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zephyrchama · 10 days
Can't stop thinking about the brothers calling MC "master" since that new teaser trailer came out. The game is called "One Master to Rule Them All." It's always been called that. This massive potential has been right in front of our eyes the whole time.
Lucifer, who only uses it in private when he's feeling particularly devilish. He wraps his arms around you, looks you right in the eye, and asks, "how does my master feel today, hmm?"
Mammon, who has an empty wallet and the urge to gamble: "Maaaster! Can I borrow some cash? I can, right? I'm your first, after all. I'll just take it from your wallet."
Leviathan, who wants to go to an anime collab cafe but is too anxious to go alone, so he begs you: "Please! Master! It's only open this week and I just have to collect all 24 limited edition cafe coasters! It'll be easier if we go together!"
Satan, who catches you when you stumble and jokingly asks, "are you okay, master?" He likes seeing the little sparks of wrath in your eyes that mirror his own.
Asmodeus, who thinks the word is hot and enjoys your reaction when he comes to steal you away from other people by saying "hey! I need to speak with my master. I'll be borrowing them for a while. I'm sure you don't mind."
Beelzebub, who hungrily stares at the food in the fridge with your name on it. He knows he needs to butter you up to have any chance of success: "Hey master, are you gonna eat that?"
Belphegor, who uses it at the most unexpected times. He texts the group chat, "does anyone know where our master is? I can't find them." It sets off a long chain of messages. "Master's not in their bedroom?" "Master? Haven't seen 'em." "Did you try yelling 'master!' and seeing if they respond?" "I saw master getting something to drink about an hour ago." "Master, are you reading our messages? I know you are." "I can't believe master is ignoring us." Several crying emoji are sent in quick succession.
Solomon and Barbatos, who witness the brothers doing this on occasion. Solomon turns to the latter and says, "You never call me your master. Want to give it a try?"
Barbatos looks at him with barely repressed revulsion. "I only have one master, and that is the Young Master. If you ever make such a joke again I will have you tried in court for lese-majeste."
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livinginshambles · 11 months
I'll reschedule | James Potter
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Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3.7k
Summary: James faces the consequences of his actions. A confrontation goes wrong and you have a chat with Sirius.
Notes: Thank you guys for your kind comments! I hope I tagged everyone that wanted to be tagged. Also the parent part is very self-indulgent lmao
Part one Masterlist
James spent the following days trying to get your attention and receiving a taste of his own medicine.
You gave him another smile that didn’t fully reach your eyes and he cursed at himself for somehow having your relationship feel so distant and awkward. He was your boyfriend for Merlin’s sake!
“I can’t, I’m-“
“-sorry, yeah. I know.” James almost let out a pained laugh at the irony of the situation.
‘Oh how the tables have turned,’ James bitterly thought to himself in defeat. You leaned forward as if you were going to give him a kiss, his heart jumping at the thought.
He realised in horror that he couldn’t recall the last time he had given you a proper kiss on the lips and could do nothing but watch in disappointment as you changed your mind mid-step and left for whatever it was that you had planned, with nothing but a small wave.
James spent the next day in class stealing glances at you. You noticed it of course, but couldn’t bring yourself to look back, humiliation at his words still lingering in the back of your mind. ‘Why are feelings so complicated’, you groaned in dismay.
You sighed and buried your face in your hands, arms propped up by your elbow on your desk. You’d talk to him tomorrow. Tomorrow was the last day before Christmas holidays. If everything went south, you’d be able to escape for two weeks. Not that you needed that back up plan. Everything was going to be fine.
Everything was not fine.
“You were eavesdropping on us?!” James shouted out, an offended look on his face and his hands thrown in the air. You visible winced at his loud voice.
You couldn’t help but scoff at the fact that of all the things you said, what you finally confessed about your feelings, that that’s what he picked up on.
You stared at him in disbelief for a moment. Your mouth open while you tried to look for words.
“You’re really going to- you know what? Yes. And I’m sorry for eavesdropping alright? In fact, I too would’ve preferred not to have heard you guys say those horrible things, but I did hear it all, and you did say all that,” you shot back angrily.
“But if you wanted me to back off and be less of a clingy, high maintenance attention demanding loner, then maybe, just maybe,” you stressed the word maybe. “You could’ve pulled me aside and told me you were embarrassed of me in private, instead of telling all your friends except for me! That’s not how a relationship works, that’s cowardice.”
“Oh so you’re an expert on relationships now?” He scoffed. “How would you know how relationships are supposed to work, I’m the first bloody friend and boyfriend you’ve ever had! If not for me, you would have no one.” He spat out the last sentence and as soon as it left his mouth, he clamped his mouth shut and took two steps back in disbelief at his own words. Regret immediately setting in.
Your face was heating up, in embarrassment and anger. You took a few steps back in shock as well. You wanted to yell at him, tell him that you’d become friends with your potions partner recently, that he wouldn’t know that, because he’d been acting like an arse with his head stuck up in it, but you didn’t. You didn’t want to fight. You took a deep breath.
‘Count to ten, Y/N.’
James opened his mouth and closed it again, no words coming out, still shocked at himself. He felt like he was in a daze, that this was a bad dream.
The silence was too much, the tension too high. He half expected you to reach out and slap him across the face, but also knew you wouldn’t. So instead he stood there frozen, awaiting your reaction.
James could feel blood rushing in his ears before you finally broke the silence.
“That’s not how a relationship works for me,” you repeated calmly but firmly, completely disregarding his insult. This time however, you emphasized the last two added words.
James seemed to sober up alarmingly fast at that. He shot up in panic and shook his head in denial. “No, I didn’t mean that. I didn’t mean any of it! I’m not embarrassed of you, Darling. I’m not, I promise,” he tried, finally finding the words.
He looked at you pleadingly and watched helplessly as you pulled a hand through your hair in a distressed manner, jerking away from him when he reached out to you.
It was quiet again in the room. The only sounds your heavy breathing.
“It’s not working for me.” You eventually whispered, hurt evident in your voice at your sad realisation. You said it more to yourself than to him, but his ears caught it anyway.
James’ heart skipped in fear. The implication of your words were crystal clear to him. It smacked him in square the face and had him physically reel back. He stumbled back into the nearest wall. It hadn’t even occurred to him that you two breaking up was ever a possibility. You were madly in love with each other. And he loved you so incredibly much, you knew that, right? He felt nauseous.
You didn’t spare him another glance and stumbled away, desperate to get away from him. James’ knees buckled and he sunk to the floor, shock keeping the tears at bay for now.
Everything was really not fine.
“Prongs! Welcome back mate, I heard you’re a free man again!” Sirius greeted James with a cheer and a slap on the back when entered the common room. Sirius was wearing a big grin on his face.
James jerked away and furiously shook his head. “No, she- we haven’t broke up,” He insisted. “We had a fight b-but, we never officially said we were done, so we’re still- she’s still my girlfriend. So don’t say that, it's not true-“
Sirius noticed how distraught James actually was about the situation and the grin abruptly fell off his face, making space for concern. He put his hand on James shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. He threw a look at Peter and Remus who looked taken aback by his defensive tone, also looking concerned.
“Okay,” Sirius nodded. “She’s still your girl, Prongs. Understood.” James nodded back and then shook Sirius’ arm off his shoulder and went upstairs to their room, plopping down on his bed, smothering his head in his pillow where he could finally cry.
You took the train and left Hogwarts that very same day. You called your dad and he promised to come pick you up at the platform. When you saw him, the only one on the platform so late in the evening, you ran up to him and he held you tightly. “Come on, sweetheart,” he nodded in appreciation at the elf who brought your luggage and brought you home.
You sighed and plopped on your bed, face first into the mattress. Exhaustion downing on you all at once and you fell asleep within minutes.
Your mother knocked on the door, knowing that that sufficed as you were a light sleeper. “Honey?” She called. “I know it’s late, but I think you should eat something nonetheless.” You made a noise.
“That mean I can come in?”
You lift you head up so you could say yes and she came in with a bowl of soup. You gratefully accepted it and she took the liberty of sitting next to you.
“You want to tell me about it?”
“Not really,” you admitted and your mother gave you and understanding look. “Then we’ll keep you distracted for now. In fact, the day after tomorrow, your father and I are having dinner with the Black family. You could come with us.”
“But it’ll just be all business talk,” you groaned, placing your bowl of soup on your night stand.
“Yeah, well you know the Black family is the main investor in your father’s business, business talk is unavoidable. But you know what, it wouldn’t be just business. They said that they would love to meet you.”
‘Doubtful,’ you thought.
“I’ll think about it.” You replied.
“That’s okay, you have another day to consider it.” And with that, your mother kissed your forehead before leaving your room, taking the empty bowl with her. “Goodnight honey,” she said before closing the door gently. ‘Sirius was always spending his holidays at Hogwarts, so it’d be safe to go,’ you considered.
‘So the fates are really into proving me wrong, lately huh,” you thought to yourself as you spotted Sirius with a scowl on his face, standing with his parents in front of their manor to great you.
And so, before you know it, you were sitting at the end of the ridiculously long table, in front of Sirius. You wondered where his younger brother Regulus was. “Let the children sit together, business is boring to them anyways,” you father had said.
Though he hadn’t been wrong, you would pay to be part of the adult talks rather than sit here in awkward silence, avoiding Sirius’ eyes.
The past three days had been a rollercoaster for Sirius. First, he had been mildly annoyed at the letter that came with an owl that belonged to his mother. Then, he had been absolutely dreading going home. He also felt bad and concerned for James, because he was being a sad pile of bones. And when he saw you, surprise and guilt seeped in. A real rollercoaster.
Sirius kept staring intensely at you. Finally, you’ve had enough and you snapped at him. “What do you want.”
“I need to talk to you, privately.”
“Why would I talk with my ex's best friend?We have nothing to talk about, and I’d rather die than be in a room alone with an arsehole like you.”
“You’re not his ex.” He pointed out.
You raised your eyebrows at his words, inquiring him to explain himself.
“You’re not- You two are still together. I mean, you never officially said it was over. You’re still his girlfriend, he’s still your boyfriend. James is still holding on to that.” Sirius searched your face for reactions to that confession but found nothing.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just officially send him an owl then,” you replied dryly, done with his crap. You threw your napkin on the table and got up. You excused yourself, thanked Sirius’ mother for the food and walked out of the room. So much for this being a distraction from James.
“Wait, Y/N!” Sirius yelled out as he chased after you. You kept walking, neither slowing down, nor speeding up, as you walked in the direction of your house, despite knowing that it was an hour drive by car.
A heavy silence hung between you two as he walked next to you, both staring out in front of yourselves.
“It’s my fault.”
Now this made you look up at Sirius. You eyed him up and down sceptically, coming to a stop. “Don’t give yourself so much credit, Black. You’re definitely not my favourite person on this planet, but despite you talents at DADA, last I checked, you can’t cast the Imperio curse yet.” Sirius refrained from grinning at your retort.
“So unless you’re telling me that you’ve been using the polyjuice potion and posing as James Potter who has been a massive twat of a boyfriend for over a month, I highly doubt it’s your fault.” With that, you continued walking again.
“No, and no. You’re right, I guess.”
“I am.”
Sirius gave you a look and tried again. “Look, he was just all over you. And maybe I had to get used to Prongs being a taken guy, all mushy, but we all missed him. So I teased him a little,” he explained but hesitated at the end.
“You teased him a little,” you flatly repeated. “You teased him and it turned him into an asshole?”
“It was just a bunch of guys laughing about our whipped friend,” he paused. “Okay and some complaining,” he admitted. “I didn’t know he would straight up go to avoiding you because he was embarrassed to show affection in front of us though.”
You massaged your temples. “Okay first of all, you suck and you’re a shitty friend.” Sirius pulled a face. “Eh, deserved,” he scratched the back of his head.
“But my point still stands. James chose to lie to me by making up excuses to not have to be around me.” You huffed in frustration. “I’m not... I’ve never been in a relationship before, but I’m pretty sure that’s like, rule number one of things not to do.” You kicked against a pebble on the road.
“And then he goes and says horrible stuff about me behind my back. That’s probably rule number two,” you added, a frown on your face at the recollection of events.
“But if that wasn’t enough, he didn’t listen to me when I told him how I felt about it and instead yelled at me, trying to shift the blame on me, as if it’s my fault that I overheard you guys. Oh and also, he insulted me again! Though, in my face this time, I’ve got to give him that.” You mumbled the last part bitterly and looked back up at Sirius who awkwardly looked at his feet while listening to you rant.
“So no, Sirius. You were a shitty friend, but by no means the cause of our break up. That’s on James.”
“Please, you don’t understand,” Sirius pleaded again. “James is miserable alright? As in he’s kind of being pathetic right now, he refuses to believe you guys broke up. He keeps insisting that you’re still together, that he still has a chance to make up to you.”
It was your turn to look at your feet. Sirius continued. It was his turn to talk now and he felt he needed to help his friend. “He loves you so much. He really misses you.”
You wryly smiled at Sirius. “He tell you to say that?”
“No. Well, not explicitly.” Sirius patted his back pockets and fished a crumpled envelope out of it. He handed it over. When you opened it, you found a folded piece of paper that simply said ‘I am so sorry. I miss you and I love you so much.’ In James’ handwriting. You sighed.
“Look, I’m just trying to help my git of a friend who is madly, hopelessly in love with you. And I’m trying to make things right between you two because I am partially at fault. And I know you love him. He’s just being an big idiot.”
“Try ginormous.”
Sirius now openly grinned. Okay maybe you weren’t so bad after all.
“Will you please talk to him? I’m sure he will apologize because he regrets everything. I know he does. And if you decide you don’t want to be in a relationship anymore, you tell him. Just not by sending an owl right now before talking one more time, please.”
A car sounded its horns behind you and you turned around to see your mother and father. The car stopped next to you and the door opened. You turned to look at Sirius again. “Will you see James before I do?” You asked. Sirius nodded.
You handed him the envelope back. He hesitated to accept it. “Give him this. Don’t worry, I’m not breaking up with my boyfriend. I’ll talk to him at Hogwarts.” You reassured him.
Relieved at your words, Sirius took the envelope and you gave him a thumbs up. “You’re not so bad, Black,” you said as you got in the car.
“Back at you!” He called after you. He watched your car drive off.
He checked inside the envelope and found the folded piece of paper. When he unfolded it, he found a uno reverse card stuck in between.
James was nervous. He impatiently paced around on platform 9¾, having arrived there way too early. Sirius had moved in with him over the holidays, running away from home and had brought a certain envelope with him. James heart had leaped when he found your card, putting it carefully under his pillow at night, carrying it in his pocket during the day.
“Merlin, Prongs would you just stand still,” Sirius commented from where he sat, leaning against a wall, cigarette twirling between his fingers.
“I can’t, Padfoot. This is literally the moment that will define the rest of my life!” James exclaimed dramatically, but walked over to Sirius and plopped down next to him anyways, mimicking Sirius’ action by twirling the game card around.
“Mate, you’ll be fine. She literally let you know she loved you too.” He nodded at the object James’ hands.
“But what if she loves me, but realised that she wants to be with someone who hasn’t acted like a stupid idiot?” James’ heart was racing at the thought. He’d spent the entire first week wallowing misery.
Other students started to arrive at the platform and James got back up to start pacing around again.
You softly pushed him away and immediately, the stream of self-deprecating words, apologies and other rambles flowed out of James’ mouth. You pecked his lips again to shush him.
You spotted each other at the same time. You offered him a hesitant smile but it was enough for James to take off in a sprint towards you.
He stopped in in front of you, unsure and apologies ready on the tip of his tongue. Someone called your name behind you and you looked back to see Wylan.
Turning to face James again, you offered him a fond expression and tiptoed to press a peck to his lips. James immediately responded to the kiss and he sighed in relief, shoulders less tense.
“We’ll talk later, okay?”
No, not okay, he wanted to say but you cut him to it.
“I’ve got a friend waiting for me,” you beamed up at him in pride and he melted at the sight. “Okay,” he relented, making a mental note to tell Remus and Peter to apologize to you too.
“You’ll let me know when you have time?” He asked.
“I’ll make time for you,” you assured him. “We’ll talk after supper, if you don’t have any plans of course,” you teased.
James shook his head laughing. “I won’t,” He replied earnestly.
“You don’t know that! Like what if a famous Quidditch player wants to meet you after supper, huh? Then what?” You challenged him. He shrugged.
“I’ll reschedule.” He grinned.
You shake your head and leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek. He watched you head in the direction of your Ravenclaw friend who had his back turned to you and walked back to Sirius.
“Wylan!” You skipped over and slung an arm around him, ruffling his already messy hair. He looked up as if he’d been caught doing something wrong and relaxed with a smile when he saw it was just you. You laughed at his skittish behaviour. “So how was your holiday?”
“I actually got a book on alchemy for Christmas. I brought it with me, thought maybe you’d help me?” He asked nervously, a bit embarrassed at his request.
“Oh none of that,” you waved your hand at his antics. “I’ve been helping you with dyslexia for a while now, of course I’ll help!” He offered you a grateful smile.
“You have it with you now?”
Wylan nodded and pulled out a ridiculously heavy book. You whistled. “Better get started on that right away, huh. We should find a seat.”
You two moved to get on the Hogwarts Express, but before you disappeared inside, you looked back at James to see he did the same thing. You exchanged smiles, he dramatically made a deep bow and mouthed ‘milady’. Then he turned around and pumped his fist in the air, grinning from ear to ear.
Sirius patted James on the back when he returned. “See, nothing to worry about. Right back to snogging your girl,” he laughed out loud, but no malicious intent this time.
“Still a long way to go, though,” James admitted, but he wore a fond smile on his face at the thought of you, all giddy inside. “But we’ll be alright, I think. I’ll be the best bloody boyfriend out there you know. You better get used to the snogging. And be nice to her, she really means a lot to me.”
Sirius pushed him. “I’ll have you know that we’re on extremely good terms now,” he exaggerated.
James snorted. “No, you’re not,” he immediately said.
Sirius grinned, having fun riling him up. “Why don’t you go ask her yourself, if you don’t believe me.”
James and Sirius walked towards their own compartment where they waited for Peter and Remus, arguing about it.
About two months later, Gryffindor had won the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. You ran down the stands and up to James, jumping in his arms. He fiercely kissed you, his friends and teammates hollering at him.
“Good luck charm,” he cheekily mumbled against your lips while flipping the others off, earning laughter. When the celebratory party was finally over, and the marauders and you retreated to their dorm, James instantly pulled you onto his lap, locking you in with his arms wrapped around you so tightly that you wriggled to get some air. Jokingly, you tapped out three times in mock surrender.
“And the winner is...”, Sirius drumrolled. “James Potter!” Remus and Peter jokingly clapped and cheered.
“Means you can let her breathe now, Prongs.” You mouthed a thank you at Sirius.
James pouted, offended. “Since when are you two such good buddies,” He complained.
Sirius stuck his tongue out. “Wouldn’t you like to know, lover boy. I told you, Y/N and I are on extremely good terms now.” He winked at you.
“Thought you’d be more happy that your girlfriend and brother could get along. I mean, figured it won’t be long until she becomes my sister-in-law.”
@moonyslibrary98 @wildernessflora @fanboyluvr @spiderman-stilinski @magical-spit @livelaughlivedilfs @nyenye @fluffybunnyu @prongs-moon @xcinnamonmalfoyx @akila-twt @treestarrrrrrrr @mrsmaybank13 @ireallywannasleep127 @imarimon @targaryenmoony @jessicamellarky @scriptsofthorns @lynbubble @variant-lokitty @elsie-bells @chichi3095 @my-beloved-fandoms @quackitysdrugdealer @pleasingregulus @mindflay3r @littlenerdybee
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natailiatulls07 · 4 months
Could you please do the drivers reaction to driver reader bringing a boy to the race?
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Formula one grid x female!driver!reader Male!OC x female!driver!reader
Summary - Being youngest on the grid meant that Y/n was heavily protected by many other drivers so when she gets a partner it's mixed emotions all around
Warning - Small anxiety
Reader drives for Mercedes
Part two
"Are you sure? I know that some of the fans can be a little crazy about my private life..." In the past few months, Y/n had started a relationship with a guy she matched with on tinder. Not many people knew of the relationship, only her family and her management team.
Although that would change today, it was the first race of the season and they had wanted to hard launch their relationship. Adam, her new partner, was a lawyer and had his own wealth behind him but he was really proud of Y/n and loved to support her.
He could tell how nervous she was, seeing how she kept fidgeting with her hair and teamwear. "Hey, it's okay. Plus if any thing happens and you have to take legal action, you have a great lawyer on your side" He would often use humour to calm down his f1 driver girlfriend, loved to bring even the smallest of smiles to her face.
Adam took hold her hand, stopping her from fidgeting so much and started to drag her to the paddock entrance where fans stood behind barriers waiting to catch a glimpse of a driver.
As they began to walk past the barriers, fans were shouting her name and some were asking questions about the man who held her hand. They both had proud and confident smiles painted on their faces, any anxiety seemingly disappeared.
"Y/n! Y/n! Is that your new partner?"
Nodding her head, Y/n stopped to sign some merch and greet some fans. "Yes, yeah he is. Meet Adam" Looking over her shoulder, she felt how Adam had his hands gently resting on her waist. They were both very big on pda.
Thankfully the fans had reacted well to the new face. Some softly threatening Adam not to hurt their favourite driver, which got a laugh out of Y/n and some fear out of Adam.
Soon they started toward the main entrance of the paddock, waving goodbye to the fans and individually scanning their passes. Yet as soon as Y/n set foot into the paddock, dread and anxiety plagued her mind once again.
Only now remembering that she'd have to introduce Adam to her fellow drivers, her adopted big brothers. If today weren't such an important day, she would've turned around and made her way home. Procrastinating the eventual doom.
As usual, the man still held her hand in his could sense her fear. And he knew exactly why. "Look I know I have never meet them and I know that they very protective of you but I'll try my best to earn their approval, I promise..." He coached her to take a deep breath but pulling her forward to continue the walk.
They were passing by the Ferrari hospitality area when we heard a loud shout before some softly running of feet. "Disculpe! Y/n!" A strong spanish accent mde itself known behind the new couple.
Whilst Y/n tensed, Adam turned around fully with a confident smile. "Hi you must be Carlos right? It's lovely to meet you" He started a positive conversation, only to be met with a glare and scowl from Carlos.
"Yes, that's me. And who are you?" The spanish driver snapped back, snatching Y/n's arm and pulling her away from her partner. "What do you want from Y/n?"
Taking her arm back out of his grasp, Y/n moved back to Adams side with a sign.
She knew that the other drivers would be just as protective and some even more than Carlos. "Carlos..." Her voiced broke through the awkward silence that he created. "This is my new partner, Adam. You can chill out..."
All shoulders relaxed as she explained, a small guilty smile replaced the scowl on Carlos' face. Reaching out his hand towards Adam as both an apologie and a better introduction.
After a small conversation between the three, Y/n realised that the couple had to continue down the paddock. Saying goodbye to Carlos, the two were walking down to her team garage once again but were quick stopped once again.
This time by her old teammate and the reigning champion the grid. "Y/n, um who's this?" Unlike Carlos, Max was more shy and cautious rather than forward and hostile. Something Adam was thankful of.
"Hi I'm Adam, I'm Y/ns partner. It's nice to meet you, also I promise to take good care of Y/n..." After his last interaction with Carlos, Adam tried even harder to prove himself. "Please, I promise I love her a lot and-"
Max raised his hand to stop the ramble from the younger man. He had a small smile on his face, slightly amused by his fear. "It's okay, I don't doubt it. I'm sure you'll prove yourself over the next couple of weeks..."
Giving Y/n a quick hug and Adam a pat on the shoulder, Max told them that he had an important meeting to attend and he'll see them around.
Finally they arrived at the Mercedes hospitality and when they first entered, Adam eyes turned to the other driver in the room. Lewis, he was sat at one the table along with some of his management team.
Much like Adam, Lewis immediately noticed their presence in the room and beckoned them over to him.
"Hi Lulu!" Y/n quicking moving to give her beloved teammate a hug before moving back to her partners side. "Lulu meet Adam, he's my partner and Adam meet Lulu, my teammate."
Unlike the other two drivers, Lewis had a reassuring smile on his face whilst getting up from his seat to give Adam strong handshake. "Well it's nice to meet you Adam, I assume you'll take good care of that crazy women right there. I wish you the best"
It was short and simple but it meant a lot to Adam. Immediately he felt approved by a legend in the sport and by someone who Y/n considered a father figure.
"Thank you, I'll take good care of her"
>Seb! -Seb!!! -SEB OMG I HAVE NEWS!!! >What?! >It's about Y/n!! >Well go on tell me!!!!! >She has a partner! -His name is Adam and tbh I can see them getting married!!! >THATS BOLD >IKR But it's true! -They're perfect for eachother!!! >I need to meet him first and approve him first before they can even think about engagements >Ofc ofc
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mj0702 · 1 month
The other Bronze – Pt. 18 🔞
I just want to put it out there that this chapter contains adult stuff - Minors do not read it!!!
“So violent” G teased as she bit down lightly
“Fuck” a low moan escaped your lips
“Soon” your girlfriend chuckled against your neck
After the elevator doors opened again you stepped outside into the corridor and whistled lowly
“Damn.... even the corridor looks so SO fancy” you looked impressed before you get pushed forward by your girlfriend
“You really want to stand out here and gawk at the corridor while we could do something more satisfying?” Georgia mumbled against the back of your neck using her complete body to push you towards your room
“Oh my... Miss Stanway... what has gotten into you?” you giggled letting her maneuver you down the hallway
“Nothing for a while” your girlfriend murmured which made you grin
“Are we a little desperate?” you chuckled as you checked the room numbers you got pushed past
“I haven't had anytime with my girlfriend in nearly two month” Georgia growled as you finally found your room and you quickly opened the door
“Fuck me...” you breathed out overwhelmed when you entered the room “Wow”
“Damn Sarina” Georgia said behind you shocked “This room is bigger as my flat in Munich”
“It's beautiful” you said in awe as you slowly walked further into the room looking around with wide eyes
“We so going to use of this bed” your girlfriend smirked obviously only one thing in mind
“Get your head out of the gutter...” you said playfully as you went on discovering the room going through a door standing in the bathroom “... okay... we're so going to use that tub”
You looked at the bathtub which was standing right under a big window facing Covent Garden but still private enough so you easily could take a bath without being seen. You stood at the window looking down at the business in which people hushed in and out of the place when you felt a pair of hands on your waist and you immediately leaned backwards into Georgias embrace.
“A bath actually sound wonderful” your girlfriend mumbled against your hair pulling you against her even tighter “You want one?”
“Yeah... please...” you murmured your eyes closing enjoying the closeness the two of you were sharing
“Okay... I'll set it up and get you...” Georgia mumbled against your hair pushing you a little away signaling you to go into the bedroom
You flopped down onto the big King size bed grabbing the remote from the side table and switched on the TV. Of course the first face that greeted you on screen was Alex Scott herself talking about the upcoming games – mainly the Manchester Derby in a few Days. You thought about asking Lucy if you could stay for the game since you had enough people to look out for you. Tooney would always have an eye on you – question was who had an eye on Toons. You chuckled to yourself thinking how Mary literally locked the two of you into different lockers the last time she had to look after you. To your defense it wasn't your fault – nor Tooneys – that there was jello powder in the guests locker room and that all their stuff got all jello-ed when sprinkled them kitbags with water. Leah, Beth and the rest of the Arsenals weren't happy that day. You'll never forget Vivs disgusted face when she pulled one of her socks out of her bag and it was all slimed up. You'd also never forget how Katie McCabe tried to come for you and just slipped and slided around the locker-room since the floor was slimy as well. You learned a lot of Irish curse words that day. The game had to be delayed due to an “accident” with the Arsenal kits and United had to pay a fine since Tooney was involved in your little stunt. Leah was so annoyed with you that she actually signed cutting her throat in your direction before the game started. You on the other hand just laughed loudly and flipped her off. Leila who was there to just say hi to you and to see how you were doing had a field day with all the clips you showed her of Katie McCard and got you the biggest slushy you've ever seen as a treat. She knew that it was part of your healing process and that you indeed were doing better – what didn't stop her from keeping an eye on you. It was pure luck she answered the phone that day. She didn't look who was calling otherwise she wouldn't have answered since it was an unknown number. But thankfully she did answer and the second she heard you crying into the phone that you didn't mean to and you're scared she already had her car keys in her hand on her way out of the door. Leila didn't even cared that she wasn't wearing shoes. She just knew whoever called needed help and that it was up to her to provide that help. Leila kept you on the phone until she was sprinting through the little park seeing you hunched over on a bench. Up to this point she didn't knew who was on the other side of the line but the second she saw your form she knew exactly who you were – the best kept secret in Womens Football. You were Lucy Bronzes baby sister. Leila came to a skirting halt right in front of you her phone on the ground by this point and she knew she had no choice than to make you throw up. So she did what possibly no one would've done – she hauled you up and bend you over standing behind you prying your mouth open and pushing two of her long fingers down your throat until she saw how your body try to reject her digits and if this wasn't enough she sneaked her arm around your torso holding you tightly putting pressure on your stomach so you really started to throw up.
The moment Leila was sure you were somewhat done with emptying your stomach content into the bushes she pulled you upright turning you around to face her. The sight that greeted her broke her heart. You looked so lost, scared and just – Leila would say broken. You realized there and then that it wasn't Hempo who you called and you scrambled away from the strange woman. Leila left you some space talking to you in her at this time broken english assuring you that everything will be okay. Somehow you knew deep inside you that you could trust her and you started to let her come nearer until she was right in front of you again and that second you just broke down crying in her arms. She held you before carefully maneuvering you towards her car asking you if she should call Lucy which set you into a full blown panic attack. Leila immediately retreated into offering to drive you home – which wasn't much better than calling Lucy. So she asked who you wanted to call in the first place and you choked out a “Hempo” and that's what Leila did without any further question. Saying that Hempo freaked out was an understatement. She made Leila driving you straight to hospital while she already texted Mary.
Hospital was the worst part. They immediately shoved a tube down your throat to pump and flush your stomach to make sure to get everything out – you were pretty sure your stomach came out that day too. Keira always said you eat like a bottomless pit and you were fully convinced that's because you didn't have a stomach anymore and it was the hospitals fault. They kept you for supervision but at least you could convince them not calling your emergency contact – which was Lucy of course. Mary promised them she would call someone who would be able to look after you without getting your sister involved. In all honesty all of them were scared that Lucy would find out and she'll wouldn't even need a plane to come back to England to rip them all a new one – she would just use her anger and run above the water like Jesus Bronze. So Mary decided pretty quickly to inform the next best person – Leah Williamson herself. To say Leah nearly crawled through the phone was the understatement of the century. The blonde called her teammate Beth Mead immediately after she hung up with Mary and they basically both jumped into Leahs car and made it to Manchester in just a little more than three hours. After you heard that you just knew that Leah broke basically every existing traffic law – the speeding tickets she received weeks later just proved your point. To be honest you couldn't have asked for a better support than Leah and Meado. Leah decided the second she laid eyes on you in the hospital bed that she would take you home with her – even if she had to fight your parents for it. You looked so pale and small that she had to muster up every strength she had left in her body to not break down crying next to you. That lasted until your eyes fluttered open the next morning and you noticed who sat beside your bed. Leah held your hand in hers loosely but the second she felt you moving just the tiniest bit her eyes snapped up to meet yours.
“I'm sorry” you whispered your throat sore from the events the day before
“Why pumpkin? Why did you do it?” Leah whispered back not wanting to wake up Meado who slept on the small couch in your room
“I... I don't know...” you rasped out
“You're coming home with Beth and me...” the blonde said and you knew you wouldn't have a choice
“Okay” you said defeated
“You don't put up a fight?” Leah asked surprised
“I don't want it to happen again... I want help Leah... I NEED help” you whispered and Leah saw the tears forming in your eyes
“We'll get you all the help you need pumpkin” the blonde promised removing the tears which now ran down your cheeks with her thumb “... we're all gonna help you – I promise pumpkin... whoever you want or need... we're all there”
“Thank you” you choked out
“It's gonna be okay pumpkin... I promise” this time Leah couldn't hold back her own tears before wedging herself next to you into the bed pulling you into her side just holding you tightly while you cry silently into her shoulder
“Hey...” Georgias soft voice pulled you back into the present
“Yeah?” you looked at her a little bit dazed
“Where did you go?” your girlfriend plopped down next to you gently poking your head “I called you four times”
“Back to Manchester...” you mumbled a little bit ashamed
“Manchester?” Georgia asked surprised “You miss home?”
“God no... there's nothing that holds me there... home is where my family is... where you are” you smiled carefully “... back to the time where I...”
“Where you thought it would be a good idea to play pill roulette in the middle of a park?” your girlfriend asked
“Yeah... wasn't a good idea” you said ashamed
“It wasn't... but it's in the past and you can't change it” Georgia said keeping her voice soft “... you just need to promise to never do it again”
“I promise... Leah would probably bring me back from the dead to choke me to death anyway... not worth it..” you tried to crack a joke
“She has to beat me to it then...” G smiled softly “... even if I didn't think you and me would work the way we do... I don't want a world without you.. never ever again”
“You should write that down and reuse it when you propose to me” you chuckled
“Even if I write it down... I'll probably lose it and then I'm fucked...” Georgia smirked pushing her nose into your neck “... I'll just wing that proposal”
“Please don't... I remember the speech you winged the night before Leahs 100 Cap... it was horrible” you laughed
“Excuse you.... I totally rocked that speech” your girlfriend exclaimed shocked
“You started with “100 Caps is not really a big achievement considering your age and how long you already play for the Lionesses”.... not even I would be so stupid to say that” you rolled your eyes laughing
“It was sarcasm” Georgia started to poke your sides knowing you were tickle-ish
“Make a sign next time....” you started to laugh harder
“Stop... G please... stop... I can't” you choked out between laughter
“Say that my speech was amazing” your girlfriend laughed next to you not stopping to tickle you
“It was horrible...” you laughed
“Amazing... you just don't know the definition of amazing” Georgia now moved to straddle you
“I know the definition of amazing perfectly well... look it up... next to amazing is my picture” you smirk
“You wish...” your girlfriend smirked right back “... but if I remember right you called ME amazing not even 24 hours ago”
“Not you....” you grinned “... the things you do to me....”
“There's more where that came from” Georgia husked leaning forward to press a passionate kiss to your lips
It surprised your every time how your girlfriend could switch from thoughtful to goofy to passionate. This time was no difference – it was like she knew what you needed before you knew yourself. It took her mere seconds to change you from being stuck in your own head into a moaning squirming mess. The way she kept you in place, her hands pinning yours into the mattress her weight on upper legs showing you in the most soft way who was in charge just made you feel safe and so SO turned on. You moaned lowly into the kiss making Georgia smirk against your lips.
“Looks like you enjoying yourself” your girlfriend teased after she ended the kiss but made no move her lips millimeters away from yours
“Teeny tiny bit” you panted back
“Just teeny tiny?” Georgia husked against your lips
“Maybe tiny” you gave in
“I think it's more than just tiny...” the blonde grinned her voice teasing
“... I know you Baby – I know how you moan and groan... how you whimper and beg... how you whine and squirm... and how you look and FEEL when you come...” Georgia said her voice now deeper and her eyes nearly black
“Then please...” you begged oh so quietly
“I made us a bath... would be a shame to let it go to waste don't you think?” your girlfriend asked but you know she didn't really asked – it was an information
Just as you thought she got up and off the bed seconds later letting you behind flustered and panting as she walked through the room towards the bathroom.
You watched as your girlfriend got rid of her clothes on the way ready to step into the bathtub. You shamelessly stared at her back how her muscles moved when she reached behind her back to unclasped her bra and threw the garment to the side. You were by far not the religious type but dear jesus this woman had you on your knees praying the “Father our”
You got up not so smooth as Georgia did – nearly falling off the bed as you followed her path now standing into the door that separated the bath- and bedroom
She graciously stepped into the bathtub and sank down in the warm water. You saw in the dim light from the next room how Georgia immediately relaxed and closed her eyes for a minute just soaking the calm and peacefulness in. She opened her eyes again looking at you a slight smirk tugging on the edge if her mouth
“You coming baby?” G asked her voice raspy
“Nuh huh” you nodded looking like an idiot rooted in place just staring at her dumbfounded
“Water is amazing…” your girlfriend held your stare and again her voice deeper as usual
She knew exactly what she was doing to you. That deep husky voice got you ever time. You started to undress yourself by pulling the shirt over your head leaving you in your jeans and a bra. You were by all means not shy about your body – growing up with Lucy definitely help shaping your body and even now you worked out every day so your body wasn’t far off from the players around you. But there was one thing you still were incredible insecure about. The scars on your knees. The permanent reminders that you never going to be a professional athlete. Georgia noticed your hesitation as you fumbled a little bit with the button of your jeans
“Don’t over think… it’s just me” she whispered lowly knowing exactly why you hesitated
“I hate them” you mumbled back feeling extremely vulnerable breaking the eye contact
“It’s just me” your girlfriend repeated “if you’re feeling uncomfortable we just stop”
With one deep breath you pushed your jeans down leaving you in your boxer short and your bra. You couldn’t muster up the strength to find your girlfriends eyes again as you made quick work of getting rid if the last two pieces remaining
“So beautiful” Georgia breathed out watching your naked silhouette getting surrounded by the light from the other room
“Come here baby” she instructed you knowing you needed the guidance
You tenderly took a careful step towards the tub nervousness radiating from your body
“You’re doing so good.. come on in baby… join me… just a bath” Georgia spoke lowly and held out a hand for you
You grabbed her hand and stepped into the bath sinking down into the water positioning yourself between her legs with your back laying against her front as her hands immediately snuck around your middle. Her head immediately rested on your shoulder again as you felt yourself relaxing in her embrace.
“You are so beautiful… can’t believe that I’m the only one who gets to see this beauty ” Georgia whispered as she started to kiss your neck “Still can’t believe you’re mine”
“Only yours” you whimpered as she bit down on your neck lightly and if you’d be even half coherent you’d be embarrassed by yourself how quickly she reduced you to a whimpering mess
“Only mine” your girlfriend confirmed switching between bites and kisses up and down your neck
“I should make sure everyone knows….” She mumbled against your skin before biting down a little harder but not hard enough to leave a mark “… but then again we have to face reality in two days again and I’m not keen on getting murdered by your sister when I just got you”
“Don’t bring her up right now…” you grumbled “… not a good moment”
“Sorry” G breathed against your neck before turning your face with her hand to capture your lips in a soft kiss.
The kiss didn’t stay soft for long as you turned your body slightly in her embrace. You were on your side on top of her now as the kiss heated up and your girlfriend slipped her tongue into your mouth. A needy whiny moan escaped your throat as she dominated the kiss – and your whole body.
“You need something baby?” she smirked after she broke the kiss leaving you breathless
Your brain was mush at this point and if someone asked you what your name was while holding a gun to your head you’d definitely die.
You whined needy you now fully on top of Georgia your hands pressing against her hips to help you holding your upper body afloat
“Baby… words… we clarified before that you need to ask for the things you need and want” your girlfriend husked against your lips
“Baby…. Please” you begged feeling your core clench at Georgia soft display of dominance.
You knew she can be a force to be reckon with – she’s shown it more than once on the field. But with you Georgia was always soft. Careful even. She always made sure you are comfortable with what she’s doing. Always checked in if you are okay. You still get your fair share of experimenting around but your girlfriend always put your comfort first.
“Please what baby… use your words” she teased smirk on her lips as her hands wander down to your ass
“Please” you whined again your head falling forward on her collarbone as you hip rocked forward
Your girlfriend just chuckled as she bend her knee and she planted her foot against the bottom of the tub. G grabbed your waist and gently lifted you over her thigh.
The moment your middle made contact with her thigh you moaned deeply your head still on Gs collarbone. You couldn’t contain the movement of your hip as you pressed down on the firm muscle of your girlfriend
“That’s it Baby… keep going” your girlfriend encouraged you slightly guiding your hip with her hands
“Feels good baby” you moan against her
“Keep going love… make yourself come on my thigh” Georgia mumbled flexing the muscles in her leg
Your hip snapped forward again at the sudden hardness and a loud moan left your throat
“So beautiful… you look so fucking beautiful fucking yourself on my thigh babe… you’re close already aren’t you?” your girlfriend growled in your ear her hands never leaving your waist but she stopped guiding you and retreated in just giving you the comfort of her touch
You nodded against her shoulder not capable of answering vocally as your rhythm falters slightly
“You know what to do” Georgia smirked knowing she’s pushing it right now
“Please” you begged your body trembling as you felt that familiar pull in your stomach
“No baby… properly” your girlfriend growled now stopping your rocking hips
You whined pathetically your breathing labored as you desperately try to move your lower half again chasing that first orgasm of many for the night but your girlfriend held on tightly forcing you still.
“G please” you begged again
“No baby… come on… we established since the beginning how this is working” Georgia said her voice a dominant undertone
You whined again feeling overwhelmed with the need to find relief
“You know what to do if you want to come, my love ” your girlfriend smirked waiting for you to finally break your resistance
“Please… please baby… please may I come” you moaned out and immediately your girlfriend pulled your lower half forward and down on her thigh
“There we go… good girl” Georgia praised you smirking “Come babe” she instructed you
Your body shook as you moaned loudly when you felt the orgasm wash over you before you sacked forward panting hard against your girlfriends neck who immediately embraced you in a loving reassuring hug.
“Come on baby... let's get out of here” your girlfriend said softly after a few minutes “Water gets cold”
“Mhm” you nodded against Georgias neck your eyes closed breathing in her scent
Georgia tried to pry you off her but no use – so she did what every good girlfriend would do. She just stood up with you in her arms. You thanked every available God that your girlfriend was a pro athlete that was able to do such things because you were still in no state of standing up yourself. Georgia grabbed a big towel throwing it over you before carrying you into the bedroom laying you down on the big bed but you still didn't let go
“Baby I need to let go for a second, I need to clean the bathroom” your girlfriend said softly but you just shook your head
“Need you G” you murmured “Missed you so much”
“What do you need baby...” Georgia had a feeling what you needed but like always she wanted – and needed – you to verbalize it
“Need all of you...” you mumbled pressing your nose deeper into the skin of her neck “... I need you to fuck me so I can't walk until we see each other again”
You heard how your girlfriends breath hitches and you know she weights pro and cons so you did what you were sure would let Georgia decide in your favor. You started to nuzzle against her neck and softly kissed her under her ear. Just like you thought it worked and the next moment you felt you back hit the mattress with your girlfriend hovering over you
“You think you can take whatever I give you?” Georgia growled lowly staring down on you with dark eyes
“Did before, didn't I?” you challenged her
“Don't get bratty, Baby.... you know you'll regret it later” your girlfriend warned you before leaning down pushing your head to the side with her nose getting more access to your neck
“First I'm gonna make you come on my tongue...” Georgia started kissing down your neck “... then on my fingers” she bit down on your collarbone getting a moan out of you “... and THEN if you were good and listened to what I said... then on my strap” she licked over your nipple and you arched your back with your breath already becoming labored again.
Just the thought of what your girlfriend wanted to do to you had you dripping in seconds
“Babe.. please” you husked out while your hand threaded through long blond hair trying to get Georgia to go a little rougher on you
“Patience” your girlfriend mumbled against your breast before she bit down softly
“Fuck me” you moaned a little louder and your hips automatically rock against her lower half
“What's your safe word?” Georgia let go of your hard nipple with a small plopp
“You never pushed me that far” you said lowly
“Tell me Baby...” the blonde pushed a little “... we won't do anything if you don't tell me your safe word”
“Red if I need you to stop, yellow if I need you to slow down... Penalty if I can't take the physical contact” you listed off knowing Georgia needed to know not only because she wanted to test you but also so she was settled herself.
She couldn't bare the thought of hurting you in any way. Georgia herself invented the extra safe word after an incident where you got so overwhelmed with just everything (it was at your first shared experience and G apparently did her job more than right) that you freaked out and tried to run. If it wasn't for Georgias quick reaction you probably would've run and would have never come back. That's something she also learned pretty quickly – if you didn't want to be found nobody could find you.
“Good girl” the blonde purred starting to kiss the small valley between your breasts and downwards
Georgia sucked a hickey just above your belly button where no one could see it – even tho she would like to mark you as hers so much more obvious but her fear of Lucy ripping her throat was too big for your girlfriend to actually go through with it.
The blonde shuffled a little more downwards so she was laying in between your legs pressing soft kisses and bites to your thighs. Your hand found her hair again and you tried to get her where you wanted her the most by tugging a little bit on the blonde makeshift pony tail. But with the tease your girlfriend was at times the only thing you got out of her was a warning growl
“Stop it or I'll stop...” Georgia looked up from in between your legs and you moaned at the sheer sight of it “... my night – my rules – my pace... you asked for ME to fuck you so I will do as I please”
“Stop teasing then...” you whined
“Baby... you know I'm not fond of being told what to do... If I want to take my time and want to enjoy myself going as slow as I want... then I'll do that and you'll be patient otherwise I will edge you the whole night and some without letting you come at all... are we clear?” the blonde raised an eyebrow at you in question
“Crystal... just.. please Baby... PLEASE” you threw your head back into the pillows whining desperately
“You begging already?” Georgia smirked and just when you wanted to throw back a sarcastic jab she lowered her head not wasting any time pushing her tongue deep inside your pussy
“FUCK” you moaned deeply your hips rocking against your girlfriends face trying to get more pleasure
Even knowing that it wasn't the best idea to coax Georgia to give you more than she was willing to give you at this point you couldn't help yourself and to your surprise your girlfriend let you get away with it just going so far to sneak her hands under your legs to lay them on top of your hips holding you still while she worked her tongue deeper and faster into you. The noises you made were at this point straight up pornographic but you didn't care since you were far FAR away from your sister and any peering ears. You felt that familiar pull in the lower half of your stomach and honestly you were a little embarrassed at how fast Georgia got you to this point.
“Baby... I... I.. “ you panted (or was it a moan) out knowing she would understand and she sure did
Mere seconds before you came she pulled back with a shit eating grin her mouth and chin covered with your arousal.
“NO.... please no... don't do this... Please!” you whimpered frustrated
“You really think I would let you come after you tried to take matters into you own hand and try to make me go faster?” the blonde smirked “You should know better Baby”
“I'm sorry... I'm sorry... SO sorry... I just couldn't...” you started to ramble desperately
“That's why I'm helping you now Baby...” Georgia cooed but you know it was just show and that she didn't care how much she was teasing you “... you not gonna do it again will you now?”
“No I promise...” you whimpered
“I know Baby... you're gonna be my good girl will you?” your girlfriend smirked
“Yes... yes so good....” you nodded your head quickly
“Good... try that stunt again and I'll stop for good” the blonde warned before diving right in between your legs again pulling a loud moan from your lips
She knew what she was doing to you curling her tongue just the right way licking your walls and it took you so much restraint NOT to buck your hips again but with the little distraction of you biting your arm you managed barely to do so. Georgia noticed how you fought your own body and decided to step it up a notch, bringing her hand around your waist once more and putting light pressure on your clit with her thumb. Of course you couldn't hold back when she did that and your hips bucked against her face what resulted in Georgia pulling back from your center again
“Oh Baby...” the blonde said her voice dripping with disappointment “... I know you can do better than this... you really want a repeat from last time you couldn't listen to me?”
Tears of frustration were building in your eyes and you shook your head no remembering just how much Georgia can tease and in the end deny you your release. The last time she decided to test your limits she kept you on edge for two days (and nights) straight and you were ready to die. Not only did she keep you on the brim of your orgasm she also teased you endlessly through out the days and whenever Lucy was near you had to act like you weren't about to break down in a crying overly horny dripping mess.
For everyone else Georgia Stanway was this sweet goof always laughing always joking but when you looked closely enough at her playing you knew that she can be a completely different person. She told you right from the start that she likes to have control in the bedroom and over her partner to a certain point which you happily agreed with since you were not really experienced in any aspects of a relationship. Did you manage to get some pleasure on your own? Yes but you still had no idea what to do to other people. Georgia was sweet and loving and patient with you from the very first kiss. Showed you what she liked and what she didn't like. She coaxed you out of your initial hesitation and fear of doing something wrong by just being patient. She always checks in with you when she wants to try something and even through the process she still keeps a close eye on you so she wouldn't push you too far out of you comfort zone.
“You know what we'll do now, don't you baby?” Georgia said like it was the most obvious thing in the world and you nodded a small whine escaping your lips
“Three times... you think you can do that for me Baby?” your girlfriend took a little pity on your desperate state pressing a soft kiss to your hip bone before resting her chin on that same spot
Again you nodded your head furiously trying to prove just how well you can listen. But you knew it wouldn't be easy to tell Georgia three times the point when you were about to come knowing she'll stop whatever she was doing right this moment. Edging you over and over again was Georgias most favorite thing to do at this point. Seeing how desperate you were for her – and just for her. Seeing all these emotions that were just for her to see. Making all these little sounds for only her to hear. She also knew that if it would get too much you would tell her – both of you had a really long chat about the importance of limits and accepting those. The last time she would have edged you even more but end of the second night when she pulled her fingers out of you for the umpteenth time you choked out a “yellow” and immediately her whole demeanor switched from dominating to caring. She let you calm down telling you over and over how good you were and that she promise to make you come as soon as you were ready. And oh boy did she keep her word. You were pretty sure you passed out at one point but hearing your girlfriend whisper all those praises into your ear made up for that.
“Just three?” you asked carefully biting your lower lip
“Just three... if you're being good” your girlfriend confirmed this time using her finger to tease your entrance lightly
A shiver ran through your body and you fisted the sheet tightly in your hand like an anchor so you wouldn't end up with more punishment
“So wet... you really enjoying yourself Baby don't you?” the blonde between your legs teased collecting your arousal with her finger before sucking it off said digit moaning lowly
“Please G... please” you whimpered but still held as still as possible
“Don't forget to tell me Baby... every time you come without my permission I'll add another one” Georgia said her voice a little warning undertone before she carefully pushed one finger into your dripping opening
“Fuck” your girlfriend swore under her breath before looking up at you from her position “... you're still so tight Baby... even after all the times I fucked you with the strap you're still so so tight...”
“M'sorry” you whimpered losing the common sense battle against the ecstasy that was shooting through your body
“No Baby... that's so fucking hot” Georgia mumbled shuffling her body over yours so she had firstly a better angle of her hand and secondly could watch your face “It just means I have to gently fuck you open so you can take my dick”
You moaned loudly when you heard the blondes dirty words turning you on even more
“You like that hm?” she asked her voice deep next to your ear while she oh so gently started to work her finger in and out of you “You like it when I make you take my dick... starting slow and gently just to work you up until you're so open that I can basically jackhammer into your sweet pussy without any resistance”
“Baby I... I... about...” you moaned out loudly the thought (and promise) what your girlfriend had planned for you
The second you told her you were about to come any second now she pulled her finger out of you drawing a small whine from your throat
“You did so good Baby... so good for telling me” the blonde said soothingly pressing soft kissed under your ear “... just two more times”
She waited until your breathing returned to normal helping you calm down with soft soothing words and kisses
“Okay?” Georgia asked again feeling how you started to get restless again
“Yeah okay...” you confirmed
“Color?” the blonde checked again knowing how much this can take out of you
“Green... oh so fucking green” you huffed out a small smile tugging on your lips
“Good.... just wanted to make sure” Georgia smiled back starting to rub light circles over your clit
“I lo... fuck” you started to answer before you choked on your own spit
“You what?” your girlfriend smirked putting a little more pressure on the small bud
“Love you...” you panted out quickly before you moaned again
“Aw Baby... I love you too” the blonde smiled pressing a soft kiss to your lips letting her finger slide downwards entering you once again
“There we go... taking my finger so well already... god I love how you feel around my finger Baby” Georgia moaned quietly and nudged your jaw so you would move your head granting her access to your neck and throat
She started to kiss and lightly bite – again no visible marks because of fear of Lucy – while she worked her finger in and out of your tight channel a little more rougher than before
“Think you can take a second one Baby?” Georgia mumbled against your neck feeling how you opened up a little more your pussy excepting her finger more easily
“Yes... yes I can... please” your body was trembling already again but you wanted to how you could hold on and hopefully make Georgia proud
It was a stupid thing to think and you knew it because she always was proud of you but you just needed this little approval and praise whenever you gave over your body to her. The blonde discovered pretty quickly that you had a praise kink always seeking the approval you somehow never received from anyone especially your parents – but this was a whole other topic
“Relax for me Baby... I know you can be so good for me” the blonde murmured against your neck scraping her teeth along the side “I know you're my good girl and I'm so proud of you for listening so well...”
You moved your head towards Georgias pressing your cheek against hers in a matter of comfort feeling how her middle finger teased your entrance as she tried to accept her second digit
“Relax Baby” the blonde said again her voice soft knowing that even you both had sex a few times now it was all still new to you “Just relax for me and let me do the rest okay”
You bit your lip hard trying to follow the small command Georgia had given you but with you being on edge already it wasn't as easy as normally
“G... I can't....” you choked out trembles shooting right from your core through your body
“Still green Baby?” your girlfriend asked lifting her head away from your neck looking at your face intensely searching for any sign of discomfort
“Yes... yes... green... I just... can't...” you panted and Georgia understood what you tried to tell her
“Spread your legs” Georgia ordered you her voice a little more stern leaving your body to sit back on her heels between your legs
“Like that.... good girl” the blonde praised you after you let your legs fall open “...I know you're trying Baby and I know it's not easy... but I know you can relax for me”
You took a deep breath closing your eyes feeling your muscles relax under the watchful eyes of your girlfriend
“There see... not so hard” Georgia said feeling how your walls loosen around her index finger “Now we can keep going.... breath Baby”
You kept your breath deep and even feeling the stretch and the slight burn when your girlfriend slowly pushed her second finger inside you
“Fuck Baby... you look so beautiful” the blonde growled letting you adjust for a hot minute before she started to gently fuck her fingers in and out of you
“Won't last long” you panted and moaned squirming slightly
“You don't need to last my Beauty” Georgia said her eyes transfixed on her fingers disappearing inside your pussy
She kept her rhythm gentle but after a few minutes her strokes began to go deeper which didn't go unnoticed by you or your girlfriend considering how loud you moaned after a particular deep thrust from her
“You're doing so well Baby... I'm so proud of you” the blonde said softly leaning forward to kiss your breast biting your nipple lightly
“Fuck Babe... I... I can't... G...” you moaned whimpering trying to push her away a little and immediately you felt empty again your girlfriend pulling her fingers out
Your walls contracting around nothing pulling a loud whine from your throat the tears that pooled in your eyes again threatening to spill down your cheeks
“So good Baby... you're doing so good for me...” you faintly heard the voice of your girlfriend as your body trembled and you worried it was just this split second to late
“It's okay my Love – you're doing such a good job telling me every time... I'm so proud of you” Georgia stroked her flat hands up and down your body trying to help you to calm down
After a few minutes – but definitely not as fast as before – your breathing started to get more regular again and you whined lowly letting the blonde know you needed more contact than just her hands on your body. Thankfully she understood your silent request and laid down next to you pulling you into her arms
“You did so good Baby.... just once more okay?” she mumbled against your hair while you pressed your face against her neck
“I can't...” you tried weakly but you knew that Georgia would edge you once more as long as you wouldn't use one of your safe words
“Color?” the blonde mumbled a little concern in her voice
“Green” you whispered
“I'll ask again Baby and I want you to be honest” Georgia said her voice soft her eyes finding yours after she pushed your head up using her finger under your chin “Color?”
“Green” you said again your eyes never leaving hers
“Okay...” the blonde smiled softly as she continued to hold you tightly against her body
With her other hand she stroke lightly over your ribs down your body over your hips until she reached your knee pulling it up and over her waist
“Just once more Baby.... you're doing so good” she murmured against your forehead holing your leg in place until she was sure you wouldn't move it “One more time Baby and then you can come”
Your head made it back into the crook of her neck whining slightly knowing already that this time it would be extremly hard to hold back since Georgia let herself go a little more on these occasions. She was always more determent and a little rougher knowing it would make it so much harder on you and so much more beautiful for her. Just like she knew you you knew her just as much – the second her hand sneaked between your bodies and she adjusted her hold on you you knew you were in for it. As you expected she quickly collected some of your juice before pressing both of her long slim fingers into you without any warning. You jerked once still getting a little bit surprised by her action but the soothing kiss pressed to the crown of your hair made you still your movements
“There we go... taking me like you were made just for me” Georgia said feeling how tight your pussy was around her two fingers
She started to fuck you with deep strong thrusts that had your head spinning and your walls tighten even more
“You feel so good around my fingers Baby...” your girlfriend moaned against your head while you couldn't muster up the strength to reply verbally so you just whined again biting into her collarbone “... next I'm gonna make you come on my dick you know.... I packed your favorite” Georgia growled speeding up her thrusts even more feeling how you started to tremble in her arms again
“Baby....” you whined but your girlfriend saw right through you
“Nu-uh” the blonde shook her head slightly “... you're not there yet... I can feel that you're not there....” she said before starting to really fuck her fingers into you hitting that one magical spot over and over again
The first time she hit it it made you scream out in pleasure with Georgia smirking proudly into your hair. Now – with her repeat probing it – it send you nearly flying... nearly
“Gonna come... Babe... gonna...” you squeaked at this point feeling your walls tighten not wanting to let Georgias finger go ever again
But yet again your girlfriend managed to pull out of you just in time and this time you couldn't hold back the loud desperate frustrated whine as tears starting to roll down your cheeks
“Just a second Baby... I'm gonna make you feel so good in just a second okay” the blonde growled letting go of you quickly getting of the bed
You couldn't stop the way you whimpered when she suddenly let go of you but the next thing you noticed was how Georgia maneuvered you onto your back and nudged your legs apart with her knees
“Color?” your girlfriend asked sounding a little desperate herself now
“Green” you choked out “Just G... PLEASE”
“On it Baby girl...” the blonde huffed out and you felt the cold silicon from the head of the strap-on being teased at entrance as Georgia made sure to use your own arousal to lube the fake dick up so it wouldn't hurt you which caused you to whine desperately “... I know Baby... but I need you to take a deep breath”
You did as Georgia told you and took one then a second deep breath as you felt the head getting slowly pushed through your folds and into your tight sensitive pussy
“Fuuuuuck” you moaned out deeply and you heard your girlfriend moan on top of you too
“So fucking tight” Georgia grunted holding still after she pushed just the head into you
After a minute which you needed to adjust to the new intrusion before you gave your girlfriend a small nod. Georgia leaned forward down on her elbows which were on either side of your head as she pressed a loving kiss on your lips which quickly got heated while she pushed the strap oh so slowly into you. When she was about half way she pulled back out and slowly back in but this time a little deeper. Like that she managed to fuck the whole strap into you with a slow gentle rhythm until she bottomed out growling deeply feeling her hips connect with yours
“So perfect Baby... you're so perfect for me and my dick... you were made to get fucked by me” the blonde growled against your neck and had to hold herself back not biting down hard
“You feel sooooo goood” you moaned rocking your hips a little bit
“Yeah? You like that Baby? You like it when I ruin you for everyone else?” Georgia grunted but you could feel her smirk against your neck
“Yes...” you moaned
“Tell me how much you like it Baby....” your girlfriend teased you starting to pull out of you again before sliding back in without problems due to your juices not only covering the fake dick but also your thighs and you were pretty sure the bedsheet too
“Your dick feels so good Baby... you stretch me out so much but it feels sooooo gooooood” you moaned into her ear knowing exactly what she wanted to hear
“Fuck... you know what it does to me when you talk like this” Georgia growled
“Then do it Babe...” you groaned in response locking your ankles behind her ass pulling her in deeper “Make me yours”
“Gonna make sure you remember who you belong to for the next 8 weeks.... until we see each other again when Bayern plays Barcelona in the Champions League” Georgia growled so deep you could have sworn she felt the urge to hold you down at your throat with her teeth before she started to really fuck into you
Her thrusts hard and fast hitting the best spots inside you while you desperately trying to get to hold on to something scratching her back open in process before you could feel that all to familiar pull in your stomach again
“Baby... I... I'm gonna...” you moaned loudly one of your hand on her shoulder blade with your nails digging into the soft skin the other hand intertwined with Georgias next to your head
“Hold it Baby... I promise I let you come but you need to hold it for me for a minute longer” the blonde grunted and growled speeding up her thrusting once again
“I can't” you whined out your limits getting pushed hard today
“I know you can...” your girlfriend grunted a little softer “I'm nearly there... just a few seconds”
These “few seconds” ended up to feel like hours. You begged you whined you whimpered but you held your orgasm back until Georgia suddenly said
“Come Baby... come for me.. NOW” the blonde growled thrusting into you one last time before stilling enjoying her own orgasm as she nearly fell on top of you catching herself in the last second not wanting to squish you under her
You on the other hand came with a high pitched scream of her name your eyes rolling into the back of your head your breathing rigid and you felt this blissfully floating experience. You came back to reality when Georgia carefully started to pull out of you but you kept your ankles locked behind her ass not letting her go
“Stay” you murmured still blissed out “Feels good”
“Okay...” the blonde whispered pressing soft kisses all over your face “Just let me move us a little so it's more comfortable for you”
She gently pulled you onto your side your leg automatically finding it's way over her hip again making you moan quietly when the strap moved inside you
“Ssssshhhh Baby... It's okay...” Georgia said soothingly trying to comfort you as much as possible as you pressed your face again into her neck
“Need more G...” you breathed out desperately
“More?” the blonde asked surprised
“Yes... 8 weeks is a long time... I need more” you nuzzled her neck
“We still have ti...” your girlfriend started but you interrupted her
“No... now... I need more now... please Baby” you tugged carefully on her earlobe with your teeth
“God woman... you're gonna be the death of me one day” Georgia chuckled
“At least you would leave this earth as a happy woman” you shot back
“Oh that I would” your girlfriend chuckled back before she smirked down at you “... would you want to try something?”
You knew that smirk. That smirk got you a lot of good memories and a lot of enjoyable satisfying nights
“Bring it Stanway” you smirked back before squealing as she single handily pulled you on top of her
“Where the fuck is my sister and Stanway??” Lucy asked for the 100th time pacing the entrance of Heathrow Airport
“God Lucy... calm the fuck down” Keira rolled her eyes but checking her phone nonetheless
“I can't believe everyone went against me and planned that” your sister grumbled
“If you hadn't behaved like the last asshole standing we wouldn't have... and WE will talk about that back in Barcelona” Keira shot her ex-girlfriend a murderous glare when she spotted you and Georgia coming down the Hall with you sitting on the luggage trolley and Georgia pushing you happily a wide grin plastered on her face
“There you are” Keira smiled warmly seeing both of you happy
“Are you out of your fucking..” Lucy started but Keira elbowed her so hard in the ribs that she started to cough hard – very hard
“You okay?” Keira looked at you giving you a once over
“So SO okay Kei” you smiled dreamily
“Okay... you G?” the blonde looked at her best friend
“Needed that little get-away...” your girlfriend smiled happily
“Good.,,, now come on... we need to get through security” Keira said after seeing that both of you are okay and well
“Wait a second!!” Lucy exclaimed now recovering from her coughing fit
“No” Keira said strictly “Security... NOW”
“Oh wow...” you mumbled under your breath and looked a little scared at Georgia who just shrugged her shoulders and decided it would be better to follow her best friend and quickly started to push that trolley after Keira
The security check went well until you had to leave your place on the luggage trolley so G could check in her bags. You tried to hide the little wince that quickly made it through your impression before you could collect yourself and got your resting bitch face back in place. Naturally this didn't go unnoticed by Keira who looked at you expectantly with a raised eyebrow
“I'm good” you mumbled in her direction not wanting Lucy to catch on
“Are you in pain?” the blonde asked lowly moving closer to you
“No... yeah... no... yeah...” you stuttered your cheeks flushing red
“What is it now... yes or no?” Keira asked missing the way you bit your lip embarrassed
“A little... but... good pain you know” you tried to be a subtle as possible
“Huh?” the blonde looked at you confused before understanding what you were trying to say “OH!”
“Yeah...” you smiled embarrassed while Georgia sported a proud smirk
“What you smirking about Stanway?” Lucy snapped after she came back from checking in her own luggage.
“Just knowing how we destroy you in eight weeks...” Georgia retorted sounding way more convinced that you knew she was
“Oh please.... Bayern is a good club but... we're Barca and you play our stadium” your sister shot back her signature smirk on her face
“But our team isn't one game away from moving into an old peoples home” it bursted out of your girlfriend and you knew it was the classic “Not thinking before speaking”-moment
But that didn't stop Keira and you from bursting out laughing even louder when you spotted your sisters outraged face
“Excuse me??!!” Lucy exclaimed her eyes wide in shock
“Come on... Security...” Keira ushered you all along before the situation could turn into something negative
“You okay Bubs??” Lucy asked concerned seeing your slight limp
“Totally” you grinned hoping to convince her
“Are you sure.. you kind of limping or something” your sister looked at your legs “Your knees acting up again? We gonna ice them back home okay?”
“No Lucy... not my knees Luce... I... I....” you desperately tried to come up with a good excuse “... I hit me ankle trying to cut a corner at Covent Garden”
“Covent Garden? What were you doing at Covent Garden?” Lucy looked even more confused now
“Ehrm.... Culture... Dining... you know...” you mumbled not meeting her eyes
“You went all the way to the West End for some food with your girlfriend?” your sister asked lost
“YES!” you exclaimed quickly
“You could have said something... I could've talked to Sarina to let you go out with G one night” your sister looked like a lost puppy
“I know Lucy..... it was just... very... spontaneous” you looked at Keira for help
“Let her be Luce... she's a big girl now – she can ask Sarina herself” the blonde said laying her arm around your shoulders stroking over your hair affectionately
“Yeah I know... it's just..” your sister shrugged removing everything for the security check on auto pilot
“Just nothing Lucy....” Keira said softly before pushing her ex towards the body scanner
And like in Barcelona the scanner started to ring in the most annoying tone the second Lucy stepped inside it. Your sister groaned annoyed throwing her head back and asked to no one in particular
“Why always me???”
She stepped out of it and immediately got flanked by two security guards who started to pad her down. After they discovered that your Sister didn't carry any weapons or something similar she was allowed to continue her journey. YOU on the other hand were now absolutely TERRIFIED of going through the body scanner. You stepped backwards and right into Keira who tried to convince you in a hushed soothing whisper to get you moving. But no – you were absolutely convinced that thing would start screaming again and then the guards would touch you which was your horror scenario. Georgia quickly got in front of you walking through the scanner without any problems trying to show you that it's okay. But even seeing with your own eyes that your girlfriend got through without any problems didn't got you moving
“Bitsy... you need to get through that scanner... I have one last little gift from Sarina for you but I only can give it to you on the other side of the security” the blonde mumbled from behind you keeping her hands on your waist so you wouldn't run away “Trust me Bitsy...”
With a deep breath and your eyes fixed on your girlfriend you took a step and then two more until you were in the scanner screwing your eyes shut like it would change any outcome.
“Miss... you can move” you heard a friendly voice from your right
“You done Bitsy... go to Lucy” you now heard Keiras voice from your left
You turned right and started to quickly sprinting out of the scanner. Only to forget that your eyes were still closed so you ran into the first person standing in your way – which was the nice security lady who told you you could move.
“Oh my God I'm so sorry” you quickly rambled out as you scrambled backwards
“It's okay.... you really don't like the scanner huh?” the woman said
“Don't like flying in general” you mumbled embarrassed when you saw Lucy and Georgia rushing over trying to help only to get held back by some security staff
For your and Georgias benefits you went straight for the hug Lucy offered you immediately after you “freed” yourself from the security. You didn't miss the way your girlfriends face fell slightly but you knew if you would've went to Georgia Lucy would've thrown a fit so you just put an apologetic smile on your face and pressed yourself into your sisters embrace
“It's okay Bubs... you did good” Lucy mumbled against your hair holding you tightly against her
“I hate it” you mumbled against her shoulder
“I know... but you did good” your sister assured you again waiting for Keira to get through the scanner as well
Very subtle you found your girlfriends hand and grabbed her pinky with yours. Georgia turned her head a little bit so Lucy wouldn't see the small smile that appeared on her face when she felt your hand looking for hers.
“All done... let's go” Keira appeared next to you ruffling through your hair
“Keiraaaaaa” you whined trying to get away from her hands “Took me ages to get me hair like this”
“Here” the ginger rolled her eyes giving you your snapback back
“Uh... I wondered where this was” you said happily putting the hat on
“It was in Millies bag and she gave it to me with the massage that you shouldn't leave your stuff all over the place” Keira huffed but pulled you away from Lucy into a side hug pulling you forward
“You want something to eat Bubs? We still have some time until boarding” Lucy asked
“Ugh no... I probably throw up if I eat something” you shuddered at the pure thought of eating
This time Georgia perked up to your disproval
“You hadn't had any breakfast either... I think a roll or something would do you some good ba... y/n” she quickly corrected herself in front of Lucy which caused Keira to chuckle under her breath before bringing her attention back to you
“No breakky Bits?? Are we back to that?” the ginger raised her eyebrow at you
“I... didn't have time” you defended yourself and before your girlfriend could interrupt you elbowed her hard
“Lucy... get your sister something light to eat” Keira said without taking her eyes off you fully aware that you shut Georgia up with your elbowing
“Some fruit Bubs?” your sister asked totally obvious to what just happened
“Fruits is fine...” you huffed knowing Keira caught on – of course she did she always did “Just... no Mango or Papaya or whatever that slimy shit is”
“Banana okay?” Lucy checked one last time
“Ugh no... bleh” you said quickly pulling a face
“Bitsy” Keira warned you and now even Georgia stepped away for safety
“But I don't want Banana” you whined like a three year old
“No “buts”...” the ginger started getting interrupted from a voice behind you
“Cariño... what did you do now to upset Keira?” the voice asked teasing and you just KNEW your savior in form of Alexia Putellas just arrived
“They want to force Banana down me throat but I don't like Banana... sí us plau ajuda'm” you begged her not even realizing what you just did
Alexia on the other hand – along with half the Barca squad AND Jenni – noticed immediately and looked at you with wide shocked eyes
“Did... did you just speak catalan Cariño?” the spaniard asked confused
“What?” you asked just as confused back
“You just spoke catalan” Alexia looked at you blankly
“I did?” you asked baffled
“You did pequeño” Jenni confirmed grinning “Even tho I didn't grew up in Catalonia I know catalan when I hear it...”
“When did I learn catalan?” you asked flabbergasted making the whole group bursting out laughing
“I don't know Cariño but it was very good catalan... better than your sister and DEFINITELY better than Keira” the spaniard capitan laughed
“Oy... you don't have any ground to stand on Ale... you don't even speak the accent” Keira exclaimed but everyone knew she wasn't serious
“I won't even comment on that... what I WILL comment on is... Cariño... eat that banana your sister will get you in a minute – it will help settle your stomach” Alexia said strictly
“But I don't like bananas...” you whined again
“No... I will personally make you eat that banana if I have to...” the blonde spaniard said firmly taking the chore of arguing with you off Keiras shoulders “... I WILL make Jenni to hold you down and believe me – she can”
You carefully looked up over Alexias shoulder where Jenni stood and were met with a wolfish grin
“She knows what she's talking about” the black haired spaniard grinned and wriggled her eyebrows which earned her a slap from her capitan
“Stop scaring the Cariño” Alexia huffed rolling her eyes what caused Georgia to snort and suddenly all attention was on her
“Anything you want to share with the class G?” Keira smirked when she saw her best friend looking uncomfortable
“Nope.. all good... just remembered that funny cat video I saw this morning” your girlfriend said quickly moving a bit away from your sister who shot daggers at your girlfriend
“Cat video me ass” Keira snorted but let go of the topic to shoo Lucy away getting some fruit for you
“What are you all doing here?” you asked after you plopped down next to Alexia absently grabbing Onas hand who sat on your right and started playing with her rings – something you did to calm your own nerves without it even realizing it
Ona looked a little taken aback for a second before just shrugging her shoulder starting to get into a conversation with Keira. The only person who still stood around looking unsure was your girlfriend
“So.... you and the little Bronze” Georgia jumped a little when she heard the voice next to her and suddenly found herself being pushed into a seat two rows behind you
“Ehrm...” your girlfriend just looked around shocked as four pair of spanish eyes were fixed on her
“Pot parlar??” Mapí asked looking expectantly at Georgia who of course got even more insecure as the other three snorted
“Be nice Mapí...” Jenni said but she still smirked at your girlfriend “Speak up... you and y/n?”
“Yes?” Georgia answered carefully
“Are you really asking me if you're dating the little Bronze?” now the dark haired spaniard raised her eyebrow
“No... I just don't know what you want from me?” your girlfriend said still not sure what to make out of this surreal situation
“Just... talk” Mapí moved a little closer to Georgia
“Talk?” Georgia asked
“Sí...” Pina said nodding her head “... that's spanish for “yes”...”
“I'm not THAT stupid” your girlfriend huffed out offended
“Your girlfriend spoke perfect catalan without even knowing she spoke catalan... sorry for trying to be nice” Pina huffed back
“Let's get down to business... Listen....” Jenni said seriously looking Georgia straight into the eye
“You don't even know my name??” your girlfriend exclaimed upset
“I do... I just didn't know if I use Georgia or Stanway... but I think I go with Stanway” the dark haired said back “... listen Stanway... this Girl... she's very valued among our team”
“What does among mean?” Pina interrupted making Jennis upcoming threat basically useless
“Calla I deixa'm parlar idiota” Jenni growled towards the small spaniard who immediately shrunk backwards in her seat “... as I said – she's very valued amongst us.. I personally owe her a lot... if you hurt her you don't only have Lucia to fear... you'll have Barcelona to fear... Spain to fear... Norway to fear... Sweden to fear... and me...”
“Wow... this one is more concepted than Lucys... she just said “Hurt her and I'll kill you”... I'm impressed” Georgia looked blankly at Jenni nodding her head lightly “... REALLY impressed”
“You better take me seriously Stanway....” Jenni growled getting angry as how easily the young Lioness dismisses her
“Hermoso... I'm dating Lucy Bronze little sister.... I KNEW what I was getting into... you don't scare me... KEIRA scares me... she's me best friend and I KNOW what she's able to do... and she's highly protective over y/n... so no... I really don't take you seriously” your girlfriend shrugged her shoulders before pushing out of the seat leaving a totally baffled Jenni Hermoso, María León, Claudia Pina and a even lost Patri behind
“You okay G?” Keira asked the second her best friend was close enough having kept an eye on her
“All good... they tried to threaten me... was a good attempt... if I wasn't dating a Bronze with an overprotective Walsh around...” your girlfriend shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly smiling shortly at Ona who still hasn't gotten her hand back while you were still talking to Alexia
“I love it how they all underestimate me” Keira chuckled as she saw Lucy approaching with a bowl full of different fruit
“I picked all the good ones Bubs...” your sister smiled presenting you the plastic container with a plastic fork as she crouched down in front of you
“Do I have too??” you immediately started to whine looking at your sister with puppy eyes
“Just a little bit okay Bubs?” Lucy said helplessly being an absolute sucker for your puppy eyes
“All of it Bitsy” Keira interrupted before you could get away with three pieces and not more
“But... Keiraaaaaa” you whined trying to cuddle into Alexia hoping for her backup
“No... It's not that much anyway so you'll manage just fine” the ginger put her foot down so you tried one last attempt
“Mapí!! You want some fruit?” you looked up from Alexias shoulder you tried to hide in
“Uh... SÌ!!!” the quirky spaniard shot out of her seat
“No... NO Mapí... that's y/n fruit and she eats it...” Keira quickly interrupted but it was already too late as Mapí snatched the plastic container out of Lucys hands immediately digging in
“María!!” now Alexia got involved as well scolding her friend firmly
“She gave it to me” the tattooed spaniard mumbled with a full mouth half the fruits already gone
“Give... it... back” Alexia warned her friend and Mapí moved instinctively a little further away from Alexia cradling the container to her chest
“María Pilar León Cebrían!!!” Alexia warned lowly knowing she only had a TINY window left to get the rest of your fruit back
“No” Mapí said recutlanty
“Jenni” Alexia called out nodding towards Mapí not having the patience to deal with the situation right now
“Great... make me the bad one again... just because you can't keep your children under control” Jenni groaned standing up already “Mapí don't” she warned seeing how the tattooed woman already sized up a way to flee
To Jennis big annoyance Mapí turned around on her heels started sprinting away
“You owe me Putellas” the lanky spaniard groaned sprinting after Maps
“Cariño...” the blonde spaniard now turned her attention to you
“There was papaya in there” you said quickly
“Was NOT” your sister exclaimed still sitting in front of you “I hand sorted them out....”
“At the bottom there was a papaya...” you huffed
“Cariño” Alexia said again her voice turning a little icy and you flinched “You with me... now”
The spaniard stood up pulling you up with her. You clutched to Onas hand who winched slightly trying to free her hand carefully
“Let go of Onas hand” Alexia said strictly and you dropped your sisters girlfriends hand immediately
“Thank you” the capitan said pulling you over to one of the small coffee bars at the terminal “I don't care what you choose but I'll be damned if I don't get some food into you before take-off...”
“Alexia I'm really not hungry” you mumbled
“When was the last time you've eaten something?” the blonde asked softly seeing how much this situation stresses you out
“Last night” you said without thinking
“Really? Room service?” Alexia asked raising her eyebrow
“Ehrm... kinda... it was in a room... and I... .served??” you committed embarrassed
“Ay dios...” the blonde threw her hands up rolling her eyes “NOT what I meant... so... when was the last time you ate FOOD?”
“Ehrm...” you tried to remember
“That's answer enough... choose... now” the blonde said firmly “I will stand here the whole day if I have too...”
“But then you'll miss your flight” you looked confused
“Then it'll be.... but I'm not boarding a plane knowing you haven't eaten food for... probably days” Alexia said calmly
“Croissant?” you asked carefully
“Okay...” the blonde nodded and paid for your beverage which you took a little hesitantly and a little uncomfortable but at least you took it
“Thank you” you mumbled trying to bring yourself to bite into it
“No problem at all Cariño... it's okay to eat you know...” Alexia encouraged you carefully knowing from Keira that you sometimes don't feel comfortable eating in front of others while other times you just inhale whatever lands in front of you
“It's just.... yucky feeling” you admitted trying to buy yourself some more time
“I understand that Cariño... just a bite okay?” the blonde lead you a little away from the hectic and covered your body with her own so you'd hopefully felt a little more secure “No one will see okay..”
You hesitantly brought the croissant up and bit of a tiny edge chewing it carefully
“Good... you're doing good Cariño... could you manage a second one for me please?” Alexia said a soft smile on her lips knowing how much effort it took you and how grateful she could be that you trust her enough to let her see you like this
“Do I have too?” you asked your voice barely over a whisper
“You don't HAVE to Cariño... but it would make me feel better” the blonde answered softly
She knew it was risky but she hoped that you liked her enough to consider another bite. To her big surprise you did. You took a second bite to immediately stuff the croissant back into the paper bag it came in and hand it to Alexia
“You did very good Cariño... thank you” the blonde smiled at you taking the bag before pulling you into a side hug leading you back to the group
“Boarding starts in a few minutes” your sister said when Alexia and you came back
“We're back... don't stress us Lucia” Alexia rolled her eyes playfully making you chuckle
It'll never stop to amaze Alexia how quickly you switch emotions to hide your problems
“Yes Lucia...” you teased your sister “... don't stress us”
“Excuse me??” Lucy exclaimed “upset” playing along seeing you need a lighter mood
“Guys... boarding” Irene shouted to get everyones attention and your head snapped immediately towards Georgia who still sat in comfortable in one of the uncomfortable airport chairs
“Go say bye Cariño...” Alexia mumbled in your ear pushing softly towards your girlfriend
Even if you wanted to walk over you couldn't bring your legs to move as you felt Alexia let go of you and heard in distance how she ushered everyone forward. Seeing how lost you stood there Georgia pushed herself up covering the short distance to you
“It's okay... we see each other soon okay... We'll see each other when I come to Barcelona for the Champions League... just a few weeks... basically around the corner already” Georgia tried to comfort you seeing how the tears pool up in your eyes
You on the other hand didn't trust yourself to speak so you just threw yourself into your girlfriends arms sniffling quietly. Even tho the two of you had a long distance relationship right from the start it didn't make the goodbyes easier
“It'll be okay Baby” Georgia mumbled against your hair pressing a soft subtle kiss to your head “I know it's hard but we'll see each other soon okay... I love you.... so much... and whenever you need me I'm just a call away... or a text... or a pigeon”
You chuckled through your tears when Georgia brought the pigeon into the mix the two of you always joking that you sometimes consider sending a pigeon to get your message across to Georgia in Germany since your girlfriend sometimes needed forever to answer texts.
“I know” you sniffled into her shoulder “It just sucks”
“Yeah it does... but Champions League is in eight weeks... just 60 days... we managed longer before... the days will just fly by and next thing you know you're gonna pick me up in Barcelona and show me your favorite little coffee shop you told me about... the one hidden away from the busy streets” your girlfriend said quietly
“Bubs come on... boarding” you heard your sister yell from a few feet away and you instinctively grabbed Georgias shirt a little tighter
“Go Baby... I need to board soon too.... don't make Luce come over and pry you off me” Georgia chuckled knowing neither of you actually wanted to let go
“You text me when you land yes?” you mumbled
“Always... and I'll phone you tonight when I'm back in me flat okay?” your girlfriend nodded and pressed another subtle kiss to your hairline
“Okay...” you took a deep breath letting go of your girlfriend – ripping off the band aid style with just letting go turning around and walking over to where Lucy and Keira were waiting for you your head hung low so no one would see your tears
“I'm sorry Bubs” Lucy mumbled seeing how much it hurt you as she pulled you into her side looking over to Georgia who stood there lost her shoulders sagged and nodded to the blonde that she will look after you
After Lucy locked eyes with Georgia and let her know you were save your girlfriend turned around to walk over to her own terminal having a half an hour to spare until she needed to board the flight to Munich. Lucy went through the ticket control first while Keira handed you your ticket. With Lucy waiting on the other side of sliding glass doors she couldn't hear what was going on but she saw there was some kind of problem with your ticket and cursed herself out knowing how much you feared problems in public spaces since you weren't one standing happily in the lime light. Your sister saw the flight attended telling you to try and scan your ticket again but again it got refused. You looked lost at Keira who was still standing behind you with a small smile on her lips
“Keira... it's not working” you said stressed
“Don't EVER say I don't love you...” the ginger said seriously but still soft and loving
“What??” you asked confused still getting more and more stressed by the second
“You remember I told you Sarina had one last gift for you.. it's not only from her.... it's from me as well....” Keira said softly hoping you'd catch on – but you didn't
“Look on your ticket Bitsy” the ginger smiled lovingly after you looked at her lost
You did look down on the small paper slip in your hand. Reading you name. Your seating. Your departure airport. Your departure time. Your arrival airpo... no. Your head snapped up looking at Keira shocked and lost.
“Go...” Keira said lovingly pulling you into a quick hug pressing a soft kiss to your temple “... just make sure to keep in touch okay... don't ghost any of us... I know where G lives... I will come and get you if I don't hear from you at least once a day”
“Thank you Keira....” you now sniffled – but this time it was happy tears
“Now off you go... oh and Bitsy... G doesn't know... it was Sarinas and my doing” the ginger smiled pushing you away slightly which you took to sprint off in the direction you thought you would find your girlfriend a big smile on your face
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ellethespaceunicorn · 3 months
Random thought:
You and August Walker sneaking out of a work party to get some time in his private office.
Well, Zombie, I'll tell you what I think would happen...
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Title: Executive Temptation
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: CEO!August Walker x Employee!Reader
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: You’ve caught the eye of CEO August Walker. What happens when he asks you to go to his private office?
Warnings: (responsible) alcohol consumption, oral sex (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), unprotected p-in-v sex, creampie
A/N: Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist
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When the elevator dings and the doors open, he holds out an arm to let you enter first. As you step inside, you catch the eye of your coworker, who is making an obscene gesture with her hands. You can’t exactly blame her. You did just get into an elevator with the damn CEO of Walker Logistics LLC.
That’s right. You and August Walker are in an elevator on the way to his private office to speak more discreetly. 
A million different things went through your mind when he first asked you to step away to his office, and it showed on your face when you first stuttered through an excuse to stay at the party. 
“Tell you what, why don’t we just continue our conversation about your ideas over better booze than what they have down here? I’ll behave as long as you do,” he offers, his sonorous baritone washing over you like a warm bath.
It was more than easy to agree with him; he just had a way of making you feel like the most important person in the room.
As the elevator lifts, August leans against the left wall while you stand in the center. You try to maintain the silence that is only interrupted as the floor indicator dings every few seconds. The anxiety of feeling like you have to perform is strong, and you want to come up with something that he will find interesting.
But all you can come up with is, “You know, you can’t say happiness without saying penis.” 
August’s head whips to you so fast, you think his neck may have broken. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Sometimes, when I’m nervous, I spout useless trivia. It’s the worst superpower,” you admit, hoping he would let it go.
“Sex is ten times more effective than Valium. So, maybe we shouldn’t be so coy,” he hums, pushing off of the wall and coming to stand next to you when the elevator stops.
When the doors open, you are greeted with quite a sight. The entirety of the top floor is closed off by walls, except for his secretary’s desk, which sits just outside double doors. 
You are so surprised by the fact that you are in the CEO’s space that you just gawk at everything while staying in the elevator. It’s only when August stops the doors from closing on you that you close your mouth and follow him to the doors to his office.
Once they open, you’re greeted with a modern office space with two conference rooms around the left and right corners. His L-shaped desk sits in the center of the room, and the polished ebony wood stain reflects the lights of the city from the floor-to-ceiling windows that line the back wall. A leather sofa and armchair set that seems rather inviting fills the carpeted area in front of the mini-bar. You spy the bookshelves that line the right and left walls and wonder to yourself if he’s even read half of them.
Walking around the desk, your feet carry you to the right bookcase. You read the titles of book after book about business and the economy. How fucking boring!
From his spot at the mini-bar, August gets your attention. “So, what would the lady like to drink while she snoops?”
“I’m not snooping. Just looking,” you advise, your fingers swiping the various spines as you walk toward him. “And I would love some bourbon if you have it. No ice.”
“I think I’ll join you,” he remarks, retrieving two lowball glasses and a decanter of the amber liquid. Pouring about two fingers into one glass and then the other. He takes both glasses and places them on the glass coffee table that sits between the sofa and the two comfy chairs. He picks up his drink and turns to you. “What shall we toast to?”
The anxiety running through you is replaced by lust as you join him on the couch, close enough to feel his body heat. Pheromones must be wafting in the air because he smells like sex on legs. You bend forward to pick up your bourbon, and the top of your dress reveals some cleavage. Out of the corner of your eye, you see August tilt his head as he sneaks a peek.
“To not being coy,” you insist, offering your raised glass.
August clinks his glass with yours and says, “To not being coy.”
You both take a sip and when you put your drink down after a sizable gulp, August mirrors you and sits back against the couch. You turn, and he is watching you with hungry eyes. Now or never, you think to yourself.
Leaning in, you kiss the smirk right off his face. His soft, pink lips part and his tongue licks into your mouth. Deepening the kiss, you allow him entry and massage his tongue with yours as you move to his lap. His hands caress your thighs before sliding up your leg to land on your hips. You know what he is after, so you start to rock your hips and are awarded with a deep rumble of a groan from August.
With his hands grabbing onto your ass, you grow bold and swivel your hips once, then twice. As August bucks up into you, you whimper, and he breaks the kiss. Maintaining eye contact, he reaches up your dress and stops when his fingertips touch your panties.
“May I take these off?” he asks, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip as he looks up at you.
“Fuck, yes,” you yelp, your desire becoming too much to handle.
With your permission, he pulls them down your legs as far as they will go with you kneeling in his lap. Positioning you to lay back on the couch, he removes them completely, then dives in between your legs with his hands wrapped around your thighs to hold you close. 
He kisses your inner thighs before focusing on your wet pussy. To say he must have been starving for you is an understatement. The way he licks from your hole to your swollen nub was just this side of overwhelming. Swirling his tongue around your pearl, he waits until you begin to buck your hips to take your clit into his mouth.
Your hands go to his hair, clutching his chestnut locks as he sucks your soul out of your body. You’re near tears when he slowly inserts a finger between your folds. You barely hold yourself together as he strokes your inner walls, paying attention to the inner bundle of nerves that drives you wild.
Inserting another finger, he picks up his speed while massaging your G-spot. Listening to your body, he knows that you are on the very edge. One wrong move, and he could ruin it completely. 
But, lucky for you, he knows what he is doing.
He lets your clit slip past his lips, changing his tactic. Flicking his tongue up and down on your bud while adding a third finger to stretch you out, he puts on a master class at foreplay. Within moments, the hold you have on your faculties is all but forgotten as you are brought to orgasm. Your walls clench around his fingers, and he continues to play with your sweet spot. The noise of your sopping hole echoes in the office.
“That’s it; let it go. Such a good girl for me. So fucking delicious, too,” he praises, talking you through it. “You sound so fucking sexy right now.”
When you come down from your high, August is right there to kiss away the tear that escapes your eye as he caresses you. Your entire body is afire with sensations. His hands on you feel feather-soft. Looking up into his face, you can’t help but bring him down to kiss him. The kiss starts slow, but as it continues, tongues and teeth make an appearance. He nibbles and sucks on your bottom lip, eliciting a moan from deep in your throat. 
He breaks the kiss again to kiss and nip at your jaw and neck. You wrap a leg around his waist, shoving your hand between you to stroke him through his slacks. The groan from him at the contact radiates through you. You can tell he has a monster under those clothes, and you want it.
Echoing his politeness from earlier, you speak up, “May I?”
“Please,” he gushes, sitting on his heels to give you better access.
You unzip and unbutton him, reaching inside to take him out. You thank him silently for prepping you with three fingers, because damn. The uncut snake in his pants is heavy in your hands. While you want nothing more than to have it inside you, you would also love to gag on it. August’s hand under your chin lifts your face until your eyes meet.
“As much as I would love your pretty lips around me, I need to be inside you,” he implores, his thumb ghosting over your lips. “I promise you can choke on it later.”
You gasp as he removes your hand from his dick and pushes you slightly to lay back down. He throws your legs over his shoulders, lining himself up with your core, before pushing in slowly. He takes his time, letting you get used to being so filled and allowing him to adapt to your tight heat.
Folding you into yourself, he retracts his hips and thrusts forward. You groan in unison. Pulling out until just the tip remains inside you, he slams back in, kissing your cervix with his cockhead. He picks up the speed, and you can hear how fucking wet you are. The sloshy slaps of flesh on flesh are enough to have you close to orgasm already.
The entire room smells like sex, and it is intoxicating. Your gasps and whines as he fucks you only spur him on to help you chase after your climax. Parting your legs, he grips your thighs, fucking into you harder and faster. The look of determination on his face has you reaching down to play with your sensitive clit.
He swats your hand away in favor of using his fingers to make you cum around him. It happens quicker than you planned, a testament to his expertise. He fucks you through your release, your overworked pussy leaving cream all over his cock. He slows down to a more intimate pace as you come back to yourself.
You tangle a hand in his messy curls and pull him down to kiss you. With your hand on his hip, you urge him to move again. He kisses you deeper as his hips pick up the pace fucking you. You swallow every grunt and grumble from his thrusts. When his lips part from yours, you see the want in his eyes. You know he’s close by the way his hips stutter and his dick twitches.
Tightening your legs around his waist, you push your heel into his ass, and he gets the hint. 
“You want my cum? Ugh, fuck, I’m so close. Shit! Argh, fuck,” he gasps, his cock spasming as he spills inside you. He collapses on top of you with his face in your neck, and you rub his back while he comes down.
Once his softening length slips from you, he grunts and picks himself up to sit back on his heels. He watches as his cum leaks out of you and licks his lips. He gets up and tucks himself away before motioning for you to stay right where you are. He grabs a towel from the mini-bar, coming back to clean up his mess from between your legs. He tosses the towel on the coffee table and picks up his drink to take a sip.
“I wasn’t lying earlier, you know,” he discloses, moving to sit down when you pull yourself into a seated position.
“Huh?” you ask, wracking your brain to find out what he’s talking about.
“I still want to hear your ideas on how to expand our market reach. I mean, you don’t even work in our marketing department, and your ideas have my attention,” he praises, his voice sincere in tone.
“I do have a few ideas on how the company can grow,” you beam, happy to be noticed. “But I think I’d like to discuss that first thing on Monday. Right now, I’d rather enjoy this bourbon and spend time not talking about work. If you don’t mind?”
“I don’t mind at all,” he affirms, sipping his drink before smiling at you. “I am actually looking forward to Monday for a change. But before then, would you let me take you to dinner? I promise there will be no work talk.”
You look into your glass, swirling the amber liquid while you think about it for all of three seconds. “I’ll let you take me to dinner on one condition,” you advise, a smirk playing on your lips.
“And what would that be?” he asks, his arm going to the back of the couch.
“You let me choke on it before tonight is over,” you flirt, holding in a giggle.
The way his eyes darken is a thing of beauty. He lowers his drink from his lips and says, “Fuck, where did that coy little thing go? I’m not complaining, by the way. I’ll make sure you get a taste; don’t you worry.” 
You suddenly feel very warm, and you can’t believe this man is real. You wonder how his words can make you want nothing more than to kiss him until you can’t breathe. You put down your glass after downing the last bit in one go. Liquid courage, don’t fail me now, you think to yourself.
August puts down his glass and leans back. You crawl into his lap again, a knee on either side of his hips. Entwining a hand in his hair, you lean forward and capture his lips again. This time, the kiss is slow and sensual. Your tongue dances with his until your lips touch again. Nipping at his bottom lip elicits a whimper from him that is music to your ears.
His hands move to your ass, gripping the globes as if his life depended on it. When one hand leaves, you only miss it for a second before it lands back on your cheek with a slap. You moan into his mouth, and you can feel the rumble of a chuckle in his chest.
He’s got you right where he wants you, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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A/N: This story was super fun to write. I would love to know what you think!!! Feedback is appreciated!
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myalvmss · 1 year
CHARACTERS. aquamarine hoshino, ruby hoshino, ai hoshino, akane kurokawa mention
MISSION. headcanons ; adventure mission, silent yet shining
WARNINGS. mentions of pregnancy & sex? this is mostly just me digging into aqua's character more and more, ANGST will most definitely be in this, but dont worry!
BUTTERFLY'S NOTE. special thanks to my friend named Ryu I guess LMAOAOAOAO. THIS IS SHORT??
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⌗O1: when I tell you, this man makes me frustrated every two seconds of reading the manga, I have a love and hate relationship with this man that not even scaramouche can compete with, BECAUSE RIGHT OFF THE BAT, HE'S A RED FLAG. BAHAHAHAH 😭
⌗O2: when you two first meet, he barely does effort in the so called friendship, or what he thinks of acquaintance.
UNLESS you are of use to his plan, so he'll probably use you, sorry bitch </3
⌗O3: this mf's ideal type is just someone like ai hoshino (imo NO ONE can replace her, not even akane sorry not sorry) and what makes you think you can pull off an ai?
i suggest you CHANGE him, not change yourself for him honey
⌗O4: this depends on your personality, but the relationship might be a sunshine reader while aqua's the grumpy one LMFAOAOAOAO
⌗O5: aqua doesn't engage in social media much, unlike his twin sister ruby. in other words, he's a boomer yet I'm not surprised so it's mostly you who takes pictures and videos of u both
⌗O6: you and aqua often go on dates at the cafe, park, or mostly private places where you two can get alone time with no interruptions
⌗O7: he's SO OVERPROTECTIVE ABOUT YOU. imagine yandere aqua omfg, he even makes sure that you're safe and doing well everyday
A caring boyfriend but a red flag 🚩
⌗O8: In the song, "MEPHISTO" I think there's a lyric where "I'll bet my life, I'll give it to you" would imply that to the people he cares about, aqua WILL risk his life for you. THOUGH this song probably directs to ai, or ruby? but either way, he still cares about you if you were actually his girlfriend. not just for his revenge plan, but purely his own love for you.
yet sometimes I think, "would aqua even bother asking you to be his girlfriend at a time crisis like this?"
It's a possibility he wants to keep you safe and unharmed from danger, so he'll probably lock up his feelings from you and keep it a secret so no danger will come for you, but it's not guaranteed </3
⌗O9: in an au where ai is alive, I wouldn't say that ai would straight away approve of your relationship with aqua. she's a mother, yes but not those kinds who don't give a fuck abt relationships ykwim?
when she first met you, she's a bit suspicious of you, especially if you're someone who's young, but your mind is well beyond your age.
It took a while, but she got used to you around with aqua and genuinely loves you
“you two aren't getting a kid, right?” just a few reassurances that YOU BOTH AREN'T GOING THE SAME ROUTE AS WHAT SHE DID.. “mama! don't ask questions out of the blue like that!” ruby come rescue us both PLS
“mama.. cut it out please,” insert a little bit of a flushed red aqua PLSS
⌗10: honestly, taking back the topic where you change aqua actually would work, because this man is wanting revenge and is willing to kill his father.
you can't be the one who helps him, that will end up ugly if he does succeed, because let's not forget how aqua can get arrested despite being a minor, yet he's 17 (currently in manga) and he might turn 18 soon enough
so you have to BE THE SAVIOR who changes aqua to be a better person and set aside this revenge
honestly. it's not worth it, I KNOW this is about ai hoshino getting her justice, but would she wanna see her kids in danger like this??
DON'T go off like "aqua this isn't like you 🥺🥺" NO LMAO. you knew aqua when he was 16, that's a super high possibility on who you met him, and the person he is now is just the same aquamarine hoshino you him at sixteen
just imo, you need to convince aqua that his revenge path won't do anything better for anyone's lives, because correctly he's ruining everything — the man probably doesn't care but you gotta make him care and move on for the better like how ai would want for him and ruby
⌗11: if you're smaller than aqua, then he'll probably use you as a head rest
lay his head on your shoulder
rest his head on your lap
place his head ontop of yours
⌗13: whenever aqua is jealous, he always keeps it a secret from you so that you won't tease him about it
think of a scenario where you're talking to some guy on the street, a fan or an old friend;
aqua would slowly wrap his arm around your waist and pull you towards him WHILE giving the guy a very overprotective look
⌗14: he can't help it but aqua always compliments you in his mind, like how cute or gorgeous you are
⌗15: i like to think you both started getting together after his so-called revenge plan for his father
⌗16: aqua's careful around you, by that I mean when it comes to sex. he doesn't wanna end up being a replica of his father.
by that I mean, he'd ask for consent first for sex ( aqua's not entirely that kind of person who doesn't ask for consent )
and also would not have sex during his teenage years, as he prefers to have it at adult years ykyk
⌗17: you're a pain in the ass for him, gotta say that BAHAHAHHAHAH
⌗18: since in aqua's past life, he was a doctor ( bro's a DOCTOR. ) that took medical education, it's a high chance that he still remembers a few things
probably trauma from learning all that pain of a education lmao
⌗18: so whenever you get hurt, aqua's always the one who bandages you :))
⌗19: since aqua dislikes bell peppers, you probably shove those in aqua's mouth for shits and giggles AHAHAHA
⌗20: he acts like 'himself' (or the past him) when you're around, and you're the only person who could do that
“i noticed that he's like how he used to be when he's around y/n..” ruby spoke to herself, watching aqua and y/n from afar as a small smile appeared on her face. “I'm happy for them both.”
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lani-heart · 3 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> kang yeosang x reader warning(s) -> smut, slight dollification, first time ?, oral ( receiving ), fingering, words -> 2.1K
abstract -> "Do you want to say yes? In being my mate?"
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yeosang's perspectvie
“I don’t know why you haven't made a move yet,” Wooyoung told me and I sighed. San and Wooyoung have given me the push to make her my mate. 
I wasn’t keen on sharing her… in fact, if I didn’t respect them I would try to keep her to myself. That idea just seems selfish now, especially after helping me. 
“You’re also in pre-heat” San said and I scoffed. I know it is getting worse as the days go by. Soon I'll have to trap myself in my room.
“Unless you decide on a heat hotel?” The suggestion made me sick. “No way, I’d rather masturbate my whole heat,” I said and they laughed at me...
“Yeosang, are you ready to go yet?!” I heard as I saw my little angel now in the outfit I picked out to take me to that stupid kennel. I may have told her in case I should get heat suppressants. 
“Good luck with the hormone pills,”
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“Are you sure you want the pills? I could set up an appointment for a hotel?” she asked and I fought off the urge to ask her to help me. Everyday it was getting more difficult with her scent and presence only making it harder for me. 
When we made it to the stupid facility I was taken into the doctor’s office. The one who doesn’t like me… because I bit him. 
Asking me questions of how im settingling, if there's any abuse, and my options of heat. “You don’t seem so sure of the pills” he said and I sighed. “I dont have another option” I said and he nodded. “You aren’t fond of other hybrids aren’t you” he said as he typed away. 
“No.” I said and he sighed. 
“Heat suppressants have side effects you know pretty well. You’ve been on them a lot, so a lower dosage is recommended but it won’t help your heat too much. You’re not fond of hybrids but you do well with them, I would recommend a heat hotel for you” he suggested and I didn't want it. 
“Though it is your choice as well as y/n’s,” he said and I didn't say another word as he led me back outside. “The pills should be ready in the morning tomorrow, good luck,” he said as she signed for my pills.
“Although, I would recommend looking into private organizations. With your social status and Yeosang being a purebred hybrid you could get him a mate” he suggested and I was frozen. A private mate… I've heard of these before. They suggested these… to my previous owner. 
“Oh? Yeosang, do you want a mate of your own?” she asked me and I wanted so badly to tell her yes. I wanted her to be my mate. 
I couldn’t answer.
“Yeosang, are you okay?” she asked and cupped my jaw to get my attention. “It was just a suggestion, but the pills will be ready tomorrow” he said and she nods as she grabs my hand to lead me out. 
“Yeosang, what happened?” she asked and I sighed.
“When did you realize you liked San?” I asked and her face heated up. “San? Well, I never thought of a romantic relationship with him. I wasn’t even looking for one, but his heart was coming up, and… he asked me to help him and asked me to be his mate. I realized I didn’t mind it…” she said and I chuckled. “How about Wooyoung?” I asked and she sighed. 
“If i’m being honest? Wooyoung was my crush during my school days, he was always taking care of me and in all honesty I always thought I wanted a boyfriend like him” she said and I smiled. They knew each other the longest… It was cute. 
“How about me… do you see me in any way like that?” she asked and she said nothing. “Yeosang, I don’t want you to think–” “Cause I like you. A lot actually, I think I liked you since you sat at the stupid apartment complaining that there was nothing in the fridge but strawberries, chocolate, and whip cream. '' I said and she stopped walking. We were now in front of the apartment building and she looked at me stunned. 
“I don’t want to intrude into your relationship with them… which is why I want to be on suppressants," I said and she sighed. “You’re my pretty hybrid, and I love you but I can't betray them,” she said and I chuckled. 
“Then talk to them”
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I didn’t know they didn't talk to her about it. 
I thought they suggested it and she just didn’t mention it to me. She has a big heart… I know she’s loyal to them. San even told me how she didn’t want to tell him her feelings for Wooyoung while she was his mate. 
I heard a knock. 
“Hello, angel,” I said and she opened the door, peeking in. “Can we talk?” she asked and I nodded. I was lying down when she came into my room looking nervous and looking anywhere but me. 
“You talked to them,” I said and she nodded. “San always does love leaving his scent on you… even if he wants me to tell you how I feel” I said and she chuckled “Since you’ve met me then?” she asked and I nodded. 
“You’re a pretty girl,” I said and noticed how her cheeks reddened. “You’re a pretty hybrid,” she said and I felt my tail move slightly. “Do you want me to help you?” she asks and I had to try hard not to jump on my desires. “Do you want to help me?” I asked and I could tell she was flustered.
“I would be your mate,” she said and peeked up at me. Those innocent eyes of hers will kill me. 
“If you’d like,” I said and she sighs. “How does it work? With other hybrids… they wouldn’t be your mate if you… uhm” she said and I laughed. “You’re right… but I like you. My body knows that so the desire in my head to claim you is there, do you want me to claim you as mine?” I said as I knew I stood up in front of her. 
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” she asked and I smiled. 
“I don’t want you to tell me you like me and regret it,” I said and she looked up at me. “I don’t think I would… I just don’t want you to think of me like her” she muttered and I scoffed. 
“How could I ever mistake you for her?” I said as I lifted her chin to look at me. 
“Do you want to say yes? In being my mate?” I asked and she looked up at me nervously and nodded. 
I’m gonna ruin you for them.
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no one’s perspective
“My beautiful angel, you're mine and i'm yours,” Yeosang said as he started pushing you on the bed to tower over you on his bed. He reached up to kiss you… it wasn’t desperate or fast. A soft and slow kiss that escalated almost like Yeosang wanted to savor your taste. 
All while his hands wandered off your hips higher until he reached your rib cage just below your chest. “Such a lewd sight for such an innocent thing like you… maybe I shouldn’t be calling you angel after this” he teased you. “So pretty… especially when I dress you up in these dresses and do your hair. You’re almost like my doll” he said as kissed down your neck to your cleavage and now to the waistband of your panties. 
“You’ve ruined them” he teased as he put a finger onto your clothed clit. A dark wet spot was visible to him and the more he touched the more you squirmed under his touch. 
“I need you to concentrate,” he said as he now gripped your hips tight and looked at your eyes. 
“I can edge you over and over again until you cum so hard you see white, or I can make you cum over and over again until you scream for me to stop,” he said, only adding to the wet spot on your panties. 
“Then again… you three were virgins so I don’t expect you to know too much,” he said with a smirk while you avoided his gaze. “I think i want to see these eyes of yours filled with tears”' he confessed as he put his hand on your neck just below your jaw so you could look him in the eyes. 
“What do you say, angel?” he asked and you smiled softly at him “I trust you,” you said and in Yeosang’s mind, he just wanted to ruin you. 
You made a mistake. 
He immediately dove down to your clothed pussy and licked you through the fabric he chose. He doesn’t want to admit it but he’s just as much of a pervert as San and Wooyoung. 
Wooyoung was easy to fluster… especially since recently Yeosang has been showing you what underwear to wear with certain clothes. As much as it was awkward for him to do so… it was normalized. 
Yeosang would sometimes tease the two saying what pair he chose for you to wear today.
Now being able to taste you through the pair he did choose this morning was making him harder than he’d like to admit. 
“Can I take this off, doll?” he asked, testing out what you were comfortable with in which you nod and he takes off your panties and bra leaving you bare. 
He kissed you pressing his body against yours as he groped your chest making you moan and whine into the heated kiss as he forced you to taste yourself.
When he finally pulled away a string of saliva connecting the both of you, he started marking you. Making sure that the mark he was making was gonna be seen by your two other mates. 
Everything for him was blissful… he never felt the need to actually want to enjoy having sex with people, but you weren’t just anyone. As he now lowered to suck on your breasts. His hands now lowered down to your clit. 
Not being able to control your moans and whimpers as he barely even toyed with you was music to his ears. His main goal was to stretch you out… despite having mated with Wooyoung who just like him was a canine he needed to make sure you weren’t gonna be in pain. 
He knew some people liked the pain… but he couldn’t imagine doing that to you. 
“If everything becomes too much, tell me to stop, okay?” he asks you and you nod as he now lowers himself to the source of his lust. Licking up your entrance into your clit was a lot more pleasurable than you expected. 
So when he pulled away you couldn’t help but whine, frustrated by the lack of contact. However, he pressed the tip of his cock against your clit. Moving slightly to add pleasure to your clit and coat you with his pre-cum. 
He looked at you waiting for permission. “I trust you, Yeosang” you stated confirming his thoughts as he slipped in slowly at first only the tip of his cock teasing you. Even though you weren’t a virgin and he didn’t need to fear hurting you, he wanted to make sure he didn’t cause you any pain from having to adjust to him. 
Slowly bottoming out has you gasping for air while he leaned down to meet your face. “I don’t even want to move… you feel so addicting” he confessed as he marked your neck some more. 
He started moving slowly, thrusting into you slowly with very little force to make your body bounce just slightly. It was enough to make you whine out and show him your frustrated expression. 
“What's wrong? I can pull–” “No,” you said while lifting your legs to wrap against his waist. He chuckled as he placed his hands on your chest and he started thrusting out of you, eventually leaning back at an angle that made you feel something that neither San nor Wooyoung achieved. 
Moans getting louder when he was pushed out and a gush of liquid squirted out of you… he only chuckled leaving you confused at what happened while he lowered down to lick up your mess and finger you. Hitting the same spot… “Yeosang… no don’t–” you couldn’t stop him when it happened again and he rubbed your clit through it. 
You were starting to get tired… you came twice times and he hasn’t came once. 
Deep in thought he slapped your clit lightly to make your body jolt and you to look at him shocked with a sharp moan. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asked and you sighed. “Are you enjoying–” “Never ask me that, I can go for many more hours… I just want to have fun with you first” he said sadistically. 
“I wanna corrupt my little angel” 
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binsito · 6 months
Kitty, what're your thots on pervy stepbro!skz? Cause just thinking about it has me going woozi (hehe)
AHHHHHHHHH (those are my thots)
cw: stepcest!!!!!!! dni if uncomfortable, i warned you. proceed with caution,
slight voyeurism/exhibitionism (or mentions of it), mentions of drinking, masturbation, dirty fantasies involving the reader, sex and oral sex (or suggestive scenarios involving it), slightttt noncon situations due to pervertedness, mentions of assplay, cum, all characters are adults who's parents got married later on in their lives (thought i'd clarify just in case). i think i hit the major ones, pls lmk if i missed anything super important
okay bye
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bangchan: he is soo sweet. he's incredibly helpful around the house, always offering to clean the dishes after dinner. your mom absolutely loves him. he's perfect, minus his one dirty little habit of asking you to help with the chores. it's not like he needs the help, he just gets a little excited when he sees you bend down to pick something up or go through the laundry because he gets a peek of your pretty thong.
'two of us get things done quicker' he usually says, and of course you don't mind helping him, he's fun to talk to and you also have to carry some of your own weight if you're going to keep living with your mom while attending college.
'i'll treat you for helpin' out' but what he really wants to say is he'll fuck you up against the laundry room's door. couldn't you get the hint? his cock was always rock hard around you, it was painfully obvious. couldn't you hear him through the walls fisting himself while you were both home alone? he didn't care to be quiet at all and he knew you were just choosing to be oblivious.
he was so good! why couldn't you just reward him? he mows the lawn, cooks if he has to, throws out the trash. the least you could do was give your sweet stepbrother your mouth to use around his cock after a long day of hardwork around the house!
and he hates the way you're licking the ice cream he got you for helping. hates the way you look at him and giggle because he knows you know what you're doing to him.
minho: he was bored out of his mind at the wedding reception for your parents. at least his dad was happy for once.
he glanced over and watched you order a drink from the bar, sipping it as you looked towards him. he quickly looked away and chuckled to himself, hoping you didn't notice how his eyes trailed down as he checked you out in your pretty dress. would it be disrespectful to put moves on his new stepsister?
he could ask you to dance, right?
he made his way over to you and leaned against the bar, smiling towards you.
"could i have the pleasure of dancing with you?"
you giggled at him and waved him off, explaining to him that you were to shy to dance.
"well then let's go somewhere private where no one can see us?"
the implications of his words made you flustered. this was your step brother now. did he mean his words in that sense or were you reading into it too much?
(he definitely meant his words suggestively.)
his eyes basically undressing you as you swallowed thickly. he could take you to the family restroom and no one would even know the two of you were missing.
he could easily slip past the huge blend of both families and fuck you outside behind all the cars.
he could make you hold his cum the whole night until your parents went their separate way to their honeymoon together. you could have the whole house to yourselves, fuck on every surface imaginable and no one would ever have a clue.
changbin: he's normally shy, very respectful. very gym oriented - going as far as setting up all his equipment in the garage with your dad's permission. you were interested in his work out routine, asking him if you could join him one day.
he didn't know why that made him so flustered, sputtering while he talked to you and letting you know it was perfectly fine that you used his stuff and joined him. you were surprised how disciplined he was, how heavy he could lift. he was trying hard to keep his composure, trying hard to push down the thoughts he was having of you spotting him.
the idea of you basically straddling his head while he benched was making him see stars. or what if he had you bench press? what if he was the one straddling your head, having you look up at him and see how his cock protruded from his gym shorts, the obvious outline giving away how hard he was.
what if he had you do russian deadlifts, coming up behind you to help with your form, cock brushing up against your ass while he tried explaining how to position yourself properly.
all changbin wanted to do was hold you open over him while he laid on the bench, licking at your cunt eagerly. all he wanted was to take you from behind while you tried to finish doing cable tricep pushdowns.
keyword on tried because he wanted to make sure he'd leave you dumb enough to even forget what number set you were even on.
hyunjin: hyunjin started to catch feelings well after your parents got married, you two just clicked, friendship quickly burning into something so much more.
but he knew you probably wouldn't feel the same, would probably be grossed out by him if he told you he loved you. he didn't want to ruin the family dynamic so he kept his feelings harbored deep within himself.
but his heart absolutely shattered when you brought another boy home, begging him to not tell your mom because you weren't sure if she'd approve of him.
all his hope of maybe one day confessing to you was thrown out the window. did he read you wrong? he could've sworn that maybe there was something there..
and he couldn't sleep that night, tossing and turning as he heard you through the walls, giggling with that other guy and hushing him. warning him that although your parents weren't home - hyunjin was.
but the hushes and scolding did nothing because hyunjin could still hear everything clearly. how you kissed him sloppily, how the bed shifted when he climbed on top of you, how you gasped out when he pressed his cock inside of you.
hyunjin closed his eyes tightly and to save himself from his misery, he pretended it was him between your legs, his hand reaching down to touch himself as he listened in on the both of you. he pretended it was his name that you were chanting. he took note of the pitches of your moans, how they got higher when you were about to cum, how breathy and incoherent you became.
he would do anything to see how your face twisted with pleasure.
at least he could pretend to be the one to bring you to your peak whenever he heard you through the walls.
jisung: living with jisung was definitely something to get used to. unfortunately with the sudden growth of your new family, there was not enough space for both of you to get your own room. you'd be sharing a space until your parents found an adequate place.
jisung didn't mind but you clearly did. having to share the en suite bathroom in the mornings was a challenge.
why did he have to take so long in the damn bathroom?
"jisung! c'mon i'm gonna be late, can't you please hurry up!?"
he always managed to beat you to the bathroon, always waking up early to start his day.
what you didn't know is he was taking care of his aching cock in the shower, fisting himself to the image of you sleeping soundly. he had gotten bold lately, picking the sheets carefully off your body to get a peek at your body, tugging your sleeping shorts to the side to reveal your panties, moving them aside to finally be met with your cunt.
how was it so wet?
could he give it a lick?
he didn't want to be caught.
rubbing himself through his shorts until he couldn't take it anymore, rushing to the bathroom to chase his release.
felix: he knew he shouldn't but he just couldn't help it.
watching you from his bedroom window inconspicuously as you tanned by the pool in your backyard. you looked so pretty, so unaware that he was jerking himself to the sight of you in a skimpy bathing suit. that dumb bikini top leaving little to the imagination, it wasn't your fault you didn't want annoying tan lines. he watched intently as you turned face down in the lounge chair, reaching behind you to untie the straps of your bikini top so they wouldn't leave a pesky mark. you were basically naked, your tits were basically on display for him, couldn't you just sit up and show him? flash him really quickly so he could finish in his hand?
it was torture - having to watch you from afar when he wanted to be down there with you. would you quickly cover up if he were to go join you? or would you barely acknowledge him and continue to enjoy the sun? would you ask him to reapply sunscreen on you? would you let his hands wander, trailing down to your ass to massage them? would you protest if he pulled your thong down or would you let him play with your ass a little?
he wanted you bad.
spurting cum all over himself and making a mess as he let out a loud groan, it must've been loud enough for you to hear and look up from your spot, making eye contact with him through his blinds.
seungmin: your mom wouldn't let you go out to that dumb frat party unless seungmin tagged along and drove you there.
you agreed because you didn't want to lose the opportunity to go talk to that football player you had the hots for.
seungmin thought it was funny, watching you fix your makeup one last time in his car's mirror. there was nothing to fix, you looked perfect in his humble opinion.
he knew you wanted to go to this party because of that guy, he wasn't fond of him at all. you were too good for him and in all honesty, seungmin wanted you for himself.
he wanted you to be his but it was complicated given the fact that your mom was married to his dad.
his advances didn't go unnoticed when he laid his hand on your inner thigh as he drove. impulse thoughts racing through his mind - what if he just turned around right now and took you in his backseat? he wanted to make you forget about that stupid jock.
"minnie?" snapping him out of his thoughts at a red light.
"you're quiet." you choose to say instead of bringing attention to the obvious hand on your thigh
"sorry, just thinking about the one hundred ways i could fuck you and how it would be so much better than that guy you're pining after." he speaks up, driving towards a turn lane to make a u-turn.
jeongin: he always thought you were pretty.
he had seen you around campus but was always too shy to approach you. how would he even start a conversation with you. when his mom told him she had found someone new, he was excited for her but the last thing he ever expected was for the 'someone' to be your father.
you, the girl he so helplessly daydreamed of was soon to be part of his family.
he didn't know if this was a blessing or a curse.
could he push down all the thoughts he's had of you or would he fail miserably. how was he ever supposed to tell you he liked you now?
when your families decided to spend the holidays together, he knew he was going to struggle. cock hard in his slacks as he watched you reapply some lip gloss that had gotten wiped as you drank wine and talked to people.
he felt hopeless.
he decided that socializing would be too much for him in this state of mind so he snuck upstairs, finding his way into your room.
there was a picture of you on your vanity, a pretty bow adorning your hair as you smiled widely. jeongin wanted to make you smile like that, wanted to tell you how gorgeous he thought you were but soon his thoughts became dirty, imagining how he wanted you to smear your lip gloss all over his shaft, peppering his cock with delicate kisses.
he shoved a hand into his pants and pulled his cock out, stroking it gently as he grabbed the photo with his free hand.
fuck, you were perfect to him.. the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
his brain became foggy, only thinking about you and you only as he pumped himself-
"jeongin?" you stood at your door, he nearly jumps out of skin, pathetically cumming all over your photo, face burning hot as he looks over at you.
oh fuck, how was he ever going to live this down? how would he even explain this predicament?
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please refrain from reposting, modifying, translating, copying or stealing my work. - © binsito
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 3
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
The Kamisato Estate was truly more beautiful in person. That little courtyard in the game was a joke compared to the real thing.
The few servants still awake at this time pass by as Thoma leads you into the estate. Almost all of them give Thoma some sort of greeting as they pass by. A smile, a wave or even a 'hey Thoma!'. They give you curious looks but no one comments on your presence.
At least you don't realize how they raise their eyebrows at Thoma holding your hand. It's not completely unusual for Thoma to be extra friendly in this way but bringing someone to the estate was a whole new thing.
"If you don't mind, you can wait here for my lord and my lady." Thoma opens the door to the room as he speaks. Its a drawing room with a window to the outside. The moonlight seeps in as the curtain blows.
You take a seat on the cushion as best as you remember the formal way. Inazuma style was inspired by Japan and you didn't know a lot of Japan customs.
The door closes softly and you're left to your thoughts. It's not long before the soft pitter patter of footsteps are heard coming from the hallway.
The door opens and Ayaka in comfortable clothes steps in with a smile. Her hair is loose and it's a good look on her. You stand up and bow politely.
"Its an honor to meet the Shirasagi Himegimi. My name is Y/N."
Ayaka smiles gracefully and gives a polite bow back. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. Thoma has explained a few things about you, most specifically your position as the creator's oracle."
It's clear by the gleam in her eyes that she doesn't believe you at all. You keep a peaceful expression on your face as Ayaka continues.
"My brother was in a meeting for most of the day and would like to address your situation tomorrow at a more convenient time. We'll have arrangements made for you to sleep here tonight."
That's fair, the moon is high in the sky. You don't need a clock to know that. But she could have easily asked Thoma to rely this to you. Meaning she wants to talk to you about something privately.
You purposely wring your hands in fake nerves to test her alertness to your actions. Her eyes immediately notice it. Either the game downplayed her attentiveness or she's just super relaxed around the traveler.
"No need to be nervous. I just wanted to speak with you for a while before tomorrow. After all, maybe my brother doesn't need to speak to you for us to know the truth about you."
It's a threat your mind supplies. A threat that if Ayaka herself could see past your lies and deceit, that she'll kick you out immediately. In fact you bet the Shuumatsuban are already looking into you as Ayaka takes the seat across from you.
There's a soft knock on the door before Ayaka says a quiet "Come in." A young servant comes in with a tea set and placed it on the table between Ayaka and you.
There's only the clinking of China and the pouring of tea as the servant brews tea. After pouring a cup for both of you the servant bows and leaves.
"Then I'll bite your bait. What do you want to know? How do you want me to prove myself?"
You know that's not what she's actually after at this moment. She's probably well aware that Ayato is better suited to figuring out any lies or schemes you might have to sell your oracle position.
"No, that's not what I came to talk about at all. I'm more interested in hearing your opinion on the creator and other topics."
She wants to know if you're truly a fake believer using the creator's name for nefarious acts. Or a crazy fanatic worshipper who convinced themselves that they are a oracle.
You feel a little happy seeing Ayaka stay up this late to help Ayato with his work. Even if it means being cross-examined by her.
You bring the teacup to your lips and take your time to savor the taste. At least you would be able to taste it if you weren't nervous to hell and back.
"Well due to my memory loss I don't know much about the creators past. So I'll need you to be more specific on what you want my opinion on."
"The Electro Archon started the vision hunt decree as a way to get closer to the creator and achieve eternity. The creator helped the traveler get the decree repealed. But many citizens that suffered due to the decree can't help but feel hurt that the creator wasn't more open on their opposition."
This was a hard subject but it's exactly what you need.
"It's understandable that they feel that way. I can't speak on my personal experience since I don't remember anything at that time but the effects have permanently altered Inazuma."
You take a breath as you prepare your words that may or may not damn you.
"The creator shouldn't be blamed for not being more open as they are stuck in a different world with who knows what kind of restrictions. At the same time, the people of Inazuma shouldn't be so reliant on the gods, both the Shogun and the creator."
Ayaka's stare is cold and unnerving. She stays as silent as snowfall as you speak. Was it just you or did the room get colder?
"The creator has lived in a different world all this time. I believe they want everyone and every being to flourish on their own with their own power. That's what visions help with. This blind reliance and trust in the Shogun is what led to so many Inazuma residents to suffer. Not necessarily because they caused it but they enabled it because the majority didn't question the decree and simply accepted the reasoning without a fight. While vision holders are a minority, they still exist. And their decisions and actions have ripple effects that do effect the majority of Inazuma."
A visible steam breath leaves your mouth as ice begins to crawl from the floor where Ayaka sits. Her bangs cast a shadow that leaves her expression unreadable. Goosebumps cover your exposed skin as you continue.
"Would the creator really be happy with overly dependent subjects? Is a parent happy when they see their child refuse to use their gifts and hard work to achieve their dreams? The creator loves Teyvat and everything in it. The good and bad has shaped the world they created. And I believe they love it all. Not that they wish harm but nothing can live without harming something. That's a hard truth people try to deny."
Frostbite strikes your fingers as they start turning a pale blue. The ice is about to touch the cushion you're sitting on.
Then it all stops. The temperature goes back to normal and the ice shatters leaving the shards broken on the floor. Your heart rate goes back to normal.
Ayaka stands and holds out her hand to you. You don't move and merely stare at the smile that's basically frozen on her face.
"I can't say that I agree with you but I find your viewpoint fascinating. It's fresh and bold. I'll leave brother to make the final decision about how trustworthy you are."
It seems your gamble payed off as you place your hand in hers. Her skin is chilly as she pulls you up before releasing you. She seems lost in her head as she leads you out the room.
You follow her down the empty halls as her hair gracefully flows behind her. Truly the title Shirasagi Himegimi suits her.
She stops at a door and opens it. The room is small but cozy. It has a neat bed, small bedside drawer, coffee table and a window showing the courtyard.
"You can sleep here for tonight. Breakfast will be delivered to you here as well. Brother's schedule is a bit unpredictable so he'll visit sometime before the afternoon."
"Thank you for your hospitality." Is your reply as you step into the room. Ayaka hasn't dropped that polite smile even as she closes the door.
You stand in your spot in the middle of the room as you hear Ayaka's soft footsteps gradually get quieter. It's only when nothing can be heard that your body loosens the tension and slumps.
Your back softly hits the door and you let your body slide down into a fetal position. The cold that ate away at your body earlier was still lingering.
Was your body still cold or was it just a phantom feeling after that display of power?
You still didn't consider Ayaka a threat. At least not mentally as she doesn't even need her vision to murder you. The Kamisato Clan is known for their sword techniques after all.
It's was Ayato. You could have pulled the same act you did to Sara. Acting meek and shy while gushing about the creator. And you know full well that Ayaka would have fallen for it before handing you off to Ayato.
But that plan only worked under the premise that you would be meeting them both in the same day. By Ayaka meeting you today and Ayato tomorrow, Ayato gets information about you from Ayaka and can look into you through the Shuumatsuban.
That would let Ayato think up a counter or even use your act against you. You can already imagine him using your oracle act as a way to bring you to Ei. She would recogize you by your voice and that would mean the end for you. No fried egg would save you from that fate.
The only way to avoid that was by playing a whole new viewpoint that would leave Ayaka feeling confused. Ayaka would report to Ayato and Ayato would feel a stronger need to meet you himself. The more unpredictable you were, the less cards Ayato had.
Your hand reach up to your mask and you're about to take it off. You slam your hand into your lap, away from the mask as you remember the Shuumatsuban.
There's no way that the Ayato, would let a suspicious person in the estate and let them stay the night without supervision.
Your suspicions made everything around you look shady. Like Sayu was hiding in plain sight at this very moment. But acting so skeptical would only make them in turn more suspicious.
Your stomach growling was what snapped you out of your thoughts. The last thing you ate was those roasted lavender melon with the Arataki gang. You missed them dearly.
You hold your stomach as the familiar hunger pains started. Getting off the floor and lazily draping your bag on the bedside drawer, you flop onto the bed.
God did it feel great.
After walking, running, lying, stealing and bullshitting your way through the whole day, you were utterly exhausted. Plus this mattress was wonderful. Nothing like the beat up and dirty mattresses you were used to sleeping on in Earth.
As you shimmied onto your back to stare up at the ceiling, another pang of hunger hit you.
Didn't they have etiquette for this? Maybe something like late night guests would be offered a snack and a place to rest?
Your bitter chuckle rings throughout the room. You may be in the guest room but you highly doubt they see you as a guest. There was no way you were waking someone up for food. You've spent nights starving before, you could do it again.
Your eyelids drift shut every so often as nerves pricked at you. Knowing that a Shuumatsuban is watching over you has kept you awake despite your exhaustion. Your mask is still on your face adding to the uncomfortable feeling of being watched.
But everyone has a limit and you've reached yours. The mental stress, lack of food, and injuries took their toll on you. It's impossible to remember when you fell asleep.
Hands. The feeling of hands on you makes your heart drop. It's just a dream you try to tell yourself as the hands continue touching.
It's taking something. Money? Food? Clothes? Those were the only things you had left after leaving.
It's only when the hands are touching your face and reaching for something hard and cold on your face that you sit up in a flash.
You weren't on the streets, you haven't been on the run for a while. Not yet at least. You were in Genshin Impact you remind yourself.
A shadowy blur moves away from you as you keep your hand over your mask that was almost pulled off.
The little mujina ears on the assailant gives away their identity.
Sayu uses her Yoohoo to disappear before you could react. But you still feel on edge, as if at any moment more Shuumatsuban will come out and hold you down. Ripping off your mask, exposing-
You let out a breath. Deep breaths are the only thing you focus on to calm the rising panic. To keep away the hands reaching out for you from the shadows.
You don't sleep after that.
The sun rises and the estate slowly gets louder as servants bustle about. Your eyes tirelessly read a book in the archive on the screen. The eyebags that you usually have are darker than normal.
You decided to read through the Genshin archive in the Paimon menu to stay awake. It was a good refresher on the events of the game and the characters. You needed to use all the resources you had.
You also noticed a difference. All the books were either slightly changed or had a overhaul to fit someone in. The creator. All the books from each of the nations have some sort of mention, indication or even a chapter dedicated to you.
Did the books change once you entered Teyvat? Did everyone and everything change to acknowledge a creator when you entered Teyvat? Or was it always there and only by entering Teyvat were you able to view that specific information?
Two knocks on the door snap you out of your head and you open the door. The servant bows and hands you a tray of food. You thank them and are sure to be extra gentle as you hold it.
The moment the door is closed, you shove a piece of bread into your mouth. You close your eyes in relief and savor the taste of freshly baked bread.
With the tray on the table you eat in a hurry. You don't recognize half the dishes or the ingredients but you don't care. It's tasty, filling and hot.
With the tray picked clean, you lean against the window and try to sense if the Shuumatsuban were still watching you. After a beat of no sense of danger or unease, you guess that they have more important things to do with the sun up.
You get comfortable on the window sill as you look out the window. Many people pass by as you watch. People watching was fun in times like these where there was nothing else to do.
A flash of blue and red enter your vision making you more alert. It's Ayaka and Thoma.
You unlock the window and raise it halfway. At the same time you reach for the book you were pretending to read during the night.
With the book comfortably on your lap and your eyes on it, you focus on the faint sound of their voices.
Damn, they're too far away. If you lean out any farther you'll draw eyes. Just as you're about to give up, the wind starts to blow in your direction.
You're suddenly able to hear their voices clearly while the voices closer to you are drowned out. Strange but you aren't going to take it for granted.
"You spoke with Y/N last night right? How was it my lady?"
"Different." You can basically taste the resentment and confusion.
"I'm sorry it didn't go so well. I thought you would feel a instant connection like I had."
Oh? This immediate liking to you seems to be a pattern rather than a coincidence at this point.
"I didn't feel anything. Not a instant dislike, although I admit I am biased hearing them be referred to as the creator's oracle. I just felt blank. The conversation was strange, their answers were like no other."
Was there no connection because you haven't pulled for her?
"I'm going to need a bit more than that to tell you any advice my lady."
"I asked for their opinion on the creator regarding the Vision Hunt Decree. Their answers were so contradictory that I was becoming frustrated."
Ayaka's voice grew a little louder as she started to rant about you.
"On one hand they downplay the creators existence and power. On the other they're sympathetic to the creators feelings and any restrictions the creator might have wherever they may be. If anything they seem to blame the residents and the Shogun more than anything else. Which would be good if they didn't discredit the creator in the same breath!"
Thoma nervously laughs at Ayaka getting so worked up over you. It seems you have a natural knack for bringing out some of her hidden sides.
"I can't say that I'm not ashamed of how I lost control of my vision and temper for a bit. It's so unlike me and I'm quite embarrassed. I have an image to uphold as the Shirasagi Himegimi after all."
Her words are so sad and disappointed that you almost feel bad for messing with her like that. Almost.
"Honestly my lady, I'm not totally surprised that Y/N said something like that. In fact they implied something similar in my last conversation with them as we walked here. You see-"
Thoma's voice fades away as the wind stops blowing. You frown and are about to look up from the book you've had your eyes on when things start to shake.
Every moment or so you feel yourself vibrate as if an earthquake is happening. You look around and see everyone acting normally. Perhaps this shaking is connected to the wind that help you eavesdrop.
The shaking stops and the wind blows from under the door of your room. What would have been silent footsteps become deafening sounds as you realize that someone is heading for your room.
It's probably Ayato you think as you put away the book.
Most likely Ayato you think as you fix your clothes and reposition your mask.
It's Ayato you confirm as the man himself opens the door to see you sitting at the coffee table with a smile. His suit is crisp and clean, not a single speck of dirt can be seen.
Rude, it's rude to open the door without at least knocking. You bow politely in your seat and speak without letting your thoughts and feeling slip out at all.
"It's an honor to meet you Lord Kamisato."
Rude, it's rude to not stand up as you greet someone new. Ayato speaks in a smooth voice. You almost hate how good it sounds in person.
"It's lovely to meet you too Y/N."
His words make your eyes fall to the mole below his lip. You try to ignore his absolutely horrendous amount of layers he's wearing as he sits down. The long sleeves fold perfectly without creasing. There's no doubt that he's familiar with information digging.
"I apologize for not being able to see you yesterday. You arrived quite late at night and I saw no reason to rush to meet a scammer."
Ah, that familiar title. You never accepted it with pride but you couldn't deny it. Even now the title 'scammer' suited you.
"The Kamisato Clan much like many others are heavily involved with the creator. We have access to both government records and oversea records of the creator. Yet not a single one of them ever talks about a oracle or the possibility of one."
"Did any of the text deny the ability for a oracle to exist?"
A shot in the dark but it seemed to work as Ayato diverted to a different topic.
"That little loophole won't work forever. What I'm more curious about is how you managed to get Thoma to bring you here."
"I just wanted a boat to Liyue to continue my work. Itto, your 'bro', brought me to Thoma and I divulged some private information to Thoma. I'm sure he already told you so I don't see the point in asking me. I will admit that I wasn't expecting to be brought here."
Ayato is good, he didn't even react when you mentioned Itto's 'bro' thing with him. A conversation with him is just as nerve wracking as you thought it would be.
"Yes, that little piece of information you told him was something. You could be the creators oracle but that's the least likely option. Wouldn't be more logical to assume that you got it from one of the Kamisato's many enemies?"
A threat drenched in the sweetest honey is all you hear. Anyone else would either get mad and fall for Ayato's little bait. Or get nervous and give him more reason to suspect that possibility.
You do neither and double down on your stance.
"Least likely doesn't mean impossible. It's not like you can drag me to all your enemies and ask them if I belong to them. I'm a oracle and able to prove it."
"Or I could just have the Shuumatsuban get the information from you. Whether you're an enemy spy or not, you don't have anyone looking for you. And if anyone does come asking for you then that's just another lead for me."
He pulled no punches with that one. He flat out said he could just torture you and anyone that comes asking for you. If you really were from this world and was faking the oracle stuff then Ayato would definitely go through on this threat.
"I don't understand what you think I'm trying to do with a oracle job that I don't flaunt. If I really was a fake, wouldn't I be spreading it like fire?"
"As true as that might be, that doesn't remove you from suspicions. I mean, even though you're trying to stay low, here you are trying to convince me that you're the real deal. Doesn't seem very low profile to me."
Twisting words and intentions was a tricky but useful tool. Something you both were skilled in using it seems. It seems being a scammer and a politician aren't that different.
You could try to explain from the beginning but it would only be seen as a excuse. Ayato would probably find it amusing, his voice lines spoke about him finding enjoyment in people squirming come to mind.
Instead you shrug and stay silent letting him win this round. He sighs seeming disappointed before placing some papers from who knows where onto the table.
"So I was right to assume you took your sweet time to investigate me. Judging from how there's only a few pages, you didn't find much."
Ayato lets you read through the papers. That's probably a sign that if you can't prove yourself then he'll kill you. You try not to think too hard about it as you put the papers back down.
"You claimed to have woken up at a shrine somewhere near Ritou and strangely enough, anyone that should have been there at that time can't seem to remember."
"Remember me or remember in general?"
"In general." He leans closer with a calm facade keeping his curiosity at bay. "I wonder why that is."
"Don't expect me to remember anyone there at that time. I was too busy reorienting myself to notice much."
"I don't expect much from you anyway." Ouch. "But I'd say I've given you more than enough time to come clean. Are you ready to prove yourself Y/N?"
"Oh and I won't be asking for the same proof the others accepted. I require something more concrete than a switched weapon and old information."
Well it wasn't like you could tell the future, well maybe you could if you played your cards right but you had something else planned for Ayato.
"No need to worry Lord Kamisato, I have something you'll be forced to believe."
"No disappearing acts either."
"Even if I show proof of where I disappeared to?"
"That all depends on what sort of proof you provide. I have strict requirements."
"Tell me about it."
You don't give Ayato a moment to process your sass as you stand up and walk over to his side of the table. You hold out your hand to him with a purposefully cunning smile. There's no need to hide that sort of thing from him.
"I hope you won't die of heatstroke in those clothes since we'll have to go outside for this. Get ready to get your clothes dirty, rich boy."
A huff of amusement leaves him as he gets up on his own ignoring your hand. You drop it with a uncaring shrug and begin walking out the door.
It's only when you stop at the doorway that you turn to face him. He's smirking at you knowing exactly what you're going to say next.
"So where's the exit?"
You stand in front of the blue teleport waypoint outside the Kamisato estate. You glance behind you to make sure Thoma, Ayaka, and Ayato were all still there.
You clap your hands to grab their attention. Which was unnecessary for Ayato as he hasn't stopped staring at you. Seems he was taking the 'no disappearing' thing seriously.
"Just to make sure, only those being controlled by the creator can use the teleport waypoint. Meaning normal people, vision holders, acolytes and even awakened acolytes cannot use it correct?"
They all nod and Ayato seems to catch on to what you're about to do. Jokes on him because he's wrong.
"Then watch and try not to burn your eyes."
With that as your only warning, you touch the teleport waypoint. It glows brightly as gold starts to takeover the blue color. Turning back around with a smile you look to see their reactions.
With different degrees of shock, Thoma seems the most impressed. Ayaka composes herself quickly as expected of her considering her title. Ayato does seem surprised but his smile seems more excited rather than trusting.
"Was that enough proof?" Your question has no clear reciprocate but it's clearly directed to Ayato.
He shakes his head no and explains more for Ayaka and Thoma who gave him questioning glances.
"As good as this seems, I still have my suspicions. And something tells me you have more up your sleeve."
"Yeah, cause something told me this wouldn't be enough to convince you. Which is also why I asked that Thoma and Lady Kamisato accompany us."
You walk the few steps back to them and look towards the Grand Narukami Shrine. You point up there with a smile as you think about what you're about to put Ayato through.
"You know how there's a teleport waypoint all the way at the Grand Narukami Shrine? Well I have to get up there to make that one gold too. And since Lord Kamisato doesn't want me disappearing, it seems he'll have to come with me."
The color in Ayaka's face drains with every word you say. She's quickly realizing just how long it'll take and how much Ayato will have to work overtime to catch up.
"Can't you go down to the teleport waypoint in Chinju Forest instead? It's around the same distance but will be faster since it's not up a mountain." Thoma asks trying to lessen Ayato's workload.
You smile with a little too much joy but you could afford to slip up a little every now and then.
"That would be far too dangerous! I mean Lord Kamisato with an untrustworthy individual like me, alone in a forest like that? The Grand Narukami Shrine has many visitors and shrine maidens so he'll be safe on the journey there."
"Brother is strong and has a vision. Surely there's no need for you both to travel to the shrine. No offense but my brother could deal with you just fine."
"Oh I wholeheartedly agree with you there but! It seems Lord Kamisato thinks differently seeing as he had the Shuumatsuban watch over me while I was sleeping last night."
Ayaka and Thoma freeze at the information and give a Ayato a questioning look. Ayato who was content with watching this debate gives them both a serene smile.
He doesn't apologize but you never expected him too. This was your way of revenge for leaving you hungry rather than the spying.
"It seems Y/N is right about the shrine being the best option. The hike to there is at least 30 minutes. Please let any visitors know that I'll be back in around an hour or so."
You don't feel as satisfied seeing Ayato take the punishment with such grace but you don't let that show.
"Thoma, Lady Kamisato please make sure to be at the teleport waypoint at least 10 minutes before the first 30 minutes. It's necessary for me to prove myself."
Thoma and Ayaka give a confused nod but avoid questioning it. They go back inside and you see Ayato walking towards the stairs to Chinju Forest instead of the stairs up that lead to the electrograna.
"Lord Kamisato, the electrograna is at the other staircase, why are you going down this way?"
He stops and smiles at you knowing something you apparently didn't.
"The electrograna only work for those being controlled by the creator and electro vision holders. Since we are neither, we'll have to take the extra long civilian route."
Unexpected but not impossible to work with.
"Then let me at least try to activate it. I'm not the traveler or a acolyte but I was able to get the teleport waypoint to respond to me. The electrograna may be similar."
"Respond doesn't always equal work. I know you want to teleport using the structure, which won't work, but alright lets try the electrograna."
His arrogance and confidence in his words are both understandable and annoying. You'll show him. You seem to begin doing this not for your oracle identity but to take him down a peg.
You walk side by side as you guys climb the stairs and walk under the red gate. The Thunder Sakura Boughs come into view before you both stop in front of it.
Before you could even give yourself a mental pat on the back for remembering the name of the Sakura Bough, Ayato speaks with an annoyed tone.
"Well? While you may have all day to admire it, I do not."
"Aren't opportunities like this hard to come by? Shouldn't you at least try to enjoy such a sunny day to bask in?" You say with a sigh making it your mission to kill as much time as possible.
"Even so, I would hate to cut your little show short for things that actually matter."
You know he doesn't mean it completely since the whole 'blue turns to gold' definitely showed something. But you still feel annoyed. With a roll of your eyes, you reach into the Sakura Bough and grab the electrograna.
With a smug smile you pull it out and show it to Ayato. "Seems my deduction was correct. We get to take the shortcuUUTT"
You scream as the electrograna connects to a thundersphere above the next boulder and yanks you towards it. You release the electrograna and your back hits the boulder with a thud.
You groan as you lie on your back and try to deal with the growing pain in your back. Your eyes snap open as you hear laughter coming from the boulder below.
You crawl to the edge and look down to see Ayato trying and failing to contain his laughter. Your face burns in embarrassment as you yell.
"I get thrown into a boulder and you're here laughing at me?! Not even asking if I'm okay? Is this how you react to everyone that gets yanked by an electrograna?!"
He only laughs harder at your words.
"I swear the moment I get down there I'm gonna smother you with those stupid long sleeves." You bite out as you climb down.
Ayato still has a smile as you look at the Sakura Bough with caution.
"So since only I'm able to touch it, you'll have to be touching me for you to be taken with me. There's no way I can carry you so it seems you'll be stuck carrying me. Maybe the world is fair after all." You finish as you direct a smile at him so sure that he'll hate the idea of carrying you.
But Ayato doesn't look mad at all, he looks more amused than anything else. With a disappointed pout you look back at the Sakura Bough as you finish speaking.
"It's better that way too since you have a glider so we wont crash land. I'll grab the electrograna but as you clearly saw, I can't control it very well."
"It's not that hard, you just have to angle your body correctly." Ayato speaks with infuriating smile that looks kind. You wanna punch that smile off his face.
"Then since you'll be doing the carrying, you'll also be controlling which way we go. Do you know the way by heart?"
"Admittedly I don't, do you?"
"In fact, I do. Before I take each electrograna, I'll point out which way you'll need to go with each thundersphere. Sound good?"
"That works with me, now up you go." You turn to him confused as you hold the electrograna.
You yelp as Ayato bends and swiftly grabs your knees and throws you over his shoulder. Thankfully he didn't put you on the shoulder that had the armor but it still hurt.
"What the fuck?! A little warning would be nIC-"
Your words are cut off as the electrograna pulls you both up to the first thundersphere. Your stomach lurches and you feel nauseous as it pulls you guys to the second thundersphere.
Ayato lands on the ground as the next set of electro transportation is on the other side of the broken bridge. There's a twisting root that serves as the middle part of the bridge.
As much as you would like for Ayato to put you down and jump across the gaps on your own. You know full well that you don't have the power nor energy to do that.
Ayato is aware of it too as he keeps you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and walks towards the bridge. But before he can start parkouring, you wrap your legs around his torso and beat his back.
"Wait, wait, wait. You absolutely cannot carry me like this the rest of the way."
"That position isn't all that bad. It'll take some getting-"
Your breath is hot on the shell of his ear, your voice low and soft. Your mouth so close to his ear makes him shiver.
"Ayato Kamisato I will throw up all over your expansive ass clothes if you do not carry me differently."
Hearing his name fall from his lips makes him freeze but you honestly couldn't be bothered to upkeep etiquette when you feel like your breakfast is about to escape you.
Almost gently Ayato moves you off his shoulder and carries you bridal style. He smiles down at you with fondness?
"Is this position better for you?"
"Yeah, way better. Congratulations your clothes are saved."
He chuckles at your dry wit and starts parkouring across the broken bridge. To steady yourself, you wrap your arms around his neck. It's a little embarrassing to do especially with how his hair brushes against your hands every so often.
He makes it across without stumbling or falling. There's a cliff with the next Sakura Bough. You take a moment to point and give directions.
"You see the floating island right across us? That should be the next one."
"Hmm, isn't it strange how someone who should have almost no memory knows the way to the shrine by heart?"
"Isn't is also strange someone who lives right near it, not know the way by heart? Plus you have probably have used the electrograna way at least once due to the creator."
"Is that knowledge from the creator or your own guess?"
"Does that really matter when I'm right?"
He laughs a little and you grab the electrograna hoping to catch him off guard. Not enough to drop you but just to wipe that smile off his face.
As you expected he easily adapted with no problem and arrived at the floating platform.
"Alright it's about to get really messy since the path becomes super scattered in the middle of Mt. Yougou."
After explaining the next set of directions you grab the electrograna and Ayato seems to be smiling a little wider. Suspicious.
You are proven correct when halfway through the thunderspheres he starts fumbling with your weight. You cling onto him tighter in fear of being dropped.
"Holy shit, Kamisato why are you repositioning me when we're thousands of feet in the air?!"
"Aw no Ayato this time? Seems like my hands are starting to slip." Ayato continues, this fucker is enjoying your panic.
"Ayato, you drop me and I'll rip those pretty blue locks with me!" You scream as he starts fucking dangling you. You make good on your threat by holding his neck with a fistful of his hair.
Yes, he will kill you the moment you guys aren't in the middle of the air. But it's always safer to fear the closest threat than the one in the future.
Ayato goes back to holding you properly as he chuckles. But you keep holding his hair in case he gets any funny ideas. Finally you get to the landing where the next Sakura Bough is and you release his hair.
You get out of his arms to kneel on the ground and take deep breaths. You were used to high speed chases on foot and car. You even had to run atop rooftops in come cities. But flying through the air was definitely a new one.
"Surely you can't be tired already? I'm the one who's been carrying you this whole time."
"You call that carrying??? I saw my life flash before my eyes at least 3 times!"
You stand up and glare at him. He seems to find all your reactions incredibly amusing. Honestly if you truly felt your life was in danger, you would lie and just go to the Chinju forest teleport waypoint.
But you could tell he was having too much fun to actually drop you. Yes you were still terrified but letting your emotions show was making him put his guard down.
With every series of thunderspheres Ayato and you bickered and fought. At least until you had gotten to what should be the last electrograna needed.
"This should be the last one. Soon enough I'll no longer need to ride the Ayato Express." You say with a teasing tone.
"Until we have to go back you mean."
"Crap, I completely forgot. I was just thinking of teleporting back but I'm not even sure if I can teleport people with me."
"You mean if you can teleport at all."
"You'll see I'm not lying about this."
"So you lied about the other stuff instead?"
This makes you laugh in shock as you turn to face him with a annoyed smile. Except unlike his other jabs that were told with a cold smile, this one was different.
His smile was small but true and his naturally downturned eyes didn't look as muddled as usual. For a second it seemed like he was as clear and readable as water.
It's gone just as quickly as it was there but you turn your head away to hide your own smile.
"You know what I mean. Now don't drop me or pretend to drop me!" You grab the electrograna as you speak.
His maneuvering is just as graceful as he was the first time. "What an absurd thing to accuse me of. I mean it's not my fault you keep squirming and looking down. It's like you want to jump off and escape me."
"Ha! Nice try Ayato but if you're aren't strong enough to carry me the whole way then just say so."
You aren't exactly sure when you started calling him by his first name but Ayato hasn't corrected you so far.
"I am but the humble Yashiro Commission leader. Maybe I should let you down and watch the electrograna make you smack into another boulder."
That gets a laugh out of you. The pain in your back from that incident has already disappeared but you doubt Ayato will let you live it down.
As you laugh Ayato listens to the sweet sound quietly. The way your lips stretch into a smile and cheeks get a little flushed is distracting to say the least.
Distracting enough that he stumbles on the landing on the stairs to the shrine. Trying to correct his mistake he holds you tighter against him and turns so that his back hits the mountain instead of you.
You look up at him in worry as he grunts from the pain. He's still gentle as he sets you down onto your feet.
"Shit, that looked rough. You okay Ayato?" Distracted by his pain you don't think about any sort of etiquette rules as your hands trail up his arms and lightly rub his shoulders.
His breath shudders and he lifts your hands off him, softly he pushes them back to you.
"I'm okay Y/N, it looked worse than it felt." Ayato could feel your concerned stare through the mask. Usually he wouldn't mind it since the enemy underestimating him would only make his job easier. But he feels more embarrassed than anything else since you saw him like that despite your shady identity.
"If you say so. The journey is almost over so don't die on me yet."
Saving him anymore embarrassment you turn and begin walking up the stairs case to the shrine. You hear the clacking from his way too expensive shoes following you.
You can't stand the awkwardness and clear your throat. You've always wondered about some things.
"So you know how visions affect their holders? Like pyro visions make them naturally hotter and cryo visions make them colder?"
Ayato catches up to you to walk by your side. "Yes, it happens without activating it. Why do you ask?"
"Well what happens to hydro vision holders like you? Do you sweat more or have more fluid in your body?"
Ayato stares at you with the most incredulous look on his face. "I truly wonder what goes on in your head to make you have such questions."
"That's not an answer."
"I don't have a answer for such a absurd question."
"Well water makes skin clearer right? And your skin is pretty clear but that may be due to a skin care routine since Lady Ayaka also has clear skin."
"I know Ayaka has a skin care routine but I only wash my face in the morning."
"Oh that is so unfair. But I guess I was right in assuming that the hydro vision affects your inner body more. But still super unfair."
"Between the answer you gave Ayaka last night and the questions you ask me now, I almost feel like you're from another world."
You know he's just joking but for a second your heart dropped. He didn't seem to notice as you arrive at the Grand Narukami Shrine. God you hoped Yae would be at the publishing house.
The Narukami Shrine is empty. No people, no noise, not even visitors. You look around a little confused as you both approach the blue teleport waypoint.
Seemingly picking up on your confusion Ayato answers your unspoken question.
"It's noon meaning everyone is inside for the prayer, it'll last for another 30 minute."
Internally you're relieved beyond measure that you won't have to deal with Yae and Ayato at the same time. Then again Yae and Ayato naturally repel each other.
You touch the teleport waypoint and watch it turn gold. Ayato still looks a little awed but you've grown used to it at this point.
"Well it's finally time for you to teleport. I have very little expectations."
Your mouth sets into a firm line. "You'll be blown away even more then."
Despite everything you've gone through with him, Ayato still seems skeptical of you. The plan you have will make you seem crazy but it's your only shot.
You planned on touching the teleport and then using your other hand to bring up the screen. Yet you only got to touching it and remembering where the Kamisato Estate teleport waypoint is on the map when your vision goes white.
The feeling of being teleported is still unfamiliar but you manage to fix yourself as you open your eyes to see the Kamisato Estate. You lock eyes with surprised green and blue eyes.
To think you can teleport to gold waypoints by simply remembering where it is on the map. It couldn't have come at a more convenient time. You smile charmingly and step closer to the duo.
Ayaka becomes embarrassed as she remembers how she acted around you. She leans back with a red face. She uses her fan to hide most of her face.
You're unperturbed and simply lean closer till your face is nearly touching the mask. "Ayato requires strong evidence that my teleportation wasn't staged or shady. So I'll be taking your fan as proof."
You can tell she's about to back away. To stop her you place one hand on her back and she leans back making the position look like you're dipping her.
You easily slide the fan out of her loose grip and lean back to help her stand straight. After removing your hand from her back you turn around to walk to the teleport waypoint.
Ayaka keeps her head down as the lingering feeling of your breath on her face stays. The spot where you held her is still warm. Her mind can only remember that confident grin on your face as you slid her fan from her shaky hands.
Thoma watched the scene with a tight grip on his spear. He took it out in surprise when you appeared but he's using it more as a stress tool at the moment. He can't help but feel a flash of envy when you got so close to Ayaka and held her.
Even as you walk back to the teleport waypoint both of them want to call out. They want to ask you to stop, to come back. But neither of them let out a sound as you touch the structure and leave in a flash of white.
You open your eyes and see Ayato standing in front of you with a rare troubled expression. He sighs in relief seeing you in front of him again.
Your smile is victorious as you stand in front of him before pulling Ayaka's out from behind your back.
"Care to believe me now?" You ask as you hold the fan over your lower face. Ayato takes a few steps towards you with a smiling facade. Your heart stutters as you recall how he threatened to torture and kill you.
You blink in surprise as Ayato plucks Ayaka's fan out of your hands.
"I believe you Y/N. You've truly proven my suspicions wrong. While you may still have secrets you'll not divulge, I'll place my trust in you as the creator's oracle."
Holy shit, you actually managed to make the Ayato Kamisato believe your scam. You can't stop the beaming smile that overtakes your face.
Ayato watches you with clear blue eyes. That smile on your face makes him want to see it even closer but he refrains himself from doing anything inappropriate. Yes, even the sight of your happy smile makes him as excited as your mischievous one does.
Ayato places something in your hands and cups your hands around it. The item is a fan, specifically Ayato's fan judging by the pattern. Both sides of it has his signature theme but one side also has the Kamisato crest clear as day.
You look up at him and tilt your head in confusion. He taps your nose and gives a simple answer.
"I believe my fan suits you better."
Your jaw drops at his blatant flirting. Never ever has someone tried to use flirtatious tactics to make you lose your composure.
But instead of questioning you he smiles wider at your shock and turns around. He starts walking down the stairs and calls out to you.
"Are you going to stand there catching crystalflies all day or are you coming?"
You snap your mouth shut with a blush and follow after him. Was he really flirting? Was it just a compliment? You decide to shake it off for now.
"With you fully proven as a oracle, I must apologize Y/N. I lacked certain courtesy while you were staying in the estate. I do hope you understand why I gave you such a strict test."
The Sakura petals gently sway in the wind as you walk down together. He takes your silence as permission to continue.
"Once we get back I'll arrange for the best ship to take you to Liyue. The ship I have in mind will be in Ritou tomorrow so I would like you to stay at the estate tonight as well. Of course you'll get lunch as soon as we get back and you'll be served dinner tonight. Feel free to ask any of the servants for whatever you need."
Your mind begins to be flooded with the types of food you can eat. The breakfast you ate was delicious and the bed was like sleeping on a cloud-
Oh. You are not going through that again.
"I'm not so sure I would like to sleep at the estate again. I don't want to be woken up in the middle of the night again by Sayu spying on me. The last thing I want to be is sleep deprived on a boat."
"You're completely right about that Y/N, I'm sorry. That was more than not performing certain platitudes, I crossed a boundary that you did not deserved to be breeched. I understand if you would rather have me pay a hotel for you in Ritou but I would be grateful if you could give the Kamisato estate another chance."
Ayato isn't smiling as he says this. He's serious and looks a little ashamed of himself too. A small part of you wants to keep jabbing the opening Ayato revealed and accept the offer to sleep in Ritou. But the sight of him looking down at you with unsure eyes makes your heart ache.
A familiar desire rises in you. The same one that has always ate away your heart for all the lying, cheating, and deceit you pulled on innocent people.
Besides, you were really expecting him to hit back with something like 'If you didn't hide your face then I would never have felt the need to send Sayu.' Yet what you got was a sincere apology instead.
Your silence unnerves him and he turns his face away with the faintest hint of pink on his ears. That's all it takes for you to give in.
You stop at the Sakura Bough and stop Ayato by tugging his long sleeve.
Perhaps you were dumb or foolish for giving in like this. Maybe this was all a trick of his to get more information on you tonight. Or even another chance for Sayu to remove your mask.
Even so, you didn't want to relive your old life again. Your old life where all you had was your wit, quick thinking, and a cold corpse of the only one dear to you. You wanted to trust again and that could only be done by taking a leap of faith.
If this really is a trap then you'll deal with the fall out one way or another, you've always had.
"Thank you for the apology Ayato. To a certain extent I can understand why you had the Shuumatsuban watch over me. But waking up to being touched without my consent is still troubling."
You clench his fan closed as you stare directly at him. Deep blue eyes that seem as vast as the ocean pull you in.
"But just as you're taking a risk in trusting me despite my obvious secrecy, I want to extend that same trust to you. I'll sleep in the estate again tonight."
If you hadn't been paying attention to his body language, you would have missed how tension left him in a very subtle way.
"Now, enough with the mind games we should go to the estate quickly. I'm sure your workload is almost as heavy as me at this point."
Ayato chuckles at how you dismiss the heavy conversation with ease. Swiftly he carries you again and with your hair so close to him, he can smell the sakura petals that linger on you.
The journey back to the estate is filled with more banter after you asked him the age old question on whether water is wet. Spoiler alert he threatened to let the electrograna drag you into the air if you didn't stop asking stupid questions.
Finally landing on the boulder that you hit the first time. Ayato puts you down and tells you. "Careful there Y/N, I don't want you falling again."
"Ayato, I swear to Celestia. If you don't stop bugging me about that I will steal your boba."
"I'd like to see you try."
You're tempted to flip him off but decide against it as the estate comes into view. Thoma is standing outside waiting for you both. Surprisingly enough Ayaka is there too.
You know Ayato is still capable of torturing and killing you but you still feel sad that the journey is over. Realistically you know that even if you trusted Ayato fully, adventures like this would probably never happen again. He's the head of the Yashiro Commission after all.
Thoma smiles when he spots you both, Ayaka and him meet you halfway. Ayato gives Ayaka her fan back and gives a simple summary of how it went.
"The journey to the shrine went smoothly and I'm sure you saw them teleport. I will be arranging a boat for them to leave tomorrow. They've graciously agreed to stay here another night despite our previous hostility."
"I understand. Y/N, thank you for giving the Kamisato Clan another chance. Especially considering how I treated you last night. I am truly sorry for my behavior."
Ayaka hides part of her face with her fan as she speaks. You aren't sure if you should apologize for purposefully riling Ayaka up or not but you nod anyway.
Thoma claps his hands with a smile to disperse the oncoming awkwardness. "With everything cleared up, why don't we all head inside now? Y/N hasn't ate anything since breakfast and my lady has a meeting with other parties. My lord as you're no doubt aware, many things require your attention."
Ayaka and Ayato sigh in unison. You feel a little bad that while you'll be enjoy lunch they'll be working. Giving them both a pat on the back, you speak encouragingly.
"Don't look so glum Lady Kamisato. The faster you finish work, the sooner you can enjoy things you like. And Ayato while your workload isn't something I envy, I do hope you enjoyed our little adventure as a break from your usual work."
They both seem to perk up at your words. You aren't completely sure why since you said pretty normal words of encouragement. Maybe since it felt like the creator was speaking through you?
You weren't completely wrong but you weren't right either. Ayaka was looking forward to finishing her work to speak more to you. She wanted to make sure you and the creator didn't have a bad view of her. Ayato on the other hand was more happy that you seemed to have enjoyed the journey as much as he did.
Thoma is quick to grab your hand and pull you towards the estate. He smiles and begins chatting with you as people swarm Ayaka and Ayato.
"You must be hungry after that hike. I made some lunch, my signature miso soup."
"That sounds delicious Thoma, thank you so much!" Your excitement is clear in your voice as you follow him inside.
Inside the room he led you to is two bowls of his signature dish. You begin eating making sure to imprint the taste into your brain. You didn't know when you would be eating like this in Liyue.
Probably never but you would rather do that then have Ei a constant threat.
Thoma eats across from you as he talks with you. The conversation is light and entertaining as you ask him strange questions like:
"So what's the deal with Taroumaru? Like he's a badass Shiba Inu who worked for the Shuumatsuban before retiring as the owner of the Komore Teahouse. How did he become a member of the Shuumatsuban? Who sold him the Teahouse? Who even wrote up the contracts that he used for his employees?"
Thoma stops eating as he thinks. "I can't really tell you much about that. I guess the only 'safe' information I can tell you is that my lord was the one who helped Taroumaru with all that."
"What makes that information 'safe'?"
"If I tell you anymore information there is a very large chance that you may get assassinated."
You nod in understanding, and decide to drop that particular subject. Lunch is soon over and Thoma leaves to fulfill his duties, leaving you alone in your room. But that's fine, you have your own things to test.
Taking the book you were pretending to read that morning, you open it up as you sit on the bed. The cover is in a language you can't understand.
Genshin has it's own language and you've always headcanoned that Paimon was the one who translated it for the traveler. A lot of the stuff in Genshin was in ineligible scribbles if they weren't important.
Now that you were here in the flesh, you can see the letters clearer. But it was useless since you didn't recognize the language at all. You never got to finish your schooling in your world either.
Thankfully Genshin was set in a time where most transactions are done by talking. But that doesn't mean reading wouldn't be useful either.
It is strange how when using the screen it automatically translates it while you in real life cannot. You stare at the cover of the book harder hoping that a new screen will open and automatically translate the cover. That of course doesn't happen.
Could you even learn a whole new language while traveling? How would you even learn if nobody knew what language you read in? Plus you can't ask anyone in the Kamisato estate since you were fake reading this book for a good portion of the morning while eavesdropping.
As you continue brainstorming you let your fingers trace the words on the cover. You feel it start to move and watch in fascination as the characters twist and move to spell the book cover in your language.
"Treasured Tales of the Chouken Shinkageuchi" is the name of the book. You remember reading it in the archive. To think that you were using a book about the Electro Archon to help you get away from said Electro Archon.
You open the book and touch the letters on the first page. Just like the cover, all the letters changed into your native language. What a useful feature, even if you have to touch every sign and book from now on, it was well worth it.
In fact this reminded you of how the wind blew Thoma and Ayaka's conversation to you while blocking out the other sounds. And how the ground seemed to shake only you when Ayato was coming closer to your room. Perhaps this was powers you got from being the creator? Or could it be Teyvat itself helping you?
You don't get much more time to stew the possibilities as someone knocks on your door. You open it expecting it to be a worker tasked with giving you dinner. Instead it's Ayaka with a small smile.
"I hope I didn't come at a bad time Y/N. I wanted to ask if you would like to have dinner with me. Brother and Thoma unfortunately can't join due to work. If my offer is uncomfortable for you then you can reject it with no problem."
You're starting understand why Ayaka seemed to have changed her tune. Not that you blame or think less of her due to it. This 'worship the creator' thing is deeply imbedded in Teyvat as a whole.
"That sounds great Lady Kamisato, I would love to eat with you." Ayaka relaxes at your answer, you can already tell what she'll be asking you at dinner.
"Please call me Ayaka." She says with a smile as she leads you down the hallway. You enter a clean dining room that already has food set down on the table. You let Ayaka take a seat first before choosing the spot across from her.
It's quiet at first with workers putting portions of the food on each of the plates. It's a weird feeling to be served outside of a restaurant. Many of the dishes that you saw in the game were on the table looking just as delicious as before.
They also tasted amazing as you and Ayaka ate in silence. Soba, unagi meat, sushi, and other soups left you eager for more. Ayaka sets down her chopsticks and speaks quietly.
"I understand that this may be presumptuous of me to ask but I have to. Why am I the only one in the Kamisato clan to not be awakened?"
You finish chewing the food in your mouth before responding in a neutral voice. "What kind of answer are you looking for? A emotional answer with me telling you the creators thoughts and reasons on why they haven't awakened you? Or a factual reason that is out of everyone's control, including the creator's?"
You continue eating as Ayaka looks down while thinking about what you said. As her silence stretches on you audibly sigh and speak.
"Look Ayaka, if you want me to give you a real answer you'll need to tell me why you want to know. Are you feeling insecure as the only Kamisato left out? Are you envious of everyone else who was awakened? I mean even the Electro Archon and the head of the Narukami Shrine haven't been awakened yet. What are you hoping to see happen or feel, when or if you are awakened?"
You give Ayaka a moment to think before going back to eating. It was a shame really, you had hoped to bond in some way with the Shirasagi Himegimi while you were still here. But it seemed that no matter what kind of setting you were in with her, you two seemed to be on opposite sides of each other.
The sound of twinkling ice falling onto the table startle you. You stop eating and look up to see what ice was falling. For a second you even though that Ayaka was going to use her cryo to threaten you again.
Yet instead of seeing a raging snowstorm, you saw small tears leave Ayaka's eyes and freeze before hitting the table. She was crying, shit you made her cry. You were crap, complete and utter crap.
Leaving your spot in a hurry you move to her side and sit next to her. You don't touch her in case that's too personal as she tries to wipe away the tears. The tears only fall faster and faster while you are helplessly watching.
"I'm *hick* sorry. You sh-shouldn't have to s-see me like this."
Ayaka's whole problem was struggling with speaking her mind and having to keep up a perfect appearance in front of everyone. You feel like a fool for not realizing how your words only aggravated her insecurities.
"Don't apologize for something like that. I'm sorry for pushing you so hard with all my questions. Not my best words, I'll be the first to admit that."
It's true. In trying to fight back against Ayato and defend yourself, you've used Ayaka without care. You wouldn't change your decisions since your life was on the line but you can't help but feel the need to make her feel better too.
Slowly you place your hands on hers that are covering her eyes. You keep them there for a moment giving Ayaka more than enough time to reject you. With no movement from her, you slowly pull her hands off her face to see her clearly.
Her eyes are red-rimmed and tears are slowly sliding down her face before becoming ice once they fall off. She's looking away from you before glancing at you quickly.
"Ayaka, I never meant to make you feel bad or ashamed for any feelings you might have. Envy, jealousy, isolation, or any other emotion are completely normal to feel in your situation."
Your sincere words and apologetic smile seem to comfort Ayaka as the tears slow to a stop. She doesn't move her hands out of your grasp as she replies with a hoarse voice.
"You are right though. I do feel insecure and envious of my brother and Thoma. I had hope after Ayato was awakened that I would soon be too. Yet it never came and I watched more and more acolytes awaken too. People spoke more and rumors spread."
She bites back a sniffle as her feelings and words flow out with a frosty tone.
"Things like 'She isn't a good enough worshipper' or 'poor Ayaka is the only exception'. It was only when brother stepped in and stopped the rumors from festering or growing that it stopped but that doesn't make them stop thinking about it. The pitying looks, side eyes, and even mocking stares were destroying my life's work in keeping a good image of the Kamisato Clan. The image of perfection that I worked towards was crumbling beneath my feet."
She breaths heavily as she speaks with despair filled love and adoration.
"I could never blame the creator for that. I never needed to know why they couldn't or even refused to awaken me. They are perfect and if I wasn't the problem then people would think the creator is. I would never allow that sort of perception of them. That's why I have never fought against the rumors, this is the only way I can show my love for them without being awakened outside of normal worship."
Her words blow you away. You never considered how being awakened could have this much effect. Nor did you understand how high Ayaka herself placed you as the creator. To think that she would rather her image of perfection and title of Shirasagi Himegimi be tarnished than let your own perfection be questioned. You aren't perfect nor will you ever call yourself perfect but the devotion she shows touches your heart.
"Ayaka, know that I speak as both myself and the creator right now. That image of perfection you feel the need to upkeep is due to your upbringing from wanting to help Ayato right? Just as your brother was recognized, not for his title or deeds but for the love and care he showed for you. You too will be recognized, perhaps in a way that neither you nor anyone else will realize. But know that you are loved and appreciated for the sacrifices you have made."
You smile and hug her tightly. Ayaka hugs back as she grips the back of your clothes. She's crying harder than before and it leaves cold wet spots on you but it goes ignored.
You never had the income to pull and whale for all the characters. Ayaka wasn't very high on your list of desired characters and her banners came at the moments where you had little to no primogems. But you wanted to now, you probably would never build her but if simply awakening her would stop her problems then you'll happily do so.
Ayaka seems to calm down in your arms and after a while she pulls away with a flushed face. The embarrassment of how she acted around you seems to finally dawn on her. All she could fully remember was the sweet words that left your mouth and the warmth of your arms around her.
On the other hand, you were too busy despairing over the now cold food to truly notice the dazed look on her face. She stands up in a hurry making your head snap up to watch as she hurriedly leaves the room.
You sit there confused by her sudden exit before moving back to your spot. Determinedly you begin eating your cold food. Cold or not, delicious food was delicious food. If you could eat expired, dumpster and even raw food then some cold food would be fine.
The moment you finished eating, Ayaka came back holding a small tray with a single plate on it. She's completely composed again but she still avoids your curious eyes as she sits down.
"My performance just then wasn't what I should have showed you considering that you are a guest. I apologize for that. Please have some Sakura Mochi I made as a apology."
She sets the plate down and uses her fan to hide her face. You chuckle and bring the plate closer to you. It's her signature dish and you had never tried mochi before.
"Thank you Ayaka and like I said, don't apologize for expressing normal emotions."
She smiles quietly and watches you cut a big piece of it. She gives you a worried look as you put the whole piece in your mouth. It's sweet and tasty but it's also very sticky. She tries to suppress her giggles as she watches you struggle to chew and swallow it.
"Have you ever eaten mochi before?"
You can't even open your mouth to answer and simply shake your head no. You were choking on a delicious piece of mochi while Ayaka laughs at you. A death like this wouldn't be all that bad.
Thankfully you manage to swallow it and sigh in relief.
"Even though I nearly died choking on this mochi, I absolutely love it. If you were expecting to have a piece of your own creation then I have bad news for you."
You say with a teasing tone before cutting a smaller piece and eating it. This time with no choking in between. She only smiles wider behind her fan.
You finish the mochi and the servants come in and take the dishes back to the kitchen. You get up and Ayaka beckons you to follow her to lead you back to your room.
"I know that you don't really need to know, but I think closure is important." Ayaka gives you a questioning glance and you take that as a sign to continue.
"While in the other world, the creator has limited power to awaken acolytes. Some acolytes are able to be awakened at any time, while others only have a certain time frame. In fact even luck has a huge factor in this too. The creator hasn't awakened you, not because they dislike you or something. But rather because your constellation for awakening happens to come at the worst moments."
You give her a soft smile. "You're just really unlucky but I have a feeling your luck will turn around soon."
Ayaka doesn't answer and you don't expect her to. When you get to your room, you open the door and are about to step inside. She places her hand on your shoulder making you look back at her.
"You're right, that does make me feel better." Her answer is quiet and soft just like her smile. Yet it's beautiful all the same.
She releases you and walks away. You go back inside your room and hope that the next one-on-one conversation you have with her won't have dramatic emotional moments. But you have a feeling that those moments were needed for both of you.
The sunset makes your room bathe in a soft glow as you read some books from the shelf that weren't in the game archive. It's been a few hours since dinner and you were trying to enjoy the last hours you have until tomorrow where you'll stuck on a boat for who knows how long.
A knock the door surprises you and it's Thoma who stands outside smiling at you. Most of his armor and accessories he usually wears are gone which makes him look good, just a bit unfamiliar.
"Y/N! Glad to see you're still awake. My lord and I have finished up work and he wanted to invite you to hotpot with us. My lady will also be there. Are you up for it?"
Your social battery was completely drained at this point but the way Thoma was staring at you with such excitement made you nod. He beams and grabs your hand.
"Have you ever played hotpot before? It's really fun and we have the dishes already you just need to choose which one you want to put in."
"I know the premise of it but I've never done it myself. If I put something disgusting in it, can you help me make sure Ayato is the one who eats it? I wanna see his reaction to it."
Thoma laughs at your mischievous smile. He pulls you down another hallway past one of the few rooms that has lights on.
"Sounds great to me, I'll think of it as payback for all the strange stuff he's made me eat in the past."
"Didn't he try to make you eat some strange flavored Boba before?"
"Ah, don't remind me. I drank it all trying not to waste food. I was sick for the rest of the day."
"Or maybe you're just competitive. I mean you did eat all the weird stuff in the hotpot you played with Ayaka and the traveler."
Thoma's hand tightens around yours for a moment before his grip goes back to normal. You take note at how you passed that same lit up room again.
"Did the creator show you that? You aren't completely wrong but I'm not that competitive."
"Oh, so you just like eating strange stuff? Never guessed you were the type Thoma."
Your teasing words made him shush you playfully. You've been walking for at least 10 minutes, more than enough time to arrive at the room. You stop walking making Thoma stop and look back at you. Just as you're opening your mouth to speak, the door to that room you had your eye on opens.
"How many times were you going to walk past the room Thoma. Did you get lost or something?" Ayato says with a smile. He's wearing a dark blue yukata or was it a kimono? That had a white obi and gold engraved patterns.
A really good look on him and you can see Ayaka peaking out behind him. She has her hair loose again and she's wearing a white kimono and a steel blue obi. The winding gold sakuras that decorate her kimono suits her.
"Sorry my lord, I was so caught up in the conversation that I kept walking." Thoma speaks with a sheepish smile. Ayato slides the door open wider letting you and Thoma in.
Ayato and Ayaka go back to their seats across each other. Thoma is busy bringing the ingredients to the wide table to sit yet leaving you with the decision.
Do you sit next to Ayaka or Ayato?
To kill time you close the door and walk slowly to the table. The decision is made for you as Ayato pats the spot next to him and tells you.
"Sit here Y/N, you probably haven't played hotpot before, right? We'll be playing a hotpot game too so I'll explain it."
Just as you are about to sit down, Ayaka pipes up.
"Then shouldn't Y/N sit next to me instead? Me and Thoma are the only ones who played it before with the traveler. So it would better for me to explain."
"That may be true but I was hoping to add something new to the game that would require Y/N to be in the spot next to me."
You sit down before they can go on any longer. Ayato smiles at you while Ayaka looks away with what you think is a pout. Thoma comes back with a box of ingredients. He sets it down before siting down across from you and next to Ayaka.
Ayato begins explaining as the broth is finishes heating up.
"The game goes like this. We all put some ingredients into it and we all take turns tasting it and guessing who put it in. The ingredients in the box are up for everyone to pick but if one of us already have a ingredient then they can use that instead. Every time someone is right they get a point. I was hoping we could play in teams since Ayaka and Thoma have already played before."
"Wouldn't it be better for Y/N to pair up with me and you with my lady so that it's more fair?" Thoma says which makes Ayaka speak up.
"Then Y/N can also choose to pair up with me instead of either of you."
"Then Y/N, who do you choose to be your partner?" Ayato asks you with a smile that makes you feel a bit nervous. You look at all their expectant faces as you contemplate your choice.
Yeah, you'll just leave it up to chance.
Pointing at Thoma you start rhyming as you point at them all with each word.
"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe."
They look at you confused by your strange words and actions.
"Catch a tiger by the toe."
Ayato seems to understand and sits back with a smile. This prompts Thoma and Ayaka to relax as they continue watching you.
"If he yells, let him go."
"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe!"
Your fingers stops and it's pointing at Thoma.
"Luck and probably math has chosen. Thoma is my partner, I hope ya'll are ready to lose."
Ayato and Ayaka take the decision with no hard feelings just like you hoped. Instead they send each other a firm glance before turning back to you and Thoma.
"We'll just have to see Y/N. Thoma may be up for eating strange things but you may not be able to." Ayaka says as she smiles at you.
"I'll be fine, I mean how bad can it be?" It wouldn't be a good decision to let them know just what kind of food you used to eat to not starve.
"You'd be surprised how things can change taste in hotpot. Just make sure not to almost choke this time." She finishes with a giggle. Ayato smiles at you in amusement as Thoma laughs.
"I don't know if I'm just a fun target or if you and Ayato are that similar. I made one mistake using the electrograna and he never let me live it down the whole journey."
You pick your ingredients; sea ganoderma, matsutake, eel meat, and fluorescent fungus. Hopefully you won't make anyone sick with this and you hide them in your box under the table.
"I believe it's your inability to behave normally that makes us pick on you so much. Who even asks if a vision can make you sweat more?"
Thoma and Ayaka laugh while you stick your tongue out at Ayato. You all turn around for one of the late night servants to put all the chosen ingredients in. With no body able to witness him, he sticks his tongue out at you back.
You give a mock shocked gasp and pay very close attention to the boba the servant hands to Ayato before they leave. You all turn back to the table and take turns cooking the pot full of strange choices.
"I'm starting to think this hotpot is a danger hazard."
"It probably taste better than it looks Y/N." Thoma says comfortingly.
"Are you lying to make me feel better?"
"Yes." You laugh at his honest reply before Ayaka uses her chopsticks to check the hotpot.
"Y/N, tell me how does your back feel?" Ayato asks innocently. You smile at him before responding.
"It's perfectly fine, never been better. Why do you ask Ayato?" You know exactly why but you're just waiting for him to say it. Your hand twitches in anticipation.
"I just wanted to check since you hit the boulder so harshly when that electrograna dragged you."
Ayaka and Thoma give you concerned looks and you're quick to reassure them.
"I'm fine, really, no bruises or cuts. But Ayato is about to be one boba short!" You say before reaching over quickly to snatch the boba out of his hand.
Ayato is a step ahead of you and keeps his boba in his other hand farther from you. At this point you're leaning on him trying to reach the damn boba as he smirks at you.
"What's wrong Y/N? Can't reach?"
"You are so lucky you changed your clothes or else I would have used those long ass sleeves to drag your hand down."
You give up and sit properly in your seat as you glare at his boba. Ayato simply sips it loudly to further annoy you.
"The hotpot is done, so who'll go first?" Thoma asks as he looks up from the pot. You immediately raise your hand, you did not want to get stuck eating something bad.
"I'll taste the pot of doom first." Ayaka hands the chopsticks to you with a amused smile. You hold the chopsticks with a sense of resignation.
You don't know how to use them. All this time, they had given you a choice between chopsticks and other utensils.
"Sorry but I can't use these. I can barely handle a fork and knife." One of the guys snorts as you hand it back to Ayaka. Giving a glare at both of them who look away innocently, you use a different utensil and scoop out a piece that doesn't look poisonous.
The whitish soft food is put into your mouth. It taste sweet and only a little soggy. You chew it a bit before realizing what it could be.
"This kind of taste like tofu. I'm gonna guess Thoma put this in because we ate miso soup for lunch."
"Looks like my partner knows me well. That's right Y/N, I put it there." Thoma high-fives you as you swallow the tofu.
"That's one point for you two but now it's my turn." Ayaka grabs a piece of food and eats it. Her face scrunches up in surprise. You laugh at her expression and the game goes on.
Points were gained and Thoma almost always guessed each weird ingredient as Ayato's. He was at least 80% right. It's on one of Ayato's turn that he ate something green.
As Ayato continued trying to swallow it as Thoma laughed at him, you slipped your arm behind his back. You blindly groped the floor next to him for the boba before the plastic bottle was in your hand.
You pulled it back victorious and drank from it. It tasted like strawberry milk boba, refreshing and sweet. You kept the straw in your mouth as Ayato spoke.
"Who put sea ganoderma into the hotpot? It didn't taste bad but the texture is awful."
You only smile as you keep slowly sipping the Boba. For some reason Thoma and Ayaka are giving you a look. Ayato finally looks you and covers his mouth with his sleeve.
"You do know I already drank from that, right?"
No, no you didn't but damn it you weren't losing.
"And you do know I threatened your boba right? It's pretty good so I think I'm keeping this now."
He only laughs at your childishness and looks away. You can't see how his face becomes a soft pink at your actions.
"I'm gonna guess Ayaka put it in. It's too tame to be Thoma's and Y/N can only choose from the box." Ayaka shakes her head no and you raise your hand.
"It was actually me this time. I found it all the way at the bottom of the box. The look on your face was funny but I'm glad it wasn't poisonous."
"C'mon Y/N I wouldn't give you a box with potential poisonous ingredients. But I am glad you found all the hidden gems I snuck in." Thoma cheerfully adds. Something about the way he's speaking is off, the same could be said for Ayaka with how she's refusing to look at Ayato.
You shrug it off and the game continues on. That weird tension slowly goes away leaving the atmosphere pleasant and fun. At the end of it, you and Thoma won the game. You felt bad that he was the one who ate some of the strangest ones.
Thoma was sprawled out on your lap as you rubbed his back. Ayaka was dozing off on your shoulder while Ayato cleaned up the remaining mess. You weren't sure how you got into this position but it was nice.
Ayato smiled softly as he saw you trying to keep Thoma awake. He shakes Thoma and brings him to sit up.
"Thoma, Ayaka fell asleep, please bring her to bed while I lead Y/N back to their room."
Thoma is about to say something but the look Ayato gives him backs him hold his tongue and nod his head. You aren't able to understand but it seems Ayato wants to talk to you in private.
Thoma stands up and pats your head as a 'thank you'. He carefully carries Ayaka and leaves the room. Ayato offers you his hand and you accept the help.
He doesn't let go of your hand as he leads you out of the room and down the halls. It's quiet with the moon as your only light source. Ayato keeps glancing at you while smiling a little sadly.
You get to your room and before either of you can say a goodbye you fumble with something in your pocket before taking it out. It's Ayato's fan, you hold it out to him.
"I almost forgot to give this back to you. I don't want to forget and accidentally take it with me. It's very pretty so it must be just as expansive."
Ayato shakes his head and pushes it back to you.
"Keep it. This isn't just a gift, this is a symbol of my trust in you as a oracle. The Kamisato crest will serve as proof that the Kamisato clan backs you up."
You accept it with mixed emotions. Out of everything that you've lied about, your status as a oracle was definitely the most profound one. Yes, you kept up and made it more believable to save your life but what would happen if they found out? Believing and trusting were different and accepting this fan would mean accepting whatever punishment they would subject you to for breaking their trust.
"Thank you Ayato. It's a beautiful fan, I'll be sure to utilize it to solidify my oracle position. You accept the intricate beautiful fan with a graceful smile.
He turns to leave before stopping and turning back to you. "And Sayu will be paying you a visit soon. So please don't sleep just yet."
A little confused you nod and wave goodbye to Ayato who returns it with a soft smile. When you close the door, his eyes dull a bit as he remembers how far away you'll be tomorrow. Not for the first time he curses the vast ocean that will separate you both.
You flop on the bed and sigh. The bed seems to envelope you as the smell of sakura seeps in through the window. For a few seconds you doze off before the sound of something on the window sill startles you awake.
Mujina ears are the first thing you notice as Sayu sits on the window sill with a bag next to her. You sit up and watch as she moves to kneel in front of you.
"I hope I'm not interrupting you Y/N. Wait should I address you formally?" Sayu's signature sleepy voice is quiet as the wind blows gently.
"Nah just call me Y/N and speak to ne normally. I'm not a noble or someone important."
"The creator is important and by extension you are too Y/N. Please forgive my rudeness and suspicion I treated you last night. Even though I was under Lord Kamisato's orders, I was still wrong."
You can basically see how the mujina ears and tail drop as she speaks. You feel very tempted to reach out and pet her, but you really don't want to be bitten.
"I also wanted to thank you for not mentioning how I tried to take off your mask. My lord never requested it and if he found out I would be stuck with even more work as punishment."
So Ayato never ordered Sayu to take off your mask. Then that leaves the question.
"Then why did you try to remove it?"
Sayu gets up from her kneeling position to look up at you. Her eyes though tired are firm as she speaks.
"The creator is one of the few people that I have left in my life. When you came in and Thoma claimed you were a oracle, I was pretty mad. Someone claiming to be the creator's oracle is really arrogant. You were even more dubious with that mask. When I was sent to get information on you and couldn't find anything I just felt worse. That's why I decided to use the opportunity I had to see your true identity."
That's right, it's implied that her master left her in some way and since people worshipped you so much, she ended up relying on you to fill the hole her master left. It's hard to lose the only parental figure in someone's life, you've gone through it too. But it wasn't healthy to fixate on you or growing taller.
"Thank you for apologizing Sayu, I don't hold it against you. But even if I was someone suspicious please don't do that again, to anyone really. I'm keeping this mask on for a reason and for anyone not preapproved to see my face would mean drastic events would occur."
Sayu's eyes widen when you mention drastic events. It wasn't the best move to imply that but you needed to scare her. You didn't have the time to try and ease her off the devoted worshipper train.
Instead you change the topic to something else. Pointing at the bag on the window sill you ask what it is. Sayu grabs it and carries it to you. It's a cute sight seeing the small ninja carry a bag that's as big as her.
"This is a gift from my lord and myself. I hope you like them. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm actually gonna sleep tonight instead of wasting time watching you." Her words come out as a sleepy mumble before she uses her Yoohoo art to leave.
You open the bag to find a ton of clothes inside. Formal, pajamas, casual, and even some tougher clothes that seem to be built with resistance. All high quality and expansive.
You change into the pajamas to find it fitting you perfectly. You remember how Sayu was touching you, she must have been measuring you. Maybe the original reason she was doing that was to get a body bag for you since they were so sure you were a fake.
As you put the other clothes inside your bag, you continue thinking on the topic. They wouldn't need a body bag for you since Thoma is more than capable of burning dead bodies. But maybe they were worried that Thoma would refuse to since he was the one who brought you.
You lay down on the bed and wonder how in the world did you get so comfortable imagining your death. Thinking yourself as the creator with acolytes willing to die for you, still feels unreal. But the way the bed cradles your tired body is too tempting to continue debating the morality or logistics of your situation. Your eyes close and you fall into a deep slumber.
Finally done with this monster of a chapter. Was it too long? If you thought it was then just let me know and next time I'll cut it in half. It was really fun to write. In my outline I wrote that Ayaka and reader would get along well. But by the time I got to the scene, everything changed. None of those dramatic emotional burst were supposed to happen. And Thoma? His yandereness showing every so often was completely unplanned. I really enjoy this kinda characterization for Ayato. I hated him as I wrote him in the beginning and loved him by the end of the chapter. I hope you all liked how the teleport waypoints were used! Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt If you are in italics that means I couldn't tag you! Usually you'll need to check your settings to fix that.
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girlgenius1111 · 6 months
i love you... it's all i can think
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love you anyway part 2
alexia x reader proposal
Alexia was freaking out. She didn't think she'd ever been this nervous before, in her whole life. Not before the UWCL final. Not before the World Cup final. Not before her knee surgery.
She knew, realistically, that you'd say yes. You'd talked about marriage before, and both of you had expressed your desire to get married. Still, as she walked with you, hand in hand towards the boat, she couldn't help the waves of anxiety washing over her.
You were only slightly suspicious. She'd told you she was planning a surprise for the night, which looked like it was going to be a evening on the sea with her. This trip was partly a birthday trip for you, though, so you chalked it up to that. You'd never really let yourself believe that Alexia would propose. She was so perfect, in every way, it seemed too good to be true.
"After you, mi amor," she murmured, reaching a hand out to help you onto the boat. You smiled at her, pecking her cheek as you passed her. She preened at the gesture, smiling softly to herself. Once you were on the boat, she put her bag down, pulling you in by the hand for a hug. Even when the source of her anxiety was asking you a question, Alexia couldn't resist the comfort she got from your embrace. You held her tightly, enjoying the feeling of her warm, tanned skin against yours. After a minute you pulled back, placing your hands on her cheeks.
"Are you alright, baby? You've been quiet today," you wondered, studying her closely.
"Si, I'm fine, just a little tired. Excited to relax," she replied, just a hair too quickly. Still, you nodded, letting her go, and reaching for the bag she'd put down. She stopped you though, grabbing it and pulling it out of your reach. You looked at her questioningly.
"What do you need? I'll get it for you," she said, voice a little strained. You gave her a weird look, but requested a bottle of water. She pulled one out, handing it to you, before placing the bag on the table, across the boat from you.
She was only wearing a light, flowy, sundress, and there was no where else for her to hide the ring, but in the bag. The whole day she'd been resisting cracking and just asking you before she had planned to. In bed this morning, when the sun had been streaking in through the window, painting you in a golden light. In the kitchen, during breakfast, when you'd come up behind her, wrapping your arms tight around her abdomen as she whisked the eggs, pressing a few kisses into her shoulder blade. In the car, when you'd put on her favorite playlist, and began singing along easily, head bobbing along adorably to the beat.
Still, Alexia held strong, knowing that you wouldn't mind any of those options. However, she didn't think she could take the teasing if everyone found out that she couldn't wait a few hours to propose to you. Her teammates already teased her relentlessly about how absolutely soft she was for you.
Driving the boat to the little private beach, she watched you out of the corner of her eye, hair flowing in the wind. You were wearing white linen shorts, and a cropped black top. You looked so relaxed, so at peace, so fucking beautiful. Your girlfriend added this moment to the tally of times she almost slipped up.
The beach came into view soon enough, and you could just barely see a picnic set up on on the sand, a blanket carefully laid out, a picnic basket and a bottle of champagne sitting in an ice bucket.
"What's all that?" you asked, confused as she hadn't said anything about a picnic.
"You'll see." Alexia said coyly, smirking at you from behind her sunglasses. She pulled up to the dock easily, and you swore the way she drove the boat was one of the hottest things you'd ever seen. Turning the motor off, and securing the boat to the dock, she looked at you, an expression on her face that you'd never seen.
"There's one more surprise, but you have to close your eyes, vale?"
You shut your eyes tight, reaching your hand out to her. She chuckled, grabbing the little box in one hand and you in the other, guiding you off the boat, being incredibly careful not to let you fall. She walked you to the end of the dock making sure your eyes were still shut. Off the end of the dock, the sun was setting, a splash of colors lighting up the sky. Pinks, oranges, purples.
"You better not be about to push me into the ocean," you warned, only half joking. She laughed nervously, and you held tighter to her hand. She instructed you to open your eyes, one hand behind her back, holding the box. You opened your eyes, looking around curiously, only seeing your girlfriend, and the sunset, both of which had been present before you'd shut your eyes. Alexia caught your confusion.
"Alright, it's less of a surprise and more of a question," she said nervously, all of the things she'd thought up to say escaping her brain. "I love you," she blurted out, pausing, clearly not sure what else to say. You'd never seen her this flustered before, and decided to help her out. It was becoming clearer to you where this was headed, and you couldn't wipe the grin off your face.
"I love you too, baby, but that's not a question," you said softly, squeezing her hand.
"Right," she said. Alexia was slightly -very- humiliated at how lost for words she was. She'd had a speech, she'd practiced it; in the mirror, to her mom, to Alba, to Mapi. And now the only words she could think were I love you. Honestly. You were looking at her like you didn't care though, like she could simply present you with the ring and you'd say yes, even if she didn't say a word. She looked into your eyes, your captivating eyes, and opened her mouth, the words suddenly flowing.
"I love you, so much. My love for you surpasses what words can describe. You changed my life in ways I cannot explain. I didn't know that I could feel things so deeply until I met you. The way I feel about you, it makes my chest ache. I can't comprehend it sometimes, how everything I want, everything I need, comes back to you," Alexia's voice was starting to break, and she cleared her throat, determined to hold it together.
"There are so many things I want to say; I could spend hours here with you, telling you all the ways you make me a better person. You make me happier than I've ever been, and I want to spend every minute for the rest of my life, doing everything I can to make you just as happy." At that, she got down on one knee, holding the ring out in front of her. You were crying, tears streaming down your face at her words. Alexia wasn't an especially expressive person; you knew she loved you, her actions told you every day. You'd never expected her to make such a big verbal statement though, to tell you exactly how much you mean to her.
"Y/n, will you marry me?" she asked, smiling up at you through trembling lips, and opening the box.
You let out something that was between a sob and a laugh, reaching out desperately for her arms, and pulling her to her feet. Throwing yourself into her, she caught you easily.
"Yes, Alexia. Yes," you cried into her ear, and you felt her whole body relax against you, as she let out a sigh of relief. Pulling back, you pressed your lips hard against hers.
"Did you think I wouldn't say yes, Ale?" you asked incredulously. Alexia blushed.
"I knew you would, but I was still nervous. You know I hate keeping secrets."
"There is no universe in which I say no to that question from you, Alexia. You could ask anywhere, at any time, and I'd say yes," you promised, rubbing your thumbs over her cheeks to wipe the tears away. Alexia pulled you back into a bone crushing hug, picking you up and spinning you around, much too dangerously for 2 people fully dressed standing on a narrow dock. You laughed in her arms, feeling her grin into your neck.
She put you back down, holding her hand out, wordlessly asking for yours. You gave it to her, and she pulled the ring out of the box, slipping it onto your ring finger. It was breathtaking, one large ovalular diamond, 2 smaller ones on either side. The band was lined with smaller diamonds, that sparkled in the sun light. Your jaw dropped looking down at it, before you raised your eyes to Alexia's. She was smirking at you, knowing very well she'd picked the perfect ring.
"You like it?" She asked smugly. You nodded, completely speechless. Alexia pulled you in again, kissing you in a much messier way, her hand lacing through your hair. You pulled away, lips puffy, breathless, and pressed your forehead to your... fiancee’s.
"Picnic time, si? And then we can go back to the villa," she said suggestively, and you threw your head back, laughing.
"Anything you want, baby. After that speech? And this ring? Anything you want." you whispered into her ear, and Alexia shuddered. She'd never been more in love with you, than in that moment.
okay so... obviously i need to write post engagement smut but i'm in more of an angsty fic mood rn and i don't want to half ass it so part 3 will be filthy, i promise. I am actually, seriously, begging people to send in requests of what you want to see smut wise; if you ask i'll probably write it :)
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bloomries · 4 months
be my valentine!
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includes : the demon brothers (lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, and belphegor).
summary : it's valentine's day, how will you spend it with your beloved?
warnings : gn! reader, food mention, valentines is my absolute faaaavorite holiday i love love and hearts and pink and chocolate~
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꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── Lucifer
Loves the classics~ gets you a giant bouquet of red roses and has made a special, private reservation just for you two.
Today is really just an excuse to spoil you, Lucifer is secretly happy he gets to do so! Even though he claims Valentine's Day is a little silly, he doesn't miss his chance to celebrate it.
Very romantic and sincere and sweet, ugh, he's perfect~
Taking your hand in his, his thumb gently rubs against your wrist as he smiles at you. "Thank you," He says, a softness in his tone that puts you on edge— it's not often he lets down his walls to be so vulnerable. "For staying with me, and putting up with those idiots... I love you."
"I love you, too." And Lucifer certainly wouldn't mind if you leaned across the table to meet him in a sweet kiss.
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── Mammon
Stayed up all night to try and make you chocolates but somehow failed— however its very last minute and he can't run out so this is what you're getting!
He's actually super nervous about it, getting bashful as he hands you the chocolates.
"If ya don't like 'em you can just throw 'em out," Mammon says, clearing his throat as he avoids eye contact. Burnt chocolates mixed up in a bag, the molds not holding together well and crumbling but you didn't have the heart to throw them away, so stealing yourself, you grab a chocolate and eat it.
"It's delicious!" You cheer, and although you're clearly lying through your teeth, Mammon appreciates it nonetheless.
"I- I'll get you some real chocolates next time."
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── Leviathan
Sends you a bunch of those valentine meme cards/posts and a lot of 'this is us' with cuddling cats and such.
Braves the outside world in order to take you out on a date— to the arcade of course, where he wins you a bunch of plushies!
Panics when he realizes he hadn't asked you to be his valentine.
"And then I-" Levi cuts himself off mid sentence as he stares at the mirror backing of the claw machine. Today is Valentines Day, and he's just realized he hadn't asked you to be his valentines yet. Pathetically, he turns to you, eyes glistening a little.
"H- Hey, you'll be my valentine's right?"
You have to hold back a laugh, unless you want him to start balling in the middle of the arcade. Accept his request quickly now so that you two can continue your lovely date.
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── Satan
Plans a scavenger hunt from the moment you wake up. It leads you to several locations in the house that hold some sort of present before leading to him in the kitchen, where he's made your favorite breakfast.
He's wearing one of those cheesy 'kiss the cook' aprons, and you happily oblige.
"There you are." You coo, entering the kitchen. He curses under his breath, turning around to greet you with a smile— you solved his riddles much faster than he thought, but this fact also makes him proud.
"I made your favorite." He grins, plating your food and then his. You pick at it, sneaking a bite before it can reach the table. He chuckles, sitting down beside you.
"Eat up, because there's another riddle under your food."
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── Asmodeus
Romcom marathon! Asmodeus has already set you out a matching loungewear set (it matches his) and a bowl of popcorn and candy and some drinks.
Cuddling all day and flirting in between movies- Is there any better way to spend the day?
Tuffs of champagne hair tickle your neck and Asmo wiggles about to try and get comfy again. Your fingers grazing against his arm softly and sending goosebumps down his spine. He sent a glance up at you, a smirk forming.
"Are you trying to get something more than a movie out of this, hmm?" He asks, leaning up to meet your lips in a kiss. "Not that I'm complaining..."
"Uh-huh," You lean in to kiss him again, only to tease him by placing a candy in your mouth. "Pay attention, you're going to miss your favorite part."
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── Beelzebub
Almost forgot it was Valentines, and gets flustered when he remembers. He's not the most romantic, but he wants to do something for you.
Decides to make you breakfast in bed, although by the time it gets to you...
"Well, at least you didn't eat my favorite part?" You try to calm him down, taking the food and taking a few bites. Delicious. He sighs, rubbing his arm as he looks at the ground. "I'm not that hungry right now, you want the rest?"
Dejectedly, he takes it and devours it. Then he perks up as he gets an idea.
"How about we go out? That place you wanted to try opened up downtown just last week."
"Sounds perfect."
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── Belphegor
Teases you for celebrating the cheesy holiday.
Might cave in and get you flowers and a simple box of chocolate, don't mention it, okay?
Is he blushing? Yes, yes he is.
"Oh? I thought the holiday was a waste of money and time, a corny holiday invented by capitalist?" Belphegor rolls his eyes at your words. You sure know how to irk him, don't you? But he loves that about you too.
"Yeah, yeah, if you don't want 'em, I'll just give 'em to Beel."
"Nope, they're mine." You coo as you snatch the bouquet and chocolates. "Thank you, Belphie. I got you a little something too." Well he certainly won't deny a gift from you~
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꒰ ❀ ꒱ thank you for reading. have a wonderful valentine's day, darling!
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joelscruff · 1 year
hi cat! not sure if ur taking requests but i have a small idea for bf’s dad!joel .. maybe joel giving reader a facial after she’s feeling insecure abt her bf not giving her enough attn so he shows her that all he needs is her face to finish
prove it (boyfriend's dad!joel x f!reader) 18+
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tysm for the yummy request, anon!! i've decided to combine this request with another one i got the other day: "ok bear with me but what if boyfriends dad joel came in reader and then her bf wants to have sex and sees that she still has his come inside her??? i'm going to hell." i did tweak the second request a bit (sorry!!!) but the general idea is the same. this takes place in the same universe as quickie & snack break except this one definitely has a bit more plot. summary: joel shows you how much he cares about you (in a slightly depraved way) rating: 18+ explicit (mdni) warnings: daddy!kink, dirty talk, praise kink, facials, comeplay, oral (f receiving), voyeurism word count: 2.6k (woops)
"i'm so sick of him," tears are streaming down your face as you push joel's home office door open, stomping inside and slamming it behind you. he looks up from where he's sitting at his desk, poring over blueprints for some contracting job he's got coming up, a job that's been taking up all his time as of late.
"angel, what are you doin' here?" he stands up immediately, brow furrowed in concern as he opens his arms to you, "c'mere, what's wrong?"
"why am i even with him?" you groan, head coming to rest against his chest as his arms wrap around you and hold you close, "i don't even like him."
"what'd he do?" joel murmurs against your hair, stroking your back soothingly, "he hurt you?"
"he's just an asshole," you sniffle pathetically against his button down, "i try to be close to him and he just pushes me away, just wants to play his stupid games and pretend i don't exist."
"babygirl, i'm so sorry," he whispers, "what can i do?"
"just wanted to be near you," you sniff, "i only want you, i don't want him anymore."
you feel him tense a bit, tightening his grip around you, "are you gonna break up with him?"
you're not sure what to say, just cry harder into his shirt and revel in the way his arms tighten around you, keeping you safe and soothed. you both know that a breakup has been inevitable for a while, but you're both also aware of the way it'll affect the relationship the two of you share. you won't have an excuse to be at his house anymore, to sneak into his office and have your private moments. you'll have to start meeting in secret, in public. you've been putting it off for as long as you can.
"i don't wanna think about that right now," you whisper shakily, "i just wanted to feel like someone gave a shit about me."
"babygirl," he whispers, bringing his hand up to touch your chin and pull your face up to look at him, peering softly at you with his deep brown eyes, "i give a shit about you, i always will."
"but i've barely seen you lately," you figure you might as well tell him what's on your mind now that you're already baring your emotions to him, "you've been so busy with work. you haven't even kissed me in two weeks."
"two weeks?" his brow furrows again, "baby, i'm sorry. i didn't realize it'd been that long. c'mere," he leans down and kisses you softly, lips capturing yours in that quiet and secret way he reserves only for you, tender and gentle. you kiss back with fervor, tasting him on your tongue, relishing in the feeling of having him to yourself again.
"what do you need, sweetheart?" he whispers against your lips, "need to sit in my lap for a bit? need me to fuck you? just say the word, i'll give it you."
"just wanna know that you still care," your eyes still sting with tears despite the immense comfort you feel from being at his mercy once again, "you still want me, don't you, daddy?"
"yes, baby," he pulls back to look at you intensely, expression set in a sincere expression, "i want you all the time. i swear."
"prove it," you repeat, "show me."
his eyes darken then, throat bobbing as he nods and drops his arms from around you, "take off my belt, babygirl."
you do as you're told, pulling the belt from its loops and tossing it to the floor. you unzip his jeans and he helps you pull them down. you can already see the outline of his cock through his underwear, eyes widening when you see how hard he already is.
"you see that? that's what you did to me the second you came in my office," he breathes, and you feel his hand settle gently on your shoulder, thumb stroking the bare skin of your neck, "that's all for you, only you."
you reach forward and palm him through his underwear, staring at the large bulge and swallowing when it twitches under your fingers, pulses. you stroke him slowly, still inhaling and exhaling deeply to stop your tears.
"mine," you whisper, squeezing his girth gently. you make quick work of pulling his cock from the confines of the fabric, salivating immediately when you see that he's already at his full size, throbbing and leaking profusely. your lips part and he leans forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
"yours," he replies, "you're so beautiful, baby, can't help but get hard just from seein' you, huggin' you," he pulls back and gives you one of his special kisses, directly on the tip of your nose. you can't help but smile, warmth flooding your chest, "get on your knees, babygirl."
you kneel before him, peering up at him from your teary lashes as he strokes his hard cock a few times, the tip ghosting lightly against your lips. you open your mouth for him, silently urging him to slip inside. he shakes his head.
"i wanna show you how crazy you make me, baby," he breathes, stroking a bit faster, "wanna show you fast i can come just from looking at that pretty face."
you look up at him in awe, mouth closing and tears stinging your eyes again as you watch him come undone with just a few strokes, staring directly into your eyes.
"watch daddy's cock," he whispers, "see how bad i want you, baby? see how hard you make me?"
you bite down on your lip, watching his hand stroke his length up and down over and over again, pulsating and throbbing in his fist. the wide tip continues to drool over his fingers, onto the floor. your pussy is already starting to soak your underwear at the mere sight of joel losing himself like this.
"gimme your come, daddy," you mewl, face scrunching with desire as you look back up at his face and watch him come apart.
"could never say no to you, babygirl," he groans, and with one final stroke he finishes, cock bobbing pornographically in his hand as he aims the sticky tip at your face and releases his come all over your lips, your cheeks, your chin. you even feel some spurt against your forehead, dripping down the bridge of your nose. your eyes close involuntarily, focused entirely on the feeling of his warm release covering every inch of your face.
you stay kneeling on the floor with your eyes closed, breathing in and out slowly. you hear him tug his zipper back up and then he's helping you stand, leading you over to the couch in the corner of the room. you open your eyes again when you feel him crouch between your legs, pulling down your shorts and panties in one strong tug.
"what are you-"
he interrupts your query when he ducks his head between your thighs, places his mouth on your clit and begins to suck. you let out an obscene moan, tossing your head back as your hands find a place in his hair. you tug on his greying locks as he licks and sucks your pussy relentlessly, barely coming up for air as he devours you.
"oh fuck," you whimper, and you look down just in time to see him peering up at you through hooded and hazy eyes, drunk on his orgasm and your pussy, "joel, oh my god."
he pulls back for a moment, smirking deliciously, "you know better than to call me joel, sweetheart" he licks a stripe up your center, sloppy and loud, "who am i?"
"daddy," you say, voice wrecked as you grip the couch cushions for support, "you're my daddy."
"good girl," he murmurs, then sucks your clit into his mouth with no hesitation, smiles against your heat when you begin to shake and writhe with your orgasm. your eyes shut tightly and you're vaguely aware of a drop of joel's come sliding down your eyelash to your cheek, reminding you that his release is still all over your face.
"love treating my babygirl like the princess she is," he whispers as he stands up from between your legs and inches in beside you on the couch, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you in close, "covered in daddy's come, pussy all swollen and satisfied, just what you deserve."
you hum in agreement, body lax against his on the couch. you feel him swipe a finger across your face, clearing up some of his release. you whimper when you feel him bring his fingers to your pulsing pussy, pushing his come inside of you and placing his hand over your hole to keep it in.
"this is mine," he murmurs, thumbing your clit gently, "you're mine. no one else's."
"i'm yours, daddy," you whimper, eyes still closed as joel swipes another fingerful of come off your face and repeats the previous gesture, slipping it past your throbbing entrance, "i don't wanna be with him anymore."
"okay, babygirl," he says softly, "we'll figure it out."
a sudden loud knock on the door snaps you both out of your private moment. you hear your boyfriend say your name on the opposite side, loud and firm followed by, "i know you're in there."
your eyes widen, a fear you've never felt before etched all over your face as you look frantically at joel. your expression is enough for him to understand your sudden horror.
you forgot to lock the door.
you both stand up, joel reaching for your panties at the same moment you reach for your shorts. he thrusts them at you and pushes you toward his office bathroom door, not saying a word in his absolute panic, just wanting to make sure you're hidden away. just as the bathroom door shuts with you inside, you hear the office door open.
"where is she?" you hear your boyfriend say angrily, "i heard her voice, i know she's here."
"calm down," joel says, stern and serious, "give her a minute, she's upset."
"she's fucking dramatic is what she is," your boyfriend growls, "jesus, dad, why are you always on her fucking side?"
"because she comes crying to me about you almost every time she's here," joel's voice is strained, clearly angry but holding back as best he can, "if you don't start treatin' her right, you're gonna lose her."
"i don't give a shit, she's not fucking worth it."
"no, you're not fucking worth it," joel says, voice getting louder, "why she's still with you is a fucking mystery to me, i didn't raise you to treat women like this."
"she's just a girl, dad. chill the fuck out."
"she is not just a girl," joel's voice is booming now, "and you'd fucking realize that if you actually talked to her."
the entire time they've been talking you've been quietly wiping your face, cleaning up as silently as you can while you listen to their argument. you toss the wet cloth in the hamper when you're done and press your ear up against the door, feeling tears prick in your eyes again. you're not sure what you're more emotional about, your boyfriend being horrible or joel defending your honor. either way you suppose a fresh outpour of tears will help the situation seem a little more normal when you leave the bathroom.
"i'm done with this," your boyfriend is saying, almost spitting with frustration, "stay out of it dad, i mean it. let me see her."
"give her a minute," joel repeats, "she needs some space."
"let. me. see. her." your boyfriend enunciates each word, voice harsh and rough; you can tell he's getting closer and closer to the bathroom door.
to save joel from doing something he'll regret you shove open the bathroom door, eyes downcast, "i wanna go home," you say quietly, tears streaming down your face again, "someone just take me home, please."
joel had immediately offered but your boyfriend had shut him down, walking toward you with softening eyes.
"i'm sorry, babe," he'd said, suddenly a different person now that he saw how upset you were, "i'll take you home."
now you're sitting in his car, watching the neon lights go by through the window as he drives you home in silence. it's raining and depressing and all you want is to be back with joel, safe and desired.
once you get to your house your boyfriend parks in the driveway and turns to look at you, "you ready to talk yet?"
you stare, "i have nothing to say."
he turns away from you, grinding his teeth together, "why are you always such a fucking bitch?"
you turn silently in your seat, arms crossed as you continue to stare out the window. you could get out of the car but you know he'll just follow you, probably start yelling in front of your house so all the neighbors can hear you. it's happened before.
"why do you always go to my dad?" he asks, shaking his head, "i don't get it. he gives terrible advice."
"maybe i don't go to him for advice," you say immediately. "maybe i go to him so someone will actually listen to me for once."
"well you're annoying the shit out of him is what you're doing," he says harshly, "he's just too nice to tell you to leave him alone."
"is that right?" you ask, biting down on your lip to keep yourself from absolutely losing it.
"yeah, that's right."
you sit in silence for a few more moments, still biting back all the awful things you want to say. i'm fucking your dad, you wish you could snarl at him, i call him daddy and he fucking loves it.
"listen... i'm sorry," he says turning to look at you again, "i know i'm an asshole sometimes."
you twist your mouth, tears still spilling over as you cross your arms tighter against your chest.
"let's just sleep on it, okay?" he murmurs, reaching over to push a strand of hair behind your ear, "and if you wanna break up with me in the morning then we'll deal with it."
you sigh shakily, nodding, "fine."
he strokes the skin behind your ear and you feel his fingers suddenly freeze. you look over at him and see him peering curiously at something.
"what?" you ask, confused.
"what's this in your hair?" he asks, making a face, "looks like..."
your eyes widen and you pull back immediately, "it's moisturizer, i was trying to make my face less puffy."
he stares at you, slightly confused by your reaction. his hand slowly comes down from your hair and he looks like he wants to say something, mouth opening and then closing again. instead, he turns away from you and puts both hands on the wheel, knuckles flexing white.
"i think you should get out now," he says quietly.
your eyes are still wide, unsure if he believes your lie or not. slowly you unbuckle your seatbelt and reach for the handle of the door, still peering at him with a frightened gaze. he turns to look at you again, jaw set tightly.
"tell me that's not what i think it is," he says, voice hard and firm.
"it's moisturizer," you repeat, trying to keep your voice as relaxed as possible, "i swear."
he just continues to stare at you with an unreadable expression as you open the car door and get out. as soon as you shut it behind you his tires squeal against the pavement of your driveway, pulling out fast and dangerously. you watch his car disappear down the street as you stand there, goosebumps rising on your skin from the chilly nighttime air.
you yank out your phone and quickly send a text to joel, eyes still wide:
i think he knows.
thank you sm for reading!! this little miniseries definitely isn't my best work by any means but it's fun to write. this one got way longer and way more plotty than i was expecting lmao but i hope it was enjoyable for somebody!
here's my kofi if you'd like to leave a tip 💖
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swarvey · 10 days
how they would propose | sdv bachelors x g/n!reader | part two
-> summary: in game, the farmer is always the one to present the mermaid's pendant to their lover — what if it was the other way around?
pt. 1
a/n: here are the rest of the boys! i'll do the bachelorettes next, i might do all of them in one post. sorry for the slow updates y'all <3
wants it to be a completely special, private moment between the two of you
he knows how prone he is to getting overly anxious about moments like this, so he prepares months beforehand
if there is one thing in life he refuses to mess up, it's his proposal to you
and what's more flawless than tying everything back to the start?
harvey smiles as he watches your eyes grow big, following the sun as it steadily heads for the horizon. the hot air balloon rises into the sky slowly, to his relief — a little extra time to prepare never hurts.
a couple seasons ago, on a rainy, fall day, harvey had told you he had some errands to run before heading down to the beach. he'd been slightly shocked to actually see the old mariner standing there in the rain, despite the speculations that had always circled around town. despite the fact he was apparently a ghost, he had actually been patient with harvey, answering all of his questions with wisdom and guidance.
after nearly two hours of standing under his umbrella, harvey had finally made up his mind, handing a small bag of coins to the old mariner in exchange for the pendant.
"took ya long enough," the older man huffed as he handed the necklace over.
now, harvey waits until the air balloon is higher up in the sky before gently reaching for your hand. you look at him, a small smile on your lips.
"are you enjoying this as much as the first time i brought you up here?" he asks sweetly.
"maybe a little more," you admit, looking over the side again. "i was a bit nervous coming up here in the first place, you know, and seeing you all stiff and anxious didn't help."
"you can hardly blame me!" he laughs. "my fear of heights is deathly, i only did it because you were there with me."
"yeah? and how about now?"
"well, nothing's changed, has it?" he squeezes your hand, looking down at your intertwined fingers. "you're still here."
"i am."
when his eyes meet yours again, he feels warmth bloom across his chest — the setting sunlight seems to make you glow, and he suddenly feels unstoppable.
you squint at him, trying to read his face. "you know," you start softly, "you have the same look on your face as you did back then."
"i do?"
"yeah, you do." you pause, watching as his other hand reaches for his pocket. "harvey, are you—"
"y/n," he interrupts, "that day, when the two of us were up here for the first time, i felt something i never did before — i felt brave, strong. i never thought i was capable of feeling that way, but you proved me wrong, as you always seem to do, and i can only hope i make you feel at least somewhat the same way." he inhales deeply, feeling his face burn red as he takes out his hand from this pocket and opens his fist, the mermaid's pendant gleaming in the light.
"harvey," you breathe, rendered speechless as your eyes widen even more than before.
"you mean the world to me and more, honey," he says quietly, and you can hear the tears he's holding back. "i promise i will do everything in my power to make you as happy as you've made me, so please . . .
"will you marry me?"
after a beat, you let go of his hand, and harvey's heart drops.
then, you grab the necklace and pull it over your head, watching as it shines against your neck.
"yes, harvey," you answer, smiling widely up at him. "the answer has always been a yes."
tears finally fall from his face as he gently kisses you, resting his forehead against yours before pulling you to his chest.
"thank you," he whispers. "i promise, i won't let you down."
you laugh. "this isn't a business contact, you know."
"i know, i know, it's just . . ." he grabs your hand again, pressing a firm kiss on the back of it. "you've already done so much for me, dear," he says, the sun finally dipping beneath the mountains.
"it's time for me to return the favor."
bought it like a week ago since it happened to be raining and he was on the beach
i mean, you'll say yes, right? there's no reason for you not to. so why should he be nervous? he's not nervous at all. not one bit.
at least, that's what he keeps telling himself as he keeps scheduling a bunch of dates with you, thinking there'll be a moment during one of them when he'll make his move
(the moment has yet to come, by the way)
sam slaps his face sharply as he paces around his room, continuously glancing at the clock. he honestly can't believe the pendant is still in the small pouch his mom gave him and not around your neck — her scolds after he returned home with the necklace still in his hands for the fifth time rings in his ears.
"sam, this is an important moment in both of your lives!" she had said, hands sternly placed on her hips. "you can't keep making these plans, just to avoid them at the last second because you're scared. you need to go show them how much you love them, properly!"
he shivers. his mom rarely ever yells at him, so he knows she must have been serious. how was i supposed to know proposing would be this scary?
after realizing he was due to meet you in a few minutes, sam rushedly left his home, heading towards the park where he told you to meet him. he smiles as he sees you sitting on the swing, but before he can get a word out, you're standing up and walking to him, face scrunched in worry.
"sam, is everything alright?" you ask, fidgeting with your fingers. "i've been thinking about it, and you've been worrying me a bit."
"worrying? why?" he grabs the sides of your arms gently, tilting his head. "did i . . . do something wrong?"
"i mean, no?" you shake your head slightly, sighing. "it's just, you've been asking to do so many things, which is great! this just isn't what we normally do. i'm a little worried you're not telling me something."
"wh-what?" he stutters, huffing and shrugging his shoulders. "honestly, sweetheart, i have no idea what you're talking about, really. i mean, do i seem like the type to hide something from you?"
you stare at him blankly for a moment. then, you deflate, a twinge of sadness in your eyes.
"are you breaking up with me?" you question quietly. "is that what this is? because i'd really rather you not drag it on like this, sam—"
"whoa, whoa, what?! break up with you? are you crazy?" he half-shouts, his own heart breaking that he made you think that. "baby, no, i would never."
"i don't know what to think!" you exclaim, a sudden emotion taking over your voice. "you've been acting so odd recently, i didn't know what to think."
he shakes his head, letting out a deep sigh. guess this is what i get for not listening to mom.
"here, why don't i just show you?"
trying his best to keep his hands from shaking, sam reaches into his back pocket, holding up the small pouch in front of you.
"you see, i, uh, have been trying to figure out the right way to give you this," he finally admits, running his other hand through his hair nervously. "every time we went out together, i thought i would figure it out, but i guess i couldn't. i'm sorry for worrying you, y/n, i really am — i hope you can forgive me, though, or else i seriously have no idea what i'll do with this."
you open your mouth to question him once more, but before you can ask, he opens the pouch and lets the mermaid's pendant fall into the palm of his hand.
"i love you so, so much, honey, more than my words can describe," he rushes passionately, voice determined as he bends his head down and lifts the pendant up. "all i know is, being with you makes everything feel new again. like, the music we listen to, the places we go, the food we eat, everything is better when i do it with you. if i'm being honest, i'm not a hundred percent sure what comes after this, but i do know that i think we'll be okay, as long as we're together." keeping his head down, mainly to hide his flushed face, sam lifts the necklace even higher. "i guess what i'm asking is, will you marry me, y/n?"
sam feels your hand cup his chin to tip his face back up, revealing to him your watery eyes and pink cheeks.
"of course i'll marry you, sam, that's all you had to ask," you say, laughing lightly.
he stands up straight suddenly, whooping and throwing his arms in the air before picking you up and spinning you around. after putting you down, he hastily puts the pendant around your neck and kisses you, feeling your hand entangle itself in his hair as he pulls you close.
"you're such a dork," you tease after pulling away. "what were you so nervous about?"
"what were you so nervous about?" he fires back, crossing his arms and raising a brow. "did you seriously think i would break up with you?"
"like you gave me a reason to believe otherwise! when have we ever gone on dates for an entire week straight? we usually just sit in your room!"
"hey, we do more stuff than that!"
you look at each other in annoyance for a moment before bursting into laughter. unbeknownst to the two of you, abigail and sebastian had seen the whole thing as they were passing by, looking at each other in amusement as they continue toward the town.
"they sound like a married couple already," seb grumbles, and abigail laughs.
"just shows they were meant to be."
similar to harvey, he wants his proposal to be for your eyes only, so he decides to do it while the two of you are alone at the lake near his house
determined to do the whole thing by himself, but his mom ends up seeing the jewelry in his room
got the pendant the last summer, it’s the start of spring now
(he’s spent every night since then falling asleep with it in his hands)
sebastian waits for you anxiously near the edge of the water, looking at the pendant in his hand. part of him still can’t believe this is his reality — someone like him, getting married? he scoffs, covering the jewelry with his fist and looking out towards the lake. the water shines under the moonlight, soothing his heart just a bit.
just like that, his sense of peace is gone, blood rushing to his face as he turns to greet you. he smiles softly; you’re wearing one of the coats he gave you since it didn’t end up fitting him properly. he always thought you’ve looked good in his clothes.
“hey,” he greets, hugging you to his side and pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “how was your day?”
“a bit busy,” you sigh, melting into his arm. “spring always jumps on me before i know it.” he hums, subconsciously pulling you closer as he plans out his next words. “how about you? everything okay?”
“hm? yeah, ‘course,” he replies, the necklace clutched tightly in his hand. “just . . . couldn’t sleep that well, is all.”
“why? are you feeling okay?” you ask worriedly, turning to face him.
“stop worrying.” he pokes your forehead, pushing you lightly. he huffs a laugh at your frown. “i had some stuff on my mind.”
“like what?”
like his mom’s advice. seb chews his lip as he quickly thinks back to what his mom had said after finding the necklace lying on his desk.
“this is a serious decision, seb,” she’d said, sitting with him in his room. “you’re sure you want this?”
“of course i am,” he’d retorted sharply. he’s always been a bit defensive over you. “why wouldn’t i?”
she’d sighed, smiling at him warmly. “that’s not what i meant. i’m over the moon about this, i am, i just want to make sure you understand what marriage means.” she paused, lightly placing a hand over his. he’d let her, just that once. “promise me you won’t treat it lightly, okay? they deserve the world, you know that.”
seb smiles slightly. though he’ll never admit it, he’s glad his mom spoke to him.
“about you, actually,” he replies. “i’ve been thinking about you a lot recently.”
“oh yeah? am i that hard to resist?” you say jokingly.
he rolls his eyes, but doesn’t disagree. instead, he calmly shows you the necklace in his hand, silently reading your reaction. your eyes widen, darting between the pendant and his face.
“i’ve never met anyone like you, y/n,” he finally says, swallowing thickly after hearing how shaky his voice has gotten. “you know it’s never been easy for me to open up to people, but it never really felt that way with you. you always seem to know what to say, no matter what i talk to you about. i mean, seriously, i don’t really get it still, but i do know it would be stupid of me to let someone like you go.”
“as if i were going anywhere,” you say, voice watery and quiet.
he gently grabs one of your hands, intertwining your fingers.
“well, now i know i’ve got you all to myself,” he replies amusedly. “i’ll take that as a yes?”
laughing, you lightly push him away. “you didn’t even ask me!”
“fine, fine— y/n, will you do me the highest honors and stay by my side for the rest of—“
“alright, stop, stop! you ass.” he laughs as you smack his arm, feigning hurt before grinning. “i could say no, you know.”
“yeah, sure you could, sweetheart.” he places the necklace around you and uses it to pull you to him once more, wrapping an arm around you to kiss you lovingly, the moon brightly shining down on the two of you, as if it approves.
“i’m sure you could.”
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lostinforestbound · 2 months
The fic is going well! I'm on a roll and after I'm done I'll be searching for a Beta-Reader! For now, to tie you all over:
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Romantic Zevlor Headcanons
This sad old man is incredibly traditional in the sense of romance. He plans dates to the very hour, brings flowers, cleans himself up nicely, kisses the top of his partners hand and offers his arm as they walk; the perfect man to date! He's also very experienced.
I would say he's not shy about romance, but definitely reserved. He didn't have time for it once he became a Hellrider, it pulled all his focus in. After his oath is broken and he got cast out from Elturel with the other refugees, that also pulled his focus away from even considering a relationship.
When everything is finally calm, he doubts that anyone would even want him in this stage of his life. He's an old, tired man and he made his peace with it. Then his partner comes along and throws him in for a loop! He starts to feel alive again.
He plans dates out strategically, but would not stress out if something doesn't go according to plan. He can easily go with the flow. If his partner is stressed out however, he would give them a kiss on the forehead and say something along the lines of "It is all right, my love. Let us try something else."
Quality time is important to him. His favorites are long walks! The beach, forest, a meadow, some hills, a hike, he loves to get moving! And it's even better with a partner where they can talk about anything and everything while in the privacy of nature. It's wonderful! If his partner prefers to stay home though, he's completely content with sitting by the fire.
His main love language is absolutely acts of service! He loves taking care of his partner and doing things for them. He makes food for them, patches their clothes, and makes sure their things are organized the way they like it. This man also gives some of the best massages!
Gods he loves cuddling. He adores it, actually! After a long day, he looks forward to going to bed with them the most. It calming and honestly helps him sleep much better. He's slept alone a lot, and he missed having another body next to him.
Zevlor has been through quite a bit, so of course he would have nightmares about a multitude of things! Especially regarding his fuck up in the Shadow Cursed Lands. He doesn't quite wake up in a cold sweat since he's used to them, but they still startle him awake sometimes. He's not afraid to ask for help from his partner if nights are a struggle for him.
On that point, he's a fantastic communicator! If anything is bothering him, even if he's embarrassed, he will discuss it with his partner. He personally does not like being kept in the dark about what his partner is feeling, so why would he do that to them? It benefits no one. If his partner needs more time to figure out their words, he will absolutely give it, but there is no hiding anything from him.
His kisses are usually gentle, and he loves holding his partner's face in his hands while doing so! He's incredibly tender in everything he does involving them, but he also loves to tease! When he kisses the top of their hand, he'll kiss up their arm to their neck and eventually their face, littering pecks all over. Bonus points if his partner is ticklish, he enjoys their laughs and giggles as it brings him genuine joy.
If his partner is a tiefling or a tailed dragonborn, he absolutely would link his tail with theirs in a private setting. Usually he prefers to have his tail out of the way, especially in public, but when it's just the two of them he uses his tail pretty freely. This is because he finds tail-holding very intimate.
He doesn't mind public display of affection in other ways though! Hand holding, wayward pecks, sitting close, hugs, he loves it all. Sitting in his lap may get him flustered though, especially if his partner is very forward in their affection! Sometimes he feels as though his heart will give out with how fast it beats (maybe he's too old for this after all).
Zevlor isn't used to being taken care of at all, usually he's the one doing all the caring. When his partner starts doing it his head practically reels in shock, not expecting it to feel so nice. He doesn't outwardly ask for it but brushing his hair and massaging the tension out of his hands is something he adores. His partner always receives a 'thank you' kiss.
He knows how to dance, which can surprise people! Slow dancing is his preferred style, and he'll bring his partner in for a slow sway when they're alone. No music is needed in these intimate moments, his lover is all he wants anyways.
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littlefireball · 24 days
HJ|In the studio (M)
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Boyfriend Hongjoong x Girlfriend Reader
Smut/no plot/short chapter/reader has dirty mind/fingering/slightly neck kiss/cock warming
Once again, you're lying on your side, staring at the empty right side of your bed, stroking your hand from time to time, missing the absence of the person next to you. You know that he is preparing his album, writing songs and lyrics without stopping, and he has no time to go out with you at all.
You understand that he is busy at work, and also understand the fact that he is a workaholic, and try not to disturb him. However, it's been three weeks since you've seen him! Even though you've been talking on the phone and videoing during this period, you haven't seen him in private.
You can't stand it anymore, you really miss him. You want him to hug you, you want him to go out with you, you want him to watch TV with you, you want him to play games with you, and you want him to satisfy your "emptiness”.
"Ummmm... when do you come back ahhhhhhhhh joong~~~" You shout into the air, venting your infinite thoughts about him.
"Maybe I just call him?" As you take out your phone to call him, you hesitate, afraid of interrupting his recording process. You know he hates being interrupted.
"Ugh forget it." You rolled around on your bed, filled with thoughts of Hongjoong, unable to fall asleep. Despite the thick bedding, the bed isn't even the slightest bit warm.
You sit up straight on the bed and an idea pops into your mind. "Why don't I just go find him!" You excitedly pack your bags and head straight to his studio.
The studio is not far from your house, only about twenty minutes away. You open the door of the studio carefully, but hongjoong doesn't notice you. He is staring intently at the screen, thinking about how to compose the melody. You take off your shoes, which have quietly crept up behind him, and lunge at him.
"WOW! YOU SCARED ME!!!" Hongjoong screamed in shock, his voice echoing throughout the studio.
"Y/N? Why are you here?" He quickly calmed down, and was so surprised and happy to see you that he rushed forward and hugged you, not letting go.
"I miss you." You stroked the back of his head, a smile on your lips.
"I miss you too" He rubs himself in your arms like a pitiful puppy. His members would never have guessed that their captain had such a side.
"How's your work going?"
"Suck..." He pouted, feeling helpless at the stagnant progress.
"Sorry, Y/N. I have to get back to work and can't stay with you."
"Hey, don't say sorry. It's your job~ I understand. How about I sit here and keep your company?"
"But won’t you get bored?"
"Nope~I just wanna stay with you." you sit on his lap and give him a peck on the cheek, hooking your hand on the back of his neck and smiling tenderly.
But how can you really stay completely quiet? Now you're sitting on his lap like a koala, your legs wrapped around his waist and your head resting on his shoulder, sometimes playing with his hair, sometimes mischievously brushing your fingers across his back, causing him to itch.
"Y/N. Don't do that, I'll get distracted."
You pretend to obey and stop what you're doing, but a moment later, you start teasing him again. Your lips press lightly against his skin, gently but forcefully gripping his shoulder. Your lips licked between his shoulders and neck, the tip of your tongue scraping against his skin with a teasing flirtation that set the fire of desire in his body ablaze.
"Hmm? What?" you stared into his eyes feigning innocence, as if unaware of any wrongdoing.
"You know what you're doing, do it again or I won't let you sit on my lap."
"Ummm...I just miss you, you haven't touched me in so long." He sighs helplessly and pinches your face and pecks your forehead as if he's calming a child.
"Be good, I'll get it done quickly." You pouted helplessly and obediently lay back down on his shoulder.
Because of the boredom, your mind started to empty, and then restless thoughts flashed without warning.
"Ah~Ah~Ah~" He leans over your body, feeling each other's warmth and breath. His cock twitches every time he thrusts, and the heat rushes to every corner of your body like a tsunami, and the collision between the tip of his cock and your soft flesh makes you cry out.
"Ummm" just imagine, you have been completely turned on. . Perhaps it's because he hasn't touched you in so long that the feeling of emptiness has become unbearable. Glancing at Hongjoong, who is still immersed in his work, you cautiously slip your hand into your underwear. Seeing that he hasn't noticed, you further insert your fingers into your wet cunt.
Slowly, so as not to be noticed, you explore your most sensitive area. The tip of your finger gently traces the wet inner wall, adding a little more pressure to stimulate the nerves. You begin to circle the inside, trying to satisfy your growing desire. But it's not enough, and your delicate fingers fail to satisfy you.
You mimic Hongjoong's thrusts in your mind, moving forth and back, thrusting as deep as you can. "Hmm..." You make an involuntary whimpering sound, your breathing becoming rapid, not noticing that hongjoong is aware of your abnormality.
"How dare you touch yourself when I am here."
"Ah~" He spanks your butt, giving a slight thrust upward, allowing your fingers to plunge deeper.
"Hongjoong, I-" He smoosh your hand, and plung it along the contours of your panties, right down to your vagina. Your words are interrupted straight away as he starts to thrust in and out in a rhythmic manner, causing you to let out a moan.
"So wet I haven't even fuck you."
"Hmm~please joong~ I want you." Once again, you give him a look of innocence, hoping to arouse his desire to fuck you.
"Don't be impatient, my girl." He unbuckles his belt, and you lift your hips a little so he can pull his trousers down enough to free his cock.
"Take a seat, babe." You also take off your underwear, pull up your skirt, aim at his slightly erect cock, and slowly sink down.
"How sensitive you are." As you try to bounce, he grabs you by the waist and stops you in your tracks.
"Huh?" You let out a confused whimper, now you just want him to fuck you hard.
"Did I ever say I was going to satisfy you?"
"So naughty not to listen to me and touch yourself..."
"Umm~sorry joong~" He puts a finger on your mouth and does not allow you to speak.
"Stay still, don't move or I will not fuck you, understand?" You pretend to be angry and nod, sitting obediently.
Each time he leans forward, you feel his cock pressing against you and twitching, which not only paralyses you, but also makes you wetter. The feeling of being wrapped up in the heat and wetness is very comforting to hongjoong, and his previously restless mood gradually calms down.
"Mmmm~" you make a dissatisfied sound, wanting hongjoong to move, but he just doesn't budge, concentrating on his work and not caring whether you're horny or not. In fact, he wants to fuck you until he's exhausted all of his energy, but he can't just satisfy you.
"Ah~" Every time he thinks of a new idea or has a sudden thought, he will push into it. All of these touches make you shiver, the excitement and paralysis flooding through your body. As if on purpose to escape, seeing you pursing your lips and not daring to cry out, he can't help but push in further, feeling your lower body sucking on his thick cock.
Without knowing how much time has passed, maybe because this position makes you feel at ease, or maybe because you are too bored, you fall asleep against his head. And Hongjoong has almost finished his work.
"Y/N?" he calls to you tentatively and finds you sleeping soundly. He smiles petulantly, pecks you on the cheek, and with one hand around your waist and the other on the back of your head, he carefully walks over to the bed outside the recording room.
He slowly withdraws from you, removes his pants and underwear and lies down behind you to enter your still wet vagina once again. He loves this feeling, and even feels addicted to it. He will probably have to penetrate you in order to sleep well in the future.
"Good night, Y/N." He kisses your neck and cuddles with you before drifting off to dreamland. And he does not break his promise tomorrow morning─he fucks you hard until exhaust all of energy.
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xythlia · 8 months
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› toji x f!reader
› word count : 2k+
- ̗̀໒ warnings : sex work, on camera, choking, my spit kink shining thru again, biting, backshots, (1) ass smack, fingering, cervix fucking, reader has hair long enough to pull, squirting, rough sex, full nelson, creampie
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You take a drag of your cigarette, bleary sleep deprived eyes doing their best to focus on the obnoxious flashing neon sign. WE'VE GOT A DOLL FOR EVERY TASTE. It makes you scoff as you grind the but out beneath your scuffed shoe, that's all they think of you all as, dolls. Props that just so happen to moan and squirt.
For the most part you keep your complaints to yourself, money is money. Not that this was what you ever pictured you'd land on as a career but it could always be worse.
Exhaling the last of the crisp night air from your lungs you pull open the sleek silver backdoor to Cloud Nine. The back hallways are made up of dim, twisting corridors. Some lead to the back offices, to security, but as you hook a left to brush past a tinkling bead curtain you're met with the large open dressing room you all share.
You prefer to spend as little time back here as possible, doing the bulk of your prep at your apartment before you're on for the night. You can't stand their mindless, giddy chatter. It also prevents you from getting attached to any of them, or taking on a puppy so to speak.
Before you can finish tucking your bag and coat away in the dingy locker your floor manager is waving a piece of paper in your face.
It makes your stomach flip.
"You got swapped, Angel can't do the red room and you're the only other experienced girl in tonight."
The red room was only ever offered on nights an experienced doll was on the floor, since the people reserving red rooms always have a... particular taste in mind. Newer girls wouldn't be able to handle it. As much of an annoyance as it is to be switched with so little notice, you don't mind. It can get dull shaking your ass for run of the mill patrons all night, plus the red room is where the real money is.
"One or-?" You ask vaguely.
"One guy, don't keep him waiting alright?" She says dismissively.
You grab the piece of paper, the list of what you will and strictly won't do for a red room service. It was standard fare: creampie, light sadism, degradation, ect. Since it wasn't too extreme you didn't bother filling it out, it's easier to just tell the guy.
It's not far to the private rooms, and part of you is more than a little eager to see just who reserved one of these eye wateringly expensive sessions.
Even bathed in the dim red lights you could tell he was attractive, dark hair and eyes that held something elusive even though he kept contact with your own.
"I didn't bother filling this out, nothing you requested is off limits for me." You smile as you let the paper flutter to the floor, taking the seat beside him on the plush lounge.
Out of the corner of your eye you see the blinking light on the camera, he already set it up to record. It makes you quirk a brow at him, usually even the most gutsy ones are a little camera shy.
He smirks at you. "I'll be gentle."
With the way he says it you know it's a lie.
With a grin you lay back, propping a pillow under your head and trying not to focus on that little green recording light in your peripheral. The worst part is being filmed, but that's part of the rooms appeal. These guys pay for the ability to record the entire session not just for being able to fuck someone with no holds bared, but the catch is the club also gets to upload it.
The feeling of his skin brushing against yours cracks your train of thought. His fingertips are calloused, hands rough but he doesn't have the look of a working man. As those fingertips caress a trail down your inner thighs you shiver, letting out a quiet gasp.
"Puttin' on a show?" He purrs.
You give a breathy giggle, winding your arms around his muscles back as he leans over you between your legs. "Isn't that what you paid for?"
He pushes against you, lips brushing experimentally against yours, and deepens it to something harsh and hungry when he feels you start to squirm beneath him. His touch feels like fire, scorching a path across your skin with every grope and fondle of your body. You feel a familiar sensation of dizziness, of lightheadedness; every movement is skilled and purposeful, a deliberate attempt to steal the breath from your lungs and leave you choking on your own spit.
His lips begin to make their way down your neck, sucking hard against the delicate skin and making you groan with every nip of his teeth. In a daze you help him undo the straps of your barely there top, head tipping back when his mouth finds one of your nipples. They get the same rough treatment as your throat, and he gives a particularly sharp graze of his teeth clearly just to hear you yelp.
Your hands cup your breasts, kneading them, as his mouth dips marks a path down your stomach. Caught up in your own eagerness you wiggle your hips slightly, anticipating what's coming only to feel him grip your legs and yank you down further. The suddenness makes you wince, propping on your elbows to see just what he has in mind.
The way he's looking at you, with such debauched hunger it sends butterflies off in your chest. You don't even know his name but you know this is the kind of man a red room was designed for. As he leans forward again between your legs you feel his erection press hard against you, making the fabric of your panties slide against your clit with delicious friction.
Before you can ask, beg, for more his thick fingers glide up the column of your throat and press hard against the sides. Squeezing against your carotid artery and making your mouth drop open. As soon as your lips part you see the shimmer against his bottom lip, watch in fascination as a thick clear string of spit comes down to meet your tongue.
Sucking his lip he brings his face barely an inch from yours, through the fuzz of your restricted blood supply you notice a scar on the corner of his mouth.
"I didn't pay for you to look at the fuckin' camera." His voice is low, gutteral.
The second he lets go your body is automatically sucking air into your lungs, hard and sputtering as you lift your hips up to grind against him. In one smooth movement, before you can even process it properly, he's got you flipped on your stomach and pulling your ass up and back.
Your cheek presses against the plush fabric, eyes squeezed shut feeling his fingers run over your damp panties. There's not even enough time to relish in the contact before two fingers have the fabric pulled to the side, his knuckles sliding past the ring of muscle makes you moan against the lounge seat.
Hearing the soft shuffling of clothes you know he's undressing, even while his other hand is occupied with keeping his fingers scissoring against your slick walls. The sudden emptiness of his fingers withdrawing was quickly replaced by the head of his cock sliding through your arousal, making you suck in a sharp breath.
Just from that little contact you can feel he's got girth and heft, excitement makes you dig your nails into the lounge and press your chest down against it, keeping your ass higher.
You hear him scoff and the sting of his hand coming down hard against your skin makes you cry out, but it's nothing compared to the biting pain as the swollen head pushes against your soaked hole. The stretch is agonizing, you're not sure any amount of prep would've been sufficient. You groan, bottom lip caught in your teeth as you feel the fabric against your face getting wet with the spit seeping from the corners of your mouth.
He doesn't wait for you to adjust before slamming his hips against your ass, hard enough to make your breathing hitch in your throat, and you can feel him brushing against your cervix. The pace is brutal, making your body jostle and shake with each thrust.
Slick squelching mingles with the sound of skin smacking skin to form a perverse melody that only heightens the tension building in your gut. Frantically you slide one hand down to rub you neglected, aching clit but before you can make contact he's got you pulled up by a fistful of your hair. The sting of pain makes tears prick in your waterline as blubbering moans spill from your lips.
The way your body rocks forward with every brush of his cock against your cervix, the way his girth makes your cunt feel overstuffed, it all makes your head spin. His grunts join the obscene cacophony of sounds along with your whines when he lets go of your hair to support your body with one arm while his other hand catches your jaw in a bruising grip.
You squirm, feeling the hot tracks of tears slipping down your cheeks but his hold is steadfast. If you had more presence of mind you'd swear you could feel your heartbeat not just through your entire body but in your cunt too.
As you dissolve in his hold, a crying whimpering mess, he pushes you back down face first into the lounge, holding you by the scruff as he repositions to hit deeper. Your moans fracture into gasps and hiccups as you clench down around him, finally able to rub frenzied circles around your clit and feel that compressed coil snap inside you.
The lounge becomes incredibly damp around your knees and your brain feels as if it's coated in sticky, thick honey.
You whimper pathetically as he yanks you up again, never breaking his pace, forces you to look straight into that ever blinking green light.
"Not all you can take is it?" He sneers, hooking fingers into your mouth and whatever reply you had gets lost in the garbled sounds you choke out around them.
When he suddenly pulls out you groan, body feeling exhausted and boneless on the comedown from your orgasm but he isn't done with you yet. He lays on his back, supporting you on top of him as he makes sure your pussy faces the cameras lens and slips back inside you.
Your eyes roll back as you struggle to help support your own weight. It catches you off guard when pulls you down so your back is pressed against his chest, both of your bodies slick with sweat and various other fluids. His arms loop beneath yours and his fingers lock together behind your neck, making your breaths come in wheezed yelps and your legs automatically rise up.
The muscles in your thighs are screaming from the strain and your lungs burn again, you feel yourself camping around him, walls throbbing and sucking his cock back in with every thrust.
You can't help but sob and blubber hoarsely, begging to cum again with every sharp upswing of his hips. His pace breaks up quickly the tighter you squeeze him, devolving into sloppy thrusts until you feel his cock throb inside you. Warm, sticky heat spreads inside you and you sigh brokenly in his hold.
The cameras unfeeling, fish eye lens catches the creamy white rings forming on his cock, the way his cum drips out of your sore pussy when he slides out of you with a throaty, satisfied groan.
You grin, slow and lazy up at the ceiling. Red room sessions aren't just about the money, they're the most... fulfilling.
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