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kounfetti · 3 years ago
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ghostykae -> kounfetti
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
Hey! 💘💐 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💐💘
Omg yes u too 🥺💓
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Paraselene] Vol. 3: Kou Mukami Translation
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Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃 😼 I impulsively wanted to do something for halloween so, here’s this translation! I’m the least confident in my audio translation skills so excuse any errors there might be!  As always, please no reposting onto other sites, just link back to this post-and ask me before translating this into other languages!
The audio is from here: ☆
Track 1: “Our Time Together��
Thank you so much everyone! I feel really good about this new song! 
Aah, I’m beat. Aah, M Neko-chan! Hey, hey~ You listened to my song, right? How was it? I did really well, didn’t I? Haha, really? Aww, thank you! *he hugs you* Come on, I just want to unwind after working so hard.
I feel like I haven’t seen M Neko-chan in a really long time. I feel so tired. My manager is really awful, you know? Because of that song, my schedule got all taken up. So, I didn’t get to see you for so long. But, I understand. Of course I think idol work is important too. 
But, you know whats the most important to me? *he kisses you*  It’s you, M Neko-chan. It’s fine! Since I said my girlfriend would be coming, my manager made sure there wouldn’t be anyone backstage. So~ Won’t you give me a reward for working so hard? Your blood~ You’ll give me some, right? 
It’s fine~ No one is going to come in here and find us. There’s no way they’ll interrupt us. And, you know, it’s inevitable that I’ll suck your blood. I’ll make you feel real~ good, just be obedient. Now say, “I want you to suck my blood”, okay? I want to hear it from you~ 
Eh? You’re not gonna say it? You really think so? It’s easy, isn’t it? You just have to say “suck my blood.” Right? *you say it* Well said~ Now, as you wish, I’ll suck lots of your blood. 
You look so happy right now. You’re that happy that I’m sucking your blood? Your neck is getting red. There’s no need to be embarassed, you know? Hey, don’t look away. Look at me. Aren’t you stubborn? 
What a nice scent~ Smells tasty. Hey, It’s fine if I eat you all up like this, right? Hahah, I’m kidding. I can’t flirt around with M Neko-chan like that right now. So, instead I’ll take lots of your blood. Hey, don’t move your head away. If you don’t look at me properly, I’ll have to give you a punishment, okay? But, you like being punished, don’t you? 
I’m wrong? You heard what I said. Make sure to look at me. This time, I’ll take some from here. No? But, I haven’t had my fill yet. I still need more. Hey, you don’t hate me, do you? 
I haven’t seen you that much recently, so I felt bad. Since you didn’t get to see that often, I was starting to think that you’d prefer some other guy over me. I thought maybe you wouldn’t come today. Nevermind, I’m sorry you had to hear that. 
Really? That’s a relief. I really~ like you too, okay? You’re the one I love the most in the world. 
Okay, M Neko-chan, you first. Glad to have seen you today, see you later! *closes the door* Alright, let’s go, okay? What’s wrong? There’s a mist, and...Huh, the moon...It looks really strange? It looks like there’s two of them? I don’t think you’re doing so well. Let’s hurry and go inside. M Neko-chan, why are you so dizzy all of a sudden? 
What’s happening? All of a sudden, my head...agh.
Track 2: “Valuable Memories”
Huh? Is this my room? When did I get here? I remember my head started hurting outside of the house, but then... M Neko-chan, did my brothers carry me here? M Neko-chan? What’s wrong? You look dizzy.
*sighs* Hey, what were you saying before? Not knowing who I am, or remembering where you are? Cut it out. I’m the super popular idol, Mukami Kou! This is our house, and before now I was recording my new song. Okay? You’re not mad, are you? You got annoyed because you weren’t seeing me because of my job, right? So, you’re pretending as if you don’t remember me. I’m sorry. I’ll try not to make you so lonely. Forgive me, please? 
Maybe I have to prove it with my actions? *kisses you* Maybe I have to do it again? *you push him* Huh, what are you doing? You’re still mad? Hey, don’t don’t talk to me like that! It’s “Kou”, okay? Cut it out, I’m not some stranger.  [TN: You call him あなた/“you” because you don’t know who he is, and he thinks that’s rude.]
I told you to cut it out! You’re really gonna piss me off at this rate. Stop struggling and be obedient! You couldn’t have just forgotten me! If you keep acting like this I’ll make it hurt. Like this! Huh? Because I’m a vampire. I just decided I wanted some blood. 
Why are you so surprised? Your expression... Hurry up and tell me that you’re lying! Huh. You’re still gonna act like you don’t know me? Guess I have no other options then, huh. I know I said I wouldn’t use this eye anymore but, since you’re not gonna tell me then...! *uses his eye* Huh, what’s this? You really don’t remember me? 
This can’t be...Why? How? But you said we’d always be together! How could’ve you forgotten? Stop messing around! You’ve forgotten everything we’ve done together? What do you mean by that? I don’t get it. Was it really that easy to forget you loved me?
I won’t forgive you! I can’t forgive that. *bites you* At all costs, I’ll make you remember. Your strongest memory has to be the pain I make you feel, so, I’ll suck your blood. Surely, soon you’ll...What are you saying? I’m trying to make you remember. So, just be obedient. Hurry and remember! *buzzing sound* I’ll make you remember... I’ll do whatever I have to! 
Track 3: “Rejection”
Huh, this is... The living room? When did I...Right, M Neko-chan! Where are you? They aren’t here? Maybe I overdid it. But, she really didn’t end up remembering. Even though, just a moment ago we were backstage. How did this happen? I need to make her remember soon. This is really grossing me out. 
I finally found you. You were hanging out here? Wait, don’t run away! Really, I don’t know what got into me! I’m really sorry. I’m more calm now. I don’t want you to be scared of me, okay? Have your memories come back? Not yet.. Don’t run away! I won’t do anything. I know that’s hard to believe because of what happened earlier. 
Right! ...How about we eat together? Now that we’ve made up, I could really go for some of your vongole bianco right now. Right, you don’t remember. It’s my favorite, and you used to make it really well. Normal;y I could ask Ruki to make it but he’s not here, or anyone else for that matter. They didn’t tell me they were going anywhere tonight... Anyways, if you forget how to make it, there should be a recipe around here somewhere. Maybe you’ll be able to remember something if you make it, so, please! 
Your expression...You’re still pretty guarded right now, aren’t you? You feel as if you could set me off at any moment, right? Well, we don’t need to worry about that right now, let’s just focus on eating something. Hmm...Ruki’s recipe should be somewhere around...Found it! Here you go~ Hey, I’ll just stay over here so I won’t bother you. Thanks! Make some tasty vongole bianco, okay? 
I feel like it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you cook. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t come home to eat. Hey, I can help, you know. I can cut the ingredients. If you say so. 
Hey, have you remembered anything? Not yet...Let’s see...*he hugs you* Don’t be so surprised, it’s just for a little bit. I won’t interfere with your cooking. Hey, move your hands. You have to move around to cook, you know. Hah? Maybe what I’m doing is making you nervous? M Neko-chan is so cute~ 
But, we’ve done this many times before. You really like my hugs, don’t you? Have you remembered anything yet? You still haven’t been able to remember any strong memories. 
Hey, if pain won’t work, what about I try something else? This time, I’ll sweetly suck you blood~ *he kisses you* From here. It’ll be fine. I’ll make you feel real good~ Besides, what if you end up remembering. *he bites* Your blood still tastes the same, and it’s still you. How come your memories haven’t returned yet? 
Hey, why did you forget? You don’t know either? Well, it won’t matter once you get your memories back. Hey, before I sucked a lot of blood from your neck, so, maybe I should try somewhere else? Maybe your shoulder? *he bites* Wait, stop moving, it’ll hurt more if you do that. I’m trying to make you feel good. You still don’t remember? You like when I do this, don’t you? 
You’re crying, M Neko-chan. Is it that good? It’s not? It’s weird? Even though I was trying to do it nicely...Your body is stiff, so it’s not my fault it hurts. Calm down, I want to make you enjoy this. 
*you push him* That’s why I’m telling you to stop moving! Why? I’m trying to give you your desired sweet pain.Why don’t you like it? Ow! My hand...It’s okay, my hand will heal quickly. M Neko-chan, you really don’t like my touch that much? You’re scared? I guess that’s because I’m a stranger to you still, right? You’re not the same person who loved me. *buzzing sound* Again? Don’t come near me! I don’t need your sympathy! What's going on? *he falls down*
Track 4: “Unchangeable”
Eh? I’m in my room? Why? The window is open, so it’s cold in here. It still looks like there’s two moons. And, the night doesn’t seem to be getting any shorter either. I want to see the blue sky...! Why did something like this have to happen? I didn’t think being forgotten would affect me so much. 
What should I do to bring the memories back? I don’t want to stay with this feeling...! If the memories never come back, then... If that happens...I would have to give up at that point...
Who is it? Ruki, is it you? M Neko-chan? Why are you here? Eh? Were you looking for me? You’re still a bit scared of me, though. The injury from before? You’re worried about it? You don’t need to apologize. I’m a vampire, so I can heal quickly. So, everything’s fine. 
And, my body is littered with other injuries, so. Right. You don’t remember. It’s nothing! You don’t need to worry about that. It’s fine, really! I’ve already given up. You won’t remember anything. There’s nothing else I could do at this point. You don’t like me, so, there’s no point in it. You know I told you that you can leave aready. Why aren’t you moving? 
I’m telling you its fine! I don’t care about what you do anymore. Now, hurry and go. Why? You were pushing me away so much before. I could go without your sympathy. Huh? Even though your memories are gone...you can tell I look sad? 
I just decided to give up... Don’t get so close, I could suck your blood at any moment. Don’t do that. You want to know more about me? Why? Right, well we were boyfriend and girlfriend. But, it looks like you’ve truly forgotten about that. The person who you love forgetting about you, is sad for anyone. 
But, I’m just a stranger to you now. So you shouldn’t care about whether you’re hurting me or not. M Neko-chan...you really care about people, you know? You don’t need to worry about hurting me. You don’t have your memories back, so... But, it’s fine if you don’t remember. I told you before, I’ve given up. 
There’s no guarantee that I’ll be able to get your memories back, so. And, this would be your chance to find someone new. I’m just some vampire that grew up alone. I’m sure you can find someone who’s kinder and will treat you well. 
Why? After I did all those awful things to you? I scared you...What do you mean? Even though you don’t have your memories you know I’m not a bad person? ...I don’t need your sympathy. ...Really? If you really want me to then, I’ll tell you. I’m a vampire now, but I used to be a human. I didn’t grow up with a mother, so I lived in a manhole. 
It was a horrible place. I couldn’t eat because I had no money, so I had to look through trash. If I had money, I would go buy something sweet like bread. ...But food wasn’t enough to satisfy me. I always felt as if I would die this way. One day, some people found me and brought me to the orphanage. 
In that orphanage...it was just as bad as the manhole. Aristocrats would give us money if we were beautiful. I was super popular back then, and because of that I got beat often. I thought that if I made myself ugly that they would let me go, but it didn’t work. But, later on I met Ruki and the others. And I became who I am now. Do you get the type of person I am now? I do awful things, and on top of that I’m a vampire. 
If you were to remember me, I’m not sure that you would find any nice memories. And you would end up regretting remembering anything at all. Hey, you’re not... Lift your face. Even though you don’t remember me, you’re crying. Those tears...they’re out of pity, right? 
I’m right, aren’t I? Why, all of a sudden...Eh? No, I’m not gonna cry. It’s enough if you’re crying for the both of us. Hey, your eyes are getting red. If you cry too much, then your face will get irritated. I usually like when you cry, but... not right now. Eh? I’m crying? Really? I’m actually crying... I guess anything’s possible when I’m around you, but...
I’m glad. Even though you don’t remember me, you’re still the person I fell in love with. You’re kind...
I’ve decided I can’t give up yet. I can’t let you forget about me, because I still love you...Okay, let’s start over. Nice to meet you, M Neko-chan. Hey, can I kiss you? Thanks! *he kisses you* I love you. 
It still doesn’t look like dawn will come soon. It’s not that I hate the night time, but, I want to see the blue sky soon. I like looking at the sky. But, it hasn’t seem to change a bit. So, I was thinking that I wanted to look at the sky with you, but... Eh? Thanks. It makes me happy that you think the same way. That rose...
*he picks the rose* Here, M Neko-chan, this is for you. I don’t want you to have that sad expression. Here you go~ You’re welcome! I finally got your spirits up for a bit. Hey, I’m sorry for doing all those awful things. I love you, and the thought that you could’ve forgotten about me...I just couldn’t believe it. But, let’s not think about that! We can make new memories together. 
Thank you! I like you and  I love you, M Neko-chan. Hey, if you let me suck your blood it shouldn’t hurt. *he bites* It’s warm...I want more. Do you feel good? I’ll suck lots of your blood...
This time, I’ll take some from here...You;re not resisting like before. Hm? What is it? Don’t be quiet, tell me. Do you not like the way I’m sucking your blood?  So, what do you think? Tell me? Don’t be embarassed, it’s just me. 
Tell me you feel good. It’s easy, okay? Please? What is it, just say it. I can’t hear you. Heh, well said. As your reward, I’ll make you feel even better. I want to suck some blood from your arm, it’s okay right? *he bites*
Huh? I’m starting to get all dizzy...But I can’t stop yet. You think so too, right, M Neko-chan? You want more of my fangs. Your expression is so cute... As you wish, I’ll suck some more. Leave it all to me. *buzzing sound* Right now? Still? I’m fine... It’ll pass. Thank you...
Track 5: “Dawn”
Huh? M Neko-chan, are you okay? What’s wrong? You’re not in pain, are you? Where does it hurt? Eh? You remember now? Really? You remember everything now? I’m so happy! I was starting to think you’d never get your memories back, but they did. I’m so happy! You don’t need to apologize. I’m happy enough with you remembering me. 
Eh? What? Oh, it is starting to get brighter outside. I can finally see the sky. It’s so pretty...maybe our wishes have been heard. Let’s go look up close. I’ll take you out to fly. *he grabs you* Hold on tight, okay? I feel as if it’s the first time I’ve seen the sky. This is the biggest happiness I’ve felt! I love you. 
I’m so tired today too. Just when your memories come back, I get overloaded with work. It’s not fair! “It can’t be helped”? It’s not good to accept that so easily. I know it’s my job, but I don’t want to leave my girlfriend alone. Maybe I’ll quit being an idol? Kidding. But, I don’t like not being able to see you. What about you? 
You feel the same way? I’m glad. Just let me know if you’re feeling lonely, and I’ll rush back. Of course, let’s do some more fun things. You’re blushing! That’s so cute~ Eh? The sky? The stars sure are pretty, but you said that to change the conversation, didn’t you? You’re easy to figure out, M Neko-chan. Besides, the sky we saw the other day was still prettier. I don’t like looking at the night sky ever since you lost your memories that day. That moon grossed me out. 
Right, I asked Ruki about the memory loss thing earlier. If we don’t know the cause, then it could happen again, and that would be troublesome. Ruki said that it could be the “paraselene syndrome.” It’s basically where you see illusions. Remember before you lost your memory, you saw that mist and the moon? It’s that.
When demons see that moon, that’s how they can get infected with the paraselene syndrome. It’s supposed to affect only demons, but because of your blood it could have been that. It’s crazy that the moon was the cause of all this. But, thankfully, you were able to go back to your normal self. If you had completely forgotten about me, that would’ve been horrible. In that moment, I said that we should distance ourselves. But, as I thought, it’s impossible for me to forget about you. 
I love you more than anyone else. I want to be with you forever. You think so too? I’m glad...I’ll never let you go...We’ll be together forever. 
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Chaos Lineage] Kou Mukami Heaven Story Translation
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Please no reposting onto other sites, just link back to this post-and ask me before translating this into other languages!
Scene: Street at Night
Yui: Hah....
Yui: (Going home by myself is lonely. Kou's not here because of having to work overnight...)
Yui: (His photoshoot was taking longer than expected, so he said he wouldn't know what time he'd be returning home.)
Yui: (So...)
Phone noise
Yui: I haven't gotten any new texts, either.
Yui: (He must be busy with work, so he hasn't had time to text me...)
Yui: I want to go see Kou...
Yui: (Maybe if I check again later...)
Girl A: Hey, look over there!
Girl B: Kyaa--! It's Kou!
Yui: Eh...?
Loud music
Yui: (Ah...Kou is on the big screen over there. Is that commercial...new?)
Yui: (He's smiling while singing and dancing...fufu, he looks handsome.)
Girl A: Kou is so handsome, isn't he! I want a boyfriend like that too~
Girl B: Me too! Kou would make his girlfriend so happy.
Yui: (...He's super well-liked, it must be because he's an idol.)
Yui: (I'm glad to have seen Kou in the commercial but, I want to see the real thing.)
Yui: (Come home soon---)
Yui gets tackled, we can't see anything
Yui: Kyaa!?
Yui: (I can't see anything...!? Did someone cover my eyes---)
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???: Guess who~
Yui: (Eh? That voice...)
Yui: I-Is it you, Kou...?
Kou: Dadadadum~! Right on! 
Yui: (It's Kou after all...!)
Yui: K-Kou! Hey---
Kou: Shh! Don't let everyone else know I'm here! 
Yui: Ah...
Girl B: Eh? Just now, isn't that Kou...
Girl A: No way!? That's him, isnt it? That has to be Kou!?
Kou: Damn it!
Kou: M Neko-chan, we gotta run!
Yui: O-Okay!
Scene: Mukami Living Room
Yui: I'm really sorry...
Yui: (Since we were being that loud there's no way we wouldn't have gotten caught...)
Kou: It's fine. We were able to run away anyways. There’s no way we could’ve known. 
Yui: Oh, right. I thought you would message me as soon as you were coming back, what happened?
Yui: You didn't text me back, so did something happen?
Kou: About that, my manager took my phone up because he wanted me to focus on the photoshoot. 
Kou: And it was before I could even tell you, "I can't get in touch for a while." I know it's my job, but it shouldn't be taking over my life.
Yui: It was only that then.
Kou: After I finished up the photoshoot I wanted to go see you, so I figured that I would go surprise you.
Kou: So I headed back home without texting you.
Kou: But, I saw you on the way and got lucky.
Yui: Ah I see. So it was just by chance?
Yui: (Even though there were people around, I was happy...)
Yui: You said that work might take longer than expected, so I was already thinking that I wanted to see you as soon as possible. 
Kou: Did I make you happy?
Yui: Yeah...
Kou: Me too...I'm glad to see you. During the photoshoot I was only thinking about you.
Kou: I wanted to talk to you but I couldn't, so I got so lonesome...
Kou gets closer
Yui: Ah...
Yui: (Kou is hugging me...fufu, it feels like it's been a while since he's done that.)
Yui:..Right, I didn't even say it earlier. Welcome home, Kou.
Kou: I'm back...
He kisses her
Yui: (It's ticklish...)
Sound plays
Yui: Huh? That tune...
Kou: Hm? ....Ohh, that commercial was on already.
Yui: I saw it on the big screen too a while ago. It's really cool that its being shown everywhere.
Yui: (Ah...In the commercial, Kou just winked.)
Yui: The wink you did was really cute. You really look like an idol there.
Kou: Oh thats easy. I think anyone could do that, right?
Yui:..I don't think so.
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Kou: Are you saying that because...you can't?
Yui: Uh...W-Well I've never had a reason to...!
Yui: So, I think someone who us able to do it at will makes me a bit jealous. 
Kou: Ehh...then how about we practice together!
Yui: Eh? You'll show me?
Kou: Of course! Since I'm a pro, I'm the best person to teach you. ♪
Yui: Thank you! I wonder if I can take your word for it.
Kou: Leave it to me! We should start practicing right away. How about my room for a place?
Yui: Yeah thats fine!
Kou: Ok, you can go change and then meet me at my room.
Scene: Kou's Bedroom
Kou: Okay, let me see. 
Yui: Eh? That quick?
Kou: Well you can't just take my advice for it, you have to actually try it out for yourself. 
Yui: Y-Yeah, I know...
Yui: (Having to stare at him for a long while is embarassing...eek!)
Kou: Uwah....You're wrinking your brow. It's worse than I imagined. 
Yui: (He's really disappointed...!)
Yui: W-Wait! Let me try again! One, two...!
Kou: You closed both your eyes just now, right? That's not a wink.
Yui: Uhh...One more time! Once more, just give me another chance! 
Kou: Okay. I'll watch for as long as you're satisfied.
Yui: Thanks!
Yui: (It's fine, I just have to close one eye....Here goes!)
Time skip
Yui: (I can't even do it once...)
Kou: I'm truly shocked. I've never met a person who's this bad at winking. 
Yui: (Uh...)
Kou: Aah, sorry. Don't put on a sad face, okay?
Kou: You've got the best coach to help you.♪
Kou: But, I need to be harsh on you, if you want to do this in real life, you know~?
Yui: I guess that's true...
Kou: For each time you fail, I'll give you a kiss. 
Yui: Eeeh~!? A-A kiss...why!?
Kou: I'm not taking any criticisms. Surely now you won't fail, right?
Yui: I guess so...
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Kou: It's fine. As I promised, I’ll give you some advice. 
Yui: I-I know. I’ll try harder.
Kou: You can try tilting your head out a bit while you wink.
Kou: It'll get more difficult if you don't practice, so let's start now.
Yui: Am I moving my neck...right?
Kou: Nope, not at all~ Here's your kiss. 
He kisses her
Yui: ...!?
Kou: Okay, next try!
Yui: L-Like this...?
Kou: Ahahah! You closed both of your eyes! Here's your punishment....
Yui: (.....Huh? He's kissing me more deeply...)
Kou: Okay, time to try again!
Yui: O-Okay!
Yui: (I'm sure that if I concentrate, I'll be able to do it...!)
Yui: Eek!
Kou: Scary! Both of your eyes are half opened!! You're helpless, well time for more punishment.
Kou kisses more
Yui: (As I thought, he's kissing me deeper!!)
Yui: (The more I get it wrong, the deeper he kisses me!? I'm only gonna get more embarassed!)
Kou: Okay, try again! Make sure to try harder this time.
Time skip
Yui: Hah, hah...
Yui: (That kiss just now had to have been minutes long. This is only making me more nervous...)
Yui: (I'm only embarassing myself further, I don't think I can take it anymore...!)
Kou: Okay, try again---
Yui: I-I'm done! I'm giving up!
Kou: Eh--? You're really gonna give up?
Yui: Yeah...
Kou: Okay. Now...
Kou gets closer
Yui: Kya!?
Kou: You're a bad girl for giving up already, you know?...Hah....
Yui: (....His fangs are at my throat...)
Kou:...You got more nervous because of my kisses, right?
Kou: Thats why...your blood tastes so good right now...
Yui: (...Everytime he bites me, my heart starts beating so much...)
Kou:...Your eyes look dazed. Do you want me to suck your blood more?
Yui: Ah...Yeah...
Kou: Fufu, you're actually asking for it. I guess thats what I can expect from M Neko-chan.
Kou: As you wish, I'll suck your blood more...
Kou: Fufu, I really thought you were improving.
Yui: Eh...? Eeeh!?
Yui: (He did all this on purpose!? Thats just...!!)
Kou: I'm not letting you leave until you learn my lesson properly...
Scene: Mukami Hallway
Yui: Kou, can I come in?
Kou: Yeah, go ahead.
Scene: Kou’s Bedroom
Kou: What happened?
Yui: I want to show you something.
Kou: Show me what?
Yui: Yeah! I couldn't do it before, but....!
Kou: Ehh, that was great! Your wink was pretty good.
Yui: Fufu, right? I went and practiced by myself.
Yui: I can wink now!
Kou: I can tell your happy when you wink, thats so cute...
Yui: Eh? ---Wah!
Kou gets closer
Kou: Your winking is really cute, I don't want you showing that to any other guy.
Kou: That includes my brothers!
Yui: (Ah...He got jealous...)
Yui: (Fufu, If Kou tells me that I'm cute, then its good enough for me.)
Kou: Promise me, okay?...
He kisses her
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac 10 Translation + CG
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Please no reposting onto other sites, just link back to this post-and ask me before translating this into other languages!
Kou's Monologue
----The first day I visited the town of Kaminashi. The human world was completely different from how I remembered it. [TN: 神無/"Without god" would be the direct translation of the name that is mentioned, and it's read "Kaminashi" by Kou.]
The town, and the people---Everything that used to be there had faded away, and I didn't recognize anyone anymore. 
Kou's Monologue Ends
Scene: Street
Kou: This is...Kaminashi.
Yuma: Looks like we had a bit of an overstay in Eden...
Azusa: I wonder if we...still have a place...in this world...
Ruki: It's still the same place.
Kou: Ruki...
Ruki: It doesn't matter how different these people and their lives are. We still hold something that remains unchanged.
Ruki: Our bond as brothers will never waver. Correct?
Yuma: Well, that's right.
Kou: Right. Wherever we go, that will never change.
Flashback ends
Kou's Monologue
At that time, Ruki...Had given us all a huge relief.
Ruki always knew what was right...and someone I could rely on heavily. I'm sure that this time as well. I know that Ruki will do the right thing.
Kou's Monologue Ends
Kou: (But, right now...I can't be in the the same place as Ruki...)
Kou: (I know that much...We have a strong bond that even blood couldn't surpass it.)
Scene: Living Room
Yui: (...I know Kou wants to rush back to them.)
Yui: (I wonder if there's anything that I could do...)
Mertz: Excuse me, Yui.
Yui: Mertz...
Mertz: I know you've been worried so I came to check up on you.
Mertz: I dont think I should have said anything about the demon lord's castle being attacked...I was too careless.
Yui: No...don't say that. Thank you for letting us know.
Yui: Kou might be in a struggle right now but...it's better that he would have known. 
Mertz: Is it really better this way?
Yui: Has there been anything else that has happened in the demon world since then? How is the castle? What happened?
Yui: And how are all of them...?
Mertz: Nothing other than what I've already mentioned.
Mertz: This place is safe. There's no other place that could be safer. 
Yui: But...
Mertz: The best thing that you can do is stay here.
Mertz: As there's new developments, we'll be able to see if there's anything we can do. Until then, just sit tight.
Yui: (But...what about Ruki, Yuma, and Azusa.)
Mertz: It will be difficult, but its the best we can do for your safety. Just bear with me. It will be alright.
Mertz leaves
Yui: Our...safety.
Yui: (We're safe but...everyone else is at risk, and we can't do anything about it.)
Yui: I don't think thats right...
Yui: (I'm gonna tell him that he should go help Ruki.)
Yui: (I don't want Kou to regret something over me...I would hate that.)
We run out
Scene: Bedroom
Yui: Kou! ...He's not here. Where could he be...Oh!
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Kou: Ah, M Neko-chan...!
Yui: (Kou...He's about to go fly.)
Kou: It's not...I'm...How do I say it...
Yui: Were you about to go to the demon world alone...
Kou:...I'm sorry.
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♥Were you planning on leaving me?
Yui: Were you planning on leaving me?
Yui: I don't understand why your apologizing.
Kou: I promised that I would always be by your side and protect you. That's why...I'm sorry.
Kou: I thought that you would feel betrayed. 
💔I'm not mad 
Yui: I'm not mad. But...I'll be lonely. Don’t you want to be with me?
Kou:...It's not like that. But...I'm scared right now. 
Yui: Scared...?
Kou: I don't know what will happen. I don't know if they need help or not.
Kou: I'm scared...that if I go there with you I won't be able to protect you.
Yui: Don't misjudge the situation!
Kou: M Neko-chan...
Yui: Whatever you end up deciding, I want to be a part of it. I don't care how difficult or dangerous something may be.
Yui: But just tell me. Please.
CG Ends
Yui: Whatever happens, I'll be on your side...!
Kou:...Sorry. You're right.
Kou: I've said it too many times recently...but I mean it. I'm sorry.
Yui: No...I understand how you're feeling. I was about to tell you that you should go back to the demon world.
Yui: I didn't want you to to be in denial or regret your choice over me. 
Kou:...Yeah, me too. I don't want to regret choosing you.
Kou: They're my brothers. I know it could be dangerous, and thats why I can't abandon them.
Yui: Yeah...!
Kou: That's why I'll head out as soon as possible, you stay here...
Yui: I'm going too.
Kou: You can't! Right now, the demon world is in a dangerous state.
Yui: If it's dangerous, then its best I go too. We don't know if you'll end up needing my blood.
Kou: Yeah...but.
Yui: If you leave me here, then I'll be scared of never seeing you again...
Yui: I'd rather have any dangerous situation over the possibility of never seeing you again...
Kou: I'm not the only one who's going to be needing your blood. You know the founders are after it too.
Yui: It'll be fine. Because you'll be able to protect me.
Kou:...Seriously. I'm stubborn also but, you sure know how to talk.
Kou: I've lost this one. Let's go, Yui.
Yui: Kou...!
Kou: Just because I promised.
Yui: Yeah...!
Kou: Whatever happens, we'll be together... I'll never let you go. Stay by my side forever.
Yui: I will...No matter what.
Kou: Thanks, Yui.
Scene: Night sky
Kou: ----I'm about to lift off. Hold on tight.
Yui: Yeah!
Ending Monologue Selection
----We flew into the night. Leaning on each other's warmth, we flew into the darkness. 
I hung onto Kou's neck. No matter how hard the wind blew I never let go. 
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the ring that Kou had given me sparkle.
It was a lighthouse that illuminated the path. 
Correct Options #2 縋った /Hold on & #3 煌めき/Sparkling
Maniac 9 ♥ Maniac Epilogue
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac 09 Translation
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Scene: Bedroom
Yui: (The demon lord's castle was attacked... could it have been Shin and the others?)
Kou:..Ruki and everyone else could be in danger.
Yui: (Ruki, Yuma, and Azusa. Everyone else in the demon world right now...)
Mertz: Please wait.
Kou: Get out of my way!
Mertz: Where do you think you're going?
Kou: I've made up my mind!
Mertz: Going now would do nothing.
Kou: Huh..!
Mertz: You're a traitor to them. You're not someone who should be intervening for them right now. 
Mertz: You want to protect her, don't you? Thats why you had to leave everything behind.
Yui: (...It's true. He had to betray his brothers and the person who saved him just to be with me.)
Mertz: For now its best that you stay here calmly.
Kou:...I guess thats how it has to be.
Yui: (If it weren't for me, Kou would be rushing to return home...)
Yui: Kou, I...
Kou:---Stop. Don't even finish that thought. I chose you.
Yui: But...
Kou: What he said it true. Right now I'm not qualified to be concerned about them. 
Kou: Besides, they haven't worried about me. 
Yui: That's not true! Everyone, back then...they were worried about you.
Kou: Really. I think Ruki has surely given up by now. 
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💔I don't know...
Yui: I don't know... if Ruki has decided something like that. 
Kou: Yep, but Ruki will do what's best. That's fine.
Yui: Still...I'm sure he's still worried. He might be thinking that he can't do anything, but he would never abandon you. 
Yui: That's why you can't give up on him so easily either. I'm begging you. 
Yui: I don't want you to lose something so important to you, because of me...I would hate that. 
♥Don't say something like that...!
Yui: Don't say something like that..!
Kou:..Don't put on that sad face, you don't need to. This is our problem to handle.
Yui: Even though I hadn't stayed with you guys for a long time...It's easy to see.
Yui: You guys are important to each other, I know that.
Yui: They've been important to you for so long...That's why you can't just abandon them without thinking it through. 
Yui: That's why you shouldn't say something like that.
Yui: They're just as important to you as I am.
Kou:...I get it. Thanks. 
Mertz: How about this, we send a familiar to the demon world. 
Yui: We use a familiar...?
Kou:...Maybe we'll be able to see whether they're safe or not. 
Yui: (But, if everyone is hurt in the demon world, we won't be able to get there quickly...)
Mertz:...I'll be leaving. As I've said, please don't go to the demon world.
Mertz leaves
Scene: Living Room
Ruki:---Azusa, hand me that book over there.
Ruki: Azusa?
Azusa: I didn't hear...what you said...
Ruki:...What's wrong?
Yuma: Oi, Azusa. You should understand the position Ruki is in right now.
Azusa: Yuma...
Ruki: What are you talking about?
Yuma: Dummy. You know what I'm talking about. Sending a vampire hunter to deal with Kou.
Ruki:...It's about that? Azusa.
Azusa: I still don't think its the right thing to do...Kou...is a part of our family...
Azusa: Sending someone to kill Kou is wrong...I hate it.
Yuma:...Huh? Who’s familiar is that?
Ruki: Mine.
Ruki:...Wait, what?
Azusa: What's...going on?
Ruki: The Vibora castle was attacked.
Yuma: Wha...! Seriously!? But who could...
Ruki: It has to be the founders. It couldn't be anyone else other than them.
Yuma: The founders...those bastards!  What are we gonna do now, Ruki!?
Ruki: Calm down. This was inevitable. 
Ruki: This is why we must bring Eve back here as soon as possible.
Azusa: Eve...But what about Kou...
Ruki: We don't need to do anything right now. With this situation, Kou and Eve should be returning to the demon world soon. 
Ruki: It'll happen sooner or later...
Yuma:...That's why you let him leave so easily. You know that wasn't the right thing to do. 
Ending Monologue Selection
I'm Kou’s barrier. From wanting to fly home, holding his impulses in, and grounding him here. 
Having to choose what to leave behind, why does it have to be so painful?
----Love. Is it something that you can't get without making sacrifices? 
The balance is being constantly shaken. I felt as if I had made a deal with the devil. 
Correct Options: #1 楔だ/Wedge & #2 痛みと引き替え/In exchange for pain
Maniac 8 ♥ Maniac 10
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac 08 Translation
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Scene: Bedroom
Yui: Ah.. the water's warm temperature was just right.
Yui: (I wonder when the last time I took a bath like this was.)
Yui: (I finally get a moment of peace...all thanks to Mertz.)
Kou: Tch, I wanted to take a bath with you.
Yui: W-With me... 
Kou: It's alright, you know. There's nothing left that you could hide from me. 
Yui: (Why does he make everything sound so embarassing...Or is that just my mind.)
Kou: Ah, I've had enough.
Kou gets closer
Yui: Kya....!
Yui: K-Kou, you're heavy.
Kou:..You smell so nice. Your hair and body are so soft and smooth.
Yui: Kou... It's ticklish whenever you whisper into my ear.
Kou: It's okay for just a little bit.
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♥It is, but...
Yui: It's fine, but...
Kou: But...what?
Yui: If Mertz comes in, he'll think something else...So, we should be more modest.
Kou: What if I show you off to him instead?
Yui: N-No don't.
Kou: Hahah, kidding. I just wanted to see your expression after saying that.
Kou: You know I'm the only one you can show off to.
💔We shouldn't 
Yui: We shouldn't do this. Doing this in someone else's house...
Kou: But it's been such a long time since we've been able to have some peace.
Yui: Yeah, but...
Kou: Why not?
Yui: (I don't think he'll do anything too crazy, but...)
Kou: Anyways, this castle...even though its in the human world, it's giving me a creepy feeling. 
Kou: I wonder if that guy was actually serious when he said there was a special curse around here.
Yui: Yeah...He said that the founders wouldn't be able to find us here. That's a great relief.
Kou: I still dont trust that person.
Yui: Kou...
Kou: Besides, they're strong. I'm not saying that just because I lost. They're called the founders for a reason.
Kou: Nothing has happened yet....But, I'm sure they're gonna make their next move soon.
Yui: Yeah...
Kou:...But I dont want to think about all of that right now. I just want to embrace your body.
Kou kisses her
Kou: Nice voice...n...
Yui: (Kou...is kissing me so sweetly.)
Yui: (It's like whenever he usually sucks my blood...he's holding me softly.)
Yui: (...I feel warm. It feels so nice...)
Kou:...Hahah, your skin is all pink.
Yui: It's because I just got out of the bathtub...
Kou: Ah? Is it really just because of that?
Yui:...Kou, wait..!
Kou: You don't want to touch me?
Yui: It's not that, but...
Kou: But, what?
Yui: It's embarassing...
Kou: Hm, but I don't mind. 
Yui: Eh...! K-Kou...
Kou: Show me more of your blushing face.
Kou:..Hey, just a little longer...is fine right?
Kou: You can endure it. Just a little bit...
Yui: (Ah...his fangs are at my neck.)
Kou bites 
Yui: Ah...
Kou:...Ah, I need more... Damn, what is this...
Yui: (I'm getting dizzy...)
Yui: (I can't think clearly...How much further...)
Kou: I can't stop...just yet.
Yui: Ah...! 
Kou:..You're so pretty, Yui.
Kou: Does it feel nice?
Kou: I...feel really good too.
Kou: Ah, I can't go further, I feel like I could die.
Yui: Kou...
Kou:...Ah what'll I do...
Yui: Hahah...
Kou: Who are you laughing at.
Yui: You look cute when you're troubled over soemthing.
Kou: And who's fault is that.
Yui: Ah! Don't pinch my nose.
Kou: Now who's the cute one.
Yui: (Kou's arm is around me...I feel so warm.)
Kou: Ah I feel like I don't need anything more than this. My strength is already giving out.
Kou: Just staying like this, not doing anything else...It's a first. 
Kou: I feel complete, I could get used to this...
Yui: Kou...
Kou: I went through life feeling like a part of me was missing,
Yui: (Kou lived on his own for a really long time...)
Kou: I dont want to change any of this, I just want to be together with you...
Yui:...And we will be.
Yui: (I don't know what the founders will do to us, but...I'll never leave him alone. Never.)
Yui: Kou, here.
Kou:...The rosary?
Yui: I'm giving it to you.
Kou: Isn't that really important to you?
Yui: Yeah, and that's why I want you to keep it. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?
Kou: Then, I'll give you this instead.
Yui: Your ring...
Kou: Keep it on all the time. To show everyone that you're mine.
Kou: Here, give me your hand. I'll put it on for you.
Yui:...Okay, thank you.
Yui: (It's a little to big for me, but it looks like an engagement ring...I'm so happy.)
Kou: You too, put the rosary on me.
Yui: Okay...
Kou:...Hahah. I guess it's pretty weird for a vampire to be carrying around a rosary.
Yui: It suits you really well though.
Kou: It does? Really?
Yui: Yeah. Very much.
Kou: I see...thanks. 
Mertz comes in
Mertz: Excuse me.
Yui: Mertz...!
Kou:...Shouldn't you knock?
Mertz: Something urgent came up. The demon lord's castle has been attacked.
Kou: The demon lord's castle...!?
Yui: It's not...the founders right?
Kou:..It's possible. We can never tell with the lunar eclipse.
Yui: Then where the others are staying at is dangerous too...
Ending Monologue Selection
With our whispers of love, childish promises, and child-like gestures we comforted each other. 
However---The joy always escapes us at some point. 
The clock we're unable to see brings us back to reality.
...But, all of this is okay. As I breathe slowly, I touch the ring that Kou gave me. 
With the courage from the promise we made and the proof of our love---I'm sure that everything will be okay.
Correct Options: #2 指輪/Ring & #3 約束/Promise
Maniac 7 ♥ Maniac 9
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac 07 Translation
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Scene: Street
Kou: Hah, hah....!
Yui: Kou, are you alright!? Is your injury hurting!?
Kou: I'm fine. Don't put on that worried face. 
Yui: (But, he doesn't look too good.)
Kou: W-We're still being followed.
Kou pulls us into the alleyway
Yui: (My body strength is giving out too...At this rate, we won't be able to keep running!)
Kou: I'm gonna check out whoever it is. 
Kou: Stay behind me. 
Yui: Kou...
Kou: Hold me hand. We'll get out of this. 
Kou: They're coming...
Yui: (I hope they don't find us...!)
Kou:...Who is that guy?
Yui: (Eh...? It's not one of the founders?)
Yui: Thats....Mertz!
Kou: You know that guy?
Yui: Yeah. He showed me the way back to the human world before.
Yui: Mertz!
Mertz:...Ah, Yui. It's good to see you. I thought you might have gotten lost.
Kou: M Neko-chan, wait!
Yui: Kou?
Kou: This guy is a vampire. ...It's best you stay behind me. 
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💔He's a trustworthy person 
Yui: He's trustworthy. He saved me back then. 
Kou: But for what reason?
Yui: That's...
Kou: I find it weird that a vampire would go and help a stranger like you...Sorry, but I can't trust that at all.
♥Okay...I understand. 
Yui: Okay...I understand. 
Yui: But, Mertz helped me before.
Kou: I can thank him for helping you...But, for now that's all I can do.
Kou: I have no idea why he would help you.
Yui: (Back then, I had no choice but to believe in Mertz. ...Maybe Kou is right.)
Mertz: It's not unreasonable to be wary of me, but I don't plan on harming you. Rest assured.
Mertz: You both seem to be in a crisis. It's entirely your choice, but I was thinking in inviting you into my mansion.
Mertz: Even if I said I had good intentions...I dont think its very believable. 
Kou: You're a vampire, right? What do you get out of helping me?
Mertz:...I'm someone who's working against Karlhienz. Is that enough to convince you?
Kou: Against him? Hah! Don't make me laugh. There's no vampire who would do that.
Mertz: But are you not, Kou Mukami? 
Kou:..Thats true. I might be someone who's stupidly betrayed him. 
Yui: (Kou looks conflicted... But of course he would be, he betrayed the person he looked up to for a long time.)
Kou: Fine. I'll take you up on your offer. Guide me to your mansion. 
Mertz: Welcome. I'm happy that you understood.
Kou: Don't get me wrong, I still don't trust you.
Kou: It's only because we need a place to rest. 
Mertz: I understand it has to be that way. It's a very hard decision to make. 
Kou:...I'll thank you for that.
Mertz: I'll guide you to my mansion. Come, follow me.
Mertz start walking off Kou: Don't wander off from my side, Yui.
Yui: Okay...!
Ending Monologue Selection
Holding Kou's shaking hand, his feelings were easy to know.
His trembling voice, sweat,  warmth, and the grip on my hand made his inner feelings clear.
So, I did as well. I squeezed his hand to show what I felt.
The only thing I wanted to make clear was this. You are not alone. 
Correct Options: #1 驚いだ手/Shaking hand & #3 ひとりじゃない/Not alone
Maniac 6 ♥ Maniac 8
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac 06 Translation
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Scene: Sakamaki Mansion Living Room
Ruki: (This is getting more irritating...)
Ruki: What's wrong?
Azusa: Yuma...how are...you feeling?
Yuma: It's still cut open...shit.
Ruki: Don't overexert yourself. 
Azusa: Yuma...your injury is really bad...It's better if you don't move that much...
Yuma: Azusa...you called Ruki here...thanks.
Azusa: No...I'm sorry for not rescuing you sooner...
Yuma: Hah...I don't know what I would do without you guys, really. I thought I was nearly dead...damn.
Ruki: The founders are our enemy.
Ruki: What about Kou and her?
Yuma: I have no idea...I told them to run off as soon as I saw the guy.
Flashback ends
Ruki: When Yuma opened his eyes, they were nowhere to be found...
Azusa: Yeah..
Ruki: We'll need another hand with this...It can't be helped.
Azusa:...Another hand?
Ruki:---Come in.
Azusa: Who is it...?
Ruki: I apologize for having you come out all the way here.
???:...So, whats our target?
Ruki: Straight to the point. That's fine.
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Ruki: I want you to kill Kou Mukami. [TN: Ruki said 仕留めて, which basically means to hunt down with the intention of killing]
Azusa: Eh...!?
Ruki: Can you do that?
???: With the lunar eclipse in the Demon World, it'll be no problem.
Ruki: Reliable, as expected from a vampire hunter....No,
Ruki: From Seiji Komori. 
Azusa: That...name...
Seiji: So, where is this vampire?
Ruki: He's---
Azusa: Ruki... don't tell him!
Ruki: He should come back here, eventually.
Door exits
Scene: Garden
???: (He called for a vampire hunter...this works fine.)
Scene: Church
Yui: Kou, how is your injury?
Kou: It's doing much better. Thanks to M Neko-chan's blood.
Yui: I'm glad...
Kou: Here, come sit next to me.
Yui: Okay.
Yui: (...He still looks like he's doing so well.)
Yui: (But...I guess that's because since we've run away, we haven't been able to catch a break.)
Yui: (If I don't give him blood everyday, then his injury will worsen.)
Kou: M Neko-chan, what are you thinking about right now?
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♥ About you, Kou.
Yui: About you, Kou.
Kou: Really. I've been thinking about you too.
He kisses her
Yui: n....
Yui: (It was such a sweet kiss...)
Kou: Hahah...You're giving off a nice scent...
Yui: Ah...!
Kou: Hah....
💔...It's nothing. 
Yui:..It's nothing.
Kou: You're not gonna tell me? ...n
Yui: Kya...!
Kou: Hey...M Neko-chan. Tell me everything.
Yui: Kou....
Kou: Tell me...
Yui: Ah....ah...
Yui: (He's...biting hard on my neck...!)
Kou:..nnn...Nice voice.
Yui: (It feels...like too much.)
Yui: (Will we be able to stay like this forever...?)
Yui: (Like this...until when?)
Yui: (...With the amount of blood being drained I can't think anymore...)
Yui: Ah...!
Yui: K-Kou...?
Yui: You...don't need to apologize. Please.
Yui: (...We can't stay living like this forever...I know that, but...)
Yui: (I want to be by Kou's side... So, I'll do anything thats necessary.)
Yui: (I don't want to be a burden on Kou...So I need to protect him too.)
Kou: Hey...what are you thinking about now?
Yui: Hey, Kou. Ruki keeps talking about the Adam and Eve plan...what is it?
Kou: In the words of that person, Adam is the immortal who holds the heart of the person, and Eve is a human who holds the blood of an immortal.
Kou: And with them, a new race will be born.
Yui: An immortal... Then, how come you can't become Adam?
Yui: You're a vampire...aren't they immortals?
Kou: I was born human, I don't have the blood of an immortal. So I'm not qualified. 
Yui: But....
Kou:...Shh, stop.
Yui: Eh...what's going on?
Bat flies away
Yui: (That's...Kou's familiar.)
Kou:...There's someone near this church.
Yui: Who...
Kou: We need to get going. Let's go.
Yui: O-Okay.
Ending Monologue Selection
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I snuggled up with Kou. Held hands with Kou.
This is a constant never ending journey. There’s nowhere else we can go, but run. 
And do why do we even need to run? To be bound together, what qualifications do we need? 
Our fingers interlaced, our gazes, our voiced thoughts, and our lips. 
----Is this all wrong? 
Correct Options: #1 寄り添って/Snuggled up & #2 逃げている/Running away
Maniac 05 ♥ Maniac 07
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Vandead Carnival] Kou Mukami Subscenario w/Shu Translation
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Shu:...Hah. Don't want it.
Kou: Eh, but it's my CD? You're not interested?
Shu: I'm not.
Kou: Uwah...you're cold. You're gonna make me sad.
Yui: Shu, I don't think it'll be too much trouble to just take it?
Shu: If I dont listen to it then it'll just turn into extra trash...
Yui: But, what if you're interested in it later....
Shu: I only listen to classical music. I don't listen to idol music.
Kou: Well, there's different kinds of idol songs, aren't there?
Kou: And, since I'm the one singing, it'll make any song worth listening to~
Shu: Your singing voice seems really annoying...
Yui: I've listened to his singing voice, and I thought it was really nice.
Kou: That's right, M Neko-chan♪ You took your time listening to my CD.
Shu:...Ah. He gave you one too...
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Kou: Here, let me sign it♪ My autograph is pretty rare, you know~
Kou:..."To Sakamaki Shu"...There.
Yui: (Kou is really taking his time writing...)
Kou: All done~♪
Shu:...Oi! Don't be pushy.
Kou: Hahah, I'm looking forward to your thoughts! See ya later~♪
Kou runs off
Shu: Maybe I can use this to shoo birds away?
Yui: S-Shu...!
Shu: Good grief...Hah...
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac 05 Translation
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac 04 Translation
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac 03 Translation
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac 02 Translation
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac 01 Translation
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Scene: Church
Yui: Kou went out to buy some things, I wonder if he's okay....
Kou: M Neko-chan, I'm back.
Yui: Kou! I'm glad you're back...
Kou: Eh? What happened?
Yui: I...thought something might've happened.
Kou: We'll be fine. No one will be able to find us here. 
Yui: (But...we can never be completely sure about our safety.)
Kou:...Do you really feel like you can't depend on me?
Yui: I-It's not that. It's just that your wound hasn't completely healed yet. 
Yui: And...it's been so long since we've returned to the Human World.
Kou gets closer
Yui: Wha...!
Kou: Sorry for worrying you. I'm back now.
Yui:...Welcome back.
Kou backs away 
Kou: Anyways, come look at this. 
Yui: Is this a fashion magazine?
Kou: It should be on...ah, this page.
Yui: Ah! Thats you!
Kou: I took this a while back. I saw this at the convenience store, so I had to grab it.
Yui: (Wah...That's cool. But...)
Kou: Huh, what is it? You're staring at me.
Yui: You turned out super cool in that picture but, it's different from how I always see you. 
Kou: Well, duh. My private life is exclusively for your eyes only.
Kou: I want something exclusive from you too. 
Yui: Exclusive like what?
Kou: Let me think...Um, like maybe wear the clothes I like...?
Kou: Ah, how about this? This looks perfect. 
Yui: It's a cute dress but....isn't it a bit too short?
Kou: It's fine, only for a little bit. Maybe it's better if I show you. 
Kou:..See, look at this model. She's pretty popular. Cute, right?
Yui: (She's really cute...are these the type of girls Kou is interested in?)
Kou: M Neko-chan~?
Kou: What's wrong? You keep staring at this page. 
Yui: I-It's nothing. The girl modelling is really cute.
Kou: Hahah, did you get jealous just now?
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♥...Only a little bit. (M)
Yui:...Only a little bit. 
Kou: Oh, how honest.
Yui: Uh... but the style makes her look really cute.
Kou: Right~. You have a plain face and you're flat chested. 
Yui: (F-Flat chested...that's mean.)
Kou: But...
Kou gets close
Yui: Kya...!
Kou:  But even though you're flat chested...you have really smoothe skin. 
♥ I didn't (S)
Yui: I didn't.
Kou: Wow, really~?
Yui: Well I'm sure there's tons of people like that around you...So there's no point in me getting jealous.
Kou: Ah, I knew it. You're jealous♪
Yui:...I'm not.
Kou: You just don't want to admit it. That's cute.
Kou: It's a model's job for many people to say she's cute 
Yui: Yeah...I know that.
Kou: You don't need to do anything more. I’m already enough for you.
Yui: Eh...?
Kou: I already think you're beautiful, shouldn't that be all you need? 
Kou: You don't need other people to tell you that too, do you?
Yui: Kou...
Kou: To me, you're prettier than any actress or model.
Kou: There's many people in the world like them...But there's only one of you. 
Kou: Right, my cute M Neko-chan.
Kou: You're blushing so much, are you happy?
Yui: (Well...He started that conversation so that he could say all these things and make me blush...that's mean.)
Kou: Well?
Yui:...I am. I'm really happy. 
Kou:...Good for you♪
Maniac Prologue ♥ Maniac 02
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Maniac Prologue Translation + CG
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Scene: Dark Screen
Yui: (My breathing is loud and my heart is pounding...)
Yui: (Don't come near me...!)
Yui: (...!)
???: Hahahah 
???: Heh, how funny. You think you can hide from me?
Scene: Torture Room
Shin: Gooood Moooorning~.
Shin: Aw, come on. You couldn't have tried harder? You're practically saying, "Please eat me"
Shin: You know I wont hold back. 
He hits her
Yui: Kyaa...!
Shin: I'll give you my special treatment. Don't waste your energy...Hahha.
Yui: (N-No...The torture devices on the table...What is he gonna do...!?)
Shin: With a scent like that...Don't tell me you weren't actually trying to hide?
Yui:...! N-No...! Don't touch me...!
Shin: You're really on the verge of becoming undone. 
Shin: It really was too easy, you're already a mess...
Yui: L-Let go of me...!
Shin: Hahaha, are you serious? You practically laid it out for me.
Shin: Is this what you're into...?
Shin:---Oh, I'll use this.
Yui: W-What..? S-Stop...It's gonna hurt.
Shin: I mean you like this don't you? I'll help you out with that.
Shin: If you struggle, the belt will cut into you. Well, I guess if it hurts then you wont want it to stop, right?
Yui: No...! Let me out...Please...!
Shin: I haven't even done anything yet... and you're already turned on? You're a real pervert aren't you. 
Shin: The scent is so strong...
Yui: (He tore my clothes...!)
Shin: What an uninteresting body. But...Let's do this.
Yui: (A knife...!? Don't tell me he's actually gonna use that...!?)
Shin: I'll draw a line around here, I think its looking much better.
Yui: O-Ow...!
Shin: Heheh...What a nice voice. That cry.
Shin: Hah....n...
Yui: It hurts...! S-Sto...!
Shin: Heheh...It's pouring out onto my tongue...
Yui: No...Stop, already...
Shin:...Where do you want it. Since I'm feeling kind, I'll hear out your request.
Yui:...Stop this already...Kill me...
Yui: Kill me...!
Shin pulls back
Shin:..You want to die? Why?
Yui: There's no point in living in this world...I want to end it...!!
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Shin:...You know. We only get one life, right? And you want to die?
Yui: Yeah, I want to die...
Shin: You're actually serious...Hahah.
Shin: Really, you're so dumb I almost feel bad. 
Yui: Ugh....
Yui: (He's smiling...as he strangles my neck...)
Shin: As you wish, I'll bring you close to death. Does it feel good?
Yui: Ah....
Shin: But, it's really too bad. As long as you have that blood flowing through your body, you'll never find peace. It's your fate to be chased after those from the Demon World. 
Shin:...Let's see.
Shin lets go
Yui:...!! Ugh...*coughing*
Shin: Heheh... isn't the oxygen nice? See, your body wanted to live after all. 
Shin: You almost died...Heheh.
Yui: (It's so painful...I'm...losing sight...)
Shin: Do you get it now? There's no point in resisting.
Shin: It doesn't matter to us whether you're dead or alive. But, as long as you're alive me and my brother will suck your blood. 
Yui: (Ah...It looks like Shin is gonna suck my blood...)
Yui: (But I can't fight back anymore...My body is too weak.)
Shin: Aw, what a pathetic little lamb...
Shin:----Wait what!?
Yuma appears
Shin:..!! It's you---
Yuma: Take this!!
Yuma punches Shin
Yui: Y-Yuma...
Yuma: What're you crying about! Get yourself together, dummy!
Yuma: I gotchu. Let's go.
Yui: W-Where are we going...Kya!
Yuma: Hang on!
They run away
Scene: Waterway
Yuma: We've made it this far. ---I'll let you down
Yui: T-Thank you.
Yuma: Geez, Don't go wandering off. 
Yui: You found me...
Yuma: Don't worry about it.
Yui: (If it weren't for Yuma...right now I'd...)
Yui: Yuma, I'm...
Yuma: That doesn't matter right now. ---Let's go over here.
Yui: Eh...?
Kou: Uh....
Yui: Kou...!
Yui: That's a really bad injury...What happened!? Kou, stay still!
Kou:....M Neko-chan?
Yui: Kou...!
Yuma: Call me if anything happens.
Yuma leaves
Yui: (Yuma brought Kou all the way over here. So...why does he have such a serious injury?)
Yui: (The wounds he got from Shin already healed, so...)
Kou: It's really you...Did I finally die...?
Kou: If this is what death is...then, this is fine...
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Yui: Kou...!
Kou: I...really thought that I would never see you again...
Kou: But... I'm finally get to see you after all this time...
Yui: (Kou started hugging me...)
Kou: I...can't become Adam. So, I thought that I shouldnt be with you...That there would be no reason to be. 
Yui: No...reason!? I don't care about the Adam and Eve plan. I want to be at your side...!
Kou: And I thought that being without you would be too painful....
Kou: You're my blue sky. Without you I'm nothing...
Kou: I...know that...
Kou: I'm sorry Karlhienz...I'm sorry...forgive me.
Yui: Kou....
Kou: I can't become Adam...I'd only be the snake tempting Eve...I don't want to be that snake...
Yui: Don't cry, Kou.
Kou: Forgive me...I can't let you go...I just can't.
Kou: Forgive me please...!
Yui: Kou...I don't want to hear you speak like this..!
Yui: (I can't let you go either, Kou...)
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Yui: (I won't let go of you...I want to be by your side!)
Kou:...My throat is hot. I need more.
Kou: Keep going.
Yui: O-Okay...
Yui: (It's so warm...I feel like I'm gonna melt.)
Yui: (At this rate, I don't mind melting...As long as I'm always by his side...)
Kou:...Your tears are salty.
Kou: Is it okay...if lick them off?
Kou: All of your tears. I'll take them away, okay?
Yui:...It's ticklish, Kou...
Kou: Hey, it'll be okay, Yui.
Yui: Yeah, it will be.
Kou: I want to be yours forever...
Kou: Hahah, it feels like I'm dreaming.
Yui: This isn't a dream.
Kou:..On the way here, I thought I was headed towards the afterlife. But, you're really kissing me. This isn't a dream. 
Yui: (I'm happy...this is really happening.)
Kou: Anyways, why, am I here? Isn't this the way towards the Human World?
Yui: Yeah. I'm also not sure how I was got here, but I was brought by Yuma.
Kou: Yuma...? Then we should probably---
Yui:...! The wall...!
Yuma: Shit, we gotta go...!
Kou: Yuma!
Shin: Aw, sorry. I was just screwing around and it collapsed.
Shin: But that's besides the point. I'm coming back for what's mine.
Shin: But thats not enough.
Yuma: Guh...!!
Yui: Yuma...!
Kou: This guy...!
Yuma: Don't come here, Kou!! I can handle this, you two run away!
Kou: Yuma, I can help too...!
Yuma: I'll be fine, I'm tell you guys to run!
Kou:....I understand....Sorry.
Yuma: I'll get my payback. 
Kou: Got it.
Shin: What are you guys fooling around about? Do you think you can ignore me? I can kill you. 
Yuma: Hah, then try it!!
Yui:...! Yuma!
Kou: Let's go!
Yui: But, Yuma.
Kou: Come here!!
Kou: Yuma said he'll be fine...!
Yui: (His voice got raspy...the injury must be painful.)
Kou:..He has his familiars with him. We can't go back to the Demon World.
Kou: So, its better if we return to the Human World...
Yui: Kou...Wait. Your injury.
Kou: It hurts...But I can manage. 
Kou: I'll make sure to protect you...please, just come with me.
Yui: (Kou said...he'll protect me.)
Yui: (I want to protect Kou too...I want to be with him!)
Yui: Yeah...!
Kou: Let's go.
Scene: School Rooftop
Yui: Kou...Are you alright?
Kou: As I thought...flying has tired me out.
Kou: But...it wouldn't be a good idea to show up to the Sakamaki house with a Mukami.
Kou: We'll rest here for a bit and then we can find somewhere to hide out.
Yui:...But, it may be best to return to the Demon World.
Yui: Your injury is really bad, if we're in the Demon World and Shin comes to attack then we can call for help.
Kou:...But, right now we're not even supposed to be together. 
Kou: It's wrong to rely on them just when it's convenient...
Kou: So, if you want to return to the Demon World, it'll have to be without me.
Yui:...Then what do we do.
Kou: Ruki said that the First Bloods were trying to take control over the Demon World.
Kou: So, it's better to hide out here in the Human World. 
Kou: Plus, I'm an idol here. I can use that to an advantage.
Kou: So won't you come with me...?
Yui: (Kou is really thinking of leaving it all behind...)
Yui: I understand. I'll come with you.
Kou: Really...I'm grateful.
Scene: Tsukinami Living Room
???: They've escaped to the Human World---Hm. I wonder what the next move will be for these troublemakers.
Dark Epilogue ♥ Maniac 01
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kounfetti · 4 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Kou Mukami Dark 04 Translation
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Scene: Sakamaki Living Room
Yui: (Kou still hasn't gotten up... I wonder if he's in a bad state right now. Or...maybe he overslept?)
Yui: I'm curious so let me go see.
Scene: Bedroom
Yui goes to the bedroom door and knocks
Yui: (He didn't answer...)
Kou is sleeping
Yui: (He's sleeping...but isn't it a bit late to still be sleeping?)
Yui: (What should I do? I don't think I should wake him up over nothing. Let me see how he's doing---)
Kou groans
Kou: U..ggh..
Yui: Kou?
Kou: Hah...
Yui: (He looks like he's in pain...And he's sweating so much...)
Yui: I should look for a hankerchief...
Yui: Found one. I'll wipe some of his sweat off like this.
Yui: (Ah...He opened his eyes.)
Yui: Kou, sorry, did I wake you up...?
Kou: I'm...
Yui: Were you having a nightmare? Don't worry, everything's okay now.
Kou grabs our arm
Yui:..What happened? The grip on my arm...it hurts.
Kou gets closer
Yui: (What's going on...He got violent all of a sudden...!)
Kou: Damn it...Your scent...! I can't hold back anymore...
Yui:...! N-No way...
Yui: (He's...going to suck my blood...!)
Kou: Hah.....nn...
Yui: Aaah...!
Kou:...Hah. It's as sweet as always...
Yui: Hah...
Kou:...My throat is so dry...I feel like I'm dying.
Kou rips our clothes
Yui: W-Wait! You can't---
Kou: Shut up, just give me some...Hah..
Yui: (It's no use... He's lost control...His fangs are in too deep...)
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♥ What's gotten into you? (M)
Yui: What's gotten into you? Kou...
Yui: (His grip on me is too tight...At this rate I wonder if I'll faint...)
Yui: (Ah...My body heat and how close I am to Kou right now...it's blending together...)
Kou:... M Neko-chan.
Yui: Yeah...It's me. I'm right here.
♥Stop! (S)
Yui: Stop!
Kou:...No, I need more...!
Yui: Kou...please, listen. You're hurting me.
Kou:...Just now, I...
Yui: I'll give you blood whenever you want it...Just calm down.
Yui: Look at me. You're scaring me. 
Kou: Sorry, M Neko-chan. I...
Yui: (Ah...that expression. I'm glad he's back to his normal self.)
Kou: I...had a nightmare.
Yui: Yeah...you looked like you were in pain. But, everything is okay now...the nightmare is over. 
Kou: Yeah...I'm no longer dreaming.
Kou: Your scent woke me up...I'm happy.
Yui: Yeah...
Kou: I...was all alone in my dream. It was really painful.
Yui:...But you're all back now, Kou.
Kou:...Yeah, I am.
Kou: Aah...blood is flowing from your neck, its all my fault... Does it hurt? I'm sorry.
Yui: It's fine...It'll get better.
Kou: I'm really sorry...I should make it up to you after what I just did.
Yui: Make it up to me?
Kou: Yeah, I'll give you a lot of kisses...So, close your eyes...
Kou starts kissing you
Yui: Ah...
Screen goes dark
Kou: M Neko-chan. I love you... 
Dark 03 ♥ Dark 05
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