#if you liked OM
astaroth1357 · 1 year
My (Painstakingly Plot-Spoiler Free) Thoughts on Nightbringer So Far:
Hello. I have played up through Lesson 7 out of 10. Here are my thoughts:
1. The rhythm game is difficult at first if you don't play the genre all the time, but even someone with a disability like myself can pick them up with some trial and error. Admittedly, I have found that knowing the songs inside and out really helps in that regard. Otherwise I flounder. All OM tracks (without dance beat) are on Spotify.
2. The game is like.... fun. Actually, legitimately fun. It probably helps that electronic j-pop is my jam, but I often find that even if my cards are strong enough to skip a stage, depending on the song, I really don't want to. The rhythm sections feel satisfying. Sometimes challenging, but not cheap (when it doesn't bug out). Which reminds me...
3. JANK. Oh good lord so much jank! The faces on 3d models are the stuff of nightmares. I honestly can't bring myself to look at them. Even if it's the only thing on screen, I glue my eyes to the text. Some things are a little buggy still, hits on the rhythm sectiond don't always register and I think the intimacy system is broke on mine. Mammon has had intimacy 5 then 6 then 5 then 6 then..... You get the idea. It resolves itself overtime, but it's ridiculous. Fix it.
4. Some small quality of life improvements all around. You no longer have to look at each new card individually to get stupid notification to go away, the phone is all one bundle now so you can check for calls and texts in the same place, you can actually SEE your own damn inventory through the gear menu button (finally), that kind of thing.
5. There's both good stuff and bad stuff on the grind front... I think the biggest double edge sword will be the new Skill Up cards. In theory, good! Because if a card goes out of availability you can still level up its skill with the right resources. Bad, in that it adds yet another currency item you need to farm and now, get this, parts of the Devil Tree are locked behind a certain skill level requirement. It... kinda bites pretty hard.
6. Without getting into spoiler territory, I love the story so far. It feels like a good balance between character drama and a decent amount of mystery in-between. Not to any payoffs yet, but very happy so far. I squint if the devs really believe that a newcomer is going to be able to follow along without any confusion, but I digress.
I will give a deeper breakdown of my impression of story and new! (old) characters in another post which will be spoiler marked to high heaven. Right now, I'm just playing as far as I can before I really gotta start grinding up levels and cards (read as: hit a brick wall). But look y'all!
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She learns!!! 🥲🥲 (And I know My Chance like the back of my hand so duh it's this song)
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Thinkin’ about cowboy!Beel with a reader who doesn’t know about ‘the cowboy hat rule’
Beel’s old sun-faded cowboy hat is just sitting there. Right in front of you and he always looks so fuckin’ hot in it~! You just want to try it on really quick!!-
As you pick the hat up and move to put it on your head Beel’s voice comes from behind you, “I wouldn’t do that, sugar.” you jump and turn to face Beel with hat still in your hand.
Just an inch or two from actually sitting on your head as a small pout forms on your lips “And why not?” before Beel can say anything else you put his hat on and grin! “So does it suit me?”
Beel’s cheeks turn the sweetest shade of pink as he answers “It sure does……but now I’ve gotta teach ya ‘bout the cowboy hat rule..” “The what?” Your smile fades a little and you look at Beel confused, “Suger, if you put on a cowboys hat ya gotta ride the cowboy.” You own cheeks go bright red as you shout “What?!” and take off Beel’s hat, dropping it like it’s too hot to hold onto now.
Beel’s deep laugh fills the air at your reaction, “Only if ya wanted to that is. I really don’t mind ya wearin’ my hat.”
Cowboy! Belphie here
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majoliish · 1 year
imagine showing any of the celestials that stupid little illusion that makes it look like youre pulling your thumb off and they all collectively lose their SHIT. like freaking out, yelling at solomon for teaching you dangerous magic, asking why youd ever do such a stupid thing, only for you to put it back and theyre just so baffled. once its been explained, diavolo and mammon would be enamoured, begging you to show them the trick behind it.
by extension. telling one of them youve "got their nose" and running off, only for them to chase after you and demand for it back. luke just straight up bursts into tears.
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Things general MC canonically likes:
• Chaos
• Horror
• Monstrous Food
I'm sorry but there's no way this idiot would ever be able to happily live in the Celestial Realm. You'd be taking the enrichment out of their enclosure. They'd get a shovel and start trying to dig themself back into The Devildom.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
[Lucifer opens the door to see MC in a cage fight with a lower demon and a crowd cheering]
Mammon: Left hook, look out! I got money on ya!
MC: (Tackles and knocks the demon out)
Diavolo (announcing): Ohhh and they're out!!! The winner is MC!!!
[Mixed cheers and boo's]
All the brothers except Mammon: Oh shit Lucifer is back home early-
Lucifer: Mammon?
The brothers: (nodding)
Lucifer: Put me and Mammon in there next
edit: an awesome comic of this was done by the wonderful bahbahsven, check it out c':
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shootingstarrfish · 10 months
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redraw of my new favourite card :D
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Can I touch your wings..?
Asking to touch / see their wings with Mammon, Lucifer, and Diavolo! i feel like these would be kinda sensitive but not rlly?
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you had both been working in his office, you were simply trying to work through your homework without the brothers interfering (as they usually did). Your most recent subject involved the anatomy and biology of demons.
reading through the various lists of wings and their differences, you realized Lucifer's wings were a bit odd compared to the others in the textbook. most were bat or insect-like. Glancing up, you spoke.
"Hey... Lucifer, could I see your wings a minute?"
eyes immediately lifting to meet yours he grunts
"and why.. pray tell?"
fumbling over yourself you flip your textbook over to show him what you were studying. "Yours don't look anything like these! I just wanted to get a better view of them. Pleaseee, it's for my assignment."
rolling his eyes, he stood from his chair and dropped his jacket onto his desk, back facing you. in a blink, they appeared, black feathers swooshing around you.
they were enormous, gorgeous even, the pure slate colored feather tips gently drifting across the floor. you had assumed he had gorgeous angel wings, and that they looked similar to what was in front of you. which made you wonder...
reaching a hand out, your fingertips brushed the spot the wings met his back. before you knew it, he whirled in front of you, grabbing your wrist that was touching his wings.
you staggered back at his reaction, trying to pull free from his grip.
"Don't" he released you as you fell back into the chair, gaping up at him.
"luci... they're incredible! I- I didn't know they were so sensitive, my bad."
he left you to your studies, but you were completely breathless... wanting to touch them in full again.
meanwhile, as lucifer struck out of his office, his heart was erratic in his chest. the feeling of your hands gently stroking his feathers caused him to bristle, no one had ever dare to touch his wings before you...
 Somehow you and Mammon had ended up binge watching nature documentaries as he made an offhand comment about not knowing much about humans and their animals.
So, you had picked one about flying animals and now, the narrator was explaining the different types of wings and how each fits the species and their needs perfectly.
Eyeing the male next to you, you thought about his own wings.
“hey… Mammon?” you murmured, causing his head to turn towards you as he raised an eyebrow in question. “I mean… can you show me your wings? I kinda want to compare them to what I’ve seen in the human realm.”
He shuffles awkwardly between himself, turning his head away, “the hell would’ja wanna do that for? You’ve seen them plenty.” You huffed at his reply and grabbed his shoulders, turning his face towards you. Blinking up at him, you gave your best puppy dog eyes.
He squirmed away from you, “uGH, fine! Just… turn around!”
Happily scooching back, you felt a slight breeze as his wings popped out. Glancing at them, you stared in awe as you came closer, looking over the white, bony structure connected by a thin, black membrane that seemed almost translucent the more you looked at it.
You reached out a hand, fingertips brushing along the sharp edges. You felt Mammon shiver beneath your touch, his face becoming flushed as your gentle touch. Were they sensitive? You thought, bringing your hand to wrap around where it connected into his back.
He jolted, wings disappearing as he spun around to face you, sweat starting to slick his brow as he brought up his wrist to cover his mouth. “Alright! That’s enough, you can’t just poke and prod wherever ya please!”
You laughed, short and soft as he became more and more uncomfortable beneath your gaze. Settling back down to the couch, you continued on with the show.
Unbeknownst to you, Mammon was on fire, the spot where his wings met his back was on fire from your touch. He hadn’t realized how sensitive to your touch he was… but he couldn’t say he was complaining.
You had been playing some games with the lord of devildom, entertaining him with games, books, and more about different folklore and fantasy that humans were interested in. He was particularly interested in one of the mini board characters, a dragon to be specific.
“Indeed, it does look rather defiant, does it not?” he asked you. Nodding in reply, you grabbed the mini figurine from him and turned it around to study it. you took particular notice of it’s wings, the hook looking incredibly similar to the ones on someone’s wings…
“Hey, Diavolo? Could I see your wings for a minute?”
Eyes widening, he tilted his head at your request, looking at how you were contemplating the tiny statue in front of you. Did you mean to compare his wings to this…. Tiny clay thing? He smiled and the next thing you knew, Diavolo was in his demon form.
He turned around and rolled his shoulders back, stretching his wingspan to it’s full length. Your mouth dropped open. Fanned out in front of you, were the largest wings you had ever seen. The muscles and membrane that stretched between the structures of all four wings were nothing but impressive. You looked at the changing colors between the membrane, noticing tiny glistening cells that made up the brunt of it.
“Holy shit…” you murmured. To be honest, his wings very well could have been the inspiration of dragons. They looked incredibly strong… you reached out a hand instinctively to touch the …horn? On the top of his wing.
Diavolo laughed at your expression of awe and desire to touch his wings. No one had ever been bold enough to try and touch them, even Barbatos knew better than to brush past them. But you… were so delicate and curious about them. He assumed you thought they were the stuff of legends.
“Are they to your liking?” he flapped his wings, causing a gust of wind to overtake you. Blinking up at him you responded, “They are… something out of a fairytale, Dia. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so…” you were at a loss for words, extending your hand towards the middle of his back, your fingertips brushing along his wingspan.
In a blink, he was towering over you, his wings cocooning you closer to him as you braced your hands against his chest.
“Oh! I- uh… I’m sorry,” you squirmed, backing into his wings. He laughed, transforming back to his casual clothes from before in a blink. He enjoyed teasing you, but you couldn’t ignore the glint in his eyes the way he turned towards you after you touched his skin.
“Well… shall we continue where we left off?” Diavolo gestured to the games laid out in front of him. You nodded, a bit spaced out by the whole ordeal.
“Dia, I have to admit, your wings are magnificent.” Glancing down back towards your book, you laughed as you plunged back onto the couch.
Unaware of his gaze, Diavolo felt an immense pride at the idea of you admiring him. He didn’t consider himself insecure by any means, but he felt his chest flutter at your words… and your touch, he felt his blood scream when you had touched them.
“Well you know… you can see my wings anytime you like.”
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
When Beelzebub fell, an emptiness ripped itself open inside of him. A vast chasm in his soul where his sister, his home, and his understanding of the world once was. When all he knew was torn from him, when his brothers were all he had, he felt like he had become nothing.
His sin manifested because he was trying so desperately to fill that space. His hunger is insatiable because no matter how much he eats, something is always missing.
Beel can’t replace what was taken from him. He knows this, but he can’t help trying. And the loss itself becomes that hunger - his body supplying him with a need to keep him going.
It starts to change when Beel gives you some of his food for the first time. It surprises him, that he would willingly hand over the one thing that’s meant to make him feel less empty.
It takes a few times, but Beel can feel it and he realizes. He gives you his food because you make him feel full.
Your smile fills the cold abyss inside him with a warmth that he knows has always belonged to him. A cozy heat that had gone out the day he fell, reignited by the love he feels when he holds you. He wants to listen to your heart beating so the sound can replace the craving. His fingers twitch to brush against your skin rather than to find the nearest snack.
Beel will always be hungry. He knows he can never fully repair that piece of him that he lost. But when he’s with you, the ache lessens. When you say his name, the hunger subsides just enough. Enough for Beel to remember who he is, who he wants to be - a beacon of warmth for you, for his family, and for himself.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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fleur-bbyy · 11 months
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it’s the first day of vacation and lucifer already can’t keep his eyes and hands off of you.
𓇼 lucifer x fem reader
𓇼 warnings: unprotected p in v sex, semi-public(?), creampie, reader wears a bikini, reader wears sunscreen for anti-aging purposes (pls wear your sunscreen!!!), sub reader, lil oral fixation if you squint real hard
𓇼 a/n: 1.6k words of my own fantasy. I was gonna post all the summer stuff together but i’m scared I won’t finish it all in time and was too excited for this one lol. also if it wasn’t clear, it’s one of those cabanas that’s covered on all sides and has curtains at the front, they’re in the jockey position lol, and it’s one of those lounge chairs where the back adjusts. (plz forgive me for not being that descriptive i was excited)
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As the sun beams off his clothed back and his feet begin to burn from standing in the hot sand, Lucifer comes to a realization.
You are quite literally his worst nightmare.
Pretty in the face and so, so naive to any of his lustful advances. An innocent request for him to help you apply sunscreen to your back should be just that, innocent. It shouldn’t be so daunting or feel so inappropriate for a man as respected as he was. Scanning over your barely-clothed back as you rub the contents of the tube on your arms. His ruby eyes linger far too long on the dangerously thin fabric on your lower half. He wanted to tell you that your bikini left far too little to the imagination, but he shouldn’t have been imagining that anyway.
“You’re laying inside a covered cabana, you don’t need it.”
"Do you expect me to spend the whole day in here?" You turned to look at him, smiling as your hands began to run the spf over your collarbones. "Besides, the sun still reaches me. I don’t want my skin to be saggy and feel like leather when I’m older." Lucifer crosses his arms and mentally eye rolls: You’ve been hanging around Asmo too much. 
"Fine. Finish up everything else and then tell me what you need." You smile once more in victory and continue to cover your front with the lotion. Lucifer stands in the doorway, arms still crossed, a seemingly calm expression resting on his face. His eyes stayed transfixed on your body for the majority of the time, glancing over his shoulder once to see his brothers doing their own thing in the sea and snapping right back over to you as you bent over slightly to reach your legs. Your bikini bottoms riding up even further than before and exposing more of your skin. His eyes widening a bit more when he noticed the outline of your cunt peeking through the fabric, causing the air to feel a bit hotter and his swim trunks to tighten a little more around the crotch.
"Okay, need you now." you said, beginning to lie down on the chair and handing him the tube of sunscreen in the process, his fingers accidentally brushing yours as he grabbed it and he swears you let them linger on purpose. He stood over to the side of you and began to gather the lotion in his hand before you stopped him.
“Don’t be awkward. Sit over my legs.”
Lucifer paused after hearing you voice your request like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He lightly sighed and reluctantly moved to straddle your legs, his half chub barely a few centimeters away from your plump ass. Lucifer contemplated whether you knew what you were doing or not. You had to feel it; there’s no way you didn’t feel it prodding against your thigh as he began to smooth the lotion down your back. holding back a groan when you arched into his touch.
“How exactly does sitting like this help?”
“You’ll reach better. Besides, wouldn’t want you to throw your back out, old man.” You lightly laughed at your own joke and Lucifer rolled his eyes, hands moving to the center of your back. “You’re good at this, should be a masseur.”
He wasn’t able to respond, having to bite the inside of his cheek as you arched even more into him. Your ass dangerously close to his hardening cock. He paused to grab more sunscreen and was about to continue before you stopped him again.
“You missed a spot near my shoulders.”
He slowly leaned forward, relishing in the feeling of his clothed cock finally making contact with your ass but trying to avoid it at the same time. Using his legs to lightly hold himself above you and starting to cover the spot that he missed when he heard a soft moan escape from your lips and your hips push into him even more.
There’s no way you didn’t know what you were doing. There was absolutely no way you didn’t feel his hardened length pressed into you. His hands slowly dragged down your back, stopping at your waist and giving an experimental small roll of his hips into yours, feeling a glorious sensation when you moaned a bit louder. He continued to roll his hips against you, biting back small grunts and groans when you started to meet his thrusts with the roll of your own hips. One of Lucifer’s hands slowly traveling from your waist to the edge of your bikini bottoms, pulling them to the side and shivering at the sight of the strings of your arousal sticking to them. He slowed his hips to get a good look at your soaking cunt and ran his index finger up and down your slit.
“Do you want this?” He asked, fingers running over your sopping entrance and examining the way they shined with your essence. You frantically nodded your head, not trusting yourself to speak without getting too loud. “I need to hear you say it.”
You bit your bottom lip, trying to steady yourself before whispering out a quick "yes." You felt him shuffle behind you and shortly after felt his tip prodding at your entrance. rubbing himself up and down your slit to gather your wetness before he slowly began to sink in. inch by inch with shallow thrusts.
“Ohh fuck.. that’s it. You feel too good.” Your toes curled and pussy gushed at his words. Allowing him to sink even further into you
He was big. Barely half way inside, and you already felt so full of him. grasping at whatever you could and beginning to roll your hips into him once more, eliciting a sharp hiss from the man.
“Need you to open up for me.” His breath was hot on your neck as he leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“Can’t. You’re too big.”
“None of that. You can be good for me.” One of his hands positioned your hips up even more, giving him access to your neglected clit. “She can be good for me too.”
You moan when he begins circling your clit. Feeling your arousal drip down and lubricate his working finger. His thrusts starting to speed up and his free hand tracing up your spine to pull the string holding your bikini top together, giving him full access to your back. Everything coupled together gave your cunt to final push to open up completely. Moaning even louder when he finally pushes all the way in. Your whines and moans crescendoing to the point that Lucifer has to clamp a hand down over your mouth and pray that one of his brother’s didn’t hear anything.
“Naughty thing,” he began, sticking one of his slender fingers into your mouth and grinning when you immediately start to suck, “this is what you wanted the entire time, didn’t you? Wanted to rile me up and fuck you where anybody could walk in and see?”
Beads of sweat begin to gather on both of your faces from the summer’s heat and the intensity of the current activity. Some rolling down Lucifer’s face and landing in small droplets on your back that he lovingly wiped away after removing his fingers from your mouth.
“Are you going to be good and quiet for me?” You didn’t answer. Not trusting yourself to speak and worried you’d let out another loud whine instead.
“That just won’t do,” his thrusts slowed and he pulled his hand back from your aching clit, “answer me.”
“Yes. Yes I’ll be good. I promise.” You said through gritted teeth. Even with his agonizingly slow thrusts, the steady drag of his cock on your walls practically made you shiver. Feeling him hit every ridge as he pulled out and pushed back in.
“Then cum for me. Want to feel you.”
Before you could even try to start fucking yourself on him, he picked up the pace again. Going even faster and harder than before and causing your body to bounce up and down on the lounge chair. The grip on your left side becoming ironclad and his hand once again sneaking to rub expert circles on your clit. His heavy balls knocking his fingers every time he plunged into your heat.
Your orgasm comes soon after with a strangled moan. Burying your face in your hands to try and muffle yourself but to no avail. Lucifer also begins to gradually lose himself as he works you through your pleasure. The clenching and spasming of your cunt around him causes the fingers on your clit to fumble in rhythm and move sloppily. His grunts and groans gradually getting louder and his thrusts speeding up just a tad more before you finally feel that familiar warmth as he spills inside of you. Panting and biting his bottom lip to quiet himself.
The air in the cabana was still thick with sex as the two of you recovered. Finally looking over and noticing that the chair had moved at least a foot away from its original position and your tube of sunscreen had been leaking out onto the sand the entire time. Lucifer carefully pulled out of you and admired how his cum dripped from your pussy. Using two of his fingers to push any that had trickled out back into your spent hole before fixing your bottoms and tying your bikini top back to it’s original position. Finally adjusting himself and getting off of you after making sure you were alright.
“Are you going to stay here?” He asked, his voice quickly returning to its stern nature as he crossed his arms over his chest once again.
“Think so.” You turned your head to look over at him and propped yourself up on your arms, watching as he began to leave to check on the others. “Thank you, by the way.” He stopped in the entryway, glancing over at you with a grin and half-lidded eyes.
“The pleasure’s all mine.”
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janahanooo · 4 months
*After Diavolo went on a date with Mc, Mc decided to stay there for some days*
Mammon: have any of you seen Mc?
Satan: since yesterday? No, I don't think so.
Mammon: great...
Mammon: I really need their opinion on something, but oh well.
Satan: is it something stupid?
Mammon: ...maybe?
Satan: *sigh* then go ahead and do it, you know Mc would aprove anything you do
Mammon: ^-^
Mc: I feel like my name is being used for something stupid
Barbatos: as in? *is on a tea date with Mc*
Mc: I don't know, but I get this tingly feeling whenever the brothers use my name for something stupid...
Barbatos: Oh, well then, let's hope for the better. Would you like some more tea?
Mc: yes please! I can't say no to that!
Mammon: *is in the human realm buying a summer house for him and Mc*
Mammon: HEHEHEHE Lucifer is gonna be so mad and jelly~
Salesman: it will be... 3 million. Cash or card?
Mammon: Card please *hands him Lucifers card*
Salesman: alright.. done. I hope you enjoy your new summer house sir.
Mammon: it's for my beloved
Salesman: oh. Valentines day, huh?
Mammon: as an apologie.
Salesman: you forgot valentines day, huh?
Mammon: ...yeah kind of...
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bagofmice · 3 months
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Here's my take on the appearence of the Celestial Realm's sweet-loving Prince of the Heavenly Host, Michael! My, my, this took a while to make. An even longer while given that i've designed him back in january :/. I need to get better at outfit design because these are so simple compared to the clothes in obey me😔 also what the fuck could make a man order 7 liters of honey and 700 sweets mikey baby are you alright? do you need to see a therapist? you could probably make a trail of candy leading to an obvious trap and he'd get in willingly
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catmanbowser · 7 months
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transfem kon doodles frm evening class
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l3viat8an · 6 months
Levi is so clingy in the morning-
As soon as you move to get up, or your alarm goes off and you mumble “….time to get up.” Levi’s arms wrap around you tighter and he lets out a huffy little sigh…not actually saying anything, just trying to keep you in bed. You’re so warm and the blankets are so comfy…..he know it's time for you to get up, both of you actually.
But he doesn’t want to lose you, not yet. he knows the second you get out of bed he has to share you for the rest of the day, fighting for your attention.
And it’s just not fair!! He’ll miss your warmth and he always craves your attention, your scent, your touch- just you. Even if he knows he’ll see you later it’s not the same. so every morning he tries to keep you in bed just a little longer…..just keep your attention on him for a few more minutes.
and you know he’ll do it every morning so you just sigh and kiss his forehead, “Come on, guppy….I have to go….”
"No…..not yet….just…just five more minutes… please…”
….well- five more minutes can’t hurt, can it?
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dollwrites · 1 year
I have a request!!! Can you maybe do a dark fic of Yandere Belphie (OM) where the MC reader (fem preferably) somehow accidentally goes into Belphie’s room/cage without being able to get back out? The longing of Belphie as he watches her come and go…but now? She can finally be his.
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader, yandere!belphie, noncon, begging, fingering, very brief degradation, touch starved belphie, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
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“Don’t leave me,” it was a pathetic and whiny moan against the shell of your ear. one you might have even thought was precious had he not been pressing all of his body weight against you. his fists wrapped tightly around your wrists, pinning the backs of your hands to the floor as he littered your sensitive neck with hungry, open mouthed kisses. “Stay with me. Play with me.”
you could feel the graze of his teeth, and the roughness of his horns as they rub against you, his tongue swirling circles, leaving trails of warm saliva over skin that he swells by suckling hard. “B—Belph…!” you gasp, tilting your head back to try and look towards the gated exit. it must’ve been charmed by magic you didn’t understand, because once you’d managed to get inside, you couldn’t get back out. your DDD lay just on the other side, though, and you could see Lucifer’s stoic expression every time the phone lit up with another call. “I-I need to…” your arms could fit through the bars, if he wasn’t pinning them down. your hands make fists, and then uncurl, as if you were trying to grab for it, and bite your lip as you stare at the screen. you could imagine Lucifer was robocalling you, unable to find you in the manor.
“Don’t worry, he won’t even think to look here.” Belphegor elicits a breathy moan, pressing his body to yours. his eyes flickered up to the DDD, too, and he allows a lazy smirk to stretch his lips as he presses them in a seal against your collarbone. he shifts his grip, taking your weak wrists together in one palm to push them above your head. this new position freed one hand that he then slipped under the waistband of your jeans, regardless of your gurgled protest. he didn’t even have to unbutton them, digging underneath the fabric of them and your panties to cup your warm sex. you whimper, pushing your back off the floor at the sensation— it’s greedy and uncouth, the tips of his digits hooking underneath your netherlips to anchor his hand there. your thighs clamp together, legs trying to rub and kick between your bodies, but his hand was already between your hips, and there was no pushing him out now. “You’re such a good girl, my brother wouldn’t suspect you’d break his rules, come exploring the attic even though he told you not to. You’re safely here with me, and I don’t have to let you go.” he whispers each syllable, signing his name over your chest with his tongue as if to claim you as his.
“I’ve been waiting… watching for so long… I’ve needed this. I’ve needed you.”
“W—wait,” you breathe out, bucking your hips, squeezing your fists and pushing against his strength. it was no use, you were much, much weaker than him, but you tried to show as much resistance as you could muster, “d-don’t touch… Belphie, Lucifer will eventually find me! I don’t want you to get in more trouble…” you were panting, now, be it from fear or the pleasurable strokes as he rubs his finger pads between your folds, feeling all of your slick, vulnerable sex. you didn’t want to show that it felt good, being played with against your will, but you couldn’t help it if he felt the heat from your blushing cheeks, or the way your cunt trembled under his fingertips. “J—just help me reach my DDD, yeah..??” you bite down, harshly on your lip when he lets out a bestial snort, using his horns and hooking them through your top and bra. with a shake of his head, like a mad bull, he’s shredded your clothes, and nuzzles his face into your breasts, smothering himself with them. your eyelids flutter when he nips at one, delicate bud; it hardens between his teeth, a pleased growl rumbling in the back of his throat. “L—Lucifer might reward you for h-helping, I could even… maybe I can ask him to let y-you out—!” you try to add, but his middle finger slips into your clenching hole, and it spasms in protest as he sets a brutal pace. “B-Belphegor..!! D—don’t..!!”
“You’re so stupid, it’s kinda cute, even.” Belphegor teases, his gaze burning into yours as he rolls your nipple between his teeth, before clamping his mouth down around it, sucking. he makes a loud, smacking sound as drool leaks out of the corners of his mouth, as if he were feeding from you as desperately as a starved animal. he moans, his ring finger joining the middle one to stretch you open further. they pump, knuckle deep, inside of you, and you can feel every subtle curl as he searches for a sweet spot. you mewl his name, pathetic tears in the corners of your eyes. he was rough, but you didn’t think that he was trying to hurt you.
he was just so damn desperate— and you could see a wildfire of hunger burning in his eyes. he couldn’t be gentle, even if he wanted to.
prying his mouth from your nipple with a dizzying pop, he breathes, ragged, glaring up at you with his dark tresses hanging in his eyes. “You’re here with me, now. I don’t care about getting out, not anymore. Not now that I’ve snagged a pretty, little plaything to keep me happy.” his fingers thrust in, deep and fast, until you’re squealing and writhing around on the floor, and he nuzzles against your breast, smearing saliva between his cheek and your mound, before dragging his teeth and tongue over your areola with his fist clenching your wrists tighter. he moans, closing his eyes, when his fingers batter a bundle of spongy nerves that send you into a yelping, kicking fit, coming unraveled beneath him. “And you like it, too, don’t you?” when you shake your head, trying to bite down on your lip so you don’t make any more flustered sounds, his pace only picked up, coaxing your body to answer for you. clenches, spasms, and soaking through your jeans, your eyelids fluttered and your head fell back. you could still watch Lucifer lighting up your DDD, no doubt urgently looking for you. “It’s okay, you can lie to me and tell me you hate it, if that’s what you want.” Belphegor presses all of his weight on you, dragging his open mouth against your cheek as he breathes heavily against it. there’s a sizable, firm lump that grinds against your trembling thigh when he rests his body on yours, and you hate how wet it makes you to feel the shape of his cock prodding, searching for your hyper-sensitive cunt. “As long as you never leave me, you can act as bratty as you want to. Our little game,” he coos, nibbling on your jaw, before inching up to smother your mouth with his own, “just remember, the more you resist, the rougher I’ll have to get, baby.”
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omentu5 · 1 year
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hiort · 1 year
kitties when they see a ball of yarn
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