (my heart). I could never be disappointed with you.” He laced his fingers with yours, once again admiring how perfectly they fit together, and lifted them to his chest. “You own my heart and soul now, and nothing will change that.”
He hoped to soothe your nerves, but you were still silent. It wasn’t at all what Mando was expecting from this evening and he was at a loss for what to do to fix it.
“Would it help if I showed you my face first?” he asked after some time, and your head snapped up.
“No.” Even with the modulator, your voice clearly sounded broken and regretful, and it was wounding Din more than anything else could. “We were supposed to do it together.”
“We can,” he assured quietly, swiping his thumb over your knuckles. “But the most important thing to me… is for you to feel comfortable during it. If you want to wait–”
“I don’t.” You untangled your hands from his hold and instead brought them to his chest, placing them on the beskar breastplate. He couldn’t wait to take it off and feel your touch on his skin. “If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t marry you and make you my riduur.”
You leaned forward and lightly bonked your helmets together, a sweet gesture Din loved since the first time you did it.
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum or’atu an mayen. (I love you more than anything.) More than life itself.”
“I know,” he answered simply and delicately brought your hands to the edges of his helmet. It was obvious what he was offering you. “That’s why I’m willing to do it for you.”
You were still, not daring to move, and Din nodded slightly to show you that he’s certain of his decision. His heart was beating heavily in his chest, though, and he could feel sweat forming on the back of his neck.
Showing your face to others was one of the worst crimes in Mandalorian culture, but doing it with your riduur was the highest honor that not everyone was fortunate enough to experience. But Din Djarin was among the lucky ones. Even though it was not in a way he always imagined, he didn’t care as long as you were happy.
You gripped the edges of his helmet tighter and a high hiss sounded, a telltale sign that the metal piece was ready to be removed. And slowly – so very slowly – you did. Din felt a flow of cooler air on his hot skin: first his chin, then his cheeks, finally his forehead…
And lastly, he inhaled shakily before lifting his head to look into the void of your visor.
A second passed by. Then two. Then ten, though Din felt like it must’ve been a full minute now. And still you didn’t move, just watched him silently, motionless as a statue.
The Mandalorian swallowed with difficulty, starting to feel very self-conscious. The crisp air cooled the sweat gathering on the nape of his neck and he had to use all his self-control not to fiddle his fingers nervously. He felt so naked and exposed under your gaze, though he absolutely shouldn’t – you were his riduur and there was no reason to feel ashamed or insecure with you. But he couldn’t help worrying: what if he wasn’t what you expected? What if you didn’t find him attractive at all?
Then a movement of your hands drew his attention and he watched, transfixed, as you slowly started to take off your glove, tugging one finger off at a time. Once your hand was freed from the confines of the protective material, you flexed your fingers before lifting both of your palms to his face.
Even though Din was acutely aware of your every move, he still somehow flinched in surprise at your touch, causing you to freeze and search his eyes with the air of concern around you. He quickly gave you a small nod, silently begging you to proceed, and, thankfully, you did. Your fingertips traced his cheeks, so delicately it almost tickled, brushing down the path to his stubble, and then back up to the arch of his nose and eyebrows. Djarin’s eyelids fluttered closed and he let out a shaky breath, giving in to the most amazing sensation that your touch was.
“I knew you had to be the most beautiful being in the galaxy,” you whispered from under your helmet with a voice filled with a plethora of raw emotions. Din regretted not being able to see your face at that moment, but if it would help you feel more comfortable in such a memorable and important situation, he was ready to do anything for you.
“I’m sure you’re a million times more radiant, cyar’ika,” he said back. His voice was weirdly weak and raspy, sounding strangely to him – probably because he knew there was another person hearing him without his helmet on. “Even if I don’t see your face, mesh’la (beautiful), today or ever… The love I have for you will never change or waver. That I promise.”
“It won’t exactly be fair to the Creed if I don’t remove my helmet in front of my husband,” you answered, half-teasing, but Din knew there was a real worry behind your words.
“You know very well there’s nothing said about it in the Creed.” He opened his eyes, offering you a small smile. “And I don’t remember our vows mentioning it, either.”
You clicked your tongue with exasperation, but Din also saw your shoulders relaxing, a sign that some of your nerves ebbed away.
“Gev bic (stop it),” you laughed, letting your hand fall down – but before it could happen, Din caught your wrist and lifted it back to his face. He slowly kissed the inside of your palm, down to the veins disappearing under your sleeve, his eyes fixated on your visor the entire time. His smile grew slightly when he felt a shiver run through you.
“I love you, ner kar’ta,” he whispered. “Even if you’re a half-Hutt under your armor.”
“Don’t push it.”
You let go of his hand and Din’s face fell, fearing that he really went too far. He reached for you but stopped when you straightened up and took a deep breath, your hands going to the last thing that separated you from him – your helmet.
He held his breath and his heart beat erratically as he watched you. He tried not to blink, not wanting to miss the moment when he finally got to see your face. Just the fact that you were willing to do this meant so much to him, but…
Slowly, you took your helmet off and placed it down on the mattress right next to his. Then, a pair of irises gazed into the depths of Din Djarin’s heart.
…you were wrong.
Oh, how wrong you were.
There was no mistaking it that you were by far the most breathtaking sight the Mandalorian had ever laid his eyes on.
The Maker must’ve been overly generous, or maybe favored you, for looking at you… it felt like coming home.
You stared at him with gentle, tentative eyes of the most beautiful color in the world, and Din would’ve gladly lost himself in them. Your lips, so tempting and soft-looking, were parted slightly as you awaited his reaction, but he couldn’t move. He just watched, spellbound, and wondered if this truly is reality and not some cruel, elusive dream.
He hadn’t felt such awe even when he saw Grogu doing his magic for the first time. Hadn’t felt such elation even when a new skin made of beskar was forged just for him. Had never before felt such love in his life.
You were a wonder. A miracle.
Your voice sounded almost fearful to your ears, but you couldn’t help it – Din seemed unable to utter even a word, and panic started to flood your veins when you noticed tears gathering in his dark, beautiful eyes. “Din–”
But before you could move away, he slipped off the bed and knelt by your feet. You were so taken aback by this action that you didn’t even react when he cradled both of your hands in his and pressed lingering kisses to your fingers, one after another.
“If I could, I’d marry you all over again,” he rasped, meeting your gaze with so much love and adoration in his brown eyes that it took your breath away. “How did I get so lucky…?”
“I think I’m the lucky one,” you let out a breathless laugh of relief, your pupils darting across the lines and grooves of his face. “You… you’re not just saying that, right?”
“Cyar’ika, look at me.” He gently tilted your chin up, making your eyes meet his. For a second he faltered, parting his lips in wonder at the feeling of your skin under his fingertips, before he swallowed and gazed at you again. “Do you doubt my words?”
No. There was really no questioning his motives. You knew Din was as honest as one could be and there were only your own insecurities at play here. But the longer you looked at him, his expression so full of love and devotion, the less relevant your own doubts were becoming.
You couldn’t think of anything else but him.
“I really want to kiss you,” you whispered instead of answering, and his face broke into a wide, joyous grin. “Can I–?”
The Mandalorian didn’t even wait for you to finish – the second those words left your mouth, he surged forward and pressed his lips to yours forcefully, eliciting a surprised sound out of you, which soon turned into a needy whimper. You didn’t give him a chance to back away and instantly tangled your fingers into his hair, moving clumsily to be closer to him.
But when you attempted to climb onto his lap, your breast plates collided with a metallic clank, forcing the pair of you to put some space between you. Din huffed with frustration, while you laughed and cupped his face in your hands.
“You’re quite impatient for a bounty hunter,” you accused him playfully, nudging your nose with his. You took a deep, calming breath, wanting to surround yourself with the smell of him completely, but your riduur didn’t let you indulge for long.
He moved quickly and, without a warning, kissed you briefly again – and then one more time. It was more like a light peck, and you longed to feel his tongue inside your mouth once more, but at the same time relished in every sensation that his lips brought. Every touch he gave you was something infinitely precious.
“I’ve waited longer than you,” he murmured. His hands were already moving, taking off the beskar on his forearms and shoulders, reaching where he could without removing you from his lap just yet. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me, cyar’ika.”
You smiled widely and looked up from his deft fingers to throw another teasing comment, but in one second you lost your train of thoughts.
Because Din was blushing.
The feared Mandalorian’s face – a face you were finally allowed to see whenever you desired – was sprinkled with redness across his cheeks and ears. And you were the cause of that.
The thought of it almost caused your eyes to water.
“What are you looking at, mesh’la?”
Your eyes found him again and you smiled brightly, causing Din’s heart to skip a couple of beats.
You took his stubbly chin in-between your fingers and brought his lips closer, planting a soft kiss there that had the Mandalorian melting. He covered your hand with his, feeling the band on your finger under his own.
A miracle.
“I’m looking at you.”
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mimi-saurio · 1 month ago
Re-watching Jimmy Neutron and wanna make an appreciation post.
When I was a kid I always thought that Jimmy was cool, not like the typical smart kid who's allergic to everything, or annoying as hell about his intelligence. Now I realize the reason he was cool in my eyes was his selfishness, Jimmy does his inventions not only for his science curiosity but for his own benefits, to have fun with Carl and Sheen, to prank Cindy, to impress Betty, TO WIN SOMETHING. It was in the way he used science and his brain to fulfill his boyish antics, like sending the teachers to space so the kids could have a week off, or when he took his friends on a trip to the dessert just because the class was boring, or when he hypnotizes his parents to keep getting birthday presents to build his hypercube.
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I also notice the great friendship between Carl, Sheen, and Jimmy. The first thing you learn in season 1 is that they would be friends even if Jimmy wasn't a genius. They like him and being smart is just the plus that gets them into more interesting scenarios, and Jimmy also enjoys their company (although in season 3 he gets annoyed more easily with them, but c'mon it's justified)
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Judy and Hugh are the first representation of a healthy relationship I got in animation, FIGHT ME. I highly believe that Jimmy gets to act his age because his parents raised him with love and no pressure. Smart or not if he needs a scold he will have it, if he gets prized they are proud and happy for him, and no matter what they just love their son. AND THEY LOVED EACH OTHER SO MUCH UGHHH it makes me sick, HUGH SPEND HIS LAST DOLLARS ON JUDY'S RING TO PROPOSE, and then told Jimmy that A MAN HAD TO HAVE PRIORITIES, meaning the love of his life over millions of dollars. IT KILLS ME UUUUGHHH.
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OF COURSE, JIMMY WOULD BE A ROMANTIC if he grew up watching their parents doing nothing but love and care for each other. Jimmy learning "the walking man" from Hugh it's POETIC CINEMA, BYE.
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About Jimmy and Cindy, as a kid I never noticed the period where they became friends, S1 is all about them hating each other (the crush is there but not as hard) S2 is them developing trust, they actually became friends by papers in the season final (the crush was heavy) and by S3 Cindy and Libby are include in Jimmy's plans and adventures with the boys naturally (also Libby and Sheen's relationship is established by this point too and Jimmy and Cindy are literally fighting their feelings for each other)
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Stranded S3 E7 is probably the episode that resolves their Love/hate dynamic, they realize that most of their fights are over the pressure of being more intelligent than the other, and once they are away and alone they leave their guard down. Again, Hugh and Judy raised a gentleman, Jimmy has every little gesture with Cindy.
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I'm insane but this little gesture, the "you go first" is such a great detail in his character. Then he goes and opens as many oysters as he has to find a pearl for Cindy, PRIORITIES indeed. Cindy by the end tries to convince Jimmy to stay on the island and it just hit me like, the girl has a lot on her shoulders, classes, grades, the constant to prove that she is worth it as Jimmy is, and this is not on him to blame, but her mother, her status and the way the city price Jimmy when he goes and does something beneficial but completely ignores others kids gifts.
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A lot to say about the show and I can go for hours if I can, but this is for now, such a classic and well-written comedy, chill and funny, yet interesting.
English is not my main language so, sorry for the bad grammar, thanks for reading and bye.
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myfanfictiongarden · 26 days ago
Again, it is so interesting to re-watch s1 of RoP with the perspective of the events of s2. Especially if you look at all the moments with Halbrand, now fully aware that not only is he Sauron, but also how he came to the point we first meet him in the show. One could wonder how much an active hand he already had in s1, but we do know that he can NOT influence all the events to his liking.
“The road goes ever winding. Not even I can see all its paths.” s2 ep8
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Still, let’s look at the scenes when we first meet him on the raft.
“Looks can be deceiving.”
Literary the first thing he says to Galadriel (and us) is a warning. Verbally it is mostly aimed at Galadriel joining the human survivors on the tiny raft, with the others debating if she is harmless or not, yet after his true nature is revealed this looks more like he is toying with his companions, inwardly laughing at a joke only he would get. At the same time it serves as a warning as well, for the humans on the raft were sooner willing to to sacrifice an “nobel” Elf, someone looking different from them, ignorant to the wolf in sheep’s clothing among them.
“You needn't keep your distance.”
“I am simply wondering what manner of man would so readily abandon his companions to death.”
“The sort that knows how to survive. Why be part of the larger target?”
Isn’t this exactly the philosophy he always lived for? As Morgoth´s lieutenant ready to sacrifice countless lives, but slipping away and hiding when defeated? A opportunist, who will let an old man die on a sinking ship, for a new window opened up for himself?
“You are a target still. I doubt we shall find safety until we make landfall.”
“I suspect finding safety won't be that easy. Leastways not for you. Separated from your ship. Really? You're a deserter, aren't you?”
I’m wondering, did he know who she is in this moment? He knew her brother Finrod. Would he have noticed a family resemblance and connected the dots? If yes, he must have known quite a lot about her from hearing others mention of her, and in that case, would have really enjoyed putting up this performance.
“Do I have the look of a deserter?”
“You don't have the look of someone to whom things happen by accident. Which means you were running. Whether toward or from something, I haven't yet decided.”
Even if he by now knew who she was, the fact that he was all alone adrift on the Sundering Seas must have made him rather curious. He had been out of the picture for so long, and walking among Men did not get too much info of what had been going on. Why was Galadriel of the Noldor alone at sea?
“Duty demanded I return to Middle-earth. And that is all you need to know.”
Galadriel doing what she always used to do in her youth, avoid the facts. She did it in the face of Melian, why not to a mere mortal?
“Important Elf business, no doubt.”
“What have Elves ever done to you? Do you blame us for your being stranded here?”
“The way I see it, it wasn't Elves that chased me from my homeland. It was Orcs.”
Once again, cleverly not giving away all the intelligence, but we later truly learn that it was Orcs who brought upon him this small downfall. 
“Your home. Where was it?”
“What's it matter? It's ashes now.”
True, Forodwaith is all but destroyed.
“I know something of the pain you carry. I grieve for you. For those you lost. Around your neck. Was that the mark of your people's king?”
“My people have no king.”
“But if they did, where might that kingdom be found?”
“To what end?”
“What if I told you we might be able to reclaim it?”
Here I’m gonna jump for a moment to look at Galadriel’s mental state, for we can clearly see that she is too focused (on the verge of obsession) of jumping only back into battle, that she barely spares a moment to acknowledge this man’s apparent losses, already picturing the success of she might have with re-instaling a lost king of Men while simultaneously defeating Sauron. That would surely put her up into good graces again with the other Elves. Right? (Now I’m realising that her brother Finrod is among other things remembered for helping the mortal Beren on an impossible quest, even facing off against Sauron. Does she subconsciously seek the same noble path as he? Or is she too blind by grief and rage to look for any other motivation that her personal)
“I’m afraid you're short an army.”
“Leave the army to me. Why're you dodging the question?”
“Why're you stranded at sea?”
“Because rather than rest in glory, I chose to seek out the very enemy responsible for your suffering.”
By now, even Sauron is calling her bs, while we also see the sort of reasoning Galadriel wishes to become her narrative.
“Look, Elf. You didn't cause my suffering and you can't fix it. No matter how strong your will. Or your pride. So let it lie.”
There- there is so much to unpack here. First of all, yes, she didn’t cause his suffering, HE did it HIMSELF, no mater what he might tell otherwise. Second, he calls out her pride, a weakness she will manage to overcome by the end of s2, but he never will.
“I have pursued this foe since before the first sunrise bloodied the sky. It would take longer than your lifetime even to speak the names of those they have taken from me. So letting it lie is not an option.”
This will never not be funny to me once we learned to whom she was actually speaking- he is literary an eternity older than her. Still, it also shows how she used to flex her “superiority” in the face of other beings, another thing Elves might be partial to do in their long existence, and it is such a contrast to how she will later welcome the Fellowship.
“At last, a little honesty. If you want to murder Orcs and settle a score, that's your affair. Don't dress it up as heroism.”
Foreshadowing at its finest. But also some hypocrisy from his side, because he always dresses up his actions as the most noble intentions. Then again, he is currently in his repentance era, so he does speak with some self critique.
“Are you going to tell me where the enemy is or not?”
“The Southlands.”
Because Sauron has noticed that Adar and the Orcs moved there.
“I need to know how many the enemy were, under whose banner they marched, and then you are going to take me to their last-known location.”
“I’ve got my own plans, Elf.”
Yes, he has.
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tenpintsofsundrop · 2 years ago
Stop? (Baby, Don't Stop)
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Sub!Gar Logan x Dom!Fem!Reader Smut Blurb
Concept: Gar can't say no to you. But he can't bring himself to see that as a problem.
Word Count: 1,800
Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
If you want to be notified whenever I post a new fic, make sure to follow my library blog @sundropslibrary and turn on notifications there.
List of detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: spoilers for Titans S1, S2, and S3 if you haven’t seen the show before and want to watch it unspoiled, this is set during S3 when the Titans are staying at Wayne Manor, passing mentions of Gar’s trauma (him being killed during Trigon, him being kidnapped by Cadmus, his parents’ death), dom/sub dynamics - Gar is more submissive and the reader is more dominant, the reader calls Gar ‘baby boy’, the reader and Gar have an implied pre-established relationship, Gar (kind of) goes into subspace but it’s not explicitly mentioned or described as such, the reader has a vagina, penis in vagina sex, the reader rides Gar, overstimulation - the reader rides Gar through his orgasm and overstimulates him, possibly dubcon - the reader oversimulates Gar when he is not expecting it and he’s in a murky headspace but he does enjoy it and it’s stated in the narrative that he does not want it to stop (hence, the title), finger sucking (Gar sucks on the reader’s finger), unprotected sex, sloppy sex, hopefully that is everything. Just know that this is in line with my usual brand of filth.
A/N: One of my favourite smut tropes (kinks?) is riding a guy through his orgasm and overstimulating him - vastly underutilized. And I randomly got thinking about this + Gar this morning, so have this. I missed my green haired boyfriend, so there will definitely be more smut with him coming soon (I am thinking some stuff with virgin!Gar maybe? let me know what you think of that idea lmao)
Gar was someone who had experienced a lot of hardship in his life. 
His parents dying when he was still so young, him suddenly having a set of metahuman powers that he wasn’t prepared for - powers that he was kind of terrified of and definitely didn’t know how to use responsibly. Him literally being murdered by his dearest friends while they were under mind control, and then being brought back again and having to heal from the mental and physical injuries. The severe medical torture and resulting mental shitshow that Cadmus had put him through. 
It was a lot to have to push down during everyday life, having to pretend he was okay - having to put up a front for everyone else when they simply assumed that he was. 
But there were a lot of times when he could forget about all that. Times when he wasn’t actively suppressing his trauma because you made things okay - because you distracted him in the absolute best ways. Times when he thought that literally everything in life was just perfect. And most of those times were when you were on top of him like this. 
He would consider this nothing short of literal heaven. 
The feeling of your sweet, wet cunt clenching down on him as he laid flat on his back, splayed out on one of the many luxurious beds of Wayne Manor. 
(“You need to relax.” You had told him, taking him by the hand and dragging him into the random bedroom. “You’re worrying way too much about everyone else right now. Someone needs to take care of you.”) 
And while he had not at all put up any physical resistance against you, pliant under your touch as usual, that conversation had originally started out as him protesting against your thesis. He had told you that: no, he was worrying just the right amount about everyone else, that they needed him. But his protests had quickly died down when you shoved him back onto the bed and drowned out his voice with your tongue. 
Gar always had a very hard time saying no to you. 
He wasn’t sure if it was selfishly motivated. From the outside looking in, others probably say that it was. Considering that he was a guy, and you were just as horny as him - he never felt the need to say no to you. Especially considering the fact that he had never felt a greater sensation than that of your wet pussy surrounding his cock. 
And usually with the promise of that dangling over his head, you had gotten him to do a great number of compromising things, both minuscule and potentially life changing. Or perhaps it was because you were the sweetest little vixen that had captured his heart. And any time you batted your eyes and asked him to do something in that sweet voice, you might as well have been casting a spell on him. 
And he knew that it wasn’t just a weak spot he had for you. 
You had worked that magic on Conner and Jason before. Gar was actively working under the firm belief that if you simply approached Jason and asked him to stop killing people nicely please, then he would take off the Red Hood mask and surrender himself politely, no questions asked. 
But all of that was the farthest thing from his mind as you bounced on his cock. 
With your hands sitting on his shoulders, your nails digging into his bare skin. His shirt had been lost at some point while his pants were shucked off around his ankles and caught up against his shoes. But he could barely even focus on his lack of nakedness or your own because he was obsessively caught in the feeling of your cunt warmly hugging around his hard cock. 
Though he was slightly wishing that your shirt was off, but far too pussy drunk to simply reach out and lift it off so he could enjoy the sway of your tits in his face without obstruction. 
You were a perfect wet vice around him, leaking wetness down over his heavy balls and smearing it up over his stomach as you bounced. And all Gar could really do was take a gentle hold on your hips and appreciate the ride. His face was absolutely knit with pleasure in a way that made you giggle with delight, watching his almost caveman-like expression of tight brows and a heavy set jaw as he stared at the place where you were joined with utterly intense concentration. 
You had never seen a prettier man in all your days - those big brown eyes entirely rapt with pleasure, soft lips and a glisten of sweat across his skin that made you even more intent on ruining him. 
“You gonna cum for me, baby boy?” Your voice laced around the words, breathy yet so commanding, so strong, holding the power over him as you always did. 
It was enough to send a rumble through Gar’s chest, a sharp echo of pleasure from your words. 
That was the sacred question. 
Of course, Gar never wanted it to end. Ultimately, he just wanted to stay like this forever - buried deep in your sweet cunt, feeling that intense warmth hugging him, having your perfect scent surrounding him and having every worry in the world pushed out of his brain. 
But he did feel all the telltale signs - that almost painful tingle in his balls and that deep twisting in his gut that told him it was going to he over too soon. He was going to cum for you, just like he always did. 
All he could gather in response was a choked off grunt. But you knew his language well enough by now - you knew him when he was swimming this deep in pleasure, and you certainly didn’t need words. You knew it just by the expression on his face, the growing look of tight-knit desperation, the gentle whimpers that began to escape his lips. 
Something so enticing that it caused you to run a thumb along his bottom lip, finding the curve of his mouth to be all too pretty when he let out those sweet little sounds. Naturally, he drew the digit inside and began sucking on it, enjoying the tang of your natural skin oils, something that only pushed him closer to the edge. 
Feeling that that sharp whine punched out of his chest, vibrating around your finger only caused you to double down. You bucked your hips harder, riding him with an almost vengeful kick, as though you were trying to push his entire body down through the bed. It was something that caused a loud, pornographic wet smacking to echo through the room - a blatant signal to anyone walking by that the two of you were going at it like rabbits. 
If Gar had any sense left between his ears, he would have been thankful for it being such a large house. He would have been thankful for some sense of privacy. 
Instead, he was totally brainless as the feeling of orgasm overtook his body. His mouth went wide around your thumb as he released a litany of almost pathetic moans and whimpers and he arched back into the bed, a pure exorcism of pleasure overtaking him. He mindlessly endowed his animal strength onto you - digging his fingers into your hips and forcing you down onto his cock for a few moments, forcing you to still on top of him as he shot his load of hot cum inside of you. 
This caused a few hot moans from your lips, nothing but pure enjoyment as you watched the radical pleasure rock him. 
It was such an intense orgasm that it made his muscles seize and jump, it easily made his balls ache. By the time his cock had spurted those last bits of cum into you, he thought that his dick would willfully go limp and fall out of you, being just as tired as he was as he collapsed back onto the bed. But he was still semi-hard and throbbing inside your pussy, tingling with overstimulation as you unconsciously clenched around him. 
You leaned down to his panting lips, sealing him in a hot kiss. 
Gar let out a strangled shriek when you began bouncing your hips again. 
A shockwave of hot pin needles flew up his body from the point where you were joined, erratic hot overstimulation overtaking him. His cock forcefully filled with blood again as you clenched down on him harder. Clearly, you were gaining some thrill out of feeling the extra slickness of his cum sliding between the two of you, out of hearing just how wet your thrusts were now. 
Gar let out another sharp whine and moved his very limp hands back to your hips. In his mind, it was an attempt to shove you off him, to take a fucking breath. But his fingers only dug into your flesh harder and pulled you down onto his cock with force when he felt a particular hot streak of pleasure flare up through his gut. It was almost against his will - but your pussy was just too fucking good. 
“Too much.” He moaned out weakly, a hot puff against your lips, the first thing he had said in an hour of more. “‘s too much.” 
You found the way he slurred the words to be entirely adorable - as though he was quite literally drunk on your pussy. The wide gape of his mouth, trying to draw in breath as you continued to punch it out of him, and the tears pricking the edges of his eyes only made it more beautiful. 
“Do you want me to stop?” You asked, slightly breathless yourself. 
You continued to slam your hips down on his cock, over and over again planting yourself in that filthy puddle of your mixed cum. 
It was a traitorous question. 
It was too much of a strain on his body, but it was everything he wanted. He was breathless and brainless and nothing else in the world existed except for your wet cunt squeezing his aching cock, your natural smell filling the world around him, the hot press of your tits against his chest. 
The word ‘stop’ didn’t seem to be in his vocabulary. 
He let out a strained choking sound, and found himself unconsciously bucking up into you - he found himself enjoying the painful sting that ran through him. Tears leaked from his eyes, and when you reached up to wipe them away, you gave him one last thoughtful sentiment. 
“Tell me to stop and I will.” You whispered quietly against his cheek. 
But it seemed that you already knew what his answer would be. 
Gar put a hand on your back, cradling you close, shoving his face in your neck and breathing in that perfect aroma of your sweat. 
You ground your hips down into him, creating nothing but a filthy wet ache. He choked on a moan and found himself holding you still once again so he could fuck up into you harder. 
“Please.” He moaned weakly against your skin. “Please, don’t stop.”
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sundrop-writes · 1 year ago
Stop? (Baby, Don't Stop)
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Sub!Gar Logan x Dom!Fem!Reader
Gar can’t say no to you. But he can’t bring himself to see that as a problem. (aka - Gar is very stressed out about everyone else's problems, so you force him to de-stress in the best way.)
Sub!Gar Logan x Dom!Fem!Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut. Set during Season 3.
Word Count: 1,800
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, and to make my masterlist complete when I post new fics for this fandom.
Detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: spoilers for Titans S1, S2, and S3 if you haven’t seen the show before and want to watch it unspoiled, this is set during S3 when the Titans are staying at Wayne Manor, passing mentions of Gar’s trauma (him being killed during Trigon, him being kidnapped by Cadmus, his parents’ death), dom/sub dynamics - Gar is more submissive and the reader is more dominant, the reader calls Gar ‘baby boy’, the reader and Gar have an implied pre-established relationship, Gar (kind of) goes into subspace but it’s not explicitly mentioned or described as such, the reader has a vagina, penis in vagina sex, the reader rides Gar, overstimulation - the reader rides Gar through his orgasm and overstimulates him, possibly dubcon - the reader oversimulates Gar when he is not expecting it and he’s in a murky headspace but he does enjoy it and it’s stated in the narrative that he does not want it to stop (hence, the title), finger sucking (Gar sucks on the reader’s finger), unprotected sex, sloppy sex, hopefully that is everything. Just know that this is in line with my usual brand of filth.
A/N: This is one of my favourite Gar smuts that I have written, so I had to re-post it first. One of my favourite smut tropes (kinks?) is riding a guy through his orgasm and overstimulating him - vastly underutilized. And I randomly got thinking about this + Gar this morning, so have this. I missed my green haired boyfriend, so there will definitely be more smut with him coming soon (I am thinking some stuff with virgin!Gar maybe? let me know what you think of that idea lmao).
Gar was someone who had experienced a lot of hardship in his life. 
His parents dying when he was still so young, him suddenly having a set of metahuman powers that he wasn’t prepared for - powers that he was kind of terrified of and definitely didn’t know how to use responsibly. Him literally being murdered by his dearest friends while they were under mind control, and then being brought back again and having to heal from the mental and physical injuries. The severe medical torture and resulting mental shitshow that Cadmus had put him through. 
It was a lot to have to push down during everyday life, having to pretend he was okay - having to put up a front for everyone else when they simply assumed that he was. 
But there were a lot of times when he could forget about all that. Times when he wasn’t actively suppressing his trauma because you made things okay - because you distracted him in the absolute best ways. Times when he thought that literally everything in life was just perfect. And most of those times were when you were on top of him like this. 
He would consider this nothing short of literal heaven. 
The feeling of your sweet, wet cunt clenching down on him as he laid flat on his back, splayed out on one of the many luxurious beds of Wayne Manor. 
(“You need to relax.” You had told him, taking him by the hand and dragging him into the random bedroom. “You’re worrying way too much about everyone else right now. Someone needs to take care of you.”) 
And while he had not at all put up any physical resistance against you, pliant under your touch as usual, that conversation had originally started out as him protesting against your thesis. He had told you that: no, he was worrying just the right amount about everyone else, that they needed him. But his protests had quickly died down when you shoved him back onto the bed and drowned out his voice with your tongue. 
Gar always had a very hard time saying no to you. 
He wasn’t sure if it was selfishly motivated. From the outside looking in, others probably say that it was. Considering that he was a guy, and you were just as horny as him - he never felt the need to say no to you. Especially considering the fact that he had never felt a greater sensation than that of your wet pussy surrounding his cock. 
And usually with the promise of that dangling over his head, you had gotten him to do a great number of compromising things, both minuscule and potentially life changing. Or perhaps it was because you were the sweetest little vixen that had captured his heart. And any time you batted your eyes and asked him to do something in that sweet voice, you might as well have been casting a spell on him. 
And he knew that it wasn’t just a weak spot he had for you. 
You had worked that magic on Conner and Jason before. Gar was actively working under the firm belief that if you simply approached Jason and asked him to stop killing people nicely please, then he would take off the Red Hood mask and surrender himself politely, no questions asked. 
But all of that was the farthest thing from his mind as you bounced on his cock. 
With your hands sitting on his shoulders, your nails digging into his bare skin. His shirt had been lost at some point while his pants were shucked off around his ankles and caught up against his shoes. But he could barely even focus on his lack of nakedness or your own because he was obsessively caught in the feeling of your cunt warmly hugging around his hard cock. 
Though he was slightly wishing that your shirt was off, but far too pussy drunk to simply reach out and lift it off so he could enjoy the sway of your tits in his face without obstruction. 
You were a perfect wet vice around him, leaking wetness down over his heavy balls and smearing it up over his stomach as you bounced. And all Gar could really do was take a gentle hold on your hips and appreciate the ride. His face was absolutely knit with pleasure in a way that made you giggle with delight, watching his almost caveman-like expression of tight brows and a heavy set jaw as he stared at the place where you were joined with utterly intense concentration. 
You had never seen a prettier man in all your days - those big brown eyes entirely rapt with pleasure, soft lips and a glisten of sweat across his skin that made you even more intent on ruining him. 
“You gonna cum for me, baby boy?” Your voice laced around the words, breathy yet so commanding, so strong, holding the power over him as you always did. 
It was enough to send a rumble through Gar’s chest, a sharp echo of pleasure from your words. 
That was the sacred question. 
Of course, Gar never wanted it to end. Ultimately, he just wanted to stay like this forever - buried deep in your sweet cunt, feeling that intense warmth hugging him, having your perfect scent surrounding him and having every worry in the world pushed out of his brain. 
But he did feel all the telltale signs - that almost painful tingle in his balls and that deep twisting in his gut that told him it was going to he over too soon. He was going to cum for you, just like he always did. 
All he could gather in response was a choked off grunt. But you knew his language well enough by now - you knew him when he was swimming this deep in pleasure, and you certainly didn’t need words. You knew it just by the expression on his face, the growing look of tight-knit desperation, the gentle whimpers that began to escape his lips. 
Something so enticing that it caused you to run a thumb along his bottom lip, finding the curve of his mouth to be all too pretty when he let out those sweet little sounds. Naturally, he drew the digit inside and began sucking on it, enjoying the tang of your natural skin oils, something that only pushed him closer to the edge. 
Feeling that that sharp whine punched out of his chest, vibrating around your finger only caused you to double down. You bucked your hips harder, riding him with an almost vengeful kick, as though you were trying to push his entire body down through the bed. It was something that caused a loud, pornographic wet smacking to echo through the room - a blatant signal to anyone walking by that the two of you were going at it like rabbits. 
If Gar had any sense left between his ears, he would have been thankful for it being such a large house. He would have been thankful for some sense of privacy. 
Instead, he was totally brainless as the feeling of orgasm overtook his body. His mouth went wide around your thumb as he released a litany of almost pathetic moans and whimpers and he arched back into the bed, a pure exorcism of pleasure overtaking him. He mindlessly endowed his animal strength onto you - digging his fingers into your hips and forcing you down onto his cock for a few moments, forcing you to still on top of him as he shot his load of hot cum inside of you. 
This caused a few hot moans from your lips, nothing but pure enjoyment as you watched the radical pleasure rock him. 
It was such an intense orgasm that it made his muscles seize and jump, it easily made his balls ache. By the time his cock had spurted those last bits of cum into you, he thought that his dick would willfully go limp and fall out of you, being just as tired as he was as he collapsed back onto the bed. But he was still semi-hard and throbbing inside your pussy, tingling with overstimulation as you unconsciously clenched around him. 
You leaned down to his panting lips, sealing him in a hot kiss. 
Gar let out a strangled shriek when you began bouncing your hips again. 
A shockwave of hot pin needles flew up his body from the point where you were joined, erratic hot overstimulation overtaking him. His cock forcefully filled with blood again as you clenched down on him harder. Clearly, you were gaining some thrill out of feeling the extra slickness of his cum sliding between the two of you, out of hearing just how wet your thrusts were now. 
Gar let out another sharp whine and moved his very limp hands back to your hips. In his mind, it was an attempt to shove you off him, to take a fucking breath. But his fingers only dug into your flesh harder and pulled you down onto his cock with force when he felt a particular hot streak of pleasure flare up through his gut. It was almost against his will - but your pussy was just too fucking good. 
“Too much.” He moaned out weakly, a hot puff against your lips, the first thing he had said in an hour of more. “‘s too much.” 
You found the way he slurred the words to be entirely adorable - as though he was quite literally drunk on your pussy. The wide gape of his mouth, trying to draw in breath as you continued to punch it out of him, and the tears pricking the edges of his eyes only made it more beautiful. 
“Do you want me to stop?” You asked, slightly breathless yourself. 
You continued to slam your hips down on his cock, over and over again planting yourself in that filthy puddle of your mixed cum. 
It was a traitorous question. 
It was too much of a strain on his body, but it was everything he wanted. He was breathless and brainless and nothing else in the world existed except for your wet cunt squeezing his aching cock, your natural smell filling the world around him, the hot press of your tits against his chest. 
The word ‘stop’ didn’t seem to be in his vocabulary. 
He let out a strained choking sound, and found himself unconsciously bucking up into you - he found himself enjoying the painful sting that ran through him. Tears leaked from his eyes, and when you reached up to wipe them away, you gave him one last thoughtful sentiment. 
“Tell me to stop and I will.” You whispered quietly against his cheek. 
But it seemed that you already knew what his answer would be. 
Gar put a hand on your back, cradling you close, shoving his face in your neck and breathing in that perfect aroma of your sweat. 
You ground your hips down into him, creating nothing but a filthy wet ache. He choked on a moan and found himself holding you still once again so he could fuck up into you harder. 
“Please.” He moaned weakly against your skin. “Please, don’t stop.”
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Prodigy Recap
I love it I love it I love it I could watch it forever
I'm truly irrevokably in love. I'm done for. I'm probably going to rewatch this all month before I am satisfied I've fully taken it all in. I NEED to rewatch Mindwalk and Supernova again ASAP because knowing what I know now about the memories HJ had just recovered. I know it is going to wreck me to watch her in those episodes with S2 in mind.
My ship HELD HANDS GUYSSS. HE TOLD HER SHES HIS HOME. HE DIDNT FEEL LIKE HE BELONGED ANYWHERE UNTIL THEY MET. SHE BROKE TIME FOR HIM AGAIN AND AGAIN. HER EYES GOT SO BIG! THAT HUG LOOKED SO GOOD. (I'm getting off topic a lot but i need to get the "my ship is canon - in a way i don't hate!!!" fangirling out of my system.) breathe. breathe. okay gonna keep going.
Its gonna take me a few more watch throughs to fully wrap my head around the paradox. And around how you fit a humpback whale in the original ISS Voyager (seriously. has that been there the whole time? does OG Voyager have a whale? was she retrofitted in the AQ? did Mirror J steal a whale from 1996?) And if that timeline where KJ was lost on the infinity means shes also trapped on future solum with Chakotay or just dead. and and and... so many things. so many fic ideas. so many plot bunnies
(wait no -- shoves the plot bunnies away -- go away. not ready for more wips yet)
There. was. so. much. that I loved. it was such an ambitious story to tell in 2 seasons and oh my god, i really feel they mostly pulled it off. They brought back Voyagers legacy characters and put them to work in a plot that fit them, and it was such a joy to see them again. They stay true to who they were on Voyager - thoroughly wonderfully 100x better than on Voyager in Chakotays case. and i really believe theyre the same characters with a few more years of life since ive last met them.
And the new characters too. I love Dal and Gwyn and Rok and Murf and Zero and Jankom and Maj'el to pieces. (Majel!!! is such a perfect tribute!) I want to see so much more of Noum and Tysses. I am in tears over Adreek. God how much i want Season 3 just to see how their stories continue.
But I think... what strikes me most and what I appreciated the most was how much this show wholeheartedly respects its fans!!!
It never dumbs things down or babies it's younger audience. its very mature for a kids show. it is a great introduction to star trek and the universe without over explaining. there are storylines in these 40 episodes that would be right at home in TNG or Voyager. it's really more of a fun for the whole family show than a kids show in that way. (it says something that it's the first "cartoon" my parents have ever cared for and they are watching it wholely for themselves.) It really manages to tell the story in a framing thats aimed at kids without taking anything away from the story its telling for all ages.
And it's adult audience...
I worried about how it would feel to have enjoyed such a rich fanon universe in the 3 decades since the show ended. There were advantages to having a ship with very little canon. the fan universe thrived on how much room there was to work within. After that - having headcanoned and written and imagined so many futures for the characters - I feared having some new canon come in and make a new story for them that would invalidate so much if that imagination, or create something so unsatisfying or rigid or antithical to their last canon encounter that nothing new would be inspired by it. (P/C in Picard was like that for me)
Prodigy didnt do that. Prodigy made no grand sweeping canon for the years in between Voyagers homecoming and the new show. Prodigy didnt shoe horn any character into a rigid relationship status. Prodigy picked them up, set them on a new adventure, sprinkled in tantalyzing new details, and left a wealth of room around the events of the season and the relationships between the characters for so much fan imagination to thrive. The possibilities before and during and after the seasons for the characters are bountiful and perfect for imagining their other adventures. I couldnt have imagined my ship becoming canon (or maybe affirmed by the canon is a clearer way to put it) in a better way.
And then they went and added Tank Top Action Janeway in there as a treat.
Truly a masterpiece. i'm so grateful for this show. i hope it gets the 3rd season it so dearly deserves.
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minjoonapio · 4 months ago
🎐 Wind Breaker Chapter 160: Melting Snow
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🧵Versions: Twitter/X 📖Where to read the manga: Kodansha | Other 📺Watch Season 1 now (S2 in 04.2025!): Crunchyroll, Netflix
Sorry for posting this late here in tumblr. Life happened. ✌🏻
Such a whirlwind in the first hours after this chapter released. I expected a TogaSaku but instead we got a HiraSako! We all freaked out. This is such a good closure…and a peek of what’s to come for all of them.
Yes we’re eating good! More wholesome loaves of bread please, Nii sensei! 🍞
It starts where we left off with our cutie patootie Choji 🥹 the cute aggression is real whenever he’s on the page. He’s enjoying himself, chowing down on good food and surrounded with good people. 💚
Aaand knew it. Of course Sakura went there to thank them. So they saw his beat up face! Sakura is just squirming from all the attention. He’s not used to it. Oh soft baby Sakura. You are loved and adored.
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I’m so happy Nii sensei showed this!! I talked about in twitter how Choji is actually trying out fresh Red Bean bread that Umemiya gave him the last time they saw each other. Choji not only get to try it again…he bought more food for souvenirs!! Oh my fragile heart!!
If you read the small text, he even told the employees about how he knew about their bakery thanks to Ume-chan. asdfghjkl~ He also told them he’ll drop by again next time 😭
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This chapter is really making my heart full because look at how Choji is twirling about~! He's acting more like his age.
But more than that, THIS is one of the best things that came out of the Noroshi fight. Three gang leaders, who were former enemies, now agreeing to be friends! I am hyped up with Nirei on this one. We are witnessing a historic moment! And this is giving us a peek of what will happen in the future chapters.
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Oh, Sakura. You care so much for your new home and took one big step that not only helped your found family but caused a great thing to happen.
The way it dawned on Sakura. And the way Tsubaki is looking at his precious kouhai proudly. 🥲
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And the wholesomeness continues~ Tsubaki was hyping Choji up; he talked about what Mizuki and Momose said. They were praising Choji’s strength, and I find their reactions adorable & hilarious. They're like “oh hell nah im not gonna fight him”
Then Choji shoots an arrow of "Hehe I'm doing this for my friend Ume-chan!" right to our hearts! Arghh I wanna squeeze his baby face!! (≧∀≦)
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And then here's Togame holding his “That’s my buddy Sakura!” face again (*´∇`*)
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Sakura trying to divert the unwanted attention away from him again after by asking about their other gang members.
The way I laughed when Suo emphasized “HE” meaning Numa and Togame (and Nirei) just knows. Poor guy. 😅
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Oh dear oh dear. We didn’t expect this chapter to become a HiraSako chapter!! And it is giving too much “c’mon! Do it! Go talk to your ex” vibe (and y'all know this is not the first time this happened)
Togame and Choji always pushing the agenda. How supportive.
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I love how level-headed Kaji is when it comes to this.
And I’m glad he’s not a character who would be jealous over it. The three know each other well enough and Kaji never sees it as a competition to be the best kouhai or what not. He wouldn’t reach out to Sako back then if he did.
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Gahh how adorable! Hiragi’s shook of how polite Sako is towards him. Then having a mini internal crisis.
Sako sees that and finds it hilarious. The embarrassing yet joyous tune carefully breaks the ice between them.
Sako's face in that last panel just makes me think he finds his past self ridiculous now.
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Despite how their fight felt so long ago, I'm so glad we’re seeing this talk. Sako wanted so badly for Hiragi to be the one telling him he needs him but never got it. He could’ve just followed him anyway but I guess he thought Hiragi’s words meant he doesn’t need him.
He wanted to prove how wrong Hiragi was by joining Shishitoren and become strong enough to beat him one day. Welp. Since their fight, Sako must’ve wanted to hit himself for being such an idiot.
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i feel like Inugami was kinda inspired by what happened in the Shishitoren fight that he was able to face his senpai. And Sako got to see the “what ifs” if he did the same thing back then to Hiragi. If he just denies what Hiragi told him and said "It doesn't matter. I will continue to follow you"
No wonder Inugami’s been sticking with Sako since then. The fact he knows his senpais's past tells how close they are.
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I really wondered what went down with Shishitoren after their fight with Bofurin. As expected, there were scuffles within the group here & there. Surely, some left. Choji & Togame have to be strong enough to face such hurdles after what they’ve done. But look at them now.
Because they cared so much for their group and have each other to help through those trying times that they were able to reform Shishitoren the way it is now. What a domino effect.
Sako became inspired himself to face his own mistakes as well. And it led to this.
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That “Aaaah finally” panel…I really felt that. Relief to finally apologize after holding unto bad feelings for so long. Relief to finally mend their friendship. I freakin' teared up. This manga argh!
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And of course they were interrupted! Ah, I wanted to hear what Hiragi has to say to Sako, but I think we get the idea, judging by those soft eyes gazing at his kouhai.
Looking at the panel wit both Sako's Shishitoren friends and Hiragi's Bofurin kouhais, it's another glimpse of what we will see more in the future. A unity and camaraderie of different gangs.
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Thank you for reading! 💚
Next chapter will release on Kodansha this coming Tuesday 🎐
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🧵Versions: Twitter/X 📖Where to read the manga: Kodansha | Other 📺Watch Season 1 now (S2 in 04.2025!): Crunchyroll, Netflix
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ardans · 2 months ago
life update tag game. tagged by @agoonerz and @reisspieces cheeers guys 🥂
🎧 Last Song: amandoti by gianna nannini, which someone (if anyone remembers the post i made on xmas day) had told me to listen to. also been listening to radiohead’s true love waits a lot over the last few days after re-discovering it.
🖍️ Favourite Color: always found this question hard to answer. i usually say blue. i like the ocean very much so this answer feels Fine.
📚 Last Book: peter darling. veeeery interesting book, very special.
🎥 Last Movie: bad boys: ride or die, because dumb action movies will always be a guilty pleasure. was your typical action sequel but hey, i loved it. indulging my himbo side now and again,
📺 Last TV-Show: arcane i just finished. currently watching traitors S3, utterly hilarious television that i would seriously recommend, it’s really so. british. baffling, silly, relatable, a little bit pathetic. hard to beat S2, though. iiif you guys watch it, come chat traitors with me. :)
🍜 Sweet/Spicy/Savory: damn, can i pick all of them? or say all of them at once, that’s the real take..
💕 Relationship Status: vibing here and there, i can say.
🌐 Last thing I googled: panettone m&s. am a bit of a panettone addict, haha, was trying to figure out why i couldn’t find anything in the store on my high street (was gifted one from m&s that was utterly unreal).
💓 Current Obsession: football, always. hm, enjoying listening to the gooner talk during my lunch break. playing wild rift when i have the free time, very addictive game. will soon be the gym, now my recovery period is practically over. few little things.
🔮 Looking forward to: going to albania in feb with some mates! never been to tirana before. also going to türkiye in april, perhaps. always nice for me.
no pressureee, tagging @steeple-sinderby-belles @new-berry @aquafe @iceandfields @natrushmann
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inawickedlittletown · 5 months ago
Just Let Me Adore You (BuckTommy) - 5/8
Summary: What if…instead of Chimney taking the role of interim Captain of the 118, Tommy is asked to take on the role.
Or, what happens when Buck meets Tommy in S2
Words: 3.7k
Notes: Title from Adore You by Harry Styles
Read on Ao3
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Ali brought him home and it wasn’t until they had made it through the door that Buck realized what a mistake it had been to sign that lease. No, he didn’t hate his apartment, had enjoyed it the weeks or so that he’d been able to actually enjoy it. It was just that his bedroom was upstairs. It was too bad his lease didn’t have a way for him to back out, not that it would have mattered because it wasn’t like Buck would be able to move out with the cast on. 
Ali didn’t invite him to stay with her, not that it would have made sense for him to. She had a roommate for one thing and for another it wasn’t like Ali hadn’t been sort of staying with him since he moved in. 
Maddie had already offered to bring him back to her apartment and he’d turned her down because he didn’t want to burden her with his care. Either way, Ali had been attentive and she had insisted on being around for Buck, even changing work plans. Had even told Maddie she didn’t have to take a day off to bring Buck home when his release conflicted with one of her shifts. 
All of it reminded him of how much he actually did like Ali and yet… 
Buck should have seen it coming. They had different expectations of what came next. 
That was the last string, but they both knew it had been a long time coming. Buck was reminded of that girl that Chim had been dating a while back and how she hadn’t shown up when Chim was in the hospital because she didn’t want to lie and stick around because Chim was hurt. But…that wasn’t Ali. She was kind and she did care about him even if maybe her eye had strayed to someone else — something they still hadn’t talked about. 
In the end, it came down to his job. Not just his job but the eagerness to which Buck wanted to be back at it. He had no idea what Ali had been expecting from him, how had she not known what she was getting into when she started dating a firefighter? Maybe it was the time spent apart and how little of his day to day Ali was actually aware of. He supposed it was similar to how he hadn’t known it wouldn’t be great to date someone that traveled so much. 
It didn’t even hurt, watching her walk away. Or maybe…maybe it was overshadowed by literally everything else. His physical pain. The ache in his chest at the thought that he may actually never get back to work. The doctors were optimistic about his healing, but it was still early days. Maybe whatever pain or disappointment existed from the break up was also taken care of by his meds. In some ways, Buck thought that he had been preparing for a break up for a while now ever since he realized he didn’t care if Ali wanted to date other people alongside him. 
Ali didn’t take long to gather her things. She pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
“I’m sorry,” she said. “And I really do hope it all works out for you. Keep in touch, alright.” 
Buck didn’t really think he would. 
After she left, Buck settled down in front of his tv, leg propped up, sure that he wasn’t going to find anything to watch. A glance at his phone showed him evidence that everyone was thinking about him. Well, almost everyone.
Eddie and Chris had sent a selfie. Hen a gif of a cartoon dog in a cast with “Get Better” floating over it. Maddie a text to let him know she was just a call away if he needed anything. Bobby telling him not to worry about dinner. Nothing from Tommy. 
A part of him wanted to call Tommy and ask him if they could have their next movie night, but that felt needy. It wasn’t like Tommy had even bothered to check in with him since the day he came for that abrupt visit at the hospital. 
Nothing but talk shows on tv made him turn to Netflix. Randomly he selected The Great British Bake Off. He didn’t even make it past one episode before his eyelids started to get heavy. 
Buck came to when he heard his door open. He saw Maddie a moment later when she rounded the stairs to find him. 
“Hey,” Buck said, groggy.
“Hi,” Maddie said. “How are you feeling?”
Buck made to get up.
“Stay where you are. Ali around?” 
Buck shook his head. He didn’t explain further and Maddie didn’t ask. She was going to find out eventually, but Buck didn’t want to deal with Maddie trying to make him go back to her place or even insisting that she stay with him. 
“Well, I brought you some lunch. Are you taking your meds on time? You know—” 
Buck let her rant. He barely listened and then let her fuss over him. His pillow was fluffed and she brought his food over to the couch. She brought down his blanket from upstairs as well as anything else that Buck might want. 
“I really wish you’d just come stay with me,” Maddie said, frowning at him. 
“I just moved out,” Buck pointed out. 
“You can’t even sleep on your own bed.” 
“My couch is comfortable,” Buck said. 
“It won’t be after the first few nights. You know it won’t.” 
“I don’t think I’ll be comfortable there or here with my leg in the cast,” Buck pointed out.
Maddie made a noise, but he knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t going to fight him on it when he was being that stubborn. 
“So, what are you watching?” 
The show had paused, asking if he was still watching. 
“Baking show,” Buck said. “Couldn’t really pick anything.” 
He’d also known that he would hate to fall asleep watching a documentary and miss something interesting. 
Maddie pressed play on the current episode. It was soothing in a way to watch the contestants bake in a tent with so much camaraderie. Maddie watched to the end of that episode and then through the next one. She left only after he’d taken his next dosage of meds and after she helped him to and from the bathroom as if Buck didn’t have perfectly good crutches to get around. At no point did she ask about Ali and Buck was glad he didn’t have to explain yet. 
“I’m just so glad you’re okay,” Maddie told him as she made sure he was settled on the couch with everything he might need within reach. 
“Me too,” Buck said. 
He was going to have a long way to go as far as recovery went. Months they said. First the cast and then PT and after that whatever it took to get back to work. 
After Maddie was gone, Buck almost wished that she had stayed longer because the silence that descended felt encompassing. The British accents from the baking show didn’t make up for it. He was sure that Maddie would have stuck around longer if he asked, but she probably thought Ali would be back, but she wouldn’t. Not ever. 
Eddie reached out, a text asking how he was doing, and an offer to stop by with Christopher on his next day off. Buck told him he looked forward to it. Athena called later in the afternoon and informed him that Bobby would be by with dinner when he was done with his shift. She kept him on the phone for a little while. It was nice. 
A few hours later, Buck had to get up to answer the door when Bobby arrived. It was awkward crossing his living room and past his table to the door. The crutches were going to take some time to get used to. 
“How are you doing, Buck?” Bobby asked as they walked to the kitchen. 
“Alright, I guess. Still getting used to the cast, but the pain meds are working.” 
Bobby got an odd look on his face at that and faintly Buck remembered that pain meds were where Bobby had begun his addiction after a bad injury on the job. 
“I’ll be careful,” Buck said. “Wean off them as soon as I can.” 
Bobby just gave him a short nod. 
“The department is reinstating me,” Bobby said. “We’ll all be waiting for you when you’re in the clear to come back.” 
Months of recovery, he’d been told. Buck had no idea how he was going to cope to be away from the job and from the people that he loved.  
“That’s great, Bobby. I’m glad.” 
Bobby nodded and smiled as he began taking things out of the paper bag he’d brought with him. Buck should have known that bringing dinner meant that Bobby was coming over to cook him dinner. 
“How did Tommy take it?” Buck asked, realizing that if Bobby was back at the 118, Tommy was no longer the interim Captain. “Is he, uh, is he going to take my spot while I’m out?” 
That would make sense even if the thought of anyone replacing him left a bad taste in his mouth. 
“No,” Bobby said. “He’s back at the 217.” 
“Oh,” Buck said and he didn’t know if he was disappointed or relieved. 
“Everyone is back where they belong,” Bobby said. 
Everyone but him, but Buck didn’t want to voice it. 
“You will too,” Bobby said, as if he knew what Buck was thinking. 
He didn’t dare ask anything else about Tommy especially since he hadn’t heard from Tommy since he’d still been at the hospital and maybe he was a little disappointed that Bobby didn’t tell him anything else. 
Buck settled himself on one of the stools at the island in the kitchen, careful of the cast. 
“So, what are we having for dinner?” 
Tommy did wait a day — okay, so his first shift back — before texting Hen to ask how Evan was doing. She told him about Evan getting discharged and then Hen invited him out to breakfast. Tommy had almost feared that going back to the 217 would be like when he’d originally transferred and that he wouldn’t have much contact with Hen, Chim, Eddie, or Evan. Instead, Eddie had already talked about coming over to help with whatever Tommy was tackling next with his renovation. He and Chim had even talked about drinks with everyone soon. It wasn’t going to be like the past and Tommy was glad. 
Of course, a lot of that had been his own blame. He pulled away in an effort to protect himself and figure out exactly who he was. It had been hard, the starting over aspect, but it had been freeing too. Maybe, he shouldn’t have done it the way he had and yet he didn’t regret where he was now. 
From what they told him, Evan’s leg would be in a cast for some weeks and there might even be additional surgeries. Lots of PT even after that. It was going to be a long recovery. 
One morning before their perspective shifts, he met Hen for coffee and bagels. 
“Chim wanted to come but he and Maddie are finally in a good place after everything and I guess they had plans.”  
“That’s good,” Tommy said.
Even though he obviously didn’t think everything revolved around Evan, he wondered where that left him in respect to his sister if she was focused on a new relationship. It most likely left him with his girlfriend. 
Hen was the one to bring Evan up. “The length of his recovery is going to drive him crazy,” she said. 
“He isn’t one to sit still, is he?” Tommy asked. 
“Not at all. I stopped by to see him the other day and I found out he’s already gone through like three sudoku books. He doesn’t even like sudoku. Also, turns out his new apartment has his bedroom up on a loft. He’s going to be on the couch for a while.” 
“That can’t be good for his recovery.” 
Tommy hadn’t even realized that Evan had moved out of his sister’s place. He did remember that Evan had been looking for a place but he’d never said that he found one or that he’d managed to move in already. 
“Is his girlfriend hanging around at least to keep him company?” 
Hen let out a sigh and gave a small shake of her head. “They, uh, they broke up.” 
Tommy remembered Ali at the hospital. The way she’d fussed over Evan like he was precious which…yes, Evan was. He hadn’t seen a break up in their future, at least not while Evan was still healing. 
“I didn’t see that coming.” 
Hen gave him a look. “After what you said about that open relationship thing? It was bought to happen.” 
“Was it about that?” 
“No,” Hen said. “He said she didn’t understand why he was so insistent on getting back to a job that put him in the hospital in the first place. I guess the reality of the job wasn’t real to her until then.” 
Tommy balled up one first. “So, she left him?” 
“She did.” 
“Wow. Way to kick a man when he’s down.” 
He hadn’t liked her before and now he really didn’t like her. Tommy didn’t know if he would have ever been able to do that even if the relationship was souring. Then again, was sticking around just out of some kind of obligation wasn’t great either. Maybe it was for the best. 
“Chim and I can’t decide if this is a better or worse end than his last relationship,” Hen said. 
Tommy frowned. He didn’t really like gossipping about Evan like this, but at the same time any information was welcome to him. Tommy was also regretting not reaching out. He just hadn’t known what to say and every time he reached for his phone with the intent to call or text, he would picture Evan under the truck or even in the hospital bed and it made his freeze up. 
“What happened with his last relationship?” Tommy asked.
“Well, his last girlfriend was a bit older. We were shocked when we met her but anyway, her mom passed and she had been caring for her for what seemed to be years. So, she decided to travel. Honestly, we all kinda knew she broke up with him but—”
“He didn’t,” Tommy said. “How?” 
Hen let out a sigh. “He told me that when she announced her trip it was just going to be a month. She kept her apartment, took just one bag. I get why he thought she’d be back. One month went by and then another and another. She left him at the airport, let him stay in her apartment, and he was constantly reaching out until she stopped responding. He was waiting months sure that they were still together. I mean she strung him along and then just ghosted. He was devastated.”
“Wow,” Tommy said. 
“Yeah,” Hen said. “She didn’t even get in contact about the apartment or her stuff. Really just never spoke to him again.”
“Is that why he didn’t have a place of his own?” 
Hen nodded. “Yeah. He was living in some kind of frat house before that. I think it was his first serious adult relationship too so—”
“And now Ali,” Tommy said. 
“Hey, I know. You should go see him,” Hen said. “He could always use the company. We’ve all been trying to go and see him even if it’s only for an hour or so. Keep him from going stir crazy.”
Tommy had been so sure that there would be no place for him in Evan’s recovery. Of course, he’d convinced himself that Evan’s girlfriend was sticking around and that Evan would have her care and maybe his sister’s too. Evan had so many people that cared about him that even his parents might have come to keep an eye on him. Hen hadn’t even mentioned them which was curious. Tommy hadn’t wanted to bother or be in the way, now he was thinking that he’d been wrong in his assumptions. 
“Yeah, maybe I will,” he said. 
Hen pulled out her phone and sent him Evan’s address. She eyed him with narrowed eyes. 
“I’ll tell him you’re going to stop by. Don’t make me a liar,” Hen said. 
So, really, he had no choice. He was far more thankful for Hen than he would ever be able to express. 
Out of some fear that Evan might tell him not to come, he didn’t even bother to call ahead even if it felt a bit strange to just show up unannounced. He did know that Evan would most likely be alone. When he knocked on the door, he heard a scuffle and it took several minutes but then there was Evan, leaning on crutches and with hair so messy and ruddy cheeks that meant he must have been napping. 
“Tommy,” Evan said, surprise in his voice. “Come…come in.” 
“I’m sorry if I woke you,” Tommy said, stepping inside. 
Evan blinked at him for a moment. Yes, definitely woke up from a nap unexpectedly. Was it bad that Tommy couldn’t stop himself from thinking about how adorable Evan looked confused and not fully awake with his curls mussed. Granted, there probably wasn’t much that Evan could do without looking adorable. 
Tommy closed the door behind him. Evan’s apartment was nice, actually far nicer than Tommy had expected it to be. It actually even fit Evan, in a way. He saw the stairs and it really was a shame that Evan had moved into a place that wouldn’t make his recovery easier. As a firefighter, Tommy had had his share of injuries and he knew that it would have driven him crazy to not have access to his bed. Which…why hadn’t someone offered to help bring the bed down for Evan? 
“Hey,” Evan said, “did I forget you were coming over?” 
“No. I thought Hen let you know I would? She said you could use the company. And, I wanted to see how you were doing.” 
Evan shook his head. “She didn’t say anything. I talked to her yesterday.” 
“Oh,” Tommy said. “Well, I’m here. I mean, I can go if I’m—”
“No,” Evan said quickly. “No. I want you to stay.” 
“How are you doing?” 
“I mean…I can get around a bit now,” Evan said, tapping one of his crutches. 
He was alive. He was talking. He was walking with the help of crutches. Tommy hadn’t realized how much he was still reeling from it, not until he had Evan in front of him again. Seeing him in the flesh even with his cast, it quieted the image that remained in his head where Evan was stuck under the ladder truck completely helpless. It wasn’t at all how he wanted to think of Evan.
“But you should probably sit down,” Tommy said. 
Evan chuckled. “Yeah.” 
Tommy followed him in further, past a dining table and then into the living room. He noted how awkward it was for Evan to move from one end of the apartment to another due to all the things he had to get around. 
Evan had set up a tv and across from it was a couch. On the coffee table in front of the couch was a pillow presumably for Evan to prop his leg up. All in all, the couch didn’t look too bad, but Tommy couldn’t imagine that it was all that comfortable to sleep on for a man Evan’s size. Though, he supposed that Evan was likely not getting too many consecutive hours of sleep in the first place and wouldn’t even if he was in a bed. Still, it probably wasn’t doing his back any favors. 
He watched as Evan maneuvered himself down onto the couch and grabbed his crutches from him, leaning them close enough for Evan to reach for them. 
“I heard you were back at the 217,” Evan said as Tommy sat in the armchair. 
“You’ve heard correctly,” Tommy said with a smile. 
He hadn’t really known how much he missed it. Not even the being up in the air, but just what that station meant to him and his own personal growth. Where the 118 held memories of his repressed past, the 217 was where Tommy had finally grown the courage to come to terms with the reality of his sexuality. 
“And are you back in the air, then?” Evan asked. 
“Yes,” Tommy said. 
“That must be amazing, actually. Does it feel like you’re a superhero?” 
Tommy rolled his eyes. “Not quite. You know, I could take you up sometime. I fly on my days off sometimes.” 
He could see the interest in Evan’s eyes right away. “You’d do that?” 
Tommy nodded at once. Not for just anyone, he thought. He had to reserve time with a helicopter and clearance to take it up. 
“Of course. I’d love to,” he said. 
He would do anything with Evan, do anything for him. It was a hard thing for Tommy to admit to himself, but it was true. There were so few people that Tommy could ever want to drop everything for and Evan was definitely one of them. The smile that Evan shot his way, he wanted to be the one responsible for that smile. 
“I’m glad you’re back in the air,” Evan said. “I could tell you missed it.” 
“I did,” Tommy said. 
“Well, as soon as it isn’t too much of a hassle with this thing,” Buck motioned to his cast, “I’ll take you up on flying. I’d love to see your skills in action.” 
“I look forward to it,” Tommy said. 
It wasn’t hard to imagine how the light would hit Evan on a sunny day, catching at the light strands of his hair, making him look like he was actually glowing. Tommy would have a hard time concentrating on doing anything but looking at him, but it would be worth it. It might also finally replace the image of Evan on the hard asphalt with the ladder truck keeping him pinned. 
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ca-suffit · 8 months ago
“loumand were happy together most of the time” is kind of an insane take bc louis spent eps 1-4 haunted by lestat and distracted by a hallucination of him, fought badly with armand and called him a boring beige pillow in ep 5, the closest they probably came to being genuinely happy was in 6, the ep which had louis acting really off (i think jacob himself said he’d regressed to a lot of his past personality). eps 7, 8 and dubai speak for themselves lol. whereas loustat *were* happy, especially when they were raising claudia (“we were a happy trio”), and it’s clear that louis downplayed a lot of that happiness (see all of jacob and sam’s comments about dreamstat reflecting the softer and happier parts of loustat that louis wants to forget). but people also ship them because a) their intense chemistry and b) the whole show revolves around their romance, which is tragic and destructive because they love each other *so much*. it’s fucked up but also so compelling and epic and romantic because they will literally love each other forever and nothing can stop it no matter the cost. that doesn’t mean you have to ship it, but it actually surprises me that someone could even enjoy the show if they don’t even “get” loustat at all
tbh I think an argument could be made for both relationships either way. I don't think any of it has to be a contest of any kind. ppl come into the show from all different backgrounds and awareness of the books / characters or not. I think it's fine to let ppl come into the story however they want.
loustat allowed louis to feel seen for the first time in his life but also unseen in other ways. we do see them have happy moments but the more time goes on, the worse they get and the less "alive" he seems. then there's the explosive endings of the fight and mardi gras. although the show has told us there's layers to this and a general back and forth of whether things were better or worse all over their timeline.
loumand and being in paris gives louis more freedom in ways than he's ever known. he explores hobbies, he feels less judged as a black man in public spaces, he feels like he's allowed to have boundaries and voice desires. armand pretends to relinquish control at times when he knows it's what louis requires to feel good. that's something that lestat wasn't doing. for a lot of S2, in dubai, there is an unease felt and a forced manner of discussing all of these "happy" memories they have together, but a lot of it still feels real. like an authentic couple that's been married a long, long time and settled into each other. 2x5 shows us a layer peeled back and starts to break the illusion, but just like with louis' happy moments with lestat, it doesn't change that those moments still exist.
the show itself is always telling us that everything we see of any of this are parts of a whole. just like real life, all events have different perspectives. if louis' memory hadn't been erased after 2x5 then who knows what would have happened. but louis also wouldn't have left lestat on his own without claudia too, so maybe nothing?
the core of all of these relationships is what they reveal about the characters. while loustat has been said to be the main focus throughout, it doesn't lessen any of the others. all of these characters are around each other for eternity and have to endure each other somehow, whatever their current status with each other. I don't think anyone has to have any relationship preference to watch the show tbh, bcuz they're all related in the end anyway.
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nicksolemnlyswears · 8 months ago
I need to start this by the very strange scene at the brothel. It took me so much by surprise I had to pause it. Like we all know these boys have mommy issues but I always thought it was more Aegon than Aemond. Like wow. I was left like this
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It was the intimate position, his hair was down, the lack of clothes. He was completely vulnerable. Aemond wanted to be coddled and to be told reassuring words.
I didn’t understand well the part where she tries to kiss him and he says “not here” like sure man. you’re just naked and telling the keeps secret but go off [ngl i was waiting for her to pop a boob out and breast feed him]
that woman is a dangerous woman. she had scheming eyes. we’ll see where that goes.
Following up with the mommy issues I am so disappointed in Alicent. Aegon is clearly not her favorite child I do not know how she can bear seeing him weep as he seeks her out and she just nopes out. WTF. No wonder your other son is seeking refuge elsewhere. Also forcing Haelena to do the funeral proceeding. What sort of mother are you? The Greens think they’re so high and mighty but they barely resemble a family. They are not a united front.
The funeral proceedings almost had me in tears. I didn’t think they’d show the poor child with its head sewn back together. I thought he’d be covered. Now more so than ever I curse Alicent. You are forcing your daughter who had to witness his death relieve this scene. You forced her to watch her son be paraded around the city.
Daemon fucked up and it’s because of him that a child is dead and yet I can’t bring myself to hate the Blacks. The Greens are terrible people.
Aegon is falling apart and mourning and he has no one to come to. He doesn’t know how to control his emotions and I can’t blame him for it when his mother and grandfather only use him as a puppet and not a real human being. I pity the Hightower children.
That being said WTF was that? Making Ser Criston Cole the hand to the king? Disgusting. He was projecting so hard during this episode. Bitching about Arryks dirty cloak and blaming him for Jaeherys death.
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I’ve got more to say regarding the Greens but my blood pressure is going up. Let me recap I hate them and I pity them all at the same time because the three children are only products of Alicent and Otto’s parenting (Viserys up to some point to)
Oh and let’s not forget Otto’s kind words for Viserys. He probably just misses how easy he was to control.
Baby Jace and Baela I love that little moment and yet I fear it because she’s out there on cute little Moondancer and it sounds like trouble.
Love the Ser Harwin talk. They acknowledge it and they accept it. Talk about being progressive.
But also so sad that Baela feels that way towards Daemon. I had high hopes for their relationship considering that deleted scene in season 1.
RHAENYS HAVING RHAENYRAS BACK TALK ABOUT FEMINISM. HELL YEAH! I fully want Rhaenys to be Rhaenyras ride or die!!
Daemon fucked up, yes. Will we ever know what he told Blood and Cheese? No. Still I can’t blame Rhaenyra for doubting him. He’s a sketchy man who puts on his little cloak to commit war crimes.
Don’t get me wrong I’m a Daemon stan but if he didn’t act so sketchy maybe we would trust him more.
He’s a dramatic guy he’s out commuting yet another big declaration of love for Rhaenyra. Like “look i’ve got harrenhal for you” I think idk we’ll see next episode.
Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk how fucking tragic. and whose fault is it? FUCKING CRISTON COLE PIECE OF SHIT
breathe nikki breathe
a part of me thinks he killed himself because he knew they would live in doubt if he’s really sir erryk. but in reality they believed they share a soul so that was probably why. he killed his other fucking half. they might be divided by believes but they still love each other.
I have so many more thoughts so if anyone wants to talk please feel free to hit me up. I’ll probably rewatch the episode tomorrow again to process
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psychopomp-namine · 2 months ago
Hello! So excited to see your list of favorites. This is my first time, saw someone who love Shen Yuan, also Cheng Xiaoshi, Lelouch, and Emma, too! Diversity is beautiful....
Can you believe, that I think about Orpheus and Eurydice when I saw last episode of Link Click s2?
As Link Click fan, can I ask, your top 5 fav moments from the series (until now)? Also, why do you love Link Click (what made this special for you)?
for any link click fans reading this, the emma being referred to here is emma woodhouse from jane austen's novel, emma. this is not the emma from link click XD (although I do love her).
anon you've got to check out hadestown if you haven't already. it's orpheus and eurydice in a time loop (take into account that this is a theater production, and imagine every play is one loop). that's as shiguang as you can get. I have sooo many thoughts on link click and theater metaphors ever since they gave us those theater posters but that is a post for another time.
anyway. hi, yes, I love link click!! I'm gonna apologize in advance because I can already tell as I'm writing this that this is gonna be a long post. you've given me an excuse to write essays on this topic.
I will mostly talk about S1/S2 but there will be yingdu spoilers below.
why do I love link click? I think I just really love their motto: "past or future, let it be." be forgiving of the past, act with intention in the present, because both of those make up the future. when cheng xiaoshi dives into the past to resolve a client's regrets, he is not changing the past. he is changing their future. I really like that. although this mostly counts for S1 and S2; clearly this direction may potentially change with yingdu, which is fine with me. but this is the theme that first drew me in, and I hold "past and future, let it be" dear to my heart.
it's also just the kind of story that fires the neurons in my brain. I love stories where a late revelation re-contextualizes earlier scenes. I enjoy puzzling out the plot, regardless if we're overthinking continuity errors or not. yeah sometimes the fakeout cliffhangers in S2 are annoying. and yeah sometimes I can tell when the show is trying to make me cry, but I'm gonna let it, because the experience of watching it is enjoyable to me.
I also just love the time travel aspects of it? like, sure, some people will say link click is a story about love told through time travel. but to me, the time travel itself is a major element of the story. it's the meat of it. it runs through its themes, its conflicts, its character arcs, and even the way the show itself engages with the audience.
like, to compare with other media (and note, I absolutely love every media I'm gonna list here) (this part might be contentious, I'm sure others will disagree with me on this). erased has time travel elements, but I would say that that is a character-driven story where time travel is a story device, but not the main subject. pmmm has time loops, but to me, that show is about magical girls. the time loops are a result of homura's wish when she became a magical girl. it's a vehicle for her love for madoka, but the story itself examines the magical girl aspect of the show more than the time travel aspect. life is strange is a video game where the main character pretty much has the same abilities as cheng xiaoshi, and it's probably the closest to the type of story link click is. loved that game to bits, but making branching narratives in video games is understandably hard. it kinda sucks that, in the end, the butterfly effect only really converged to two different endings, so I feel like the concept of it didn't reach its full potential.
and again, I love each media I've listed here btw. I am not saying they're lesser or worse than link click. they're just different, and the way they treat the time travel aspects of their story is just different. like, pmmm itself is a masterpiece on its own. but anyway, I digress.
I like that link click has a character establish time travel rules, and then breaks them. I like that the show commits to closed time loops, and then doesn't. I like that it closely examines the mechanics of time travel in its world. I like that the studio is pushing how much they can do with the concept of "time travel" that it extends to how they communicate with the audience. like how, recently, we just learned that the PVs for yingdu arc actually took place in a different timeline from the yingdu we're watching now in the show. that's bananas to me. personally, I love them for doing that.
my brain loves these kinds of stories. my favorite danganronpa game is V3, and if you're familiar with this series, this should tell you how much I personally enjoy stories that try to trick me with its concepts, and stories that go meta on itself. I like svsss for the same reason. I love unreliable narrators. link click is just right up my alley.
I can go on and on about what I love about how link click uses time travel in the story. how the stories are about intimate, personal connections and personal regrets. the weight of a small action in the grand scheme of things and how it ties to the emotional core of our characters. but then this post will never end, and I would probably just rehash what this video is talking about. so go watch that instead.
also, the soundtrack is immaculate.
as for my top five favorite moments... it's funny, because I vastly prefer S1 over S2. that's just my personal preference. and yet, when I reviewed the episodes, it turns out all my favorite moments are in S2? go figure. I think it's because S2 establishes a lot of character moments that have been building up since S1, which I deeply appreciate.
here's the tl;dr of my favorite moments thus far (in chronological order). you asked why, and I will explain why under the cut.
S1E10: "the game is over."
S2E5: "after you get the doll, remember to show an appropriate... look of happiness."
S2E8: "you know what? I have a younger brother."
S2E12: "if you don't have the guts for that, how can you be my friend?"
S2E12: "time is a hypocritical construct"
I did not include yingdu moments in this yet because with a show like link click, some scenes become more interesting in retrospect than while watching in the moment. so I'll let yingdu finish what it's doing first and let it marinate in my brain for a bit.
gonna put the reasons under a read more cut because oh boy it's gonna be long. it turned into several character analyses along the way. I am so so sorry about this. I can't turn my brain off and I can't shut up about this show.
top five favorite moments: (in chronological order)
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S1E10 - "the game is over." this is quite literally the coolest scene in all of link click. no scene has surpassed this scene imo. it accomplishes several things exceptionally well, all condensed in one single moment.
one, it shows that despite lu guang's own fears, he decided to trust cheng xiaoshi with leading the operation. perhaps you could say he didn't really have a choice, since he couldn't forcefully exit cheng xiaoshi out of xu shanshan's body, and so he couldn't do anything but help cheng xiaoshi trap liu min in the darkroom. but either way, this is still a monumental moment for him. it doesn't seem that way at first in S1, but with the context of S2E12 and YE1, it's surprising he'd let cheng xiaoshi do this at all. that he'd let cheng xiaoshi lead, or that he'd even trap him alone with a serial killer in the darkroom. you know, where he previously died? that's a massive amount of trust to give. he could have just as easily trap himself with cheng xiaoshi and liu min in that room. but he couldn't, because he had to contact the police while cheng xiaoshi distracted liu min and got a confession out of him. and if he wants the plan to work, lu guang had to (whether he's forced to or not) trust that cheng xiaoshi can handle himself in that room. that cheng xiaoshi won't die.
maybe cheng xiaoshi isn't the only one who has grown in this timeline? it's a very... optimistic interpretation of this scene, I admit. but lu guang's actions in this scene is fascinating to me in retrospect.
two, it shows that cheng xiaoshi can be a tricky and clever planner — in fact, this is a defining character trait for him. lu guang is the meticulously analytical one, the one who plans out every detail to the last minute. cheng xiaoshi is the one who thinks outside the box and sees the loopholes. and mind you, this was planned. cheng xiaoshi was working on this plan even before he told lu guang what he wanted to do. there's a scene earlier before the dive where we see cheng xiaoshi setting up pictures in the darkroom. he only told lu guang about the plan once he was possessing xu shanshan.
director li describes cheng xiaoshi similarly: (I love how he's defensive over cheng xiaoshi's intelligence)
"the thing is, cheng xiaoshi seems flippant, but you saw him at the end of the first season. he can be pretty clever when it's crunch time. I had a lot of classmates who performed badly in class, but they got their scores up from 60 to 90 in just two months, right before the national college entrance examinations. these kinds of people do exist. that sort of cleverness is incredible. it's something you're born with."
three, this scene perfectly makes use of the time travel rules this show has established thus far. the closed timeloop (the call liu min made in the morning can only happen because cheng xiaoshi provoked him into playing a game, which only happened because cheng xiaoshi already got the call). the clever use of photos to "teleport" but also to resolve regrets, because cheng xiaoshi used photos of the victims.
I love how danny motta describes it in his reaction:
"[lu guang] literally trapped this guy inside of [cheng xiaoshi's] boss arena. I never considered how much fucking power and authority [cheng xiaoshi] has in this room specifically."
and finally, how awesome is it to hear the beeping of overthink at the end of the episode, and instead of being filled with dread because of a cliffhanger that could potentially put our favorite characters in danger, you're instead hyped because you just know cheng xiaoshi is gonna fuck up the main bad guy of the season. it's such a great reversal of how they have been using overthink for the past episodes.
it's like the show saying, "remember how worried you felt at the end of each episode before this? that's how liu min should feel right now, because cheng xiaoshi is absolutely gonna fuck him up next episode."
it's just so many great elements of the story condensed into one, single badass moment. this is link click at its peak for me.
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S2E5 - "after you get the doll, remember to show an appropriate... look of happiness"
when I watched this scene, I thought, "oh. so li tianxi is the mirror to cheng xiaoshi." and of course S2 continues with this mirroring with the running scenes, the film strips, and so on.
but I love the look of surprise from lu guang in this scene. cheng xiaoshi, as li tianxi, was already looking happy before lu guang even finished his sentence. because cheng xiaoshi was happy. and why wouldn't he be? he gets to spend a morning with a loving mother.
in this moment, cheng xiaoshi and li tianxi were in sync.
it highlights cheng xiaoshi's empathy and how sometimes that empathy can be something so personal to him. it highlights his sincerity and naivete, and even li tianxi's too. it's a great character moment for both of them.
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S2E8 - "you know what? I have a younger brother."
this is great character moment for qiao ling. I love her relationship with cheng xiaoshi, but the way she communicated with li tianxi also deserves praise. I've already talked about qiao ling extensively here, and I feel like I'll just rehash everything I said before, so I won't repeat them here. I'll just highlight the parts that are relevant to this scene:
she's the one who truly connected with tianxi and knew how to communicate with her — even better than cheng xiaoshi could, and cheng xiaoshi was the one who actually got to live as tianxi. [qiao ling] is the person that gained tianxi's trust and knew how to meet her where she's at.
I love any moment that qiao ling gets to shine, but especially the ones where she is defined and forms connections outside of shiguang. and actually, that's her job in the supernatural business of the photo studio! she's the one who seeks out and communicates with clients! so of course she's the one who'd be able to communicate with li tianxi.
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S2E12 - "if you don't have the guts for that, how can you be my friend?"
liu xiao doesn't do much in S2, but I've come to really like his character. this is also an important character moment for li tianchen.
I will admit, the reason this entered my top five scenes is rooted in half canon, half headcanon. but I think this scene says a lot about xiaochen's relationship. notice how liu xiao reached out to li tianchen with bare hands. li tianchen went from living with a clown villain who always wears gloves (sorry, but qian jin was a joke) to partnering with someone who will let him touch his hand despite knowing li tianchen can possess people through touch.
but! you also have to read this in the context of all of liu xiao's interactions with li tianchen thus far, and all the warnings studio lan has given us about not trusting the guy. he's a mastermind. he's a manipulator.
so, here's the headcanon territory. liu xiao is probably manipulating him, and I think li tianchen is a little bit aware of it too tbh. but even if he knows, he lets him, because what else does he have? he always looked up to liu xiao anyway. li tianchen is probably doomed, even more than cheng xiaoshi. but then again, have you seen the lyrics to prometheus? does li tianchen even care at this point? he lost his sister. he left his phone behind; he's leaving the past behind. liu xiao is the only one he can trust.
li tianchen is the actual most doomed character in link click, for me. like, I can imagine a happy ending for shiguang, but it's really hard at this point not to think of li tianchen getting the Bad Ending™
liu xiao, the mastermind, being the one to first reach out, unafraid that li tianchen can possess him at any time, is such a great introduction to their partnership. he is li tianchen's light the way lu guang is cheng xiaoshi's.
I'm really hoping for xiaochen to be the foil to shiguang in S3. like, li tianchen knows he's being strung along. turn that into a foil for S3!cxs who discovers that lu guang has been hiding something from him all this time, that perhaps he even made up the time travel rules to control the timeline and avoid cheng xiaoshi's death. there's a lot of potential for liu xiao and lu guang foiling too, especially with themes of "control" over the timelines.
again, this is mostly speculation, but idk. I think xiaochen just has a lot of potential.
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S2E12 - "time is a hypocritical construct"
link click knows how to do a finale. even when you know from episode 1 (from the brief showing of dead cheng xiaoshi in lu guang's mind, or the XƎTЯOVerthink mv) that this was gonna be the reveal, it doesn't dampen the execution of the scene.
like I said earlier, I love when a late revelation re-contextualizes the whole story, and this is THE prime example for that. this scene instantly gives lu guang's character sooooo much depth, and all his interactions with cheng xiaoshi in S1 and S2 has extra layers in them when you rewatch the episodes. when he calls cheng xiaoshi an idiot for joking about hanging himself in S1. when he gets mad that cheng xiaoshi dived into security footage to tail liu min without lu guang to guide him. when he loses his shit when qian jin shot cheng xiaoshi. even the chibi short where qiao ling does tarot and lu guang hides his card from cheng xiaoshi becomes more and more interesting (qiao ling notices him hiding it too).
love a guy that dooms himself.
the weight of his tragedy also makes me appreciate the small moments of peace he gets as well, especially in the chibi shorts. I am incredibly fond of the elizabeth episode for this reason. lu guang is timelooping; how can he think of treating each timeline as "home" when he could potentially fail again and again? at first he didn't want to keep elizabeth, but he clearly does, and he was sad when she had to leave. I like to think that in a happy ending, shiguang gets to keep a pet cat. it's a commitment to this particular timeline. it's to say, "this is home."
what really elevates the scene is the use of mastermind as the insert song. lu guang reveals that he's been breaking his own time travel rules since the beginning, and then we hear "time is a hypocritcal construct" in the background? 11/10, no notes.
but beyond that, there's something else I love about mastermind being the finale song. I'll just copy my tags from this post. I love that the lyrics of mastermind uses the same metaphors we associate with liu xiao:
“destiny is just my game but it's all you're counting on right now”
“the hunter when a prey lies / it's just what the world's like”
“mastermind stays in the dark”
“can't you see it's checkmate?”
I just think it's so cool that liu xiao doesn't really... do anything (that we see) in S2. but he still gets the last word through this song. like that's such a mastemind thing to do. idk, idk, that's just so cool to me.
okay, that's it. I don't expect everyone to read my word vomit but if you reached this point, thanks for reading lol. and again, sorry anon for answering with an essay. like I said, I cannot shut up about this show.
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aquaquadrant · 11 months ago
Hello! I've been told to ask you this =D
What do you think about Jimmy as a minecraft player, what is he?
It's for a project =3
ooh a project, how fun :0
i should preface this by saying i’m not the BEST person to give this opinion, cuz despite how much i write jimmy, i uh… don’t actually watch his pov? i haven’t seen any of empires (except the hermit’s crossover in s2), i don’t watch his streams, and i don’t watch the one-off vids he posts on his channel. most of my knowledge of jimmy comes from his appearances in other pov’s life series episodes and how ppl portray him in fandom.
howEVER, that said, i’m curious how my interpretation would line up with other ppl’s. i view minecraft players as generally fitting into a few broad categories- tho there can def be overlap between them or a jack-of-all-trades situation. and this prob applies more to people who actually play minecraft professionally (ie. ‘play video games for a living’) than the casual player (such as myself hagshdha).
builders: have a creative eye and practiced skill in building to the point where they can, generally speaking, throw down a decent build on the fly (things that require a lot of planning/detail work often drafted in creative mode first). have good understanding of achieving a certain shape and color with their block placements. may or may not include terraforming ability. generally drawn to the game’s building aspect and spend a lot of time/care making things look good.
redstoners: have an adequate amount of base knowledge for how most redstone components work and interact with each other, tho they may occasionally still use tutorials or take inspiration from others (can only reinvent the wheel so many times). usually capable of making simple redstone machines/contraptions on the fly. generally drawn to the game by the possibility of farms and automation. some take it to extreme game-breaking lengths (doc).
competitors: have highly-trained skill in areas such as PVP, parkour, and/or any other multiplayer server type minigame. think hypixel and MCC. this isn’t to say they don’t have their own solo worlds for building or other projects, or don’t participate in smps, but their main draw to the game initially was competitive multiplayer and it features heavily on their channels. to me, speed-runners/challenge-seekers are a subcategory of this.
explorer: this type doesn’t actually show up often in popular mcyt bc it’s a largely solitary- and in some ppl’s opinion, boring- experience. but these are the players that spend hours in their solo worlds just traveling around, mining out massive caves, or doing any other kind of repetitive grindy work as a manner of relaxation. some ppl really enjoy this aspect of minecraft and it’s a major draw for them. special mention for kurtjmac, a mcyter who’s spent 13 years and counting just walking to the farlands in an old version of the game (tho he does other things on his channel as well).
and now for what category i think jimmy fits best in (which again, doesn’t mean he can’t build or do other things). i don’t have a good name for it rn so i’m just gonna call it ‘the sillies’ (affectionate).
sillies: above all else, they’re here to have fun. most, if not all, of their content is on multiplayer worlds (both public servers and private smps), and on these worlds they are extremely social, making a concentrated effort to interact with others even if not legitimately roleplaying. high amounts of pranks and hijinks abound, as well as ‘committing to the bit.’ lots of videos feature them doing some kind of funny little challenge, game, or mod with their friends. again, that doesn’t mean they can’t engage w the other aspects of the game or be skilled in those categories, but generally, it’s not their main objective and not how they spend most of their time.
that’s what i’ve got! obviously u could split all of these into many subcategories, and your average player is gonna be fairly well-balanced. but for our pro cubitos, i think this is a nice way to categorizing things (and it at least makes sense in my mind).
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presidenthades · 8 months ago
⚠️HOtD season 2 ep. 4 spoilers⚠️
Your thoughts on this ep🎤?!
Adding my two cents: SUNFYRE AND AEGON WERE SO CUTE, but wtf was that fight🧍🤨 Aemond bbg wtf?? Anyhow, cuties:
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TLDR: I’m not even mad anymore, I’m just disappointed (by the writing, per usual; the rest of the show is fine). I’m mostly still on the S2 boat because of the little moments like Sunny and Egg. It makes for great fanfic fuel!
Honestly, this was Criston’s best episode of the entire season so far. Getting him away from Alicent and putting him on the battlefield showcases his better qualities. Also, I love his interactions with Gwayne, it gives me life. Would totally watch a spinoff series where the two of them go on side quests.
I feel like the Harrenhal scenes aren’t super important narratively and the screentime could’ve been devoted to other characters. HOWEVER. The Harrenhal bits are just so fun to watch that I can’t really complain. TBH, it feels like Daemon is getting the best writing (in terms of character arc and narrative coherence) of all the main cast. But uh…one does wonder why he drinks a random-ass potion from a witch lady who just told him he’s gonna die at Harrenhal. (Speaking of whom, I am greatly enjoying Alys Rivers. I’m glad they haven’t made her a femme fatale. She’s just weird. Joff would love her.)
Opinion: they got rid of Kermit Tully and made Oscar the heir because the show wants to minimize Muppet memes. Very sad. 😔
If you’re following my blog, then you know I’m an Aegon fan, so I acknowledge I’m probably biased. But all of the Greens are just shitting on Aegon this episode, holy cow. I totally understand Aemond being snotty and excluding Aegon from schemes; even in the most generous interpretation of their brotherly relationship, they’re often at odds and Aemond looks down on Aegon. But Cole is the Hand of the King, not the Hand of Aemond. Even if Cole is on the front lines, he should be including Aegon.
Alicent has just completely lost the sympathetic traits she possessed in S1. I’ve never thought of her as an especially good mother, but she did love her children—definitely Aemond and Helaena, and there were the “do you love me” and standing between Aegon and the dragon scenes. She also seems to have forgotten that she was one of the people yelling at Aegon to step up and take the crown, and now she wants to hit the reverse button. 🙄 S2 Alicent is not the same character as S1 Alicent, and even S1 Alicent varied from episode to episode. For fic purposes, I’m just completely ignoring what the show writers are doing with her because it makes no sense.
I think TGC would’ve killed a scene where he gets to speak more fluent High Valyrian, but it makes sense that Aegon isn’t good at speaking it. Aegon has never been the scholarly sort, and High Valyrian (if you’ve been trying it on duolingo like me) is not an intuitive language for English-only speakers. I do think Aegon should’ve learned more dragon commands at least, but apparently Sunfyre decided to be the world’s first bilingual dragon and learn common tongue for Aegon’s sake. :3 At this point I’m convinced that Sunfyre is the only living creature who actually unconditionally loves Aegon. No wonder Aegon is messed up.
Back in Driftmark: we finally get confirmation of who the Hull boys are! Not explicitly, but it’s hard to deny that they’re Corlys’s kids like in the book. I kinda wish we got more scenes with Rhaenys talking about/interacting with them though. She seems to have had complicated feelings about the boys.
Visually, the battle was amazing to watch. Some of the best shots I’ve seen during the entire show. But, as I often complain about, the characters’ actions don’t make sense. If you’ve been on social media, then you’re probably aware that Aemond attacking Aegon has been very controversial, and for good reason. I cannot comprehend the Aemond stans (I’m an Aemond fan, but I’m very aware that he’s a flawed character who can act stupidly sometimes) who refuse to acknowledge that this was NOT a good move. Vhagar is a formidable dragon but she can’t win a 1 v 4 against Caraxes, Syrax, Vermax, and Moondancer (and those aren’t even all the dragons the Blacks will eventually have). Vhagar could take out some of the other dragons, but she’s definitely dying in a battle like that. So no, this was not a smart or strategic action on Aemond’s part, at all.
It could be explained as an action taken in the heat of the moment, with Aemond overcome by adrenaline and his anger toward Aegon. But we just saw Aemond two episodes ago being sad about killing Luke, against whom he held a grudge for years because of his eye. Aegon is his brother, and their interactions in S1E8 indicated that even if they’re not besties, they do operate on the same wavelength. Aegon was an idiot for making fun of Aemond in S2E3, but that should not have pushed Aemond over the edge to attempted fratricide/regicide.
At least Cole and Sunfyre care about Aegon, since clearly nobody else does. 🥲 *author shoves a Jacaera toward Aegon*
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mdhwrites · 1 year ago
Amphibia's Ending is SOOOO Much Better Than People Made Me Believe
So I remember back in S2 when I watched "A Day at the Aquarium" expecting to be upset about the finale like a lot of the people I'd followed were when the finale came out. After all, with them being so close, why would they choose to leave? Could they really justify them just dropping the stones and moving on from these bonds they made?
And... That's what the story wants right then. But it was an assumption built off of false impressions that I want to talk about because the ending is REALLY smart in making its points. But to talk about an ending, I feel like I should bring up its beginning. This isn't always necessary but Amphibia actually includes what is effectively a primordial sin. A first failing that causes everything to happen.
A scared girl who is told that change is coming and that she must give up those she is closest to finds out that with some magic, she can make it all go away.
NEVER is this portrayed as having been the right thing to do. NEVER is the show about justifying Marcy's decision. Instead, the show's entire purpose... Is about letting go. It's about how the experiences we keep from others are more important than keeping those people beside us. Otherwise, controlling people, forcing them to be like you, the goals of Sasha and the Core, would be painted as correct. Chances to be together forever, doing whatever they want and never having to change.
So it ending with the trio having to say goodbye to the connections they've made is kind of the only way it COULD have ended. First is the fact that neither Sasha or Marcy would have accepted Anne dying at the start of the series. Anne would never have been willing to take such responsibility or sacrifice. She wouldn't have been willing to embrace such a painful change, just like how early on in the series she rejected the frogs and their culture outright.
And here is where we get my first misconception. I thought Anne was straight up given her second life for her deeds or because she made a deal that she'd be willing to be god if allowed to live her life. This is as much on me as anyone else but can we talk about the brilliance of Anne's resurrection? She's only saved to become a god. Theoretically, turning down the position is choosing to die again. It doubles down on how Anne has accepted change, no matter how dire. She even has good reason because like the Core said "Full of heart but dumb as rocks." She's made PLENTY of mistakes in this season, even as we've gotten to enjoy what a resplendent person she's grown up as. The fact that she's willing to admit that is beautiful, especially for any coming of age story.
And it's a good argument. One full of the sort of wisdom a god needs. So this bored cat of a god likes it. Likes it enough that without giving Anne a choice decides to let her get some more training before coming back to work for him. It's keeping in line with the explanation that he gave for the stones. He was CURIOUS about what mortals would do with ultimate power and was disappointed for TEN. THOUSAND. YEARS.
And here we get misconception two which I think is much more on the fandom. No one DECIDES to put the stones away. No one decides to cut off the worlds from each other. Hell, on the human side of things, one could argue that it's not closed, they just need a better power source since the music box just uses, well, music. No, the stones are gone because someone more powerful than them is tired of their trouble and removed them.
And so we're right back where we began. Having to be told to say goodbye and that you don't have the time to do it how you might. Yes, they technically have a choice to stay but let's actually talk about if any of them actually have a reason to want to be there.
ALL of the newts have only ever used Marcy (even when Yunan and Olivia save her, it's explicitly because of her mind, not because it's the right thing to do) and it took until she was STABBED for any of them to actually care about her with even basic humanity. This is not her world. And yes, her parents will force her to leave things behind but A: At least they were honest with her! And B:... Running from that choice hurt so many people before. Why would she choose that now? Why would she choose to suddenly claim to have learned nothing and considered herself right to have stranded them all there by stranding herself now?
Sasha may have made great connections but the point for her character is to give up control and prestige. She could live in this land as a hero and general, leading how things will be shaped, potentially in her image even... And it doesn't even cross her mind. She probably knows she has a lot to set right back on Earth. Besides, you know, there's just the basic fact that being literally the only human here would be a bit of an existential problem. It would still would also mean running away from finishing the work she needs to put in to become a better friend and mend the rifts between her, Anne and Marcy (I'll get to the ten year gap, bear with me).
And finally Anne. She has her parents to go back to. She does still prefer life on Earth, even if she came to love Amphibia. Hell, the fact that she does clearly prefer Earth, as showcased in S3A, actually makes her sacrifice MORE impactful because she's not doing this just because it's her home. She's doing it because she cares and because of the connections she's made.
But just like she was with the core, she is brave enough to say goodbye. Just because someone isn't right next to you doesn't mean they've left you. Honestly, in an age of constant communication, I love that. A reminder that you can take your time. You don't have to talk every day, do things together constantly, etc. like that just because you can. You are still your own person with your own life but you can carry the support and love those people gave/give you even when you're not face to face.
And so rather than run from change, they admit it's painful, they cry, they celebrate, they joke... And then they're gone. There is literally no better ending for this story than that.
It even follows through with the epilogue. Marcy, Anne and Sasha were codependent. S3 actually reinforces a lot that their negative traits are still there, or have new ones related to each other, even as they've grown. Anne still can't say no to people she cares about like with Sprig's Birthday and Give a Frog a Cookie. She still can't entirely trust that Sasha isn't self serving like in Sasha's Angels. She has scars that will take time to heal and change, just like she pointed out to Marcy in New Wartwood.
Sasha though has a whole NEW heap of issues though. She's gone from being controlling to subservient. Anne says jump, she'd say off what. She is terrified of making the same mistakes twice. She is constantly trying to seek forgiveness. That is NOT a healthy place to be as a person and it's almost entirely wrapped up around Anne. Them deciding they were okay with just staying in touch, rather than being on top of each other... is actually great.
Marcy doesn't have as much to say but she moved... And she figured out how to handle the human realm like she did Amphibia: Alone. Who she was and how to be herself rather than relying on Sasha and Anne or needing them.
But was ten years necessary? I mean... Kind of actually. If Anne STARTS the series turning thirteen, she still has this school year and 5 more to finish for primary school. Then since at least two of them sought degrees, you have four more years where Sasha and Anne might not have even been in the same state, let alone the same town, and Marcy MOVED. She literally couldn't come back unless the fates decreed until she was 18 and she might have chosen to persue an artistic degree so there's another 4 years for her.
Then one year after college to settle in, get the money for trips, etc. like that and... Yeah, ten years sounds about right because life's a bitch. Almost like that's one of the lessons of Amphibia. But as it also says: Those bad times don't need to be only bad. You never know what will come back to find you and be better than it ever was.
So yeah, I'm definitely not just in the camp that the Amphibia ending is good but that it almost couldn't be improved. Small things, mostly pacing wise, maybe but thematically and how it does those beats? Not really. Not when this is so focused on one goal.
And I'll take dedication to your concept over giving the audience a simple, happily ever after ANY day.
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nataliescatorccioapologist · 2 months ago
It was tough! Although I watched, and really enjoyed, Yellowjackets during season 1, I got super into it, and obsessed with Nat in particular, while season 2 was airing. I remember towards the beginning of the season I was looking up bts stuff and seeing JL wasn't super happy about Nat's storyline and then reading someone on reddit saying they met her on a plane and she told them she was done with tv and would be sticking to movies, and I was like "uh oh..." but still had hope thinking she was talking post YJ. But then all the hints at Lottie's compound about a sacrifice being needed were eating at me and then as soon as 2x08 aired I was like, fuck, it's happening, the incoming parallel with what happened with Javi was so obvious. Plus the writers kept mentioning how Nat seeing Misty at the bonfire was gonna come up again, and then with what happened with Krystal, the Misty killing Nat parallel was also obvious. I remember after 2x08 aired I went to a party and when I found out some of the ppl there also watched the show I started drunkenly ranting about how scared I was they were gonna kill Nat off and how much I loved her and it got kinda awkward cuz ppl just weren't matching my emotional investment, lol. Anyway, I stayed up 'til midnight to watch the ep, and was dreading it the whole time, and I remember Christina Ricci making an instagram post an hour or two before the episode dropped and, if i'm not mistaken, I think she was talking about how grateful she was to have worked with JL, or something like that, all but spoiling it, and then deleting immediately after once she realized. Then midnight struck and I immediately jumped forward to see if Nat made it, she didn't, and I cried all night. 😭😭
What bothered me (one of many things) was how many ppl were quick to justify Nat's death with her story coming full circle from that Javi moment, talking about how everything makes sense and how she got to make amends for what happened etc, but as a viewer it felt so unsatisfying to watch bc they set that up in 2x08 to immediately call back to it, and wrap it up, in 2x09. So even though, sure, things came full circle, as a viewer the pacing of this big reveal and then parallel/resolution felt so rushed. Not to mention the messiness of adult Nat's season 2 storyline overall, her changes in attitude/beliefs were so sudden (I remember many ppl were thinking she was actually faking going along with Lottie and was going to betray her in the finale).
Oh wow I would have absolutely lost my shit if I was watching S2 as it aired. I honestly feel lucky that I started the show right after S2 finished airing because having Nat’s death spoiled for me beforehand actually allowed me to process it as I watched the show and got to know her character. If I saw that death scene at the level of obsession with this show that I’m at now, things would’ve been bad lol. But having that knowledge before let me appreciate some of the foreshadowing and signs of her death throughout the show, along with recognizing how her arc was shaping while knowing how it ends.
I also got Jackie’s death spoiled for me before watching the show, too, though, and I must say I really wish I had gone into that part blind. I feel like the impact would be so much more intense and I wish I got to experience that.
And omg I had never heard about the Christina Ricci spoiling it thing! That’s wild. I love that she couldn’t wait to spread the JL love until the episode aired lol.
What you described about feeling that worry about Nat potentially dying going into S2 and seeing all the signs of it is how I feel right now about Lottie in S3👀 Laura Lee popping up in the season finale is suspicious to me along with Courtney Eaton and Simone Kessell filming scenes together at the end of the season… Idk things aren’t looking good. But also I feel like it would be wild to kill off (arguably) the show’s two fan favorite characters two seasons in a row. But I definitely feel like one of the main survivors is going to die at the end of Season 3, just can’t tell who it is yet.
Also, I totally agree with you about Nat’s death feeling rushed. I’ve talked about it before, but Nat’s rapid character development at Lottie’s compound didn’t feel natural to me at all, and it seemed like the pacing of Nat’s storyline was so slow until like the last two episodes where it was suddenly so fast without explanation, context, or time to process anything. It felt like they were trying to wrap everything up with a nice little bow but it just ended up being a disservice to the character. I appreciate the way Nat’s story ended and the resolution of her survivor’s guilt arc, but I didn’t appreciate the lack of time that was put into fully fleshing out that arc and making her death feel worth it. Also, I really really would have liked to see Nat in the adult timeline paralleled with her time as leader in the wilderness timeline (especially Nat and Shauna’s interactions in the adult timeline paralleled with their leadership conflicts in the past) but now we never will I guess🤷‍♀️ Overall, I feel like they let go of Nat’s character too soon and what we did get of her in S2 was definitely rushed. Her wilderness storyline was perfect though👌
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