#if you have any ideas I will be happy to see them
elodieunderglass · 2 days
hi! i was just wondering if you’re getting a piece of this pie. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/voidrealmminis/rise-of-the-eldertubbies?ref=profile_saved_projects_live
Oh my goodness! Haha thanks for showing me! And no, of course, this guy is still selling my dream while claiming it’s totally nothing to do with me. I hadn’t heard about it so thank you.
For those just joining us, here is the saga of the elder teletubbies:
1. in 2017 I posted a dream I had on Tumblr. In the dream I discovered that the childish teletubbies shown on BBC’s Teletubbies are merely the children of a species that grows up to be forest cryptids as adults. The post contained a detailed character description explaining how the children’s simple antennae become more complex antlers; their coats become thicker hair; their eldritch screens are unknowable; here, look:
The adult Teletubbies have more branching, complex antlers and shaggy coats. They are less brightly coloured. They are terrifyingly large. Their strangely human faces, emerging from the thick fur, are unquestionably adult; remote, serene, reproachful. Their television screens are glitchy, esoteric and unknowable. They are cryptids whose public exploitation has undermined their rarity and their strange, alien dignity.
That’s a pretty clear description.
2. The post quickly gained attention and many people drew art, made sculptures, designed in-depth character concepts, and even made DnD character sheets and entries with detailed notes. It was 2017. The post got over 90k notes. It had an extremely clear description of the cryptid in it. This wasn’t at all obscure.
3. The post and four pieces of the concept art, including the first piece by were screencapped and posted on r/tumblr. The post included this art by the now-deactivated @finoliatav which is, I think, the first piece of art. Most screencaps don’t show that it’s animated! Once you see it you can no longer pretend that any more work needs to be done in designing these characters, really - they’re all variations on a very clear theme.
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4. A guy called Jars started drawing the BBC Teletubbies as adult Teletubbies. He noted on Reddit that his inspiration for the first one was the r/tumblr post but after that, he considered it entirely his own creative work. He drew each of the 4 BBC Teletubbies as adults using my character description and wrote a little story about how his character had stumbled upon them in the woods. He’s a good artist and his work went viral on Reddit and instagram. Those places being separate from Tumblr by the walls of the enclosure, they quickly believed the Jars was being highly original and praised him for it.
5. jars got carried away by his fame and started merchandising for all he’s worth. He’s selling elder teletubbies placemats. He got a collaborator to help him make and sell plushies.
6. Plushies of my character design applied to BBC characters. Jars sells them. To people. Who buy them. He sells these.
7. I think this is like… his job.
8. It has been years of this. I don’t think he has actually come up with anything else to sell by himself. But given that he now has millions upon millions of views on platforms I don’t use, let alone dominate (Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, TikTok) he seems to have fully subscribed to the idea that this is his THING.
9. After a while I wrote him a friendly email expressing that since my original dream was very much about discomfort with how the teletubbies were being exploited, I didn’t mind him selling his own art but that I wasn’t happy with him selling plushes based on my writing.
10. He wrote back along the lines of it all being his original intellectual property and absolutely nothing to do with me, etc, so jog on and don’t interfere.
11. I’m not entirely sure where the original intellectual property is when taking BBC characters and drawing them according to someone else’s detailed description of how to “evolve” them (branching antlers, shaggy coats, eldritch screens, serene adult human faces) especially having drawn them after seeing four separate detailed reference photos to base your own drawings on; especially when they’re the existing BBC characters from the show and not even your own. Like, Jars, you were given an entire detailed brief, several sets of references, an entire concept and a television show: the only artistic choices made here were to pick up your own personal pen and do the drawing. You have never deviated from my description, which you did not come up with yourself in any way. But okay Jars. You did some real intellectual heavy lifting here, this is Intellectual Property suddenly, and I guess this is your day job!
12. I myself actually have a day job, am capable of generating lots of other original material just for funsies, have never asked you guys for money, and I’m not generally huge jerk I don’t think. Also, I’m uncomfortable but have never been clear on how to stop him - I don’t think I can. So I don’t do much about this, apart from occasionally scream with hilarity with you guys about it.
13. Like this is the opposite of Goncharov. This is a guy making his wage on a 2017 tumblr collaborative shitpost insisting that this is the beautiful fruit of his only brain. And millions of people believe him.
14. There are now YouTube documentaries with millions of views and TikTok lore about Jars, and his lore, the Elder Teletubbies, which apparently he invented. People are making their wage talking about the history of Jars and his teletubbies lore. These documentaries are, if you can’t tell, not especially well-researched, as it is not difficult to find the original elder teletubbies art on the internet, which is all timestamped. Occasionally hilarious people from Tumblr point this out in the comments (thank you, you guys are hilarious) but the juggernaut is unstoppable!
15. Jars is now, apparently, doing a kickstarter to raise money for some kind of DnD sheets using the grown up BBC teletubbies.
16. I will point out that tumblr made and played with DnD teletubbies in 2017 for free and nobody had to pay $3000, but again. The juggernaut is unstoppable.
I have never, ever known what to do about this guy.
I have always been open to advice but genuinely never been able to articulate how it “damages” me, apart from ethical discomfort about how much I hate my writing being monetised by other people, especially when it was about my discomfort with exploitation. The juggernaut is unstoppable though. He fully intends to get thousands of dollars from this. He almost certainly will!
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bethfuller · 3 days
can you talk about your process when designing your illustrations :)
hiiii marisa <3 <3 hope you're doing really well !! :))
my illustrations are usually either the result of building slowly on thumbnails, or they kind of come to me in a sudden visual flash while i'm walking around. the former tend to be landscapes while the latter can often be more expressive or fluid. here are some thumbs as examples !
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i try to get some sense of perspective and space here, but generally it's just to pin the idea down.
then comes colour - i've spoken a bit about how i select colours based on warmth and saturation, but mostly these days i take some loose inspiration and then continue with whatever feels right. my biggest colour inspirations have come from celia lowenthal and alexandre 'zedig' diboine.
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i block the colours in under the loose thumbnail layer, then get straight to inking.
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there are some speedpaints on my youtube if you'd like to see more of my process here - i usually put on an audiobook or a video essay and use my trusty ink fineliner to outline each and every detail. sometimes if something is in the background i'll reduce the brush size, but generally my lines are all the same weight.
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and then I take the colours I outlined under the thumbs and reapply them to the precise lines. ^ here I use a soft round brush for gradients along with the ink sumi-e brush for applying flat colours.
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then, finally, comes the overlay layer for lighting effects and extra details!
I hope this helps, as I feel like I always have so much room to improve (especially where composition and layout are concerned). if there's interest i'll make a more concise and clear step-by-step breakdown, but for now i'm always happy to take any suggestions or thoughts on how i can keep trying to make engaging narrative-based illustrations :))
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mapiforpresident · 2 days
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How Could You Do This Part 2
Part 1
Claudia Pina x reader
warnings: angst
Summary: Claudia tells you the truth
Not proof read so let me know if you see any mistakes.
Patri was heartbroken at the sound of her best friends soft cries. She thought about what Claudia could have possibly done to make you so upset that you refused to even be in the same room as her.
"Did y/n find out about the surprise?" Patri asked once she heard Pina's crying turn into quieter sniffles.
"I don't think so. I know she doesn't like when I spend a lot of money on her, but I don't think she would have this strong of a reaction."
"Ok well when did she first show signs of being mad at you?"
"She was fine at the beginning of my interview. I let her tik tok on my phone and she was fine with sitting there and waiting for me to finish, but when I was done with the interview I couldn't find her until I heard her crying in the bathroom. I don't know what happened."
Patri realized that this was all her fault. You had seen her text messages from that morning. She had no idea that you would be on Claudia's phone and would be the one that would see her texts. She knew she had to fix this.
"I... I think I know what happened. I think she saw the texts I sent you this morning about meeting up with the agent."
"What texts? I didn't get a text."
"Yes, I texted you this morning that you should tell y/n before she finds out."
Claudia then went and looked and saw the two texts that her best friend had sent her and checked the time of them and it was in fact during the span of time that you had her phone.
"Oh my god... she thinks I'm cheating on her doesn't she. Thats why she was so upset. These texts look so bad. She didn't have any context about who you were talking about. What am I going to do... she doesn't want to talk to me and Alexia won't even let me near her."
"Ok... ok we will figure this out. It will be ok. Its just a misunderstanding. I will call Alexia and try to get her to listen to me and explain the situation. You get the surprise ready and you can show y/n and explain to her what was really happening ok. I will call you back in a little bit after I talk to Alexia," Patri said before she hung up with Claudia and called her captain.
"Patricia Guijarro you better not be calling me right now. I don't want to hear from you right now."
"Wait, wait hold on, let me explain please. Claudia did not cheat. She never would do that and you know her she is so in love with y/n."
"What happened Patri, and you better not lie to me or leave out a single detail."
Patri then explained the entire situation and let Alexia in on the surprise that started this entire mess. Alexia had no idea what to do. She believed Patri and deep down knew that Pina would never do anything to hurt you. Claudia was so in love with you and Alexia was beyond happy for the both of you. She knew she had to help Patri try and resolve this situation.
"Ok Patri, tell Pina to come over here in thirty minutes and plan a romantic date for them, I will take care of the rest."
"No problem, thank you so much Ale and I really am sorry for causing y/n to be so upset."
"It's not your fault, lets just fix this before it gets any worse."
"What did Alexia say, can I go talk to y/n. God I can't believe this is happening, I love her so much and I just want to make things right. Hopefully by telling her about the surprise now, she will understand what the texts were about," Pina said as she paced back and forth behind the sofa where Patri had been talking to Alexia.
"Alexia is still upset that we hurt y/n, but she said that you can go over there in thirty minutes and take y/n out on a date to explain the whole situation to her."
"Oh thank god, I'll call and make a reservation at our favorite restaurant."
Claudia quickly made a reservation at the restaurant where you both shared so many memories, including your first date where she was so nervous that she spilled her glass of wine all over you. Claudia thought back over all of her favorite memories with you and knew she had to sort this out quickly before she lost the best thing thats ever happened to her. Finally, it was time to leave, and she hugged Patri goodbye before she headed over to Alexia's apartment.
When Claudia arrived, she was met with a wary glance from Alexia. "She's in the living room," Alexia said softly. "Good luck, Pina and please don't hurt her anymore. It kills me seeing her heartbroken like this."
Claudia nodded and walked in to find you sitting on the couch, hugging a pillow tightly to your chest with old game highlights on the TV. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying. Seeing you like this broke Claudia's heart all over again.
"Y/N," Claudia began, her voice trembling slightly. "Can we talk?"
You looked up, hesitant but nodded. "I don't understand, Claudia. I thought we were happy, but then I saw those texts and..."
Claudia moved closer and gently took your hands in hers as she sat down. "It was a misunderstanding. Those texts were about a surprise I was planning for you. I would never cheat on you, ever. I love you more than anything."
You looked into her eyes, searching for the truth. Pina was always a terrible liar and looking into her eyes you relaxed slightly knowing she was telling you the truth. "A surprise?"
Claudia nodded. "Yes, a surprise. Patri helped me find a new real estate agent after the last one was not meeting any of our requirements. I was meeting a real estate agent because I wanted to buy us a home. A place where we can move in together and build our future. It has everything we both want, including the pool you always dreamed of."
Your eyes widened in shock. "A home? For us?"
Claudia smiled softly. "Yes, for us. I know you don't like it when I spend a lot of money on you, but this is something I really wanted to do. I want to build a life with you, Y/N. If its ok with you I was gone pay the down payment today."
Tears filled your eyes again, but this time they were tears of happiness. "Oh, Claudia. I was so scared. I thought I was losing you."
Claudia pulled you into a tight embrace. "You will never lose me. I promise. I'm so sorry you had to go through that."
You hugged her back just as tightly, feeling the love and sincerity in her words. "I love you, Claudia."
"I love you too, Y/N. More than anything. Now do you want to go tour our new home and then go to dinner?"
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koolades-world · 3 days
Hi, I love your blog! If you want, could you do the seven demon brothers (+Solomon if you feel like) with a super kind, too sweet for their own good MC? Like, if someone came up to them and asked for the clothes off their back, MC would give them away in a heartbeat and the brothers routinely find themselves summoned to help MC solve problems for lower demons and the like? Ever since MC's attendance, the bullying problem in RAD became nonexistent because the last time someone got shoved into a locker, MC summoned Lucifer to help the poor demon out and nobody's since forgotten what the offender's entrails look like (after MC was sent away, of course.)
Sorry if I wrote a bit too much, I'm just excited with the idea lol!
hello! no worries!! of course i can :)
enjoy <3
Very sweet Mc
he's always there to make sure nobody is taking advantage of your kindness
but that doesn't mean he doesn't help you out of course
he's quite happy to be the reason you smile
honestly though, he wouldn't have things any other way
at first, he thinks your kindness is some kind of front
after all, why would you just give away all of your time and resources for people you barely knew
but once he got to know you, he just realized you were just really sweet
because it's you, he helps out every time since he, even though he would never admit it, has a heart of gold
he shocked every time you summon him to help out
because why would you choose him over all of his other brothers?
what use could he be that they couldn't?
but, he grows to really enjoy it after a while and sees why you do what you do
he's got lots of connections, so he can get help to solve problems he can't personally solve
normally, he wouldn't be as helpful as he is, but he always makes exceptions for you
it's made him much more approachable to the public, especially when you're by his side
you've only been a blessing for him and he couldn't be more grateful
of course, anything for you!
as long as he can look cute while doing it, which he always is
he loves your kindness and how you love to help out where ever you can
afterwards, he always makes a post on his devilgram, and he makes sure you're always in it haha
he's equally as kind hearted as you
so, when you summon him to help solve a problem for the betterment of others, he's on board
afterwards, the two of you always celebrate with a meal out
sometimes, it's just the two of you, but sometimes you have others with you, but either way you're both happy
he rolls his eyes and drags his feet every time you call for him
but, he always does exactly what you ask of him and seeks you out afterwards for some praise haha
he might complain, but he's always there within a heart beat
it's funny how that works, isn't it?
he's gladly do anything for you
and he's not afraid to let the brothers know that he's always there and ready to take their place haha
but he does genuinely enjoy helping and spending time with you
he never thought he'd get to form such a close bond with another human again, so he's going to treasure it
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darcylindbergh · 18 hours
I want all you vote blue no matter who folks to suffer just as much as all the disabled ppl you left on the wayside as soon as biden said the pandemic was over. All of you talk about solidarity but as someone disabled by covid its all so shallow. You are all so happy to stop masking and let covid keep killing. You cant even pretend its not true. 95% of dems stopped giving a fuck as soon as their guy said it was fine to. And every time i bring this up i get told i just gotta vote biden or other people will be in danger. Like me and those like me havent already been sacraficed by all of you. You all will have to live with that because i wont be alive much longer. Vote Blue! Vote Blue! Close your ears and vote blue because now YOU are afraid.
sure, we can deconstruct this one too.
this one's cleverer than ms terf because frankly a lot of disabled people DO feel abandoned vis a vis the pandemic and masking, and that's definitely something that needs to be addressed. but this anon is not addressing THAT - they want to address how i shouldn't vote blue.
here's a couple things we can pick out:
i've recently responded to posts about gaza and terfs, so this anon has simply picked a topic i haven't addressed yet like they're playing whack a mole
blames biden specifically for their topic of choice
pitches a you versus them division while explicitly attacking the idea that the left can express sufficient solidarity (implying it doesn't matter whether you vote)
specifically disparages voting for biden while scoffing at the idea that failing to do so will place other people in danger
make it personal while using inflammatory language: "i've already been sacrificed" "i wont be alive much longer"
mocks voting blue out of fear or out of the idea that failing to vote or failing to vote blue will result in a negative outcome
of course, not voting blue (either by splitting the vote, as in 2016, or not voting at all) will certainly not result in an improved outcome for disabled people. anon doesn't even pretend like there's a viable alternative that will improve life for disabled folks in the us.
failing to vote blue will just result in republicans in power - who are as a national platform anti-masking, anti-vaccinations, anti-obamacare, and anti-healthcare reform. so what we have here is someone who is using the disabled community as a cudgel to divide the left and discourage voting - because don't you know you specifically are a bad person for being against disabled people?
anyway here's a short list of things the biden administration has done over the last 4 years to improve the situation of millions of disabled folks in the us:
Biden's first 100 days re: disability reform
Biden admin recognizes long covid as disabling
Biden admin directs $200 million to programs supporting aging Americans and their caregivers (5 days ago)
HHS strengthened rule banning discrimination based on disability (May 1, 2024)
Dept of Education cancels student loan debt for over 300,000 disabled borrowers who cannot work (Aug 2021)
Biden admin seeks to end subminimum wage for disabled (and tipped) workers (2021) - Biden's DOL has been actively working on new regulations regarding disabled worker protections, although the recent decision ending Chevron deference by SCOTUS's conservative bloc will make it much more difficult.
there's definitely still more work to do - passing the marriage equality for disabled adults act, for example, and seeing through the end of subminimum wages - but republicans aren't gonna do it. these bills died in the republican-controlled house. voting blue down-ticket is the only way folks are gonna see any progress.
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daenysx · 3 days
For fluff ideas for modern!aemond, maybe something with aemond and the reader at the beach with his family and he thanks the reader for putting up with them but they remind him that loving his family is part of loving him, even if they're crazy sometimes? If that sparks anything for you :)
- aemond-apologist 🐭
thank you for requesting, angel, i really hope you like this!!! reblogs and comments are highly appreciated, please let me know your opinions if you like it guys <333333
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader
you hate the way aemond looks upset when he's supposed to have a good time.
he can't help it, not really. the beach days are lovely, when it's only you and him. he enjoys his time with you, he likes when you insist on sunscreen and snacks, he likes swimming and holding you close to his body under water. you still smile though, nothing stops your smile when you're with him. even his fucked up family.
everyone seems like they mind their own business but the air is tense. you catch them looking at each other with somewhat concealed despise. uncle daemon smirks at aemond's grandfather sneakily, alicent keeps looking at rhaenyra, jace and luke are thankfully mostly spend time with baela and rhaena, and aegon- he's busy getting drunk and no one pays him any attention. the only person who sits with you other than aemond is helaena. she reads a new book, looks lost in it.
aemond's father is whole another issue but aemond insists sitting separately from them. you find a quiet place, somewhere secured from sunshine. it bothers aemond's eye when it's too much, you make sure he wears sunglasses. he looks bored, sick of the dramatics of his family, and a bit embarrassed. you reach for his hand.
"hey." you whisper. "are you okay?"
he nods, gives you a reassuring smile. "i'm okay."
"you look sad." you say. "we can go swimming if you want."
he rubs the back of your hand. "i prefer waiting a bit longer, it's still sunny. i can come with you if you want now-"
you are quick to shake your head. "we can wait."
aemond pulls you to his chest. he kisses your hair with a gentle hand on your bare shoulder. at the beginning of your relationship, he was more hesitant to show any affection in front of his family. now, he doesn't care about any of their reactions. it's a nice thing, realizing his time with you matters more. you are happy with him being so comfortable with you, his hands always seek you, his lips always find an excuse to brush a small kiss on your face.
"i brought your book." you say, remembering you took the book from his nightstand when you're leaving the apartment. "it's in my bag."
"thank you, sweetheart." he mumbles against your head. "i can read it later."
you lift your head to see him. his hair loosely tied on his neck, sunglasses covering his eyes. you gently take it off to make an eye contact.
"we don't have to stay here, aemond." you say. "you're not having a good time, we could just leave."
"i'm enjoying." he says. "i have you. don't have to care about them."
"i mean, not because i'm bothered or anything, i like spending time with your family for you but- you look sad. i don't like seeing you sad."
aemond knows you mean it when you say you like spending time with his family. maybe normally you wouldn't wanna be in a room with so many troubled people, he knows his family is not easy but you endure your time with them for him. you're the kindest soul he knows and it's not your problem, he's a big guy and he should handle it if he doesn't want to spend time with these people. you smile knowingly, he kisses your curved lips.
"i'm not sad, i promise." he says. "i'll be better when we swim. i like being here with you, you know that."
you nod. he hides you to his chest, away from everyone. he's not gonna share you, he's got into his head too much but you don't mind. you wrap an arm around him to settle down.
"can we have a nap?" you ask. when you wake up he'll be your aemond again.
"of course." he says. the summer breeze is nice on his face, carrying the smell of sea. he waits a second before saying, "thank you for being here. for dealing with all this."
"i love you." you say before closing your eyes to cool wind on your skin. "i don't mind all this. i just love you."
aemond whispers the words back into your ear. he likes when you sleep in his arms, when you trust him enough to close your eyes with him. he holds you until you wake up, that's all he was meant to be.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 days
Let’s reverse the question, AGSZC get stuck in a timeloop COLLECTIVELY, what’s the first thing they do?
The Nibelheim Time Loop (from hell)
Nibelheim Loop #1
Cloud: Man, I had the weirdest dream last night.
Zack: One where Sephiroth burns your village down?
Cloud: That's so creepy! How did you know?
Zack: I had the exact same dream.
*Sephiroth walks up to them*
Zack: Sephiroth, did you have any weird dreams last night?
Sephiroth: I had a dream where I turned into an infant kangaroo and was taken from my mother at birth, deprived of the comfort of her pouch, and forced to work for Shinra. Years later I discovered my mother was complicit in denying me the pouch. Seeking solace, I found an artificial pouch from a robotic alien kangaroo mother. I then rode contentedly in her pouch as she burned everything around us to keep me warm.
Zack: A simple yes would've sufficed.
Nibelheim Loop #5
Zack: You're living the same day over and over too, right? I'm not going crazy?
Sephiroth: Actually, I just noticed that we're in a time loop this morning.
Zack: You burned down Nibelheim four times.
Sephiroth, gaslighting him: What a touching story.
Zack: !?
Nibelheim Loop #8
*Nibelheim is burning*
Sephiroth, roasting marshmallows: Professor Hojo never let me roast marshmallows when I was a child. He claimed the sugar would provide excess dopamine, tricking my brain into thinking I could be happy and want more out of life.
Cloud: Shit man I had no idea
Nibelheim Loop #12
*Zack, Cloud and Genesis are holding Sephiroth down to keep him from entering the library*
Sephiroth: I YEARN.
Zack: FOR WHAT!?
Sephiroth: I YEARN.
Nibelheim Loop #16
*After tying Sephiroth up and sedating him*
Zack: There! Now he can't escape, and Jenova can't do mind control on him! Problem solved! No more Jenova cell people running around.
Zack: *smells smoke*
Zack: That apple bastard.
Nibelheim Loop #23
Cloud: You know what!? This is a time loop! There are no consequences! I can go up to Sephiroth and kill him right now! Fuck it!
*Sephiroth walks up to him, Cloud punches his chest (nothing happens)*
Sephiroth: …..
*Cloud punches him again. He doesn't move*
Sephiroth: …..
*Cloud tries again. It's like punching a brick wall*
Sephiroth: Please stop fondling my chest.
Cloud: Oh my god.
Nibelheim Loop #36
Sephiroth: Am I….a human being?
Sephiroth: ….
*Sephiroth turns around*
Sephiroth: Where's Genesis?
Zack: He's not here, but he left this note. Here, let me read it—"Dear Sephiroth, I grew tired of flying from Banora to Nibelheim 35 times only to be met with disappointment, so I'm spending this loop in Costa Del Sol. Best Wishes, your friend, Genesis Rhapsodos."
Sephiroth: Wow. And he didn't even insult me this time.
Zack: "P.S.: No such luck kitty-boy you're a monster and yer mum's an alien. Get rekt."
Nibelheim Loop #???
*At the library*
Zack: Sephiroth! Stop!
Sephiroth: Each time I return here, my mind becomes clearer, more adept at absorbing information. This only fuels my bitterness and resentment, rather than allowing me to grow accustomed to it. I think this time I'll burn—
*Vincent appears and knocks him out with a pipe*
Zack: Woah! You got sick of the time loop too?
Vincent: What time loop?
*The next day, after the time loop is broken*
Vincent: I'm glad I could be of assistance.
Cloud: Who would've thought that would end the time loop.
Vincent: Yes. It appears all Sephiroth needed was paternal discipline.
Cloud, gasping: You mean....? You're...?
Vincent: Yes. I'm Sephiroth's parent—
Cloud: !!
Vincent: —tal figure since I was in love with his real mother and his father is Professor Hojo, a role I've assigned myself purely due to the fact that I see myself as his primary caregiver during trying times, which is how an adequate father should act.
Vincent: Not that I would know.
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to-eden · 3 days
Can u do teasing-slightly mean Dom gojo + reader shoehumping in their shared home
explicit; 18+ mdni summary: you're gone for nearly a week and gojo isn't very happy. (with special guest: nanami kento) warnings: light sub/dom relationship. daddy kink. boot riding. use of pet names (good girl, sweet thing, pretty baby, etc). hair pulling. allusions to adultery. implications to a threesome. if i have missed any, please let me know! word count: 1103 note: so, i tried to call out to you to see if the daddy kink was okay, because i know it's not everyone's thing, but... i went with it because it's my thing. i'll be happy to write something else for you if this isn't your thing! please excuse any typos or errors, i did my best to edit this on my own.
Gojo Saturo is a lot of things, a hypocrite is definitely one of them. 
“Six days away from me, baby,” he sighs, staring down his nose at you in the dark of your living room, the only light shining came from the moon peering through the half-covered windows and the blue glow of his eyes as they burn into you. 
Your bottom lip juts out in your most pathetic pout. “I’m sorry, ‘toru, I tried my best to get back to you sooner.”
He scoffs, the sneer on his face could rival Sukuna’s. “Don’t lie to me, sweet thing. I know you better than that.” He shakes his head and shifts one long leg forward. “If you wanted to be home, you would’ve dealt with that curse in a day. But you wanted to play girlfriend to Nanami a little longer, huh?”
“Satoru! That’s outrageous! You know I would never!”
Your husband makes another doubtful noise and rolls his eyes, always one for dramatics. “That’s outrageous! I would never,” he mocks you in a shrill voice. “Like you two don’t eye fuck every moment you get. I see you.” Shaking his head, he reaches out to flick your forehead, “But you know what? It’s fine. Nanami can look at you all he wants. At the end of the day, I’m the one dickin’ you down, right?”
You nod obediently, but that isn’t the answer he wants. He nudges you with his booted foot and scowls harder. “Yes, ‘toru. You’re the one I come home to.”
“No, baby,” he tuts. “That’s not what I said.”
Holding back your irritated sigh, you reply, “You’re the one dicking me down.”
“Good girl.” He pats your knee with the tip of his boot and you watch in real time as the idea blossoms in his mind. “Still, light of my life, you had me all alone in this big ol’ house, in our big ol’ bed for six days.”
He’s often gone for days at time, sometimes weeks, leaving you alone and yearning. Do you complain? Yes. Do you make him pay for it? Also yes. But that doesn’t mean he should punish you for something out of your control, especially when you were nearly hurt. Like, almost in danger. Honestly, Nanami would never put you in harm’s way, but you could have been!
“I’m sorry, baby,” you coo trying to crawl closer to him, but he stops you with a boot to your shoulder. “Satoru!”
“Nuh uh. That ain’t my name.” 
Oh, he wants to play that game.
“Daddy,” you purr, “I’m sorry that I left you all alone.” 
He smiles brightly at your groveling and drops his foot to the floor. “Did you miss me?”
You nod, pinching your bottom lip between your teeth. “Missed you so, so much, Daddy.”
“Then show me, pretty girl.” He taps his foot once and wiggles his pale brows at you. “Ride Daddy’s boot and show him just how much you missed him.” When your eyes grow wide and you hesitate, his face falls into something more serious. “Does Daddy need to remind his baby how to follow orders?” 
“No, Daddy.”
Gojo chuckles and wiggles into the cushions of the chair, making a show of getting himself comfortable. “C’mon, then, wifey, show me.” 
Fighting another sigh, you situate yourself onto his leg, your thinly covered cunt resting on the top of his work boot. With your arms wrapped around his shin, you slowly start to rock your hips against his foot. The friction, as raunchy as it may seem, feels good. It would feel even better if it was your husband touching you and not his footwear, but if you don’t play his game, he’ll leave you right where you are, needy and begging. Giving him the soft whimpering moans you know he wants, you look up at him through your lashes once more. 
“How’s it feel, baby?” He coos down at you, rubbing at the growing bulge in his pants. 
You roll your hips in time with the way he’s touching himself and whine. “Feels good,” you answer breathlessly. “Wish– Wish I was rubbing on your cock, though, Daddy.”
Gojo groans, biting down on his lips, eyes staring at the way your body moves against his shoe. “If you’re a good girl and cum for me, then Daddy’ll let you ride him.” At his promise, he sees you speed up. Chuckling, he squeezes himself through his slacks. “You want that, pretty baby?”
“Mhm,” you nod, swiveling your hips just how you like it to get yourself closer to your end. “Wanna make you happy.”
“Love of my life, star of my skies, you make me so happy,” Gojo assures you. “But you know how much I hate when you lie to me.”
So, he’s still going on about that? You huff, your grip on his legs becoming tighter. “I would never lie to you, Daddy.” 
You shake your head.
He rolls his eyes and grabs his phone from the side table, swiping it open. He hits three buttons and two rings fill the room before an annoyed, “It’s 3 in the morning, Gojo. What do you want?”
“Nanami,” your husband chirps. “I have one simple question for you and if you give me a straight answer, I promise that I won’t bother you at all for one full week, deal?” When he receives no answer, he takes that as a cue to continue. “How often do you think about fucking my wife?”
The silence stretches on between them for so long you think Nanami’s hung up, but only when the other man hears your broken moan does he answer with a shaky, “Every day.”
“Nanami-san!” You sigh, shivering as you cum against your husband’s shoe. 
Gojo snorts and his eyes twinkle dangerously. “I guess we should invite you over for dinner, huh, Nanami?”
“Pardon me?” 
“My wife is one hell of a cook,” your husband says. “And she makes for the tastiest dessert. Why don’t you come over tomorrow?” He doesn’t wait for Nanami to answer before he ends the call and tosses the phone back onto the table. “You two are gonna fuckin’ learn that you can’t keep secrets from me.” His long fingers dig into your hair and pull, yanking you up from the floor and onto his lap. “Now, be a good girl and ride Daddy like you promised.”
With shaking limbs, you set to work, because if your Daddy is going to give you what you want, then you’re going to be his best girl and give him whatever he needs in return.
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augustjustice · 22 hours
You're the One that I Want
@steddie-week prompts: dizzy, drunken confessions @stevieweek prompt: girls night @steddiemicrofic prompt: one | wc: 1111 words rating: T | tags: transfem steve harrington, platonic stobin, sleepovers, phone calls, love confessions
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When the phone rang right around eleven, Eddie had to admit he was sort of surprised.
Not that he was any stranger to nighttime phone calls. One caller in particular had become something of a regular, post-nightmare soothing sessions in the first weeks after Spring Break soon morphing into inane chats about anything and everything. 
But he knew she was busy tonight.
Eddie had been quick to learn, once he’d gotten closer to the Upside Down crew, that weekly Steve and Robin Nights were a sacred tradition. Ever since Stevie came out, the title had transformed into Girls Night, much like their very own lovely jock herself. 
The importance of the day, however, remained the same.
And, it being Thursday, Eddie definitely didn’t expect to hear from her tonight. 
Crossing the trailer, he mused over who it might be instead. Gareth, maybe, since he was still sorting out the kinks of his drum solo in Corroded Coffin’s latest song. 
“Joe’s Pool Hall,” Eddie chirped when he picked up. “We rack ‘em and stack ‘em so you don’t have to!”
“Munson!” Robin’s voice burst out over the line, loud enough Eddie pulled the phone a few inches away from his ear. “Stevie needs to tell you something!”
In the background, he could hear Stevie’s muffled Robbie, nooo.
“Stevie-Evie, come on! Tell him, tell him, tell him.” The speed at which Robin chanted her words left them slurred, tripping over each other. “Exactly what you told me. It’s like–sleepover law. You gotta.”
From the shrieks and incomprehensible arguing that broke out after, Eddie could surmise they’d fallen into a drunken scuffle.
Finally, Stevie’s voice rang out from the receiver. “Hi, Eds!” 
The happiness in her tone made actual butterflies erupt in his stomach. Goddamn, he was such a mess for this girl. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie answered, twirling the cord around one finger. “Sounds to me like you two lovely ladies are having a fun night.”
“Oh, yeah, totally. We totally were. But then Robin,” in her inebriated state, Stevie put extra emphasis on the end of her best friend’s name, “got this bright idea to play, like. All the girls’ sleepover games I missed out on because…well, you know.”
Though Stevie sounded put-out now, Eddie had no doubt the suggestion had delighted her. Indescribable fondness for both girls swelled in his chest. 
“That right? What game are you at–prank call the hottest future rock star you know?” 
“No, sillyhead!” Stevie tittered.
Eddie could practically see her, smile bright and nose scrunched up adorably. The image was so distracting, he almost missed Stevie’s next words. 
“I’m s’posed to call…” she dropped into a hushed whisper, the crinkling sound the receiver made suggesting she had cupped her hand around the phone, “my biggest crush!”
The sentence hit Eddie like a truck, nearly incomprehensible. He felt dizzy with it, the bottom of his stomach dropping out the same way it had on the Gravitron at last year’s Fourth of July Fun Fair. 
“S-Sorry, uh,” he stuttered out, “bad connection, I think. You know how shitty the service down at Forest Park can be. Cuz, for a second, I almost thought you said–”
But Stevie barrelled on, as though he hadn’t said anything at all.
“You’re the one that I want!” she sang out.
Her voice carried all the passion and fervor as the times she was alone in the car with Eddie, taunting him with her favorite new pop hit, or when she and Robin were goofing off, having a dance off after hours at work. Eddie could hear it when Robin joined in for the follow-up chorus of Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey!
The absurdity of it made Eddie cackle, momentarily distracted from the racing of his heart. 
“Harrington…did you seriously just sing Grease at me?” 
“I did not!” Stevie protested. 
Eddie wouldn’t have been surprised if she had punctuated that claim with a stamp of her foot. But she followed it up with a little hmph, contemplative. 
“–Well, yeah, okay. So what if I did? That-that isn’t the point. The point is…I want you, Eddie Munson.”
He gulped against the nervousness welling up in his throat. “Princess…you’re actually serious right now, right? This isn’t just, you know…the booze talking?”
“‘Course I’m serious, Eds. Don’t know how you didn’t notice–Robin said my mooning was getting so annoying. But that’s only cuz I’m like…totally in love with you, to be honest.” 
It wasn’t as eloquent and romantic, Eddie suspected, as a sober Stevie Harrington love confession would have been–but, heart flipping in his chest, he cherished it just as much. 
“Oh. Well, shit. Looks like…I better shape up, then.” 
And even though he knew what he was about to do would make him sound completely ridiculous–he couldn’t help but smile, knowing it would be totally worth it. 
So, Eddie took a deep breath and belted back, “Cuz my heart is set on you!”
“Eddie!” Stevie gasped like he had just performed a magic trick. “You know Grease?!”
“Stevie, you gotta swear you’re gonna take that one to your grave. But…sure I do, darling. You think I wouldn’t go out and see one of your favorite movies?”
The excitement in her voice was tempered by a sudden hint of shyness, the kind she usually hid behind a bold, confident exterior. Eddie knew exactly what that was like–and he felt lucky, that Stevie trusted him enough to let him see the vulnerability underneath.  
“Really really. I’m gone for you, Stevie. Have been for…well, hell. A really long damn time.”
Stevie sighed, lovelorn and wistful.
“Me, too.”
Eddie was really glad he wasn’t the one that was drunk right now, or he might have suspected he was dreaming.
“Wanted to tell you for so long–” But whatever sweet thing Stevie had been about to say was cut off, as she suddenly huffed into the phone. “Oh my God, okay! I’m hurrying, I’m hurrying!”
“All good over there?” 
“Sorry. Robin says I’m hogging the phone,” Eddie could practically hear her eye roll, before her tone turned mischievous. “Besides…now it’s her turn to call Vickie. Talk tomorrow?”
“Wouldn’t miss it, Stevie. See you bright and early.” Bright and early for Eddie usually meant around noon, but, for this, he was willing to make an exception. “And tell Buck–I owe her one.”
You’re welcome! he heard Robin sing-song just before Stevie hung up, evidence she’d probably been listening in on every word. 
As he wandered back to his bedroom in a daze, 11:11 blinked at him from the digital alarm clock on his bedside table.
Eddie didn’t even need to make a wish.
Travolta and his flying car had nothing on him. 
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coffeeghoulie · 2 days
I'd like to request a SwissTom/DewTher double date please. Up to you if it gets spicy or not
I am very much stretching the definition of a double date here, but I had an idea that I could not put down.
Contains a very, very, very small mention of a Rite Here Rite Now spoiler. But just in case.
divider by @ghuleh-recs <3
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This is it, Dew thinks, settling back farther into his adirondack chair, condensation from his beer dripping over his fingertips. Aether's in the chair next to him, a bonfire glowing a few feet ahead of them on the lakeshore, and the air is comfortably warm as the sun sets behind the forest surrounding the Abbey. This is the reward at the end of it all, all of the work, piety, loyalty, and literal blood, sweat and tears Dew's put into the Ghost Project.
Rain's still in the lake, bickering playfully with Aurora and Sunshine while Cirrus and Cumulus wring water out of their hair, wrapping towels around each other as the air starts to cool. Mountain's ducked into the woods to tap into the stash of firewood he keeps hidden for pack nights like this. Papa- no, Frater- No. Copia's asleep in his own adirondack chair, paperback open and resting on his chest, readers askew on his nose.
Aether sits next to Dew, taking a big swig of his beer, lime wedge shoved down into the neck of the brown glass bottle. His other arm hangs off the side, reaching just enough to twine his pinkie with Dew's. The touch is grounding, and Dew shuts his eyes, swallows his own mouthful of beer. They don't need more than this, every word has already been spoken between them, engraved into their minds the same way they have matching scars in the crooks of their necks.
A few feet away from them, the relative quiet is broken by soft chatter, Swiss practically giggling at something he said that Dew couldn't hear, matching Aeon's laughter. The two of them have practically been glued together since the end of the Re-Imperatour, and tonight is no different. Swiss leans back in his chair, and Aeon sits sideways in his lap, legs dangling over the armrest. Their horns click as they lean in to whisper to each other.
Dew runs his tongue over his fangs at how cloyingly sweet the two of them are. "I don't think we were ever that bad, right, Aeth?"
Aether snorts, finishing his beer. "I couldn't tell you, darling. We weren't looking in on us from the outside. We might have been that bad."
Dew tugs at his pinkie. "Yeah, you were so fucking desperate once you got it through your thick fucking skull that I was into you."
Even in the firelight, Dew can see the way Aether rolls his eyes. "In my defense, I'd never dealt with water or fire courting rituals before I met you."
Swiss starts, turning over to them. "You talking courting rituals, big guy?" he laughs. Gold and purple eyes practically glow in the firelight.
"Nah, we're talking about how the two of you are practically one ghoul now," Dew cuts in, setting his empty beer bottle onto the ground beside his chair to pick up later. "Haven't seen you take a breath without each other since probably Los Angeles. No, wait, it was after Sydney."
Aeon laughs, shifting closer in Swiss's lap with a soft chuff. The way they nuzzle their cheek against Swiss's doesn't help their case. "Gettin' caught up on lost time, it had been a really long time since I'd been touched nice."
Dew bites the inside of his cheek. "Yeah, I know, voidling," he says softly. Remembers the scent of terror that'd permeated the bus in the early nights of the tour. Remembers the way Aeon had shook against him the first night they'd shared a bunk.
"But Swiss, pup?" Aether teases. "You've got a whole pack of ghouls wrapped around your finger who'd be more than happy to give you affection, and you choose him?"
"Hey!" Swiss protests, throwing a middle finger at Aether as he hauls Aeon impossibly closer with his other arm. Aether just laughs, gold fang glinting in the firelight.
"I'm just saying," Aether shrugs, standing with a groan. "Any of you want another beer?"
"Please, starshine," Dew says, his pinkie still entwined with Aether's. He reluctantly lets go, lets his arm fall back to his side.
"I'll pass," Aeon says, mismatched eyes shutting with a heaving sigh. The air's starting to get a little chilly, and Dew bets the voidling's using that as their excuse to press even closer against Swiss.
"Me too," Swiss says, and Aether cocks his head at him, lips quirked up in a smile.
"Alright," he says, rummaging through the half melted ice in the cooler to pull out two beers. He sets his down to pull out the bottle opener, passing the first one to Dew. The fire ghoul takes a long drink, raising the bottle in thanks. Aether settles back into his chair with his own, tucking the bottle caps in the pocket of his shorts.
"No, but seriously, you're going to give us all cavities with how sappy you're being," Dew says, even as he reaches over the edge of his armrest to take Aether's hand. "How's the dental at the infirmary again, Aeth?"
"Well, it's where I got this," he says, tapping a claw against his gold fang. "So we're in luck. You two can keep being ridiculously sweet."
"Come on," Aeon whines, tail flicking behind them and whacking against the legs of the chair. A log shifts in the fire, sending flickering orange embers into the darkening sky. "We're not that bad."
"There's no way in hell that you two weren't as touchy," Swiss cuts in.
Dew laughs, copper eyes narrowing into slits as he gestures with his beer bottle. "Well. Seeing as you weren't summoned until a year and a half after we started courting, you have no fucking ground to stand on. For all you know, we were perfectly chaste."
"The two of you?" Swiss laughs. "Chaste?"
A tall shape passes in front of them, silhouetted by the fire. Mountain puts another few logs onto the bonfire. He turns to face the pairs, hands on his hips. "As the only one in the pack who was here when the two of you finally got your shit together, I can say with absolute certainty that the two of you were way fucking worse, Aeth, Dew. How the two of you managed to make the entire bus reek of sex in that tiny fucking bunk, Satan only knows."
Dew sputters, glancing between him and Aether. Swiss cackles. The quintessence ghoul grins, raising his beer in a toast. "Nema to that."
Mountain pulls up another chair, ruffling Aeon's hair playfully, running a knuckle along Swiss's horn. "Now, no more bickering. I'll chaperone this little double date, don't worry."
The five of them burst into laughter. It's so loud it startles Copia awake, and they can't stop laughing long enough to explain or apologize.
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justagalwhowrites · 2 days
Yearling No Outbreak AU - Ch. 1: Rodeo
When Ellie sees you riding at a rodeo, she knows you have to teach her. Chapter 1 of the Yearling No Outbreak AU found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader from Yearling
CW: Fluff, Joel is a really dedicated father and we love that for him and for us, friends to lovers, no use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ Only.
Length: 4.1k
AO3 | Main Masterlist
Sunday, November 2, 2025
“No freakin’ way.” 
Ellie’s eyes were wide and she was smiling bigger than Joel had seen her smile in what seemed like forever as she watched the rodeo. 
It had been his idea to take her to the fair. He thought it would be good for her - get out, have some fun, take her mind off things for a bit. He offered to bring along a friend of hers from school, too, but she just gave him a look. 
“What,” she said. “Going to fly Riley in from Boston?” 
“Was kinda hopin’ someone a bit more local,” he said, awkwardly cupping the back of his neck. “Must have someone you’d like to hang out with…”
“Welp,” she said, flopping back on her bed and holding her comic book over her head. “Then I’m afraid you’re shit outta luck, old man.” 
He wasn’t sure how much fun she’d have just hanging out with him all day but she’d seemed to be having a good enough time. He showed her how to shoot the air rifles at the games and she dragged him through a fun house and they both delighted in all the deep fried snack options. 
It had been Ellie who wanted to go to the rodeo. Joel hadn’t been to one in years, not since he was close to Ellie’s age and he’d gone with his dad at this same fair, but it was something that Ellie wanted to do. And, after the last few years, he was happy to do whatever made her happy. 
He just hadn’t expected her to fall completely in love with the horses and one rider in particular. 
“We got a real special treat for y’all here today,” the announcer had said. “Now, she ain’t competing today - and let me tell you, every man in the building is thankful she ain’t because they’ve all lost to her at one time or another - but we have the one, the only queen of the rodeo scene doing a showcase in a few events today, startin’ with trick riding. Five time world champion -“ 
There was a loud whoop from behind Joel and he missed your name but he watched as you rode out into the arena, standing on the backs of two horses, a foot on each animal, one hand on the reins and the other high in the air waving at the crowd as you guided the horses past the stands. He watched - just as in awe as Ellie - as you jumped the horses and threw your body around on them as though you were a gymnast on a bar and not a 2,000 pound animal. 
He was awed again when, between other events, you stayed on the back of bucking bronco far longer than any of the competitors and again when you demonstrated roping calves. He didn’t think the announcer had been joking when he said the men here were thankful you weren’t competing, he had a feeling you blew them out of the water every time. 
“Hey Joel,” Ellie said when a girl who reminded Joel of Sarah when she was younger was doing her trick riding routine. “She’s out there again! I think she’s a coach…” 
He looked where Ellie was pointing and she was right, you were standing at the edge of the arena, switching between fidgeting with your necklace and yelling as the girl nearly dragged on the ground from the side of the horse. 
“Think you’re right,” Joel said. 
“Think she teaches lessons or something?” Ellie asked, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
“I dunno baby girl…” Joel said, hesitant. 
“Can we find out?” She looked back out at the arena. “Because that looks so fucking cool.” 
“Language,” Joel said and he caught her eye roll out of the corner of his eye. He sighed. “But yeah, we can see if we can track ‘er down after the rodeo, see if she’ll teach you. She may not be anywhere around here, though…” 
But Ellie looked so fascinated, so happy, Joel knew that the location didn’t matter much. He’d figure something out. 
After the rodeo, the two of them made their way around, against the flow of people, finding the entrance to the place where the livestock and competitors were and Joel caught sight of you, talking to the girl who reminded him so much of a young Sarah. A man stopped to talk to you and you gave him some direction before he came toward where Joel and Ellie were standing and watching. 
“‘Scuse me,” Joel said as he went past. He stopped, frowning slightly at Joel. “Sorry to bother you but… well, we were wondering if you knew that woman there, the one who was doing the showcase riding before.” 
“Oh, yeah,” he laughed. “I know her alright. That’s my sister.”
Joel tried to ignore the way his heart beat a little faster knowing that this guy wasn’t your husband. 
“Can I help you with anything?” He continued. “She’s also my boss, I work at her ranch.” 
“Was wondering if she did any teaching…” Joel said. 
“Because I really want to learn how to do that shit,” Ellie cut her off. “So fucking cool.” 
“Ellie!” He gave her a look. “Come on, baby girl, language.” 
“Sorry,” she flinched. 
Joel looked back to the man. 
“Anyway,” he said. “Was hoping she was taking new students…”
“She is,” the man said, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a business card, handing it over to Joel. The words Triton Ranch were embossed on the front. “I’m Richie, you can email me there and I can help get you all set up for…” 
“Can you believe this shit?” You stalked up to Richie, arms crossed tightly over your chest. “Been out here for 30 years and there’s still this sexist bullshit…” 
You seemed to notice Joel and Ellie standing there then, looking them up and down before raising your eyebrows to your brother. 
“Some new potential clients,” Richie said. “Interested in riding lessons.” 
You looked between Joel and Ellie again. 
“Which one of you?” You asked. 
“Me,” Ellie said, sounding almost giddy. 
“Good,” you said. “Need more women out here, some of these men… We’re based near Austin, that work for you two?” 
“Perfect,” Joel said, trying to not stare at you because damn were you pretty, especially this close. “That’s where we are, too.” 
“Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.,” you said. “Come with boots with a one inch heel on ‘em, you need something to help you stay in stirrups. I got other safety gear you can use… HEY ASSHOLE!” 
You stormed off mid-sentence, stalking up to a man who didn’t look remotely prepared to deal with you grabbing him roughly by the shoulder and yanking him around to face you before shoving him back. 
“Alright, that’s my cue to go rein her in before she does any real damage,” Richie said, going to follow you. “See you Tuesday, 5:30!” 
“Tuesday, 5:30!” Ellie called back before turning to beam at Joel. “This is going to be awesome.” 
Joel watched as Richie pulled you back from the man you were trying to pick a fight with, your eyes going wide like fawn, a look of almost innocent indignity on your face as your brother stepped in. Joel resisted the urge to smile a little, the idea of something like Bambi picking a fight. You were… something. 
“Think you’re right,” he said. 
“Savvy, that horse is gonna walk all over you if you keep lettin’ her do that,” you said, watching her from near the fence, your thumb looped through your husband’s wedding band that hung from a chain around your neck. You fidgeted with it, sliding it back and forth as you tried not to panic at your daughter being on the back of a dumb broke horse, tried to remind yourself that you’d been on unbroke horses younger than she was now, tried not to hear Mark’s voice in your head, already nervous about Savvy wanting to go into the same line of work as you. “You gotta be firmer than you’re used to…” 
“She’s not responding though,” she said, huffy. 
“Because she’s not well broke yet,” you said. “You’re the one who said you wanted to try your hand at breaking horses, you gotta keep them under control…” 
Nova, the horse Savvy was on, started pawing anxiously at the ground, tossing her head. 
“Savvy,” you said cautiously, stepping closer and gripping the wedding band tightly now. “Ease up, she’s gettin’ restless, dismount if you can…”
She nodded but when she adjusted, the horse bucked and you shot forward as Savvy gave a sharp shriek, ending up on her back. You had to jump to grab the reins out of the air and did your best to pull Nova into a one rein stop from on the ground as Savvy scrambled out of the way. Nova stilled quickly, her nostrils flaring. 
“You OK baby girl?” You called to Savvy, keeping your eyes on Nova, staring her down. 
“I’m OK,” she called back weakly. “But ow.” 
You laughed a little. 
“Told you you were gonna get thrown at some point,” you said before reaching a hand up to pet Nova’s muzzle. “And what’s your excuse, young lady? Hm?” 
She huffed. 
“Can’t go throwin’ people,” you said. “You think you get treats when you behave that way? Hm? Because now I gotta get on you and take you around real quick to make sure you know you can’t get out of shit by doin’ that and neither of us is going to be happy about it.” 
She huffed again. 
“Well, s’long as we’re in agreement,” you said, keeping the reins in your hand as you ran it over her side. You mounted her and she tossed her head. “Savvy, back behind the fence.” 
She sighed. 
“Yes, Mom.” 
You kept a tight hold on Nova, your knees tighter to her ribs than they usually would be. You eased her into a walk, then a trot, gradually up to a gallup as you took her around the pasture before realizing that you had an audience, the large, handsome man from the rodeo a few days earlier with his teenaged daughter standing at the fence with Savvy and Richie as you rode back around. You brought Nova over and pulled her to a stop near them, the man watching you with a small, crooked smile on his face and fuck, he was handsome. Tall, broad, tan. Exactly your type when it came to men. 
“Now I know you didn’t forget,” Richie smirked a little and you wanted to kick him. Just because he knew this guy was your type didn’t mean he had to rub it in. “This is Joel and Ellie, they’re here for her lesson.” 
You nodded, catching your breath a little before introducing yourself. 
“And I didn’t forget,” you said, shooting Richie a glare. “Just had to get wild thing here under control before I put her away for the day. Don’t worry, Ellie, not putting you on her. I’ve got just the horse to get you started on.” 
You dismounted and gave Nova an approving pat before turning to Savvy. 
“Can I trust you to get her settled?” You asked, brows raised. 
“I can do it!” She said, a little defensive. 
“Alright,” you said, and she climbed the fence and took the reins from you. You shed your hat now that you needed to look up at Joel and jerked your head toward the barn. “Follow me.” 
Ellie was on you like glue and you looked down to see that she was in a pair of cowboy boots. 
“Good,” you said, nodding at the shoes. “You’ll be thankful for those when you’re trying to get a grip on a horse. You ever ridden before?” 
“We did a trail ride once,” she said. “But that was a few years ago, right?” 
She looked back over her shoulder toward Joel. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Before… Yeah, it was about three years ago now.” 
You nodded. 
“Take it you like animals?” You said as you made your way through the stables, going for the stall of the horse you’d had Richie get ready for this lesson. “Sure hope so, since you want to learn riding.” 
“Hell yeah,” Ellie said. 
“Ellie,” Joel said, a warning tone in his voice. 
“Sorry,” she said, rolling her eyes. You smiled. “Yes. I do. Even though Joel won’t let me get a dog.” 
“We can talk about it when you’re off school for the summer,” he said and you tried not to frown. If she was calling him Joel, he wasn’t her dad. You hoped this girl hadn’t been through too much, she seemed like a good kid. 
“Well,” you said, coming to a stop at the stall. “You can come hang out with Shimmer here even if he doesn’t let you get a dog.” 
Ellie’s face lit up, looking at the horse with a huge smile on her face. 
“Shimmer is a rescue,” you said, reaching up to scratch behind her ears. “Got her when she was a yearling a few years back from an unlicensed breeding operation. Poor thing was underfed and skittish as hell but she came around. She’s a real sweet, gentle horse and she loves when people can be real sweet and gentle with her. Think you can do that?” 
“Yeah,” Ellie said, smiling at you. “Definitely.” 
“Good,” you smiled back, reaching to a bin mounted between stalls and pulling some feed out. “Hand out, palm flat.” 
She obeyed and you gave her the feed. Her eyes went a little wide. 
“Now keep your palm real flat and hold it out for her,” you said. “You’ll feel her teeth kinda brush your skin a bit but she won’t hurt ya.” 
She obeyed and looked on in awe as Shimmer ate from her hand. 
“Go ahead and give her a pet,” you said when the feed was gone. “Let her smell you first and once she nudges your hand, she’s OK with you touchin’ her.” 
Ellie did as she was told, Shimmer pressing her nose into her hand almost immediately now that she’d associated Ellie with food. You smiled a little as Ellie beamed. 
“Hey Shimmer!” Ellie said affectionately, petting her gently. “Aren’t you just the prettiest thing?” 
Shimmer chuffed happily and Ellie looked back at Joel. 
“She likes me!” 
Joel chuckled. 
“Yeah, think she does.” 
“How about we take her out, get you on her,” you said before turning to Joel. “Just assuming Richie got you all set with the paperwork and whatnot?” 
“He did,” Joel nodded. 
“Good,” you said. “Thank God for him, lord knows I don’t got the mind for the paper pushing side of this operation.” 
You nudged the two of them back and got Shimmer out, giving her an affectionate pat as you led her toward the pasture. 
You worked with Ellie for two hours and she was a natural. She was very in tune with her horse, learning how to apply pressure and how to work with her body weight quickly. Before too long, she was ready to do more than walk her a little and you got your favorite horse, Perseus, out of the stable, only putting a bit and bridle on him before jumping on him bareback so you could keep pace with Ellie on a trip around the pasture at Shimmer’s natural walking pace. 
To your surprise, Joel didn’t go and sit in the car or even scroll on his phone while you worked with Ellie. He just watched, leaning against the post fence with his hands lightly folded in front of him, a small smile on his face as she made progress. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen a parent - or parent figure, you supposed - quite so engaged, especially for a first lesson. 
“Alright,” you said as the time was up and you dismounted your horse, taking the reins from Ellie. “Hop on down, we can take Shimmer back to her stall and you can say goodbye until next time.” 
“I can ride her next time?” She asked, eyes bright. 
“Course you can,” you said. “Shimmer can be your horse for a while.” 
“Hear that, Joel?” Ellie called, more jumping off the horse than anything else. “Shimmer can be my horse!” 
She started running for the fence without paying much mind to where exactly she was running, slipping on a puddle and going down quick into a pile of mud. 
“Shit,” you swore, running over to her, just catching Joel damn near hurdling the fence to do the same out of the corner of your eye. You got to Ellie first, kneeling beside her, and she was laughing, flat on her back and covered in mud. You breathed a sigh of relief. “You alright there, kid?” 
“I’m good,” she laughed, sitting up and looking at her mud covered hands. “Don’t know if he’ll let me in his truck now, though.” 
“Scared me, baby girl,” Joel said, joining you. “You hit your head or anything?” 
“Nah,” she said. “Just got nice and gross…” 
She reached out and smeared some mud on his arm, near his watch. He tried to look irritated but didn’t quite manage it. 
“Alright, kiddo,” he said, standing up again and offering her his hand. “Think there are some towels in the truck…” 
“If you’d rather,” you said quickly. “You can shower before you go. I’m sure Savvy has some sweats you can borrow until you’re back.” 
“Oh yeah, that’s way better,” Ellie said before Joel got a chance to respond, taking Joel’s hand and wiping her hands on her jeans. It didn’t seem to make much difference. “Because this is - sorry, Joel - fucking gross.” 
You laughed. 
“Yeah, welcome to ranch life,” you said. “C’mon, we’ll go up to the main house, get you cleaned up a bit.” 
You cut through the barn and asked Richie to get Shimmer and Perseus settled before getting Savvy from where she was sitting and reading, perched on a stall door next to Nike, your oldest horse that you’d bought off your old boss when you started your ranch 10 years earlier. 
“Savvy, this is Ellie,” you said, introducing the girls. Savvy looked like she was stifling a laugh and waved. “Ellie, this is my daughter Savvy. Savvy, do me a favor, we’re goin’ to the main house to get Ellie cleaned up before she heads home, can you show her where your bathroom is and get her something to wear home?” 
“Sure!” She said, hopping down and walking up to Ellie. “Nice to meet you. Are you learning how to ride?” 
“Yeah!” Ellie said brightly. “It was so f…freaking cool, I was on Shimmer and she was so soft and…” 
“Oh yeah, Shimmer’s the best,” Savvy said knowingly, the two girls walking ahead. You smiled a little, watching them as they talked, fidgeting with Mark’s wedding band again. 
“You really don’t gotta go through this much trouble,” Joel said, staying alongside you as you followed the girls to the large white farmhouse you called home. “I’m sure I’ve got some towels in the truck and I’d hate to get your house all muddy…” 
You scoffed. 
“This is a ranch,” you said. “The house sees mud every day. It’ll live. And it’s no trouble. I’d much rather send you home with a bag of muddy clothes than a muddy kid.” 
Savvy led Ellie upstairs, a little trail of mud behind them that made you smile. You’d clean it up later but, strange as it was, you loved the little signs of the life you led now. The one where you worked with horses that were yours or that you picked who to sell them to, got to work with passionate kids like Ellie and got mud on the floors of the house your husband had fixed up for you when you’d bought it for a steal years earlier. You kicked off your boots at the door. 
“C’mon,” you said, jerking your head toward the kitchen. “Let me get you a drink.” 
Joel just stared at you for a moment before following you, stopping at some of the pictures on wall as you went to the fridge. 
“Sweet tea?” You asked. “I got stronger stuff, too, but not sure how much of a drive home you’ve got…” 
“Tea’s good,” he said. “Thanks.” 
You poured him a tall glass and got one for yourself before joining him at the pictures and handing him the drink. 
“Thank you,” he said again and you just nodded, taking a sip yourself and looking at the pictures that you so rarely noticed individually anymore. Savvy’s school portraits, pictures of her on podiums, you at the world championships… 
“This your wedding day?” He asked, nodding to one of the bigger pictures, one of you in an floor-length white eyelet lace dress, the toe of your best pair of boots peaking out the bottom as you smiled up at your husband, who was standing beside you in his black jeans, a button down shirt and tie. 
“That’s it alright. Me and Mark,” you smiled, toying with the ring around your neck again. “Eleven years ago now. Doesn’t feel like that long but damn has a lot happened.” 
“Eleven years is a long time,” Joel said. “Congratulations.” 
“Thanks, but we only made it nine,” you said, taking a sip of tea and looping the ring onto your thumb. Joel frowned and looked over to you. “He died, just over two years ago.”
“Shit,” he said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t…” 
You shrugged. 
“It’s fine,” you said. “I mean… well it’s not, it is shit, but it is what it is, you know?” 
“I do,” Joel nodded. “My wife, Tess, died, too. September, 2023. Cancer.” 
“Shit,” you said this time. “That’s so hard. I’m sorry.” 
“Like you said, it is what it is,” he replied. 
“We could start a club,” you said. “The ‘it is what it is society for young widows.’ Membership fees are fuckin’ high but hey, at least he company is good.” 
Joel snorted. 
“What, too soon?” You asked, teasing lightly. You weren’t sure why you felt so comfortable talking like this with a virtual stranger but you were. There was just something about him that felt familiar, comfortable. It was something you hadn’t felt in a very long time. 
“Nah,” Joel said. “Just right.” 
“Good,” you said, taking another sip of tea. 
“Tess is part of how we ended up here,” Joel said. “Ellie taking lessons here, I mean.” 
“Yeah?” You asked, brows raised. “Was she a horse girl at heart?” 
“Not really,” Joel laughed. “No, she was from Detroit and not much of a naturalist but… well, her dying hit Ellie real hard. We adopted her about four years ago and her and Tess were real close. We were gettin’ on fine just the two of us for a while but then I had to move back here to help my brother out with his business so she lost the closest thing she had to a mom and then less than two years later left all her friends, too. It’s been a rough time for her. Watching you ride at the rodeo was the happiest I’ve seen that kid in months and lord knows I’d do anything to get her to smile again.” 
You smiled at him. 
“Turns out, all it took was a horse,” you said. 
“And you,” Joel said, watching at you with an almost uncomfortably honest look on his face. You realized then just how close you were standing to him, how fucking good looking he was - noticing him in a way you hadn’t really noticed a man since your husband died. Your heart sped up. 
“OK way less gross now,” Ellie said from behind you, making you jump and you and Joel turned to look at her. “Also, way more pink.” 
You stifled a laugh, Ellie in a pink sweatsuit of Savvy’s. 
“Well ain’t you pretty,” Joel teased her lightly and she glared at him. He smiled. “Alright, now what do you say?” 
“Thank you for the shower and the clothes,” she said. “Seriously. I was gross.” 
“Yeah,” Savvy scrunched her nose. “You really were.” 
You walked the two of them out to Joel’s truck, Ellie already telling him excitedly about everything she learned with you that day. 
“Sounds like I’ll see you back same time next week?” You said to Joel as Ellie got in the passenger seat. 
“Yeah,” Joel smiled. “We’ll definitely be back.” 
“Good,” you smiled back. “Looking forward to it.” 
Joel looked like he thought for a moment before he nodded. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Me, too.” 
A/N: I hope you enjoy what will be a pretty short look into how things go in a no outbreak reality for Joel and Bambi! I went ahead and tagged everyone on the Yearling tag list, I hope that's OK! Thank you for reading and caring about these characters, I really cannot thank you enough for this journey we've been on together. It's been such a blessing to share it with you. Love you!!
Taglist: @ashleymsnodgrass@planet-marz1@kalea-bane @juneswonderlust @ilovepedro @h-annahayy @starstruckmusiciansartghost @beccerjune @mumma-moonchild @netonetoneto @mellymbee @purplelye @n7cje @flugazi @evyiione @randomhoex @aliengirl99 @orcasoul @reds-ramblings @pedropascalsbbg @fupoola @tinypotatothing @knopes-waffles @lilmizmoz @ayamenimthiriel @jenispunk @panda-pascal @sarap-77 @flugazi @your-slutty-gf @daniegraceg @partyofone3413 @cumberpegg @noisynightmarepoetry. @fifia-writes @grumpygrumperton @srmacaroni @txlady37 @bigboiseason123 @ashleyfilm @arizonadreamingg
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queerprayers · 15 hours
Hello! I'm a genderfluid Christian and I'm currently trying to discern whether going on HRT would be a good idea, both in terms of whether it would be worth the inconvenience and whether it would be glorifying to God. Do you have any recommendations?
(For a long time, I was comfortable in my gender without it, but a few months ago something shifted and now I can't stop thinking about it. I would ask a pastor, but I'm between churches at the moment; the Baptist church I went to for many years, despite its many good qualities, is not at all affirming, and I'm still in the process of finding a better spiritual home, which is further complicated by the fact that I am nocturnal.)
Thank you for running this blog, by the way. It means a lot to me.
Hello, beloved! I will do my best and I'm so glad you're here.
I hope you've heard this quote from Daniel M. Lavery, but just in case you haven't: "As my friend Julian puts it, only half winkingly: 'God blessed me by making me transsexual for the same reason God made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine, so that humanity might share in the act of creation.'"
Another quote from that book (Something That May Shock and Discredit You, which I highly recommend) that comes to mind is “Trying not to transition was the hardest work in the world. The nicest thing about transition was letting go.” I believe you that you're unsure, and I'm not trying to make your decision for you, but on the off chance that any of your discerning has taken the form of trying to convince yourself not to transition in this way, or downplaying your current discomfort, or not trusting yourself out of fear, I'd say that being trans in this world is hard enough without being on your own side.
Ultimately, you know yourself and your experience, and I'd hazard a guess that you've already decided more than you think. Often by the time I'm reaching out about a life change, I'm asking permission more than advice. If that rings true, here's your permission (not that you need it from me).
I hope you don't mind, but I checked in with my partner (a certified Transgender) while answering this, and I'll paraphrase what they had to say about HRT and inconvenience: Is the travel time to see a loved one worth the inconvenience? Ultimately, you are worth dealing with inconvenience. The happiness you could have is worth the inconvenience. Being trans is hard with or without medical transition. But sharing in the act of creation is worth it. We are all worth doing hard things for, and for some that includes fighting to get on HRT and being visibly trans in public.
You can't know until you begin a journey if it will be "worth it"—but I would imagine answering this for yourself, giving this instinct inside you a chance, would be worth it even if it's not forever. There are people who start HRT and decide it's not for them—and their lives aren't ruined. Their lives are fuller for honoring what they wanted at that point in time. Obviously regret happens—but we cannot refrain from living because of that. Your gender identity and your relationship with your body may change and grow, and all parts of that change are worth of honoring.
As to whether this would glorify God—are you honoring the person God created? If (to paraphrase St. Teresa of Ávila) Christ has no body now on earth but yours, if yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world, the feet with which he walks to do good, the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world —what body are you moving through this world with, and how will you care for it? What will enable you to live out Christ? Jesus calls us to meet every stranger as himself—what would happen if you met yourself as such, too? If everything we do to another is what we do to Christ—feed, clothe, honor—why would you be any less? Why would your body not be worthy of existence, of shelter?
If our bodies are temples to God, are they not places of worship? Of course my journey with accepting my body has shown me that we can be faithful Christians before accepting ourselves, and as we learn to care for ourselves. I don't mean to imply we cannot. But our peaceful existence in these places of worship takes work, and just as we work to make our churches more accessible and accepting, so must we work to care for our bodies and fully inhabit them as prayer. My work of love to my body was accepting it as it is, welcoming its change and faults, and also taking psychiatric medication so that I could function better. It was prayer for me, the journey to find a medication that worked and paying attention to how it was changing me, how it enabled me to better serve as a child of God.
Every trans person I know has been more fully able to love when they live as themselves—when they've had access to transition care, when they've been respected and affirmed. These were not selfish choices, they were self-honoring choices which have shone outward ever since. We can look to the Bible to see name changes at moments of God-glorifying change, and we can also see physical change—the shining face of Moses, the woman who only seeks to grasp the hem of Jesus's clothing to be healed, Paul going temporarily blind, Jesus himself at his transfiguration. We cannot serve God and stay the same.
Romans 12 tells us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice—living. Yes, we are called to be willing to die for love, but also to live for it. Preventing your flourishing because it would be scary, or inconvenient, or misunderstood, or because it may not be where your flourishing lies forever, is not a sacrifice for love. Transition, the way I've seen it in the people around me, is.
I also want to point out that you've done the work—you introduced yourself as a genderfluid Christian. I don't know your story, but I know the years of reconciling saying those words can take. You have the language for yourself. You know who you are. HRT can be a huge first step for some, but it can also be just the next part of that work. It doesn't have to be huge. For some it is simply bringing things more in line with the self they've known all along. Make it a big deal if that feels true (and it is a big deal in terms of bravery and access), but it may become just one of many ways you care for yourself. You don't have to cater to those who see it as drastic or an emergency, those who fearmonger or want you to prove you need it. You've done the work, so trust that you are capable of making this decision.
It is your God-given right to make decisions about your body. As Christians, we believe we are called to serve God with those decisions. But God gave us the reins. God gave us all different skills and stories and paths. It is not easy or obvious and sometimes we circle back or regret or repent. God gave us the capacity for those kinds of stories, too. Be human with God—our God who entered into time and space, who participated in our having-a-body-ness, who reconciled the ways his body held him back and the ways he could serve with it. Jesus's relationship with his gender/body/health is not something we're privy to but from other parts of his life we can assume it was a participation in his time and place—a 1st century Jewish man. In the communities you're a part of, with the resources you have, with the identities you have welcomed, how will you be human with him?
I don't know what healthcare is available to you where you are, but a good doctor can tell you the side effects, refer you to counseling as you make choices, give you dose and timeline options. Even if you don't end up going on HRT, seeking out trans-inclusive healthcare and community is a good choice, and I would recommend learning your options. If you can't stop thinking about this, trust that it's worth taking seriously.
I wish you all the best in finding a church/community—there are people equipped to love all of you, and you deserve to find them. I relate with the nocturnal bit—I know Catholics usually have a Saturday night service, and every so often another kind of church will. Online community can fill gaps and give us other ways of connection as we look for physical communion. I wish I could promise affirming religious spaces in every place, but I can only pray and work for that to someday be the case.
So, to answer my lover's question, the travel time to see a loved one is worth it. The journey to the you more full of love is worth it, and the journey to find a spiritual home is worth it. If we are pilgrims on this earth, may the things in our control be done with love, may our journeys be faithful, may our bodies be Christ's body, trusting in the Love greater than anything we can do. How you will be a steward of God's creation is not something I can answer for you, but I believe in your ability to sow the seeds within you. HRT may be the next part of your creation—you can give yourself some time, talk to some people, sit with the idea, consider how you would handle regret, and don't let me tell you what to do, but ultimately there is only one way to know, and waiting until we're sure is stagnation if it is not an active waiting.
To quote my Easter/TDOV post: Come to life, beloved. God sees you. The first steps out of the tomb may be stumbling, the dawn too bright, but we will meet you in the garden, where you were first created. Bring with you whatever is still bleeding—Jesus believes in you, touches the ache in your ribs. Mistake him for a gardener; let him plant you anew. Look to the wound in his side, see how it births the Church, and continues to until there is room for you. Look through the holes in his hands and see the world you were redeemed for, the self that you have already found or may only imagine. God made the grapes, and Christ stands in the winepress with you. Trample out your wine.
And lastly, to turn the patron saint of receiving sacraments presenting as God calls, even unto death, Joan of Arc's affirmation into a command (and purposely quoting an angel in the process): Be not afraid. You were born to do this.
<3 Johanna
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radiolore · 2 days
Tumblr media
copy pasted from my tiktok plus some :3
• wants to take care of plants but cant due to their job
• forgets to drink water a lot
• one time passed out due to dehydration, the wayfinder society found them in a cave and they had to be in the emergency room for a day
• since then, they got an app on their phone that buzzes when they should drink water and itll water a virtual plant :3
• unironically loves classical music
• likes to scour the internet in their spare time to listen to different music genres from different eras
• wishes they could learn intruments, especially ancient ones that people dont typically play anymore but cant cause of the time their job takes, but they still admire people who do play those intruments still!!
• their parents are missing and are pressumed dead and they hope that by being an archeologist they can find them one day
• used to cry as a kid when people would squish ants :(
• they think they dont have time for a partner, so theyre not really looking for one, but wouldnt be opposed to having one if they met the right person
• if they did meet someone they were interested in, would be super estatic and friendly, talking to them a lot, looking for them when they enter a room, etc
• would prefer an in-person relationship, they would be willing to try long distance but with how much they travel for their job, they will end up not being happy because they feel like they have to choose between their partner and passion :((
• they would end up romantacising the person theyre interested in and get disappointed when they dont live up to their fantasies
• really good at coming up with art n crafts ideas, bad at executing them
• autism
• used to be super interested in internet history as a kid, like random events that went down on the internet n stuff, but not so much anymore since theyre an archeologist now
• fav ice cream is rocky road (who would've guessed)
• messy eater
• love language is gift giving and quality time
• speaking of gift giving, if they liked someone they would def research crystal meanings and give them specific crystals based on their meaning
• need some extra luck? they're giving u aventurine, got into trouble recently and need protection? boom amethyst, they like you but they're too scared to say so? they're giving you rose quartz daily and hope you get the hint
• LOVES those shark tooth necklaces and wears one under their sweater (mostly just cuz they don't want it to get caught on something while working and have it fall off)
• any vacations they get from work, they always make sure to visit their grandma and tell her all about their adventures and findings !!
• thinks people with crooked teeth are the absolute cutest (totally not a self insert for me cuz I got crooked teeth ahahahaa nope)
• when they paint their nails they always just do it messily and just let the excess nail polish on their fingers to fall off ☠️☠️ (same)
• can def carry a conversation if ur shy or just don't talk a lot
• has a social media platform where they post cool things they find, after becoming associated with Overwatch, it gains traction
• after their profile gains attention, it actually becomes an in-universe meme/rumor that they chipped their tooth eating a rock
• Sloane thought it was funny, but they eventually come out and make a post saying they chipped their tooth after a rock came flying at their face while drilling 😞
• asexual cuz I said so
• u know that one dinosaur death pose fossil? they have something like that tattooed on their body
• also a compass tattoo probs
• is the BEST hugger
• when they're excited to see you, they'll hug u n pick u up n spin u around n everything
• is the type to see smth random and go "so-and-so would like this" and just get it without seconds thoughts
• used to draw in high school, but kinda stopped after joining the wayfinders
• is incredibly embarrassed by said drawings and would only show you if you either also showed something equally embarrassing or if yall are extremely close....
• had a lego phase
• Sloan and Junkrat send each other random cryptic texts that wouldn't make sense to anyone else looking at them, but it makes sense to them (it'd be stuff like random images or words or gibberish that'd make u go "what ☠️") (and it'd be at such random intervals like a random text from junkrat at 2am and Sloan doesn't send anything back until 3 days later at noon like???)
• I'm sorry but they're a bad texted lmfao they forget to check their phone all the time
• but they're def not a dry texter tho, they'd use faces like :D D: :p :) :3 >u< ): and type in all caps when they're excited with typos
:3 eeeee
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fandoms-in-law · 15 hours
Name Games
Summary: Steve and Robin decided using actual names was unneccessary so long as they knew who was being spoken to and use how they call each other as an indication of how they're doing. Hearing Steve say her name is something Robin hates.
Author's Note: I have thoughts on how names are used, specifically it's interesting how rarely I actually get addressed by name directly or do the same to anyone else. This was a way to play with it in other ways.
My idea for today: Names are overrated so when they're happy Steve & Robin call each other by random words. If a name is used they check what's wrong. If their name is used everything is dropped to help.
"Steve, it's a movie night and you have the best house for it." Dustin tried to convince him but getting nowhere since he'd come in."Chair? Is the film you wanted to watch okay for the kids or difficult to follow?" Steve called over his shoulder.
"It's French, Coffee pot. Doubt even you'd get it but should be good for them." Robin called back.
Dustin groaned at Steve's nod. "No we know what we want to watch already."
"My house and it's Flags choice this week. If you want it at my house hers is played from the start." he stated, sternly.
"Come on Robin. Don't make us watch something nobody understands." Dustin complained but met resolute expressions from both of them.
"Ice cream, your kids are upset." Robin muttered.
"They always are when I don't let them do everything they want." Steve replied. "As if I do that very often."
She gave him a side glance. "But why are they glaring at me? "
"Not a clue, Cushion. They're just bitchy" Neither mentioned the videos the kids had brought and tried to convince them to put on. This was meant to be their movie night and the kids could deal with what they wanted for once.
"Oliver?" Steve asked curiously. "How do you know you're attracted to someone?"
Robin looked him over while he resolutely looked away from her. "Easily. I look at a girl and go I want to kiss her. What's up, Laura?"
"So if I thought that looking at a guy, but still do to girls as well, is that allowed?" He asked, fear mixing with confusion in his voice and Robin had to double check the store was as empty as it had been for the last half hour.
"Course it is. You can do anything you want." she replied soothingly.
Steve turned to her, eyes still worried, "Do other people do that?"
"Esther, if they do or don't doesn't invalidate whether you do." Robin said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Now who is this boy? I've got muppet singing to pay back."
"Robin." The call to the phone wasn't unusual, even if it was earlier in the night and her mother sounded worried. "Your friend seems to need help."
"I've got it." she agreed, already taking the phone. "Hello?"
"R-Robin?" Dread shot through her and she started trying to figure out the best way to Steve's house. She hadn't heard her name from him in months since they'd decided names were useful only for knowing who was spoken to and any word could do that.
"Steve? What's happened?" She asked, stretching so she could shove shoes on without leaving the phone. "I'll come to you. Just tell me what you need."
"He he died, Robbie. He died and it's all I can see and-" the shake in his voice had her pausing, still set on rushing to him but certain she couldn't cut the call until Steve was at least a little calmer.
"Eddie survived Stevie. You saved him and got him home. Did you have a nightmare?" she asked softly.
"So many this week. I wanted to sleep early, try and feel rested for once but he's dead and I can't." His voice got smaller as he spoke.
Robin looked around hoping the radio she'd finally received was downstairs and not in her room. "Eddie didn't die or if he did it was barely a few seconds before your CPR saved him. I'll come over, get Eddie to as well. We can have a sleepover so you can rest and know he's alive." She comforted seeing her mum still stood nearby.
"Mum, can you fetch my radio please?" she hissed out covering the receiver so she could still hear Steve's mutters that Eddie was dead without him hearing.
Steve was convinced she was bringing a ghost or zombie over but sounded like he agreed to the idea. "I'll pick you up, you and dead Eddie. You can't drive."
Taking the radio as her mum returned with it Robin didn't bother covering anything as she pressed the button on speak to both the phone and radio at once. "But Eddie can and he'll pick me up. He's alive, Steve. We're coming, just unlock the door and curl up on the couch. We're coming."
"Shit, is he okay? I'm going to my van now." Eddie's voice replied while Steve sniffled a little.
“Just try to breathe slowly for me, Steve. I’ll help you calm down until Eddie picks me up and then it’ll be only a few minutes before we’re with you.” Robin didn’t respond. Out of all their friends Eddie seemed to be the only one who’d picked up on how they spoke to each other, most of the kids still trying to understand why neither used nicer names than tree or pizza and convinced it was a weird type of flirting.
Steve stumbled out a reply, voice strained and denying he needed it, but didn’t argue as Robin started counting.
“Robert.” Steve whined from his couch as soon as the door was open, arms stretched towards it. The name was still too close to Robin for her to think he was feeling any better, and the sob a moment later agreed even as Steve sprung over to cling to Eddie instead of her. “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.”
“Okay we don’t need to repeat my name,” Eddie calmingly said, “I’m alive and here. Nothing will take me away if you stop saying my name.”
Robin nudged the pair so everyone could pile on the couch and on top of each other. “We’re here Stevie. You’re okay.”
“I’m so tired, Robbie. It’s always nightmares.” Steve complained, still curled into Eddie more than her, twisted enough his head was resting over Eddie’s heart.
“Then let’s get you comfortable, sweetheart.” Eddie suggested, being met by two shaking heads and Robin tugging blankets over from under a side table.
Steve used the grip he wasn’t releasing to move them into laying along the couch. “No lonely room please, please no.”
“We stay here for sleepovers, Eds.” Robin gave a little more explanation. “His room isn’t good.”
He nodded, letting the pair get them set up and just being comforting and soothing when he could.
“Jack, I’m making pancakes.” Robin heard whispered before the slow movements of Steve trying to escape their pile began.
“Lucy, stay and cuddle. It’s too early for you to cook.” She tensed hearing the words, knowing she hadn’t said them and uncertain how Steve would react.
He chuckled, “You joining in our name game or calling me satan? I need to pee anyway, might as well make pancakes so we can eat then nap through the day.”
“You’re better this morning.” Robin mumbled. “Do we need to drag Eddie into all our sleepovers and cuddle piles to prevent your nightmares?”
“Yes please. I’ve been waking Wayne up cause of them.” Eddie was the one to reply and she cracked her eyes open to see Steve had finished separating from them and left the room.
She sighed, “Only cause Alice likes you.”
“She means as a crush before you overthink.” Steve called through, revealing that he was only in the kitchen. “But that can wait for another day.”
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allurilove · 3 days
Celebrating the fourth of July with Henry and yandere husband. Also happy 4th of julyyyyy 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I'm celebrating by eating a lot of hotdogs! I haven't had them in so long, and I sort of forgot how good they could be.
Your husband grunted as you handed him the aluminum pan, heavy with copious amounts of tiny hamburger sliders you made for the neighborhood party. You made sure that you looked nice and that Henry was presentable too. Your husband wasn't the celebrating type, and he was confused when you handed him a shirt with an American flag printed on the front. He shook his head, refusing to even touch or wear it. It just felt wrong to be overly patriotic like that.
Your husband still wanted to "blend" into the crowd, so he opted to slick his hair back and wear a hat backward, a dark blue t-shirt with a fun graphic on the breast pocket, jean cargo shorts, and his black Sambas. From afar, he looked like a college student—in better words, he looked like the typical frat boy. You were surprised he even had clothes like that.
You held Henry's hand as you walked to your neighbor's backyard. You pushed the gate open for your husband and guided him to the table where the food was. "Now that looks good..." You took a banana pudding cup for you and your son. Your husband huffed and finally put down the heavy tray. He took off the top and tossed it into the trash. He looked around to see the other people who decided to show up, and he gulped as he saw his number one rival... the Skylar family.
Fuck, were they the perfect family.
They could model for Gap or Old Navy with how amazing they looked together. Like the good man he was, your husband approached Lucas Skylar. Lucas was sort of an odd man (your husband thought), and he was a sex therapist who mainly worked with those horrible reality TV couples. You know the ones: people who came onto a show for clout and fame, really only looking to win money and cheat into having an easy life. The ones who pair up with other people who matched their physical aesthetics. It was sort of genius, and your husband slowly started to wish he was in that profession.
"Lucas! It's so great to see you." Your husband opened his arms and pulled him into a "bro" hug. Lucas equally threw himself into the hug. Of course, he was an amazing greeter.
"How are you and your wife? I can see that you guys got down and dirty, huh?" Lucas smirked and nudged your husband. You were about six months pregnant with another child—a girl, as you two had found out. "If you two ever get into a rut, you know where to find me."
Your husband would rather die. This wasn't the first time Lucas Skylar offered his services, and your husband was starting to form an idea in his head that Lucas just wanted to fuck you. I mean, he stares at you way too often. His green eyes would linger on your form, even if he was standing by his wife. Maybe your husband should take up the offer and start boasting about how you two had this amazing sexual chemistry.
"Yeah. Thanks." Your husband laughed humorlessly and slapped Lucas's shoulder a bit too roughly, brushing past him. The pissed-off man went straight for the beers. He spent the rest of the night sulking in the corner, nursing his drink, and watching Henry run around the backyard with lit sparklers in his hands.
"Hey." The man cleared his throat and pushed his body off the fence, his expression softening as you came up to him. You handed him some food and he accepted it gratefully.
"Let me guess..."
"You don't even have to." Your husband groaned and his shoulders tensed up. He rolled his eyes and looked right back down at you. "That prick wants to meddle into our sex life again."
"Why don't you tell him that it's great and he needs to back off?" You shrugged nonchalantly and your husband sighed.
"I... I didn't want to embarrass you like that. Plus, I don't want to create any bad blood between us and them. We still have to live near them after all." Your husbands expression soured. He crushed the empty beer can before making a shot into the trash bag. He then took your hands into his and he pulled you into his embrace.
Your husband wanted to make it up to you for pouting all day, and he took the family out to a secluded and open area. He opened the trunk of the car, and he pulled out a box of fireworks. After he was done scolding Henry for not listening to his little safety seminar, he finally lit one and took a step back. The firework shot up into the sky and burst into red and blue colors.
He subtly reached for his phone and took a picture of you and Henry both looking at the sky. Your husband would talk to thousands of guys like Lucas Skylar if this was the end result. His heart warmed at the sight of his two, and soon to be three, favorite people holding hands.
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Could you write an concept for Emily from Hazbin Hotel? I don't see her being too intense as a yandere, but she could still be clingy and overprotective, right?
Yeah, she isn't that intense... but I can see her as clingy and overprotective. Just a warning, this is very similar to Redeemed! Pentious plot-wise.
@okchijt helped me out with this near the end :)
Yandere! Emily Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Jealousy, Overprotective behavior, Slight manipulation, Oblivious behavior, Denial, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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While I haven't written much for Charlie at the time of writing this... I feel Charlie and Emily are similar in yandere behavior.
Emily is excitable, sweet, and friendly.
Unlike other angels, Emily doesn't discriminate against anyone.
She's just so full of energy and genuinely just wants to make others happy.
Her whole role is to keep human souls happy in heaven.
Plus, as an angel she can't get away with a lot of yandere behavior.
Which leaves the bubbly angel as just... clingy.
Imagine Emily with an angel obsession who needs help around Heaven?
Emily is just so excited to make a new friend, bouncing around you with fluttering wings as she asks you what your name is and what you'd like to do first.
Honestly, Emily doesn't mean any harm.
She's similar to Redeemed Pentious, except she's less lucid.
She isn't aware of the fact her behavior may be wrong.
She gets too caught up in being close to you that she doesn't quite understand.
She's like an excited puppy with her obsession, often around them and dragging them on activities.
Sera may end up having to watch her as she's never seen the bubbly angel so attached to any other soul.
Although, something different than Charlie and Sir Pentious is the fact Emily cares less about what others think.
This is shown when she outright goes against Sera after learning about the Exterminations.
Emily probably wouldn't care what those around you think about her.
They just... don't understand your bond...!
It's not like she's doing anything bad, right?
She isn't forcing you into anything... right?
Emily is sweet with her obsession.
As an angel all her life, she's very innocent.
Something as dark as an obsession is very foreign to her.
All Emily wants to do is casual things like... get ice cream and sleepovers-
Y'know... more innocent activities than your typical yandere.
Since she has such an outlook with you, an obsession baffles her a bit.
She doesn't quite... understand?
The moment she's jealous about other angels around you... she isn't sure what the feeling is.
She's never felt something so negative.
Why would she? She's meant to make everyone so positive.
So... why does she feel so bad when you look so happy with other angels?
Isn't her goal to see you and the other angels happy?
Why... Why is she only happy when you're with her?
Why does she just want you to smile at her?
Emily is curious and naive.
She doesn't understand her obsession and has no idea why she feels this way.
She vaguely understands it's not normal... yet doesn't tell Sera a thing.
She's a bit nervous that Sera will tell her to stay away from you.
So... she's quiet and plays it off as normal.
Emily struggles with the feelings she has towards her obsession.
She hates feeling upset when you're with other angels.
You're supposed to mingle with other angels...!
She... She shouldn't want you for herself.
But she can't help herself.
Emily can't seem to understand the idea of too much affection.
She just thinks all affection and attention is good for her obsession.
Which often has her clinging to your side with a large smile one her face.
Emily may not be violent, but she scares herself when she does have such thoughts.
Her obsession makes her impure.
She thinks all sorts of thoughts she shouldn't.
Things like trapping you beside her... harming other angels around you... demonic temptation, really.
There's a good chance her obsession, if discovered, could cause her to become fallen.
Which is why she tries to hide such thoughts and distract herself.
She distracts herself by inviting you on little hangouts and focusing on her duties.
She should be happy if you're happy.
She just loves to see a smile on your face.
Emily adores you... always clinging and hugging you like a stuffed animal.
Her affection is another way she tries to ignore her obsessive thoughts.
Any sort of manipulation she does by accident or really subtle if on purpose.
Such feelings of hers make her walk on eggshells.
If Sera catches wind of this...?
Well, she fears what will happen.
Although, eventually, Emily may mess up.
Perhaps she steps out of line and somehow alerts Sera to her obsession?
Maybe she admits wanting to trap you in a room to keep you to herself... or maybe she admits that she's envious of other angels around you.
Her jealousy... her envy... such thoughts are a sin.
Sera is devastated and distraught at the fact Emily is behaving in such a way with you.
Overall, Emily would be in denial of her obsession.
Perhaps she'll make you both fallen angels for such a... discretion.
At first Sera's in denial of the younger seraphim's obsession.
She doesn't believe Emily is capable of such a thing...
Which may lead to the older seraphim punishing you for Emily's feelings.
You corrupted her... she just knows it.
Sera would for separation to try and preserve Emily, but the angel is just too far gone.
Emily's obsession is the slow corruption of an angel... soon to fall from grace.
At your separation, Emily throws a tantrum.
Sera is stunned when she sees Emily vent such sinful thoughts.
The young seraphim has been putting up with her paranoia and jealousy for too long now by the time Sera knows.
She soon doesn't care what Sera thinks anymore.
Sera has lied to her before and Emily can't seem to let you go.
As a result, when separation doesn't work, Emily and you are deemed fallen.
By this point Emily would have completely snapped, no longer pure like she once was.
You're terrified but Emily prioritizes keeping you happy as always.
Being fallen is the best for both of you, right?
Now you two can be with one another without judgment.
Yet you only seem to look at the corrupted seraphim with hatred now....
Yet slowly, over time, she breaks down and gives in.
The moment she does...
She's doomed you both.
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