#if you don't think that's a beautiful arc you can leave. there's the door
bougiebutchbinch · 1 month
Do u ever just think about. Eury sitting on the beach. Waiting for Odysseus after warning him not to go after Circe. Wondering if he'll ever see him again
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lxvebun · 4 months
I'll wait forever if I have to
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synopsis:you're worried Satoru's teasing has gone a bit too far. There's nothing wrong with saving your first kiss for someone special, right?
content: Suguru Geto x gender neutral reader. Fluff! Comes off a lil angsty in the beginning but its fluffy and sickeningly sweet. Around 1k words. Written with hidden inventory arc in mind so you'd be in the same grade together, but read it however you want♡.We are all a little lovesick for Suguru and he's a lil lovesick for you♡ eng is not my first language so i'm sorry for any mistakes♡ enjoy!!
Based on Satoru's version of the fic♡
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"Does it bother you that Satoru teases you so much?" The question breaks the comfortable silence you had as he walked you home. Sky fading from pink and orange cotton candy clouds to a clear and deep navy gradient canvas clustered with stars and moonlight.
Suguru is Gojo's bestfriend. You're sure he's used to his antics. Still, Satoru can take it a little far sometimes. Being oblivious to or ignoring the line completely. Crossing over it with a skip in his step and a smirk on his face.
"There's nothing wrong with waiting for the right person, you know." You reassure. Perhaps a little to yourself too. You'd wait forever for him, not that he knows.
(You kinda wish he did.)
You keep your voice soft, and soothing even with the unintentional undertone of worry. But Soothing enough to dulcify if Satoru's teasing did leave some cracks in his heart.
He lets out a low amused hum in agreement. Smooth as warm honey. Its drum startling the butterflies between your ribs awake. Not that he has to do much anyway to awaken them. It seems like they are always fluttering around when he's near. A bit smothering at times. Making your head fog over with images of liquid golden eyes and sickeningly sweet smiles.
You reach the traffic light before he speaks again. Filling the silence of waiting until the red light turns green.
"You don't have to worry about that, y/n. It's not hurting my feelings. I'm more than content to wait for my person" he answers sincerely. Not an ounce of impatience dripped from his voice. He means every word.
My person. his words weigh a little heavy on your heart. My person. Does that mean he already has his eyes set on someone? You're pretty sure a few of the butterflies have lost it's wings. Wings Shriveled and shattered at the thought. Broken bodies wriggling uncomfortably in your gut. Anxious and mourning as you think over who it could be. Would it be different if you'd just confessed already? Did you miss your chance or was there never any to begin with?
(The thought of him making someone else's heart race the way he does yours makes you a little sick)
You don't look at him. He's always been good at reading you, so in tune with your well being. You're an open book to him and usually, you're more than happy to let his fingers glide over the pages. Break you open to study you up close. Hoping that one of the words, one of the chapters in there is enough to lure him in, like a sirens song. Enough to steal his heart ...damn, how dare he fall for someone else.
"Sounds like you already have someone in mind, then". It comes out forced as you swallow down what you really want to say. Unable to decide between cursing him out or confessing to him on the spot.
You keep your gaze at the light ahead as if the force of it can will it into turning from this horrible shade of red to green, so this conversation can be over. So you can continue to walk in silence, so he can drop you off at the front door, wait until he hears the lock click from inside as he always does and you can dive into the comfort of your bed, dream of what could have been and try your best to move on
(You don't think you can if you're honest)
But again, you're an open book to him. He almost looks proud as he glances you over. Standing up a little straighter, failing to suppress a smile. A horribly beautiful smile that does not at all fit the turmoil inside your head. As if you're reaction solidified something in him.
God, how long does it take for a light to switch?
Your gaze doesn't falter as he steps closer to you. His warmth, his cologne enveloping your senses, wrapping around you like a spiderweb. Fitting as you feel like your heart is going to be torn out at any moment. Waiting for the words that will fracture your hopes. you think of just booking it through the red right at this point and leave him to choke on his rejection.
"Will you look at me, please"
He's replicating the soothing tone you used on him. Only he's so much better at it. Smooth like warm butter and sweet as syrup. How could you possibly deny him when he sounds this heavenly.
He's a patient man, he is. But he doesn't want to hurt you. Doesn't want you to shatter your own heart even more by thinking he could ever love someone the way that he loves you. As if he could ever want anyone else when it's always going to be you that captured his heart.
His fingers slide under your jaw, grip delicate as can be as he turns your head to meet his eyes. You're a little embarrassed at the lack of resistance on your part.
His face is kind. And despite your hesitance, his eyes are easy to hold. Feeling like sunsets on a warm summer evening.
"I'm just waiting for you to be ready too. However long it takes."
A timer goes off. The light has finally turned green. you both stay unmoving.
You feel like you've been staring into his eyes for hours when really it's only been a few seconds of silence after his words. Then you half-heartedly push him off. A laugh bubbles up your throat, relief evident in the melodic tone.
"you're awful, you know that?" not a sliver of actual malice in your words. He knows that too. continuing to stare at you fondly, eyes soft and a little love-sick. Smiling brightly at your words as if you complimented him.
"And you're beautiful"  the timer of the traffic light is sounding quicker now, similar to the beating of your heart. Indicating that it will soon turn red again.
You have a moment of bravery. confidence, as you intertwine your fingers with his and pull him across the street before the light turns red. His grip is nice and firm, tracing heart shapes on the back of your hand with his thumb. Doodling silent I love you's into your skin.
you continue to walk to your home together. Hands now interlaced. Hearts intertwined. Crisp evening air kissing your skin and calming the heat blooming in your body.
"I don't want to have my first kiss at a traffic light. You deserve something more romantic than that too," you begin. swaying your hands back and forth. Focusing on the street infront of you. You see your front door coming into view.
"But if you feel the urge to kiss me as you drop me off at my doorstep," you see him begin to grin in the corner of your eye. It tugs at the corners of your lips too
"I'll let you"
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thank you for reading, angels!! I'm havinf such Suguru brainrot atm😩🩷 he's so cute.
Also I thought his eyes were brownish/ gold because I always just imagine him with that but they are purple....🔪 YOU🫵 ARE GOING TO IGNORE THAT FOR NOW AND IMAGINE THEY ARE GOLD AS WELL. Thank you🩷
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myloveobbsessed · 1 month
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Character: Rengoku Kyojuro x fem reader
Notes: Kyojuro survives the train arc, reader is a hashira
The Flame Hashira survived his battle with Upper Moon Three, but with fatal injuries. Now, five months later, you stand outside his door at the Butterfly Mansion, holding a bento. Kyojuro had been in a coma for those five months, and once he woke up, you knew you wanted to visit him. However, you waited a few weeks, not wanting to overwhelm him immediately. But that wasn’t the only reason for your delay.
Kyojuro is your long-time crush and friend, you’ve never confessed your feelings to him. And when you heard about his fight, the fear that he might have died was overwhelming. The relief you felt when he woke up was immense, but so was the realization that you might never get the chance to tell him how you feel. Now, as you prepare to see him, you’re just hoping he shares the same feelings.
Taking a deep breath, you finally muster the courage to enter. With a quiet countdown, you slowly open the door to his room, peeking inside. You see Kyojuro sitting up in bed, his bright eyes turning toward the sound of the door sliding open. His gaze lands on you, and knowing there’s no backing out now, you step inside, closing the door behind you. You stop a few inches away from him and smile up at him, your heart pounding in your chest.
“hey Kyojuro h-how are you doing?”
“Im doing well (y/n) thank you!”
Despite his condition he still had a smile on his face with his usual booming voice.
There's silence for a moment before you speak up again sticking out the bento towards him
“Umm I made this for you”
Kyojuro looks down at the bento his smile widening he take the bento with his free hand.
“Thank you (y/n) that is very kind of you I appreciate it!”
You watch intently as Kyojuro opens the bento, his eyes lighting up at the aroma. He picks up his chopsticks and takes a bite, complimenting you on the delicious food between mouthfuls. Your heart races as you try to summon the courage to confess your feelings, but the fear of rejection weighs heavily on your mind, keeping you silent. After a few more moments of anxious hesitation, you finally decide to speak, your lips parting as you gather your resolve.
“y-you know I'm really glad your alive Kyojuro”
Kyojuro pauses his eating, turning his attention fully to you. You can feel the heat rushing to your cheeks, and you squirm slightly in your spot, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Your heart races even faster as you avoid eye contact, nervously fidgeting under his gaze.
“I…have to tell you something and you don't have to feel obligated to…accept”
Kyojuro stares at you with a slight tilt of his head. but stays silent waiting patiently for you to continue.
“I….i like you Kyojuro I have for a long time now I...want to be more than friends I love you”
You take a deep breath and finish your confession, the blush on your cheeks deepening as your heart pounds in your chest. Kyojuro’s lack of immediate response only heightens your anxiety, and you begin to fidget with your fingers, the silence making you want to dig a hole and bury yourself in it. Doubts flood your mind, and you start to think you’ve made a fool of yourself, that maybe he doesn’t feel the same way. Just as you consider leaving to save yourself further embarrassment, your gaze meets his, and you notice something unexpected his cheeks are flushed, and the tips of his ears are tinged red. Your eyes widen slightly at the sight, hope flickering in your heart.
The silence is broken when the flame hashira lets out a boisterous laugh.
“We share the same feelings (y/n)”
He stares deep into your eyes the blush on his cheeks matching his firey red. A smile appears on your face when hearing his response
“w-we do?”
“Absolutely I always thought you were very beautiful, and smart”
His compliments make your smile widen, and butterflies flutter in your stomach. Your blush deepens, now matching his, and the warmth in your cheeks spreads throughout your entire body. The realization that he shares the same feelings fills you with a joy so overwhelming, you can hardly contain it. Your heart races, but this time it’s with excitement and happiness, knowing that your confession wasn’t in vain.
You couldn’t contain yourself you suddenly jump up, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him into a hug, careful to avoid his injuries. Kyojuro lets out a short gasp of surprise before hugging you back with his non-broken arm, holding you close. The warmth of his embrace makes everything feel real, and the relief and happiness wash over you like a wave. You can feel his heart beating against yours, and in that moment, nothing else matters.
“Im so glad your alive Kyojuro”
“Me too”
He softly whispers back, his breath warm against your ear as the two of you remain in each other’s arms, sharing a relieved, loving embrace. The world outside fades away as you both savor this moment, holding each other close, finally knowing that your feelings are mutual.
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themisimagines · 1 year
prompt generator: person a and person b sharing a bath content: smut under the cut! - self loving, bathtub shenanigans characters: artem, fem!reader
Thank god it's the weekend. You leave the office at 7, a feat given all that's gone on this week, and pop your head into Celestine's office to say goodbye, thinking you might swing by Artem's office to try and convince him to leave work with you. Unfortunately, he's in Celestine's office already when you look in, and they seem to be in deep conversation.
"Have a good weekend," Celestine chimes. Artem raises his hand in parting. You look wistfully at him, but decide to head home first.
Artem texts you on your way out.
<Wait for me to have dinner. Shouldn't be too much longer, I'll pick up ingredients on the way back.>
Your heart warms. He probably knew that you were looking forward to your first free weekend in weeks, having barely had the time to spend with each other beyond curling up together, exhausted, in bed each night, and blearily getting ready for work in the mornings.
Another text. <Don't eat too many snacks.> Ugh, this man knows you too well.
When you finally reach the home you share with Artem, you can almost literally feel the ache in your neck and shoulders from hunching over documents and screens, so you decide to run a hot bath. It's almost criminal that neither of you spend much time in this bath, with it's beautiful city views and skyline. But to be fair, you both only moved in together three months ago, and that was round about the time work started to pick up again. You even take out a precious bubble bath solution you've been saving for a special occasion, the scent of lavender and hibiscus foaming up underneath the running water.
As the bath runs, you pop in a record on the vintage player Artem picked up from his parents recently, and both of you have been enjoying going to markets searching for records, your recent favourites being jazz ballads, the crackle and pop of these old records invoking a different time entirely. The music drifts into the bathroom as you turn off the taps, stripping down and stepping gingerly into the bath, fragrant steam wafting into your face.
Oh, this is nice. You fiddle a bit with the water temperature before it's finally perfect, and then you sink in, closing your eyes blissfully.
<Tell me why we don't take baths on a daily basis again? Are you home soon, by the way?> You grab your phone and send to Artem, snapping a picture of your legs, just obscured by the bubbles.
The feel of the water caressing your body and against your tired muscles is soothingly erotic, and you feel a familiar jolt of arousal flowing down your body. Your hands run up and down your soft inner thighs, the arc of your collarbones, luxuriating in the sensation.
Ding! Artem has messaged you back. <Almost home.>
Then, a follow up: <It's not good for our water bill or the environment to take so many baths, but I agree with you that ours is underused.> You laugh. Ever the practical boyfriend.
Still, if he's still on the way, that leaves you free to take care of... some business. Your hands plunge back into the water, stroking your thighs, your breasts, slowly teasing at your nipples to send delicious shivers up your spine. All the while, the water swirls around you, making you even more excited. One hand drifts further downwards, settling onto your clit, and you draw slow, lazy circles around it, letting a slow pressure build up in your core.
The music swells, and you let yourself enjoy each and every sensation, a small moan escaping your mouth and echoing around the bathroom, your back arching slightly as you chase the peak of your pleasure. One of your fingers is just tracing your opening, ready to slip in, when a knock sounds on the bathroom door, and Artem peeks in.
Startled, you sit bolt upright, almost getting a mouthful full of suds.
"Sorry," Artem apologises for startling you. "Just wanted to let you know I'm home, and I'll be making dinner downstairs. Come down when you're ready.
From the crack through the door, you see that his tie has been loosened slightly, hair slightly rumpled from the day. Even though he's interrupted your moment, you can't help but appreciate how much of a goddamn gentleman he is, barely allowing himself a glimpse of you in the bath. Artem is about to close the door when you call for him to wait.
"Come and join me in the bath," you ask. "We did get one that was big enough for two, after all."
The door freezes, and even though you can't see Artem anymore, you can sense he is debating furiously with himself on the other side of the door.
"Please?" you wheedle. "The water is still nice and warm."
When the door next opens, it does so uncertainly, and Artem blushes upon seeing your clothes tossed haphazardly around the bathroom, the bubbles leaving very little to the imagination. It's hardly as if you both haven't seen each other naked before, but you always sense that Artem is holding himself back, too aware of trying to perform the part of gentleman for you, being overly considerate of your needs. Always too afraid to let his eyes linger for too long, or his hands to rest too inappropriately (except in the heat of the moment), afraid that you might think him crude or impolite.
You take charge of the situation. "Clothes off, Mr. Wing. Now."
His hands hesitate at his shirt-buttons, but then he steels his spine and strips off his clothing efficiently, letting you admire the hard planes and lines of his body, so often hidden away behind suits, which, while flatteringly cut, look much better off him. Belt and trousers join the pile on the floor, and you can sense that Artem is itching to refold his clothes nicely instead of leaving them there, so you launch a distraction tactic, rising in the bath so that the tops of your breasts are just visible, watching his eyes drawn to them as the blush in his cheekbones grows higher and higher.
"Should I just - get in?" He stutters. It's so cute to see him embarrassed. He clears his throat, and although he shifts from side to side, you can see his cock twitch slightly, already half-hardening before he's even in the bath. You slide your knees up to make space, and he climbs in, careful not to let the water splash out, although it's dangerously close to doing so, with an extra person in the tub.
It's almost comical to see him curl up so tightly into himself, trying to avoid touching you. Arms hugging his knees as he watches you intently. You stretch your legs out so they just barely graze the sides of your legs.
"Are you really comfortable like that?" You tease, leaning forward and putting your face closer to his. He continues to stare.
"Come on, stretch out." You try to get him to loosen up. "The point of a bath is to relax, after all. No point in getting even more tense, right?"
"You... hm." He conceeds, stretching his limbs out tentatively, but it's an awkward tangle of limbs with you both sitting opposite each other. Then, you have an idea.
"Artem, what if we sat facing the same direction? I could just nestle myself between your legs. That would solve our space issue, and we'd be more comfortable."
He thinks about it. "I don't dislike the idea."
You stand up to spin around, your body covered in suds, and Artem politely averts his eyes a little, face still red, although you're not sure if it's from the steam or embarrassment at this point. You settle down between his legs, gently pressing up against his chest, and give a sigh of contentment. Artem is the best pillow anyone could ask for. As you purr and squirm to find a comfortable position, you feel a distinct hardness growing against your back and stifle a laugh to yourself. Artem's hands settle awkwardly around the curve of your waist, as if he's holding himself back from letting them wander.
"Comfortable?" you tease.
"Hn." He agrees. His cock has grown to full length now, and you can't help but rub yourself against it, feeling him stiffen. You turn your face slightly behind to look at him, and he doesn't dare to meet your eyes.
"You have soap on your face." He says in a matter of fact tone, reaching a hand out to wipe off soap bubbles on your nose very seriously. You giggle in response, then close the gap to kiss him, gently at first, then deepening it, still rubbing yourself slowly against his cock. You slide one of his hands up your body, encouraging him to grab onto your breast, and faced with so much stimulation, Artem loses control and lets out a small moan into your mouth.
That tiny noise is a sudden breaking of the floodgates, and you can almost hear him think, fuck it, as his hands surge up to hold your body closer to his, hips thrusting upwards greedily between the curves of your ass. Panting, you both break apart the kiss, and Artem dives for your neck, licking and sucking the soft skin until you are sure he will leave a bruise. Rolling your nipples between his clever fingers until he draws out a desperate cry from you, the other hand teasing your clit, your entrance, just barely slipping a finger in. You are writhing and completely at his mercy, reaching behind you to stroke his cock.
"Bed?" Artem asks, voice rough with desire. But you can't be bothered with all that now - getting out of the bath, drying yourself, all that nonsense. You want him now.
"I have a better idea," you reply, then turn around so that you are facing him again, sitting on top of him, nestling his cock between your thighs. He makes an attempt to continue with the foreplay, but you stop him.
"I need you, now." you beg him, and like the gentleman he is, he lets you climb on top of him, lining his cock up with your entrance, sliding into your slick warmth. You both cry out at the sensation, taking a few moments to stretch out and get used to the feeling. Then you slide up and down his cock, panting and not caring that the bathwater is sloshing onto the tiles below, probably getting all your clothes wet.
Artem throws his head back, until you can see the line of his throat, his eyes closed in pleasure. His hands are unceasing, moving to play with your breasts, guiding your waist as you plunge again and again on his cock.
An angle hits particularly well for both of you, and Artem opens his eyes, a wild abandon in them. He seizes your hips and thrusts his hips upwards, creating great swells in the water, but hitting that spot again and again until you feel like you are about to explode, begging him not to stop.
"I'm going to cum –!" you cry. "Please don't stop, oh, don't stop Artem!"
His hips drive into you faster and faster until you hit your orgasm, clenching around him. The tightness drives him over the edge, and with a last few thrusts, he follows suit, cock pulsing inside you as he fills you with his cum.
You collapse against his chest, breathing heavily, both locked in an embrace. Artem doesn't let you rest for too long, as he taps your shoulder.
"We'd better get out, or you'll catch a cold."
"Can't you let a girl bask in post-orgasm glory for a few minutes at least?" You complain, although you know he's right - the bathwater has gone cold during the time that you both were otherwise engaged. You peer out at the floor, where half the water seems to have tipped out onto. Artem catches what you're looking at and grabs your shoulders.
"On second thought, wait. Let me grab some towels for the floor, I don't want you to slip." He steps out of the bath and you watch him leave, sighing happily at what a thoughtful boyfriend you have.
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cupidop · 1 year
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You are mine.
Muzan Kibutsuji KNY
TW: muzanxfemreader, vaginal teasing, pet names, oral mentioned, teasing, sorta nsfw? (I'm still new to this, I do appreciate tips)
| It takes place in The Entertainment District Arc. You are one of the entertainers, and as you make it home after a long shift, a man greets you on your balcony|
You heavily sigh as you are packing up your things, a few men pass you. "I've seen your performance, the Tokito house is lucky to have you." A man complimented you. "Why don't you come back to my place, I'm sure your pretty tired, I can surely relax you." Another asked. "Thank you gentlemen, I'm flattered, really, but I have a boyfriend and I'm not ready to give this job up." You smile. They'd frown and continue their walk. You hop off of where you perform and make your way to the house, but your shoulder brushes up against someone. A tall man with black curly hair. He seems to be wearing a suit with a fedora on. You quickly turn around to see no one there. "I thought-..I must be really tired." You continue your path. As a performer, you lived with other ladies, and the owner is in charge of all of your performances and what goes on in the house. The Oiran is like the queen of the house. You level up in the house depending on how refined your skills were. Koinatsu was your oiran. She was a kind person. As your all greeted by the ladies and you head in your room, you sit with a loud exhale. Your feet hurt. You sit infront a small mirror wiping makeup off, your true beauty reveals itself. The pins in your hair are taken out, and you change into something more comfy. It was hot outside, so clothing that was thin was perfect. You wrap around a yukata around your shaped body, the silk felt like heaven on your dainty skin.
"My, my, I never knew how elegant you are, even when you are just changing." A voice lingers into your room. The lights outside have disappeared, but your room was still bright. Your head turn to your balcony doors, they were open, and a man stands there. His tap tipped over his eyes, it was the same man your accidentally bumped into. You quickly stand up. "You cannot be here! Leave at once." You demand. "How rude, speaking to someone who has great power like that." His hat tips up revealing his face. He was pale with crimson eyes. You couldn't help but blush from the sight. He stepped closer and you step back. "Your ways of making men slobber over you really makes me aroused." His voice was deep, but formal. You quickly grab a pin from your dresser, holding it up as if it was a knife. The man frowned, he was gone in the blink of an eye and right in front of you gripping your wrist that held the pin. His eyes gazed into yours with a terrifying expression. "My dear, I don't think you know who I am, my name is Muzan Kibutsuji, the demon king." He'd growl. Your eyes widened in realization. You were only warned by your boyfriend about him. He is a deadly man who has killed thousands, no, millions of lives. You start to shake, this was it for you. "Look at you so helpless like a little animal who was finally caught by its predator." An evil smirk planted on his face. "It makes me feral." As he spoke, you couldn't help but form tears in your eyes, you wanted to break down on the floor.
A hand cups your cheek, but before you could react, his other hand pushes you to the ground, making him pin you. A small whimper leaves your mouth with a gasp, but you weren't the only one surprised. Muzan's breathing became slightly heavy, it seems you were turning him on. As his hand, that cups your cheek, travels down to your inner thigh. You slam your thrighs together, but something stops them. His thigh was between yours. "No no, my little bunny." He'd chuckle. His thigh caresses against yours, as his knee moves up to the main part of your panties. "Please, get off of me!" You beg. Muzan's eyes narrows at yours. His head leans in towards your ear as he whispers, "I don't think I will." His knee shuffles closer to your cunt, as it brushes up against your panties. A small squeak leaves your mouth. His head lifts and his lips gets closer to yours. You could feel his hot breath, it was, irresistible. His mouth passionately plants onto yours, yours eyes get bigger by the moment, but then more relaxed until they closed. He was such a good kisser, you feel your body sucumb to him. You knew it was wrong but you didn't want to stop.
His tounge slips into your mouth, a light moan from you rests on his lips. His knee backs away and his fingers taps the base of your panties. You can feel your cunt start to become wet. As he's fiercely kissing you, a finger slips into the panties, now touching your clit. You'd gasp as a arm wraps around his back. "Hush sweet doll, your friends will hear us." He'd moan into your mouth. Hearing your delightful whimpers makes him want you even more. As he rubs around your bud, the hand starts to slip the panty off, then makes it way back to your drenched cunt. His fingers dance around your vulva, before his lips leave yours, a trail of saliva connects to your mouth.
NOTE - Hello thank you for reading all of it, I am sorta new to this thing, I love to write/type books, even the silly parts 🤭. Anyways, I took great inspiration from someone named muzansfangs, YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GO CHECK THEM OUT! I'm thinking of making a part two if maybe enough people recognize it?? (ART ISN'T MINE) ☆⌒(>。≪)
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reashot · 1 year
Day 8 of 9 days of Lancaster. Meeting the family/ How Jaune almost lost his Life.
PSA: Hey sorry for the really late post but I been really busy with life. But not to worry the last one will be posted soon enough.
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Two people can be seen sitting together in a couch. A boy and a girl. The boy for some reason can't seem to shop shaking from his seat. While the girl sitting next to him are trying to calm him down as best as she can.
Ruby: Jaune please stop shaking.
Jaune: I-I can't Ruby I'm too worried about what will going to happen. What if they don't like me.
Ruby: You worry too much. They will like you.
Jaune: Oh, here they come. I hope you're right Ruby...
The door opens to reveals two adults entering the room. The two then quietly walks towards them and sit across from Ruby and Jaune.
Summer: So is this the famous Jaune Arc I keep hearing about?
Ruby: Oh yeah, so anyway mom I want to introduce you to Jaune.
Jaune: H-hello mrs. Ruby's mom. I-I mean mrs. Rose. My Name is Jaune Arc, a pleasure to meet you.
Summer: Oh such a charming young man. And it's a pleasure to meet you too Jaune. Hey dear, why don't you go and say Hi to Jaune too?
Tai: *grumble, grumble*
Summer: Oh Tai my love, please be nice to the handsome young man. Or else you'll be sleeping on this here couch for the night.
Tai: Hrmmm.... Fine, okay I'll do it! Hi Jaune...
Jaune: It's nice to meet you too Mr. Xiao Long, sir...
Tai: Growl!
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Jaune: Eeep! I'm-I'm sorry for being born, sir!
Ruby: Dad you're scaring him!
Summer: Really, dear. Is this how you're going to act everytime he comes to visit?
Tai: That remains to be seen...
Jaune: I assure you, sir. That I have every intention to continue my "meeting" with Ruby for a long time.
Ruby: Jaune... *blush*
Summer: Oh my.... What a daring man you are.
Tai: Why you!!!
Summer: Now, now. My dear please try not to kill every boy that try to get close to our daughter. We don't want a repeat of last time. Here have something to drink.
Tai: Fine... *drink*
Jaune: *gulp* Last time?...
Ruby: There used to be a boy that i'm a close friend with but he and his entire family suddenly have to leave after I invite him back home.
Jaune: W-what happened. To make him suddenly leave like that?
Summer: Trust me Jaune. It's not something you want to know.... Anyway let's talk about the most important stuffs. How many times you done "it" With Ruby?
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Jaune: Oh, how many times I did "it" with Ruby? A lot I guess.
Summer: Oh my, such a healthy young boy you are. And Ruby did you enjoy doing "it" with him?
Ruby: Y-yes mom. He's so great in fact that we ended up doing "it" all Night.
Tai: (internally screaming)
Summer: Ahh. Young love... So Jaune what do you think about our little Ruby does she satisfy you in everyway possible?
Jaune: Yes in fact she does thing that I didn't know was possible.
Tai: *going into shock*
Summer: He, he, he. I see. So Ruby did he do the same thing to you?
Ruby: Of course he did. I didn't know that Jaune was so open-minded in trying new things. He's even cool with me in letting me bring other people in.
Summer&Tai: Wait, what?
Jaune: I told you Ruby, just because I let others join in with us doesn't mean that I like doing it. I mean Pyhrra, Weiss and even Blake. At the same time even.
Ruby: Oh. But I thought it's every boy's dream to be doing it with a bunch of girls?
Jaune: Well not this boy that's for sure. I prefer to be doing it with a single person. And I would like that person to be you Ruby.... That is of course, if you want it?
Ruby: Oh... Jaune~ Of course I want it. I want to that person.
Summer: Oh my, I guess it's true that you shouldn't judge a person by their appearance. Say honey, you been unusually quiet for some time now...
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My little girl.... He not only defiled my beautiful baby girl. But he treats her like a side chick in his own harem.
Summer: Uh Tai. We can hear what you're thinking.
Ruby: Please dad you're freaking us out.
Jaune: I think you should calm down Ruby's dad...
Tai: Dad? Dad? Dad!!!!! I'll fucking kill you if you use that word on me. Listen here fuccboy! I will never approve of your relationship with my daughter. Let alone giving you my blessing to marry Ruby.
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Ruby&Jaune: Wait, what!!!
Tai: You heard me I will never let you have Ruby's hand in marriage!
Jaune: W-wait please stop. Ow! L-let me explain. Please stop shaking me before I can explain!
Ruby: Me Marrying Jaune? What are you talking about dad!
Summer: Ruby please stop with this innocent act. I admit that it's cute for a while but it's way over played. We know you want to introduce us to your boyfriend.
Ruby: B-bo-boyfriend!!! Mom, Jaune is not my boyfriend!
Tai: Really?!
Jaune: That's what I been trying to tell you...
Tai: Shut up. I'm not talking to you!
Summer: Then why did you tell us that you want us to meet Jaune & give us our blessing?
Ruby: Oh that's because we want your blessing for us to join a gaming competition.
Summer: A gaming competition?
Jaune: Yeah there's a huge prize if we win the game... Holy shi!!!
Summer: You... Brought us all here together saying you have something important to tell us about your relationship with Jaune. And you have all of us thinking that the two of you are finally getting together for real. Do you have any idea how much I wanted the two of you to be together?
Ruby: Mom please stop it. you're hurting Jaune.
Jaune: Please I can't breathe....
Tai: Sum-Sum I might not like the boy but I think you're going too far here.
Summer: Okay Jaune you want to live another day, right? Then you and Ruby need to give me grandchildren right now!
Ruby: Mom what are you saying!?
Summer: It's the only way for me to have grandchildren! Now let me start by taking off your pants.
Tai: Summer what are you doing!?
Jaune: I do not consent, I do not consent! Please stop it. I need an adult!!!
Summer: I'm an adult.
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Summer: Now stay still... Wow. You can split a person in half with what you're packing. Do you think Ruby mind if I borrow you sometimes?
Tai: Summer No!!!
Ruby: Stay away from Jaune!!!
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herearedragons · 2 months
Six-Song Soundtrack
thanks for the tag @shivunin and @ndostairlyrium!
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following:
An event that defines your character's past
How your character sees themselves
How others view them
Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
A major fight scene
End credits song
...no one should be surprised that I'm doing this for Selene. (songs here, lyrics + reasoning under the cut. content warning for a mention of Sensitive Topics (cults + suicidal ideation) in some of these)
Twenty One Pilots - March To The Sea
Lyriel - Voices In My Head
Tarja - I Walk Alone / Chloe Foy - Oh You Are Not Well / EPIC: The Musical - Ruthlessness
Imogen Heap - 2-1
Tarja - Lost Northern Star
Imagine Dragons - Selene
tagging: @curiouslavellan @solas-backpack-mug @apeirotilio @dragonologist-phd @galesdove if any of you feel like it!
Twenty One Pilots - March To The Sea
And about this time of every year The line will go to the ocean pier And walk right off into the sea And then we fall asleep
And as we near the end of land And our ocean graves are just beyond the sand I ask myself the question Why I fall in line
Then out of the corner of my eye I see a spaceship in the sky And hear a voice inside my head Follow me instead
The go-to past-defining event is definitely her leaving the sea/oblivion-themed cult she grew up in (which. kind of worshipped her for a while due to her being marked by their goddess, then asked her to ritually drown herself. she said no thanks. those were also the people who raised her so the "no thanks" part was difficult and did involve her killing some people when they wouldn't take no for an answer)
Lyriel - Voices In My Head
All the different, noisy, loud and harsh Voices in my head, they follow me To break me down Oh, I can't resist a single one Tempting me to stay, to see, to give, and I obey
When I change my mind They are holding on to me And pushing me into water Cold and dark and beautiful I am not alone They are with me in my time of need, in me Quiet is the tempting sea and beautiful Her dark and cold embrace Peacefully I breathe the need to be with her And taste her grace
She's psychic! She sees and hears souls! She's still processing the cult trauma! And I do think that the struggle with all of that is a big part of how she defines herself. Like. For a while, that was probably the core of her identity.
Tarja - I Walk Alone
Go back to sleep forevermore Far from your fools and lock the door They're all around and they'll make sure You don't have to see what I turned out to be No one can help you I walk alone Every step I take, I walk alone My winter storm holding me awake It's never gone when I walk alone
...I'm doing three "other people's perspective" songs because each one of those is a very specific perspective and I think they're all fun.
This one is the general vibe people probably get from her, which is "ominous, kind of otherworldly, distant" and that's about it.
Chloe Foy - Oh You Are Not Well
Oh you are not well You cannot string your thoughts together How, you do not know To make it any better What you can't decide To love life or to lose it How can we despair When all we do is move it
There is one way of telling If a Mad Man's what you'll be You'll take one look, and with one look Your eyes will flash with fury But don't be hard, have some heart For one day you will see Have some heart and hold his soul and give him all your body
...while people who don't know her that well find her very intimidating and don't really get past that, the people closer to her do know that she's kind of a mess (a highly functional mess, mind you, but still). Also encroaching on the next question's territory a little bit because she does get a Crush Arc and a Pining Arc and it happens to be represented here (to be fair, that's something only one specific character in one specific universe gets to observe as it happens - thank you for your service @curiouslavellan's Helaine - but that counts, I think)
EPIC: The Musical - Ruthlessness
You are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great A Greek who reeks of false righteousness, that's what I hate 'Cause you fight to save lives, but won't kill and don't get the job done I mean, you totally could have avoided all this had you just killed my son But no
You are far too nice, mercy has a price It's the final crack, we're bound to break the ice now You reveal your name, then you let him live Unlike you, I've got no mercy left to give 'cause
Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves
...this one is fun for me, personally, because it fits Ondra's perspective of her. You know. The goddess that marked her and is kind of responsible for the whole cult thing.
This also relates to some late-game Ondra-related events in POE1 (if you know you know), but even without that context, the point is that Ondra has some beef with Selene and her "people shouldn't be thrown away the second they have served their purpose" stance and the fact that she's still alive. Which is fun for Selene to deal with.
Imogen Heap - 2-1
I'm dying to know What's in your head I'm dying to know How it all got in there I'm dying to know To help make some sense of it all I'm dying to know Tell me is it my fault?
And I care about you, darling And I care about you 'Cause I care about you More than anyone else
Things are not always Things are not always How they seem
They don't turn out always Don't quite turn out always How we think Will we be ready?
Ship song!! Early relationship vibes, and by "early relationship" I mean "no one even realizes they have feelings yet". But yeah, it's the "falling for a telepath"/"telepath falling for someone and trying to UnderstandTM them" and the "I don't know why but you're Important to me" and the "there's some kind of horrible danger looming over us but we don't realize it yet" of it all.
Tarja - Lost Northern Star
Lost northern star Buried in sorrow I'll guard your mind Let demons howl outside
My soul burns
I have been known to refer to the different versions of this song as her boss music. phase 1 / phase 2 / phase 3
Imagine Dragons - Selene
To the demonstrated smile To the lonely love child Destination desolation, tell me when you reach the brink of life Just a picture on your wall Thats nice, what a metaphoric fall Typically, I was a validation on your sleeve Oh what an indication To the center of the pain Through your tattered window pane To the middle of your heart
Resolutions and lovers in the kitchen Love is clueless and destiny is wishing This is my heart, it's on the line, Selene
Less lore-accurate lyrics and a way more upbeat sound than the rest of her playlist, but I feel like a credits song should be allowed that. I mean, come on, it has her name in it!! also there IS some Selene-adjacent stuff there with "lonely love child / destination desolation / tell me when you reach the brink of life", and I do kind of read "just a picture on your wall, that's nice / ... / I was a validation on your sleeve" as her addressing the people who raised her. And I can't NOT make "this is my heart, it's on the line, Selene" about Ship Stuff. It's literally in the author's notes of Cold Water.
(also, this IS the last song on her actual playlist for this exact reason. credits music)
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drea-ms · 9 months
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ふしぐるめぐみ Love always lasts forever. Why didn't it last for you and him? what did he do wrong this time?
warnings. heavy angst. hurt no comfort. major character death. misunderstandings. implied hispanic/spanish speaking reader. am mexican guys i know what i'm doing. megumi crying ☹️. canon? i think, it does take place during the shibuya arc. wrote this at 12 am with no sleep. not proofread and grammar mistakes
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You didn't think it would hurt this much, the pain in your heart was way worse than the pain you're feeling right now. Maybe it was the adrenaline that main you forget the pain of being stabbed, you're greatful for that, you have more time to focus on your heavy heart at the moment. You hated that this was the way you were dying, killed by curse (probably higher level) and with no one by your side. It....It was difficult to stay focused on not dying, even when you see his spiky dark hair. His voice going deaf in your ears.
"...n't d...e on... u.... n!" was all you heard, his muffled voice trying to keep you awake, it wasn't working. His voice that brought you comfort before this incident wasn't comforting you like old times, no, none of him was comforting right now, you were on death's door. Something Megumi was least expecting. He regrets everything that has happened in the past two weeks, he was an idiot to not realize his feelings. An idiot to reject you, and an idiot to have fought with you hours before this incident.
What was the that sentence you said in spanish again? He couldn't remember. Fuck. he can't remember anything, why can't he remember? why does he always fuck things up? Megumi looks at your state, you look like shit, cuts on your face, that stupid scar that was in your stomach from that spear the stupid curse landed on you. But nonetheless, you always looked beautiful. At least to him, even in your dying breath you looked like a angel. He doesn't realize he's zoning out until you call his name weakly, hands shaking as you hold his cheeks with both of your hands, smiling at him like nothing ever happened, tears streaming down your face.
"Hi Megs." you say, in the most normal you can, that sweet voice he missed hearing,
"Hi, let's—let's get you out of here yea?" he says, the lump in his throat getting thicker the more he sees you suffer.
"I don't—don't think ill last enough to get to Ieiri-san, Megumi." you stated, he hated how you were right. You wouldn't make it by the time you got the long haired smoker.
"I—I know, just stay awake, please? don't wanna lose you. not after our fight. please" the shaking in his voice making it hard to understand him,
"Do you remember that sentence in spanish I taught you?" you asked, smiling softly as you remembered what you tought him.
"The one from that one song? of course." you laugh at how much he was trying to avoid the topic of you dying in his arms.
"Yes, that one, Do you finally remember what it means and do you know how to say it correctly?" the smirk in your face never leaving as you see him think about it,
"Not really, I think I'm not good enough yet." he says trying to keep you awake as he called for more back up. he can't lose you, not after he lost everyone else.
"You wanna here the part that goes with yours? it comes right after yours." you saying giggling as you started closing your eyes, who knew death would be this peaceful?
"Yes, just keep talking to me okay?" "Of course, anything for you megs." a smile came on both of your faces
"Como quisiera, Que tú vivieras Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran cerrado nunca Y estar mirándolos" he begins, tears pooling out of his eyes, no longer holding them back.
"Amor eterno E inolvidable Tarde o temprano estaré contigo para seguir Amándonos" you say, and with that you close your eyes. your breathing stopped and finally at peace.
"please. come back to me. I'm so sorry."
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VAL SPEAKS !!!! i love angst 🤭🤭🤭 i have so many angst prompts in works rn!!! i'm going to have so much fun:3333 rlly hope u liked this fic :p was crying while i wrote it cus it was late :///
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willalove75 · 1 year
your fics are so beautiful 🥺 the canon glimpses that we've gotten of silly/playful/teasing rebecca are so important to me and I love that she's present among your fluffy fics!!! if the inspiration strikes you, what about reader losing a tickle fight to rebecca (but loving the attention/affection/being at her mercy)? could easily be pure fluff or nsfw, whatever strikes your fancy!! thank you for your time regardless!! 💜
Omg thank you so much 🥺 She's such an amazing, multilayered character and I love being able to explore the sweeter, more playful side of her!! We get a lot of the tough exterior side of her on the show, which I LOVE, but it's fun seeing other sides of her (I also love how the show has been slowly showing that side of her too).
I can absolutely do something with that!! That's so cute I love it!! Thank you so much for you kind message and for the request!! 💕 If you ever have any other ideas please feel free to send them my way! I love getting requests 😍
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You type out your last email of the day as the coaches say goodbye and head home. You shut your laptop and gather your things and head out to meet your girlfriend in the parking lot, like you do every day. You get through the double doors and find Rebecca standing outside, waiting for you. You can tell by her body language she isn't happy, you knew she had a big meeting today and you have a feeling it didn't go so well.
"Hi babe!" you say cheerfully as you walk up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist.
You feel her tense body relax at your touch, she turns in your arms to face you and wraps her arms around your neck.
"Hi love"
She towers over you, especially when she's in heels. She arcs her neck down as you come up on your tip toes and exchange a kiss.
"How did your meeting go?" you say with hope
"Not well" she sighs
"Oh honey I'm so sorry," you say as you cup her face with one of your hands "do you want to talk about it?" you ask as you look into her eyes.
She leans her face into your hand as she places her hand over yours and holds onto it.
"No, not really"
"Okay, well let's go home, I'll cook dinner and we'll have a great night and take your mind off of it!"
"Okay" she replies. You can feel how down she is, even when she smiles, it's not as bright and happy as usual; you know it's gonna take more than dinner and some wine to cheer her up. You pull her in for another kiss and lead her to the car and open the door for her.
"Madame" you say as you bow, trying to get her to laugh.
She gives a small chuckle and ducks into the car. You close her door and get in on the other side. Rebecca is on her phone going through her work emails.
"What's that?" you ask
"Oh nothing, just emails"
"Let me see that for a second" you say as you grab the phone out of her hand.
"Hey wait!" she says trying to grab the phone back
"No! No more work" you put the phone in your bag and push your bag aside "you need one night without work. You had a shit day today, give yourself a break"
She goes to argue back before you cut her off
"And don't try to fight me on this" you grab her hand and look into her eyes "you know I'm right"
She gives you an irritated look, for a second you think of backing down but you decide to stay strong. Once she realizes you won't give in, she sighs in defeat "Fine"
You cuddle up next to her and rest your head on her shoulder, she rests her head against yours and you both sit quietly snuggled up together for the rest of the ride home. The car pulls up to the house and Rebecca seems reluctant to move.
"Hey," you say to her as your hold her face in your hands and look into her eyes "once we get out of this car, we leave all of that shit in here, okay? Nothing that happened today gets into the house, we're gonna leave all of the sadness, stress and frustration right here."
She nods her head as her eyes sparkle, not entirely convinced, but willing to try. You can see in her eyes that she's grateful for what you're doing.
"No more mopey Rebecca, once we get out of the car I want fun Rebecca" you say to her
She frowns and gives you a look.
"Come on," you say "you ready?" as you grab her hand
"Alright" she says
You pull her out of the car and you walk into the house.
"Okay! Fun time!" You say excitedly as you both put your things down. Rebecca's demeanor doesn't change from the car. You can tell she wants to, but the weight from the stress still sits heavily on her shoulders.
"Come on! Let's play!" you say as you jump around her
She chuckles "Honey-"
"Nope you promised! Come on fun Rebecca!" you say as you poke at her. An idea pops into your head, it's potentially dangerous, but you think it'll work.
She kicks off her shoes and goes to walk into the kitchen. You skip behind her and start practicing karate moves on her, gently chopping and poking at her sides.
"Ka pow! Ka cha!" you use your terrible sound effects to add some playful flavor to your pokes and chops.
"Hey! Knock it off!" she says with a small giggle, but definitely sounds a little irritated.
"Nope" you say as you keep playing around, poking her sides where you know she's ticklish.
"That tickles!" She says with a laugh, the irritation in her voice dissipates, you're finally breaking through her bad mood.
"There's nothing you can do!" you say over and over as you poke and tickle her as she laughs and tries to fight you off "there's nothing you can do!"
"Oh really?" she says with a raised eyebrow, Rebecca is significantly stronger than you, hence the potential for danger when you play around like this, you know you're done for.
"Shit!!" you squeal as you run away from her
"Get back here!" she yells as she runs after you
You run into the bedroom and close the door right before she can stop you, she tries to push it open but by some miracle you're able to lock it before she's able to open it. Rebecca hears the lock click and jiggles the handle
"Hey! Open the door!" she says as she laughs
You hear her footsteps walk away as you put your ear to the door. She walks back and you hear the handle jiggle and hear a click, she unlocks the door
"Oh shit!!" you yell as you run away from the door onto the bed as she bursts it open
"I have the key" she says with the spare key in her hand "now you're gonna get it"
She runs after you and you hop off of the bed onto the other side, the bed in between the two of you, you're in a standoff.
"There's no where for you to go now" she says, you can tell already her mood has changed, playful Rebecca finally came through.
She goes to climb onto the bed after you as you run around the side, you almost get past her but she hops off and grabs you by your waist and throws you onto the bed as you squeal with laughter.
"NO! NO!!" you say as you try to climb away from her.
"Oh no you're gonna get it" she says with laughter and determination.
She straddles you on the bed as you try to grab her wrists to stop her from tickling you. She manages to get her hand around one of your wrists and pins it above your head as you struggle to keep your other hand out of her grasp.
"NO!!" you shout playfully
"Oh no you're not getting away from me" she giggles
As usual, she's able to grab your other wrist and pins it above your head, she uses one had to hold down both wrists as she tickles the hell out of you.
"Ah!!! NOOOO!!" you struggle to break free but she's a lot stronger than you, you know you have no chance but you try to wiggle away anyway. Rebecca is laughing as she's tickling you, you pause for a moment to soak in how amazing she is, how gorgeous her smile is, how much you love hearing her laugh. She digs her fingers into your side and you squeal again.
"STOPPP!! I'm gonna pee!!!!" you yell through laughs
Rebecca keeps tickling you as you squirm and try to get away, even though there's no chance. Between your hands pinned above your head, and her strong legs on either side of your hips keeping you from wiggling away, you're screwed.
"Okay! Okay! Okay!!" you yell "Uncle!!!"
She pauses only for a second and gives you a confused look, she quickly returns to tickling you.
"What is that not a fucking thing here?!" you yell, squirming at each poke and tickle she gives you "I give up!!!! You win!!!!"
She stops tickling you but keeps your hands pinned above your head as you pant, trying to catch your breath.
"It's not fair," you whine "you're too strong!"
Rebecca laughs and leans her face close to yours.
"I don't know why you ever think you can win these" she says with a giggle as she starts to kiss your neck.
"Even though I didn't win win, I still won" you say playfully
Rebecca picks her head up and looks at you confused.
"I got fun Rebecca to come out!" you say as you stick your tongue out.
Rebecca laughs and pretends to bite at your tongue.
"Therefore, I win!" you say matter-of-factly.
She rolls her eyes at you and goes back to kissing your neck.
"I mean, there's no way I didn't win!" you continue
She moves her face in front of yours.
"You're such a little shit, you know that?" she says with a smile
"Yep" you say proudly as she shakes her head at you.
You giggle and slide your wrists out from under her grasp, you hold her face in your hands and pull her in for a kiss. You can feel her melt into your lips as any of remaining stress she was harboring earlier vanishes. You roll her over so you're laying next to each other on the bed. You exchange soft kisses, her full lips feel like pillows against yours. With her hands on your hips she pulls you closer, your thumb caresses her cheek as you feel her chest rise and fall against yours with each breath.
You pull away and look into her beautiful eyes, you kiss her nose and put your forehead against hers as you continue to stroke her cheek. She turns her head and places a kiss in the center of your palm and looks at you with bright, full eyes. She moves a piece of hair away from your face and rests her hand on your cheek. She closes her eyes and puts her forehead back against yours.
"Thank you" she says quietly
"Of course" you softly reply "I love you"
"I love you too" she says back.
She wraps her arms around you and pulls you in for another passionate kiss. She breaks off and looks deep into your eyes, you can see her eyes are full of love and happiness, not an ounce of stress is left. She nuzzles into your neck and takes a deep breath in, you feel the rest of her body relax into you as your wrap your arms around her. She feels safe with you, something she hasn't been able to feel for a long time. You hold her tighter, you're her home, and she's yours.
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a-boros-named-seamus · 7 months
As the Citadel fell around him, Shepard thought about the Normandy. About every member of his crew. About Kaidan.
🎵 “It started out as a feeling,”
He remembered meeting the man, just before Eden Prime. Fighting aside him and Ash, with him on that last desperate sprint to the Conduit.
🎵 “Just because everything's changing, doesn't mean it's never been this way before.”
And then there was Alchera. Promising Kaidan he would be fine just as soon as he got joker to a pod. Struggling to breathe as his suit vented into the void.
🎵 “Now we're back to the beginning,”
And then there was Horizon. That terrible day. Kaidan looking at him like a traitor, a puppet dancing to the Illusive Man's tune, had broken something in his heart that he hadn't known was there. He thought of Kaidan when he destroyed the Collector Base
🎵 “But just because they can't feel it too, doesn't mean that you have to forget.”
Mars had been... hard. He had desperately wanted Kaidan to trust him again, had tried so hard to convince him, but there was little time for talking, and he wasn't comfortable baring his heart in front of Liara and her obvious, unwelcomed, crush on him.
Nevertheless the pain in his heart drove him to try. And it had been working, step by step.
🎵 “Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light.”
And then Eva Core had tried to collapse Kaidan's skull. He'd barely been able to tear him away from Kaidan's bedside, let alone sleep. And when he had slept, his dreams had been full of the words of the dead. The Vista of the Citadel's wards arcing out if the Widow Nebula had been as beautiful as ever, but it had been hard to think about anything but the paramedics EDI had called to meet them in the docking bay. Watching them take Kaidan away had filled him with a profound sense of dread.
🎵 “It's just a feeling and no one knows yet,”
"Maybe some things get better with age"
"Or maybe you have"
Kaidan chuckled. "Are you flirting with me, Commander? Wait, wait! Don't tell me. Let me live in the illusion"
Shepard's heart had skipped a beat there. He'd been going out on a limb and kaidan had been happy. Had encouraged him.
There was still an ache deep within his heart, but it was closing.
🎵 “You'll come back when it's over,”
Kaidan lowering his gun there on that Citadel had healed that secret hurt that he'd been nursing since Horizon. Their conversations on Mars and in Huerta had helped, but this one absolute moment of trust closed it forever, leaving naught but a memory.
🎵 “And then that word grew louder and louder 'til it was a battle cry,”
That date, that 'sanity check' at Apollo's Cafe. It had been... oh god it had been perfect. They'd both danced around the subject, just a bit, but in the end they'd come together and stuck that way.
And later, at the car lot, when he'd been running from CAT-6 and relying on his barriers and wits. He'd walked through a door to find Kaidan standing there in his armor and toying with mercs, and his relief, adrenaline, fear, and love had all mixed together to make that tableau the single hottest thing he had ever seen.
🎵 “All you can do is try to know who your friends are as you head off to the war,”
His thoughts went to that last party on the Citadel. All of his living crewmates had been there sharing moments both raucous and quiet. It had done his soul good. The cracks that had started with abandoning Ashley had finally begun to close. His favorite part had been the morning after. He'd woken up next to Kaidan and gone on to find his crew enjoying the morning quiet.
🎵 “Let your memories grow stronger and stronger ‘til they're before your eyes,”
The last memory was that of Kaidan coming up to his quarters just before the assault on Cerberus. Good drinks, a good talk, and even better sex. It had been the perfect night, even as death's specter loomed.
And then, he returned to present.
🎵 “Which then grew into a hope, which then turned into a quiet thought, which then turned into a quiet word,”
Just breathe. He repeated it to himself over and over, his cybernetics straining to keep him alive beneath the rubble. He could see teams searching the wreckage, but couldnt call out, because he had to focus on breathing.
He'd managed to tap into every eezo nodule in his body, pushing his biotincs to their limit on order to break his fall and keep himself from being utterly crushed, and it had still been just barely enough. But there was hope for him yet
As he started to slip away, he heard rescuers drawing close.
"Call the Normandy. We found him alive"
🎵 “No need to say goodbye,”
He awoke to several familiar sensations. The rubbing of soft sheets. The scent of flowers. Warm sunlight on his skin. A monitor beeping in time with his heart.
Kaidan was there next to him, holding some sort of report and looking dreadful. He also looked beautiful. Like the dawn after a long, cold night.
They spent a few quiet moments of relief together until EDI, who had of course hacked the hospital to keep an eye on his heart monitor, ushered everyone in. Or, well. All of them that could fit in a private hospital room.
The rains had passed, a beautiful new day had dawned, and they were all here to see it.
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justplainwhump · 1 year
Adrian takes Blanca/Bea to see an old confidante.
[pet safety masterpost]
Content: BBU (mostly discussed via pet lib shenanigans), part of a recovery arc. A lot of family background on Adrian, but like, kind of loving.
The gallery was in one of the side streets, tucked between a shawarma place and a high end dental clinic. Laurel Crane, Art Gallery & Classes, it said in the window, and underneath the name hung the poster of a past exhibition. It wasn't a particularly popular place, it wasn't a particularly shady one either.
While Laurel Crane didn't exist, the art classes were real, so was the art, and it was quite a stretch for anyone to assume this was the main hub of the city's pet lib movement.
Even more so when looking at the gallerist, a slender woman with long dark locks pulled into a loose braid. She wore a simple-but-stylish sleeveless black dress, her muscular arms underneath littered with specks of paint on top of dark bruises.
"A-", she called out, but let the syllable hang between them in the moment her gaze fell on Bea.
"She knows my name," Adrian said with a half apologetic smile and folded his arms. "She knows a lot about me."
"Oh?" Marta raised a brow, perfectly covering up the frown he knew was hiding underneath. "Looks a little like you, too. Nice shirt."
Adrian grimaced.
"Thank you." Bea smiled, and it stung, how real it felt. There was no reason for her to trust Marta, she knew nothing about her at all, she'd lived her entire conscious life in a surroundings where everyone was ready to hurt her, and yet she easily called up a radiant, heartwarming smile at a stranger. "You look beautiful, too."
"That's not what I said," Marta replied softly. "I didn't compliment your beauty. I like your choice of clothes. I'm Marta."
"I'm..." Bea glanced over at Adrian, asking for permission, and he nodded. "Bea."
Marta pointedly looked at the shape of Beatrix Kiddo on Bea's yellow T-shirt and then at him. "Boys will be boys, Adrian, huh?"
"Coincidence," Adrian said stiffly. Of course she commented on it. She was a pet lib leader, a strategist and commander, but some things would never change.
Marta had directed her attention back at Bea. "Hi, Bea. I work with some people who help pets that got away from their owners. I'll help Adrian to find a place for you at-"
"She's not free."
Marta's attention snapped to him, eyes narrowed, searching his face, and finding a reply way to easily. She sighed deeply. "Oh, little one, no."
"Yeah." Adrian averted his gaze. "Things didn't work as planned. I bought her."
"You can still free her."
"You know I can't."
Marta closed her eyes for some seconds, before she nodded. "Yeah. No. You can't."
She exhaled deeply. "Hey, Bea? I would like to talk to Adrian alone for a moment. Are you okay, looking at the paintings here, while we step into the office?"
Bea looked at him nervously, before Marta pointed at a glass wall with a neat little desk behind. "It's just over there. We'll leave the blinds open so you can see him at all times."
"Okay." Bea bit her lip. "I... It's... it's not his fault, Madam Marta. He helped me. I, ... please don't send me away."
"Oh, Bea, sweetie," Marta said, and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. He's not in trouble."
"You're in trouble," Marta said, once the door fell close behind them. "And it's not just because you gave my heartfelt gift to someone else."
"I know," Adrian replied and let himself sink into her office chair. "That's why I came here."
Marta reached a water carafe and filled two glasses, pushing one over to him. "It's been a while since you last came to me about advice dealing with cute girls."
Adrian grinned sheepishly. "Or cute boys."
Her face darkened, before she shook her head. "Still think I messed that one up though. Anyway. Let's talk about Bea." She jugged her chin into Bea's direction. "How did Jack Donnell's Chewtoy end up in my T-shirt and your possession?"
"Ray told you?"
"Not all of it, it seems."
"Izzy is out. Tried to run the job across her, declare Bea dead. But WRU is getting more careful with access to their systems."
Marta ran a hand through her hair. "So you bought her?"
Adrian pressed his lips together and nodded shortly. "You know what the alternative was."
"I know what the consequence of this choice is, too. Given that for all I know you've gotten yourself another complaint. We need you at your best at WRU, considered completely loyal. Trusted."
"I couldn't let her die."
"I know." The smile that tugged at Marta's lips was melancholic, almost sad. Marta smiled, and it looked almost melancholic. "I've always known you're not cut out for the job."
"But I'm the one who volunteered for it."
"And nobody else did sacrifice as much as you." She sighed. "Point is, you're too good for WRU. Too good for us, too."
"Whatever you or Ray say, Matti, I won't give her up."
She nodded. "Yeah. You're right. Ray will want you to."
"And you?"
"I like her shirt." Marta bit her lip. "You've sacrificed enough, Adri. As your leader, of course Ray is right. As your big sister, I want you to get out of this. Take Bea, get her to Canada, be..." She shrugged. "Whatever. A bus driver, as you've always wanted."
"When we were like, five." Adrian smirked. "I hate traffic. I'd make a horrible bus driver."
She raised an eyebrow. "You're implying what, now? You want to go on?"
"My boss thinks I bought Bea as a career move. If I don't mess up, I think she'll recommend me for a promotion soon."
Marta frowned. "Management level access?"
She leaned back. "Fuck. We can't let that chance pass."
"I want to do it. I don't want to run." He searched for her gaze. "And I won't give up Bea either."
"She's not Eric, you know that, right?"
Adrian's jaw clenched. "Not everything I do is about Eric."
"Bullshit. Everything you do is about Eric." She grimaced. "Everything I do is about Eric, too."
"I can save her."
"Can you?" Marta folded her arms. "You want to work on deconditioning her under the eyes of your hyper-aware colleagues at WRU who know exactly what that looks like, while spying on them and their clients at the same time?"
He followed her gaze, looking at Bea walking through the exhibition room. They both stayed silent for a while, until Adrian shrugged. "I do."
"Even if you think you're capable of that. Is she? She'll need to keep your secrets. Your life depends on it, then. And by proxy, many more."
"Her life depends on me keeping her safe." Adrian kept his voice even, his gaze on Bea standing in front of one of the paintings. "She trusts me with it. And I trust her." He glanced back at Marta. "I didn't just give away your shirt. I also used your recipe for cheese sauce. First meal she picked. She loved it."
"Appropriate. It's very good. Very comforty, too." She considered him with a frown. "That going to be some sort of emotional manipulation? You do you, little brother. I've got your back. Always."
"It's only twenty-one minutes," Adrian replied, like he'd done his entire life.
Her reply was new, though. "How many minutes did it take for you to fall in love with her?"
"I- I didn't..." Adrian looked at Bea, then back at Marta.
She grinned. "Few minutes can make a big difference. That's all I'm saying." She reached out to ruffle his hair, but her hand froze midair and she hissed sharply.
Alarmed, Adrian looked at her, the bruises on her left arm, the way she held herself. More stiff than usual. Weight shifted to the right side. Broken rib, he thought. Why hadn't he seen it sooner? "You're injured. What happened?"
She smirked and lowered her hand again. "Officially? Fell off a rock while bouldering."
"And the unofficial one?"
"Rerouted a WRU shipping truck." Marta looked up at him with a half grin. "Your colleagues didn't go down without a fight."
"But they did go down?"
"They did." She grimaced. "Permanently. Should've seen their obituaries in your company mail."
"Security are external contractors. Company won't write obituaries for them." Adrian bit his lip. He'd had a chat with one of the delivery teams just recently, talked with them about how to handle the boxes, going over into a chat about working conditions at WRU. Steve, the guy he'd been talking to, had hated his job, just done it to get his daughter through college. By shipping out the sons and daughters of other parents, who'd never see their kids again. Adrian sighed deeply, pushed back all the sympathy he felt for Steve. "And the pets?"
"Think they're with their owners. Happy, as far as the definition goes. We got six out, this time."
Six. Six lives, turned to the better, thanks to Marta's relentless fight. He whistled. "That's impressive, sis. Congratulations."
"We used your intel," Marta replied. "You're aware of that, right? I didn't bring you in on it before, but that success? It's on you. We know how they plan their routes, how they staff them, how they guard them, even how they stack these fucking boxes, thanks to you. You might not see your own successes, but this one, out of many."
Adrian's gaze shifted back at Bea. "I want her to be happy, too," he said. It felt like a confession.
"I know," Marta said. "And I've run enough deconditionings over the years to know the two of you will make it. She seems like a nice girl."
"You've said that about every girl I ever liked."
Marta shrugged. "Could mean I'm lying. Could also mean you're doing something pretty right."
"You'll help me?"
She pulled him into a one-armed hug, wheezing for a moment when he slung his arms back around her. "Always, little brother."
pet safety tag list (ask to be added or removed): @gottawhump @flowersarefreetherapy @whumplr-reader @highwaywhump @tauntedoctopuses @pigeonwhumps @whumppsychology @labgrowndemon @whumpinggrounds @somewhumpyguy @whumpzone @tragedyinblue
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libraryofxaviersring · 3 months
Last Reads of June
Full Review below ✨
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𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 by Rebecca Zanetti
Information is power, and those who control it live like gods. In my world, billionaires play deadly games of insult and influence where magic is the dirtiest weapon of all. Here, even a powerful princess can be swallowed by the darkest of shadows . . . My name is Alana Beaumont, and due to a recent tragedy, I’m the sole heir to Aquarius Social, a family business being systematically dismantled by an unseen enemy. My father’s solution is to give me in marriage and create a coalition with a competing family, so I’m torn between my thirst for revenge and my duty. Now I just have a week to finish my hunt before the wedding. There’s nothing like an assassination attempt to cut short the best of plans—even worse is my unwanted rescue by Thorn Beathach, the Beast whose social media empire is driving Aquarius under. The richest, most ruthless of them all, he protects his realm with an iron rule: no one sees his face. When he shows himself to me, I know he’ll never let me go. Adam may think he can lock me in his castle forever, but I’m not the docile Beauty he expects. If the Beast wants to tie me up, I’m going to take pleasure from every minute of it . . .and we’ll just see who ends up shackled.
Release Date: June 25, 2024 Date Read and Review (Goodreads): June 24, 2024
Ratings: 2⭐
I'm definitely excited and hoping to like this novel, considering a mutual of mine in booksta did enjoy this novel, so it added to my expectations.
I'm not gonna lie, the first half was enjoyable, the writing really gave this thrilling and suspenseful kind of atmosphere in my opinion so I was hoping that the momentum would continue in the later chapters until the end.
However, it didn’t turn out like that. It ended up quite dragging and flat for me. The characters became tedious, and I really didn't like the developments going on, especially the romance. This is another case of trope and concept that's not executed well, in my opinion.
Overall, it did quite fall flat for me. I was really hoping that it wouldn't turn out like that.
Thank you, Headline Eternal and author Rebecca Zanetti, for the e-arc opportunity.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 by Marni Mann
A scorching hot, he-falls-first, touch-her-and-die, billionaire romance from USA Today best-selling author Marni Mann … The first time I saw her, I wanted her. The second time I saw her, I knew she had to be mine. Beautiful blonde hair. Cornflower-blue eyes. Body to die for. All things I knew I couldn’t live without. But after one night, she ghosted me, leaving me desperate for another taste. I was usually the one to walk out the door before the morning light came. This time, it was her, but not without becoming my obsession in the process. Lily was a mystery. She had a past shrouded in secrets she was unwilling to divulge. She was running from something, and I was determined to find out what it was. And once I did, I’d do anything to protect her. They called me the sinner for a reason. Because I wouldn’t hesitate to burn down the world or cross any line to save her.
Release Date: June 27, 2024 Date Read: June 23, 2024 Date Reviewed (Goodreads): July 2, 2024
This is my first time reading from the author and I would say I had my expectations quite set a little bit high considering there's a bunch of 5 and 4⭐️ ratings so I'm quite excited about it.
The synopsis, although not to my liking on how it was presented, piqued my interest. I'm quite drawn to the obsessive and touch her and die trope so you see, once again, I had expectations.
Long story short, it felt flat. I don't mind a love at first sight or lust at first sight trope as long as it's written well, but unfortunately, the writing here wasn't something or something that endeared me.
It was pretty disappointing, considering the plot really had potential if just the writing did execute well and utilises the trope in a better light as well as the characters.
Overall, I didn't like it. I really wanted to like this, but I just couldn't.
Thank you, Valentines Pr and author Marni Mann, for the e-arc opportunity ♡
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A Dream of Blood and Magic by Olivia Boothe
DNF at 55% 1.5⭐️
Don't get me wrong, the premise sounds intriguing, and I had high hopes for it. But it was just so boring for me. I couldn't take another page from it, and it feels like I will be in a slump if I forced it.
Thank you, Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the e-arc opportunity.
You Belong With Me by Mhairi McFarlene
1.5 ⭐️
I knew I should have just DNF this, but my guilt and conscience is so strong since I just DNFed a book.
Long story short, the novel is EMPTY AND EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL TO READ.
The characters aren't likeable at all. I couldn't connect to them and the romance.
The concept is waste, and I feel like the author jusy wrote this for the sake of writing without passion because that's what I feel when reading this.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the e-arc opportunity.
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Chapter 13 ~ A light at the end of the tunnel
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Hidden Depths
Previous ~ Masterlist
Genre: Fantasy whump
Written per Whumptober 2022 prompts
CW: captivity flashback (dream), drugging, blood, debasement, creepy/intimate whumper, strangulation, vocal injury, lots and lots of beautiful angst 
WC: 3787 4014
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AN: Hey, I'm putting a title as a placeholder bc it bothers me to finish this arc without one.
I fully intend to continue this in a recovery arc. I might need to take a little break though lol.
Although, let me know if anyone wants an AU :D
Dual POV warning
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Something must’ve been in the broth brought to him earlier because now the rusty bloodstains on the floor swam in uneven lines through the chalky white limestone. The light flickering from the lamps by the door created shadowed hands that reached out for him. Resh blinked, and he could hear his eyelashes brush together. His skin was buzzing, and his injuries throbbed mercilessly. He whimpered.
"What's the matter, Resh? Are you not feeling well today?" Marcus asked, brushing his hand down Resh's arm.
Resh flinched. Where had Marcus come from? He hadn't seen the prince enter the room, let alone crouch in front of him. His breath caught when Marcus dug his fingers into one of the wounds on his arm, cracking open the fragile edges. Marcus brought his bloody fingers up to Resh's face, traced them over the tear tracks running down his cheeks.
"Ah, a bloody tear trail. I like it." Marcus grinned and reached out to brush Resh's hair back.
Resh jerked back before he could stop himself. 
Suddenly, Marcus' hand was behind Resh's head, his hair caught in a painful grip. The vine wrapped around his collar slithered away, and Marcus slammed his head to the floor at his feet.
Resh's brain ricocheted in his skull while bright sparks flashed behind his eyes. Fuck, that hurt.
"You can't seem to remember that you belong to me, can you? That you’re mine to do with as I will," Marcus said, grinding Resh's head into the stone.
"No, my lord. I'm sorry, my lord," Resh forced out, trying not to flinch at the harsh sound of his voice. What remained of it, anyway.
Fuck you, you piece of shit, is what he really wanted to say. 
The prince released him. "On your hands and knees, eyes on the ground."
Resh scrambled to follow Marcus' instructions, but his limbs were unwieldy and weak. His head throbbed, and his vision swam, probably more from whatever drug he'd been given than the blow. Marcus' boots moved away, making a curious crunching noise while Resh struggled to get into position.
A wet warmth trickled down his forehead; Resh watched as a droplet of red splashed on the floor. The stone greedily drank the blood, leaving nothing but a tiny spot of rust behind. 
"Eyes up." Marcus' voice sounded far away and oddly layered.
Resh raised his head, finding Marcus sitting on a chair across the room. Or rather, three Marcus’. The floor between them looked strange–the light reflected off it strangely. Resh tried to concentrate, to pick a Marcus to look at, but he couldn't decide which one was real.
Marcus laughed. "Having a little trouble, Resh?"
That lopsided grin he hated so much reflected back at him three times over. Resh shivered at the wrongness of it–the world couldn’t take three of Marcus. He couldn’t take three of Marcus. 
"Come here," Marcus beckoned.
Resh sat up, tried to keep himself steady enough on his knees to stand.
"No, no, not like that," Marcus said, amusement lacing his tone. "Crawl."
Immediately, Resh balked. Fuck, no. No way in the pits of the damned was he doing that. 
"Oh, you think you can say no?" Marcus asked, crossing three pairs of arms over three chests.
The collar around Resh's throat tightened, cutting off all access to air. Resh tried to dig his fingers underneath the vine, but his efforts were useless.
Three Marcus' laughed at him through his rapidly darkening vision. "You better start crawling. If you don't, I'll let you pass out. You’ll wake up soon enough when I release the pressure. I'll strangle you again, and again, and again. Then, when I get bored with that, I'll practice my technique on you a little more, and you'll have no strength left to even squirm."
Resh dropped to his hands and knees again, forcing himself to move. He would do almost anything not to feel that knife digging into his skin again, only to be replaced by Marcus' fingers, probing and pulling and tearing. Ripping him apart.
The collar loosened when he crawled forward. He sucked in a glorious breath, only to lose it in a hoarse scream as he put his weight on his left hand. His right shot out to support him so he could inspect it, find out what had sliced into his palm. A crunch followed by searing pain stopped him. 
Resh reared back onto his knees with another cry. Tears blurred his vision even more while he cradled his bleeding hands to his chest. Echoes of the pain traveled all the way up Resh's arms.
The floor was covered in shards of glass.
"You are mine for another year, Resh. But you keep forgetting. Pulling away from me. Looking at me with hate in your eyes," Marcus said. "I own you, and I won't have you thinking otherwise. Now crawl."
The collar tightened again and didn't loosen until Resh was back on his hands and knees. He whimpered when he put weight on his hands once more, driving the shards further into his flesh. The glass dug into his knees next, and he froze, unable to force his body forward.
"Please, my lord, I can't," he sobbed. 
Tears and blood fell from his face, mixing to stain the glass beneath him. Pools of red seeped out from under his palms. He felt paralyzed; he could either slice himself up on glass or let Marcus strangle him and strip more of his skin away.
"You can, Resh, and you will." Marcus' voices echoed through the room, ringing in Resh's head in triplets of cruel satisfaction.
He tried to move, he really did, but his arm trembled and stayed where it was. "Please," he cried. "I belong to you! I—" 
His plea was cut off when the collar tightened.
"You will move, or I will drag you across the floor, how about that?" Marcus asked, sounding irritated now.
Somehow, he moved. Again and again, the glass crunched under his weight, drove into his skin. A steady whine emerged from his throat, interrupted by hiccuping sobs. His left arm gave out, and he fell on his shoulder. More glass embedded into previously compromised flesh, bruised and lacerated and stripped from earlier sessions with the prince. 
It hurt it hurt it hurt  
Resh could barely see, and what he could see was unreliable. He crawled, hoping he was heading toward the correct Marcus.
His world was nothing but pain, blood, and tears. And the sound of Marcus' laughter.
The relief he felt when he reached Marcus' actual feet was indescribable. Thank gods he hadn't guessed wrong. Thank gods. He hung his head, panting against the continuous onslaught of pain. His whole body was shaking–cold, he was so cold.  
Marcus rose from his chair. Placed his boot on the back of Resh's neck. "Say it."
"I belong to you," he said dully, his voice little more than a whisper.
Marcus pressed down, and Resh's arm gave out again. He shrieked as the shards dug into his bare chest.
"Not good enough," Marcus said, pressing harder.
Resh bolted upright with a soundless scream.
Frantically, he tried to pluck the glass from his skin, to stop the pain streaking like lightning throughout his body. But his hands met fabric, fabric soaked through with sweat. 
He stilled when he realized he was wearing a shirt. That didn't fit. His chest heaved while he tried to recenter himself.
It was dark, but he was sitting on something soft and warm. His left hand clenched in something silky... bedsheets? Yes, bedsheets. His right hand flew to his throat. A knot in his stomach loosened when he encountered no collar. Just the small dots of scar tissue left behind from the thorns.
It was dark, but moonlight streamed in from a window to his left, and a thin silvery beam crossed the foot of the bed. Slowly, achingly slowly, Resh's heart rate slowed. He traced his fingers over his throat, reminding himself he wasn't there anymore.
A dream—it had just been a dream. Or a nightmare, rather.
He was in a guest chamber in the palace.
The queen had visited him personally a few days after his rescue. While she hadn't acknowledged her son's behavior in any way, she'd released him from his contract and offered him… reparation? He thought that was the word she'd used. Money, he'd been given money. A lot of it, along with the use of this room for as long as he needed. And the offer of a ranked position serving the Crown.
Resh wondered if the queen thought money would erase his memories. If she thought money would remove the fucking brand from his forehead or the scars on his body. If she thought money would return his voice to him.
It had been weeks, and he still couldn't make a single sound. Resh rubbed his throat while he stared blankly out the window. And as it always did, his mind latched onto Carr. He wondered what she was doing, how she was doing. If she was okay. If she was sleeping any better than him.
A lump rose in his throat. She'd not left his side once during his time in the infirmary, and Resh had thought… but he hadn't seen her since he'd been released. It wasn't like he could go out into the city and ask around for one of Nykim's thieves, either. Carr had just felt guilty, he told himself. Once she'd assured herself he would recover, she’d returned to her life.
He tried to tell himself it was better that way.
It was better because he was using the queen's blood money to get out of this fucking city. He had no plan except to take his sister and travel north. It wasn't like he could expect Carr to go with him. Closing his eyes, Resh tried to breathe through a different kind of pain.
In the darkness behind his closed eyelids, he saw the look Marcus had given him when Carr and Nykim had carried him out of the manor. His eyes flew open, and he shook his head violently, concentrating on the way his new bangs brushed over his eyebrows. He was willing to travel north for as long as it took to forget that look, that promise in Marcus' eyes.
Marcus was gone, sent to foster with some former noble in the east. But the memories remained. And one day, Marcus would return, even if it was just for a visit. The city wasn't safe. Would never be safe.
Resh’s breathing eventually evened out, but his chest still ached, and his eyes burned with unshed tears. There would be no more sleep for him tonight.
Not with the echoes of his nightmare still lingering. He shivered and pushed out of bed. Might as well get a headstart on his preparations since he and Orla were leaving tomorrow.
Leaving. The thought increased the tension banding across his chest. He hated that he was leaving the city without seeing Carr again. But he had no way to contact her. Although, Nykim had contacts in the palace, so maybe she already knew and just didn't care.
He cared. He missed her.
Resh wiped his tears away and headed for the washbasin. He needed to change out of his sweat-soaked night clothes. 
And find some way to deal with the fact that she was gone.
"How's he doin?" Carr asked the small girl sitting across from her.
They had met at a rather nice cafe in the city, one befitting the girl's current status. Perhaps Carr should've worn something a little nicer than her plain tunic and brown pants, but since she was still presenting as a man, no one gave her trouble. 
Men could get away with a lot, Carr had discovered. She wrapped her hands around the delicate porcelain teacup in front of her, letting its coolness seep into her clammy palms. Cold tea, for this hot summer day.
Orla spun her teacup on its saucer, back and forth, back and forth. When she looked up, her brown eyes were shiny, and she swiped a gloved hand across her cheek when a tear slipped out. "He still can't speak. He writes stuff down for me, but he doesn't really tell me anything. I hate that I'm too young to help him."
Carr looked up at the green and white striped canopy shading the patio they were seated on, feeling her own tears forming. She couldn't read, so she wouldn't be able to communicate with him that way. Maybe she could teach him the thieves cant? The hand signs were rough approximations and not very versatile, but it was better than nothing. And she'd been practicing reading lips with Nykim.
A breeze kicked up, rustling through the white-leaved ornamental trees lining the street in front of her. Carr swallowed the lump in her throat and looked back down at Resh's sister. "Has he decided when he wants t’ leave?"
"Tomorrow," the girl said, perking up. Her lilac scarf slipped back a little, revealing the tiny curls in her short brown hair. "I think the change of location will be good for him. And seeing you, of course."
The lump in Carr's throat returned, so she took a sip of her tea. It didn't help. She folded her hands in her lap instead. Spoke to her hands, too. "You sure he'll want me t' come?"
It was a little fucking late to ask such a question. She'd been making preparations for weeks now. Training up a new beta, selling the things she didn't need, packing the things she did. Her bags were ready to go at a moment's notice, just in case Resh freaked out one night and decided to take off. The nightmares had been bad, she'd heard. 
Carr wished she could've been there for him, but he barely left his rooms, and she couldn't be seen in the palace if she didn't want to be imprisoned again. There was also that niggling doubt that he’d want to see her. Just like the one that told her she was a fool for making these plans. Upending her entire life, and for what? Just to be rejected, left on her own again? 
"That's a silly question. Of course he will!" Orla said with all the confidence of youth.
A wall came up, familiar and safe, one that she could tuck her feelings behind. Carr crossed her arms over her chest. "We'll see." 
The words came out a bit harshly, and Carr felt bad when Orla bit down on her lip. It was a nervous habit of hers, Carr had noticed.
She drank the rest of her tea and stood. Tried to speak a little softer this time. "See you tomorrow?"
Orla nodded, giving her a small smile. "You have nothing to worry about, Carr. You'll see."
Carr stood in the shadows of the royal stable early the next morning, watching the hired coach that was being loaded. Orla stood to the side, twisting her hands in front of her while she glanced around. A servant was packing luggage into the carriage with Resh’s help. 
Once she found Resh, she couldn’t look away. She studied him critically, although she was unsure what she was looking for. 
The first thing she noticed was his hair. He’d had it trimmed; the brown waves framed his face, barely reaching his shoulders. A shorter length of hair fell across his forehead, mostly hiding the scar she knew was there. 
Then, she noticed his clothes. He would be miserable, the way he was dressed. A long-sleeved shirt with fucking gloves? And a godsdamned scarf to boot. It was midsummer, and he was traveling north, where it would only get warmer. What the fuck was he thinking?
Did he think his sister would be traumatized if she saw a few scars on his hands, his forearms? The scars around his throat weren't even that noticeable. Fucking shit.
But the lantern light illuminated the dark circles under his eyes, making her wonder if he wore all that so he didn't have to look at it. Her anger faded away. 
"You gonna go talk to him, Carrah? Or did you decide to stay after all? Flynn is okay, I suppose, but he definitely isn't you," Nykim said.
Carr turned her head to glare at her pack master. Or former pack master, she supposed, if she truly left.
She could admit to herself how fucking scared she was. What if Resh didn't want to see her? Didn't want her along? Her heart thrummed in her chest, and she clenched her hand around the strap of her bag.
If she could admit it to herself, she could surely admit it to this man who had done nothing but support and protect her in his own way for the last ten years.
"I don't know if I can do this," she whispered. It felt like her heart was trying to jump outta her throat. "What if… if…" She couldn't finish, just looked at Nykim helplessly.
"Carrah, that boy worships the ground you walk on. He's been moping around the palace since he moved out of the infirmary. I've had servants report him asking after you. Discreetly, of course." Nykim raised his hands when Carr's eyes widened. "You're a fool if you don't at least ask."
She stared at him for a moment, considering. Then, she extended her hand. Nykim cocked an eyebrow before sandwiching it between his own. A sadness crept into his eyes, and he didn't even try to push her physical boundaries. It was probably a first for him, and Carr smiled through her tears.
"I'm gonna miss you, Nykim. If… you know." She took a deep breath. "Thank you. For… for everything."
The corner of Nykim's mouth kicked up. "Nothing to thank me for. But… I’m gonna miss you too." He squeezed her hand and released her, stepping back.
Carr flexed her fingers and turned to check on Resh. Took a deep breath. When she glanced over at Nykim again, he was gone.
At least there was no one to witness whatever was about to happen. She knew if she came back to the lair, Nykim would take her back in, no questions asked. But first… she had to try. She owed it to Resh, at the very least. 
Just in case, she dropped her bag against the stable wall. That way, it didn't look like she expected anything. Her chest felt too tight, and her hands trembled now that she had nothing to hold on to. She didn't think walking up clutching the hilts of her daggers was a good look, so she clasped them behind her back and forced herself to step forward.
Orla saw her first, and Carr gave her a tremulous smile. The girl ran over to Resh, chattering excitedly and waving her hands. He stiffened, the bag he was carrying slipping from his fingers. A plume of dust rose, the motes dancing around his body in the early morning light as he spun to face her. 
Their eyes locked. Carr didn't know what to call the expression that crossed his face. It looked like a mixture of pain and relief. Happy and sad all at once. What did that mean?
Resh didn't move, so she was forced to cross the entire space between them. She stopped before him, probably too far away, and shuffled forward another step. Reminded herself that words were a thing.  
"You leavin?" She could've kicked herself as soon as she said it. Words were a thing, and those were the ones she chose? Fucking shit.  
Orla giggled, the sound light and happy. "You knew that already. You're so silly, Carr."
Resh looked at his sister, then back to her, and raised his eyebrows. He pulled a notebook from his back pocket, along with a piece of charcoal, but Carr reached out, placing a hand over his when he started to write. He looked up at her slowly, his brows drawn.
"I can't read that," she said, snatching her hand back while her cheeks filled with heat. This was going just great. Fucking great. "Just talk. I've been practicing readin lips."
You have? he asked, carefully forming the soundless words while his fingers clenched around his notebook. 
She nodded. 
What are you doing here? Resh asked, something indecipherable flickering across his face.
Carr cringed and backed up a step. Did that mean she shouldn't be here? Had this been a mistake after all? "I, umm…" 
She looked over at Orla, who waved her hand in a circle, apparently trying to encourage her. 
"Umm…” Her throat constricted, and she swallowed. Her next attempt resulted in her mouth opening and closing soundlessly, and she clenched her fists helplessly at her sides, taking another step back. And another. 
Resh watched her, his dark brown eyes looking like bottomless pools of misery.    
It was all she could do not to run away. And that pissed her the fuck off. Why wouldn’t the words come? 
“For fucks' sake! I can't do this!" Carr spun, crossing her arms over her chest. She was either going to cry or throw one of her daggers. How did people deal with this fucking bullshit? 
"Do you want to come with us?" Orla asked.
Carr turned back slowly, only to find Resh glaring at his sister, scribbling furiously in his notebook.
Her heart sank. "It's fine, Resh. If you don't want me t’ come, I mean. It was a stupid idea."
"It's not a stupid idea!" Orla said heatedly, glaring at her brother.
"I mean—" Carr said, backing away.
Orla started talking again, drowning Carr out. The girl was clearly agitated, her voice rising to an ear-piercing shriek.
Resh sliced a hand through the air, and they both stopped talking. He shook his head at his sister and then walked over to Carr. She stared at his mouth, waiting for him to speak. It took a few minutes. 
Those few minutes felt like a lifetime. 
I want you to come, he finally said. 
"You do?" Carr said, her voice a touch higher than usual.
He nodded, standing a little straighter. 
Something fluttered in her stomach. "Well, I guess I can come," Carr said, shifting her weight awkwardly. 
Resh smiled, his eyes lighting up. 
"Long as you don't think I'm marryin you!" she blurted.
Oh gods, what the fuck was wrong with her? Carr's face heated even further when he shook his head, his shoulders quivering with silent laughter.
She scowled but found she couldn't hold onto the expression. "Can I, maybe, hug you?" she asked quietly.
Resh’s eyebrows rose. He reached up to adjust his scarf, and Carr thought he would refuse. It was okay if he said no. She understood completely if he didn’t want to be touched. 
But then he said, Of course. Can I hug you back? 
Nodding, she stepped closer, tentatively wrapping her arms around his waist. Very gently, he folded his around her shoulders.
Carr let his heat envelop her, relaxing the unnatural stiffness her body held, and laid her head on his chest. 
Yes, this felt right.
His heartbeat thundered under her ear, soothing her as surely as the rise and fall signaling his breaths. There was a time when she feared she’d see or hear neither ever again. He began to tremble when it became clear she wasn’t going to pull away any time soon, and she tightened her grip, struggling to keep her own tears at bay. 
When Carr finally stepped back, she pretended not to notice as he wiped his face, just as he made no mention of her sudden fascination with the bird nest perched in the stable’s eaves. 
After a few moments, when she was sure her emotions were back under control, she grabbed his hand, pulling him along with her to retrieve her bag.
"Let's get outta here," she said. 
Resh’s answering grin was the best thing she’d ever seen.
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This is the end of Arc 1! If you'd like to check out my artbreeder pics of Resh, Carr, and Nykim, they're linked on my masterlist, along with a commissioned sketch of this last scene! Stay tuned for Arc 2!
Also, I wrote an AU.
What if Carr didn't escape >:) Check out the first chapter here
Image Description
[ID: The banner is a blue-green background, with tree branches arching over a set of blue-green eyes, forming an approximation of a face. The words Hidden Depths are written in white above the eyes. end ID]
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Fictober '20 Prompt No. 10 — "All I ever wanted..."
Category: Fanfic Fandom: My Favorite Martian (1963–1966) Rating: G Timeline: anytime after season 1 CW: none Word Count: 1,521 Additional Notes: part 2 of this particular arc
Tim halted in front of the door, umbrella dripping onto the porch, soaked from the evening rain. His heart pounded hard beneath his ribs but he put on a brave face, veiled by a layer of exhaustion from chasing the mudslide story while doing as much to assist in the cleanup as he could. Luckily no one had gotten seriously hurt, but a car did get trapped beneath the mud and he helped the fire rescue team unbury it.
The whole time, however, all he could think about was his earlier conversation with Martin.
He peeled away the raincoat and draped it over the porch railing, propping the umbrella beneath it. He almost didn't want to go inside and possibly finish the discussion, but he knew it had to be done, and the sooner the better.
Tim dragged himself through the front door, body aching and heavy. He glanced at the clock—after midnight. He couldn't imagine Martin was still awake, and part of him hoped he wasn't.
The bedroom light was off.
"Alright," Tim murmured to himself. "We'll talk later."
He awoke on the couch the next morning to a knock at the door and twofold the aches he'd felt the night before. For a second he considered letting Martin answer it but decided against it as he didn't exactly want to start the weekend on a bad note. He hauled himself off the couch and shuffled to the door.
"Oh," he grunted, cracking a big yawn and swiping a hand through his hair to make it somewhat presentable. "…G'morning, Mrs. Brown."
She smiled at him. "Oh, Tim, you weren't still sleeping, were you? This day is too beautiful not to enjoy, what after all the rain we got last night."
Tim frowned and leaned his arm against the door. "Why, what time is it?"
"It's just after noon."
"What?" Tim whirled around to confirm with the clock. "…Uncle Martin? Why didn't anyone wake me up?"
"Oh! That's what I came up here to tell you." Mrs. Brown ticked off on her fingers the things she was supposed to remember. "Martin stopped by yesterday after you went to work…he told me to tell you that he was leaving early for the retreat he told you about…and he wasn't sure when he would get back. And not to worry about him!"
Tim had already backed away from the door halfway through her recitation. "Retreat…?" He walked casually to the desk and unlocked the bottom drawer, a pit forming in his stomach when he discovered Martin's journal and flight log had disappeared. "…Retreat."
Mrs. Brown said something else but he didn't hear it, just the ringing in his ears that carried him into rummaging through the coat closet for the CCTBS, the molecular separator, any other gadget that Martin possessed, only to find them missing as well.
"Where…where did he say he went," Tim asked, adrenaline shooting through him now. "Where did he say he was going?"
"Well, I don't know." Mrs. Brown shrugged, wide-eyed yet apologetic. "He said you'd know."
The pin dropped. For several moments Tim stood, dumbfounded, staring at Mrs. Brown as if she'd just grown another head. His muscles tensed to the point of hurting and his nails dug uncomfortably into his palms.
"But he did say not to worry about him," Mrs. Brown reiterated cheerfully. "So I'm sure he'll be fine. He's a big boy, you know, he can take care of himself." She offered a sunny smile on her way out.
Tim, numb from the top of his head to the tips of his toes by the time Mrs. Brown entered her home once again, shot down the stairs on jelly legs. He stopped at the garage…the unlocked garage.
"He wouldn't," Tim breathed. He removed the lock and chain and dropped them onto the pavement. "He wouldn't..."
He swung open the doors. The spaceship was gone. The Martian tools, the personality altercator, everything was gone.
To Tim's surprise, he didn't feel any more fear or worry. It sifted through his system via the perspiration on his forehead and throat, leaving behind monumental despair and the urge to drop to his knees and stay there for the rest of his life.
Instead, he calmly closed the doors and allowed himself to process what had just transpired a while longer.
And he allowed himself another day to process. And another one. More days until an entire week passed and it was all Tim could do not to slip into a comatose depression. Work felt meaningless, conversations lost their appeal, food held no taste, and sleep became a stranger.
Oh, he tried. He sat up in bed every morning, bearing the weight of his melancholy on his shoulders, speaking directly to the gaping hole in his chest, willing the motivation into his own body with as much strength as he could muster.
"Get up," he would say, pounding his knuckles against his sternum. "Do it. You gotta get up. It's just another day. You were a person once, and you can be a person now." Then he would take a deep breath and spring out of bed, pretending he could carry on before he inevitably ran out of steam again.
Detective Brennan picked up on the drastic change of mood as soon as he laid eyes on him, of course. His face split into a wide, venomous smile when Tim pulled into the driveway, radio off, dark circles under his eyes and hair neatly combed but still not Tim.
"O'Hara, if I didn't know any better, and I'm very sure that I do," Brennan sneered, stepping away from Mrs. Brown's door to address him, "I'd say you lost your varsity game to the rival school. No, wait! Your homecoming date rejected you."
Tim managed a sardonic grin though he didn't make any move to exit the vehicle, nor did he look at Brennan as he knew that if he did, he would do or say something he'd regret.
"Bill!" Mrs. Brown scolded from her door. "You leave Tim alone. He's probably just a little gloomy because Martin's been out of town for the last week."
Tim did look at Brennan, then, just in time to watch him affect the cattiest expression he'd ever seen, which stoked the embers of outrage far down in the depths of his soul.
"So that's it," Brennan exclaimed. "I woke up feeling rejuvenated these last few days, and now I know why! Please tell me he's planning on staying out of town indefinitely."
Tim shoved the car door open without thinking about it, catching Brennan on the side and causing him to stumble.
Brennan sputtered. "Wh—O'Hara! I'm going to have you arrested for assaulting an officer of the—"
Tim calmly sidestepped him. "Funny, I don't see one anywhere around here."
Before Brennan could unfreeze his brain enough to shout or nail him any more, Tim climbed the stairs and stormed into the apartment.
He got so used to his sadness that he spent his next night off sitting on the couch, swaddled in his robe and blankets, stuffing his face with peanut brittle. He couldn't explain the peanut brittle as it hadn't entered his realm of consciousness since his breakup with…who? He couldn't remember. It didn't matter.
Tim snapped a piece of brittle in half with his teeth when the front door swung open and Martin strode through, dressed in full space suit, carrying a box full of stuff into the bedroom. He exited the bedroom a second later and jogged outside once again, returning after a minute with another box of stuff.
"Whoa, hey!" Tim shouted, sitting up and dropping the box of peanut brittle onto the coffee table with enough force to send some smaller pieces flying. "What in the world do you think you are doing?!"
"Moving back in," Martin said, aiming a strange smile his way until he disappeared into the bedroom again.
Tim got to his feet and the relief clashing with his deep offense caused him to become light-headed. "No. Oh, no, no you are not! You can't just…you're not…Martin!"
Martin stopped in his tracks halfway to the door, startled by Tim's tone. They stood for ages, staring at each other with sharply contrasting emotions and a little bit of regret from each side. "I told you I'd be back, Tim."
"Yeah," Tim growled through gritted teeth, throwing his blankets onto the floor. "You sure did. You sure told me…except you told Mrs. Brown to tell me because you were too selfish to talk to me yourself! All I wanted was to talk! That's all I ever wanted! And you…you..."
Martin's expression sank into unmistakable contrition.
It dawned on Tim, then, the reality of the situation, the ferocity of his words, and he took a deep breath. Trembling hands found their way into the pockets of his housecoat, his voice lowering to an unstable rumble from the center of his chest. "I was worried you'd gone back to Mars. Without..."
"Do you really think I'd leave without saying goodbye, Tim?"
His ensuing silence responded more than words ever could.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
Ruby tricks Jaune to marry her part 3
Jaune was lucky, at least Glynda, Port and Oobleck were on his side and fight of Tai and Qrow.
On a bad note. Both of them someone managed to turn Ozpin to support Ruby's marriage. It was simple Marriage -> familiy -> sex -> silver eyed warriors with powerful auras
Now Jaune has to deal not only with Ruby taking her "wife privelages" way too far, he also need to deal with Ozpin using absolutely dumbest thing as good execuse to set them up on their honeymoon. He once set them up to have their own private dorm just because they were first students present in Prof. Port class!
After hearing Jaune's cries for help. He was saved by Prof. Goodwitch, Prof. Port, and Dr Oobleck. Prof. Port has Qrow in a headlock while Dr. Oobleck has Tai tied up.
Glynda: I can't believe you two almost hit one of my students! Why would you guys do something like that?!
Tai: Because he wants to annul the marriage with my daughter. That's why I wanted to punch him.
Jaune: *Behind Goodwitch* I already told you that she tricked me into signing that certificate! I don't want to get married like this!
Qrow: You should be happy that she did that! You won't find a girl like her anywhere!
Glynda: You keep quiet! Tai you should understand better than all of us that a marriage that starts that way will not last long. I remind you that your ex-wife did the same to you. After a while she left you.
Tai: But Ruby is different, she would never leave.
Glynda: Maybe yes, but do you think Jaune could be happy in a marriage where he had no word on the matter? You think he would see your daughter's marriage as a good thing.
Tai: But...
Glynda: Jaune and Ruby are good kids. But Ruby's actions will only bring misfortune.
Tai: You... You're right. I want my daughter to get married, but not like this. I'm sorry Jaune.
Jaune: It's fine.
Glynda: Dr. Oobleck you can set him free.
Oobleck nods and releases Tai.
Qrow: What about me?!
Glynda: You have been violent from the beginning, there is no way I will let you go.
Qrow: *Quietly* Ugly bitch
Glynda: *Angry* Excuse me!!
Jaune: Sorry, but can someone help me annul my marriage, please.
Glynda: Right, don't worry. I'll talk to Ozpin to help you.
Glynda: I think that's him.
The elevator door opens.
Ozpin: *Smiles* Mr. Arc you still alive, impressive.
Glynda: Prof. Ozpin, we need your help to annul the marriage of Mr. Arc.
Ozpin: I understand. Just let me make a few calls. *He pulls out his scroll*
Jaune: Thank you, Profesor.
Ozpin: You're welcome.
While Ozpin dials one of his contacts by phone. Tai gets up but looks depressed.
Ozpin: Tai, are you ok?
Tai: I'm fine, it's just that…
Ozpin: Yes?
Tai: I feel a little depressed that I will have to wait longer for grandchildren.
Jaune: Grandchildren?!!!
Ozpin: Mr. Arc, please don't scream in my office.
Jaune: *Embarrass* Sorry
Ozpin: It's fine. Glynda can you take Mr. Arc back to his room, please. Mr Arc, I will let you know when I have new about your situation.
Jaune: Thank you.
Glynda: Please come with me Mr Arc.
Jaune: Sure.
They both enter the elevator and left the office.
Ozpin: And Tai, don't worry. When the time is right you will have your grandchildren.
Tai: You are right, I must be patient. I can't wait for the moment to pamper those beautiful babies. Just picturing them with Ruby's silver eyes makes me feel so happy.
Ozpin: Oh yes, they would be lovely silver-eyed babies.
Tai: Yeah....
Phone: Good morning County Clerk's Office, how can we help you?
Ozpin: Oh yes, you can put me through to Mrs. Smith. Need help annul a marriag-SILVER-EYED BABIES!!!
Phone: Sir?!
Ozpin: *Hangs up and holds Tai by his shoulders* Did you say silver-eyed babies?!
Tai: Yes?
Ozpin: My oum! Do you know what this mean?!!!
Tai: Cute babies?
Ozpin: No, you fool! It means more warriors with silver eyes! But that is not all!!
Tai: Is not?
Ozpin: Mr. Arc has an amount of Aura that I have never seen before! If his children have the same amount of Aura or more, those children would be unstoppable!!!!!
Tai: Soooo...
Ozpin: So, we have to make sure those two stay together and have babies.
Tai: How many babies?
Ozpin: As many as you want, grandpa.
Tai: *Excited*
Port: *Ahem*
Ozpin and Tai turned to see the other three people who were still in the room, looking at them with worried faces
Qrow: You guys are crazy…. I'm in.
Later that day.
Ozpin and Jaune are walking down the hall
Jaune: So while my marriage is annulled I have to stay in another room?
Ozpin: Correct, since in the eyes of the law you are married, you can no longer sleep in a shared room with your team.
Jaune: But why exactly? I don't understand why I have to-
Ozpin: Do you want to go to jail, Mr Arc?
Jaune: No, but-
Ozpin: Then please follow my instructions.
Jaune: *Gives up* Ok
Ozpin: Great! *Stops* We have arrived at your room. All your things are already inside. If you need anything else, please speak to Professor Goodwitch.
Jaune: Ok, thank you.
Ozpin: *quietly* I should be the one thanking you.
Jaune: I'm sorry?
Ozpin: Well, it's almost time for bed. It was a pleasure talking to you Mr Arc. Have a good time tonight and remember not to use protection.
Jaune: Wait what?
Ozpin: *Push him inside the room* Have fun! *and shuts the door*
Jaune: What's wrong with him?
Ruby: Jaune...
Jaune: Ruby? Where are you? It's dark in here
Suddenly the nightstand lamp turns on, showing a shy Ruby wearing only her underwear and hiding her body as much as possible with a pillow that says YES.
Jaune: *Blushing* R-Ruby?
Ruby: I know I have no experience in this so… *Hugs the pillow tight* Please be gentle.
Jaune: *Blushing* Um, J-Just let me get something first, ok?
He goes to the door but realizes that it is locked.
Jaune: What the?
Suddenly he feels that Ruby hugs him from behind.
Ruby: Don't worry Jaune, no one will bother us tonight. Is only you and me~
Jaune: I-I don't think this is a good idea?
Ruby: Of course it's a good idea. After all, I'm your wife~
Jaune: B-But-
Ruby: No buts, now take me and put a baby in me, Darling~ *Pulls him to the bed*
Jaune: Wait!!!
Ozpin: *Smiling and with his ear at the door* Everything is going as planned.
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😈Corrupt-a-Wish! I wish i could go on a romantic walk in the woods during the late autumn/early winter with Clark Kent. Its not too cold, beautiful colors and leaves crunching beneath our feet 😈
Requested by anonymous
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"So?" Clark says as he looks over the drop at the rich canopy of rust, russet, and goldenrod below, "how about it?"
"I think Lois will love this," you say as you tuck your hands into your vest pockets, "show me the ring again."
"I'm too afraid I'll drop it over the edge when the time comes," he chuckles as he reaches under his fleece-lined jacket, "could you imagine?"
"You? Nervous?" You kid as he opens the small box and shows the teardrop diamond, "god, it's beautiful."
You smile and look around the small clearing.
"Better get yourself together before the snow comes or you'll be waiting out the winter," you chide, "a little picnic with some hot cider from a thermos. I got a nice blanket you can use and we can put some tea lights around. Or a few stringlights?"
"See, this is why I need you," he says, "I don't have the eye for it."
"Well, I know Lois. She's like a bird, she likes shiny things," you laugh at your old college pal, "I'm sure she's told a few stories you weren't around for."
"And kept a few to herself," he scoffs, "I trust your judgement. Next week. Like you said, the sooner the better."
"Yes," you say tersely. "I want my next time out here to be the last. It's so fucking cold."
Your breath puffs and he smiles to himself. He's hardly bothered by the chill, even with his flannel unbuttoned to his chest beneath his unzipped jacket. 
"There's something else I want you to see," he says, "tell me what you think. I figure you're way more cynical than Lois so if you like it, she'll love it."
"Gee, thanks, Clark," you roll your eyes, "fine, let's hurry up. My fingers are tingling."
"Then stop dragging your ass," he retorts, "come on."
He waves you away from the clearing and leads you to a thin path trailing into the brush. Your boot treads clomp through the dirt and twigs, the dry grass and leaves crinkling loudly  you follow him beneath an arch if shedding branches and down another incline, the twists and turns start to make you dizzy.
"Alright, big guy, where are you taking me? I always knew you were--"
You stop as you come upon a cabin of birch, built before an arc of trees. It's been cleaned up, the leaves raked aside and the porch with noticeable repairs. You near and gaze up at the brilliant facade as Clark climbs onto the porch.
"What is this?" You ask.
"Well, just a little impulse buy," he says, "been working on it which is why I waited so long. I didn't want the ring to be the only surprise."
"Wow," you breathe as he takes out a keyring and unlocks the door.
"Go on in and let me know what you think," he says, "took a while to get everything out here."
"You really are a madman, Clark Kent," you laugh.
You step inside and nearly trip as he reaches in to flip on the lights behind you. You stop just within as you take in the full picture. How did you not notice the boarded windows on the outside. Well, maybe he was waiting--slam!
You spin as the door snaps into the frame and you hear the deadbolt on the other side. There are no locks inside.
"Alright, very funny," you go to grab the doorknob but there isn't one of those either, "Clark, you know I'm claustrophobic."
"Just breathe," his voice rises from a speaker above the door and you back up to see. The walls are so thick. "Okay, sweetheart, it's simple. Me and Lois, we're the right thing and you… well, you just get in the way."
"What? You can't do this--"
"Oh, babe, you gotta understand, I don't want you out of my way, I just couldn't break Lois' heart like that," he says, "you see, she can't know how I feel about you. She won't understand it and I couldn't live with hurting her so… this is easier. She'll be sad to hear you're… gone. But you never could've stuck around--"
"I don't understand," you hit the door with your fist.
"You will, I promise you," he hums in the speaker, "you're just not the kind of girl who gets the ring."
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