#if you dont know what those are congratulations on playing this game like a normal person
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wastelandhell · 2 years ago
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imagine fo4 without bt3 and ocbp. literally unplayable.
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pitifulbinx · 28 days ago
Not sure if you already knew this but I am going Fucking Insane. I seriously didn't realize how much I did.
There's band which I have to play at every home sports game and rally and Friday mornings.
There's dragon dance that I have to practice for each week with performances super late at night. Also I have to perform at rallies, the same ones that I have band, and I do do both.
Sports Medicine which has Saturday classes, weekend homework, required after school hours, and more things to do outside of class.
I have to go to the gym every other day and I have therapy most Thursdays, all on top of being a straight-A student at a college prep school.
By the way, there's no reward for this. It took a while to realize, but there's nothing I get from this.
I play in the band to pass the class, I do dragon dance because I have to be in a club even though I stopped liking it for months, Sports Med things are all required for me to pass the class and sure I get community service hours but I get those anyways. I don't have to go to the gym but I feel bad when I don't. Therapy doesn't work because I hate my therapist. There's no reward to having good grades yet, so what if I get a piece of paper saying "Congratulations", and yeah colleges will sure love me but there's no actual immediate reward to doing this. There's no reward to acing a test if it's just another A in the gradebook. Sure I'd feel like shit if I got anything less but now that I made it my normal it feels so god damn empty.
I have to audition for honors band still. I have to get my drivers license. I feel like a failure because other people are off playing sports or have a job but I Can't I can't I want to but I can't I wanna be so gokd at everything but its never enough for me and i dont know why and i just want it all to stop i want my friends to like me and i want to have a crush on someone but i camt3 fucling feel anything for abyone anymore saying i bnnmh mh nhhn h mhh
h h hhh fttl haha i fucked up and cried on the keyboard sorry it uh yeah sorry
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argumentl · 1 year ago
The Freedom of Expression - Vol:21, Discussing Nouteikarano2.
(LONG POST* Starts with with Hanshin talk, but leads into very interesting talk about Kaoru's artistic process)
K: Ok, here we go, this is the Freedom of Expression. I'm Kaoru from Dir en grey. 
J: And I'm Joe Yokomizo, not Miura Jun. 
K: Haha
T: Im Tasai from Tokyo Sports. 
J: Ok, so here we are again...Kaoru, you must be happy about that thing, right? 
T: Oh, THAT, right?
J: Yeh, that! 
K: You keep saying 'that'. 
J: Say it yourself then!
K: That pineapple thing?
J: No, no. 
T: Yes, yes, it is that!
J: Eh? Is it?? I dont even know the details!
T: Haha 
J: Look, they know what 'THAT' is in the comments! 
K: Its the pineapple thing. 
T: Yep 
J: Eh?! Whats the pineapple thing? Is that right??....Ok, yeahhh, the pineapple thing!! 
K, T: Hahaha 
J: Congratulations! *applause*
K: Yeah, congratulations. 
J: The Hanshin Tigers won at last! They conquered the Central League! Is that the expression people use?
K: Yes, thats right. 
J: Congratulations! *applause*
T: Its the first time in 18 years, right? 
J: What were you doing at that moment?
K: I was watching it...Uh, we it got into the bottom of the ninth innings, I was thinking OMG! I was getting really excited, like OMGOMG! 
J, T: Hahaha 
K: But then Sakamoto got a home run, and I suddenly got really calm, like, 'oh wow'...and when they won, I was like, 'Okay, good job!'. Haha
J: You calmed yourself down for the actual moment?
K: Yeah 
J: Someone asked, 'Did you cry?'
K: A little bit, a few tears of joy. 
J: Well, you would shed a tear after 18 years. 
T: Of course you would. 
K: Yeah. 
J: So what happens after this? I have no idea how it works. 
K: Well, the Climax series starts soon, and if they get through that, they will go onto the Nihon series. 
J: Ah, after 18 years..
K: Its true that they actually won the Central League, but I never thought they would, haha. Even up until the last minute, other teams' fans were certain Hanshin would win this, but it was only the Hanshin fans going, 'Ahh, still not sure' Haha. Something was bound to get in the way. 
T: Haha 
J: Haha, in the bottom of your heart, you really don't trust them, do you? You love them, but you can't trust them.
K: Haha, something could come along and knock them down at the last minute.
J: Well, I guess no-one knows when the team in second place will catch up. That could even be the Hanshin Tigers, right?
T: There was one point where they were about level with Hiroshima, but began taking the lead again after that. 
K: Yeah, the same happened with DeNa too, but then they ran away with the lead. 
T: They did. 
K: September was incredible. They had 11 wins in a row. 
J: It might be unlucky to say this? But will they be ok getting to the Nihon series? Haven‘t they used up all their success already? 
K: Yeah, at the moment they are on a downward spiral...but they did actually win today's game. 
J: But they are only throwaway matches now, right? So it doesn't matter. 
K: Yeah, but there is still the players' individual stats to consider. 
J: Oh, leader titles? 
K: Yeah, and they really should try to keep up their form to suceed in the next stages. 
J: I see, so they need to remain vigilant, but for now at least the fans can shed a few relieved tears at this 18 year in the waiting win. 
K: Yes. So, as for next month....next month is the Climax series. I think it starts on the 18th, right? If it all goes as normal, Hanshin should have three games on the 18th, 19th, and 20th. If they win those, they will get to the Nihon series. BUT...if they end up with a 4th match on the 21st, we will watch it live here. 
J, T: Ohh!
J: Hang on though, what if they don't have a 4th match?? 
K: In that case we could just celebrate them getting to the Nihon series, or play baseball themed games or something. haha. 
T: Well, yeah, it will be a celebration. 
K: If there is no Hanshin game on that day, that means they already won the Climax series, so I'm honestly quite happy even if there is no game that day. 
J: It has nothing to do with this show really, right? Haha 
T: Thats right. 
K: I just want them to win. 
J: Yeah, thats your first priority. So that is the plan for the October broadcast anyway. Will they make it through the next series? Who knows? But everyone, keep your hopes up. Ok, so we are still requesting questions and comments from viewers. If you have any thoughts, requests, ideas, anything...please write them in the comments section. Twitter users can....Oh its not called twitter anymore, is it? X users can post with the hashtag TFOE. So, this show is free for everyone during the first half, but the second half is for members only. If you become a member, you can watch this in the archives for a year, and also enjoy a members only video in the coming days. You can become a member using the link which is at the top of your screens now, Leader point to it please. So please do join and enjoy the show to the end. Ok, so before we get onto the main talk, does everyone remember us going to Shimokitazawa last time? Did you all watch it? We are currently taking entries from channel members to win these viewer presents! Here they are! First is a Phalaris LP signed by Kaoru. And next is Björk's album Biophilia, which Kaoru selected at Disc Union.
K: Tasai, can you get Björk to sign this for us?
T: Eh?!! How?? Where even is she now??
K: Hahaha! 
J: You could ask Hiranabe to do his gyōza signature on it?
T: Haha yeh. 
J: There might be someone out there who wants Hiranabe's Björk gyōza signature! Anyway, we will give these away, so if you want either of these please go to the show's blog and place your entry. That's the Phalaris LP and also Biophila by Björk, as chosen by Kaoru. Ok, now for today's talk....Was it running until yesterday? Yes, thats right, today its a special broadcast to talk about Kaoru's art exhibition, Nouteikarano2! *applause* I think a lot of you probably went to see it. Thank you to everyone who did. There may be many people who couldn't make it due to their schedule though, so Leader, can you tell us what kind of exhibition it was? Give us the basics. Oh, someone commented, 'It was great!' Thank you! Oh, and 'I went!'
K: Thank you. Well, 4 years ago I put on an exhibition of representations of the dark dreams I had when I was a kid, and this time was a kind of imagining of the continuation of those dreams. Thats the idea I started with. But at the same time, these images are still just coming naturally out of my head, the same place they came from last time. So thats why I decided to use the same title, Nouteikarano. 
J: So, you held the exhibition in Tokyo and Osaka this time?
K: Yes
J: How was that? Was there anything you were particularly conscious of by holding it in two locations?
K: Well, in Tokyo, as well as the art, there was a display of various items from my past, things I used when I was a kid etc. Those teru teru bōzus were there too. So I displayed these to show some of my personal things along with my art. The Osaka venue was really small, so I just displayed the art there, but it was a chance to see the art at much closer range than in Tokyo. 
J: I see, so with the larger capacity in Tokyo, you were able to show some of those memories. And as Osaka was so small, you could get a close range view?
K: Yes. 
J: Both myself and Tasai visited the Tokyo exhibition, didn't we? Tasai what did you think? 
T: I couldn't believe how much Kaoru revealed. It wasn't Kaoru from that band, it was Kaoru the person. With those toys and things, I thought it was very revealing. It was exciting. Like, a strange kind of excitement. Joe, what did you think? 
J: Well, we are gonna talk about which pieces we liked later, but...of course I went to see the first Noiteikarano too, and I saw the high quality of work then. But this time it seemed to be on a much deeper level. It felt overwhelmingly deep. We'll have a look soon, but I couldn't get the images out of my head, they had a big impact on me. If any of the viewers went, please write your thoughts and impressions in the comments too. Ok, so moving on, next myself and Tasai will be asking Kaoru a few questions about Nouteikarano2, but if viewers have questions, please send them too.  That goes for both people who have seen the paintings and for people who haven't. We'll be happy to take your questions. Ok, Tasai! What do you want to ask first?
T: Hmm, should we take a look at the photos? 
J: Ok, lets first look at photos of the venue. 
T: This is Tokyo? 
K, J: Yes. 
T: People in Osaka may not have seen this yet. 
K: Yeah, so this is what you saw as soon as you entered. 
J: When choosing the venue, you have to think about how the art will appear in the place, right?
K: Yeah
J: Im sure you checked out a few different venues this time, but it was quite interesting entering this particular venue. 
K: Well, it was underground, down that narrow staircase, haha. 
J: Yes, its like it was hidden, or a secret den or something. Going down there was almost like a ritual to enter Kaoru's mind. Ah, someone commented, 'The lighting was cool'. 
T: Someone is asking how you figured out the order in which to display them. 
K: Well, I had a fixed order pretty much prepared in advance, but unless you actually put them in place, you can't know how well it will work. For example, with that painting on the right of the photo, I originally planned to hang paintings on either side of it too. But it didn't quite work out in reality, so I left it as one. You really have to test it out to know if it will work. I went there with an idea of the order, but I didn't know how it would go till I tried it. 
J: It depends on the type of wall too probably. 
K: As for deciding what to include in the space, this is what I came up with.
J: Ahh, can we look at another photo? 
K: Ok, so this is if you turn left from the first photo. 
J: Yeah, I think we'll take a look at individual paintings soon, but those two red and green paintings at the far left side, did you paint those while I was there? 
K: No no, those were there from the start. Can you see that tiny one above those two? I painted that in the venue. All the others shown there were there from the start. 
J: I see, only that small one at the top, between the red and green ones. It seems like the viewers understand. 
K: Can you see those small squares under the red and green ones? The tshirt im wearing is from those. 
J: Oh, I see....So that area on the left out of shot is where you were doing your live painting?
K: Yes 
J: Were you there the whole time? No? Just sometimes?
K: Sometimes I went, sometimes I didn't. 
J: You were painting there, right? 
K: Wasn't I painting while you were there?
J: When I got there, you were in that area, but you came out to talk to me when you saw me. There was an unfinished painting on your desk, it looked like you were in the middle of painting. So, I thought 'Ahh, this is where he paints them'. 
T: Someone commented 'The live painting was amazing!' 
J: Ah, now we are getting these kind of comments. Ok, lets see the next photo. 
T: Is this the entrance? 
K: Well, after you get inside there was the merch corner, and this wall kinda lead to that. On the otherside of this wall was all my stuff. 
J: Ah, your childhood things etc. Did you draw all this on the wall while you were there? 
K: Yeah, we actually made this wall. So it was ok to draw on it. We've already torn this down. 
J: No way!
K: Yeah, we were gonna discard it anyway, so it was ok to draw on it. 
J: Someone commented, 'The drawings increased day by day'. Ah, that means it looked a lot different on the first and last days. Agh, you already discarded it?? People are saying they want it! 
K: Isn't it too big?
J: Well, I mean, you could cut it up and make it into NFTs or something? Ah, a comment saying you should make it into a present. Hey, I want you to come to my home and draw art on the walls!
K: Really?? You'll let me draw anything, right? 
J: No, not ANYTHING...
K: Hahaha 
T: No no, you have to let the artists follow their inspiration! 
J: Yeah thats true, but I know he would end up pranking me. Like, what if just he drew loads of dicks or something?? 
K: Haha, just let me draw anything I like!
J: No no, not ANYTHING. This is my home! Draw something that would impress any women I bring over, that kind of thing. Not just ANYTHING. 
K: Haha 
T: Hey, do those mouth/face characters have a name? 
K: No, I just tried drawing one, and it turned out quite fun, so I drew a bunch of them. 
J: Ahh, I see. Actually, how many paintings were there in total? 
K: *counts in head* Hmm, maybe 15 or 16. It might be more, if you include the small ones. 
J: Ah, someone said there were 18 in Osaka. We spoke about this before, but this time there were more bigger paintings compared to last time, right? 
K: Yes 
J: Also, how long did it take you to paint them?
K: Well, I first started painting the big pieces in February this year. And then I was finished them in June. So I finished them then, and worked on the smaller and medium sized ones around the same time. 
T: How do you actually get a painting started? What goes through your head before you make the first brush stroke? 
J: Ah, yeh! Cause we only see the finished product, right? 
K: Well, nothing specific. If I'm using a white canvas, I will usually cover it all black first. And then I will apply white over that and do the actual painting on that. In that way, the black comes through in sections where I erase any parts, and gives it a kind of hazy effect. It makes it more atmospheric than just painting on the bare canvas. So yes, I usually start by covering it black. 
J: Well, you did explain some of the pieces to me, but when you start, do you have a vision of what you want it to look like when its finished, or any kind of rough sketch? 
K: No. If I did, I'd just end up following that, and it would get boring.   
J: So, its not the case that having a rough sketch beforehand allows you to easily see when you've finished? 
K: No, you'd just be following the sketch, it wouldn't be exciting at all. 
J: I see, it would be more like completing a job, and less like a creative challenge. 
T: Conversely, how do you know when you've finished a piece?
K: Like, 'This'll do'... haha 
J: So you feel that moment? You don't feel like painting any more after that? 
K: Wel, I can..but usually its just like, 'Hmm, this is about right'. 
T: Are there any similarities to song writing?
K: Well, with songwriting the other members are there, I can check with them, and ask what they think. Here, its just me, so I just think to myself, 'Hm, I think its done'. I'm free to go in whichever direction I choose with this too. 
J: Some of the pictures have titles too, right? Do the titles correlate (*J uses the word 相関性 for this*) with the images?...I mean, I guess they do, right? 
K: What does 相関性 mean? 
J: Like, do the titles have meaning in relation to the pictures? 
K: Yes, they do. I wasn't intending to use titles at all at first...but then when I saw the finished art...Words create a lot of bias though, right? They pull you in their direction. 
J: At what stage did you create the titles?
K: Right at the end, some of them only just in time. 
T: Can we see another photo? Ah, this is the painting titled 'Doko made mo'. It really does seem difficult finding the words to describe this. 
K: Yeah 
J: Yeah, a name can pull you one way, and it can exclude other interpretations. 
T: Next photo, how do you read this title? 
K: This is 'Matsuretsu no yukue' (末列のゆくえ) 
T: I like this one. 
J: Its mainly monotone, but there is a splash of colour there too. 
T: Kaoru, I wanted to ask if there is any meaning behind the way you use red and green in your art? 
J: Yeah, in the eyes of Kaoru, what are colours? 
K: Hm, there isn't really any meaning behind the colours. They just somehow...
T: They just appear from you?
K: Hmm, yeah. There is no special meaning behind different colours. 
J: A comment asks 'Where does the last row begin from?' The left or right side? (*Im not sure of the translation of 末列/matsurestu, but Im goin with 'last row'. Open to corrections*) 
K: It begins on the right side.
J: Ok, next photo, this is titled 'Inuka'. Is the intonation ok? Like, INuka?
K: Haha, yes, INuka. 
J: Not inuKA, right?
K: Haha, no. 
J: People seem to really like this one. This was on one of the tshirts too wasn't it?
K: Yes. 
J: Yeah, someone said Inuka is their fave. Its mine too! (*Joe pronounces it 'inuKA' by mistake*)
K: Its 'INuka', haha. 
J: Haha, sorry. By the way, what does this title mean? 
K: Well, some of my friends and people who saw it asked, 'Is it a dog??' (これ犬か??/kore inu ka??)
J: (speaking English) 'Is this dog?? Is this dog??' No? 
K: Haha...no, it looks like its been shot through (射抜かれてる/inukareteiru) . So thats why I called it 'Inuka'. 
J: Ahhh, I see. It kinda looks like the silhouette of a dog at the top though. Yes, this was my favorite. Can I ask a quick question about this? Is it ok?  That white section in the middle, tell me how you created that part. That white line. 
K: I used tape to create a clean line, then pulled the tape off. 
J: So thats the result after pulling the tape off.  It looks amost like a hole. As it happens, the day after I first saw this, I was working with the modern artist Gunji Pegio-Yukio who belongs to the Science and Engineering Department at Waseda University. I was asking him where creativity comes from, and for him it comes from connection to the outer realm. We humans live in the inner realm, but if you can somehow connect with that outer realm, then inspiration will fall down to you. According to him, humans can train themselves to reach that other realm, but as for art, an important element in any finished work is the existence of a hole-like area somewhere, so that things from the outer realm can fall into it. Its like a portal from this realm to the outer realm that you can pass through and back again. I mean, it doesn't have to be a hole, anything that looks like it could draw you in, or that the other realm could come through from, something that really impacts the image. I was just coincidentally talking about this with him. Anyway, so with this piece I feel like there is a connection to the other realm with that white hole. So I really did like this picture. I felt like I could reach the other realm through this. I mean, this is just my personal take. Yes, so this picture Inuka lined up perfectly with my talk with Gunji san. Can we see any more pictures?
K: Thats all for now. 
T: Honestly, Im so impressed with your energy Kaoru, being in a band and creating all this art. Where does it come from?
K: Well, I just like making things. 
J: Which was the most difficult piece to make this time? 
K: Well, with the big paintings, you want them to be kind of intense, right? I didn't want them to be mediocre. I was trying to avoid that. 
J: How do you avoid it?
K: Well, just going up close and working on each part in detail. I was looking closely at every part. 
T: Its really interesting to me how you get the right balance of feelings in your work. You have that unique font that you created too. I always find that really interesting. 
J: Someone asked, 'Any photos of Osaka?'. Unfortunately we only have photos of Tokyo today. But Kaoru, both the Tokyo and Osaka runs are over now, so tell us how you feel about how it went. 
K: Well, I was slightly nervous about the whole thing before it started. Like, how would people take to it?...Cause I've never studied art or anything like that, I didn't think the pictures I did were all that great, I just like drawing. So I just wanted people to come and have a look they felt like it. When I had them finished, I lined them all up in the apartment I was renting, and I was really concerned that they weren't that good. But after I saw them all displayed in the exhibition, I actually felt that they do actually appear kind of interesting. So I was pleased about that.
J: Ok, so the first part of the show is gonna end soon.
T: That was quick! You wanna ask more questions, right everyone?
J: I'm sure they do, but time is limited unfortunately. We don't have Toshi-Low here to draw our time out forever.
K: Haha
J: Ok, so in the second part, we have a piece of art to show you especially. We talked earlier about how Kaoru was doing live painting at the exhibition, and this is one of the pieces he completed there, right?
K: Yes
J: Anyone who was at the last day in Tokyo might have seen it already, but those who went to Osaka will not have, neither will people who went to the earlier Tokyo days. So we will show this exclusively in the second part, please look forward to that. We will also hear a lot more talk from Kaoru, so please keep sending in your questions. Additionally, since the theme of the exhibition stemmed from Kaoru's dreams, we also have a dream themed activity planned, so please become a member to get a closer look into Kaoru's mind. Ok, I'll let you know how you can watch the second half. The second half is for channel members only, so if you want to watch it you will need to register. If you become a member, you will be able watch this broadcast in the archives for a year, and there will also be an extra members only video posted in the coming days. Thats right, there is the link at the top of the screen, Kaoru is pointing to it. Please use this blue link to become a channel member. When you click the link, you will get a page asking you to choose your payment method. Choose your prefered method, click proceed, then enter your details. Thats it. So if you haven't joined yet, please do so to see Kaoru's art in the second part. Also, as we said at the beginning, we are taking entries to win the prizes from Shimokitazawa last time. The prizes are for members only and two winners will be picked by lottery. The prizes are a Phalaris LP signed by Kaoru, and Björk's Biophilia as picked by Kaoru in Disc Union. Please go to this show's blog to enter. Kaoru, do you have any announcements?
K: I do! Well, its still the month after next, but the tour will start then.
J: So you're in the preparation stage? Just taking it slowly?
K: Well, there is still a lot to sort out. But we have the setlist already.
J: Ohhh, yeah, people are looking forward to that. Ok, so as per the tour things are moving!
K: Yes
T: When I think of it, the last year has gone by in a blink. Already the next tour on its way.
J: Your nostrils are really flared!
T: Haha, no, I just mean, I envy the fans having so much to look forward to.
J: But Tasai, you have loads of gyoza stuff to enjoy, right?
T: Well...
K: Isn't that fun?
T: Yeah, I suppose so.
J: Anyway, we will have a short break here, members just wait there. You still have time to become member! Ok, second part next, quick break! Bye bye, see you later.
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kelperings · 8 months ago
where do i even begin oh boy oh boy where do i even START. i have read all of this and I LOVE IT ALLSOMCUCH. all of these hcs have been adopted, i hope u r proud of such a feat. apologies if i don’t touch on everything, im not the best at thatLMAOO
aghhhw potential sdr2 spoilers under the cut!!!
first off, congratulations on being the first person ever to answer my mario party question!! I FIND THE IDEA OF FUYUHIKO BEING BABY BOWSER TO BE SO INCREDIBLY FUNNY (and i know someone says something about it and the world caves as a result). hiyoko and mahiru matching is SO SWEET and ive always seen nagito as one of the drybones characters (ex. the normal drybones koopa of drybones bowser (idk if thats the names oops, not played mario party in a good bit), but more lenient towards drybones koopa bcs the idea of nagito as a type of BOWSER is HORRIFYING. THATS SO SCARY. DRYBONES BOWSER TRAVELLING ACROSS THE BOARD AT LIGHTNING PACES AND GETTING A FUCK TON OF LUCKY BLOCKS..? im okay!!!! id rather not!!!!). KAZUICHI IS *SUCH* A WALUIGI IM ALMOST IMPRESSED THAT THE THOUGHT HAS COME TO LIGHT.
point being, i love those mario party hcs, and i fw them so hard. and i love thinking of how they’d play different games together all the time!!! most likely brought on by chiaki!! wii party, stardew valley, animal crossing, mario kart, smash bros, botw/totk, and even sonic comes to mind for me!! would love to see them all sit down and see who can beat emerald hill from sth2 the quickest HAHAand i have my own hcs for them all but I SHALL HOLD BACK I SHANT RAMBLE TO THEE
of course of COURSE they’ve got the slowest of slowburns and i fully agree that it would be actually infuriating to watch. i mean im rocking back and forth in my bed as we speak marzi, i cant imagine how they’d feel. LOVEE LOVE LOVE the idea of ibuki enacting her elaborate plans to get them to confess or at least be closer to eachother, and i can already imagine her getting told off by mahiru for trapping nagito and hajime in that closet. can also imagine ibuki holding a mini concert for them all where she says before preforming that she’s dedicated a song to the two of them which im sure would have the most embarrassing lyrics on the planet earth if you could make them out. ibuki you would have me rolling in my grave with this, oh how i love u so.
i think theres something so incredibly funny about how almost BLUNT kazuichi is with it. “what he likes is watching you do manual labour with your shirt off” had me SOBBING THATSJWHAHA THAT MADE ME GIGGLE. i like to imagine he’s very blunt in that sort of vein. where hajime will say something which indicates he is so knee deep in this bullshit that he’s completely missing the point and kazuichi’s like “uhhhhhh no man, he just wants you bad.” and im SURE he’s gotten hit on the back of the head countless times. fuyuhiko having advice is also crazy to me, and i actually think he’d have pretty good, direct advice which im sure hajime would question, followed by “the fucks it to you?? bastard.” as if he wasn’t trying to be supportive moments ago.
NAGITO KOMAEDA WITH THE GIRLS IS BOTH THE FUNNIEST AND MOST INCREDIBLY ACCURATE THING EVER. im LIVING for the rekindling of nagito and mikans friendship amd everything there. i dont think i have too much to add onto it unfortunately (its late and i have work tmrw i fear 😞⁉️) but im sure something will pop up in my mind.
dear god the mutual pining.
dear fucking god.
i can almost fucking SEE the genuine annoyance from people as their conversations get more and more tense with every waking moment and they just have to sit there and watch it happen. im sure someone, like lets say akane or ibuki for example, got so sick of this to the point where they almost yelled out the fact they liked eachother and had to get their mouth covered. i can ENVISION the irritation and frustration as they witness as they have a really awkward leaving after hanging out. like the sort of “i had a lot of fun today, thank you” “ah well i guess ill see you tomorrow” type of thing but obviously 10x more tense and komahinafied. i can see the face palms and hear the groans as the rest of the cast get together to basically all be like “we’re all seeing the same shit here, right? like theyre so in love its painful.”
and leaving the confession up for interpretation is something i like too!! I ALWAYS LIKE TO MESS AROUND W DIFFERENT IDEAS IN MY HEAD ON HOW THINGS COULDVE GONE, and honestly it could go either way! either could confess, and i dont think its a case of “one is more likely to than the other” because christ on a fucking stick theyre so knee deep in denial of the other having even a glimpse of attraction towards the other. I HAVE SEEN THE ART YOURE TALKING ABOUT AND I COMPLETELY FULLY AGREE. i can already imagine how badly it’d go, and im sure because of nagitos luck cycle and the fact they SUCK ASS AT KISSING/MAKING OUT, someone would end up accidentally biting their own tongue or something along those lines. i pray they get better with time smhHELWOWHAH PRAYING FOR THEM.
jealous!hajime oh how i live for thee. nothing more said, that is PERFECT!!! oh and i LOVE the whole izuru thingy, just dont have a lot to say on them unfortunately <33. same goes for a few things like the Kazuichi Gets Trolled rule which is FULLY agree with. because of course theyre making out by a fridge with the fridge actually open, meaning their weirdly wedged IN THE FRIDGE. like of course.
i love sharing my kmhn headcanons with people because then i get to hear them tell me how correct and smart i am and it boosts my ego
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pridetape · 3 years ago
OK WHAT IF bitty takes a couple years to work and save money before starting college
in this scenario the frogs would actually be a year above bitty and !!!! im so excited by that! how would that dynamic be!! at this point i think bitty would have gained a lot of confidence compared to if he started college at 18, but if he was in madison for 2 years then its not as much growth as 2 years at samwell…
i want dex and bitty to Bond on an even deeper level i think that friendship could have SUCH an interesting story. like they are both so FIERY and we dont rly get to see them interact one on one in the comic!! they would probably date and be chaos boyfriends before totally blowing up the relationship and realising they work better as friends and then would absolutely be Those Gays. That One Ex-Couple who remain connected at the hip. you know the type we’re all friends with a gay ex-couple who are just Like That. their in-jokes have in-jokes and they wingman each other but then sometimes drunkenly make out with each other and its all very messy and intimidating. (nursey has a hell of a time trying to date dex with All That going on and is frankly relieved when bitty starts mooning over jack and stops acting fake flirty with dex)
and u know chowder would absolutely take bitty under his wing in the way bitty did with the frogs in the original timeline! chowder definitely arrived at samwell with a lot of enthusiasm and desire to fit in and be liked and i think would see the same in bitty when he arrived a year later. they would become Best Friends for sure. (also chowder would be captain. fight me)
i think bitty and nursey wouldn’t really know how to be friends at first like they wouldn’t dislike each other they just wouldn’t really click? (especially whilst dex and bitty are together and then not-together-but-still-intimidating as described above. because nursey has been holding a flame for dex since year 1) but then one time nursey shares a joint with bitty and they start talking about their experiences being queer, and bitty confesses his complicated feelings about dex and how he knows they arent good together romantically but they sometimes cling on to each other despite themselves because of insecurities… and nursey confesses he has a crush on dex….. and bitty confesses that dex has a crush on nursey!! and after that feel a lot more at ease with each other :))
lardo + ransom + holster would be in their final year when bitty is in first year in this timeline! i think their relationships would all be kind of the same just wouldn’t get as much time to develop
howEVER. l+r+h would talk about their friends shitty and jack a LOT. and would host watch parties at the haus for falconers games. but bitty is oblivious and doesn’t make the connection for WEEKS. UNTIL!!! jack and shitty come to watch an smh home game and then hang out after and bitty’s jaw hits the floor when he finally realises that “our friend jack” is jack ZIMMERMANN. and bitty has to go hide for a while cos he feels so stupid about it (rsd is a bitch) — but then… :) jack runs into him somehow idk details whatever and :)) starts talking to him about the game!! and hes all “that was a really good game, bittle” and “nice assist in the second” and “you’re pretty quick out there eh?” and “you uh, you have soft hands” and also oh dear lord jack is so hot up close and his voice is so deep and gentle and that accent could read bedtime stories bitty is bright red and just about ready to die from the combined embarrassment and ego boost
and then obviously jack becomes really invested in bitty’s playing. which is totally normal. its his old team. its totally normal, right? bittle plays good hockey. jack totally watches the other smh players with the same focus as he watches bitty. totally normal
and of course jack and bitty happen to be in the same smh group chat. so its totally normal when jack texts bitty to congratulate him after a game. his phone number was right there! and the way his stomach flips when bitty texts back is totally! normal! and its so normal when they start texting regularly and its like so not a big deal when jack starts to visit the haus regularly and its all completely normal and fine!
and when the falconers win the cup that year and jack invites smh to party with the team and they all wind up back at jacks apartment and jack and bitty end up kissing — well, actually, that’s pretty extraordinary
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cuddlesslut · 5 years ago
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Alrighty lets get started!! So i still really new to this so as to not overwhelm my self im going to try and stick to two charcters for now. I’m sorry if its not what your looking for. For the two im going to do my boys Suga and Daichi. Only because i just did Kuroo and  because im still trying to figure out how to write for Reon. I might however come back and write a part 2 with them. 
Prompt : Boys reacting to their tom boyish crushes all dolled up (Daichi & Suga)
just sayin i wrote this while drinking mojitos
P.S. this prompt reminds me of a series called Sinful Sweethearts by @thosenerdy3amthings​ so definitely go check that out!!
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Daichi Sawamura NSFW
you have know Daichi basically your whole life
growing up next to him your parents were very close which meant that you two were kept close together 
in fact until you made it to middle school and started playing volleyball for the girls team you had never had any other friends beside Diachi
so it was safe to say that growing up you were more on the boyish side
you were just more comfortable in sweats and baggy workout shorts than skirts. 
you even wore pants to school
even  highschool though you went to a different school Diachi stayed your closest friend you often finding yourself at the Karsuno practice after yours had ended.
 No matter how much your teammates fussed they couldnt convince you to ditch the large hoodies and sweats.
 You and Daichi always supported each other. you never missed his games and he never missed yours (as long as scheduling permited)
the third year boys often teased Diachi for his realtionship with you
“i dont know why yall dont just date already,” suga complained while daichi stated his usual reply “ shes my best friend you know its not like that” he huffs
Suga scowls “ first of all rude im supposed be your best friend, and second it cant be as just friends as you say when you get so protective when the seond years simp for her.”
“i just dont want her feeling weird around the team. you know Noya and Tanaka can be intense,” he explained
“still that doesnt acount for the way Y/N looks at you,” Asahi added to the convo
“what are you talking about Y/n doesnt look at me any special way, we’re just friends ,” daichi stated a little to forcefully almost as if he was convincing himself.
Suga and Asahi share a knowing look thinking about how their captain can be so dense. 
“any way are you ready for your  birthday party tomorrow night ,” Suga asked smiling brightly.
“i told you i dont need a party,” Daichi scolded for the fifth time today.
“ahh c’mon its not everyday you become an adult like the rest of us DI,”
finally admitiing defeat Diachi concluded the conversation.
it was finally the next day you were more nervous for this party than any volleyball game you had played.
and here you were standing in the tight black dress Suga with the help of your team, you should never wager against suga
Had convinced you to wear to diachis party tonight
still shell shocked you stood in front of the mirror of the bathroom Suga had chose.
It was weird to see yourself so girly
the black dress clung tight   to your body. leaving little the imagination.
Suga better be glad he won that bet
finally calming yourself you look around for your best friend
Finally catching sight of him Diachi stood with Suga and Asahi next to the bar of the club.
Suga was the first to recognize you a evil smirk hitting his face as he drew Diachis attention to you.
You couldnt help but notice how hot he looked in his button up and dark wash jeans, his shirt clinging so close to his chest.
he looked to damn good you thought as you bit your lip
little did you know the birthday boy was having an epiphany of this own
his eyes raked up and down you mind wandering 
had you always had such a great ass under those baggy sweats
“Happy Birthday Captain,” you teased.
Daichi took a sharp breath suddenly taken back by the way the title fell from your soft lips
all he could think about was how you would sound screaming that from under him.
lost in thought he missed the smirk his best friend had as Suga put his pan into motion
you stood there sway to the beat of the loud club music wanting to dance
“Y/n why dont you take the birthday boy for a dance,” 
you smiled before Diachi could protest saying how how he doesnt dance
you pulled him to the dance floor pushing your ass against him reaching up and wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him close to your body as you grinded to the beat
his hands found their place on your hips  
his cock twitched from the pressure of your ass in that short tight dress rubbing against his crotch
you were not helping his growing situation
bodies getting lost in the movement 
you looked up at the boy had been your best friend your whole life with one thought in you head
the same thought flashed into diachis brain
being bold he crashed his lips into yours 
Lost in the contact the kiss lasted forever getting more and more intense 
your not sure how you to got here
but here you were straddling Diachi in the back of his car
his lips sucking bruises into your neck, his large grabbing your ass as you bounced on his thick cock
“FUCK,” Daichi breathed heavily pulling you down into a sloppy kiss tongues exploring “ youre so tight come for me beautiful.”
“im so close Captain you moan feeling him stretch you.
thats it that one word flipped the switch for him he gripped tight on to your waist to hold you secure as he powerfully drilled his hips up into you.
hitting your spot deeper and with such accuracy you were both driven over the edge as you clinched tight around him pulling his release from him.
you both sat out of breath in the hot car, the widows fogged and the smell of sex stinging the air.
“happy birthday,” you said giving him a quick kiss.
he glanced at the watch on his wrist 
he smirked up to you “you know my birthday isnt over yet,” you smiled already liking where this was going. “lets head back to mine. I’m not done with you yet.” 
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Koshi Sugawara Slight NSFW
He’s had a crush for you since the beginning of the school year
He thought you were the most adorable thing he’d seen 
with your sweaters that were  two sizes to big. (sweater paws)
You two became friends through a writing project. 
you too quickly hit it off you loving his wild humor 
its sometimes seemed like hed flirt with you but you figured it was just his personality and you were too shy to do anything
poor suga spent so much time flirting with you but you never paid it any attention so he figured you didnt view him that way and he was okay with that he just wanted to be your friend if nothing else.
and so thats how six months went by of being no more than friends
always returning Sugas simple firsts with a shy smile.
It wasnt until the celebratory party some random third year threw to congratulate the boys on making it to nationals
You sat at your best friend Kyioko’s house. 
This was the first party she was able to convince you to attend and she was making sure it counted.
there would be no big sweaters or jeans tonight 
tonight you were borrowing Kyiokos clothes. 
She dressed in a tight (favorite color) lace halter crop top with the lace exposing just the right amount of cleavage. and a pair of blaack shorts hugging your hips thighs on full display.
it wasnt what you were used to this being the most skin you had exposed to the public in years
thats coupled with the make up added to your face you almost didnt recognize yourself
it wasnt what you were used to and thats why when you reached the party and all eyes landed on you. you were slightly relieved that most of the people didnt recognize you.
it was almost exhilarating 
kind of like playing pretend.
like tonight you werent Y/N shy and closed off
you were a sexy and confident woman
that coupled with the shots you took with Kyioko. you found your new confidence 
thats why when you saw you long time crush and close friend Suga across the room you didnt hesitate to make your way over.
“No way is that Y/n” Daichi gasped causing Sugas attention to slip to where his best friend motioned. “wow i didnt expect to see her here,” Diachi let out with a low whistle.
Suga sucked in a sharp breath not prepared for the sight in front of him.
There you were making you way towards him throw the crowd. a smile on your face but it was hard for suga to focus on that smile when your whole body was on display for him. 
 His eyes trailed from down your figure taking all of the exposed skin that was normally hidden from him. 
the way the lace framed your stomach and cupped your breast. the cut into shirt showing him the most cleavage you had ever shown. moving his eyes down it was hard for him not to whimper at the site of your thighs
this man was entranced in your appearance. hed always thought you were the most beautiful even when you were covered head to toe, but seeing you like this it was hard not to drool.
And he wasnt the only one, Several guys had taken notice of you.
Some stopping you to ask if you were new,  cause there was no way’d theyd miss a hot babe like you at school. 
to which youd just roll your eyes keeping on your way to your target. 
feeling more and more emboldened by the attention you were receiving.
but these boys werent the ones you wanted
being the light weight you are you already had your eyes on your prize
go big or go home 
so you you strode right up to the vice captain
“ W- wow Y/n you look great,” Suga stuttered 
“thanks Suga,” you say placing your hand on his toned forearm
No turning back now the confidence was here to stay atleast for now
Suga took a deep breath as he took a turn being the shy one. not used to the aura you exuded. were you really the shy girl he knew. 
you moved closer enveloping him in a tight embrace
he could feel you tits press tight against him and he was trying not to focus on it not wanting to further anymore of the dirty thoughts crossing his mind
 staying close next to Suga you continued your flirtatious assault
dishing back all the flirts you had held back over the months
Finally the straw broke when one of your favorite club songs played through the crowed house and you pulled him close to dance with you.
“c’mon Koshi dont be so timid,” you teased. 
Suga wasnt sure if it was hearing his given name grace your beautiful lips or the facts that you had pressed your ass against his crotch moving seductively to the music but he snapped. 
Suga placed his hands tight to your hips pulling you closer to him not caring if you felt the growing bulge in his pants.
leaning down “you know if you wanted my attention you didnt have to dress so damn sexy. now i have to deal with all these vultures looking at you,” he whispered his breath hot on your ear.
you turned around wrapping your arms around his neck leaning even closer, 
“then why dont we go somewhere private then we wont have to worry about who’s looking,” you smirked heart racing
“i couldnt have said it better,” Suga said leading you out of the busy room ready to have you to himself. 
Sorry It took so long to write all my work got deleted and I had to start over! I hope you enjoy it 🍵 Anon!!! 💕💕 @🍵anon
Taglist: @emiyummy @insomniish
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swimminginwatercolors · 4 years ago
Thank you Kingdom Hearts Union X!
I’m sad it’s leaving, but I have a few words... (Sorry might be long!) As I sit here, watching the credits roll on Kingdom Hearts Union X, It really frustrates me to no end how much I remember people from the normal Kingdom Hearts community crapped on this game for so long. Those who played it, and had fun, we all know how amazing this game actually was, but the sad thing is, a vast majority of the KH fandom didn't even pick it up until after Kingdom Hearts 3, and not even pick it up, just watch the cutscenes. 
This game gave us backstorys for so much of the lore, it set up the next main villain beautifully, like a puppet master hiding in the background. Looking over older games scenes makes a lot of things have new light to them, explaining strange character interactions or just reminding us of old hidden lore. 
-Spoilers for the game that is ending, or already has for some-
Now what I love from the story, about your character. (I'll be calling them "Player" so no confusion) Player is just a normal Keyblade wielder, they themselves don't have any extra powers, they just have their determination. They dont talk much, but when they do, they dont hold back. At one point in time, your character ends up meeting Ephemer, you both plan to meet up the next morning, but when you find that Ephemer doesn't show, it's really upsetting... Later you get worried, because you haven't seen him in days, and soon you team up with another friend of his, Skuld. The two of you go searching for him, meeting Ava, dressed as my union Leader Gula. As Gula, she tells you Ephemer is "gone". Of Course This Upsets You! Ephemer was one of your first friends! This is actually one of the first times your character speaks, giving a powerful speech about friendship, and them not caring that yeah, their breaking the rules, Looking for their missing friend in an area thats off limits, and even fighting a union leader- The Person Their Supposed To Respect, The Authority in this world!, But hurting their friend, that unacceptable, your not just gonna sit back, and watch your friend die.-
After fighting Ava, she congratulates you on your strength. Letting her disguise fall, showing its her, and not who you thought it was. She offers you (and Skuld) to join the Dandelions. The interesting thing about this, is that Skuld says yes, but your still upset about what happened, and decline. This is really important, because during the keyblade war, the Dandelions dont have to fight, they flee. Your character stays though, accepting the fate like the rest of the Keyblade wielders. Now the only reason your character survived was because Skuld and Ephemer came back and saved you. They broke the rules for you, like you did for them so long ago. This leads into the second half of the game, where everyone is trapped in the data world. You dont know this at first of course, but over time the data gets corrupted, and at the end, the only people to escape are the ones right there at the moment, your other friends you made along the way are lost. But at the end, there are four beings of pure darkness, there, trying to kill Skuld and Ephemer. The others who were with you had already gotten away, so it was just the three of you. The four darkness' threaten the three of you, and in the last minute, your character makes a choice. They knew that not all of then were going to get out of there alive. So instead of letting Ephemer choose, Player did. They pretended to be taken by the darkness, becoming the villain, and making the final boss fight you vs Skuld and Ephemer. (ah yes, we love a good "Hero pretends to be evil for the greater good" ending) Ephemer ends up shooting you with his keyblade, creating a portal to trap you and the Darkness in. This does save Ephemer and Skuld, but this fatally wounds your character. The last moments of Player is them Locking and trapping the Darkness' in that data prison, the laying down with their Chirithy, and laughing at their panic. Forever trapped.
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(Timed personally by yours truly) ^^^
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This game has so many great moments, and like any Kingdom Hearts game an amazing story. Its just sad that so many hated on it for so long. I actually knew someone who would come up to me almost every day, and if they saw me playing union x, they would bad talk it to my face, knowing that I really liked the game. I really want Kingdom Hearts to come out with a remake of this game, it deserve it. A Full 3D remake. And if you put in your player ID, you'll idk get your ourfits back? get your metals? I would mainly wish for my outfits, in 3D? Yes please. I'm honestly going to miss this game. I've played everyday since I've gotten a smartphone. Thats over 1400 Days. (1435 Days) I think I missed only a few of them because of internet or something. (Ahh gonna cry now, doesn't help we listening to Xion's theme, gonna change to "Orchestra Sora" much better-) When I Started playing so long ago, I didn't know what I was doing, I really didn't, I still laugh at how I finally started learning the game on the last day! XD My title for all these years as always been "The Toasty Sea Captain" because I thought it was funny! But right now for the end of it all, My title will be "Fates Entwined With Gratitude". In the story, I always was really happy when Ventus joined the other leaders, because when he joined their party is when I actually joined my party! I've stuck with them this entire time, the name? "Krusty Krew"! Our leader's name was "Isa" They always kept with Isa's hair, but changed the outfits often. Another party member I remember well was one named "Mom" her saying over her head when we all ran around was "Behave!" XD it was great! There was also someone else on the team who was clearly from the browser game area, but I forget his name, sorry! Also this is just me talking about Player! I haven’t even mentioned my Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character of all time- Brain! (Blaine)  This game deserved so much better... I can keep going on this for hours, but I’m gonna end it on a few last things... What Union was I on? Leopardos. Characters name? Tired or Lace. Final Level? 428 (I could get 429 real quick) Did I beat the final fight? I never used a single skip until today, when I speed ran to the ending, and yes, I did! My pet? His name is Dave! He looks like a Raccoon, with a mushroom on his head, and big-o glasses My player saying? "DAVE COME BACK!" (as if he would run off on me) Favorite Keyblade? Fairy Stars Ending Nova? 2048 Ending Strength? 1849256  Ending Defense? 126275  Ending HP? 7770 Thanks for listening to me talk about my favorite Kingdom Hearts game. Thank you Union X for always being there for me. And may your heart be your guiding key.
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happys-crazy-queen22 · 6 years ago
Warped Tour Surprise
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Gif Credit @bloodrunluv-blog
Requested By Anon I hope you enjoy it
Hope you all enjoy.
Happy Reading Dollies 
@chriscrosscerulli @ryansitkowskiswifey  @ilovetaquitosmmmm
"Warped tour here we come". You cheered as you started loading your bag into the tour bus.
"This year is going to be great". Chris kissed your lips.
"And why is that"?
"Because you're here and we can have tons of sex".
"That's the only reason"?
"No, I'm glad you're here with me. We get to spend time together and go to concerts like normal couples".
"That sounds truly romantic, Chris. I love you".
"I love you too". He kissed you again, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder smacking your ass on the way to the door.
"Crazy goon, put me down". He threw you on the couch. You landed with a thud and your head landed in Ryan's lap.
"Hi there". You smiled looking up at him. Ryan was not impressed.
"Chris come get your girlfriend out of my lap and put her in yours".
"She's yours. I need a break she's been on my lap all night". Chris laughed as you gasped getting off Ryan.
"You liar. He's been in my lap the whole night".
"I really don't want to hear about your sex life. Please shut up".
"Oh Ryan, you love me".
"The jury is still out on that". Ryan chuckled as he went back to his phone.
"Babe, I'm going to lay down for a bit". You told Chris.
"You okay. Don't tell me you're getting sick we just started warped tour".
"No just tired. I didnt get much sleep last night". You winked at Chris as Ryan groaned.
"I'm still here hearing about your sex life".
"Good night". You kissed his lips and headed off to his bunk.
You must have slept for hours because when you woke up you were already there. The guys were walking around getting to know the band's that were playing.
Getting out of bed your head started to feel dizzy as you stood up. You quickly sat back down. Feeling nauseous and light headed you crawled back into bed and tried going back to sleep. You shrugged it off as the motion of the bus moving.
"Y/N"? Feeling a hand shake you a groan came from you.
"You're missing all the fun". It was Chris.
"I'm not in the mood for fun. I don't feel good".
"What's wrong"?
"I think the bus ride made me dizzy and nauseous".
"Yeah that can happen if you haven't been on a long bus ride before. It will get better. You need anything"?
"No I'm good. Going to try and sleep some more".
"Okay. Rest well". Chris kissed your temple and rubbed your leg before leaving.
The night came Chris and the band were back inside they were up front talking and laughing. A very awful taste came into your mouth as you were sleeping. You tried swallowing it down but the more you swallowed the stronger the urge got to throw up.
"Oh fuck". You covered your mouth throwing yourself off the bed and leaped over the piles of bags and clothes in the floor and bolted to the bus bathroom.
Blech blech. The sounds of your lunch hit the toilet. Your eyes were watering and you throat burned.
"What is that"? Ricky asked, quieting everyone down.
"Everyone's here". Balz looked around.
"Y/N". Chris yelled sprinting to the bathroom. He knocked on the door.
"Y/N, you okay"?
"No". You gagged as a piece of food got stuck in your throat.
"I get you a sprite and some crackers". You heard him walk away.
"What's happened"? Ricky questioned.
"She's sick. I think she has motion sickness from the bus". Chris grabbed a can of sprite and a sleeve of crackers heading back to you.
"Hope she feels better".
Chris knocked again then came in. You sat on the floor with a rag on your face.
"Here you go". Chris popped the top on the can and handed it to you.
"Thanks". You cleared your throat. It was hurting and you sounded terrible. You haven't thrown up this much since the last time you got food poisoning at the seafood restaurant that Chris took you for your birthday six months ago.
"I'm sorry". He crouched beside you. Removing the wash cloth you eyed him.
"It's not your fault. I'm just not use to it like you are. I'll be better tomorrow".
"Do you need anything like motion sickness medicine"?
"No. Just leave me the bathroom, keep me in sprite and just love me".
"I can do that". He chuckled.
"Oh and guess what"?
"Slipknot is playing one show here. They're the special guest".
"No f-ing way".
"So you need to get better. I want to take you to their concert".
"I'm already better. It's a date". You blew a kiss to him when he closed the door checking on you before he left.
Two days have past and you sickness hasn't stopped. Chris was getting worried but you just shrugged it off until you felt you threw up a lung. Your back hurt and you didn't feel like yourself.
"I'm taking you to the hospital". Chris grabbed your bag and started putting clothes in it.
"I'm not going to the hospital. I'm fine. This will pass".
"You haven't ate a proper meal in three days. You live on sprite and crackers. That's not healthy".
"Please go. For me"? He looked at you with those puppy dog eyes.
"Fine but under one condition".
"You can't go". Chris shook his head.
"No, I'm going to be there. What if something is wrong"?
"Then I will call you".
"What if you dont have time? They will take you to surgery and I will never know".
"I'm going alone or not at all".
"Okay you dont want me to go the you're going with Ryan".
"Ask him, he's going to say no".
"Ryan will you take Y/N to the hospital"? Chris asked Ryan who was sitting in his bunk playing a game.
"Ryan you're supposed to say no".
"You really need to go. I will wait out in the waiting room for you".
"Fine. Let's go". You groaned. Getting out of your nice warm bunk.
Ryan and you waited in the waiting room what seemed like forever but it was only twenties minutes. You had thrown up six times in that time. The nurse was afraid you would pass out.
"We are the only ones here what is taking so long"? Ryan bounced his leg.
"We might be the only ones you see but this hospital is probably filled with a lot of people. If you don't want to be here then you can go"?
"No, I told Chris I would take you and I am".
"I just hate hospitals".
"I know. Me too. Just relax and play on your phone".
"It dying". Ryan huffed.
"Here play on mine". You handed him your phone.
"Miss Y/L/N"? A nurse called you.
"Here". You smiled at Ryan and followed the nurse. Ryan sat there quietly playing on your phone, texting Chris every few minutes with up dates.
"So miss Y/L/N, what brings you in here today"? Your doctor asked as she looked at your chart.
"I'm on tour with my boyfriend and we ride in a tour bus so the day we got to the site I got this feeling of nausea and I was dizzy. I thought it was just motion sickness but this has been going on for three days now, it's gotten worse and it doesn't seem to be letting up any time soon".
"Okay, lets take a look at you and see what we can do". You laid down on the exam table. She lifted up your shirt and started touching your stomach.
"I'm guessing you are sexually active"?
"Yes but we always use condoms".
"Are you on birth control"?
"No, I have really bad side effects in using birth control so I don't take any".
"I'm going to run a few test and see maybe something will show up".
The nurse came and drew blood and she hooked you to a IV you were dehydrated from all the throwing up.
"Everything has came back normal except one".
"Oh god".
"You're pregnant. Congratulations".
"What? How? I mean I know how but woah".
"I'd say you're about six months".
"Six months"?
"Can you get morning sickness after you find out"?
"Some have morning sickness through out the pregnancy and others only get it some on and off". "Why do ask"?
"Six months again I got food poisoning or could I have been pregnant at the time and it was just telling me and I didn't listen"?
"You may have been. Did you go to the doctor"?
"No. It was over in twenty-four hours".
"Then you may have been. It's highly likely".
"This is insane, really". Your mind was blown.
"Do you want to keep it"?
"Yes. Yes. I'm happy its just very unexpected thats all". "I came in here thinking I'm dying and I'm just pregnant".
"How did I not know"?
"The baby was probably playing hide and seek with you coming out at night and hiding during the day. Has you appetite increased"?
"Yeah but I was under stress so I thought stress eating".
"Well you're pregnant and not dying so you're boyfriend is going to get a shock of his life". She said with a chuckle.
"Yeah he is".
After the doctors you went to get something to eat. She had given you motion sickness pills to help you eat. Ryan was asking all sorts of questions on the way there.
"Are you okay"?
"Ryan yes. I'm just hungry". You said taking a bite out of your burger. "Mmmmmm, so good".
"Did she drug you"?
"Then why all of the sudden can you eat"?
"She gave me motion sickness meds and I'm pregnant".
"I'm pregnant and if you tell Chris before I do you'll never be able to play a guitar again".
"What"?!!! He was stunned. It wasn't even his kid and he was shocked.
"I'm pregnant". You took the last bite of your burger.
"I didn't know you two were trying"?
"We weren't. It just happened. Can you get me another burger"?
"Here you can have mine". Ryan handed you his burger.
"You think its a bad idea that I keep the baby"?
"No, I just can't believe that Chris is the first one to have a kid. I thought it would be Ricky or Vinny".
"Vinny? He's still a kid". You giggled.
"Exactly, they can learn to grow up together".
"Seriously though, I'm happy for you". He gave you a shy smile.
"Thanks Ryan".
"Now let's get you back before Chris has my head".
"Do you know the stage manager for slipknot"?
"Can you give them a call? I need to talk to them".
"Okay"? Ryan took out his phone and handed it to you. The drive back to warped tour you were planning something for Chris.
"Y/N". Chris wrapped his long arms around your waist.
"How did it go"?
"I was dehydrated and she just gave me meds for the nausea".
"That's all"?
"Yeah". You looked at Ryan who was hiding his face. He really couldnt keep a secret as big as this from Chris.
"Yeah, everything's good. But...". You gulped when Ryan said but.
"She has her appetite back so we may need more food". Thank God he didn't say anything.
"I figured she would. Im glad you're fine". "Are you ready to party tonight"?
"Yeah, I'm waiting for that date".
"They're about to go on. You want to head over there"?
"Yeah". You wrapped your arm around his waist his arm around your shoulder and walked to the Slipknot stage.
"Come on". You pulled Chris to the back with the Slipknot crew.
"We can't be back here". Chris sneaked in as you giggled.
"Y/N"? The manager waved you over.
"Wait, you know him"? Chris was in aww.
"Hey there".
"After the last song you can go on there".
"Thank you so much".
"No problem". He said with a smile.
"You're fucking kidding me? We're going on stage with Slipknot"? Chris was acting like a kid in a candy store.
"I have connections". Chris kissed you hard and passionate.
It was the second to last song. You and Chris were rocking out to one of Chris's favorite songs. You're surprised Chris hasn't gotten whiplash but you'd worry about that later. He was is happy.
You could hear Corey tell the audience that the lead singer of Motionless in white is coming on stage with his girlfriend.
"That's your queue". The manager pointed to the front.
"Lets go". You grabbed Chris's sweaty hand and pulled him on stage. His face was frozen. He was nervous being there with a person he looked up to.
"Hi ya doing Chris"? Corey asked.
"Great". Chris mumbled into the mic.
"Wonderful, now this little lady has something to tell you". He handed you the mic.
"Chris, I'm having so much fun with you in this fairy tale and I think it's time we add a new chapter to it".
"I'm pregnant".
Chris starred at you with a blank expression. You understand that it was a shock but this was funny.
"You okay there pal"? Corey asked Chris who nodded and mumbled a few words.
"You sure, do we need a medic"?
"So, what do you think"?
"We're going to need a bigger tour bus". Chris ran his hand through his hair.
"Yeah but are you happy"?
"Yes. Fuck yes". He hugged you tightly swirling you around on stage.
"Give a round of applause for the new parents". Corey clapped. Chris quickly hugged him and squealed. You didn't know if he was happy about the baby or hugging Corey Taylor.
"I'm so fucking happy". Chris screamed, you giggled hugging him.
"I love you".
"I love you too". Chris kissed you sweetly with his hand on your belly.
Chris was truly happy until you told him that you were six months along then he fainted. He thought he had some time to get  things ready but the baby would be here in no time. The guys still couldnt believe that Chris was the first to knock a girl up and become a dad when you told them.
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jindoelf · 5 years ago
200404 Eunhyuk Online Birthday Party (Eunhae cut)
🎁은혁이와 함께 온라인 생일파티🎁 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY EUNHYUK)
hj: i have to call donghae next. what shld i get him to say?
sd: shld i help u pick? smth hard for him to say... this kid... lets get him to say his nickname "lee donghaek"
hj: shld i just get him to say nyonyoynyoo
right donghae. what to do if he curses? they curse a lot with me. right so "nyo nyo nyo ynoo"
dh: happy birthday to you
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: happy birthday to you
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: my e oppa
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: did u do ur birthday party
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: oh u did thats nice
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: did u eat seaweed did u talk with ur mom
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: nyonynoynoy
hj: oh????? ur late!!!!
dh: im never late!!!
hj: ur always a step behind me
dh: ur a step behind me!!!!
hj: ur like 2m behind me
dh: nyonynoynoy
hj: u shld have did this earlier!!!
dh: nyonynoynoynyonynoynoynyonynoynoy
hj: oh u speak well. right by
dh: where are you?
dh: (in the live) happy birthday to you
hj: ??????
dh: i told u i was never late comepared to u !!!!! didnt i !!!!!! ah!!!!!!!! nyonyonyonyooo!!!!
hj: u shld have said so earlier!!!!!!!!
hj: ahhh hthats why the cake only comes out now!! i was wondering why we didnt start with the cake right away. u shld have come earlier
dh: (sings happy birthday) u have to blow the candles with ur nose
hj: shld i try one? oh it works?
eunhae: (laughs)
hj: bring me tissue!! ahhh its the first time i wear this
dh: birthday presents
hj: did you buy them
dh: what are you talking about
hj: i'll check. bring ur receipts.
dh: why do u need to do this
hj: u checked last time when i came didnt u
hj: oh u went there????
hj: bring me another tissue
dh: u don't need it. here!
hj: ???? thats not a gift thats just u promoting!!!!!
dh: no just put it on!!! put it on!!
hj: thats just u promoting!!!
dh: no!!!
hj: then u talk
dh: i really really want to meet you guys. really really really want to meet you guys. oh i will clean it up for u (the stain)
dh: u bought me couple gifts last time didnt u !!!!!!!!!!!!
hj: i did (laughs) ah this is so annoying!!!! we look crazy !!!!!
hj: oh this is shoes? ah this fucking?
hj: ??????????
(couple shoes)
hj: are you fucking crazy. youre crazy
(* pun with shoes and fuck)
hj: i cldnt even think about this (this event)
dh: u needed this right (beauty products)
hj: oh yea. is it the new one? the limited edition
dh: its just how it is
hj: the bag's too big just for these two products
dh: (pulls out couple lipbalms (?????))
hj: woooow youre the worst. this is the worst video ever (laughs) whats this
dh: mother gift
hj: oh i gave a gift for ur mom too. oh i think i bought the same gift for mom
dh: she can use it for a long time
hj: this is the worst
dh: (forces a kiss on hyukjae)
hj: wtf ?????? get off!!!!
hj: this is the worst video ever
hj: wah i want to cry
dh: of course
hj: not bc of you
hj: i cld never have imagined it.... is there water?
hj: oh right, the dalgona? oh you did a lot! then you do it (donghae)
hj: show them, is that enough?
dh: it smells like dalgona coffee
hj: wah my mind is blank
hj: oh its a cheap cake right? about 1,000W right? looks cheap
hj: oh right there was a game
dh: werent u supposed to end it in an hour
hj: idk i do whatever i want. lets do the mission together. everyone what shld i get him to say? oh english? just enligh? oh?? "no challenge no change"
hj: ma-onnnng
sw: hyok
dh: me-honnng
sw: we only call once in a year; on ur birthday
dh: i'll call u in three days
sw: wtf...?
dh: (makes weird noise)
sw: what are you doing
eunhae: (humming the tune of no challenge no change)
sw: nyonyonyo
hj: ma-ong where are you ma-ong
hj: if theres change then there is....
dh: everybody say???
sw: i think its time for your medicine
eunhae: (laughs)
hj: no challenge
sw: i can't say that here theres a lot of people
hj: (usb impersonation) yah yah happy birthday my friend
sw: yes my friend
hj: im on live broadcast
sw:???? its ruined
hj: u failed my mission. u didnt say no challenge
sw: i did
hj: its within 40s
sw: its hard
hj: its bc my birthday is 0404
sw: i kno
hj: ur 0407
next is ryeonggu. what shld i do with ryeonggu. lets hurry up. "im confident"? ok. no other corner, we'll only do this (laughs)
hj: he's not picking up. ryeonggu. ryeonguuuuu. im confident!!!! that kid... hes not busy though. he doesn't have schedules though. does he pick up ur calls? try calling him
dh: then hold this for me
dh: i shld cut off my hair
hj: right hes just not picking up right? its not just my calls right
hj: right then last is kyu. ryeonggu is a fail. hes not picking up. next is kyu. what shld we do with him. "its the worst"? i will try.i shld just sing then. he keeps saying my singing is the worst
kh: hyunnng
hj: (sings)
kh: hyunnnng
hj: (sings)
kh: what are u doing
hj: (sings)
kh: ...hello?
hj: kyu?
kh: hyung ur rly bad at singing
hj: i was just pretending
kh: ur really bad
hj: if u had to say one word what wld it be. i have to hear a word from u
kh: ah "the worst"
hj: ahh!!!! why didnt u say it earlier. its too late now! kyuu
kh: hyung
hj: im doing the birthday party
kh: i heard its at 6pm. im not doing mine bc of u.
hj: ah bc they might not watch? u pushed it back
kh: hyung dont sing
hj: i will dance
kh: ah then thats ok
hj: anyway someones here
kh: who
hj: an athlete
kh: really? lee donghae?
hj: ur good
kh: im good ofc
dh: kyukyukyukyu
kh: donghaiiii. its the two of u
hj: yes its just the two of us. d&e has to do it
hj: am i done? lets eat it
dh: do we have to drink it with a straw? i never tried it
hj: oh this is weird (lipbalm)
dh: its cool right? feels cool. drink it in oneshot
hj: do i have to mix it? no? do i just drink it like this? u hvae a coffee shop, how do i do it?
dh: just dirnk
hj: (drinks)
hj: yah!!!!! theres no milk !!!! its bitter !!!!!!
hj: ohhh youtube is fun!! shld i do it? shld we do it? dont u do it?
dh: i don't do it like that
hj: do it and i will come over to play
dh: no no no no
hj: u shld call ur youtube nononono
dh: teuk hyung does it for 4 hours
hj: oh thats a problem. hes got a disease.
dh: i iwll leave now
hj: try it first. it s weird though? is tat how its supposed to taste?
dh: thats weird
hj: is that right? is that how its supposed to taste
hj: anyway u can leave. i will see you nononono
dh: nonononono
i did the the cake, the dalgona coffee and the game. whats next. ah the most important part, the questions! i was wondering what id do in an hour but its alrdy an hour. thats why teuk hyung does it for 4hrs. and since i don't hear u its quite alright (laughs)
the coffee isnt that good, the milk is good though. yeah its good everyone
i will start eunhyuk's quiz! drum. did u hear the drum sound? theres this thing from shindongdaeng's studio. shld we try listening to applause? is it coming out? ah no? (laughs) well
quiz 1: what was the popcorn that hyukjae ate during 2ya2yao filming
hj: is that the kind of question we're doing. i did eat... kh said it was good so i ate it but i don't rmb. oh? everyone gave the answer...? is that normal? consome(?)! then i don't need to guess??
guys don't give me the answer. it was consome (?)
congratulations for being picked for the quiz. you'll get a signed cd
quiz 2: 3-word poem with lee hyukjae from some show (didn't catch which one). if u don't kno pls do another one
hj: i don't rmb. pls give me the answer. pls give me the answer!!! yah elf-yah !!! give me the answer!!!! ah u don't know? whats this... wheres the person who sent this
right 2020 version
lee : im sad bc elf dont have much interest in me
hyuk : hyukjae hyukjae always wonder where elfs are
jae : its not fun
(laughs) fail! i used to be good at those. i lsot my touch
quiz 3: what was the airport event i had at some event in 2012
hj: how am i spposed to know!!!! do u guys actualy kno ?? oh?? it was marilyn monroe???? at that was that day? ah right it was for a punishment.... right fail! it was a punishment for all about suju
quiz 4: name of the menu of the cafe that i went with yesung on i live together (suju returns)
hj: ah.... i don't even rmb the cafe we went to. i don't want to remember. why are you bringing this up? then just fail. what was the name? i rmb it was a long name thats all
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sesskag1postchallenge · 6 years ago
Ch3 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Chapter 3
 Edit - Warning borderline NSFW and violence.
Completely in a different plane of residence, Kagome felt an odd disturbing tingle in the back of her head. Kind of like that stranger danger feel you get. This was one of those times she wished she was home lying on her fluffy pink bed, away from all the crazy kidnappers lurking about, attempted murderers and what not. And she's not even getting paid for all her good deeds here.
Today was honestly turning out to be one of the most eventful days in all her time in the past, and that was saying a lot. All she had wanted was to relax in the hot spring. Yet here she was, pack half-empty, shoeless and wearing only a makeshift fur dress, speeding through the air in Sesshoumaru’s arms. 
She twisted a bit in his hold, trying to meet his eye. “Um, Sesshoumaru? Thanks for saving me back there, but where exactly are we going?”
Stormie Like Weather08/02/2019
Sesshomaru held the miko close, his arm tense around her middle as he thought about his next move. Rin and Ah Un needed to be fetched, while he knew his Mother would be expecting them. Leaving her waiting would only cause more problems. He scowled. "To Rin."  She was his ward, and as such, a priority over his Mother's antics.
Kagome managed to bite her tongue before 'That's great and all but why are you taking me with you?' got the chance to slip out. She just got saved by someone who may have come to her aid a number of times, but tried to to kill her just as much as well. She was also quite aware that they were well above the ground and she really didn't want to splat because she ran her mouth off.
Unnoticed  be her she had actually muttered those words. Sesshomaru  looked down on her and raised one eye brow. He could tell she hadn't actually meant to say it out loud, but her defiance, her seemingly untameable mouth did something to him.
They arrived back at the campsite but Sesshomaru was somewhat dismayed to find it empty. No sign of Rin, Kohaku, Ah-Un, or his Mother. He already knew from the arrow earlier that his retainer wouldn't be present, for that he would give him a good stomping later. 
 Lifting his nose into the air, Sesshomaru took in the scents as Kagome took a step forward in front of him, glancing around at the cold fireplace. He growled, causing her to glance back at him in worry, as he caught the scent of his mother's debilitating poison, knowing it meant that she had knocked out the others and used Ah-Un to carry them to her sky palace. 
 A deeper inhale confirmed her and Ah-Un's scent mixed with the others heading into the sky...but what was this other scent he smelled now? It was so fresh and...pure. Was this the miko's scent his mother had mentioned earlier? 
 Sesshomaru took a step forwards and wrapped his arms around Kagome, securing her in place as he bent his head to confirm his suspicions. Yes, there it was as he inhaled around her neck, past the smelly fur pelts from the wolves and the remaining taint coatings from Naraku earlier, he smelled her spice and she was everything nice. 
 Kagome was beet red as she was pulled into Sesshomaru's embrace and held by him in a seeming hug as he sniffed her neck. For several moments she could form no words but that quickly changed as the hug continued.
Her heart was beating so fast and hard that she thought it was going to fly out of her rib cage and run away out of sheer embarrassment. 
Painfully aware that all she was bearing was what the daiyoukai had given her, she cleared her throat, "Ummm, I though we were going to Rin-chan?" she congratulated herself for sounding more confident than she felt.
Inukimi allowed herself the smallest of smiles as she watched the two of them through the seer's orb embedded within her ring, her labors up until this point finally providing some fruit on her quest for grandpups. 
 A shame the whelp of a stepson in front of her had spent so much time pining after the lost affections of the undead while mostly shunning the living, she would've been receptive to receiving grandsons from him as well but it seems he has squandered any romantic chances with his longtime companion over the years during their adventures together. 
 Still, he would surely be jealous of any relationship that developed between the miko and her true son, something that she would be able to twist to her advantage. For now she just needed to make him and his companions stay put for a while longer. 
 "My dearest stepson, won't you and your companions please stay and be my guests for a while? Your companion and others are coming to join me here and then I can tell you all the reason I've inv...gathered all of you here. In the meantime, please feel free to help yourselves to the banquet in the great hall and rooms are being prepared for you all as we speak," said Inukimi as she turned around, clearly dismissing them as she watched her son and hopefully his soon to be intended resuming their flight to her sky palace.
Just as suddenly as he had embraced her, Sesshoumaru stepped away, his face the same stoic mask he always had. “Hnnn. Yes, it would seem Mother is playing her games again. We shall have to follow to her palace.”
“Mother???” Kagome asked in shock, still trying to calm her beating heart. What the heck was that just now? “You have a mother? I mean, of course you have a mother but- nevermind.” Realizing his other words, she snapped to attention. “Wait she took Rin? Is she okay??”
“Hn. Come, Miko.” 
He gathered her up again and took to the skies. Kagome didn’t think about their positions, just worried for the little girl. She clutched her bow tightly.  Whatever they were about to encounter, she’d fight to keep her safe.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Monday at 5:03 PM
While Miroku salivated over a heaping plate of food and the prospect of what he considered to be an impromptu tryst vacation with his wife, Sango was busy glaring daggers at him. "What are you doing? This could be poisoned for all you know." She snapped. Mere centimeters from his mouth, she slapped a chicken wing from his hand. Inuyasha eyed the youkai claiming to be Sesshomaru's Mother. She certainly seemed bastard-y enough to be the asshole's mom, but what the hell did she want with him?
 Walter205Last Monday at 10:30 PM
"Half son of the West though you may be, you are still of the line and thus need to be properly taken care of for the good of the future ruler over the Western Lands. Although your half breed nature makes you unsuitable for offspring, there are still many tasks in serving the Royal Family that one of their own blood would be the most well suited for," said Inukimi, drawing Inuyasha's hackles as well as earning side glares from his companions present.
 "Keh, so you're telling me Sesshomaru gets to have all the fun then? And why bring my companions along?" asked Inuyasha as his voice dripped with sarcasm. 
 "Some of your companions can provide ample advice and demonstrations for mating and childbirth/raising for when the rituals arise, particularly if my son chooses someone who is...less than full demon. Others provide ripe candidacy for being mated. And as for Sesshomaru, do you think my two sons are the only offspring I have?" Inukimi asked coyly. 
 As if summoned on cue, two younger female Inu dog demons appeared in the banquet hall, taking up positions on either side of where Inukimi sat. One seemed very much like Sesshomaru in appearance, but with longer hair, softer facial features, and a much more voluptuous appearance. The other appeared similar to Inuyasha but was a tad more petit and curvy in nature. 
 "Allow me to introduce my two daughters, my full daughter Inuemi (Beautiful Dog) and my half daughter Inukui (Ugly Dog), the former born soon after Sesshomaru was, the latter the result of a revenge affair after Inuyasha was conceived, which proved most disappointing on my end," stated Inukimi as she gestured to each of them in turn.
 imjaneeesLast Tuesday at 12:45 AM
Before Inuyasha could even get a single word out, there was a very loud, "RIN-CHAAAAAAAAN!" heard from way above.
They all turned up to see Kagome, dressed in what seemed to be Sesshomaru's clothes, snuggled quite comfortably in the daiyoukai's arms. One arm was over the Western Lord's shoulder while the other hand was pointing an accusing finger at Sesshomaru's mother and apparently his sisters, "You! The ones who look like Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in drag! Where's Rin-chan?!"
She wasn't normally like this, no. But she was stressed, a little hungry, a lot molested and tired. Also, she loved children, more than that, she loved Rin, the girl was adorable.
 SlayerLast Tuesday at 3:23 PM
"Rude!" Yelled the female who looked similar  to Inuyasha. 
"Yeah well I have had a day lady so dont push me!" She pushed herself out of Sesshomaru's  arms and walked up to the female. And poked her right in the boob. 
Inukimi glared at the feisty little human and growled at her older brother. "Make her stop Sesshomaru."
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Tuesday at 3:36 PM
InuKui pushed Kagome's finger away from her chest with a wave, "Don't get all uppity about Mother's antics." Frowning, she took a well loved scroll from her kimono, and began walking away, bored, "Mother, next time you summon me, be sure it's not for something so stupid." 
InuEmi tilted her head, "Can she do that?" 
Sesshomaru's jaw ticked, already sick of the situation. "Mother." 
"What" InuKimi snapped, but behind her fan she was smiling devilishly.
 revangLast Tuesday at 4:19 PM
“I tire of your games. Where is Rin?” Sesshoumaru asked, sounding unconcerned.
Ignoring him completely, Inukimi approached the feisty young miko with interest. “So you are the one whose wholesome scent was emanating from that strange cat garment.” Kagome’s face changed instantly from one of determination to a look of utter mortification. She had seen her panties?? And smelled them??? “Though now it is hard to catch beyond the disgusting scent of wolves. We shall have to take care of that, come along.”
Too stunned and embarrassed to protest, she felt herself being led away by Sesshoumaru’s mother’s light but firm grip on her arm.
“Cat garment?” Miroku asked, exchanging a mystified look with the others.
“Hey! Bitch where are you taking Kagome??” Inuyasha called, gripping Tessaiga and starting after them.” 
“Don’t bother,” Inuemi sighed, shaking her head and putting an arm out lazily to block his path. “Once she gets something in her head there’s no stopping her. Especially when it comes to making someone her dress-up doll.”
“Dress-up doll? What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” he growled.
Sesshoumaru huffed. “Clearly she means to put the miko into some proper clothes, or are your senses so weak you could not tell she was wearing a mere fur beneath the haori this one lent her?”
“Yeah, hey what the hell? What was Kagome doing with you? What did you do to her, you bastard?” Inuyasha snapped, moving around Inuemi to threaten his prick of a brother.
 Walter205Last Tuesday at 9:15 PM
Sesshomaru glared at Inuyasha, deciding whether to deign the half breed with a response, but it wouldn't be very courteous to have a fight break out in the banquet hall, so he answered, albeit in his normal short and to the point monotones. 
 "I came upon your wench while she was being attacked by an incarnation of Naraku. I repelled the attacker and brought her here to be reunited with her companions," he answered simply. 
 "Keh, why was she wearing nothing but fur pelts?" Inuyasha asked again. 
 "That little brother would be up to your discretion to find out, as you've claimed time and again to be her protector," Sesshomaru sarcastically replied before turning to walk out the door. 
 Inuemi placed a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. He turned to see a look of pity on her face as she glanced from her slightly older brother to the younger one. 
 "Don't worry, she remains untouched and I'm sure we can ask her ourselves once she is properly cleaned up and clothed. For now, perhaps we could enjoy some food over the exchanging of tales. I'm most eager to hear of your adventuring, younger brother," said Inuemi, very specifically leaving off the half- part with a warm smile on her face. 
 As the now subdued Inuyasha would come to find out, while Inukui was every bit as brash and arrogant as he was, Inuemi was the polar opposite to Sesshomaru in personality and interests. The only supreme conquest she was interested in was knowledge and was a bit of a book and scroll worm, although she was looking forward to the possibilities in starting a family.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Tuesday at 10:11 PM
Noticing things settled down, Miroku pulled his currently not pregnant wife into a closet. "Miroku! What are you thinking!?" 
He waggled his brows, "Since we aren't needed, I was hoping to squeeze in a little alone time before having number four." His hand skated over her backside, and her face flushed. 
"Ahhh, here!?" A broom fell between them, and she huffed, "I require more than a servant's closet to get in the mood you know!"
Far back in the opposite wing of the shiro, Rin and Shippo were using their calligraphy paints to draw funny faces on the nanny Shippo had tricked asleep. "She will look so funny with a curly beard!" Rin giggled.
"Serves her right for trying to teach us calligraphy." Shippo snickered.
 Walter205Last Tuesday at 10:29 PM
Sesshomaru was walking outside when the skies began to darken ominously, a familiar scent appearing that elicited a growl from him before a cloud of miasma appeared. 
 "Lord Sesshomaru, please pass along a message to the others, if they feel so emboldened to face me then they shall suffer the same fate as this one," came the unmistakable voice of Naraku from the miasma cloud as a pair of objects fell from it. 
 The first was the head of the wolf demon known as Kouga, before his body plopped down next to it. Little holes dotted the places on his body where his five jewel shards had been located at previously. 
 Sesshomaru had just drawn his sword when the miasma cloud vanished. Sheathing the Bakusaiga, he pulled Tenseiga instead and attached Kouga's head to his shoulders before reviving him. 
 "Unnhhh, what? Naraku, where are...You?" stammered Kouga as he looked around before setting eyes on Sesshomaru. 
 "Wolf, go bathe," stated Sesshomaru before sheathing Tensiega and going about his way.
 revangLast Tuesday at 11:10 PM
Reaching what seemed to be the family wing of the palace, Inukimi pulled Kagome into a chamber partitioned off from a large indoor spring. Eyeing her up and down, she said, “While you do look good in my son’s colors, it simply won’t do for you to be going about the palace in such attire. Take off that filthy pelt. I am sure you are worn from your travels- please make use of my private baths. There are an assortment of oils and potions here you may use to your pleasure. Sasako will assist you, and when you are finished, come to me. We will get you into some proper clothes.” She indicated the quiet servant who had followed them into the room, and left with a cunning smile.
Still reeling from the whirlwind that was Inukimi’s overwhelming force of personality, Kagome stood blinking for a moment in the center of the room. She did have to admit she felt pretty disgusting. On top of just normal travel filth, she had been in the process of bathing before this all began, still halfway dirty, and then that wet grime had only gotten worse, attracting all kinds of dirt and debris as she fled sopping wet through the forest. Sleeping in a pile of furs in a cave certainly hadn’t helped, plus who knew where this pelt had been before she had it right against her bare skin as a makeshift dress all day. 
She was definitely not going to say no to a bath and some fresh clothes. She could put up with being made plaything for a noblewoman for the time being. Plus it was Sesshoumaru’s mother, who apparently existed and also did not kidnap Rin after all- not in the true sense of the word anyways- Kagome couldn’t be rude to her.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 10:31 AM
"Well," Kagome couldn't repress her grin, since InuKimi wasn't the child snatching monster she'd believed her to be, "I can't decline a nice hot bath." She had reservations about being a dress up doll afterward, but any clothes that didn't stink sounded amazing at this point. Her matted hair hung as she bowed a thank you. 
Suddenly screams and giggles barreled through the door, revealing two familiar children. Though, Kagome mused, last she'd seen them, they had not been covered in splotches of ink.
InuKimi glared at the Nanny, who sported a fancy drawn on mustache and goatee. "What is the meaning of this?!"
The Nanny caught both children by the back of their kimono before they could run and hide, "You ordered me to care for two children!"
"Yes?" InuKimi's brow quirked. Usually she wouldn't tolerate this sort of behavior from a lowly staff member, however  her interest was piqued. 
"These are not children!" The Nanny cried, "These are little hellions! I refuse to take care of two bratty, malicious, beasts!"
"They are not bratty, beasts!" Kagome shoved her finger under the Nanny's nose, "You must not be competent enough to care for them. Which doesn't matter anyway, because they are mine!"
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 11:41 AM
"Really one would think a being of your station would know not to speak badly of a mothers children right in front of her." Inukimi said as she snapped open her fan. "Why dont we send the children to their father , uncle, and aunts."
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 11:50 AM
"Rin dear? Why dont you and little Shippo go to the dining hall  and eat." InuKimi smiled down on the children completely disregarding the nanny standing there with her mouth hanging open.
Once the children had run off she turned her calculating golden eyes on the stork youkai she had been assured could handle the children.
"As for you you are dismissed from the employment to this house you have 12 hrs to collect your belongings and leave." Inukimi looked back on Kagome and gave her a dazzling smile. "I am afraid she came highly recommended but she simply will not do for keeping my darling grandpups in line now will she? Let's get you cleaned up my darling daughter and into some more suitable clothing." She led Kagome down the hall and into a huge bathing house
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 12:05 PM
Wide eyed, Kagome let her -Sesshomaru's Mother lead her to the bath. She'd have to ask Sesshomaru what the heck she meant by 'darling daughter' and calling Shippo one of her grandpups. Things were getting weird. The day settled on her heavily, and as soon as InuKimi left her alone, she sank into the water and closer her eyes. "Back to square one."
Her eyes snapped open as soon as something warm and wet dripped on top of her head. Fingers massaged her scalp, taking her back to Tokyo and getting her hair done at the salon. Claws lightly scratched. She sighed. Too tired to complain about the servant suddenly washing her hair, she let them do their job. She deserved a little pampering after all the hell she'd been put through.
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 12:08 PM
Kagome was washed massaged oiled and had her feet done and nails buffed before she was allowed to leave the bathing area. It seemed that Sesshomaru's  mother had a day spa all her own in this odd floating castle.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 12:27 PM
"Oh!" InuKimi clapped her hands together as the servant ushered Kagome into her rooms. "Look at that! Even human skin can glow like a Goddess's with proper care." 
Kagome blushed, not sure exactly what to say in this type of situation, "Um, thank you?"
His Mother twirled her finger in the air, and the servant turned Kagome in a small circle. "My, my, you do have nice hips. It's a wonder no one has pumped you full of their young already." Her lips made a thin line as her attention snapped to Kagome's face. She grabbed her chin, peering too close for comfort, "What are your flaws?"
"Well...It's not like no one has offered." Her jaw clenched, and she pushed InuKimi's hand away from her face, "I mean I'm sure I have flaws... but that's not why I'm not barefoot and pregnant."
"Ah..." It clicked very quickly in her mind, "So you prefer attention from females then, that does pose a problem, though only a minor one."
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 12:35 PM
"WHAT?! No I dont prefer the attention of females.....not that there is anything wrong with that. I just havent been interested in any of my 'suitors' either they are rude and crude too soft and sweet or they smell bad." Kagome supplied
"Definitely  not having sex with a jerk or a pansy and who wants a stinky male sweating all over them yuck." Kagome made a disgusted face.
 revangLast Wednesday at 12:42 PM
“Besides, I’m only 18, and we’re still running all over Japan battling Naraku!” she huffed. “Wait why are we even taking about this??”
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 1:07 PM
"18!?" InuKimi shouted, "You're practically a grandmother's age for a human!" She shook her head, completely ignoring most of what Kagome had said, "No, no, this just won't do at all. I have to find someone for you quickly, before you become decrepit and die."
Kagome's eyes were wide, "No, thank you?" Sesshomaru's mother was seriously crazy, there was something wrong with her. Obviously the years were wearing her brain thin. "I'm good, so if that's all, I'm just going to get dressed and go..."
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 1:22 PM
"Nonsense  girl. You need a mate. A mate will care for you and give you pups and protect you from all harm. We shall simply have to find the right male.....it is a male you want yes?"
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 1:45 PM
"Well...yes..." Kagome cringed, "But I'm not ready to settle down. I'm fighting Naraku, and have important things to do."
"Yes, I'm sure you do." InuKimi nodded while shoving a stack of silk at an uncomfortable looking servant, "Get matching obis for these, color coordinate everything. Honestly why am I having to tell you this?" She waved the servant away with her fan, and looked back at the miko in her possession, "Now those very important things include finding a suitable Mate, and giving me grandpups. Your Mother will not be around forever you know, I expect many grandpups from you." 
"You? My mom?" Kagome shied away, backing toward the door the servant had just rushed out of. 
InuKimi's smile made Kagome cringe, "Oh yes, my darling daughter. You are part of my pack now."
The door swung inward. The servant rushed through with more piles of silk. 
Kagome bolted.
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carli113 · 6 years ago
Its been so long since I’ve been back here.  I joined the xuania fandom and wrote a chapter for a non existent story.  Now I want to draw some pics.
Okay.  Continuation of Dong Hua and Bai Feng Jiu Eternal Love Drama story.  This was supposed to be something that could transition from the drama to the novel without much trouble. 
Bai Feng Jiu held back the tears as she formerly responded to Donghua's message upon her coronation.  The time for games was over, she had to become queen and with that new position, many new responsibilities would come her way.  She remembered that when Si Ming had answered her request regarding a message from Donghua,  he had mentioned that the secrets would be inside the map. Her curiosity was peaked and for many hours she waited awaited, until finally the crowds had filtered out of her home.  
“Thank goodness!” she cried when all was quiet , “Who knew that a coronation could  be so exhausting?”  With that the young queen retired to her bedroom, trying not to notice the fancy gift that was carefully situated beside her bed.  Doing her best to ignore the map, Feng Jiu crawled into her covers  and did all she could to get comfortable.  Her attempts were in vain as she tossed and turned, but to no avail.
With the mysterious map staring at her from the side of  her bed, Bai Feng finally gave up.  Her curiosity had peaked, and Bai Feng couldn't  help but open sacred treasure. “Oh my.” she gasped as she slowly revealed the picture.  The map was absolutely beautiful.  From the eloquent calligraphy to the perfectly inked and detailed map of the ages.  The world had indeed changed, not a thing remained, but why in the realm would Dong Hua give her such a valuable item?
Peering over the map with laser eyed focus,  Feng Jiu  grappled to see if there was any message that he could be trying to give her, but could find none.  Scanning the map with her essence, Feng Jiu sighed  in defeat. She had no idea what Donghua's message was, or even if there was a message.  Grumbling away, Feng Jiu began to return the map to it's  place.  It was then that a small piece seemed to resonate with her touch.
“What's this ?” she thought quietly,  and quickly focused her energy on the strange oddity.  An unusual fog began to settle in when a chime rang loud and clear from the Wu Wang sea.  Startled out of the fogginess overtaking her, Feng Jiu slammed her hand on a sharp rock that seemed to appear from nowhere.
“Ouch!” she hissed, her eyes wide with horror as the object disappeared and two drops of blood fell upon the priceless treasure.  “No!” she cried, her body suddenly feeling weak.
“Feng Jiu!”  
“Feng Jiu!”
“Your Majesty!” Came the faded cries, but it was no use.
Feng Giu woke with a start as her body seemed to burn like flame and her whole body seemed to be encased in an inky blackness.  “Where am I?” she asked quietly, “Is this a dream?”
“Little flower, little flower,” called a frightful voice, loud as the thunder, and deep as the sea, “ Why have you hidden from me?”
“Hidden from you,” she asked , “What do you mean?  Who are you? ”
“I am you, and  you are me,” said the strong voice, “A Shadow of what once was and still can be.”
Hazily an image appeared in the inky blackness, a tall man, swift and strong with eyes as stormy as the ocean and hair as bright as the moon. “Is that...” she whispered, as the hazy image soon became clear ans sharp.
“Donghua.” Feng Jiu whispered quietly, her face pale as the figure slashed through hundreds and thousands of bodies.  Never had she seen such a deadly look in his face.  Soon  a striking man with sharp eyebrows  and long black hair revealed itself.  “Yehua?” she whispered, then taking a look once again, “No... “ she whispered, “ Mo Yuan?”
“Yes,” the voice called, “This is an image from long ago,  when the demon uprising nearly destroyed the world twice over.  The battle was long and harsh and millions of souls died,  god and man a like, even more so then battle of Roshui from so many years ago.  Times were harsh than and the needed light had not yet appeared.  Three great sacrifices were needed to stop the war filled with death to no end.”
“Three sacrifices...” trailed the young princess, Feng Jiu did not understand at first, but as she reflected on the most recent goings in her present life. “Are you saying...”
After a long pause, the voice rang out loud an clear once again.
“Yes,' whispered the haunting voice, “Of these three, there are two that you know quite well.  The Donghai bell, a powerful artifact that required a powerful spirit to seal or quell the spirit of the vilest soul, the phoenix heart to scatter the darkness and start the world anew, and loss of love to tame the passionate  fury of the strongest soul.” a pause, “Tell me little flower...do you know what this means?
“No...no.” stuttered the young queen, though a dawning of understanding seemed to appear behind her eyes.
“The Donghai bell has been destroyed, the strongest soul has weakened, the light has appeared, and the calamity that threatens the world has begun to move...”  after a long pause, “ Your role, little flower, has come into play.”
“No. No, ” Cried the young princess, “ My role?  What do you mean?”
“The phoenix blade is calling for it's master, and you little flower, must light it's way.”
With that the darkness seemed to fade, and Feng Jiu cried out as her essence seemed to melt away, and every inch of her body turn to Ash. Never in her 30,000 something years of life had she ever experienced such pain,  not when the pagoda beast slashed her, the lightning struck her, or she took the full brunt of the Demon Lord's power to protect Donghua.
Feng Jiu bit her lip as a shining tear fell from her eye. The unbearable heat had been calmed and  thousands of images filled her mind. Images of what once was and what can be came into play. Her purpose had been found, and her dear Donghua had guided the way. Feng Jiu just  smiled, as her burning body began to cool and a bright red gem appeared on her forehead.  “Donghua...” she whispered, “I understand.”
“Huh!” gasped the young queen.  She was back and her body felt much stronger than before.  Grabbing the mirror to her side, Feng Jiu looked at her appearance to see the half closed flower mark on her forehead had appeared to bloom.
“Majesty!” cried the beloved Migu as he attempted to embrace her.
“No!” cried the princess, putting her hand out , a fiery flame engulfing her palm.
“Princess!” he exclaimed in surprise, “What happened?”
“She's ascended,” came the familiar voice of Si Ming. “Congratulations once again, high immortal Bai Feng Jiu.” he said, bowing slightly.
“Si Ming, what are your doing here?”
“His majesty Dong hua, requests your presence,” he said calmly.
Widening her eyes, Feng Jiu willed her heart to stop it's wretched hopeful pounding. Donghua and her no longer had anything to do with each other, so why was he requesting her presence?   She hadn't talked to the ancient deity once since Yehua had been taken from their home three years ago, though she had indeed been tempted. With all he had told her on their last acquaintance, Why would he be summoning her now?
I don't understand, she thought silently, but her words came out, “I understand, please tell his majesty I will meet with him shortly.”
“His majesty Donghua Dijun requests your presence immediately.” emphasized the lord of dipper.
“ But father...”
Silently the familiar blue cloaked figure slipped out behind the silver clad figure. Clearing his throat, he gave her an almost proud look.  “The manner has been addressed, ” quietly the man put his hands behind his back and gave a slight bow.  “Though your power is strong, your discipline is lacking, do not keep the Dijun waiting any longer.”  Though he did not say it, Feng Jiu could tell her father was not pleased with development,  most likely do to her shameless actions,  but no one was to stand against the formidable Dong Hua.
“Of course.”
“Little highness,” bowed Si Ming, and Feng Jiu nodded before following him to the aforementioned place of meeting. Swallowing slightly, Feng Jiu tightened her fists as the entered the deity's chamber.  She had been here hundreds of times for thousands of years,  but for after her ascension to high immortal, she had learned so much more about him.  Suddenly being in his chambers seemed a thousand times more intimidating.
Presenting himself to the ancient deity, Si Ming bowed and announced his formal greeting,“ Lord of Dipper has arrived with Her highness, high immortal Bai Feng Jiu as per your request.”
“Thank You,” spoke the high deity, “ you may be excused.”
“Your majesty.” he responded and disappeared into a puff of smoke.
“No. Dont leave me!” squeaked out the young queen,   her heart pounding as the object of that had earned her respect, awe, affection and recently her fear transported within a few centimeters  and pulled her close to him.
“Don't leave me?” he quirked his eyebrow, ignoring the little prick of annoyance that cropped up in his stone heart.  “Since when have you wanted his presence so much?” he teased  before letting her go and stepping a way, arms folded behind his back.
“W...what?” she sputtered, “Thats not it...I just did..” want to be alone with you right now.  She thought silently, not after-
Stopping less than a meter away from his little fox, Donghua . “Since when have you been afraid to be alone with me, little fox?”
“What?” oh dang it, she cried silently, I forgot! “Well I mean...”
“I seem to remember a little fox here not too long ago who dispersed just before my waking, snuck into my quarters with drinks, snacks, and lets not forget those lovely outfits...had I been a normal man, it may have been too much to bear.”  
“Eep.” Feng Jiu squeaked out, body stumbling backwards as the man stretched out his arm and wrapped it around her , a knowing smirk on his face. “You mean ...You knew.”
The stone hard God nodded his head, “Of course I did.”  he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “After spending all that time at my palace, do you think I'd be fooled by your tricks?”
“N..No. I mean ” she breathed, face as red as a tomato. “I know I shouldn't have but.”
Remembering how her aunt used to break into the back way of heaven Feng Jiu decided to disguise herself as one of the deities and did the same.  She didn't see much harm in it as she quietly watched over her Lord Emperor, brewing his favorite tea , dressing in his favorite outfit, or making his favorite snacks. As long as she left no trace, it would be fine.
“Now now,” he said almost kindly, “Did I say anything against it?” Though he should have dissuaded her from returning, her presence was like a drug, and whether or not he could be with her, he would drink it in like the addict he was.
“So pray tell” he stroking something attached to his belt, “Why are you so frightened  now?”
Based on the set up in the end,  I strongly believe the new producers could do it.  However, Dong Hua would need to continue that change from after he saw the rock of three incantations, Bai Feng Jiu would have to train and Ji Heng ( Bai Feng Jiu’s rival) would have to be introduced differently.
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nikatyler · 6 years ago
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Oooh boy. Why do I feel like I should go straight to the replies, or else I will start talking about having a crush again? No one cares, I’m annoying, I’m sorry. Yesterday around midnight, I actually caved and told my best friend because I just couldn’t keep my feelings to myself any longer, and I was pleasantly surprised by her reaction. I didn’t want to tell her at first because we kinda tend to turn this kind of stuff into jokes, but I guess she did figure out that this time, it’s serious serious - THERE WE GO I’M OVERSHARING AGAIN I AM AN IDIOT. Anyway did I mention I love her? I don’t deserve her. She’s the best, you guys don’t even know her but I just wanted to give her a little shoutout because damn, thanks for yesterday, I thought I would explode. Also, she has an important exam in a week, so if you could send positive vibes her way, that would be great.
By the time you’re seeing this replies, I think I’m playing with Realm of Magic. I’m so excited! Last time I bought a pack on release day was with Seasons. I’m not sure who I will play this with yet. Maybe with Lucian and his girlfriend. I really hope you can somehow turn an alien into a spellcaster, even if that means he’d no longer be an alien. I don’t mind that. Whoops, hold on, was that a spoiler? Yeah, uh, Lucian is a teenager in my game at the moment, he has a girlfriend and he’s not very alien-y and I don’t care about that. Honestly…when have my aliens ever been alien-y? Miracle was the only one and she hated that (and 2019 Ronnie hates that she hated that but 2017 Ronnie didn’t know any better, long story).
Witches are something I’ve wanted in this game for a long time, so they better be good or else I’ll cry. Next up…I know everyone wants university, and I think we’ll get it, but to be fair, I don’t care about it that much. I’ll be playing university irl so I guess that makes sense. 😂 I would really like something like a band game pack, where you can form a band and have concerts and write music and…just do musician stuff, I guess. I was hoping bands would be added in Get Famous but nah, it was pretty much just acting…which I still haven’t explored. 🤦‍♀️ But yeah, band game pack is like my dream. I’m guessing it could be retro themed too, and have many references to some iconic bands?? Imagine if it was like 70s-80s inspired. Imagine THE HAIR. Did I mention I will defend weird 80s hair until the day I die? Yeah. I would really love that. I’m not saying I think a pack like this will happen, but it would be an absolute dream if it did.
TL;DR: I have a crush, I’m playing Realm of Magic and I want a band themed game pack.
autistichatkid replied to your post “Oh wow guess who’s putting nsb on long lifespan because even though…”
psa: you can use mccc to customize lifespan length!!! i dont like how fast normal goes but long is like. So Long. so i use mccc to make everything just a Lil Longer
I know you can do that, I don’t know how but it’s possible, yes! I’m not sure if I want to go for that though, I mean MCCC breaks with almost every update and knowing me, I would forget to fix my settings every single time. I think I’ll just use ea’s long lifespan and then age up people when I feel like aging them up.
desira-sims replied to your post “hey years ago you said you liked symphonic metal, do you still listen…”
Care to share some of your favorites? I’ve been in a music listening mood but feel in a rut.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “hey years ago you said you liked symphonic metal, do you still listen…”
I also don’t listen to e. g. often nowadays and… Their latest album was not my cup of tea except for song or two. And my music preference is now “whatever pleases my ears” even if it will make anyone else’s ear bleed��
Yeah sure, I can share my faves from 2-3 years ago! I’m not saying “from the genre” because I know some of these aren’t that symphonic, at this point it’s all a blur to me, to be fair. Besides, I stopped caring about genres, so…yeah. Just pointing that out so no one comes for me like “how dare you say band xy is that genre”. 
Anyway, 2-3 years ago I really loved Nightwish, Within Temptation and Sonata Arctica, those were like my holy trinity, I would listen to them all the time, every single day. The latest WT album wasn’t really my cup of tea, I like their older stuff way more. SA released a new album last week, I kinda liked it but it wasn’t love at first listen. I’ll have to go back to form an opinion on it. Again, their older stuff is better in my opinion. Nightwish…I don’t know if it’s still going on, but people really liked comparing the three different singers they’ve had, and I don’t know why, I think they’re all amazing in their own way. I believe I’ve read on Instagram that new album is coming next year and I’m so excited for that. I don’t think there’s a Nightwish album I disliked.
I also really liked Delain and…Stratovarius, I think it was called? One summer I also listened to Epica a lot, but then all their songs started sounding the same to me. Sorry to any Epica fans that might be following me 😅 And I’m fairly sure I’m forgetting someone, but I believe there should be playlists on Spotify easy to find.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Updates”
Unfortunately I didn’t manage to create a possible spouse(( but I hope there’ll be other possibilities!XD
And good luck!
There definitely will be! Lately, I kinda hate every sim I create, sooo…I’ll leave that for someone else :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “That morning, when Vanessa was leaving for work, I had a bad feeling….”
I don’t like this!
I didn’t think this would freak people out so much…but it did…and I’m really sorry :D
1o8percent replied to your photoset “Roxanne: Maybe if I go to bed, it’ll just come to me in a dream. I…”
I’ve definitely had story ideas come to me in a dream. I got several ideas for my completed legacy that way, so good luck Roxanne!
When I’m writing something late at night and I get stuck, it actually helps me to turn off the computer and go think about the story in bed. And ta-da, I suddenly get ideas! Some of them get lost as soon as I fall asleep, but usually the right direction stays in my head and I’m ready to pick it up as soon as I sit down to write again.
igglemouse replied to your photoset Roxy, the interaction said “feel tummy”, not “take the baby out of…”
She just can’t wait to meet her new sibling XD
That’s actually terrifying D:
brightlysimming replied to your post “I got a hug from a girl I barely know and now I’m emo, I already love…”
Aa!! That’s so great! I’m happy you had a good time!!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “I got a hug from a girl I barely know and now I’m emo, I already love…”
Congratulations! I hope you’ll have fun there! ��
I’m still not over that last weekend. Everyone was so nice and kind and fun and I loved talking to these people so much, uni will be great with them ;-; 
The best surprise to me was that there was this person, and they would come to me a few times and ask if I wanted to hang out with them away from the drunk crowds?? (we’re Czech, of course 95% of people who went to that trip got drunk in the evening -_- :D) And that was just so nice? I’m not used to people wanting to hang out with me. Also, we had great time together, if they called now I would quit everything to hang out with them :D
I’m about to start crying again. To all you lonely people struggling out there, trust me, it gets better, you’re not always going to be lonely and miserable. I thought that would be my case, but nope, things are starting to look better. And they will eventually start looking better for you too, I just know it. Don’t give up <3
lilleputtu replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
she’d look so cute with short hair! also it’s the sims, she can insta regrow it it’ll be fiiiiine
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
One of the best things I ever did was put Cassandra Goth in a pixie cut. Doooo eeeet.
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
deathflowertea replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
1 & 4 are ��
I think it’s official, we’ll be chopping Sunset’s hair off, yay!
desira-sims replied to your photoset “Meet the Teens! These guys will join my two girls, Crystal and…”
School and real life comes first, but I’ll be excited to see these simmies pop up when the time comes. ��
So am I! I’m not sure what to do right now. I want to play RoM, but when I come back to my NSB…do I finish Sunset’s generation requirements first, or do I just slowly start throwing these teens in? Kind of like I started working on Ross’s aspiration when it was technically still the Mint gen. Eh, I’ll figure it out.
tashsim replied to your post “URL Song Tag”
have to get up at 5:30 for a next month. feel your pain..
That’s not great D: I think I’d have to do that too, if I wasn’t moving to a dorm in Prague later this month. Spending so much time on the train and having to wake up so early would kill me.
elisabettasims replied to your post “Ahh, of course. I kinda forgot that I would get tan in summer, today I…”
I feel this on a personal level.
I kinda never had to deal with this before because I’ve been using foundation only for a year or so. And I’m fairly sure I’m using a lighter one now, because I definitely didn’t feel like a vampire last September :D
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Scarlett: “I saw you helped extinguish the flames too.” Talia: “I…”
talia… wyd
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photo “Scarlett: “Well, uhh, you didn’t mess up, so…” Talia: “I’ll stay, but…”
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photo “Meanwhile the contestants who have nothing to worry about gathered…”
talia you might be safe this time but you definitely should NOT be thinking you have nothing to worry about after… Earlier
I hate how this turned out D: I’ve noticed that sims in my game aren’t fond of the “enthuse about…” interactions. And then it ruins things like this.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Madeleine: “Yes! Did you see that? Today must be my lucky day!”
Don’t boast too much, love!
She’s really doing great though! Maybe she didn’t make the best first impression, but she’s been working really hard ever since.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “We didn’t start the fire It was always burning Since the world’s been…”
What’s the name of the song? I love everything connected to fireXD
It’s “We Didn’t Start The Fire” by Billy Joel! Warning: It’s super catchy.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “I absolutely fell in love with these cute pants some time ago but I…”
I think I will overuse these pants now:D So thank you for introducing them in the first place:D And for shoutout!
I was glad to help! And… I remember those girls!
Thank youuu! I’m a “high waisted everything” kinda girl, so of course I had to recolour these so I could use them even more often. And I’m glad that I’m not the only one, I mean, the reblogs and likes on this post are insane.
And yay, glad you remember them! Juliet and Amber were easier to recognize, I guess, but the other two, Lily and Lavender…I haven’t posted them too much, ever. I forgot how pretty they were *-* I will definitely use them as my models for recolours and stuff.
dandylion240 replied to your post “I didn’t expect to come up with a whole backstory for Caleb and…here…”
I like your ideas for him though
Thank you so much! I’ve been seeing him on my dash a lot lately, so it’s kinda weird seeing like three different versions of him at once, especially when someone makes him do things my version of him would never do :D
whysimstho replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
#5 Sunset signs here dad up for Simdr #6 it’s lit
1o8percent replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
I’m intrigued by the last one.
desira-sims replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
I don’t approve of the second one. No tears! I’ll gladly take more of the 4th and get the feeling she’s a little tired of seeing it all the time. Fire is also bad, but I guess the conversation was to good to stop. And that last one. Oh that’s great.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
Why is Ross crying? Nothing better have happened to Caleb
*evil laughter*
I love how you guys assume the worst. I mean, I’m not surprised. I tend to accidentally kill my sims a lot this year. Well, you’ll find out very soon what is actually going on in these!
Also, just a side note, that child in picture #4 is Lucian and he’s not a girl, but I will admit he looks like one (and I’m fairly sure he knows that too and is okay with that, I mean, if he didn’t want to look like that, he’d beg for a haircut), so no worries. Just throwing it out there.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Oh, try to do Salim Benali!”
Aw he looks adorable! It makes me love him even more,
elisabettasims replied to your post “Oh, try to do Salim Benali!”
Salim is hard because he’s already pretty good looking, etc. He’s the dad of one of my sims who I did a BC with and founded my legacy on her, LOL(Anissa Hoffmann, she has her mom’s last name). Though I guess REALLY Salim and her mother are the founders but, I didn’t start a legacy until after her BC.
I agree, he’s definitely one of the few miracle townies who don’t need fixing.
Also, thank you!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ugh, I hate this already. Can I go back to being an adorable evil…”
You can be an adorable evil child instead!
Oh, she will be.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Gwyneth: “Ready to age up, sweetie?” Avery: oh mum you bet”
Why is Gwyneth so cute I can’t even describe it!
Her cute face is the only reason why I thought “well, I could try a BPR I guess…”
Seriously. I’ve never really cared about berries, I’ve always prefered vanilla sims and berries were just something I created in cas from time to time and then never touched again. I still prefer vanilla sims and kinda doubt I’ll ever start another berry save.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Right…so now you’re a middle aged mum with a midlife crisis and a…”
I HATE THAT STUPID HAIR AND HOW IT SHOWS UP ON EVERYONE WHEN THEY AGE UP. *coughcough* Sorry. Had a bad flashback seeing that.
I hate it so much too! But actually, wanna hear a deep dark secret? I once used it on a sim…unironically. Like I actually thought it was cute.
I was 11 though, so that makes it okay, I think. I hope.
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survivor-guyana · 6 years ago
Rites of Passage
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It is now time for the Rites of Passage. Use this time to reflect on your journey in this game as well as the people who left for you four to be where you are now. Please play the audio and enjoy your experience.
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Dani: We didn’t talk much, but you didn’t deserve to go day 1.
Jess: The victim of exam season (I believe) and an unfortunate timezone. You fought until the end and I have so much respect for that.
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Alyssa: Queen of menopause <3 You seemed like such a chaotic sweetie!!! Happy to have been in the same season as you! 
Dani: You were such a fun player even though we only got to play for a few days. Looking back, I realize you were SO ready to play and I’m happy I got to play with a fun girl like you! BUT DAMN DONT DO SO MUCH ON DAY 1 OK.
Jess: Oh my god. I think you attempted to play more game in the 4 or so days you were in the game than most people play all season. Your departure provided me with EASILY the highlight of my season (menopause) and for that I’m thankful. 
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Dani: We were allies, but when we got swapped you went onto a tribe with 5 favorites. I really wish we got to work together more.
Jess: We’ve ran into each other from time to time but never truly got to play a group game together. I was pretty excited to see you in this game and was sad when you left. See you around!
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Alyssa: We didn’t connect super well on our first tribe but I’m sorry you got a pre-merge boot! 
Chelsea: Like Nick, I did not get to talk to you that much so I am hoping that we get to play again sometime so that I can talk to you more. 
Dani: JENNNAAAA!! YOU WERE SO ROBBED. Girl I was SHOCKED when you left and so sad. You were so fun to be around and you stuck with us fans even though you were a favorite, which I totally respected. You did not deserve to go home the way you did!! I really wish I got to play more with your adorable self<3.
Jess: I never got to meet you but your departure really set the tone of this game so thank you!
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You are such a good player and I was totally threatened by that. I had to get you out regardless of how fun you were to play with. 
Jess: I kind of got the feeling you didn’t like me at times but the way you left was fucking iconic. Keep snatching those wigs on your way out the door!
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Alyssa: NICK!!!! I’m so sorry I did you dirty!!! I knew you were going that round but didn’t say anything to further my own game… I’m so sorry ☹ You are so so so so SO real and I LOVE that. Hope life is treating you well buddy <3 Alexa, play “Have It All” by Jason Mraz
Chelsea: I know we were on the same tribe starting out but we never really talked too much. You seem like a nice person and I wish that maybe we got to talk more. I was pretty quiet at the start because I was intimidated by how little people I knew and I was trying to get a feel for everyone. 
Dani: You were the reason Jenna got out and also the reason I was almost voted out. I respect your game play, but phew am I glad you left. 
Jess: You have a buff so obviously you are a legend. I’m really sorry for giving you probably the most stressful experience during a competition, ever. If I wasn’t a complete dumbass we might have won? And could have been sitting in this final 4 SORRYYYYYY.
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Alyssa: 01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 01100010 01111001 01100101 00001101 00001010
Chelsea: The dog emoji did not leave when you did. 
Jess: The man, the myth, the mother fuckin’ LEGEND. You went inactive for days and somehow are still talked about to this day (ICONIC). 01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100001 01111001 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100111 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100011 01100001 01110101 01110011 01100101 00100000 01101001 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01001011 01001110 01001111 01010111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101011 01101001 01101100 01101100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110101 01110011 00101110 (Dog)
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Alyssa: So I found out after you were voted out that this was your first ORG ever???? Congratulations on making jury! I’m so happy for you! Hope you’re enjoying all this tea everyone is spilling as they come in. Jury can be SO fun when there’s a bunch of secrets in the game and now I K N O W there were a TON! See you at FTC! Alexa, play “Legend” by Twenty One Pilots
Chelsea: Once we merged and I got a chance to talk to you, you seemed cool but then you got really pushy about who I was voting for on the originally JD vote. I told you that I was in the middle of a serious challenge for another game and you wouldn’t stop messaging me lmfao. That pushiness does not work well with me so ngl, I was kinda glad that you went home. 
Dani: MY MAN, MY CHICKEN MAN, MY ROBBED MAN, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO?! You did not deserve to go out the way you did. You were truly someone I was loyal to throughout the entire game and I hated seeing you go. I am astonished at how hard you try at this game and I absolutely loved meeting you.
Jess: For your first org (I think) you were pretty impressive. You were easily one of the biggest strategic threats in this game and I strongly believe if people didn’t catch on to that so quick you would have given me a run for my money. I wish we could have spent some more time pre-merge because I think we could have been a force to be reckoned with in this game. (We could have called ourselves The Timbits or the Doubles Doubles).
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Alyssa: Sammy… king of editing… I’m so sorry you got done dirty like you did. Devon really is the king of throwing people under the bus, huh??? Can’t wait to talk to you at FTC <3 Alexa, play “7 rings” by Ariana Grande
Chelsea: Sammy: I am so sorry that you got voted out when you did. I was hoping that we could stick together but that fell short because of LIES. ily and I hope we play together soon. <3 PS thank you for editing the music video, I still watch it to this day.
Dani: You were so funny in the main chat, but for some reason we couldn’t hold a conversation. I loved your music video. You tried getting me out and that was when you got out. Idkkk you’re a cool dude, but a pretty bad liar. 
Jess: The man with the editing skills like no other. Honestly, most of the time I just thought you were way toooooo cool for me. For some reason we both sketched each other out like no other and that wrecked any potential we had
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Alyssa: Hi Tim! I’m so sad we didn’t really click in this game ☹ You are such an absolute king and you stanned me so hard and I absolutely adored that??? I just didn’t feel like I had a chance at being your #1 this game and so I has to vote you out. Hope life has been treating you well <3 Alexa, play
Chelsea: You were very nice to me in the short time that we worked together and you were the one to warn me about Aidan and Devon (even though I didn’t really listen) and I appreciate you for it. I wish that you had made it farther in the game then some of the sneaks who did, but I respect you and want to play with you again! 
Dani: We didn’t talk much, but you gave me really good advice when I was going through a hard time so thank you for that <3
Jess: Honestly you were probably one of the NICEST people I’ve ever met playing a game. For some reason the stars just never aligned and we just couldn’t be on the same side. I truly hope everything is well with you and everything is looking up!
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Alyssa: JD…. I’m so sorry about the unanimous round. I was not down for playing chicken with everyone and we knew the only person we could get our divided tribe to vote out unanimously was you. I’m so sorry your time here was cut short and that we didn’t get to know each other better. You are an absolutely drop dead gorgeous QUEEN and I am so happy I met you. Alexa, play “Brave Honest Beautiful” by Fifth Harmony ft. Meghan Trainor
Chelsea: We had one conversation privately and it was when your name was going around but Mitchell was actually going home. I felt bad and reached out to you because I knew that it was going around that I was voting you, but I didn’t! I kinda got the vibe that you were annoyed with me from the message that I sent you, so I never really reached out again. I just wanted you to know that I never had any intention on voting you that one round and I’m sorry for the miscommunication. 
Dani: You were extremely fun to play with even though it got a little crazy towards the end!
Jess: My Canadian sister! You were honestly probably one of the people I was MOST excited to meet while watching intro videos (ask Johnny!). I wish we could have talked more in this game and I really wish I didn’t unintentionally sketch you out. I hope our paths cross somehow in the future and we can show these people what Canadian girls are all about! (Or as some maybe say “a-boat”).
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Alyssa: Maynor, I was so disappointed when I heard you were telling people about our conversations before you were voted out… I really think if that didn’t happen, it could’ve easily been me, you, Guac, and Jess at F4. You know I love you to DEATH and I’m sorry you had to die for us to kill TJ’s idol. PS we need to do tequilla shots together at FTC or you’re fake!! Alexa, play “Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time” by Panic! at the Disco
Chelsea: Maynor: You are a very likeble person and seemed to get along with me just fine. We always agreed on votes for the most part but we only really talked when it came down to votes. I know we tried having normal conversations but we were both busy with our own lives. I appreciate your effort in always reaching out to me even if our conversations were short. Let’s play another game soon!
Dani: We went through a lot together and I lost trust in you after you voted for Jenna in the beginning. It was great playing with you and I literally LOVED talking to you. You were sooo funny and a great drinking buddy!
Jess: Honestly, a lot of people might argue that Alyssa was my favourite person this season but it was you (sorry Alyssa). Our late-night drunk chats and your drinking CUPS of tequila were easily some of my favourite moments in this game. On the fans tribe you were one of two people I really got along with. For some reason towards the end we lost trust with each other and I think that killed us in the end. I hated the way your vote went down and I really regret not trying to send you a life vest when you needed my help. I just couldn’t shake off the fact that I believed you would always pick Jones over me </3. I’m sorry.
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Alyssa: TJ… I’m sorry this game played out the way it did. I really did think on our first tribe that our gameplay styles would work SO well together and was genuinely excited to see you again at merge. But when Jess started telling me how much you were buying into these ideas of me being in all different alliances, I knew that even though you said I was one of the people you trusted  the most, that couldn’t be true. And I couldn’t say the same for you either when I had formed other strong connections after our time together and before merge. You refused to go out quietly by making us all shit ourselves when you were wearing that hat at tribal and I respect the SHIT out of you. Alexa, play “Kool Aid” by Katelyn Tarver
Chelsea: I enjoyed playing with you but I’m a little bit upset that you made that group chat without me in it lmfao. I hope we get to play again one day and that I get to be included in your vote chats ;) I feel like together we are one good player with your smarts and my social game. 
Dani: You worked so hard in this game and I really enjoyed talking to you.I respect your game play hard and I wish you could have gone further. 
Jess: Ugh another killer vote-off. You already know how much I love and respect you in these games. You’ve easily become one of my best friends on these various platforms we play games on. I know there were soooooo many people hoping we would play another classic TJ/Jess game and were heartbroken when I had to turn on you. If there’s anyone here who I KNOW can respect gameplay it’s you. I just couldn’t save you once you sank your ship by over-playing your hand. Doing that would have put me in so much trouble with too many people and that wasn’t a risk I was willing to take. I’m really sorry. One of my biggest regrets in this game was not being straight up with you about your send-off. I’m sorry life got rough for you during this game and I hope you know my door is always open when you need someone to talk to or distract you. Soooo many things killed us in this game and I think everyone in this game is lucky it did or else we would BOTH be sitting in the final 4 right now. PS: Some would say the student became the master this game. Hope there are no hard feelings on your end!
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Alyssa: Aidan, I’m still hella fucking pissed off at your last comment at me lol Commenting on peoples’ appearances stick with them a long time! Not cute! Anyway, you’re a legend who says whatever he wants 100% of the time with no filter, and you made this season really fun. @ Johnny: “It wasn’t unanimous, you dumbass.” I’m sad I didn’t get to talk to you more! I think in another game setting we could’ve done WERK together. But I guess since I had a huge target on my back it wasn’t worth getting super close to me in this game. Alexa, play “Say It to My Face” by Madison Beer
Chelsea: You have a pretty strong social game but it got you in trouble when you were voted out. I thought that by having you as an ally would benefit me because of both of our social games, but the difference between you and me is that I don’t twist things or lie to people. I caught onto that pretty fast when I talked with other people and we compared conversations. Anyway, I had fun playing with you but I don’t know how closely I would work with you in the future. ;p
Dani: AIDAN THERE IS SO MUCH I COULD SAY RIGHT NOW BUT I’D PROBABLY START CRYING BECAUSE I’M AN EMOTIONAL BITCH. You were so ROBBED. We made a friendship that I feel like will last beyond the game and I hope we meet up one day. When you got voted out I was in absolute shock and wanted to cry. THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU AND PLEASE DONT EVER CHANGE. <3 
Jess: Your one-liners, drags, and comebacks are like no-other. Honestly you fucking amazed me. However, you were probably the person I was MOST afraid of in this game. Your were hands down the BIGGEST threat to win and for some reason I still wanted to work with you (which just shows how fucking good you are at these games). On the fans tribe you were my #1 and someone I wanted to go FAR with in this game and I genuinely meant that. However, so many things fucked us over in this game. I think our biggest issues were a mixture of paranoia, my relationship with Alyssa, and us not trusting each other enough to truly cross reference the shit we were being fed. I’m truly sorry you had to be blindsided. You were easily in the most powerful position in this game with your advantage and I hope you can respect the move that was made against you. I know you are pissed at me and rightfully so but just know that it was nothing personal. - Your favourite Social Climbing Canadian Cunt.
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Alyssa: Guac… I’m really happy because I kind of gave you an ROP before you were voted out? Telling you before tribal was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I were complicit in an unnecessary blindside against you. I love you so much and the real tragedy of this game is that we never got to be the iconic pre-made F2 that we could’ve been. I missed you IMMEDIATELY after you were voted out. You brought so much love and positivity in this game and I am so happy that we got to go through this experience together. I 100% deserved your attempt to get me voted out. There’s only so many times you can leave someone you call your ally in the dark. Love you long time <3 Alexa, play “The Hype” by Twenty One Pilots.
Chelsea: You are super sweet and if I hadn’t had a group that I was working with closely, I probably would have worked with you even more than I did in the game. I hope that you understand why I had to flip back to my original group on your vote and that we can play again one day! 
Dani: You’re super cute and funny. Rate: 11/10 
Jess: Oh Jones. I’m pretty sure at this point you just want to scream “GO BACK TO PARTY CITY, WHERE YOU BELONG!” at me and I’d deserve it. I know we already had our talks about what went wrong with us during the game but I once again want to apologize for at any point making you feel like crap. Me, you, and Alyssa were the iconic trio this game deserved to have but our loyalties just never were with the same people. I didn’t think you had the fight in you to do some of the things you did in this game and you proved how much of a boss ass bitch you were. I respect the shit out of you. I HOPE you still want to talk to me outside of this game because I honestly think we could be amazing friends! <3
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Alyssa: Oh Devon, how you disappointed me… I told you I don’t shoot my gun unless you cock yours! And you were getting ready to shoot! Despite the fact that us four ladies see you as the ex-boyfriend who we found out had three other girlfriends, I loved playing this game with you! You were truly iconic and the reason why we HAD to get you out is because you had a M A J O R chance of beating us at the end of this game. Stop sending the dog emoji and we can still be friends after this <3 Alexa, play “Loyal to Me” by Nina Nesbitt
Chelsea: ………Hi Final 3 partner!! Oh wait, you wanted final 3 with Jess. OH WAIT, no you def wanted final 3 with me because Jess and Alyssa NEEDED to be broken up. OH WAIT, wrong again!! You wanted final 3 with ANYONE who would get you there by being a total SNAKE. Devon, I commend you on your tricks to get yourself far in the game, but I am so pissed that you made it this far by playing the way that you did. I have prided myself on not being a sneaky player and always being pretty honest with the people I work with. I feel dirty that I stayed close with you and allowed you to have some control on who I voted and how I felt about certain players in the game. You pulled me and Sammy aside early on to spread lies about Jess and Alyssa so that Sammy and I would say that we want them out, and then you went to Jess and told her that Sammy hated her. All were lies but you caused a lot of drama that was right under our noses.  All of this was on call so that there is no paper trail and I am SO HAPPY that us ladies outlasted you. Karma is a biotch! I should have known that you weren't just "working" with me when you said you were gonna "lay low" about the Aidan vote. You are probably really nice as a person outside of these games, but I honestly don't think I could ever trust you in a game again. The fact that you so easily made your way through the game at the cost of others makes me think that you have done this plenty of times before. Sorry, I don't feel bad that you got voted out; you deserved it. Slkdjflksdjflksdjflkfjl <3 I have cooled down, so with all that being said, I can’t be TOO pissed off because you played a game that got you close to the end. You outplayed and outwitted so many people and I have to respect (even though I disagree with) the way that you played your game. 
Dani: I really thought on day one that you were going to be loyal and stay loyal. You showed time and time again that that was not the case. Aside from everything that happened in the game, I really think we formed a friendship that’ll last beyond the game. 
Jess: Devon, Devon, Devon where do I begin?! (Dog) I really hope you take the time to read this even though I know you are really upset with me. You were my ride-or-die since our Hosororo days. We didn’t have the best relationship on the fans tribe so I was extremely hesitant to work with you but found a way into my ice-cold Canadian heart. You made me feel like I was your number one in this game and I truly believed it….. until about a week ago. If you were to ask someone who they felt most comfortable with in this game.. 9/10 people would have said: Devon. It didn’t matter if they were a fan or a favourite….. which made you arguably the MOST dangerous person in this game. What you may not know is: I actually did have that super-idol that first tribal (could only be used once.. THANKS FAVOURITES <3) and I highly considered taking you out during first tribal. From Day 1 I knew you were going to be a force to be reckoned with in this game. Your elimination was the MOST stressful for me in this game and the most rewarding at the same time. I felt like such an asshole lying to you all day about using my idol on you even though I knew that you were saying the same things to me that you were saying to everyone else. You pinned everyone against each other and magically stayed safe for sooooo many rounds (I’m JEALOUS). You played the game I think EVERYONE wanted to play. You let me and Alyssa take the heat while making our targets bigger at the same time, you pinned “alliances” against each other, and you thought you made final 3 deals with EVERYONE LEFT IN THE FINAL 5. You came in guns blazing and I respect that so much. You were probably the best player all season and I enjoyed getting to know you! Hopefully there are no hard feelings <3
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Alyssa: Queen Chelsea, Thank you for being an ever-present fun person through this game. You're not a cardboard box to me <3 Alexa, play "thank u, next" by Ariana Grande
Dani: We didn't talk much, but you're really pretty.
Jess: Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea. One of my biggest regrets in this game was not getting to know you sooner. I hope you know that you are SO MUCH MORE THAN A FUCKING CARDBOARD BOX because you are a fucking queen. I hope we can get to know each other outside of this game because i'm pretty sure we have A LOT IN COMMON <3
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ikari-eu · 3 years ago
This comment being translated to ENG would be something like this: "Without an option to write in Chat... I'm bored with no option to flame". This is what someone did show me by random. It was from a moba.
And then ppl ask me why I don't play Multiplayer/Competitive games. Well... my personal reasons:
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• I see Wailords/Smurfs everywhere!: Imagine a Whale paradise. The water is the game and they are happy, predating on smaller fish. Yeah. Smurfs are another kind of thing. Evil blue-skinned creatures that can't win on their own level/need attention and gets cocky bcs they just stomped a newbie. Wow, congratulations! You did prove your mental maturity! :D If someone is better/worse than you at some game so what? I know that even having 1cc'ed many Touhou games I can't even compare with so many people at that. And you don't even need to. Are you enjoying? Videogames are for that. (To those who are toxic with newbies) Instead of saying idiocies like "git gud" you should be giving advices to newbies. Or are you 5 years old yet?
• Balanced!: I don't tend to value pvp/ranks because of such things like the ones before and the power creep/bad balance that normally exist on the games. Well much people talk about "Perfect Imbalance" which I personally imo (yes, imo so dont kill me thank you) call "Perfect lie." Why? The argument is "if it's static it will become boring". I would answer "It will become boring anyway if ppl plays always 10 from 50 things -to give an example- so it would be less bored if... (call me crazy) you could play 40+ from 50?" And the power creep with generally """""more complex effects"""" (yeasuretheyusuallyareawallotextwith9999chainedeffectsfrombefore). Balance is a word that is 666 for those things. I've seen that. Rare is the contrary case. In some cases is a cash grab like gachas or some mmos. In other cases there is a flawed matchmaking that reacts if you have a winning streak. You probably think. "If you are good you climb" if it's a thing like a moba. But... please ♡ have the same measure way with yourself and don't call your mates retarded if you can't climb your division okay?~ It's an ugly thing to be like that with low placed ppl and then if you lose you don't apply that sentence in yourself because... oh I see you are special :3.
• If you don't value pvp then?... : Time-consuming. If you are a 15 yrs old you'll of course have plenty of time. But say to a 20+years old that have responsabilities in life to find time for just one game to keep yourself in a max f2p path existing plenty of other games. Playing videogames shouldn't be a job except if you become pro (scene that in most cases won't happen)
• Toxics! :D: You did see my translation at the start of the post~. Ppl who did study anthropology and psychologist would sure be in a proper environment to research but most of us would prefer to conserve our sanity. Chat can be disabled and in games like Competitive Pokemon you can just ignore and play but in a Team game well~ you better get popcorn and take this like a meme. Just enjoy and laugh! Anyway I'm kinda a hermit since massified communities have become radioactive in many cases like no one can say anything except for some counted cases.
After my general thoughts I will conclude that playing SHMUP/BHells or Mega Man saga, or Metal Slug, etc etc... is still a skill-demanding thing, but in a much more healthier way for me. If you enjoy those games I don't tend to have for much time, allright, is your time after all. But I won't play them no matter how much my friends want to drag me. Sorry :'D. I don't feel comfy among people who don't respect.
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kounfetti · 7 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Lost Eden] Kou Mukami Maniac Prologue Translation
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(TN// This is another long translation!   Please don’t put this translation anywhere outside of tumblr- link back to this post only. I don’t mind this being translated into other languages as long as you link back to my blog and ask for permission before hand\\\)
Kou’s Monologue 
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Because of the Vibora clan’s king, Reiji sent a letter to him. But, I am alone in going to rescue Yui.
But I dont know if I should leave, because of my lack of strength.
......But, I would hate to see that even a finger of her was hurt. 
However, I believe that in myself, I have enough strength to save Yui.
The familiar of the Sakamaki family is flying to where Ruki and the others are, but it seems confused and can’t see them because of the dark night. 
-----And so, Its my turn to go into the forest. 
Scene: Forest 
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Kino and Kou are together in the Forest
Kou: ...hahh...
Kou walks away
Kino: Ah! Hey you better wait!
Kino pulls him back
Kou: What? Do you need something?
Kino: I didn’t say that. Are you going to save Eve? I’ll help you.
Kou: And do you want something out of that?
Kino: Fufu, of course. 
Kou: I can clearly see that you want something. I have nothing to offer you. I dont have Subaru’s power. 
Kou: And because of that, the only thing I can give you that I’ve ever earned is  money...
Kino: Money? Thats fine. I’ll help you out.
Kou: ...Ha?
Kino: I’ve said it before? I love playing smartphone games.
Kino: In the underworld, I’m a little low on bills for my house. So I dont mind getting money in return. 
Kou:.....Alright. If you’re doing it out of your own will then. 
Kino: Hahah. Thank you. It seems interesting too, so, I’ll follow behind you. 
Kino: Alright lets go, together, to the Vibora clan! 
Kou: .....
Kou: (I wonder if its ok to let him tag along with me....)
Different area in the Forest
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Kou: (...Where is the Vibora clan?)
Kou: I’m gonna go explore around. Kino, you stay here. 
Kou leaves
Kino: .....
Kino: Yuri, where are you? You’ve been following us right.
Yuri comes out of some bushes
Yuri: ....Sorry.  I was doing this to monitor your behavior and see if you were doing alright. 
Kino: I’m going ot keep up with Kou until he has the heart to forgive me. I think that it will be ok. 
Kino:  I’m going to try to win him over, since I’ve gotten on bad terms with him. 
Kino: And going together, it will take me straight to Eve, which is a great bonus. 
Yuri: I understand. You want to find out Eve’s location in the underworld and use it to your advantage, right?
Yuri: ....And on that, I’ll leave that to you. I will stay following you to check up on your stat every now and then. 
Scene Change: Vibora Clan Castle’s Dungeon
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Azusa: ...haa....uhhh..ha...
Azusa: Hurry up and.... rescue Eve....
Someone enters into the Dungeon
Azusa: Who.. is.. that?
Vibora Maid A: ----Hey, did you hear about the rumor? 
Vibora Maid B: Of course. A girl called Eve is to be engaged? 
Vibora Maid B: It was so sudden, I was surprised.
Vibora Maid A: Apparently that girl has the heart of the princess and daughter of the demon king, Burai. 
Vibora Maid B: Aahh. Thats why. I congratulate them.
Vibora Maid A: Eeh! We will be busy for a while now. 
Azusa:...uh... Eve, is to be engaged? Could it be...!
Azusa: ... S-Someone---
Azusa is taken out of the Dungeon
Scene Change: Guest Bedroom in the Vibora Clan’s Castle
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Azusa: ..guh.. Let me go!
???: ..Uh ouch...
Azusa: eh..ah.. Kou? Why...?
Kou: Maa-- Thats awful! I’m not an enemy~
Azusa: So-Sorry.... Could it be you came here because of...
Azusa: Hey, Kou. Who is that other person here with you? 
Kou: Ah---....He is Kino-kun.
Kou: Uh lets see, You know the vampire who attacked the Sakamaki family? This guy is him. 
Azusa: Eh...?
Kou: I have a reason for allowing him to tag along, I’ll tell you later. 
Kou: Anyways, Right now, its more important to go rescue M Neko Chan. 
Azusa: ...uh... Oh yea, about, Eve....
Azusa: Just now... I overheard....something really bad!
Azusa: The Vibora king and Eve, they are to be engaged!
Kou: Huh?! Why!
Kou: I definitely can’t allow that! I’ll never forgive him! Allowing something like that to occur....!
Azusa: Ye-Yea... So we should definitely do something....
Kino: Well... I dont know if we can do anything? 
Kou: What did you say?
Kino: Right now, in the Underworld, everyone wants Eve. Her very existence is rare and precious. 
Kino: The word of her having the heart of the daughter of the demon king because of Karlhienz is spreading. 
Kino: Kou, just like how you are a celebrity in the normal world,  your girlfriend is just as famous in the demon world. 
Kino: Every man here wants your girlfriend’s hand in marriage.
Kino: It seems that she is a suitable person for anyone of status in the demon world. 
Kou: ...uh...!
Azusa: So.. Kou seem to really care for Eve...
Azusa: This is going to be dificult...with all those people who want Eve...? 
Kino: Hmmm... since its practically impossible, we shouldn’t even try. 
Kino: Unless of course, we are able to recieve the power and strength. 
Kino: Having her doesn’t mean anything unless you have power. 
Kino: ....Kou, even you can understand that, right?
Kino: Eve can only make someone Adam if he is something close to one of the demons. 
Kou: ......
Azusa: ...You dont need to listen to what Kino is saying....
Kou: ....I’m not worried. Sorry for taking your time. 
Azusa: ...Kou...
Kino:  Well, you cant be worrying about this forever. We cant go help if you are undecisive yourself. Hahaha.
Kou: ...ugh...
Kino: I dont care if you’re angry with me, after all, shouldn’t you guys go save Eve? 
Kino: Its not like I know where she is or anything~
Kou: Huh?! Reallu?!
Kino: Its something like that. If you just look for signs, its easy. 
Kino: The Vibora king, Tsbaik, inside his room, there’s a balcony. It seems like theres something there. 
Azusa: Is... that true...?
Kino: What? You think I would lie?
Azusa: Well I mean, weren’t you the one who attacked hte Sakamaki family...?
Azusa: ....Because of that....I cant trust what you say since you have no credibility to me....
Kou: ...Its ok, Azusa, Here, I can believe what Kino says.
Azusa: B-But....
Kou: Its alright. Since I’ve acted before, and since I’ve been with him for a while, I can tell whether he’s lying or not. 
Azusa: ...Understood. I will believe him on your behalf....
They all leave the room
Scene Change: A Different Bedroom
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Tsbaik: Eve, is there any inconvenience here?
Yui: N-No. I’m fine. 
Yui: (...I dont know why but I feel uncomfortable and awful here.)
Yui: (Even though Tsbaik is kind to me, it still strikes me as odd...)
Yui: (I feel like I’ll never be able to leave this room, since I’m still a captive here. But I cant do anything about it.)
Yui: Hey... Tsbaik. Could I go outside for a bit to get some air?
Tsbaik: Eh? Of course. I’ll go with you. 
Yui: (As I thought, he’ll never leave me alone.)
Yui: ( I dont know what Azusa and Kou are doing... I cant understand it....)
Yui: (I’m going to need to make up for lost time the next time I see him...!)
Yui: Uh hey... Before we go outside, I want to change my clothes, If thats alright with you.
Yui: It will only be brief. So, could you please wait outside?
Tsbaik: I understand. But....
Tsbaik grabs her hand
Yui: ...uh! Tsbaik!
Yui: (He squeezed my hand?!)
Tsbaik: I’ll help you with changing. It will be faster, after all. 
Yui: N-No. Thats....
Yui: (I hate this...!)
Yui: (I dont know if I’ll be able to get through all of this....)
Screen goes black
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Kou: (Wh..Whats this?!)
Kou: (The Vibora king.... He’s holding her hand...!)
Kou: (When I was just trying check up on her to see how she was, I saw this! This is unbearable!---)
Azusa:----Kou, you’re going to need to be patient....
Kou: Uh! But....
Azusa: It’ll be alright....just wait. Because Tsbaik will have to leave the room at some point....
Scene Change: Yui is alone in the Bedroom
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Yui: Haa...
Yui: (Somehow... I was able to get him to wait outside, however, only to buy some time.)
Yui: (Through this time gap...maybe I can try to escape now----)
Door opens
Yui: ---Ah?!
Kou, Kino, and Azusa appear
Yui: Eh...Kou, and also Azusa.... and who is...
Kou: ----Yui!
Kou runs up to her and hugs her
Kou: I finally get to see you...! I’m sorry, for making you worry...!
Yui: ah... It should be me saying sorry, But, I’m glad that you are safe...!
Azusa: ....
Kino: He..y. We’re here too. We should probably leave soon?
Kou: Ah.. Yea thats right. Sorry....
Kou steps away
Yui: (This unknown person... who is it...?)
Yui: Hey, Kou, Who’s him..?
Kou: Uhhhmm... He goes by Kino, But, its a long story! I’ll tell you all of it later!
Kou: We need to get out of here quickly befor the king comes back!
Kino: Well, we’re gonna leave to somewhere far away, cause it would be troublesome to anger the Vibora king. 
Kou: Far away.... Will that work?
Kino: Proabably. I know a place that the Vibora king wont think to look for us in. 
Kou: ...Understood.
Yui: ( Eh? Kou believes what he says..?)
Azusa: Eve. Just now, You know what Kou and him said, right? We’ll do that....
Azusa: Until the circumstances are right, tthats what we’ll do. We'll explain it all then...
Yui: Ok.
Yui’s Monologue
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I didn’t quite understand but, All four of us jumped out of the castle. 
On the way, Me and Azusa wondered what kind of person Kino is. I only heard of what Kou and Kino did together. 
Overall, I was surprised. Kino wants to bring despair to Karlhienz. He was the vampire who attacked the Sakamaki family. 
And of all the things I heard about him, when I heard that Kino and Kou worked together I couldn’t hide my shock and what I thought. My face said it all.
But even so,  I listened to Kino’s story of his past. Kou and Kino seem to have felt similiarly.
And then----......
As we escaped, Kino showed us to where he lived with the ghouls in Rotigenberg.
Even though it was desolate, and filled with madness, it was still somewhere to stay. 
It smelled of rot and decomposition, and we were still unintentionally raising our eyebrows in discomfort. 
There was a chronic smell of decomposing trees. But it seemed that Kino and the others didn’t seem to mind it. 
Yui”s Monologue Ends
Scene Change: Field 
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Kino: Fufu. Are you all surprised? For a ghoul, this is all their reality. 
Kou: uhh...!
Kino: Demons automatically discriminate against me, I had no other choice but to live here. 
Kino: Either way, this is the safest place you could possibly stay in. Any other race wont want to step anywhere near here. 
Kino: There’s some empty houses around here that you can use. 
Azusa: Well then, Kino...Could you perhaps lend me and them seperate rooms.....
Kino: I dont mind, but you dont want to be together with them? 
Yui: Ok then, But how come?
Azusa: Because you two seem happy to see each other, I dont want to disturb you two. 
Kou: Wai, Azusa! You wont get in the way of anything....
Azusa: Its alright. Now, you and Eve will be able to properly talk to each other.
Kou: ..Yea. Thank you, Azusa. 
Yui’s Monologue
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For the first time, thanks to Azusa, I was able to spend time together with Kou. 
Making up for lost time, we cuddled while talking about what happened to us in the time we were apart. 
I found what Kou was telling me very interesting. 
But at the same time, I knew reality was bound to hit soon. And that our happiness would be in trouble again soon, as I got that awful pain in my chest again. 
Now that Tsbaik knows I have escaped, what will Tsbaik do? 
So far, Kino has been showing us around, but I dont know what his real intention could be. 
And also, Ruki and Yuma will be waiting for us in Eden. 
While I’m together with Kou, I want to avoid reality. 
Yui’s Monologue Ends
Scene: Ghoul’s Living Room 
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Yui: ....
Kou: ....Whats wrong? You’re silent.
Yui: Hey, Kou. I wonder about what will happen to us. 
Yui: I am glad that we were able to see each other....Since after all, I was so worried. 
Kou: Sorry, I dont understand.
Kou:...ha... But, I’m sure it’ll all be fine!
Kou comes closer
Kou: I’ll definitely never let you go. 
Kou: Because, as long as we’re together, we can tackle anything, right?
Yui: Yep.
Yui: (Thats right.)
Yui: (I can believe what Kou says. I’m no longer going to be alone....)
Dark Epilogue ♥ Maniac 01
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d3ndroica · 7 years ago
Big Apple 5
Part 1     Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    
They traded texts. Sometimes the other was busy, and no reply would come, or replies were so sporadic it didn’t amount to much. But every few days or so, there would be an actual conversation. Usually it wasn’t about anything important. Something a roommate did, a news story, or some other random topic.  
It was Friday. Madge was bored, waiting for cells to incubate in the lab so she could finish an assay. She had time to kill. Her thoughts had strayed to something that had needled her. She picked up her phone. Set it down. Picked it up.
Madge 4:14pm So I have a question
Gale 4:17pm um ok? Madge 4:17pm So. Do you have a different safety text if you like, bring someone home? Or go home with someone else?
Gale 4:20pm hot date?
Madge 4:21pm ha. No really it makes sense right? What if something happens
Gale 4:22pm  um dont take someone home if you’re worried about your safety
Madge 4:23pm Right. Because rape only happens in back alleys with strangers. Or I could just join a nunnery so then i’ll never have to worry about my safety ever again anyway
Gale 4:24pm that would be shakespearean level tragic (the nunnery part, rape is always tragic) You’re talking a whole new level of safety text i hadn’t thought  of. I guess you could have suffix emojis? There’s always 🍆 and 🌮  If you wanted to share that info
Madge 4:26pm  Holy shit really? I’m at work you know
Gale 4:27pm  yeah i’m working too who cares what did you think I would say?
Madge 4:27pm IDK I never understood the 🌮 thing   I mean, why not a good old fashioned pussy right? 😻
Gale 4:28pm   Are your coworkers reading your texts? Tell them I want to eat your 😻 See how maybe could be taken the wrong way Do you know how many people have pet cats?
Sometimes he did this. She wasn’t sure exactly what it was or if it was even on purpose. Flirting because it was just normal to him. Teasing her. Whatever it was, she tried to ignore it. She really did. Unsuccessfully, because holy shit. And it seemed to be escalating. And maybe she wanted it, and that was why she brought up things like  🌮 versus  ���. But still. It was a dangerous game to play with someone she couldn’t date.
Madge 4:29pm  OMG you are nuts so, I get the pet cat thing  But tacos are a thing too  Like taco tuesday? I love taco tuesday, and I might want to invite people to eat actual tacos  I could probably talk my roomie into it, she’s all about her latinx heritage I should be able to use 🌮 without people thinking it’s a come on
Gale 4:29pm um yeah “come eat my 🌮🌮” is probably a bad way to invite people to dinner
Gale 4:32pm  🍒?  And don’t say you want to invite people over to eat cherries I thought you didn’t use emojis
Madge 4:35pm Hey I’m learning the local ways. Gotta try to fit in in a new city right?  Well there’s no pie emoji anyway is there? So I guess I’d have to settle for typing out words.
Gale 4:36pm  words  what are those  that sounds impossible 🙄  almost as bad as phone calls
Madge 4:36pm ha right. phone calls. Cressida talks on the phone a lot actually, it’s weird. Maybe autocorrect cant handle multilingual convos? OR MAYBE it’s because she can’t text people about 🌮!  Shit that sounds racist.  😳 It is funny though That there are people all over town sending texts about their 🍆🍆 and 🌮🌮    Like sex is so embarrassing we can’t admit is what we want Also now i want tacos
Gale 4:39pm Didn’t this all start because you wanted an emoji for sex
Madge 4:40pm huh Wait, no. I mean, yes it applies to sex. But it’s broader than that. The whole safety text thing makes sense. I mean I get it, going out drinking, dancing, big city, late nights. There are some risks there and so when those risks don’t apply, you say so. And it’s more fun than a bunch of “home safe” messages. I never said sex. You made it about sex.
Gale 4:42pm  You can say what you want but I know you’re just looking for a sex emoji. Why else would you be going home with someone at 2am?
Madge 4:44pm I just want to understand the protocols here. Like, if I am safely to where I will be for the night but it’s not home? Do I include that? Is there a second safety text in the morning? Or if someone comes home with me, that’s like, an additional risk factor. With or without the sex. So fine let’s assume it’s for sex, then it’s a bit braggadocious to be like “🖕⛄️ 🐸 I’m about to have sex now”
Gale 4:45pm  Braggadocious????????? Are you kidding me?? You and your big words don’t steal my emojis 🖕⛄️ 🐸  = MINE and isn’t it still bragging no matter how you say it?
Gale 4:48pm isn’t this whole thing dehumanizing anyway? Just send 👩‍❤️‍ 👩 or 👩‍❤️‍ ❤️‍👨 or whatever. no sex needed. for the record from now on I want to be referred to as 🤵🏽
Madge 4:49pm lol You know that’s supposed to be a groom like for a wedding right?
Gale 5:16pm you want  🌮🌮 tonight?
Madge 5:19pm Yes Dammit.
Gale 5:22pm <link1> or <link2> your pick
Madge clicked on the links. One was for “street taco” and the other was for a lesbian bar called “cubbyhole.”  Thank God her phone was not on the office wifi.
Madge 5:25pm Haha so funny Meet @ 9? I’m stuck here awhile.
Gale 5:26pm deal  I’ve always wanted to go to cubbyhole you think they’ll let me in if I’m with you?
When Madge arrived at “Street Taco” which was actually a festively decorated sit-down taqueria, the place was packed. Gale was already there, hunched near the doorway waiting for a table and looking at his phone. Wearing layers starting with a button-down collared shirt, followed by a dark sweater, and ending with a winter coat, he looked different, practically cleancut. Suddenly she felt a wave of shyness, but she threw that feeling aside, walked over and nudged his elbow.
He gave her a sidelong glance. “Hey,” he said with a small smile, still typing something with his thumbs. A moment later he pocketed the phone.
“Why do people eat so late here?” She grumbled.
“Because nobody works 9 to 5 in this city?” Gale suggested. “Congratulations - looks like you’re becoming a New Yorker. Why were you at work so late on a Friday night anyway?”
“Typical lab work,” Madge said. She started to explain but the hostess had buzzed Gale’s phone. Their table was ready. 
Once they were seated Gale looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Don’t tell me you’ve given up on the librarian look already?” he questioned.
She bit back a smile. “I’m just saving it for work now. It’s amazing how effective a frumpy cardigan and sneakers can be. That, and I’m wearing a lab coat half the time anyway.” Now that he’d shed his winter coat, she realized why he looked different. He’d gotten a haircut.
“Right, lab coats. What were you saying about work?”
Madge tried to explain it briefly. “So, we have a lot of protocols that require incubation periods between each step. Some stages can sit overnight and others can’t so you work out the best schedule but there are always long days. I’m actually lucky I haven’t had to go in on the weekend yet.”
“Well I guess finding the cure for cancer isn’t going to be easy,” Gale joked.
Madge groaned. “You did not just say that.”
Madge retorted. “The Cure for cancer? Are you serious? So, that’s a total misconception. There is no research targeting *quote* A cure for cancer. It’s not one disease. It’s a whole bunch of diseases that are lumped together.” She huffed and counted on her fingers,”Lymphomas and leukemias and sarcomas and tumors just for a start - and none of those are just one disease with a simple cure waiting to be found either.”
“Okay,” Gale replied.
Madge realized she was rambling and on her soapbox but she couldn’t stop herself. “It’s just one of those things that people don’t get and it’s really frustrating. I mean, telling people I work on pharmaceutical effects on the cellular regulation of apoptosis in diseased cells it would make no sense to anyone outside the field.” Proof in point, she knew from his expression it meant nothing to him. She continued, “so I say, hey I work on cancer drugs, but then people get this idea that we’re gonna find some magical solution that cures everything and that’s not how it works.”
Gale smirked. “Definitely not easy then.”
“Fine. I shouldn’t have brought it up anyway,” Madge frowned. “It’s just been a long day.”
“Well, I like you explaining it. Even if it sounds like greek to me. I don’t know jack about that stuff.”
They checked out the menu and ordered food. It didn’t take long to get their food, which slowed down the conversation. Gale asked how things were going with her phone-obsessed roommate, but really Madge had no complaints about Cressida. They didn’t even interact that much, at least not yet. Gale apparently had two roommates in a 3-bedroom apartment. They’d all met playing soccer and apparently got on fairly well.
“Have you seen Thom lately?” Madge asked. Thom had asked her all about Gale and what she thought after their last dinner together. Eventually Madge had told him he should just talk to Gale if he was so curious. She couldn’t see Thom and Gale together now, despite their history, but she felt maybe she owed it to Thom to pry a bit.
“We talked last week I think,” Gale guessed, sounding casual.  “I take it you two are pretty close?”
“Yeah, you know, college bonding. Late nights. We’ve both needed someone ..  He’s my guy, you know? I mean, my platonic guy friend guy. Obviously.”
“How did you meet him?” he asked.
“Theater program. I worked tech backstage,” she explained. “So we were in the same dorm freshman year but we really bonded during A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum that spring.”
“Only backstage?” He was teasing her. “Did you figure you’d had your 15 minutes of fame? Princess?” 
Madge rolled her eyes. “Funny. So my acting coach for the pageants told me my acting was ‘pedestrian’ and I guess I decided that was a good thing. Backstage was more fun anyway. Like in Forum, Thom didn’t have that big a role, so he had lots of time to hang out backstage.”
“And you’ve been BFFs ever since?” Gale joked. 
“Sort of. I don’t think either one of us realized it when school ended. We just knew it was sad to go home. Then we talked all the time that summer. I had some stuff going on and he came out to his family, so I guess it was a pretty eventful year.”
“Was it hard for him? Coming out?”
Madge shrugged. “I guess so, yeah. Isn’t it always? He can tell you. But I don’t think his parents were that surprised? It was more the extended family.” Madge felt a little uncomfortable talking about Thom’s outing, so she turned the tables. “It’s gotta be tough though. I mean, you’ve been there. Was yours hard?”
Gale paused. “Well, yeah. Coming out was hard. You stand on the precipice so many times before you finally just do it, because no matter what your mom says, you’ve heard all this shit about it being a choice and burning in hell. School, church, fucking little league coaches.” Gale sighed. “I hoped it would be easier for Thom though. He was so sure of who he was and you know, the whole theater thing. I just felt like I was lost in the woods, waiting for some sign.  We barely knew gay people existed in high school. Where we came from, we’d never even heard the word bisexual, let alone pan. It was confusing. Took me awhile to figure out that I didn’t have to choose gay or straight.”
Madge almost choked on her taco. “You’re -” she cut herself off. PAN! Pansexual! Her mind screamed it at her. In all honesty she wasn’t sure exactly what that meant but she was pretty sure it was something like bisexual. There was no way she was going to admit her ignorance now. Plus he’d just laid down some pretty serious stuff and her first reaction was to his orientation. Not cool. Quickly she tried to cover. “I mean, yeah. That sucks. You came out as pan though? I just didn’t think about you coming out. As pan. To your family. Are they ...” She paused to take a long sip of her drink. “Are they supportive?”
“I’m so blessed there,” Gale had apparently been distracted enough by everything else he’d just said to realize that being pan was a revelation to her. “My mom,” he told her, “is amazing. It was definitely hard for her - I mean she is deeply religious and by then I’d brought home a few girlfriends. She’s 100% supportive though. She tries so much.”
“That’s good,” Madge said weakly. She was getting way too much new information here and was having trouble keeping up.
After a minute Gale added, “you’re right though. I think a lot of pan people only ever come out partway. They say they’re bi or gay or straight, if they can. But when I finally figured out that there was a name for my feelings, I couldn’t give that up.”
“Right,” Madge agreed. “You shouldn’t have to. It’s like Thom says. You do you.” 
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