katygorl · 3 months ago
Hello DBDA fandom! :D I am so sorry if this poll has already been made before by someone else, but this was a curious question that came to my mind when seeing good support for all three ships across the fandom. Since Edwin has had the most love interests on screen, I'm curious to see who everyone ships with him the most!
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yuvany · 16 days ago
When 𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄𝐍 gets caught in a dating scandal with someone else.
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OT7 ENHYPEN x f ! reader CONTENT / WARNING(S) fluff + angst (?) + est relationship + idol!enha + jealousy + not proofread WORD COUNT : 943 CHECK BOX !!
like and reblog if you enjoyed this !!
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The news shocked both you and Heeseung. You had spent a nice evening together being cuddled up in each other's arms while talking about everything and nothing, sharing giggles and laughs. But when he opens his phone he sees that his manager has messaged him and linking a post to it. You notice his demeanour change and asks what's wrong. Heeseung skims through it all and summarises it for you. "Babe, trust me when I say that this is false." Heeseung pleads, putting down his phone to hold you by the shoulders. "Of course I trust you. Let's just sort this out now. As long as I'm yours I'm fine." You kiss him on the forehead.
"This is ridiculous." You hear his voice from the hallway and decides to peek your head around the corner. It looks like he is conversing about something serious based on his irritated expression with his eyebrows knitted together and how he prances around on the wooden floor. After a while of eavesdropping, he spots you and smiles at you quickly, but while you take slow steps towards him, you see his palm facing you, telling you to wait. You of course do that. After he's done, Jay tells you that it was his manager that called him to talk about something that had spread online. "Please, just tell me that you won't leave me." He asks, his arms wrapping around you comfortingly. "Of course not, silly." you reassure.
You sent him an article titled 'Jake in a relationship?'. You weren't doubting his love for you, but you just wanted him to comfort you and confirm that these were in fact false. You see how he quickly opens the message you sent, but instead of replying, he calls you. You answer in a heart beat, and Jake rambles on. "Honey, I don't know what this is, but it is false." The rest is inaudible to you. "babe, calm down ok. wanna come over and talk about it?" You ask, and there was silence for a while. "I wish I could, but my manager wanted to talk with me first about this." You really wanted him to be next to you right now, but after hearing how sorry he was, and that the first thing he'll do after the meeting, is to rush over to your place.
Sunghoon immedietly takes action. The second he sees the news, he reaches out to the rest of his memebers and send you a short message to not belive the fake news circulating online. You haven't seen any of it yet and call him, waiting for him to pick up the phone. When he does, you tell him that you're coming over for him to explain it all. While he awaits your arrival, he feels how his chest tightens and how he is visibly nervous of this encounter. Your knocking knocks him out of his thoughts and he rushes over to open the door for you, but not before he takes a deep breath. When the door opens, you jump into his arms, and he swings you arround. He puts you down and whispers in your ear, "I love you so much, please don't leave me."
He is mostly shocked that anyone would ship him with someone, yet alone spread dating rumours. He sneaks a glance over at you, and he sees that you are busy with your phone. Sunoo gets worried that you might see what's been published online. "sweetie, what are you doing right now??" He gives you the puppy eyes and you put down your phone. "I was just looking if something new had occured, and guess what I found, babe." you say, your words laced with something firece. "What did you find?" Sunoo sweats, and gives you an awkward smile."Your fans say that you've been hanging out with someone who sadly isn't me." You act defeated, and Sunoo rushes over and holds you by the shoulders. "That's not true at all!"
Groans and sink into the armchair, causing him to look like a sulking child. You see this and tap him on the shoulder, causing him to turn his head. "Why so sad?" You ask, and Jungwon hands you his phone for you to figure out on your own. Your eyes trail the screen, reading the headline and a picture. "Who even is this?" You inch your face closer to the screen in an attempt to see who they had taken a picture of. "I honestly don't know babe, but this is false." Jungwon pats your back, and tries to take the phone out of your grasp while you try to identify the people in the picture. "Wait! These two look like those actors." You exclaimed, and Jungwon raises an eyebrow. He sighs, "You're just as nosy as these reporters." He giggles.
Riki laughs out loud. "Babe, have you seen this yet?" He asks, handing you his phone. "What's this?" You say disgusted, shutting his phone off from what you saw. "These people are getting too bored." Riki leans over and gives you a soft kiss on your hair. "Still." You pout, and heaves a sigh. "You don't need to worry, I only have eyes for you, angel." He sensed your worry and eased it with his reassuring words. "One day I'll make them say that I'm your rumoured girlfriend." You announced and Riki just chuckles. "Whatever you say, princess." Then his phone lights up and he sighs when he sees that it's his manager who called, and his previous smile turned into a scowl.
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sv5hive · 8 months ago
too little, too late. | lh44
pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!reader
content warning(s): angst, swearing, lewis is a bit of a dick in this sorry, unhappy ending because i love being miserable 🫶🏻
word count: 1,763
note: thank you so much for all the likes and reblogs on my first work a few days ago!! i didn't expect all the love so it is very, very appreciated :) this is a bit long so get comfy! and i also listened to you're losing me by taylor swift while writing so... yeah.
(psst! part 2 is here!)
memories from the night you two met flashed through your mind as you stood alone in the dim kitchen. the hangover from the next morning meant most of the night was a blur of shots, flashing lights and sweaty bodies but those deep brown eyes and endearing smile remained sharply in focus.
you stared at the two cold plates of dinner abandoned on the table and a bottle of wine nearing the end.
where had it all gone wrong?
six years.
six years of supporting him through everything.
and you loved being with lewis no matter what. seeing him in his element while racing was just as exciting for you as it was for him. but when would it end? you couldn't keep your life on pause forever.
back in 2017 when you first started dating you discussed a life of peace. a life with a big family and a nice house in england where your children could grow up normally like the both of you did. and you weren't foolish. you would never truly have peace when you were in a relationship with lewis hamilton, the face of formula 1. but you were willing to give up any sense of normality if it meant you could be with the love of your life.
or so you thought.
years passed as you watched all your friends get engaged and married, settle down and start their own families. at every bachelorette party, wedding reception, baby shower, family event you would be asked the same questions.
"when is he going to pop the question? you two have to get married! i bet he's planning to do it soon."
and every time you would have the same response.
"oh we're just taking it slow. he's pretty busy with racing and we both agreed that it wouldn't be fair for him to be away so much."
and you really did believe that at first.
either you didn't notice the stares of pity or you ignored them to convince yourself that everything was ok. it was only when you brought up the idea of finally having kids that you started doubting yourself.
"hey, lew. i've been thinking."
"hmm, yeah? what about." he replied absentmindedly, still searching netflix for a good movie to watch.
you passed him the bowl of popcorn to hold while you got under the blanket.
"i was thinking that we're finally ready to start a family."
he stilled. that was the last thing he thought you would bring up.
"i want a family too, you know that. but i can't retire without getting that eighth championship. we're almost there. besides, i don't wanna leave you at home with a kid and not be there for every step of the way."
both of you knew at the rate mercedes was going, lewis would need a miracle and a half to win another title against red bull and their rocket ship.
he avoided your eyes and clearly thought that was the end of the matter so you accepted that when he was ready he would tell you. right?
you tossed and turned that night, unable to get the way he brushed off the topic so coldly out of your head. did you imagine it? that flicker of hesitance on his face? a pit of uneasiness settled at the bottom of your stomach as you desperately tried to reason with yourself. no. everything is fine. you had already waited a few years. what was a couple more?
so you tucked away your dreams of a family into the back of your mind for the time being and just enjoyed your relationship with lewis. every date felt like the first and you never wanted your love to end.
"lewis...this is too much!" as you stared in awe at the lone table in the middle of a completely empty restaurant.
rose petals led you two all the way from the entrance to a table with a single rose stood in a vase in the centre as candles flickered softly.
"for you? never."
staring at him in the golden light, you couldn't help but blush at his romantic gesture. he was making up for being away during a triple header and you hated to admit it but you could get used to this.
racing. you smiled at the thought of seeing lewis race. it was like seeing an artist produce a masterpiece every time pencil hit paper. he truly was an incredible sight to see.
you were there for each of his championships since 2017. you witnessed the joy of 2020 and the heartbreak of 2021. you were there, celebrating each win with him and consoling him after each loss, every time. you had fallen in love with the sport you once had no knowledge of just as hard as you had fallen for lewis. you knew how much of a toll each season took on him and you were always going to be there to pick him back up. his world became yours as you met his team and soon enough you were a familiar sight in the mercedes garage.
wasn't seven world championships enough for him?
you would never ask him to give up his career for you. and he would never ask that of you. but after years of waiting for the next step you couldn't help but wonder whether he still wanted that with you.
he was more than an hour late now. both of your schedules had been almost completely full for the past few months and you thought it would be nice to catch up over homemade dinner.
apparently he didn't think the same.
you hadn't bothered calling or texting. he always turned his phone off while at work anyways. as you finished off the last mouthful of wine the jingle of keys and the door unlocking brought you back out of your thoughts.
heavy footsteps trudged through the hallway.
"hey baby, i didn't think you would be up- what's all this?"
"dinner. i've been waiting for two hours now." you turned away from the counter to face him.
"shit. i am so sorry. i just got so caught up at work. we've been trying to improve the car to-"
"-to beat red bull. i know. i know."
"i promise i'll make it up to you. what about dinner next week? at that chinese restaurant you really like?" he walked towards you and went to wrap his arms around you before you pushed him away.
"stop, lewis. just stop. i can't keep doing this." you couldn't look him in the eyes.
a pin drop could be heard as lewis' blood ran cold.
the change in atmosphere almost made you wish you had never said anything. almost.
"i can't keep waiting on you, lewis. i'm sorry."
"i said i would make it up to you." the look of pure confusion on his face would be amusing if it weren't for the fact that you were on the verge of tears.
"it's not just about dinner, lewis."
"then what is it about?"
"everything. god, we've been together for eight years and we're not even engaged and nowhere near starting a family. we have nothing to show for it. i knew i would have to wait and i was fine with that but i just can't anymore. this isn't what i imagined for us."
"so what? you're just going to leave? you know how i feel about having kids."
"and i get that, i do. but are you even planning on retiring in the near future? we're not getting any younger and i've been ready for a while now. i just don't think our ideas of our future are the same anymore."
"am i just meant to drop everything for you then? give it all up?"
"fuck, of course not, lewis. i would never ask you to do that. never. but sometimes it feels like you choose your career over me. and i know what it takes to be in formula 1 to win, i know you need to give it your full focus. i just, i need you to choose me for once. choose us."
"no, you don't know what it takes because if you did, you wouldn't be doing this to me right now. in the middle of the season."
you blinked. once. twice. you couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"are you fucking kidding me, lewis? i'm ending our six year relationship and you're thinking of how it's going to effect your season?"
"yes! fuck, this is my whole life. it always has been and it always will be."
there it is. confirmation from the man himself. you stumbled on your words trying to convey your anger as your blood continuously boiled at his miserable attempt to fix his mess.
"have you ever even thought about how i've felt all these years? giving every excuse in the book to our families and friends about why we haven't taken the next step in our relationship and defending you when they said i was too good for you? you may get to avoid them by going to the races but i don't have that privilege."
your throat was dry at this point as you gasped for air and still, he was stood almost unbothered at the fact you were hopelessly clinging onto the last remaining threads of your relationship, willing him to fight back.
"so that's it? you're not going to stop me?"
tears pooled at your eyes as you realised this was really happening.
"well clearly you've thought this out pretty well."
you didn't know whether to laugh, cry or throw the empty bottle of wine at his head.
"you are fucking unbelievable, lewis. i thought this meant something to you but clearly not."
you stormed towards the door and opened it. you paused while silently hoping he would beg you to stay. hoping he would risk everything for you.
but it never came.
you wiped away your tears and tried to at least sound somewhat assertive despite your voice wavering.
"let me know when you're not at home and i'll come get my things."
you slammed the door shut with a resounding bang and walked away from the place and person you had called home for so long.
he sighed and rubbed his face with his hand. as he moved to get a beer out of the fridge his gaze fell on the calendar stuck to the front. there was a red heart around today's date with "anniversary!" written in your handwriting.
note: yikes. i hope you aren't too sad because of me. any feedback is appreciated!! let me know what else you wanna see :)
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eemamminy-art · 1 year ago
I want to make a rebloggable version of this thought since I had this happen last night and this morning on the same artwork, on a different artwork last week, and in general it's something I have to deal with more often than I'd like.
If you have an issue with a character or a ship, for fucks sake, don't air out those grievances on someone's creative work!!
It's fine to not like something, but it's really hurtful to leave a reply or tag it, or as was the case these last two times, put your opinions in the body of the post underneath the artwork. The artist or writer or gif maker can see that!! It sucks!! It's hurtful! And especially if you put it in the post itself it can potentially generate a discussion about criticizing the character or ship on what was otherwise a post celebrating it.
If you see a work on your dash and think, "I don't like the subject of this work" please just make your own post or complain to your friend. But stop putting those grievances on someone's creative work and shitting all over their good time. I would rather someone not reblog my art at all than to reblog it with a rude comment.
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decembermidnight · 9 months ago
Bad Attitude
Summary: While on patrol duty, you chase a suspect starship but end up crashing on a freezing planet. Its pilot, a Mandalorian, rescues you, but he doesn't like your attitude towards him and makes sure you understand who is in charge.
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader
Word count: 6.1k
Warnings: smut, 18+ mdni, teasing, dom!din, brat!reader, brat tamer!din, Din is really an asshole here lol, improper use of the darksaber, lots of dirty talk, oral (m receiving), breath play, choking, fingering, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, degradation kink, praise kink, creampie
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A/N: Loosely based on The Passenger episode and super canon divergent. I just had fun having nasty thoughts! Reblogs and comments are always welcome!! Hope you enjoy it!
Divider: @saradika-graphics
Masterlist - Read on Ao3
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You… You really did have to follow that ship on this forsaken planet, didn't you?
You couldn't just listen to your partner Carson for once when he warned you to let it go.
Chasing that Razor Crest despite the bad weather on Maldo Kreis was not the smartest idea. Not smart at all, in fact. 
You were only supposed to ask the pilot why his ship was in the proximity of that prison, Bothan-5, when that officer was killed, but he ran away as soon as he heard that name. You immediately started recklessly chasing that old piece of junk in the hostile atmosphere of this awful, unwelcoming planet, and next thing you know your Starfighter crashed, compromising the integrity of the hatch, you’re cut off from your partner and you’ll likely freeze to death before he can come rescue you. Could it get any worse?
It turns out it can.
Just when you switch the radio off, resigned to accept the unavoidable fate, your eyes seem to catch something dark in the snowstorm. At first you assume it’s just your mind playing tricks on you, but when you take a better look, you see it - there’s a dark figure approaching your ship. It must be him - the Razor Crest pilot. As he gets closer, you notice he’s wearing armour, a Mandalorian armour, and you’ve heard the stories about those deadly warriors. You probably made him angry with your insistent pursuit and now he might be killing you so as not to leave witnesses.
You are so fucked. This is the worst day of your life, and also the last.
He lifts the damaged hatch of your ship and looks at you, exposing you to the freezing air of the blizzard. You stare back at him - his broad figure completely towers over yours, but you try not to look intimidated by him.
"Razor Crest, is that you?" you say in a secure tone, wanting to appear tough.
"Yeah." the modulated voice answers as you feel his dark visor lingering on your figure.
"Came here to finish the job?" you try to sneakily grab your blaster in a desperate attempt to defend your life, determined not to die without fighting, or at least, not without trying. 
"Not if you don't try anything stupid like that. Put it down." says in an authoritative tone, his right hand instinctively goes on the holster of his blaster. You quickly realise this is not the moment for heroism if you want to survive. 
"Don't give me orders. I'm a New Republic officer." you reply firmly.
He scoffs and shakes his head in disdain.
"Dear officer, take a good look around. This frozen tomb doesn't look like New Republic territory to me." he goads you "Now quit it and let's go to my ship."
"Who says I want to come with you?"
"Come on, I’m freezing my ass off, for fuck’s sake." he loses no time in ripping your seatbelt and life support system off your body before grabbing you and carrying you over on his shoulder.
"Put me down! You're so rude!" you protest and try to kick him, but he blocks your legs in the tight grasp of his free arm, immobilising you.
"So far I've been more kind than you deserve. If you keep acting like that, I'll show you how rude I can be." his grip is firm and strong as he gives a warning squeeze to your thigh.
You do not want to admit it, but you feel a thrill of excitement at that - he doesn’t care about the fact that you're a law enforcer, he’s treating you like the scum he’s used to. He probably wants to trade your life for his freedom with Carson later - you’re his hostage now.
When you reach his ship, he finally puts you down. You take off your helmet and look at the Mandalorian that so unceremoniously saved you from certain death earlier.
You realise how much taller than you he is, his armour making him even broader than what he already is. Your eyes can't help lingering on his body in wonder at how strong he must be, how the shiny beskar perfectly completes his thick masculine figure, only adding to his already imposing stance, perfectly concealing his body, making him massive and statuesque. His suit is tight around the arms, you can see the outline of his thick, strong biceps. If only he wasn’t a criminal, if only you weren’t a New Republic officer, if only he wasn’t a complete cunt…
"You done?" a low, baritonal voice interrupts your dirty thoughts.
"Excuse me?" you raise a brow.
"I asked if you're done checking me out."
“What?! I wasn’t-” you lie and you both know it. You do not feel so cold anymore, your cheeks feel hot all of a sudden.
“Yeah. Sure.” the asshole teases as he rests against the wall of his ship, looking at you with crossed arms.
“You hurt?” he then asks.
“No, I’m fine.”
"Good. Let's go up to the cockpit, then. It's warmer up there." 
He climbs up the ladder and when the door closes behind him, you take a deep breath, trying to collect yourself, and follow him. 
When you get in the small room, you find him sitting in the pilot chair facing the windshield with crossed arms and legs spread wide. You settle on his side, standing with crossed arms and gaze fixed on his body. He’s as still and silent as a statue, unreadable under that helmet - is he really relaxed as he wants you to think, or is he carefully studying you? 
"Don't look at me that way." says without moving a muscle.
"Same way you've been looking at me since we got on the ship."
"What are you implying?"
"Don't act like you don't know." he turns towards you and stands up, making you imperceptibly startle. He looks imposing and menacing, his helmet slightly tilted observing you.
"You don't trust me one bit, do you?" he scoffs and shakes his head.
"You assaulted that prison and killed that poor man. He was a New Republic officer, just like me. Why should I trust you?”
“Because I didn’t do it.”
“Why should I believe you?”
“What will you do when you find out I was right all along?” the way he doesn’t lose his cool is fascinating, to a degree.
"You’re not. If you were innocent, you wouldn’t have run away and we wouldn't be here now."
He tilts his helmet to the side once again as he looks at you. His gaze and his confidence make you feel hot and uncomfortable at the same time - you wouldn’t want to give out the undeniable way his stoic charm is affecting you, but you hate the way he's been treating you.
"Yeah, we wouldn't be here." he lets out in an allusive tone as he walks one single step forward while you take one back, ending up against the wall. He's so damn tall and broad and… and you're getting so wet. 
You look into his dark visor, feeling his gaze lingering on your body. You can feel the tension, the atmosphere in the cockpit becoming unbearable. It's getting hard to breathe, heat radiating from both of your bodies as you never stop looking at each other. While his sight is unreadable, yours is unmistakably libidinous, your heart pounding in your chest and your pussy throbbing with need, but you're both too proud to surrender first.
"I guess not. You coward." you let out in a far too flirtatious way as you look at him with shameless lust.
"What did you just call me?!" he rasps, sounding so provocative. 
"Coward. That's what you are. Running away from me when I was chasing you and taking me hostage when I was so vulnerable.”
“Shut up.”
“So big and tough in your shiny armour, but you run away as soon as you see a New Republic patrol. I should have just shot you when I had the chance. At least I wouldn’t be sharing this ship with a coward.”
“I said shut up.” 
“What now, Mandalorian? What do you plan to do now that you've kidnapped me? Are you gonna prove me wrong?" you’re wondering if you got too far when he gets dangerously close to you, his menacing figure towering over yours as he grips a handful of your hair, forcing your gaze into his dark visor.
"Do I have to stick my cock in your mouth to make you shut up?"
A flame of lust instantly traverses your body. You feel your blood boiling, making you feel hot and flustered, reason and common sense leaving you at the mercy of a primal, carnal instinct.
"I bet you don't have the balls to do it." you goad him with a smirk on your face.
Oh, you shouldn't have said that, yet you did, and what's worse is that you don't regret it. 
You look at him with shameless desire clouding your eyes, internally cursing at the helmet that can't and won't let you see his reaction to your provocation, waiting for his next move.
You keep your lustful gaze locked on his visor as his hand swiftly unfastens his belt and the zip of his pants. His grip on your hair tightens even more as he pushes you on your knees, immediately sticking his hard, thick cock in your mouth and fuck, the sound he makes. It's worth crashing on a desolated planet and being scolded afterwards. It's guttural and desperate, astonished at how good your poisonous mouth feels when you take him in and your tongue gently swirls around his tip, instead of spitting mean words at him. You keep eye contact as you let the shaft slide in your mouth and coat it generously in your saliva, his head tilted back as he lets out breathy sighs of pleasure.
"You. You need to learn how to fucking behave. Shut up when I tell you to. You have to stop taunting me. Fuck. Is this what you wanted?" 
He takes your head away from his cock to let you answer.
“You’re not as much of a coward as I thought you were.” you tease.
“You are still talking?!” exclaims as he pushes your head towards his cock once again, staying still as he uses your mouth for his pleasure, violently forcing all of his length down your throat. When he rips you away from it, you gasp for breath.
"You look so good like this. On your knees, choking on my cock, finally shutting the fuck up like a good girl." he growls, pleased.
Just as you want more of it, your mouth going towards it once again, his grip on your hair turns to steel and stops you there. You look up to him from your kneeled position and see him shaking his head.
“Why? Are you close already?” you taunt him as he tucks his cock back in his pants.
"Oh, it will take you way more than that to make me come, officer." says as he makes you stand up.
“Bet you want me to prove you wrong so badly. Bet you want to come in my m-” you stop mid sentence as he starts to unzip your flight suit while he pushes you towards the control panel of his ship, making you sit on it and trapping you there with his beskar body, your legs instinctively spread open for him to fit between them.
“Yeah? Go on. What were you saying?” he goads you as his hand slips inside of the thin pants you're wearing under the suit, teasing your clit from outside your underwear.
“I-I was s-saying that - that-” you gasp when his hand finds its way into your panties and reaches your slit.
"Ooh, what do we have here?" exclaims in taunting wonder. His beskar helmet is only a few centimetres distant from your face "Acting all cocky and arrogant before, but damn, feel how wet you are. Bet no one ever made you this wet, officer. Stars, you're dripping for me. All of this just from sucking my cock?" says in a husky voice as two of his thick, gloved fingers slide inside of you.
You grit your teeth in a desperate attempt to hide the way this is making you feel, not wanting to give him satisfaction, but your body is slowly surrendering to him and betraying you, your cunt involuntarily clamping around his fingers, revealing how his words are, in fact, effective on you.
"Oh, I bet you feel so good and you sound so sweet when you moan for me. Feel how hot and tight you are." he keeps teasing you. 
Resisting him is getting near impossible. By now he knows how badly you want it.
"Listen to what we’re gonna do now. You're gonna come on my fingers like a good girl and then I'll fuck you until your partner comes to rescue you."
You can't help it anymore and let out a moan at how sensual his voice sounds as he says those things to you, at the thought of getting fucked by him, all while his fingers keep sliding inside and outside of you, making your cunt spasm around them.
"Oh, I knew it. Damn, such a sweet girl." he rasps as he takes his fingers out.
"What the fuck?!" you snap at him when he does, making him chuckle at your reaction.
"Hey, calm down officer." he teases your lips with his gloved fingers soaked in your arousal. 
You instinctively suck the leather and taste yourself on his fingers, licking them sensually as you look at him in the visor. He hums in pleasure seeing that and goes on playing with your mouth, entranced by the way your tongue swirls around them, until he takes them out and presses his middle finger on your bottom lip.
"Bite." he simply orders and you obey, taking the hem of his glove between your teeth to let his hand slip out of the glove. It's huge compared to yours, callous and veiny and masculine. You hum as it starts trailing down your body and feel the warm trail it leaves on the delicate skin of your neck as he caresses it, your own hands holding tight to the commands of the ship, propping you up to offer yourself to his touch. You can feel his eyes looking at your body from behind the dark visor as his hand slips in your flight suit once again, groping your breast from outside your shirt, his thumb playing with one of your hardened nipples, your back arched and chest puffed out to make it look fuller. You moan loudly when he slides his fingers in your panties and back inside of you. 
"Stars - so fucking wet. I bet your cunt is so beautiful. Spread your legs for me. You're making me so fucking hard." he keeps up the pace and also starts to rub your clit with his thumb, making the pleasure you’re feeling unable to hide and you surrender to him, panting heavily as your eyes cross and roll in delight.
"Really? Eyes rolling, officer?" he taunts you.
"F-fuck y-you-" you rasp with half closed eyes, your sentence gets interrupted as he hooks his fingers, touching something devastating inside of you, making him scoff when he sees the way you squeeze your eyes shut and arch your back, your mouth wide open to let out obscene moans.
"What? Do you want me to stop?" he provokes you.
"Don't you fucking dare." you manage to let out in a barely audible sigh.
He immediately grabs your neck, not liking the way you undermine his authority.
"Careful now, officer." he growls.
You moan back in response at how much you like this - being put back into place, the Mandlaorian reminding you who is in control. You hold tight to his sides, digging your nails in his flight suit as he just pushes you further against the control panel with his body.
You’re a panting mess and you feel so close, so damn close to your orgasm. You beg he won’t stop as you wrap your legs around him. He feels by the irregular, ragged way you're breathing and the way your muscles go rigid around him that you're close.
"What? Coming already?” he chuckles “I will let you just because I want to fuck you so badly. Now come, my dear officer. Come for me."
You pant straight into his helmet when you hear him calling you like that, fogging it where his mouth would be. His hand pushes you over the edge and you moan loudly as he makes you come around his fingers, your hands holding tight to his neck, bringing him down towards you. Your back arches, chest rubbing against his armour and you roll your head back until it hits the transparisteel of the windshield behind you. Your nails scratch him hard and your legs’ grip becomes even tighter, his upper body now trapped in your grasp.
He grabs your chin with his other hand and forces you to look at him in the visor.
"Yes - yes, yes. Like this. Good girl." he growls between his teeth, looking at you as you struggle to keep your gaze on him, your eyes wanting to roll up in pleasure.
He lets you ride your high, never stopping those astounding moves of his hand, making you feel so satisfied, but so guilty and humiliated at the same time.
As the orgasm gradually fades out, your grip on his body loosens.
He takes out his hand right in front of your eyes and, Maker, it's soaking wet, glistening in your arousal. You’re both embarrassed and aroused when you see how wet and yielding you got for him as soon as he started touching you. 
"Damn, officer. How am I going to-"
You don't even let him finish, you've taken his hand in yours and start sucking his fingers. He lets out a satisfied hum when you do that. You clean them thoroughly, sensually massaging his digits with your tongue, humming as you hear him cursing between his teeth in a foreign language.
Once he’s satisfied, he takes them out of your avid mouth.
"Now strip for me, officer. I bet you look so hot under that uniform."
"Forget it." you tease him.
"Too bad you didn't obey me when I asked so nicely."
In an instant his hands start ripping the flight suit off your body as you're kicking out of your boots at the same time. It's rushed, brutal and wild, the both of you completely taken over by lust. His hands linger on your sides, giving you goosebumps and making you sigh when he lifts the thermal shirt off your body and you hold on tight to the panel when he hooks his fingers in the hem of your pants and pulls everything down and away from your body, leaving you completely naked in front of him.
“You look… Good without your uniform on, officer.” he is pleased looking at your naked body. “Wonder if I could say the same about you, Mandalorian.” “You’ll have to use your imagination."
“Are you even a real Mandalorian? Maybe you stole this armour, or maybe you bought it off some Jawas.” you mock him.
"Come here and I’ll show you." he simply says as he sits back on his chair, legs spread wide and a visible bulge in his pants.
Just as you get close to him, he takes out one of his weapons, a strange sword without a blade, and begins to trace your nipple with the hilt. You start to breathe heavily and you can feel your nipple getting harder by the second, your eyes carefully following his movements as he descends ever so slowly, teasing you, trailing your stomach and then your lower belly, stopping right in front of your cunt, driving you crazy, your legs spreading for him, begging for some friction. He softly brushes your lips, carefully avoiding your clit to tease you further, until he finally touches it. The sudden contact of the hilt with your sensitive clit makes you shudder and let out a whimper.
"Don't. Move." he orders as he continues to touch you with that weapon, rubbing it against your clit, producing obscene, wet sounds at the contact. You try to stay as still as you can as he plays with that dangerous weapon so close to your most delicate spot. You beg he'd go faster, you wish you could ride it and come all over it, as pathetic as it sounds, but no, he doesn't want that. He wants to take his time to tease you, getting you nice and wet as he plays with you like you're his toy.
He stands up, towering over you.
"Stick your tongue out."
You immediately do and he starts to trace your mouth with the hilt.
"This is the Darksaber. Whoever wields it can rule all of Mandalore, and you're licking it after I've used it to give you pleasure. Feel how wet you’ve made it. How does that make you feel?"
“Like you should sit down on that chair and take out that cock. Touch yourself while I lick your Darksaber clean, Mandalorian.”
He grunts as you push him back on his chair. He immediately unzips his pants to take his throbbing cock out as you keep licking his weapon clean, pleased at the sight of his erection in his hand.
"Touch yourself for me, Mando" you order him as you trace your tongue on the hilt.
"Enough of that." he grabs you by the hair and pushes you on your knees, forcing you to suck his cock. In a swift movement he grabs the Darksaber with his two hands, using it as leverage to keep your head down, forcing his entire cock into your throat, making you startle at the sudden lack of air.
"You don't get to give me orders." he growls before freeing you from his grasp to let you breathe. You gasp for air and look at him, panting.
Maker, he's so dangerous. He could kill you in one second if he wanted to, and you've never, never been wetter than this, playing this dangerous, twisted game with a deadly warrior.
He gives you a few seconds to breathe and then he's back at it, using his weapon to make you choke on his cock.
"Do you understand? I can do whatever I want to you." he releases you once again. There are tears in the corner of your eyes but that doesn't stop him from doing that one more time.
"You're so fucking pretty, but you also need someone to tame you. You've found the right man. Is that what you were looking for, officer? Someone to tame that bad temper?" he says and releases you one more time. You gasp for air as one tear sheds down your cheek.
"Come here. I'll fuck that bad attitude out of you." he orders as he puts the Darksaber away.
This. This is what you've always been craving, what you always wanted.
You slowly rise from the cold floor, your hands on his thighs as you can't stop looking at each other with longing desire. You straddle him, shaking in anticipation as you sink on his body guided by his hands on your hips, letting his cock slowly slide inside of you. The both of you moan as his cock splits you open for him, making him feel how hot and welcoming you are. You both let out a long, satisfied sigh, his voice is dark and sensual and you spasm around his throbbing cock, heavily aroused to finally have him inside of you.
“Mando, let me see if you're only good with words now."
“Din. I want to hear you screaming my name when I’ll make you come on my cock, officer.”
“You’re pretty confident in your abilities, Mandalorian.”
“Your mouth might say otherwise, but your body agrees with me.” he's so arrogant and full of himself, his confidence is making you wet.
“It does” you concede “you feel good, Din.” you purr in his neck, and he grunts when he hears how sweet your voice can be as you whisper his name while you have his cock buried inside of you. You start riding him slowly, looking at him in the visor as you feel every ridge and vein of his cock, enjoying every single moment of it, letting him almost slip out, only to let him back inside of you. He lets out sighs of satisfaction that drive you insane and only want to make you increase your rhythm but no, not yet, you want to make him pay for the way he's been treating you.
“If I had known my cock would have been enough to tame your bad temper, I’d have fucked you earlier.”
“What about yours, Din? What should I do about you being an asshole to me?” you say as you pull him out of you, making him grunt.
“Fuck. Put it back in.” 
“Not so fast. I want you to behave. Beg for it.” 
“You know I could just take you anytime I want, right?” “I do. But where would the fun be?”
He hums in pleasure as you take his drenched cock in your hand and start to slowly stroke it right in front of your cunt, moaning in his neck just to get him even more aroused.
“Fuck. You’re good at this.” he whimpers.
You start to slide it between your folds, the both of you moaning in arousal.
“Dank Farrik, d-do you want me to die?” he growls, subjugated by your teasing. “I want you to behave.” you whisper in a heady groan as you keep rolling your hips and rubbing your pussy on his cock. “F-fuck. I want to be inside of you so badly.”
“Say it.”
He sighs and pauses, taking a good look at the tip of his cock teasing your entrance.
“Please what?” you ask, biting your lip in pleasure.
“Please put my cock back inside of you, officer.” there's a hint of annoyance in his voice when he surrenders and sees your satisfied smirk.
“Good.” you whisper gasping against his helmet as you slowly slide his cock deep back inside of you. 
That’s the moment when he digs his fingers in your hips and starts jackhammering you, making you scream as he said he would, your hands clawing on his shoulders.
“Who do you think you are? Do you think you can taunt me? I’m a Mandalorian. A bounty hunter. Bet you’ve never been fucked so good, officer. I’m gonna give you this cock so hard, you’ll never forget about me. You’ll be touching yourself thinking about me for the rest of your life. Thinking about the Mandalorian Din Djarin who fucked your brains out on Maldo Kreis.”
The way he's fucking hard and rough into you as he says those things in an angry, husky voice is pleasurably devastating and addicting, having you moan frantically as your body is held still by his strong hands.
"Oh, fuck, Din, don't stop. Don't stop!" you let out in a desperate cry.
"Do you want to come on my cock, officer? Let me hear it. I want to hear you beg for it."
"Please, please Din, make me come on your cock." you drawl, subjugated by lust.
"Mmm - you sound so hot when you beg for me. Keep going and I won't stop."
"Please! I've never been fucked like this, Din." your heart is racing, your breathing is getting laboured and feel the orgasm approaching “I'm so close, Din, so fucking close. Please, don’t stop."
"Come, officer. Keep riding my cock and come on it. I want to hear you scream my name." 
"Oh, Din!" you scream his name as the overwhelming force of the orgasm washes over you, a white blaze of bliss making you lose control, uncontrollably spasming and sensually moaning as he doesn't stop giving it to you, groaning in pleasure when he feels how tight and wet you get around him when you come on his dick.
"That's it. That's my good girl." he grunts as he lets you ride your orgasm.
His rhythm slows down as you come back from your high, his hands still firmly on your hips, guiding you, making you slowly grind your pussy against his cock, the cockpit full of your pants.
"Ready for round two, officer?"
He doesn’t even wait for your response, your mind still fogged by the astonishing orgasm he just gave you.
He gets up from the chair and in a second he turns you around, your body slammed against the control panel and the windshield, your wrists held up high by his hand. Your legs are shaking and you can't really seem to stand on your feet properly.
You couldn't possibly be ready for him slamming his dick inside of you all at once, so hard that air leaves your lungs in an exhale. You'd curse at him, but you can't articulate words as he is fucking you so violently, his strong hand on your hip keeping you still. If you thought he was fucking you hard earlier, it's nothing compared to now - feeling all the power of his body giving it to you wild and raw is pleasurably devastating. You couldn't possibly have imagined that what he gave you earlier was merely foreplay for him, just a little tease before making sure you knew who is really in charge and how hard he can fuck you. He was just letting you have a small taste of what would happen after, wanting you to get ready for him, nice and wet and stretched open for his thick cock to split you in half. He grabs a fistful of your hair and you feel his helmet close to your ear.
"What? You're out of breath already? I'm just getting started, officer." he slides it out almost completely and slams it back in so hard you roll your eyes in pleasure.
"Look at you. Loving this dick so much you're rolling your eyes. Gonna fuck you so hard, you'll learn how to fucking behave." 
You can't do anything besides taking his cock and letting out choked moans.
"Still regret being stuck here with me? Tell me. Do you still think I'm a coward?" he growls in between thrusts.
You can barely drawl a moan in response and he chuckles.
"Yeah, I don't think so. You can't even speak." he mocks you as he pounds into you harder and harder, devastating you, reducing you to a pathetic, moaning mess.
"Who knows if the snow storm has stopped and your partner is looking for you. What if he sees you getting fucked like this?"
You know it's wrong, but the thought turns you on so much that you clench around him, and he feels it.
"Oh, you'd like it? Officer, what do we have here? A little whore?" you hear his dark chuckle as he grips your throat with his hand, bringing you closer to him - the hot, naked skin of your back against his cold beskar armour as he never stops railing you. 
Getting called like that in other circumstances, by any other person in the galaxy, would have caused you to shoot them immediately, but now, oh, did that turn you on.
"You like being called that way, don't you? Whore." he whispers softly in your ear, and it drives you insane despite how much you're trying to hide it. He feels your body getting rigid, the vibrations of your throat choking a moan, the way you bite your lip trying not to let one sound out, and you can bet he's loving every second of it. 
His other hand starts to rub your clit and that's when you fucking lose it - your mouth opens wide and lets out a loud groan of pleasure.
"Tell me you're my whore and I'll give you the best orgasm of your life."
You hesitate - his request is so degrading, but you want it at the same time. He can sense your indecisiveness and stops drawing circles on your clit and starts going around it, carefully avoiding it.
"N-no. Don't stop. It's unfair!" you whimper.
"Say it."
You try to relieve the ache between your legs by bringing a hand there, but he is quick to stop you and block your wrist behind your back, immobilising you as if you were one of his bounties, getting you even more aroused, so much, in fact, that you let out another groan.
"Don't make me handcuff you." he growls sensually and you immediately picture him fighting criminals every day, used to manhandling thugs and being a badass and you get even more aroused at the thought, and decide to give him whatever he wants.
You mumble those words, barely audible, ashamed but at the same time yielding, desperately and pathetically wanting him to give you what you so achingly crave, in a way that only he can provide. A need that you never even realised existed before he brought you into the highest dimension of pleasure.
"What? I didn't hear you."
"I am your whore." you whisper, annihilated.
"Good girl. Say it again. Louder this time."
"I am your whore, Din! Please, please make me come like this!" you surrender to him completely, defeated by your very body refusing to let this slip away.
"That's my girl. You asked so nicely, I'm gonna give it to you." you hear the satisfaction in his voice as he immediately starts to rub your clit again, driving you close to the edge in no time, your cunt getting tighter in anticipation.
“Shit, I want to come inside of you. I'm so fucking close, officer. You’re gonna patrol the outer rim, flying your Starfighter while my cum drips down your beautiful cunt. You’re gonna feel that and you will think of me the entire time.” he rasps in your ear as you feel his body pushing you further into the transparisteel and then over the edge, making you come screaming his name once again rolling your eyes over your lids, desperately begging him to come inside of you.
His groans get louder and louder as he comes. You feel his is cock pulsing and twitching, thrusting into you, wanting to go as deep as it can go, filling you with his hot release as you clamp erratically around him.
Both of your bodies are spent as you come back from your high, the sound of your laboured breathing fills the cockpit.
"Hey" he pants "keep it inside now. I don't want to see a single drop going to waste. Are we clear?"
You nod and he slips out of you slowly as you obey his order, keeping his release inside of you as you get dressed, feeling it drip between your legs as he walks you back to your ship.
Carson is already there - he has fixed the minor damages your X-wing had sustained when you crashed in the snow, confident in the fact that you found shelter somewhere and that you’re safe and will be back soon.
What he did not expect is for you to show up with the Mandalorian by your side, though.
"Can I have a few words with you?" he asks with a raised brow.
You nod and walk a few steps away from Din, going behind your ship to have some privacy.
"He saved my life." you regretfully admit before he even has a chance to speak, expecting a scolding.
"Listen. I run the tabs on the Razor Crest. It seems like your new friend has an arrest warrant on him for the abduction of a prisoner." he pauses briefly and lets out a sigh "But he has also captured three wanted culprits and tried to save the Lieutenant's life."
"I'd say we let him go this time. I really don't want to file a report about what happened. I hate doing that."
"Is that so?" he asks sarcastically.
"These are trying times, come on."
Carson raises his brow once again, looking at you and then at the armoured menace standing a few steps away from him.
“Fine.” he shrugs, not wanting to dig deeper with regards to your change of mind towards the Mandalorian, then gets back to his ship.
You jump in your X-wing, but before closing the hatch and taking off, you address Din one more time.
"We're even now, Din Djarin. See you next time, and don't get caught."
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mvrtaiswriting · 2 years ago
Hello, handsome. x Trafalgar D. Law ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :
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(part 2)
hullo! as anticipated, here's the law piece I've been working on the past few days. i love every word - it all started as pure brain rot and ended up in.. this. i hope this will make up for my absence!
warnings: nsfw is implied but nothing more! spoiler free.
feel free to reblog, like, and leave a comment. i would very much appreciate it. if you enjoy my works, click here to read more or buy me a coffee.
It all started with an innocent invitation to Law's office a few weeks ago, to discuss the next steps of the alliance between the straw hats and the heart pirates and better define you mode of attack. Now you were in his ship, carefully hidden in the depth of the sea, making a mess on Law's desk.
His usually meticulously tidy paperwork was now everywhere - on the floor, under you. Some of it even got ripped but neither of you cared; you couldn't keep your hands to yourselves. The sexual tension was stronger than your survival instincts, and meetings to organise a war ended up with Law being inside you, making you his.
Casual meetings became a daily routine, and daily routines became midnight talkings. Both of your crews won't see you for days, whilst the two of you were simply tangled together in his bed or on the floor of his studio. Before you could even realise it, your little runaways for a quickie became hours spent together, cuddling each other and sharing your deepest thoughts.
Law was getting used to see you walk around his ship, wearing nothing but one of his shirt - everything about it felt just right. He often wondered why would you ever join the straw hat pirates; you didn't belong there. He was crazy about you, to the point where he was willing to try everything to make you stay - even if that mean being as reckless as your captain. Maybe, Law thought, if he could show you he could be a better leader, you would give up Luffy and his stupid dream and just sail the sea with him instead.
Wrapping his arm around you, Law made you brought you closer to him, letting your back rest against his bare chest. Snuggling his head between your neck and shoulders, he started leaving gentle kisses all around the area, the beard on his chin lightly tickling you.
"Hello handsome." you giggled, turning around to face him but still remaining in his arms. Dragging the blankets over both of you, you rested your head on his chest.
"Hello." he replied, a soft smile forming on his face.
It had been three days since the two of you hid in the ship. Staying under the sea somehow dilated time, with little to no light coming out from the little portholes. But he knew you eventually had to go back to the surface and come up with a good excuse for your absence. For now, however, he just wanted to savour this moment. He loved holding you in his arms, the way your bare skin touching his almost felt like a like an electric shock being directly sent through every nerve in his body.
"Did you sleep well?" he asked, gently caressing your shoulders, letting his rough hands travel on your body.
"Like a baby." you reply proudly, kissing his chest and enjoying his soft attentions. The only thing Law managed to do in response was holding you tighter to him, striving for more closure. He wanted to feel you under his skin, so that he would have never had to let you go. Maybe the coziness of the ship could make you stay for longer.
When the two of you finally rejoined the crews, you noticed how every one looked at you suspiciously. Your little white lies and your undercover missions in the city weren't holding up as they used to.
"You know, maybe we should stop disappearing for a while." you suggested at one point, while the rest of the crew was asleep. You and Law were the only ones awake, strangely being on guard's shifts at the same time.
Law didn't say a word, lifting his head up to take a better look at the night sky. He was hoping to find an answer hidden amongst the stars, something that would give him enough courage to just spit it all out; how he felt towards you, what he thought about your stupid captain. Truth was, the stars never replied to Law's pleas - and so he kept silent. Your suggestion felt like a thousand dagger planted exactly in the middle of his heart, which now ached at every single beat. Was this really the end? Were your little rendezvouses nothing more than just that?
After your suggestion that night, Law's attitude completely changed. He was grumpier and more silent than usual, not reacting to Luffy's reckless decisions or dumb suggestions. He became almost passive, letting life just happen to him. Hiding in his mental palace, Law was really just trying to cope with his broken heart. Experiencing something similar to withdrawal symptoms, he wasn't able to function properly - something in his system broke and it was obvious to everyone. You kept him sane and shed a new light upon life; he felt alive again after a long time. Most importantly, Law felt loved - for the very first time after years of lonesome and darkness.
You never meant to cut him off of your life - his complete detachment was not what you wanted or meant. Flashbacks of the intimate moments you shared on his ship flashed before your eyes during the day, never failing to make you visibly blush and zone out - sadness insinuating under your skin moments later, every fibre of your body suffering from Law's absence. And you couldn't bear it anymore.
This situation was tearing both of you apart, and it quickly became visible to everyone. Everybody knew you and Law had something going on, and seeing both of you so heartbroken just confirmed everyone's doubts.
It wasn't until a few weeks after that things changed.
A very tired, worn out Law finally made a move. Joining you at dinner after the first times in weeks, he sat in the dining room with you and the rest of the crews. Sitting in front of each other was the first interaction the two of you had in weeks. Kicking your leg under the table to catch your attention, he finally looked at you after what felt like an entire lifetime.
"Can we talk?" he asked quietly, knowing his comrades were making enough noise to cover his voice up. Your eyes lighted up for a second, and you simply nodded in response before getting up and putting your plate in the sink. Excusing yourself, you walked out of the kitchen and reached what used to be your usual place - a small spot under the oak tree right outside your hideout.
Law was quick to join you, letting himself fall on the grass and finally sitting next to you once again, remaining silent. The sole sensation of having you near made Law's heart skip a beat.
"I missed you." you said, finally breaking the silence.
"I missed you too." he was quick to reply, biting his bottom lip. He slowly turned his head towards you, scanning his eyes all over your face. His eye bags were darker and his face looked more sunken than usual.
"This was never what I meant." you said, your voice shaking as feelings of guilt wrapping your heart as a barbed wire. "I hate this. I only wanted to make it less obvious to the others - instead, you completely shut me out of your life." you added, talking a little faster than before.
Law remained silent whilst he visibly clenched his jaw, only nodding in response. He needed to digest your words, his feelings and the whole situation, really. Maybe he brought the pain upon himself with his usual self sabotaging ways, ending up hurting you too.
"Law." you called him, resting your hand on his shoulder. His silence was killing you, and it weighted heavier than any word he could have said. "Please talk to me." you almost begged, your voice shaking as the lump in your throat became harder to ignore.
He sighed in response, before pulling you closer to him - he couldn't resist it anymore. Letting your head rest on his chest, he wrapped his arms around you, making you disappear in his embrace. Kissing the top of your head, he kept holding you tight as if he was afraid you could easily slip away from his arms at any moment. His heart beat fast against his ribcage as he finally felt alive again - as if he had held his breath until this very moment; as if you just brought him back to life.
"I'm sorry." was all he managed to say. Not because he couldn't come up with anything better - his mind was flooded with things he wished he had said to you before getting the both of you into this stupid, senseless, cold war. He kissed your forehead again, then the tip of your nose before peppering your cheeks with gentle kisses. God only knew how much he had longed for you.
A cheeky smile appeared on your lips before latching your arms around his neck, finally pressing your lips onto his into what quickly became an heated, sloppy kiss. You were both starving, needy to finally let your bodies become one once again, melting the passion and lust away.
"Should we.." he whimpered, excitement building up in his body as he tried to catch his breath. All it took was a nod from you, and before you could realise it you were finally in his bedroom, in his ship.
Maybe you could get used to become an heart pirate, after all..
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thelittlekinghelios · 5 months ago
📝 I can't believe I have to say this to people who make agere headcanons in this community. but I have to say this because someone made headcanons about a real life person who posts on TikTok:
📝 Stop making agere headcanons about real people/live action actors/tiktok people/people in IRL bands!!!!
📝 Look, I'm gonna be big for a second here to talk about this. Making "headcanons" for real people is gross! It's not something as simple as they have a different color than you thought, or a different favorite food. I LITERALLY see agere headcanons writers who are saying REAL LIFE PEOPLE--people they don't know or whose life they don't know--saying "yeah, they obviously age regress/are caregivers."
📝 Do you know how upsetting that is? Everyone deals with trauma differently, and even though I am a regressor, I know that NOT EVERYONE who experiences stress/trauma or wants to reclaim their childhood regresses or does caregiving!!!
📝 These are real people who have real feelings and are probably different from how people who write headcanons think they are!!! It's like shipping real people! Which is gross and inconsiderate!!!
📝 To put this in perspective, imagine that, in real life, you only like certain people (i.e. only girls, only guys, only enby people, maybe pan but with preferences). And then you find out a bunch of people online are shipping you with someone who doesn't fit with your orientation, or someone you wanna be just friends with because they think you two are "cute uwu" or "my little blorbos that should be together. <3"
📝 And imagine they do this, BUT, they ship you with someone you don't like! Or with someone you don't even know!
📝 Real people have their own feelings, like, and responses to stress or bad things in life!!! Don't treat real people like characters and headcanon them as regressors or caregivers, because you don't know them or how they deal with these things!!!
📝 If you are about to leave replies or reblog and talk about how they're still your "blorbos" and you should be able to do whatever you want with them, DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME. YOU ARE GROSS!
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arcane-vagabond · 1 year ago
Meet Me at the Sea Teaser
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Your best friend, Bob Floyd, had insisted you join him for the summer at his family's summer home along the Carolina coasts. You had been hesitant at first, but ultimately agreed to his request. Now, here you were in a new town with strange locals who spoke in hushed whispers and cryptic retellings about glistening scales, glowing eyes, and haunting songs that echoed from the sea. You didn't believe them at first, but when you wake up on the beach one morning after having fallen overboard the night before, you can't help but think that maybe you hadn't imagine the strong arms and deep, green eyes of the man that had saved you.
Series CW: Supernatural elements, Siren songs, Death, Accidental drownings, Near death experiences, Swearing, Violence, Mermaid/Sirens, Hypnosis, Attempted murder, Eventual smut, Fluff, Angst, Jake Seresin. Think that's pretty much it. Chapters will have individual warnings.
A/N: As with Fool's Fare, this is the teaser! Some elements of the story are subject to change as I write this, but I wanted to give you guys a sneak peak! As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are greatly appreciated. 18+ ONLY!! You can find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator where I post all of my updates as well!
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"You've heard the stories from the locals."
It was more of a statement than a question. The cool, sea air caressed the warmth of your skin, and you shivered. You could see the lightning off in the distance as the storm rolled in from the sea behind him.
"I have," you replied, arms crossing to maintain some warmth. He watched you, studied you, like you might run away at any moment. His eyes were like sea glass, a frosted green that seemed to shine in the near pitch black of the night. "What about them?"
"What if I told you they weren't just stories?"
You scoffed, shooting him a glare. "You dragged me down here to ask me about those dumb stories about mermaids and sea monsters? You going to tell me that Davy Jones is real next, Jake?"
"I'm serious, Skipper," he frowned. You rolled your eyes at the nickname. He had called you that when you first met out on the docks after the accident, and it had stuck much to your annoyance. "Haven't you been wondering how you made it back to shore without more than a few bumps and scratches? Haven't you been wondering how you survived?"
"Yes," you murmured, feeling a sense of unease. "But I don't-"
"It was me," he stated, eyes clouded with a haze of desperation and desire. You could have sworn his eyes began to glow as he started taking slow, deliberate steps towards you. You felt a warm hum roll through your body as he maintained eye contact with you, seeming to almost pull you in. "I was the one that grabbed you when you fell overboard. I was the one who brought you to shore, watched over you until I knew you were okay. I was the one leaving pearls and seashells on the sides of the ship for you to find."
He was standing in front of you now, hands moving to cup both sides of your face as he stared down at you. You thought you heard shouting from up by the wooden ramp that led off the beach, but all you could focus on was the glowing green of his eyes and gentle caress of his words on your mind.
"Why?" you asked breathlessly. He chuckled, leaning his forehead against yours. The voices grew louder in the distance, and you faintly felt the lapping of the water at your calves. Were you moving deeper into the ocean?
"Because," he whispered, nuzzling his nose against yours. "I want you."
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year ago
Accidental view
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Title: Accidental view.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Reader.
Word count: 351 words.
Rating: Mature.
Square: G4 “Accidental voyeurism”.
Summary: Steve and you thought were alone, but Bucky decided to deliver the package to the correct address.
Warnings/Tags: Accidental voyeurism, PWP, Smut.
A/N: This is my entry to @allcapsbingo AC1078.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum  @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz  @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae  @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose  @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry​ @azulatodoryuga​ @daemonslittlebitch @endlesstwanted​ @chemtrails-club @marigoldreamer​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @here4thefanfics​ @theestorm​ @patzammit​
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When Bucky opened the door, he saw the package that had been left there; he sighed; the courier had made a mistake again; it had the name and address of Steve, who lived next door; he took the keys, and he would go to leave the package.
A few seconds after entering, you heard a noise inside Steve's house; maybe someone had broken into the property. You began to investigate the origin of the sound, and that's when you saw that the dog you and Steve had been walking with had opened one of the drawers and taken out all the socks.
As soon as the dog saw him, she ran, wagging her tail at him. Bucky shook his head. It would be better if he picked up the puppy's mess; after all, he owed the little dog a favor since she had saved Alpine from the attack of some stray cats.
Bucky didn't hear when Steve and you entered the house, kissing. Thinking you were alone, you started to take off your clothes. After the mission you had that day, you wanted to celebrate more intimately. You didn't even see the package, let alone suspect that someone else was there.
As soon as Bucky heard your laughter, he left the room.
"Hey, Ste..." He immediately shut up as soon as he saw Steve on top of you. Fortunately, you guys didn't notice Bucky's presence and continued.
The only thing he could think to do was hide in the closet over there in the living room while you were still busy.
"Wait, Steve, I think I heard something," you said suddenly. Steve looked up slightly but didn't see anything.
"It was probably Cookie who made the noise; she must be playing with the socks," Steve replied, kissing you again as he reached down to continue caressing you.
Bucky didn't believe what was happening; he never thought he would find himself in a situation like this. As soon as he saw the opportunity, he sneaked out of the closet to go home. He would never say anything about it.
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years ago
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Perfectly Imperfect Night
Ships: Asahi Azumane x Gn!Reader
Prompt: They swore it was a “rite of passage” and “the best night of your life”. They clearly never experienced being abandoned by your date. Prom sucked until your bestie came to the rescue.
Warnings: Sadge reader
Tags: General Taglist ! @lisiwalker, @rebloging-everything, @sweetenertea, @quoikuu, @tetsunova, @evielt13 @keyz-writes, @littlebbyleesfw, @0s0me0n30, @justanunknown
Also @tohrusoftie my wifey. I hope you’re feeling okay, this one’s for you💓💓. & @asahisimpnation and @screamin-abt-haikyuu because h e ❤️
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You should’ve known that something was up earlier that evening. You should’ve recognized your date’s displeasure when they excused themself to the restroom for ten minutes, blaming it on the “heavy bowl of soup” they had eaten.
You should’ve known.
But you didn’t want to.
The night of your senior prom was always called “the night to remember”. All of the adults sang of its praises, reminiscing their ridiculous hairdos and outfits that they sported at the time. They swore it was a “rite of passage” and “the best night of your life”, but were they telling the truth?
You shook the nasty thoughts away as you slid on your next outfit contender. Feeling rather confident, you snapped a photo and sent it to your friend group’s group chat.
“Suga, take a chill pill. Anyways, you def should get that one.”
“I agree with Daichi, (Y/N)!!! You look abs. gorgeous!”
Your heart fluttered at the comment from Asahi. Okay maybe you had the tiniest crush on him, but you were going to prom with the date he personally helped you secure, so you were kinda stuck.
“This one it is then! See you hotties 2-nite 😎😎”
Swiftly changing into your street clothes, you then purchase the outfit and rush home. As soon as you step into your bedroom, you shut the door and open your blinds. Turning on some music, you sit down and prepare to get ready for the upcoming night.
After about ten minutes, your phone begins to ring.
“Hey, (Digital Assistant Name), answer call.”
“Answering call from Mufasahi.”
“Hiya!” You chirped, styling your hair with ultimate focus.
“Hey, (Y/N)!! Me and the guys figured we should call to remind you about-“ the long haired male’s voice was cut off as he took notice of how incredible you looked in such a short time. “Uh… about d-din-dinner.”
“Yep! Me and (Date’s Name) will be there exactly at five.” You replied happily, turning your attention to the screen.
“R-Right.“ You couldn’t exactly make out the gibberish, but you couldn’t miss the teasing tone that was laced on Sugawara’s tongue. “Uh… we’ll see you in a few hours!”
“See ya!” With a happy hum of contentment, you ordered your phone to continue playing your music, and returned to your duties.
After hours, your look was complete. You looked absolutely stunning, and couldn’t wait to show your date and your friends your look. You arrived at the agreed upon restaurant first, waiting patiently for your friends.
Little kids and older people eyeballed you in amazement, complimenting your look with huge smiles. You couldn’t help but feel beautiful…
Your date arrived first. They grinned weakly at you and took a seat across from you in the booth.
“You look nice.” They said quietly.
“Thank you. I think you look great too.” You replied with a warm smile.
There was an uncomfortable silence between the two of you. Your date had opted to aimlessly scroll through their phone, leaving you practically alone.
A sudden, over-exaggerated gasp caused the two of you to snap your heads up.
You couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips, and the roll of your eyes, when you caught a glimpse of Sugawara fanning himself dramatically.
“Daichi, catch me! I’m going to pass out! Aphrodite herself is jealous of this deity right here.”
You chuckled, “You’re not so bad yourself, Suga.”
Your date stepped out, allowing themself to sit on the end, as all of your friends piled into the booth. This did not go unnoticed by Asahi, who instantly shot a look at Daichi.
The two ignored it, choosing to go on with ordering their dinners.
Halfway through the meal, your date excused themself to the bathroom, muttering something about their soup.
“You don’t like them very much, do you?” Asahi whispered in your ear, gently touching your shoulder
You sighed, “And here I was thinking that I was being subtle.”
Your date returned just in time to pay, in which they payed only for themself and not you. Regardless, you all piled into Sugawara’s mom’s minivan and rode together to the prom.
The scene was bustling and noisy. Music loud, lights bright, and colors vivid. Your date set the pace of the group, walking quickly ahead of the rest of you. Asahi merely sighed, placing a warm, protective hand on the small of your back. “That’s not how you’re supposed to treat your date.” he grumbled.
You all caught up with each other inside and made your way to the dance floor. Your friends instantly dragged you and your date by the hands to a little part of the floor separate from the crowd.
To your shock, and everyone else’s, your date seemingly enjoyed being goofy with you. They happily danced with you, a huge smile on their face. You reciprocated the smile, giggling a bit.
The night had been going perfectly, until your date had to genuinely use the restroom, and Suga gave you a “great” idea…
“C’monnnn, if you don’t do it, I will!” The silver-haired male whined, grabbing your hand with both of his. “This is the moment you’ve been waiting for!”
You furrowed your brows as you whined softly. “I know but-“
“No buts! Go request that song!”
You groaned and carefully sauntered over to the DJ booth. You then requested your date’s favorite slow song, hoping to continue the tiny spark between you and them.
You and your friends decided it was a good time for a break. Four, very overheated third years carefully trudged to the cheap, hard, metal chairs. The four of you sat down, instantly feeling the relief on your aching feet.
“Anyone else thirsty? I’m going on a drink run.” Asahi chimed as he suddenly stood up.
After the group murmured their drink orders to him, he smiled then turned on his heel to retrieve them.
The lights suddenly changed from overwhelming shades of warm colors, to a dim white, and the music slowed. Asahi chuckled, instantly recognizing the familiar melody.
His chuckle faded, however, when he returned to see you sitting with your chin resting on your palm, looking utterly defeated. “(Y/N)?”
He handed the drinks out quickly and knelt down. “What’s the matter?”
You didn’t reply, instead opting to weakly point at the crowd. Asahi’s eyes fell upon (Date Name) leading someone else through the slow dance, their connection seemingly at 100%.
“I see.” He murmured.
Tears gently pricked the corners of your eyes as you tried to hastily focus on something else.
Instead, you were interrupted by a gentle tapping on your shoulder.
“Hey.” Asahi was standing before you, smiling.
“Hey.” You sniffled.
“May I…” this was it. The big moment. He could do it. “May I h-have this dance?” He slowly held out his hand.
You took it, rising carefully to your feet. “You May.”
Asahi led you wordlessly to the dance floor, right next to your date and their new dance partner. He wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you at a comfortable distance. “Is this okay?”
“It is… thank you.” You whispered, grinning up at him with teary eyes.
The ace removed one of his hands from your hip, carefully brushing the underside of your eye with his thumb. “Don’t let them make you cry. I hate that they made you think that you aren’t good enough…”
“It’s alright, Asahi.” You murmured softly.
“(Y/N)…” Asahi carefully pulled you close into his chest, still swaying side to side, “You’re worth more to me than all of the stars in the sky.”
The whispered message allowed all of your held-back lamentations to come flowing out. The long-haired male simply held you tightly. “There there… I’ve got you now.”
Gently tilting your chin upward to allow you to look at him, Asahi sighed in contentment before carefully connecting his lips to your forehead.
“I’m never letting you go.”
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thehighfiveproject · 2 years ago
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Round three of the Fandom Boost Bingo is ready to go! This round, Astrocat has found love and is celebrating with a Valentine Edition!
The round officially starts Wednesday, February 1. Feel free to grab the card and get going! Remember, there's no need to sign up, but if you would like us to share your card (whether you just fill one square or get a whole blackout), the due date to @ us is February 15. That's right: two whole weeks to share high fives and love across the fandom universe!
Astrocat and Aliencat would also like to encourage anyone who's interested to join them in celebrating love with a special Valentine's OTP Edition. Feel free to focus your high five efforts this month on your one true pairing -- whether that's your favorite romantic ship ever or the best gen buds that you love so much. (For the nonromantic, Aliencat wants to assure you that you can just fill out a regular card if hearts & flowers aren't of interest.)
As always, a list of definitions for each of the squares is below the cut. Don't forget to include a link to each fanwork or creator you high fived when it's time to share your card!
☆ How do I fill my card? How is each square defined?
Here’s the way we’re defining the activities associated with each card. If any of this is confusing after you read it over, send us a message and we’ll help!
- ‘leave kudos on a fic’
This is the easiest one! Just go out and find a fic you like and leave a kudos on it, if you haven’t already. It’s a small gesture but it makes an author know that someone actually read their story!
- ‘reblog/retweet an art post’
Find any art post you like and share it! Here’s the catch: you need to interact with it a little. When you reblog/retweet, please tell the creator what you thought about the piece – you can add some tags, or reply to the post, or quote-retweet or add a comment, or anything! A simple “I love this!” is nice but some details are even better (“your linework is so good!” or “that shade of blue is perfect”). One thing to think about: a lot of art on Tumblr is reposted (like when a user posts another artist’s work from Pixiv, say), so it’s nice if you make an effort to interact with posts that are actually from the creator if you can. That way the artist will see your comment!
- ‘reblog/retweet a fic post’
Same as the above, but for fic! Again, tags/replies/comments are needed, preferably with a little detail. You don’t need to be super eloquent or leave a detailed review (although if you have time/energy, that would be appreciated!); a tag as simple as “that was really cute” or “great characterization!” will do. Like with the art posts, it’s nice if you reblog directly from the writer (if you can) – some fics are posted by AO3 feed bots and the like, so the author may not even know a reblog has happened.
- ‘reblog/retweet an edit’
Same as the above, but for edits! Edits can include a gif set, or a set of screencaps, or even a fanvid. And, again, some simple tags/replies are needed. “I love that song choice!” for a vid or “great coloring!” on a gifset can let people know their work is being appreciated.
- ‘comment on a fic’
Find a fic, on any fic-hosting site you like, and leave a comment. That’s it! Again, no need to leave a novel-length comment (unless you’re inspired!) – a sentence or two is all we’re asking for this square to be considered complete. This is a great opportunity to let a writer know how their piece made you feel, or what section you particularly liked.
- ‘message a creator’
‘Creator’ here can mean anyone who makes *anything* to do with fandom: art, edits, fic, meta, knitted sweaters with character faces on them – if they’ve made anything, they’re a creator, and now’s your chance to let them know they’re appreciated. Send a message (anonymous or not!) letting them know that you enjoyed their work!
- ‘make a rec post’
This is a chance to tell your fandom friends about something they need to see. You can rec a fic, a blog, a fan event, an artist, an author, that person who knits sweaters with character faces – any kind of fandom thing that you want to make sure people see. This doesn’t have to be long or complicated, but feel free to go into as much detail as you want! Just make your own post, on Tumblr or Twitter or wherever else seems best to you, and give that thing you loved a little fanfare.
- ‘interact with a meta post’
A little love for our analytical friends! Here, you can reblog/retweet any kind of meta post for your fandom, whether it’s a three sentence headcanon or an essay-length dissection of why Character X is the absolute best character in Fandom Y. It’s even better if you respond to the meta, whether that’s agreeing or (respectfully!) adding your own thoughts, but sharing it is the main thing here.
And here’s the non-decorated version, in case you feel like making it your own. Get creative, if you want!
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something-tofightfor · 4 months ago
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by @the-blind-assassin-12 and @maggiemayhemnj - thank you both for thinking of me!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
113! I didn't realize it was that many.
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Only the PPCU (so adjacent characters are fair game, too)
4. top five fics by kudos
Magnetic Competing For Christmas You're Tellin' Me Something Real Aphelion Buried (All of these can be found on my tumblr masterlist, too!)
5. do you respond to comments?
I definitely try to respond to everything, but I have been slacking lately. I love reading comments and seeing messages and reading reblog notes and tags, so thank you to everyone that's left me something. I get a little overwhelmed and overthink replies to people, and then they just pile up. I need to get better with that - I don't ever want anyone to feel like I don't appreciate the time they take to read and leave comments, because I 100% do.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A lot of my stuff is still ongoing, but I'd have to say that one of my 2023 Summer Smooches for Frankie: A Kiss in the Dark/A Breakup Kiss was really angsty.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of my stories have somewhat happy endings, but I think the one that is actually the overall happiest is Life Is Good
8. do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten some in the past, yes. It's mainly been due to the things I won't write or include / aimed at trying to get me to not write for a specific character because I don't 'do it right' - but I ignore it. It's not worth my time to focus on what anonymous people have to say about my writing or the content I choose to create.
9. do you write smut?
I do! I like to include it when the story calls for it, and not just have it be gratuitious. My characters have to work for it (unless it's a specifically smutty prompt or one shot) because I like giving them motivation for the smut if that makes sense.
10. craziest crossover?
I haven't ever written a crossover, BUT @the-blind-assassin-12 planted the seed for an Oberyn Martell / Logan Delos Thing a little while ago and I haven't stopped thinking about it.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I haven't ever had an entire fic stolen, but I have most definitely seen other writers take parts of my stories and include them in theirs - mainly for another fandom, but it was word for word in a couple instances.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not translated to repost, but a few people have told me they've used Google Translate to read in their first language, so that was pretty neat!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
HELL YEAH. Aphelion with @the-blind-assassin-12 and there's no one else I'd rather work so closely with on this story. BUT I would love to co-write something else at some point, too.
14. all time favorite ship?
Kate x Jack on LOST. They're perfect for each other and the confirmation from Evangeline a couple years ago that in her mind, Kate was pregnant the last time she left the island makes me cry.
Also, Nine/Ten and Rose on Dr. Who, and Oberyn and Ellaria.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope to finish all of my current WIPs, but if I had to choose one that might get abandoned just because of how long it's been ... I'm going to say Starlight, just because I have other ideas for Ezra that I feel more connected with.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told that I'm good at immersive details, and that people enjoy my dialogue because it feels "real". I have also been told that people like my characterization. I personally feel like I'm good at writing action and tension.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
I don't think I'm particularly good with smut. I also feel like I'm too wordy sometimes, and put too much emphasis on details / things only I as a writer will care about.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If it benefits a story and makes sense for the characters in question, I love it. But I don't include it a lot just because if it's not a made up language like Valyrian or Mando'a, I always worry I'll use or translate things incorrectly.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Children of the Corn. I don't like to talk about it, but ... here we are.
20. favorite fic you've written?
I am insanely, obsessively proud of Just Too Good To Be Gone. I am so protective over Joel Miller and his characterization, and every single thing I've written and planned for that series is something that I stand behind - and always will. I also think that Aphelion is really special, and it's not just because it's Oberyn, but because Alyssa and I have been on the same page every step of the way and it's been really, really satisfying to watch that all come together the way it has.
Tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to play! Please tag me so I can see your answers!!
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beauty-and-passion · 1 year ago
Fanders Sides Season 3: The Asides
Hello dears,
after the introductory post about FSS3 and before starting with the actual episodes, I wanted to write a short post about the Asides too.
As you all know, recently Mr. Sanders moved a few episodes here and there: random stuff became part of the Asides, while ATHD, FWSA and WTIT became main series episodes. Why did it take him so long to realize they were following the plot more than other videos? No idea.
But even though Mr. Sanders seems to find it a bit difficult to distinguish between main series episodes and Asides, the fandom on the other hand seems to know pretty well what the difference is and your suggestions in the survey have been AMAZING.
This is why I wanted to write this post: to expand on some of your best ideas. But also to offer you this post as a starting point. If you have even more ideas/thoughts/concepts for other possible Asides episodes, feel free to add them with a message or a reblog. We can go on forever with great suggestions.
Once again, I applied the same three rules I talked about in the introductory post:
to write something in the real of human/editing possibilities
it should be an idea that can be developed in a 20-minute-long video
no ships
The promised rap battle
During Am I ORIGINAL?, Logan had the best rap battle of all time and in the end, he said Patton would be the next one he would “fight”.
So this Aside will be the match Logan wanted. He will crush Patton with great verses, amazing flow and sick burns.
Patton, on the other hand, won’t take any offense at all and reply with puns. Just. So. Many. Puns.
Will Logan still win? Will the puns be enough to defeat him? Will he start using the power of puns too? Will this battle turn into a huge battle of puns? Will Patton have fun regardless of the result?
You decide on the answers to all of these questions, except for the last one. Because we all know Patton would enjoy some quality time with Logan.
The very normal vlog
This episode is a very normal vlog in which Thomas talks about very normal stuff happening in his life and the Core Sides comments/offers suggestions as always.
So Logan says Thomas should've remembered that doing X thing wasn't great. Thomas replies that it was an infinitesimal mistake.
Patton compliments Thomas with a pun. Thomas replies with another pun.
Roman tells Thomas they should strive for greater things. Thomas says that they should start by improving their acting skills.
Virgil reminds Thomas that trying new things can be challenging and he can fail. Thomas says that it won't be as bad as Virgil's make-up.
Virgil is caught off guard by this, but before he can comment, Thomas ends the episode and sends them all away. Only after the Sides disappeared, he said goodbye to his viewers and turned off the camera, only then he reveal himself as Janus.
Janus stretches, snaps his fingers and says he's still the best liar of all time, before leaving.
The episode ends with Thomas, who is still sleeping in his bed. He suddenly jolts up: "Oh my gosh", he yells, "I need to do a video!”
Bam, start intro.
The troll
An April fools episode titled “Am I the ASSHOLE???” and the whole video is over dramatic and makes fun of tropes, also is poorly shot.
This is the original post of @dillydallydove from which this person took the idea. And it's hilarious, I love it.
The most serious argument ever
A prequel episode set when Virgil was still one of the Dark Sides and centered on an argument they have.
You can choose whatever topic you want, but it should be the stupidest argument ever. And the dark boys should all act as if it’s the most important topic in the world, nothing is more important than this topic and nothing is more important than proving the others are ALL wrong.
Follows shenanigans, Janus pretending to mediate only to say something and add more fuel to the chaos, Virgil trying to prove his point with extra convoluted thoughts, Remus throwing stuff around only to add more chaos, Orange sending death threats.
Bonus points if they manage to set something on fire without matches.
Grocery shopping
Thomas going grocery shopping with his Sides.
Logan is in charge: he wants to put just healthy food in the cart.
Patton begs Logan for at least one single pack of cookies ("Thomas needs them, as a treat!").
Roman checks for the most aesthetically pleasing packages and the ones with the most promises, no matter how far-fetched they are ("Logan, this shampoo will make Thomas' hair fluent and shiny! And this cereal mix will make him taller! We must buy them!").
Virgil disappears for entire minutes, then comes back with a full emergency kit, a new alarm system, pepper spray and a blanket. When Logan asks him why, he replies that the safety stuff it's necessary, while the blanket is for him because it will help him stay calm, once Thomas starts handling this stuff.
Remus runs all over the grocery store, then comes back with different stuff: the first time with the biggest zucchini and carrots he can find, then with sticks and poles. Then, with all the different brands of condoms he can find. Then with lubricants. He says Thomas needs them and drops everything in the cart.
Janus pretends to help Logan, but also sneaks stuff behind other stuff: shorter boxes behind taller ones, chocolate chips under a bag of vegetables and so on. When Logan finds out, Janus picks a bottle of wine and puts it on the conveyor belt. Logan sighs and lets everything go.
Thomas, who went to the grocery store to buy one bag of apples, comes back home with a bag of carrots, a bag of zucchini, 2 boxes of cookies, 3 new shampoos, a pack of condoms, a new emergency kit, two cereal boxes, a blanket and a bottle of wine. And no apples.
The game night
The episode has the structure of a game show, in which every Side has to answer questions about the other Sides, in order to win an amazing prize.
Logan tries to use his intuition, but it doesn't always work.
Patton replies with kind, good, nice answers and everyone feels bad about telling him he's wrong, so he somehow wins.
Roman has no idea, so he drops the first thing that pops into his mind and fails miserably.
Virgil mumbles something, then says he doesn't know/it's stupid/he doesn't want to reply. Somehow, ends up second after Patton.
Janus straight out lies about everything and somehow he's right. But everyone refuses to acknowledge he's right.
Remus throws the most sexual ideas and argues about who has the longest dick. Somehow, he ends up being just one step above Roman. No one understands how, Roman first.
In the end, the amazing price was the last piece of pizza.
The "Sides' daily schedule" series
This can be a series of seven videos, in which every Side takes his time to tell us what they do during a normal day of their life.
Logan shows a perfectly organized schedule, down to the second. His routine includes cleaning, organizing, planning, working, writing, reading and a relaxing hobby: chemical reactions.
Remus sneaks in to be his lab assistant. The video ends up with them blowing up something.
Patton's schedule is more relaxed, made of sunshine, happiness, hours spent remembering the past, sad hours, more sad hours - but then Patton gets better, he gets out of his room and meets his friends. And plans a nice time for all of them.
The evening ends with Logan emptying a whole fire extinguisher on the barbecue, because somehow Patton set it on fire.
Roman starts his day by being his most marvelous self, removes his night-time beauty mask, makes his daycare routine, strikes poses, talks about how great he is, goes around slaying monsters and dueling... all in the morning. Then, he sits and the desk and works non-stop for 20 hours straight. Then, he gets up still with his marvelous self, says he has not been “very productive” and goes on a trip to slay more monsters and flirt with beautiful men in distress.
In the end, Remus has to stop him from working even more, by hitting him on the head. He throws Roman on his bed, throws the sheets on him but, before leaving, he never forgets to carefully put on Roman his night-time beauty mask.
Remus' video alternates between him starting to say something, to huge censored parts. Around half of the video, he loudly protests, because he's censored, even when he doesn't say anything sexual. His day includes pissing out Roman, messing with Logan's chemical stuff, obediently sitting and listening to Janus reading him a book, throwing stuff in a volcano, jumping in a river with piranha and 20 different sexual positions all censored.
Virgil's video shows him doing something peacefully, only to suddenly stop, look directly at the viewers and ask them questions. Like: he's peacefully knitting, then he stops, lifts his head and asks: did you turn the stove off? Is it still off? Or is it on? Is your house burning down? Will it burn down before you go to bed? Will you die in your bed?
The questions stop, to show us more of Virgil’s day and his different ways to relax. Some are heavy blankets and knitting, others are push-ups, running like a madman for hours, sleeping like a log, watching horror movies and doing make-up while listening to emo/rock music.
Janus' schedule is weird. The scene before he's walking, then it abruptly cuts to him knitting, then to him halfway into an explanation of a specific part of a book, to him explaining what he will eat. It looks like a series of scenes randomly put together.
Only in the end, we will find out he did it on purpose, because he has no intention of telling what he actually does. So he tells the viewers to have fun with what they have (which is basically nothing), while putting on a beauty mask, a glass of wine in his hand and relaxes into a bathtub.
The "Dressing like each other" series
This can easily end up in another series of videos, in which every Side raids the closet of one Side and they all dress up like him.
Logan's closet should include tons of shirts and lab coats, so they would all dress up like teachers or lab technicians. Roman hates it, Remus loves to dress as a mad scientist.
Patton's closet should include bright colors, funny hats, animal prints everywhere. Either they would dress up as animal lovers or as stereotypical fathers from the 50s. Janus searches everywhere for something that's not bright-colored. In the end, he fights Virgil for the only two gray clothes.
Roman's closet should include rich, embroidered dresses with beautiful details on every piece of fabric. They would end up dressed as members of the court or royalty, with matching, fabulous makeup. Virgil complains and calls it "extra and preppy", only to end up being fabulous.
Virgil's closet should include black, emo, laced dresses for everyone. Also, guyliner and leather/laced matching accessories. Roman complains and calls it "dark and gloomy", only to end up being fabulous.
Janus' closet should include black and yellow dresses, fancy hats, polished shoes and fancy accessories like golden pocket watches, handkerchiefs with embroidered initials and so on. Logan appreciates the formality, Roman the nice details. Virgil calls it "even more extra" and ends up being quite fabulous. (Janus refuses to acknowledge it)
Remus' closet should include the most insane, batshit stuff, possibly put together in the weirdest way. They could end up dressed entirely in fishnet clothes, rainbow clothes, silly costumes or the most baroque, heavy costume ever known to mankind. Also, a shit ton of accessories, wigs, makeup and everything you can think of. Somehow, Janus is the only one who manages to find a coordinated set.
And now, it's up to you!
Do you have more ideas for the Asides? Share them! The weirdest, the strangest, the better! :D
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@royalprinceroman @reesiereads @mudpuddlenl @allmycrushesaredead @aquatedia @whatishappeningrightnow  @effortiswhatmatters  @atlasistryingherbest @bella-in-a-bag  @doydoune @forever-third-wheeling @mishanthropist​ @payte​ @mcang3l  @geekyapollokid @hypnossanders​  @idontreallyknow24​  @imcrushedbyarainbowoffical​ @patton-cake​  @hereissananxiousmess​  @purplebronzeandblue​  @cynicalandsarcastic​  @empressserelene​  @dubstepbranch  @lost-in-thought-20​ @andtheyreonfire​ 
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@thatoneloudowl  @grayson-22  @softangryfuckingdepressed @theotherella  @boopypastaissalty @nevenastark @varthandiveturinn @floofyconfusednerd @nothing-worth-mentioning @mikalya12 @roses-bubbles @cuter-on-the-inside  @coldbookworm  @snixxxsmythe @alexowlndra  @fadingbagelbananapatrol  @our-bloody-mari666  @riverraysong @sanity-whosshe-neverheardofher  @charmingcritter  @analogical-mess @emphasis-on-the-oopsie @selfdestructivecat @yangwalkerao3 @paytonthefrog
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months ago
If you’re going to leave replies and messages under every single post I make disagreeing with me and trying to act like my own thoughts and feelings are incorrect because they aren’t your own then why in the ever loving fuck are you even following me?
like jesus fucking christ i understand following people that you may disagree with on one or two things but to talk down to me on
at that point why haven’t you blocked and unfollowed me yet bc i don’t really care for your nasty attitude… if you want to have a civil discussion that’s one thing but snarky little comments where you mention things that aren’t even necessarily objectively true as evidence in your favor, then you automatically lose any right to engage with me
and this isn’t even about a bt stan this person ships and reblogs buddie content for fucks sake
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years ago
Peter Parker x Reader
'What the fuck'
You and Peter discuss Stranger things *spoilers*
"You can be honest. I won't get mad, I swear," you tell Peter while the rest of the avengers try to figure out what is wrong.
"You swear? You aren't going to get mad?" Peter asks and you nod, "Fine. It's Robin," he says with a light blush.
"Jokes on you she's gay. And mine," you laugh as Peters jaw drops. He thought you liked steve.
"What happened to Steve?" Peter exclaims and you groan.
"I literally think all of the older ones are super hot," you admit. Peter looks offended.
"Nancy is hot to," Peter mumbles and you see the blush creep up on his cheeks. You knew he liked one or both of them.
"What the actual fuck?" Tony whispers. He watches as you both argue over something called 'ships'
"No, byler is going to happen," you declare and Peter groans.
"But mileven. Like will is totally in love with Mike, but I don't want Mike and El to break up, but I want byler," Peter groans.
"And then Lumax has to happen. They can't kill max, I would cry for like, ten years,_ you declare and Peter agrees.
"What about how they are bringing Eddie back?" Peter asks. You think, there were a million theories going through your head. More then a million.
"Fuck that, could tony make a portal to the upside down?" You ask and Peter looks wide eyed.
"Yn, there are like monsters and stuff,"
"But there is also shirtless Steve Harrington," you declare and Peter groans.
"I know he's hot but you can't risk your life," Peter replies. You get a knowing smirk.
"So you admit that Steve is hot?" You ask and Peter groans.
"You said it yourself," he declares.
"Like I want byler, but I don't want El to be sad," Peter complains, you agree. El might be the one to leave Mike, but what if he left her?
"What the fuck?" Steve asks. You both look over in shock, the captain America just said the F word.
Steve sighs and walks out of the room. The other avengers also look incredibly shocked, either from Steve saying the f word, or listening to what you and Peter were talking about.
"Wh-" tony cuts Peter off.
"-No more of this Stranger Things bullshit, or I'm canceling netflix, and I'm getting your Tumblr accounts banned," Tony says and you both groan.
You smile and grab peters wrist before running to your room. You both had plenty of time to discuss your theories while waiting on the fifth, and final season.
Requests are open! My pinned post has all of the people and fandoms I write for!
Please reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed! It only takes less then a minute but it helps us writers so much!
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alchemiclee · 3 months ago
i've been told/keep seeing posts about people suddenly not liking when people add tags to their posts with their own thoughts/feelings/opnions/experiences, and even people that say not to tag with certain common organizational tags (like ships for example i see the most. some people use a ship name for organization purposes and not necessarily for shipping. for example i use "collei and her dads" for cyno, tighnari, collei art for my organization so I cam find them again and theres been a few artists screaming not to use ship tags and that could be seen as a ship tag. so what do i do? not organize your art into my tags and let it get lost and never seen again? not share your art at all? kinda silly but whatever, ill just ignore your art).
I personally think that's all a bit ridiculous....i don't know if that's a more recent thing (like with twitter people coming here suddenly and expecting to act like this is twitter) or if it happened in the years since I took a break from tumblr. but bAcK iN mY DaY we used tags as a little whisper to add our own thoughts without interrupting the main post. adding hard comments or replies was more seen as "too much/too loud" if it wasn't something directly meant for OP. tags were usually never meant for OP and were always for the reblogger and their followers. these days more and more people seem to think tags on their posts are all speaking to them directly or interrupting their post (not to say you can't speak to OP through tags, like i'll say nice things about their art in tags) but not everything in someone's tags on a post they reblog from you is for you! you can ignore it!!!
I know on twitter (where I went after leaving tumblr a while back) people use quote retweets to speak to the OP often. but not always. I sometimes would quote a tweet to add my own thoughts while using the quote as like a citation to credit OP for the idea. but I have a few times where the OP thought I was speaking to/about them and got very upset about it. one was a large account who quoted me back and got very nasty and sent their minions after me. quotes are louder than tumblr tags. so that's more understandable, and I was always very hesitant to do it, but I personally see indirect tweets about another post as extremely rude and posting screenshots of tweets on twitter is also rude.
I loved coming back here mainly for the tag system! I missed being able to share a post and also quietly add my thoughts. go on long rambles related to the main post without stealing their post completely or needing to make a whole new post. I know most old tumblr users get that and don't care, probably. I NEVER saw anyone complain about it in the past. only say how much they love it. it was just part of how this site worked for us. a culture thing we naturally created. so i'm assuming it's mostly new users who don't get this culture? it also doesn't help tumblr made it so you now see tags in your notes tab and not just comments added and replies. before, you would have to go to "someone reblogged your post" to see if they added tags because tumblr only showed comments. I personally LOVE when people add tags to my post with their thoughts and stories and whatnot. ai i'd go to every reblog I got to see if there's tags added. it's like an uncommitted interaction. they dont expect a reply, i don't expect a reply. they are isolated thoughts, but still related. it's still a form of interaction, without the pressure of being direct, and I feel seen/heard when they add them. (it means they're not a bot, auto reblogging my posts /hj) seeing tags on my posts i'm not just shouting into the void alone and someone sees me. me adding tags to a post is a gentle "you're not alone/I hear you/im a real person not a bot" from me. but it also could be me saying "your post inspired me! I want to write something too! but im being quiet about it so i dont take away from your post and your post gets all the credit" when I add my own little tag ramble.
so the fact that people are now suddenly being upset by people adding their own experiences and thoughts to tags is super disappointing and and frankly annoying. tags don't take away from your post and you can just ignore them! no one is forcing you to expand the tags in your notes and read them! hardly anyone will see them. most will only read your post and not people's tags! I know no one usually reads my tags because i've added secret messages to the end of my tags and no one ever responds to it lmao things like send a pic in my ask and i'll draw it for you.
yes I know "RESPECT PEOPLE BOUNDARIES" but it kind of disrespects my needs as well. theres a thin line between someone's boundaries being crosses and someone's needs not being met. but that's a whole debate i'm not willing to have so don't start it. (not that kind of boundary is easy to not cross. not bringing up arguments. but asking people to not use a main function of a website is kind of pushing it imo...) yeah I want to respect boundaries the best i can, but unless you say in the post "don't reblog and add your own tags" no one will know and you get upset when no one knows. and no, no one will read your profile/pinned post before reblogging. no one will go to the original post and read your tags. they will only reblog it right off their dash if they aren't seeing it directly from you in the tags/for you page. some people will reblog 100 posts a day. they won't go to every profile/original post before reblogging just to see if you have any special conditions and rules for your random one post out of hundreds they see a day. that's too much to expect, honestly, sorry to say!
but this is tumblr. maybe it's better for people to accept the culture/etiquette here and let it happen without complaining, or realize this isn't the place for them! because it doesn't meet their needs and boundaries! and that's ok! it doesn't have to be your place. you don't need to stay here if you don't like how it works! asking an entire website to "respect your boundaries" by not participating in a basic or essential function of the website is a little ridiculous to be fair....
no i'm not saying your boundaries don't deserve to be respected. i'm saying this probably isn't the place to have those boundaries in the first place. because there's am established way this site functions that works in counter to your wanted boundaries, so it just doesn't fit your needs. and like I said that's ok! you don't need to stay here if it upsets you that much! it's better if you find a social media where people can't share your posts. like a simple blog site that doesn't have a share function! or like Instagram? people cant share those posts. (sorry, I dont know much about social media) if you really want people to stop adding tags that bad, either turn off reblogs completely, or ask staff to add a notification option to turn off seeing added tags on reblogs! (if you're veeerry lucky, and not a trans woman, they might listen to you)
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