#if you dont agree with me thats fine
edenaffinity · 1 year
Lance and Keith as Taylor Swift Songs 👸🏼
This idea has been floating around in my brain for FOREVER. So I decided to finally write it all out. Idk if it makes any sense at all, but here it...
First, the most obvious:
And I’m still a believer, but I don’t know why I’ve never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try
Lance is mirrorball 🪩
mirrorball is about putting on a facade for the outside world, solely to please the people around you. But your facade is fragile and does you a disservice, as its only there to reflect the shine and brightest of others around you.
Lance feels as though he doesn't deserve to be apart of Voltron. He questions his place on team and wonders why he was chosen to defend the universe. He feels inadequate, he's insecure about his abilities, and he constantly compares himself to the rest of the team. He puts on a facade of comedy and confidence only to truly believe that he is less than. He sees himself as replaceable, instead of a integral part of the team.
And my words shoot to kill when I’m mad I have a lot of regrets about that
Keith is this is me trying 📝
I don’t care what anyone says, this was written for Keith!
They told me all of my cages were mental So I got wasted like all my potential
This boy had so many issues in school, socially speaking, but was literally TOP OF HIS CLASS! Shiro, Garrison professors, and Keith's classmates could all see that he was going places.
Was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere // Fell behind on my classmates, and I ended up here
But whatever was in store for Keith's future of ruined when Shiro went missing. the one person who'd ever really pushed him to be better AND believed that he could be better was gone. So he dropped out/got kicked out and whatever future he had as a pilot was gone.
I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that
There is no doubt in my mind that when he left to join The Blade, HE DIDN’T THINK ANYONE WOULD MISS HIM! Same could probably be said about him leaving the Garrison, EVEN LEAVING EARTH! He didn't believe anyone would care he left, because he didn't believe anyone cared he was there to begin with.
And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound It’s hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you
Keith missing Shiro when he goes missing? Keith lining for Lance? Either way, never met a character more "open wound" coded than Keith.
They see right through me Can you see right through me? I see right through me
Lance is The Archer 🏹 (duh)
Ah yes, a song all about being ready (or forced) to “go into battle” but hiding your insecurities behind confidence. And then you're worried that anyone will know you're secretly insecure?
That's Lance!
Lance is 100% ready to give up anything for the good of the team and the good of the universe. But he’s also incredibly insecure of his abilities and his place as a defender of the universe. The repetition of the “they see right through me” lines, as well as the “I see right through me” line, LITERALLY IS Lance speaking. Those are his words! Straight outta his brain!
Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?
Lance hides behind this vail of confidence only to truly believe the worst of himself. And he believes everyone else to also have this low opinion of him. So while he can behave as though he's a flirt and sincerely wanted by many, there is no part of him that really believes that.
And I can go anywhere I want Anywhere I want, just not home
Keith is my tears ricochet 💧
Keith can literally travel the universe, but he has no real home. No family. No safe space to return to once he's finished this travels. So he literally go anywhere he wants, but he can't go home.
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And you're the hero flying around, saving face
"I didn't have it in myself to go with grace" sounds like he was angry and said something he shouldn't have. "The hero flying around, saving face" sounds like literally any other member of the team. It makes since that he would see them as heroes and not himself.
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace 'Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave
Definitely a line about Shiro. I mean, COME ON! "When I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave"! Not in a physically, angrily fighting way, but in an encouraging way. In a way that only Shiro could cheer Keith on while he fights to hone his skills and make something of himself.
And finally…
I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it
Lance is tolerate it 🕰️
Listen to this song once while thinking of Lance, I promise you'll get it.
I notice everything you do or don't do You're so much older and wiser
The song as a few lines about how much the speaker looks up to the subject. Lance admires a lot of the team and puts them on a higher pedestal than he puts himself.
I greet you with a battle hero's welcome I take your indiscretions all in good fun
Lmaooo sorry, these lines are about Keith. I don't make the rules, I just listen to the lyrics. Like, when he comes back from The Blade to rejoin the team? The "I don't have time for this, Lance!" scene. Yeah.
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life Drawing hearts in the byline Always taking up too much space or time
"Always taking up too much space or time"! FUCK! That's so Lance, it hurts. You can't tell me that he doesn't always feel like he's taking up too much space. FUCK.
Anyways, that’s all my thoughts on that. Thank you for your time <3
Klance as Taylor Swift Songs 👸🏼
Lance's playlist 💙
Keith's playlist ❤️
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caffeinatedopossum · 9 months
I actually find it really bizarre and counter intuitive that clinically speaking, you cannot legally be diagnosed with a personality disorder until you're at least 18. The reason given for this is because "the personality has not fully developed before this age" like ???
Ah yes, my favorite strategy. Not diagnosing the problem until it's already been virtually cemented into your brain for life! Wouldn't it be easier (and more painless) to address the problem before it's fully developed?
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queefsencen · 6 months
i get so pissed off when people hate on keefe for “running away all the time” because first of all it was two times. second of all, they say he’s not learning his lesson when the situations are so so different?? when he joined the neverseen he had just found out his mom was the leader and then that she might be dead and THEN that his role model is also part of the neverseen. he was 14, traumatized, and desperate for answers/a way to help. he joined as a DOUBLE AGENT to HELP his friends. it was insanely stupid and hes an idiot, but it doesnt make him an awful person. the second time he ran away was because he had creepy and super dangerous powers and no control over them. he left to protect people because he knew he was dangerous and his mom wasn’t going to stop as long as he was there. it was also stupid, but i dont think people should hate him for it. i just saw somebody say the only way sokeefe could end is sophie being a single mother because keefe would run away…. HUH??? theyre like 15/16 right now, nobody is having a baby any time soon? they might not even have one at all? why are you sitting there like “oh theyre dating now? yeah hes gonna run away when she gets pregnant”…. thats weird. also he has no reason to run away??? he’s never run away simply because he was scared. he ran away to help and protect people. he’s an idiot, not an asshole. it also feels like a lot of the keefe hate is just retaliation to the fitz hate (im not saying all of it is, and there are valid reasons ive seen for people to be mad at keefe and i respect peoples opinions no matter what) and its like…. dont act like fitz is perfect? i love fitz and i even see myself in him a lot, but he’s made as many mistakes as keefe. he blamed sophie for his dad’s mind break, didnt support her in the right way when she was unmatchable, and yelled at her when she couldnt tell him who her mother was. he’s also been there for her for 9 books and been one of her best friends and biggest supporters and SO HAS KEEFE. people act like you have to choose one or the other when EVERY character is flawed and EVERY character has good qualities. i dont know where im going with this and its a lot longer than i planned but its just something i wanted to say
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egg-on-a-legg · 11 months
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freeing my inner 12 year old by posting michaelwave of fnaf fame
five billion images of him under cut
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i am cringe.... but i am free
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godsfavoritescientist · 6 months
well hold on, if we define a character flaw as any limitation a character deals with, regardless of whether it's something Morally Wrong With Them or not, then Ford's paranoia counts as a character flaw since it does in fact negatively impact him and the people around him. Let me use better wording here: I will die on the hill that Ford's paranoia is not a moral failing.
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simplydnp · 19 days
Unpopular opinion im not brave enough to post on main: dan looks so much better with shorter hair :( also the slight shaved sides are so hot 🥵 obvs not the dystopian daily shaved sides those were awful lol
anon you've come to the one place where you're not swinging a bat at the hornet's nest 😂
i think his hair is at its best a little shorter than this with the slightly shaved sides too 😔
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quillkiller · 2 months
are we trying to positively frame terfs in our hcs now?
hate to be the bearer of bad (?) news but 1. radfem quite genuinely does not actually mean being a terf and this is just a hard fact about what the term actually means. radfems are trans inclusive and if they’re not, they’re terfs (like, ’terf’ is literally a term made up to separate radfems and terfs. because terfs are trans exclusionary radfems) and 2. my hc’s are never about ’positively’ framing anything, im just simply exploring characterizations no matter if they’re vile or positive ones
sometimes media and stories and characterizations are uncomfortable ones ! sorry!
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drifloonz · 2 months
your steven interpretation is boring and fits into the fanon characterization of steven, i wish you would be a little more unique with how you write him :(((((((
i do Not feel like this is true bc fanon steven is like nothingburger sexy guy or yandere... esque?? or things like that that make him very shallow and one note . And not super depressed and mentally ill as he would be. literally like Fanon Steven is Not my steven and my steven is also very near and dear to my heart bc hes a comfort character who i had when i was going through a lot of shit! Like Actually! I think about him a lot! And a lot of the things i do w him are lifted from canon and the ways i interpret and analyze the og story. not a lot of the fanon or fandom stuff ... Does that. a lot of it is very divorced from stevens struggles and story and the fact its a tragedy in favor of shipping or whatever else. they do not give steven realistic struggles.
also bc i havent properly written steven in ages. idk if you read my headcanons or analysis'. Read Those if so. I dont actually write shit almost ever especially now i do not write him as a character bc i like to think about him and how hed do things, i dont like to Write him.
my keyboard is broken i am tired and depressed and dont really have many ideas for things to write with him bc i exhausted a lot of them. i still think about steven daily though, im mostly focused on my self indulgent shit i write because thats all all of this was. sharing my self indulgent shit with people who are fighting for Crumbs of steven.
i think ab him more than almost anybody else seems to in this fandom other than a few people i personally know ( shout out to like 3-4ish people ) and a few others i dont personally know. There are not many people i know who have the same headcanons and a lot that did i think took it from me? which is kinda funny. i dont own steven having bpd but i think its a thing i popularized more for example afaik. i see little bits of my headcanons rippling into other peoples and its fun
Also what the fuck do you mean 'boring' what do you want the depressed adult ass man to do when hes isolated. Sorry that he is not dancing for ur entertainment? Sorry that hes not a crazed serial murderer!!! when... he.. Wouldnt be he only really killed mike and nobody takes doors open as canon ever bc its stupid. I have no idea what you mean by boring. the fuck would an 'interesting' interpretation be. i am not interested in entirely redoing his concept as a character or his story nor am i fucking rewriting strangled red or am ever interested in it bc i think its fine on its own and whenever anyone tries its usually... Not good. Even ( and especially ) when smr did it LOL ( thankfully he never got to strangled red proper ).
i dont like a lot of people that do that unless it has a reason because i think the og story is perfectly fine untouched even if some parts could be elaborated on or explained better, but i dont think you have to shove super big changes to things like 'missingno is actually a conscious entity that talks to him!!! mike DID kill her' Like this detracts from a lot of the story and things that do that at least in my opinion make it.. more boring. its fine if people like that but its not for me. you dont need to make strangled red more dramatic and explain away everything. some of the vagueness is the fun of it.
i just wanted to share headcanons and my own projections that i think would fit him to the world bc nobody really thought about steven in the way i did.
i know a lot of people really love my steven interp and think hes unique so i think you just dislike it. Which can be a thing you can do i dont give a shit. I would also probably dislike whatever yours is! Im very picky with steven interpretations! ok not really people just dont genuinely write him as a full-fledged character very often. i am not making 'content' for people. im just sharing what i want to. if that doesnt appeal to you make your own shit! You probably wont find a lot of people writing whatever you want steven to be so you should do it for yourself bc thats how i got here.
if im taking this very personally or sound like it im mostly jsut really confused. and also bc i half-am but i dont care that much. Bc like. What do you want me to do...? Im not going to suddenly rewrite the entirety of my own personal interpretation of a character ive loved for almost 2 years straight now for someone else. i barely use this blog anymore! except when i want to post analysis or headcanons. its self-indulgent! but i still sure do think about steven deeply and intimately even if it for some reason feels like i dont. i think the autistic analyzation of the og writing should paint that im like serious about it.
anyways, there was not much of a reason to send this if youre so upset i dont write steven content the way you want ( and you probably would also have a lot of ideas i wouldnt agree with. ) Then send me 50 dollars NOW! [ if it wasnt obvious this is a joke. ]
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bigskydreaming · 29 days
We really lost the 'that is not how reclamation works' battle, huh.
Not to discourse on main, but I truly do not understand why its so hard to instead of saying 'oh its fine to say queer, its been reclaimed' just say 'I've personally reclaimed queer for myself and choose it as one of my labels and how I refer to community, so I support its usage.'
Or 'I've personally reclaimed queer and invite being labeled as such, but that's not the case for everyone so its best to continue to ask people on an individual basis what they prefer.'
Or 'I've reclaimed queer for myself and am fine with anyone using queer to refer to me, and encourage its usage among the community, but I don't feel great about cis straight people defaulting to it to refer to the community as a whole, given its history and the fact that cis straight people can not and SHOULD not ever be able to participate in reclamation.'
Or 'I personally have chosen not to reclaim queer, as given my personal history with the word I don't actually find empowerment in that and would not appreciate being labeled as such, instead of by the word(s) I've asked to have used as my labels.'
Like. It really is that simple. Call people what they ask to be called. Don't call people what they've asked not to be called. If you're not sure what they want to be called, ask them, and then call them that.
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stingrayloveblog · 7 months
Whee side order
My thoughts on it! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!! Youve been warned.
So, here are my honest thoughts. Let me just start by warning further that this is mostly negative.
Took me about two hours and one attempt to beat all 30 floors. Was pretty fun. I used splattershot though because i suck at dualies.
But... it felt very quick. Felt like there was a whole lotta nothing plotwise, too. It was fun, but the plot is pretty weak. Its just another rogue-ai-tries-to-assimilate-everyone plot. Which has already been done. For some reason they keep trying to do octo expansion but again and they keep failing to do that.
Taking everything into consideration, acht really had no reason to be there. You could remove acht entirely and have the same results. And im not just saying that because i dont like dedf1sh. They dont add anything to anything.
I havent unlocked all marinas dev notes but so far theres been her motive of saving the sanitized octarians which......... i have my own personal issues with that. They seem to not be able to decide how they want sanitization to work.
Doing the pallets, i assumed they would give you some memory thing related to the associated character, but you just get a stupid little comment from the post-final boss that doesnt really add anything to the plot or the characters. Also murch is on luna blaster for some reason. I was speculating a lot on who luna blaster and octobrush could be assigned to, but seems like theyre just doing anyone. Murch is very irrelevant to everything as a whole so its kinda just like whatever.
That being said, i feel extremely bad for agent 4 fans. Those humanoid red eyed things with one of them looking like 4 and then them not doing anything with that at all was a huge fake out.
From what i saw, a lot of people were theorizing and expecting things based on all the evidence we got that we never did end up getting because they went an entirely different route. No agent 4 being possessed or whatever (unless thats still true and just unlocked much later, which im hoping because it would make everything a lot more interesting), no implied body swapping, no copybots.
And most of all, nothing from the first trailer we got. With all the concept art. I know it was just CONCEPT art for a reason, but surely you cant just show off all these things and then have the final result be absolutely nothing like it? Then again, splatoon 3 has had more than enough false advertising already, so i guess it was wrong to expect things to be as shown. I just really really liked the giant hostile architecture black spikes picture. And theres none of that at all.
Basically, everything that was expected was significantly cooler than what we got, and to be completely honest, i dont think it was worth splatoon 3 being in really bad shape for such a long time. I dont think it really justified the amount of dumb things that happened over the past few seasons.
I do still think its fun, and i absolutely am going to try to collect everything, but it was significantly less interesting overall than i anticipated.
I do think the final boss attacks syncing with the rhythm was cool. But other than that the level design is extremely repetitive and there really is no variation. Im only enjoying it now because ive used weapons that i like/dont mind using, but once i have to start using weapons im bad at i just know itll be insufferable.
Overall, i am unfortunately disappointed but i still have hope that maybe there is something more, because surely that couldnt have been it.
Also just because it doesnt go along with any of my oc stories at all and i am absolutely not changing anything on my end because frankly im sick of doing that
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stamplerfag · 10 months
im gonna answer the other ask later but TRANSFEM SCARY I WAS. ALSO THINKING HBBBGNN
#willy goes both ways abt such things bcus. one he is a misogynist and a homophobe or at least was on earth. obviously#and he still holds you know that. hypermasculine toxic mindset as of s1 based on the uhhh#“overly feminine namby pamby” whatever he says#(kicking myself for not having it memorized)#but i assume that he encountered more variable things in the forgotten realms that may have made him more normal abt. gender variance there#god okay i. hes not. he has an opinion of “you can be a freak if you want whatever. ill play pretend with you. ill tolerate it.”#i really like transmasc ron for similar reasons.. of.... especially when they meet in the cabin where hes cooking fish#and willys like “thats right get some bass in your voice boy !!”#like i know its just regular like. ron isnt masculine enough. but it reads very sarcastic....#“get some bass in your voice” like . you wanna be a boy so bad okay. ill humor you. hahahah. man up then.#um but transfem scary i like a similar. thing. of.... tolerating her being a girl and playing along but always being.#kind of chiding about it.#im so worried were not on the same pagw#which is fine obviously but i get so shy abt when. someone offers me headcanons that i dont agree with and i have to be like#“hahaha yeah whatever you say” like i cant say anything back cus its Wrong to me. BUT.#god though yeah her. visibly being hard around him & its both deeply sort of gross but very flattering to him like. i can work with this...#i think of him as a. opportunist. hes not into cock & not into kids really. dwindling upwards of teen girls but eh.#so when a cute troubled teen girl is literally. offering herself up to you at your feet man its like. why would i say no !! ♡#hes more into taking advantage of her than any of her personal details you know. like her as a person doesnt really. matter. who cares#shes available and stupid and looking to him for advice and validation.#sorry again i havent LISTENED TO ANY OF THIS. I CAN BE WRONG#didnt anthony make the joke abt willy not being brave enough to try pegging. maybe this is his chance#who said that. who. said that#you really want to manipulate a teen girl then you humble yourself and suck her cock and shes yours forever.#im crazy. im crazy#.dxt#scary
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pilmyeol · 7 months
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Hot take but I just read a long post about someone being so upset and angry about the way the other people on empires treat Jimmy Solidarity (pranks, making fun of him, ect) and people in the replies were agreeing and talking about how distraught it makes them and all I can say is you should really stop watching his/others' Empires videos if its making you that upset because I can guarantee that its all in good fun and the man is having a perfectly okay time. He's having fun with his friends, they just like to rag on him. My friends like to rag on me too and it's totally fine, I enjoy it. You're projecting and you're, like, WAY too invested if it's upsetting you like that. You're turning him having fun with his friends into something it's not.
Stop using his videos to make yourself miserable :| Go watch something else instead of being self destructive and then whining about it online when there's not even anything wrong or mean really happening :| I'm so serious when I say that this is chronically online behavior and you need to go talk to a professional because that is Not Normal.
#not to tumblr subtweet or whatever but what the fuck guys#get offline. genuinely#he is having fun with his friends. he is having a good time.#they were like “its giving me flashbacks to middle school” DUDE. STOP WATCHING. HIS VIDEOS GO AS HE WANTS THEM TOO. HE EDITS AND CHOOSES WH#AT TO POST. YOU ARE PROJECTING AND YOU'RE BEING A DICK. HE AND HIS FRIENDS ARE GOOFY IN A WAY THAT WOULD PERSONALLY MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.#LIKE OKAY SURE!!! IF YOU DONT LIKE IT THEN THATS OKAY AND YOU DONT HAVE TO BE IN THAT SITUATION. BUT YOURE BEING A DICK BY COMPLAINING ABOU#T IT AND WHINING ONLINE ABOUT HOW HE INTERACTS WITH HIS FRIENDS. IT IS PLAYFUL AND ENJOYABLE FOR HIM BECAUSE IF IT WASNT HE'D NOT BE DOING#IT BECAUSE HES AN ADULT AND HE WOULD TELL HIS FRIENDS (IN PRIVATE WHERE YOU CANT SEE IT) THAT WHAT THEYRE DOING IS UPSETTING HIM#you are being parasocial my guy#also stop using his videos to hurt yourself dude what??? that is not healthy???#sorry for ranting. im sure ill get upset people in asks again. thats fine#idrc because im a fucking adult and i recognize that a grown ass man wouldnt be behaving like this and having a villain arc in minecraft#because he was genuinely mad at his friends :| and that you need to do something if seeing it is upsetting you and that its unhealthy that#people agree with you and theyre basically enabling you/encouraging you by acting like its normal to be so upset over something innocuous#rant over#aim.rant#aim.txt#jimmy solidarity#solidarity gaming#solidaritygaming#mcyt
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crazyw3irdo · 2 months
i’m so brave i’m so cool i’m so chill i don’t have to say anything i’m normal (affirmations after seeing someone say something incorrect about my special interest)
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butchjess · 2 years
more thoughts on transmasc jess actually the demonization that jess gets from the entire town is very different than the animosity that other characters receive at times like dean which only happened for about one single episode bc it was less a comment on how the town perceives dean and more a way to get you to feel bad for him after he broke up with rory bc yk. he IS a 16 year old boy and yes i was whooping and cheering when luke put him in a headlock but that was still an inappropriate thing to do to a 16 year old kid which lorelai TELLS luke. but this disappears after that episode after succeeding in the task of making the audience and/or lorelai reasonably feel bad for this guy but for jess its a recurring thing. its a Theme with him its something that sticks its something that is necessary to consider w his character and the way he is perceived by other people. he’s a bad kid a dangerous kid a hoodlum a thug, all things he is canonically called by adults. lorelai and taylor and emily specifically and they’re really the big figures of judgement against jess. lorelai representing a point of contention in his relationship w rory and luke but ALSO in lorelai’s relationship w rory and luke as well. taylor represents the wider town he is the entitled self appointed town representative which is really a very meta character to make FOR stars hollow, but the point is that he despises jess, and so does the whole town. emily then also is a point of contention between jess and rory or more that she represents that fact that jess doesn’t think he’s good enough for her, that he can’t be, because she has an oil portrait of her in the study but which is really about the fact that rory is their golden girl and jess is really not much more than a nuisance that’s only value is of entertainment. in that case theres no adult telling anybody that jess is just a kid when he messes up, even luke seems to expect the worst from him at times especially when it comes to rory. jess is well a bad influence and a bad kid but the worst thing he does is… get in a car accident that wasn’t his fault. and then its yk. WHY. why does jess get treated this way. narratively it’s because rory FEELS just as misunderstood as jess does and jess is simply materializing the town’s ability to judge somebody so badly that it actually causes harm (as it also does to rory more subtly, as she tries so hard to maintain the perfect golden girl image that she burns out multiple times). but an in universe way to read it, is because jess is just, like they keep saying, a different kind of kid, a bad influence, because of all the ways he doesn’t conform. he can’t conform to what is expected of him to be perceived as a nice, normal guy like dean. because he’s not like dean. he doesn’t know the rulebook to be an all-american boyfriend like dean, but he tries his best. it is this sense of jess not being able to match certain expectations (polite, normal, etc) that makes people give him such a hard time. but well, dean doesn’t seem like rory’s kind of guy anyway. okay.
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dragonstoned · 1 year
well if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then maybe some part of it has intrinsically become human i mean duck
re gomens ending i've seen suggestions that a/c physically become human and i'm not very into it, partly bc i like their supernatural bits, partly bc i want them to enjoy the earth for as long as possible, and partly bc. they are already human enough, actually
they've eagerly lived in our skins and long adopted our customs and culture and messy human feelings and loved existing in this way, in this world, and that's what matters. this is a big plot point and one i've always liked, and feel no need to change. i am happy to welcome them to the club no additional membership fees required, no other "final step"
while they are baffled by some things Whomst the among us actually understands all of humanity btw huh no one. the incomprehensibility of the human condition is a key feature of the human condition. also i dare anyone to say there haven't been pure homo sapien individuals who've ended up more Other and Eldritch than a/c could hope to be. we contain multitudes. unironically we are all special snowflakes in some way why gatekeep a/c bc of a little spot of immortality??
so yeah might be predictable but this is my ideal ending: crowley and aziraphale just as they are except without the threat of looming destruction over their heads, and It Is Good, but also why stop there. humanity™ for EVERYBODY who wants it tbh!!
heaven and hell are abolished and now it's everyone else's turn to discover their personhood here, on not god's who has long fucked off mysteriously our not-so-green anymore earth. it's lovely and terrible and wonderful welcome to the jungle. or they can go off elsewhere if they want its a big universe. no sides no limits as long as no one's harming others it's free real estate to exist on their own terms
anyway i digress!!!! hell yeah a/c become human in the end!!! bc they are!! by choice!!! but also they deserve at least another 6000 years to live on their own terms, freely, together!!! being an us!!! both a group-of-the-two-of-us us and an all-of-us, us
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